Backgammon (other common names: backgammon, backgammon, tavla, shesh-besh, kosha - ancient oriental game. The origin of this game is not exactly known, but it is known that people have been playing this game for more than 5,000 years, for which there is historical evidence. Thus, the oldest backgammon board was found in Iran (in Shahri-Sukhta) and dates back to about 3000 BC. e. An analogue of this game was discovered in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun (XV BC).

The rules of the game of backgammon are simple and novice players will master them quite easily, but nevertheless, in order to win you need logical thinking and of course luck. There are two main varieties - and backgammon. The Backgammon game consists of a special board, 30 checkers, two different colors and two dice dice). The game involves 2 players.

Short backgammon

Starting position

Fig 1. Board with checkers in starting position. An arrangement that is mirror symmetrical to the one shown in the figure is also possible. The house in it is located on the left, and the yard is, accordingly, on the right.

Fig 2. The direction of movement of the white checkers. Black checkers move in the opposite direction.

Rice. 3. Two ways White can play

Short backgammon (Fig. 1) is a game for two players, played on a board consisting of twenty-four narrow triangles called points. The triangles alternate in color and are grouped into four groups of six triangles each. These groups are called - house, yard, enemy's house, enemy's yard. The house and yard are separated by a bar that protrudes above the playing field and is called a bar.

Points are numbered for each player separately, starting from the house of that player. The farthest point is the 24th point, which is also the first point for the opponent. Each player has 15 checkers. Initial setup checkers is as follows: each player has two checkers in the twenty-fourth point, five in the thirteenth, three in the eighth and five in the sixth.

Purpose of the game- move all your checkers to your home and then remove them from the board. The first player to remove all his checkers wins the game.

Checkers movement

Players take turns throwing two dice and making moves.

The numbers on each dice indicate how many points, or steps, the player must move his checkers. Checkers always move in only one direction (Fig. 2) - from points with higher numbers to points with lower numbers.

In this case, they apply following rules:

The checker can only move open item, that is, one that is not occupied by two or more checkers of the opposite color.

The numbers on both dice make up separate moves.

For example, if a player rolls 5 and 3 (Fig. 3), then:

He can move one checker three steps, and the other five,

Or he can move with one checker eight (five plus three) steps at once, but the latter only if the intermediate point (at a distance of three or five steps from the starting point) is also open.

The player who rolls the double plays each of the numbers on each of the dice twice. For example, if the roll is 6-6, then the player must make four moves of six points each, and he can move the checkers in any combination as he sees fit.

The player must use both numbers that he got if they are allowed by the rules (or all four numbers if he got a double). When only one number can be played, the player must play that number.

If each number can be played individually (but not both together), the player must play the larger number.

If a player cannot make a move, then he misses his move. In case of a double, if the player cannot use all four numbers, he must play as many moves as possible.

How to hit and load a checker

A point occupied by only one checker is called blot. If a checker of the opposite color stops at this point, the blot is considered hit and placed on the bar. At any time when one or more checkers are on the bar, the player's first responsibility is to charge the checkers in the opponent's house. The checker comes into play by moving to the point corresponding to the rolled die value.

For example, if a player rolls 4 and 6, he can load a checker into the fourth or sixth points, if they are not occupied by two or more enemy checkers.

If both points corresponding to the values ​​of the thrown dice are occupied, the player misses his turn.

If a player can enter some of his checkers, but not all, he must load all the checkers that are possible and then skip the rest of his turn. Once all the checkers have been entered from the bar, the unused dice values ​​can be used as usual by moving the checker you loaded or any other checker.

How to throw away checkers

When a player has brought all of his fifteen checkers to his home, he can begin throwing them off the board. The player throws out a checker as follows: a pair of dice are thrown, and the checkers that stand on the points corresponding to the dropped values ​​are removed from the board. For example, if you roll 6 points, you can remove the checker from the sixth point.

If there are no checkers on the point corresponding to the rolled die, the player is allowed to move the checker from points larger than the rolled number. If a player can make any moves, he is not required to throw a checker off the board.

