Tomorrow the Rodina party will lose its leader Dmitry Rogozin. According to him, he will officially announce his resignation at the party congress on March 25 and ask “party colleagues to support my candidacy when choosing the party chairman good friend and like-minded person Alexander Babakov.” About my future fate Dmitry Rogozin speaks cautiously: “I will continue my public activities in a slightly different capacity.”

Dmitry Rogozin spoke about his impending resignation in a statement sent to the Kommersant newspaper. “Based on tactical considerations, after a series of consultations with my political partners (the Kremlin is not one of them) and associates, I decided to leave all significant posts in the Rodina party, including the post of party chairman,” he writes.

Lack of trust in the leader

“I am fully confident that my decision will not cause significant damage to the party.”

“I will continue my public activities in a slightly different capacity, the essence of which is still premature to talk about. I still remain a member of the Rodina party, as I fully share the political views of the party. I am confident that my current decision will, over time, give me and my political partners a synergistic effect.

I am fully confident that my decision will not cause significant damage to the party, since Rodina is a party of ideology, not personality.

On Saturday at the congress, I will officially announce my decision and appeal to my party colleagues with a request to support the candidacy of my good friend and like-minded person Alexander Babakov, with whom we have actually led the party together for the last two years, when choosing the party chairman. He is a very respected and authoritative person in the party. And, what is important, we look at the party’s tasks in the same way – the consolidation of the patriotic forces of Russia on the basis of the Rodina party. This has united us for the last two years together. successful work for the construction of the party.

“I am convinced that with the arrival of Alexander Babakov as chairman, the Rodina party will maintain its principled political position, achieve significant success and become an even more influential political force in Russia,” Rogozin said in a statement.

No one doubts that tomorrow the congress will approve Rogozin’s decision to resign. For example, yesterday the leaders of a number of regional branches of Rodina issued statements expressing no confidence in Dmitry Rogozin and called for his resignation.

For example, the chairman of the regional branch of Rodina in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Andrei Ruzhnikov, noted in his statement that “the latest actions of the central leadership of the party in the person of its leader D. Rogozin discredit the party in the eyes of the public.” In this regard, he expressed “concern about the current situation in the party and expressed strong disagreement with the policies pursued by its leader.” “I consider D. Rogozin’s continued tenure as party leader inappropriate,” Ruzhnikov emphasized.

His colleague from the Chuvash Republic, Leonid Grigoriev, in a statement released to the media, emphasized that he would support the issue of Rogozin’s expulsion from the Rodina party “for inciting ethnic hatred, xenophobia, flirting with fascist marginal elements and direct calls for them to join the Rodina party.” Similar statements were made regional branches parties in the Lipetsk region and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

“Rodina” announced itself on the eve of the State Duma elections in 2003. This political organization was created by uniting three different parties - the Party of Russian Regions, the Socialist United Party of Russia (SEPR) and the National Revival Party. People's will" In September 2003, at a joint meeting, the leaders of these organizations decided to form the Rodina (People's Patriotic Union) electoral bloc to participate in the State Duma elections in December 2003, in which Rodina received more than 9% of the votes.

However, after the victory, Rodina began to be torn apart by contradictions, as a result of which many founding members of the party began to leave its ranks. For example, Sergei Glazyev was excluded. After him, Sergei Baburin broke away with his supporters. Dmitry Rogozin’s desire to individually manage the party and faction in the State Duma, as well as various PR campaigns (hunger strike against the law on the monetization of benefits) and rallies together with openly nationalist associations led to the fact that the last campaign for elections to regional legislative assemblies ended in a series of defeats. For various violations, Rogozin’s supporters were removed from the elections in seven out of eight regions.

After this, party members declared that Rogozin’s further leadership would put an end to the work of the party.

