Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko- is a popular Soviet and Russian pop singer, as well as a vocal teacher and owner of one of the most recognizable and pleasant baritones in Russian Federation. In 1983 he was awarded the honorary title People's Artist of the RSFSR. Over the course of his entire career, the singer gave about ten thousand concerts and recorded more than seven hundred songs, the most famous of which are "Farewell" and "Victory Day". Lev Valeryanovich is seventy-six years old. He is married to Irina Leshchenko. The couple has no children.

Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko

Artist's family

Head of the family - Valeryan Andreevich Leshchev (Leshchenko) born in 1904. He received his education at the Kursk gymnasium. At first I worked on a state farm. In 1931, the man was sent to the capital as an accountant at a vitamin plant. Soon he was called to Red Army. Valerian fought for several years in Soviet-Finnish war, after which he began to serve in People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union.

Lev Leshchenko in his youth

During the Great Patriotic War had the position of deputy chief of staff of the regiment special purpose escort troops. During his service he was awarded many orders and medals. Before retirement he served in Ministry of State Security of the Soviet Union, as well as in the Main Directorate of Border Troops of the State Security Committee. Died in 2004 year at the age of ninety-nine years.

Mother's name - Leshchenko Klavdiya Petrovna. The woman was born in 1915 year, and died in 1943 year at the age of twenty-eight, when his son was only one year old. The father could not raise his son, as he was constantly busy with work, so this burden fell on the shoulders of his subordinate - the foreman Andrey Fisenko. The “son of the regiment” spent his childhood in the barracks. He dined in the soldiers' canteen, marched in formation to the movies, and practiced at the shooting range. Already at the age of four he wore a military uniform.

Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko in his youth

The closest and important person for the artist there was a grandfather Andrei Leshchenko. It was grandfather who instilled in Leo love for music. From an early age, grandfather Andrey taught his grandson the art of singing. After the death of Leo's mother, Valeryan Andreevich married Marina Mikhailovna. IN 1949 the woman gave her husband a daughter, who was given the name Valentina.

Childhood and adolescence

Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko was born February 1, 1942 in the capital. Childhood years passed in Sokolniki. At the age of five, the future singer began attending Central House of Culture for Railway Workers. Soon the family moved to Voykovsky district, where the boy began to go to school number 201.

Lev Valeryanovich in his youth

In addition, Lev sang in the choir of the local pioneer house, and also attended brass band and literary circle. On top of that, he was involved in swimming. The choirmaster insisted that the boy leave the clubs and begin to practice only singing. The young man took an active part in school amateur performances. Most often on stage he performed popular songs Utyosova.

After school, Lev tried to enroll in theater universities, but to no avail. WITH 1959 to 1960 odes, a man worked as a stagehand at the Bolshoi Theater, with 1960 to 1961 worked as a fitter. In 1961, a man was called up to serve in the ranks Soviet army. Initially, Lev wanted to serve in the navy, as he says at the military registration and enlistment office. But the man’s father ensured that Lev was sent to serve in the Group Soviet troops in Germany, in the tank forces. The future artist served in sixty-second guards tank regiment.

Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko in early years and now

January 27, 1962 The command of the unit where Lev served sent him to the song and dance ensemble of the Guards Tank Army. In the ensemble, Leshchenko sang in a quartet, read poetry and conducted concerts. While serving in the army, the singer prepared daily for enlistment to the theater institute.

Upon completion of military service, in September 1964 year, tried again to enroll in Russian Institute of Theater Arts. The exams were already over, but Lev was enrolled, since they managed to remember the young promising guy. Even in his first years, he was accepted into the Operetta Theater by invitation Georgy Ansimov, the main director who was a teacher and singer in Russian Institute theatrical art.

Lev Valeryanovich in his youth

The first role that the young artist got was “sinner” in the play “ Orpheus in Hell”, consisted of only two words: “Let me warm up.” According to Lev Valeryanovich himself, he studied with folk artists such as Pokrovsky, Ansimov, Goncharov, Zavadskoy and director Efros. In 1964, Lev began working in the internship group Operetta Theater. During summer holidays Lev Valeryanovich toured the Soviet Union with concert teams.

