Few people know, but in addition to the zodiac symbols and signs of the Eastern horoscope, each person has his own patron and flora. The flower horoscope, which is the heritage of the Druids, provides, although not a complete, but quite reliable description of the personality. This prophecy was considered forgotten, but in Lately becoming popular again. This horoscope will help you choose a reliable amulet, and can also be a reason for original congratulations. And in this article we will talk about what the most important monument of Druid culture is, and what it predicts for each of us.

Each plant is unique, and therefore the Druids, who once inhabited the north-west of Europe, began to transfer this sacred meaning to people. The result is a horoscope - a body of knowledge that allows one to determine certain character traits of a person, as well as his compatibility, by date of birth.

The horoscope, based on which the Druids took varieties of flowers, is presented in the form solar year. In turn, it is a circle of 360 degrees. This circle is divided into 36 segments, each of which is equal to 10 degrees and symbolizes a specific flower.

Find out which one is right for you flower horoscope to a specific person, you can compare his data on date of birth with the classification of plants proposed by the Druids. In particular, you need to know the month, as well as the day of his birth, in order to be able to use a flower horoscope and determine his character and compatibility.

This horoscope can be used for several purposes at once. So, for example, using the ancient Druid prophecy, you can find out:

  • person's character;
  • compatibility;
  • congratulation text for a particular flower.

Description of the horoscope for each flower

  • Patron of those born from January 1 to January 10 is Gentian

People whose flower patron is Gentian need to learn independence. They lack perseverance, patience and the ability to defend their own opinions in achieving their goals. They are shy by nature and have a couple of true, loyal friends. Their compatibility will be good with those in the horoscope who are not demanding.

  • For those who were born from January 11 to January 20, the patron saint is Thistle

These people are always energetic. At the same time, they are absent-minded, insufficiently organized, and talkative. This often interferes with their compatibility with the more introverted people around them. Thistle always remains faithful in love and business relationships. Such a person is kind, polite, and an excellent family man.

  • For those whose name day is from January 21 to January 31, Immortelle is suitable

Such people, according to the horoscope, are especially popular, as they always try to look attractive and well-groomed. They are very mysterious and at the same time modest, which increases the attraction to them. Such people know how to be content with little and appreciate what they have.

  • Mistletoe is the patroness of those born between February 1 and February 10

Those whose date of birth falls during the reign of Mistletoe are distinguished by curiosity, which sometimes goes beyond what is permitted. In the business sphere, they are conservative and well organized, which helps increase compatibility with partners and helps expand the scope of communication. In view of beautiful name flower, for such people there are very original congratulations in verse.

  • Patron Saint Bella for those born from February 11 to February 19

They are characterized by inner beauty and fortitude. In addition, these individuals are almost always attractive, attractive, and intelligent. This horoscope sign is distinguished by a unique quality - forming the right impression about a person at the first meeting with him.

  • Those who came under the auspices of Mimosa were born between February 20 and February 28

Such personalities are quite gentle, kind, and sensual. They are easily vulnerable, often susceptible to nervous breakdowns, disorders, and depression. Many Mimosas are characterized by femininity. Therefore, the flower horoscope indicates careful attitude to such people.

  • Mac is suitable for those born between March 1 and March 10

Like the Macs, the people who came under their protection are amazing. They are beautiful, optimistic, and know how to enjoy the moment. However, the horoscope of flowers promises many challenges throughout their life.

  • Lilies – from 11 to 20 March

Charming flowers and mysterious people. They are beautiful and secretive, they know how to keep secrets. But in love they are not constant - monotony does not suit them. For such flower people, there are very beautiful birthday greetings in verse according to the subtleties of the horoscope.

  • March 21-31 is Foxglove

Both the plants themselves and the people who come under their protection are considered very delicate, almost fragile. As the Druid horoscope says, such individuals need to be protected from harm. At the same time, they will easily achieve their goal.

  • Magnolias correspond to the period April 1-10

A color horoscope based on date of birth promises generosity for these individuals. Without any problems, they will lend a shoulder at the right moment, lend a helping hand and at the same time will not demand anything in return. They are sincere, fair, but flighty.

  • Hydrangeas are born between April 11 and April 20

Like magnolias, they are generous and kind. Apart from this, such people are patient and diligent in business. In terms of family, they are loving and sincere individuals, good family men.

  • Dahlias are people born from April 21 to April 30

For such persons the horoscope is very positive. He characterizes Dahlia as hardworking, honest, and demanding. Such people often easily conquer more and more heights.

  • The patron saint of people born from May 1 to May 10 will be Lily of the Valley

These flower people are very sensitive. The horoscope indicates their main traits - efficiency and generosity. The most beautiful name day congratulations in poetry and prose are prepared for them.

  • Purslane is the patron saint of those who celebrate name days on May 11-21

These are diligent, sociable, distrustful individuals. Their horoscope is very modest, and their compatibility with other people is average.

  • Daisies - people whose name day falls on May 22-31

Very attractive and modest people. Often, due to their gullibility, many use such people to achieve their own goals.

  • June 1-11 – Bells

People who do not like change. They have their own comfort zone, which they rarely leave. Very independent people who are used to achieving everything on their own. In love, as the horoscope says, they are monogamous.

  • Those born on June 12-21 will be favored by the Daisy

The flower horoscope for this person’s date of birth suggests that daisies are attractive, shy, but at the same time very eccentric and spontaneous.

  • Tulips patronize those born from June 22 to July 1

These people prefer independence, value freedom and do not communicate with those who try to limit or control them. In love they are multifaceted and passionate.

  • July 2-12 – Water lilies

These individuals quickly know how to adapt to new conditions. They will easily adapt to any circumstances, but will not feel comfortable everywhere. They love sincerely and for a long period.

  • From July 13 to July 23 – these are Violets

Violets are quite spoiled. If you believe the horoscope, these individuals do not so much want as they demand attention. Therefore, their compatibility, as the flower horoscope says, is not positive with everyone.

  • The period July 24 – August 2 is dedicated to Rosehip

These individuals are closed, proud, and aggressive. They are straightforward and demanding. Rose hips demand the same qualities from those around them.

  • August 3-12 – Sunflower

All sunflowers are successful in their careers. By a certain age, they occupy high positions and at the same time remain quite modest. They always have a lot of friends and acquaintances.

  • Roses – August 13-23

The flower horoscope for roses indicates that these people are very purposeful. They, no matter what, achieve their goals. Marriages among “roses” turn out to be strong and happy. In addition, there are very beautiful congratulations for their name days.

  • Delphiniums are the patrons of those born between August 24 and September 2

These flower people are independent in everything, they try to get by without the help of strangers. They are very diligent and hardworking. For their beloved, they will be a faithful life partner.

  • Carnations – September 3-11

Carnation personalities are by nature leaders, critics, and very straightforward, which almost always adversely affects their compatibility. Others often perceive such people as aggressive dictators.

  • Asters – September 12-22

These people are harmonious, have intuition, and thanks to the fact that they listen to it, they have almost everything they want. These members of the flower horoscope are almost always socially active and sociable.

  • Those born between September 23 and October 3 under the auspices of Heather

Representatives of this symbol beautiful in everything. They are smart, kind, always ready to help, good family men.

  • Camellia is the patroness of those whose name day falls on October 4-13

Camellias love beauty, so they try to surround themselves with beautiful people and objects. They are willing to take risks if there are worthwhile things at stake.

  • October 14-23 – patron saint of Lilac

The horoscope can characterize such persons as energetic, diligent and amorous. They believe in luck and therefore cling to every opportunity provided by fate. There are very beautiful and relevant birthday greetings for lilacs.

  • Freesia rules from October 24 to November 2

The horoscope for these flowers promises them many difficulties in life, but people will be able to cope with all of them if they do not lose heart. Freesias are workaholics who are characterized by diplomacy and punctuality.

  • Orchids – November 3-12

Orchids are beautiful, mystical and mysterious. These representatives of the flower horoscope keep many secrets within themselves. Secretive and patient, they are considered excellent partners for business and family.

  • Peonies – November 13-22

Peony people, as a horoscope sign, are quite viable, very active, and diligent. Many of them become famous cultural figures and athletes.

  • November 23 – December 2 – Gladioli

Ordinary individuals who do not have pronounced traits or talents. They love to travel. Often it is gladioli that are revealed as romantics.

  • December 3-12 – Dandelions

People who love the sun, warmth and light. They are more active and kind when they are treated with warmth. They do not admit lies, so they never forgive betrayal.

  • December 13-22 – Lotus

Lotus flowers have long been considered symbols of purity. Representatives of this symbol and horoscope sign are always neat and attractive. They are smart and monogamous.

  • For those whose name day is December 23-31, Edelweiss will be the patron saint

These are disorganized people who do not like control, specific frameworks and schedules, although those around them are taught consistency. Such individuals are mainly careerists. Many of them are very devoted and faithful, especially in marriage.

They are mysterious and mysterious. They argue, quarrel, doubt. They confuse their friends, their bosses and themselves. Orchids can rise very high if their emotions are not a leading factor. Among Orchids there are often psychics and mystics who see reality in a rosy color, in a romantic flair. Orchids are very superstitious. Any trifle is a sign for them, and every new meeting is like an omen. Such people prefer to remain silent about their plans. They choose their place in life and follow the intended route. They nod politely to those around them, but stick to their opinions.

Orchid has the ability to make people think of themselves as better than she is, but sometimes her mysterious sophistication (or sophisticated mystique, depending on who you choose) is just a game. Orchids are often very ordinary personalities under stylish shells.

If Orchid makes a mistake, she remembers the fallout for a long time and suffers from it.

Peony is able to cope with the most extreme stress - both physical and intellectual. At the same time, Peony can be a little lazy and a little frivolous. He is very versatile, but does not strive to go deeper into phenomena, but simply glides along the surface. Intrigue and gossip are not for Peony. He stays away from clever traps. But Peony is an excellent conversationalist. He will always listen to you, be imbued with sympathy, and empathize. Peony is trusting and often suffers from this, but over the years he does not lose his openness.

Peony love is calm and constant. He is persistent in his choice, but prefers to choose those who do not expect much from him and do not ask too much.

November 23-December 2 -

Romantic dreamers, ready for any madness. Very hardworking. And thanks to perseverance and perseverance, Gladioli can achieve success.

They tend to step on the same rake many times in a row, apparently hoping that someday they won’t get hit in the forehead.

At first glance, he seems naive and inexperienced to those around him, but this impression is deceptive; inside Gladiolus there is unbending willpower. He tries to notice something good in everyone around him, and he himself is kind and sympathetic.

He really wants to attract the attention of others. Moreover, anything - be it positive or negative - as long as it’s noticed. And for this I am ready to do something extravagant and extraordinary. But all his antics are an ordinary desire to please. And since he makes the decision to commit this or that action easily and thoughtlessly, he subsequently spends a lot of time correcting mistakes.

Needs warmth and protection. Feels comfortable only among friends. Very emotional, all feelings are on display, he doesn’t just ask for reciprocity, but one might say, demands it.

He is serious and thoughtful in his work, and can find unexpected solutions to complex problems. He doesn’t delegate his work to others, but he doesn’t refuse help either.

December 13-22 -

Extraordinary personalities. And they think interestingly, and act according to their thoughts. Those around them idolize them and minor shortcomings are easily forgiven. Honest and frank, they are noble in all their impulses. In any case, incapable of betrayal and meanness, Lotuses strive for high ideals. In general, everything he does is close to perfection. And he will give good advice and support - in word and deed, and at work - he is scrupulously accurate. The personality is harmonious and self-sufficient.

Each Lotus has its own path, and it follows it with its own strict moral principles, rising to the heights. The main thing here is not to interfere with the Lotus, not to press it, and not to bend it into an arc. And then the Lotus will bloom, and life will be illuminated with joyful colors for him and for those around him.

December 23-31 -

On the one hand, people are calm and reliable. But this is in a normal situation, but in anger they lose self-control and are capable of crushing anything and everything.

Inconsistent, impetuous, freedom-loving. From time to time they change their lives (and not always for the better). They like to make a grand gesture (without thinking about the consequences). Routine makes you wither. They tend to be free-thinking and independent.

He is admired, envied, he has a lot of fans and ill-wishers. Edelweiss seems to be a shocking personality: he wants to snatch everything from life, but at the same time he does not take into account the opinions of others. Upon closer acquaintance, you may be surprised to discover that Edelweiss is a sensible person and knows how to smooth out situations.

January 1-10 – yellow

Gentian people can be somewhat reserved; they do not always let everyone into their inner life. The reason for this is very simple - it is their natural shyness. They are calm, efficient, and understand what duty is. They try hard to achieve their goals.

However, they often worry about trifles and do not always know how to make tough decisions. They are ready to help you in any situation, are attentive and responsive, and do not demand anything in return.

Thanks to the thorns, it seems independent, invulnerable and proud. But those close to him know how kind and vulnerable he is. The spines are only external protection. They can be painful.

They work a lot and hard. This helps them climb the career ladder and grow in their own eyes. Thistle really wants attention. And he does everything to be noticed. And in this zeal, he sometimes takes on overwhelming work. Fortunately, he is smart enough to notice that she is too much for him and refuse in time. As a result, he seems hectic and fussy to others. And not everyone sees his true kindness.

His family comes first - well-being, tranquility, prosperity, comfort. In their family, Thistles escape from nervous breakdowns and rest their souls and gain strength for further work achievements.

January 21-31 - (CMIN)

Refined natures, very susceptible negative influences. They love to be the center of attention. They stand out for their elegance and sophistication.

Without counting on anyone, the Immortelle goes to his goal himself, and usually achieves a lot. For those around them, they sometimes serve as a kind of standard to which they must strive. Being strong and purposeful, he expects similar behavior from others. If necessary, he will, of course, help, but he will do it in such a way that you won’t want to turn to him a second time. Immortelle is energetic, self-confident, modest in clothes (but follows fashion).

February 1-10 -

Mistletoe is always the center of attention. They are not just beautiful and charming. They are fatal. They attract others with their magnetism and many drown in this impulse.

