Speech therapy entertainment for older children and preparatory group on the topic: “An entertaining exam for preschool children.” Intended for children 5-7 years old with OHP. Can be used by speech therapists and teachers of speech therapy groups.


  • Create a positive emotional attitude in children.



  • learn to select antonyms for words,
  • strengthen the skills of sound-syllable analysis,
  • improve grammatical categories,
  • practice using and explaining phraseological units.



  • cultivate interest in the native language and speech therapy classes,
  • friendly attitude towards each other.

Material: Multimedia system; presentation “Heroes of Fairy Tales”; record player; poster: “An entertaining Unified State Exam for preschool children”; didactic game“Find a house for a toy”; crossword; marker, didactic game “Collect a flower”; diamonds; diplomas, chocolate medals.

Preliminary work: Repetition and memorization of poetry.

Progress of speech therapy entertainment:

Host: Hello, dear guys! You all know that every year our older children take the Unified State Exam (USE) at school State exam). This exam determines what knowledge they acquired while studying at school. So we decided to hold the Unified State Exam only for preschoolers. The questions and tasks for this exam were prepared for you by the world's most famous fairy-tale characters.

So, are you ready to take on this difficult but rewarding challenge?

1) The first task was prepared for you by gnomes known to everyone in the fairy-tale world. (an image of gnomes appears on the screen)

Didactic game “What kind of house do the gnomes have?”

Once upon a time there was a cheerful gnome.
He built... (a house) in the forest.

A smaller gnome lived nearby.
He made ... (a house) under the bush.

The smallest gnome
I folded it under the mushroom... (house).

The wisest gnome-gnome
Built a big... (house).

The dwarves want to know what kind of houses they will have if they build them from:

Made of wood (wooden)
From sand
From stones
From bricks
From glass
From iron
From straw
From paper
From the snow
Made from ice
From clay
From candy
Made from chocolate
From gingerbread
From marmalade
From lollipops

2) - What kind of scream? What kind of roar?
Isn't there a herd of cows there?
- No, it’s not a cow there,
This is Katya - the roarer!
Cries, bursts into tears,
The dress wipes it off.

The second task was prepared for you by the Girl - Roar. (on the screen there is an image of a crying girl)

You know that Roarer cries day and night. Guys, think of a way to make her laugh. (children offer their options)

And I know another solution to this problem! Let's read her a funny poem.


Maybe twenty thousand times
Drop the iron basin.
And a porcelain vase
You can't drop it even once.
After all, twenty thousand times
We need twenty thousand vases.
(A. Kondratyev)

3) And you will find out who prepared the next task for you, if you guess the riddles, and we write the answers horizontally in this crossword puzzle, then you will read in the yellow cells and find out who prepared the next task for you.

Crossword puzzles:

1. At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark,
A mustachioed log lies.

3. Grayish, toothy,
Prowls through the fields and meadows,
Looking for calves and lambs. (Wolf)

2. Pointed ears, pillows on the paws,
The mustache is like bristles, with an arched back.
During the day he sleeps, lies in the sun,
At night he wanders and goes hunting.

4. They talk about me
It's like I'm backing away
Not back, but forward,
Only backwards. (cancer)

(an image of a magpie appears on the screen)

4) Soroka prepared an exam task not only for children, but also for adults. She flies everywhere, hears a lot, but cannot explain the meaning of some expressions. Please, our smartest children and respected adults, explain to the magpie what this means:

Word game "Explain the expression."

  • It chirps like a magpie.
  • Nose off.
  • Far away.
  • Head in the clouds.
  • Turn up one's nose.

5) Outdoor game “Funny Tambourine”.

Hurry up, stand in a circle, now let’s rest a little and play a game called “Funny Tambourine.”

Standing in a circle, to the music, children pass tambourines to each other in a chain, saying the words:

"You roll a merry tambourine
Quickly, quickly, hand over hand,
Who has a cheerful tambourine,
He'll dance for us now!
(at the end of the words, those children who have tambourines go out into a circle and dance.)

6) The next task was prepared for you by Dunno. (on the screen there is an image of Dunno)

Dunno invites you to put things in order and put the toys in their houses.

Didactic game “Find a house for a toy.”

If the name of a toy has 1 syllable, then it lives in a house with one window,
2 syllables - in a house with two windows,
3 syllables - in a house with three windows.

(children put toys in their places)

7) And this task was prepared for you by Buratino. (on the screen there is an image of Pinocchio)

He loves to argue, so he decided to play the game “Say it the other way around” with you.

Word game “Say the opposite”.

The more friendly you answer, the higher your grades will be.

Big -

Cry -
Get up

Warm -

8) Thumbelina has prepared the last task for you.

(On the screen - Thumbelina)

She loves flowers very much and therefore asked you to arrange daisies for her. But daisies are not simple: In the middle of each daisy there is a sound symbol and a letter. You need to match each flower with petals with pictures that begin with a given sound.

