Stella Baranovskaya and Maxim Kotin

People like Stella Baranovskaya are usually envied. She was a beautiful girl, she happily shared photos on Instagram, from which many concluded that “life was good.”

Cars, flowers, lips, legs, restaurants, more bouquets. And you wouldn’t wish the misfortunes that befell the 31-year-old actress on your enemy. She had to face complete hatred strangers, a serious illness. And even the fact that before her death she did not have the opportunity to take care of the future of her small child, writes KP.

I wish I could live and not bother. But at the beginning of last year she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She underwent treatment in the USA and Russia. Initially, she underwent several courses of chemotherapy, which made her feel much worse. At some point, she really began to be treated with everything she could. Weiland Rodd, ex-husband Irina Ponarovskaya, tried to treat her with a strict diet - juices, vegetables and fruits. And she tried to heal herself with chlorophyll... The essence of this method is to saturate cancer cells with a natural preparation from spirulina in order to activate the release of oxygen under the influence of laser irradiation.

Alternative medicine did its job, but not at all what the patient expected. In the final stages, she was no longer taken for chemotherapy, since both her kidneys and liver were already failing. Yes, she wouldn’t have helped at this stage. Even those doctors who offered her chemotherapy did not give guarantees and honestly warned that her body might not be able to withstand it. But Stella convinced herself that she was feeling better, thereby wasting precious time.

All this time, the girl was supported by Lera Kudryavtseva and Anfisa Chekhova, who helped spread information about Stella’s illness. There wasn’t a lot of money for treatment from the very beginning, so a fundraiser was announced. And then they came, the “haters.” Who began to flood the Internet with streams of hatred, trying to convince the public that Stella was lying. Entire groups were created where everyone could kick a sick woman. There were also witnesses who saw in different places of the capital a happy, contented woman who did not look dying at all.

At the end of 2016, the girl went on “Live” to Boris Korchevnikov, where she honestly spoke about her illness, that the treatment helped her and she had a lot of chances to live, and also answered the haters. But the disease did not subside.

After treatment in America (where, by the way, as family friends say, her mother flew to see her), Stella swam, sunbathed, and tried to enjoy life. Then it got worse.

Stella, meanwhile, realizing that the end was just around the corner, tried to decide the fate of her son. Katya Gordon, who is now trying to help the child, says:

“Anfisa Chekhova contacted me to help her friend Stella with Lera Kudryavtseva. They asked her to make a will, and told her about difficult situation with baby. It was urgent to establish paternity, since Stella practically did not walk. And after her death, 6-year-old Dani had only his rather elderly great-grandmother. According to Stella, her mother (Dani’s grandmother) never really helped her with treatment. And, therefore, she really did not want the child to go to her mother. She once called me and told me that she needed a child solely for the sake of money. Well, in front of me, her mother really didn’t help much. And I witnessed how once relatives transferred money for Stella’s treatment, and my mother did not deliver it. That’s why Baranovskaya asked to somehow get through to the child’s father.”

Stella Baranovskaya in the hospital

According to Stella, several years ago she had a difficult relationship with Maxim Kotin. His mother, Irina Winter, regularly appears in gossip columns and tells glossy publications about her garden. The interior designer and art director of the “Gallery on Mosfilm” will post on Instagram photos from luxurious vacations on yachts, trips in expensive cars and other attributes of an expensive life. My friends on Facebook are all decent people: gallery owners (Aidan Salakhova), lawyers (Alexander Dobrovinsky), magazine publishers. There is even Maria Maksakova. Maxim’s father, Igor Kotin, previously headed the copper department of the representative office of the Swiss company Glencore. Now he is listed as the founder of NFR Energo LLC. And, apparently, he is not in poverty at all.

When little Daniel was born, Stella brought the baby to meet relatives and ask for some alimony out of naivety. But, as the poor mother told her friends in horror, the grandfather asked the guards “to remove this bastard from the house and not let him in again.” Then the disease was not close and on the horizon, so she coped with the first five years of her son’s life without outside help and the need to recognize the child. But when she was already in a completely sad state, realizing that the child was already left with her great-grandmother, who was not able to take care of him, she decided to start establishing paternity - maybe dad would take care of the boy after her death.