Mistletoe seems gentle and affectionate, sweet and shy - but this is all only until she feels the competition. A wild predator, cruel and merciless, Mistletoe destroys competitors in the bud, and then again turns into a soft cat with boundless charm.

Don't trust Mistletoe. She is ready to do anything for the sake of her love, and even heaven in a hut will sing. But as soon as she decides that you haven’t given her enough comfort, she will immediately accuse you of all earthly sins and fly away. Mistletoe always has many fans - she simply cannot survive alone. Therefore, advice to Mistletoe is to go in for sports.


Eternal rebels: rebellious and unbridled. Talented and courteous, they are usually well off.

At the same time beautiful and modest, they calmly occupy their niche, attracting only those people who they really need.

Belladonnas are gentle, loyal, caring. Luck naturally comes into their laps, but at the same time, Belladonna still has to work hard.

Doesn't throw dust in the eyes. He does not make knowingly false promises. She won’t say nasty things in vain, but you can’t call her flattering either. She tries to tell the truth, no matter how complicated it is: she will point out the shortcomings directly.

In love, he prefers long lasting relationships.

Talented and sensual, these gentle natures constantly need support; they simply need a worthy assessment of their work and concerns by others. It is important for mimosas to take care of their health, not to waste energy, and most importantly, not to be afraid to express their ideas out loud to friends.

Mimosa is a painful creature, any little thing can put her to bed, so one of the main tasks of Mimosa is to support the body.

Mimosa loves attention, she basks in it, and if she suddenly finds herself alone, she can easily become depressed. She loves to be praised and is ready even for difficult work - just to be praised.

Mimosa usually achieves success in life with the help of friends; she generally knows how to attract people, and uses this without a twinge of conscience.

Charming, sweet and charming, Poppies are loved by everyone. They are good conversationalists and extraordinary personalities.

Mac can lead people and is a natural leader. Makes friends and acquaintances in any company. Mac knows how to get what he wants, and knows how to push others to do the same. However, Mac does not always have enough self-confidence, and then he slowly begins to gnaw at himself.

Mac can give up, go with the flow, and plunge headlong into the illusory world of gambling. It is not at all easy to emerge from there.

However, if Mac can overcome his emotions in difficult situations, then success and good luck will come to him. Mack's path is strewn with thorns. And he will pass through it only if he begins to believe in himself. And then he will be able to handle any mountains.

March 11-20 -

Coquettes and true seductresses. They are mysterious and well-groomed, they have an alluring look. They know exactly what they need to be happy and know how to achieve it.

Lily may seem modest and shy, but if desired, she can easily shock you with her beauty and amazing magical attractiveness. Nobody knows the truth about Lilia's life. She is all mysterious and keeps all the more or less significant information secret. Welcomes a penchant for occult sciences. In equal probability, she can be either a psychic or a fraudster.

At first glance, they are touching and fragile, but nevertheless they have a steely character and amazing willpower.

Confident and active, calculating and persistent, they are quite decisive and always try to find a way out of a difficult situation. They find the right solutions and emerge victorious even in incredible situations. difficult cases. However, they are susceptible to stress. Sometimes they suffer from headaches.

Foxglove is a respected person, much less often a loved one.

She has inner strength, such an unbending steel rod. And she has few friends, well, who wants to communicate with a walking computer? Although in critical situations people run to her. Because she is able to take the initiative, make any (including very tough) decisions and bear full responsibility for it. Foxglove is ready to cover any embrasure.


Bold and ambitious, they strive to be the first in everything. Very vain, they always strive to rise above their surroundings. Magnolia has carefully chosen and nurtured assistant friends. She relies on them during her ascent to the peaks. Having reached the top, Magnolia will definitely look at everyone with a victorious glance and bloom with happiness, realizing that there are people who would gladly change places with her. She knows how to work hard, but this does not stop her from making small adventures, which, however, almost always end successfully - after all, Magnolia has a unique nose for profit.

Magnolia loves really good and high-quality things - she is not attracted to gold-plated trinkets.

April 11-20 -

Lovers of noisy parties, they are magnanimous and generous. They like to do something sublime and beautiful, but the inability to properly use their time nullifies their inspired impulses.

Hydrangea is beautiful, bright, cheerful - but very often lonely. It just so happens that she falls in love very quickly and passionately, and then - once - she loses interest in the object of her adoration. Playing the role of a star in her company, Hortensia does not always correctly evaluate those around her - she often thinks of them much better than they really are.

Dalia, Doll of Hellas Magaramova

Dahlias are maximalists, they tend to overestimate their capabilities, they rely too much on luck, they place great hopes on a happy occasion, these are the same fatalists who follow the will of fate.

Fate is preparing a golden mean for Georgina. So that Georgina is not a pariah, but not a leader either; so that there are not a sea of ​​friends, but also not two or three people; so that there is a goal in life, and it would be achievable and interesting, but everything always leads astray. In general, Georgina can be happy if she knows how to be happy. But if she is constantly looking for some mistakes and shortcomings in her behavior, and even shares her conclusions with those around her, then there may not be enough room for happiness. Everything will be a complete showdown.

It’s a shame, but people have coined an apt saying about Dahlia’s love: “Love is evil and you’ll love a goat.” It often happens that Georgina’s other half is a lethargic and helpless creature. Where she dug it up is unclear, what to do with it is unknown, and why Georgina tolerates it is also not clear.

Open and sincere, sometimes too generous, Lilies of the Valley are at the same time rather weak creatures and need a strong friend. They are defenseless against anyone who wants to offend or injure them.

Modest and charming, trusting and kind, Lily of the Valley does not learn well from his mistakes. He continues to sincerely believe in people, even if he accidentally notices a pebble hidden in his bosom.

At work, Lily of the Valley is not the head of a corporation, but rather a cog in a large mechanism. Diligent and efficient, he is ready to help everyone, take overtime, replace someone. Lily of the Valley does not manipulate other people, but if he develops interesting ideas, he finds those who will voice these thoughts and begin to put them into practice. Appreciate your Lilies of the Valley, try to surround them with understanding and care, and then you will understand what real comfort is.

May 11-20 -

Suspicious and distrustful, having a rather heavy, complex nature, the people of Purslane expect trickery from everyone, even from their closest friends. They are constantly in tension and expecting tricks from others. It would do them good to learn to be calmer and begin to trust at least those closest to them.

They say that it was the Portulacs who came up with the marriage contract - well, who else but them could come up with the idea of ​​​​divorce before the wedding ends? Purslanes are unhappy in principle - everything is bad for them: after all, this one has more money, the other one has a higher house, and the third one is loved more. And the Purslanes really want all this to be their property. But having taken possession of something, they do not value it, but look for something more beautiful.

Chamomile is not always the soul of the party, but yes, it is an integral part of it.

She does some things not even for the sake of self-interest, but simply out of sporting interest - to help out a work colleague - for Romashka this is not just a way to climb the career ladder, but also an opportunity to assert herself.

The people of Romashka are the same pool - seemingly quiet, but there are plenty of devils there. She looks like such a sweet simpleton, all white and fluffy, but in fact Romashka has been learning to manipulate people since childhood. She seems to open up to you in all her charm, but only in order to get some benefit from it.

Chamomile always has a plan. And he leads these people to their intended goal in very roundabout ways. Daisies almost always achieve their goal. But all the intrigue that preceded the achievement is not in vain, and Romashka is not sure that she is happy. What can you wish for Chamomile? Don't dig a hole for your friend - you'll have to sit there with him!

Bell people are clearly conservatives; they like everything to be in order, everything taken into account and recorded, numbered and filed.

They enjoy using simple, comfortable things that are made to last.

The bell may seem boring - it is too regular, predictable and follows a certain pattern. He has a daily routine and a life schedule - and he tries not to deviate from them one iota.

My home is my fortress - this statement is clearly from the mouth of the Bell. For him, family is everything. He doesn’t even waste his time on hobbies—he prefers to spend all his free time at home. And so that the order was perfect, everything sparkled everywhere, and not a speck or cobweb. The bell will always find something to do - and let the work be leisurely and the conversation instructive. That's when it blossoms.

Quiet and shy, but at the same time very observant, Daisy people always know how to solve the tasks assigned to them and achieve their goals.

They love silence, peace and comfort. Polite and calm, she does not stand out with any special charm. He gets along with people slowly and carefully, but on the other hand, he values ​​friendly relations highly, and always stands up for his friend.

The daisy does not fly high, refrains from controversial actions, and tries not to make enemies for itself. However, in a critical situation, Daisies are capable of transforming themselves in a fantastic way - and then legends can be made about their bravery. In ordinary life, there are no ups and downs, everything is quiet and peaceful: neither courage nor romanticism, however, there is time for children and for loved ones. At work, slowly, slowly, but he is moving up.

Tulip people are sophisticated connoisseurs of beauty. Those who are so picky will not rest until they have gone through everyone. For their own narcissism, they simply need a series of victories on the love front. Charm and charm, charm and flattery are their main weapons. This is exactly how they live - at the front, on the line of fire, until they think that a reliable rear - this too - is the key to victory.

And then the lovely scoundrels look for a victim to play the role of this rear. And note that they get away with everything. If you find yourself in the rear of Tulip, you have two options - you can simply run away or you will have to turn a blind eye to the misdeeds of your other half all the time.

The tulip will not offend anyone with its inattention. He knows how to be grateful, and he will always appreciate those who are next to him (since deep down he understands that he himself is far from a gift).

Water Lily people move through life with ease. They do not achieve their goals, their goals naturally flow into their hands. And if they don’t swim, then the Water Lilies very calmly accept the temporary failure and begin to build a new base for new solutions. They never lose heart, and manage to feel comfortable and cozy in any conditions. They are never threatened with loneliness - there are always fans around them. The water lily feels in its place in any situation, this is due to the fact that it is a flower of three elements.

If Water Lily seems frivolous to you, then this only means that you don’t know her well enough yet. In fact, she is smart and calm.

Dual nature. She likes to remain in the shadows for a long time, but at the same time she always anticipates with what brilliance she will appear on stage. She very easily gains the trust of others, never abuses this trust, and tries to be equally attractive to everyone.

Violets will never give up secrets, they will never act on the sly, and they will not spin great intrigues either. She is both a reliable partner and a loyal friend. They are smart and choose a certain path for themselves and follow it, despite the difficulties of fate.

Violet can be called emotionally dependent. For a state of complete happiness, she needs cheerful friends; from them she will be fueled by optimism and a thirst for life, giving in return her devotion and desire to help her neighbor. Violets are calm, but do not tolerate neglect.

Rosehip has a clear discrepancy between his external and internal appearance. He seems aggressive and prickly, but in reality he is gentle and patient. Kind and sympathetic, Rosehip uses his thorns only as self-defense. Always tries to remain faithful to friends and his other half.

Rosehip has an inexplicable distrust of the world around him, and therefore is very often lonely. He remembers a negative experience for a very long time, repeating unsuccessful decisions a hundred times for himself, he does not allow the scars to heal, all the time reopening his wounds.

Trying to avoid disagreements and quarrels, Rosehip very often finds himself in a dependent position on his partner. But if a dispute arises over things that Rosehip considers fundamental, then he will not compromise. He will begin to firmly defend his interests (and his principles). Unfortunately, Rosehip never forgives insults. It's very easy to lose it.

Guided by their own code of honor, Sunflowers boldly walk along the chosen road, without turning anywhere from it. The energy of the Sunflower pushes him forward and forward. He never regrets missing profits - he knows that there will still be wonderful things ahead and fearlessly goes into his future.

But, just as the Sunflower plant turns after the rays of the Sun, so the Sunflower man turns after the rays of glory, trying to stay under them for as long as possible.

Sunflower has a lot of interesting stories in stock, he knows a lot of jokes and is always ready to cheer up his friends.

At home, Sunflowers are always quieter and calmer than in front of the general public - they no longer need to work for a wide audience, and they can finally allow themselves to show their true feelings.

Rose's people almost never initiate the creation of intrigue, but it turns out that they quite often fall into it, are simply in a cycle of negativity and must repel the attacks of envious people. Here, like it or not, you will grow thorns.

The delightful Rose realizes that she is not just a Beauty, but a true Queen (and not only of flowers). She regally and casually accepts signs of attention and admiration. Everyone admires her, but few people approach her - the person Rose brings too much anxiety into someone else’s life.

If Rose realizes that she is not the navel of the Earth, and understands that there may be quite interesting and intelligent people around her, then she will be able to find her happiness.

Rose's character changes for the better with age.

August 24 - September 2 -

Communicating with everyone fairly evenly, Delphinium does not express any particular preference to anyone. Content with little, Delphinium people can even take the path of asceticism. At the same time, they will despotically demand that others conform to their high ideals, becoming more and more lenient towards themselves.

As a result of this, they get a true boomerang - they are faced with problems brewed by other people. Delphiniums treat such bumps stoically, accepting it as an inevitable evil. But they endure criticism addressed to themselves painfully, even to the point of breaking off relations with that worthless person who dares to speak badly about him, about Delphinium.

In general, these are people of strong spirit who manage to avoid major mistakes and dodge the traps set by Fate.

Strong, hardworking and very stubborn, Gvozdika is a pronounced truth-seeker. She is not afraid of difficulties, she is ready to fight for the truth, while forgetting that the truth can be different for everyone.

The motives for her behavior are clear and obvious, her actions are logical, and her reasoning is predictable. In some ways, not tactful enough, even rude, in fact, Gvozdika is an intelligent and kind person, ready to help at any moment. Carnation dominates others and is often conflicting. Very straightforward. He terrorizes his friends by making them fit his standard, not wanting to come to terms with the idea that people are different.

The best way to get along with Carnation is to redirect her violent, ebullient energy away from you. Let her take up her favorite hobby, or throw herself into work, or, as a last resort, find a place for herself in a social movement.

Friendly and cheerful, Astra very often turns out to be exactly the leader whom her subordinates love and appreciate.

Astra's presence lifts the mood even for those who are ready to become depressed for any reason. Bright and cheerful, Astra brings with her a piece of the Sun, and its rays are ready to warm everyone and give everyone a little warmth.

