In the methodology, it is customary to highlight the following means of children’s speech development:

communication between adults and children;

cultural language environment, teacher’s speech;

teaching native speech and language in the classroom;


Various types of art (fine, music, theater).

Let's briefly consider the role of each tool.

The most important means of speech development is communication. Communication is the interaction of two (or more) people aimed at coordinating and uniting their efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve a common result (M. I. Lisina). Communication is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon of human life, which simultaneously acts as: a process of interaction between people; information process (exchange of information, activities, results, experience); means and condition of transmission and assimilation social experience; the attitude of people towards each other; the process of mutual influence of people on each other; empathy and mutual understanding of people (B.F. Parygin, V.N. Panferov, B.F. Bodalev, A.A. Leontyev, etc.).

In Russian psychology, communication is considered as a side of some other activity and as an independent communicative activity. The works of domestic psychologists convincingly show the role of communication with adults in the general mental development and development of a child’s verbal function.

Speech, being a means of communication, appears at a certain stage in the development of communication. The formation of speech activity is a complex process of interaction between a child and people around him, carried out with the help of material and linguistic means. Speech does not arise from the very nature of the child, but is formed in the process of his existence in the social environment. Its emergence and development are caused by the needs of communication, the needs of the child’s life. Contradictions that arise in communication lead to the emergence and development of the child’s linguistic ability, to his mastery of ever new means of communication and forms of speech. This happens thanks to the cooperation of the child with the adult, which is built taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the child.

Isolation of an adult from the environment and attempts to cooperate with him begin very early in the child. The German psychologist, an authoritative researcher of children's speech, W. Stern, wrote back in the last century that “the beginning of speech is usually considered the moment when the child first utters sounds associated with the awareness of their meaning and the intention of the message. But this moment has a preliminary history that essentially begins from day one.” This hypothesis has been confirmed by research and experience in raising children. It turns out that a child can distinguish a human voice immediately after birth. He separates the adult's speech from the ticking of the clock and other sounds and reacts with movements in unison with it. This interest and attention to the adult is the initial component of the prehistory of communication.

Analysis of children's behavior shows that the presence of an adult stimulates the use of speech; they begin to speak only in a communication situation and only at the request of an adult. Therefore, the technique recommends talking to children as much and as often as possible.

In preschool childhood, several forms of communication between children and adults consistently appear and change: situational-personal (direct-emotional), situational-business (subject-based), extra-situational-cognitive and extra-situational-personal (M. I. Lisina).

First, direct emotional communication, and then business cooperation, determine the child’s need for communication. Emerging in communication, speech first appears as an activity divided between an adult and a child. Later as a result mental development for the child it becomes the form of his behavior. The development of speech is associated with the qualitative side of communication.

In studies conducted under the leadership of M. I. Lisina, it was established that the nature of communication determines the content and level of speech development of children.

The characteristics of children's speech are associated with the form of communication they have achieved. Move to more complex forms communication is associated: a) with an increase in the proportion of extra-situational statements; b) with an increase in general speech activity; c) with an increase in the share of social statements. A study by A.E. Reinstein revealed that with a situational-business form of communication, 16.4% of all communicative acts are carried out using non-verbal means, and with a non-situational-cognitive form - only 3.8%. With the transition to non-situational forms of communication, the vocabulary of speech and its grammatical structure are enriched, and the “attachment” of speech to a specific situation decreases. The speech of children of different ages, but at the same level of communication, is approximately the same in complexity, grammatical form and development of sentences. This indicates a connection between the development of speech and the development of communicative activity. Important concludes that for speech development it is not enough to offer the child a variety of speech material - it is necessary to set new communication tasks for him, requiring new means of communication. It is necessary that interaction with others enriches the content of the child’s need for communication1. Therefore, the organization of meaningful, productive communication between teachers and children is of paramount importance.

Speech communication in preschool age is carried out in different types activities: in play, work, household, educational activities and acts as one of the sides of each species. Therefore, it is very important to be able to use any activity to develop speech. First of all, speech development occurs in the context of leading activity. In relation to children early age the leading one is the subject activity. Consequently, the focus of teachers should be on organizing communication with children during activities with objects.

In preschool age, play is of great importance in the speech development of children. Its character determines speech functions, content and means of communication. For speech development All types of gaming activities are used.

In a creative role-playing game, communicative in nature, differentiation occurs between the functions and forms of speech. Dialogue speech is improved in it, and the need for coherent monologue speech arises. Role-playing game contributes to the formation and development of the regulating and planning functions of speech. New communication and presenter needs play activity inevitably lead to intensive mastery of the language, its vocabulary and grammatical structure, as a result of which speech becomes more coherent (D.

B. Elkonin).

But not every game has a positive effect on children's speech. First of all, it must be a meaningful game. However, although role-playing game activates speech, it does not always contribute to mastering the meaning of a word and improving the grammatical form of speech. And in cases of relearning, it reinforces incorrect word usage and creates conditions for a return to old incorrect forms. This happens because the game reflects children’s familiar life situations, in which incorrect speech stereotypes previously developed. The behavior of children in play and the analysis of their statements allow us to draw important methodological conclusions: children’s speech improves only under the influence of an adult; in cases where “relearning” occurs, you must first develop a strong skill in using the correct designation and only then create conditions for including the word in children’s independent play.

The teacher’s participation in children’s games, discussion of the concept and course of the game, drawing their attention to the word, a sample of concise and precise speech, conversations about past and future games have a positive effect on children’s speech.

Outdoor games influence the enrichment of vocabulary and the development of sound culture. Dramatization games contribute to the development of speech activity, taste and interest in artistic expression, expressiveness of speech, artistic speech activity.

Didactic and printed board games are used to solve all speech development problems. They consolidate and clarify vocabulary, the skills of quickly choosing the most suitable word, changing and forming words, practice composing coherent statements, and develop explanatory speech.

Communication in everyday life helps children learn the everyday vocabulary necessary for their life, develops dialogical speech, and fosters a culture of speech behavior.

Communication in the process of labor (everyday, in nature, manual) helps to enrich the content of children's ideas and speech, replenishes the dictionary with the names of tools and objects of labor, labor actions, qualities, and results of labor.

