Ex-wife oligarch Vladimir Potanin, Natalya gave an interview to the glossy publication Tatler, talking about her relationship with her husband before and after the divorce, and also showed reporters a house in the village of Nemchinovo on Skolkovskoye Highway. This house, which formally belongs to a company controlled by the oligarch, is now home to Natalya, her 95-year-old mother, 16-year-old son Vasily, 26-year-old son Ivan, his wife Yana and their three-year-old baby Andryusha.

The Potanin family built this house in 1993 next to Mikhail Prokhorov’s plot. On the ground floor of the mansion, two portraits by the elegant Shilov hang opposite each other - daughter Anastasia and eldest son Ivan. Family photographs are placed everywhere - weddings, vacations, christenings, birthdays and other events that make up the chronicle of any equally happy family.

IN last time The Potanin spouses were talking in November 2013, when Vladimir, as if nothing had happened, after drinking tea, stunned his wife with a message about divorce. Since then, they communicate exclusively through lawyers. Then, having announced his desire to divorce, Potanin invited his wife to sign papers stating that there should be no material claims on her part.

“I was promised medical care and security. This is all. The offer was humiliating. Even the house, which was intended as a family house and which was built by the whole family, Vladimir urgently demands to be vacated. But I did not accept his offer for another reason. Vladimir’s words did not guarantee anything for our children. Time has confirmed that I was right: since December 2013, the father has never called even his youngest son. But she is actively discussing the issue of Vasya’s alimony in the courts,” says Natalya.

Natalya said that younger son I learned about my parents' divorce from the Internet in December 2013. Excited Vasily immediately called his father, but at the other end of the line there was a dry voice: “Don’t call again.” My son spent his sixteenth birthday clutching his phone. However, the father did not call or even give a gift for his son. “Is it worth mentioning that the children did not go to the Sochi Olympics, which Vasya dreamed of so much. But the Olympics took place largely thanks to the energy and money of the head of Interros,” the publication notes.

Natalya Potanina. 1977

According to Tatler, after the divorce, Vladimir Potanin stopped communicating with his eldest son. Before his parents’ divorce, Ivan, a graduate of MGIMO’s master’s program, lived with his family in New York and worked at AltPoint, a company owned by his father. He served as a low-level analyst - his father wanted him to go through all the steps of the career ladder. However, after the first attempt to stand up for his mother, the promising analyst was sent email about dismissal and revoked work visa. After this, communication stopped: Potanin Sr. does not respond to his son’s letters.

“I recently tried to wish him a happy birthday, but it didn’t work. The phone is locked. Security numbers have changed. You can probably sign up through the reception,” jokes Ivan.

He currently works for the financial company LR Global, responsible for Eastern European markets. With his wife Yana (the couple met in school), they lead a modest life by capital standards, preferring the comfort of home to parties.


“It seems to me that the tragedy in our relationship with Vladimir brought Ivan and Yana together. My son is still so young, I wouldn’t want him to become completely immersed in my problems. For me, Vova’s statement about his desire to get a divorce was shocking, but nothing more. It was harder to see how the children experienced the breakup,” says Natalia. - It is obvious that I and our children are enemies for Volodya. Property and funds in accounts can be divided indefinitely. Hide in offshore companies and trusts. Prove something to each other. But when a child grows, he needs his father's attention. A teenager cannot be asked to wait and not grow until mom and dad solve their problems. And it really hurts."

Natalia had seen Vladimir Potanin’s new wife, Ekaterina, whom he now introduces to everyone as his former employee. So, in 2011, the girl Katya was at a New Year’s party at Potanin’s residence in Luzhki. Among the many girls who were invited to please the eyes of business mastodons, there was a certain Katya. Beauties came and went, but Katya steadfastly took part in all the fun.

Wedding of the Potanins. 1983

In the fall of 2014, Vladimir Potanin came arm in arm with his new wife to a reception in honor of the 250th anniversary of the Hermitage. Natalia, not without surprise, recognized her as the same Katya. The oligarch introduced the 38-year-old blonde in a black lace dress to the curious press as his former employee.

Three and a half years ago, Ekaterina gave birth to Potanin’s daughter, and in the summer of 2014, a son.