Astra easily gets rid of everything old: be it cute trinkets, torn things or past memories. Everything is mercilessly thrown into a landfill, with no right of return. Astra lives in today.

Always in high spirits, the aster chooses friends of a different type. She surrounds them with care and constantly pushes them, hoping that they will also become as cheerful as she is. What Astra definitely lacks is the ability to observe and draw conclusions.

Original and graceful, a refined individualist, Heather usually has golden hands. Heather tries to carefully control his behavior in order to appear completely perfect in the eyes of others.

Having a fairly broad outlook and knowing the value of his knowledge and skills, Veresk very often takes on those things that others consider unpromising. He takes it and brings it to the end, and brings it brilliantly.

However, if some mistake happens in Heather’s life, then this is perceived as the tragedy of his entire life. Heather tolerates his failures very poorly, tries in every possible way to avoid them, and is almost always in a state of tension.

He seems cold and distant, but in a difficult situation he will not betray anyone. At work he is valued as a generalist specialist.

October 4-13 -

Delicate and attractive, sophisticated Camellias sometimes show a downright childish quality.

Rich imagination, sweet vulnerability, artistic nature - these are precisely the qualities of Camellia that help her stand out in any society.

Beautiful in appearance, Camellia is drawn to attractive people, very often not noticing what is actually hidden behind the beautiful shell.

Camellia works very hard, but for some secret reasons of her own she assures everyone that all the blessings of life simply fell on her by chance. Camellia calculates her strength very poorly: sometimes she fires at sparrows from a cannon, and sometimes she doesn’t have enough strength for the final push for serious work. Luckily for her, she has friends who are ready to lend their shoulders and arms.

People who are goal-oriented and help others; People, loving life and always young at heart; people devoid of ambition and bringing joy - this is exactly what the people of Lilac look like. Her enthusiasm, freshness and diligence help her both in her personal life and at work.

Lilac sets goals, outlines tasks, makes plans, follows them - and achieves its goal. In general, everything is as written. In her work, Lilac uses a variety of opportunities, as she is firmly confident in the loyalty of her friends.

Lilac is amorous. Moreover, we can say that she is flighty. Lilac loves life in all its manifestations. She lives in an endless change of fans. And although it cannot be said that she suffers very much from these changes and disappointments, this series certainly does not bring her happiness.

October 24 - November 2 -

Freesia is persistent, fearless and stubborn. She is a workaholic, working tirelessly from morning until late at night. Freesia people have many admirers, but they are in no hurry to choose a permanent partner.

Freesias are natural manipulators. For the sake of a successful career, Freesia can spit on both home and friends - in her work she finds true delight, becoming a professional to the core.

But, oddly enough, the best thoughts come to Freesia while walking or relaxing at sea. If Freesia feels unlucky, then it’s time for her to change something in her personal life.

The information was selected by Natta specifically for the site.

People are constantly surrounded by the most different flowers- bright and rustic, healing and poisonous, summer, spring, autumn. And they cannot but influence our lives.

We often compare a beautiful girl with a rose, and an overly gentle creature with a mimosa. Flowers, like people, have their own personalities. People couldn't help but notice this. The Slavs, Celts, and Mayans believed that a born person received character traits, habits, and behavior of some animal, plant, or tree. According to Slavic beliefs, the flower under whose sign you were born must be picked, dried and always carried with you, then it, like a guardian angel, will protect you from misfortunes, troubles and the evil eye.

The creators of the first flower horoscopes were the Druids. We bring to your attention one of them, represented by 36 types of flowers, which correspond to the 36 birth periods of people and, therefore, their characteristic features. Below is a detailed horoscope by date of birth.

January 01 - January 10 - Gentian Yellow

Yellow gentian This mysterious flower symbolizes summer warmth and grows in mountain meadows. A person born under this sign persistently achieves goals through hard work and perseverance. As a rule, his superiors love him.

People of this sign are responsive, efficient, modest and shy, do not like large companies, and feel much more comfortable at home, in their favorite chair in front of the TV. Yellow gentian gives the character of its ward some mystery, mostly external, while everything is explained quite simply. For example, the reason for his secrecy and isolation may be ordinary shyness. He does not know how to gossip or spread rumors, but he willingly lends money. People of this sign are wonderful friends, undemanding and at the same time able to make sacrifices, faithful wives and husbands, loving parents. Yellow gentian is afraid of cold, and a person born from January 1 to January 10 should be wary of cold and rainy weather, take care of his feet and throat.

January 11 - January 20 - Thistle

People of this sign are active, talkative, and fussy. If no one pays attention to them, they, fussing about, constantly “cause fire on themselves.” They sometimes invent activities that are beyond their capacity, which, having given their brains a second thought, they can immediately abandon under any pretext. This behavior disorients others, so they cannot always discern the main feature of the thistle - kindness.

It can be difficult with Thistles, but only his true friends know the value of self-sacrifice, when he is ready to grab with a stranglehold on anyone who encroaches on the holy of holies - friendship. Perhaps, behind a mask of aggression, he is trying to hide another of his positive quality- vulnerable heart and reliability. He is a wonderful friend and family man. Thistle is sacredly devoted to his family, for him it is a haven where he can rest his soul. An executive worker, but work zeal can lead to early hypertension. Remind him that he needs to rest more often.

January 21 - January 31 - Immortelle

People born under the sign of the Immortelle usually have a Spartan lifestyle, do not like excesses and are very careful about their health and play sports.

Immortelle is silverless. Modest, but he nevertheless closely follows fashion. Immortelle has exquisite taste: his elegance is often the subject of envy, but he has enough energy to overcome all difficulties and brilliantly defeat his ill-wishers. The struggle only strengthens his spirit. He is often envied and held up as an example.

Thanks to his inexhaustible energy, the Immortelle is able to start from scratch and rise very high. These people are able to survive and not lose heart in the most difficult life situations. If desired

An immortelle can make a brilliant career, but often a career is not his main goal. An Immortelle's marriage is usually strong, but his partner must share the Immortelle's views on family, lifestyle, and raising children. It’s good if the husband (wife) of Immortelle also shares his professional interests and hobbies.

The immortelle must monitor his state of mind, otherwise the nervous system may suffer.

February 01 - February 10 - Mistletoe

Mistletoes are mysterious and charming, like a rose petal or a bird's wing; they have inimitable grace and elegance. Their refined nature demands all the best, they adore comfort. They like to relax, have fun, and take a walk most of all, rather than work. Always interesting for the opposite sex: they have a sea of ​​admirers and admirers, Mistletoes are rarely left alone. Capable of reckless actions in the name of love.

The woman is distinguished by refined taste and extraordinary femininity. She has a “risky” character, capable of charming even the most unapproachable man. Her rivals hate her because she has no equal.

Men born under this sign of the witchcraft flower must rely on sports, bodybuilding, karate, tennis in order to be popular with the opposite sex. Sport keeps them healthy and makes them attractive, protects them from bad habits.

February 11 - February 19 - Belladonna

Such people combine a pleasant appearance with inner beauty. Their subtle mind is able to understand a person from the first meeting, and their self-esteem will not allow them to go against their own conscience. They find it difficult to get along with other people and have a hard time getting used to them. But they will never abandon their friends.

They are very hardworking, quickly make a career, achieve a lot in life. They are successful in any field they choose.

The woman is a modest beauty. Don't try to "crack" it the first time. She has enough strength and energy to give a proper rebuff. The man, although not handsome, works like an animal, tirelessly.

Consequently, he receives accordingly, always in good standing with his superiors. People of this sign create strong families, but sometimes, in pursuit of a career, they can destroy family ties, forgetting about loved ones.
Suffer from diseases of the intestinal tract.

February 20 - February 28 - Mimosa

People born under this sign are akin to a flower. They are highly sensitive and easily offended. Hardworking and responsible, they want their work to be appreciated. They get tired easily, demand attention, and are capricious.

Bosses, don't overload Mimosa! She was used to sacrificing herself in order to complete the work assigned to her and earn encouragement, neglecting vacations and sick leave.
They may experience periodic depression and frequent mood swings; at these moments in their life, Mimosas can go on a spree and often console themselves with alcohol, so their loved ones need to keep an eye on them.

To maintain her fighting spirit, Mimosa must constantly feel the need for herself and the admiration of others. Mimoza's success is short-lived, but very bright and memorable.

They are at high risk of heart attack and stomach ulcers. Therefore, Mimosas need to avoid stress and learn not to take their failures to heart. For people of this sign, it is important to create harmony in relationships with others, and first of all, with themselves.

March 01 - March 10 - Mac

The beauty of Poppy is as intoxicating as opium. It's easy to get caught in Mac's networks, but hard to get out of them. Bright and unpretentious, Mac is able to win people by surrounding himself with like-minded people. This is an informal leader. He doesn’t stand out in the team, but he knows how to set the tone for everything. Mack is a born diplomat, capable of resolving any conflicts with just his appearance. He likes to enjoy life, for this reason he is greedy for various games of chance.

Poppies don't tend to family life, they are delaying their marriage, waiting best option. They can often chase two hares, catch neither and remain completely alone until old age.

Mac's path is strewn with thorns. If he can cope with his shortcomings, believe in himself, he will achieve a lot in life.

People of this sign should not focus on meat dishes. Vegetables are a source of vitamins and good mood.

March 11 - March 20 - Lily

Inconspicuous charm, refinement of nature, moon flower. A mystery that can only be solved during the full moon. Masquerade, deception, flirting. Despite everything, Lily knows how to be happy. She surrounds herself with everything mysterious, she does not like to open up and give away her secrets, she is somewhat withdrawn. Therefore, Lilia develops complex relationships with friends, of whom she already has few. From the outside he gives the impression of a bohemian type of person. He easily charms people, but also easily breaks up with people.

A fickle nature, sometimes she allows herself to deceive and lead the opposite sex by the nose. Loves luxury, outrageousness, power.

It is difficult to force Lily to do what she does not want. If you indulge all her desires, he will sit on your neck, dangle his legs, and will chase and command. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to put her in her place; this is the only way to establish an “equal” relationship with Lily. Among this sign there are often seers, psychics, astrologers, magicians, and adventurers.

People of this sign suffer from skin diseases and allergies.

March 21 - March 31 - Foxglove

Unlike a flower, which is inconspicuous and pale, people born under this sign are determined. Just their appearance in a team can heat up the atmosphere to the limit and charge those around them with energy. Foxglove's head works like a computer, clearly and quickly, finding the right way out of even the most confusing life situation. Foxglove is very smart, talented and assertive, never gets lost. Capable of making a good career related to business. Also, people of this sign make excellent specialists in all technical fields. Foxglove should also try herself in the role of a manager; she can make an excellent leader.

It's difficult for her to start a family because she has to be the leader. If in marriage she is given a vacancy as a commander, the family will be strong. If they constantly try to put Foxglove in her place, to command her, she will buck up like a horse, throw off her rider and rush off to freedom. She is always at the forefront. If you need to make an urgent decision and save the situation, better man can not found. However, nerves gradually wear out, so with age, a tendency to hypertension and depression is possible.

April 01 - April 10 - Magnolia

Ambition, stubbornness, the desire to always be first - these are the distinctive features of Magnolia. However, her position in society is very fragile due to her reluctance to listen to the advice of others. He knows his own worth, loves expensive things, so he communicates with others selectively, alas, only with the right people. But she, as a friend, is irreplaceable. It will crash, but it will achieve its goal.

She loves comfort in her family and will stop at nothing to maintain it. As a rule, she makes a good career, because she does not waste time on trifles and knows exactly what she needs.

He loves to work and expects the same from those around him. A good leader, but sometimes he can shout at employees, “put them in their place,” however, people of this sign always feel the limit and will not overstep it in relations with subordinates.

Both men and women love sweets when things are not going well for them; they eat up grief and failure with cakes and chocolate. The Magnolia woman loves to cook and is obsessed with cooking, so it doesn’t bother her to watch her figure and weight.

April 11 - April 20 - Hydrangea

The nature is broad. Where there is a holiday, you can always find Hydrangea. She is generous, generous, loves to party, organize receptions, dinners, parties, but she also never refuses ordinary parties with friends. She always has a large circle of acquaintances.

She is capable of a broad gesture and can give an expensive gift without demanding anything in return. The only drawback is that Hortensia is not very patient. She doesn't know how long time helping someone, she gets tired of it quickly. As a result, she has few close friends.

However, as a rule, the few friends she still has are very devoted to Hortense.

In a series of “celebrations of life,” people of this sign can forget about work and everyday responsibilities. In family life, we often hear from spouses that they spend a lot and squander. If Hortensia cannot overcome her too much love for parties and holidays, then her significant other will leave her.

Usually people of this sign start families and children after 30 years of age, when they have had enough fun.
Hortense's health is good, but you should watch your eyesight, which can drop sharply.

April 21 - April 30 - Dahlia

Dahlia is too demanding of himself and others. Aesthete in everything. You can meet him in the theater, at exhibitions, at concerts, wherever there are beautiful things. Some people consider him a bore, but that’s just the way he is, and you have to get used to him and understand him. Fortune is more often favorable to Dahlia, so he wins lotteries. If Dahlia falls into a streak of bad luck, he is capable of becoming a cynic, which subsequently alienates those around him.

Dahlia relies too much on chance and is unable to control the situation. In critical moments of life he is explosive; in anger he can forget about self-control. The nervous system and musculoskeletal system should be protected.

Luxurious Dahlia should always stick to the golden mean. Maximalism often prevents you from achieving what you want. Dahlia should rely on her own strengths more carefully than others. You shouldn't rely entirely on luck. This also applies to his personal life, where he is often unlucky. A dahlia can tie itself into marriage several times.

May 01 - May 10 - Lily of the valley

People like this are rare. They combine everything - modest beauty, a generous heart, and an inexperienced mind. They are often victims of their own gullibility and scammers, because they rely too much on other people. They live modestly, unless they meet a rich patron. Having achieved success, they always find time to do charity work. They love children and spend a lot of time with young people.