Nationalism is the reason for failure

Political scientists see the reason for the recent failures of the Rodina party in openly nationalistic views bordering on fascism. “Under the leadership of Rogozin, the Rodins simply went too far. “Motherland” was supposed to become a civilized patriotic party, but Rogozin crossed the line of legislative norms,” political scientist Konstantin Simonov explained to the VZGLYAD newspaper.

And the leader of the New Rights, Vladimir Shmelev, commenting on the latest elections in a number of regions of the country, believes that the “nationalist-orange” ideas of Rodina do not find support among Russians. “Society needs to be protected from such ideas that teeter on the edge of the law,” he is sure. According to Shmelev, Rodina, which was created as a “hodgepodge” of people with completely opposite views who wanted to get into the State Duma in 2003, was initially doomed to failure.

Speaking about the future prospects of Rodina without Rogozin, Shmelev said that theoretically Rodina could be saved “if it radically changes its ideology, for example, switches to social democratic positions, completely abandoning nationalism and the idea of ​​​​carrying out the Orange Revolution.”

Konstantin Simonov also agreed that Rodina has prospects. “In 2003, it was not Rogozin who provided Rodina with a good result. Then it was the party of several leaders, and first of all Sergei Glazyev,” says the political scientist.

Political death awaited “Motherland” under Rogozin, says political scientist Vitaly Ivanov. “Rogozin’s departure is a certain chance to continue the life of the party.”

Ivanov believes that under Alexander Babakov the political organization will develop as a socialist project, without various radical nationalist, “brown” and other extreme views and ideas for achieving a revolution. But, says Ivanov, Babakov “will not take a step to the right,” although Rodina could occupy this niche. “Moreover, there are people in the party with right-wing views, for example, Natalya Narochnitskaya,” he believes.

But if Rodina has at least some prospects, experts consider Dmitry Rogozin himself a “political corpse.” “I don’t know what prospects he has and what niche and where he can occupy,” admitted Konstantin Simonov.

“Even though Rogozin is now showing off, like I’ll be back, I’m sure that there won’t be any back,” says Vitaly Ivanov. According to the political scientist, Rogozin will have something in between journalism (“he can write articles for various magazines”) and the fate of being a regular at various parties where people who have previously decided on something gather. “He can travel abroad and give lectures there, although after all these nationalist stories he was denied access to many feeding troughs,” says the political scientist.

In 2007, Rogozin could have tried to be elected to the State Duma in the single-mandate Anninsky district of the Voronezh region, as it was before, but now the Russian parliament is formed only by party lists. The gubernatorial elections were also cancelled. “Therefore, I can’t even imagine in what political niche Rogozin sees himself,” says Ivanov.

And Vladimir Shmelev advised Dmitry Rogozin to try to find himself in the field of political technologies. “He recently admitted that he is the author of the video “Let’s clear Moscow of garbage,” so, given his creative talents, let him try his hand at advertising,” the leader of the “New Rights” jokingly advised Rogozin.

Elena Tokareva

But every time, after “status” things, money begins to disappear: savings depreciate, prices soar, products disappear from store shelves. You can't just give up space program and turn into Estonia. You're more likely to turn into Ukraine or Albania. That is why, although we were upset about the fall of our missiles, we did not sprinkle ashes on our heads. It is obvious to anyone in Russia that space is sacred.

But you need to understand who Rogozin is. After all, this well-groomed man is one of the most ardent “patriots” in our government, the patron of Russian nationalists and the founder of the Rodina party. He called the space industry a “national technological backbone” and gloatingly suggested that the Americans “deliver their astronauts to the ISS using a trampoline.”

I wonder why the United States wanted to strangle the Russian space industry if it is unable to compete with it due to “low labor productivity at Russian enterprises”

It seems that the issue is not low labor productivity, but the low quality of public administration - management of the space industry. Now this has become obvious not only to specialists, but also to the country’s top leadership.