One of the first family trips. Tenerife, 1993

Natalia o illegitimate daughter Potanin didn’t know: “I trusted him unconditionally. All these years he has been my main protection from all adversity and problems. What began to happen to him after the divorce - his cruelty, unjustified self-confidence - reveal to me ex-husband on the other side. This is no longer the Volodya whom I fell in love with and with whom I spent the best 30 years of my life. He positioned himself as a faithful family man, preached family values and loudly condemned divorce. But he turned out to be a banal womanizer, who not only has affairs on the side, but also an illegitimate child.”


It came as a shock to many that Potanin, instead of calmly separating and providing for his ex-wife and children, chose to create a scandal. “Our family had enough resources to respectfully separate, without creating problems and without bringing them to public discussion,” agrees Potanina. - But Vladimir, for some unknown reason, decided that he had the right to dispose family budget as he pleases. For some reason in Lately rich husbands themselves decide what and how much of their spiritual generosity to allocate to their tired wives when new fighting friends appear. After all, there is a law in Russia. This law prescribes the division of property acquired by spouses in half. But for the law to work, it is necessary to find all the assets that husbands usually transfer to minimum tax zones.”

year 2009

It is worth noting that now Vladimir Potanin officially does not own anything. Thus, assets such as a thirty percent stake in Norilsk Nickel, half of SUP Media, ProfEstate, Interport, Petrovax Pharma, Rosa Khutor, the Luzhki residence in New Riga, three Gulf Stream aircraft, yachts " Anastasia" and "Nirvana" (it was planned to be called "Natalia"), as well as the new yacht, are officially registered with structures that do not belong to Potanin.


“I never went into details about ownership patterns. Now I am forced to try to figure this out. As my lawyers explained to me, Vladimir Olegovich actually created a multi-stage structure of nominee companies that siphon money through multi-level layers to trust and offshore companies in different tax-free jurisdictions. Thus, Vladimir “hidden” from me and the Russian courts family property and colossal amounts - both dividends and income received from the sale of assets, says Natalia. - Love passes. But why does simple human respect for a woman who gave birth to children and went through all the difficulties of starting a business with her husband disappear along with love? Who, after all, cooked borscht while he was creating the Interros empire? A dimensionless feeling of permissiveness appears, a feeling that you can adjust the laws and judges to suit you. It shouldn't be this way. And I don't want to put up with it. The law is the same for everyone: you are Potanin, Ivanov or Sidorov.”

Natalia Potanina hopes that her ex-husband will sit down at the negotiating table. "Hope for common sense, on the remnants of conscience. In the meantime, I’m standing alone on the platform waiting for the train called “The Honor and Dignity of Vladimir Potanin.” Although the light on this platform has long gone out,” the woman notes.


Natalia Potanina with her son Ivan and daughter-in-law Yana in the living room of a house in Nemchinov. 2015

Vladimir Potanin is one of richest people planet, who has been a leader among Russian and world billionaires for 20 years. Vladimir Potanin is the owner of Russia's largest investment company Interros, and also owns controlling stakes in the mining and metallurgical company Norilsk Nickel, the Russian media holding Prof-Media and ski resort in Krasnaya Polyana "Rosa Khutor".

Potanin Vladimir Olegovich was born on January 3, 1961 in the capital of Russia in the family of trade representative of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade Oleg Romanovich and doctor Tamara Ananyevna. Vladimir became the first and only son of his parents, who invested all the best in their son. Due to the work of the head of the Potanin family, Vladimir, by the standards of Soviet times, belonged to the category of “golden youth”, but own parents didn't cause any trouble.

In childhood and adolescence, the future billionaire grew up as a well-rounded boy. The boy was interested in studying foreign languages and sports, and at the school desk he behaved like exemplary student. This allowed Vladimir, after graduating from school, to easily enter MGIMO at the Faculty of International Economic Relations in the commercial department. The young man graduated from the university with a diploma in “international economics” and, following in his father’s footsteps, got a job at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade, where he worked for 8 years until the early 90s.


Vladimir Potanin's business career began to develop in 1990 - Vladimir Potanin founded and headed his own investment company, Interros. In the same year, the businessman met, who in the future became Potanin’s main business partner.

