Quite often, students wonder how to apply for a social scholarship. This question interests many. After all, all payments are a kind of payment from the state. Students will find it very useful. However, not everyone has the opportunity to apply for a social scholarship. Who can get it? And in what order? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to know the basic nuances of the process.

What kind of payment is this

How to apply for a social scholarship? To understand this issue, you need to understand what payment is about we're talking about. It has already been said that not all categories of students are entitled to such financial support.

Social scholarship- monthly payment of fixed amounts, which is issued to certain university students. To do this, the student must be enrolled in full-time education. Direction and specialty do not matter. It is assigned only for training on a “budget”. Suspension of payments is possible only upon removal of a certain status or after graduation from the university.

But how to apply for a social scholarship? This is not as difficult to do as it seems. But you will have to worry about the availability of certain documents in advance. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems.

Who is eligible

It has already been emphasized that not everyone is entitled to a social scholarship. Which students are entitled to this privilege? Today in Russia the following categories of persons can apply for the scholarship being studied:

  1. Children left without care. That is, orphans, as well as those who have no guardians. Thus, if a student’s parents have their rights limited, he has the right to receive the payment under study until he is 23 years old.
  2. Disabled students. People with or childhood disabilities may be wondering how to apply for a social scholarship at a university.
  3. People affected by radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other accidents.
  4. Citizens who served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the armed forces of the country for 3 years and received a disability or serious injury during this period.
  5. Low-income students. The most common category of citizens who apply for social benefits at universities.

Now it is clear which people can receive a social scholarship. The question is different - how exactly is it formalized? What does that require? Each case is individual, but there is a general list of papers provided to a particular organization to assign payments.

Where to contact

Interested in a social scholarship? Where can I apply for it in this or that case? On this moment citizens should contact only 2 institutions to bring the idea to life. Of course, if available full list documents.

Where exactly should I go?


  • social services;
  • Dean's office of the university where the student is enrolled.

The corresponding payment is not processed anywhere else. First, the citizen comes to the social security authorities with a certain package of papers, then to the university. The latter authority determines the payment to the student. But for this you will need to meet some conditions.


What do you need to apply for a social scholarship? If a citizen belongs to one of the categories of recipients, then he will have to check his compliance with the remaining requirements. Some have already been mentioned.

The thing is that you can receive a social scholarship only if you meet the following requirements:

  • full-time training on a budget basis;
  • belonging to one of the categories of recipients;
  • age limit is usually up to 23 years inclusive.

There are no further significant restrictions. If all the requirements are met, then you can think about how to apply for a social scholarship. Whether it’s a student from another city or not, it doesn’t matter. The principle remains the same. What documents are most often required?

Certificate of family composition

So, the first thing you need to do is pay a visit to the social protection authorities at your place of registration (or temporary registration). There, upon provision of a certain list of documents, the employees will issue the student with a certificate, which the university will need to assign a scholarship, indicating that they belong to one or another category of recipients. Accordingly, this point requires special attention.

What documents are needed to apply for a social scholarship? The first paper is a certificate of family composition. It is taken from the housing office or management company at the place of registration. You can obtain this certificate at the passport office. It indicates everyone living in the apartment. The document is valid for 10 days. This fact must be taken into account when collecting other papers. Otherwise, you will have to re-obtain a certificate of family composition from the passport office.


What do you need to apply for a social scholarship? The next document that is requested from the social service is income certificates. Required from all family members who live with the student. How far in advance do I need to bring the relevant papers?

The period for which income must be reflected is 3 months. That is, you will have to present certificates of family income for the last 90 days from the date of contacting the social service. Not only earnings are taken into account, but also scholarships, pensions and other benefits. You need to get income certificates either from the social service (for benefits) or from pension fund, or at work.

Important: sometimes a student’s parents are registered at different addresses. How to apply for a social scholarship in this situation? Income certificates will be required from both parents. This is important to remember. Otherwise, you can forget about the possibility of receiving social benefits at the university.

Certificate of training

What's next? How to apply for a social scholarship? In order for a citizen to be given the appropriate permit by the social service, he must mandatory order a so-called student certificate from the university. It proves that the citizen is actually studying at a higher educational institution. In addition, it will indicate the course of study, the citizen’s age and date of birth. For social protection, only 2 points are important: belonging to a particular university, as well as the age of the student.

