Buckwheat seeds do not have a clearly defined period of post-harvest ripening. During the harvesting period, fully mature ones have a high germination rate (97-99%). Being in windrows in rainy weather, they can germinate. With uneven extended ripening in the harvested seeds,

groin are kept fully ripe and unripe, with high humidity and reduced germination, incomplete post-harvest ripening, which is completed as they are stored. Therefore, the seeds can be moistened and warmed even if they were quite dry at the time of filling in the storage.
Dry seeds are in a state of physiological dormancy during storage. However, this does not mean a complete cessation of their life activity. The physiological functions of dormant seeds mainly consist of respiration. At humidity up to 14% they have reduced vital activity, especially at a temperature of 7-8°C. With increasing humidity and temperature, the intensity of seed respiration increases.
According to the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Grain and Its Processing Products, at a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C, the amount of carbon dioxide released in 24 hours per 100 g of dry matter was (in mg): at a humidity of 10.0-14.2% - 0.105 - 0.311; 15.1-16.0% -0.41-0.52; 18.0-20.2% -293-625. The critical moisture content of buckwheat grain at a temperature of 23-25 ​​°C was 15.2-15.5%, and at 18-21 °C - 15.8-16.0%.
Taking this into account, buckwheat seeds should be stored for storage at a humidity of no higher than 13.0-13.5%, in pre-prepared, well-cleaned, dried and disinfected rooms. It is better to store seed material in bags stacked. In warehouses with hard floors, bags are laid on a flooring made of boards, which is located at least 15-17 cm from the floor. The height of the stack is allowed no more than eight bags, the width is no more than 2.5 m. Passages between stacks, as well as between The stacks and walls of the seed storage must be at least 0.7 m, and the passages for receiving and releasing seeds must be at least 1.5 m.
Stacked bags of seeds are rearranged during storage at least once every 6 months, moving the top rows of bags down and the bottom rows up. Under these conditions, post-harvest ripening of seeds ends in a shorter period of time and they do not lose their germination capacity.
With increased humidity and temperature of both the grain itself and the room in which it is stored, barn pests find the most favorable conditions for development.
Seed material should be stored separately from food and feed grains. Seeds must be systematically monitored. It consists of measuring the temperature of the grain, determining its moisture content and pest infestation, as well as its smell. The usual barn smell quickly disappears when ventilated; it is moldy, musty, persistent, and indicates the presence of a self-warming process.
The temperature of the grain at different depths is determined using a kagate thermometer, which is lowered into the thickness of the grain by 30-40 cm. The thermometer readings are recorded each time in a notebook. A higher temperature of the seeds in storage compared to the air temperature indicates that they are starting to warm up.
Their humidity can be set in a simple way. If the seeds taken in a handful fall out freely between your fingers, then they are dry. If a lump forms, then their humidity is higher than permissible. When you plunge your hand into the dry seeds, you feel cold. If they are too wet, they feel warm and damp. More accurately, humidity can be determined in a seed inspection.
Particular care must be taken to monitor the temperature of freshly harvested grain with high humidity. It must be actively ventilated or moved.
During the period of spring warming, monitoring of seed material must be strengthened to prevent its spoilage. At the same time as measuring temperature and humidity, you should ventilate the room more often and move the grain. Storage facilities should be ventilated in dry weather. During seed storage, it is also necessary to monitor the appearance of barn pests and, if they are detected, immediately apply measures to combat them.

So, according to Rosstat, in 2014 the grain harvest in Russia exceeded 1085 million tons, which is a record level in the modern history of Russia. At the same time, in the general production process of cultivation, harvesting and post-harvest processing of grain and other crops, the main costs fall precisely on post-harvest processing, which consists of cleaning and drying, as a result of which the grain seed material must be brought to the required standards for purity of moisture and other indicators of grain and seeds which are installed...

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In recent years, there has been a steady trend in Russia to increase the production of grain and other crop products. Thus, according to Rosstat, in 2014 the grain harvest in Russia exceeded 108.5 million tons, this is a record level in the modern history of Russia.At the same time, a large place is given to cereal crops. One of them is buckwheat. During the same period, Russia more than doubled its buckwheat harvest and exceeded 800 thousand tons. (Official data from the Ministry of Agriculture).

Almost all agricultural products obtained from the moment of their receipt to sale in the form of raw materials or finished products undergo preliminary post-harvest processing and storage, which serve as the most important stage in the technology of production of agricultural products. At the same time, in the general production process of cultivation, harvesting and post-harvest processing of grain and other crops, the main costs fall precisely on post-harvest processing, which consists of cleaning and drying, as a result of which the grain (seed) material must be brought to the required standards (standards) on purity, moisture and other indicators of grain and seeds, which are established by the relevant state standards.

You can increase the yield, increase the gross yield, but you will not get the desired effect if there are losses in quality and weight. According to expert estimates, annual grain losses in industrialized countries are about 10%, and in developing countries they reach 50%. Half of all grain losses occur during post-harvest processing and mainly during storage. In Russia, according to Rosstat and the Ministry of Agriculture, losses of the harvested crop amount to 1.0-1.5 million tons, with an average price of 4.0 thousand rubles. per ton, losses from losses can range from 4 to 6 billion rubles. (A.E. Yukish, O.A. Ilyina, 2009).

Therefore, creating conditions that ensure reliable and long-term preservation of agricultural products and maintaining their quality in the post-harvest period is the most important task of agricultural producers.

Objectives put forward in the field of storage of agricultural products:

Preserve grain and seed funds with minimal weight loss and without reducing their quality;

Improve the quality of grain and seed funds during storage, using appropriate technological methods and modes;

Organize post-harvest processing and storage of grain most efficiently, with the least amount of labor and money per unit weight of the product, but at the same time reduce costs and losses during storage. Because if the technology for post-harvest processing of grain is not followed, good preservation cannot be ensured even in the most advanced storage facilities. If the rules of post-harvest processing and the necessary storage conditions are followed, then the product not only does not lose its properties, but in some cases even improves them.

In solving the problems of increasing grain production, incl. Buckwheat cultivation, which is carried out on the basis of agrotechnical and organizational measures, improves the quality of seed material and becomes essential. At the same time, the key to a high yield and obtaining high-quality seeds is properly organized drying and processing of seeds.

The purpose of this work: to deepen and consolidate theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of processing and storage of grain masses, namely seed buckwheat.

The work consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion, bibliography and appendices.

Technology of post-harvest processing and storage of grain (seed buckwheat)

The production of grain (seeds) in agriculture ends with its post-harvest processing, which is one of the most important stages in the grain production process. At the same time, it solves two main interrelated problems (V.I. Atanazevich, 2007):

Ensuring long-term storage;

Bringing to established standards of cleanliness.

To solve the first problem, various methods are used, the main one of which is grain drying. The second task is performed in the processes of cleaning a grain heap from weeds and grain impurities and subsequent sorting, because the presence of impurities of other forms and crops in seeds leads to the loss of the most important economically valuable characteristics and properties of a variety of high productivity, resistance to diseases and pests, and a decrease in the technological qualities of grain.

The technological process of post-harvest processing of grain (seeds) consists of a number of technological operations, such as transportation, drying, cleaning, sorting and storage of grain. At the same time, high-quality performance of work on post-harvest processing of grain (seeds) and reduction of losses are possible on the basis of comprehensive mechanization of all work in the flow, on special grain cleaning and drying complexes. The flow method for receiving and processing grain has a number of features:

Simultaneous arrival in a short time of grain from different crops and different in humidity, contamination and other indicators;

Uneven supply of grain throughout the day and at certain times of the day, variety of types of granaries and equipment;

Various requirements for the processed grain depending on the intended purpose of the latter, causing significant difficulties in organizing continuous processing.

Taking into account the listed features, the in-line method of receiving and processing grain must be understood as a system of operations carried out in a certain sequence and performed one after another without intermediate long-term holding of grain without processing. Reception and processing of grain in a stream must be carried out in accordance with a basic technological diagram, which is based on the following principles:

The input flow, which is uneven in the amount of grain, should not affect the deterioration of the use of transport and processing equipment;

Receiving devices must provide for the possibility of forming batches of grain of different crops and of different quality with their separate further post-harvest processing and separate storage;

Weighing facilities are used not only for quantitative accounting of grain and settlements with suppliers and recipients, but also for operational accounting of grain stored in elevators and warehouses;

Possibility to include transport and technological equipment of various capacities into the lines.

Depending on the production center, technological lines for receiving and processing grain are divided into:

Elevator; towers, built on the basis of drying and cleaning towers (DSB), receiving and cleaning towers (RPB), threshing and cleaning towers (MOB) and other towers;

Factory, created on the basis of plants for the reception and processing of corn and other crops;

Workshops organized for the same purpose as factory ones.

The most advanced technological lines for receiving and processing grain are elevator lines, which ensure almost complete mechanization of all loading and unloading operations.

In our regions, annually up to 80% of threshed grain requires drying during its subsequent processing, because... Post-harvest processing carried out incorrectly or at the wrong time leads to the loss of more than 20% of the harvested grain (E.I. Trubilin, N.F. Fedorenko, A.I. Tlishev, 2009).

It should be said that the causes of grain loss are divided into biological and mechanical. Among mechanical losses, a significant place is occupied by grain injury, its spraying and spillage. The technology of acceptance, post-harvest processing and storage involves moving batches of grain using various types of transport equipment, repeatedly exposing it to shock and abrasion, as well as shock impacts when filling and emptying bins. Injury to grain, in turn, affects biological losses due to respiration, which is explained by the greater accessibility of injured grains to microorganisms, especially molds, and pests of grain stocks, as well as the physiological and biochemical activity of the grain itself under the influence of humidity and temperature.

Grain is a living substance. An inevitable consequence of storing freshly harvested grain is self-warming due to the respiration of all its living components. Delay in cleaning wet and raw grain can cause it to self-heat and deteriorate after 10-12 hours of storage.

After just 10 days, due to natural biophysical processes, it begins to lose gluten and its nutritional value. Grain turns from food into feed, loses its quality and market value.

The basis of the grain mass is made up of individual grains that are weakly adhered to each other. This ensures easy mobility of the grain mass, i.e. its flowability. The good flowability of grain and grain products is used in storage, processing, loading and unloading operations, and movement (gravity principle).

There are wells in the intergranular mass that affect the physical and physiological processes occurring in it. The presence of air in the intergrain spaces is necessary to maintain seed viability. The high porosity of grain masses allows the use of active ventilation to cool or dry the grain.

Individual grains and the grain mass as a whole are good sorbents, which is explained by the capillary-porous colloidal structure of each grain and the porosity of the grain mass. The greatest influence on the condition of grain during storage is exerted by its ability to sorb and desorb water vapor, i.e. hygroscopicity. Moistening grain creates conditions for increasing the vital activity of grain, microorganisms and pests. As a result, the basic principle of grain preservation is violated: reduced vital activity of all living components of the grain mass.

For grain as an object of storage, such thermophysical properties as thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and thermal and moisture conductivity are also important. Since the organic substances that make up the grain and the air filling the intergranular spaces are poor heat conductors, in general the entire grain mass has low heat and temperature conductivity and is used in the practice of grain storage: the cooled grain mass retains a low temperature for a long time time; Thus, it is possible to preserve the grain mass by cold.

Thermal and moisture conductivity is associated with the movement of moisture in the grain mass with a heat flow caused by a temperature gradient. As a result of this phenomenon, moisture, moving with the heat flow to colder layers or areas of the grain mass, leads to the moistening of individual sections of the grain mass. The movement of moisture with the flow of heat can even lead to the formation of moisture condensation and a significant increase in grain moisture content up to 50-70% and its germination.

The most important physiological process in any living organism is respiration. During the process of respiration, grain cells receive energy through the oxidation and breakdown of organic substances. Let us recall that in plant organisms respiration (gas exchange) is carried out due to sugars; the sugars consumed during respiration are obtained through the oxidation or hydrolysis of more complex substances (in grains rich in starch, it is broken down into sugars) - this type of respiration is called aerobic.When there is a lack of oxygen in the intergranular space, a fermentation process occurs with the formation of ethyl alcohol - this type of respiration is called anaerobic.

During the respiration process, the following occurs: loss of grain dry matter in the mass; increasing the amount of moisture in the grain; changes in the composition of air in intergranular spaces; the formation of heat in the grain mass, which can lead to its self-heating. All these consequences of respiration are undesirable and lead to the need to store grain in conditions that prevent intensive grain respiration. The main factors influencing the rate of grain respiration are, first of all, humidity, temperature and degree of aeration. The higher the humidity, the more intensely it breathes. The respiration rate of dry grain is practically zero. Raw grain breathes so intensely that it loses up to 0.2% of its mass per day. The presence of bound moisture in the grain has virtually no effect on the respiration rate, because this moisture cannot move from cell to cell and is almost not involved in physiological processes (respiration). Only mechanically bound moisture (free moisture) takes an active part in physiological processes, moving from cell to cell, activating respiratory enzymes, and the intensity of respiration increases.