Didactic game “Fold the flower.”

9. - Our fun exam for preschoolers is coming to an end. We made sure that you love and know your native language. After all, we cannot do without him.

Based on the results of the exam, we would like to present you with a certificate of quality knowledge. Based on the results of the exam, we want to present you with a certificate of quality of knowledge and medals.

(children are awarded diplomas and chocolate medals)

Orlova Antonina Sergeevna,
teacher speech therapist,
Jewish Autonomous Region, Birobidzhan,
OGOBU " Orphanage No. 1″

“Time for business, time for fun”

Speech therapy entertainment for older children preschool age

Khromova Marina Anatolyevna, teacher-speech therapist, MDOU kindergarten N 17 "Semitsvetik" combined species of Istrinsky municipal district.

Komarova Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher-speech therapist, MDOU kindergarten No. 17 "Semitsvetik" combined type Istra municipal district.


Reinforce types of grasping. Strengthen orientation skills on a sheet of paper. Teach children to express their thoughts in grammatically correct form.

Develop coherent speech, fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination. Develop attention, intelligence, thinking, and the desire to speak loudly and expressively. Develop the ability to act quickly and harmoniously in a team.


A basket, a set of vegetables and fruits, two jump ropes, a health track, a poster with the inscription “Forest” in block letters, chips - magnets, a box with three-dimensional plastic letters, 2 posters with the letters Y, Zh; felt-tip pens, 2 posters with encrypted words, 2 posters with pictures, a basket with cotton balls, gifts for children (notebook, pen).

An organized moment. Progress.

(Calm music is playing, children are sitting on chairs.)


Guys, do you like fairy tales? Fairy tales can be funny and sad, kind and not so good, but always with good ending. In fairy tales, good always wins. Guys, what fairy tales do you know? (Children's answers).

Now I will check how well you know fairy tales.

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

Treats butterflies, bumblebees,

He heals birds and animals,

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor... (Aibolit)

Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round and ruddy side,

Rolled... (gingerbread man)

My father has a strange boy

Unusual, wooden,

On land and under water,

Looking for a golden key

He sticks his long nose everywhere

Who is this? (Bu-ra-ti-no).

She is kind, smart, beautiful and sweet,

And her name comes from the word “ash”

Who is this? (Cinderella).


Well done, you know the fairy tales! So I invite you to go on a fabulous journey. Do you agree? (Yes) Let's walk carefully, there may be various obstacles on our way! Look, a ravine! Let's jump over the river and cross it on the pebbles...

Children walk in a circle to marching music, overcoming an obstacle course.


Oh, we guys are tired, look what a wonderful clearing. Sit down, guys, on the carpet, let's have a rest.

Birds are singing, children are sitting on the carpet (music). The goblin appears.


Hello, long guests! Who greeted me? I hear children's voices.


These are the guys from kindergarten No. 17, and who are you, grandpa?


I am a steely forest worker,

There's a little squirrel howling in the forest.

Look at my forest

My forest has grown to the skies.

Here are all my delevyas and flowers

Extraordinary class.

It's good to come to me,

Love and plow the plane!

Hello, Lebyatiski - girls and boys! Do you like my forest? (Yes...) What can you call it? (Children: forest - forest - forest - forest).

Melting! What is there in my forest? (Meadow -..., edge -..., road -..., berries -..., lake -..., stream -..., flowers -... etc.). Well done! Why are you all laughing at me??? Why am I saying such a funny thing??? Everyone laughs at me and no one wants to mess with me...


Grandfather Leshy, the guys are laughing at you because you pronounce all the sounds incorrectly.


Yes, just think, I’m already cold. (Offended). You're laughing again.
Speech therapist:

Well, what are you talking about, Leshy. The guys and I will try to help you. The guys studied for a whole year speech therapy classes. We learned to hear and pronounce sounds correctly, distinguish similar sounds, and learned to speak clearly and understandably. Today we will remember how it was and teach Grandfather Leshy what we ourselves can do. Now we will perform gymnastics for our lips and tongues, and our friends will help us. (A multimedia presentation is turned on, where the characters perform gymnastics)







Let's demonstrate the dexterity of our fingers, repeat after me the movements with your fingers:

Fingers - Friendly family, they can’t live without each other.

Here is the big one, and this is the middle one, the nameless one and the last one -

Our little finger. You forgot your index finger.

So that our fingers can live together, we will connect them

And perform the movements.

We will show you the horns of a goat, and even the antlers of a deer,

We won't forget about the bunny, we'll use our ears.

To speak better, you need to be friends with your fingers.

I also want to play with the kids. Oh!!! Well, you have to! I somehow began to speak differently... You are probably wizards???


No, grandpa, the boys and I just learned to pronounce sounds correctly, speak clearly and understandably, and learn to listen to our own speech. Now you can do it too.