The creative path of Lev Leshchenko

IN 1966 Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko became an artist Moscow Operetta Theater. February 13, 1970 singer became soloist-vocalist of the State Television and Radio of the Soviet Union, where he performed chamber music classical works, arias from operas, romances. Lev Valeryanovich explained such a sharp change in direction in his work by the desire to try himself in different genres.

Still young Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko

In 1970, Leshchenko, together with Big symphony orchestra led by Gennady Rozhdestvensky, successfully performed the oratorio Rodion Shchedrin"Lenin in the heart of the people." Together with the symphony orchestra, he sang the modern song “Russian Field” and the folk song “ There's a snowstorm blowing along the street."

In addition, in March 1979 Lev Valeryanovich became laureate of the Fourth All-Union Variety Artists Competition. In 1972, Leshchenko became a laureate of the competition “ Golden Orpheus." In the same year he received first prize at International Song Festival in Poland for the performance of the song “For that guy”.

IN 1970 - years, the artist’s fame grew rapidly. He gained a reputation as a presenter. Lev Valeryanovich became a prominent personality on radio and television. He is a sought-after participant in the country's main concerts in Ostankino and the Kremlin. Throughout his career, the artist has toured all over Soviet Union and even visited the countries of the socialist camp.

Lev Leshchenko at a performance

He visited Komsomol construction sites Far East and Siberia, and also performed in Japan. Soon Leshchenko became a prize winner Moscow Komsomol, Lenin Komsomol Prize. IN 1977 year Lev Valeryanovich was awarded the title Honored Artist. Cult song of the 1970s and business card Lev Valeryanovich's song became "Victory Day". The song was composed for P's thirtieth birthday dinners in the Great Patriotic War, and was first sung by Leshchenko at a concert for Police Day in November 1975 and became famous mainly thanks to the performance of Lev Valeryanovich.

Lev Valeryanovich

More and more songs appeared in the artist’s repertoire, written especially for him. In 1978, the artist first performed the song “ Love, Komsomol and spring." Most of the songs immediately became hits. For several years he was the host of the television program “Sing, Friends.” Also included in history are footage of the end of the Moscow Olympics, where it blows Lev Leshchenko and Tatyana Antsiferova sang a song called "Goodbye, Moscow!"

IN 1981 year, Lev Valeryanovich created and led the vocal and instrumental group “ Range"under the leadership of Igor Dorokhov. In 1980 Leo awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, three years later he was awarded title of People's Artist Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republics. Besides, in 1985 Leshchenka awarded the order "Badge of honor".

Lev Leshchenko with

In the early 90s, the artist initiated the creation of a theater of variety performances " Music agency". At the same time, in tandem with, he created a show program of doubles, where Leshchenko performed in a humorous genre, and Vinokur sang. The pop singer also taught at the Gnessin Music and Pedagogical Institute.

Throughout his creative career, Lev Leshchenko has released more than ten records, magnetic albums and CDs. In 1999, on the Square of Stars near the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" a foundation was laid singer's name star. IN 2001 year The book “Apology for Memory” was published in which Leshchenko described his life and expressed his opinion about his contemporaries. On February 1, 2002, he was awarded the Order For services to the Fatherland" fourth degree.

Vladimir Putin awards Lev Leshchenko

Voice of Lev Valeryanovich- low, voluminous and soft baritone with a masculine timbre. In his youth, Leo was very popular due to his powerful voice and masculine attractiveness, romantic appearance and noble manner on stage, as well as his mastery of the art of acting speech and gesture. Another surge of fame overtook Lev Valeryanovich in his mature years, already in the twenty-first century, when the artist began to be considered one of the legends of the national stage and thus represented on television, festivals and show programs.