Communication with peers has a great influence on children’s speech, especially from 4-5 years of age. When communicating with peers, children more actively use speech skills. The greater variety of communicative tasks that arise in children’s business contacts creates the need for more diverse speech means. In joint activities, children talk about their plan of action, offer and ask for help, involve each other in interaction, and then coordinate it.

Useful communication between children of different ages. Association with older children puts children in favorable conditions for the perception of speech and its activation: they actively imitate actions and speech, learn new words, master role-playing speech in games, the simplest types of stories based on pictures, and about toys. The participation of older children in games with younger children, telling fairy tales to children, showing dramatization, telling stories from their experience, inventing stories, acting out scenes with the help of toys contribute to the development of content, coherence, expressiveness of their speech, and creative speech abilities. It should, however, be emphasized that the positive impact of such a union of children of different ages on speech development is achieved only under the guidance of an adult. As the observations of L.A. Penevskaya showed, if you leave it to chance, elders sometimes become too active, suppress the kids, begin to speak hastily, carelessly, and imitate their imperfect speech.

Thus, communication is the leading means of speech development. Its content and forms determine the content and level of children's speech.

However, an analysis of practice shows that not all educators know how to organize and use communication in the interests of children’s speech development. An authoritarian style of communication is widespread, in which instructions and orders from the teacher predominate. Such communication is formal in nature and devoid of personal meaning. More than 50% of the teacher’s statements do not evoke a response from the children; there are not enough situations conducive to the development of explanatory speech, evidence-based speech, and reasoning. Mastering culture, a democratic style of communication, and the ability to provide so-called subject-subject communication, in which interlocutors interact as equal partners, is the professional responsibility of a kindergarten teacher.

The means of speech development in a broad sense is the cultural language environment. Imitating the speech of adults is one of the mechanisms for mastering the native language. Internal mechanisms of speech are formed in a child only under the influence of systematically organized speech of adults (N. I. Zhinkin). It should be borne in mind that by imitating those around them, children adopt not only all the subtleties of pronunciation, word usage, and phrase construction, but also those imperfections and errors that occur in their speech. Therefore, high demands are placed on the teacher’s speech: content and at the same time accuracy, logic; appropriate for the age of the children; lexical, phonetic, grammatical, orthoepic correctness; imagery; expressiveness, emotional richness, richness of intonation, leisurelyness, sufficient volume; knowledge and compliance with the rules speech etiquette; correspondence between the teacher’s words and his deeds.

In the process of verbal communication with children, the teacher also uses non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions, pantomimic movements). They perform important functions:

They help to emotionally explain and remember the meaning of words. An appropriate, well-aimed gesture helps to learn the meanings of words (round, big...) associated with specific visual representations. Facial expressions and phonation help clarify the meaning of words (cheerful, sad, angry, affectionate...) associated with emotional perception;

contribute to deepening emotional experiences, memorizing material (audible and visible);

help bring the learning environment in the classroom closer to that of natural communication;

They are role models for children;

Along with linguistic means, they perform an important social, educational role (I. N. Gorelov).

Basic means of developing children's speech in preschool educational institution

The effectiveness and quality of work on speech development depend on the organization of the educational environment, the culture of verbal communication and the professionalism of teachers, who, together with children, are subjects of the pedagogical process, participants in interaction.

Educational environment for preschoolers– this is a multidimensional educational space, including the pedagogical environment of a preschool institution, the conditions of family education, and possibly cultural institutions. The pedagogical environment is designed to solve the problems of teaching and upbringing, and the development of the child’s personality. In a preschool educational institution, the environment is built on the principle of expanding the zones of current and proximal development, the principle of humanization, satisfying cognitive and other needs, and developing the child’s personality in conditions appropriate to his age.

The subjects of interaction in the pedagogical environment are children and teachers; in the process of interaction, the position of the teacher is determined, his professional competencies are improved, and, in general, his personality. In the preschool education system, there is a wide variety of variable models of the developmental environment with various software, material and technical equipment of the subject environment, using new technologies, in particular, multimedia, computer, art pedagogical, non-traditional.

General characteristics with all the diversity of content and technology is integrity development environment, which is determined by the purpose of education, basic principles, professional activity teacher; integrativeness, is determined by the content of education and the pedagogical technologies used, effective in solving the problems of education, training, development, correction; variability, suggesting the possibility of changing the content and pedagogical technologies in order to optimize an individually differentiated approach, organize individual work, in small groups, creative groups, in pairs.

In the educational environment of a preschool group, in accordance with the program requirements and the age of the children, zones are created for effective interaction between the teacher and children, free independent activity of children in order to satisfy their interests and cognitive needs: a play corner, a sports corner, for visual arts, for observation. natural phenomena, for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, a speech therapy corner, for working with books, illustrations and other areas that develop the sensory, intellectual and motor spheres. A developing pedagogical environment is a necessary condition for organizing the meaningful life of children in preschool institution, meeting the needs of children in various activities.

TO speech development tools in an educational environment, there are various types of activities: household, labor, visual, constructive, gaming, musical, artistic and speech, theatrical, educational and some others.

Various types of art are also part of the educational environment: music, painting, theater - effective means of aesthetic education and the development of communicative culture.

Methods and techniques for speech development

The role of training in speech development was substantiated by their research and developed systems of the classics of domestic methodology: K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheyeva, A.P. Usova, E.A. Flerina, O.I. Solovyova, A.A. Penevskaya, M.M. Horsemeat. In the preschool education system, teaching aids and practical guides A.M. Borodich, F.A. Sokhina, M.M. Alekseeva, V.I. Yashina, L.E. Zhurova, O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina, V.V. Gerbova, N.A. Starodubova, A.I. Maksakova, A.G. Arushanova. Preschool speech therapy uses advances in speech development techniques along with special speech therapy technologies. Methodological issues are reflected in the program of the special speech therapy training preschoolers and textbooks of famous scientists, representatives of modern speech therapy: T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, N.A. Cheveleva, V.I. Seliverstova, M.F. Fomicheva, V.K. Vorobyova, T.V. Volosovets and other researchers of special methods, methodological systems, speech therapy tools for speech development, forms of organizing speech work with children.

Methods and techniques, technologies and techniques are an integral part of teaching aids correct speech, fostering interest in linguistic phenomena, developing in children all the structural components of the language system and speech functions, correcting developmental deficiencies and speech defects, preventing secondary deviations that affect the development of personality, and the success of further schooling. For the method of speech development, important concepts are speech skill and speech ability, since their formation is the goal of the method.