During the checkers throwing phase, all the player's checkers must be in his house. If a checker is hit during the process of throwing checkers, then the player must bring the checker back to his home before he continues throwing checkers. The first one to remove all the checkers from the board wins the game.

Rules of the game

Number of players - two. The number of checkers on the board is 15 for each player.

The initial location of the checkers of each player is called the head, and the move from the initial position is called “from the head” or “take from the head.” You can only take one checker from your head in one move.

The player rolls two dice at the same time. After making a throw, the player must move any checker by a number of cells equal to the rolled number of one of the dice, and then any one checker by a number of cells equal to the rolled number of the other die. Those. if the dice roll shows, for example, six or five, the player must move one checker six squares, and then any one (can be the same one, or another) five squares. In this case, you can always take only one checker from your head. The only exception is the first throw in the game. If one checker that can be removed from the head passes, then the second one can be removed. There are only three such stones for the first player: six-six, four-four and three-three (the opponent’s checkers standing on the head get in the way). If one of these stones falls, the player removes two checkers from his head. For the second player, the number of stones at which two checkers can be removed from the head increases, since it is not only the head that prevents the first stone from passing, but also the stone removed by the opponent. If the opponent's first throw is: two-one, six-two or five-five, then the second player can remove the second checker also with throws five-five and six-two (except: six-six, four-four and three-three, which also do not go directly).

It is impossible to move two checkers by the number of cells shown by one die. Those. If the dice roll is six to five, the player cannot move one checker, for example, to three and the other to three squares, so that together they get six, and then play five.

If a hollow falls out, i.e. identical points on two dice, for example, five-five, the player makes four moves (for the number of cells corresponding to the dice).

You cannot place your checker on a square occupied by an opponent's checker. If a checker lands on an occupied square, then it is said to be “not moving.” If the enemy's checkers occupy six squares in front of any checker, then such a checker is locked.

You cannot lock all fifteen of your opponent's checkers. That is, it is possible to build a fence of six checkers in a row only if at least one enemy checker is in front of this fence.

If the player cannot make a single move for the number of points that fell on each die, i.e. if the checkers do not move, then the points disappear and the checkers do not move.

If a player can make a move for the number of points that fell on one of the dice, and cannot make a move for the number of points that fell on the second die, he makes only the move that is possible, and the remaining points are lost.

If a player has the opportunity to make a full move, he is obliged to make it even to the detriment of his interests. If a stone falls out that allows the player to make only one move, and any of the two, then the player must choose more. Smaller points are lost. The point of the game is to go through a full circle with all the checkers, bring them into the house and throw away all the checkers before the opponent does.

Home for every player is the last quarter playing field, starting from a cell 18 cells away from the head. Throwing away checkers means making moves with them so that the checkers end up outside the board. A player can start throwing away checkers only when all his checkers have reached the house.

There is no one. If the player who started first has thrown away all his checkers, and the second player can do the same with the next throw, the second is considered a loser, since there will be no next throw: the game ends as soon as one of the players has thrown away all his checkers.

Learning the rules of backgammon

October 31, 2012

Backgammon is a game played by 2 people. For it you need to have a special board divided into two parts, checkers and cubes (dice). The goal of the game is to move checkers around the board.

To do this, dice are thrown, on which points fall out, and, depending on the points dropped, checkers are moved across the playing field.

People have been playing backgammon for about 5,000 years. This game came to us from the East a long time ago, and at different times the popularity of this type of leisure activity has constantly changed, experiencing ups and downs.

In the Middle Ages, backgammon was very popular and was called backgammon.

The rules of playing backgammon (long) remained practically unchanged, but the rules of playing short backgammon Edmond Hoyle installed in 1743. Today they are very popular among Russians and residents of the CIS countries; they also love this game in Iran, Syria, Turkey and Israel. Various tournaments and competitions are regularly held between fans of this game.

The rules of backgammon are determined by the following items:

rectangular board with 24 points, 12 on each side.