Dmitry Medvedev awarded Lev Leshchenko

A distinctive feature of the singer’s concert performances is the participation of backing vocalists. In 2011, Leshchenko participated in the TV show “ Phantom of the Opera" on Channel One, Since 2012, he has been a frequent visitor to the Saturday talk show " Tonight" on Channel One. In 2015, Leshchenko became the guest of honor rock festival KUBANA.


IN 1967 two films featuring Lev Leshchenok were released this year “The Path to Saturn” and “Sofia Perovskaya”, in which he played cameo roles. IN 1974 performed the song “Promise” in a feature film "Yurka Dawns". In 1975, the film “ I'm looking for the dawn" in which the actor got the main role.

Lev Leshchenko in the film “Zaitsev, Burn!” Showman's story"

IN 1979 year sang the song “ Where have you been? in the film "Grandmothers Said in Two...". In 1995 he played a summer resident in the musical film "Old songs about the main thing." Two years later he played the role of announcer of the program “ Time"in the same film. In 1998 he took part in the filming "War Romance".

From 2005 to 2007 he starred in a series called “ Destined to become a star" In 2010 he played a cameo role in the film “Zaitsev, burn! The story of a showman." In 2013, in the adventure comedy film “Treasures of O.K.” performed the composition "Don't cry, girl!". IN 2018 took part in the filming of an episodic scene in the fourth episode of the comedy television series " House arrest".

Personal life

The singer became the first wife of Lev Valeryanovich Alla Abdalova. They met while studying at the Russian Institute of Theater Arts. Lev was two years younger, and when Alla was finishing her fifth year, the couple got married. Together they began performing as a duet "Old Maple."

Lev Leshchenko with his wife

IN 1974 In 2009, a crisis arose in the relationship between Leo and Alla, and they decided to live separately. A year later, the couple decided to give the marriage a second chance. But, in 1977 year, on Tour in Sochi, Leshchenko met, as he himself repeatedly said in interviews, the love of his life. She was a university student in Budapest Irina Bagudina, Born in 1954.

Lev and Irina Leshchenko

Irina studied as an exchange student at Hungary to be an economist, and Sochi came on vacation. The girl did not recognize the artist as a popular star and even mistook him for a member of the mafia, while Leo fell in love at first sight. Lev was thirty-four, Irina was twenty-two, but this age difference did not interfere with the feelings in which the couple plunged headlong.

Leshchenko's spouses

While Irina was on vacation, the artist did not appear at home, and when the student flew to Budapest, he returned to the apartment, where he found his suitcases packed - Leshchenko’s wife guessed that her husband was having an affair. Lev Valeryanovich thanked his wife for not causing trouble and left her life. The couple did not maintain friendly relations.

Lev and Irina Leshchenko

In 1978, Lev and Irina got married. For the sake of her husband, Irina gave up her career and began working as an assistant director at the Leshchenko Theater. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, the couple were unable to have children, but this did not affect their marriage in any way. Despite his age, the singer does not give up sports and is actively involved in basketball, tennis and swimming. Lev Valeryanovich takes the place of honor as president of the basketball club " Triumph" in the city Lyubertsy.

Lev Leshchenko with his wife now

Where does Lev Leshchenko's family come from? How was the upbringing of the future artist? Which artist's songs did Leshchenko like to sing in his youth? Why didn’t they want to admit Lev Valeryanovich to GITIS, and how did he still manage to enroll in the course? What songs performed by the artist became all-Union hits and brought him fame? Is it true that Leshchenko’s student was Katya Lel? What does the artist consider the main reward for his work? What sports does Lev Valeryanovich enjoy, and what is the secret of his popularity?

Childhood and youth

Lev Leshchenko was born in Moscow on February 1, 1942. His grandfather was from the village of Nizy, Kharkov province, which at that time was part of Russian Empire. In 1900, he moved to the Kursk province, where he got a job as an accountant at a factory. Grandfather Leshchenko was a musical man: he sang in the church choir and played many instruments.

