How to make crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten? Let's look at what planets are in the solar system! Let's create an amazing rocket, brave astronauts and funny aliens!

Children enjoy listening to stories about events that happened on this day many years ago, and easily get involved in the process of preparing for the holiday. Considering that it is not recognized as a day off, most often children become acquainted with this holiday within the walls of kindergarten.

Crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten can be of a very different nature, depicting both real attributes of space and fantastic images. Children often give free rein to their imaginations when thinking about space, as they do in any case. we're talking about about objects that go beyond the reality around them.

There is no need to prevent this, because by fantasizing, the child tries to create his own idea of ​​the distant and unknown. However, it is still necessary to strive to expand the boundaries of his knowledge.

First of all, we need to tell you why Cosmonautics Day has such great importance: man has long tried to find out what is beyond the clouds. He saw the light of the stars and the moon, but could not rise high enough. Until the rocket was invented.

DIY postcard for Cosmonautics Day

The postcard is a universal gift for any holiday, including Cosmonautics Day. They look very impressive voluminous postcards with steps on the bend. This effect is achieved very simply - on the fold the cards are made on a short distance two cuts.

Bend the card so that where the cut is made, the protrusion bends in the other direction.

Glue a rocket out of paper.

Decorate the bottom and back surface of the card with the sun, moon and stars. Postcard for Cosmonautics Day - ready!

A postcard with a rocket and stars can be made in a classic style on paper folded in half.

You can make a round card with a rocket and the moon taking off.

Craft a rocket made from salt dough for Cosmonautics Day

The image of a rocket can be created by the most different ways. A charming rocket with stars for Cosmonautics Day can be made from salt dough. Dry the craft in the oven or on a radiator (at least 12 hours).

Coloring dried crafts bright colors.

Take a sheet of paper or cardboard and paint it deep purple. When the paint dries, make white splashes on a sheet of paper. We will get a beautiful starry sky.

We paint the rocket and glue it to a thick base.

To make Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten memorable for all children, it is necessary to create the appropriate atmosphere. And crafts made by children’s hands will cope with this task in the best possible way.

Plasticine painting for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten

For Cosmonautics Day, you can make a real picture from plasticine. Spread dark purple plasticine over the surface of the sheet.

We decorate it with blue “cosmic vortices” and yellow “stars”.

Background with “swirls” and “stars”

Mix blue, green and yellow plasticine with each other.

We sculpt from colored plasticine flat earth and glue it to the base.

We complement the craft with figures of a rocket and an astronaut. All that remains is to place the craft in a frame. Three-dimensional picture ready for Cosmonautics Day!

Plasticine rocket for Cosmonautics Day

A plasticine craft for Cosmonautics Day can be made voluminous. We roll a sausage out of brown plasticine and give it the shape of a rocket body.

The back of the rocket is attached to the body using a match.

We make the fire bright red and fix it on the other side of the match. We make portholes and side parts of the rocket from yellow plasticine.

Watch how to make a beautiful rocket for Cosmonautics Day in the video:

Rockets made of different materials for Cosmonautics Day

A very impressive rocket can be made from corrugated cardboard folded into a tube.

Volumetric model from plastic bottle. We paint the inside of the bottle by pouring a little white paint into it and shaking it well until the paint covers all the walls. In the lower part we make two vertical slits into which we insert wings painted white or metallic from thick cardboard. We decorate the body and wings with ready-made stickers in the form of stars or circles.

The original applique “Rocket in Space” is made from a cardboard roll from toilet paper. To create a starry sky, apply transparent glue to the background and sprinkle it with semolina.

Application “rocket in space” for kindergarten

Application - rocket for Cosmonautics Day (video):

Kids will love the rocket applique with their own photo!

A very beautiful rocket can be made from a foam egg, which can easily be found at a craft store. We plant the egg blank on a wooden stick. We color the egg and glue paper parts to it (porthole, wings and tail). A foam rocket does not require much expense or effort, and the result is very bright and beautiful.

Origami rocket (video)

Craft for Cosmonautics Day using quilling technique on a disk

A very impressive craft for Cosmonautics Day can be made using the quilling (paper rolling) technique.