“I wrote to Maxim Kotin, who, according to Stella, is Dani’s biological father (they are really very similar). And she wrote it to her mother, Irina Wintour, Gordon continues. - She told me that this was the situation and I needed help. She might not know that this is the situation with Stella, and that she considers Maxim the father of her child. After which I was immediately blocked, depriving me of the opportunity to write. Although, I could have written “you’re wrong, Katya,” or “I don’t know anything about this,” but I simply decided to ignore it. Anfisa Chekhova and I sincerely believed that the boy’s father would respond. And they even sent photos of Stella in a deplorable state. And we had all the medical documents on hand. We periodically took care of the child, who observed this most cruel picture of his mother dying. The boy was periodically with me, then with Anfisa. Now he is with the singer Zara, where he spent the last three days. We were all puzzled by his fate. I kept wanting a notary to come to her as soon as possible, which was not so easy, since Stella was in a clinic 80 kilometers from Moscow. But at some point it seemed to her that she was recovering. And so she postponed the notary until later. Although we had already approved a claim with her to establish paternity and were ready to file it. At the same time, a year ago, the real persecution of Stella began. Since she was accused of not being sick and deceiving people for money. A certain Madina and her mother went on TV and said that Baranovskaya was a charlatan. And even last Friday she was ready to go on TV with a story about her theft. This hurt Stella to the core, and she was even ready to take a lie detector test if they brought it to her. For she no longer walked and screamed from any touch to her. When we put in an IV, the blood was very thick, and it was clear that she was living her last days.”

Stella Baranovskaya, who announced her recovery from cancer, died from cancer

Stella is gone, but 6-year-old Danya remains with a dash in the “father” column. And also grandparents, the cream of our society, pretend that the child does not exist. Beautiful people In general, it’s hard to be unhappy - who will feel sorry for them? It's her own fault, obviously. They will also spit in your back. This story is more about that, and not about the fact that a girl who became ill from chemotherapy decided to try everything to be treated in an attempt to save herself, and eventually died. What will happen to the child? Unclear. Who will be in charge of establishing paternity - Dani's old great-grandmother? Or will “secular people” take pity on the boy and take him under their wing? Or will he still go to an orphanage?

This citizen would have remained out of the sight of the press and the public if he had given an account of his actions and, realizing that he was unable to bear responsibility on an equal basis with older men, would prefer entertainment appropriate to the younger one. school age. It is known that he lives with his parents and they are ready to feed, water and lead their child by the hand. It was necessary to continue in the same spirit, but no.

Maxim is the son of a certain Irina Winter. This is not the granddaughter of the famous Milady Alexandre Dumas, but the art director of the Mosfilm Gallery. The lady is looking very young and there is no way to tell that her son is indulging in girls and alcohol. Irina is immersed in landscape design and happily gives out advice on how to grow flowers.

This same Irina’s morals are not going well. Among her friends is Maria Maksakova, the wife of the late corrupt official Voronenkov, who became famous for the fact that for a year she robbed the Academy. Gnessins. Having fled to Ukraine with her husband, she received a salary for a year as a teacher of this educational institution. In short, these ladies love money very much.

Maxim's father is involved in business. It is known that he occupied not the last place in the representative office of the Swiss company in Russia. Today he is also not unemployed. The name of Igor Kotin can be found in the list of managers of NFR Energo LLC.

Maxim himself received a journalistic education and began his career with publications on business topics. After 3 years of publications in famous publications in Moscow and St. Petersburg, he wrote a book dedicated to Evgeny Chichvarkin. I call it a bestseller, however, such a work could become such a work through the efforts of the Union of Right Forces party. If at a party meeting they gave instructions to buy up a book about who pays for political drinking, then conscious party members will sweep the goods from the shelves.