Lev Valeryanovich's father moved to Moscow in 1931. Having passed Finnish war, and then the Great Patriotic War, he rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel and was awarded many orders. Birth mother the artist died a year after giving birth, so he was raised by his stepmother Marina Mikhailovna. As a child, Leshchenko spent a lot of time with his father: he went to the shooting range, had lunch in the soldiers’ canteen, and learned to march. When my father was busy with work, Sergeant Major Andrei Fisenko looked after him.

At school, Lev Valeryanovich became addicted to art. He attended the choir in the house of pioneers, a brass band, and a literary circle. Having heard the young man sing, the teachers advised him to give up all the clubs and just take up singing.

Leshchenko’s favorite performer was Utesov, whose songs he repeatedly sang at school evenings.

After graduating from school, Lev Valeryanovich tried to enter the theater school, but to no avail. For about a year he was a worker at the Bolshoi Theater, and then an assembly fitter at a factory. When the future artist was drafted into the army, he hoped that he would become a sailor. However, thanks to the “efforts” of his father, Lev was sent to serve in tank forces in Germany. He completed his service in the song and dance ensemble, where he sang in a quartet and solo.

In 1964, Lev Leshchenko again came to enroll in GITIS. His feuilletons were considered mediocre, but the commission took pity and accepted him into the course. Studying transformed the young man so much that soon no one doubted his abilities. In his second year, Leshchenko first stepped on the stage of the Operetta Theater, playing the role of a sinner in the production of “Orpheus in Hell.” Thus began a rapid career as an artist.

In 1966, Lev Leshchenko became a full member of the Moscow Operetta Theater. However, he wanted more: real tours, performances

celebrations on the big stage, public recognition. The artist’s dream came true in 1970, when he became the soloist of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Intensive creative activity began: performances at the radio microphone, recordings of Soviet and folk songs, collaboration with the Big Symphony Orchestra.

Lev Leshchenko rapidly gained popularity and soon became a prominent figure on the Soviet stage. His first fame came from the song “For That Guy,” with which he received an award at the Sopot Festival in 1972. And Leshchenko became truly famous in 1975, when he first performed the song “Victory Day” by Tukhmanov and Kharitonov. This composition became the artist’s calling card and firmly entered the golden fund of the Soviet stage.

In 1977, Lev Leshchenko was awarded the title of Honored Artist, and a few years later - People's Artist of the RSFSR. He was at the peak of his fame when in 1980, on the day of the end of the Olympics, he sang the song “Goodbye, Moscow” together with Tatyana Antsiferova. To the sound of his voice, the Olympic Bear flew into the sky.

Leshchenko has not lost popularity

even after the collapse of the USSR. In 1990, he organized the Musical Agency theater, which began organizing concerts, tours, creative evenings, and presentations. Thanks to the efforts of the theater, the film “Anniversary... Anniversary... Anniversary...”, the television film “War Field Romance”, and the program “10 Years of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia” were released.

In addition to concerts and tours, Lev Leshchenko teaches at the Music Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnesins. At one time, his students were Varvara, Olga Arefieva, Katya Lel, Marina Khlebnikova. Lev Valeryanovich also often performs in a duet with his friend Vladimir Vinokur.

During his career, Leshchenko released more than 10 albums. He is the author of the book “Apology for Memory,” in which he spoke in detail about his life, family, friends, and contemporaries. Its history includes many prominent people in art, sports and politics. In 2002, the artist was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. According to Lev Valeryanovich, he is very pleased to receive such awards, but the main reward for him will always be love and recognition

Lev Leshchenko was married twice. He lived with his first wife, singer and actress Alla Alexandrovna Abdalova, from 1966 to 1976. In 1978, the artist married Irina Pavlovna Bagudina, with whom he still lives. Lev Valeryanovich has no children, and he greatly regrets this. The artist loves leisure– plays tennis, swimming, basketball. He is the honorary president of the Triumph basketball club in the city of Lyubertsy.