Alas, the generous, open heart of the Lily of the Valley is the reason that it can be plucked by the merciless hand of a herbarium collector or simply a lover of a delicate aroma. A Lily of the Valley woman needs a reliable protector, for example, a Thistle man. At work, Lily of the Valley is doing well, although his excessive zeal sometimes gets on the nerves of others. Lilies of the valley are excellent family men, they treat their spouses with respect, but they cannot forgive betrayal. Lily of the Valley has well-developed intuition; he feels people and their mood.

People of this sign suffer from joint diseases.

May 11 - May 21 - Purslane

Life often treats Purslane unfairly. He knows that he deserves more, but he is fatally unlucky.

There is no openness in his character; more often he is closed in on himself, distrustful of others. Distrustful, cautious, boring, always waiting for a trick, even from close people. He believes that there is no other way to live.

It’s difficult with Purslane at home and at work, and especially in love. Purslane must be protected. The main trump card in a relationship with him is patience. This person is too vulnerable, deeply experiences the grief of others, transferring it all onto himself. He is especially devoted to those close to him and is ready to take off his shirt. If Purslane proves his devotion and love, he will carry you in his arms all his life. But it takes a lot of time to establish a truly close relationship with him.

He is prone to obesity and diabetes, so people of this sign are advised to limit themselves when eating sweet and starchy foods.

May 22 - May 31 - Chamomile

Chamomile has a complex character. Wants to appear open and simple-minded, which he really is not; behind a simple pattern there is often a complex personality hidden.

Chamomile strives to gain trust and inspire frankness. He is aware of many other people's secrets and can use this information to his advantage. Cunning, capable of meanness. Despite her attractive appearance, she tries to sit on her opponent’s job for the sake of a career or just for sport. But there is something elusive about her that beckons and bewitches.

In relationships with the opposite sex, everything is traditional: either you love it or you don’t. The flower of love often suffers from unrequited feelings. But she is rarely alone, because she is afraid of loneliness, surrounding herself with fans. Can live together with an unloved person, allowing him to love and pamper himself.

She is mercantile, money means a lot to her in life.
Chamomile has suffered from kidney disease since childhood, so she must carefully select her menu, refusing foods that are harmful to her body.

June 01 - June 11 - Bell

Loves reliability, seeks support in life. Never chases a pie in the sky if he has a tit in a cage. The main thing for Bell is family. Here, as elsewhere, he is conservative. Any change frightens him and plunges him into despair. Bluebell Rescue - good family, a good and strong house. He can become a rare bore, finding fault with loved ones if they do not want to live by his rules. If a daughter, for example, cuts her hair against his will or buys a dress that does not suit his tastes, the Bell may not speak to his offspring for weeks, sulking and grumbling. In this situation, it is best to be the first to reconcile with the Bell, he will appreciate it, and the quarrel will come to naught.

Don't rush to throw away old things, they may still be useful. He maintains perfect order in the house and trusts his hands more than technology. A virtuoso in the kitchen, his head is a storehouse of useful advice. Monogamous If the family boat crashes on the reefs of everyday life and monotony, Bell will be left alone and will not risk it a second time.

Bell often catches colds, his sore throats and bronchitis can become chronic, so he must monitor his health very carefully, without neglecting the advice of doctors.

June 12 - June 21 - Daisy

Daisy is a quiet person, a homebody, a reinsurer, an observer, and is not distinguished by romanticism and courage. Most often he participates in events as a collector of gossip.

Most people born under this sign are confirmed bachelors. It is difficult for them to find a mate. Sitting by the window, you won’t be able to wait for your betrothed. But Margarita does not want to change anything in her life, although she can achieve her goal if she wants. Loves communication, but within the confines of his own home. Margarita's friends are next door neighbors, school friends. Daisy can be greatly hindered in life by her reclusive lifestyle.

She is shy, but in a critical situation she is capable of a courageous act. Daisy's life is not very bright, but it is stable. Loves shows, performances, television series, concerts, but only on TV. Rarely goes out in public and only with good company. Some envy her life, in which there are no pitfalls and hidden currents, where everything is simple and calm.

Excess weight can become the number one problem in her life. Sports are not for her, but buns, sandwiches, and chocolates while watching TV are her best friends.

June 22 - July 01 - Tulip

The man is undoubtedly Don Juan. He doesn't care about anything. The woman is energetic and has great self-esteem. And a lot of effort must be put in to achieve her recognition. Such women, as a rule, have unhappy husbands. Tulips are lovers of adultery. They value freedom and are opposed to any type of dependence. Open and truthful, they say what they think. They enter into marriage late or ignore it altogether. They believe that first there should be a career, and only then - family. However, people of this sign love to spend time with children - both their own and others.

When they are young they want to experience everything, even the forbidden. This attracts them most of all. Tulips are bold and energetic, they easily achieve their plans. Lucky ones. Tulip is a bright and extraordinary personality, attracts everyone's attention and for good reason.

People of this sign are distinguished by enviable health. Health fails them only in old age.

July 02 - July 12 - Water Lily

And water, and earth, and air. The Water Lily is a very diverse nature, which, like the Lotus, feels at ease in several situations. Easily adapts to any situation. Has diverse interests and many friends of different characters.

Such diversity is most likely due to goodwill and tolerance towards people, respect and understanding. People are drawn to Water Lily and usually find her a good conversationalist. Besides, it tastes good.

She has few problems at work, but she rarely becomes a leader, a boss, she doesn’t need it, and she doesn’t like to boss people around. Not everything in life comes easy to her, but thanks to her forgiving nature, Water Lily is able, like a Phoenix bird, to rise from the ashes. Family is the goal of her life. There must be a lot of children. Waterlily is ready to tinker with them for hours; her patience is enough for everyone. She loves, cares, and cherishes her husband. And if he reciprocates her feelings, such a marriage is long-lasting.

The water lily suffers from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and her back often hurts.

July 13 - July 23 - Violet

The favorite of those around her, Violet is pampered and spoiled, capricious and demanding. Possessing a beautiful complexion and velvety skin, Violet, even without being a beauty, attracts everyone's attention. And beauties are looking for rich patrons. Work all your life? This, in their opinion, is great stupidity.

Violet is not talkative, she knows how to keep other people's secrets and listen to other people's confessions. For the time being, she remains in the shadow of the person she loves, is devoted to him and is ready for any sacrifice, but is always ready to go out into the sun and take what is due to her. And then hold on!

She has many friends that Violet uses to achieve her goals. People of this sign have a difficult relationship with their mother. However, Violet always has complete understanding with her father. Violet and her children do not always have harmonious relationships.

Suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

July 24 - August 02 - Rosehip

The rose hip is called the “wild rose.” He is obstinate and unbridled, but he has kind soul, and all its thorns are intended only to protect yourself and your loved ones. Brave and courageous, ready to fight to the death to defend his own interests. With friends he is sincere and responsive. He treats his partner with respect; courtship is a real ritual for him. His family is always in abundance and lacks nothing. If necessary, he can work several jobs at the same time, but Rosehip will never allow his family to need anything.

Rosehip loves to travel. In emergency situations, he is ready to take control of everything. If necessary, he will put anyone in their place. It pricks with bare hands you won't take it. He is always correct with his colleagues, his work is on fire in his hands. He does not allow himself to become limp, even if the dark streak in life has dragged on. He is proud of the successes of his children and wife (husband), and will never reproach that she (he) earns little or does not have time to do something around the house.

Rosehip is a “live” and rarely goes to doctors.

August 03 - August 12 - Sunflower

Sunflower is persistent and hardworking. He makes a career early, and, having taken a certain place in society, will never give it up. For the sake of his position, he is ready to take extreme measures. He perceives failures painfully, but knows how to deal with them. He has a strong position in life and has a positive influence on those around him. As a rule, he has a lot of friends and children. He follows trends and is ready to move in the right direction at any moment. Loves warmth, and suffers from cold at any sub-zero temperature. Sunflower loves the comfort of home, and is ready to sacrifice a lot for it. Guests often come to his house. Sunflower is a hospitable and friendly host.

Colds bother him from autumn to spring. And only in the summer does he feel comfortable; people of this sign especially love the sea, sun, travel to exotic countries. If there is no opportunity to relax in style, Sunflower is ready to go to the village and enjoy life in a house with a stove.

August 13 - August 23 - Rose

The Queen of Flowers, Rose, is used to being first in everything. She is too demanding of herself and works too hard. Very often she is simply not understood, since Rosa achieves high altitudes wherever it is. Everything is fine with the opposite sex - she is pampered and cherished, carried in her arms. The one who gets her will be happy the entire time he is with her, since she generously gives her love to close people. Rose causes understandable envy among others. Intrigues are being woven against her; they want to remove her from her rightful place and deprive her of her bonus.

Rose is unapproachable and knows how to deal with troubles. But it’s difficult to show your unattainability all the time.

Rose shouldn't be overworked, but she can't take care of herself, so that's the lot of her loved ones. If Rose is offended, she will release thorns and hurt either in word or deed. For her, the family is an island of happiness; in order to preserve the family, she is ready to make many sacrifices. Rose loves and cares deeply about her children.

People of this sign should take care of the nervous system and avoid stress.

August 24 - September 2 - Delphinium

A modest and undemanding person. I am used to doing everything with my own hands, not counting too much on the help of others. It’s easy for him to sit “on his neck” and dangle his legs, but if he feels your bad attitude towards him, he will be opposed to you for the rest of his life, and you will have to rehabilitate for a long time. Ascetic, undemanding to himself, only to others. And this often becomes a stumbling block in relationships with loved ones and work colleagues. It is difficult to argue with Delphinium; he does not understand any arguments or reasons. Unfortunately, a person born under this sign can be a “scapegoat”, since he does not know how to repel the machinations of ill-wishers.

Delphinium is rarely happy in marriage; it is very difficult for him to find his other half. However, if he does meet his true love, their relationship will blossom from year to year with ever brighter colors, they will not be afraid of either everyday life or everyday life.

In old age, people of this sign may develop sclerosis and problems with the head.

September 03 - September 11 - Carnation

This is a real fighter for the truth, even to his own detriment, and a defender of all the humiliated and insulted. A person with such a direct character as Carnation is worth looking for.

Carnation is ready to go into battle at the very first opportunity. Woe to anyone who gets in her way. Gvozdika enjoys the trust of those around her, although they treat her with caution: few people want to hear unpleasant things addressed to them.
Gvozdika is the undisputed leader and ideologist of the family. She is a workaholic: she wants and can work a lot. People of this sign can work in several jobs at the same time, so the Carnation family will never know the need. She loves to cook, but does not tolerate other household chores. She is strict with her children and demands obedience from them. If her husband is faithful to her, he will value him and protect him. He does not tolerate cheating, and if he finds out about cheating, he will most likely break up with his partner. She is ready to radically change her life and is not afraid of difficulties.

Carnation often suffers from colds, back diseases, and people of this sign are also prone to being overweight.

September 12 - September 22 - Astra

Asters are reckless optimists, they boldly look into the future and are not afraid of difficulties. They know how to lead people, there is always a friendly team around them. The melancholy and sadness of autumn are noticeably brightened up by asters. So the Astra man, like a star in the night, dispels the darkness with his cheerful disposition, as if recharging everyone with his sparkling energy. She has order everywhere: both in thoughts and in deeds.

Astra's home is always warm and joyful, there is a lot of light and comfort. She is especially caring with dear people. Astra easily finds a life partner; Astra usually develops trusting, harmonious relationships in her family. If she does not choose a quiet family haven, she becomes an excellent boss, as she knows how to create a friendly atmosphere in the team.

Astra is very concerned about her health, but she is often worried about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

September 23 - October 03 - Veresk

People born under the sign of Heather are distinguished by sophistication. These are irreplaceable generalist specialists. Nature has endowed them with the ability to master the exact sciences; they have an analytical mind. They know the value of their golden hands. Such people strive to achieve perfection in everything. They are beautiful both internally and externally. They are indispensable in friendship, as they can always give valuable advice and will not leave you in trouble. People are drawn to people of this sign because they are good conversationalists and reliable business partners.

People of this sign easily endure difficulties, are ready for failures, and endure disappointments with steadfastness.

Love is important for Heather, but if it is not there, he does not despair. People of this sign make excellent family men: in marriage they are faithful and caring, they love children very much and willingly spend time with them. They love to have guests in their house.

People of this sign have a bad stomach and often suffer from poisoning.

October 04 - October 13 - Camellia

These people are naturally collected and organized. They don’t stop halfway and aren’t afraid of obstacles. Dangers only provoke them, the risk is theirs favorite hobby. But they never take risks in vain; every risky event is carefully calculated and thought out.

Camellias have a taste for life. They love to surround themselves with exquisite things, for which they can work tirelessly. They always make an impression and are remembered by their original behavior. Sometimes they work for the audience, but do not overact. People of this sign get married early, their marriages are usually strong and reliable, since Camellias try to choose a partner based on their interests, often their husbands (wives) are employees. They always calculate the outcome of the situation. They love children, but are not inclined to self-sacrifice.

People of this sign should take care of the heart, as well as the nervous system.

October 14 - October 23 - Lilac

A symbol of blossoming, freshness, youth. People of this sign are always young at heart and love to communicate with young people. It’s easy for Lilac to turn her head; she loves being in love. But she waits for true love for years, and is rarely happy in marriage. She hates lies, Lilac will never forgive betrayal. Some people think she's a little frivolous, but that's just the way she is. A desperate optimist, she easily overcomes all life's adversities. She has many friends of different ages.

Lilac is in no hurry with a career and family; enjoying life is above all. Diligent and purposeful, Lilac enjoys helping others. If Lilac gets married, then she usually makes a good family man; she knows how to create comfort and harmony in her home.

Lilac rarely gets sick, but if the illness knocks her down, she can sit on sick leave for months. Kidneys, liver - that's what she should pay attention to.

October 24 - November 02 - Freesia

Freesia is a typical workaholic. She is afraid of not having time to do something important in her life, so she is ready to work from morning to evening. People born under this sign are sympathetic. Despite the fact that she has a dime a dozen fans, Freesia is in no hurry to make a choice. She pays attention to either a co-worker or a person who does not interfere with her career advancement.

Freesia has children late. Sometimes he suffers from his straightforwardness. You need to be more diplomatic with her. She should not be overtired, otherwise nervous breakdowns could harm her and her career.

