Molasses (maltodextrin, dextrin maltose) is used in the canning and confectionery industries. In particular, it is used in the manufacture of certain types of bread and gingerbread. Some of its types are used for the production of frozen desserts and ice cream in order to lower the freezing point of products. In the food industry, molasses is produced in two ways. The first method is to prepare it from starch (potato, corn) by saccharification (hydrolysis). In the second way, molasses is made from the juice of berries, vegetables (fruits containing a large number of sugary substances). For this purpose, apples, pears, currants, gooseberries, grapes, etc. are used.

All about sugar. Watch the video!..

Fruit molasses


How to prepare fruit molasses:

    Wash the berries or fruits and extract the juice using a juicer. Strain the juice through cheesecloth into a saucepan and simmer over low heat until it thickens.

    Stir it occasionally with a wooden spatula. The finished molasses should have a dark yellow color.

Pomegranate molasses

It has a sour taste and is beautiful dark color. It can be used not only in baking, but also added to salad dressings.


4 cups pomegranate juice
½ cup sugar
juice of half a lemon

How to make pomegranate molasses:

    Pour the juice into a saucepan and place over low heat. When it boils, add sugar, stir and cook until the volume of liquid is reduced by four.

    At the end of cooking, add lemon juice to the molasses.

Honey molasses


500 g honey
500 g brown sugar
200 ml water

How to prepare honey molasses:

    Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook the mixture over low heat until the sugar melts. Bring it to a boil and let it cook for 5-7 minutes.

    Remove molasses from heat and cool.

Golden syrup


300 g regular sugar
100 g water

How to prepare light molasses:

    Place sugar in a bowl or saucepan, add water and place over low heat until the sugar dissolves.

    Let the mixture simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

All the secrets of honey. Watch the video!

Light lemon molasses


350 g granulated sugar
150 ml water
2 g citric acid
1.5 g baking soda

How to make light lemon molasses:

    Boil water, add granulated sugar to it, bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, put citric acid, cover the pan with a lid and leave on low heat for 45 minutes.

    Stir the molasses from time to time. Cool the finished product, add baking soda diluted with water in a small amount.

    Stir the molasses thoroughly until it foams a lot. Foaming will stop after 15 minutes.

    If foam remains, remove it from the surface with a spoon. Pour the molasses into a glass container and store it in the refrigerator or use it for baking.

(maize) starch. It is used in the confectionery and canning industries, as well as for the production of dressings. Maltodextrin (molasses, dextrin maltose) Appearance Maltodextrin (molasses, dextrin maltose) is a fast carbohydrate that consists of glucose molecules, maltose (2 glucose molecules), maltotriose (3 glucose molecules) and dextrin (several glucose molecules).

Properties: White or creamy-white powder, with a sweetish taste, soluble in hot and cold water.

Maltodextrin (molasses, dextrin maltose) is made by enzymatic digestion vegetable starch (rice, potato or more often corn). Starch is a long chain of glucose. Enzymes divide this long chain into fragments - dextrins, consisting of different quantities glucose molecules (from 2 to 20).

The glycemic index of maltodextrin is very high, depending on the production method, ranging from 105 to 136. Since it is technically not a sugar, manufacturers include it in many sports products, while being able to put a “sugar-free” label. This carbohydrate causes a sharp rise in blood glucose, comparable to taking regular sugar, and is not inferior to it in terms of harmfulness and ability to be stored in fat.

Pureprotein Packaging The popularity of the product in the bodybuilding industry has led to manufacturers and private sellers distributing it for use in the bodybuilding industry. muscle mass, mistakenly presented as an optimal source of carbohydrates.

After the name they sometimes put the abbreviation DE - from English. dextrose equivalent - percentage of reducing sugar. The higher the DE, the smaller the fragments of carbohydrate chains, and the higher the glycemic index.