Very rarely Lev Leshchenko appears in films. He mostly plays bit parts or appears as himself. His greatest work is the musical television film "War Field Romance" (1998), which was filmed in the format of "Old Songs about the Main Thing" especially for Victory Day.

Lev Leshchenko has always been distinguished by his soft features, kind smile, fit figure. His soft, low baritone with a velvety timbre won more than one woman’s heart. Thanks to his appearance and voice, the artist Soviet era remains popular today – in the realities of a completely different world. Perhaps this is real talent

Lev Leshchenko - famous singer, Several generations know about him and love the songs. You can recognize his voice from the first words; the artist has achieved everything in life through his hard work.

Leo not only achieved success in his career, but the performer’s personal life is also excellent.

How did his career on stage begin, how did he become a famous performer, and later a producer?

What does the popular musician still regret and what would he like to improve in his life? This is what we will talk about today.

The artist's childhood and youth

In 1942, when Second World War was in full swing, Lev Leshchenko was born. His dad was at the front, and then remained to serve his homeland. Mom ran away from her life due to a terrible incurable disease when she just turned 28 years old. Throughout his childhood, the child did not see his own father due to business trips.

The child was raised by his own grandfather Andrei. Thanks to him, Lev began to get involved in music. The boy really missed his mother, and lacked the attention of his own father.

The child spent his childhood years in Sokolniki. Leva was very capable and attended various additional activities, I practiced vocals and went to the pool. Leva did not know what to choose and therefore did everything at once, but his grandfather was more supportive of his desire to study music.

The young man graduates from school and decides to enter theater school, but he failed on his first try. Lev goes to work at the plant and at the age of 18 he receives a summons to the army.

Everyone in the army knew that Leo sings well, and asked to join a local ensemble. The young man begins to perform. Despite his service, Lev did not give up preparing to enter a higher educational institution.

After leaving the army, Lev entered the theater. Teachers initially doubted his abilities young man, but soon changed their minds and were sure that Lev Levchenko would become famous throughout the world.

Leo takes part in theatrical performances. His the first role was minor, and he practically had no words. This is how Leshchenko’s acting career began, and together with the troupe he went on his first theatrical tour.

Since 1971, Lev began performing solo. The young man begins to have his first fans. Leshchenko is beginning to be invited to participate in concerts, programs, and theatrical productions.

After 6 years, Lev Leshchenko was awarded as an Honored Artist. In 1983 Leshchenko become a People's Artist of the Soviet Union.

Since 1990, Lev Leshchenko has held the honorary position of director of the theater. They organized holiday events and concerts throughout the country.

Leo was a teacher at higher education educational institution. He became a real mentor and teacher for many famous people, such as Katya Lel, Varvara.

Leo became famous thanks to his talent for singing. The artist has enough rare timbre of voice.

Lev Leshchenko has always been a very reserved, well-mannered and gallant person. In his youth, Leo had many fans who would happily take the place of the artist’s life partner.

Personal life of the performer

Lev Leshchenko does not like to talk about his personal life in public, so not much information is known. Leo there were two wives and he lived with each of them for quite a long time.

In 1966, the artist registered his marriage with Alla. The girl played in theater and cinema, toured cities. The marriage lasted more than ten years, after which the young people decided to leave.

Their marriage broke up when Alla suspected that her husband had someone on the side. It was a young girl, a student, who won the artist’s heart. Allah did not tolerate husband's betrayal and collected his things.

In 1978, Lev married Irina for the second time. They met when the girl was still a student and the artist admits that he fell in love at first sight. Irina didn’t even know that such a performer as Lev Leshchenko existed.

Despite the fact that the young man was 12 years older, this did not interfere with their romance. The young people spent everything together free time.

The artist admits that this woman is happiness of his whole life. Lev and Irina still live together.

Leshchenko was not lucky enough to have his own children in any of his marriages. Leo really regrets that God did not give him children, but time cannot be turned back.