Air access to the grain mass also affects the nature and intensity of its respiration. If the grain mass is stored for a long time without moving or blowing, then carbon dioxide accumulates in the intergrain spaces and the oxygen content decreases. Lack of oxygen and accumulated carbon dioxide have a depressing effect on grain with high humidity. When storing wet and raw grain in conditions of lack of oxygen, a decrease in grain germination occurs, therefore, to maintain the sowing qualities of grain with a moisture content above 14-15%, periodic exchange of air in the grain mass is necessary (N.I. Malin, 2005).

Thus, only dry grain that does not contain free moisture is stable in storage. A targeted increase in the technological and sowing qualities of grain, before storing it, is post-harvest drying and cleaning.

The grain heap coming from combines and threshers consists of the grain of the harvested crop and impurities. Impurities are divided into grains and weeds. Grain impurities include broken, corroded grain of the main crop (residues of less than half the grain), sprouted, puny grain, grains of other cultivated plants (for example, rye in wheat), weeds seeds of weeds, organic impurities (chaff, parts of stems), as well as harmful impurities (cockle, smut, ergot, bittersweet, knitted grass, etc.) The grain may also contain metal impurities that get into it during harvesting and transportation. If the grains of the main harvested crop in the total mass are less than 85%, then such a grain product is considered a “mixture”. The amount of impurities contained in the grain mixture, expressed as a percentage of the weight of the sample, is called contamination.

Cleaning - this is the division (separation) of a grain mixture into separate fractions that differ in some physical and mechanical properties (size, density, etc.).

The task of cleaning is to separate all impurities from the heap, as well as to separate out weak, broken and damaged grain of the main crop to increase the purity of grain raw materials. All harvested grain is subjected to cleaning.

Cleaning can be preliminary, primary and secondary (N.B. Tumanovskaya, O.E. Shcherbakova, 2012).

Pre-cleaning is used for freshly harvested grain with a moisture content of up to 35%. At the same time, the content of the largest and smallest impurities in the purified grain is reduced (from 15-20 to 3%), part of the excess moisture is removed, its flowability increases, subsequent processes are facilitated (especially drying), and the grain’s resistance to self-heating during temporary storage in an embankment increases.

Freshly harvested grain with a moisture content of no more than 22% or pre-processed and dried grain with a moisture content of no more than 18% is subjected to primary cleaning. At the same time, large, light and small impurities, crushed and puny grain are released from the grain; the content of impurities in grain is reduced from 8-10 to 1-3%. The initial grain heap is divided into three fractions: purified grain, feed waste and impurities.

Food and feed grains are mainly subjected to preliminary and primary purification, and seed grains are also subjected to secondary purification.

Secondary cleaning helps to separate impurities and hard-to-separate weed seeds from the grain, which are close in size to it. As a result, the initial grain heap is divided into the seed fraction, second-grade grain, light, small and large impurities.

Grain sorting- this is the process of mechanical separation of grain purified from impurities into fractions that differ in baking (for food) or sowing (for seed) qualities, carried out in order to obtain high-quality food and seed materials. Grain is sorted by size (thickness, width and length), weight, aerodynamic properties and other characteristics. Food grains are also sorted to improve their quality. In many grain cleaning machines, grain cleaning and sorting are performed simultaneously.

Calibration is the division of purified seeds into fractions according to their size. The sizes of seeds of each fraction are within certain limits, determined by the requirements for uniform seeding by seeders. The use of calibrated seeds allows them to be evenly distributed among nests or in rows, which reduces labor costs for caring for crops, saves seed material and increases productivity.

As for buckwheat, itconditions are taken into account by humidity - 14-15% depending on the growing area; contamination: pure - containing both weed and grain impurities up to 1% inclusive, average purity, respectively, over 1 and up to 3%, weed over 3%; and size: coarse grain 80% or more, medium grain - less than 80% and up to 50%, fine grain - less than 50%.

The buckwheat is first cleaned in a grain cleaner and then sent to separators. A large purified fraction of grain is obtained in air-sieve separators from underseeding sieves with holes 0 3.4...3.8 mm, the passage is a small fraction containing broken and hulled grains, they are cleaned in air-sieve separators on underseeding sieves with holes 0 3.0 mm.

To separate wheat, rye, barley (grain impurity) and wild radish segments from buckwheat, sieves with triangular holes, side size 5...6 mm, are installed in the second separator. To clean buckwheat from impurities whose length exceeds the length of buckwheat grains (wheat, barley, oats, rye), use triers with meshes 05...8 mm and with meshes 0 3.2...4 mm to clean buckwheat from short impurities (convolvulus buckwheat, crushed parts of grain, etc.). Light impurities (frail buckwheat grains, ruddyak, light wild oat grains) are released in the pneumatic separating channels of the separators at an air flow speed of 4.5...5.5 m/s.

At the same time, the technology for cleaning and sorting seed grain should be based on the need to bring the seeds to high sowing conditions in one pass, which depends on the correctly selected schemes with the appropriate selection of sieves. Repeated passes through grain cleaning machines lead to an increase in damaged seeds and cleaning costs.

Rational schemes for the technological process of cleaning and sorting are drawn up on the basis of a laboratory analysis of the physical and mechanical properties of the incoming heap of grain. Thus, indicators of the physical and mechanical properties of buckwheat seeds: soaring speed 2.5-9.5 m/s, length 4.4-8.0 mm, width 3.0-5.2 mm, density 1.2-1, 3 g/cm3. In each specific case, depending on the conditions of seed formation and the nature of contamination of the grain entering the grain, the appropriate sizes of the sieve openings and the diameter of the cells of the trier cylinders should be selected (A.I. Izotova, 2012).

The main technological operation to bring grain and seeds into a stable state during storage is drying, requiring strict adherence to all rules and instructions, in particular:

Formation of batches that are uniform in moisture content, preferably from purified grain if drying is carried out in direct-flow grain dryers. This will ensure a uniform drying mode, increase its speed, and reduce fuel consumption;

Compliance with the recommended temperature conditions, mainly the grain heating regime, depending on the heat resistance of the crop, its humidity and purpose, is of paramount importance for seed and food grains;

The end of drying according to the humidity established for each crop (overdrying sharply increases grain grinding and energy consumption);

Cooling of heated grain ensures stable and reliable storage.

When drying grain, the physical, physiological, biochemical and other properties of the grain change. At the same time, on the one hand we have grain that actively reacts to all influences, on the other hand there is a drying agent and a coolant that directly affects the grain and dries it.

As mentioned earlier, grain is a living organism. Heating the grain leads to a sharp increase in respiration. If there is a lack of oxygen in the heated mass of grain, the grain will suffocate and germination will sharply decrease.

The process of drying grain differs in nature from the drying of other porous bodies in that the moisture in the grain does not simply saturate it, but enters into a complex chemical interaction with the proteins of the grain. Therefore, the release of moisture and its movement through the grain tissues is much slower than in porous bodies. The mechanism of moisture movement from grain occurs during three periods of moisture evaporation: heating of the grain, constant drying speed and decreasing drying speed.

The period of grain heating is the initial stage of drying, which is 10-15% of the time of the entire drying process, increasing the drying speed and decreasing humidity. The ability of grain to absorb and release moisture is called grain hygroscopicity. After drying the surface layers of grain to a certain moisture content, further drying slows down and requires significantly more energy than at the beginning of drying. The ability of the coolant during the drying process depends on the relative humidity of the air and the degree of its saturation with water vapor. At 100% relative humidity, the coolant is completely saturated with water vapor, and drying cannot occur. The lower the relative humidity of the coolant, the greater its ability to dry. For the drying mode, the temperature of the coolant and the speed of movement through the grain layer in the drying chamber are of great importance.

When drying grain, it is necessary to take into account its thermal stability, i.e. ability to preserve seed and food qualities during the drying process. Therefore, the drying process and modes are chosen depending on the purpose of the grain: food or seed. There are features of drying seed grain, which is dried at lower temperatures than food grain, and its quality is controlled by germination and seed germination energy before and after drying (IN AND. Atanazevich, 2007).

In order to quickly dry seed grain while fully preserving its seed properties, it is necessary to strictly observe a certain drying regime and strictly monitor the temperature of the grain drying agent (heating). Drying seed grain with a humidity of up to 250 C at a drying agent temperature of 70 ° C not only does not deteriorate, but also improves the seed properties (germination, germination energy increase). If seed grain cannot be dried in stages, then moisture removal in one pass for food grain should not exceed 5-6% with repeated passes. Moisture removal per pass for seed should not exceed 3-4%.

Seed grain is prohibited from drying in drum dryers (SZPB-2, SZSB-8) and other dryers (ZSPZH-8, K4-USA), in which the grain is directly transferred to heat from heated surfaces without ventilation of the layer (without prior testing), since it may mechanical injury to the grains occurs (G.E. Chepurin and others).

Different crops require individual approaches to drying. Buckwheat, as an object of drying, has a high ability to crack, which is observed at increased drying rates and sudden cooling of the grain after heating. In addition, the bulk of buckwheat has a high porosity, the kernel is friable, as a result of which buckwheat loses moisture faster than grain crops. Therefore, when drying buckwheat in direct-flow dryers, the decrease in humidity per pass should not exceed 2-3%, in other cases - 6%. After each pass, the grain is stored in the over-drying hopper of the second dryer or in a warehouse equipped with active ventilation units. At the same time, the condition and quality of the grain is carefully monitored before the next pass through the dryer. The maximum heating temperature of grain when drying in shaft direct-flow grain dryers, regardless of the initial humidity, is 40 ° C, the maximum temperature of the drying agent in a single-stage mode is 90 ° C, in a two-stage mode - in zone I 90 ° C, in zone II - 110 ° C.

Thus, the condition for effective grain storage is well-cleaned, properly dried grain.When storing grain (seeds), storage technology is very important, the task of which in this case is to create conditions favorable for maintaining its proper quality. During storage, grain may self-heat, be affected by mold fungi, and be eaten by insects, rodents, and birds.

The use of a specific storage method depends on the technical and economic level and climatic conditions. The good flowability of grain allows them to be stored in various containers: storage in bags is called storage in containers, and placement in large warehouses - storage in bulk - is the main method of storing grain masses. In this case, granaries are used more fully, there are more opportunities for mechanization of operations, costs for packaging and repacking of products are eliminated, and pest control is easier. Some batches of seed grains and seeds with a fragile shell are stored in containers.

The main types of grain storage facilities are warehouses with horizontal or inclined fields and elevators. The main advantage of elevators is the high mechanization of work with grain masses, the main disadvantage is that they can only store dry grain with good flowability.

In the practice of grain storage, three main modes are used: dry storage; refrigerated storage and storage without air access, i.e. in sealed conditions. Basically, the first two modes are used for grain storage.

The dry storage mode is based on the fact that in grain with humidity up to critical (in dry grain) physiological processes (respiration) proceed very slowly. The absence of free water in the grain does not allow microorganisms to develop. Such grain is in a state of anabiosis (reduced vital activity) and can be stored in storage without changing quality for several years. Dry storage mode is the most suitable for long-term grain storage.

The refrigerated storage mode is based on the sensitivity of all living components of the grain mass to low temperatures. The vital activity of grain, microorganisms and pests (insects and mites) at low temperatures sharply decreases or stops altogether. The cooled grain mass maintains a low temperature for a long time due to low thermal conductivity. You can lower the temperature of the grain mass without waiting for cold weather, but use lower outside air temperatures at night.

Cooling even dry grain provides an additional guarantee of the safety of the grain mass. It is especially important to quickly cool raw and wet grain if it is not possible to dry it in a short time. For such grain, cooling is the only method of preserving the grain from spoilage. Moreover, the lower the temperature of the grain mass, the better it is stored. Grain with a temperature from 0 to +10 °C is considered cooled to the 1st degree, and 2nd degree with a temperature below 0 °C. However, significant cooling of the grain mass (up to 20º C or more) affects the technological advantages of the grain. And the seed grain, when significantly cooled (below 8 °C), loses its viability. Moreover, the higher the moisture content of the grain, the more negative temperatures affect it. Dry grain can be cooled to low temperatures without fear of deterioration in its quality.