Speech skill- this is a speech act that has reached a sufficient degree of automation, and in some cases - perfection; the ability to perform a particular speech action in an optimal way, with the least amount of time and energy.

Speech skills can be classified depending on the approaches to their analysis (linguistic, psycholinguistic, pedagogical, ontogenetic, speech therapy). From the standpoint of considering the forms of speech, we can highlight the skills of external speech that has a sound expression, that is, oral speech; speech skills of internal speech related to internal pronunciation (“speech to oneself”) while maintaining the structure of external speech, the structure of generation speech utterance, internal programming. Didactic means form speech skills related to various aspects of the speech system (phonetic, phonemic, lexical, grammatical, prosodic), the functions of language and speech (social, intellectual, personal). This is reflected in the program objectives for the development and education of correct speech: the formation of skills in normative sound pronunciation, word and phrase formation, inflection, analysis of the elements of spoken speech, the use of means of speech expressiveness, satisfaction of communicative, cognitive needs and interests, and a culture of communicative behavior.

Classic psycholinguistics A.A. Leontyev, characterizing the formation of human linguistic ability, considered skills as a process of “folding speech mechanisms”, and skills as the process of using these mechanisms for various purposes. Skills are stable and transferable to new conditions, to new language units and their combinations. Speech skills include combining linguistic units, using them in different situations communication. According to modern researchers (S.N. Tseitlin, E.I. Shapiro, V.A. Pogosyan, M.A. Elivanova), speech skill- this is a person’s ability to carry out one or another speech action in the context of solving communicative problems on the basis of developed skills and acquired knowledge. The inextricable unity of skills and abilities, their ability to transform into each other ensures “continuity in the progressive development of one in nature and only conditionally divided at the stage of the learning process” (V.A. Buchbinder).

Traditionally distinguished four types of speech skills:

1. The ability to listen (audition), that is, to perceive and understand spoken speech in its sound design.

2. The ability to speak, that is, to express thoughts, feelings, manifestations of will orally in the process of verbal communication with the help of linguistic means.

3. The ability to express one’s thoughts, feelings, and will in writing.

Methodological categories "speech skill" And "speech skill" correlate with psychological concepts “speech operation”, “speech action”. Speech operation and speech actions are included in the structure of the integral act of speech activity.

The system of methods and techniques is aimed at the formation of speech activity, all components of the child’s speech system: phonetic, lexical, morphological, syntactic, word-formation, text. Method- this is a way of interaction between a teacher and children, ensuring their development of speech skills and abilities.

It is possible to use various criteria to classify speech development methods.

Classification of methods

1. Methods for forming the main components of the speech system:

1.1. Methods of lexical work;

1.2. Methods for forming correct sound pronunciation;

1.3. Methods for the development of phonemic processes;

1.4. Methods for the development of tempo-rhythmic organization of speech;

1.5. Methods of education and intonation expressiveness of speech;

1.6. Methods of forming the grammatical (morphological and syntactic) structure of speech;

1.7. Methods of forming coherent (dialogical and monological) speech;

1.8. Methods of introducing children to fiction;

1.9. Methods of preparing preschool children to master literacy.

2. Methods for forming the basic functions of language and speech:

2.1. Methods for the development of social functions of speech (function of communication, function of mastering social experience, function of familiarization with cultural values);

2.2. Methods for the development of intellectual functions (nominations or naming; indication or designation of objects, objects, phenomena, reality; generalization in the process of mastering concepts; mediation of higher mental functions; satisfaction of cognitive interests and needs);

2.3. Personal development methods significant functions(reflection, self-expression, self-actualization, morerealization);

2.4. Methods for developing the aesthetic function of language and speech (formation of standards in the field of language, nurturing interests in fiction, poetic word; formation of motivation and activity in artistic and speech activity).

3. Methods of organizing speech activity:

3.1. Methods for creating motivation for learning your native language;

3.2. Methods for managing children's attention in the classroom;

3.3. Methods for activating the speech activity of preschool children in the learning process;

3.4. Methods of monitoring the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities in the learning process;

3.5. Methods of planning and predicting the results of raising and teaching children correct speech;

3.6. Search or method of creating problem situations in the learning process. This method can be called heuristic, activating the process of independent search, achieving results in unconventional ways, and demonstrating creativity.

3.7. Communicative method. This method can equally be attributed to the second and third groups of classifications. The use of the communicative method involves the formation in children of motivation for speech utterance, the necessary linguistic means to achieve the goals of communication, the possibilities and conditions for using language means in a communicative situation, and the child’s speech activity in communication conditions.

4. Methods that correspond to the didactic goals of the classes:

4.1. Methods of communicating new material;

4.2. Methods of consolidating knowledge, automating skills, developing skills;

4.3. Methods of generalization and systematization of knowledge;

4.4. Methods of monitoring the acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities.

5. Methods corresponding to the forms of organization of speech work:

5.1. Frontal work methods;

5.2. Methods of working in pairs, in small groups;

5.3. Methods of individual work.

6. Methods corresponding to pedagogical tasks:

6.1. Teaching methods;

6.2. Educational methods;

6.3. Development methods;

6.4. Correction methods.

7. Methods corresponding to the methods and means of interaction between the teacher and children:

7.1. Visual methods (observation);

7.2. Verbal methods (story, conversation, reading works of children's literature);

7.3. Practical methods (didactic game, modeling, productive activities, subject-based practical activities, art-pedagogical methods).

The selection of methods for speech work with children is carried out in accordance with the goals, objectives of training, education, development, taking into account the conceptual foundations reflected in the principles of speech development methods. More effective, as experience shows, is the optimal combination of methods and techniques in speech work with preschoolers in the classroom. In classes and various types of activities, not only well-known various techniques can be used, but also original ones.

Reception can be considered as part of the method, a pedagogical action within the framework of the method, for example, when using the conversation method, a combination of verbal and visual techniques can be used (showing and examining a picture, demonstrating objects, various types of questions, instructions from the teacher, assessing children's speech). Traditionally, three groups of techniques are used.

Verbal techniques:

· speech sample;

· explanation;

· instructions (training, organizing);

· reflected repetition (repeated pronunciation);

· conjugated pronunciation;

· reminder;

· remark;

· questions (reproductive, search-problem, leading, prompting);

· assessment of children's speech (educational and educational nature of the assessment).