Maltodextrin in sports nutrition Changes the degree of viscosity of the product Has a thickening and emulsifying effect. Slows down the process natural change colors. It can act as a forming agent or as a leavening agent. Promotion energy value product; Improving the solubility of mixtures; Formation of the structure and homogeneity of the product; Simplification of adding ingredients with minimal dosages, such as dyes, flavors, vitamins, etc.; Reduced water absorption capacity of the hygroscopic components of the mixture. Thus, maltodextrin is commonly used as an inert excipient in the production of sports supplements. In gainers it can be used in large quantities as a source of energy.

Replacement. Literary data indicate that maltodextrin has no advantages over other carbohydrates. In fact, it has the same biological properties (absorption, calorie content, increased insulin secretion, etc.) as sweet confectionery and flour products. Any foods with a high glycemic index can be used as an adequate replacement.

Harm According to the FDA, this is a safe food ingredient that is approved for use in the food industry. However, like any sugar, it can pose a danger to diabetics. Maltodextrin poses the main harm to a bodybuilder because it creates a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, the excess of which is quickly deposited in adipose tissue. Information about the harm and contribution to obesity is sparse because the food industry uses it to a limited extent.

The total volume of molasses consumption in Russia, according to various estimates for 2005, is about 400 thousand tons.

In everyday life, molasses can be called various sugar-containing syrups, including molasses.

Footnotes and sources

see also

  • Light molasses ( English)


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See what "Treacle" is in other dictionaries:

    Women semi-liquid, swelling with what; honey tear or gravity flow, unheated honey, pure, flowing from the honeycomb itself; | sugar boiling drain, liquid sugar. Sugar syrup, potato. They also boil watermelon and grape molasses. Molasses with ginger,... ... Dictionary Dahl

    A semi-finished product in the production of sugar and starch at sugar and starch-molasses factories, a semi-liquid mass, similar in consistency to young liquid honey. There are white molasses (starch) and black molasses (beet sugar). Molasses... ... Culinary dictionary

Molasses is a product that is sweet, like sugar, and viscous, like fresh honey, and has rightfully earned a reputation as a natural sweetener among cooks and confectioners.


Molasses (other names: maltodextrin, dextrin maltose) is a by-product in the form of a semi-liquid mass obtained as a result of enzymatic or incomplete acid hydrolysis of starch, as well as during the production of sugar. There are two types of molasses: white - it is obtained from starches (most often during the production of corn or), and black molasses (or molasses) - formed during the production of sugar from beets. Beet molasses, as a rule, is used only in the preparation of special yeast, spirits and beer (stimulating the fermentation process in the wort). Most often, molasses refers to various sugar-containing syrups, as well as artificial honey, which in appearance, consistency and taste are similar to molasses. By the way, molasses tastes much sweeter than. This product has another advantage - it is cost-effective: instead of 1 kg of sugar, you will need 750 g of molasses. True, molasses is a rare “guest” on the grocery shelves of supermarkets, but it can be purchased without problems at bakeries and bakeries that produce baked goods.


Due to its taste, starch molasses is widely used in the food industry. It is used as a sweetener in the production of halva, caramel, marshmallows, marmalade, waffles, gingerbread, marshmallows, preserves, and jam. Bakers also add molasses to their products, including some types. Molasses not only sweetens baked goods, but also makes the dough structure more tender and fluffy. Molasses can slightly reduce the level of freezing of products, so it is also used in the production of chilled desserts and ice cream. In addition, you can use molasses to soak muffins and. It also has hygroscopic and anti-crystallization properties, which makes it possible to use it in canning fruits and berries and in the production of ketchups.

Composition and properties

Molasses contains many useful microelements, including phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, calcium, as well as B vitamins, oligosaccharides, glucose, maltose and small amounts of healthy fats. For example, 2 teaspoons of this product contains 14% of the daily amount of copper. The peptides contained in the product help restore the hair structure, making it strong, shiny and healthy. The beneficial set of substances in molasses can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and other problems with bones and joints. It has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system and improves brain activity. To increase energy, restore strength and strengthen the immune system, experts recommend dissolving molasses in boiling water (2 teaspoons per 1 glass), and then drinking the drink when it has cooled. Moreover, it is better to drink it through a straw so as not to harm tooth enamel.


