A car accident is a terrible sight, both in reality and in dreams. As a rule, a dream involving a car accident is a warning, which is as follows: if he continues to constantly rush somewhere and fuss, then he may miss important events in your life, the simple joys of life. In order to find out more specifically why you dream about a car accident, you need to consider the details of the dream.

What will the dream tell you about?

Your own or someone else's car

Having your own broken or dented car portends serious troubles and obstacles in achieving your goals. Driving a broken car indicates that the implementation of your plans must be postponed for some time.

See a broken windshield on one's car indicates a heavy loss, as well as the risk of getting into a real accident. Repair broken car- to correction own mistakes, repentance in .

Someone else's broken car in a dream indicates that the dreamer has many enemies and competitors. He spends a lot of time working and building a career, so he does not participate at all in the life of his family.

See the wrecked car from the side means to face trials and obstacles along the way. A bunch of broken cars indicates financial collapse, ruin.

Roll over and see the explosion

Rolling over a car in a dream is an unfavorable sign, promising a repetition of the same situation in reality. Another interpretation of the dream is a future quarrel with relatives or a significant other. main reason Such disagreements are due to the fact that the dreamer devotes little time and attention to his loved ones.

If you saw a car burning or dreamed of a car exploding, this indicates a series of disappointments and losses, an unfavorable period in life. Patience and self-control will help to survive the dark streak - the dreamer should not succumb to provocations and believe idle rumors.

If your car burns down, then expect trouble; if the car was someone else’s, then all misfortunes will bypass you.

The car broke down

Car breakdown indicates the loss of a close friend, a comrade with whom friendly relations will end due to mutual misunderstanding. Also, a broken car indicates that you will not be able to accomplish your plans in the near future.

An old broken car indicates that someone is preventing the dreamer from managing his life and solving problems on his own.

For those who will soon go on a trip, the dream suggests that everything will not go entirely smoothly and will cause many problems in the process of documentation and luggage transportation. If the car breaks down on the road, this indicates that external circumstances are preventing the dreamer from carrying out his plan.

In addition, a car breakdown in a dream indicates that in reality a person cannot understand what exactly he wants. Therefore, all his efforts are wasted.

Knock someone down

If you wake up and realize with horror that a car hit me, this indicates problems at work.. Perhaps some major project will bring a lot of trouble and difficulties to a person. If the dreamer miraculously managed to avoid being run over by a car, then this predicts joyful events.

Seeing a car hit loved one, indicates a deterioration in the dreamer’s well-being, its susceptibility to various diseases. Such a dream also indicates tension in your relationship with your significant other.

Seeing a child being hit by a car means that the dreamer will have to be vigilant and careful when implementing his plans. Running over a child yourself indicates a loss of control over the situation at the most inopportune moment.

If a person sees a car hitting a friend, then this indicates his difficult relationship with his parents. If the dreamer dreams of his own child under the wheels of a car, then this dream does not foreshadow any events - this is a common parental concern for their child.

Judging by logic, breaking a car in a dream means in reality doing rash actions that can lead to unpleasant consequences. At the same time, not in all cases, what such a picture means in a dream gives an unfavorable interpretation. Dream books compare the dream with upcoming difficulties, as well as favorable changes in life.

Crashing a car, according to Miller's dream book, promises a transformation in life

The dreamed plot, according to Miller, expresses rapidly developing events, the outcome of which will be positive. Seeing as if a broken vehicle is blazing with a bright fire - you will take care of the desired concerns. For young girls, such a dream predicts the upcoming preparations for the wedding.

Get into a car accident in someone else's car

Despite the fact that one’s own car in a dream expresses the dreamer’s goals and ideas, a vehicle belonging to another person indicates difficulties that arise on the way to achieving what one wants. As a result of this, dream books connect such a plot with the collapse of imposed standards and alienation from surrounding opinion.

I dreamed that I had to crash a stranger’s car - in reality the dreamer will influence the unfulfilled hopes of another person. Try initially, before making a decision, to think through all the smallest details.

Crashing a car in a dream means prosperity

The dream book interprets why you dream of crashing a car as an unexpected profit or a large financial salary. So, destroying a black car in a dream promises the opportunity to travel abroad. Seeing a broken white car means in reality that you will have a chance to develop your knowledge, both spiritual and moral.

Getting into a car accident and suffering significantly from it in a dream warns Freud’s dream book about betrayal, the deceitful act of a relative, and the great humiliation revealed by these circumstances.