The student's certificate is ordered from the university dean's office. Or you can take it in some cases from the accounting department or contract department. It all depends on what rules apply at the university. It is advisable to take with you the license and accreditation of the educational institution. Will do. Only the student's certificate must be in the original.


How can I apply for a social scholarship? To obtain the appropriate certificate from the social security authorities, citizens must attach a copy of it to the previously listed document. A temporary passport (or rather, a certificate of the appropriate type) is also suitable. But, as a rule, social security authorities require a student’s passport. How to apply for a social scholarship for a student?

There is nothing difficult about it. If a citizen has an identity card as a member of a large or low-income family, then these documents must be attached when applying for a certificate from social security.


But that is not all! How can I apply for a social scholarship? Additionally, the citizen may be asked (especially if the person changed personal data or got married/divorced during training) for some papers. These include:

  • children's birth certificates;
  • documents indicating marriage/divorce;
  • birth certificate of the citizen who is applying for the scholarship;
  • the applicant;
  • documents on disability;
  • extracts from contract service or work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • medical reports on the citizen’s health status.

This is a legal requirement. Especially if you plan to be recognized. Now it is clear what documents are needed to apply for a social scholarship. Failure to provide these papers can cause a lot of trouble. After all, social protection can refuse to issue a certificate of affiliation with candidates for a social scholarship due to insufficient information about a particular family.

At the university

When can I apply for a social scholarship? After the entire previously listed list of papers has been submitted to the social service, you can wait for the issuance of a certificate from this body. In it, as already mentioned, it will be written about the citizen’s belonging to one or another category of recipients of monthly payments.

As soon as the relevant certificate is in hand, you must write a standard application to the university and attach to it:

  • identification;
  • certificate from social security;
  • documents that were previously provided to social protection (not necessary, but desirable).

Additionally, you may be required to attach account details for the scholarship. Nothing more is needed. The application will be reviewed for some time. Non-residents will have to submit certificates indicating the citizen’s residence outside a particular locality.

A social scholarship is issued, as a rule, before the end of September of the year in which the payment will be awarded. Therefore, after entering the university, it is recommended to start completing the paperwork as soon as possible. There is nothing difficult about it. From now on, it is clear how to apply for a social scholarship for a student.

The state in our country is very relevant. After all, there are a huge number of different categories of the population that need financial support. And students are no exception. That is why now I would like to talk about who is entitled to a social scholarship.


Initially, you need to understand the basic terminology that will be used in this article. So, a student scholarship is a payment from the state to the student for his success. Only those who study well and have a high grade point average receive such assistance. This is a great motivation for every student. But it should be noted that the state also tries to help those students who do not have a means of subsistence. It is in this case that the state can be assigned. It is paid to those students who are considered low-income or in whose lives unforeseen difficulties arise. But here it is important to make an amendment: this help allocated from the federal budget. So only those students who study on a free, that is, state basis, can apply for it.

Payment terms

It should be noted that this type of scholarship can be awarded for the entire duration of study. Payments may be stopped for special reasons or upon completion of the student’s studies at a given educational institution. However, universities and colleges often suspend payments in case of poor class attendance or poor performance. In this case, they can be restored after the student corrects the situation. It is important to remember that for the entire period of non-payment, the money was returned to the student in full.

About categories of citizens

Be sure to also tell about who is entitled to a social scholarship. So there is a list of citizens who can apply for it:

  • Upon presentation of a certificate - disabled people of groups I and II.
  • Low-income students, which must also be confirmed by certificates.
  • Orphans or categories equivalent to them. In this case, the scholarship can only be paid until the age of 23.
  • Students who served in the ranks Russian army on a contract basis for at least 3 years.

Additional categories

The categories of population provided for by the state are listed above. However, it should be noted that faculties or even universities can supplement this list at their discretion. So, who is entitled to a social scholarship in this case? There can be a huge number of options, but most often it is:

  • Married couples raising children.
  • Students from large families or
  • Students who look after disabled parents or seriously ill relatives.

