
Before starting an online business, you need to choose a company wisely so as not to fall into a pyramid. Basic Rule network business– the presence of a product or service offered; in pyramids, as a rule, there is no such product, and people pay for “air” without any confirmation.

On this moment a significant part of network companies offer biologically as a product active additives, cosmetics or household chemicals, or all these products together. There are companies that offer services instead of goods. The bulk of such organizations develop due to internal consumption, which is ensured not only by the right motivation but also by psychological pressure.

To choose a company, you need a unique product or service, a transparent marketing plan (this is a system for rewarding distributors), a training system, leaders, and the opportunity to receive passive income. It would also be nice to know the company’s growth dynamics and sales volumes.

In order to start making good money in a network business, you need to work a lot, and at first there may be little return, but in the future it will pay off. You should also remember that this is not a job for hire, this is working for yourself, here you are your own boss, you don’t owe anything to anyone except yourself. You will need a lot of self-discipline.

When you first join a company, you need to invest a lot of time, effort and money in training. This system of doing business is unfamiliar to most people; it needs to be learned. Just like in institutes, people study to obtain a profession.

In any network company, sales of goods or services are necessary; this creates the company’s turnover, due to which distributors receive large rewards. This skill also needs to be developed. At first, sales will help you earn quick income.

And the most important thing is building a network of distributors. The main income depends on the growth of the network, which will grow in direct proportion to the increase in the number of invited people. Invitations alone are not enough; you need to teach your people the same things you learned yourself, so that they begin to duplicate your actions. Success largely depends on this.

Important feature network marketing is the fact that, depending on the marketing plan, upon reaching a certain level, the distributor receives the opportunity for passive income. At this stage, you can retire and just enjoy life, since you have worked hard enough in your time.

Starting from the very first steps in the network business and throughout your entire journey in it, you will grow personally. This is a completely different form of work, or rather business, and in order to cope with all the assigned tasks and achieve the desired results, it is necessary to change, submitting to the ideology of the network structure.


Still, working in a network business means not just working for yourself, but also for the person whose referral you are, plus those people who are higher in the pyramidal hierarchy.

Network marketing is a direct sales method in which the movement of goods is carried out along the “manufacturer-seller-buyer” chain. Intermediaries and markups are eliminated as much as possible. The “network” of human employees is built on the principle of a pyramid, and many believe that newcomers to this business a priori cannot earn a decent living. This is not true - the best of the best in this business are highly paid, regardless of their place in the hierarchy.


Do not underestimate or skip the trainings and classes that the company organizes. The earning scheme may seem simple to you and does not require additional explanation, but this is far from the case. At the meetings, they will tell you about the current state of the market, show you a sales schedule, introduce you to successful colleagues and tell you about partner companies. A successful network marketing salesperson must always be aware of current news companies.

Try to attract as many people as possible to your business. How more people will be interested in such earnings and follow in your footsteps, the more bonuses and cash you will receive and the sooner you will move to the next level.

Look up to those who have achieved success. Positive motivation – The best way reach heights. Don’t give up after the first failures, don’t look at your less successful colleagues - if they retreated without achieving their goal, this does not mean that failures await you too. Perhaps they simply lacked the willpower or leadership qualities or they don't believe in own strength and the prospects of such a business. Belief in success and strict adherence to the accepted work plan will help you become the best.

There is a type of direct promotion of goods and services to the market - multi-level (network) marketing or, in other words, person-to-person marketing. The essence of this type of marketing is that the manufacturing company recruits an army of independent distributors who distribute the product, recommending it to friends, relatives and acquaintances. How realistic is it to earn anything in this type of business?


Select the network company you will be with. You may need to spend some time familiarizing yourself with the products and compensation plans of companies, of which there are many on the domestic market today.

Pay attention to the product distributed by the companies (goods or services). The product must be exclusive (unique), high-quality, in demand and located in the middle price category.

Review the company's marketing plan, also called a compensation plan. Ask the person who invited you to the business to explain to you in detail the specifics of payments for the work done.

