Residents of the island compare the found animal with a dinosaur and a Gangetic dolphin.

The carcass of an unknown animal washed up on the shore of Sakhalin near the airport in Shakhtersk. Judging by the remains, the creature was twice the size of a man, had a long nose, similar to a bird's beak, and its back and tail were covered with long hair. Photos of an unprecedented sea animal sparked a discussion on social networks. Local residents found the animal's resemblance to an ancient dinosaur, apparently referring to the pliosaur, an aquatic lizard that lived about 150 million years ago.

According to a more plausible version, the creature found could be Gangetic river dolphin, since it has similar sizes and body shape. However, supporters of this theory still have many questions: it is unclear how a freshwater dolphin that lives in the basins of South Asia ended up off the coast of Sakhalin. Also puzzling hairline found monster: its tail and back are covered with fur, while the Gangetic dolphin has smooth skin. Some eyewitnesses suggest that these are stuck seaweed, others claim that it is wool. “Probably our summer is so cold that even Indian dolphins get covered in fur when they get into local waters,” one resident joked on social networks. The publication SakhalinMedia writes about the amazing find.

The Gangetic dolphin differs most sharply from other species of dolphins: it grows up to 2.6 m in length, reaching a weight of up to 90 kg. The animal has a semi-lunar long body, an elongated narrow beak-shaped nose and a steep frontal protrusion. Instead of a dorsal fin, the dolphin has a low triangular hump. For the characteristic sound made when breathing, the animal received a second name - susuk. Long-term living in turbid fresh water led to the loss of the lens and loss of vision: the susuk is practically blind and navigates using echolocation. The populations of dolphins living in the Indus and Ganges rivers have not interbred for several centuries, in connection with this, some scientists distinguish two species: the Gangetic dolphin and the small Gangetic dolphin.

That a rare fish was recently caught in Australia giant shark, about which scientists know very little. The 6.3m specimen has been transferred to Museum Victoria in Melbourne for study. As employees admit, in 160 years they have only had to deal with three animals of this endangered species.

P.S. As it became known on July 1, scientists from the Sakhalin Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography were able to identify the species of the animal from its remains: with a 95% probability it is a northern swimmer. “We gathered a group of scientists. We looked through all the versions and came to the conclusion that the remains found on the shore belonged to a baby whale,” SakhalinMedia quotes Nikolai Kim, deputy head of the SakhNIRO forecasting department. “First of all, we paid attention to the beak. It indicates that the remains belong to either a dolphin or a whale. Secondly, we looked at the body size - at least 3 m. Dolphins cannot be that huge. But the bodies of whales exceed 10 m in length, and their calves reach just 3-4 m - the minimum size. As for the discovered hair, all newborn whales and dolphins have a small amount of hair at the beginning of their lives. Then he disappears. Judging by all the signs, the animal washed ashore is a northern swimmer, or rather, its calf. With such a description, only he lives in those waters. This is a species that is typical for the area. You can never be 100% sure of anything, so let’s say this: we are 95% sure.”

The other day, an interesting video was posted on YouTube (see below) with the remains of a sea creature found on the shores of Kamchatka near the village of Pakhachi.

The video soon attracted the attention of the world media. Reportedly, the remains are not very similar to the remains of a whale, and the appendages protruding from the carcass are completely similar to the tentacles of an octopus.

At the same time, the entire carcass is covered with short “hairs” - shoots. It is something large in size, three times longer than the human body, and very smelly. It is possible that this is still a decaying whale, or maybe something more mysterious.

The remains lie on black volcanic sand and the light carcass looks good against such a background.

According to the press, local residents, who are not new to seeing various remains of marine animals on the shore, say that they do not know what kind of creature it is.

The term Globster exists for such unidentified organic remains. Theoretically, these could be the remains of animals still unknown to science, but Kamchatka marine biologist After watching the video, Sergei Kornev is sure that most likely this globster is a decaying part of a whale carcass.