People of this sign suffer from lung diseases, so they should forget about bad habits (smoking).

November 03 - November 12 - Orchid

Such flowers do not grow here, only in greenhouses; people of this sign are distinguished by mystery and mystery. They are not too frank even with close people.

Usually they are presented with a fait accompli. Such a life position has its advantages - she always takes what rightfully belongs to her. Patient and able to wait. But he doesn’t like too much uncertainty and makes every effort to clarify the situation.

She is able to maintain a long-term relationship with her partner, since she remains a mystery person for a long time. Various doubts lead to clashes with others and friction with superiors. He does not strive to start a family early, he wants to live for himself. And sometimes he gets so carried away by this activity that he turns into an inveterate bachelor.

In Russia, the orchid is a greenhouse plant, so sores “stick” to people of this sign. Health must come first for them, otherwise diseases will become chronic.

November 13 - November 22 - Peony

The age of the Peony flower is short. But the human Peony need not fear for his health. He'll endure everything. Of course, with reasonable breaks from work. Peony needs to be more restrained and talk less about his plans. His character is flexible and he likes to work long and fruitfully. Those around him are sometimes simply amazed at his endurance. There are quite a few athletes among the Pions, and those who do not play sports professionally are sure to keep in shape by participating in sports sections.

Peony is promiscuous in relationships, but, without starting a family, he is never left alone. Loves to travel and go hiking. He is never left without work, believes in himself, treats people condescendingly, which sometimes interferes with him.

People of this sign should take care of their kidneys, as well as their heart.

November 23 - December 02 - Gladiolus

A person born under this sign is not distinguished by any special talents, but is very hardworking and efficient. Under skillful leadership can achieve a lot. There are no obvious geniuses among the Gladioli, perhaps because they spend their entire lives searching for themselves. One thing attracts them, then another. They are capable of suddenly breaking away from their homes and going in search of Eldorado. Incorrigible dreamers and romantics. They don’t like to brag, but they know how to look after their significant other beautifully.

In the family, Gladiolus is not a leader, but a subordinate. It is difficult to make decisions and listens to what others tell him.

With friends he is friendly and tolerant, with loved ones he is caring. Gladiolus usually makes a good mother (father), children love him and take care of him in old age.

He should monitor the condition of his teeth all his life, since this is his most “sore spot”, and caries is his worst enemy.

December 03 - December 12 - Dandelion

A symbol of warmth, loves freshness, wind, sun, warmth - everything associated with the awakening of nature. He is a generator of ideas and sometimes shocks with his progressive views. He cannot live without the attention of others. Always fashionably dressed, loves bright colors. Because of this, extravagance sometimes crosses all boundaries of taste and social norms.

Something always happens to Dandelion at work, because he makes decisions without consulting his superiors. Even if this decision is a competent one. In love, Dandelion does not tolerate omissions, is straightforward and frank, is able to surrender to feelings and does not think about the consequences.

Dandelion takes the betrayal of a partner very hard; if he finds out about the betrayal, he will almost certainly break up. Loves children, but perceives them as a necessary addition to marriage. Values ​​comfort, lazy.

Dandelion often has poor eyesight and suffers from eye diseases.

December 13 - December 22 - Lotus

For the peoples of the East, the lotus is a symbol of faith and purity. In our area, Lotus is exotic, nothing more. Although, thanks to his exoticism, originality of thinking and behavior, Lotus gets away with a lot. He should be more flexible towards people.

He is always neat, keeps himself within the bounds of decency and does not like anything extravagant.

He prefers the classics, although, without knowing it, he is capable of progressive thinking. Well organized both internally and externally. Disciplined, efficient. People of this sign have well-developed intuition; very often intuitive decisions turn out to be the only correct ones.

Devoted, reliable friend. He is somewhat conservative in his family; he falls in love once and for the rest of his life.

Therefore, Lotus sometimes suffers from unhappy love; if the blow is strong, depression lasts a very long time.

Lotus should take care of their stomach, limit themselves in food, stick to dietary foods, otherwise a stomach ulcer will ruin their life.

December 23 - December 31 - Edelweiss

The flower grows high in the mountains. A person born under this sign has all the qualities good friend. First of all, it is reliability. Calm temperament, although in the whirlwind of events he sometimes loses self-control. Loves freedom, fresh wind, mountains, sea space. Lives large. Does not tolerate restrictions and regulations. With such qualities, he manages to make a career, as he always thinks soberly and assesses the situation realistically.

Sharp on the tongue. He studies all his life - life, love, constancy. With age he becomes more balanced. Seeks temperamental partners to balance them out. He often changes jobs, but does not sit without money. He rarely starts a family and very late, after 30-35 years.

People of this sign are prone to hypertension and headaches.

Flower horoscope by date of birth is considered very popular when it comes to a person’s character and determining his characteristics. It is believed that it was created by the Druids - those who also authored the tree horoscope.

The flower horoscope divides all people into 36 types, each of which has its own flower. The division is based on date of birth.

The flower horoscope did not arise by chance. Even the ancient Druids noticed that plants affect each person differently and each tree, each flower has its own energy.

In the flower horoscope, each time period has its own patron plant. It not only gives a person born during this period its healing and life-giving power, but also affects individual traits of his character.

Thus, people born on the same day, but in different years, will relate to the same flower. In addition, a flower horoscope not only describes a person’s character, but can also indicate the compatibility of different types.

Also, this horoscope is considered very popular in wishes that contain congratulations in poetry and prose, since it allows you to original gift when congratulations are accompanied by a patron flower.

Flower horoscope by month

January1-10 1. Gentian
11-20 2. Thistle
21-31 3. Immortelle
February1-10 4. Mistletoe
11-20 5. Belladonna
21-29 6. Mimosa
March1-10 7. Poppy
11-20 8. Lily
21-31 9. Foxglove
April1-10 10. Magnolia
11-20 11. Hydrangea
21-30 12. Dahlia
May1-10 13. Lily of the valley
11-20 14. Purslane
21-31 15. Chamomile
June1-10 16. Bell
11-21 17. Daisy
22-1 18. Tulip
July2-12 19. Water lily
13-23 20. Violet
24-2 21. Rosehip
August3-12 22. Sunflower
13-23 23. Rose
24-2 24. Delphinium
September3-11 25. Carnation
12-22 26. Astra
23-3 27. Heather
October4-13 28. Camellia
14-23 29. Lilac
24-2 30. Freesia
November3-12 31. Orchid
13-22 32.Peony
23-2 33. Gladiolus
December3-12 34. Dandelion
13-22 35. Lotus
23-31 36. Edelweiss

January flowers


Gentian flowers are found in Central Europe, as well as in Asia Minor and prefers sunny mountain meadows. Gentian can reach a height of up to one and a half meters and is used as a medicinal plant.

Behind the external secrecy of a person born under the auspices of Gentian, shyness and vulnerability are hidden. In fact, the Gentian man is good-natured and sweet. He loves warmth and light, strives for the Sun. Such a person is very uncomfortable in winter and autumn. He should take a vacation during the cold season and go to the warm sea. If this is not possible, do not despair - at least visit a solarium.

The flower horoscope tells us that the Gentian person is very friendly and attentive to loved ones. He usually has a lot of friends. He is valued for his modesty and kindness. Gentian does not like noisy gatherings and parties. He prefers to spend evenings with his family.

Perhaps the biggest problem with Gentian is that this person is subject to unreasonable fears - he worries about any reason. It is difficult for him to make a decision, he hesitates all the time, weighs everything, it is very difficult for him to choose anything on his own. At the same time, Gentian is in no hurry to seek advice and help.

Advice to Gentians: trust yourself more! Your wisdom and intuition will tell you what to do! Believe in yourself and your capabilities!


The very name “thistle” in the old Russian language meant “repelling devils.” Evil spirits (or, in modern terms, negative energy) is actually afraid of him. Thistles were hung at the entrance to the house to protect against evil forces.

The place where this flower grew was considered bad, and people avoided it. Thistle protects from the evil eye, damage, evil spirits. It reaches its greatest power at the moment of flowering.

The person who is patronized by the Thistle is outwardly inconspicuous. He is never the center of attention. At the same time, he is very active, sometimes even fussy - so he tries with all his might to gain the favor of others.

Of course, the Thistle people achieve their goal, but only partially. Not everyone manages to discern their true essence, to understand that thistles are actually kind, decent and selfless. They are simply somewhat reserved and shy.

According to the flower horoscope, the Thistle's main problem is that he takes on work that he is not able to do, and tries to shoulder an unbearable burden. When he understands this, he can quit everything without thinking. This trait of Thistle often irritates those around him and greatly harms his reputation. Thistle loves and values ​​family and friends. In his value system, family comes first, and friends come second.

Advice to Thistles: protect your nervous system from overload. Keep in good physical shape. Health is your main wealth. Don't waste it ahead of time.


In the flower horoscope, Immortelle is an energetically very strong flower. It helps a person overcome many ailments. It is curious that he chooses his own master with whom he shares his energy.

The person patronized by Immortelle is a dandy and fashionista. Such a person is endowed with impeccable taste and sense of style, and never looks vulgar or vulgar. Immortelle creates its own unique image. And here everything matters - hairstyle, makeup, plastic movements, gestures, and demeanor.

The character of the Immortelle man is contradictory. He is modest and simple and would like to spend his life in a secluded place, such as country house. But most often his life passes in endless negotiations, receptions and receptions. He becomes a regular character in gossip columns. He gains a group of “fans” and, of course, envious people.

Many consider him mediocrity and a successful upstart. But these people don’t know or don’t want to believe that Immortelle achieved everything on his own. He is hardworking and talented. I am ready to move mountains for the sake of my goal. At the same time, he rarely asks for help, but is always ready to help his neighbor.

Advice to Immortals: remember that not all people are as strong as you. Learn to forgive people for their weaknesses, be more tolerant of them.

Flowers of February


The name of this flower is translated from Latin as “white bird glue.” The ancient Celts worshiped Mistletoe as a sacred flower. It was believed that Mistletoe appears on a tree as a result of a lightning strike.

In connection with this belief, there was a ritual of burning the Mistletoe flower. This is how people hoped to protect themselves from lightning strikes. In addition, it was believed that this flower opens all locks and bolts. However, the most valuable property of mistletoe is protection from witchcraft, damage, and the evil eye.

The person who is patronized by Mistletoe has an attractive appearance. He is endowed with fantastic charm and it is impossible to resist his charms. Therefore, the Mistletoe man is always surrounded by admirers. Flower horoscope for women and men Mistletoe is very opposite.

Mistletoe Women- real fatal beauties. Men have always competed over them. The Mistletoe woman is capable of decisive actions for the sake of love. Despite the fact that comfort and luxury are of great importance to her, she can follow her loved one to the ends of the earth. However, it should be remembered that Mistletoe’s feelings are strong, but, alas, not durable. She quickly gets bored with an unsettled life or unstable income.

Mistletoe Men must take care of their physical fitness, move more, play sports. Most often they become athletes. They are strong, agile, graceful. The Mistletoe Man is jealous, like Othello, and truly terrible in his anger. It’s better not to conflict with this. He does not tolerate defeat; victory is the only possible result for him.

Advice to Mistletoe: remember that the physical shell, even the most attractive, means nothing without spiritual content. Try to find time for education and self-improvement, do not neglect spiritual food.


The Belladonna flower is rather inconspicuous and dim. Nevertheless, it carries within itself a colossal potential of positive energy. People born under the auspices of Beauty are modest and full of virtues. They work hard and hard, and this work is always appreciated.

The Beauty person has virtually no financial problems. After all, he is not inclined to waste honestly earned money, he always lives within his means. He very rarely borrows money, only in the most extreme cases.

Beauty Man is sincere and straightforward. He does not know how to flatter and does not tolerate sycophants. Friends know this trait of Krasavka and are never offended by his harsh statements. Besides, Belle never lies. If such a person is faced with the choice of telling a lie or remaining silent, he will remain silent, but will not stoop to deception.

Beauty Woman She is a great shy woman by nature. But at the same time she never gets bored alone. She has plenty of gentlemen. She is a wonderful mother and a faithful wife, she will never betray her chosen one.

Beauty Man distinguished by strength and extraordinary endurance. Hardworking and purposeful, they always achieve a high position in society.

Advice to Bellas: be softer and more gentle. Look at the world with your eyes wide open. Remember that there is not only black and white in the world. The world is full of different colors!


Most people associate the Mimosa flower with the onset of spring. However, the Celts endowed this modest flower with special magical properties and gave it a special place in the flower horoscope.

A person born under the auspices of Mimosa is very sensitive. He does not have strong confidence in his abilities and often has low self-esteem. He is very sensitive to the fruits of his labors, is sensitive to criticism, and can become depressed due to a kindly ridicule or a reproach thrown in passing.

The Mimosa Man tries his best, works not out of fear, but out of conscience. Approval and support are very important to him, especially from family and management. Unfortunately, the health of the Mimosa person is not always good. Often the disease occurs as a result of depression, overwork or loss of strength.

The Mimosa Man values ​​coziness and comfort. And the life of such a person ultimately turns out well. But Mimosa rarely manages to get rich - she has neither ambition nor ambition for this.

Advice to Mimosas: it is worth remembering that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. Try to find time to exercise. This will give you strength and improve your health. More confidence in your abilities! You are capable of a lot; you should not rely too much on the assessment of others - people’s judgments are always subjective.

Flowers of March


Poppy is a very bright red flower with an intoxicating aroma. Poppy was used for medicinal purposes. According to the flower horoscope, its energy does not have a positive effect on everyone.

A person born under the auspices of Mac is a bright personality. He is talented and successful, quickly makes a career, reaches great heights. Poppy is always in sight, surrounded by his constant retinue. Unfortunately, Mack is not always surrounded by real, faithful friends. Most of his companions bask in the rays of his glory, but at the same time they envy him with black envy.

Mac's path to the top of fame and fortune is very difficult. He has to work hard and give all his strength in order to achieve a great goal. It happens that from fatigue he becomes depressed, quits his job and family, and plunges into his psychological problems. However, the “black” period gives way to an energetic upsurge, Mac is reborn from the ashes, like a phoenix, and is again ready to fight.

