Spiders belong to the animal kingdom, but everyone is accustomed to the fact that they are insects, so we will also sometimes call them that. Most often, spiders do not settle next to humans, but they have long adapted to peaceful coexistence nearby. Now at least a tiny spider lives in every house. About 42,000 species of spiders live on the entire planet, most of them in areas with warm climates. In the CIS countries and Russia there are less than three thousand species of spiders, but many of them weave their webs in human homes, most often in dark, inaccessible corners. There are many signs associated with the appearance of spiders in the house and we could not ignore this topic.

Signs - a spider in the house

If there are spiders in the apartment, many people, on the one hand, feel disgust and even fear, on the other hand, they think about whether to kill the spider in the apartment or leave it, or maybe take it outside? This is associated with many superstitions and signs.

  • Why do spiders appear in the apartment? According to popular belief to prosperity and quick success.
  • If suddenly a spider falls on your hand or head, this means profit and money.
  • If you see a spider going down a thread, the sign foretells the imminent arrival of guests or a letter to your house.
  • But if spiders in the house (which is time to get used to and not be surprised) are discovered at night, you need to expect unpleasant events.
  • If a spider in an apartment has woven a web right above the sleeping area. What does it mean? This is also no good; most likely the owners will suffer failure and illness.
  • Many people wonder if it is possible to kill spiders? According to folk wisdom killing a spider leads to troubles and misfortunes. But just imagine, if your room is all entangled in cobwebs, insects will fall into your plate of food and crawl on you at night. More than an unpleasant picture. So don’t torment yourself with the question of why you can’t kill a spider, especially since, according to another version, doing so will get rid of your sins.

Whether you believe in omens or not, you still don’t need to leave the insect in the house; then take it and throw it outside. Now let's get to know this arthropod better.

Spiders in the apartment - types, photos

Almost all spiders are predators; their diet consists of small animals and insects. Most often they hunt with the help of a web, when the victim is caught in the net, the spider injects poison and digestive juice into it, and after a while sucks out the solution, which is food for them. Usually, owners learn about the presence of a spider by the appearance of a web. They prefer warmth and dryness, and to be disturbed as little as possible. Several species of spiders live in the neighborhood of humans. So, what kind of spiders live in an apartment?

Spider - haymaker

The centipede, window spider or haymaker has a small round or oval abdomen up to one centimeter, 6 or 8 legs up to five centimeters long. Its nets are randomly located in corners, near windows, and often hang upside down. Insects, falling into a web, become increasingly stuck in it. The spider lies in wait for the victim and, after injecting the poison, leaves it in reserve or eats it.

Harvesting spider - photo

Gray and black house spider

Small spiders in the apartment are black or gray spiders. Their total size is about 14 mm. Their web resembles a pipe; after the victim damages the web, they restore it, so you can often see not just a mesh, but complex weaving patterns. As a rule, the female waits for prey.

Black spider - photo

Spider is a hobo

The hobo has an oval body and legs big size. Distinctive feature species - absence of web. The spider attacks the victim, injects its poison, eats it and moves on. He doesn't stay anywhere for long. In Russia, this type of spider is safe, but in the tropics, the secretion released from their glands leads to poisoning and skin problems.

Hobo spider, photo

Jumping spider

If there is a jumping spider in your apartment, it is a jumping spider. Its difference is that it has 8 eyes arranged in three rows. The patterns on the body are varied, as are the colors. It moves easily on glass thanks to its small claws and hairs on its paws. By the way, he is a vegetarian and eats only acacia.

Jumping spider, photo

The remaining species of these arthropods are found very rarely in houses and do not settle near humans.

Where do spiders come from in an apartment?

In old houses, spiders occupy attics and basements, and from there they make their way into other rooms.

Are spiders dangerous?

All (with rare exceptions) spiders are poisonous. But the harm from the bites of spiders living in our apartments for humans is minimal, thanks to their small, fragile body structure and small fangs. After a karakurt bite, the human body will be subject to neurotoxic effects. And the biggest danger from domestic species is necrosis. But most often, neither inflammation nor intoxication occurs. The bite site only needs to be treated with an alcohol-containing product or hydrogen peroxide.

How to get rid of spiders

Before you think about how to get rid of spiders in the house, you should find out who serves as their food source, and who needs to be kept in company with arthropods. Fighting spiders does not always happen with the help of pesticides. To get started, try simple and effective ways, since they do not form colonies and do not reproduce at record speed.