About the amount

Many people are interested in finding out the size of the social scholarship. How much can a student receive in this case? The numbers may vary. Generally speaking, at the end of 2015, university students received a little more than 2,000 rubles, and secondary school students educational institutions, technical schools, colleges - about 700 rubles of social scholarship. It is also important to note that the dean’s office may increase payments at its discretion. However, the maximum should not exceed the amount of 15 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that in the case academic leave or maternity leave, such payments are not cancelled. This does not depend on the wishes of the management of the educational institution, which is clearly stated in the law. Another important nuance: the student’s social scholarship is indexed annually and increases by a certain amount.

About the appointment of a social scholarship

Having figured out who is entitled to a social scholarship, I would also like to talk about the procedure for receiving it. Each educational institution prescribes all the nuances in its Regulations. It is this document that regulates the deadlines for submission, the categories of students who may qualify for payments, the time of payments, frequency and other important points. However, all these nuances should not run counter to the law. In addition to the payments described above, the student may also receive regular or increased scholarships(depending on academic performance).

About documents

No one will argue with the fact that the student will need a certificate for a social scholarship. What documents will need to be collected in this case? Everything depends primarily on what category of population the student belongs to. For example, if a student is disabled, you will need a certificate from the medical labor expert commission; if he is an orphan, an extract from this. In addition, you will need to get a paper from the dean’s office about which faculty, in which group and in which A student is studying at a university. If a citizen belonging to the low-income category requires assistance, he will need to take a certificate about the composition of the family and the income of all its members for the last six months. You will also need a housing inspection report. If the student belongs to a certain category of citizens, for example, a Chernobyl survivor, you will need to bring a copy of the certificate confirming this fact.

Scholarship process

You should also talk about how Initially the student collects everything Required documents and sent to social security authorities. It is precisely for this institution that a certificate from the place of study is needed. The student will have to write a statement to the social service department. After this, a complete set of documents is submitted to the commission for consideration. Based on the results of its meeting, its members make a verdict on each individual case: to authorize or refuse to assign a social scholarship.

It should be noted that today greatest number applicants for such payments are citizens from among the low-income. If, during the calculations, the amount received exceeds the cost of living by at least one ruble, you can forget about the social scholarship. You must also remember that in this case you will have to update the documents regularly by submitting new certificates of income for all family members. You definitely need to track it specifically according to your region, because it may differ, and the desired payments to the student depend on this.

After the student has received confirmation that he has been awarded a social scholarship by the Social Security Administration, he goes with this certificate to the university administration and gives a package of documents locally. Payments will be calculated by the accounting department of the educational institution where the citizen is studying.

Legal nuances

If a student has a regular or increased scholarship, he can still receive a social scholarship. These two types of payments are independent of each other. It should also be noted that the student will receive a social scholarship regardless of academic performance. However, university authorities may suspend payments as a result of low attendance or academic failure.

A social scholarship is not assigned to a student from the moment of resolution social commission, but from the moment of filing the application. The regulations of universities may specify the deadline for submitting documents for such payments. So you also need to find out about this in time.

The essence of a social scholarship is not to motivate a student to study well. Her the main objective- support a citizen of the country in difficult times. However, if academic performance is poor, such payments may be frozen indefinitely, although no one has the right to suspend them completely. After “unfreezing” the student will receive all the money that was owed to him.

And as noted above, in addition to a social scholarship, a student can also receive a regular academic or an advanced one. But he can also calmly and without a twinge of conscience apply for a nominal one if he has certain merits to the educational institution.

Each person should receive the entire package of social assistance that he is entitled to at a certain time. There is nothing wrong with this and there is no need to be ashamed of it.

Many university and college students have financial difficulties during their studies. They cannot pay for basic needs. Therefore, a social benefit has been introduced for them. It was called a social scholarship.

Who is eligible to receive a social scholarship?

  • Those who study at the expense of the state. Full-time students of colleges and universities. The payment is extended until the age of twenty-three. When a citizen stops studying at a university after 5 years.
  • A group of students left without parents. Deprived of the care of relatives. This status applies to children under 18 years of age whose parents have died.
  • Persons with disabilities are eligible for scholarships. Those whose bodies have established the first and second groups. Or disabled from birth. The group also includes those who have received significant injuries under 18 years of age.
  • Another group of students are those exposed to radiation. They must have documents confirming this.
  • Poor groups with little income.
  • Having served 3 or more years in the army under a contract. Those who served in the troops of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and so on. Those injured in service.