Together, businessmen founded the International Bank finance company", whose president was Potanin. This financial institution is considered the first Russian bank to receive a license, since all of IBEC's Soviet assets worth $400 million were transferred to it, along with its banking clientele. Later, Vladimir Olegovich became the president of JSCB ONEXIM, which today is among the TOP 5 largest banks in the Russian Federation.

In 1995, Potanin bought a controlling stake in the Russian mining and metallurgical company Norilsk Nickel, and in 1997 he created the Prof-Media holding, which included the largest Russian media, such as “Izvestia”, “Afisha”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Big City”.

In 2007, Vladimir Potanin announced the division of business with his long-time partner Mikhail Prokhorov. This process dragged on for several years and resulted in a serious conflict. Other major businessmen of the country also joined the “war” between Potanin and Prokhorov, which led to a scandal between the “friends” on a wide scale and coverage.

Potanin’s main focus today is the development of the Interros and Norilsk Nickel companies. Also, in developing his own business projects, Vladimir Potanin teamed up with the owner of the Metalloinvest holding. Businessmen plan, with the help of a “triple” alliance of companies, to create a global metallurgical giant that will be a leader in nickel production, iron ore and aluminum on the planet.


In addition to business, billionaire Vladimir Potanin regularly participated in political life countries. In 1996, Vladimir Potanin was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. At that time, the businessman’s responsibilities included coordinating the economic block of issues.

During that period, Potanin also headed 20 federal, interdepartmental and government commissions on Russian monetary and financial policy. Potanin also became the manager for the Russian Federation at the World Bank and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.

In 2006, the oligarch joined the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, where he became chairman of the Commission on Volunteering and Charity. Thanks to the initiatives of this commission, federal laws were adopted in the country to support development public organizations and NPOs, and those carrying out charity individuals received tax benefits.


The charitable activities of Vladimir Potanin occupy an important place in the biography of the businessman. For 20 years now, the Potanin Charitable Foundation, created by the billionaire, has been operating uninterruptedly, carrying out activities aimed at developing culture and education in Russia.

The Potanin Foundation offers scholarship programs for talented students. The fund has an official website, where details of the fund’s work and requirements for recipients of assistance are posted. The charity program really helps students and teachers. The foundation’s own goal is to create “conditions for the development of creative potential, the development of creative thinking, and the expansion of opportunities for professional and creative fulfillment.” Over 20 years, 26 thousand students and 2 thousand teachers from 83 universities in Russia received grants and scholarships.

In addition, the charitable foundation holds events to support cultural initiatives and philanthropy. Lectures and seminars on the work of NGOs in Russia are announced on the website.

Since 2003, the billionaire became the head of the Board of Trustees of the State Hermitage, into which he invested $5 million from his own funds. In 2006, Potanin took his native MGIMO under his guardianship, donating $6.5 million to its endowment fund.

In 2013, Vladimir Olegovich joined the philanthropic campaign “Oath of Giving”, thereby agreeing to donate at least half of his fortune to charitable needs. He became the first Russian businessman to take such a bold step.

Personal life

The personal life of Vladimir Potanin has always been a subject of interest to the general public. He got married for the first time in student years on his childhood friend Natalya, with whom he had been married for more than 30 years. During this time, three children were born into the Potanin family - Anastasia, Ivan and Vasily. The billionaire's eldest children are Russian and world champions in jet skiing.

In 2014, the strong and large family of the oligarch fell apart, which was initiated by Vladimir Olegovich. According to the billionaire’s wife, his statement came as a shock to her, but she was unable to save the marriage. The divorce proceedings of the Potanins were long and loud. They still haven't decided everything financial questions, since the businessman’s wife insists on dividing the property acquired in their joint married life.

After his divorce from Natalya, Vladimir Potanin. His wife was Ekaterina, his youngest by 14 years, who at the time of her marriage was raising a three-year-old daughter, Varvara. The girl’s father, according to open sources, is Potanin. In 2014, Forbes magazine reported that the oligarch had a fifth child.

Vladimir Potanin now

As of January 2016, Vladimir Potanin’s fortune was estimated at $12.1 billion, which allowed him to take fourth position in the ranking of the richest people in Russia. Compared to 2015, the oligarch lost $3.3 billion, due to which he was the leader among Russian billionaires and the richest person in the country.

