Rheumatism is an infectious-allergic disease that damages the connective tissue of the joints, cardiovascular system, internal organs, muscles and skin. The causative agent of this disease is considered to be hemolytic streptococcus, but the main role is played by allergies, which arise as a result of high sensitivity to the secondary introduction of streptococcus. Typically, rheumatism develops after acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, sore throat, and such a disease may occur with dental caries. Cooling the body also contributes to the development of this disease. Before you figure out how to treat rheumatism of the joints, legs, for example, you should understand what this disease is and what its symptoms are.

General information about rheumatism

In fact, rheumatism is not as common a disease as is commonly thought. In general, this disease is typical for children aged 6 to 15 years. This disease appears extremely rarely in older people. But even in that classic “children’s” group, which is most susceptible to this disease, no more than 1 child in a thousand is sick.

Many people wonder why we hear this word so often if this disease is so rare? In this case, it is reflected that the disease used to be more common, but after medicine became stronger and antibiotics became available, the number of cases of rheumatism decreased greatly.

The second reason is even simpler - previously the word “rheumatism” meant all diseases of the joints. Doctors simply did not distinguish between them, since there was no such need - the choice of treatment procedures was small, and accordingly, the treatment was almost always the same. But since the capabilities of medicine have increased, they have begun to distinguish between various joint diseases and select treatment appropriate for each of them. Therefore, now not a single doctor will confuse the symptoms of real rheumatism with manifestations of other diseases.

It is also worth noting that rheumatism is characterized by seasonal exacerbations, and the intervals between attacks are different for everyone and can range from a couple of months to several years. In addition, if the first attack of the disease passes without affecting the joints, then the disease may generally remain undetected for a long time. This latent form of the disease is revealed only after a while, when rheumatic heart disease forms. Repeated attacks of the disease in this case are much more severe.

How to identify the disease?

In general, the symptoms of this disease are very characteristic. As we have already said, mainly teenagers and children suffer from this disease. Most often, the disease develops several (1 to 3) weeks after the child has suffered a streptococcal infection of the upper respiratory tract. This could be a sore throat, pharyngitis, which is an inflammation of the pharynx, or tonsillitis, which is an inflammation of the tonsils.

The streptococcal infection itself does not always manifest itself clearly, often occurring in an atypical and secretive manner. In this case, you only have to deal with a slight sore throat and minimal fever. That is why doctors very often simply diagnose acute respiratory infections, simply not noticing the infection and not prescribing the treatment necessary in this case. As a result, an untreated infection, especially when it appears against the background of reduced immunity and reoccurs, often leads to articular rheumatism. As a result, some time after suffering from an illness (pharyngitis or tonsillitis), a person experiences inflammation of various large joints - shoulder, elbow, knee, ankle, wrist. But the small joints of the toes and hands are very rarely affected by this disease.

Another characteristic is the fact that the joints do not become inflamed simultaneously, but one at a time. For example, at first the knee joint may become inflamed, after a few days this inflammation goes away, but a new one appears, in another joint, then in a third, etc. It is this movement of inflammation through the joints that is a kind of “calling card” of rheumatism. Moreover, the inflammation of each specific joint is usually quite short-lived, it rarely lasts more than 10-12 days. the problem is that such inflammations usually occur several times in succession, and they cause harm not only to the joints, but also to the heart.

As a result of untreated or untreated rheumatism, rheumatic carditis appears, which is a rheumatic inflammation of the heart. This disease comes in three degrees of severity, and the process may involve the heart muscle, membranes and heart valves.

Forms of rheumatic carditis

There are three forms of this disease - mild, moderate and severe.

A mild form of rheumatic carditis affects only some local areas of the heart muscle. At the same time, the blood circulation of the heart is not disturbed, and there are simply no external manifestations of the disease, so it almost always goes unnoticed.

With a moderately severe disease, more severe damage to the heart muscle occurs, the heart itself increases slightly in size, unpleasant sensations appear behind the sternum, increased fatigue, shortness of breath, and a feeling of palpitations that occurs during habitual household activities.

Severe rheumatic carditis leads to even greater weakening of the heart, while its size increases significantly. Even at rest, the patient experiences pain in the heart, and swelling may appear in the legs. As a result of this particular form of the disease, heart defects (shrinkage of the heart valves) can develop.

Another consequence of rheumatism is chorea.

Rheumatic carditis is not the only possible consequence of rheumatism that was not cured in time. Children may also develop chorea, which is a disorder of the nervous system. As a result, the child's character changes somewhat; he becomes capricious, irritable, sloppy and absent-minded. Gait and handwriting change, memory and speech deteriorate, and sleep disturbances may appear. Moreover, in the early period of the disease, this is all explained as indiscipline and capriciousness, and no one even thinks about going to the doctor. Parents begin to get nervous much later, when the child begins to have involuntary twitching of the muscles of the arms, legs, torso and face.

Chorea, like rheumatic inflammation itself, goes away without a trace over time. So the most serious result of rheumatism that is not fully cured remains rheumatic carditis, which can lead to serious problems, including disability. That is why it is important to diagnose this disease as early as possible and begin treatment for this disease; fortunately, everyone knows which doctor treats rheumatism.

The main task of treating rheumatism

The main task set before the attending physician is to suppress streptococcal infection, which both causes the development of the disease itself and causes its complications. When it comes to how to treat rheumatism, one of the many antibacterial agents is usually chosen, most often penicillin. In this case, active antibiotic therapy lasts about two weeks, after which the patient receives intramuscular injections of penicillin every few weeks for another five years for prevention. possible complications on the heart.

IN last years For the treatment of rheumatism, “broad-spectrum” antibiotics in the form of tablets began to be actively used. Such drugs (for example, erythromycin, ampicillin, oxacillin, etc.) have also shown to be highly effective.

During an exacerbation, various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain. They act quite quickly and effectively eliminate pain and inflammation itself.

Rheumatism, despite its “secrecy” and danger, is perfectly treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, in most cases this is quite enough to completely eliminate the disease. But in rare cases, this treatment does not give the desired effect, then the doctor has to prescribe corticosteroid hormones. In combination with antibiotics, these drugs can relieve rheumatic inflammation in just a few days.

It is worth noting that painkillers are practically not used in the treatment of rheumatism, since their effect in this case is exclusively temporary, and they cannot suppress inflammation. If an anesthetic relieves pain, then the inflammation has not gone away, and a person, actively moving, causes additional harm to the diseased joint.

Osteochondrosis - symptoms, treatment, signs, full description of the disease

The spine, no matter the neck, chest or lower back, has hurt every person at least once. Sometimes the unpleasant sensations go away on their own, and sometimes the pain becomes persistent, developing into a serious disease of the musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis.

Very often, tinnitus and pain radiating to the neck are ignored, or everything that a person does in such cases is pain-relieving ointments, menovazine rubbed into the sore spot, or massage performed at home in the form of light tingling. All these manipulations are not able to cure the symptoms that have appeared and only help for a while. Treatment of osteochondrosis is an issue that worries more than one generation of doctors and their patients. What is osteochondrosis and how to treat it are the main topics of this article.

Osteochondrosis as a disease

In order to understand what kind of disease this is, it is necessary to define it.

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a disease of the musculoskeletal system that affects individual parts of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar) or the entire spinal column. The disease is associated with degenerative processes occurring in the intervertebral discs, which, due to disorders metabolic processes and nutrition, wear off and become inflamed, bringing a person unbearable piercing pain. Psychosomatics and the causes of spinal osteochondrosis still cause controversy among leading experts in this field.

The population over 40 years of age usually suffers from such spinal problems, however, recently osteochondrosis has become “younger” and began to affect citizens no older than 30 years of age (approximately 30% of total number sick).

Like any other disease, osteochondrosis cannot occur on its own, out of the blue, striking the back with acute pain. The first signs of spinal osteochondrosis do not appear immediately, but gradually.

Depending on the location of pain, there are three types of osteochondrosis:

  • Cervical region;
  • Thoracic department;
  • Lumbar region.

Stages of development of osteochondrosis

In modern medicine, there are four stages of the disease:

  1. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by primary disorders in the intervertebral disc area. Typically, the fibrous ring (that is, the cartilage that surrounds the vertebra) at this stage becomes covered with microcracks, reducing the space between the discs.
  2. The second stage follows the first. The fibrous ring with cracks leads to a decrease in the interdiscal clearance. The ligaments and muscles of the spine “lie” on top of each other, touch and rub. Perhaps it is at this stage of the onset of osteochondrosis that the first pain syndrome appears. The attack is acute, and vertebral instability begins to form.
  3. The third stage is characterized by the abrasion of the cartilage lining between the discs; the thinning of the tissue is clearly visible if you take an x-ray. The symptoms of spinal osteochondrosis are pronounced, intense, and the pain does not go away, and only strong painkillers can relieve it.
  4. The fourth stage is characterized by the adaptation of the spine to excessive vertebral instability (mobility) due to bone formations– osteophytes. Osteophytes lead to injury to the nerve roots. Bone growths tightly “compact” the vertebrae, and they remain tightly walled up. As a rule, the symptoms subside, and all signs of osteochondrosis become obvious seasonally (usually spring and autumn are the peak of exacerbation of the disease).

Symptoms of osteochondrosis

Symptoms of the development of osteochondrosis depend on the stage of the disease. If the first stage is a painless period, then the second, third and fourth are phases of active manifestation of pain. In this case, the pain syndrome manifests itself in various parts of the spine. The most common symptoms of osteochondrosis include the following:

  • A feeling of stiffness in movements in the morning, everything seems to be stiff and numb after sleep, such phenomena are usually disturbing in the first stage of osteochondrosis;
  • Pain and heaviness in various internal organs after being in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • Numbness of fingertips;
  • Tinnitus, ringing;
  • Periodic fainting;
  • Frequent headaches and causeless increase blood pressure;
  • First, periodic and then regular pain in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region;
  • Sometimes pain can be localized in one place and radiate to another (neck, shoulder blade, arm, heart, leg);
  • Crunching in the vertebrae while moving or turning;
  • The nature of the pain is acute, piercing.

Causes of the disease

The causes of spinal osteochondrosis and its psychosomatics have been little studied to this day. However, it has been proven that the people most at risk of developing osteochondrosis are:

  1. Elderly.
  2. Overweight, obese.
  3. Burdened by heredity.
  4. Injured.
  5. With metabolic disorders.
  6. Abuse of alcohol, tobacco and junk food.
  7. Suffering from depression.
  8. Moving little.

Thus, the causes of osteochondrosis are little known, but aggravating factors play an important role: age threshold, the presence of the disease in close relatives, slow metabolism, poor nutrition.

Psychosomatics of osteochondrosis

The psychosomatics of the disease is not fully understood. However, there is a popular belief that all diseases come from nerves. Overly emotional and suspicious people more often suffer from diseases of the spine and joints. Based on this, we can say that psychosomatics is a circle psychological problems, leading to the occurrence of osteochondrosis. These reasons include a huge list of psychological problems, including:

  • Feelings of fear and loneliness;
  • State of stress;
  • Depression;
  • Insomnia;
  • Bad mood;
  • Problems in the sexual sphere;
  • Mental illnesses;
  • Nervous breakdowns.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

How to treat osteochondrosis is the main question that worries a third of the world's population suffering from this disease. It should be noted that osteochondrosis is not a death sentence; people can fully live with this problem, despite the fact that it is impossible to completely restore damaged intervertebral discs. The sooner treatment for osteochondrosis is started, the more favorable the outcome will be.

More details

  1. Pain relief is usually the first thing doctors do when starting treatment. For these purposes, analgesics, special ointments, and patches are used.
  2. After the acute attack of pain is relieved, other drugs are prescribed: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, chondroprotectors. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are drugs traditionally prescribed for the treatment of all diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and if chondroprotectors and corticosteroids are not always prescribed, then NSAIDs are required. The action of these drugs is based on suppressing the inflammatory process in the spine, relaxing the nerve roots that experience tension during friction. When the neurology is eliminated, treatment continues.
  3. To achieve optimal results, chondroprotectors are prescribed - substances designed to get rid of osteochondrosis by normalizing the nutrition of cartilage tissue, achieving the optimal level of synovial fluid and its normal pressure inside the vertebra. Chondroprotectors are effective means in the treatment of not only osteochondrosis, but also other diseases of the spine and joints. If the prescribed drugs do not bring the desired result in treatment, then corticosteroids are prescribed with great caution. The advantage of such drugs is their fast and effective action. The disadvantages are that corticosteroids have contraindications and contain hormones that interfere with the normal functioning of organ systems.

Making a correct diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the symptoms of osteochondrosis (tinnitus, crunching of the vertebrae, dizziness, headache with cervical osteochondrosis, fainting, increased blood pressure) are in many ways similar to other diseases, often not associated with either the joints or the spine. This is why self-medication is dangerous to human health and life.

After drug treatment

After the pain went away thanks drug treatment, motor activity of the spine has been restored, it’s too early to relax. There is a long recovery ahead. For this, the patient is prescribed:

  • Ointment for joints, which has a warming and analgesic effect (Capsicam, Finalgon, Fastum Gel, Bystrum gel, Special ointment). Sometimes the ointment can be replaced by menovazine, which also has a warming effect. These ointments should not be confused with those that are NSAIDs, such as Voltaren, Diclofenac, Indamethacin and others.
  • Therapeutic massage and gymnastics.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Vitamins and minerals.
  • Rest in specialized sanatoriums.
  • Swimming.

You should not ignore any of the points of treatment if you want to achieve a positive result quickly and for a long time.

Important! Ointments, menovazine, massage, swimming and everything else prescribed by your doctor may be powerless if you forget that the psychosomatics of osteochondrosis plays an important role.

Positive emotions, good mood, laughter and a smile, good sleep for at least 8 hours will help you cope with the symptoms of the disease faster.