Visual techniques:

· demonstration of objects, actions;

· examination of subject-matter pictures;

· comparison, juxtaposition of objects, pictures, plot pictures;

· visual modeling (working with various models, signal cards);

· work with models, maps, plans, observations on excursions.

Practical techniques:

· modeling;

· practical actions with objects;

· experiments and experiments in order to understand the properties of objects;

· performing practical tasks according to the teacher’s instructions;

· labor actions.

Basic requirements for didactic material:

· compliance with software requirements;

· appropriate for the age of children;

· corresponds to children's interests, must be attractive to preschoolers;

· compliance with aesthetic requirements;

· compliance with health safety requirements.

The use of various means of developing children's speech is possible only in a rich, rich educational environment. In speech work with children, thematic sets of toys, a variety of didactic board and printed games, musical toys and some children's toys are used. musical instruments, construction kits, sets for fine motor skills, aids for the development of fine motor skills, sets for flonelegraph, sets of subject pictures, plot pictures and series of pictures of varying complexity, albums, photographs, articulation profiles, a variety of material for modeling, a variety of materials for encouraging, stimulating activity children (chips, pictures, flags, stars).

The effectiveness of work on speech development is determined by many factors, one of them is the methodologically competent selection of didactic and speech material for classes with children. It must not only meet program requirements, but also be interesting for children and present something new. Thematic vocabulary for classes is selected especially carefully, and a combination of visual, verbal, and practical methods and techniques is determined. It is recommended to use visual aids multifunctionally, using one aid to solve several didactic problems. It is necessary to provide for gradual progressive complication presented verbal and visual material, the ability to memorize children, and firmly consolidate skills. Speech development of preschool children in modern conditions takes place in various forms using gaming, art-pedagogical¸ communication, and sometimes new non-traditional technologies.

Integrated classes. Experience shows effectiveness integrated classes. This type of activity implements an activity-based approach and involves combining various types activities, the use of various means of speech training. An example would be pooling of funds fiction and drawing for the purpose of developing coherent speech; combination of musical and visual activities with speech.

Complex classes. The effectiveness of complex classes is indicated by F.A. Sokhin, O.S. Ushakova. The system-forming core is the unity of content. Solving various didactic tasks is possible within the framework of thematic unity. For example, the theme “Autumn” can combine the tasks of various areas of the child upbringing and education program preschool age. Practical teachers conduct combined, mixed, combined, final, testing, reporting new material, consolidating what has been learned, and other types depending on the learning objectives.

The requirements for the quality of speech development of preschoolers remain unchanged. The conditions for the effectiveness of a teacher’s speech work with children are:

1. Thorough preparation for the lesson:

· setting goals and objectives;

· planning a lesson, predicting its results;

· use of methodological literature;

· selection of speech material in accordance with the program, preparation of the necessary handouts and demonstration material;

· determination of the teaching method or combination of methods and techniques;

· writing notes and outlines depending on experience;

2. Correspondence of didactic material to the age and individual characteristics of children.

3. Determining the form of speech work that is adequate to the purpose, program content, and, if possible, consistent with the interests of the children.

4. The developing and educational nature of speech work with children: along with the tasks of speech development and the education of speech culture, the tasks of mental, moral, and aesthetic education are solved.

5. Positive emotional background of the lesson, favorable psychological environment, pedagogical tact and culture of communication between the teacher and children.

6. Clear organization of classes, thoughtful regulations: favorable hygienic and aesthetic conditions.

7. The structure of the lesson corresponds to the goals and objectives, establishing the relationship between the parts of the lesson.

8. Optimal change of activities during the lesson, planning a dynamic break for children.

9. Combination of frontal and individual work in the classroom, providing individual assistance to children.

10. Correct “pedagogical speech” of the teacher.

11. Providing constant feedback from the child to the teacher during the lesson, reinforcing the material.

12. Monitoring at all stages of work the quality of children’s education and the effectiveness of their assimilation of program material.

Related information.

In the methodology it is customary to distinguish such facilities speech development of children:

Teaching native language and speech in the classroom;

Organization of children’s communication in various types of activities (play, household, work)

Perception of various types of fine arts;

Usage technical means training;


Cultural language environment, teacher’s speech.

Let us briefly consider the role of each of the means of teaching language and speech.

One of the main means is teaching language and speech in the classroom. This is a planned, systematic, purposeful process in which, under the guidance of a teacher, children develop their cognitive abilities, acquire basic knowledge about the environment, and master certain speech skills. The educational and speech activity of preschool children with PMR includes listening and various types of speaking (dialogue, conversation, storytelling, reasoning, reporting).

Today, preschool institutions provide differentiated education for children with speech impairments. The recruitment of groups is carried out on the basis of pedagogical classification. These are groups for children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment, general speech underdevelopment, and stuttering, in which work is expected to develop and use means of communication. Specially organized speech therapy classes are the main form of correctional education. They are intended for the systematic step-by-step formation and development of all components of speech and preparing children for school.

To implement remedial language and speech training highlight such types of activities:

Formation of sound pronunciation;

Formation (depending on the level of speech development) of lexical, or lexico-grammatical categories of language;

Formation and development of coherent speech;

Preparation and initial training literacy

The program content of classes is determined in accordance with the degree of impairment of speech components. It provides for the formation of a motivational-need component of speech activity in children; development of cognitive prerequisites for speech activity (perception, attention, memory, thinking) formation of verbalized ideas about the world around us; formation of the ability to assimilate elementary language patterns: formation and improvement of mechanisms of the sensorimotor level and mechanisms of the linguistic level of speech activity in the process of expanding the impressive and expressive vocabulary of children, developing understanding and use of grammatical forms of words and word-formation models, as well as various types syntactic constructions and on their basis the development of coherent speech. Thus, correctional speech therapy is aimed at developing various components of language ability (phonetic, lexical, word-formative, morphological, semantic).

For didactic purposes highlight such types of classes:

Presentation of new material;

Consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities;

Systematization and generalization of the material covered;

Combined classes in which new material is learned, repeated, and applied in practice;

Control classes, the purpose of which is to check that children have mastered the material covered. The number, purpose and content of control classes are determined by the speech therapist together with the methodologist of the preschool institution. Knowledge testing tasks are presented in a fun way.