In 2017, Forbes magazine placed Potanin in 8th place in the Russian ranking of billionaires and in 77th position in the world. The businessman's fortune was estimated at $14.3 billion.

However, Vladimir Potanin spends part of his own income on charity. For example, a businessman donated $5 million to the Hermitage endowment fund.


  • 1990 - President of the foreign economic association "Interros"
  • 1992-1993 – President and founder of the International Financial Company bank
  • 1993 – President of JSCB ONEXIM Bank
  • 1995 – owner controlling stake shares of Norilsk Nickel
  • 1996 – member of the board of directors of Svyazinvest
  • 1997 - created the holding company Prof-Media (Izvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Afisha and Big City)
  • 1998 – Chairman of the Board of Directors of the holding company Interros (FIG Interros, Norilsk Nickel and SIDANCO)
  • 1999 - established a non-profit charitable organization"Potanin Charitable Foundation"
  • 2000s - began the construction and development of ski slopes in the Krasnaya Polyana area, which later became part of the venues for the XXII Winter Olympic Games
  • 2001 – Member of the Board of Trustees of the Solomon Guggenheim Foundation
  • 2002 - Chairman of the Board of Directors Charitable Foundation"Hermitage-Guggenheim"
  • 2003 - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the State Hermitage
  • 2006 - headed the Commission on the Development of Charity, Mercy and Volunteering
  • 2008-2010 – headed projects to improve legislation on NPOs
  • 2013 – the first Russian entrepreneur to join the philanthropic campaign “Pledge of Giving”

Sections: Literature


Educational -

  • introduce students to the content and problems of I.P.’s stories. Yagan and V.F. Potanin;
  • help you comprehend what you read.

Developmental -

  • develop creative and research skills;
  • improve monologue speech of schoolchildren.

Educating -

  • to cultivate a thoughtful attitude, based on the example of the texts read, to life, to others, to oneself, responsibility for one’s actions;
  • awaken interest in the works of Trans-Ural writers.


  • improve skills in working with text;
  • maintain an emotionally positive learning atmosphere;
  • create conditions for communication in the educational process.

Equipment: portraits of writers, epigraphs, texts of stories.

Epigraphs for the lesson:

Morality is the science of relationships between people and the duties arising from these relationships. (Holbach)

Morality is Truth. (V.M. Shukshin)

Spirituality is the spiritual nature, the inner moral essence of a person. (Big Explanatory Dictionary)

(Epigraphs on the board are closed)

Teacher's word.

There is some mystery in life. Between the first breath and the last exhalation there is an entire Universe with its galaxies and planets, continents and islands. Man has a short but difficult path on earth. Everyone has to follow this path of fate. The main thing is to go through it with dignity, so as not to regret anything. There are concepts with which each of us lives; they make up his inner world.

What do you think these concepts are?

  • Conscience
  • Honor
  • Dignity

They are the criterion by which others judge and by which a person judges himself.

The defendant and prosecutor is the soul. If it hurts, it means the soul is alive.

Many poems have been written about the soul.

Listen to the poem by Andrei Dementyev, think about what the soul is.

Student reading.

Andrey Dementyev.

Of all the discoveries, the most valuable
Discovery of a friend, his soul.
And you and I are like two passers-by,
We have been working towards this meeting almost our entire lives.

And our friendship -
How ancient city,
What the earth hides in its depths.
I open up your spaces
Goodness and light...
Congratulate me.

I reveal your sorrows
Your delight in yourself,
So that two souls
Two destinies sounded
Like two flowers on one stem.

And if service finishes us off,
The pain will dry up
Or the wine will go down, -
Our friendship will be our donor.
And we have the same blood group.

Student output.

The soul is an expression of a person’s inner world, his thoughts, views, relationships, love, happiness.

Updating basic knowledge.

Today we will reflect on the problems raised by talented Trans-Ural writers I.P. Yagan and V.F. Potanin.

What is man's calling on earth?

What is spirituality? Moral?

Students' opinions.

Teacher's word. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

You are already familiar with the life and work of fellow countrymen I.P. Yagan and V.F. Potanin. Love to native land, nature, people - what unites them.

In their works they draw attention to current and eternal problems of spirituality and morality, arguing that conscientiousness, truth, love, compassion are important properties human soul, enduring values. What is absorbed in childhood becomes truth, concrete and visible, like “earth” and “bread”. For the authors, it doesn’t matter where and when the action takes place. What matters is what actions the characters do, what they feel, what makes them happy.