What is the size of the social scholarship?

Eligibility for scholarships is established by education laws. How much a student should pay is determined by the educational institution itself. College students receive from 730 rubles and above. The minimum amount in universities is 2010 rubles. Good grades during the semester will provide a person with a good increase in their income - 6,307 rubles.

How to get a social scholarship - what documents to submit

Social security will explain to the person what documents are needed. These are three main positions:

  • Certificate of family composition from the passport office. Taken at the place of registration in your city. It will be issued without any problems if you have your passport details.
  • Also a training document. It is taken from the dean's offices of those faculties where people study. It must be dated no later than a month.
  • And the last thing is a certificate of income. Based on the last three months. This means all the money coming into the family from all sources. Can be obtained at your place of work.

How to get a social scholarship - where to submit documents

The scholarship certificate is issued by social security. Next, it must be submitted to the dean’s office for its intended purpose. We must meet deadlines to collect documents. Universities sometimes determine these deadlines themselves. You will also need the bank account number where the funds will be sent.

In a year you will have to start collecting documents again. But a scholarship for the period of study will become a reliable support for the student.

The Ministry of Education strives to create favorable conditions for learning in all regions of the country. In addition to ensuring effective work, it takes care of low-income and socially vulnerable categories of students. For this purpose, needy students are awarded a social scholarship.


A social scholarship is one of the government support measures aimed at providing financial assistance to low-income and vulnerable segments of the population. It is provided to students, and is distributed at two levels of education.

  1. Average. These are colleges, technical schools and others educational establishments, implementing secondary education programs vocational education.
  2. Higher. This category includes universities - universities, academies, institutes. At the same time, the scholarship is provided for not only bachelor's and master's programs.

A social scholarship does not depend on an educational one - it is awarded only on special grounds. Moreover, it is accrued monthly and has a fixed amount.

This type of financial assistance is regulated by certain regulations.

Normative base

Social scholarships are calculated on the basis of the following laws.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship?

Not all students are entitled to a social scholarship. To receive it you must meet the following criteria:

  • study full-time;
  • be on budget training;
  • have no academic debt.

In addition, the scholarship is provided only to certain categories of citizens.

  1. Orphans. These include students who have not had parents (due to the death of the latter) since birth or who have lost them before the age of 18.
  2. Left without parental care. This category includes children whose mother and father were deprived of parental rights.
  3. Disabled people of the first and second groups. The presence of disability must be documented by a medical certificate.
  4. Low-income citizens. The student’s family income (or his own) does not exceed the subsistence level established in the region.
  5. Students who suffered radiation exposure as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radioactive disasters.
  6. Students who have served under a contract for three or more years in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other military structures.

Additional help from the university

Some universities provide assistance to state employees who find themselves in difficult living conditions or suffering from an incurable disease. In these cases, the administration of the educational institution can independently establish the types of scholarships available to needy students. This is not a government measure; it is an initiative of the university itself.

As a rule, financial support is provided:

  • low-income students;
  • student families with small children;
  • disabled people and other categories of citizens.

The assistance provided is always realized only in the form of cash payments– it can take the following forms:

  • free food in the canteen;
  • scholarship supplement;
  • preferential living conditions in a hostel;
  • survivor benefits;
  • one-time financial assistance for food, clothing and other necessary things;
  • provision of materials for training (notebooks, textbooks, stationery);
  • others at the discretion of the university.


Social scholarships differ from regular (academic) scholarships and have their own characteristics.

  1. Providing payments for a period of one calendar year. Social benefits are assigned only for a full 12 months. After this time expires, you must re-apply to extend payments. If this is not done, the scholarship will no longer be awarded.
  2. Year-round coverage. These types of social assistance are continuously valid for a whole year. During the holiday period, the stipend continues to be paid. The same applies to maternity and academic leaves.
  3. Academic performance. Grades do not affect the receipt of this type of payment. Even if a student has unsatisfactory grades in his attestation book, this is not a reason to cancel the social scholarship.