Today's statement by Rogozin is a complete and unconditional surrender. "I tried, it didn't work. I ask you to fire me at will"- this is what professionals do. But our hero, apparently, like Dunno, intends to continue swinging his legs, clinging to the pole with his strap. "I'm not a scarecrow! “I am a space traveler,” Dmitry Rogozin seems to be telling us,” writes publicist Anton Kotenev in Life.

But Rogozin’s excuses, and all the indignant comments that followed the statement itself, are nothing. The fact is that Rogozin did not just say something somewhere on the stairs, today, on Friday, May 27, he quite consciously made a message at a scientific and practical conference.

Rogozin spoke about Russia's military lag: the United States can be deprived of the ability to resist in six hours

Years of “political timelessness” have so severely undermined Russia’s combat readiness that this moment The country is militarily decades behind a number of Western powers. This assessment of the state of the Russian army and defense industry was given by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

"Today there is a lag in a number of critical basic technologies from leading Western countries is up to tens of years in some areas,” Interfax quotes the Deputy Prime Minister’s statement made at a scientific and practical conference in Moscow on Friday.

According to him, in the near future it is unlikely that Russia will be able to catch up and surpass other, especially high-tech powers of the West, in all areas of work: “The scientific potential of our country was actually destroyed during the years of political timelessness.”

"According to the results war game“, presented in the Pentagon at the end of last year, with the help of 3.5-4 thousand units of high-precision weapons, the United States can destroy the enemy’s main infrastructure facilities in 6 hours and deprive him of the ability to resist,” Moskovsky Komsomolets quotes Rogozin’s statement.

According to the Deputy Head of the Cabinet of Ministers, if such a strike is delivered to Russia, then the main targets will be nuclear deterrent facilities. He cited an expert assessment that in the event of such a strike, from 80% to 90% of the Russian nuclear potential, while casualties among civilians will be minimal. The remaining weapons will not be enough to strike back at the aggressor, and the country’s leadership will not agree to this. And all this, Rogozin noted, will be accompanied by powerful information and propaganda support.

In this case, Russia should strike an asymmetrical response, the Deputy Prime Minister believes. To counter the threat, according to the “defense” deputy prime minister, it is possible only by creating “autonomous weapons” that do not depend on modern telecommunications technologies, which can be disabled in a matter of minutes. "This must be an autonomous, self-sufficient weapon that can decide its own tasks", says Rogozin.

Threat from the Arctic

Separately, Rogozin touched upon the threat to Russian Arctic objects. “Active development of the Arctic shelf will inevitably lead to a conflict of interests between countries. The resolution of these conflicts, quite possibly, may go beyond diplomatic ones. It is likely that Russian oil and gas production facilities may become targets of hidden sabotage on the part of competing countries,” he warned Rogozin.

He, however, immediately made it clear that he did not intend to point the finger at any of the Russian Federation’s neighbors in the Arctic: “It is necessary to understand that the perpetrators of such sabotage may clearly not be connected with the customer countries.”

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that in order to strike back and determine the scale of the use of force, it is necessary not only to record the threats, but also to identify their customer. “This requires modern monitoring tools that can operate in airborne and aquatic environments. For now, we do not have such funds in full,” Rogozin said. In addition, he emphasized, the Northern sea ​​route, which will not add calm in the Arctic: “NATO has long been discussing plans to strengthen the naval group in the Arctic region under the pretext of ensuring commercial shipping.”

So far, there have been no comments from competent persons regarding Rogozin’s statement: from the prime minister, from the president, from the scientific generals.

They swallowed everything like a tongue.

Rumors about an imminent change in the government continue to excite the population. One thing is obvious - the time has come to part with the old team.

Thus, according to the “Successor” telegram channel, Sergei Chemezov is leaving Rostec, and Anton Vaino is expected to take his place. Denis Manturov will move from the ministerial chair to the deputy prime minister's chair, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin will receive the same chair, and Sergei Kiriyenko will be appointed in his place.

However, aren’t there many deputy prime ministers?, subscribers ask. Someone will have to be replaced, and the most obvious candidate for relegation is Dmitry Rogozin. It seems that in political circles there is an understanding that what is wrong with him great Russia don't build.