These are works about the fate and inner world of a person, the moral attitude to life, about the choice of the main thing that awaits everyone in the end - Eternity or Emptiness. According to V. M. Shukshin, “morality is truth.”

Identifying student impressions. Free microphone.

Was it interesting for you to prepare for the lesson?

What are your first impressions from reading the stories?

  • In the story "Sunrises over Baidanovka" there is a lot of happiness, love, joy in memories of childhood, family...
  • I was shocked by the discrepancy between my impression of the “warm” title of the story and the feeling that “daughter” evoked: indignation, even contempt...
  • I think that the problem of fathers and children is far-fetched. And adults do not always understand each other. There are problems of mutual understanding, spiritual communication, love, mercy and indifference. Much depends on the people themselves. It is important not only to learn to take, but also to give...
  • It is difficult to understand Nikolai Petrovich's daughter (the story "Daughter"). She's my age. But we are from different planets, where people and animals live.
  • Friends are those people you trust as much as you trust yourself. Betrayal causes contempt and indignation.

Updating the problem.

I. Yagan's story "Dawns over Baydanovka".

What is special about the story "Dawns over Baidanovka"? (Autobiographical story, memories of childhood).

Why do you think there is a lot of warmth and light in a work about difficult times? (Memories of childhood, family).

What does childhood mean to a person? Family?

Students' reflections.

Laboratory work. Search work with text.

Brief summary of conclusions.

1 Preservation of traditions.

  • It did not break, the thread that connected generations with songs, customs, and good relationships continued.
  • The poplars planted by the father were the pride of the family and Baidanovka. Caring attitude to what the father did.
  • Mom and grandmother singing, father playing the harmonica. “A lot of happy and sad things were sung.” Optimism, love of life.
  • The house is orderly and clean. Everyone is fine.
  • We sit... and mind our own business.

2 Grandma's lessons.

  • She loved justice and taught us to act according to our conscience.
  • Taught me to love work.

3 Lessons from a mother.

  • Kindness, compassion, selflessness. To help the sick boy Ishimka from a neighboring village, I went to the neighboring village for a doctor.
  • I wanted to see everyone happy.

4 Lessons from my father.

  • Hard work, caring for family, wisdom, generosity.

5 Spiritual kinship. Taking lunch to my father in the field is happiness “We don’t say anything, we just look at each other and understand everything.”

  • It is joyful to see my father working in the field.
  • Father's return from the war. Thoughts about the future. I immediately identified a location for a new home.

6 Good deeds and business. Involvement in work (the hero’s memories of himself).

  • He helped adults (like other boys) during haymaking and was a swineherd.
  • I helped my grandmother-neighbor and was proud of it.
  • I gave my friend his favorite thing - a knife with two blades. Unselfishness.

7 Mental experiences.

  • I cried when the wolves killed my beloved dog.
  • I felt embarrassed for my happiness in front of my peers, whose fathers had not returned from the war.
  • He was ready to endure any insult and give away his most expensive treasures.
  • He was worried and saddened by the death of Tanya, the “post woman”, who went on foot to get mail in a snowstorm (everyone was waiting for news from the front).

8 Gratitude of the soul. Memory of the heart.

  • He was happy, although hungry. Happy because my mother was with me.
  • “Mom Everywhere and everywhere. My conscience hurts, it hurts because I didn’t have time to say... kind words...

Until the end of my days I will not be able to forgive my guilt towards you... I was stronger with you. Every spring I come to you to calm my soul, in which so many worries have matured.”

  • “That’s why I want to tell people about you. Let them say more kind words to their mothers - before it’s too late...”


According to the writer, what do you think family means to a person?

Students' opinions.

Write on the board and in notebooks.

house D
family U
connection between generations X
loyalty to family traditions ABOUT
sacred attitude towards family IN
HUMAN - understanding N
respect from friends and acquaintances ABOUT
work WITH
the joy of communication T
happiness b

“Happiness is when you are understood,” one of the characters in the film “We’ll Live Until Monday” wrote in his essay.

Do you agree?

The connection between generations will not be interrupted if we do not forget about those who are no longer there. They live in our memory.