On a beach in Namibia, scientists discovered the remains of an unknown animal. According to the Daily Mail, researchers were able to identify the washed-up carcass as Cuvier's whale, or Cuvier's beaked whale, which belongs to the beaked whale family of the cetacean order. It can reach seven meters in length, weighing two to three tons.

The body of this animal was in a state of severe decomposition. However, based on the shape of the head and mouth, the research team was confident that it was Cuvier's beaked whale, said Namibian Dolphin Project (NDP) researcher Dr Simon Alvin.

The peculiarity of the beaked whale is its blunt and short nose, sloping forehead and small slit mouth. The two front narrow and long fins are located on the sides close to the head, and the rear fin is low and located far back, closer to the tail. The color of beaked whales is varied and changeable, but the predominant color is dark gray or steel-gray, becoming much lighter at the bottom. The beaked whale dives into the water for about 20–30 minutes, after which it emerges and rests for 10 minutes, floating on the surface.

It feeds on a variety of small sea ​​mollusks and deep sea fish.

American zoologists have established that the beaked whale is the record holder for the depth and duration of the dive among marine mammals. It was long believed that both of these records belonged to elephant seals. Scientists from the American research organization Cascadia managed to attach satellite transmitters to the fins of eight beaked whales, which recorded two new record dives. One animal reached a depth of 2992 m, the second stayed under water for 137.5 minutes.

In Japan the beaked whale for a long time was the object of fishing, its annual production in the 1960–1970s reached 40–50 heads. Currently, beaked whale fishing is prohibited.

The sea quite often shares its secrets with people, washing up amazing creatures on the shore. Having discovered them, people puzzle over the question of what kind of animal this is.

Almost a Loch Ness monster

In March 2016, a mysterious beast was found in national reserve"Wolf Island", Georgia, USA. He was discovered by a father (Jeff Warren) and son who were boating nearby. At first they decided that these were the remains of a seal. A heron was pecking at the dead carcass.

This action interested those in the boat - they got closer and could not believe their eyes: the carcass did not look like any creature known to us. People took several photographs that scientists are now discussing. Fins, Long neck and a small head - features characteristic of the image of the Loch Ness monster.

Warren went to a local fish shop, Skipper's Fish House, where he was told that the area once had a legend about its own Loch Ness monster, which was called Alta (or Altamaha). The first mentions of it date back to the 1830s.

Experts are in no hurry to believe in folk legends. According to the director of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, some sea ​​creatures When decomposing, they can take on bizarre forms that remind us of prehistoric animals, so this unidentified monster could even be a shark.


In April, British tourist Louis Burgoyne discovered a strange creature on a beach in Thailand - dirty pink in color, with a transparent body shaped like a sea cucumber. It looks like he was washed ashore by a wave. The tourist tried to carry the creature back into the water, but it began to squirm and, having fallen into the water, returned to the shore again.

Local residents say that in Lately They often see such mutants, but cannot yet identify them. Some speculate that it is a sea leech, a sea slug, or even a creature of extraterrestrial origin.

In 2014, off the coast of Australia, Debbie Higgs, while walking along Mujimba Beach in the Sunshine Coast, found mysterious creature. It was bright red in color, had no limbs, eyes or mouth, but had what looked like frills. Its length was about 25 cm.

The woman took a photo of the "bubble", took it home and put it in a bucket of salt water.

As the woman who found the creature said, it was something similar in structure to a jellyfish. When she first saw it, the animal was alive. Miss Higgs decided to poke it, and it responded to the touch - it began to squirm.

There is speculation that this could be a Spanish dancer sea slug, representatives of which live in the warmer tropical waters of the Indian Ocean.

Giants from the Deep

Last May, in Indonesia, local residents found the carcass of an unknown dead animal on one of the seashores. gigantic size, according to scientists - squid. Its length was about 15 meters, and there were obvious signs of rotting on the body.

According to experts, the animal, already dead, drifted in deep water until it washed ashore on Hulun Beach in Indonesia.

Eyewitnesses who discovered the giant carcass began actively photographing it.

In the autumn of the same year, to the beach in American state Texas was thrown out by an unknown creature. Photographer and naturalist Preeti Desai announced this on Twitter.