Let us remind you that Dmitry Olegovich is Deputy Prime Minister Russian Federation since December 2011, he has been in charge of the entire Russian military-industrial complex, at the same time space and aircraft construction, the fight against corruption and even the development of the Arctic - in total, the interests of the Deputy Prime Minister have reached 21 areas of activity! He is the Chairman of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation, the Supervisory Board of the State Corporation "Roscosmos", the Supervisory Board of the Foundation for Advanced Research, the Maritime Board of the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Commission for the Development of the Arctic, the State Border Commission, the Commission for Export Control of the Russian Federation, the Board of Trustees Russian Military Historical Society.

However, in seven years, no major breakthroughs have been noticed both in space and in anti-corruption activities, alas. The first and most obvious reason for which Rogozin was appointed curator was the military-industrial complex. In 2011, the state defense order failed, and Dmitry Rogozin was appointed to replace the clumsy Serdyukov - active and showing nationalist views, so to speak, “on the verge” of what was acceptable, but who lost favor with the general public for this. However, by 2015, the story with the state defense order repeated itself - one: at the end of 2015, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that “for various reasons” the Armed Forces did not receive new weapons and equipment - only 57 units, including two aircraft, three spacecraft and two surface ships. For 10 years, the diesel-electric submarine Komsomolsk-on-Amur has been undergoing repairs; the Project 20380 corvette “Sovershenny” has not been delivered on time. USC shrugs, and sources in the Military-Industrial Commission claim that the State Arms Program is up to 2020 (GPV-2020), which provides for the introduction into service of the Russian Navy of fifteen nuclear submarines, will not be completed on time - “Yaseni” and “Boreev” Russian army will not wait by 2020. And the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the State Defense Order held a debriefing at a meeting of the board of the Military-Industrial Commission (which was held for the first time on the territory of the Ministry of Defense), and then reported to Putin that the state defense order had been completed by 96%.

At the same meeting, the head of the Prosecutor General's Office, Yuri Chaika, reported that 15 largest companies involved in state defense procurement had been inspected, 18 thousand violations of the law had been identified and 244 cases had been initiated. In 2016, Rogozin said that the state defense order had been completed by 98%. Only among the “breakthroughs” in the domestic military-industrial complex we can only remember “Armata”, and even experts have complaints about that one. What can we say if the pearl of the military-industrial complex, the pro-Putin Uralvagonzavod from Nizhny Tagil, is mired in debt?

How Mr. Rogozin solves debt problems is also known. In 2014-15 The Khrunichev Space Center (JSC State Research and Production Space Center named after M.V. Khrunichev) found itself in a difficult financial situation. Therefore, under pressure from above, he was forced to assign the rights to use most of his production areas (about 100 hectares out of 144 hectares) in exchange for a loan in the amount of 37 billion rubles issued by VEB. As a result of the corporatization of the Space Center, 100 hectares near Filevsky Park, owned by the Moscow government, were transferred to the bank. Considering the cost of land in Moscow, one can argue for a long time whether the deal was profitable or not. But, according to some reports, the developer God Nisanov received the land for an apartment for the Rogozin family worth 500 million rubles.

Will UVZ suffer the same fate as the Khrunichev Center? It is very likely that Dmitry Rogozin will remain the curator of the military-industrial complex.

One of the sensational stories about Rogozin, which clearly did not work in favor of his image, was the story “ Novaya Gazeta"about the nephew of the Deputy Prime Minister. Back in 2012, Rogozin promised that the Russian army would be equipped with domestically produced thermal imagers - at that moment Russia was dependent on imports from the countries in which it was produced key element thermal imagers - special matrices, was 100 percent. In 2013, the Photoelectronic Devices company was created to produce matrices, 50% of which belonged to the Russian Research Institute Cyclone (part of the Rostec corporation), and another 50% to the Cypriot offshore Rayfast Investments. The offshore itself belonged to another offshore company, this time from the BVI - Bluebell Investments Trading. The latter sold Rayfast Investments to a company from Panama, Baron Commercial, for 10 thousand dollars, and then 4 days later the Panamanian offshore sold half of this Rayfast Investments to a certain offshore Rubyshine Ventures for 187 million rubles.