What does childhood mean for every person?

Students' reflections.

  • Childhood is the beginning of spiritual life, character building
  • Understanding the family as a home living a common life
  • Harmony of the soul with the surrounding world

Teacher's word.

Each person should have his own world, which without family, warm relationships, love, and care for each other loses its meaning.

2008 was declared by the President as the Year of the Family. And this suggests that Family is the basis of life, makes each of us stronger, more confident, helps to distinguish between good and evil, and make important moral choices.

Story by V.F. Potanin's "Daughter".

Interview with students.

What mood is the story permeated with?

The 90s - the destruction of the value system. The signs of the times were cruelty, cynicism, and lack of spirituality that filled the spiritual vacuum.

How are the stories of V. Potanin and Yagan similar and different?

The spiritual unity of the heroes with their parents, surrounding people, and nature. Events take place in different time. The story by I.P. Yagan is a memory of war and post-war childhood, and the story “Daughter” by V.P. Potanin shows the events of the 90s.

  • The story "Daughter" is a monologue of the hero.
  • His conflict with himself.
  • Frequent return to childhood (mentally), the past.

Childhood is the happiest time.

  • Memories of the Christmas tree, carrot tea, the tastiest of which was nothing. And waiting for my father and uncle to return from the war.
  • For them, there were two empty cups on the table - the hope that they would be alive.
  • Childhood - a feeling of mother's care, a desire to help her.

Creating a problematic situation.

Why did the strong circle - the Family, in which there was a beloved wife and adored daughter Lenochka - collapse? Why did the hero’s recent happiness seem illusory?

Understanding the text. Search work.

Brief entry.

  • Time had an impact when clothes, money, and cosmetics became for Lenochka a criterion for social and personal assessment.
  • We bought a gold ring for our daughter with our entire salary.
  • With his last savings, Lenochka's father bought a tape recorder.
  • Grandma is annoying - she doesn’t hear well, she has a scarf tied up like a collective farm, her hands are always dark and swollen.
  • She threw a kitten into the snow, who was tired of meowing.
  • For Lenochka, her classmate Olya and friend Sasha, the soul is chatter and demagoguery. A person has only business.
  • According to student Sasha, if there is a business, the body and soul are not needed.
  • Lenochka gives the ring, a gift from her father, to her friend, because... doesn't appreciate this gift.
  • When Olya ends up in the hospital, Lenochka doesn’t think about her, but about how best to remove the ring from her finger.
  • She despises parents who do not know how to live, in her opinion.
  • Nikolai Petrovich, a tolerant and gentle person, is unable to accept this act, which is a betrayal of his girlfriend, his entire life dedicated to his daughter.

Why did Lenochka turn from a cute child into a monster?

Who is to blame for this: a coincidence of circumstances, time, a person?

Students' reflections.

  • Selfishness.
  • Inability to love and care for others.
  • The habit of taking but not giving.
  • Indifference and disrespect for loved ones.
  • Things are criteria for evaluating people.

How do you understand the words of the hero of the story “Daughter,” Nikolai Petrovich: “What will happen to me tomorrow? And after tomorrow? And in a year?.. Will I really live another whole year?”

He is ready to survive his daughter’s betrayal and believes in her growing up.

No matter how hard it is, life goes on. And again the sun rises, and again the day comes, calling for the road. And this makes sense: a person lives by overcoming hardships and suffering. Overcomes himself.


What did you like about today's lesson?

Over which life issues, did the stories of V. Potanin and I. Yagan make you think about the problems?

Has anything changed in your understanding of life after meeting the heroes of the works?

Summing up the lesson.

Reflecting on the pages of the stories of V.F. Potanin and I.P. Yagan, we are convinced that human happiness is a combination of work, the joy of love, the work of the soul. Without spirituality there can be no personality.

The works of Potanin and Yagan are lessons in morality. Reading helps to understand the depth of the author's intention. A growing person needs to understand the purpose of life and the role of family. The works help in this, affirming morality, spirituality, conscientiousness, truth, something that has always been inherent in the Russian person.

Homework. Write an essay “Afterword to the lesson.”

Being the wife of a businessman from the Forbes list is also a job. But some ladies only discover their business acumen after they break up with their rich husbands. “Lenta.ru” remembered what some spouses of billionaires achieved after they turned into “formers.”