Hooray! Will you be friends with me? (Yes). Then play with me: I will ask you unusual riddles.

The crow croaks, and the magpie?

The owl flies, but what about the frog?

The cow is chewing hay, and the fox?

The nightingale sings, and the rooster?

The frog croaks, and the bear?

The deer is running, but what about the snake?

Very good! Can you name the young forest animals?

At the hedgehog's? (hedgehog)

The fox? (fox cubs)

The bear? (cubs)

The she-wolf? (wolf cubs)

The squirrel? (baby squirrels)

The hare? (hares)

The badger? (badgers)

Well, your children know everything!

Then I'll ask about baby pets.
At the horse? (foals)
From a cow? (calves)
The dog? (puppies)
The cat? (kittens)
From a pig? (piglets)
The sheep? (lambs)

Well, well done, let's respect the old man. But I haven't talked to anyone for so long. Can I play with you again? (Yes) We will split into two teams. I will give one team yellow clothespins, and the other blue ones. Let's see which of you will be more dexterous and dexterous.

Team game with clothespins.


How much I like playing with you... I want to see which of you will answer my questions faster:

    An organ without which it is impossible to speak? (Language)

    What sounds are there? (Vowels and consonants)

    Where can the sound appear in a word? (at the beginning, middle, end).

    What can’t you write in your notebook without? (without pen, pencil).

    Name Baba Yaga's plane?

    Is birch a fruit tree?

    Grandfather is older than grandmother. Who is younger? (grandmother).

    What is the name of fresh fish soup? (Uha)

    What barrier do consonant sounds overcome during pronunciation?

    We speak or write sounds.

    Which one geometric figure there is no beginning and no end? (oval, circle).

    How many apples grow on a birch tree if there are two apples on one branch and three on the other?

    Can a chicken call itself a bird (No. She can’t talk).

    What is the name of the head of your kindergarten?

Team game with clothespins “Recognize the letter by touch.”

Game “Unspell the Word”.


Well, now it's time to have some fun! I suggest playing the game “Who will fly higher.” I show you: put the cotton wool on the tip of your nose, and blow on the cotton wool with all your strength, the cotton wool should fly high, higher than everyone else’s. Let's start... (performed to music)


Well done! Smart and kind guys. And you also know how to have fun! I want to give you gifts. (Hands out notepads and pens to music) And finally, I want to dance with you “Dance of the Little Ducklings” (Music sounds. Children dance).


Our journey into a fairy tale has come to an end. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Music is playing. The children leave.

Goal: Development of articulatory motor skills, speech breathing.

1. Development of a directed air stream, articulatory motor skills.

2.Form a free, smooth, extended exhalation using special exercises.

3. To develop, by imitating the speech of an adult, the ability to pronounce small phrases or meaningful segments in one exhalation.

Equipment: slide accompaniment, games for the development of speech breathing: tubes for holding breathing exercises, the author's multifunctional manual for the development of speech breathing, bowls with straws, trays, a replaceable block for soap bubbles.

Progress of the event

The music hall is decorated with colorful balloons and flags. The music starts playing and the Fairy appears.

Teacher speech therapist : "Hello guys! Today we invite you on an exciting journey through a magical meadow. So that we don’t get lost, let’s practice our speech breathing.”

1. Warm-up game “Sing the vowels A OU I E” using ICT.

Teacher speech therapist:“Do you guys like fairy tales? Fairy tales can be funny and sad, kind and not so good, but always with a good ending. In fairy tales, good always wins. Guys, what fairy tales do you know? (Children's answers).

Now I will check how well you know fairy tales.

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

Treats butterflies, bumblebees,

He heals birds and animals,

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor... (Aibolit)

Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round and ruddy side,

Rolled... (gingerbread man)

My father has a strange boy

Unusual, wooden,

On land and under water,

Looking for a golden key

He sticks his long nose everywhere

Who is this? (Bu-ra-ti-no).

She is kind, smart, beautiful and sweet,

And her name comes from the word “ash”

Who is this? (Cinderella).

I can recognize an animal by the tracks of any animal,
And a giraffe and a cow, and a beetle and a sparrow!
Whose traces are these that wind around the forest roads?
It's the nosebug and the wildhorn walking through the forest,

What cartoon is this funny heroine from?

(Masha and the Bear).

Teacher speech therapist: « Guys, I know that you are learning to hear and pronounce sounds correctly, to distinguish similar sounds. And now we will do gymnastics for our lips and tongues, and our friends “Masha and the Bear” will help us. (A multimedia presentation is turned on, where the characters perform gymnastics)

2.Articulation gymnastics with Masha.

Teacher speech therapist:“Let's demonstrate the dexterity of our fingers, repeat after me the movements with your fingers:

Fingers are a friendly family; they cannot live without each other.

Here is the big one, and this is the middle one, the nameless one and the last one -

Our little finger. You forgot your index finger.