Leo is interested in many things besides his career. From sports games the artist prefers: basketball, football, tennis.

Lev Leshchenko is known in many countries and he achieved his popularity solely on his own. Even Brezhnev was delighted with his voice young performer.

On the personal front, everything is not as colorful for the artist as on stage, but he has repeatedly stated that he is happy and thanks life for every new day.

Name: Lev Leschenko

Age: 77 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 67 kg

Activity: singer

Family status: married to Irina Badugina

Lev Leshchenko - biography

Lev Leshchenko is a popular singer whose biography is well known to more than one generation. His voice is recognizable, his career is brilliant, and the artist himself has achieved more in life than fame - happiness in his personal life. How and why did this talented actor, singer and music producer become famous?

Lev Leshchenko - childhood and school years

Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko was born in 1942, right at the height of the Great Patriotic War. His father at that time participated in hostilities, and then remained in the ranks of the army. The singer’s mother died young, then she was only 28 years old, and her father was constantly absent from work. Little Lev was raised by the entire regiment, as well as his grandfather, Andrei Leshchenko. It was his grandfather who ultimately instilled in the boy a love of music.

The entire childhood biography of Lev Leshchenko took place in Sokolniki. There the boy attended many clubs and sections, from choir to swimming. This continued until the choirmaster insisted that Lev make a choice in favor of one circle, the choir, and leave the rest. From that moment on, Leshchenko began to comprehend the basics of music.

After graduating from school, Lev Leshchenko repeatedly tried to go to college acting, but failed every time. He had to work at a factory as an assembler, after which Lev was drafted into the army.

Lev Valeryanovich served on the territory of the GDR, he was sent to the tank forces. The military leadership knew about the talent of the serviceman and asked him to join the song and dance ensemble. Lev agreed and began performing for his part as a soloist. But even then he did not give up his dream of entering a theater institute, and therefore in his free time he diligently prepared for the entrance exams.

After the army, Lev Leshchenko still managed to fulfill his dream. He failed the entrance exam, in which the teachers called him dense, but still he was offered to try himself and study. The student took advantage of the chance, and soon all the teachers and students of GITIS were sure that before them was a man whose biography in the near future would reveal him to be one of the most famous on the stage.

Lev Leshchenko performed in many theaters. He began his career as an actor with a modest role, where he uttered only two words. It was at the Operetta Theater. Then the actor began working at the Mosconcert, and from there he went on his first tour with the troupe.

In 1971, Lev Valeryanovich became the soloist-vocalist of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Then, as a singer, he received public recognition. Leo began to be constantly invited to various concerts and programs, the actor and singer became famous and in demand.

In 1977, Leshchenko received an award from the government - he was recognized as an Honored Artist of the USSR. Three years later, the singer was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, and in 1983 Lev Valeryanovich received the title of People's Artist.

In 1980, Lev Leshchenko, together with Tatyana Antsiferova, performed a song at the closing of the Moscow Olympics. Even the most callous people were moved by the song “Goodbye, Moscow,” and the more sentimental ones cried when listening to it.

Since 1990, the singer took the place of director at the Musical Agency theater. This company was then involved in organizing various touring events. Not without the help of the director, this theater became a state theater.

Leshchenko taught at the Gnessin Institute for many years. He taught many students who eventually became celebrities; among his students were: Marina Khlebnikova, Katya Lel, Varvara and many other talented people.

Of course, distinguishing feature Lev Leshchenko is his voice. It is very soft and voluminous, the timbre is baritone. Leshchenko always creates the impression of a modest and at the same time charming person. In his younger years, these traits drove his fans crazy, although even now the singer is in excellent shape.

Lev Leshchenko - biography of personal life

Not too much is known about Leshchenko’s personal life - he does not create scandals around himself, does not shock the public, and especially does not seek to talk about his secrets to society. But nevertheless, the singer was married twice, and both marriages were long enough to speak of their seriousness.