The personal life of the Mac man is a series of passionate romances and amazing adventures. His feelings are strong, but not durable. He does not want to settle down and have a family and children.

Advice to mamas: value friendship and sincere feelings! Trust your intuition, it will lead you in the right direction!


Lily is an energetically powerful and mysterious flower. He has a contradictory characteristic. According to the flower horoscope, on the one hand, the white lily is a symbol of chastity and piety, on the other, a symbol of vice and debauchery.

A person born under the auspices of Lily is outwardly modest and quiet. But don't be fooled! Behind external modesty hides a complex character and contradictory nature. Such a person always achieves his goal. He skillfully uses his charms and has a great understanding of people. This is an excellent diplomat. He knows how to keep his intentions secret and not reveal his true emotions.

Lily literally bewitches those around her. Many people fall under her charm. The Lily man loves power, loves to manipulate people. But he does it subtly. He does not use power moves or brute force. He feels the power of words, always knows who should say what, who he can make fun of, and knows how to lie smoothly and plausibly. All this is seasoned with an excellent sense of humor.

The Lily man is tactful. Always follows the rules of politeness and does not tolerate rudeness and rudeness. There are two types of women of this sign. They are either great righteous women or great sinners. They drive men crazy: some with their morality, purity and inaccessibility, others with passion.

Advice for Lilies: remember that power is not the only goal in life. Be sincere and learn to enjoy simple things.


Foxglove is the most inconspicuous flower that people patronize. But the people whom he patronizes are his complete opposite. Usually people born under the auspices of Foxglove have a very bright appearance. Moreover, this may be an appearance with a predominance of contrasts.

Foxglove people may be rare owners of such color combinations in their appearance as soft blue eyes and blue-black hair or blond hair and dark brown eyes. Often, Foxglove people are distinguished by contrast not only in appearance. Character traits such as tenderness and harshness of judgment, passion and laziness, determination and a tendency toward melancholy can coexist quite peacefully with each other. Apparently, this is why among Foxgloves there are a huge number of bright, extraordinary-thinking personalities.

The Foxglove flower horoscope says that determination is one of the... distinctive features their character. Whatever they undertake, they do it quickly and easily. The seemingly impossible task is resolved in a matter of minutes, as soon as the Digitalis man gets down to business. Foxgloves fight life's difficulties in the most decisive way.

Through the eyes of a Digitalis person, any unfavorable life situation appears as an insignificant, quickly solvable obstacle. Foxglove people can prove themselves in any field, wherever they work. Their heads work clearly and quickly, so the right decision, made in a timely manner, never lets them down.

Foxgloves can be excellent teachers, as they are not devoid of teaching talent. In addition, they make good diplomats and industrial consultants.

Advice for Foxgloves: Your best talisman would probably be the small, pale yellow foxglove flower!

Flowers of April


According to the flower horoscope, people who are patronized by Magnolia have been extremely ambitious since childhood. They are attracted by unattainable heights. It is worth noting that in the end, Magnolia people achieve their goal, become famous and rich. They have an abundance of both fans and envious people.

Magnolia people know how to not only earn money, but also spend money, doing it wisely. They buy only the essentials, and are very cool about such attributes of a luxurious life as diamonds, furs and expensive cars. If such an opportunity arises, they will always save.

Magnolia Woman can be capricious and willful. They may seem like frivolous flirts. But this is a misleading impression. Magnolia women have a cold, calculating mind and a realistic, sometimes even cynical, outlook on life. They know what they want, they go straight towards their goal, sweeping opponents out of their way.

Magnolia Man values ​​family and marriage relationships. But in the family he takes a slightly different position than in professional field. If at work the Magnolia Man is a leader, manager, head, then he strives to remain in the family “ eminence grise", manage not directly.

Advice to Magnolias: give yourself pleasure - take a day off and try to be lazy that day.


The Hydrangea flower comes in a wide variety of shades, so it is highly valued in decorative floriculture. These flowers are unpretentious and do not require careful care; they take root well and bloom for a long time. This is what the flower horoscope tells us about the people who are protected by this flower.

A person born under the auspices of Hortense is always in a good mood. He is cheerful, cheerful, and has a bright appearance. However, he is often lonely. Hortensia’s loneliness has two reasons: selfishness and narcissism. Hortense's feelings are short-lived. She quickly gets carried away, but no less quickly loses interest in her chosen one or chosen one.

Oddly enough, Hortense does not suffer from a lack of fans. She firmly believes that no one is irreplaceable, which means that separation and separation are not worth the pain. Hortense loves active recreation. She likes noisy companies, parties, travel. She enjoys spending time in idleness. These people strive for a secure and comfortable life. If they marry, it is only for convenience.

Advice to Hortensia: be more attentive to your neighbors, do not pamper and cherish your selfishness.


The dahlia belongs to the aster family and its closest relatives are asters, chrysanthemums, sunflowers, marigolds, gerberas and some other flowers. Dahlias bloom all summer and fall. Only the cold breath of winter destroys their charm. The flower horoscope states that the energy of these flowers is very powerful and positive.

A person born under the auspices of Dahlia is balanced, knows how to maintain a balance between work and leisure, and finds a middle ground everywhere. He has enough time for everything. He doesn’t fuss or rush, but at the same time he’s on time everywhere. He works hard and fruitfully, educates himself, leads an active lifestyle, and loves traveling.

He always has everything in moderation. There are friends, but their number is small. There is a family that he loves and never tires of taking care of. However, the Dahlia man is never completely satisfied with his life and his achievements.

He tends to endlessly analyze his behavior and look for the reasons for this or that action. He listens to the advice of friends with some dissatisfaction. He wants to decide everything himself and does not tolerate interference in his life.

Advice to Dahlias: you need to believe in yourself more. Fortune is a very capricious person; you should not abuse her favor.

Flowers of May

Lilies of the valley

Among the ancient Germans, the lily of the valley was considered the flower of the goddess of the rising Sun and spring. There are many legends about the origin of this flower. It was believed that the lily of the valley mourned the passing spring so much that its heart, wounded by grief, stained its tears with blood. According to another version, the lily of the valley appeared from the tears of a beautiful woman who was abandoned by her lover.

Lily of the valley is a symbol of fidelity and purity. The flower horoscope warns - you need to be very careful with this flower. It has strong energy, which depends on the time when it was collected. Under no circumstances should it be collected and given as a gift on the eve of the new moon.

The Lily of the Valley man is very vulnerable and sensitive. He can be decisive and assertive, but is completely lost when he encounters resistance. Lily of the valley absolutely does not know how to stand up for himself and defend his interests. He is often sad for no reason. Lily of the valley is very modest and shy. His appearance is unremarkable, his voice is quiet. In any situation, he controls his emotions and does not allow them to spill out.

Lily of the Valley's professional life is associated with the transfer of experience and knowledge. He often becomes a teacher and preacher. He likes work that requires precision and accuracy. Long and painstaking work does not frighten him, which means that Lily of the Valley can become a good scientist.

Lily of the valley is a wonderful family man. For him, the family is the main support, because it is the family that gives him a feeling of security and stability. She loves children, always worries about them, worries, and helps in all endeavors.

Advice to Lilies of the Valley: don’t be afraid to express yourself. More healthy egoism, in in a good way this word. There is no need to constantly sacrifice yourself. You will be loved no less if you devote more time to yourself.


IN Ancient Egypt purslane was eaten. Such famous scientists Ancient Greece, like Hippocrates and Pliny, used purslane to treat many serious illnesses. The flowering time of this plant is from June to September.

A person who, according to the flower horoscope, is under the auspices of Purslane can be pessimistic. He cannot fully enjoy the results of his victories because he expected defeat. When Purslane falls in love, he torments his chosen one with attacks of jealousy. After all, he is sure in advance that his partner is leading him by the nose or cheating on him.

Man Purslane doesn’t take anyone’s word for it. He suspects everyone of evil intentions and always doubts the sincerity of his friends and colleagues. These traits prevent Purslane from fully enjoying life, finding peace of mind and family happiness. After all, when creating a family, Purslane does not think about living together, but imagines a divorce and the subsequent division of property in advance.

Purslane considers all life's adversities to be a natural and inevitable punishment for sins. For all mistakes he blames himself first. However, these sins are largely the product of Purslane's own imagination. Despite the terrible suspiciousness, this person can show spiritual generosity and be a devoted friend.

Advice to Purslane: as Carlson said, “calm, just calm.” You spend too much mental energy on causeless worries. You are a worthy person, it’s interesting to be with you, people quite sincerely sympathize with you - there is no need to constantly doubt this.


Since ancient times, this humble wildflower has been used for medicinal purposes. It is known that chamomile infusion has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, and antiseptic effect. Essential oil chamomile disinfects, relieves pain and various inflammations.

The flower horoscope states that Chamomile is a very good and kind talisman. She helps to find luck. It is no coincidence that lovers use chamomile to tell their fortunes - it is this flower that can attract the betrothed.

A person born under the auspices of Chamomile outwardly seems like a naive simpleton. He is cheerful, sociable, maybe even too frank. But you shouldn’t let your guard down when talking with Romashka! The Daisy Man is actually not simple at all. He knows very well what he is trying to achieve, and your frankness in response can cost you dearly.

Remember the phrase that the police say:

"Anything you say can be used against you."

Chamomile clearly builds her life strategy. With everyone he encounters life path, she plays her game. Searches and always finds individual approach. All her actions are logical, even if they seem rash or spontaneous. Chamomile moves towards her goal gradually, step by step. But exactly what goals Chamomile is achieving is known only to her.

She knows how to keep secrets and keeps her plans secret. That is why Romashka never keeps diaries or writes down her innermost thoughts. To be fair, I would like to note that in general Chamomile is quite cute. She doesn't deliberately try to harm or ruin anyone's life. She doesn't do evil on purpose. Romashka’s personal life will only work out if she is sincere with her partner and does not try to manipulate him.

Advice to Daisies: your happiness is next to you, but you don’t notice it - you are too carried away by plans and strategies.

Flowers of June


Judging by the flower horoscope, the bell has positive energy. That is why a bouquet made of bells touches the soul. A person born under the auspices of the Bell respects order. His views are characterized by moderate conservatism.

The bell man always adheres to the classic style in clothes. He is not interested in “lightweight” popular music and does not understand fashion trends. The bell is afraid of any changes and protects the established order of things. He rarely changes his place of residence or place of work. Even if the situation at work is not going well, he will endure until his situation becomes unbearable.

The Bell Man values ​​his family very much. He loves children, spends a lot of time with them, and does not neglect parental responsibilities. Bell is faithful to his wife. He considers betrayal an unforgivable act. From the outside it may seem that the Bell is monotonous and predictable. But don't forget about its advantages.

The bell is infinitely kind, friendly, and attentive to his neighbors, who often abuse his generosity and kindness. Bell achieves great success in his career. He strives for prosperity, but does not accept luxury. His motto can be formulated as follows: “What I have is enough for me.”

Advice to Bells: of course, classics are a time-tested art, but still don’t be so conservative, try to do an extravagant act at least once in your life, for example fashionable haircut or a tattoo. You can’t even imagine how new experiences will enrich you!


The daisy certainly has positive energy. The flower horoscope states that a person born under the auspices of the Daisy is distinguished by modesty and kindness. In a large company he feels very insecure. He doesn't like noisy gatherings.

For Daisy people, a quiet evening with the family or a trip to nature is much more pleasant. Even a short walk in the fresh air gives Daisies strength for the whole day. People around her consider Margaritka to be a prude. Unfortunately, she is often underestimated, considered simple-minded and mediocre.

In her personal life, Daisy is usually happy. She pays a lot of attention to her family and home. Daisy Woman- a wonderful housewife and mother. Man – Daisy a respectable and devoted spouse. But, oddly enough, two Daisies, a man and a woman, cannot make an ideal couple.

Although in ordinary, everyday life, Margarita prefers to be in the shadows and not attract attention to herself, at a crucial moment she is able to cope with excitement and show composure - she copes well with any difficulties and stress.

Margaritka has no special career aspirations. She chooses a job she likes and is content with that. He is not eager to become a leader. Nevertheless, Daisy achieves success. Her professionalism and hard work are duly appreciated over time.

Advice to Daisies: try to enjoy yourself with rest more often and spend more time in nature.


The tulip is very diverse and has many faces. It comes in a variety of colors, from white to almost black. Interesting fact: it is known that the tulip is one of the national symbols Holland, and it was in this country that one of the first financial pyramids was built, connected precisely with tulips.

The energy of the tulip and its symbolism are contradictory. A person born under the auspices of Tulip, according to the flower horoscope, is a womanizer and an adventurer. His life passes in an endless series of love victories and romantic adventures.

Man - Tulip is a passionate lover, a daring conqueror of women's hearts. It is impossible to resist his charms. He is able to conquer even a very chaste young lady. It is important to understand that for Tulip the process of conquest and conquest itself is much more important than the result. He quickly loses interest in his next chosen one and sets out in search of new sensations. He does not tolerate marriage obligations and certainly does not strive to start a family. This person is completely self-sufficient. Tulip's needs for home comfort and care can arise only in adulthood.

Woman - Tulip- fatal beauties. They are not as flighty as men, but nevertheless they love adventure and are not constancy. The Tulip man is more passionate about his experiences, victories on the love front, and personal problems. He can and knows how to make money. But they are not his goal. He believes that money exists to be spent with maximum pleasure.

Advice to Tulips: of course, it’s a lot of fun to live one day at a time, have fun, without thinking about anything. But there are no free pleasures. And you risk paying for the “aimless years lived” with a lonely and frail old age. And one more thing: do not neglect the feelings of others.

Flowers of July

Water lilies

Our ancient ancestors believed that water lilies, like other water flowers, are under the protection of the Water One. Tearing water lilies without Vodyanoy’s permission is a very reckless act. In order not to anger the water spirits, before picking a water lily, several small coins were thrown into the water.