If during an accident you observed other individuals who were injured in a dream, this means that in reality, for a favorable completion of the business that has started, you need to rely only on your own efforts, and not blame outsiders.

Be strong, your problems will soon disappear

The newest dream book clarifies the meaning of the dream plot, where you are trying to crash a car that belongs to you. Such a dream promises disappointment and collapse of dreams. For a young girl, a dreamed plot indicates the likelihood of suffering a shock as a result of the unfavorable act of a loved one. These actions may affect your future relationship with him.

Some people wonder why they dream of smashing their own old car. According to the explanations of the universal interpreter, the dream indicates that the dreamer in the subconscious wants to break with his past life, forget previous grievances, and retreat from boring connections.

For a young lady, a sleepy vision where she crashed a car foreshadows the manifestation of internal rebellion from the subordination of her soulmate, the intention to show her essence. The dream warns that excessive impulsiveness and negative feelings can lead to adverse consequences.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 02/22/2019

The next night is important for those who are more interested in their personal life than work. A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The thing is, ...

"Car" Most people associate it with the ultimate dream, highest point well-being. Owning a (good) car is equivalent to a life well lived. Some people work hard to get it, and some people dream about it. The very concept of “car” appeared relatively recently, so it has no interpretation related to health and family. So if you dreamed about a car- one thing is true - you really want to succeed in life precisely in material terms. The following few main definitions will help you correctly interpret your dream.

I dreamed that I was hit by a car

If you I dreamed that you were hit by a car, then you will put too much effort, time and broken relationships on the altar of success. And without achieving success. Think about it - perhaps the path you have chosen is not entirely suitable for you? Perhaps you should be gentler with people - otherwise, in the end, you will have to celebrate your victory alone... Consult with your mentor on the topic of relationships with those around you - he will help you keep true friends and achieve success.

I dreamed that a car was stolen

if you I dreamed that your car was stolen in a dream, it means that in reality you are too protective and are afraid to death of losing what you already have. This can apply both to a loved one, to the current situation in society, and to the overall financial condition. And as you know, the more we are afraid of losing something, the more likely we are to lose it. Let him go a little - if this is really yours, nothing will happen to him. If not, then stop wasting energy on it.

I dreamed of driving a car

Go by car with a personal driver means meeting a mentor in financial matters. He will help and partly pave the way for you to a bright future. Listen to him and follow all his recommendations unquestioningly. Remember: he is a coach. And what the coach says is not subject to discussion.

I dreamed of a broken car

Broken car in a dream symbolizes a transitional state. You are in a state of indecision and choice. You also experience fear of something new where life is calling you.

Our advice: don't worry. Write down on a piece of paper 10 pros and cons of making the decision that is facing you. Choose the 3 most important ones. After that, leave only one - the most important one. And now make a decision. And do it decisively - so that there is no time left for doubt.

I dreamed about a new car

In the event that you dreaming new car , Yours inner world filled with happiness that something you have been striving for for so long is about to happen. Be sure that the next day after such a dream, the guy/girl you so desire will reciprocate your feelings, they will answer your request for a promotion, or you will simply finally experience the joy of being alive. Spend this day with your family - you will be in seventh heaven.

I dreamed that I was driving a car

If you I dreamed that you were driving a car, but you yourself have never actually done this, which means that in the near future you will take control of your life. This may manifest itself in the fact that your pride and willpower will rise to such a level that you will be able to refuse some bad habit. If you not only drive it, but feel like an ace on the road, it means you have gained enough knowledge and luck to open your own business. Now is the most best time to get started.

I dreamed of a red car

"Red car"- a symbol of absolute wealth. Everyone dreamed as a child that one day they would drive a red Ferrari convertible, but not everyone achieved this. One thing is clear - if you dreamed of a red car, which means your whole brain is literally exuding the desire to get it. If you put your thoughts in order, insight will descend on you and you will see, among other nonsense, the very path or type of activity that will lead you to success.

I dreamed that I bought a car

"Buying a car"- a symbol of achieving a goal. If you I dreamed that you were buying a car, it means that in the near future you will get what you so badly desire. But there is one BUT - you will have to pass the last test - to prove to this world that you are worthy of the reward. Be brave - soon life will put you in a very difficult situation of choice - do not give up at the last moment - and the reward will be waiting for you!