Correctional speech therapy work involves a comprehensive solution to the problems of children’s speech development, therefore the most widely used in their structure are: comprehensive classes. They take into account the peculiarities of children’s mastery of language as a unified system of heterogeneous linguistic units. Only the interconnection and interaction of various tasks make it possible for the child to understand certain aspects of language and the correct development of speech. Lexical, grammatical and phonetic exercises are conducted on familiar words and concepts with a transition to various types of coherent speech. Combining tasks in a complex lesson occurs in different ways, depending on the stage and main goal of learning. For example, sound culture of speech, vocabulary work, grammatical structure of language, coherent speech; coherent speech, vocabulary work, grammatical correctness of speech.

Lessons dedicated to one task can also be structured in a comprehensive manner. For example, classes on learning the correct pronunciation of sounds w may include: a) showing and clarifying the articulation of a sound, b) determining its acoustic and articulatory characteristics, c) consolidating its isolated pronunciation, d) consolidating the pronunciation of a sound in words, e) exercises in pronunciation in coherent speech - repetition of clean lines, poems, translation of short tex.

By number of participants In special groups, classes are divided into frontal (with the whole group), subgroups (part of the group) and individual. The more severe the speech disorders, the more space allocated to subgroup and individual classes. Thus, with children with level I ONR is carried out mainly individual work(1-2 children), then children are divided into small subgroups (3 children); class time is 15-20 minutes. As age and speech growth progresses (level II, then level III OHP), the subgroup includes 5-6 children, classes last 25-30 minutes. In groups for older children with FFNM, it is possible for a speech therapist to conduct frontal classes, but this is not mandatory, since the composition of the group according to the clinical form of the disorder and its degree of detection may be heterogeneous.

There are certain requirements for organizing and conducting classes didactic requirements.

1. Thorough preliminary preparation for the lesson. Determination of objectives, content, methods and techniques of teaching, relationships with other types of activities. It is necessary to think through the structure and course of the filming, and select appropriate verbal and visual material.

2. Compliance of the lesson material with the age, psychological and speech capabilities of children. Educational speech activities should be organized at a sufficient level of difficulty, taking into account the potential capabilities of children. Training should be developmental and educational in nature.

3. The structure of the lesson should be clear. It usually has three parts - introductory, main and final. The introductory part provides a mandatory organizational element that allows children to get ready for classes, the previous material is repeated, the topic of the lesson is announced, and appropriate motives for further activities are formed, taking into account the age and degree of speech development of the children. In the main part, the main objectives of the lesson are solved, various teaching techniques are used, and conditions are created for children’s speech activity. The final part is short and emotional. Its goal is to consolidate and generalize the knowledge developed in the main part of the lesson. They use fiction, folk art, didactic games and exercises, and a short summary conversation. Assessment of children's speech achievements at the end of the lesson should not be formal, but objective and encouraging.

4. An optimal combination of the collective nature of training with an individual approach. As a rule, children in the subgroup differ in their speech and psychophysical development. This must be taken into account when choosing methods and techniques of work, individual tasks and instructions for them.

5. Proper organization classes. The organization of classes must meet all hygienic and aesthetic requirements imposed in a preschool institution (lighting, air purity, furniture according to height, location, quantity and size of teaching material, aesthetics of aids, authenticity of toys, objects, etc.). It is important to ensure silence so that all children can hear examples of the correct speech of the speech therapist, his explanations, as well as each other’s answers. Relaxed forms of organizing children are recommended, which contribute to the formation of a trusting atmosphere in which children see each other in person and are close to the speech therapist. A non-traditional arrangement of study tables is possible (semicircle, herringbone, checkerboard, hexagonal tables, etc.). The mental load of children requires rest, which manifests itself in changing their activities, conducting various physical exercises, and using various types of games.

6. Taking into account the results of the lesson helps to control the learning process, children’s assimilation of speech material, provides feedback, and allows you to outline ways of further work with them.

7. Connection of activities with other activities. To develop stable speech skills and abilities, it is necessary to consolidate the material in the evening classes of the teacher on the instructions of the speech therapist, during games outside of class, in labor activity, in everyday life, at home with parents.

An important means of speech development is communication.

Communication - this is a specific type of activity consisting in the interaction of two or more people, aimed at coordinating and combining their efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve a common result (M. Lisina).

Speech is the main means of communication between people, which arises at a certain stage in the development of communicative activity. The primary and most unambiguous are the nonverbal components of communication (facial expressions, gestures, pantomime, general mobile behavior).

During the period of normal early and preschool childhood, a child masters three types of communication, each of which has its own characteristic features: emotional communication, communication based on understanding, communication based on speech. During preschool age, the child acquires the ability to use verbal means to interact with other people, first with adults, and after two years with children. Verbal communication, as a rule, is accompanied by nonverbal communication, which characterizes the personal attitude of the participants to the communication process. By the end of preschool age, the child reaches a level of development of speech skills that provides her with the opportunity to freely and correctly communicate.

In children with VUR in different shapes and impairment of communication ability manifests itself to varying degrees. What is common to all children with severe speech impairments is a lack of motivation to communicate, an inability to navigate a situation in general, or with the help of an adult, behavioral disorders, difficulties in contacts, and increased emotional fatigue. This requires a focused process of learning the means of communication and the ability to apply them in practice. In addition, communication is effective means consolidation of new speech skills and abilities, development of coherent speech.

Speech communication is carried out in various types of activities: in play, educational activities, work, everyday life and acts as one of the sides of each type. To teach language and develop speech, it is necessary to use any activity appropriately.

The main and main activity for preschool children is a game. Its character determines speech functions, content and means of communication. To develop cognitive abilities and develop speech, all types of play activities are used, where each type has its own special meaning.

The formation of play activities and communication in the family of children with PMR involves their organization by a speech therapist and teacher. How smaller children by age and the lower their speech development, the more direct participation of adults should be in their games. Children are helped to develop the plot, are constantly encouraged to communicate with each other, comment on their actions, helps to consolidate the skills of using initiative speech, improve colloquial speech, enrich the vocabulary, and form grammatical structure speech.