So that our fingers can live together, we will connect them

And perform the movements.

We will show you the horns of a goat, and even the antlers of a deer,

We won't forget about the bunny, we'll use our ears.

To speak better, you need to be friends with your fingers.

Teacher speech therapist: « And now, guys, let’s train our fingers to the music, because competitions await us ahead.”

3. Finger games in audio recording: “Family”, “Five Fishes”, “Tea”.

Teacher speech therapist: “Well, now it’s time to have some fun! I suggest playing the games “Our hands are not for boredom”... (performed to music)

4. Games for the development of speech breathing:

"Put the ball into the goal"

Goal: to develop a long, targeted air stream.

Execution: stretch your lips forward with a tube and blow for a long time onto a cotton ball lying in front of the child, driving it between two cubes standing in front of the table.

Guidelines: 1. make sure that your cheeks do not puff out. To do this, you can lightly hold them with your fingers. 2. Push the ball in with one exhalation, avoid an intermittent stream.

"Blow your testicles onto the plates"

Goal: to develop a smooth, long-lasting, continuous air stream running in the middle of the tongue.

“Blow the ball into the goal”, “Blow the car into the garage” using the author’s manual.

Teacher speech therapist: « Well done! Smart and kind guys. And you also know how to have fun! I want to invite you to dance." (Music sounds. Children dance).

5.Dance exercises according to the method of E. Zheleznova in audio recordings.

Teacher speech therapist : “Our journey through the clearing has come to an end. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten."

Music is playing. The children leave.



Speech therapy entertainment

"Visiting the Fairy of Beautiful Speech"

(with kids middle group)

Prepared by speech therapist teacher N.P. Bryndina.


Speech therapy entertainment


Target : to develop practical skills in using corrected (phonetically pure, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech, increase parents' awareness of the features speech development children.



Strengthen acquired pronunciation skills;

Activate Creative skills;

Strengthen children's self-control over their own speech;

Improve intonation and lexical expressiveness of speech;

Reinforce graphic images of printed letters and reading words.

Strengthen the ability to identify the first and last sound in a word.

Correctional and developmental:

- develop the articulatory apparatus

Develop rhythmic hearing, the ability to control your movements;

- develop verbal communication,visual-spatial coordination, imagination, attention,verbal-logical thinking, memory, motor skills, sense of humor;

Develop phonemic hearing, proper breathing skills and lengthening the exhalation phase.


Cultivate goodwill, a sense of collectivism, and the ability to listen to each other.


    beetle, wasp costumes

    cards with pictures

    magnetic board with three-dimensional letters

    sound suits

    graphic drawings with encrypted tongue twisters

    musical instruments: tambourine, drum, spoons, maracas, accordion, saxophone, clarinet

    mnemonic tables

Entrance to the hall accompanied by music. ABVGDeyka

Speech therapist : Hello, dear guys and guests! I greet everyone who came to our holiday " Correct speech"! As it should be, at the holiday, you and I will play, recite poems, sing, joke, and at the same time, of course, speak correctly and beautifully.

Well, so that our tongue is ready for conversation, let's do a warm-up:

In some kingdom

Sound - state

We lived but did not grieve,

We were friends with Tongue

wonderful songs

Whistle - SSSSSS

Zvenelochka - ZZZZZZ,

Spielochka - SHSHSHSHH,

Buzzer - ZHZHZHZH. Lever - RRRRR,

Tarakhtelochka - TRRRRR

Trembling - RRRRR

The music is playing, the cheerful clown Klepa runs into the hall, hums a song

Klepa: - Tara-bars, tara-bars, tara-bars, tara-ra.

I chatter incessantly, right from the very morning.

Hello, kids, girls, and boys! I hope I'm not late?

Speech therapist : Hello, Klepa, we are glad to see you at our holiday!

Klepa: I'm not having fun. I came to you for advice, for help.

Speech therapist : Well, the guys and I will be happy to help you.

Klepa : It is good to! My grandfather always says that I speak poorly because I have “porridge” in my mouth, but I don’t have any porridge in my mouth (opens his mouth).

Speech therapist : Don’t be upset, Klepa, listen and remember:

Not far and not close,
Not high and not low,
Once upon a time there were sounds
In one logoscience.

In the morning they got up
They immediately repeated it in unison.
So they worked all day.
They learned to speak.

Children sing the song "Game" music V. Shainsky, lyrics. R. Rozhdestvensky.

Speech therapist : Our children, Klepa, did not know how to pronounce some sounds and pronounced them like the heroes of this “ strange story»

Scene (children participate).

Beetle: - Oh, what a fashionista! Please, please let me know!

Wasp: - Uwazzzzzzzzzzzzznyy! Well, this is stzzzzzz! You can't imagine how angry you are!!!

Beetle: - Shhshshshtannaya citizen! Probably a foreigner!