Why some offshore companies sell shares in an enterprise that is strategically important for the country is a separate question. But in the end, Baron Commercial, according to Novaya, owned by a certain Konstantin Nikolaev, received millions and control over Photoelectronic Devices. What does Rogozin have to do with it? And despite the fact that the person whom he called his “nephew” on Twitter, Roman Rogozin, was on the board of directors of Photoelectronic Devices, and government agencies (in particular, the state Industrial Development Fund) invested 1 billion rubles in the company itself.

Dmitry Rogozin, however, deleted all posts about his “nephew” from Twitter, and his press service stated that Rogozin does not have a nephew at all. But he has a son, Alexey Rogozin, who served as general director at the Aviation Complex. Ilyushin, breathing its last, but still releasing cargo ILs. And the supervising design bureau named after. Antonov, whose An-148 crashed in the Moscow region on February 11, 2018, killing 71 people. Alexey Rogozin also served as deputy director at the Promtekhnologii company, which produces rifles for the ORSIS army. In 2012, Promtekhnologii acquired shares in two ammunition factories - Tula and Ulyanovsk, which supplied ammunition to various law enforcement and military departments of the Russian Federation. According to Novaya, the amount of supplies reached 2 billion rubles. And when Alexey left the post of deputy director (a conflict of interest when Dmitry Rogozin became the curator of the military-industrial complex), his place was taken by the same Roman Rogozin, the “nephew” refuted by the Deputy Prime Minister.

In the political field, Dmitry Olegovich has earned the reputation of a “talking head.” He is very active on social networks, happy to comment on any incidents of foreign and domestic policy. But in the circles of the Ministry of Defense they do not perceive him as anything other than a clown - given a number of scandals, many heads of state defense enterprises are opposed to Rogozin, since, by setting them up, he in fact gets away with it every time.

About political career Dmitry Olegovich can also forget - no one today remembers the Rodina party, formed to “pull” votes away from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and which once received an incredibly high percentage for a newcomer in the State Duma elections. Rogozin abandoned this project as if it had been worked out, but the Rodinsky people, as they say, “hid it.” The same thing - with representation in NATO and a parliamentary mandate - it’s good that at least from foreign policy the joker Rogozin was removed. Consider his loud statement about returning to Romania on a combat Tu-160. Then Russia was forced to explain itself through official channels. Oh, joker, such a joker - with problems for the entire Foreign Ministry...

Today, a new scandal is brewing in the Russian military-industrial complex – observers are writing about this on Telegram. Active and active Dmitry Rogozin proposed to merge Roscosmos, Almaz-Antey, RTI Systems and the Tactical Corporation into a state military-space mega-holding missile weapons" At first he wanted to combine the space and aircraft industries, but it didn’t work out - knowledgeable people explained that the specifics will not allow it. The new structure is designed to consolidate all efforts in the field of peaceful space and aerospace defense of the country; it will be responsible for the production of a wide range of products - from anti-aircraft shells and hypersonic warheads to interplanetary automatic probes. The idea allegedly found support in the highest echelons of power and a package of documents for the unification has already been prepared.

However, according to Telegram, the merging enterprises are categorically against such a “rocket monster” - effectively, in such a complex and confusing structure, one can only “cut up budgets” and not introduce innovations. The head of Roscosmos, Igor Komarov, tactfully commented on the merger in mid-March 2018: “If such a decision is made, then we will discuss it.”