Cooling of grain masses is carried out using units for active ventilation forced air blowing of the grain mass without moving it. Air is pumped in large quantities into the grain mass using fans through special channels and pipes. Active ventilation is based on the porosity of the grain mass. Using forced atmospheric air, you can cool the grain mass and thereby preserve it.

Due to the fact that all living components of the grain mass require oxygen from the air, a decrease in the oxygen content in the intergrain space leads to its conservation: the intensity of grain respiration slows down, it switches to an anaerobic type of respiration and reduces its vital activity. The vital activity of microorganisms almost completely stops; mites and insects also stop developing in an oxygen-free environment.

It has been established that when storing grain masses with humidity up to critical in an oxygen-free environment, all the qualities of such grain are preserved. However, storing wet and raw grain in an oxygen-free environment leads to some change in the quality of the grain. Seed grains cannot be stored without access to air, because... When stored in an oxygen-free environment, grain germination decreases. Therefore, only feed grain can be stored without air access.

An oxygen-free environment can be created by: natural accumulation of carbon dioxide and loss of oxygen as a result of grain respiration; introducing various gases into the grain mass, displacing air from the intergrain spaces; creating a vacuum in the grain mass.

During the entire storage period, systematic monitoring of grain masses is necessary. This follows from the variety of physiological and physical phenomena observed in grain masses. Well-organized monitoring of stored grain masses and skillful correct analysis of the obtained observation data make it possible to timely prevent all undesirable phenomena and, at minimal cost, bring the grain mass to the state of canning or sell it without loss (A.I. Voiskovoy, A.E. Zubov, O. A. Gurskaya, 2008).

Observation is organized for each batch of grain.

The indicators by which systematic observation can accurately determine the condition of the grain mass include its temperature and humidity, impurity content, pest infestation status of grain stocks, freshness indicators (color and smell). In batches of seed grain, its germination and germination energy are additionally checked.

Monitoring of stored commercial grain is carried out by systematically measuring the temperature in three horizons of the grain mound - in the lower 0.5 m from the floor, in the middle and in the upper - 0.7 m from the surface of the grain mass. To do this, the surface of the embankment is conventionally divided into sections - sections of 100 m2. Three thermometers are installed on each section - in the upper, middle and lower layers. The temperature data for each layer is systematically recorded on a stack label that is located next to the grain lot.

The moisture condition of grain and seed batches is checked at least 2 times a month, as well as after each movement and processing. From the selected average sample, a 50 g sample is selected, which is dried in a drying cabinet to a constant weight. The methodology for this analysis, given its importance, is set out in the State Standard.

When monitoring the condition of stored batches of varietal and seed grain, be sure to check their germination capacity and germination energy at least once every two months. These indicators indicate the condition of any grain mass during storage, but are especially taken into account to characterize batches of seed grain. In this regard, the selected average sample, equipped with appropriate documentation, is sent to the seed inspection.

The observation results for all indicators are recorded in chronological order in the observation log and a stack label separately for each batch. This procedure allows you to analyze the condition of the batches, control the correct organization of their storage at the enterprise and timely take certain technological measures (cooling, disinfection, drying, cleaning, etc.).

The contamination of seeds and their organoleptic characteristics (color, smell, taste) are controlled by layers of the embankment, taking into account the temperature and humidity of the seeds.

The frequency of monitoring the temperature of commercial and seed grains during storage, as well as pest infestation, is presented in the Appendix.

Pests cause great damage during grain storage, destroying grain and grain products, reducing its quality, and are sources of heat and moisture. Grain pests include insects (beetles and butterflies), mites, as well as rodents and birds. The greatest damage to grain is caused by insects (V.B. Feidengold et al., 2007).

The vital activity of insects and mites depends on the state of the environment, primarily on the ambient temperature. The temperature at which they can exist is 10-40 °C, and the optimal temperature for the development of each type of pest is different, but is within these limits. At lower positive temperatures, cold torpor occurs, at higher temperatures - thermal depression, and then death occurs. Therefore, drying grain is accompanied by the death of insects and mites. Storing grain and grain products at low temperatures limits the development of pests in them.

When storing grain products, measures aimed at preserving them from pests are divided into: preventive and exterminatory.

Preventive measures are aimed at: compliance with the rules for acceptance, placement, storage, processing and transportation of grain products; creating conditions unfavorable for the development of pests.

Exterminatory measures aimed at exterminating insects and mites are called disinsection and are divided into two large groups: physical-mechanical and chemical disinfestation. Physical and mechanical control measures include: cleaning storage facilities and grain products, drying, cooling. During chemical disinsection and deratization (destruction of rodents), various pesticides (pesticides) are used in different states of aggregation (powders, emulsions, solutions, aerosols, vapors, gases).

Thus, grain storage is the final stage in the process of its production and is of great importance for obtaining high-quality products, and the choice of storage mode for each batch of grain, depending on its initial quality and intended purpose, is a very important technological operation.

It has been established that the storage and preparation of grain constitutes one fourth of the cost of the product. At the same time, due to difficult weather conditions in Russia, 80% of the gross grain harvest needs drying. High-quality processing (drying and cleaning) when preparing varietal seeds is extremely important.

In addition, a characteristic feature is the high energy intensity of agricultural production, 1.7-1.9 times higher than in the USA, and 3 times higher than Western Europe, the main reason for which is outdated production technologies. The introduction of capital-intensive measures: energy-saving technologies, processes, devices, equipment helps reduce the need for energy resources by 25-30% (Energy-saving and environmental technologies, 2003).

Consequently, for the rational use and further processing of grain, resource-saving technologies for storing and processing grain and seeds are necessary. For example, it is possible to introduce the use of artificial cooling of freshly harvested grain and seeds. The storage of grain batches in a chilled state is facilitated by their high thermal inertia due to low heat and temperature conductivity.

In the practice of grain storage, it is generally accepted that grain lots are in a refrigerated state if the temperature of all layers of the embankment is below 10ºС. When the temperature of the mass is below 0ºС, the grain is considered frozen. When grain is cooled below -10ºС, the batches are considered deeply frozen. Until recently, it was believed that the only economically viable source of cooling and freezing of grain was the natural air of the atmosphere during cold periods. Currently, to cool grain with great technological and economic effect, artificially cooled air is also used using refrigeration units.

The use of artificial cold, especially in the southern regions of the country, makes it possible to quickly cool batches of grain and seeds, especially perishable crops. When there is a shortage of drying capacity for batches of grain and seeds with high humidity, cooling is the most important means of ensuring safety before drying. It has been experimentally established that for long-term storage it is permissible to freeze wheat seeds with a moisture content of up to 20% at temperatures down to -18ºС. As a result of freezing, the seeds enter a state of deep (secondary) dormancy. To return frozen wheat seeds to normal activity before sowing, they need to be heated for several days at an air temperature of 20-25ºС (A.I. Izotova, 2012).

Practice shows that freezing dry seeds is most advisable. In addition, freezing is effectively used to control pests of grain stocks; artificial cold is also used here.

Ventilating stored batches with artificially cooled air allows for more efficient cooling modes regardless of weather conditions and sustainable storage.


Thus, in a complex chain of agrotechnical and technological methods aimed at obtaining and maintaining high sowing and yield qualities of grain seeds, the most important role is played by post-harvest processing. It includes a set of sequential technological operations, as a result of which many quality indicators of seeds are improved.

The release of impurities during cleaning changes the component composition of the grain mass and its physical properties. Timely drying increases the durability of seeds during storage, accelerates post-harvest ripening, increases germination energy and seed germination.

At the same time, post-harvest processing is a mandatory stage in the seed production system of grain crops; without it it is impossible to obtain seed material that meets the requirements of the standard.


  1. Atanazevich V.I. Drying grain / V.I. Atanazevich. M.: DeLi print, 2007. 480 p.
  2. Butkovsky V.A. Technology of grain processing production / V.A. Butkovsky, A.I. Merko, E.M. Melnikov. M.: Integraf-service, 2005. - 472 p.
  3. Voblikov E.M. Post-harvest processing and grain storage / E.M. Voblikov. Rostov n/d.: MarT, 2001. 240 p.
  4. Voiskova A.I. Storage and quality assessment of grain and seeds: textbook / A.I. Voiskova, A.E. Zubov, O.A. Gurskaya. - Stavropol: Agrus, 2008. - 146 p.
  5. Izotova A.I. Technology of the elevator industry. Educational and practical manual / A.I. Izotov. - M.: MGUTU, 2012. - 148 p.
  6. Izotova A.I. Resource-saving technologies of grain and grain products. Educational and practical manual / A.I. Izotova, S.V. Egorova. M., MSUTU, 2012. 138 p.
  7. Larionov G.A. Workshop on the technology of grain storage, processing and standardization: textbook / G.A. Larionov, P.V. Diomidov. - Cheboksary: ​​ChGSHA, 2008. - 236 p.
  8. Lichko N.M. Technology of processing crop products / Ed. N.M. Lichko. - M.: KolosS, 2008. - 583 p.
  9. Malin N.I. Grain storage technology / N.I. Malin. - M.: KolosS, 2005. 280 p.
  10. Machikhina L.I. Scientific foundations of grain food safety (storage and processing) / L.I. Machikhina, L.V. Alekseeva, L.S. Lvov. M.: DeLi print, 2007. - 382 p.
  11. Pilipyuk V.L. Technology of grain and seed storage: textbook / V.L. Pilipyuk. - M.: University textbook, 2009. 455 p.
  1. Problems and prospects for the development of agro-industrial production: monograph / Ed. ed. L.B. Vinnichek, A.A. Galiullina. Penza: RIO PGSHA, 2014. 220 p.
  2. Tikhonov N.I. Grain storage: textbook. allowance / N.I. Tikhonov, A.M. Belyakov. Volgograd: VolGU Publishing House, 2006. 108 p.
  3. Trisvyatsky L.A. Storage and technology of agricultural products / L.A. Trisvyatsky, B.V. Lesik, V.N. Kurdina. M.: Colossus, 1991. 415 p.
  4. Trubilin E.I. Mechanization of post-harvest processing of grain and seeds. Textbook / E.I. Trubilin, N.F. Fedorenko, A.I. Tlishev. - Krasnodar, KubSAU, 2009. - 96 p.
  5. Tumanovskaya N.B. Grain storage technology: Educational and practical guide / N.B. Tumanovskaya, O.E. Shcherbakova. M.: MGUTU, 2012. −192 p.
  6. Feidengold V.B. Measures to combat losses during procurement, post-harvest processing and storage of grain at elevators and grain receiving enterprises / V.B. Feidengold et al. - M.: DeLi print, 2007. 320 p.
  7. Chepurin G.E. Harvesting and post-harvest processing of grain crops in extreme conditions of Siberia / G.E. Chepurin et al. M.: FGNU "Rosinformagrotekh", 2011. 176 p.
  8. Energy-saving and environmental technologies // Materials of the II international. scientific-practical conf. - Ulan-Ude: East Siberian State Technical University, 2003. 427 p.
  9. Yudaev N.V. Elevators, warehouses, grain dryers: textbook / N.V. Yudaev. - SPb.: GIORD, 2008. - 118.
  10. Yukish A.E. Equipment and technology of grain storage / A.E. Yukish, O.A. Ilyina. M.: DeLi print, 2009. 718 p.
  11. Yampilov S.S. Technological and technical support of resource-energy-saving processes for cleaning and sorting grain and seeds / S.S. Yampilov. - Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the All-Russian State Technical University, 2003. 262 p.


Frequency of monitoring the temperature of commercial grain during storage

Grain condition

by humidity

New harvest grain

during three months

Other grain

with temperature, °C

0 and below

0 to 10

Above 10

Dry and medium


(up to 15.5%)

Once every 5 days

Once every 15 days


(up to 17%)


One time in

15 days


in 5 days

Once every 2 days


(over 17%)


One time in

10 days


in 5 days


Frequency of monitoring the temperature of seed grains during storage

Condition of seeds by moisture content

New harvest seeds within three months

Seeds with temperature, °C

0 and below

0 to 10

Above 10


(up to 14.0%)

Once every 3 days

One time in

15 days


in 10 days

Medium dryness (14.1-15.5%)

Once every 2 days

One time in

10 days


in 5 days


(15,6-17 %)


One time in

7 days


in 5 days


Timing for checking grain and seeds for pest infestation of grain stocks


grain and seeds,%


grains and seeds, °C

Below 5

From 5 to 10

Above 10

Up to 15.0

Once every 20 days

Once every 15 days

Once every 10 days

Over 15.0

Once every 15 days

Once every 10 days

Once every 5 days

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Course project

Technology for storing buckwheat grain for food purposes

Is done by a student

Bisimbaev A.D.

buckwheat grain storage

Crops: buckwheat for food purposes;

Humidity -18.1%;

Weed impurity -8% (signs of divisibility - shape, aerodynamic properties);

Grain admixture -4%;

Accommodation - mechanized warehouse;

Grain dryer - mine;

Ventilation unit - stationary;

Storage duration - 125 days;

Weight -1900 tons.