Natalia Potanina

Businessman Vladimir Potanin (first place in the Forbes ranking among Russian entrepreneurs- $15.4 billion) filed for divorce in November 2013. The claim was granted by the magistrate three months later, in February 2014. The entrepreneur was ordered to pay his ex-wife, Natalya Potanina, 25 percent of his earnings monthly.

But this did not satisfy her, and she turned to the court of Limassol (Cyprus) with a request to seize part of Potanin’s assets “as an interim measure for a future claim for division of property.” The court rejected the claim.

Moreover, at the end of June 2014, the Presnensky Court of Moscow limited Potanina’s access to alimony - half was to be transferred to the deposit account of their 16-year-old son Vasily until he reaches adulthood. Potanina tried to challenge this decision in the appellate instance, but the court sided with the oligarch.

And already in 2015, the Presnensky Court of Moscow refused to divide the shares between the former spouses. Natalya Potanina appealed this decision to a higher authority, but lost. She claimed 50 percent of her ex-husband’s shares in Norilsk Nickel and Interros. Despite the setbacks, Natalya does not lose hope of achieving her goal. If the court goes over to her side, she will become the most rich woman in Russia.

Elena Rybolovleva

The fortune of 48-year-old Dmitry Rybolovlev, the former owner of Uralkali, according to experts, is about $8.5 billion. This allowed him to take 14th place in the latest ranking of Russian billionaires and 156th place in the list of the richest people on the planet.

The divorce proceedings with his wife Elena, which lasted since 2008, ended in 2015. In May 2014, a Geneva court ordered the businessman to give his ex-wife almost half of his fortune - $4.5 billion, as well as real estate in Geneva, art and jewelry worth $560 million. However, the billionaire transferred his assets under trust management three years before the divorce proceedings, and appointed his two daughters as beneficiaries. The court recognized that the assets that Rybolovlev transferred to the trust in the interests of the heirs are not subject to division.

Moreover, in 2015, a Swiss court reduced the payment to his ex-wife to $600 million. And the process could have continued, but in October 2015 the parties agreed to stop litigation and agreed on the amount of compensation.

For general director"Rosgosstrakh" Danil Khachaturov (54th place in the Forbes ranking of the richest businessmen in Russia with 1.6 billion dollars) marriage with designer Ulyana Sergeenko, like divorce, was not the first.

During the first divorce in 2007, the parties agreed that there was no property to be divided. But later the ex-wife changed her mind and filed a lawsuit, deciding to sue half of everything, including the shares of the largest insurance company in the country. She lost the trial.

The second divorce cost the businessman a quarter of his income in alimony - the amount he will pay to his ex-wife and daughter. There were no demands for division of property.

Elena Novitskaya

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Severstal Alexey Mordashov (fifth place in the Forbes ranking with $13 billion) divorced his wife Elena Novitskaya back in 1996. Then the couple agreed on alimony for their son Ilya in the amount of 8.9 million non-denominated rubles (about 1.5 thousand dollars) and an additional six thousand dollars annually. At the same time, the ex-wife got a three-room apartment in the city of Cherepovets and a VAZ-2109. She renounced her rights to other property.

After the 1998 crisis, alimony, impressive at that time, became $320. And in 2001 ex-wife tried to sue the now billionaire for 32.5 percent of Severstal shares and alimony in the amount of a quarter of his income (about $80 million a year at that time). During the period of litigation, Alexei Mordashov’s shares were arrested, but the lawyers succeeded in transferring the consideration of the case from the Moscow court to Cherepovets.

The ex-wife lost the case, and she was ordered to pay a state fee in the amount of 1.5 percent of the subject of the dispute (more than 200 million rubles). She didn't have that kind of money. Novitskaya appealed to the European Court of Human Rights demanding $500 million from Russia, but the case was never considered due to the reconciliation of the parties. The settlement amount was not disclosed.

Ekaterina Doronina

Chairman of the board of directors and co-owner of Capital Group Vladislav Doronin (in 2011 his fortune was estimated at $6.7 billion) separated from his wife Ekaterina after 21 years of marriage in 2009.