It is even more strange that the proposal came from Dmitry Rogozin himself, whose responsibilities include monitoring anti-corruption activities. However, if we look at only the most high-profile cases of failure of domestic enterprises from the areas that Rogozin supervises, it becomes clear that Dmitry Olegovich is not coping with his responsibilities in the best way. Maybe in light of the key message in Vladimir Putin’s message Federal Assembly Russian Federation, for the Russian aircraft and space industry, as well as for the Russian military-industrial complex, there is hope - hope for a new curator, and with him - for a reduction in military spending coupled with an increase in the return on them, for peaceful space and a good civil aircraft industry for all residents of Russia .

It is high time for the head of the military-industrial complex to resign. But is a controversial Siberian plenipotentiary needed in his place?

After the truly “tragic” launch of the Soyuz-2.1b rocket from the Vostochny Cosmodrome, news of the imminent resignation of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin is becoming more and more realistic. According to sources, a contender has already been found to take his place - Plenipotentiary Representative to the Siberian Federal District Sergei Menyailo.

According to sources, the former governor of Sevastopol and presidential plenipotentiary representative in Siberia himself expresses a desire to take Rogozin’s position. In addition, according to some information, he has a good argument - it is no secret that Menyailo is the creation of Sergei Ivanov, the special representative of the president on environmental issues, ecology and transport.

Resignation for Rogozin.

Dmitry Rogozin is one of those officials whose resignation has already been promised at least 10 times. During the entire time he spent as Deputy Prime Minister, the public, journalists and politicians began to talk about his departure after every incident, of which there were quite a few involving the official.

Rogozin’s latest, and perhaps biggest failure of the year was the launch of the modernized Soyuz from the Vostochny Cosmodrome, which did not reach orbit and disappeared. The rocket was supposed to deliver there the Roshydromet satellite Meteor-M, as well as the student satellite Baumanets-2 and 17 devices from Canada, Japan, Sweden, Germany and the USA. All of them were lost.

That is, we are not talking about another failed launch from Vostochny - we are talking about an international disgrace that occurred through the fault of Rogozin. It’s especially “cute” that the Deputy Prime Minister reported on the successful launch on his personal Twitter - without waiting for the rocket to fall. Self-confidence did not help him.

Deputy Prime Minister and his replacement?

When postponing this launch (and it was supposed to take place in April 2016, but was postponed to November 2017), he sacrificed the general director of NPO Avtomatika. Semikhatov by Leonid Shalimov, essentially covering his own skin with his resignation. But now it will no longer be possible to escape responsibility in this way - this is also evidenced by the order of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. He instructed Rogozin to look into the situation and hold those responsible to account. And who is guilty, besides Dmitry Olegovich himself?

And this also omits the fact that 9 million rubles were apparently spent just on Rogozin’s flight to the cosmodrome in the Amur region in order to personally monitor the progress of the accident - and probably not from his pocket! Budget money for a business jet is a classic situation, but in the current environment it is a little confusing.

Be careful, drunk people at the cosmodrome?

The possibility of seeing Sergei Menyailo in Rogozin’s post, however, is even more confusing. Sergei Ivanovich became famous as governor of Sevastopol, which he held from October 2014 to July 2016.

Officially, he was proposed to be appointed to the position by “people’s mayor” Alexei Chaly. However, after some time, he regretted his decision: in August 2014, the tandem broke up, and by 2015, their confrontation grew into a conflict between the executive and legislative branch in Crimea. If we talk in simple language, Menyailo simply removed Chaly from his post.

But it’s not just the conflict with the popularly recognized head of Sevastopol that the current plenipotentiary has to deal with. He tried, for example, to put Archpriest Sergei Khalyuta in charge of the Tauride Chersonesos reserve. Museum employees and the public rebelled, and they were supported by the Kremlin. As a result, Khaluta was forced to resign from the post given to him.

Moreover, gossips They have repeatedly said that Menyailo is a heavy drinker. And allegedly for the post of head of Sevastopol psychiatric hospital under his patronage, a narcologist was appointed from Novorossiysk precisely in order to bring the comrade governor out of systematic binge drinking.