Buckwheat is a cereal crop. Buckwheat has good taste, easy digestibility and is recommended as a dietary product. The average chemical composition of the grain is: 14% protein, 72.7% BEV, 2.8% fat, 2.1% ash and 1.2% fiber. The average energy content in 1 ton of grain is 19.4? 103 MJ. Indicators fluctuate depending on soil and climatic conditions and individual elements of growing technology. The cereal contains about 9% complete protein, contains citric, malic and oxalic acids, and many vitamins - E, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and P (rutin). It contains significantly more amino acids, in particular lysine, than wheat; Buckwheat is superior to rice in terms of the amount of arginine. Thanks to vitamin E, buckwheat can be stored for a long time without losing its nutritional value.

Buckwheat flour is not suitable for baking, but it is suitable for baking pancakes, flatbreads and some types of cookies. In terms of feeding qualities, buckwheat straw is close to the straw of bluegrass cereals (100 kg of straw contains 30 feed units), however, an excess of buckwheat straw in the diet of animals can cause disease (hair loss in sheep and cattle). The ash of straw and husks, containing up to 35...40% potassium oxide, is used to produce potash.

Buckwheat has a short growing season, so it is cultivated in mowing and stubble crops, as well as for reseeding dead winter and early spring crops.

The area under buckwheat in the world is about 4 million hectares, including 2.4 million hectares in Europe. Small areas are available in Canada, Japan, India, China, and the USA.

In Russia, about 1.7 million hectares are sown with buckwheat. The main areas of its cultivation are the Non-Chernozem Zone, the regions of the Central Chernozem Region, the Volga-Kama forest-steppe, Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East. In the southern and southeastern regions, buckwheat is almost never sown: here it suffers from drought and dry winds.

In terms of size and stability of yields, buckwheat is inferior to all grain crops. The average buckwheat yield in the Russian Federation was 0.44 t/ha. However, buckwheat can provide yields of 2.5...3.0 t/ha or more. The question of the reasons for low buckwheat grain yields despite its high biological yield potential has long occupied scientists. We can talk about two groups of reasons that reduce crop productivity: the first is agrotechnical, the second is biological.

Agrotechnical reasons include sowing buckwheat using poor and weedy predecessors, often by spring plowing, poor weed control before sowing, insufficient mineral nutrition, untimely sowing, poor plant care, deficiency of pollinators, and large losses of grain during harvesting.

Among the biological reasons, weak graininess of plants is distinguished even with abundant flowering (10...15% of the number of flowers or less), which is associated with the death of most of the generative organs at all phases of development both before and after fertilization of flowers due to insufficient influx to them plastic substances. This is due to the fact that in buckwheat the growth of vegetative organs continues simultaneously with the development of reproductive organs and is not completed even by harvesting. In addition, the leaf area per flower, even at the moment of the highest foliage of plants, in buckwheat is 1.5...3.0 times less than in spring wheat.

1.Literature review

1.1 Features of plant raw materials

Composition of grain mass and characteristics of its components.

Lots of grain stored in mounds are usually called grain masses. The term “grain mass” should be understood as technical, acceptable for grain or seeds of crops of any family or genus used for various needs.

Any grain mass consists of: 1) grains (seeds) of the main crop, which constitute the basis of any grain mass, both in volume and quantity; 2) impurities; 3) microorganisms.

The varied configuration of grains and impurities, their different sizes lead to the fact that when they are placed in containers, voids (holes) filled with air are formed. It has a significant impact on all components of the grain mass, changes itself and can differ significantly in composition, temperature and even pressure from ordinary atmospheric air. In this regard, the air in the intergranular spaces is also classified as a component of the grain mass.

In addition to these permanent components, some batches of grain may contain insects and mites. Since the grain mass serves as an environment for them in which they exist and influence its condition, they are considered the fifth additional and extremely undesirable component of the grain mass.

Huge losses of stored grain products occur due to the proliferation of many insects and partly mites in them. The study of the properties of grain mass showed that by their nature they can be divided into two groups: physical and physiological. Many of the properties of each group are interconnected, and only taking into account these connections can the storage of grain masses be most rationally organized.

Physical properties of grain mass.

For storage practice, the following physical properties of the grain mass are of interest: flowability and self-sorting, porosity, ability to sorption and desorption of various vapors and gases (sorption capacity) and heat transfer properties (thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, thermal and moisture conductivity and heat capacity).

Flowability. The grain mass quite easily fills a container of any configuration and, under certain conditions, can flow out of it. The greater mobility of the grain mass - its flowability - is explained by the fact that it basically consists of individual small solid particles - grains of the main crop and various impurities. Good flowability of grain masses is of great practical importance. By correctly using this property and using the necessary devices and mechanisms, you can completely avoid the cost of manual physical labor. Thus, grain masses can be easily moved using elevators, conveyors and pneumatic transport installations, loaded into vehicles of various sizes and shapes (cars, wagons, ships) and storage facilities (bins, warehouses, trenches, elevator silos). Finally, they can move by gravity.

The degree to which the storage facility is filled with grain mass depends on the flowability: the greater it is, the easier and better the container is filled. Flowability is also taken into account in statistical calculations of the storage facility (pressure of the grain mass on the floor, walls and other structures).

The flowability of the grain mass is characterized by the angle of friction or the angle of repose. Friction angle is the smallest angle at which the grain mass begins to slide on any surface. When grain slides over grain, it is called the angle of repose, or slope angle.

The flowability of the grain mass depends on the shape, size, nature and condition of the surface of the grain, its moisture content, the amount of impurities and their species composition, the material, shape and condition of the surface along which the grain mass is moved by gravity.

The greatest flowability is possessed by masses consisting of spherical seeds (peas, millet, lupine). The more the shape of the grains deviates from spherical and the rougher their surface, the less flowability. Impurities found in the grain mass, as a rule, reduce its flowability. With a high content of light impurities (straw, chaff and other impurities of this kind), as well as with a significant content of weed seeds with a tenacious and rough surface, the flowability can be almost lost. It is not recommended to load such grain mass without preliminary cleaning into storage facilities designed for the release of grain mass by gravity.

As the moisture content of the grain mass increases, its flowability also decreases significantly. This phenomenon is typical for all grain masses, but for spherical legume seeds it is less pronounced.

Self-sorting. The content of solid particles in the grain mass, varying in size and density, disrupts its homogeneity during movement. This property of the grain mass, which also manifests itself as a consequence of its flowability, is called self-sorting. Thus, when transporting grain in cars or wagons, moving along conveyor belts, as a result of pushing and shaking, light impurities, seeds in flower films, puny grains, etc. move to the surface of the embankment, and heavy ones go to its lower part.

Self-sorting is also observed in the process of loading grain mass into storage. In this case, self-sorting is facilitated by windage - the resistance provided by the air to the movement of each individual particle. Large, heavy grains and impurities with less windage fall vertically and quickly reach the base of the storage facility or the surface of the resulting mound. Frail, small grains and impurities with large windage sink more slowly; they are thrown by vortex air movements towards the walls of the storage facility or roll down along the surface of the cone formed by the grain mass.

Self-sorting is a negative phenomenon, since in this case, areas are formed in the grain mass that are heterogeneous in physiological activity, porosity, etc. The accumulation of light impurities and dust creates more prerequisites for the occurrence of the self-heating process. In connection with self-sorting, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for taking primary samples to compile an average sample.

Porosity. When characterizing the grain mass, it was already noted that it contains intergranular spaces - wells filled with air. Wells make up a significant part of the volume of the grain mound and have a significant impact on its other physical properties and the physiological processes occurring in it.

Thus, the air circulating through the wells promotes the transfer of heat and the movement of water vapor by convection. The significant gas permeability of grain masses makes it possible to use this property to blow air through them (with active ventilation) or introduce vapors of various chemicals into them for disinfection (disinsection). The supply of air, and therefore oxygen, creates normal gas exchange for its living components in the grain mass for some period (sometimes very long).

The amount of porosity of the grain mass depends mainly on factors affecting the nature of the grain. Thus, with increasing humidity, the flowability and, consequently, the packing density decreases. Large impurities usually increase the porosity, while small ones are easily located in the intergranular spaces and reduce it. Grain masses containing large and small grains have less porosity. Aligned grains, as well as rough or wrinkled grains, are packed less tightly.

Due to self-sorting, the porosity in different parts of the grain mass may not be the same, which leads to uneven distribution of air in its individual parts. When the height of the embankment of grain masses is high, they become compacted and the porosity decreases. Knowing the volume occupied by the grain mass and its porosity, it is easy to determine the volume of air in the wells. This amount of air during active ventilation is taken as one exchange.

Sorption properties. Grain and seeds of all crops and grain masses in general are good sorbents. They are capable of absorbing vapors of various substances and gases from the environment. Under certain conditions, the reverse process is observed - the release (desorption) of these substances into the environment.

The vital functions of grain affect the nature of sorption processes and the pattern of moisture distribution.

They are no less important in the practice of storing, processing and transporting grain. Thus, rational modes of drying or active ventilation of grain masses can be implemented only taking into account their sorption properties. Changes in humidity and weight of stored or transported grain batches also most often occur due to sorption or desorption of water vapor. The latter not only has technological significance, but is also associated with the financial responsibility of people (warehouse managers, storekeepers, etc.) who store large amounts of grain. In this regard, in the practice of storing grain masses and working with them, it is very important to have an understanding of moisture exchange processes.

Equilibrium humidity. Moisture exchange between the grain mass and the air in contact with it is continuous to one degree or another. Depending on the parameters of the air (its humidity and temperature) and the state of the grain mass, moisture exchange occurs in two opposite directions: 1) transfer of moisture from the grain to the air; this phenomenon (desorption) is observed when the partial pressure of water vapor at the surface of the grain is greater than the partial pressure of water vapor in the air; 2) grain moistening due to absorption (sorption) of moisture from the surrounding air; this process occurs if the partial pressure of water vapor at the surface of the grain is less than the partial pressure of water vapor in the air.

Moisture exchange between air and grain stops if the partial pressure of water vapor in the air and above the grain is the same. In this case, a state of dynamic equilibrium occurs. The grain moisture content corresponding to this state is called equilibrium.

The equilibrium moisture content of grain and seeds also depends on air temperature. It must also be borne in mind that the equilibrium moisture content of individual grains or seeds in the grain mass is not the same due to differences in their size, execution, etc. Even individual anatomical parts of the grain or seed are characterized by unequal moisture content. The embryo of all cereals has a higher moisture content than the endosperm, etc.

Thermophysical characteristics. An idea of ​​them is necessary for the understanding of heat exchange phenomena occurring in the grain mass, which must be taken into account during storage, drying and active ventilation.

Heat capacity. The specific heat capacity of absolutely dry grain matter is approximately 1.51 - 1.55 kJ/(kg °C). As grain moisture increases, its specific heat capacity also increases. Heat capacity is taken into account when thermally drying grain, since heat consumption depends on the initial moisture content of the grain.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity grain mass is in the range of 0.42--0.84 kJ/(m. h. °C). The low thermal conductivity of the grain mass is due to its organic composition and the presence of air, the thermal conductivity coefficient of which is only 0.084 kJ/(m.h. °C). With increasing moisture content of the grain mass, its thermal conductivity increases (the thermal conductivity coefficient of water is 2.1 kJ/(m.h. °C), but still remains relatively low. Poor thermal conductivity of grain masses, as well as low temperature conductivity, plays a role during storage both positive and negative ative role.

Thermal diffusivity coefficient and characterizes the rate of temperature change in the material, its thermal inertial properties.

The rate of heating or cooling of the grain mass is determined by the value of the thermal diffusivity coefficient.

The grain mass is characterized by a very low coefficient of thermal diffusivity, i.e., it has high thermal inertia. The positive value of the low coefficient of thermal diffusivity of grain masses is that with a properly organized regime (timely cooling), a low temperature is maintained in the grain mass even in the warm season. Thus, it seems possible to preserve the grain mass by cold.

The negative role of low thermal diffusivity is that, under favorable conditions for active physiological processes (the vital activity of grain, microorganisms, mites and insects), the generated heat can be retained in the grain mass and lead to an increase in its temperature, i.e. self-heating.

It must be borne in mind that the rate of temperature change in the grain mass will depend on the method of grain storage and the type of granaries. When stored in warehouses where the height of the grain mass is small, it is more accessible to atmospheric air. The temperature here changes much faster than in elevator silos. In them, the grain mass is less exposed to atmospheric air, since it is largely protected from it by the walls of the silos, which have poor thermal conductivity.