Rules to be followed during treatment of osteochondrosis

There are some rules for treating this disease:

  • Take therapeutic massage courses.
  • If you experience the slightest discomfort in the thoracic, cervical or lumbar region, use ointments, menovazin, and patches.
  • Regular gymnastics is the key to vigor and normal blood supply to tissues and vertebrae.
  • Neurology is easily suppressed if you make it a rule to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets or injections 2 times a year.
  • Like massage, ointments, courses of NSAIDs, physiotherapy should not be ignored; two treatment courses per year can speed up the treatment process and rehabilitation course.
  • Normal motor activity is another factor without which it is impossible to put an end to the question of how to treat osteochondrosis.
  • This disease can be cured only if you follow all the doctor’s instructions and pay close attention to your health.
  • The psychosomatics of osteochondrosis is perhaps the first on the list of causes of its occurrence, which is why treatment must begin, first of all, with a rethinking of values ​​and an understanding that a good mood is the key to success.


Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine is most common, although cases when the entire spine is affected are not excluded. To cure a disease, you will need a lot of patience, willpower and a desire to be healthy. And, although it is completely impossible to cure such a complex disease, there are a sufficient number of techniques that preserve the vertebrae in normal condition and allow a person to lead a full life. For example, a course massage 2-3 times a year allows you to maintain the muscle corset in proper condition and ensures normal blood circulation to the tissues. And the patch, vitamins, menovazine and ointments, regularly used to prevent relapse of osteochondrosis, make it possible to forget about pain for a long time or to relieve pain if it occurs.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

A common occurrence in spinal osteochondrosis is neuralgia, that is, pinched nerve roots. It is she who is responsible for the occurrence of lumbago in the neck, lower back and chest. And psychosomatics once again proves that the nervous system is not in last place among the causes of many diseases.

Treatment of osteochondrosis follows the traditional path of treating many diseases of the musculoskeletal system: NSAIDs are prescribed to eliminate the inflammatory process in tissues, chondroprotectors to restore the level of synovial fluid and corticosteroids if the first two types of drugs are ineffective.

Osteochondrosis is not a death sentence; if you wish and have sufficient willpower, you can forget about the symptoms of this disease forever. It is enough just to systematically follow the above rules.

Dear readers, that’s all for today, leave your opinion about today’s article in the comments, how you treated osteochondrosis and whether you were able to cure it.

What is rheumatism of the joints: symptoms and treatment of the legs

Rheumatism is a complex disease of a systemic nature, characterized by an inflammatory process mainly in the connective tissues of the heart and blood vessels. The disease can spread to joints and other organs. The cause of its occurrence is an infection, the causative agent is group A hemolytic streptococcus.

The characteristic signs of acute rheumatism are most often found in children and adolescents with a genetic predisposition to this disease, aged 7 to 15 years. Geography in this case does not matter - the disease has been recorded on all continents of the globe.

But there has been a direct connection between the frequency of rheumatism among children and the socio-economic level of the country in which they live. In underdeveloped and developing countries, children suffer from this disease much more often than in developed ones. Per thousand of the child population here, the disease is recorded in 6-22 children and adolescents.

At the same time, the course of childhood rheumatism is usually severe, more rapid than in adults, with vivid symptoms and a tendency to develop heart defects, pulmonary hypertension and high level mortality due to serious cardiac dysfunction. This phenomenon is due to unsatisfactory social living conditions for schoolchildren, poor nutrition and poor quality medical care.

Important: treatment of the disease is always long-term, sometimes it takes several years to finally get rid of its symptoms and prevent relapse.

Therefore, the conditions in which the patient is treated and lives, especially in childhood, play an important role.

Types and characteristics of rheumatism

In recent years, rheumatism of the joints and other organs has been carefully studied by doctors. Two main forms of the disease have been identified: active and inactive.

  1. Inactive phase. Clinical and laboratory examinations of a patient with a history of rheumatism do not show the presence of an inflammatory process in the body or a significant decrease in immunity. The disease does not manifest itself in any way, symptoms of rheumatism of the legs, arms, skin and other organs appear only after large physical activity if a heart defect has developed.
  2. The active phase, in turn, is classified into three degrees of manifestation. The differences lie in the specificity of the manifestation of inflammation in certain organs and systems. There are minimum, moderate and maximum degrees.

1st degree of rheumatism

With this form, the symptoms are very mild; only an ECG and FCT can reveal some signs of carditis. The rest of the laboratory parameters are either within normal limits or slightly changed.

2nd degree of rheumatism

Symptoms of carditis are moderate and are accompanied by an increase in low-grade fever, volatile polyarthralgia, chorea, and monooligoarthritis. Inflammatory activity is only slightly changed.

3rd degree of rheumatism

Signs of inflammatory activity are very pronounced according to the results of clinical and laboratory examinations. Migratory polyarthritis of the knee, elbow or hip joints, pneumonia, carditis, serositis, and high levels of streptococcal immunity and protein are diagnosed.

The 3rd degree of activity indicates that the disease is at an initial stage or has worsened. The 2nd and 1st degrees can occur both at the onset of the disease and during intensive treatment.

Laboratory tests are carried out repeatedly to identify the dynamics of the disease.

Based on the degree of activity, the doctor can get an accurate picture of the patient’s condition and determine how effective the chosen therapy is, how long it has been carried out and how to treat rheumatism of the joints further.

Reasons for the development of rheumatism

To understand what rheumatism is, you need to know the reasons that cause its development. The causative agent is a streptococcal infection, as stated, namely group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. In patients with a history of rheumatism of the arms, legs or heart, a blood test reveals high levels of immune anti-streptococcal antibodies.

We can say that an acute streptococcal infection in the nasopharynx or throat can trigger the development of rheumatism. Up to 3% of patients who have suffered from severe purulent tonsillitis, tonsillitis or pharyngitis subsequently suffer from rheumatism.

There may be symptoms of rheumatism of the joints or other organs, but rheumatism of the heart is most often diagnosed. The disease develops according to the following stages of the inflammatory process:

  • Mucoid swelling;
  • Fibrinoid impregnation;
  • Cell infiltration;
  • Tissue sclerosis.

It has been proven that the disease can occur due to hereditary predisposition. Scientists have found that in some patients who had a streptococcal infection, the immune system began to react sharply to immune antibodies. This is a tendency to rheumatism, and it can be inherited.

Important information: those at risk are those people whose relatives suffer from rheumatism of the hands, knee or hip joints, heart or skin. These could be cousins, siblings, grandparents, not just parents.

There are other interesting data: according to studies of genetic markers, most often the disease appears in adults and children with blood groups 2 or 3.

How to recognize the disease

The disease usually affects several organs, very rarely just one; this can be taken as the main signs of rheumatism. But first of all, the heart always suffers - the doctor diagnoses rheumatism of the connective cardiac tissues (myocardium) in 90% of all cases of the disease.

In adults and elderly patients, rheumatism of the joints of the legs or arms often develops, and the skin is affected. The pain can be of varying intensity and nature, which is why tests for rheumatism are so important.

The doctor discovers characteristic symptoms several weeks after the patient has suffered an acute streptococcal infectious disease. These include:

  • Very high body temperature – up to 40 degrees;
  • Fever;
  • General deterioration in health;
  • Rheumatic joint pain;
  • Pain in the heart area if the disease has affected the pericardium;
  • Headaches due to lesions of the central nervous system;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Shortness of breath.

In 25% of cases, rheumatism of the joints is observed, the symptoms in this case are similar to those of polyarthritis: redness of the skin in the affected areas, swelling and swelling of the knee, elbow or hip joints, severe pain. The treatment prescription here is selected accordingly and should eliminate pain.

Sometimes, most often in adults, the doctor may detect vasculitis, an inflammation of the small vessels of the brain. This side effect is typical for rheumatism lesions of the nervous system.

The patient suffers from rheumatic chorea: he shows restlessness and fussiness, makes grimaces, is unable to control the movements of his arms and legs and coherently express his thoughts. This requires a comprehensive prescription of therapy.

Skin rheumatism manifests itself as skin erythema, rheumatic nodules may form. Erythema most often appears on the lower extremities in the form of pale pink rings. Rheumatic nodules are localized between the fingers of the hands, their structure is dense, and the rash is completely painless to the touch (see photo).

This form of the disease can be treated successfully at home; a recipe for such treatment has long existed.

Treatment of rheumatism with medications

Drug therapy for rheumatism is aimed at neutralizing the main causative agent of the disease – streptococcal infection. It can be cured with penicillin preparations - a more effective recipe does not exist today. The doctor prescribes penicillin antibiotics if the disease is in the initial or acute stage. The therapy recipe has been used for a long time.

In the future, treatment of rheumatism in the joints of the arms, back, and legs continues with long-acting antibiotics; the prescription involves the use of bicillin-3 or bicillin-5. In case of intolerance to antibiotics of the penicillin group, therapy with erythromycin is prescribed. These drugs do not relieve pain, so the doctor always prescribes a course of additional medications, the prescription of which also contains painkillers.

Regardless of whether rheumatism of the legs, arms or heart is diagnosed, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Usually the prescription indicates that these are non-steroidal drugs - indomethacin, aspirin, voltaren, diclofenac. The doctor selects the optimal treatment depending on the patient’s age and physiological characteristics. A prescription is not required to purchase these medications from a pharmacy.

Any of them stops the inflammatory process and relieves severe pain. If the pain in the arms, legs, and back does not subside, the disease is treated with steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The most common is prednisolone.

The treatment must be supervised by a doctor, the duration of the course is no more than one and a half months, the prescription of therapy is also under control.

Disease prevention

Prevention of rheumatism is as important as the treatment itself. Doctors distinguish between primary and secondary prevention.

  1. Primary prevention is aimed at preventing a systemic disease from developing in a person who has a predisposition to it, but has never had it. An important role is played by ensuring good living and working conditions, a good night's rest and regular, balanced nutrition. In addition, contact of a potential patient with carriers of streptococcal infection should be avoided. Rheumatism itself is not contagious, but a disease such as tonsillitis is transmitted by airborne droplets from one patient to another.
  2. The goal of secondary prevention is to prevent a relapse in a patient who has already had this disease once. To do this, first of all, he must be registered with a rheumatologist at the district clinic and examined regularly. Antibiotics, in particular bicillin, will help prevent the disease. For decades, this particular drug has been used to prevent the disease. Bicillin therapy sometimes lasts up to 5 years. The drug is not prescribed for persistent circulatory failure and a tendency to thrombophlebitis. In winter, you should combine an antibiotic with vitamin C.

Methods of treatment and prevention are always determined only by the doctor, and he will decide whether the measures can be carried out at home, or whether the patient needs to be admitted to a hospital.

Complications of rheumatism

The disease is most dangerous due to its negative impact on the heart. It is heart failure that most often causes death.

Depending on which membranes are affected, atrial fibrillation, myocardiosclerosis, and circulatory failure may develop.

If endocarditis is affected during the development of the disease, heart disease will develop. With this course of the disease and diagnosis, the probability of death is very high.

Another danger is frequent thromboembolism of large arteries that occurs after rheumatism. An infarction of the lungs, liver, spleen, or heart can also lead to the death of the patient.


How successful the treatment will be largely depends on the timeliness of diagnosis. If therapy with the right antibiotic is started at the right time, the chances of cure are very good. But it is important that the medicine is taken precisely in the acute stage, when a heart defect forms.

Most often, children and adolescents suffer from heart complications. In adult patients, articular or cutaneous rheumatism is more common, which are not so dangerous and do not pose a direct threat to the patient’s life.

With age, many people develop problems with their joints - they hurt or ache, when moving and at rest, they become inflamed, and their degree of mobility decreases. These phenomena develop especially often in cold weather. Most sufferers of such symptoms attribute them to manifestations of rheumatism. However, is this really so?

What is rheumatism

It is difficult to give a brief description of this phenomenon. First, let's define the term “rheumatism” itself. This word comes from the ancient Greek word “rheuma” - flow, flow. This fact is due to the fact that the disease is characterized by rapid development and widespread distribution throughout the body. It affects many organs and tissues.

The causes of rheumatism have long been a mystery to doctors. However, recently the theory about the autoimmune nature of rheumatism has been widely developed.

In most cases, the main cause of rheumatism is infection of the body with a special type of microorganism - beta-hemolytic streptococcus. It can cause a person to develop typical acute respiratory infections and colds.

If the treatment of these diseases is not carried out properly, and the microorganism is not destroyed as a result of treatment with antibiotics, then as a result it remains in the body for a long time. The immune system, in turn, also fights the microorganism. To do this, it produces special antibodies that react to proteins that make up the streptococcus. However, similar proteins are also found in many cells. human body. As a result, the immune system mistakenly begins to attack the tissues of its own body, primarily connective tissues. When rheumatic disease develops, the heart is the first to suffer. The cardiotoxic effect of some strains of streptococcus should also be taken into account.

But connective tissue is part of many organs, not just the heart. So it turns out that rheumatism literally spreads throughout the body, affecting seemingly completely unrelated organs. Sometimes, however, it happens that the symptoms of rheumatism concern only one organ or system of the body, and other organs or parts of the body are affected to a lesser extent and outwardly rheumatism does not manifest itself in them.

In addition to infectious attacks, the likelihood of developing rheumatism is influenced by a number of factors:

  • genetic predisposition,
  • malnutrition,
  • hypothermia,
  • overwork,
  • low immunity.

There is one misconception regarding rheumatism - that this disease manifests itself only in adulthood, mainly in the elderly. Therefore, many people who have discovered problems with musculoskeletal system, believe that they were victims of rheumatism. However, at present, rheumatism mainly affects only children 7-15 years old, or quite old people. In both cases, the cause of the development of the disease is weak immunity and its inability to resist streptococcal infection. Among children, the disease develops more often in girls than in boys. However, it often happens that a disease in childhood is not cured properly, and many years later, after some negative factors, is developing again.