Is he a drinker?

— I am the governor, and I can cancel any permits issued by the previous government. You are all slaves, you arranged everything for bribes, I will teach you life and how to love your Motherland! – spiteful critics say that the not entirely sober Sergei Menyailo shouted these words at his subordinates.

The quote, however, is not accurate, since Sergei Ivanovich prefers to use mostly obscene expressions when communicating with those of lower rank.

Sevastopol holiday and Siberian grief?

Not only subordinates, but also business representatives howled at the Sevastopol governor. His actions, which in some places diverged not only from federal laws, but also from the Constitution, at one time plunged businessmen into a real shock.

For example, three days after appointment to the position of acting. Governor, Mr. Menyailo signed a law completely prohibiting capital - that is, any kind of construction at all - on the territory of the entire city! And the governor’s further actions showed that he did this not just like that, but, apparently, to assess the scope of the land that had fallen into his hands.

Because already six months later, journalists revealed the connections of the newly appointed governor with Kryminvest LLC, which was involved in a case of fraud in the construction industry, as well as with the former head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Pavel Lebedev. Allegedly, companies associated with them received land for construction absolutely free of charge in exchange for a couple of apartments for the government. All this was called an “investment contract” and was presented as a benefit for the people and the city.

The townspeople also suffered from the governor. They had to endure a blackout, to which the authorities were unable to respond adequately. In addition, for some reason he began to replace the historical paving stones with modern cheap analogues, which infuriated the residents. Needless to say, Menyailo’s resignation to the post of plenipotentiary representative of the Siberian Federal District in Sevastopol became almost a universal holiday?

However, his arrival in Novosibirsk was openly ridiculed. But here he is hiding: he does not make any bright decisions, does not make statements, does almost nothing - only the embassy barely audibly reports on how wage arrears were paid in Kuzbass or Transbaikalia.

It’s scary to imagine what will happen if the military-industrial complex, space and shipbuilding fall into the hands of Menyailo instead of the embassy. Most likely, all this will simply crumble in his hands. And there will be absolutely no time for laughter here.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade pushed through the transfer of UAC to Rostec despite Dmitry Rogozin. Denis Manturov, with the support of Sergei Chemezov, plotted a coup for the “space” Deputy Prime Minister?

The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade managed to obtain permission from the president for the United Aircraft Corporation to join Rostec. He pushed the interests of the head of the state corporation Sergei Chemezov “over the head” of the relevant Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. UAC can be merged with Rostec's Russian Helicopters - permission for this has actually been received. Rogozin was categorically against this idea throughout its discussion.

Manturov initially tried to promote the accession project through him, but, having received no support, he went to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. He refused to go against his protege, who is Rogozin. Then Manturov, with the idea of ​​Rostec investing 30 billion rubles in the serial production of MS-21 aircraft, went directly to Vladimir Putin, and he gave the go-ahead.

It seems that the position of the Deputy Prime Minister is not just shaky, but practically melting before our eyes. He was unable to defend his interests and opinion even through the prime minister, which means that his affairs are in shambles. And Rogozin will only fly down the career ladder.


Rogozin's resignation has been discussed for a long time - perhaps since the first rocket that fell "under his leadership." But there were not one or two of these! He finally lost confidence in himself when the launch vehicles began to be sprinkled with holy water before takeoff: it looked like a complete admission of his defeat, however, justified. We, they say, cannot rely on ourselves, so may God help us!

Did not work. This was illustrated by the November launch of the Soyuz from the Vostochny cosmodrome. Then Rogozin congratulated everyone prematurely, and a few minutes later the rocket crashed. As it turned out later - from the words of the Deputy Prime Minister himself - due to mixed up settings and the azimuth specified for the launch from Baikonur. Probably, the Angolan satellite that “overslipped its orbit”, launched from Baikonur, was configured to be launched from Vostochny?