Thermal and moisture conductivity. The study of the occurrence and development of the self-heating process showed that moisture in the grain mass moves along with the heat flow. This phenomenon of moisture migration in the grain mass, caused by a temperature gradient, is called thermal and moisture conductivity.

The practical significance of this phenomenon is enormous. In grain masses that have poor thermal conductivity in certain areas, especially peripheral ones (the surface of the embankment, parts of the embankment adjacent to the walls or floor of the storage facility), temperature changes occur, leading to the migration of moisture (mainly in the form of steam) in the direction of the heat flow .

As a result, the humidity of one or another peripheral layer of the grain mass increases with the formation of condensation moisture on the surface of the grains.

Numerous experiments have shown that the phenomenon of thermal and moisture conductivity is observed in grain mass with any moisture content.

1.2 The influence of soil and climatic conditions and agrotechnical practices on the quality and preservation of crop products

Almost all components of the grain mass are a living organism and, under certain conditions, they can affect the quality of the grain.

The quality of grain, as well as its physical and physiological properties, is influenced by: grain variety, development conditions and plant formation, harvesting conditions, storage conditions.

Each variety has different consumer qualities and has only its own technological advantages. Grain and row crops differ greatly from each other. Therefore, grain batches must be formed and placed taking into account not only species characteristics, but also varietal characteristics.

The conditions for the development and formation of plants significantly affect the yield and the quality of grain. If there was enough light and heat during the formation and development of plants, then the grain will be fulfilled and the yield will be high. Early autumn frosts greatly affect the quality of grain; in this case, the grain is frost-breaking with poor technological and nutritional qualities. Rain during the harvesting period leads to moisture in the grain. Wet and raw grain can spoil in a few days and lose its natural characteristics. If standing grain is damaged by ear pests, its baking qualities deteriorate sharply.

Drought has a very detrimental effect on the quality of grain and its yield. The grain will be puny and small. If the grain is obtained from a weedy field, then a lot of time and money is spent on separating the impurities, and if the grain mass contains a harmful impurity, then specific cleaning of such grain is necessary. It must be placed separately.

Harvesting conditions significantly affect grain quality. If the grain is harvested in dry weather, then there are not many problems with it. With separate harvesting, there is significantly less loss due to the elimination of grain shedding, the grain is cleaner and drier. But if the work is not organized correctly, separate cleaning sometimes causes irreparable damage.

Storage conditions significantly affect the safety and quality of grain. If work with grain is not organized correctly, you can become infected with grain pests remaining at the threshing floor or in the grain warehouse from last year. You can moisten the grain with autumn precipitation, the grain germinates, and the process of self-warming begins. As a result, the grain can at best be used for alcohol.

Summarizing this material, it is clear that grain of various qualities and purposes can be stored. Correctly determine its quality, prescribe and carry out effective post-harvest processing, establish storage modes, form batches of grain for their intended purpose - this is the main task of technologists.

1.3 Characteristics of methods for storing buckwheat grain

Both temporary and long-term storage of grain masses must be organized in such a way that there are no losses in mass and, especially, losses in quality.

The main way to store grain masses is to store them in bulk. The advantages of this method are the following: the area is used much more fully; there are more opportunities for mechanized movement of grain masses; pest control of grain products is facilitated; it is more convenient to organize observation according to all accepted indicators; There are no additional costs for packaging and transferring products.

Storage in containers is used only for some batches of seed.

Bulk storage can be on the floor or in closets (bins and containers, silos).

In the system of the bakery products industry, two main methods of placing grain in storage are accepted: floor and in silos.

During floor storage, grain is placed in bulk or in containers on the warehouse floor at a low height, but during such storage the grain mass comes into contact with the outside air. In this case, when ventilating warehouses, air can partially take away heat and moisture from the grain. This makes it possible to preserve grain with high humidity for some time, placing it in a warehouse in a thin layer (no more than 1 m) without ventilation.

But granaries with a floor storage method have a significant drawback - a low utilization rate of the building volume and, therefore, an increased cost.

Granaries designed for long-term storage of grain are of two types: warehouses and elevators.

The capacity of granaries must be sufficient so that, under normal conditions, they can accommodate all the grain purchased by the state, as well as carryover residues from the harvest of previous years and state resources.

Granaries must isolate the grain mass from groundwater and precipitation, as well as from humid and warm air. There are two main requirements for the walls of granaries: low thermal conductivity and good hygroscopicity of the inner surface. With high thermal conductivity, walls cannot protect grain from external fluctuations in air temperature. With a sharp decrease in air temperature, condensation of water vapor is possible on the inner surface of the granary walls. Therefore, good hygroscopicity of the inner surface of the walls protects the grain from moisture, which is absorbed by the walls and not by the grain.

During storage, grain must be protected from pests of grain stocks. The granary must have no cracks or depressions. The design of the granary should facilitate grain disinfection work. To do this, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of active ventilation of grain and aeration of grain and granaries, the walls of which must be gas-tight.

In granaries, all operations should be mechanized as much as possible. To bring grain to a storage-resistant state, granaries must be equipped with grain cleaning equipment. The composition and performance of this equipment must correspond to the quality of the incoming grain. For weight control of grain, scales are installed. To ensure quantitative and qualitative preservation of grain, granaries must be structurally reliable. They must withstand the pressure of the grain mass on the walls and bottoms without dangerous deformations, resist wind pressure and the destructive effects of the atmosphere, be durable, fire- and explosion-proof.

Due to the significant release of dust during grain mixing, granaries must be safe for operating personnel and have a sufficient number of aspiration units to ensure normal sanitary and hygienic working conditions.

The design and arrangement of the granary must meet the requirements of the minimum cost of construction, the minimum need for building materials, and operating costs must be minimal.

Granaries must be equipped with a power plant of sufficient power.

For grain storage, warehouses of various types and sizes are widely used, the total capacity of which is 60% of the total

In warehouses, grain is stored in bulk; the floors are horizontally flat, but there are also sloping floors.

The height of the grain embankment near the walls of warehouses, taking into account their strength, nature and quality of grain, is allowed within 2.5...4.5 m, in the middle part - 4.5...7 m

The most common are grain warehouses with a capacity of 3200 tons with walls made of local materials. (type DM-61). The size of the warehouse in plan is 20 x 60 m, the height at the ridge is 8.5 m, the height of the walls is 3.2 m. The walls are brick, on a strip rubble foundation laid on a sand cushion. The floors of the warehouses are asphalt with crushed stone preparation, which reliably isolates the grain stored in the warehouse from groundwater and protects the warehouses from rodents.

The capacity of warehouses V about is expressed by the mass of grain that can be placed in them at the maximum permissible load (B.E. Melnik, 1996).

Storage facilities are a place where grain is stored without reducing quality during a given storage period. Therefore, a storage mode is established. Regime parameters include seed moisture, temperature, relative air humidity, specific air supply for aeration, frequency and duration of aeration. To prevent increased vital activity of the seed embryo, as well as the development of insects, mites and other pests, the temperature of the grain during storage should not exceed 10-150C. The relative air humidity in the storage should not exceed 70%, since otherwise some moisture in the seeds is possible, and most importantly - conditions favorable for the active life of insects are created. Elevated temperatures and humidity can cause grain spoilage. Dry grain is highly stable during storage, does not reduce its sowing qualities, neither fungi nor bacteria develop on them, and the grain is in physiological balance, which makes it possible to ensure the safety of the grain without losing its sowing and food qualities.

The development of granary pests, especially mites, in stored grain affects the taste and smell of the grain. With a small amount of them, the grain mass acquires a pleasant honey smell; further reproduction and vital activity of mites lead to the formation of the smell of rotten eggs (hydrogen sulfide).

Thus, any grain mass during its storage and processing should be considered primarily as a complex of living organisms. Each group of these organisms or individual representatives, under certain conditions, can exhibit vital activity to one degree or another and, therefore, influence the condition and quality of the stored grain mass.

Microorganisms are a constant and essential component of the grain mass. In 1 g it is usually found in tens and hundreds of thousands, and sometimes millions of representatives of the microbiological world. The microflora of grain mass consists of saprophytic (including epiphytic), phytopathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms for animals and humans. The overwhelming majority of microflora are saprophytes and among them are epiphytic bacteria.

In freshly harvested grain mass, when properly harvested, the number of bacteria reaches 96-99% of the total microflora. The rest is yeast, molds and actinomycetes. The porous structure of the shells of fruits and seeds allows microbes to penetrate into different layers of integumentary tissues and the embryo. This is especially true for cereal grains, sunflower seeds and vegetable seeds from the Apiaceae family. Thus, subepidermal microflora appears in the seeds. Its accumulation during seed ripening is facilitated by high air humidity and significant precipitation, and during grain storage by high humidity.

2. Proposed storage technology

2.1 Requirements of regulatory documents (GOST) for the quality of harvested crop products intended for storage or processing

The standards for grains, legumes and oilseeds establish basic quality standards for moisture, contamination, contamination and freshness. Grain that meets basic standards must be in healthy condition, have the color and smell characteristic of normal grain (without musty, malty, moldy and other foreign odors). The same contamination requirements are established for all crops. According to basic standards, pest infestation of grain stocks is not allowed.

The standards for grain crops, approved in 1990, introduced a single basic moisture content (regardless of the growing zone). It corresponds to the maximum permissible moisture content of grain, ensuring its preservation for up to one year.


For the purpose of rational use of resources, GOST 19092-92 was introduced with a commodity classification of buckwheat, based on differentiation of grain quality and its intended use. Table 1 shows the main indicators and their quality standards that form the basis for the commercial classification of buckwheat.

According to GOST 19092-92, the harvested and supplied buckwheat is divided into three classes. The harvested buckwheat of the most valuable varieties must meet the requirements of the first two classes.

In the standard, quality standards are established taking into account the requirements for producing first-class buckwheat from first-class buckwheat. It can be used to produce baby food products. Accordingly, the second class is used for second-grade buckwheat, and the third class is for third-grade buckwheat.

Buckwheat that does not meet the quality requirements of GOST is considered non-standard. It is impossible to produce even a third grade of cereal from such grain. If such buckwheat cannot be processed and brought to cereal quality, it is advisable to use it for feed purposes.

Table 1

Ogre buckwheat standards according to GOST 19092-92


Buckwheat prepared

Buckwheat supplied


Weed impurity, % not painful.


harmful impurity

spoiled grain

difficult to separate impurity,

Grain impurity, % no more


hulled grains

sprouted grains

Acidity, hail is not painful.

In the new standard, quality norms are established taking into account the requirements for producing first-class buckwheat from first-class buckwheat. It can be used to produce baby food products. Accordingly, the second class goes to second-grade buckwheat, the third class goes to third-grade buckwheat. Buckwheat that does not meet GOST requirements in terms of quality is considered non-standard. It is impossible to produce even a third grade of cereal from such grain. If such buckwheat cannot be processed and brought to cereal quality, it is advisable to use it for feed purposes.

2.2 Preliminary placement of crop products

Granaries must meet special requirements that take into account the physical and physiological characteristics of the grain mass. These requirements include:

- the granary must be durable;

- complete waterproofing, preventing moisture from penetrating into the granary;

-good thermal insulation of walls and roofs, allowing to smooth out sudden temperature changes;

-the design of granaries should allow mechanization of work with grain;

-sufficient sealing of the storage facility, allowing pest control of grain stocks;

-possibility of ventilation of grain masses.

Grain warehouses are the most common in Russia. Grain warehouses are structures for storing grain in bulk. Grain warehouses can be mechanized, semi-mechanized and non-mechanized. This type of storage facility is characterized by the fact that it can be quickly and easily built from local materials, but it is inconvenient and expensive to operate, since it is difficult to completely mechanize work with grain in it. The grain warehouse consists of walls, roof, floor, windows.

The walls are built from brick, rubble stone, and precast reinforced concrete (Fig. 1).

They must be durable and designed to withstand horizontal loads.

Figure 1. Section of the grain warehouse wall.

1. Wall. 2. Buttress. 3 Tooth 4. Rubble foundation.

Due to the fact that the pressure of the grain on the wall depends on the height of the embankment, the thickness of the wall varies in height. To strengthen the wall, buttress 2 is built after 3 m.

The foundation, as a rule, is built of rubble stone on a sand cushion. To prevent the wall from moving along the foundation, a “tooth” is made in the latter.

Gates 2.2 m wide and 2.6 m high are placed along the length of the warehouse. Before filling the warehouse with grain, the gate openings are closed with embedded boards.