Read the conditions under which you can become a distributor of the company. As a rule, the company offers the minimum requirements: conclude a contract and purchase an inexpensive starter kit with the documentation necessary to build your business. From this moment on, you are entitled to a discount when purchasing company products. In fact, this is a type of remuneration, since the distributor has the opportunity to buy the product at a wholesale price, which is sometimes 30-50% lower than the price for a regular consumer.

Before you go big, be sure to get trained in direct selling and network building skills. In most companies training

Make money online

People look for ways to obtain additional or main income every day, looking at vacancies or ways to earn money in various sources. has become popular and therefore allows you to solve the issue of income if the right steps are taken at the start. In the article we will consider important points who will tell you how to make money in network marketing and not fall into the “pyramid trap”.

Learn to differentiate

The concept " network marketing“causes various associations in people, because in order to make a profit, a person becomes an agent and must interest clients who can not only buy, but also earn money themselves. Gradually, a network is formed that connects each level of involved agents. The more there are, the higher the income, especially for the curator of the branch.

The network marketing scenario is similar to building, which usually affects the trust of a potential client. In order not to be deceived in your desire to make money, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Network marketing is based on the sale of a specific product or service that is offered according to the manufacturer’s catalog. There is no need to purchase products in advance. Only what customers order is sold. The goods are paid for on the day of receipt at the warehouse.
  2. A financial pyramid usually requires paying membership fees or buying “securities,” although outside of this organization they will become ordinary candy wrappers. Benefits can be obtained not from selling goods, but by bringing new people who pay a membership fee.
  3. There is another type of online earnings that can also be questioned - selling software or other equipment. To get started, you need to pay for a package of services that will allow you to occupy a certain place in the sales chain. This could be a personal account, a plastic card or other work tools, the use of which requires a subscription fee.

An example of the latter type of MLM business is the Talk Fusion company - it attracts both buyers of its tools and sales agents for the service. To earn money, you must first pay and bring two or more new agents so that the chain begins to generate income. But even those agents must develop their line. It's more like a pyramid, there is only a product that can be sold. The qualities of a leader, speaker and psychologist are needed. But it’s unlikely to be possible to quickly rise from the initial stage to “gold” or “platinum,” as representatives promise.

Having considered three options for network marketing, we conclude that in order to successfully make money in the MLM business, it is necessary to study the terms of cooperation. Choosing a company with which you can earn money is the main step for successful promotion.

Assessing the prospects

From the list of network business representatives, you need to choose a direction that will allow you to achieve success. It’s safer to start with a well-known brand. There is no need to make an effort to convince clients. This applies to manufacturers of cosmetics (Oriflame, Artistry, Faberlic) or household goods (Amway). Buyers have already appreciated the products and will buy them without fear.

Niche only famous brands already occupied by other distributors. Competition requires a special strategy in order to develop a client base and form your own line of passive income, taking into account the congestion of the segment. It’s easier to make money in a network business with a new offer that has the trust of consumers, but is in short supply on the market - new dietary supplements, electrical appliances for health and home, training courses, life and property insurance. The choice of direction depends on personal interest and the ability to earn money from it.

Pay attention to the assistance that representatives of the network company provide to students. Visual aids, video tutorials, meetings, and training are usually provided free of charge to improve agent performance. Some curators help in attracting first clients.

The scheme for accruing bonuses and cash is important, because earnings are the main motivation for a person in network marketing. For example, in the cosmetics MLM direction, the distributor receives income from the markup. The coefficient varies, but on average it is about 30% of the total amount. The supplier sets a wholesale price, the client receives the products at the price in the catalog, the difference ends up in the middleman’s pocket. In addition, points are awarded for the implementation of the plan, if one is provided, and for the work of other links in the branch.

If the scheme is transparent, there are no penalties or excessive plans, then it is possible to succeed in the chosen type of network marketing.