One of the first forms of children's play activity is plot-role-playing (or creative-role-playing) game. Role-playing games, communicative in origin, promote children’s independent expression, activate a certain group of vocabulary (for example, professional), and teach the culture of verbal communication. During the game, the child talks aloud to the toy, speaks both for himself and for it, followed by the hum of an airplane, car, the voices of animals, birds, etc. During the game, the speech therapist and teacher talk a lot with the children, as a result of which the child’s need for non-speech arises in communication. An adult should attract children's attention to the word, provide examples of concise and precise speech, encourage children to ask questions, requests about toys, the game itself, and report something. In role-playing games, dialogical speech develops and improves, and the need for monologue speech arises. Role-playing contributes to the formation and development of the regulating and planning functions of speech.

Role-playing games in groups for children with SVM are organized by a speech therapist and teacher. Children are taught practical actions (through games with didactic dolls) by a speech therapist in the form of a lesson, and further development of the game and its enrichment is carried out by the teacher. It is advisable for a speech therapist to use developed role-playing games to update the child’s acquired speech means.

Along with role-playing games in preschool age they actively develop games with rules. These include didactic, outdoor games, and dramatization games.

A special place in the correction process is occupied by didactic and board-printed games. they are used to solve all problems of speech development. These games are of great educational importance, since they broaden the horizons of children, teach them to compare objects, find common and different things in them, develop children’s speech activity, consolidate and clarify vocabulary, skills in choosing the most appropriate words, teach them to change and create words, and guide them in making connections. statements, develop explanatory speech. Games that require coordination and precision of finger movements, a variety of lotto, cut-out pictures, and the like are of great importance for children with PMR.

The speech therapist conducts most didactic games with a subgroup of children in the form of a lesson. they need to be built in such a form that they contain examples of speech behavior, contribute to the formation of attention to language and speech, and also actualize them in children speech means. Didactic games should be aimed at mastering objective actions. After mastering the sequence of actions, children, as a rule, transfer the acquired skills into role-playing games.

Outdoor games(musical and unaccompanied) with text, dramatization games influence the enrichment of vocabulary, education of sound culture of speech, contribute to the formation of expressiveness of children's speech, correct tempo and breathing, good diction, artistic speech activity. In the process of many games, children become familiar with literary texts, memorize them and later use them independently. In these games, basic movements are developed and improved, emotional and volitional qualities are cultivated.

Communication in everyday life helps children master everyday vocabulary necessary for their life, learn how to construct a phrase correctly, develops dialogical speech, and fosters a culture of speech behavior.

Communication during various types of work (household, manual, work in nature) is an effective means of developing children's speech. The peculiarity is that children's speech is combined with active actions. The advantage of this method is a natural environment in which children enter into conversation more easily, which helps enrich the content of children’s ideas and spoken language, and replenish lexicon names of tools and objects of labor, labor actions, qualities, results of labor.

In the process of feasible work, it is very important to develop in children with PMR attention to the speech of adults: the ability to listen to explanations, tasks to the end and only after that begin to complete it, to listen to the speech of an adult when performing any actions and movements in the process of self-service. Special instructions are provided to children in a certain dosage and in a certain sequence.

It is necessary to involve several children in active types of work at once, since children most actively use speech skills when communicating with peers. In joint activities, children are taught to talk about their plan of action, comment on actions, offer and ask for help from their comrades.

Fine arts, music, theater, children's books, filmstrips play a significant role in mental development children, which is very closely related to speech development. Many scientific and methodological studies have shown the possibilities of the influence of music and fine arts on the development of speech in preschool children, including children with PMR (G. S. Volkova, L. S. Zhuravleva, R. P. Leniv, S. A. Mironova, M.K. Sheremet, R.A. Yurova and others). The positive influence of art on the development of a child with disorders of psychophysical development was pointed out by L. S. Vygotsky, who noted the special role of artistic activity both in the development of mental functions and in enhancing the creative manifestations of children with educational problems. Emotions and experiences of children accompanying the perception of any type of art is a kind of stimulus that affects the degree of their language acquisition.

In working with children with severe speech impairments, the therapeutic effects of art are increasingly being used for correctional and developmental purposes. By means of artotherapy (music therapy, fairy tale therapy, therapy fine arts) correct secondary (neuroses, excitability, logophobia, hyperkinesis, synkenesis, decreased cognitive activity, limitations in communication, impaired coordination of movements, small finger gnosis praxis, etc.) and primary disorders (prosody, phonetic-phonemic processes, sound pronunciation, lexical and grammatical structure of language, coherent statements).

One of the musical means is logorhythmics. This is a system of musical-motor, speech-motor, musical-speech tasks and exercises for the purpose of speech therapy correction. When working with children with PMR, the following tasks are addressed: education of prosody, speech breathing, correction of motor deviations, work on sound pronunciation, training in communication, education of voluntary behavior. Logorhythmics classes use musical exercises of various tempos and rhythms, games with singing, round dances, performances of songs, music games for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

An important means of correction and development of speech, its expressiveness - theatrical activity. Theatrical activities develop a sense of emotional sphere the child, encourage her to sympathize with the characters, experience events with them, teach her to recognize the emotional state of a person by facial expressions, movements, and intonation. Theatrical performances teach you to listen to the speeches of others, contribute to the formation of diction, articulation, vocal dynamics and the ability to control your vocal apparatus. This type of activity allows you to develop experience in social behavior skills, enables the child to solve problem situations on behalf of any literary character, helps overcome indecision, timidity, self-doubt, teaches children to express their thoughts, and develops coherent speech in children.

Fiction takes great place V common system correctional work with children with PMR. In combination with skillful pedagogical influence, this tool becomes an excellent example for children literary language for imitation, affects the expressiveness of children's speech, promotes better memorization of material, helps to feel the beauty of the native language, and develops figurative speech. Working with literary material teaches children to listen carefully, select rhyming words, pronounce them clearly and correctly, and develop their instincts. It is necessary to take into account that the influence of fiction on a child is determined not only by the content and form of the work, but also by the level of its speech development.