The walls of the grain warehouse have windows 600 mm high and 1400 mm long. Windows are placed above the maximum height of the grain mound. The windows are protected with wire mesh to prevent glass from getting into the grain.

The floors in the grain warehouse are made of asphalt. Concrete floors are destroyed more quickly by the wheels of mobile mechanization and cement dust will be present in the grain. The roof of a grain warehouse must be waterproof, lightweight, durable, and fire-resistant. The roof frame is made of wood treated with fire-resistant impregnation or precast concrete. Asbestos slate and roofing steel are used as roofing. Figure 2 shows a cross-section of a grain warehouse with a capacity of 3.2 thousand tons.

Rice. 2. Granary

1. Upper gallery. 2. Roof. 3. Window. 4. Pyramid lattice. 5. Funnel. 6. Lower gallery.

The mechanized grain warehouse has an upper conveyor with a dump cart and a lower conveyor. With the help of an upper conveyor and a dump cart, the grain warehouse is loaded with grain. The grain warehouse is unloaded by the conveyor of the lower gallery 6. The grain enters the conveyor through 5 funnels located along the central axis of the warehouse. A pyramidal grid 4 is mounted above each funnel so that when releasing grain into the funnel, a person does not get sucked in.

A semi-mechanized warehouse, as a rule, has only an upper gallery conveyor. Such a grain warehouse may also have a lower non-passable gallery where a chain conveyor is mounted. This option was used in the construction of grain warehouses in places with high groundwater levels.

Grain warehouses are characterized by an increased level of costs when working with grain, since even in a mechanized grain warehouse up to 30% of the grain has to be moved using mobile conveyors, self-feeders, and KShP-type grain loaders.

The warehouse size in plan is 20 x 60 m, height (at the ridge) 8.5 m, wall height 3.2 m. The walls are brick, erected on a strip rubble foundation laid on a sand bed. To give the walls the necessary stability and strength, special projections - buttresses - are provided.

A protrusion is laid out along the upper part of the brick foundation: to waterproof the walls, two layers of roofing felt on bitumen mastic are laid at the point where they adjoin the foundation, and then the walls are erected. The protrusion is made to prevent the wall from moving in relation to the foundation under the pressure of the grain mound in the warehouse. In the upper part of the walls, above the level of the grain mound, there are window openings into which wooden frames filled with reinforced glass are installed. To prevent rain and melt water from penetrating the foundation, asphalt blind areas with a width of 1 to 3 m, depending on the soil, are installed around the warehouse. The floors of the warehouses are asphalt with crushed stone preparation, which reliably isolates the grain stored in the warehouse from groundwater and protects the warehouses from rodents. When installing an asphalt floor, the top plant layer of soil is removed to a depth of 20 cm and replaced with soil that does not contain organic matter. The bedding is leveled and compacted well. A gravel, crushed stone or slag cushion 15...20 cm thick is poured onto this layer, rolled with a heavy road roller and watered with liquid lime mortar, which not only binds the embankment particles, but also serves as a disinfestation agent. Hot refractory asphalt is laid on the prepared surface in a layer of 3.5...5 cm, which is immediately rolled. The load-bearing part of the roof consists of wooden trusses and supports (columns). To install the upper conveyor in the warehouse, an opening is provided in the middle part of the farm. The roof is covered with slate, which is laid over a roofing felt pad on a sheathing of boards. The doors are located in the longitudinal walls of warehouses at a distance of 12...18 m. The width of the doorways is 2.2, the height is 2.5 m, which ensures free passage of self-propelled grain loaders and mobile mechanisms. Almost all warehouses are mechanized. The upper and lower belt conveyors are installed, tying them to drying and cleaning and receiving and cleaning towers and to grain dryers, the lower conveyors are installed in the lower galleries. The walk-through underground gallery in a typical warehouse is usually made of precast reinforced concrete or brick (for one conveyor); To release grain onto the conveyor, metal funnels are installed in the gallery ceiling. The height of the gallery is 2.1...2.2, the width is 1.85...1.9 m. The height of the embankment in the warehouse near the walls is 2.5, in the middle 5 m. Warehouses are equipped with upper and lower walk-through galleries in which belt conveyors are installed. The warehouses provide comprehensive mechanization of loading and unloading operations, since they are filled using stationary mechanization and the grain is released by gravity.

During the construction and operation of warehouses, it is necessary to strictly comply with fire safety requirements and labor protection rules. Millet grain is preliminarily placed in a grain warehouse before it is processed. When calculating the area of ​​a warehouse with a capacity of 3200 tons, the following data are used: length 60 m, width 20 m. The height of the embankment is 2 m, and it consists only of a rectangular component since we are leveling the embankment so that the aeration of the grain mass is uniform. Let us determine the cross-sectional area of ​​the rectangular component using the formula:


where: B - warehouse width,

h is the height of the embankment.

S straight=20*2=40m2.

Let's find the volume of a warehouse 1 m long: V=40*1=40m3.

Knowing the volumetric mass of grain, we determine the mass of grain in a warehouse 1 m long using the formula:


where: p - volumetric mass of millet grain.


Knowing the mass of grain M required for placement in a warehouse, it is possible to determine the length of the warehouse required to accommodate the entire grain mound



Now we find how many warehouses we need to place 1900 tons of millet grain in a warehouse 60 m long. 79.2:60=1.3 warehouses

Thus, to store millet grain weighing 1900 tons, 1.3 warehouses will be required.

2.3 Post-harvest processing of products

The nature of post-harvest processing necessary to create an established storage of a batch of crop products depends mainly on the condition, quality and intended purpose of the harvested products.

Post-harvest processing of grain masses includes cleaning the grain from impurities, drying, and active ventilation. Post-harvest processing includes cooling and various types of preservation of grain masses.

2.3.1 Grain cleaning

The incoming grain has a high percentage of impurities, so it is necessary to pre-clean the heap. To do this, we use the ZAV-20 grain cleaning unit (Fig. 3).

Fig.3 Technological diagram of ZAV-20

1. Truck unloader, 2. Elevator, 3. Grain cleaning machine, 4. Auger,

5.Trier block

The ZAV-20 set includes: a car lift, a block of three bins with partitions, two ZAV-10.30000 grain cleaning machines, two ZAV-10.90000 grader units, elevators, a control panel, a set of grain lines and air ducts. The basic technological scheme includes the following operations: unloading grain into a dam pit, lifting it with a bucket elevator and then feeding it by gravity to a grain cleaning machine (air-sieve), moving the cleaned grain by a chain-scraper conveyor to the trier block and, after passing through the trier, into the bin for cleaned grain .

On an air-sieve machine, light impurities are separated by an air flow, and on sieves, the grain heap is divided into three fractions: purified grain, feed grain and grain waste. If there is no need, the trier unit can be disabled. When a heap of grain is fed to an air-sieve machine, the excess goes into the reserve bunker, which ensures uniform loading of the machines.

The ZAV-20 unit is installed on currents with a supply of up to 5-6 thousand tons of grain. At the same time, it can process a grain heap of only one crop.

Sieve hole sizes for buckwheat.

Top (with round holes) 5.0…6.5

(with oblong holes) 3.0…4.0

Bottom (with round holes) 2.5…5.5

(with oblong holes) ---

Dimensions of the cells of trier cylinders used in grain cleaning.

To isolate short impurities 3.2…4.0

For isolating long impurities 5.0…8.0

Next, we carry out primary cleaning to achieve cleanliness in accordance with GOST. Primary cleaning is carried out on a ZSM-50 separator.

Separator ZSM-50

The separator (Fig. 4.) consists of a frame on which two sieve bodies PC1, PC2 are mounted, two aspiration channels A1 and A2, two sedimentary chambers with augers, a receiving device 1 with a distribution auger. The sieve bodies are suspended from the frame on flat steel plates, each body has a sorting and underseeding sieve. The sieves are cleaned by brushes driven by an inertial mechanism. Each body (sieve mill) during operation performs a rectilinear reciprocating movement using an eccentric mechanism.

Grain cleaning is carried out according to the following technological scheme. The grain enters the separator into the receiving chamber 1 and is evenly distributed by the auger 2 across the entire width of the separator. After auger 2, the grain enters the first aspiration system A1. Here, light impurities are separated by an air flow and carried into the first sedimentary chamber 4 and removed from the separator by a screw 6. After the first aspiration system, the grain enters the receiving sieve 3, from which large impurities flow out, and grain passes through.

Rice. 4. Technological diagram of the separator ZSM-50 A1 - the first aspiration system. A2 is the second aspiration system. PR - receiving sieve. rs1 - first sieve mill. rs2-second sieve station.1. Receiving device. 2. Distribution screw. 3. Receiving sieve. 4., 5. Sedimentation chamber. 6., 7. Auger.

Then the grain is evenly distributed into two streams, each of which is sent to the sieve mills RS1 and RS2, where on the sorting sieve of the upper and lower body, the larger grain impurity flows off, and the main grain passes through, which then goes to the underseeding sieve. Cleaned grain flows from the sowing sieves and enters the aspiration channels A2, where it is blown with air. Light impurities are carried into the sediment chamber 5 and removed from the separator by auger 7. The cleaned grain leaves the aspiration channel A2 under the influence of gravity. Small impurities are separated by passing through an underseeding sieve.

Buckwheat is characterized by the following indicators of physical and mechanical properties of grain:

soaring speed, m/s 2.5…9.5

length, mm 4.4…8.0

width, mm 3.0…5.2

thickness, mm 2.0…4.2

density, g/cm2 1.2…1.3

The sizes of sieves for cleaning buckwheat grain on ZSM-50 will be as follows:

- upper (through): with round holes 5.0…6.5mm

with oblong holes 3.0…4.0mm

- lower (underseeding): with round holes 2.5…5.5 mm with oblong holes

The mass of the heap after preliminary cleaning (M1) is calculated using the formula:


M is the initial mass of the heap before cleaning;


From the calculation it is clear that if the weed impurity is reduced from 8% to 6%, the mass of the heap after cleaning will be 1859.6 tons.

The weight of grain after primary cleaning is calculated using the formula


M1 is the initial mass of the heap received for this operation, t;

a - amount of impurity before cleaning, %

b - amount of impurities after cleaning, %

c - amount of grain impurity before cleaning, %

g - amount of grain impurity after cleaning, %


The weight of grain after primary cleaning was 1802.1 tons.

2.3.2 Active grain aeration

The SVU-2 installation (Fig. 5) consists of several pairwise connected channels (sections) in the warehouse floor. The channels are covered with shields. The channels run across the entire width of the grain warehouse. The grain warehouse with a capacity of 3.2 thousand tons contains 10 sections or 20 channels.

Fig.5. Layout of stationary installations in a warehouse with a capacity of 3.2 thousand tons: SVU-2.

The length of the channel is 19000 mm, the width at the top is 900 mm and at the bottom is 400 mm. The depth of the channel at the beginning is 500 mm and at the end 70 mm. The pitch between channels is 3100 mm.

The SVU-2 installation is designed for a grain warehouse with a lower gallery. Unlike SVU-1, the main channels are made on both sides of the grain warehouse, have twice as many fans, therefore the specific air supply in the SVU-2 installation is greater than in SVU-1.

The SVU-1 and SVU-2 units are serviced by VM-200 and SVM-5 fans.

2.3.3 Drying grain

Drying is a complex technological process that should ensure not only the preservation of the quality of the material, but also the improvement of certain indicators. The drying process consists of converting the moisture present in the material into a vapor state and removing this vapor into the environment.

Grain dryer SZSH-16

The grain dryer SZSh-16 is designed and manufactured for agricultural enterprises and is used in combination with grain cleaning complexes of the ZAV-20 type, mounted on the currents of former collective and state farms.

The grain dryer consists of two shafts with boxes. Each shaft contains 14 rows of boxes, 8 pieces per row. Shaft height 6400 mm, length 2030 mm, width 1000 mm. The shafts are placed parallel to each other, with a distribution chamber located between the shafts. An overhead bunker is mounted above each shaft, excess grain from which is directed through a gravity pipe into raw grain elevators. Exhaust devices of combined action are mounted under the shafts, i.e., the device makes both continuous movement with an oscillation amplitude of 4-20 mm, and periodic movement with an amplitude of 135 mm every 4 minutes (Fig. 6).

Fig.6. Technological diagram of grain dryer SZSh-16.

1,2,3,4 Noria. 5 Cooler. B. Dryer shaft. 7. Mine fan. 8 Cooler fan E. Firebox.

The grain dryer is served by two fans of the TsCh-70 No. 8 type (one for each shaft), one factory-made firebox made of metal, two elevators of dry grain and two elevators of raw grain.