But this is not an excuse, and Rogozin, apparently, understands this. Because the billion-dollar theft at Vostochny and the total delay in terms of its delivery, for example, cannot be explained by a “displaced azimuth.” The sale of the Khrunichev center in the interests of private individuals - too. As well as the theft of all expensive parts and conductors made of precious metals during the construction of Protons.

And an apartment worth half a billion cannot be explained by “misconfigurations.” But this is an entire airfield in a prestigious area of ​​the capital with ten rooms on two floors. Anti-corruption fighters immediately had questions: an official’s housing costs at least, or even much more, 500 million rubles. This is his family's income for several years! He was unable to give any intelligible answer to these claims, as well as to the claims about the fall of the missiles: he exchanged, he says, privatized official living space. What kind of exchange rate is so profitable, Rogozin, of course, did not explain.

And these are his “achievements” only in the post of Deputy Prime Minister - and before that he did even less respectable things!

Political "black holes"

He lost his closeness to the country's leadership even earlier, when he managed to screw up the Rodina party at the beginning of the 2000s: according to rumors, he then had to beg for mercy and another chance to return to the top. Managed. Even a very nationalistic video with his participation was forgiven for Rogozin.

And ten years before that, Rogozin became almost a Tsar-worshipper and walked along the corridors of the building on Old Square with a candle in his hands, singing “God Save the Tsar.” A few years later, he organized the October 1993 putsch against President Yeltsin. And then, apparently, he finally sold his ideals - and now, as they say, he secretly prays for portraits of Nicholas II along with Natalya Poklonskaya and other monarchists.

But now, apparently, even adherence to the tsar and the trust of the Russian Orthodox Church in space will not save him. There are too many questions for Rogozin that he cannot answer: where did he get an apartment the size of an airfield and cost a dozen of his official annual salaries? Why can't Russia send a single rocket into space from Vostochny? Why was it necessary to drown the dog, after all?!

A dachshund was drowned for the Deputy Prime Minister. Rumor has it that the dog died after all - not from the fluid, but from stress. The need for a change, in general, has finally matured. And this is confirmed by rumors about “near-Kremlin transfers”: Comrade Rogozin is predicted to resign even before the end of the election campaign.

Was it a waste of time?

Rogozin is being wooed both to the position of governor of the Moscow region and to the Supreme Council of United Russia; in general, he will be sent as far as possible both from space and from the military-industrial complex. And you should also stay away from dogs, but that’s how it goes. Although it would be beneficial for the Kovalchuk group (and, of course, Medvedev) to keep him in the government - as a “restraint” of Chemezov’s irrepressible zeal and ambitions.

Rogozin is also supported in his current position by the head of Roscosmos, Igor Komarov. In fact, they are fighting together with Chemezov’s too active and enterprising man - Minister of Industry Denis Manturov. Sources predict that Rogozin will be replaced by the current head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, who, compared to Rogozin, certainly looks smarter, despite the binges attributed to him. His place, in turn, should be taken by Komarov.

For Komarov, this is, of course, a promotion. But in this way he will not substitute his curator and long-time comrade, with whom they are in unison taking the rap for falling missiles. Therefore, instead of supporting the removal of Rogozin and heading an entire federal ministry, he preferred to plot against Manturov.

The Chemezov-Manturov couple started a “cosmic revolution”

Manturov, of course, is far from ideal. Reporting on the success of import substitution, he promotes foreign manufacturers. To help agriculture he refuses to purchase equipment. At the same time, he owns a small dacha in the elite Pirogovo golf-yacht club near Moscow, worth 1.5 billion rubles. He was suspected of cashing, fraud with money on various forums and a very wild lifestyle. In general, they are preparing a worthwhile replacement for Rogozin.

It remains to be seen which of them is more unworthy to hold the post of Deputy Prime Minister. And something tells me that it would be better for someone else to apply for the seat - in any case, another candidate will not be able to be an option worse than these two.