Diagnosing rheumatism is not an easy task because the disease has many symptoms and affects various organs, so recognizing rheumatism can sometimes be difficult. In addition, there are many pathologies that have symptoms similar to rheumatism, but are not rheumatism in their etiology. The therapy for such diseases also differs from the therapy used for rheumatism. The primary diagnostic signs include:

  • subcutaneous nodules,
  • marginal erythema,
  • polyarthritis,
  • chorea,
  • carditis.

Minor clinical signs:

  • joint pain,
  • temperature increase,
  • increased sweating,
  • increased heart rate,
  • nosebleeds,
  • stomach ache,
  • pale face,
  • weakness,
  • emotional instability.

Diagnosis of rheumatism uses the following methods:

  • blood analysis,
  • Analysis of urine,
  • blood pressure measurement,
  • chest x-ray.

Treatment of rheumatism

Rheumatism is a serious disease and it will not go away on its own. The lack of therapy can lead to the pathology developing, becoming chronic, and the patient becoming disabled. To prevent the development of the disease, you need to consult a doctor.

Treatment of rheumatism includes various methods aimed at relieving pain and inflammation:

  • taking medications,
  • traditional methods of treatment,
  • physiotherapy.

A short list of drugs used in the treatment of rheumatism

Also during therapy, painkillers, sedatives, and potassium supplements can be used to neutralize the negative effects of glucocorticosteroids. The duration of drug treatment is determined by the doctor, but usually it is at least 15 days.

Measures to combat pathology have three main phases:

  • treatment of the acute period of the disease,
  • therapy of the disease in the subacute period,
  • prevention of recurrent signs of rheumatism.

Also great importance have a diet, physical exercise moderate intensity, lifestyle changes.

It is advisable to treat the active phase of rheumatism in a hospital. If the doctor considers that treatment is possible at home, then the patient must remain in bed for at least 10 days. At the same time, physical activity is limited. With the right tactics to combat pathology, it is possible to prevent its transition to the chronic stage.

The most commonly used physiotherapeutic procedures for rheumatism are UHF and electrophoresis. Massaging the limbs is also beneficial.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine is one of the effective ways treatment of rheumatism. And this is not surprising, because in old times, before the invention of antibiotics, the disease rheumatism was much more widespread than it is now. However, therapy with such methods is best carried out after consultation with a doctor, because in some situations they can be harmful. Below is a short list of recipes that have proven themselves in the treatment of pathology.

Propolis ointment

This is a local remedy that needs to be used to lubricate the affected joints. To prepare it you need to take Vaseline and propolis. The components are mixed in a ratio of 10:1. The mixture must be filtered thoroughly. The ointment is rubbed into the affected area twice a day, morning and evening.

Elm bark tincture

To prepare this recipe, you need to take 20 g of elm bark and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Then boil for 10 minutes over low heat. The resulting decoction is infused for 3 hours. The medicine is taken 4 times a day, a tablespoon.

Dandelion juice

To prepare the medicine, take two dandelion flowers. After adding 2 tablespoons of sugar, the mixture is left for 7-10 days in a cool place. After this, juice is squeezed out of the mixture, which must be taken 20 drops 3 times a day.

Other methods

An original folk method against rheumatism is applying birch leaves to the limbs. You can do the following: stuff your pants with leaves and tie them at the bottom so that the leaves don’t fall out. You can also put the leaves inside the sleeves of your clothes, then the healing effect will be directed to your hands. Dry or fresh leaves are suitable for use. They wear similar clothes for several hours. After the leaves become wet from sweat, they are replaced with new ones. This procedure can also be done during sleep.

A simple remedy such as green tea is also beneficial for rheumatism. It must be drunk 3 times a day, 200 g each, preferably without sugar.

Diet for chronic rheumatism

The diet consists, first of all, of excluding from the menu salty, hot and spicy dishes that can cause exacerbations of the condition. At the same time, the amount of proteins, vegetables and fruits increases. It is necessary to include in your diet foods containing omega-3 fatty acids - olive and flaxseed oil, or take medications with omega-3. Meat and fish are best consumed boiled. The amount of carbohydrates consumed is also reduced. It is not recommended to eat dishes made from mushrooms, legumes, spinach and sorrel.

A strict diet is required during an exacerbation of the disease. If relief occurs, it is recommended to stick to the diet for at least another week. In the future, the diet should generally comply with the above recommendations, but periodic relaxations are possible.

Classification of rheumatism

Manifestations of rheumatism can affect many organs. Here are the main targets of rheumatism:

  • joints,
  • heart,
  • nervous system,
  • muscles.

Usually, rheumatism is associated in everyday consciousness with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, that is, with damage to the joints, expressed in inflammation and pain. Indeed, such a form of the disease exists. It's called rheumatic arthritis. But in fact, rheumatoid arthritis is relatively rare in adults. Most often, the cause of pain, inflammation and poor joint mobility are diseases that have a completely different etiology.

For the most part, the disease affects the large and most loaded joints - ankle, knee, shoulder, hip and elbow. Small joints, such as those in the fingers or toes, may also be affected. In most cases, rheumatism does not affect the internal tissues of the joint, but only its synovial membrane. Sometimes the pathology can affect the spine and jaw bones.

But it’s not for nothing that doctors have an expression: “Rheumatism licks the joints, but bites the heart.” Indeed, the main blow of rheumatism is directed precisely at the human engine - his heart. The form of the disease affecting the heart is the most dangerous. With rheumatic heart disease, inflammation occurs in the heart muscle - the myocardium, as well as the tissues lining the inner surface of the valves - the endocardium. Sometimes the connective tissue surrounding the heart, the pericardium, is also affected. All these processes manifest themselves in the form of pain in the heart, shortness of breath, swelling, and heart rhythm disturbances. As the disease progresses, heart defects may occur, primarily valve insufficiency. Approximately 80% of acquired heart defects appear in humans as a result of rheumatic attacks.

However, the most pronounced form is the articular form (polyarthritis). Against its background, heart-related symptoms are usually not so noticeable. It is for this reason that the disease is most often associated with joint diseases.

And finally, the pathology can affect the nervous system. This form is called rheumochorea. With rheumochorea, a variety of disorders of nervous functions are observed, a syndrome associated with spontaneous movements, various movement disorders, and mental abnormalities occur - insomnia, tearfulness, irritability.

Muscular rheumatism: symptoms and treatment

Sometimes in everyday life you can hear about “muscular rheumatism.” However, this term cannot be called correct, since the muscles themselves do not suffer from rheumatism. However, if the joints are affected, this phenomenon may be accompanied by severe pain in the surrounding muscles (myalgia). Treatment for this syndrome usually involves taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Both local forms of drugs (ointments and creams) and tablet forms are used.

Signs of rheumatism in adults

What are the distinctive characteristics of rheumatism by which it can be separated from other diseases? As noted above, pathology affects many organs and organ systems. And the presence of pain in the joints, their inflammation and limitation of mobility is not a defining sign by which the presence of the disease is diagnosed. The diagnosis in this case should be made by an experienced rheumatologist. For diagnosis, methods such as ECG, blood test for specific antibodies to streptococci, general blood test, cardiac ultrasound and MRI are used. The condition of the joints is assessed using radiography, arthroscopy and biopsy.

Typically, an acute rheumatic attack (as attacks of rheumatism are correctly called) develops approximately 1-3 weeks after a streptococcal infection.

The main syndromes associated with rheumatism:

  • rheumatic carditis,
  • rheumopolyarthritis,
  • cutaneous form of the disease,
  • rheumopleuritis,
  • rheumochorea.

Signs associated with cardiac dysfunction:

  • intoxication phenomena (weakness, fatigue, sweating, loss of appetite);
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the heart (usually not acute, but of a pulling or aching nature);
  • arrhythmia, primarily tachycardia;
  • temperature rise to +38 °C and above;
  • surges in blood pressure, most often hypotension;
  • increase in heart size;
  • ventricular heart failure;

When listening to the chest, changes in heart sounds are observed

With rheumatoid arthritis, large joints are mainly affected - knees, elbows, ankles. The disease is characterized by a benign course; after recovery, there is no deformation of the organ. In addition, a symmetrical lesion is usually observed - on the right and left sides. Sometimes, with the disease, the following phenomenon is observed - the disappearance of symptoms on one side and their appearance on the other side. However, this phenomenon may not occur immediately, but after some time, for example, after 1-2 weeks. This feature most likely indicates rheumatism, and not any other disease of the musculoskeletal system.

Signs associated with damage to the musculoskeletal system:

  • pain,
  • redness,
  • decreased mobility,
  • inflammation,
  • swelling,
  • hot skin in the area of ​​inflammation.

Systemic reactions are also possible:

  • temperature increase to +38-39 °C,
  • sweating,
  • general weakness,
  • nosebleeds.

In some cases, the joints may not hurt due to illness, and the body temperature may remain at + 37 °C.

The pain can be intense. If the shoulder is affected, sometimes you cannot raise your arm because of the pain. And if the disease attacks the legs, the pain can be so severe that the patient cannot walk.

The disease in the form of damage to the nervous system is rarely found in people in adulthood; it is mainly a childhood pathology. Rheumochorea is characterized by:

  • motor restlessness, increased physical activity;
  • grimacing;
  • uncoordinated movements;
  • muscle weakness;
  • disorders of swallowing, physiological functions;
  • emotional instability;
  • aggressiveness or passivity;
  • increased fatigue.

The skin type of the disease manifests itself in the following forms:

  • ring erythema,
  • erythema nodosum,
  • minor hemorrhages,
  • nodules.

Ring erythema is a rash in the form of painless pale pink ring rims. Erythema nodosum is a dark red lump predominantly on the lower extremities. The nodules are dense, sedentary, painless formations.

Also, patients with the skin type may be characterized by pallor and increased sweating.

Rheumopleurisy occurs when immune cells attack the tissues of the pleura - the lining of the heart. Rheumopleuritis is characterized by:

  • pain in the chest when breathing, most severely felt when inhaling;
  • temperature increase;
  • nonproductive cough;
  • dyspnea.

The development of damage to other organs (peritoneum, liver, kidneys) is also possible. However, this happens, as a rule, much less often. With rheumatic peritonitis, acute abdominal pain is possible, with kidney damage - protein and blood in the urine, nephritis.

What deviations from normal blood test values ​​indicate an acute period of the disease:

  • moderate leukocytosis;
  • increase in ESR, up to 50-70 mm/h;
  • dysproteinemia;
  • increase in fibrinogen content to 0.6-1% (normal 0.4%).

With the acute development of pathology, the ECG shows conduction disturbances and atrioventricular block of 1-2 degrees, extrasystole and other deviations from sinus rhythm.

The duration of the pathological process is usually 3-6 months. There are three degrees of its activity:

  • active,
  • subacute,
  • latent.

An attack of the disease is usually not difficult to cure. However, the pathology has a tendency to recur and become chronic. Relapses of the disease develop due to infections, hypothermia, and excessive stress. It has been noted that attacks most often occur during the cold season. In case of relapses, damage to the heart is most pronounced, and unpleasant phenomena associated with other organs are usually less pronounced.

As you know, most diseases are easier to prevent than to fight them, and this also applies to rheumatism. Reduce the likelihood of developing the disease:

  • hardening,
  • improvement of working conditions,
  • improvement of living conditions,
  • fight against streptococcal infection.

Rheumatism is a fairly common disease these days, characterized by inflammation of connective tissues, primarily affecting the cardiovascular system. Rheumatism, in the vast majority of cases, responds well to drug treatment. However, some patients may develop valvular heart disease. In addition, even after complete recovery of the disease, the likelihood of relapse remains high.

Among the main reasons for the development of this disease, a number of associated factors can be identified. Thus, the onset of rheumatism is often preceded by a person’s previous sore throat, or an acute respiratory disease caused by group A b-hemolytic streptococcus. This explains the detection of various types of antistreptococcal antibodies in the blood serum of patients.

The connection between the occurrence of rheumatism and the presence of acute streptococcal infection in the patient’s blood is confirmed by data from epidemiological studies. The disease can also be preceded by any other nasopharyngeal infection caused by streptococcus. That is why it is recommended not to let seemingly harmless colds manifest themselves in the form of sneezing, sore throat and runny nose. An untreated infection may well develop into such a serious and unpleasant disease as rheumatism.

In addition, a family predisposition to this disease has been established. Thus, in families where there are patients with rheumatism, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in children. For example, the number of congenital heart defects caused by this disease reaches 8.2%.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of the disease usually appear three to four weeks after the initial streptococcal infection. They appear quite sharply. The body temperature rises sharply, sometimes up to 40° C., the pulse quickens, chills and profuse sweating appear. The patient also experiences a loss of strength and pain in the joints. Characteristic is pinpoint redness of the affected area, pain when pressing, attempting to make a movement, etc. Swelling appears in the area of ​​the largest joints: knee, elbow, etc.

The initial stage of rheumatism is characterized by a transition of the inflammation process from one joint to another. At the onset of the disease, several symmetrically located joints are usually affected simultaneously.

The most dangerous is damage to the heart muscle, accompanied by a number of the following symptoms: rapid pulse, heart rhythm disturbances, chest pain, etc. Dilatation or expansion of the heart muscle occurs, and a pericardial friction noise appears when auscultated.

In childhood, rheumatism can occur without pronounced symptoms, or in a mild or chronic form. There may be only general malaise, increased heart rate and nonspecific pain in the area of ​​individual joints, which are not accompanied by pain when moving.

Diagnosis of rheumatism

The diagnosis of “rheumatism” can only be made by a rheumatologist, after a comprehensive examination of the patient.

First, a clinical blood test should be prescribed, the results of which can identify signs of the inflammatory process. Next, an immunological blood test is performed. Thus, the presence in the blood of specific substances characteristic of rheumatism is detected. They appear in the patient’s body already at the end of the first week of illness. However, their highest concentration is observed in the period 3-6 weeks and later.