The point is a triangle with the base on the side;

6 points in a row located in one of the corners of the board are called a house;

the board is divided in half by a vertical line called a bar;

each player owns 15 checkers of the same color;

in the game they use one pair dice(zarov).

Rules for playing backgammon (long and short):

each player takes turns;

the checkers move in a circle, and each player has their own direction of movement;

First, the right to move first is played out by throwing dice. The one with the highest number starts. If the score is equal, the dice are rerolled;

Each turn begins with a roll of the dice on one free side of the bar. If the dice fall outside the bar or onto a checker, or are not level, you must roll again;

one checker can make from one to four moves;

if the points rolled on the dice do not allow you to make a move to your checker or an empty cell, the move is lost;

if it is impossible to use the number of points of both dice, it is necessary to use more points of one die;

When all the checkers are in the “house”, then with the next moves they are removed from the “house”.

The rules of the game of backgammon are determined initial location checkers on the board. The one who takes the checkers out of the “house” first becomes the winner. The “draw” option in backgammon is completely excluded. The winner is always determined in the final.

For winning, the winner can receive up to 4 points.

The rules of playing long backgammon mainly consist of the above points. In addition, you cannot place your checker on another player's checker; you can move any number of checkers; Points on the dice do not add up; If there are no valid moves on the dice, then the move is skipped, since it is not allowed to build an impassable screen.

In addition, the rules of playing long backgammon are that players must move the checkers in one direction, one after another, counterclockwise. The game takes place at a previously determined bet, which is given for the points won.

The situation when a player does not have time to remove his checkers, while the second player has already done so, is called “mars”. In this case, the bet is doubled.

The rules of playing short backgammon have the following differences:

checkers move towards each other;

in short backgammon you can knock out the checkers of another player;

the position from which the game begins is more complex;

The player’s “house” is occupied by 6 and 1 positions and the player’s “yard” is 12 and 7, and his opponent’s is 19 and 24, 13 and 18.

The rules of the game of short backgammon are also that the checkers are arranged in this way: the player has 2 checkers in point 24, 5 in point 13, 3 in point 8 and 5 checkers in point number 6. The opponent’s checkers are arranged in the opposite direction . Perhaps you will also enjoy this exciting entertainment, especially since the rules of playing backgammon are simple.

Long backgammon- one of the varieties of the game of backgammon, requiring participants to have strategic thinking and the ability to conduct combinatorial struggle.

Two players place 15 checkers, each on their own part of the board along the left side.

The checkers placed in the initial position are called “head”; accordingly, moving from the initial position means “taking from the head”. You can only take one checker from your head per move. The game uses two dice (zary).

On the first move, the player has the right to remove two checkers from his head. This is done if he is hampered by the opponent's checkers standing on his head. For the one who makes the first move, the need to move with two checkers will arise when the following combinations appear: six-six, four-four, three-three.

When playing long backgammon, checkers are moved counterclockwise. From the starting position, the black checkers move from the upper right quarter to the upper left, then to the lower left and finally to their home - the lower right quarter. White's house is in the upper left quarter, where the checkers must move along the following route: lower left quarter - lower right quarter - upper right quarter - house. IN long backgammon there are no knocked down checkers, since there are no oncoming battles.

First turn drawing: players roll one die. The right to make the first move goes to the one who has the most points. If the numbers match, they roll again.

During the game, each participant throws only two throws. After the throw, the player must move one of his checkers by the number of squares equal to that shown by one of the dice, and then any checker by the number of squares shown by the other die. For example, four or two fell at dawn. In this case, the player moves one checker four squares, the other two squares. You can only move one checker six squares.

The rules prohibit moving two checkers by the number of squares shown on one of the dice. If the roll is five or three, then you cannot move one checker two squares, another three, and then another three.

If a double occurs at dawn, i.e. the same number of points (two-two, three-three, etc.), then the player must make four moves, moving the checkers as many cells as the points show.