Individual intolerance to the original products (what molasses is made from). People with high blood sugar levels should not get carried away with this product.

Interesting Facts

● 1 glass holds 310 g of molasses.

●B last years In Russia there is an increase in the production of starch molasses. For example, in 2014, molasses production increased by 3.5% and at the end of the year amounted to 385,546.0 tons.

● Among the main suppliers of molasses in Russia at the end of 2014 were Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands and China.

Calorie content and the nutritional value molasses

The calorie content of molasses is 316 kcal.

Nutritional value: proteins - 0 g, fats - 0.3 g, carbohydrates - 78.3 g.

Starch syrup, along with granulated sugar, is the main raw material for confectionery production, acting as a sweetener and anti-crystallizer. Starch syrup is a mixture of carbohydrates of different molecular weights: glucose, maltose, maltotriose, and higher polysaccharides and has a large number of varieties depending on the combinations of these carbohydrates.

Starch syrup is approved for use in the food industry, being considered an absolutely safe component for human health. Numerous studies by domestic and foreign scientists have shown the significant role of starch molasses in human nutrition, making it one of the attractive views sweeteners for use in the formulations of various products. At the same time, the main emphasis scientific research And practical application starch molasses is used to give the finished product additional beneficial properties. By completely or partially replacing sucrose with starch syrup, you can reduce the calorie content of the product and provide different influence on texture and a number of other indicators of the finished product. In addition to the main indicators of starch syrup, such as the content of reducing substances, dry substances, pH and acidity, carbohydrate composition, color, and transparency are of particular importance to consumers.

Depending on the degree of starch hydrolysis and the ratio of various carbohydrate groups, starch syrup is divided into the following types:

  • caramel (enzymatic and acidic)
  • maltose
  • highly sugared
  • low sugar

Each type of starch syrup is characterized by certain technological and consumer properties: sweetness, hygroscopicity, fermentability, binding ability, anti-crystallization ability, which allows them to be purposefully used in various sectors of the food industry (confectionery, canned fruit and berries, soft drinks, sauces, ice cream, some types of bread, sports nutrition), pharmaceuticals, cosmetology, construction industry.

From main purposes of using starch syrup the following can be distinguished:

  • preventing sugar crystallization;
  • lowering the freezing point of dairy products;
  • improvement of taste and aroma;
  • increasing the moisture-retaining properties of products;
  • preservative properties;
  • extending the shelf life of products;
  • increasing the degree of viscosity of the mass;
  • emulsification, thickening effect;
  • suspension of the processes of natural color change of the product;
  • leavening agent or forming agent;
  • increasing the energy value of the product;
  • improving the solubility of mixtures;
  • formation of homogeneity of the product structure;
  • simplification of the process of adding various ingredients to the composition in minimal dosages - flavors, dyes, vitamins, etc.;
  • reduction in the water absorption properties of the product.

The shelf life of molasses is 1 year from the date of manufacture, provided that the consumer complies with the conditions of transportation and storage. Transportation temperature - no higher than 55˚C, storage temperature - no higher than 30˚C.

Caramel molasses

It is the most common and widely used type of starch syrup. Contains about 40% reducing substances, glucose 14-20%, maltose 29-37%, maltotriose 10-14%. The main area of ​​application is the confectionery industry. The presence of higher sugars ensures the preservation of the consistency and viscosity of starch syrup, making it a necessary ingredient in confectionery products that regulates the process of sucrose crystallization. Although starch syrup is completely stable and does not crystallize, to facilitate the process of use it is recommended to store it at a temperature of 50-55 o C.