After the suspicion of rheumatism is confirmed by clinical examination, it is necessary to determine the extent of heart damage. Here we use such a common and well-known examination method - ECG (electrocardiography), as well as echocardiography of the heart. In addition, for a more detailed understanding of the situation, an x-ray will be required.

An X-ray image will help assess the condition of the joints. In some cases, it becomes necessary to perform a joint biopsy, arthroscopy, as well as a diagnostic puncture of the joint.

Treatment and prevention of rheumatism

For rheumatism, it is necessary, first of all, to require prolonged bed rest and ensure complete rest for the patient. Indeed, with an active rheumatic process in the heart, any physical activity can lead to even greater damage.

Drug treatment is carried out with drugs from the salicylate group, propionic acid derivatives (ibufen), mefenamic acids, acetic acid derivatives (voltaren).

Often, a doctor prescribes a course of aspirin in large dosages. As for antibiotics, they give the expected effect only at the initial stage of the disease.

The only adequate measure to prevent rheumatism is the prevention of streptococcal infection at the initial hospital. If the patient is treated promptly with penicillin, the likelihood of rheumatism will be minimized. To avoid recurrence of streptococcal infection, people highly susceptible to this infection are recommended to take 1-2 grams of sulfazine daily. Course duration – 1 month.

Treatment of rheumatism with traditional methods

Herbal medicine is widely used in the treatment and prevention of rheumatism.

Thus, a number of the following herbs have a pronounced antirheumatic effect:

  • meadowsweet,
  • silver birch,
  • elecampane tall
  • burdock,
  • common dandelion,
  • tricolor violet,
  • oats
  • heart-shaped linden,
  • wild rosemary.

Recipe No. 1: 1 tablespoon of wormwood flower baskets pour 300 ml hot water, leave for 2 hours, strain. The resulting composition is used as an external anesthetic for rheumatism.

Recipe No. 2: 50 g of dry meadow clover grass (chopped) pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, then strain. The infusion is used for medicinal baths. The procedure is carried out before bedtime. The course of treatment is: 12–14 days.

Rheumatism is a systemic disease of the musculoskeletal system, affecting mainly people under the age of 40 years. The inflammatory process is of allergic origin and is localized in the connective tissue of the joints, blood vessels and heart. In the absence of timely intervention, the disease spreads to all organs and becomes chronic. At an early stage, the pathology responds well to conservative therapy. Let's look at how to treat rheumatism at home using medicines and folk remedies.

Basics of therapy

The disease develops against the background of re-infection with group A streptococci after a sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other infections. The most common manifestation of rheumatism is, accompanied by symmetrical inflammation of the large joints of the lower and upper extremities, muscle pain and fever.

The most dangerous manifestation of rheumatism is inflammatory damage to the heart, blood vessels of the brain and kidneys, leading to severe complications. Therefore, at the first signs of rheumatism, you need to seek help. medical care. Treatment of joints is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

When rheumatism is confirmed, standard therapy is carried out in three stages:

  • Elimination of symptoms in the active stage of the disease (the first 5-6 weeks from the moment of detection) and prevention of complications. Treatment consists of strict adherence to bed rest and diet, taking medications;
  • Sanatorium-resort treatment, including exercise therapy and physiotherapy (electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation, warming up joints and paraffin baths);
  • Preventive therapy and constant monitoring by a doctor.

Drug treatment

To cure rheumatism and prevent the development of dangerous complications at an early stage of the disease, drug therapy with the following groups of drugs is used:

  • Penicillin antibiotics. For effective elimination streptococcal pathogen, the course of treatment should be at least 10 days;
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain, swelling and fever. Prescribed drugs are in the form of tablets, intramuscular injections, ointments and creams (Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Voltaren, Aspirin and its analogues);
  • Glucocorticoids in the form of injections for rapid relief of pain and inflammation (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Triamciolone);
  • Gamma globulins containing antitoxins and antibodies to streptococci.

Along with taking medications for the treatment of rheumatism, doctors recommend sanitizing foci of chronic infection in the body (caries, sinusitis, tonsillitis). After eliminating the acute symptoms of the pathology, regular prophylaxis with Bicillin-5 is carried out. A penicillin antibiotic is administered once every 3-4 weeks to prevent relapses.


The main goal of the diet for rheumatism is to normalize the water-salt balance. In the acute stage of an inflammatory disease, the following rules must be observed:

  • Every day consume no more than 80 g of protein, about 60 g of animal fats and 30 g of vegetable fats;
  • Reduce the amount of salt to 3-5 g per day;
  • Eat up to 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • Reduce the amount of liquid consumed to 1-1.5 liters per day;
  • Exclude fatty, fried, canned foods, sweets, spices, alcohol, carbonated drinks. Limit the consumption of foods that provoke the development of an inflammatory process in joint tissues (legumes, radish, sorrel, spinach);
  • All products must undergo preliminary thorough heat treatment; preferably boiling, stewing, steaming.

Therapeutic nutrition for rheumatism of the joints should include the following products:

  • Lean varieties of meat and fish, beef and pork liver;
  • Fermented milk drinks and low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Vegetables and fruits in the form of stews, salads, compotes, decoctions and jellies;
  • Soft-boiled eggs and steam omelettes;
  • Nuts, vegetable oil;
  • Whole grain bread, cereals, pasta.

In the inactive phase of the disease, it is recommended to carry out fasting fruit and vegetable days with the permission of the doctor. To prevent exacerbations, you should include in your diet foods rich in potassium and vitamin C (bananas, black currants, citrus fruits, rose hips).


After eliminating acute symptoms, treating rheumatism with folk remedies at home is effective. Therapy and prevention should also include daily hardening, avoiding hypothermia and overheating, ventilation and wet cleaning of the home.

Decoctions and infusions of herbs for oral administration

There are proven recipes from traditional healers:

  • Birch bud tincture. Rinse half a glass of fresh birch buds and pour into a 0.5 liter container, add vodka or moonshine to the brim. Seal tightly and leave in the dark, shaking regularly. Drink two spoons a day on an empty stomach, duration of treatment is 2 weeks;
  • Vitamin tea. Peel and chop a small ginger root, mix with lemon zest and transfer to a teapot. Add one tablespoon of turmeric powder. Pour boiling water over and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drink the remedy instead of tea in the acute and subacute phase of rheumatism of the joints;
  • Decoction of corn silks. Pour a tablespoon of pharmaceutical raw material into a glass of water and bring to a boil over low heat. Drink 2-3 glasses of freshly prepared broth per day for 6-8 weeks;
  • Celery decoction. Thoroughly wash and chop one plant along with its roots, add 2-3 glasses of water and boil the liquid by half. Strain the resulting product and drink during the day in 3-4 doses.

All herbs for rheumatism should be taken only after prior consultation with a doctor. It should be remembered that ingestion of some plants and products based on them can cause an allergic reaction or gastrointestinal tract disorders.

Expert opinion!

According to studies, regular use of decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs against rheumatism can reduce the risk of relapses and complications by almost 50%. Treatment with folk remedies is an effective addition to traditional drug therapy.


Effective treatment of rheumatism of the joints with folk remedies includes dry and wet compresses on the area of ​​the affected joints of the legs and arms:

  • Dry compress made from birch leaves. Pour several handfuls of washed fresh or dry birch leaves into tights or tights, shake, and put on overnight. Treatment is recommended in the acute phase of rheumatism to relieve pain, fever and inflammation;
  • Salt compress. In a glass of water, add a heaping spoonful of sea salt. Moisten folded gauze with the resulting solution, apply to the sore joint and leave for several hours. You can place a warm heating pad on top. Repeat the procedure daily until the pain syndrome due to rheumatism is completely relieved;
  • Grind fresh onions (50-75 g) in a blender. Distribute the resulting pulp over the sore joint, insulate it with film and woolen cloth, and rinse off after half an hour. Make onion compresses 3-4 times a week for a month;
  • Peel raw potatoes and grate them without squeezing out the resulting juice. Soak several layers of gauze with the resulting product, wrap it around the affected joint and leave until the morning. The duration of treatment for rheumatism is 10-15 days.

Ointments and creams

Propolis oil. Melt 1 kg of natural butter and add 150 g of crushed propolis. Mix thoroughly and heat slightly until the grains are completely dissolved. Store the product in the refrigerator in a sealed container. Rub daily into joints affected by rheumatism for 2-3 weeks.

Rubbing from a pharmacy alcohol tincture of hot pepper or lilac flowers. Rub 10-15 drops into the area of ​​the inflamed joint at night. The course of treatment for rheumatism is 2 weeks.

Rubbing from tsitvarny wormwood. Pour 300-350 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of inflorescences and leave covered for 2 hours. In case of severe pain, apply generously to the inflamed areas of the body, rub in with gentle massage movements and leave until completely dry.

Hot baths

The most effective folk remedies for rheumatism include hot baths with the addition of the following components:

  • Sea salt (one spoon for every liter of water);
  • Pine needles (two to three handfuls per bath);
  • Birch greens, fresh or dry;
  • Infusions of tansy or clover flowers (2 tablespoons of raw materials for every liter of water).

It is forbidden to take hot baths during an exacerbation of rheumatism. Warming up may worsen general well-being and the development of serious complications.

Application traditional methods Treatment of rheumatism in combination with diet and drug therapy helps to avoid relapses and progression of the pathology. All anti-rheumatism remedies should be used only after consultation with a specialist.

Rheumatism- a systemic infectious-allergic disease of connective tissue affecting the joints and cardiovascular system, characterized by frequent relapses.

Streptococcal infections and the genetic predisposition of the body play a decisive role in the development of rheumatism.

The disease is mainly characteristic of children and adolescents aged 7-15 years. Women get sick approximately 3 times more often than men. The development of rheumatism is closely related to a previous acute or chronic infection of the nasopharynx (sore throat, pharyngitis).

The main danger rheumatism poses is to the cardiovascular system. Against this background, myocarditis or heart disease arises and develops. Exacerbations of rheumatism can occur several times a year, but the disease does not entail permanent changes in the joints.

Rheumatism is most dangerous for children and young people.

What do? Treatment for rheumatism is prescribed by a doctor. During periods of exacerbation, it is necessary to observe bed rest, maintain a constant temperature in the room of 19-20 ° C and dry air.

Eating watermelons, blueberries and blueberry, lingonberry and cranberry jelly;

Lemon juice from half or a whole lemon hot water in the morning half an hour before meals;

Cranberry juice with linden or buckwheat honey;

Compresses for the night from peeled, freshly grated potatoes (spread the potato pulp on a thick linen or linen cloth, apply to the sore spot, secure without squeezing; wrap with a warm cloth on top);

Compresses from fresh steamed aspen leaves;

Infusion of raspberry fruits (a tablespoon of fresh or frozen berries per glass of boiling water, drink hot before bed) or black currant leaves (infuse a tablespoon of finely chopped leaves in 2 glasses of boiling water for 1-2 hours and drink half a glass 3 times a day) ;

Baths with infusion of black currant leaves;

Baths with a decoction of pine buds;

Heat quartz sand in a cast-iron frying pan, pour it into thick socks, tie them and apply to the sore spot(s);

Whip the sore spots with freshly picked nettles.

There are acute and chronic. Systemic inflammatory disease of connective tissue. Relapse is preceded by tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis or scarlet fever. The leading symptom is heart damage (carditis).

Prevention: hardening, sports, the fight against infectious diseases, correct and early diagnosis of acute diseases of the nasopharynx and timely treatment. There are two main reasons for the development of rheumatism: a cold and the presence of an abscess in the body (bad rotting tooth, sore tonsils, etc.).

Prevention also consists of organizing a set of individual, public and national measures aimed at preventing primary morbidity. Such measures are reasonable hardening of the body, development physical culture children and teenagers.

Warning rheumatism is to avoid colds, drafts, damp places of residence, timely treatment of teeth and tonsils, especially in childhood.

In acute rheumatism, pain appears in the joints, first in the shoulders, knees, elbows, then moves to smaller joints. The diseased joint swells, burns, and often turns red; pain is felt mainly when moving and straining. The disease lasts 3-6 weeks, then passes and becomes chronic.

Treatment: From pharmaceutical products, it helps to take salicylic sodium 0.5 times 2-3 times a day (dilute the powder in water) or aspirin 0.5 times a day.

It is useful to rub sore spots with camphor oil or bodyagi ointment, which is made up of one part bodyagi powder and ten parts lard. Rub for no more than 15 minutes.


1. Mud bath, on which 10 pounds of sea mud must be placed.

2. Salty: place 5-10 pounds of sea salt in the bathtub.

3. Alkaline: Pour lye into the bath, for the preparation of which you need to collect clean wood ash, add water, boil, let it settle, cool overnight. Take the same amount of water for boiling as ash. During the night, all the ash will cool down, and the top will turn out to be clear, like water, lye. Take it for a bath, it is better to dilute it with water. The patient should sit in the bath for 10-15 minutes. at 30-32°. Before using alkaline baths, you should consult your doctor.

Diet for rheumatic patients - milk in all forms, plant foods, raw lingonberries and tomatoes. Drink more, heat, use diaphoretics and diuretics.

1. For mild rheumatism (beginning), it is enough to plant bees on the sore spot, from whose stings the pain quickly goes away. If you use this remedy 2-3 times, then rheumatism completely leaves the patient.

2. It’s good to keep sore legs for half an hour, an hour in a hot (fresh) cow litter Then wash with warm water and wrap up.

3. For general rheumatism, go to the bathhouse, steam the body well, then take an ointment made from rendered pork lard and salt, and rub the sore spots with it. Then wash with hot water. Only after this should you beware of catching a cold. If you repeat this remedy several times, you can be cured of the most severe, chronic rheumatism.

4. Treatment with earthworms. Collect the worms, wash them, put them in a glass jar, tie them with paper and put them in the sun for several days until the worms turn into porridge. Rub this porridge on sore spots, which will make not only pain go away, but also swelling.

