Everyone knows that spices and seasonings can change the taste of the finished product beyond recognition. They are added not only to food, but also to drinks. They help to reveal the natural aroma of the drink and look at this or that drink in a new way. In general, just a few spices can turn your idea of ​​the taste of a drink upside down. Spices and seasonings are still in ancient world helped a person to more accurately reveal taste familiar products. IN modern world There is a huge selection of spices, and dishes and drinks to which seasonings would not be added, if desired, probably simply do not exist. What seasonings are suitable for coffee, a beloved drink that is the most popular in the world? You won't be able to get away with traditional pepper and salt here. Since ancient times, when preparing coffee in Arab countries, which gave the drink to the whole world, ginger and cardamom, nutmeg or cloves were added to coffee. For example, in Tunisia, cardamom is always added to coffee. The drink is prepared exclusively in a Turk, waiting for the first bubbles to appear, after which the heat is reduced. It is at this moment that you need to throw a couple of crushed cardamom seeds into the coffee. If you want to slightly highlight the taste of this spice with a pronounced taste, then you can also add a little cinnamon or one clove to your coffee. And you will probably be interested in reading about. Ancient tradition adding cinnamon to coffee also took root among Europeans. Meanwhile, cinnamon is considered the oldest and one of the first spices that were customarily added to this aromatic drink. It not only makes the taste more delicate and sweet. If you add cream to your coffee in addition to cinnamon, the drink will promote relaxation and calm. Cinnamon is often added to cappuccino. When making latte, vanilla is often added to the milk. In this case, the vanilla pod is immersed in the milk and heated, but not brought to a boil. But the seasonings for espresso coffee are a little different. For example, in this case you can already use vanilla powder or even vanilla sugar.

Black pepper or chili pepper, cumin and anise, garlic - these spices for coffee in our territories are considered quite exotic and are rarely used. The taste of such a drink will be very specific and may differ quite significantly from the original. Such coffee seasonings as coffee bean husks, dried dates, roasted wheat grains or dried figs have not reached the borders of their countries at all. These coffee spices were not at all to the taste of Europeans. So, for exotic things you will have to go to one country or another.

But it cannot be said that Europeans only adopted all sorts of spices and additives that could be added to coffee. Great minds also tried to experiment right there on the spot. Moreover, many innovations that were introduced in Europe were not accepted at all in the East. For example, it was in our part of the world that it was invented to add nut powder (pistachios or hazelnuts, almonds, cashews) to coffee; some people also add mint and citrus fruit zest to coffee. The effect of adding spices on the taste and effect that coffee has on the human body: Spices added to this drink neutralize its harmful effects on the heart, other organs and nervous system. Therefore, if you drink coffee with spices, you can allow yourself one more mug per day; If you have not added a certain spice to that drink before, then you need to start with a small dose. Firstly, to check whether you like the taste or not. Secondly, to avoid possible allergic reaction for a new spice; An overdose of spices is highly undesirable. Because everything beneficial features the spices will be lost, and the effect from the positive one will be completely opposite; Spices should enhance the aroma of the drink, not destroy it. Therefore, just a small pinch of powder or one pea is enough for one mug. It is best to buy all the spices that you plan to use specifically for adding to coffee. whole. Grinding spices, if the recipe requires it, is quite simple yourself. This must be done before the actual cooking process. Because during long-term storage, spices tend to lose their aroma and some of their beneficial properties. Well, all that remains is to start conducting your own coffee experiments and adding certain spices to your coffee. Remember that the best results come from hands-on training. On our website you will find the best detailed

The tradition of adding various spices to coffee came from the East, mainly from the Arabs. It is not surprising that recipes for a strong drink with seasonings have taken root in many countries and have won a huge number of fans. Properly selected spices for coffee can incredibly change the taste of the drink, add new notes to its aroma, and make each cup of coffee unique.

What seasonings can be added to coffee?

The list of spices that are used to make coffee is quite large. What kind of seasoning should be added to the drink is a matter of taste. Some coffee lovers want a spicy taste, others want a new bouquet of aromas, while others prefer a variety of flavors instead of the usual classics.