Heated air is used as a drying agent. The grain dryer operates on suction, for which the firebox is connected to an air duct with a pressure chamber, and the shaft fans are mounted after the shafts and operate on suction.

The grain dryer has one drying zone. Cooling of dried grain is carried out in two cooling columns (one for each shaft). The cooling column is made of two perforated cylinders - an internal diameter of 760 mm and an external diameter of 1260 mm. Grain is loaded into the space between the two cylinders and blown with atmospheric air when it is supplied by a fan to the inner cylinder. The height of the cooling column is 2750 mm. The technological diagram of the dryer is shown in Figure 48.

Raw grain enters elevator 2 and elevator 3. Each of these elevators directs raw grain into its own shaft 6. The grain, moving along the shaft from top to bottom, is blown with atmospheric air heated in the firebox 9, supplied by fans 7. The uniform release of grain from the shafts is ensured by a combined exhaust device mounted under each shaft. The grain after the shafts is sent to elevators 1 and 4, and then to cooling columns 5, where it is cooled by atmospheric air pumped by fan 8. Dry and cooled grain is sent for storage.

Table 2 Technical characteristics of the grain dryer SZSh-16

The name of indicators



Mine fan (2 pcs.)

Drying agent consumption

Ambient air flow

The weight of grain in the dryer at natural level is 750 g/l

Specific fuel consumption

kg.conv.top pl.t.

Specific energy consumption

kWh/pl t

The mass of dried grain in planned tons is determined by the formula:

Mpl = Mf x Kv x Kk, pl. T,

Mf - mass of raw grain, t;

Kv - conversion factor depending on grain moisture content (1.00); Kk - conversion factor depending on the crop and purpose grains(1.25);

MPL =1802.1*0.8*0.8=1153.3 pl.t,

The loss of grain mass after drying can be calculated using the formula:


M s - weight of grain after drying, t;

M is the mass of grain received for drying;

W1 - grain moisture content before drying, t;

W2 - moisture content of grain after drying, i.e.

The loss of grain mass will be:


As a result of drying, the mass of the heap was 1716.2 tons.

2.4 Placing products for long-term storage

The grain is placed in a grain warehouse with a capacity of 3200 tons. The main disadvantages of grain warehouses are:

-use of manual labor when unloading the warehouse;

-large building area, 1 ton of capacity accounts for 2.5-3 m3 of space, versus 1.5-1.7 m3 in elevators.

The required capacity and the required number of warehouses can be determined as follows: we take the dimensions of a standard warehouse 20x60 m, and having determined the height of the rectangular part of the embankment (in our case, 3 m), we calculate the height of the triangular part (the height of which is 1.5 m):

Streug= 1/2 base*H

The area of ​​the triangular part of the embankment is equal to:

S = 1/2*20*7.27= 72.7 m2.

The area of ​​the rectangular part of the embankment is equal to:

S= 3*20=60 m2.

The total area is 60m2+72.7m2=132.7m2

The volume of a warehouse 1 m long is equal to V=S*1; V= 132.7*1=132.7 m3.

The volumetric mass (in kind) for millet is 0.60. Knowing the volumetric mass, you can determine the mass of grain in a bundle 1 m long:

M1= V * p=132.7*0.60=79.6


Dividing the total length of the embankment by the length of the warehouse we get:

21.6: 60=0.4 warehouses

Thus, after cleaning and drying, a batch of millet grain weighing 1716.2 tons can be placed in a 0.4 warehouse measuring 20x60.

2.5 Quantitative and qualitative recording and monitoring of the quality of crop products during storage

Periodic monitoring of the grain mass during its storage is a mandatory requirement. If there is no control over the condition of stored grain, it may be damaged.

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Literature review………………………………………………...

Production and storage of buckwheat grain………………………

Characteristics of buckwheat varieties……………………………………

Buckwheat cultivation technology……………………………...

Place in crop rotation……………………………………………...

Soil cultivation for buckwheat……………………………………...

Preparing seeds for sowing………………………………………

Buckwheat sowing dates………………………………………………………………

Methods of sowing buckwheat……………………………………………

Seeding rate and planting depth of buckwheat seeds……………….

Caring for buckwheat crops………………………………………..

Harvesting and storing buckwheat……………………………..

Selection of equipment and description of the technological scheme for the production of cereals from buckwheat grain…………………………..

Recipe for buckwheat grain……...……………………….

Product calculation……………………………………………………………...

Selection and calculation of production equipment…………….

Characteristics of secondary raw materials, waste from the production of cereals and their use……………………………………………………….

Conclusions and offers…………………………………………..



Buckwheat is a valuable cereal crop. Buckwheat is a healthy nutritious product, rich in easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates. It contains 13...15% protein, 60...70% starch, 2.0...2.5% sucrose, 2.5...3.0% fat, 1.1...1.3% fiber, 2.0... 2.% ash elements. In addition, it contains a lot of mineral salts: iron (33.8 mg per 100 g), calcium (200 mg per 100 g) and phosphorus (1500 mg per 100 g), as well as organic acids (citric, oxalic, malic) and vitamins B2, PP.

Buckwheat contains significantly more folic acid (4.3 mg per 1 g of dry matter) than other products of plant origin, which has a high hematopoietic capacity and other properties that contribute to the human body’s resistance to various diseases. Buckwheat proteins are more complete than cereal grains and are not inferior to legume proteins. This determines the high nutritional value and medicinal properties of buckwheat. The main amino acids that make up buckwheat protein are arginine (12.7%), lysine (7.9%), cystine (1%) and cystidine (0.59%), which determine its high nutritional value. Buckwheat fats are highly resistant to oxidation, so buckwheat can be stored for a long time without reducing its nutritional quality.

Buckwheat flour is not very suitable for baking bread, since it does not contain gluten: the bread quickly becomes stale and crumbles. The products obtained by processing buckwheat grain into cereals and flour (feed flour, waste) contain large amounts of proteins and fats, and therefore serve as highly nutritious feed for pigs and poultry.

1 kg of buckwheat chaff contains 57 g of protein, 0.35 feed units. Buckwheat straw can be used in combination with straw of other crops for silage, as well as for the preparation of feed mixtures, granules and briquettes mixed with other feeds.

The current level of consumption of basic products is significantly inferior to the recommended rational standards for energy value and diet structure. In this regard, the role of buckwheat as one of the economically accessible and nutritious food products is increasing. In terms of its consumer properties, buckwheat is unique, since it satisfies the physiological needs of the body for nutritional components and energy, performs preventive and therapeutic functions, and is of great strategic and economic importance.

A generalization of the experience of cultivating buckwheat in Russia shows that currently the main factor influencing the volume of buckwheat production is an increase in sown areas with relatively low yields. In this regard, it seems relevant to study the characteristics of its cultivation and identify the main factors influencing the economic efficiency of buckwheat production and processing.

The purpose and objectives of this course work are to study the technology of processing buckwheat grain into cereal at an enterprise with a capacity of 140 kg/h with the selection and calculation of equipment, study the production technology of its chemical composition, nutritional value, assortment of cereals, history of development, their classification, quality requirements and storage conditions.

Features of plant raw materials

Composition of grain mass and characteristics of its components.

Lots of grain stored in mounds are usually called grain masses. The term “grain mass” should be understood as technical, acceptable for grain or seeds of crops of any family or genus used for various needs.

Any grain mass consists of:

1) grains (seeds) of the main crop, constituting both in volume and quantity the basis of any grain mass;

2) impurities;

3) microorganisms.

The varied configuration of grains and impurities, their different sizes lead to the fact that when they are placed in containers, voids (holes) filled with air are formed. It has a significant impact on all components of the grain mass, changes itself and can differ significantly in composition, temperature and even pressure from ordinary atmospheric air. In this regard, the air in the intergranular spaces is also classified as a component of the grain mass.

In addition to these permanent components, some batches of grain may contain insects and mites. Since the grain mass serves as an environment for them in which they exist and influence its condition, they are considered the fifth additional and extremely undesirable component of the grain mass.

Huge losses of stored grain products occur due to the proliferation of many insects and partly mites in them. The study of the properties of grain mass showed that by their nature they can be divided into two groups: physical and physiological. Many of the properties of each group are interconnected, and only taking into account these connections can the storage of grain masses be most rationally organized.

Physical properties of grain mass.

For storage practice, the following physical properties of the grain mass are of interest: flowability and self-sorting, porosity, ability to sorption and desorption of various vapors and gases (sorption capacity) and heat transfer properties (thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, thermal and moisture conductivity and heat capacity).


The grain mass quite easily fills a container of any configuration and, under certain conditions, can flow out of it. The greater mobility of the grain mass - its flowability - is explained by the fact that it basically consists of individual small solid particles - grains of the main crop and various impurities. Good flowability of grain masses is of great practical importance. By correctly using this property and using the necessary devices and mechanisms, you can completely avoid the cost of manual physical labor. Thus, grain masses can be easily moved using elevators, conveyors and pneumatic transport installations, loaded into vehicles of various sizes and shapes (cars, wagons, ships) and storage facilities (bins, warehouses, trenches, elevator silos). Finally, they can move by gravity.

The degree to which the storage facility is filled with grain mass depends on the flowability: the greater it is, the easier and better the container is filled. Flowability is also taken into account in statistical calculations of the storage facility (pressure of the grain mass on the floor, walls and other structures).

The flowability of the grain mass is characterized by the angle of friction or the angle of repose. The friction angle is the smallest angle at which the grain mass begins to slide on any surface. When grain slides over grain, it is called the angle of repose, or slope angle.

The flowability of the grain mass depends on the shape, size, nature and condition of the surface of the grain, its moisture content, the amount of impurities and their species composition, the material, shape and condition of the surface along which the grain mass is moved by gravity.

The greatest flowability is possessed by masses consisting of spherical seeds (peas, millet, lupine). The more the shape of the grains deviates from spherical and the rougher their surface, the less flowability. Impurities found in the grain mass, as a rule, reduce its flowability. With a high content of light impurities (straw, chaff and other impurities of this kind), as well as with a significant content of weed seeds with a tenacious and rough surface, the flowability can be almost lost. It is not recommended to load such grain mass without preliminary cleaning into storage facilities designed for the release of grain mass by gravity.

As the moisture content of the grain mass increases, its flowability also decreases significantly. This phenomenon is typical for all grain masses, but for spherical legume seeds it is less pronounced.


The content of solid particles in the grain mass, varying in size and density, disrupts its homogeneity during movement. This property of the grain mass, which also manifests itself as a consequence of its flowability, is called self-sorting. Thus, when transporting grain in cars or wagons, moving along conveyor belts, as a result of pushing and shaking, light impurities, seeds in flower films, puny grains, etc. move to the surface of the embankment, and heavy ones go to its lower part.

Self-sorting is also observed in the process of loading grain mass into storage. In this case, self-sorting is facilitated by windage - the resistance provided by the air to the movement of each individual particle. Large, heavy grains and impurities with less windage fall vertically and quickly reach the base of the storage facility or the surface of the resulting mound. Frail, small grains and impurities with large windage sink more slowly; they are thrown by vortex air movements towards the walls of the storage facility or roll down along the surface of the cone formed by the grain mass.

Self-sorting is a negative phenomenon, since in this case, areas are formed in the grain mass that are heterogeneous in physiological activity, porosity, etc. The accumulation of light impurities and dust creates more prerequisites for the occurrence of the self-heating process. In connection with self-sorting, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for taking primary samples to compile an average sample.


When characterizing the grain mass, it was already noted that it contains intergranular spaces - wells filled with air. Wells make up a significant part of the volume of the grain mound and have a significant impact on its other physical properties and the physiological processes occurring in it.

Thus, the air circulating through the wells promotes the transfer of heat and the movement of water vapor by convection. The significant gas permeability of grain masses makes it possible to use this property to blow air through them (with active ventilation) or introduce vapors of various chemicals into them for disinfection (disinsection). The supply of air, and therefore oxygen, creates normal gas exchange for its living components in the grain mass for some period (sometimes very long).

The amount of porosity of the grain mass depends mainly on factors affecting the nature of the grain. Thus, with increasing humidity, the flowability and, consequently, the packing density decreases. Large impurities usually increase the porosity, while small ones are easily located in the intergranular spaces and reduce it. Grain masses containing large and small grains have less porosity. Aligned grains, as well as rough or wrinkled grains, are packed less tightly.

Due to self-sorting, the porosity in different parts of the grain mass may not be the same, which leads to uneven distribution of air in its individual parts. When the height of the embankment of grain masses is high, they become compacted and the porosity decreases. Knowing the volume occupied by the grain mass and its porosity, it is easy to determine the volume of air in the wells. This amount of air during active ventilation is taken as one exchange.