"Okay, biologists, write what it is. Located on the beach in Texas, Texas," it said on Twitter. Desai published photographs of the unknown animal on September 6.

The photograph shows a dead creature without eyes and with a row of sharp teeth.

In the comments under the post, users suggested that this was an unusual eel.

And in 2015, residents of Sakhalin found a creature that washed ashore in the city of Shakhtersk near the air harbor. Unknown animal twice more than a person, its tail is covered with hair.

The creature found looked like an ancient sea dinosaur, since the nose is similar to a bird's beak, and the tail is covered with hair. The length of the “Sakhalin monster” is twice the height of a person.


This year, a strange creature with fangs and black spikes washed up on a riverbank in Liverpool.

Window cleaner Sean Hall discovered something unknown along with a colleague on his way to work. The man said they initially mistook the creature for a seal and moved closer to see if they could help it get back into the water. Experts believe that this monster may be a dolphin, a seal or a large fish, but without an examination it is difficult to answer for sure.

Sean Hall, in order to find out what he found, tried to seek help from various charity organisations for animals. True, no one wanted to deal with this case. A lecturer in marine biology at the University of Liverpool was also unable to determine the origin of the find without analysis.

Last summer, fishermen from the Primorsky Territory of Russia caught an unknown animal. He had gray-black skin, a huge belly and a strange appearance.

And the face looks like it's an alien! Nobody knows what it is. “We are shocked,” eyewitnesses commented on their catch. Experienced ichthyologists have not said exactly what kind of species it is. But we are sure: it’s definitely not an alien. Alternatively, it was called catfish, lumpfish (sparrow fish) or frog fish.

A resident of the village of Pakhachi, Kamchatka, discovered a huge, strange creature on the seashore. After a storm, it washed ashore and immediately attracted attention.

The first thing that caught my eye was its size. The creature was very large, hairy and had neither eyes nor mouth. There were long tentacle-like appendages on his body. Brave girl not only made a video about the Kamchatka monster, but even dared to touch it.

This monster, which so scared the locals, turned out to be a globster. Globster is an unknown organic mass that is sometimes washed up on the shores of bodies of water - seas or oceans. Most often this happens after a storm. Currently, globsters have not been studied by science; they are not similar to any known animal.

There is still debate about its habitat and origin. For example, some scientists believe that globsters live underground. The reason for this hypothesis is that most often globsters are found half submerged in the ground.

But there are those who consider them to be marine animals. In addition, perhaps the legends about sea ​​monsters began to appear precisely after the “meeting” with the globster. The most famous and first studied is the “Monster from St. Augustine,” found in 1896.

In most cases, it is possible to determine their true nature. Many globsters were originally considered giant octopuses, the existence of which has not been proven by science, but most globsters ultimately turned out to be the half-rotten corpses of whales or large sharks.

If you have never seen these unusual creatures, quickly turn on the video filmed the other day in Kamchatka. Share your impressions of the “Kamchatka monster” in the comments!

On the coast of the Philippines, fishermen discovered a strange creature of impressive size. The monster was more than six meters long, covered all over with white hair, and did not look like any of the known species marine animals, reports The Telegraph.

The carcass washed ashore after a recent earthquake in the region. Pictures of the monster quickly spread throughout social networks, and users began to speculate about the nature of the find. Some thought it was half polar bear, half whale. Others say that this is a fantastic creature from cartoons and fairy tales.

The beach in the town of Cagdainao has become the center of attraction for local residents. People started taking pictures with unusual creature and take selfies.


However, as scientists stated, this is the corpse of a whale that supposedly died about two weeks ago due to a collision with a ship. Experts explained the unusual appearance of the huge mammal by the fact that the body had been drifting in the ocean for a long time and had turned white due to the extreme stage of decomposition.

Note that simultaneously with the appearance of the “hairy monster”, several extremely rare fish, living at depths of 200 to 1000 meters, washed up on the coast of the Philippines. Local residents associated the appearance of fish with earthquakes, since these creatures are supposed to be able to sense the displacement of tectonic plates.