  • Find out the reason for the appearance of spiders and start fighting small insects.
  • Get rid of cobwebs with a broom or vacuum cleaner. Don't forget to empty the contents of the garbage disposal outside, otherwise the spider will get out and continue to weave its webs. The simplest device for collecting cobwebs is a stick with a rag wrapped around it.
  • If there are too many spiders, they have time to lay eggs, which you need to look for in secluded places, for example, on furniture near the walls. Sweep them up and flush them down the drain.
  • Seal cracks and crevices, glue wallpaper where necessary, install mosquito nets and screens on ventilation grilles.
  • Regular cleaning will prevent the appearance of spiders.
  • After repairs, usually not a single spider remains, since the smell of paint and varnish materials is unbearable for them.
  • Spiders are repelled by the pungent smells of chestnuts, hazelnuts and oranges, mint, and eucalyptus. You can crush the fruits and scatter them around the room or add drops of the substance to a spray bottle and spray the apartment regularly.
  • Sprinkle diatomaceous earth on the baseboards; when the insect gets on it, it quickly dies.
  • Regular vinegar is highly effective. Add a few drops of vinegar to the water, pour into containers and place around the apartment.

Chemical repellents for spiders in the apartment

If the number of spiders in your home has become alarmingly large, do not use chemicals not enough. Universal aerosols against spiders are ineffective. Use household preparations based on pyrethroids. Be careful when spraying, remember to take safety precautions and follow the instructions. Also remember that the poison only works when it gets on the spider’s body.

A product that is suitable for fighting spiders - “Dobrohim FOS” - has proven itself well. The drug is an acaricidal agent that allows you to destroy arachnids with a 100% guarantee. The product is safe for people, but has a lethal effect on insects.

Easy to use Butox 50. The drug is sprayed where there are especially many spiders, left for 20 minutes, then the room is ventilated and cleaned. If you decide to use Neoron, be careful; it is very dangerous to use near food products.

It happens that the use of aerosols is impossible for some reason - small children, pets, and so on. Then it is advisable to use pills - traps, inside of which poison is placed. In addition to other control methods, it is recommended to place glue traps in corners, behind cabinets, and under low furniture.

To prevent such a problem as many spiders in the apartment from arising, regularly carry out high-quality cleaning, ventilate and beat out mattresses and pillows - this way there will be less dust at home. Wash lighting fixtures, pay more attention to hard-to-reach places - in corners, under furniture, in closets, especially if you rarely use them. And remember that the spider is more of a useful creature than a pest, so let all methods of control be gentle.

Big spider in the apartment

Among the huge number of arthropods, the jumping spider stands out for its unique features. This daytime hunter masters the jumping technique and has excellent vision. The presence of intelligence, the ability to distinguish colors and the ability to communicate with each other using a complex signal transmission system makes it a real miracle of nature.

The jumping spider is one of the most unique species of arthropods

Appearance and habitats

The most common jumping spider in nature lives in all areas with warm and temperate climate, lives in most of the territory of our country. Prefers places that are well lit sun rays. Loves bushes, tree branches, often finds a cozy place in a human home.

Widely distributed in warm climates climatic zones

This cute creature has a wide cephalothorax. The body is shaggy and covered with patterns, which makes it very attractive. The oval abdomen is decorated with stripes of black and white. It has eight eyes, the front pair allows the spider to see prey.

Horses have binocular vision and perception of polarized light. This ability is extremely rare in the world of arthropods. It differs from other species in its bimodal respiratory system, consisting of a trachea and lungs.

Has a fairly complex respiratory system and visual structure

The male jumper grows up to 6 millimeters in length, the female is larger. These spiders have well-developed limbs. Unlike females, the front pair of limbs of males are decorated with stripes. It has small but strong pedipalps. With their help, horses can communicate with their brothers, transmitting signals to them.

This video will show you the strangest species of spiders in the world:

Features of reproduction

The mating season of spiders is accompanied by a peculiar dance of the male around his chosen one. The movements consist of periodically raising the forelimbs, with which he lightly hits himself on the body.

The mating season of the jumping spider is distinguished by its interesting presentation and fascinating process.

Observations of these funny creatures showed that a male jumper is capable of performing such a ritual in front of his reflection in the mirror. It is also interesting that the boyfriend comes to the chosen one with a gift- a delicacy wrapped in a web. Thus, he protects himself from the danger of being eaten by the female if she is hungry.