Action plan

Having gone through the stage of choosing an area where there is an opportunity to earn money, you need to draw up a business plan and understand what to pay attention to:

Training is necessary at any stage. The more information there is about the product, the easier it is to convince people by telling them about the benefits that are significant to them. Persuasiveness depends on the knowledge base. The experience of mentors will also help, who will tell you how to make a profit as quickly as possible and attract agents for passive income.

We choose the way to receive money - with or the passive option. Some distributors tend to start with personal selling, studying demand and finding a customer base. But network business gurus advise starting with two positions at once, because among clients there are people who want to receive an increase in their basic income or ensure that they purchase products at the purchase price. Large and medium-sized networkers note that most of their earnings come from the work of their subordinates, and not from direct sales. After some time, you can completely abandon the distribution of a product or service if there is a multi-level structure of agents.

Find ways to attract. There are different methods of successful sales:

  1. Direct contact with people if you have time to visit public places or there is a large circle of acquaintances and relatives who are not involved in the MLM business by other curators. It takes a lot of time and is not always effective. This option is relevant when the customer base has already been formed, when only delivery of products and catalogs is required.
  2. Attracting the target audience through social networks or creating a website or online store, if the manufacturer has not developed such a direction. Wider reach of potential clients. It takes less time. Users interested in products or opportunities to earn money respond.
  3. Sending offers to email and ad sites, creating landing pages and contextual advertising.
  4. Promotion through is becoming popular due to its coverage of various settlements and the ability to build a network not only in your city, but also outside of Russia. Especially if the company has a wholesale warehouse or can actually receive the goods as soon as possible. For example, in rural areas you can find clients through social networks, accepting applications in in electronic format and sending the goods by mail. We will arrange payment through the online payment system.

It is possible to increase your earnings several times at the initial stage if you choose two or three MLM partners. For example, it is profitable to distribute several brands of cosmetics and body and face care products. Prices from competing manufacturers differ, which allows people of different incomes to choose the right product.

Again, making a comparison between the cosmetic brands Avon and Faberlic, which have serious differences in the price list for the same type of product, the more offers, the faster orders will appear and a network will be built.

Know yourself

Not everyone can become successful in network marketing. If a friend or relative is delighted with the MLM business and does not want to sit for eight hours in the office or in production, this does not mean that everything is so simple. High-income networkers have the following qualities:

If the listed qualities are inherent in you, then you can be sure that you will be able to make money in network marketing.

Sometimes people test themselves in practice by spending one day with distributors of something.

Let's give an example

There is a company in the city that sells literature of various profiles. When inviting agents to work, representatives promise a reward of 500 rubles, subject to daily revenue of 10,000 rubles. This is the minimum plan. The price of products varies, from 150 to 1000 rubles per copy.

The applicant is given books and assigned a mentor for the first day of work. Specifics of work during a visit various places where there are people ( shopping centers, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, offices, institutions). So the work has begun. We visited several places, but the result was zero. Basically, refusals and dissatisfaction follow from the people who were disturbed. Even the goal of demonstrating the product has not been achieved.

Two hours later, potential clients were found who agreed to look at the list of books. I was interested in children's fairy tales worth 250 rubles.

The route continues. The result may be different, but the main thing is your resilience and desire to move on, try to sell something that the interlocutor was not aiming to spend the budget on in the near future.

If at the first refusal you want to go home, then you should think about your chances of making money in network marketing. This example clearly paints a picture of what a young distributor has to do.

Let's sum it up

Network marketing is rapidly gaining momentum. The initiators of selling goods without intermediaries, who make a large markup, are manufacturers (MLM companies). They provide the opportunity for consumers to receive goods at an affordable price, and for distributors to receive a reward for promoting the brand. Earn substantial capital for short term, of course, not entirely realistic, but feasible for a person who has all the makings of a successful networker. The most difficult and important thing is to choose the right niche and invest every effort in development. The level of income depends only on your performance and motivation.