We twist a circle out of brown paper, which we make flat on both sides - this is the rocket body. From thin strips of yellow paper we twist three curls - rolls. We place them inside the rocket - we will get portholes.

We make a roll from red paper, which we make flat on one side. This is a flame.

We make rolls from white paper and give them the shape of stars. Craft for Cosmonautics Day using quilling technique is ready!

Very impressive rockets for Cosmonautics Day are made from cardboard and toilet paper rolls.

You can make a fun rocket backpack out of plastic bottles.

Crafts astronaut for kindergarten

Pupils of younger and middle group Kindergarten students can be encouraged to make their own astronaut. And not just any cosmonaut, but the first cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin.

We invite the children to create their own astronauts using the appliqué technique. We are distributing ready-made spacesuit templates, which we suggest gluing onto a sheet of purple or dark blue cardboard. And we cut out the astronaut’s face from a photograph of a child - let the bravest children imagine what they will look like if they decide to conquer outer space after they grow up.

Application “Soviet cosmonaut”

A funny astronaut can be made using the appliqué technique from pieces of painted paper. You can also glue a photo of the child - this will make the craft unique.

Application "astronaut"

Beautiful porthole windows are made from a disposable plate.

This application suggests many interesting topics for a lesson on the topic “Space”: the flight of the cosmonaut dogs Belka and Strelka, the first manned flight into space, the first landing on the Moon, the existence of aliens.

Application on the theme “Space”

Planets for Cosmonautics Day

Now we have smoothly moved on to what the astronauts could see when rising beyond the Earth’s orbit. At this moment we direct the conversation in a scientific direction, telling the children about the planets. Along the way, you can make a model of the galaxy in the form of an applique. Prepare several mugs in advance different color and size and distribute them on a sheet of paper in the same way as planets can be distributed in space. The planets look very beautiful on a huge black Whatman paper - we get real outer space.

Very interesting idea for Cosmonautics Day - make a model of the solar system from ordinary cardboard. We draw planetary motion patterns with glitter glue. The planets themselves can be made from plasticine, papier-mâché, buttons or colored pom-poms.

Crafts for Cosmonautics Day in a box

A very original space craft can be made in a cardboard box. To do this, you will need to paste it inside with foil and on top part glue strings with various attributes of space - the sun, rocket, astronaut and stars.

At the top of the box you can write “space”. We will have a wonderful exhibit that would be suitable for a space exhibition.

Watch how to make another very impressive craft from a box in the video:

Aliens in kindergarten on Cosmonautics Day

And, of course, every child will be happy to imagine what kind of inhabitants could be waiting for astronauts on the planets. The alien applique can be decorated with stickers with stars.

Application “alien life”

And as the basis of the picture, you can use not only a sheet of paper, but also a disposable plate wrapped around the edges with foil.

Largely thanks to the recently launched Falcon Heavy rocket, interest in space discoveries and technologies has grown exponentially among both adults and children. The latter are already beginning to dream of becoming, if not an astronaut, then certainly a developer of the latest aircraft. Well, the approaching day of astronautics gives an opportunity to try your hand at the simplest thing for now: making crafts on the theme of space with your own hands.

The content of the article:

DIY rocket

It’s no wonder that the rocket is the most popular craft from the space series.

The easiest way to make this aircraft is from a plastic bottle. For this you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • primer (you can use PVA glue as it);
  • acrylic paints;
  • colored paper;
  • foil;
  • cardboard.

Prime the bottle and let dry. Cover with a layer of acrylic paint, let dry and cover with another layer. Attach cardboard wings. Decorate the rocket with stars cut out of paper or foil.

You can simplify the task by avoiding staining and simply cover the bottle with paper or foil.

This impressive rocket can be made using tin bottles from Coca-Cola or other drinks:

It’s even easier to use a cardboard tube from under paper towels or toilet paper. It is enough to attach wings and a nose cone made from cardboard to it, decorate it with colored paper or decorate it with felt-tip pens.

To create an imitation of a flying rocket, you can also ensure that “fire” comes from the engines.

A hero-astronaut can fly in a rocket - just place an astronaut figurine inside or stick a photo of the child himself. Look how cheerfully he looks out of the porthole!