Males do not fight for females. The duel is limited to mutual demonstration of the pedipalps. The winner is the one with the largest ones. With their help, the male places spermatophores into the female genitals.

After the mating process is completed, the female makes a nest of spider webs, where she lays her eggs. She herself guards the clutch until the cubs are born. Once this happens, the mother leaves the brood. The kids are ready for independent life and from birth they can hunt. During the growth process, young spiders molt several times.

Hunting methods and food

The jumping spider hunts only during daylight hours. To spend the night, he chooses an inconspicuous place and weaves something like a bed out of a web, and with the first rays of the sun he sets off to track down his prey. With the help of eight organs of vision, the spider, without moving, examines its surroundings from all sides. Having noticed the victim, he determines the distance to it with high accuracy. Getting closer, it makes a lightning-fast leap and overtakes its prey.

The spider feeds on small insects and is very meticulous about its choice of prey.

With chelicerae, the jumper introduces paralyzing poison and digestive juice into the insect’s body, which liquefies the insides on which the jumper feeds. The jumper's diet includes:

  • various types of flies;
  • mosquitoes and mosquitoes;
  • garden aphids;
  • small beetles.

It is known that the tropical jumper prefers to feed exclusively on female mosquitoes, whose abdomen is swollen with blood. He ignores males. This indicates food preferences that other arthropod species are not prone to.

Variety of species

Depending on their habitat, jumpers differ in color, lifestyle and hunting methods. This family includes the following species:

Regardless of species, all jumpers lead a solitary lifestyle, with the only exception mating season. In inclement weather, they hide in secluded corners, and when the sun appears, they go out hunting, having previously basked in the sun’s rays.

​Horses are part of the main group of arthropods suitable for home keeping. This is due to their peaceful disposition and lack of danger to humans. Moreover, he does not weave a catcher's web. Life expectancy in captivity ranges from 1.5 to 2 years.

The conditions for keeping him at home are similar to the conditions for a woodworm

For a comfortable existence, the jumper will need a small terrarium. You can use a glass jar with a plastic lid, in which you need to make small holes. A wet piece of cotton wool should be placed at the bottom of the container to maintain humidity.

The pet needs to have a secluded place to rest, so you need to place leaves, pebbles and some soil in its home. Fans of these cute creatures are confident that the horse is capable of remembering and recognizing its owner. He can sit still for a long time and watch a person.

Feeding is not difficult. It is only important to take into account the size of the insect that is being fed: it should not be larger than the spider itself. The horse does not need water, as it receives enough liquid from the food. But we should not forget about periodically moistening the spider’s house.

The jumping spider is very easy to keep if you follow all the rules.

A horse is a very small creature, so it should be handled with care so as not to injure its body. To avoid the appearance of ants in the terrarium, it must be cleaned once a week.

The common jumping spider, or zebra spider (lat. Salticus scenicus) belongs to the family of jumping spiders (lat. Salticidae). This species is widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

Among spiders, jumpers are considered true intellectuals. Between themselves they use complex system communication with the help of the pedicles and the front pair of legs. Currently, it has been possible to decipher more than 20 signals used by these spiders to transmit information.

The presence of eight large eyes provides them with excellent binocular vision, allowing them to accurately find prey. They not only perceive polarized light, but are also able to distinguish colors, which is very rare in the world of insects.


Jumping spiders live in both warm and temperate climates. climate zone. They feel great in forests, fields and even big cities. They fearlessly settle in human dwellings, choosing places illuminated by the sun.

They also mastered life in the mountains. For example, in the Himalayas they manage to live at altitudes of up to 5000 m above sea level, watching with curiosity the unshaven climbers crawling upward.


The jumping spider prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle. He hunts only in daytime, spending the night in a secluded shelter, which is most often a crack in a tree or a crevice in a rock. At night he weaves himself a cradle, in which he sleeps sweetly until the morning. In inclement weather, he can spend several days there, patiently waiting for more suitable conditions for hunting.

Having left the shelter early in the morning, the spider first basks in the sun and, only after being well warmed up, goes fishing. Horses are distinguished by their innate courage and run away only in exceptional cases, constantly turning their heads and looking back at the pursuer.

Well-developed limbs allow them not only to run fast, but also to tirelessly make jumps that are approximately 20 times their body size. Before each jump, the spider attaches a safety thread to the substrate to avoid an accidental fall.