5. Make baths out of chaff and goat droppings. First, boil the chaff (waste from hay), then add goat droppings and strain into the bath.

6. Ant baths. You need 8 pounds of ants for a whole bath. They are brewed alive in a bag and the bag is placed in the bath. It can then also be applied hot to sore spots.

7. Bran baths.(Here Dr. O. Morozova does not give a method of application, apparently believing that this procedure is not very complicated - compiler's note).

8. Baths made from fresh birch leaves.

After hot baths, sore spots are lubricated with an old Russian remedy - pure tar or a mixture of radish juice and kerosene. Or an ointment made from birch buds, or birch leaves, or pine needles. The proportion is as follows: one part of the powder of dried buds, leaves, needles should be mixed with two parts of lard. Lightly lubricate the body.

9. Areas affected by rheumatism are lubricated pepper spray, i.e. infusion of red pepper in alcohol, and with

when grinding, you need to add some kind of vegetable to the peppercorn oils

10. Rub (without bath) formic alcohol: Fill two thirds of the bottle with live ants, add the rest with alcohol. Let it brew a little.

11. Be treated by ingesting an infusion or brew from different herbs:

- infusion of roots and leaves false lingonberry, otherwise called "bear ears". Two to three cups per day; For every brew or infusion, take a teaspoon filled with a glass of boiling water.

- an infusion of young shoots and leaves of this lingonberries: put up to a third of the lingonberries in a bottle, fill the rest with alcohol, leave in the sun. Drink a glass twice a day.

- infusion celery: cover a quarter pound of celery, including the root, with water and cook until one cup remains. Strain and drink this portion throughout the day. With at intervals. The product is good. Can destroy rheumatism in a few days. You need to prepare a fresh drink every day and drink until the rheumatism goes away.

- infusion of garden flowers with alcohol lilacs, drink 10-15 drops a day (the portion of infusion is the same as for lingonberries).

- drink on an empty stomach daily lemon juice from one or half a lemon with hot water - 1/4 cup. (Tested on myself - a very good remedy - O. Morozova).

Rheumatism is also treated oats: you need to put oats in a bag, boil it and apply this bag to the sore spot as hot as you can bear. Do this several times a day.

A very good remedy for muscular rheumatism: drink carefully 2-3 glasses of the broth every day corn hair. Available in pharmacies in dry form; dried, take a heated teaspoon per glass of water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes. They are harmless if you add more. Drink for 6-8 weeks. The most stubborn rheumatism goes away.

Sympathetic means. If, for example, your hand hurts, then be sure to tie a red woolen piece (preferably knitted) to the same place on the other hand.

Always carry wild chestnuts with you, which protect against gout and rheumatism.

People have a great many recipes for rheumatism. Proof of this is the funds given below, collected by a hereditary Russian doctor P. M. Kurennov. His books were published abroad, he treated Americans, traveled halfway around the world, and lived in the USA for a long time. The name of P. M. Kurennov is widely known. on his unique recipes Many naturopathic doctors, healers, and herbalists refer. More than one generation of people has been cured by his means, and even more will turn to his recipes in the future. We present the advice of the famous Russian doctor, without adding or changing anything.

The most powerful remedy

If thousands of doctors of Russian folk medicine, thousands of Tibetan and Mongolian lamas treat their patients with the same remedy, then this remedy cannot be bad. It seems that of all the antirheumatic drugs this is the strongest and most radical. The name of this remedy in the common language is root-fighter. Rheumatism in any form can be cured by this remedy.

Method of preparing medicine. Take a quarter pound (US) of roots aconite(you need to take only the root, not the stems), pour them with one quart of vodka or diluted 60-proof pharmaceutical alcohol, and place in a warm place for three days. When the tincture acquires the color of strong tea, it is ready for consumption.

Method of use. Persons with a very weak heart are recommended to use no more than one teaspoon of tincture for each rubbing (in general, the dose is one tablespoon of tincture for each rubbing). This remedy has monstrous power. When rubbed, it increases blood circulation so much that the patient immediately feels an unusual heartbeat. If both legs and arms hurt, you should rub only one leg, the next day - the other; then one hand, etc. This order is necessary due to the above-mentioned effect of the medicine on the patient’s heart.

Rub the tincture dry. The area to be rubbed must be wrapped in flannel and some woolen material on top of it to keep the sore spot warm and prevent the influx of cold air.

Rubbing is best done at night. About two hours before the patient gets out of bed, the bandage is removed. In the morning, when the patient gets up, that is, two hours after removing the bandage, you should wet a rag in cold water and, squeezing it tightly, wipe the area to be rubbed with it. This must be done quickly. Slow rubbing can lead to a cold.

If rheumatism is of a very painful nature, with tumors, then rubbing with aconite tincture is done for four or five weeks every day before bedtime.

Those wishing to use this remedy must be warned in the most categorical manner that every instruction relating both to the method of preparation of the medicine and especially to the method of its use must be followed precisely and strictly. When flannel is mentioned, flannel is what we are talking about. Woolen cloth means woolen cloth, not cloth containing ten percent wool and the remaining ninety percent cotton.

Immediately after rubbing aconite, be sure to wash your hands with soap and a brush to remove particles of this monstrous medicine from the pores of your hands. If someone, after rubbing in the tincture, does not wash his hands thoroughly with soap and a brush, but begins to wash himself at all, he risks being left without eyes.

You should always and strictly remember that aconite is highly poisonous. Sometimes the calves ate one or two leaves of aconite and dropped dead.

To show the reader how important it is to follow every instruction exactly when using this tool, the author gives the following example.

The famous naturalist Kneipp recommends that patients with a cold or high fever fill the bathtub with cold, ice-cold water and stand in it for exactly one minute. No more, no less. Then, putting on woolen stockings, walk quickly and continuously around the room for fifteen minutes. Then go to bed.

One day a patient complained to Kneipp that he almost died after standing like that. Kneipp asked the patient in bewilderment:

—You stood in the icy water for exactly one minute?

“Not just one, I stood there for five whole minutes,” answered the complainer. Kneipp's face showed horror...

One good friend of the author, who treated himself in the same way, also almost died. Having high temperature caused by a cold, he poured ankle-deep ice-cold water into the bathtub and stood in it for exactly one minute, as he was supposed to. However... he did not bother walking around the room, but immediately went to bed...

The author cited these two examples to once again emphasize the tragic and irreparable consequences that even the slightest deviation from the doctor’s instructions or a frivolous attitude in the manufacture and use of medicine can lead to. Some details of the treatment will seem trivial to many, but they are the main essence of the treatment. For example, let's say that if a patient does a rubdown not two hours, but a few minutes before going out into the air, or does not fulfill any requirement of this method of treatment, he will meet death much sooner than the two unfortunate patients of the naturalist Kneipp mentioned here.

Additional information for the recipe (Wrestler root - aconite)

This plant (fighter) reaches seven feet in height. All of it is very poisonous, especially the root. In pastoral areas, the borer causes great damage to young animals, but adult cattle do not touch this plant.

The wrestler usually grows in valleys, along the banks of streams and rivers, sometimes on the tops of mountains and along their well-ventilated slopes. The collection (digging) of the root is carried out on the dry days of June - July. At this time, the plant reaches its greatest strength (in terms of its medicinal properties). The root is thoroughly washed and dried in a cool, ventilated place, under the roof of a barn or, most often, in the attic and entryway.

Since this plant is extremely poisonous, it must be handled very, very carefully.

Wrestler is a fairly good remedy for all types of rheumatism. However, patients often stop using the fighter tincture as soon as they notice that ulcers appear in places affected by rheumatism, which cause suffering to a greater extent than rheumatism. Meanwhile, this serves as proof that the fighter’s tincture has begun to have an effect on the disease.

With the appearance of ulcers, rubbing the wrestler tincture should be stopped, allowing the body to rest. As soon as the wounds heal, treatment resumes. If the wounds appear again, rubbing should be interrupted. Usually, after their secondary appearance, ulcers no longer occur.

Unique recipes

You need to take grams of nitric acid or, what is the same, simple strong vodka - 100, pour in so much hot water - 100, ammonia - 120, French turpentine - 60, cut up a pod of red pepper, ant alcohol - 20, bear lard - 30, opodeldok - 45, copai balsam - 15, goose fat - 30, wood oil 1/8 pound, camphor alcohol - 30, cow (fat) butter 1/8 pound, Weimar balsam - 30.

Pour all this into a bottle (with a measure no less than that of a champagne bottle) and pour in in the same order in which the indicated substances are named. When rubbing the bottle, you need to shake it every time. You need to rub the entire body, starting with the chest and neck, except for the abdomen (the scrotum and penis must be covered with a rag when rubbing, and you should also protect your eyes so that the spray does not somehow get in). Sick members, in addition to this, are smeared with grease for the third time and covered with tar tow and bandaged. You need to rub and bandage once a day - at night. You need to expect the turning point of the disease, that is, when there will be very pain in the limbs, which are covered with tow, and this pain can even last for several days; there is nothing to do - you need to endure, because the disease comes out with this pain; when the fracture passes, the whole painful disease - rheumatism - will pass, and the person will be forever healthy and cured of rheumatism.

This medicine cures all kinds of rheumatism, even if it is old and painful. With this medicine, one person, a simple old man, retired sergeant major Stepan Ivanovich Nagibin (resident of Veliky Ustyug, Vologda province) cured, according to him, up to 1000 people during his 40 years of practice. There is a handwritten letter from this man about this and a detailed instruction on the preparation of his wonderful medicine: “And I, sinful monk F, received from this wonderful medicine great relief from 17 years of painful rheumatism. My suffering was unbearable - hellish. And now, glory to God and the Queen of Heaven, I am complacent, thank the Lord and confess His mercy towards me, a sinner! Athonite Monk.

August 1931, R. P. M. Athos." About the famous healer S.I. The author heard Nagibin more than once from his maternal grandfather, a famous healer. The recipe of an outstanding healer, described by a humble Athonite monk, is one of the most powerful remedies for all types of rheumatism, including joint rheumatism. However, it seems to the author that there is an error in the text of the recipe. When dissolving acids in water, always pour the acid into the water, and not vice versa. In this case, the acid must be poured into the water very slowly, almost drop by drop. If you pour water into acid, then when a stream of water comes into contact with the acid, the latter, grabbing the water, can produce an explosion of such force that it breaks through a wall or ceiling... If necessary, bear fat can be replaced with dog fat.

The great and universal remedy of Russian healers

This remedy cured hundreds of such patients who had already lost all hope of curing the disease. Thousands of other healers have also used the remedy described below with success.

Two pounds of hay dust should be placed in a calico bag and boiled in a saucepan or other vessel with a gallon or two of water for 30 minutes. Pour the resulting broth into the bath and add hot water to half the bath. Sit in the bathtub and cover the bathtub with a tarp, allowing the edges of the tarp to hang over the edges of the bathtub by eight or ten inches. A cut should be made in the middle of the tarp the size of a square foot. Sew thin rubber into the cut-out space, in the middle of which make a round cutout with a diameter slightly smaller than the neck. The patient should stick his head into this round cutout when taking a bath. Hay dust contains a lot of essential oil, strong remedy against rheumatism. If the bath is not covered with a tarp, the essential oil will evaporate along with the steam coming out of the bath. Under the tarpaulin, the essential oil enters the patient's body through open pores. Nowadays, many tarpaulin substitutes have appeared in many countries and especially in America. Any tarpaulin-like material is suitable if it does not allow steam to pass through. Many people, when treating with this remedy, try to be smarter than two birds with one stone: they replace the tarpaulin... with a sheet and therefore do not receive even half the healing effect of a bath covered with a tarpaulin, since the sheet allows steam to pass through.

The water in the bath should be as hot as the patient can tolerate. As soon as the water cools down a little, add hot water again. It should be mentioned that the hay itself is not suitable for this treatment; there must certainly be hay dust. After taking a bath, the hay dust should be thrown away. It is best to take these healing baths late in the evening, before bed. Many readers ask how many baths should a patient take? Many healers believe that for chronic muscular rheumatism it is necessary to take from 30 to 45 baths. For patients in the most acute initial stage of articular rheumatism - from 40 to 60 baths. The author's grandfather, a famous healer, and another famous healer Danilo prescribed and gave up to a hundred or more baths of hay dust to patients with chronic articular rheumatism. At the same time, both of them very often treated these patients with poultices from hay dust at the same time as dust baths. Often the grandfather treated these sufferers in the morning and afternoon with poultices, and in the evening, before going to bed, with baths. The technique of treating with poultices is simple: in a large closed cauldron, the doctor applied boiled hay dust (boiling for at least half an hour) to the patient’s diseased limbs and bandaged them with a thick layer of strips of flannel or woolen material. After two hours, I removed the hot compress bandage and threw away the dust. In especially severe cases of articular rheumatism, the grandfather applied a poultice of dust after an evening bath, and the patient went to bed with a compress of hot dust.

Some readers ask: can poisonous plants get into the hay and dust? In Russia, Siberia, the Far East, Mongolia and Manchuria, hay dust usually did not contain toxic impurities. Whether there may be harmful impurities in hay dust in some other countries - the author simply does not know.

Some healers recommend the duration of a hay bath - one hour, others - 45 minutes, and others only 20 minutes. Again, some recommend these baths every day, while others recommend them every other day. Apparently, in very severe and chronic cases of rheumatism, especially articular rheumatism, it should be taken daily, and for less severely ill patients every other day.

Before deciding to use the remedy described above, all healers examined the condition of the patient’s heart. If the patient has a heart condition, then the use of the described remedy is considered dangerous. If the patient has had heart attacks, then treatment with very hot baths is generally considered impossible. People with a weak heart are not advised to stay in a very hot bath for more than 15, and sometimes even 10 minutes. They should ask the doctor whether they can take very hot baths at all and if so, for how many minutes...