    Mine were: 1. a company familiar to me, 2. has been on the market for many years, 3. a product that I like (note that the company must have a consumable product, and not “jars of Altai air”, “ processed cheese made from fish milk", "cloths for wiping the monitor made from eyelashes bat"and so on), 4. the presence of the “no sales” option, 5. since I am a mathematician and economist, it was important for me to immediately understand the marketing plan (I must know how much, when, and for what they will pay). And it just so happened that the first thing I found met all my requirements. I know very well that on the forum there are those who 1. “tried it, but it didn’t work out,” 2. “I’m there, but there’s no money,” 3. “my neighbor/girlfriend/some kind of aunt was there, they said it was bad.” fed" 4. etc. etc. I know all this very well, I went through it all myself. There was a desire to quit and go to hired work for my “big salary” BUT! I was stopped and cheered up by the fact that I like to go back to bed in the morning after getting up early and putting porridge for my daughter to cook (in a slow cooker!). This is problematic with hired work. It’s very easy with the network one. I don’t deny that I personally made a mistake with the mentor; I should have initially looked at information about him and found out more without registering. Well, okay, what's done is done. I learned a lesson, I made conclusions))))) In general, if you are ready to consider the option of cooperation with a network company, you are ready to work hard and get a good income (whatever you do, you get it 😉) write. I’ll tell you, teach you, and show you results. My telegram @OlgaAlieva P.S. Dear people with a negative outlook on life: you don’t have to write to me, I’m immune to you. Just become kinder to yourself, first of all, and the world will become kinder to you :)

Do you want to really learn how to make money in network marketing? My result in the network is a net income of 90,000 rubles per month from scratch. I was able to reach this amount in 3 months. In this article I will share with you how I did it.

You will learn what really affects the results in this business and can quickly make money in network marketing. All the steps described work 100%.

Network marketing - what is prohibited to do

When I joined my first network project, my sponsor drew circles for me and said: “Here you are, and here are your 3 friends. They will build you a team. You have 3 friends that you can join your team, right?”

Sounds easy and simple, right?

Why invite three? This is business! Everyone wants to earn money!

That's exactly what I thought at that moment. But do you know what happened when I started offering this business to my friends and acquaintances?

Everyone began to refuse, and some even laughed at me. Of the more than 250 people on my list of acquaintances, not one (!!!) joined my team.

Firstly, this was not the target audience. These people were initially not interested in making money in network marketing or any other business.

Secondly, I was still completely green and did not know how to sell the idea of ​​a network company.

That's why Prohibited action in network marketing No. 1 is to invite your friends to join your team!

The only exceptions are those people who themselves show interest and ask to talk about your business, or if you know for sure that this topic will be interesting to them. But pulling everyone along is the very first and biggest mistake of a networker.

After I didn’t find support from my environment, I started thinking, how else can I attract partners to make money in network marketing?

I reasoned like this: “Everyone wants to make money. Therefore, everyone is interested in this. I’ll send 30 private messages to people a day and someone will definitely connect.”

But it was not there. Instead of joining my team, people started complaining about me.

Because of this, my pages started getting banned.

I remember I freaked out terribly. Sometimes I gave up and wanted to give up everything.

It is very difficult to continue to act and not give up when nothing works out for you. You do one thing - the result is zero. You do another, a third... a tenth - noool! And in addition, all sorts of “smart guys” constantly tease you and laugh at you.

“Well, businessman, did you make a million?”

How much irony and jabs I had to endure...

But this is all lyrics. Spam didn't give any results either. The result is several blocked VKontakte pages and zero new partners to the team.

Prohibited action in network marketing #2 is spamming. Whatever form it may be in.

The third thing I tried to do was post announcements on free message boards and groups on social networks with an open wall.

For a while, I was happy that my accounts weren’t banned for this. I remember someone even contacted me. But the result was also deplorable - not a single new person was added to the structure.

At that time, I still didn’t understand why it didn’t work. And within the framework of this article I will not delve into this topic. You can take my word for it, or you can check everything yourself.

Prohibited action in network marketing No. 3 - message boards.