Binocular vision allows him to very accurately determine the distance to the landing site, so unsuccessful jumps are extremely rare. In flight, the spider always extends its forelimbs forward, which in males are much better developed than in females.

The spider notices the slightest movement around itself thanks to three pairs of eyes located on the sides of the cephalothorax. Having noticed the victim with their help, he slowly turns his head towards her.

Two large front eyes accurately determine the distance. Next, the predator slowly creeps up on the prey from the side or behind. Having gotten close enough, he makes a lightning-fast jump with his legs widely spaced. The first pair of limbs tightly grabs the victim, and the chelicerae pierce the chitinous cover, injecting a dose of poison and digestive juices into its body.

The poison acts very quickly on insects, but is completely harmless to humans.

Digestive juices soon turn the insides of the prey into a liquid pulp, which the spider drinks with appetite. The diet of jumping spiders includes flies, mosquitoes, beetles and ants. They spend the winter safely hidden in a secluded shelter.


The mating season lasts from May to September. Males, having met a competitor, take a characteristic pose, raising the first pair of legs and showing their pedicles. Whoever has fewer of them runs away from the battlefield.

When meeting a female, the male begins to perform a mating dance, drawing intricate circles around her, not forgetting to periodically feel her with his forelimbs and toes. The female lays eggs in a large cocoon woven from her web and vigilantly guards it until the spiderlings are born.

After the birth of her offspring, she considers her mission completed and leaves the babies without any remorse. Babies feel like real hunters and begin hunting almost immediately after birth.


Females are larger than males. Their body length is 6 mm, and males are 1 mm shorter. The body is grayish-brown.

There is a white pattern on the wide cephalothorax, and on the oval, shaggy abdomen there are white stripes reminiscent of the coloring of a zebra.

The limbs are well developed, allowing them to make long jumps and hold the prey tightly. The toes are powerful, but small. Chelicerae are very strong.

There are 4 pairs of eyes on the cephalothorax. The largest pair of eyes is located in front.

Jumping spiders tolerate captivity well and live in it for up to 3 years.

The jumping spider is considered a real intellectual among its own kind and is often brought up as a spider. Moreover, in captivity this cute creature can live for about three years. In addition, this species has a number of amazing features, including good eyesight and the ability to communicate with each other using special signals.


The common jumping spider lives in temperate and warm climates and is found throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

The description of the horse will be as follows:

  • The cephalothorax is wide, decorated with a white pattern.
  • The abdomen is shaggy, oval in shape, covered with alternating black and white stripes.
  • There are 4 pairs of large eyes on the head, one of which (the largest) provides this spider with binocular vision. Thanks to these two eyes, horses are able to see perfectly and accurately determine the location of prey. In addition, they perceive polarized light and even distinguish colors.

    On a note! Only a few have this ability and, in general, the ability to distinguish colors is a huge rarity in the world of spiders!

  • The size of the jumping spider will depend on its gender. So, the body length of a male is 5-6 mm, females will be about 1 mm larger.
  • The limbs are well developed, while males have stripes on the front pair, while females have no pattern. Pedipalps small sizes, but quite powerful.

The pedipalps and the front pair of legs function as a communication system. Spiders use them to communicate with each other, transmitting special signals to each other.

On a note! To date, scientists have been able to decipher about 20 such signals!


The jumping spider is able to live in a wide variety of conditions:

  • he feels great in the forests, where any tree can become his permanent home
  • in the mountains and on steep cliffs - in such places it hides in cracks;
  • in the fields - there he has the opportunity to live in tall grass and in the branches of bushes;
  • in addition, this spider completely fearlessly settles even in a person’s home, where you can always find a cozy sunny place.

The jumping spider prefers to be alone. He is most active during the daytime, and spends the night in some secluded place. Moreover, he arranges himself for the night in a special way - he weaves something like a cradle out of a web and sleeps in it until the morning.

The jumping spider wakes up with the first rays of the sun. IN bad weather he remains in his shelter and can spend several days there, waiting out bad weather. As soon as conditions change, the horse leaves the shelter, basks in the sun for a while and then goes hunting.

Movement mechanism

These spiders are characterized by innate courage, and therefore they will flee only in extreme cases. When running away, a striped horse constantly turns around and assesses the distance to its pursuer, and since it has well-developed legs, it is often quite easy to hide from the enemy. At the same time, powerful limbs allow him not only to run quite quickly, but also to jump long distances - often a jump exceeds the size of the horse’s body by 30 times.