There are also separate category people who add spices to take care of their health. After all, as you know, many seasonings can neutralize the harmful effects of caffeine on the body. In addition, each spice has its own set of beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the immune, nervous, digestive, cardiovascular and other systems of the body.

The most popular coffee additives include:

  • cinnamon;
  • cardamom;
  • black pepper;
  • vanilla;
  • ginger;
  • carnation;
  • nutmeg;
  • star anise (anise);
  • saffron;
  • Bay leaf;
  • coriander;
  • caraway;
  • garlic.

Spiced coffee goes well with citrus additives: lemon, orange, lime. The drink acquires an exotic taste and aroma, which not only gives you a burst of energy, but also improves your mood.

Coffee seasoning must be fresh, and not stale on the kitchen shelf. Spices lose their aroma over time and absorb foreign odors. Such an additive will only spoil the drink.

It is recommended to use freshly ground spices (if you need to grind them) or whole spices, but from a freshly opened package. You can prolong the freshness and aroma of seasonings only by storing them correctly. For this purpose, glass containers are used, which are hermetically sealed with a lid.

It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of how much and what spices should be added to coffee. It depends on the preferences of the person drinking the invigorating drink. The variety of seasonings combined with coffee provides a lot of options for experimentation: you can try new combinations, enhance and change the flavor of the drink. For those who trust only proven methods of preparing the drink, there are ready-made recipes.

Coffee with cardamom

Cardamom has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and stomach, has calming properties, and is also a caffeine neutralizer. The spice is quite fragrant and gives the drink a spicy kick.

To add cardamom to coffee, grind it and add a tiny amount to the coffee so that the drink does not lose its natural aroma.

Coffee with ginger

Although ginger powder is considered a spicy seasoning, its taste is barely perceptible in coffee. Ginger improves immunity and can very quickly invigorate and relieve fatigue. It also affects blood circulation in the body.

When brewing coffee, you should not add more than half a teaspoon of spice to the coffee pot.

Coffee with cinnamon

Cinnamon gives coffee a special, sweetish aroma and taste. It can be added both during cooking and into the finished drink.

The spice has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect, making it a useful supplement in the treatment of colds.

Coffee with vanilla

The sweet aroma of vanilla makes the coffee delicious and smooth. Both the additive, ground into powder, and in the form of a pod are suitable for the drink.

Coffee with vanilla lifts your mood, calms your nerves, and successfully fights sleep disorders.

Coffee with cloves

Cloves have a specific aroma, which is why true gourmets prefer coffee with this spice. The seasoning has a bitter taste, so you should be careful with the proportions when cooking.

Coffee with cloves will be useful for people engaged in mental activity, as it perfectly stimulates brain function. Cloves improve digestive processes, and in winter protects against colds.

Coffee with black pepper

The fiery seasoning perfectly complements the aromatic drink. Two peas are enough to cleanse the body of accumulated harmful substances, add strength, and help in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Black pepper coffee lovers are people with strong character and delicate taste.

Coffee with nutmeg

A small pinch of spice sprinkled on top of the coffee foam or added during the brewing process will give the drink a tart, astringent flavor. Nutmeg is good for men's health, heart function, brain activity. This coffee perfectly tones the entire body.

Coffee with star anise

Fragrant stars will not only decorate the drink, but also fill it with essential oils. A well-known property of star anise is its ability to eliminate problems with throat diseases, restore a lost voice, and soften a cough. Coffee with star anise can be equated to a medicine that nature itself created.

The spice is also good for nervous system and the work of the stomach.

Coffee with bay leaf

A well-known smell and taste bay leaf combines amazingly with the coffee aroma. This drink is prepared to get rid of headaches, high blood pressure and depressive conditions.

Coffee with cumin

A drink with cumin turns out to be very spicy, as the spice has a bright taste. Lovers of new sensations will enjoy this coffee.

Cumin increases appetite and provokes abundant secretion of gastric juice. It is contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis. Coffee with cumin perfectly calms the nervous system, has anti-inflammatory properties, and freshens breath.