Sorption properties. Grain and seeds of all crops and grain masses in general are good sorbents. They are capable of absorbing vapors of various substances and gases from the environment. Under certain conditions, the reverse process is observed - the release (desorption) of these substances into the environment.

The vital functions of grain affect the nature of sorption processes and the pattern of moisture distribution.

They are no less important in the practice of storing, processing and transporting grain. Thus, rational modes of drying or active ventilation of grain masses can be implemented only taking into account their sorption properties. Changes in humidity and weight of stored or transported grain batches also most often occur due to sorption or desorption of water vapor. The latter not only has technological significance, but is also associated with the financial responsibility of people (warehouse managers, storekeepers, etc.) who store large amounts of grain. In this regard, in the practice of storing grain masses and working with them, it is very important to have an understanding of moisture exchange processes.

Equilibrium humidity.

Moisture exchange between the grain mass and the air in contact with it is continuous to one degree or another. Depending on the air parameters (its humidity and temperature) and the state of the grain mass, moisture exchange occurs in two opposite directions:

1) transfer of moisture from grain to air; this phenomenon (desorption) is observed when the partial pressure of water vapor at the surface of the grain is greater than the partial pressure of water vapor in the air;

2) grain moistening due to absorption (sorption) of moisture from the surrounding air; this process occurs if the partial pressure of water vapor at the surface of the grain is less than the partial pressure of water vapor in the air.

Moisture exchange between air and grain stops if the partial pressure of water vapor in the air and above the grain is the same. In this case, a state of dynamic equilibrium occurs. The grain moisture content corresponding to this state is called equilibrium.

The equilibrium moisture content of grain and seeds also depends on air temperature. It must also be borne in mind that the equilibrium moisture content of individual grains or seeds in the grain mass is not the same due to differences in their size, execution, etc. Even individual anatomical parts of the grain or seed are characterized by unequal moisture content. The embryo of all cereals has a higher moisture content than the endosperm, etc.

Thermophysical characteristics. An idea of ​​them is necessary for the understanding of heat exchange phenomena occurring in the grain mass, which must be taken into account during storage, drying and active ventilation.

Heat capacity.

The specific heat capacity of absolutely dry grain matter is approximately 1.51 - 1.55 kJ/(kg °C). As grain moisture increases, its specific heat capacity also increases. Heat capacity is taken into account when thermally drying grain, since heat consumption depends on the initial moisture content of the grain.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of the grain mass is in the range of 0.42-0.84 kJ/(m. h. °C). The low thermal conductivity of the grain mass is due to its organic composition and the presence of air, the thermal conductivity coefficient of which is only 0.084 kJ/(m.h. °C). With increasing moisture content of the grain mass, its thermal conductivity increases (the thermal conductivity coefficient of water is 2.1 kJ/(m.h. °C), but still remains relatively low. Poor thermal conductivity of grain masses, as well as low temperature conductivity, plays a role during storage both positive and negative roles.

The thermal diffusivity coefficient characterizes the rate of temperature change in a material and its thermal inertia properties.

The rate of heating or cooling of the grain mass is determined by the value of the thermal diffusivity coefficient.

The grain mass is characterized by a very low coefficient of thermal diffusivity, i.e., it has high thermal inertia. The positive value of the low coefficient of thermal diffusivity of grain masses is that with a properly organized regime (timely cooling), a low temperature is maintained in the grain mass even in the warm season. Thus, it seems possible to preserve the grain mass by cold.

The negative role of low thermal diffusivity is that, under favorable conditions for active physiological processes (the vital activity of grain, microorganisms, mites and insects), the generated heat can be retained in the grain mass and lead to an increase in its temperature, i.e. self-heating.

It must be borne in mind that the rate of temperature change in the grain mass will depend on the method of grain storage and the type of granaries. When stored in warehouses where the height of the grain mass is small, it is more accessible to atmospheric air. The temperature here changes much faster than in elevator silos. In them, the grain mass is less exposed to atmospheric air, since it is largely protected from it by the walls of the silos, which have poor thermal conductivity.

Thermal and moisture conductivity.

The study of the occurrence and development of the self-heating process showed that moisture in the grain mass moves along with the heat flow. This phenomenon of moisture migration in the grain mass, caused by a temperature gradient, is called thermal and moisture conductivity.

The practical significance of this phenomenon is enormous. In grain masses that have poor thermal conductivity in certain areas, especially peripheral ones (the surface of the embankment, parts of the embankment adjacent to the walls or floor of the storage facility), temperature changes occur, leading to the migration of moisture (mainly in the form of steam) in the direction of the heat flow .

As a result, the humidity of one or another peripheral layer of the grain mass increases with the formation of condensation moisture on the surface of the grains.

Numerous experiments have shown that the phenomenon of thermal and moisture conductivity is observed in grain mass with any moisture content.

The influence of soil and climatic conditions and agrotechnical practices on the quality and preservation of crop products

Almost all components of the grain mass are a living organism and, under certain conditions, they can affect the quality of the grain.

The quality of grain, as well as its physical and physiological properties, is influenced by: grain variety, development conditions and plant formation, harvesting conditions, storage conditions.

Each variety has different consumer qualities and has only its own technological advantages. Grain and row crops differ greatly from each other. Therefore, grain batches must be formed and placed taking into account not only species characteristics, but also varietal characteristics.

The conditions for the development and formation of plants significantly affect the yield and the quality of grain. If there was enough light and heat during the formation and development of plants, then the grain will be fulfilled and the yield will be high. Early autumn frosts greatly affect the quality of grain; in this case, the grain is frost-breaking with poor technological and nutritional qualities. Rain during the harvesting period leads to moisture in the grain. Wet and raw grain can spoil in a few days and lose its natural characteristics. If standing grain is damaged by ear pests, its baking qualities deteriorate sharply.

Drought has a very detrimental effect on the quality of grain and its yield. The grain will be puny and small. If the grain is obtained from a weedy field, then a lot of time and money is spent on separating the impurities, and if the grain mass contains a harmful impurity, then specific cleaning of such grain is necessary. It must be placed separately.

Harvesting conditions significantly affect grain quality. If the grain is harvested in dry weather, then there are not many problems with it. With separate harvesting, there is significantly less loss due to the elimination of grain shedding, the grain is cleaner and drier. But if the work is not organized correctly, separate cleaning sometimes causes irreparable damage.

Storage conditions significantly affect the safety and quality of grain. If work with grain is not organized correctly, you can become infected with grain pests remaining at the threshing floor or in the grain warehouse from last year. You can moisten the grain with autumn precipitation, the grain germinates, and the process of self-warming begins. As a result, the grain can at best be used for alcohol.

Summarizing this material, it is clear that grain of various qualities and purposes can be stored. Correctly determine its quality, prescribe and carry out effective post-harvest processing, establish storage modes, form batches of grain for their intended purpose - this is the main task of technologists.

Characteristics of methods for storing buckwheat grain

Both temporary and long-term storage of grain masses must be organized in such a way that there are no losses in mass and, especially, losses in quality.

The main way to store grain masses is to store them in bulk. The advantages of this method are the following: the area is used much more fully; there are more opportunities for mechanized movement of grain masses; pest control of grain products is facilitated; it is more convenient to organize observation according to all accepted indicators; There are no additional costs for packaging and transferring products.

Storage in containers is used only for some batches of seed.

Bulk storage can be on the floor or in closets (bins and containers, silos).

In the system of the bakery products industry, two main methods of placing grain in storage are accepted: floor and in silos.

During floor storage, grain is placed in bulk or in containers on the warehouse floor at a low height, but during such storage the grain mass comes into contact with the outside air. In this case, when ventilating warehouses, air can partially take away heat and moisture from the grain. This makes it possible to preserve grain with high humidity for some time, placing it in a warehouse in a thin layer (no more than 1 m) without ventilation.

But granaries with a floor storage method have a significant drawback - a low utilization rate of the building volume and, therefore, an increased cost.

Granaries designed for long-term storage of grain are of two types: warehouses and elevators.

The capacity of granaries must be sufficient so that, under normal conditions, they can accommodate all the grain purchased by the state, as well as carryover residues from the harvest of previous years and state resources.

Granaries must isolate the grain mass from groundwater and precipitation, as well as from humid and warm air. There are two main requirements for the walls of granaries: low thermal conductivity and good hygroscopicity of the inner surface. With high thermal conductivity, walls cannot protect grain from external fluctuations in air temperature. With a sharp decrease in air temperature, condensation of water vapor is possible on the inner surface of the granary walls. Therefore, good hygroscopicity of the inner surface of the walls protects the grain from moisture, which is absorbed by the walls and not by the grain.

During storage, grain must be protected from pests of grain stocks. The granary must have no cracks or depressions. The design of the granary should facilitate grain disinfection work. To do this, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of active ventilation of grain and aeration of grain and granaries, the walls of which must be gas-tight.

In granaries, all operations should be mechanized as much as possible. To bring grain to a storage-resistant state, granaries must be equipped with grain cleaning equipment. The composition and performance of this equipment must correspond to the quality of the incoming grain. For weight control of grain, scales are installed. To ensure quantitative and qualitative preservation of grain, granaries must be structurally reliable. They must withstand the pressure of the grain mass on the walls and bottoms without dangerous deformations, resist wind pressure and the destructive effects of the atmosphere, be durable, fire- and explosion-proof.

Due to the significant release of dust during grain mixing, granaries must be safe for operating personnel and have a sufficient number of aspiration units to ensure normal sanitary and hygienic working conditions.

The design and arrangement of the granary must meet the requirements of the minimum cost of construction, the minimum need for building materials, and operating costs must be minimal.

Granaries must be equipped with a power plant of sufficient power.

For grain storage, warehouses of various types and sizes are widely used, the total capacity of which is 60% of the total

In warehouses, grain is stored in bulk; the floors are horizontally flat, but there are also sloping floors.

The height of the grain embankment near the walls of warehouses, taking into account their strength, nature and quality of grain, is allowed within 2.5..4.5 m, in the middle part - 4.5..7 m

The most common are grain warehouses with a capacity of 3200 tons with walls made of local materials. (type DM-61). The size of the warehouse in plan is 20 x 60 m, the height at the ridge is 8.5 m, the height of the walls is 3.2 m. The walls are brick, on a strip rubble foundation laid on a sand cushion. The floors of the warehouses are asphalt with crushed stone preparation, which reliably isolates the grain stored in the warehouse from groundwater and protects the warehouses from rodents.

The capacity of warehouses V about is expressed by the mass of grain that can be placed in them at the maximum permissible load (B. E. Melnik, 1996).

Storage facilities are a place where grain is stored without reducing quality during a given storage period. Therefore, a storage mode is established. Regime parameters include seed moisture, temperature, relative air humidity, specific air supply for aeration, frequency and duration of aeration. To prevent increased vital activity of the seed embryo, as well as the development of insects, mites and other pests, the temperature of the grain during storage should not exceed 10-150C. The relative air humidity in the storage should not exceed 70%, since otherwise some moisture in the seeds is possible, and most importantly, conditions favorable for the active life of insects are created. Elevated temperatures and humidity can cause grain spoilage. Dry grain is highly stable during storage, does not reduce its sowing qualities, neither fungi nor bacteria develop on them, and the grain is in physiological balance, which makes it possible to ensure the safety of the grain without losing its sowing and food qualities.

The development of granary pests, especially mites, in stored grain affects the taste and smell of the grain. With a small amount of them, the grain mass acquires a pleasant honey smell; further reproduction and vital activity of mites lead to the formation of the smell of rotten eggs (hydrogen sulfide).

Thus, any grain mass during its storage and processing should be considered primarily as a complex of living organisms. Each group of these organisms or individual representatives, under certain conditions, can exhibit vital activity to one degree or another and, therefore, influence the condition and quality of the stored grain mass.

Microorganisms are a constant and essential component of the grain mass. In 1 g it is usually found in tens and hundreds of thousands, and sometimes millions of representatives of the microbiological world. The microflora of grain mass consists of saprophytic (including epiphytic), phytopathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms for animals and humans. The overwhelming majority of microflora are saprophytes and among them are epiphytic bacteria.

In freshly harvested grain mass, when properly harvested, the number of bacteria reaches 96-99% of the total microflora. The rest is yeast, molds and actinomycetes. The porous structure of the shells of fruits and seeds allows microbes to penetrate into different layers of integumentary tissues and the embryo. This is especially true for cereal grains, sunflower seeds and vegetable seeds from the Apiaceae family. Thus, subepidermal microflora appears in the seeds. Its accumulation during seed ripening is facilitated by high air humidity and significant precipitation, and during grain storage - by high humidity.