The ex-wife left for London, but did not give the businessman a divorce, which prevented him from marrying top model Naomi Campbell. Doronin still managed to get a divorce, for which Catherine received 10 million dollars.

But Naomi Campbell, with whom he broke up a few years later, also had some exchanges. For the top model, by 2012, Doronin built a mansion in the Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway area in the form spaceship with an area of ​​more than 2.5 thousand square meters.

There is a concept of “golden youth”, which in different countries has its own specifics. For example, in modern Russia This category includes the scions of very influential, very famous or very rich families (often all these characteristics are successfully combined), who enjoy all the joys of metropolitan life. So, difficulties arise with Anastasia Potanina in this regard: on the one hand, there are few people in our country in terms of wealth, influence and fame comparable to her father, Vladimir Potanin, on the other hand, if any of the children of celebrities does not meet the standards our “golden youth”, this is it.

“Difficult Childhood” by Anastasia Potanina

Anastasia Potanina was born on April 30, 1984, in the family of a then unknown employee of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade, Vladimir Potanin. Of course, at that time he was not yet an oligarch or even a businessman, but the future billionaire already showed strength of character, bordering on severity in some places. Nastya Potanina felt the strict but effective model of education, as they say, for herself. As she recalls, she had very little chance of growing up as a spoiled child. First of all, because she found the most intense and difficult period of her father’s life at an already meaningful age and with early years I saw with my own eyes how much, persistently, without sparing oneself one needs to work in order to achieve success and turn from one of the many entrepreneurs into one of the richest people in Russia. In addition, with a father like Vladimir Potanin, there was no particular scope for whims and spoiling. Of course, he never spared anything for the children, but at the same time he raised them strictly, as independent individuals who knew how to take responsibility for their actions. So, for example, Nastya quickly unlearned the usual childhood habit of being capricious when eating: her mother went somewhere on business for a week and her father was in charge of “feeding” her daughter. It turned out that one day of being hungry was enough for Nastya to stop being capricious, “I’ll eat this, but I won’t eat that,” and by the time her mother returned, she would gobble up everything they were given on both cheeks. Another time, Vladimir Potanin did not speak to his daughter for almost two weeks, who did not even go to school at the time, because she had deceived him.

Smart, athlete and simply beautiful

It may seem to some that in such conditions the relationship between father and daughter should be strained, but this is not the case: Anastasia treats her father with great respect and love and now, having become an adult, approves of his parenting methods. Being an extremely independent, stubborn and self-sufficient person by nature, she listens to her father’s opinion. She doesn’t always listen, she says, but she always listens. Actually, out of respect for her father, after school she entered MGIMO. A university that, in addition to its status, attracted Anastasia because it was this institute that Vladimir Potanin graduated from. So Anastasia Potanina is an educated girl - she graduated from MGIMO with a degree in Finance and Credit and speaks English and French.

However, it was realized to the greatest extent primarily in sports. According to Anastasia herself, she has been a fearless child since childhood, which affected her attitude towards life - the everyday routine was boring for her, she needed adrenaline. For this reason, from her youth she was fond of extreme sports, literally everything that you can think of. But already as a student, she completely accidentally tried her hand at aquabike and after a month and a half of classes, trying more and more complex technical elements, she realized: this is “her” sport. Although Vladimir Potanin viewed his daughter’s hobby with some disapproval (primarily because it took a lot of time, sometimes to the detriment of her studies), he financially supported the girl’s career in sports, full equipment for which it costs a lot of money. And, as it turned out, I was not mistaken - Anastasia’s talent in this sport turned out to be so bright that in a few years she became the strongest athlete in the country, a multiple champion of Russia and a three-time world champion. True, due to a serious injury (aquabike is a very dangerous sport), Anastasia was forced to end her career in 2007, but by that time she had already proven everything to everyone.

Currently, Anastasia Potanina, who works in her father’s business structures, is rightfully one of the most enviable brides in Russia. And the point here is not about his father’s wealth: at the beginning of 2010, Vladimir Potanin said that he would bequeath almost all of his fortune to charitable purposes, and would not pass it on to his children (and Anastasia publicly supported him in this). She’s just an amazing young woman who avoids fashionable parties, but at the same time has successfully tried herself as a fashion model, an educated beauty with a champion’s character. What else is needed to be an enviable bride?

Alexander Babitsky