Coffee with saffron

There is probably no person who would not like a drink with saffron. The taste of coffee with this spice is simply fabulous and unusual. The spice goes well with additives such as vanilla, cinnamon, honey.

Saffron is used to calm the nervous system, prevent cancer diseases, increasing immunity.

Coffee with coriander

Coriander is the name given to the seeds of cilantro, which, along with the herbaceous part of the plant, have a persistent aroma and a set of beneficial properties. The spice is most often added to coffee to solve digestive problems and also has a mild laxative effect. Coriander is rich in vitamins and microelements.

Coffee with garlic

Only people can decide to try such a drink creative people who are not afraid of experiments. A clove of garlic is usually placed in a turk with all the ingredients. Surprisingly, it does not give the coffee additional bitterness or pungency, but simply fills the drink with unusual flavor notes.

Garlic has many beneficial properties, but it is especially good at preventing colds, cleansing blood vessels, and prolonging life.

You can try making coffee using one of the recipes that uses several types of spices at once.

Moroccan coffee. The drink has a mild spicy taste and is very easy to prepare. In a Turk you need to boil water with cardamom, ground ginger and cinnamon (half a teaspoon of all ingredients). The mixture should brew for a couple of minutes, after which ground coffee and sugar are added to it. Cook until it boils.

Tunisian coffee. It contains a whole bouquet of aromas, suitable for lovers of unexpected combinations. Coffee, sugar and cloves (2-3 pieces) are placed in the pot and brought to a boil. Then cardamom and cinnamon are added. When the foam rises to the top, the Turk is removed from the heat. If you wish, you can not add cinnamon during brewing, but sprinkle it on the finished coffee in a cup.

Arabic coffee. In the East, coffee is drunk several times throughout the day, so the drink is generously flavored with spices to avoid the negative consequences of such frequent consumption of caffeine. First, sugar is melted in a heated pot, then coffee, water, and spices (cinnamon, cardamom, vanillin) are added. The mass is brought to a boil, the Turk is removed from the heat. Then once again you need to return the cezve to the stove and wait for the foam to rise. Coffee is poured into a cup with grounds.

Indian coffee. The drink has an original taste and a rich mixture of aromas. Coffee is brewed in the usual way, adding orange zest to the turk a few seconds before boiling. Spices are added directly to the cup: cloves, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon and a little rum.

Don't be afraid to experiment with your favorite drink. Every day can be different, thanks to a cup of coffee with a new, unique taste.

Aromatic plants have always been used in cooking, perfumery, and medicine. Although more than 150 varieties have been accumulated in the world's storehouse, 15–20 aromas are used in everyday life, and coffee spices are experiencing a rebirth thanks to the increased interest in the immortal drink.

Spices have made an endless and dramatic journey into modern cuisine from ancient times. Mentions of seasonings can be found in chronicles about the history of ancient countries: China, India. Egyptian papyri preserved methods for preparing drinks with cinnamon, cumin and saffron.

Previously, they were used locally, but as civilization developed, spices spread far beyond the growing area. Until now, the use of aromatic substances has its own national characteristics.

Coffee melodies from different countries

Not a single coffee meal in Arab world can't do without seasonings. The love for tart and pungent taste is passed on to them genetically. Against a background of divine aroma, they enjoy notes of the distinct fragrances of traditional additives.


The pungent-smelling tonic is a favorite aromatic plant among the Arabs. The fruits are used in small quantities and are prepared by often grinding coffee beans along with cardamom.

The spice is rich in essential oils. It is believed that it increases potency. Previously, the seasoning was used to improve digestion, build muscle, and activate male power.

The addiction to spice is no coincidence. The rhizome of the plant in ground form has long become a traditional addition to various dishes not only in the Arab world, but also in many European countries. Its beneficial properties are due to the content of amino acids, vitamins, essential oils.


The aromatic seasoning makes the drink original in taste, softens and enriches the coffee. The spice's pronounced antimicrobial effect allows it to preserve food longer, and in the Middle East it is used in spicy meat dishes.