This is interesting! Before making a jump, the jumping spider attaches a safety thread to the substrate - this technique helps it avoid accidentally falling!

Despite the fact that this spider can cover a very impressive distance by jumping, it falls extremely rarely. The animal owes this not so much to insurance as to excellent vision - before jumping, the spider estimates the length of the distance and at the same time always accurately determines the point at which it will land.

During any movement, be it calm steps along the substrate or long fast jumps, the jumping spider uses an internal hydraulic system. This method is very convenient - the limbs bend and unbend due to changes in the pressure of the fluid with which they are filled. This mechanism fully explains the amazing ability of this creature to cover enormous distances in one second.

Plus, the jumping spider can hold its body on absolutely smooth horizontal surfaces, such as glass. This ability is provided to him by small hairs and claws located on his limbs. By the way, other spiders do not know how to move on such surfaces.

Hunting and food

The jumping spider uses its silk thread for only two purposes: arranging the nest and protecting the masonry. But he doesn’t make a web for hunting - he simply catches up with the prey. The predator sits motionless and inspects the territory with the help of its many eyes.

Noticing the slightest movement, the spider slowly turns its head, fixes the gaze of the main pair of eyes on the source of the movement and determines the distance to it. Afterwards, he slowly approaches the victim, stops on the side or behind and makes a rapid jump. With the first pair of legs, the jumping spider captures prey, and with its jaws it bites into its chitinous cover and immediately injects a toxic substance and digestive juices.

The diet of the jumping spider includes:

  • flies;
  • small beetles;
  • mosquitoes;
  • ants.

On a note! It is because of their special way of obtaining food that these spiders received their main name - “jumpers”!


During the mating season, which begins in May and lasts until September, males attract females with a mating dance. This ritual is the same for all types of jumping spiders. This action looks like this: the male raises his body and hits it several times with a certain periodicity with the front pair of limbs.

If several “fans” gather near the female, then, as a rule, they do not arrange a battle. Spiders show each other their pedipalps, and the one with the largest remains. The winner returns to performing the mating dance and describes intricate circles around his chosen one.

The female attracted in this way allows herself to be fertilized, after which she immediately hides in a shelter and immediately begins to weave a nest. She constructs a cradle for masonry from her silk threads, and it can be placed in any secluded place: under leaf litter, in a crack in a tree, between stones and even in the substrate.

Having laid eggs, the female remains in the nest and waits for the offspring to be born. As soon as the spiderlings get out of the silk cocoon, the female horse immediately leaves. The young start hunting immediately - this instinct is inherent in representatives of this species of spiders with early childhood. Before turning into adults, young spiderlings molt several times, after which they repeat the reproduction cycle of their species.

The jumping spider, or jumping spider (Salticidae), belongs to the family of araneomorphic spiders. This family is represented by more than 5,000 species, and according to the scientific classification, it belongs to the fairly extensive subkingdom Eumetazoa.

Description of appearance

Jumping spiders can have a wide variety of colors, and quite often imitate their appearance ant, beetle and false scorpion. The first half of the cephalothorax is strongly raised, and the posterior part is flattened. The sides of the cephalothorax are steep. The separation of the head and chest is usually ensured by a shallow and transverse groove. Bimodal respiratory system represented by the lungs and trachea.

The jumping spider is characterized by the presence of eight eyes, which are arranged in three rows. The first row has four large eyes occupying the front part of the head. The anterior medial very large eyes are characterized by mobility. Eyes allow spiders to distinguish the shape of an object and its color.

The eyes of the second row are represented by a pair of very small eyes, and in the third row there are two rather large eyes, which are located at the corners of the border of the head with chest part. With the help of these eyes, the spider is provided with a view of almost 360 degrees.

This is interesting! The special structure of the eye retina makes it possible to extremely accurately determine the distance to any object.


The habitat of jumping spiders can be a wide variety of places. Significant amount species found in the area tropical forests. Some varieties are common in temperate forest zones, semi-deserts and desert or mountainous areas.