After I failed to invite people to my team in MLM using any of the above methods, I realized that I needed to learn. Only quality training and a professional approach to building a business will help you make money in network marketing.

Probably, since you are reading this article, this is no longer news to you.

Well, now let’s move directly to the algorithm that helped me and which will allow you to earn good money in network marketing.

Choosing a business site

I consider any Internet resource to be a platform. These are websites, social networks, instant messengers, and so on.

If you listen to any “business gurus”, most will answer that you should be everywhere. Maximum resources. Profiles on all social networks. Channels in all messengers.

I tried to follow these tips for a while. Until I noticed that I was spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.

And Facebook, for example, frankly infuriates me. Because he's so slow. It works very slowly.

Therefore, I decided that since I am doing business for myself, and not for my uncle, then let this business bring me pleasure. And I left only those resources that I liked as a platform for the development of network marketing.

These are VKontakte and YouTube. For a long time I didn't use anything else at all. Then I connected an MLM Blog and a Telegram channel.

I advise you to proceed from the same principle - choose those sites that you think are more convenient. You can choose from VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram. I don’t really recommend Odnoklassniki - the audience there is not very good, and the functionality itself social network limited.

Because YouTube for business is a very cool platform.

By the way, I advise you to watch my YouTube video for business. Learn how to make money in network marketing on autopilot

Please note that you should only have 1 account on each resource. There is no need to create 250 VKontakte pages and spam from them. Only 1 page, group or channel that we download.

Network Marketing Target Audience

Do you remember that I already mentioned the term Target Audience above?

When I invited my friends into business and spammed the main reason for refusals was that this audience was not the target for network marketing.

Who is our target audience?

There are 2 main target audiences in online business:

  1. Networkers. Former or current ones who have no results. This audience suits us because these people want to make money in network marketing, but don’t know how. If you show that you are a person who will help you make money, these people will join your team. Verified.
  2. People who are looking additional income on the Internet or want their own business, but don’t know how to open it. You are directly solving the problem of these people. You can help them and show them how to make money in network marketing. This audience is also good and we will definitely work with it.

Remember: you need to work only with the target audience. Never drag everyone into business. If you want to truly make money in network marketing, and not waste time on it, follow this rule.

MLM Base

We are not talking about an MLM base of networkers. We are talking about a subscriber base for an MLM business.

Why do you need a subscriber base?

There are 2 main reasons:

  1. The subscriber base is our warm list of contacts. Even hot. Would you like to create hot contacts via the Internet? When do people trust you 100% and are ready to buy any product you recommend? This approach will once and for all solve for you the question “Where to hire people for network marketing?”
  2. We can instantly interact with the MLM subscriber base. Invite to the team, involve in a presentation, hold some kind of competition with involvement in our business, etc.

How and where to collect a subscriber base?

To do this, it is not necessary to use mailing services e-mail. Just create a group in social network or a channel on YouTube or Telegram. This is also a kind of subscriber base.

We create a group, for example on VKontakte, and attract people from the target audience to it. This can be done either through Targeted advertising on VKontakte or through advertising in groups.

As for advertising through VK groups, there is a whole series of videos on this topic on my YouTube channel. I advise you to subscribe to it and study all the materials. Link to YouTube channel.

How to find contact groups with the target audience for MLM?

Very simple. These are the groups where your target audience is. Think about what is interesting to your target customers? What interests and hobbies do they have? Most likely, this target audience also belongs to groups with these interests.

Sales post for MLM

In order to attract new candidates to our business, we must have some kind of sales page that will attract people to our presentation. Typically, a sales post is used as such a selling page.

Creating a Landing Page is not profitable. This requires money. But anyone can write a sales post without any investment.

And I also have cool material for you on this topic. This is a video in which I fully revealed the structure of my selling post, which brought me 25,000 rubles in 1 day. Be sure to watch it

Network Marketing Advertising

To make money in network marketing you need to constantly advertise. Today it is no longer possible to build a team in MLM through a list of acquaintances. High-quality promotion is necessary.