The well-deserved reputation of the complex of volatile essential oils of cinnamon allows its use against colds and other infectious diseases.


Spicy, rich and bitter-tasting buds go perfectly with. To preserve the tart aroma of the spice, the buds of the tropical tree are not subjected to prolonged heat treatment. They are placed in a mug and filled with the finished drink.


A warming, disinfecting, digestive-improving product, add 1-2 peas. Let it brew for a few minutes.

The spice is recommended for use in cold weather. The piquant additive not only saturates the body with additional fragrance, but also cleanses the walls of blood vessels, strengthens memory, disinfects the body from pathogenic microbes, and stimulates the gastrointestinal tract.

Those who want to decorate the coffee ritual in a special way, each time changing and combining spices in different proportions, add anise, star anise, garlic and even to the drink.

Fantasies of the regions of the planet

The Italians, the founders of Western coffee traditions, have a great passion for the drink. They have been breathing its aromas since birth and, not unreasonably, consider themselves the founders of coffee culture in Europe.

  • Greece, Egypt and most Mediterranean countries are united by a love of mixed spices from ginger, nutmeg, coriander;
  • Roman coffee shops share a classic taste for tropical flavors with cinnamon, cardamom and lemon juice;
  • the Iraqi population likes to add saffron stigmas;
  • Africans add oriental spices and a lot of sugar;
  • in Brazil they love to drink coffee with foam - it is generously sprinkled with chocolate;
  • in some States of America, a mixture of cloves, cinnamon, fruit zest and brandy is prepared, then it is set on fire and added to the finished drink;
  • Indonesians offer coffee shop visitors a huge selection of seasonings at their discretion;
  • Scandinavia is a territory where they love strong drinks, and local gourmets, in addition to popular spices, add the lion's dose of alcohol;
  • In the Yemeni tradition, there is a reverent attitude towards coffee attributes, and the Bedouins value the narrow spouts of their teapots, in which cardamom gets stuck.

Nowadays you can find a special set of spices for coffee everywhere, and the Kamis trademark has received special recognition.

The mission of the Polish company is to search for exquisite combinations of various spices. Thanks to strong marketing, Kamis began a triumphant journey since 1991 and established itself as the best manufacturer in the seasoning market.

Opinion polls show that the brand enjoys enormous trust among 70% of buyers. Manufacturers continue to conquer the market, covering vast continents.

Coffee spice mix

Making coffee at home is now easy. The market is crowded household appliances, but lovers of oriental traditions use the usual one, and achieving a diverse aroma is more difficult - you always need to stock up on bags of seasonings and roots of your favorite plants. Spices are added to the drink in tiny portions, and many of them lose their unique fragrance over time.

To preserve the taste and get rich coffee with a light breath of fresh spices, manufacturers came up with airtight packaging with a set of seasonings that combine with each other. The coffee grinder with spices from the Polish company Kamis offers a mixture that includes pieces of seasoning:

  • cinnamon;
  • carnations;
  • vanilla

The spice also contains sugar crystals, processed using special technology. But they only enhance the taste and do not function as a sweetener.

Using a seasoning mill is easy. It is tilted over a mug or Turk and the cap is rotated several times. The “Kamis” mixture set gives other types of coffee variety an additional taste that many gourmets love. The only drawback of the spice is that not every person likes the special bouquet. Then they choose a different composition, from a different manufacturer.

Blend from Sonnentor

A set of spices called “Spices from Aladdin” includes oriental seasonings:

  • nutmeg;
  • cloves;
  • cinnamon;
  • ginger

The ground ingredients are packaged in a jar, but its tightness allows you to store seasonings for a long time without losing the specific aroma.

The manufacturer with the poetic name “Magic Tree” offers consumers a mixture of cardamom, ginger with additions: star anise, cinnamon and cloves.

There are many chain stores offering exclusive variations based on their own fantasies. For example, a drink was born in the depths of the 90s in a Moscow coffee shop, which received a name known to many.