And you can make a real rocket that will definitely fly by watching this video and doing everything according to the instructions in it - of course, only with the help and under the supervision of your parents!


Another popular space-themed craft is a flying saucer with aliens inside.

Make it as easy as shelling pears by using plastic or paper disposable plates. You can use a transparent plastic cup as a cabin. For a special effect, it’s good to put an alien creature (made with your own hands or an ordinary toy) in the cabin. The UFO can be decorated and decorated with bright rhinestones and sequins.

You can attach ice cream stick legs to the plate.

You can even make a UFO out of wool if you master the skills of this needlework:

Unnecessary CDs and Kinder egg cartons can also be used to make flying saucers.

Models of the Universe

All kinds of models of the Universe or Solar System made from plasticine, papier-mâché, tennis balls, and felt look great.

They are often made in the form of a mobile that can be mounted under the ceiling, creating the illusion of objects moving in space.

Crafts on the theme of space from origami

To create an original starship, flying saucer, rocket or fighter from " Star Wars", just one sheet of paper is enough. This can be done using the art of origami.

Watch the video on how to make a fighter using origami technique:

And here is a master class on making a starship:

And finally, a video through which you will learn how to make simple origami rockets:

Separately, it is worth noting volumetric (modular) origami, which allows you to create real works of art from individual paper modules:

What craft did you make? Share with us in the comments!

In preschool and school curriculum, along with autumn crafts, homemade cards for March 8 and Christmas tree decorations, there are unusual and original products from scrap materials for Cosmonautics Day - bright models of the Solar System, small space stations, stars and asteroids, rockets, spacesuits. Crafts for Cosmonautics Day for kindergarten and school, created with their own hands from paper, cardboard, plasticine, discs, bottles and even pasta, allow children to show their imagination, bring the distant and unattainable world of space closer, open the veil over dozens of secrets of the Universe, and literally touch hands to the mystery of the universe. Our page presents best ideas and step-by-step master classes with photos and videos. Be sure to use them!

Simple DIY crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten

We invite the littlest dreamers to make a simple craft with their own hands for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - space stars. Unusual figured products with small colored crystals will decorate an exhibition of children's crafts and will certainly bring victory at the holiday competition.

Necessary materials for a simple craft for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten

  • chenille wire (fluffy sticks for needlework)
  • sugar
  • thin satin ribbon
  • wooden skewer
  • wide ribbon
  • clear nail polish
  • star cookie cutter

Step-by-step instructions for creating an interesting craft for kindergarten for Cosmonautics Day

  1. Wrap the cookie cutter with red chenille wire. Wrap the ends of the stick, remove the mold and set the resulting figure aside. Do the same with sticks of other colors. The brighter the shades of the fluffy wire, the more impressive the finished craft will look.
  2. Tie a thin satin ribbon to each finished star. Fix the loop, hang the stars on a wooden skewer, as in the photo.
  3. Prepare any glass jar (or several if there are a lot of stars). Place a skewer on the neck. Make sure that the figures hang freely and do not touch the bottom or walls.
  4. Mix a glass of sugar with a glass of water and heat until completely dissolved. Pour another glass of sugar into the bowl with syrup and repeat the process.
  5. Pour clear, sweet liquid into jars with hanging stars.
  6. Leave the container in a warm, bright room for several days. Every day the crystals on the stars will form more and more noticeably.
  7. After 3-5 days, remove the stars from the water and place on parchment paper. Let the crystals dry. Generously coat the space stars with clear coat.
  8. Hang the dry figures by a thread on a long piece of wide colored ribbon. Now you have a ready-made simple DIY craft for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten.

Interesting DIY crafts for Cosmonautics Day for school: step-by-step master class

Younger schoolchildren are in some ways smarter, more diligent and patient than kindergarten children. This means that for Cosmonautics Day they can easily prepare not just small space stars, but the entire solar system as an interesting thematic craft. And step-by-step master classes and tips from parents will help you complete the task much faster.