Caramel molasses:

  • in lollipops it is used to reduce the crystallization of sucrose;
  • in toffee and caramel it serves to reduce crystal formation, improves chewing properties and reacts with milk protein, which leads to the creation of the characteristic color and taste of the product;
  • V chewing gum molasses with a high solids content ensures long-term preservation taste qualities products;
  • in the ice cream and frozen desserts industry it is used to regulate the process of crystallization of lactose in milk, as a regulator of freezing and thawing points, to create a delicate texture of ice cream, improve its taste and shape;
  • due to the low amount of glucose, it is able to retain a large amount of moisture, which is very important in the production of marmalade and gelled confectionery products
  • Due to the balanced composition of sugars, it is used in the production of bread, as well as by restaurants and small businesses for the production of cakes, rolls, pastries, and designer confectionery products. Starch caramel molasses increases the elasticity of the crumb and creates a mirror-like golden gloss;
  • Due to its high density and viscosity, this molasses is used in the manufacture of complementary food for fish. She has long time erosion by water, so fish bait made on its basis is very effective;
  • Also, due to its density, viscosity and ability to preserve, the use of starch caramel molasses allows you to create balms and cough mixtures with a thick consistency;
  • the property of becoming caramel is used during the cosmetic procedure of depilation - Sugaring. To do this, mix caramel molasses with glucose-fructose syrup to maintain plasticity for application and subsequent hardening on the skin;
  • density, viscosity and the ability of rapid stable hardening upon contact with air make caramel starch molasses indispensable in the manufacture of building mixtures for leveling walls, concrete for leveling floors, PVA glue, and various types of adhesive bases.

    The resulting mixtures acquire additional plasticity, viscosity, antifungal and antibacterial stability.

Maltose molasses

It is characterized by moderate characteristic sweetness, good thermal and chemical stability, and high osmotic pressure. Due to its high microbiological stability, maltose molasses can for a long time stored without signs of crystallization. Maltose molasses contains more than 38% reducing substances, 5-20% glucose, 50-72% maltose, 18.9% maltotriose.

Maltose molasses:

  • is a universal and indispensable improver for all types of bread and expanded range of products baked from wheat flour. The advantages of maltose molasses over sugar when baking are obvious: the porosity and elasticity of the crumb sharply increases, bread and products remain fresh longer, baked goods have a golden crust, a pleasant taste and an attractive aroma;
  • widely used for making desserts, gingerbread, cookies, creams, glaze, Turkish delight and some types of sweets, ice cream and marmalade. It requires less added sugar;
  • used to produce premium quality caramel with improved color and clarity. Maltose molasses, having a lower viscosity, gives the caramel mass better flowing properties. The low level of glucose in maltose molasses reduces the darkening of high-temperature caramel, which is especially important for the production of transparent products;
  • used for the manufacture of dietary confectionery products. Currently, nutritionists agree that maltose is much healthier than fructose and sucrose;
  • Due to its composition of sugars, maltose molasses is an ideal component for making kvass, as fermentation is easily controlled. This is achieved due to the fact that molasses usually contains up to 70% easily fermentable, 20% slowly fermentable sugars. The high content of maltose in molasses makes it close in composition to malt wort, and unfermentable sugars create specific taste qualities and provide the required density of kvass. Maltose molasses is also used in the production of vodka to soften it and give it a characteristic taste.
  • Possessing high density and viscosity, it is used in the production of building materials and for the preparation of molding sands in metallurgy.

Highly sugared molasses

Highly sugared molasses with reducing substances ranging up to 70% contains 40-43% glucose, 54-56% maltose and 4-8% dextrins. This molasses has a higher degree of sweetness, lower viscosity (lower viscosity provides a better increase in the volume of the whipped mass, giving it a more delicate structure), and is characterized by increased osmotic pressure compared to sucrose. These properties increase its effectiveness in the production of biscuit products, baking (Borodinsky type bread), canning fruits and berries, in the production of jams, fillings, sauces, ketchups, soft confectionery products, soft drinks, ice cream.

Due to its balanced composition of sugars, this type of starch syrup when stored at room temperature does not crystallize. To make working with molasses easier, it is recommended to store it at a temperature of 55 o C.