Not as an exception, but as a rule, almost all healers advised their patients to drink tincture of sarsaparilla root after a course of treatment with hay dust. Take three ounces of sarsaparilla root and two quarts of very good grape wine. The wine must be Russian (Caucasian), French, Spanish, Portuguese or generally European. American wines are unsuitable for healing tinctures. Both white and red wine are suitable for tincture, but cheap wines should be avoided, as the latter contain a lot of tannin, which greatly reduces the healing power of sarsaparilla root tincture.

Sarsaparilla root should be infused in a well-heated room (approximately 75 degrees Fahrenheit) for two weeks and shaken daily. Dose: one glass three times a day an hour before meals. Healers believe that the healing power of sarsaparilla root tincture is enormous, and in the old days they even treated syphilis with this tincture.

My grandfather, the healer of the village next to ours, Danilo, and many other healers from all the villages and towns of vast Russia certainly advised all their patients, after treating them for any rheumatism, to go to a Russian steam bath weekly and steam as long and as hard as possible with a birch broom.

The American scientist Dr. N.V. Walker, in his two wonderful books “Raw Vegetable Juices” and “Get Younger,” writes that the main cause of rheumatism is the consumption of meat. Meat produces a lot of uric acid in the human body, which forms crystals. These crystals, sharp as glass, settle in the muscles and cause severe pain. Dr. Walker advises stopping eating meat and switching to a vegetarian diet of raw vegetables and fruits. According to other authorities, rheumatism is caused by an excess of albumin in the body. In addition to meat, albumin is also found in the following foods: fish, cheese, eggs.

All medical luminaries believe that the main remedy for the treatment of rheumatism is diet; The diet is vegetarian. According to Dr. Walker and other scientists, it is completely pointless, on the one hand, to be treated for rheumatism by any means, and on the other hand, to continue to eat meat and... accumulate uric acid crystals in the body - the source of all rheumatic pains . In a personal conversation with Dr. Walker, the author emphasized the fact that my grandfather and other healers did not think about diet and ... cured all rheumatic patients. It should be noted that all the patients of grandfather Danila and other healers were Russian provincials and observed not only all the great fasts, but most of them also fasted on all Wednesdays and Fridays. Apparently, during fasting, the inhabitants of the Russian village got rid of harmful toxins and uric acid crystals. Many centuries ago, some wise Chinese said: “Preventing a disease is better than curing it.” Contemporaries who have forgotten about fasting and diet should remember this great saying and, instead of fasting, periodically switch to a vegetarian diet. Five or six weeks of a vegetarian diet (raw vegetables and fruits) a year will protect one and all from the torments of all types of rheumatism and many other diseases. A week of diet every two months. Dr. Walker once remarked that he admired the people of old who had the strength of will to observe fasts, and that the present public could be forced either to fast or to go on a diet only by means of two revolvers pointed at their heads. In addition to diet, it is imperative to have one day a week of complete fasting. After 35 years, you should fast twice a year for 15-20 days in a row. This is “the law and the prophets.”

Many will ask: “So, without diet or fasting, one cannot hope that treatment with hay dust will be fruitful?” The author should note that in articular rheumatism, diet or fasting is necessary for a very long period of time, perhaps a year or two years. At this time, having completed one course of treatment with hay dust (40-60 baths), you should take a break for two to three weeks and then continue the course of treatment again. In case of muscular rheumatism, treatment with hay dust can be effective even with meat diet, however, requires a longer period of treatment.

One of my readers once remarked that doctors are now successfully treating rheumatism with electric heating machines. These machines do not cure rheumatism, but only bring some relief to the sufferers. The rheumatic patient is forced to go to the doctor and pay him a fee every two weeks in order to get a little relief. Hay dust either cures the disease completely or cures it for a long time.

Ancient Russian folk method

Take half a pound of salt and a quarter pound of dry mustard. Add enough kerosene to them (the kerosene must be of good purity) to get a mixture like sour cream.

Method of treatment: rub overnight until dry.

This same product helps soften the skin of your hands better than any glycerin or creams.

Wonderful way

One particularly outstanding doctor of Russian folk medicine in the village of Koen, Novo-Nikolaevsky district, Tomsk province, cured several hundred patients with such a severe form of rheumatism that the doctors of official medicine were not able to help them.

In the spring, when the manure was rotting, this healer dug a hole in a huge pile of hot manure, placed a naked rheumatic patient there and filled the voids around the patient’s body with hot manure. Only the patient's head remained outside. The treatment session lasted six hours (one session daily). From twenty to twenty-five sessions was considered sufficient to cure all rheumatism.

During the long and brutal Siberian winter, the manure froze so hard and deep that with the onset of warm sunny spring days, the manure heaps emitted steam like geysers. The further into the dung heap, the hotter the manure, and the larger the dung heap, the more internal heat it contained. Sometimes the manure is so hot that it is difficult to hold your hand in it for a quarter of an hour.

The author personally knew more than a dozen rheumatic patients whom this famous doctor completely cured... with manure. This method of treatment is correct, but it is not easy. You must have incredibly strong nerves and be able to ignore the tears and pleas of the person being healed. A few minutes after burying the patient in manure, he begins to frantically scream and beg for release from this “cursed” manure trap. A weak-hearted person can go almost insane, because the heat from the manure is unbearable and the patient thinks that the manure will roast him like a goose in an oven.

After one and a half to two hours, the patient most often falls asleep in a “dead sleep”, so that at the end of the session it is difficult to wake him up. Some patients do not sleep at all during the first three or four sessions, but then the treatment turns... into an overnight stay, and they too begin to snore.

In some cases, the doctor placed very heavy stones around the patient's head and shoulders so that he could not crawl out of the dung.

There is one unshakable rule in this method of treating rheumatism: there should be no witnesses or “onlookers” near the treatment site. This is done as a precaution so that some compassionate bully does not take pity on the crying and crying patient for help and does not free him from the “Inquisitorial dung trap.”

Old, but forever new remedy

You need to take dry sand from the ocean beach. Heat it in the oven on a baking sheet. Sand heated strongly in this way should be poured into oblong bags of ten to twelve pounds. Apply these hot sand bags to the areas where rheumatic pain is felt. Many people think that the main healing role here is played by the temperature of the sand. This is not entirely true. It is believed that the main healing power of sand lies in the admixtures of various metals and minerals, radioactive elements in general, including microscopic amounts of radium itself. The more of these radioactive elements in the sand, the stronger its healing power.

An ancient remedy

Melt a teaspoon of butter and mix with bodyaga herb to a paste. Rub the mixture into the affected areas overnight and tie with flannel. Do this once. If after this you feel pain again, then after a week you should repeat the treatment session. You cannot rub the mixture of bodyagi and oil more often, as a rash will appear from skin irritation. When rubbed, the skin “burns”.

The best way to treat rheumatism with tumors

Now, at the very end of the glorious series of Russian folk recipes, the author will present several very ancient remedies that were readily used by doctors who devoted almost their entire lives to the study of traditional medicine: Benediktov, Prince Gigalychev and many others. etc. Let's deviate a little from the cliché description of recipes and delve into philosophical reflection on traditional medicine.

— I come from a medical family: my father and grandfather were doctors of official medicine. My father often said: “Why is it that we, doctors, cannot cure hundreds and hundreds of patients with rheumatism, paralysis, tuberculosis and other dangerous diseases?..” After some reflection, my father repeated: “Why is it that we, doctors, have studied medicine for many years , we can’t cure these patients, who are then often hanged by completely illiterate healers, almost all of them?..”

Both Dr. K. himself and his ancestors, doctors according to family tradition, did not study traditional medicine and healer methods of treatment. And Dr. Benediktov, who has studied folk remedies all his life, confidently says the following: “In many cases of severe rheumatism, when we, the doctors of official medicine, are powerless and unsuccessful, village healers cure those suffering from a severe form of rheumatism with the following simple remedies: radish or horseradish juice, wine or vodka with ammonia, with pepper or salt; they soar the sick in the bath with a birch broom and in the bath they treat by rubbing with resin or tar, turpentine; nettle guy, etc.”

Below we describe an outstanding traditional medicine, which was also used by doctors of official medicine.

You should take equal parts of undiluted sulfuric acid and linseed oil. Wooden oil can replace linseed oil, but only if it is of the same quality that was burned in lamps 70 years ago, since now lamp oil is made from all sorts of “rubbish.” Mix both ingredients in a tightly sealed glass container, BUT DO NOT SHAKE THEM. This completes the preparation of the ancient rheumatic balm.

Using a brush or goose feather, you should lubricate the sore spots once a day. 15 minutes after applying the balm, the sore spot is covered with gauze folded in four. If sore spots exposed to the balm continue to react very painfully to the use of this medicine, then this remedy should be used less frequently, i.e. once every two or even three days. The patient should continue to use this balm until the pain disappears completely. Often, after one or two lubrications, it becomes necessary to use a balm of a weaker composition: two parts of linseed or wood oil should be taken to one part of undiluted sulfuric acid.

An outstanding folk remedy for the treatment of chronic rheumatism with tumors and joint pain

Many doctors who have studied traditional medicine claim that they have witnessed many cases of unsuccessful treatment of rheumatism with tumors and hardening in the joints with many remedies, but all these patients were then cured by the folk remedy described below.

If rheumatism is in the legs, then bags should be sewn in the shape of the legs and parts of the torso up to the lower back. Then pick birch leaves from the tree and fill bags with them. In the evening before going to bed, the patient's feet should be positioned V These bags are designed in such a way that a fairly thick layer of leaves covers the surface of the legs on all sides. Your feet will sweat a lot, just like they would sweat in a steam bath. Sometimes at midnight the leaves should be changed if they become too wet. Several similar sessions, and... complete recovery occurs.

Great and universal folk remedy

Without exception, all researchers of Russian folk medicine claim that in all parts of vast Russia, remedies from birch buds. These remedies are used in the treatment of all types of rheumatism.

The buds are infused with vodka or alcohol, and the tincture is used for rubbing. Sometimes this kind of tincture is used orally in small doses. Birch buds are sometimes brewed with boiling water, left in a teapot for some time, and the patient drinks them as tea in order to induce sweating. However, ointment from birch buds is considered the strongest and effective means treatment of rheumatism. This ointment is used for rubbing sore spots in rheumatic patients; it is used in the treatment of all rheumatism, not excluding rheumatism of hereditary, syphilitic origin.

This highly healing ointment is prepared as follows: take two pounds of completely fresh, unpasteurized and unsalted cow butter. Place the oil in the clay pot along with the birch buds in layers: a layer of oil half an inch thick should be alternated with a layer of buds of the same thickness until the pot is almost full. Then close the pot with a lid, cover the holes around the lid with dough and place the pot in a well-heated Russian oven for 24 hours. Then squeeze the oil from the buds and put into the squeezed oil one quarter of an ounce of camphor, ground into powder. Keep this ointment tightly closed in a cool place. This ointment should be rubbed on all areas affected by rheumatism at least once a day, in the evening, before bedtime.

Treatment with ants

A. You should take it all ant heap with all its contents: ants, their eggs, wood dust, etc. Cover the sore spots of the rheumatist with gauze, folded in half, and pour the entire contents of the ant heap onto the gauze. This remedy will be effective even if the limbs (arms or legs) are paralyzed. It’s even better if you sew the bags in the shape of your sick members (arms or legs). Pour the contents of the ant heap into these bags and tie the bag near the lower back. Such bags should remain on the patient for two to three days. It is necessary to endure and stoically endure ant bites. After removing the bags of ants, the patient should be given one day of rest, and then continue the course of treatment until the disease disappears completely.

B. Ant tincture. Take a one quart size bottle, fill it halfway with ants and top up the bottle with vodka or alcohol. The contents of the bottle should be infused for several days in a warm place. This remedy is very useful for old rheumatic pains, colds with runny nose and to induce perspiration. You should drink this tincture in the morning and evening. Dose: half to one teaspoon.

Formic alcohol, which is sold in pharmacies, can be used instead of the homemade ant tincture described above. Dose: 20, 40, 60 drops; drink several times a day.

B. Ant bath (water). Place the contents of one ant heap in a bag and bring it home. Pour everything you have from the bag into the bucket and fill the bucket to the top with boiling water. The contents of the bucket should be left to steep for several hours and then poured into a hot bath at a temperature of 30 to 37 degrees Celsius. To increase the healing power of the bath, you should add a fairly significant amount of fresh birch leaves to it. Birch leaves can be replaced with fresh chamomile flowers or fresh Bogorodsk grass.

G. Ant bath (steam). Pour the contents of the ant heap into a bucket and add boiling water to it. Steam will come out of the bucket, over which the patient’s sick members should hover. If it is an arm or leg, then it is best to cover them with some kind of cloth, but the cloth should not touch the surface of the affected arm or leg. Steam should be forced to circulate around the member being used. The material should hang well below the edges of the bucket.

D. Ant bath (dry). Take about four inches of the top contents of the ant pile and discard it aside. Then you should place the patient's sore arm or leg on the ant heap and cover it with linen towels. Apply a thin layer of anise oil or honey to the part of the towel that touches the patient's leg or arm. This should be done before covering the painful part of the body with a towel. Sometimes, when treating the entire body, the patient’s shirt should be spread on an ant heap, and then put on the patient. This method makes it possible to soak a linen towel or shirt with formic alcohol, and then wrap the patient’s body with this material.

E. Ant oil. Take four parts of ants and one part of wood or almond oil. Keep this mixture in a warm place for 20 days and then strain. This oil should be rubbed into areas affected by rheumatism before taking any of the ant baths described above. This preliminary rubbing makes ant baths more effective and healing.

Note. An unshakable rule is that both external and internal use of products based on ants should continue until external use causes profuse sweating, and internal use causes redness of the skin and, in addition, the reddened skin begins to peel off and peel off.

Country remedy

Many doctors of official medicine who studied traditional methods of treatment, including the famous Prince Engalychev himself, saw with their own eyes how healers cured patients with the most severe form of rheumatism by using the following village remedy.