Necessary materials for an interesting craft for school on Cosmonautics Day

  • flexible wire
  • foam balls
  • plasticine
  • fishing line
  • scissors
  • gouache paints and brushes
  • glass of water

A step-by-step master class on creating an interesting DIY craft for Cosmonautics Day at school

  1. To make the sun and major planets solar system, paint some foam balls with gouache matching colors. To create small planets, mix several colors of plasticine and form balls of different shapes.
  2. Using strong flexible fishing line, twist the “system”. To do this, make several orbits in which the planets will be located. Secure the orbital rings together with fishing line.
  3. Make through holes in the foam and plasticine balls and place the planets on the wire in the desired order. In the center of the composition is the Sun, then Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
  4. Tie a loop of fishing line to the very last turn of the wire so that the homemade solar system can be hung.
  5. At this stage the master class is finished. Take an interesting craft to school for Cosmonautics Day and listen to admiring reviews from your classmates and teachers.

Fun crafts from pasta and cereals for Cosmonautics Day

By creating fun crafts from pasta and cereals for Cosmonautics Day with their child, parents can not only pass their leisure time together in a fun and useful way, but also teach their children important things. So, during the assembly of stars, you can tell your assistants in detail about these distant and magical space objects, about their types and origin.

Supplies needed for a fun pasta craft for Cosmonautics Day

  • star shape for cookies
  • gelatin and water
  • grains and cereals
  • pasta
  • pan and spoon
  • PVA glue
  • gouache paint
  • dry glitter
  • parchment paper
  • clear nail polish
  • jute cord

Step-by-step instructions for creating fun star crafts from cereals and pasta for Cosmonautics Day

Bright crafts for Cosmonautics Day from paper, cardboard and foam: master class with photos and videos

Children just starting to explore the world will be very interested in studying the model of the solar system and hearing fun facts about our galaxy, find out about the heroic astronauts. You can’t do this without the help of your parents. Do in free time a bright craft made from cardboard, paper and foam plastic for Cosmonautics Day and explain in detail to your child what’s what.

Necessary materials for crafts from paper, foam plastic and cardboard for Cosmonautics Day

  • large cardboard box
  • black and white acrylic paint
  • wooden skewers
  • foam balls
  • foil paper
  • paints and brushes
  • plasticine
  • fishing line
  • sharp utility knife
  • scotch

Master class with photos and videos on making bright crafts from paper and foam for Cosmonautics Day

Interesting crafts from plastic bottles and cardboard for Cosmonautics Day

Interesting crafts for Cosmonautics Day from cardboard and plastic bottles can be made even in the company of the smallest craftsmen. But before class, it is better to move actively in order to stock up on perseverance for the entire creative process.

Necessary materials for crafts from a plastic bottle for Cosmonautics Day

  • small plastic bottle
  • acrylic paint
  • bottle caps
  • colored cardboard
  • glue gun
  • scissors

Master class on interesting children's crafts made from bottles for Cosmonautics Day

To create a festive atmosphere at school and kindergarten, teachers often use interesting crafts for Cosmonautics Day from paper, cardboard, bottles, disks, pasta, etc. They are easy to make with your own hands at home and even easier to use in decorating children's rooms.

Cosmonautics Day

Almost half a century ago, April 12, 1961., the first orbital flight was made spaceship with a person on board. The first cosmonaut to visit near-Earth space was Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin.

From that date the countdown of the triumphal procession began aviation and astronautics, as well as the amazing successes of technology sent into space - satellites, lunar rovers, rockets, spacecraft and stations. The day of this flight became the date of a powerful breakthrough in space exploration.

Celebrating this day, you can not only remember everyone who has worked and is still working to this day for the common good of humanity, but also create models of aircraft and spacecraft, make a doll or depict on paper using various techniques an astronaut in a spacesuit, soaring in airless space or studying other worlds, draw the fantastic beauty of the cosmic sky and much more, allowing you to clearly demonstrate and educate the younger generation...

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by a master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be original (invented and made by you). If you used someone else's idea, you must indicate the author. (The link to the source should not lead to a site containing sales of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited according to clause 2.4 of the PS).

Your master class should not completely duplicate the one already available in the Land of Masters. Before publishing, check through the search that there are no similar MKs on the site.

The process should be photographed step by step (see Tips for photographing crafts) or filmed (see how to upload a video).