Highly saccharified starch syrup:

  • In the production of jams, highly sugared molasses is used to replace sugar. It has a higher osmotic pressure than sucrose of the same mass, so it is more effective in ensuring the stability of jams. Molasses helps accelerate the process of sucrose recrystallization. In addition, during the boiling process when preparing jam, part of the sucrose will be inverted, i.e. the inversion process will begin. As a result, glucose and fructose will be formed. This extra glucose can crystallize out during storage and give the jam a coarse texture. Since the sweetness of molasses is lower than that of sucrose, adding highly saccharified molasses to jam will appear to reduce the sweetness of the jam, but will instead enhance the fruity flavor. This will also add shine to the jam, making it more attractive to look at;
  • can be used to improve the process of color formation, enhance sweetness, increase water-holding capacity and osmotic pressure, thus increasing the possibility of reducing microbiological contamination;
  • when using highly sugared molasses to prepare pectin jelly, the product will be softer. The reason is the reduced content of higher sugars in this type of molasses;
  • When producing marshmallows, highly saccharified molasses is subject to two mutually exclusive requirements: high viscosity and sweetness. In the production of fondant candies and products with a foamy structure (marshmallows, marshmallows), highly sugared molasses with a PB content of up to 60-65% are most suitable, where glucose is at the level of 35-40%;
  • highly sugared molasses is used in recipes fruit pies to absorb moisture, its content is usually 5 - 7%. In addition, it gives sweetness to the finished product and a brown color to the crust. If the molasses content is too high, brown discoloration will occur at the bottom of the product. This is especially noticeable in the production of biscuits;
  • The balanced ratio of fermentable and non-fermentable sugars in highly saccharified molasses allows it to be an ideal component for the preparation of drinks such as kvass. Fermentable sugars easily turn into alcohol, and higher sugars give the drink consistency and taste. Thanks to this combination of properties of highly sugared molasses, the drink acquires a distinct taste with a predominant fruity tint;
  • Highly sugared molasses is less sweet than sucrose, and yet it can still play an important role in a soft drink formulation, especially when combined with a strong sweetener. In this case, the higher sugars of molasses give the drink a specific consistency and taste. In addition, molasses will reduce the harsh aftertaste that is often obtained when using strong sweeteners, especially saccharin;
  • Highly sugared molasses is widely used in the production of candied fruits. Fruits are preserved by soaking them in a carbohydrate solution to extract natural juices and add carbohydrates to give the product a higher sweetness. The presence of high molecular weight saccharides provides an increase in viscosity
  • Certain varieties of highly saccharified molasses with high RF can be used in the construction industry.

Low-sugar molasses

Contains 26-35% reducing substances, no more than 10% glucose, the mass fraction of dry substances is 78-80%.

Low-sugar molasses is used in the production foamy candies, airy caramel, aerated confectionery (sponge cakes, cake layers, meringues), dry cream, where low sweetness, mild taste and reduced hygroscopicity are important.

It is a foam and emulsion stabilizer, used as an anti-crystallizer, sweetness regulator, and binder. , For maintaining the shape and consistency of the product, ensuring its stickiness.

The company "LD Sivers" LLC from warehouses in St. Petersburg and Efremov, Tula region.

All molasses products comply with GOST 33917-2016. The shelf life of molasses is 1 year from the date of manufacture, provided that the consumer complies with the conditions of transportation and storage. Transportation temperature - no higher than 55˚C, storage temperature - no higher than 30˚C.

Syrup is a product of fermented starch. Any type of starch, for example, potato or corn, can be used as the final raw material. Another name is also common among people, for example, artificial honey or syrup. Molasses can be considered a semi-finished product that is obtained in the production of sugar and starch. The result is a semi-liquid mass that has a consistency like young honey (see photo). The taste of the product is slightly sweeter compared to sugar.

Molasses is used in the confectionery industry to improve the taste and variety of color of the product. Molasses is also used in making ice cream, as it reduces the freezing limit. In addition to sweets, molasses is used in the production of beer, soft drinks, jam, etc.

According to GOST, certain types of molasses are distinguished, for example, caramel, maltose, malt, highly sugared, etc. It has achieved popularity due to the following properties:

  • increases sugar solubility;
  • retains moisture, which allows baked goods to not go stale for a long time;
  • acts as a preservative;
  • reduces the freezing limit of dairy drinks;
  • improves the taste and aroma of the product.

How to select and store?