Dig up some fresh earthy reds worms and put them in a glass jar and top up the jar vodka. You should not pour too much vodka: when the vodka covers the top layer of worms, that’s enough. Cover the jar with thick paper or animal bubble wrap and tie it with string. Do not use ground cork and do not seal the jar of tincture hermetically at all. Keep the jar in the sun for several days. Rub this tincture into areas affected by rheumatism at least once a day, in the evening before bed.


A. Almost all doctors who have studied Russian folk medicine have come to the conclusion that no matter what other remedy you use to treat your rheumatism, in addition to this treatment you must certainly drink the following tincture:

Take two ounces of guaiac wood shavings and two pounds of pure alcohol. Leave for 15 days and then strain. In case of rheumatic pain, take three teaspoons of tincture per glass of chamomile decoction and drink (once a day).

B. This tincture, without adding chamomile decoction, can be successfully used as a mouth rinse. This the product strengthens the gums, stops toothache and stops tooth decay.

An original and quite powerful remedy

A. If you live near an ocean beach, then bring two trucks sand from the beach. Dig a hole in your yard three feet deep, four feet wide and eight feet long. Fill this hole with sand.

The best season for treatment with this remedy is considered to be the hottest summer days, but not windy ones. Let us also remind you that the pit must be built in that part of your yard that is protected from the wind and where the shadow of any object does not fall. Before the beginning of the treatment season, it is necessary to dig a hole in the sand, sufficient for the patient to lie down in it, and then cover the patient with a layer of sand four to six inches thick. Only the head remains uncovered by sand. The patient should lie prone for 15 minutes and supine for 15 minutes, that is, face down and face up. After which he gets out of the sand, puts on a flannel or wool robe and quickly goes home to take a hot shower or hot bath to wash off the sand. At the same time, you should beware of colds and drafts. After a bath or shower, you should immediately go to bed. It is not uncommon for a patient to change his underwear four times within two hours of resting in bed after a hot sand bath. Thus, the ancient saying of the peoples of the East that rheumatism comes out of the patient only with sweat is justified.

One hot sand bath per day is considered sufficient. One week of such treatment often brings the patient, if not complete recovery, then relief from the disease for quite a significant period...

Many who read this description of hot sand treatment will think that these baths can be taken right on the ocean beach. The author must answer that no, and a thousand times no... Firstly, because of the wind and breeze on the beach; secondly, the patient must take a bath without any bathing suits; thirdly, because the distance from the beach to the patient’s home is too great; fourthly, because the layer of wet sand on the beach is too close to the dry layer, etc.

B.S. can be treated with hot ocean water with some success sand and in winter. The bags should be sewn in the shape of the sick rheumatic limbs. Heat these sandbags in the oven of a gas stove and apply them to the sore spots of rheumatic patients. Sandbags should be as hot as the patient can tolerate. Bags should be changed every two hours. The hot sand bag treatment method is also considered to be quite effective, but treatment with hot sand baths in your yard will be much more healing.

Two Mexican remedies

1. Boil one liter of water, add three teaspoons Epsom salts and one quarter teaspoon of remortartar (tartar salt). Cut three lemons into slices with skin and leave for 12 hours. Drink one glass of tea every morning on an empty stomach. Shake the bottle before use. It should be mentioned that Epsom salt comes in two varieties: white, or chemically pure, which is used for oral administration, and gray, which is used for bathing as an external remedy. In the recipe described, you can only use WHITE Epsom salt.

2. You should take: camphor- 50 grams; mustard in powder - 50 grams; alcohol- 10 grams; raw egg protein - 100 grams. Pour alcohol into a cup; dissolve camphor in alcohol; pour mustard into this mixture and dissolve it; then add the protein and, stirring it, turn the medicine into a kind of lipstick (ointment). This ointment should be rubbed in once a day, in the evening before bed, but should not be rubbed dry. Then you need to wet and wring out the rag and wipe the sore spots with it.

Outstanding folk remedy for pain

These pains are the result of a cold, living in a damp room, sometimes a consequence of syphilis, and sometimes generally abnormal living conditions. If the illness began as a consequence of a cold, then you must certainly rub in the ointment from birch buds. (IN The recipe for rheumatism describes the method of preparing this ointment).

Then a layer of fresh birch leaves should be applied to the sore areas, the areas covered with birch leaves should be bandaged overnight and the bandages should not be removed until the morning. Birch buds contain oil that has phenomenal healing powers.

Miracles of treating rheumatism with bee stings

Since time immemorial, Russian healers have treated their patients with bee stings. The treatment technique using this method is extremely simple. Usually they catch bees (on a flower); take the bee by the wings and plant it on the sore spot. The bee almost always stings immediately. The next bite is made a day after the first, an inch or two from the site of the first bite. The first day they sting one bee, the next day - two, the third - three, and so on until five. Then the patient is given one or two days of rest and bites are made in reverse order, that is, they start with five bees and, reducing one bee every day, come to naught. If the patient still feels pain, then repeat the course of treatment after a week. After the second course of treatment, the patient should be given two weeks of rest before subjecting him to a third course of treatment, if necessary, which is very rare. It's a pity that V There is no space in this medical book to list cases of severe rheumatism, when no remedies helped and only with the help of bee stings the unfortunate sufferers were saved from severe forms of rheumatism.

Reliable healing remedy

Russian healers treated and cured rheumatism of many types with this remedy. In Russia and Siberia, healers treated syphilis with the same remedy (and not without success), but the treatment of syphilis required a longer time than rheumatism. This remedy is wholeheartedly recommended by the famous Far Eastern pharmacist.

Take three ounces (by weight) sarsaparilla root and two quarts of grape guilt of the highest quality. Low quality wines are unsuitable because they contain tannin, which reduces the healing power of sarsaparilla. It should be infused in a room with high temperature (20-23°C) for two weeks with daily shaking.

Dose: one glass three times a day. It is better to take one hour before meals... In Siberia, where there are few grape wines and a lot of vodka, healers and peasants use vodka instead of wine, diluting it in the same proportion and taking the same dose. During treatment with sarsaparilla tincture, you need to beware of colds and be afraid of drafts; of course, only during treatment.

Siberian medicine remedy

Just take a soft cloth big size to cover the sore area (arm, leg, etc.). Wet this rag in kerosene good quality and apply to the painful part of the body. Then take a thick towel And wrap it around the place where the rag soaked in kerosene is applied, and secure the towel with several safety pins.

After some time, the patient will feel that the body is quite burning under the towel. If this burning sensation becomes almost unbearable for the skin, then you should loosen the towel a little, but do not remove it at all. Keep the towel on for 30 minutes to two hours. After removing the towel and rag soaked in kerosene, it is recommended to lubricate with Vaseline the places where the rag with kerosene was applied. This is done as a precaution so that the skin does not peel off or peel.

Popular folk remedy

IN pour half a pound into a champagne bottle with a good cork wood oil(which can be replaced with Provençal oil with some success). Add ten to twenty pods there red pepper, depending on the desired strength, and pour in half a pound of well-cleaned kerosene. Shake everything well. Leave in a warm place for nine days, shaking daily. Rub this mixture overnight. In the morning you should wear warm woolen underwear and woolen stockings.

The newest and most reliable means of treatment

The main cause of any rheumatism, according to the latest research by scientists, is excess uric acid in the body. This acid is given to the body by eating meat, game, and fish. When treating rheumatism, you need to give up meat food for a long time and switch to vegetarian food and mainly raw vegetables and raw fruits. When treating articular rheumatism, you should forget about meat food for life.

A few words about articular rheumatism. IN A wonderful book by an English author about health and the treatment of diseases, “Make Your Garden Your Pharmacy,” gives a very interesting case when, in one of the cities of Canada, a completely disabled former Canadian dentist was brought in a wheelchair for the disabled to a lecture on the treatment of various diseases with vegetable juices. Every member of this patient was severely affected by articular rheumatism, including the jaws of the mouth, so that he could not even chew food. As a result, the patient ate only liquid food, sucked into his mouth using a straw. It was, in the full sense of the word, a living skeleton, consisting only of bones and skin. After the lecture, this man began to drink huge amounts of carrot and celery juice. The proportion of vegetable juice for patients with articular rheumatism is: for one quart, which contains 32 ounces, you should take 10 ounces of celery juice and 22 ounces of carrot juice. The patient also took sunbathing almost every day. Two and a half years later, this Canadian dentist, who truly had one foot in the grave, reopened his office and did everything that a man of his profession should do. The only thing that showed V from a former patient with articular rheumatism, this is like a small hump between the shoulders.

All the most prominent, newest scientific sources on the treatment of rheumatism strictly recommend starting treatment with a fundamental cleansing of the body and mandatory fasting, or rather fasting, in order to free the body, especially the intestines, from toxic and dirty substances accumulated there, often lying there for many years. After cleansing and fasting, nature itself will take care of gradual recovery. This cleansing of the body and fasting are mandatory, because they greatly speed up the healing process. Cleansing the body and fasting (fasting) always bring wonderful results: the temperature drops, pneumonia and hay fever gradually disappear. Many diseases can be cured almost immediately after cleansing the body of toxic substances and dirty deposits.

Note. For persons suffering from appendicitis, inflammation of the esophagus or ulcers in this area, such cleansing is not recommended: these persons should go straight to fasting. Many modern scientists, including the famous American scientist dr. N.V. Walker, fasting lasting more than six days is not recommended. It is better to fast for a short time, but more often. But many others recommend long-term fasting.

The famous American doctor Newman recommends starting cleansing the body and fasting as follows. In the morning, immediately after waking up, dilute one spoon of Epsom salts in half a glass of boiling water (it is best to use distilled water, if you can get it). Add the juice from two lemons and fill the glass to the top cold water(preferably distilled) and drink. After 20 minutes, take half a glass of carrot and celery juice or the same amount of citrus fruit juice (oranges, lemons), dilute with half a glass of distilled water and drink. Throughout the next day, you should repeat taking the juice with distilled water every half hour. During the cleanse you should not eat any food, although if you feel very hungry, you can eat one orange in the evening. Sometimes you will feel headache, nausea and weakness due to cleansing and fasting. You should not pay attention to this and should firmly remember that this phenomenon is temporary and will soon pass.

Starvation. After one day of cleansing the body, you should switch to fasting or a kind of fasting. For a period of one to five days, you should take only vegetable juices (as much as possible). An enema should be given every evening to get rid of the “waste” brought down from the top as a result of cleansing and consumption of vegetable juices during fasting.

For those who cannot undergo the cleansing process for the reasons mentioned above, a natural laxative should be taken.

In the intervals between fasts or fasts, one should eat mainly salads and raw vegetables and fruits of all varieties, with extremely small amounts of foods such as milk, cheese, eggs, fish and meat. Highly acidic foods that should be completely excluded from the diet are the following: all products containing white sugar and white flour, jams, sweets, pickles (small cucumbers prepared in brine with a large admixture of vinegar); vinegar; seasonings seasoned with pepper; etc.; alcoholic drinks; strong tea; coffee or cocoa; food prepared for a long time, fried and fatty foods.

Cleansing the body according to Dr. Walker. The night before you start fasting, in the evening before going to bed, you should drink a glass of laxative. Better - from a mixture of Epsom and Glauber's salts. After taking a laxative (if the patient does not sleep), you should take a glass of orange juice with some lemon juice every half hour for 24 hours and not eat anything. Before taking a laxative, you should do an enema. Here we need to clarify characteristics Dr. Walker's enemas. The rubber tube for the enema should be as thick as a pencil and its lower end should be generously lubricated with vegetable oil for 20 inches. However, Dr. Walker does not recommend using petroleum jelly or any other drug that has a mineral base. Fill the jar with two quarts of warm water, and it would be a good idea to pour in the juice of two or three lemons, although the latter is not necessary. Then the end of the rubber tube (without the tip) should be inserted into the anus and gradually insert more and more tube until 20 inches have been inserted. If the tube encounters an obstacle, there is no need to push it further. The enema according to Dr. Walker should be taken on the knees and elbows so that the water penetrates deeper and rinses better. This is followed by fasting and diet, as already described above.

Let us add that in the treatment of severe forms of rheumatism of all types, especially articular rheumatism, diet plays a vital role. Sunbathing, as well as a Russian or Finnish steam bath, also play a huge role; definitely with steam and a broom. You need to steam sore spots as hard and as long as possible.

For leg pain, Bulgarian healer and clairvoyant Vanga advises: in a large enamel bowl, cook a bunch red and white clover. When the broth has cooled, strain and add a tablespoon kerosene. IN Soak your feet in this decoction for 3-4 evenings in a row.

For rheumatism, the Bulgarian healer and clairvoyant Vanga advises: along with the recommendations of doctors, eat celery salad daily.

Treatment with physalis

1. Physalis vulgaris (fruit). The fruits are used for joint rheumatism and gout. For medicinal purposes in the summer, you can consume 15-20 fresh fruits or 20-25 g of fruit juice daily. A decoction of dried fruits is often used. 20 g of dry berries are boiled for 10-15 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. Leave until cooled. Take 1/4 cup 4-5 times a day.

Bath treatment

It was noted above that bath procedures are indicated especially for pathologies of tendons, ligaments and fascia, which ensure staticity of the musculoskeletal system. When visiting a bathhouse, patients suffering from rheumatism can alleviate their condition by taking juice from greens and celery roots, a decoction of dried black currant leaves, a decoction of tricolor violet herb, an infusion of lingonberry leaves, a decoction of birch leaves, birch sap, an infusion of elecampane root, a decoction of St. John's wort herb and nettle greens, burdock root decoction, dandelion root decoction, blueberry juice; for the articular form of rheumatism - a decoction of elecampane roots, an infusion of oregano herb, an infusion of bone grass, a decoction of oat straw, radish juice.