Beetle: - To avoid finding ourselves in such a situation again, we urgently need to engage in foreign language arts!

Speech therapist : In which words are other people's sounds lost? (Children's answers) That's right.

This story happened to you more than once, but time passed, you studied hard and learned to clearly pronounce sounds.

Klepa : - Guys, I really like to tell poems, listen!

A fly landed on the jam and that’s all the poem is!

Speech therapist : - Klepa, now listen to poems about the sounds that our guys learned to speak!

Sound C
Spread your tongue wider
The tip is closer to the lower teeth.
In the middle of the tongue
Let the air flow.
Smile and whistle
Ssss, sss, sss - say it!
- Ssss! - the titmouse whistled,
- Ssss! - the pipe began to sing in the forest.

Sound Z
The tongue is wide below,
The tip is closer to the lower teeth!
And with a ringing breeze
Loud Zzzz…. Let's say it.
It rings loudly,
The sound of Z sounds in words:
Bunny, umbrella, bell, riddle,
Hall, badge, star, exercise!

Sound Ts
- Ts - ts - ts - say it,
Briefly, whistle loudly.
The sound we get is
We denote it with the letter C.
- Ts, ts, ts, - the tank is moving,
- Ts, ts, ts drinks water:
Tap at a zinc tank
Doesn't close well
There are puddles of water nearby,
They pour, they spill.

Sound Sh

Sh! So that the sound comes out beautiful
Wider tongue and higher!
Let's make it from a tongue
Cup, raising the sides.
This cup on the sides
We will press it to the upper teeth.
Now over the cup you can
Blow beautifully, carefully.
For the breeze to flow
So that Sh rustles like silk!

Sound Zh
Zh is how we pronounce Sh,
We only ask for your vote.
Zvonko Z buzzes in words,
Like a big beetle buzzing:
Ground beetle, beetle, buzz,
heat, pearl, murmur.

Sound Ch
Whisper clearly and quickly:
Quiet - quiet, quiet - quiet, quiet - quiet - quiet!
Lighter, softer and shorter!
Ch! Mint! Louder! Clearer!
The sound we get is
We denote it with the letter h.
If we ask questions,
We often say:
– no what? - Where are we going to land?
- We fix it with what? – What are we reading about?

Sound Shch
Sh is how soft Sh we will say.
It sounds like we're lubricating it with oil.
It will be soft, viscous,
Let's teach the Twitter language:
Chirp, click, goldfinch, pinch,
Sliver, shield, cheek, tickle.

Sound L
Narrow tip of tongue upward
It hits my teeth.
Air creeps in on the sides of the tongue.
And it will turn out melodious,
Smooth, gentle and sonorous:
Weasel, llama, lily of the valley, paw,
Bow, moon, lawn, lamp.

Sound R
- Rrr! - the rocket is bursting!
- Rrr! - the lynx growls angrily.
- Rrr! – the robot rumbles evenly.
Say “R” and try it!
- Rrr! - Let's get down to studying!
- Rrr! - wide tongue - to the sky!

Speech therapist : Klepa, you remembered what sounds there are. But remember also:

Children : Who wants to talk,
He must speak out
Everything is correct and clear,
So that it is clear to everyone!

Klepa: Thank you guys, you are real friends! I understood everything, and now I will try to speak correctly, beautifully and slowly. Can I guys stay at your party? Maybe I'll learn something else from you.

Children : Stay, Klepa!

Speech therapist : Of course, stay.

Now let's play a game"Say the word"

    In winter he dreams in a den
    Shaggy, club-footed...(elephant)...bear.

    In your warm puddle
    Croaked loudly...(sparrow)...no, little frog.

    From the palm tree - down, to the palm tree again
    Jumps deftly...(cow)...no monkey!

    Put your ear to the flower,
    And it buzzes and sings
    Diligent...(fly)...no bee
    And collects honey.

Klepa : Now, guys, guess what I have in my pocket for the sound “B”?

(children’s guesses of words starting with the sound “B”)

Are you giving up? Yes there is nothing! (turns out his pocket)

Speech therapist : How is it okay? Did you speak with the sound "B"?

Klepa: Air!

Game “Help the postman carry the gifts” »

The postman brings gifts to the forest school. Help the postman distribute gifts to addresses. The first sound in the name of the animal corresponds to the first sound in the name of the gift.

    Beaver - drum

    Moose - spoons

    Maracas for the mouse

    Garile – accordion

    Saxophone for the elephant

    Kabanu - clarinet

Musical pause

Guys, what can you use to beat the rhythm? (Children's answers: on spoons, on a tambourine, on a drum, with their palms)

Let's try.

The speech therapist claps the rhythm, and the children repeat.

Game "Encrypted tongue twisters"

Speech therapist: Guys, now I’ll show you graphic drawings with encrypted tongue twisters, find out what these tongue twisters are.