Order of registration: first photo - finished work which is proposed to be completed, the second photo - materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the stages of MK from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments about the process.

If you have already published your MK on another site and you want to also publish it with us, then you need to follow all the rules for designing a MK described above. In other words: in an entry with the MK type, you cannot simply put a photo of the finished product and a link to a master class on another site.

Attention: all master classes in the Land of Masters are checked by site assistants. If the requirements of the Master Class section are not met, the entry type will be changed. If the site's User Agreement is violated, for example, copyright is violated, the entry will be removed from publication.

Space and its wonderful expanses are interesting to all children. Indeed, every child is interested in space exploration. But it’s worth saying that studying space is even more interesting if you make space crafts. Therefore, here we decided to talk about what crafts about space with your own hands from scrap materials you can make with your child. In this article we have collected only the best ideas.

What space crafts to make with your own hands

Now we will talk about how to make a craft about space with your own hands. Of course, in our article you can find not only simple crafts, but also the most original ones, which may become a decoration for your home or an exhibition.

Applications on a space theme.

Preschoolers should develop fine motor skills before going to school. Therefore, for the space application, prepare cereals or beans.

To make a beautiful craft for your child, first of all show him the planet Jupiter. To do this, use some picture.

Then cut out a circle from white cardboard and decorate it with beans of different colors. Of course, in this work it is necessary to use glue.

To create the next application you will need 3 disposable plates. Make the sun from one plate, and the planet Earth from the other. Make a month from the third plate.

Take 2 sheets of cardboard. One must have dark shade, and the other is light. Decorate the cardboard with clouds and stars.

For the next application, paint the album sheet with dark blue or black paint. Cut out individual characters from colored paper. Create a composition.

Depict solar system very simple. TO white sheet album, glue a few buttons and a yellow circle.

Space rocket.

A beautiful craft about space, which was created with your own hands, can be a voluminous work. In order to make such a rocket you will need a large cardboard case. It can be made from a long roll or from a couple of these cardboard rolls.

The rocket body should be covered with paper white. Also attach a cone-shaped tip to the body. Also cover the tip with snow-white paper.

Later, using felt-tip pens or paints, you will paint your rocket. Now, it’s worth making the rocket nozzles. For this you need rolls of cardboard bigger size. Cover them with white paper and attach them to the rocket and glue them. Nozzles should have tips, but they should not be sharp.

It is also worth making tanks for the rocket. For these, use smaller rolls.

You can decorate the rocket at your discretion. Paste them over or decorate them with felt-tip pens.

Mini rocket.

If you don’t have a huge cone at home, you can make a beautiful space rocket from a roll of toilet paper. Take a look at the master class that will help you make this craft. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here.

Robots made from cans.

In this article you can find crafts about space that are very easy to make with your own hands. You just have to look at the photo and thoughts will appear in your head that will help you create something extraordinary.

It’s easy enough to make robots from old cans that need to be washed and cleared of labels.

Robot made from boxes.

If you have boxes at home, you can make a big robot out of them. Such a robot will certainly take its rightful place at the competitive exhibition.

Aliens made of plasticine.

Your child will love making plasticine aliens. In this case, you can use plasticine of a wide variety of colors.

Space satellites.

You can make a lot of different crafts for a space exhibition. But if the exhibition is held in a kindergarten, then the children can make space satellites from foam balls and toothpicks.

Space mobiles.

If you want to amaze everyone around you with an unusual product, then help your child make a variety of space mobiles. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time creating such a craft. In addition, to create a craft you will need:

  • cardboard and colored paper,
  • twigs for the base made of bamboo or fiberglass,
  • fishing line,
  • small weights and thread,
  • paints and foam balls.


  1. First, you need to cut a circle from a thick sheet of cardboard and paint it with paints.
  2. After that, it is worth attaching threads to the circle, to which the foam balls will be attached.
  3. The balls themselves can be made from several layers of newspaper or polystyrene foam.

Look at what space mobiles can be like.

DIY planet.

Check out this tutorial that will help you make an original craft.


Space-themed crafts can be very diverse. You can take a closer look at our publication ideas or create something special. In general, remember that if you apply your imagination and pay attention to this process, you can get the most original crafts that will lift your spirits and make you admire.