I dreamed of a big car

"Big car" symbolizes power and strength. More likely, this dream tells you that you dream of or already have the characteristics of people who are rightfully considered “strong”. These properties include material well-being, the ability to behave, discipline and the ability to win over others.

If you dreamed of a big car, and you didn’t even come up to touch it - that means everything is still ahead of you. If you eat on it or at least climb inside, it means the necessary qualities are about to appear. You are very close to moving up a notch.

I dreamed that I crashed my car

Very bad dream. Most often in this dream people see themselves after the accident. They are like a spirit that has separated from a dead body. Be careful - if you I dreamed that you crashed your car, You will suffer a crushing defeat in “your life’s work.” The most important thing in this situation is not to lose your mind and continue to live, although you don’t want to live at all. Remember all your victories and failures and understand what black stripe always goes white.

I dreamed of a black car

"Black Car"- a symbol of unlimited power. Sometimes, obtained through not the most honest means. But, as we know, winners are not judged. And everyone would like to be a winner. So: if you dreamed of a black car, it means you strive not so much for money and well-being, but for power. You want your opinion to be taken into account first. This good dream, when you are in the active phase of personal development (from 15 to the moment you feel old). And it is also bad if you have entered the “wisdom” phase.

I dreamed of a white car

"White"- in this case - a symbol of satisfaction. If you dreamed of a white car- it means everything is fine with you, you live exactly the life that suits you, and get a thrill from every second. The faster you go, the more fully you feel life, the more happy man You are in this moment.

I dreamed about an expensive car

If, when you see a car, the first thing that catches your eye is its high cost, you should devote more time to self-improvement in terms of self-confidence. When you see a car, you should not feel anything related to the difficulty of acquiring it - you should not first of all see an obstacle in front of you.

If you dreamed about it expensive car - it means you are not sure that you can realize it or similar images in reality.

I dreamed of a burning car

If you dreamed of a burning car, this means one of two things:

  • If Your car is on fire- this means an incredible breakthrough forward awaits you - you will be freed from the shackles that life has held you and prevented you from growing. You may lose some of what you already have, but don't worry - after a new growth spurt you will rise to new heights
  • If you I dreamed that someone else's car was on fire, and you calmly watch this - it means you will miss some “help from above.” They will give you useful advice, and you will ignore it. Or they will offer you a business, but you refuse (the business will then blossom in full bloom)

A dream in which you crashed warns that you are in danger. Moreover, it will overtake you in the areas that are most important to you. Circumstances and details are very important for such a dream.

Crash in a car

Sleep brings serious troubles associated with injury or injury. You need to remember to be careful even if you are not going to get into the car. If you weren't the one driving. then a situation that you cannot control will end in major trouble for you.

Why do you dream about a friend crashing his car?

Break into water in a dream

This dream brings severe disappointment in love relationships. The separation will be difficult, to avoid depression, try not to be alone, be with friends and loved ones all the time. Ice in a dream. being the cause of the tragedy, indicates a danger to life, you yourself are needlessly putting your life at risk.

You crashed on a motorcycle

A motorcycle causing you an accident symbolizes bad news. However, to see that a person close to you has crashed means your relationship is strong and stable.

The height you fell from

If the cause of your death or serious injury was a height or a fall, then your hopes will not come true. The meaning of the dream is enhanced if you have been involved in a plane crash. You jumped with a parachute. and it didn't open up? Your dreams are impossible, you will not be able to succeed.

Someone else crashed

You are on the verge of nervous and physical exhaustion and at the moment your strength is running out. Try to concentrate on the last push - you are at the finish line. To see the death of a loved one - one of the people close to you will soon need your help.

Psychologically, psychoanalytically and spiritually esoterically, everything presented in a dream relates not to the external, but to the individual, “internal” field of consciousness of the sleeper, to his own feelings, thoughts, experiences, energies, desires, reactions... Therefore, the death in a dream of any characters or dream images, especially enemies, in most cases is interpreted positively. Such “death” (destruction) means the end of our negative feelings, worries, worries, anxieties. This is the end of affairs, the completion of some important event, a difficult period of life. This is peace, satisfaction, deep relaxation, rest; this is the fulfillment of desires, achievement. Something always dies and something is born in a person. There is also such a psychoanalytic version: killing someone in a dream (including friends and loved ones) is nothing more than a childish primitive desire for these people not to die, but simply to disappear, move away, leave the dreamer’s life for a while (since they interfere with something). ) is a very dubious version, since dreams happen according to their own, other strictly defined laws!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of symbols

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