Choose the one you like best.

So much so that it pays off and brings you a sufficient number of applications for your business.

If there is no advertising, there are no candidates. No candidates - no partners. No partners - no money. How to make money in network marketing? Build a system and constantly run advertising that will bring new candidates to your presentation.

Content in network marketing

You know, just a year ago you could fire up advertising and not worry about it. Applications came in, you processed them and brought new partners into the business.

It won't work like that today.

Before a person comes to you for a presentation, or even for a free consultation or webinar, you need to warm him up.

No, not in a frying pan.

We warm up candidates through content. That is, we show that we are a specialist who understands the topic and can really help other people make money in network marketing. The audience also gets to know us as a person, gets used to us, and the candidates develop a certain amount of trust in us.

In network marketing, people come to people.

Therefore, your task is to sell your expertise through posts and videos and win over the audience. And then people themselves will start asking to join your team.

And yet, how to make money in network marketing?

We've covered all the necessary steps. The first 4 of them: choosing a site, determining the target audience, collecting an MLM database and writing a selling post are essentially done once.

This is preparation. This is our foundation. And all you have to do is constantly advertise and publish warming content. And of course, process incoming requests for your business.

Nothing more is needed.

It was according to this scheme that I achieved a monthly income of 90,000 rubles in network marketing in 3 months.

Others dragged their friends, sent spam, made cold calls... And I followed these simple steps and connected 1-2 partners a day.

Implement this algorithm into your business and make money.

If you still have any questions, something is not clear, or there are problems in developing your business, come to my free consultation. To register, click on the link -

So it is with the use of new technologies - Internet business. In this article we will talk about promoting this business on the Internet.

Due to the fact that most people are dissatisfied with their work (they are not satisfied with the salary or simply do not like the work), they begin to ask the question “How to make money?” Those people, free time which are very limited, very often they ask the question “How to make money on the Internet?” Working on the Internet in a system such as network marketing allows you to create your own home business from scratch. Not every person can boast that he is very well versed in computers and can create websites and promote them. In the MLM system, the law “the simpler the better” works. Simply put, if your work is difficult, then few people can repeat such actions, so your business will develop with difficulty. When creating your business on the Internet, you need to take this into account. Also, working on the Internet involves contact with strangers. They will call and write to you. You need to be prepared for this. Why am I talking about this!? Yes, because many people are afraid to look unprofessional, because at the initial stage of your online business, you will not have the information, and this is normal. In order to be effective, even at the initial stage of business development, you will simply need to learn how to use those tools that will talk about your business without you. Therefore, now I propose to talk about the system and actions.

When choosing an MLM company, you will need to pay Special attention for the possibility of registration on the Internet. If this is not possible, then this will significantly hinder the promotion of your business.

Working from home requires, first of all, constant access to the Internet. If you are far from creating websites, are not interested in it and do not understand it, the easiest thing in your case would be to link in your advertisements to the official website of your company. If you don’t mind figuring this out, then with a little effort you can create a tool that will talk about you and your offer. You can create a website on either free or paid hosting. You can create a website for free on Google or Ukoz. You can see detailed tutorials on how to do this on Youtube. Having created and filled out the site, you can move on to the next step.

After the site is ready, we begin posting advertisements on various boards on the Internet, work sites, thematic forums (dedicated to MLM, work, etc.), in VKontakte groups (dedicated to MLM, work, etc.).

Be sure to register on all sites where you plan to place your ads. This is necessary so that you can manage your ads (update, edit, delete, view traffic). In order for your ads to produce results, you need to place 20 - 30 ads daily on a large number of sites (recommendation) and update your ads at least once every three days. You can independently find message boards in search engines in your region, as well as throughout Ukraine. If your sponsor also works on the Internet, ask him for a list of message boards.