When choosing molasses, if possible, be sure to try it; if the product has not been processed, its taste will be very sweet. If you just want to eat molasses like syrup, then choose the white version, but for baking, black molasses is better. It is necessary to store molasses in a tightly closed container, away from sun rays in a cool place. The shelf life is no more than 2 years.

Beneficial features

The benefits of molasses are due to the presence of vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to use it during pregnancy. The product helps improve well-being during menopause. Molasses is recommended to be consumed during the treatment of ulcers. With regular consumption, the product has a positive effect on brain activity and improves functioning nervous system, which in turn helps to cope with headaches, fatigue, insomnia and stress. Molasses is an excellent source of iron and calcium, minerals that are important for normal growth and development. It contains magnesium and potassium, which are necessary for the cardiovascular system.

Use in cooking

Molasses is used in the manufacture of various sweets. It is included in some types of bread, as well as gingerbread and other baked goods. Molasses can act as a syrup for various desserts and can also be used to make sauces.

Secrets of making molasses at home

The question of making molasses with your own hands at home very often worries housewives who have begun to prepare some kind of dessert, because molasses is often used in recipes for making sweets, but you can’t find it in the store. However, creating such a product yourself will not be difficult. You can find the most common recipes for making molasses at home in the table below.

Type of molasses

Recipe Ingredients



watermelons – 5-6 pcs.

Making watermelon molasses at home is not a labor-intensive task, but quite time-consuming. So, watermelons need to be washed and then divided into halves. Using a spoon, remove the pulp from each half and place it in a copper bowl. Then the pulp must be crushed with a puree masher, after which it must be passed through 2-3 layers of gauze. Next, the watermelon juice is brought to a boil over high heat; it should boil for no more than two minutes. At the end of the announced time, the fire is turned off, and the future molasses is left to cool for 10 minutes. Then it is again passed through cheesecloth and boiled over low heat until the desired thickness. The watermelon molasses needs to be stirred periodically to prevent it from burning.

The specified number of watermelons yields only one half-liter jar.

White sugar (refined) molasses

refined sugar – 350 grams;

water – 150 ml;

citric acid – 2 grams;

baking soda – 1.5 grams

The specified amount of water must be boiled on the stove, and then refined sugar should be dissolved in it. After the future molasses boils, add citric acid to it. Then cover the container with molasses with a lid and keep on low heat for 45 minutes. After - turn off the heat and cool the sweet syrup a little, and then add one and a half grams of baking soda, diluted in small quantities. warm water. After this manipulation, the sweet sugar molasses will begin to foam, and it will be ready a quarter of an hour after the end of foaming.

From grapes

grapes – 1 kg

Grape molasses at home is prepared according to the same principle as watermelon molasses. So, the washed grapes are squeezed through a juicer and then placed in a saucepan. Boil this molasses in a water bath until one third of its volume remains of the mass.

apples – 4 kg

Apple molasses, like any other fruit molasses, is prepared using the same pattern. The fruits are squeezed through a juicer, and then the resulting juice is boiled over low heat until the required thickness.


any sweet juicy fruit

Making this type of molasses with your own hands is similar to making apple molasses.

Black molasses molasses or cane honey molasses

cane sugar – 3 tbsp;

natural bee honey – 3 tbsp;

water – 1 tbsp.

Pour the specified amount of cane sugar with water and place on the stove. Keep the cane molasses on the stove until the sugar is completely dissolved in it, then let the sweet liquid simmer for another 5-6 minutes. Leave the molasses to cool, and when it is warm, dissolve the honey in it. Once cooled, the black cane molasses will be ready for further use.

And finally, a few secrets in working with molasses:

  • If you need to measure a certain amount of molasses when preparing a dish, spray the measuring cup with a special cooking spray in advance or grease it vegetable oil. This way you can pour out every last drop of molasses.
  • To get rid of the acidity of molasses, use baking soda.

Harm of molasses and contraindications

Molasses can be harmful if you have an individual intolerance to the product. If consumed in large quantities, it may cause diabetes and others serious illnesses. Given the high calorie content, the product can be harmful to the figure.