Common types

Jumping spiders in natural conditions are represented by several species that differ in appearance, size and distribution area:

  • The elegant golden jumping spider lives in the southeast Asian countries, and is characterized by a long abdominal part and a large first pair of legs. The body has a very peculiar golden color. The length of the male rarely exceeds 76 mm, and the females are larger;
  • the Himalayan species is distinguished by its tiny size and is distributed high above sea level, in the Himalayas, where its only prey is random small insects that are blown onto mountain slopes by strong gusts of wind;
  • The green jumping spider lives in Queensland, New Guinea and New South Wales. It is quite common in Western Australia, where it is among the most large spiders. The male is very brightly colored, and his body is decorated with long whitish “whiskers”;
  • The red-backed jumping spider prefers to live in relatively dry areas and is often found on coastal dunes or oak forests. forest areas North America, where it is one of the largest jumping spiders. A peculiarity of this species is the ability to build tubular-type silk nests under stones, wood and on the surface of the vine;
  • The species Hyllus Diardi has a body up to 1.3 cm long. Along with other species of jumping spiders, it is not capable of building a web, therefore, to catch prey, it attaches a silk thread to some support and then jumps from such a peculiar “bungee” onto its victim ;
  • The ant jumping spider perfectly imitates an ant in its appearance and is most often found in tropical zones from Africa to central Australia. Body coloration can vary from black to yellowish shades.

The most interesting is the royal type of jumping spider. This is the most major representative, related to jumping spiders in North America. Males have a body length of 1.27 cm, and the length of females can reach 1.52 cm.

This is interesting! The male's body is black and has a characteristic pattern of white spots and stripes. The coloration of the female's body is most often represented by grayish and orange shades.

Jumping spider nutrition

Jumping spiders hunt exclusively during the day, which is facilitated by phenomenal vision and an internal hydraulic system represented by limbs that change in size. Thanks to this structural feature, an adult jumping spider is able to cover impressive distances in a jump. The limbs have small hairs and claws that allow them to move easily even on a horizontal glass surface.

Silk thread serves as a safety net when jumping over long distances, which is also used in the construction of a masonry nest. During the hunting process, the spider lies in wait for prey and catches it in a jump, which is why the name of the species contains the word “jumper”. When it comes to food, jumping spiders are completely unpretentious and use any insects, but not too large ones.

Reproduction of the jumping spider

A characteristic difference between males and females is the coloring of the front pair of limbs. This pair has stripes. Almost all types of jumping spiders have a kind of mating ritual, but to attract the attention of the female, all males perform a special mating dance, during which they raise their forelimbs and, observing a clear periodicity, lightly hit themselves all over the body.

Immediately after mating, the small spiders that appear are completely left to the care of the female, who builds a silk nest for them from thread. After laying eggs, females guard their nests until the babies emerge. The spider, having gone through several phased moults, catches up in size to the adult individual, so it acquires independence and begins to take care of itself.

Importance in the ecosystem

Spiders of this species mainly use female mosquitoes that have drunk blood as food. Thanks to their keen sense of smell, jumping spiders easily determine the location of such an insect. The time a spider attacks a victim, as a rule, does not exceed a hundredth of a second. The main part of the vampire spider's nutrition is represented by malaria mosquitoes, therefore their importance in nature is difficult to underestimate.

This is interesting! The species found in our country prey on many garden and garden pests, and therefore help home garden owners keep their garden plants and garden crops intact throughout the warm season.

Danger to humans

Jumping spiders are absolutely not dangerous to humans, so you can take them with bare hands, but only very carefully and carefully so as not to harm the spider. This type of spider is harmless to animals and people not due to the absence of poison, but because the dense skin of a person does not receive damage as a result of a bite.

Several major groups of arachnids are excellent for keeping indoors, including the jumping spider, orb-weaving spider, and wolf spider. Ant jumping spiders are most often chosen as pets. Their uncanny resemblance to weaver ants, known for their sharp teeth and aggression, allows jumping spiders to avoid danger that may await them in the wild. natural conditions a habitat.

The homeland of the ant jumping spider is represented by countries South-East Asia, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Vietnam, therefore such a pet should be provided with container housing and an optimal microclimate in compliance with comfortable temperature and humidity.

Feeding rules

The main food of spiders in natural conditions is live insects of a suitable size. Experienced owners of such unusual pets advise using crickets or fruit flies crushed to a dusty state to feed the jumping spider. Plant black and green aphids can be used to feed some species. During the feeding process, the feeding area must be provided with high-quality artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps.

The jumping spider is considered one of the most intelligent representatives of arthropods, due to the size of its brain. It is quite difficult to purchase such a spider in our country, but it is quite possible from lovers of exotic arthropods who breed them at home. average cost adult varies depending on the type, but most often does not exceed a couple of thousand rubles.