Since 1966, Leshchenko has been married to Alla Abdalova. Their union lasted ten years, after which the star spouses divorced (Alla is an actress and singer).
The singer entered into a second marriage with Irina Badugina in 1978. This marriage turned out to be more durable, the couple are happy together to this day.
Lev Leshchenko has no children from any of his wives. He admitted in an interview that he deeply regrets that he did not leave worthy descendants, but time has already been lost.

Leshchenko has many hobbies that are not related to his career. For example, sports hobbies: basketball, volleyball, swimming. For some time, Lev Valeryanovich served as president of the basketball club in Lyubertsy, which is called “Triumph”. With the move of this team to St. Petersburg, he left his post.

Leshchenko’s biography is full of brilliant creativity; the singer and actor achieved unprecedented popularity on his own (they say that Brezhnev himself forbade changing gears with the participation of Lev Leshchenko in his presence). The same cannot be said about his personal life, which is not so eventful, but it can also be called happy.

The favorite of millions, the idol of many generations, Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko was born on February 1, 1942 in Moscow. For more than half a century he has been delighting fans with his creativity, and appearance You can never tell the singer that he is 76 years old. The artist’s father was a career military man, and his mother died a year after the birth of the child. The cause of the tragedy was an incurable throat disease. Dad married a second time, and his stepmother raised the boy as her own son, for which he is grateful to her to this day. Lev Leshchenko's wife became his reliable support and support throughout his life, a real keeper of the home.

In the photo: Lev Leshchenko in his youth

Lev Leshchenko's wife (photo)

Lev Leshchenko's first wife met at his life path also in student years. Both of them were GITIS students, only Alla Abdalova studied two years older and was considered one of the best and most promising students in her stream. Her plans included a career as a classical singer, but for the sake of her husband she began to engage in pop singing. Lev Leshchenko and his wife went on tour together in their youth, gave joint concerts, and their duet was a success. However, the family for Lev Leshchenko gradually began to fade into the background. The artist had a dizzying career, but his wife had to be content with only his shadow.

In the photo: Lev Leshchenko and Alla Abdalova

The reason for the divorce was the affair between Lev Valeryanovich and a young girl, which happened during his regular tour in Sochi. Not without well-wishers who immediately helped ensure that ex-wife Leshchenko learned about her lover’s adventures in all its glory. The personal life of Alla and Lev ended the moment the artist returned from tour, and a packed suitcase with personal items.

In the photo: Alla Abdalova

The second wife met the famous singer Lev Leshchenko when he just turned 34 years old. He was just working on concerts in Sochi and was returning home when a stunning girl named Irina entered the elevator. She was 12 years younger than the artist, but even age did not become an obstacle to the rapid development of their relationship. Leshchenko’s wife was studying in Budapest at that time, so she could not know that in front of her was a famous performer. Initially, she mistook him for one of the local mafiosi. Literally the next day she already went to Moscow, and her loving companion followed her.

In the photo: Lev Leshchenko with his wife Irina

Lev and Irina got married a year after they met. The woman even left her career as a diplomat for the sake of her family in order to be able to devote herself entirely to her beloved husband and home. She currently holds the position of assistant director at her husband’s theater, Music Agency. You don’t often see photos of Lev Leshchenko’s wife on the Internet, but even from a few photographs you can say that time has almost no power over her. She still looks as beautiful as she did many years ago.

In the photo: Lev and Irina Leshchenko

The Leshchenko family never had children. A year after the wedding, doctors gave Irina a disappointing diagnosis: infertility. However, this did not destroy the family and warm relationships. Lev Valeryanovich to this day remains faithful to his wife and is deeply convinced that his life has turned out very happily and successfully. The artist believes that kindness and love are the engines of progress.

Leshchenko's biography is filled with colorful and bright events, he is surrounded loving friends. Of course, the profession has left a certain imprint on his personal life, but thanks to his precious and beloved wife, Lev Valeryanovich steadfastly endures all life’s difficulties and troubles. He cannot even imagine what would have happened if Irina had not met on his way then.