Has a great influence on the development of children's speech broadcasting to surrounding adults: speech therapist, teacher, parents. Imitating the speech of adults is one of the mechanisms of mastering the native language. The internal mechanisms of speech are formed in a child only under the influence of systematically organized speech of adults (M. Zhinkin). But it is necessary to take into account that following their environment, children adopt not only all the subtleties of pronunciation, word usage, and phrase construction, but also those imperfections and errors that are found in Their speech. In addition, the speech therapist’s language itself is a means of not only developing, but also correcting children’s speech. In this regard, special requirements are imposed on the speech of the speech therapist and teacher: content and accuracy, logic; matching the age and speech development of children; lexical, phonetic, grammatical, orthoepic correctness; imagery; expressiveness, emotionality, richness of intonation, sufficient volume; knowledge and observance of speech etiquette; correspondence of words with activities.

It should be remembered that when working with children with PMR, the teacher’s speech should be leisurely. Its calm, somewhat slow pace contributes to a better understanding of what is said.

Children with PMR need to be specially trained to use the speech model of a speech therapist. He attracts children's attention to the content of his broadcast and intonationally highlights the words that need to be remembered. Then, when the children answer the questions, the speech therapist helps them remember these words (by showing clarity, creating or recalling a visual situation, action, selecting words of synonyms, antonyms, comparisons, etc.).

Another requirement is that the speech therapist’s speech must be dosed. The extent of the speech therapist's speech participation in the lesson is determined by the training period. At the initial stage, while the children’s activity is still very insignificant, a ratio is allowed when the speech therapist speaks more than the children. But with the degree of growth in children’s speech activity, the ratio of their speech and the speech therapist’s speech should change.

The specified requirements for the speech therapist’s speech must be met not only in class, but also outside of them, in Everyday life children.

Thus, various means are used to teach language and speech to children with PMR. The effectiveness of influencing children's speech depends on the correct choice of means of correction and speech development and their relationship. A decisive role is played by taking into account the level of development of children’s speech skills, the nature of the language material, its content, the degree of its complexity and proximity to childhood experience.

  • Vygotsky L.S. Psychology of art.- M.: Pedagogy, 1987.

Speech development tools for preschoolers

An important means of speech development is the language environment. The speech that children constantly hear, everything that is read and told to them, as well as attracting their attention to linguistic material ensure the formation of the so-called “sense of language,” which, in turn, contributes to the assimilation of speech culture.

Therefore, it is very important that the speech of adults is meaningful, literate, expressive, varied, and accurate.

But, unfortunately, in practice we have to deal with shortcomings in the speech of teachers and adults in the child’s family. Among which:

    verbosity. Some teachers take a long time to explain the task to children. Unable to simply and clearly express their thoughts, others repeat everything that the children say, praise everyone immoderately, unnecessarily repeat their question several times - in this stream of words the main, essential thing is lost;

    excessive dryness of speech, when children hear only brief instructions, comments and nothing more. From such a teacher the children will have nothing to learn regarding the richness of language;

    careless pronunciation of sounds and words;

    monotony of speech, which tires children and reduces interest in the content of the text. Listening to such speech. Children begin to get distracted, look around, and then stop listening altogether;

    poverty of language;

    abuse of unnecessary words (“so to speak”, “means”), use of words with characteristic features local dialects, with incorrect stress in words.

The teacher must be self-critical of his own speech and, if there are shortcomings in it, strive to eliminate them.

Fiction is also the most important means of speech development. It is used to form the sound culture of speech, assimilate morphological patterns and syntactic structures. Nursery rhymes, chants, sayings, jokes, shifters, etc. that have come down from time immemorial, best reveal and explain to a child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. Fiction develops a child’s thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions.

The value of reading fiction is that with its help an adult can easily establish emotional contact with a child.

When choosing the content of fiction, I try to take into account individual characteristics children and their development, as well as the life experiences of preschoolers. It is known that a child shows interest in a particular book if it interests him.

For the purpose of children's speech development, artistic means are used.

Significant Impact Drawing has an impact on speech formation. Drawing is one of the greatest pleasures for a child. It brings the baby a lot of joy. In drawing, the child acts, on the one hand, as a leader of adults and through various ways and form, is included in the development of artistic experience; on the other hand, he tries himself as a researcher of drawing techniques. When drawing, a child reflects not only what he sees around him, but also shows his own imagination. Activities with paints are not only sensory and motor exercises. It reflects and deepens children’s ideas about the environment, promotes the manifestation of mental and speech activity. Children get the opportunity to practice creating beauty and learn to relate speech to action. Creating an image stimulates the development of imagination: the child mentally

“completes” a static, sometimes shapeless image, giving it dynamism through the means of speech, real actions and play.

All stages of visual activity are accompanied by speech.

It has been established that preschool children almost never draw silently: some whisper something, others talk loudly. The word allows you to comprehend the process of depiction and makes the child’s movements more targeted. Thoughtful. It helps to use a variety of materials and different drawing techniques.

Thus, drawing and speech are two interconnected and mutually enriching means through which the child expresses his attitude towards the environment.

Theatrical performances bring incomparable joy to children. Which influence young viewers using a whole range of means: artistic images. Bright design, in other words, music.

Preschoolers are very impressionable, they are especially susceptible to emotional influence. Due to the figurative and concrete thinking of children, staging works of art helps to perceive their content more clearly and correctly. However, they are interested not only in watching a performance in a real theater, but also in actively participating in their own performances (learning roles, practicing intonation expressiveness of speech). What they see and experience in a real theater and in amateur theatrical performances broadens children’s horizons and creates a need to tell friends and parents about the performance. All this undoubtedly contributes to the development of speech, the ability to conduct a dialogue and convey one’s impressions in a monologue.

One of the means of speech development is visual aids for speech development, which arouse children’s interest, thought and speech activity.

However, the availability of benefits in itself does not solve the problems of children’s speech development. They will not have a noticeable impact on the development of speech in preschoolers and will only be a means of entertainment if their use is not accompanied by the teacher’s word, which will guide the children’s perception, explain and name what is being shown.

Thus, for the development of speech, a variety of means and methods are used, the choice of which depends on the level of development of children’s speech skills and abilities; from the life experience of children4 from the nature of the language material and its content.


    I.V. Gureeva. Development of speech and imagination. – VOLGOGRAD: CORIFHEUS, 2010

The speech of preschool children is best developed through play. Play is the form of activity by which a child lives and breathes, and therefore is most understandable to him. There are many games for developing speech and teaching reading and writing. They should definitely be used in classes on speech development for preschoolers.

Thanks to games with peers and family communication, children’s mental abilities intensively develop. When introducing your child to joint work around the house, in the garden, in the garden, you talk to him: “Here we will plant cucumbers...”, “Raspberries will ripen on this bush.” By communicating, you help the words “take on flesh.”