Place advertisements in the following sections:

  • MLM, network marketing
  • Cooperation
  • Managers
  • Sales representatives
  • Agents
  • Business
  • Managers
  • Miscellaneous
  • Regional representatives
  • Trade
  • Sales Managers
  • and similar sections

Create a file with several different ads to save your time (copy, paste). You can also ask your sponsor for templates.

Pay great attention to the ad headings and discuss with your sponsor.

It's important to save up a large number of active advertisements!!! And the more of them there are, the more often people will contact you, and accordingly, your online business will grow faster.

Today I want to answer questions from my subscribers about money. The first question that often comes up is: why do only a few earn money in network marketing, because there are a lot of people who like MLM. And the second question: can you earn big money in any network company or not?

In this article I will express my opinion on how to make big money in network marketing?

So, it is obvious that there are poor and rich people. After the book was published Robert Kiyosaki's "Cash Flow Quadrant" people found out in which sector, what kind of money people can count on.

Also in one of his books, Robert Kiyosaki classified the network marketing industry in quadrant number 2 and 3. Explaining to people that the easiest way to create big business- this is to develop as an individual and a businessman within a network company, creating your own team.

And yet, despite the fact that this path is indeed easier in terms of business development and investments, according to statistics, only 5% of people achieve success.

  • Many people heard for the first time about free work, about the prospects big money, about passive income, they rush headlong into this business. They go to training several times a week, read books, meet people and are surprised to discover that it is not so easy to do everything. There are more and more difficulties and obstacles, but there are no desired results.

This is where most people return to their normal lifestyle. After all, doing what you’ve been doing for 20 years is much more common. And although this does not bring the desired money, it does not require much effort.

  • Some people think: I can’t do anything, maybe I don’t know something. Will be studying. And he immerses himself in his studies: he goes to seminars, trainings, and events. Studying so much and not doing anything to earn money. He doesn’t hold meetings, doesn’t recruit, because he encountered refusals at the first stage and feels a lot of resistance. And, as a result, no meetings, no sales, no money. In my head there are thoughts: “this is not mine”, “this is difficult”, “this does not bring money”, this is bad business.”

Disappointed, he leaves. After all, leaving is easier and painless than overcoming the fear of “walking into a storm.”

  • And now there remains only a small part of people who have gone through all the previous stages of growth and continued to move forward, creating their own business that will bring in enough money to make their dream come true.

People from the third group also experienced all the difficulties and doubts along the way. But when you ask them how they managed to achieve success and earn an income of more than 5-10 thousand dollars a month, they give approximately the same answers.

  1. They were passionate about changing their lives and the lives of their families in better side. Speaking in simple words, they really wanted to get away from poverty, lack of money, and joyless life. They dreamed of a life when their children and parents would not need anything and live life to the fullest. And they understood that the responsibility for this lies with them.
  2. Asking yourself the question: what would I like to do? They answered themselves: only this, this is what interests them, what inspires them and allows them to be realized.
  3. Understood to live new life- you need to completely change, although it is very painful. Change your beliefs, habits, worldview.

So I revealed to you 3 secrets of big money in network marketing

Returning to the book Robert Kiyosaki "Eight Non-Money Values ​​of Network Marketing" he talks about how network marketing provides a “life-changing education.” Developing within a network company, a person changes mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.

“When I talk about life-changing education, I mean education powerful enough to “turn a caterpillar into a butterfly.” Robert Kiyosaki.

And such changes do not happen quickly. People who achieve great success understand this. And give yourself time to make the necessary changes. You cannot be an employee today and become a successful businessman tomorrow. You cannot receive a salary of 15 thousand a month today, and tomorrow 100 thousand. You cannot have experience in hired work today, and tomorrow have the skills and mindset of an entrepreneur.

Everything you want to achieve in this life is ALL REAL! But give yourself time to succeed. Don't take away your dream and give yourself the opportunity to realize it. And you will definitely be in the top 5% of successful entrepreneurs in network marketing and in any other business.

Start learning right now at my trainings and courses -

Let me Encourage you. And help you Inspire the world.

Abramova Elena