    A fisherman is catching fish; his entire catch floats into the river.

    The toad sat in a puddle, looked at the beetle, the beetle buzzed, buzzed, buzzed and came to her for dinner.

    Valenka got her felt boots wet on a thawed patch; Valenka's felt boots are drying on the heap.

    There was a ball lying under the table, and the cat took the ball out with his paw.

    Fekla’s beets dried and became wet, wet and dried until they faded.

    There is grass in the yard, there is grass in the yard, don’t cut wood on the grass in the yard.

    They cut down the branch, burned the leaves, poured water into the watering can and watered the flowerbed.

    The cat is sewing a hat at the window, the mouse in boots is sweeping the hut.

    Karabas's wooden Pinocchio won, and opened the door in the closet under the painting with a golden key.

Game "Beetles and Mosquitoes"

Subgroup 1 - mosquitoes, subgroup 2 - beetles

Mosquitoes are flying, mosquitoes are buzzing: Children - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

The beetles are flying, the beetles are buzzing: Children - zhzhzhzhzhzhzh

Owl: I'm an owl, big head, sitting on a branch,

I look in all directions, catching mosquitoes and beetles.

Speech therapist : I invite you to play another one interesting game. “A friend extends his hand to a friend, come out into a wide circle”

The children extend their hands to each other in a chain and go to the center of the hall.

Game "Chain of words"

I remind you of the rules of the game: the last sound of each word must become the first in the next word). The game ends with the sound of a bell.

Guess the first word: cake - ax - rocket - bus - juice - cat - pineapple - catfish - poppy - key - teapot - pencil...

Speech therapist : Guys, do you like solving riddles? The answer to them is the end of the last word.


    What does Carlson see?

    Who swims in the lake behind the forest?

    Who ate entrecote?

    What can't bullfinches lift?

    What did the silly baby pour into the sock?

    What does Boris eat?

Game "Letters Lost"

F...K, ...EAR, RO...A, V...ZA, PE...UH, TYK...A,

U, M, Z A, T, V

Speech therapist: Now, listen to ditties performed by our children.


We don’t understand our Dasha:
After all, Dasha has porridge in her mouth.
But not buckwheat, and not pilaf -
This is a mess of words!

We sat down in order
We do exercises together.
Not with your feet, not with your hands,
And with your tongues!

We're playing machine gun
We growl like a walkie-talkie.
Don't scold us, it's coming

They wrote it in my notebook

Difficult task

Even grandma said

What a punishment!

Now the torment is over,
They gave me all the sounds.
I was on sick leave -
I lost half of it!

I decided on Sunday
Repeat all tasks
Even our cat Murka
I learned to speak!

And yesterday I explained
Vowels for mom and dad.
To teach these adults -
The idea is in vain!

Speech therapist demonstrates

Knowledge and activity

He increases our

Communication skills!

While we were singing ditties, our tongues were intertwined,

You clap a little

We tried our best!

Klepa: It's fun here. I was glad to meet such smart, quick-witted guys who know sounds, letters, answer various questions, and how to speak correctly and beautifully. But I have to go to my show. Goodbye, guys!

Speech therapist : Our holiday has come to an end. So let your speech, guys, always be bright, expressive, competent and, of course, beautiful, and I have a surprise for you.


Scenario for musical and speech therapy entertainment

(senior group of compensating orientation

for children with severe speech impairments)

Compiled by: music director

Zainutdinova Elena Evgenevna

Speech goals:

- reinforce correct sound pronunciation in children’s free speech;

- practice guessing riddles, reading words, and reciting poetry with movements, expressive reading poems;

- develop diaphragmatic breathing, fine motor skills, and a sense of color.

Musical goals:

— consolidate the skill of coordinating singing and movement when performing a song;

- coordinate your movements with the rhythm and tempo of the music;

- create conditions for reproducing the learned repertoire in free activity;

- contribute to the creation of an emotional mood.


Balloons all the colors of the rainbow;

- a gray house with cobwebs;

— envelopes with tasks and colored “glasses”;

- a chest with coins;

Cards with words;

- green handkerchiefs;

- colorful puddles;

— massage balls;

- blue cap;

- screen with multimedia projector.

Progress of the event:

(children enter the hall to cheerful music)

HOST. Among dense forests, among flowering meadows, on the shores of the azure sea, a small village lives and lives. There are only 7 houses in it, but what houses! Each house is painted in its own color: one is red, another is orange, the third is yellow, the fourth is green, the fifth is blue, the sixth is blue, the seventh is purple. What do these colors remind you of? (children's answer) Not at home, but a sight for sore eyes! Do you want to visit this colorful village? A rainbow train awaits us, take your seats in the carriages (children are seated). And so that we don’t get bored on the road, sing a funny song!