As the child’s experience enriches and new observations emerge, his mental abilities develop and speech develops. He learns to compare, find similarities and differences between objects, and draw conclusions.

His speech is enriched with new words. By the age of five, the child constructs long and quite complex phrases, talks a lot and willingly about what he saw and heard. He can remember and summarize the information received.

Children's brains have an excellent ability to absorb information. The baby greedily remembers what interests him. He loves when fairy tales, poems are read to him, short stories about animals, about plants, about girls and boys like himself.

The child listens to them many times and remembers them. If you read or speak hastily or inattentively, your child will correct you. Then he becomes interested in one story and wants to read it himself. Comparing the story he heard with the pictures in the book, he “reads” the book, carefully following the letters that he does not yet know.

By the age of three, having realized himself as a person, he will learn to say “I”. Later, having become involved in group games, he will replenish his vocabulary with the pronouns “you” and “he”. During games, children talk a lot and willingly, noisily imitate their playmates, older family members, and characters from films they have seen.

The girls talk to the dolls: they caress, scold, teach (just like their mother). The boys shout at the cars, urge them on, order them to move.

At 3-4 years old, you can already talk with a child and conduct a dialogue. He will talk continuously, in a hurry. You need to try to speak to him in an even, calm voice in order to calm him down and “extinguish” unnecessary haste. By the age of five, a child’s speech should be fully developed. Difficulties may arise only with some sounds (for example, “r”, “l”).

Even in the old days, tongue twisters were invented - a type of colloquial speech with repetition and rearrangement of the same letters or syllables that are difficult to pronounce. It is necessary to practice tongue twisters with your child and, if necessary, moderate the haste of his speech. Children love these funny and short rhymes.

The child must pronounce all sounds correctly and be able to clearly express his thoughts. If he is not given a certain sound (especially “r”), he completely omits it or pronounces it incorrectly, it is not recommended to correct him or force him to repeatedly pronounce various words that contain the unsuccessfully pronounced sound. It is important to speak correctly and clearly in front of the child, and usually he copes with his own shortcomings.

The pronunciation of sounds, according to experts, is corrected independently until the age of five. If this does not happen, you should contact a speech therapist. The sooner this is done, the better it will be for the future student. Experience shows that children who pronounce individual sounds incorrectly also write incorrectly. By the age of 6, almost all pronunciation deficiencies can be corrected.

It is very important to teach your child to listen carefully, grasp the meaning of what he hears and answer appropriate questions. Therefore, you should not strive to read more to your child. It is better to talk with him more often about what he read, teach him to retell what he heard, accurately express his thoughts, and express his attitude towards what he read. It is also useful to exercise a child’s memory by asking him to memorize short poems, nursery rhymes, and jokes.

Speaking about nursery rhymes and jokes, we should move on to such an indispensable means of speech development as folklore. Vividly, figuratively, aptly, this type of oral poetry reflects life in its diversity, the centuries-old wisdom of generations.

All kinds of nursery rhymes and jokes must be used on speech therapy classes, because they use sound combinations - tunes that are repeated many times, with different intonations, with changes in stress, rhythm, speed and volume of the chant.

A great way to teach your child the names of birds, their habits, habits and songs is to get acquainted with funny teasers, calls and stoneflies about birds. Using their example, a child is able to first feel and then realize the beauty of his native language and the creative imagery of our speech.

Using proverbs and sayings in their speech, children learn to understand metaphors, the ambiguity of words, and methods of personification. This is very important for speech-language children. Figurative sense expressions are most often not available to them. We need to work hard and systematically to understand the meaning of proverbs, sayings, and phraseological units.

Guessing, and then independently inventing riddles, also has a positive effect on speech development. Here the ability to identify the most essential features of an object is formed.

Gray, toothy,

Prowls through the forests,

Looking for calves and lambs.

Riddles develop the ability to analyze, compare, and generalize.

He has legs, but not like a cat.

He has a hat, but not like dad.

To develop coherent speech, it is desirable to develop in children the ability to come up with short stories based on plot pictures, and to compose them correctly. An adult can push a child’s thought in the right direction with a leading question.

To develop the speech of preschoolers, it is advisable to practice such a task as coming up with the end of a half-read story, the reading of which was interrupted interesting place. This effective remedy The development of children's imagination makes the child think logically and encourages activity.

There is no need to read and tell children something new every time. They eagerly welcome works they have read previously, actively remember and try to suggest what will happen next, and correct if the narrator has made some inaccuracy. At the same time, the child learns to be highly active.

Music and singing lessons are also very useful for children’s speech development. Singing allows you to breathe properly, which is indispensable for working on stuttering, speech and voice tempo disorders. By diligently singing the syllables in words, the child has the opportunity to hear all the sounds, especially in weak positions, and feel the rhythmic pattern of the word, which contributes to the development of phonemic hearing.

Singing is widely used in working with autistic children. Music can evoke an emotional response in such children. Emphasis on vowel sounds, a slow tempo, and repeated sound combinations allow autistic children to remember words and pronounce them. Lullabies that are very good for these purposes are:


You, little dog, don't bark,

Whitepaw, don't whine,

Don't wake up our Katya.

Thus, we examined the means of developing the speech of preschool children. Children's brains have an excellent ability to absorb information. The baby greedily remembers what interests him. He loves being read fairy tales, poems, short stories about animals, plants, and girls and boys like himself. The child listens to them many times and remembers them.

We also found out that there are many ways to develop a preschooler’s speech. Even in the old days, tongue twisters, poems, nursery rhymes, jokes, teasers, and chants were invented. By inviting your child to memorize them, you develop his memory. Using proverbs and sayings in their speech, children learn to understand metaphors, the ambiguity of words, and methods of personification. To develop coherent speech, it is desirable to develop in children the ability to come up with short stories based on plot pictures, and to compose them correctly. To develop the speech of preschoolers, it is advisable to practice such a task as coming up with the end of a half-read story, the reading of which was interrupted at an interesting point. Singing is also widely used in children's work.

But still, the most important way to develop a child’s speech is play. A child grows up playing all his life. With the game he learns about the whole world around him. Therefore, play is given great importance in the development of a child’s speech, his upbringing and growing up.