Based on the flower horoscope, a person born under the auspices of the Water Lily is modest, decent, and very hardy. He certainly has a strong character. One can only be amazed at Water Lily’s optimism. Such a person maintains presence of mind in any, even the most difficult life situation. He can achieve a lot in life.

Since childhood, Water Lily has been an excellent student and then works hard. The personal life of the Water Lily man is going well. Loneliness does not threaten him. Such a person has no shortage of admirers.

Water Lily is very calm about money. She is quite happy with her financial situation. In fairness, I would like to note that Water Lily rarely lacks funds. She can work several jobs and combine several positions. In addition, Water Lily does not waste money and knows how to spend it wisely.

Advice to Water Lilies: your life is going quite well and happily, but your happiness will be more complete if you finally settle on one of your many fans and start a family.


Violet is a flower whose energy can strengthen a person’s spirit, awaken respect and pride in him, and increase self-esteem. People who, according to the flower horoscope, are under the protection of Violet are born diplomats.

Man - Violet has a great understanding of people. Can benefit from almost any situation. He knows how to behave in society, knows who and what exactly to say.

In professional activities, the Violet person is a reliable partner. He does not violate obligations and contracts, always keeps his word and does not play a double game.

The Violet Man is freedom-loving. Since childhood, he has been distinguished by his bright personality. He never falls under the influence of others and builds his own line of behavior.

The personal life of a Violet person will be very successful if his partner is an optimistic person. It is also important that the partner appreciates and respects Violet. She needs the support of a close, loved one. If Violet does not receive it, she becomes despondent and may become bitter.

Advice to Violets: I would like to wish you to be more confident in your abilities. Remember: you can achieve anything you want, you have everything for this - intelligence, talent, willpower. Don't give up! Everything will be great for you!

Rose hip

Rosehip has very strong energy. According to the flower horoscope, this is the most powerful love talisman. Rosehip works real miracles. It is capable of awakening love in a person and even kindling a fire of passion. If blood “mixes” on a rosehip branch, that is, both the one who plucked the branch and the one for whom it was intended were scratched by its thorns, a fatal passion may arise. In addition, rosehip protects against evil forces and gives vigor.

A person born under the auspices of Rosehip is often lonely. People don't understand him, they underestimate him. Such a person is ironic and can speak rather caustically towards his interlocutor. However, the “prickliness” of the Rosehip man is nothing more than a method of self-defense.

By nature, he is good-natured and does not wish harm to anyone. He is vulnerable and sensitive, and he himself has a hard time because of his behavior. People do not always understand it and appreciate it.

Rosehip has few friends, but they know for sure that he will never betray or turn away in difficult times, he will be the first to help and will not consider this a feat.

The Rosehip Man does not forgive lies and deception. Don't try to flatter him or ingratiate yourself with him. He also does not tolerate hypocrisy and duplicity. Anyone who behaves dishonestly with him will forever lose his favor.

The personal life of the Rosehip man is not going very smoothly. If Rosehip is in love, he is able to move mountains for the sake of his chosen one. But Rosehip's feelings can quickly fade if his partner does not appreciate him or abuses his kindness.

Advice to Rose Hips: your thorns hurt, remember that! Of course, you need protection, but you should not perceive life as a theater of war.

August flowers


Sunflower seeds and the oil that is obtained from its seeds can protect you from serious misfortunes. In the old days, people believed that sunflower seeds sprinkled at the threshold would prevent ill-wishers from crossing the threshold. Sunflowers were planted close to the house so that these flowers would keep peace in the family and give a person their positive energy.

A person born according to the flower horoscope under the auspices of the Sunflower is a real darling of fate. He is active, cheerful, and does not lose optimism. Troubles do not embitter him - he knows how to stay in the most difficult situations. Moreover, he knows how to cheer up a person who has become despondent and disappointed in life.

Family is of great importance to the Sunflower person. He protects the peace and tranquility of his loved ones, appreciates care and attention. If the situation requires it, he is able to overcome his selfishness and compromise. In society, Sunflower is somewhat arrogant and sometimes harsh in his statements.

The Sunflower person is a leader, a good organizer and manager. He can defend his point of view, is well versed in any environment, and makes decisions quickly. Sunflower does not tolerate pressure and does not recognize ultimatums. But he negotiates well and achieves his goals.

Advice to Sunflowers: you are kind, generous, brave and determined, you have few shortcomings, however, remember that pride and selfishness never lead to good.


Rose is always associated with the most important and solemn events in a person’s life. Rose captivates with its sophisticated beauty and delightful aroma. Judging by the flower horoscope, people born under the auspices of Rose are willful and selfish. They have many fans, but also many envious people.

Unfortunately, the Rose man has a poor understanding of people and cannot always distinguish flattery from sincere praise. Rose has few friends. Not everyone can calmly relate to her whims, arrogance and frequent mood swings.

Rose Women behave like royalty. They look down on others and act very arrogantly. If Roses are lucky enough to succeed in life, they become snobs and despise their former surroundings.

Rose Men strive to assert themselves at the expense of others. They prove their superiority to everyone, but at the same time they cannot withstand the fight against a truly strong opponent. If Rose's life is not going very well, she becomes embittered and releases her thorns, becoming gloomy and prickly.

Advice to Roses: be softer - it will help you a lot in life. A sound assessment will also help you own strength and abilities. Try to be less selfish, because you can alienate a loyal and loving person.


The Delphinium flower gets its name because its buds resemble the body of a gray dolphin. What can a flower horoscope tell us about people - Delphiniums?

A person born under the auspices of Delphinium is modest. He does not have a bright appearance or the makings of a leader. However, he does not strive to take a leading position. At the same time, Delphinium has a strong character, he is not afraid of difficulties and treats them philosophically.

As a friend, Delphinium is reliable and loyal. But do not try to deceive him or treat him dishonestly - this person does not know how to forgive. If the step from friendship to hatred is not difficult to take, then the way back will be simply impossible.

Delphinium will forever remove an unscrupulous person from its environment. If a traitor or deceiver turns out to be close person or beloved, for Delphinium this is a real disaster, which he experiences for a very long time and hard.

It can be very interesting to be with him, he is well educated and well read. Books are Delphinium’s faithful companions. He devotes a lot of time to self-education. In everyday life, the Delphinium man is content with little. He doesn't care about comfort and coziness. He can live and be happy in any living conditions.

Advice for Delphiniums: sometimes the situation requires you to make compromise decisions - do not be afraid to express your opinion, listen to your opponent.

Flowers of September


Clove, thanks to its strong positive energy, protects against evil forces and promotes the healing of the entire body. The carnation flower can attract wealth and helps a person realize himself to the fullest. People born according to the flower horoscope under the auspices of Carnation are distinguished by a keen sense of justice.

Carnation will fight for a just cause until the bitter end. She will not allow anyone to treat her or her loved ones dishonestly. At the same time, the Carnation man can defend not only his rights, but also protect those who are not able to do this themselves. Carnations often become activists in social movements and parties.

Carnation is a bad diplomat. It gives rise to constant conflicts, both at work and in the family. Sitting her down at the negotiating table and looking for compromises is an almost impossible task. However, it is worth remembering that Carnation does not wish harm to anyone. She simply cannot accept lies and injustice. Ultimately, her actions are aimed at good. And one more important fact: Gvozdika is an ideological fighter, she is selfless, it is impossible to bribe her.

Advice to Carnations: do not rush to the barricades for any reason. Try not to be so straightforward - this will only harm you, because your opponent calculates your reaction in advance and drags out the confrontation, forcing you to get involved in a “positional war” in which you are not strong.


Astra protects a person from bad thoughts and helps him not to lose his presence of mind in difficult times. Figuratively speaking, the Astra Man is a cozy fire in the darkness of a cold autumn night. Such a person is always in a good mood. He is cheerful and seems carefree. But this is no frivolous rake.

Nature has given him a lot of energy, and he is able to share it. It is difficult for the Astra Man to understand people who constantly complain about life and the vicissitudes of fate. Astra is able to encourage, sympathize and help, but she is used to solving problems on her own and quickly. According to the flower horoscope, Asters are sociable and sweet.

Astra Woman- a hospitable and cordial hostess. She enjoys receiving guests and loves family celebrations. Astra will never forget to congratulate her friends on holidays or an important family date, and always gives generous gifts. However, sometimes Astra can be overly intrusive.

Astra Man lives for today. He is not burdened by the burden of memories. He doesn't look back and moves only forward. But at the same time, he does not forget to learn lessons and does not repeat mistakes if they happened in his past. Astra achieves success in her professional activities. In general, the life of such a person is successful. He is valued by his colleagues and respected by his superiors. Astra's family life is also very prosperous.

Astram's advice: not all people are endowed with your willpower, optimism and energy - you should sympathize with them, but do not allow others to abuse your kindness


This modest forest flower with a bitter aroma is endowed with powerful energy. He patronizes only those people who have fortitude. As the flower horoscope tells us, people born under the auspices of Heather strive for perfection all their lives. They diligently maintain their reputation and value it very much.

There is no task that the Heather man cannot handle. This is a jack of all trades. He knows his own worth very well, and those around him respect him. Veresk is a wonderful teacher; he has the talent and patience to explain complex things to people in simple language. In addition, he is never too authoritarian or strict.

Heather does not tolerate half-measures or half-hearted solutions. He is a maximalist and an idealist. Heather's personal life, as a rule, develops happily. In family life he is a leader, but not a despot. Heather loves the comfort of home, appreciates taking care of himself and takes pleasure in taking care of his loved ones.

Heather is sociable and has many friends. Negative emotions this person does not accumulate, is not touchy and does not hold grudges, which is why they love him. He is able to forgive human weaknesses, but you should not abuse his generosity.

Advice to Heathers: you are not too emotional, or rather, you act aloof in public, as a result of which you give the impression of an indifferent person. You should not hide your emotions - joy or annoyance. If you laugh heartily, you will not be considered unrestrained or weak for it.

October flowers


Japan, China and Vietnam are considered the birthplace of camellia. An interesting fact is that camellia and tea are close relatives; they belong to the same family. In 1725 BC. e. one of the Chinese emperors wrote that an infusion of camellia leaves was his favorite drink. Over time, camellia began to be grown in Europe, and then throughout the world.

According to the flower horoscope, people born under the auspices of Camellia feel insecure and vulnerable. They are always in the center of attention and are looking for a patron who would protect them from life's troubles.

Camellia Woman surrounded by numerous fans. She attracts with her sensuality and emotionality. Next to her, a man can feel like a knight, a protector. Camellia has an amazing sense of beauty. She surrounds herself with beauty. She creates the interior of her home herself, selecting every little detail very carefully. She closely follows fashion trends and is always dressed stylishly and tastefully.

Camellia Man may be timid and shy. But if he manages to overcome self-doubt, he can be very successful in life. Camellia can be a photographer or artist, architect or designer, and a rich imagination contributes to literary talent.

Everything that the Camellia man does is done perfectly. Camellia never slacks or works half-heartedly. These people love to travel, get new experiences, and regularly attend exhibitions, theaters, and fashion shows.

Advice to Camellias: you are charming, it is very pleasant to communicate with you, but sometimes you can be too arrogant and arrogant - try to avoid this.


Lilac, according to the flower horoscope, can serve as a love talisman; it is endowed with strong positive energy. Lilac is a symbol of youth, youth, innocence and freshness.

People born under the auspices of Lilac can be naive and simple-minded. They retain these qualities throughout their lives. But you should not think that the Lilac man does not understand people and is not able to distinguish sincere feelings from flattery. For all his naivety and childish spontaneity, the Lilac man is a realist and knows exactly what he wants to achieve in life.

The Lilac Man does not doubt his abilities, but at the same time he is not overly self-confident. He can ask for help or advice if he is unable to find a solution on his own. He willingly comes to the aid of his friends. He does not expect special gratitude from people and does not demand too much from those around him.

Lilac's personal life is going well. Lilac can meet her companion completely unexpectedly - she believes in love at first sight. In her youth she can be flighty, but over the years she becomes more cautious.

Advice to Lilacs: nature has generously rewarded you with talents; all that remains is to wish you to realize them to the fullest.


The energy of freesia is aimed at strengthening strength. The main qualities of a Freesia person are stubbornness and fearlessness. Such a person is actually not afraid of anyone or anything. According to the flower horoscope, Freesia people can withstand any trials in life and remain completely unharmed.

Freesia's stubbornness, directed in a positive direction, can bring him a lot of benefit. Freesia strives at all costs to become the first, the best. Others may be annoyed by Freesia's determination and activity. They envy her and slander her behind her back. It often happens that Freesia does not find contact with her work colleagues, but her superiors respect and appreciate her.

Freesia will never be left without a livelihood. For all her ambition, under the pressure of circumstances, she may agree to an uninteresting but highly paid job. In this case, in order to realize your Creative skills, Freesia finds herself an interesting hobby. The Freesia woman is a real needlewoman. She sews, knits and embroiders beautifully. Always looks elegant and fashionable, but not pretentious or vulgar.

Advice for Freesias: don’t be petty and too meticulous. You are a leader, and it is difficult for you to fit into generally accepted frameworks, but try not to speak too harshly, be softer - this will help you a lot in life.

November flowers


An orchid gives energy and can awaken bright feelings in a person. People born under the auspices of the Orchid according to the flower calendar are endowed with amazing flair and insight. They can be clairvoyant or psychic and can literally see right through people. Therefore, don’t even try to cheat with Orchid, and certainly don’t deceive her.

An orchid can be superstitious and, as a result, very secretive. You will never know her true plans and intentions. She does not tolerate interference in her personal life, keeps her thoughts secret, and controls her emotions well. He may give the impression of being lethargic, tired and indifferent, but this is far from the case.

Orchid is very emotional. But she prefers to express her emotions in creativity - she writes poetry or music, draws amazing pictures. Orchid is a good worker, a professional. However, she is difficult to obey and often creates conflict situations. The ideal option for her is remote work, which allows her to spend a lot of time at home.

The personal life of an Orchid person rarely develops without problems. Her secrecy and isolation, as well as her solitary lifestyle, are not to everyone’s liking. In addition, her partner may be irritated by her ability to “see through” and predict actions and behavior in general. It is impossible to surprise an orchid; it always knows everything. It is very difficult to get along with such a person. Orchid does not lecture, but in everyday life she does not hide her dissatisfaction.