Along with this, there are reasons on the basis of which payments are terminated.

  1. Change or cancellation of the basis that previously gave the right to receive a social scholarship. For example, for low-income students this is an increase in family income (above average). In this case, it is imperative to provide up-to-date information to the university, otherwise the payments received will be considered illegal.
  2. Repeated course. If the student leaves for a second year of study, the payment of the scholarship stops.
  3. Debts. Many people are interested in the question of whether the concept of “suspension of social scholarships” exists. Yes, if there are academic debts and an open session, payments will not be accrued. But if the student eliminates this reason, they will be renewed.
  4. Deduction. One of the significant reasons for canceling social assistance is the expulsion of a student from an educational institution. It does not matter whether he was expelled for poor academic performance or left the university of his own free will. But upon reinstatement, the student has the right to re-assignment of the scholarship.

These are the main reasons on which the accrual of a social scholarship may be terminated. Its cancellation can also occur on the student’s personal initiative, but this exception is rare.


The amount of social assistance is small. It is not enough to meet basic living needs for one month. The payments are only minor financial assistance.

The university sets the scholarship amount independently, but it cannot be less than the minimum established by law.

Table 1. Minimum amount of social support

How to get a?

In order to receive a social scholarship, you need to perform a series of sequential actions. They involve collecting the necessary package of documents and submitting it to the government agency.

The procedure is as follows.

  1. Prepare the necessary documents.
  2. Contact the social security authority or MFC at your place of registration or residence. The procedure for issuing them is the same.
  3. To write an application. The staff will provide a sample.

Once the application is accepted, the student will be entered into a database and the information provided will be verified. Based on this, a certificate will be issued stating that the student has the right to receive a social scholarship. The document production period is no more than 14 days. Based on this, he will receive monthly payments from the university.

What documents are needed for registration?

  • Certificate of family composition.
  • Identification.
  • Certificate of income.
  • A certificate indicating that you have studied at a specific institution (issued by the university).


The exact list of documents can be obtained from the city administration. It may not be the same in different regions, as it depends on local legislation.

After receiving the certificate, you must contact the rector’s office or emergency department of your educational institution.

In addition to a certificate from a social authority, you must provide:

  • passport;
  • educational and other documents required by a specific educational institution.

So, only needy students have the right to receive a social scholarship. It is appointed as state support; if there are grounds, it can be canceled. It is also possible to suspend the scholarship - currently it is carried out in the presence of academic debt.

State provision concerns all areas social life person. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly prepare all documents in order to obtain low-income status.

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For children in such families, there are separate benefit options and it is necessary to understand whether a social scholarship is available for low-income students in Russia in 2019.

Necessary information

Social support for children in the country is provided through different levels. For low-income families funds are allocated both for ordinary things - food, clothing, items for school, and for more specific ones - free visits to cultural places.

Children from low-income families have the opportunity to apply for benefits at the federal and local levels. These funds are used to support citizens and ensure that they receive everything they need.

Depending on the assigned status and area of ​​residence, a set of social guarantees is determined for the family and for the child.

Social scholarships for the poor are provided by law. And you can only apply for it if you have official status.


State level support is carried out according to a certain scheme. Within its framework, it is necessary to navigate according to the norms of the terminological base:

Concept Designation
Low-income citizen A person who is part of a low-income family - within the framework of such an association, the income indicators for each family member are lower than the established minimum subsistence level
Scholarship A payment that is issued to a citizen studying at a budgetary department of a state educational institution. The manual identifies the best students in the course and provides them with financial incentives
Statement A document involving the transfer of data between different structures and confirming any legal actions
Living wage An indicator of the level of income per person in a region, which is recognized as the minimum for living. In different regions of the Russian Federation, the numbers differ - depending on the development of the region, the amount of work, and the level of wages

Who is eligible to receive payments?