Rough coffee with spices

Capricious Raphael passionately loved coffee, but he wanted something unusual, tender and tasty. Talented bartenders, who loved their work with genuine enthusiasm, after a long search, once offered him a drink, which the guy could not refuse in the future.

It is also useful because it strengthens the immune system, helps resist seasonal diseases, and at the same time cleans blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.

There are many recipes with ginger, and everyone has the right to combine the proportions in their own kitchen.

The basis can be a method that satisfies the desire of most coffee lovers: heat 180 ml of water in a Turk, add one or two teaspoons of coffee, stir, bring to a boil, remove from the stove. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and ginger in equal parts to the finished drink and leave for several minutes. Pleasant and healthy drink ready!

Recipe with ginger, cognac and whipped cream

Human imagination is limitless. And the ways of combining are counted in thousands of variations.

  • cognac - 20 g;
  • whipped cream;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • grated ginger - ¼ tsp.

Before adding the chopped root, steam it for 10 minutes. Coffee is brewed stronger than the usual method. Ginger tincture, a spoonful of cognac are poured into it, sugar is added as desired, and cream is placed on top. Ginger drink tastes wonderful if you dilute it with pieces of fruit and berries.

Pepper coffee recipe

The methods of preparing a drink with hot seasoning are not much different from each other, but the obvious fact is that it gives not only pleasure. The drink warms, cleanses, promotes weight loss and smoothes cellulite. To prepare it, you don’t need the skills of a barista or sophisticated connoisseurs.

Coffee is brewed according to the traditional oriental method using Turkish coffee. Heat it slightly, add crushed coffee and a pinch of black pepper, pour in 10 ml of water, and bring to a boil. After the foam cap has formed, remove it. A pinch of salt and a tiny piece wouldn't hurt butter. The result is an unusual but pleasant taste.

Coffee is drunk slowly, spices are combined in different ways, combining seemingly incompatible components.

And in conclusion, “Two cups of coffee on the table”:

In many countries around the world, spices are added to coffee and tea, which turn an ordinary drink into a culinary masterpiece full of tart and invigorating aromas. Cloves, cardamom, ginger and other spices often find their way into the circles of people in India, Ethiopia or Morocco.

Bring new flavor notes to your hot morning drink, let it turn your daily routine into a bright celebration from the first sip. Check out these three healthy supplements.


It has a calming and relaxing effect, thanks to which you will not pay attention to the stress that accompanies you at home or at work. Cinnamon will help trick your taste buds, so feel free to cut back on the amount of sugar in your drink.

To enjoy a spicy tea, simply mix crushed cinnamon sticks with large leaf Darjeeling or Assam and let the drink brew for 3-5 minutes. You can also put the cinnamon powder directly into the cup.

Making cinnamon coffee isn't much more difficult. Grind the seasoning to a powder and brew an invigorating morning drink with it in your favorite way.

This spice not only guarantees you an instant awakening, delighting your taste buds, but also helps improve your overall health.

Cardamom pods have a pronounced floral taste and aroma, so they are not recommended to be put directly into tea or coffee, so as not to spoil the pleasure.

Boil the spice in water for 30 minutes, without letting it boil too much, then strain. This water should be used as a base for making tea or coffee. This drink has a tonic effect, relieves drowsiness, and has a beneficial effect on mental functions.

As an alternative to cardamom, you can use a mixture of the following spices: black pepper, ginger, cloves and cinnamon.

This is the king of spices, with a unique taste, color and smell. Saffron goes well with green tea and will appeal to people who prefer the best from nature.

To prepare tea, place a pinch of saffron threads in a teapot and fill them with a small amount of boiled water. room temperature so that the aroma and taste are better revealed. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes. Then vigorously stir the contents of the kettle, add hot water, put green tea and let the drink brew for another 2-3 minutes. You will receive an infusion of a beautiful golden color with an unusual taste.

Add a pinch of saffron while brewing coffee. It will acquire new flavor tones that will neutralize its slight bitterness. Antioxidant properties are an added bonus.

It doesn't matter what drink or spice you prefer. The main thing is to have fun.