SONG “RAINBOW”(lyrics and music by T.N. Shikalova)

HOST. Here is our station. Get out of the trailers. Then we will go on foot to the village (they go to the stage on which there is one nondescript gray house). Where are the colored houses? There's only one here, and it's so gray and gloomy! (Koshey the Colorless enters the hall)

KOSHCHEY. What are you talking about here? What colored houses? What colors? Grayness, darkness - that’s where I feel good and comfortable. Let there be darkness! And you go, get out of here! Don't stop me from enjoying my precious colorlessness!..

HOST. Who are you?

KOSHCHEY. I am in charge of the dullness, Colorless I am Koschey!

And if I have lunch, I don’t eat green cabbage soup!

I will not allow fun and bright colors to anyone!

HOST. How so? Children love everything bright and colorful, and even in our poems the whole palette of colors is found!

CHILDREN. 1. Gave your color to the rainbow

And carnation and peony.

Red is at the beginning,

He is the very first!

  1. I have an orange in my hand,

Orange Africa's son.

He always considers it an honor

That its color is in the rainbow.

  1. Yellow sun and yellow sand,

I drink orange juice greedily.

In the sultry breath of summer

Even the eyes are yellow in the heat.

  1. Look, the grass is green in the meadow,

The edge of the forest is green,

In the green swamp qua-qua, yes qua-qua -

A very green frog.

  1. Blue sky, blue sea,

The breeze plays with blue waves.

And on the horizon in the blue expanse

The blue sail looms all day...

  1. The blue cornflower looks into the sky,

Joy without hiding, without concealing:

I'm not alone in this world!

There is my blue in the rainbow!

  1. Heavy purple clouds

The rain fell on the meadows and fields.

He passed, and suddenly cheerful violets

The earth lit up like smiles.

KOSHCHEY. All! Enough! I can't listen anymore! Have you decided to fight me? I assure you, you will be wasting your time and energy.

HOST. What should we do now? We must save the village! Guys, we have a dance called “Colorful Game”. Maybe he will give us some idea?

DANCE “COLORFUL GAME” music B. Savelyeva

KOSHCHEY. Well, where are your ideas? Here? Or here? Or maybe behind this web? Ideas, ah!!!

HOST. Guys, I noticed that behind every web there is something unusual. Come closer. What do the images behind the web look like? (children's answer) These are letters! And I think I can guess what they mean! And you? (children's guesses) I'll tell you - these are the first letters of the colors of the rainbow. Let's remember these colors!

CHILDREN. The rainbow is built like a layer cake,

Red layer, orange, yellow and green.

Light blue and blue next to purple,

There are seven colors in the rainbow, you need to know about it!

(they clarify that the first color is red, take out an envelope with the letter K from behind the web, open it and take out colored “glasses”)

HOST. Well, here is the solution to the problem. If you look through them, the house will also turn red. (children look through colored “glasses”) How many of you know what the color red means?

CHILDREN. Red is strength, it is the color of fire. Red color gives energy and radiates heat. It helps in overcoming fear and improves mood.

HOST. And in the envelope there are color pictures, for which we know the correct words.


Ak-ak-ak, poppy blossoms in the field.

Or-or-or, poisonous fly agaric.

Dor-dor-dor, a ripe tomato is ripening.

Ash-ash-ash, they bought me a pencil.

Ets-ets-ets, sweet candy.

An-an-an, a brand new sofa.

HOST. Well done guys, you found the color red. Let's decorate the house with these red “glasses” (red “glasses” are glued to the house).

KOSHCHEY. So, did this really improve your mood? Then I'll spoil it for you again! After all, you still won’t have time to build many new colored houses. And in general... don’t let me get bored anymore!!! (sits down, gets bored, yawns and falls asleep)

HOST. Let's at least make this house colorful, guys. Remember and name the second color of the rainbow and name the desired letter (find the letter O, open the envelope, take out orange “glasses”, look through the bottom at the house). Who knows anything about Orange color?

CHILDREN. Orange color helps a person feel more free. This color is very bright, it always attracts attention and awakens in us thoughts of joy, fun and bright sunshine.

KOSHCHEY. (suddenly wakes up) Who wakes you up? Whom does it awaken? Why does it awaken?

HOST. We're talking about the color orange that wakes up our thoughts!

KOSHCHEY. Well, why did they wake me up? There is no peace from you! (leaves)

HOST. Let's glue the orange “pieces of glass” to the house. Guys, quickly remember the next color of the rainbow and find the right letter (they find the letter Z behind the web). And about yellow we have some interesting information.

CHILDREN. People perceive yellow as the color of hospitality, generosity and comfort. This color is the first one a person notices. This is why yellow is used for warning signs and school buses.

HOST. And we know a funny poem about the color yellow.


Look, he's waving his yellow scarf.

(wave your arms above your head)

Girl Masha on a forest path.

(hands on the belt, body turns left and right)

Yellow windows see Masha off,

(“draw” a window in the air)

And there are yellow earrings around the birch tree.