Unlike regular backgammon, in long backgammon, if six checkers are located in front of one of the opponent’s checkers, it is considered locked. Building a continuous row of six of your own checkers is considered an ideal result for interfering with your opponent's checkers.


  • place a checker on a hole occupied by an opponent's checker;
  • lock all the opponent's checkers;
  • One of the opponent's checkers must be in front of the fence.
In a situation where the checkers do not move, that is, the player cannot move them to the number of holes that fell at dawn (the checkers fall into occupied holes), all points are lost and the player misses a move.

In a situation where it is possible to make a move on the number of holes that fell on one of the rolls, but it is impossible to move a checker on the number of holes that fell on another roll, only the possible move is performed, and the points of the second are lost. The player cannot refuse full speed, even if it is not beneficial to him.

In a situation where a player can make any of two moves, but only one, he must choose the larger one. For example, the combination of six and four came out. The player can make a move for six holes or four. The correct move is six holes. In this case, smaller points are burned.

The winner of this game is the one who first to pass a complete circle and, once in the house, throws away all his checkers. The loser pays the pre-agreed bet.

Loss amount:

At the end of the game, if the losing player managed to remove at least one checker from the board, he loses a single bet. If the loser did not manage to throw a single checker off the board, he loses double the bet, this ending of the game is called “mars”.

A time-tested game!

Remember the time when all the benches in the courtyards or parks were occupied by amateurs board games? Now this phenomenon has practically died out, since cardboard boxes have been replaced by a virtual world, where all the fun known to mankind is collected. Only a few old people who find it difficult to get used to new technologies stubbornly continue to remain faithful to the relics of the past, throwing dice and moving chips on the field manually, at the risk of losing them in the grass or sand. Well, for advanced users, we offer backgammon online to play for free and feel the colossal difference that presents the online version of the toy in a more favorable light.

Shall we play?

Now you don’t risk losing game details, the box doesn’t take up useful space in your closet, and finding an opponent has ceased to be a problem at all. As a rule, when planning to gather around a table for some game in a group, you need to:

  • agree on the day and time in advance,
  • settle all pressing issues,
  • coordinate the schedule of activities in the family in order to carve out a couple of hours for leisure.

But to play online backgammon, you don’t need any of this, because paired game options are always available to all players and even stranger I will be happy to keep you company this evening. But if you don’t want to share the pleasure with an outsider, the computer itself will become your enemy. His powerful intellect never makes mistakes and always clearly counts his and yours’ game points, which are displayed on a special scoreboard. Every next move is certainly recorded, marked and counted by artificial intelligence, leaving you with the most pleasant thing - enjoying the process.

Any device: mobile phone, a computer or tablet can become a platform where you can play backgammon online. The realistic versions are so well done that it's easy to forget where you are. Immersing yourself in the game, you no longer feel the difference between a tangible and virtual process. One movement of the mouse and the dice are thrown, and the chips make a move.

How popular are Backgammon games?

Eastern games have always been distinguished by a special concept and therefore captivated people for hours. We have communicated with them for so long that we have become accustomed to considering them an integral part of our lives. But that’s how it is. Look - young people and people who have seen life, women and men, as well as all segments of the population play backgammon. In transport you can often see a person enthusiastically making his next move and trying to immobilize the enemy. On the work computers of office employees you can often see one of the variants of backgammon. Fans rarely go through a day without finding time to play backgammon online. Being in a digitized state, they are always at hand and do not take up much space on the computer if they are downloaded. Even a group of old friends who have families and are busy at home can gather in the evening at their monitors and indulge in their favorite pastime together, having previously agreed on this.

We offer to play backgammon online for free, so that nothing overshadows your leisure time. Now you don’t even need to spend your pocket money on purchasing a game in a box, but simply go to our gaming website and find the right page to plunge back into the gambling world of backgammon. When you choose the option you like, save it to your bookmarks and you can always easily return to this version when you have some free time.

True fans of the game have long settled in this section, but if you are a beginner, you will be gladly welcomed and taught the simple rules of the game that came to us from the mysterious land of the rising sun.