Only a separate list of students can apply for a social scholarship. Initially, a certain framework was created according to the following conditions:

  • full-time training and no absences from classes;
  • training should be carried out only on a budgetary basis with successful passing of the Unified State Exam or Unified State Exam.
Children who are deprived of parental care or are recognized as orphans Payments are made in relation to them up to 23 years of age - in the case of a constant increase in the level of education
Disabled people In this case, children with disabilities, people with disabilities since childhood, or those with group 1 or 2 categories may qualify for benefits.
Citizens who came under radioactive influence This category includes Chernobyl disaster, participation in the Semipalatinsk test site
Students who served under contract From 3 years in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB or executive authorities
Poor It is imperative to confirm the fact that you do not have a proper financial position - a certificate from social security is issued

Legislative regulation

Initially, the package of regulatory legal acts should include the main valid papers. Thus, one should rely on Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation”.

This document establishes indicators for the size of government payments of such a plan. All scholarships are paid in accordance with Article 36 of this Federal Law. Paragraph 17 of the article talks about how the amount of the benefit should be formed.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 899 “On establishing standards for the formation of a scholarship fund at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget” forms indicators for the amount of social scholarship payments.

Since financing is provided from all-Russian funds. And for all students the benefit will be the same. There is also a separate document with its provisions on increased payments.

This is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 679 “On increasing scholarships for needy first- and second-year students of federal state educational institutions of higher professional education who are studying full-time at the expense of federal budget allocations for undergraduate programs and specialist training programs and who have “good” and “good” grades. "Great"".

And the creation of this document began after Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 599 “On measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science” was put into effect.

How to apply for a state social scholarship for low-income students

This type of benefit is issued upon the student’s application. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for a number of requirements and actions. Initially, you need to understand that receiving state aid in this area relies on the citizen's educational success.

Photo: procedure for applying for a social scholarship

It is to stimulate his high achievements that funding was introduced. The registration procedure itself involves several stages.

And in this case the most important ones will be:

  • registration procedure;
  • collection of documents.

In order to receive financial support, you must constantly attend classes at the educational institution and receive high grades for the work done.

Registration procedure

Receiving state-issued financial assistance requires taking a number of steps:

Draw up a certificate stating that the student is studying at the institution This document can be obtained from the dean's office educational organization— Universities or colleges
The dean’s office also prepares a document on the amount of income for the last three months. In their absence, a document is still drawn up indicating zero indicators for benefits
Pass all items for the session without debt If there are any “tails”, social scholarship payments are terminated
Confirm the status of a low-income family - according to all norms established by law All documents are transferred to the educational institution for verification and reporting

This algorithm should be carried out every session. Since the social scholarship is awarded only to excellent and good students and under certain conditions, it is necessary to constantly confirm the status.

Collecting certificates and calculating payments should begin in advance to avoid delays and long breaks in assistance. The student takes care of this on his own.

It is usually necessary to collect documents in the first month of the semester in order to process payments on time. More detailed deadlines are set at the place of study - there you need to get advice on registration.

It usually doesn’t take long to apply for a scholarship. large quantity time at university. Therefore, it is worth obtaining the status of a low-income family in advance so that there are no problems in further registration.

After the documents have been transferred from social protection to a higher or secondary educational institution, an administrative act of local significance is issued.

List of documents

A basic set of papers includes the following items:

For nonresident students, additional paper options must be provided:

  • confirmation of registration in a dormitory or residential premises according to Form 9;
  • receipt of payment for accommodation in the hostel and absence of debt.

If a citizen does not live in a hostel, he must provide the appropriate certificate from a passport officer.

Amount of assistance this year

The amount of assistance benefits is determined based on several factors. So, there is an indicator of a student’s category, which is within the following framework:

Place of study, degree Amount of social scholarship, rubles
Technical schools 890
Colleges 890
Higher educational institutions, universities 2.5 thousand
Graduate students, assistants, residents 3.1 thousand
Postgraduate students in the field of technical and natural sciences 7.7 thousand

These indicators constitute payments with indexation included. In 2019, the level of supplement for social scholarships will be 4%. Therefore, in the first academic semester, payments are less than in the second.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is necessary to understand that this type of payment has its own nuances:

No increase in this category of scholarship is expected in Russia in the near future. Therefore, the poor cannot count on privileges and will receive the same amount of assistance.

The only option to increase your income is to receive a survivor's pension. Although such a payment is available only to certain categories of citizens.