(hands above head, then to ears)

Masha has a yellow basket behind her back,

(hands behind your back in a lock)

Masha has yellow boots on her feet.

(put their feet on the heels)

The festive apron is embroidered with yellow silk,


And a yellow-yellow ball runs after Masha.

(shows a circle with hands)

HOST. Here are the next colored “pieces of glass” for our home. (glue yellow “pieces of glass”). Name the fourth color of the rainbow and find the first letter of its name (find the letter Z).

CHILDREN. The color green evokes a feeling of harmony, calm and hope, and helps dispel negative emotions. This is the color of nature itself (Koshey runs in, counts the coins in his chest, loses count, gets nervous, counts again).

HOST. Guys, Koschey is getting nervous for some reason. Maybe, green color Will it help him calm down? We have green handkerchiefs for this. Koschey, would you like to relax with us, good music listen?

KOSHCHEY. Yes, perhaps I need to calm down a little. How many centuries have I lived, but when I start counting my gold, I lose count every time and get nervous!


KOSHCHEY. Listen, it helps! And it’s quiet here, and it’s calm here (points to his head, to his chest)... Good!.. Now you can calmly admire your treasures. What else is this? Some papers with some scribbles... I don’t understand anything...

HOST. Let me take a look, Koschey. I understood everything, these are cards from the game “Colorful Puddles”, and the scribbles, as you put it, are words. And I suggest playing this game.

KOSHCHEY. Where did they come from in my chest..? A! My head is like a garden! I remembered! Baba Yaga and I learned to read 100 years ago. Well, I’ll shake off the old days and play with you!


HOST. The house is getting more and more beautiful! (glue green “glasses”)

Blue is the fifth color of the rainbow.

CHILDREN. Blue is the color of communication. Blue tones give the impression of lightness, airiness, and purity. Blue is the color of a clear sky, clear water. It helps in the treatment of throat diseases and headaches.

KOSHCHEY. Here you go! But Baba Yaga treats me with only red fly agaric mushrooms. Or maybe something else effective remedy do you know?

HOST. Of course we do – massage and a funny song!


sl. In Kuzmina, music. A. Varlamova (using massage balls)

KOSHCHEY. I definitely like this color, I think I’ll help you glue the blue “glasses” to the house.

HOST. Name the sixth color of the rainbow. Find the first letter of its name.

CHILDREN. Blue color represents peace, faith and devotion. Blue suggests gentleness, patience and self-control. Blue also represents strength of mind, clarity of thought.

KOSHCHEY. By the way, I remembered! For my 95th birthday, Cat Buyan gave me a very blue hat, I had it lying around somewhere (brings it). I have no idea what to do with it; I have no use for it. It would probably be wiser to give it to you.

HOST. And we will be happy to find a use for it. Let's play an interesting musical game.

GAME "HAT" sl. and music E. Zheleznova

HOST. Another color appeared on the house. Let's check if all the colors of the rainbow are present on it? (children's answers) There is only one cobweb left, let's remove that too. You guessed it right – there are purple “glasses” here.

CHILDREN. IN purple color combines red energy and elegance of blue color. He always wore the clothes of kings. This is the color of inspiration.

KOSHCHEY. Inspiration came to me too! And all this is thanks to you and bright colors rainbows! I’ll show you such a miracle now! You'll fall in love! Now purple riddles will appear on this white canvas. Only you have to help me a little.

You'd better smile, it doesn't suit you all to be bored!

Instantly the riddles will appear! Who can guess them?


(right-click on the picture, select “presentation object - show”, after viewing - “end slide show”)

KOSHCHEY. Did you like my miracle? And I really liked it! But the purple “glasses” need to be glued to the house. Can I do it myself?

HOST. Of course you can! What a rainbow house we have! Who liked which color better? (children's answers) Do you like this house, Koschey?

KOSHCHEY. Wonderful house! So I was thinking, maybe I should move here from my cold, gloomy castle?

HOST. Only if you promise to forget about your dullness and dullness forever, will you return the ruddy sunset, flowers’ aroma and sunny smiles!

KOSHCHEY. I promise!

HOST. Guys, can we help Koshchei do some general cleaning in the house?

DANCE “FUN CLEANING”(from the collection of dance and game compositions “Ku-Ko-Sha”)

HOST. I'm sure that next to such a cheerful house, many will soon fairy-tale heroes want to build your own houses. And here there will be a large colorful village. And you won't have to be bored alone. And the colors of the rainbow will remind you of the beauty of the world around you. It’s time for the boys and I to return to kindergarten! (to the song “We are on the train” (lyrics by M. Boroditskaya, music by A. Varlamov), the children leave the hall like a “train”, Koschey waves them goodbye)

Title: Musical and speech therapy entertainment “Colorful Journey”

Position: music director of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 43 combined type
Location: Votkinsk city, Udmurt Republic