Mustard treatment

Mustard seed powder - 1 part, water - 2 parts.

Heat the water to a temperature of 50 °C. Pour mustard powder with water and grind to the consistency of sour cream.

Apply the mixture to a cloth, apply to the sore spot and cover with paper on top. Keep the compress for 10 minutes, repeat the procedure several times a day.

Mustard seed powder - 200 g, water - 1 glass.

Pour mustard with warm water, carefully


Add the mixture to a bath with a water temperature of 37-38 "C. Take this bath for 10 minutes.

Vodka - 0.5 l, mustard powder - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Pour mustard powder with vodka and leave for 5 days. Shake well before use.

Wine treatment

Rheumatism, strictly speaking, is not a disease of the musculoskeletal system. It is known about him: “Rheumatism bites the heart, but licks the joints...” Therefore, drinking wine depends on the condition of the heart, do not forget about it.

Required: 625 g each of red wine and May honey, 375 g of aloe leaves (at least 3 years old).

Cooking method. Pass the aloe through a meat grinder and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Cover the mixture with a tight lid and place in a cool place for a week.

Mode of application. For the first 5 days, take 1 tsp, all subsequent days - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is 5-7 weeks.

This tincture will have a beneficial effect on arthritis, rheumatism and radiculitis, and will be useful for paralysis.

One more good remedy For the treatment of rheumatism, an infusion of sarsaparilla root in red wine is used.

Required: 2 liters of red wine of the highest quality (low quality wines contain tannin, which reduces the healing power of sarsaparilla), 100 g of sarsaparilla root.

Cooking method. Pour wine over the roots, leave for 2 weeks, shake daily.

Mode of application. Drink 50 g 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for 6 weeks.

During treatment, beware of colds, avoid drafts.

For articular rheumatism, you can use the following recipe.

Required: 1 glass of strong dry wine, 800 g of fresh unsalted butter, 100 g of birch buds.

Cooking method. Place 1 cm of oil in layers in a clay pot, a layer of birch buds on top, and so on until completely filled. Close the pot tightly with a lid and place it in a cool oven for 2-3 hours. Then remove the pot from the oven, wrap it in a blanket and leave it in a warm room for a day. After a day, squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth, add wine to the resulting oil and mix thoroughly. Store the ointment in a sealed jar in a cool place.

Mode of application. Rub a small amount of the mixture into the skin every evening before bed. Wrap these areas of skin with polyethylene. In the morning, wipe them with a damp towel. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.

Treatment with vodka infusions

Often rheumatism is a consequence of a previous sore throat. In this case, one of the first symptoms of rheumatism is an increase in temperature. Some traditional medicines, such as rubbing with alcohol tinctures and taking them, help reduce high temperatures; inside. Alcohol has the ability to evaporate quickly, so alcohol rubdowns give a faster effect than water rubdowns.

1. Required: 250 g vodka.

Cooking method. Mix vodka with 1 glass of warm boiled water.

Mode of application. Soak a flannel cloth in the liquid and wipe your entire body with it several times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

2. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 20 black peppercorns. Cooking method. Pour in black peppercorns

vodka and leave for 2 weeks.

Mode of application. Rub your feet, hands, collar area and chest, followed by warm wrapping. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

3. Required: 1/2 l vodka, 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder. Cooking method. Pour mustard powder with vodka

and leave for 5 days. Shake well before use.

Mode of application. Rub your feet, chest and collar area, followed by warm wrapping in the evening for 3-4 weeks.

To prevent rheumatism and successfully cure it, preparations made from vodka are used for oral administration.

1. Required: 1/2 l of vodka, 20 g of wormwood.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over the wormwood and leave for 2-3 days.

Mode of application. Take 10-20 g orally 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.

2. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 1 glass of black currants. Cooking method. Mash the currants and pour vodka. Leave for 5 days.

Mode of application. Take 3 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

3. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 1 lemon, 1 pomegranate.

Cooking method. Squeeze lemon and pomegranate juice, mix, add vodka and leave for 7 days.

Mode of application. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day before meals. Repeat the procedure for 3 months.

Sea salt treatment

Rheumatism is a disease of connective tissues. Its causes are infectious and allergic in nature. This disease has very clear symptoms: the skin around the sore spot becomes hot to the touch, red and swollen. How to treat rheumatism? Sea salt will undoubtedly help you with this too.

Boil a liter of water, add three teaspoons of sea salt and three lemons, cut into slices with skin on. Leave for two hours. Strain and drink a glass of infusion every morning on an empty stomach. A liter of this drug lasts for five days. Then take a two-day break and start drinking lemon-salt water again.

In the evening, take birch ash, wheat bran and fine sea ​​salt(per kilogram only). Steam this mixture in a basin with ten liters of boiling water. Let cool to 45°C. Before going to bed, lower your legs (or arms, if they are the ones that hurt) into the basin for a quarter of an hour. Legs should be immersed up to the knees, hands, respectively, up to the elbows. After the procedure, wipe your feet (or hands) with a dry piece of flannel. Put woolen socks on your feet, mittens or gloves on your hands, and immediately lie down under a warm blanket.

Rheumatism treats aloe

An alcohol tincture of agave leaves, in parallel with physiotherapeutic procedures (compresses, a heating pad, ultraviolet irradiation, etc.) for rheumatism, is used for rubbing to cause a rush of blood to the affected area.

Treatment with water

Millions of people in our country suffer from pain in the joints and spine, in particular from lower back pain, manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis and even juvenile arthritis. Such phenomena can poison a person’s existence throughout his life, unless he understands the true reason for their occurrence. According to the “water” theory, pain in rheumatism, arthritis and osteochondrosis should be considered as signals from the body about a lack of water in the body of the affected joint. In some cases, joints may also hurt due to a deficiency of mineral salts.

It is known that the cartilaginous surface of the articular joint contains a lot of water. Water “lubricates” the surfaces of the cartilage, so when the joint moves, they rub against each other freely and painlessly.

During friction, some cartilage cells die, and young cells take their place. In well-hydrated cartilage, friction causes minimal damage, but in dehydrated joints the degree of cartilage damage increases. Such damage can be assessed by the relationship between abrasive exfoliation and the degree of cartilage cell regeneration.

In addition, blood cells growing in the bone marrow greatly exceed cartilage tissue in water content. As the vessels that supply blood to a particular area of ​​the bone marrow expand and contract, stenosis of one of the arteries entering the bone through the corresponding hole is possible. In this case, the body begins to extract the water necessary for the growth of cartilage cells from the blood vessels passing through the joint capsule. The mechanism of blood redistribution itself is also accompanied by pain.

All described pain indicates the inability of the joint to withstand further loads without sufficient water supply. You can get rid of this kind of pain only after increasing the volume of water consumed. This will lead to blood thinning, and thanks to its more intensive circulation, dehydrated cartilage tissue will quickly restore its functions.

The surface of any joint is completely strewn with nerve endings that regulate its functions. They require increased blood flow so that more water can be extracted from it. In case of dehydration, vasodilation occurs in the joint capsule itself, which should compensate for the lack of water due to the water supply to the bones. Consequently, dehydration of the cartilage tissue of the joint surface leads to damage to the bones themselves: their surfaces begin to become exposed, resulting in osteoarthritis. Then the damaged bone tissue triggers joint reconstruction mechanisms, which, as a rule, leads to its deformation.

To avoid such complications, you need to take pain in the joints or spine very seriously, immediately increasing the volume of water you take. First of all, you should understand that painful sensations are caused by nothing more than a lack of water in the cartilage tissue. If the pain does not go away for several days after increasing your intake of water and light physical activity, which promotes blood flow to the sore joints, you should consult a doctor for professional advice.

Mustard ointment


200 g salt, 200 g dry mustard, kerosene.

Cooking method.

Mix salt and mustard, add kerosene until the mixture has a thick consistency.

Mode of application.

Rub into the skin of sore joints at night.

Juniper tincture


1 tbsp. spoon of juniper berries, 100 ml of alcohol.

Cooking method.

Infuse the berries with vodka.

Mode of application.

Rub the tincture on sore areas.

St. John's wort tincture


1 tbsp. spoon of St. John's wort herb, 500 ml of vodka.

Cooking method.

Infuse the herb with vodka.

Mode of application.

Take 30 drops with water 3 times a day after meals.

Burdock decoction


1 tbsp. spoon of crushed burdock root, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over burdock root, simmer in a sealed container over low heat for 10-15 minutes, leave in a warm place for 30 minutes, drain the water and add clean water to the original volume.

Mode of application.

Soak the fabric in the broth, wring it out, wrap it in 4-5 layers, apply it to the sore spots, and cover it with a woolen blanket.

Infusion for lotion


2 tbsp. spoons of knotweed grass, 2 teaspoons of salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of rose hips, 2 tbsp. spoons of birch leaves, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Grind all the ingredients, mix, pour boiling water, leave for 12 hours in a thermos, strain, add 2 teaspoons of salt to the solution, stir.

Mode of application.

Soak a woolen cloth in the infusion, dry it, tie it to the sore spot, and wear it until the pain goes away.

Wormwood infusion


1 teaspoon of wormwood leaves, 500 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over wormwood leaves and leave for 1 hour.

Mode of application.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 1 week.

Purslane decoction


1 tbsp. spoons of purslane herb, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour water over the purslane, bring to a boil, boil for 10-15 minutes, leave for 2 hours.

Mode of application.

Rowan infusion


1 tbsp. spoon of rowan fruit, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the fruits and leave for 4 hours.

Mode of application.

Infusion of cinquefoil


1 tbsp. spoon of marsh cinquefoil roots, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over cinquefoil, leave for 2 hours, strain.

Mode of application.

Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

Celery infusion


1 tbsp. spoon of fresh celery roots, 500 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the roots and leave for 4 hours.

Mode of application.

Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Eryngium decoction


1 tbsp. spoon of flat-leaved eryngium herb, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the eryngium, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain.

Mode of application.

Lilac infusion


1 tbsp. spoon of lilac leaves, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour water over lilac, leave for 7-8 hours, strain.

Mode of application.

Take 2 teaspoons 3 times a day.

Infusion of dream

Required: "

3 teaspoons of herb, 500 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the mixture, leave for 2 hours, strain.

Mode of application.

Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Infusion of pine buds


1 tbsp. spoon of pine buds, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the kidneys, leave for 2 hours, strain.

Mode of application.

Take 50 ml 3 times a day.

Infusion of asparagus officinalis


3 teaspoons of rhizomes and young shoots of asparagus, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the asparagus and leave for 2 hours.

Mode of application.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Tavlinka infusion


1 tbsp. spoon of tavlinka herb, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the herb, leave for 4 hours, strain.

Mode of application.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Decoction of ordinary oats


250 g oat grains, 2 glasses of milk, 1 liter of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the grains, boil for 5-7 minutes, strain, add milk, boil for 10 minutes, strain again.

Mode of application.

Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

Horsetail infusion


4 teaspoons horsetail herb, 500 ml water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the herb, leave for 2 hours, strain.

Mode of application.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Linden decoction


1 teaspoon cordate linden flowers, 250 ml water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the flowers, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, leave, strain.

Mode of application.

Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day.

Infusion of meadowsweet


1 tbsp. spoon of meadowsweet flowers, 1 liter of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the flowers, leave for 3 hours, strain.

Mode of application.

Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

Potentilla erecta decoction


1 tbsp. spoon of cinquefoil rhizome, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the rhizome, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, wrap, leave for 2 hours, strain.

Mode of application.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Infusion of meadow prostrega


2 teaspoons of crushed prostrega leaves, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour water over the leaves and leave for 24 hours.

Mode of application.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. Contraindicated for nephritis and gastritis.

Black currant leaf tea

Required: ,

1 tbsp. spoon of black currant leaves, 500 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the currants.

Mode of application.

Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

Infusion of evasive peony


1 tbsp. spoon of dry peony roots, 750 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the roots, leave for 1 hour, strain.

Mode of application.

Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

Infusion of common ivy


1 teaspoon ivy leaves, 250 ml water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the leaves and leave for 1 hour.

Mode of application.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Flax decoction


2 teaspoons flax seeds, 625 ml water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the seeds, cook for 10-15 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, mix thoroughly, strain.

Mode of application.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Dandelion infusion


1 teaspoon of dandelion roots and herbs, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the raw materials and leave for 1 hour.

Mode of application.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Infusion of sedge parva


2 teaspoons of sedge rhizome, 500 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Pour boiling water over the rhizome and leave for 8 hours.

Mode of application.

Treatment with oils

Rheumatismoil composition No. 1


1 teaspoon butter, 1 tbsp. spoon of bodyaga powder.

Cooking method.

Melt the butter and mix with the powder.

Mode of application.

Rub the mixture into sore spots at night and tie it with flannel.

Oil composition No. 2


100 ml vegetable oil, 50 ml of ammonia.

Cooking method. Mix the ingredients.

Mode of application.

Rub the mixture into the sore spot 2-6 times a day, 1 teaspoon

Oil composition No. 3


650 ml sunflower oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of wild rosemary herb.

Cooking method.

Mix the ingredients, leave for 12 hours in a closed container on a hot stove, strain.

Mode of application.

Rub on sore spots.

Mud therapy


60-70 g of healing mud, cloth, cotton wool.

Method of preparation.

Heat the mud to 36-37 °C and distribute it over the fabric.

Mode of application.

Place the cloth on the sore joint, cover with oilcloth, and apply a thick layer of cotton wool. After 15 minutes, wash off the dirt with warm water and wipe the skin dry.


Pour the hay dust (1 kg) with cold water, bring to a boil and boil for 15-20 minutes, add the resulting solution to the bath (water temperature - 37-39 ° C).

  • Osteoporosis is a type of arthrosis characterized by atrophy and thinning of bone tissue. Contrary to popular belief that people are susceptible to osteoporosis
  • Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of death in many industrialized countries. This disease is characterized by narrowing of the arteries that supply tissues of various organs.