Advice for Orchids: try to be more open. You are not surrounded at all bad people, and they don't want to harm you. With your coldness, you alienate friends who sincerely sympathize with you. Your kindness may simply not be noticed.


The Peony flower in many countries is considered a symbol of masculinity, strength and power. This bright flower gives energy and can awaken creativity and strong feelings in a person.

As the flower horoscope tells us, people born under the auspices of Peony are unusually different good health. They almost never get sick, are resilient and can cope with the heaviest loads. Such people rarely feel tired.

Peony is very active and does not tolerate idleness and idleness. He has many friends, he loves to be in society. Such a person is self-sufficient, indifferent to criticism - it is useless for Peony to flatter and curry favor with him. He knows his own worth and does not need anyone's assessments. However, Peony is quite self-critical, and the best judge for him is himself.

Peony values ​​family. In his youth he starts many affairs, but in his mature years he settles down. Peony, as a rule, remains faithful to her chosen one. He is reliable as a rock and is able to protect his loved ones from any misfortune. Peony does not lose his presence of mind even in crisis situations; moreover, extreme stress is his native element.

Advice to Peonies: avoid extremes and, most importantly, learn to control your emotions. Outbursts of anger bring you much more more harm than the people against whom they are directed.


The Gladiolus flower horoscope describes people very ambiguously. It says that the destiny of the Gladiolus man is to be “number two.” He lacks his own strength to be a leader. But this is not a reason for frustration - Gladiolus can be a reliable colleague and co-author. For his potential to be fully realized, he needs a skillful and wise leader and mentor.

Gladiolus Man is friendly and simple-minded. This is a frivolous rake, never analyzes his own behavior, is unable to learn lessons from own mistakes. Figuratively speaking, the forehead of the Gladiolus man is covered with bumps from being hit by the same rake.

Gladiolus has a great sense of humor. He is not afraid to seem funny, he allows himself to be made fun of. He is the soul of any company. Peace and tranquility reign in the Gladiolus family. He doesn’t make scandals and doesn’t like to sort things out. Gladiolus has a wonderful quality - accepting people as they are, with all their weaknesses and shortcomings.

Advice to Gladioli: try to think about the topics “Why did I get into trouble again...” and “What should I do to avoid stepping on a rake?”

December flowers


Dandelion gives a person positive emotions. According to the flower horoscope, a person born under the auspices of Dandelion is distinguished by kindness and generosity. He loves two things very much - being outdoors and the company of friends. This is easy to explain. Dandelions have a hard time conserving their solar energy in urban environments. Going out into nature is a great opportunity for him to “recharge.”

Dandelion loves the company of friends because he is sociable and cheerful. He likes noisy gatherings. He seeks adventure and loves to travel. For the sake of his friends, Dandelion will not hesitate to give his last. He is reliable devoted friend. The Dandelion man’s personal life does not always go well, although he is an interesting conversationalist and is in a good mood most of the time.

Living with such a person is very difficult, sometimes impossible. He is completely unaware of everyday problems and is not interested in them; he constantly forgets his promises to pay rent or buy groceries. He lives one day at a time and is able to spend all his earned money in one evening. If your chosen one turns out to be Dandelion, you have only two options - either accept him as he is (trying to change him is a hopeless matter), or part with him.

Advice to Dandelions: you are too careless. Your talents are not being properly realized. Of course, your life is a continuous holiday. But, sad as it may be, the holidays end sooner or later. Your carefree friends will grow up, start families, and their lives will change radically. You risk being left alone.


For many Asian peoples, this is the most revered flower, which symbolizes purity and innocence. The lotus grows in mud, in a swamp, but at the same time it is clean and beautiful. Hindus associate it with holiness and divine protection.

According to the flower horoscope, people born under the auspices of the Lotus are endowed with beauty, rich imagination, wit, and grace. The list of their advantages can be continued endlessly.

The Lotus Man is a noble knight if we're talking about about a man. He is a gallant gentleman, beautifully looks after his chosen one, is very romantic, and knows how to give original compliments. Lotus is a reliable and devoted friend. You can be one hundred percent sure of it - Lotus will never deceive or betray.

Lotus Woman- a charming coquette. But at the same time, she is not selfish or capricious. He is rarely the leader in the family. She is able to subordinate her life to the interests of her family, give up her career and become a housewife if circumstances so require.

Lotus Man- idealist. He tends to see in life only positive sides. And, oddly enough, troubles really avoid him. He is full of strength and energy, achieving enviable success in life. His career always goes well.

Lotus's personal life is turbulent. Lotus is monogamous. He remains faithful to his partner, even when he is disappointed in him, so he will try his best to keep the family together. Lotus loves his children madly and is ready to help them in everything, even when the children have already become adults.

Advice to Lotuses: do not be arrogant and arrogant. Your talents give you reason to be proud - this is an indisputable fact, but you still won’t have to rest on your laurels. Life will require new achievements and exploits from you.


Edelweiss is perhaps one of the brightest representatives of the flower horoscope. This is a very powerful talisman that brings wealth, success and love. A person born under the auspices of Edelweiss is independent and selfish. He is self-sufficient, but nevertheless loves to be in society. He is sociable and makes friends easily.

Unfortunately, Edelweiss is prone to wasting his talents. He is fickle and inconsistent. There is no system or logic in his actions. It is difficult for him to make a choice; he has been looking for his place in the sun, his true calling for a long time. Constant dissatisfaction with himself prevents him from fully enjoying the results of his work. He may abandon a project in the middle, fail to complete his studies, or refuse a promising position.

Edelweiss does not tolerate dictate and never obeys anyone. He doesn't care too much about his reputation. Getting along with such a person is not easy. He can be quick-tempered and irritable. In general, we can say that Edelweiss is a man of mood. He can be sweet and charming, or he can be rude. However, Edelweiss never stoops to outright rudeness.

Edelweiss is also scattered in personal life. This person is not created for family life. He wins many victories on the love front, but suffers no less defeats - not everyone can come to terms with Edelweiss’s selfishness.

Advice to Edelweiss: do not go to extremes. You can achieve a lot in life, but you miss favorable circumstances and do not appreciate the people who truly love you. Try to be more attentive to those around you.

Flower horoscope– an interesting and truthful system that allows you to find out the character, personality traits and compatibility of each individual type. In addition, the flower horoscope is popular in verses, which can form part of a congratulation with a flower symbol.

Everyone loves flowers. And for everyone on earth there is a flower according to their date of birth. Today we will tell you about the flower horoscope.


The “sponsored” sunflowers are loved, valued and respected for their authority and strength. They are considered unique and irreplaceable. Even in hopeless situations, they solve problems with lightning speed.

Sunflowers are so gifted that they can realize themselves only in adulthood, because in their youth they simply “scatter into pollen”, wasting themselves on insignificant matters.

In order to succeed, they must act honestly and selflessly, listening to their hearts. They simply didn’t learn how to be cunning. However, their life already resembles a full cup.

People born in these numbers are constant, loyal and persistent people who outwardly look outright stubborn. Their refined sense of homeliness amazes even the indifferent.

They carefully choose their life partners. But first it wouldn’t hurt to improve your intuition and your psychological abilities who can help you better understand your neighbors and communicate with them more confidently.

This flower is a talisman for those who are sociable and inquisitive. Such “peas” are dynamic, active and stubborn. They extremely dislike certain boundaries and restrictions. They find a common language with everyone, never give up and do not worry about too complex problems seriously and for a long time.

But in order to achieve at least some success in life, “polka dots” need to shed the “ballast” of excess excitement and superficiality. They would benefit from logical actions in everyday life and logical thinking.

Reliable, direct, desperate - these are the children of their patron. They can rightfully be called “hospitable” - faithful in friendship and love. They try to arrange their life as best as possible.

They categorically do not accept experiments that contradict their established standards. In order to catch luck, “Cornflower” should sometimes go beyond the limits, and also remember that the methods by which it is possible to achieve the goal are not always suitable for big things.

“Lily” are examples of grace and exquisite romance. They enjoy a stylish life and thrilling experiences. However, they are afraid of risk and are very vulnerable, like the flowers themselves. Now, if we gave them a little more modesty and restraint, it would be easier to run towards success rather than gallop into captivity of unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, the choice of Lily is yours.

Poppies people unmistakably react to the thoughts and feelings of others. They are altruists. As a rule, people are perceived to be somewhat better than they actually are. And therefore they are often disappointed. Among them are many gifted seers and psychological healers.

Using their abilities, they are engaged in guiding people on the true path. To reach the top, poppies should avoid excessive illogicality and worship of the paradoxes of this world. There are many such things in life; of course, there is no point in multiplying them.

These “orchids” are very sensitive and friendly. Most of all they value beauty and harmony. They enjoy travel, adventure, art and other cultures. They tirelessly seek food for their minds by attending a wide variety of cultural events.

Family comfort and colorful clothes are not the most valuable things on their list. In any situation, they should approach life more simply and remain optimistic - and then victory will certainly smile upon them.


The daisy flower is the patroness of honest, courageous, modest, but sometimes impatient people. Once they are fired up with some idea, there is no rest for them. They focus on their financial situation - it must be reliable.

They try to do official work quickly and efficiently. Daisies have few friends. To succeed, they don’t need anything special: just remain silent and conscientiously carry out their affairs, and over time everything will come true.

Those born these days know what romance, courage, and nobility are. Roses prefer to live a public rather than a private life. They set quite high goals for themselves, overcome serious obstacles and often win.

From life they learn to be strong. For the sake of a loved one, they are able to go through “fire, water, copper pipes.” But they need more patience: it is impossible to embrace the whole world. After all, limitlessness has certain boundaries.

Health horoscope by zodiac sign

Today we will tell you about how a person’s horoscope and health can be connected, namely, what diseases and health difficulties one or another zodiac sign may have.

Typical Aries people have good health. They don't like going to doctors, especially dentists. It is important for them to adhere to a diet: more vegetables and fruits.

Active and restless, Aries often work to the point of exhaustion. The most vulnerable parts of the body for them are the head and face; they need to control their emotions, not get angry, not strain their muscles, avoid overeating, etc.

The weak point is the throat. Taurus should be observed by a laryngologist and wear a warm scarf. In general, Taurus are healthy and energetic, they do not like to talk about their poor health. They are tightly and firmly sewn.

Taurus men are usually masculine and broad-shouldered, women are strong, tall, with good hair and skin. Taurus people are inclined to be overweight, they need a diet and an active lifestyle.

The vulnerable spot is the respiratory system. But despite the tendency to respiratory diseases, they are generally in good health, do not overeat or abuse alcohol.

As a rule, they are resistant, well built, with long arms and legs, with sensitive and dry skin, not inclined to be overweight, allergies to medications and food are possible. Geminis need to learn to relax in order to avoid insomnia and nervous diseases.

The weak spot is the stomach. Loves to eat well, is predisposed to be overweight, loves sweets, especially in adulthood. Cancer children usually suffer from all childhood diseases. Cancers do not tolerate pain well; they have a highly developed nervous system.

Cancer is a person of mood, at the time of depression he is especially prone to illness, he has low resistance. He needs to move more and play sports, at least take walks every day.

A vulnerable organ is the heart. As a rule, the typical Leo is healthy and attractive, looking good even if he doesn't feel well. Leos have rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes.

Since he prefers to live at the maximum of his creative powers, he is often overworked. Leo loves sports and an active lifestyle. His natural vitality, optimism and ability to quickly restore his strength help him out.

The vulnerable system is the digestive tract and intestines. Virgos pay a lot of attention to their health. They tend to follow a routine, judiciously alternate between rest and work, and monitor their nutrition and diet.

Typical Virgos are of average height. Virgos rarely get sick; there are no hypochondriacs or nervous patients among them. They often go to doctors for preventative purposes. They need to avoid heavy food and excitement.

The vulnerable system is the kidneys. Representatives of this sign are characterized by weak resistance to disease. Their appearance often deceptive: even when they feel bad, they try to look at the level. Their main enemies are cold and dampness.

They are also prone to sciatica and rheumatism. Libras are usually beautiful and slender, with large eyes, a sensual mouth and curly hair. In order to feel in good shape, they need to do recreational gymnastics.

The weak point is the reproductive and excretory systems. In matters of health, as in everything else, he considers himself the master of his destiny. Scorpios are strong, big-boned, with developed jaws, wide eyebrows and cold eyes.

They love to eat and drink. They have a high resistance to disease, and they generally try not to notice minor illnesses. Among the representatives of this sign there are a particularly large number of centenarians.

The vulnerable organ is the liver. Sagittarians are very concerned about their health: they need it for an active lifestyle. Usually these are sports developed people, with age they become more representative, but not loose or sluggish.

They often lead a healthy lifestyle, drink little, and go to bed early. Balanced Sagittarians tend to work until exhaustion even when they acquire a standard set of age-related ailments.

Vulnerable are the skeletal system, teeth, nails, hair. It is believed that Capricorn gains strength with age. Capricorns are hardy, have high resistance to disease, and have a developed instinct of self-preservation. As a rule, these are thin people with a developed bone skeleton.

Capricorns are usually pessimists, they are often tormented by problems that mean nothing to others. This is harmful to their health. They need careful self-control and a healthy lifestyle. They need to learn to forget about troubles at work, demand less from friends and family, and, of course, from themselves.

Vulnerable are the nervous and skeletal systems, as well as teeth. This is the second (Scorpio is the first in order in the zodiac) long-liver in the zodiac system. Aquarius wisely and philosophically perceives all the ups and downs.

Classic Aquarius - slender, well-built, with charming eyes, fair hair and gray eyes. He loves team sports, but finds it difficult to follow any regime.

The feet and nervous system are the most vulnerable. Pisces are sensitive, often weak and fragile: if their feet get wet, they quickly catch a cold. They should not overstrain their eyesight; they should visit the ophthalmologist more often.

They need to avoid abusing strong drugs and try to get rid of bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Being prone to mysticism, they can easily succumb to external suggestion and fall under the influence of some sect.

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