In addition to such a brilliant journalistic career, Maxim has made a name for himself on social networks. The young lover of the sweet life loves to post photographs of his trips to expensive establishments. During one of the parties he met Stella Baranovskaya. A girl with a diploma from a theater school and the consciousness of a dissolute high school student could not help but attract the attention of a wealthy reveler.

Yes, both boys and girls love to have fun. But adult entertainment requires high level responsibility. This didn’t work out for Maxim at all. In 2011, Stella gave birth to a child, but there was no interest on the part of the father in the newborn. According to the testimonies of those who knew the couple, after the birth of his son, Maxim lost interest in his girlfriend. She did not insist on anything and even entered only her name on the birth certificate.

When Stella got sick, she tried to introduce her son to his father. I already had a negative experience; once, having taken the child, the girl went to visit Maxim and hinted about his responsibility for this life. The guy did not want to help his child, and the grandparents completely kicked the unfortunate woman out onto the street. After the death of Stella Baranovskaya, her child was left an orphan.

Maxim’s family has no reason, other than extreme greed and dense cruelty, to abandon Baranovskaya’s child. There is no mention of Kotin on his birth certificate, so arguments about a decent family do not apply. Maxim’s financial situation is not critical, so expenses for a child will not become a burden. But this idiot will never come to such conclusions.


Host Dmitry Borisov dedicated one of the episodes of the “Let Them Talk” program to actress Stella Baranovskaya, who died after a long battle with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The girl’s friends and relatives talked about how she tried to alleviate her condition and what trials of fate she had to go through along with severe cancer.

Chekhova said that Stella tried to provide support to other people who were struggling with serious illnesses. “She always helped. All the sick. She sent flowers to the same Madina who opposed her, supported her, listened to her. They initially communicated as friends. After which Madina, out of the blue, suddenly decided to go against her,” says TV presenter.

It turned out that the terrible news about the diagnosis found Baranovskaya in America with her fiancé. According to Larisa Pokhilchuk, a nurse at the hospital in Minnesota where Baranovskaya went, the chosen one turned away from the girl after learning that she was terminally ill. “When she was discharged with her mother and Danya, they had nowhere to live. They stayed at my house... At that very moment she experienced betrayal loved one. The groom didn't even lift a finger to help her...We had several long conversations in the kitchen. What Stella experienced in her 30 years, some people do not experience in a hundred years. So many betrayals, so many difficult situations,” the nurse recalled.

Maxim Kotin is the father of Daniil, the little son of Stella Baranovskaya. He did not recognize the child and did not help in raising him, Stella did not establish paternity in court, and now, after her death, the question arose of who would take care of her son.

Maxim Kotin is the son of wealthy parents, Irina Winter, a famous interior designer, landscape designer and director of the art gallery at Mosfilm. Father - Igor Kotin, is the founder of NFR Energo.

Maxim is from St. Petersburg, he is 37 years old, he studied at the Lenfilm film school, as well as at the school named after. Mussorgsky, and subsequently graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of PSU.

Maxim currently works as a correspondent for Snob magazine and literary editor. Founded an e-book publishing house. Writes books, winner of a literary award.

The relationship with actress and model Stella Baranovskaya began a long time ago, reports. A young guy from Rublyovka conquered the girl with luxury and beautiful courtship. After it became known that the actress was pregnant, Kotin demanded an abortion, but the actress refused because she hoped that they would have wonderful family. The millionaire cut off all ties with the mother of his child and even when he learned about Stella’s terrible illness, he did not call or visit her.

After Baranovskaya’s son was born, she decided not to sue for paternity. Maxim Kotin himself still does not admit that this is his child, although the similarity is obvious. Before her death, the girl really asked to reach Kotin, but to no avail.

Maxim Kotin is now trying to prove that he is not the father of the child and does not intend to take him in with him. Until recently, Stella Baranovskaya was considered a liar and did not believe that she had cancer. However, the terrible disease still took the life of the girl and left the little boy practically an orphan, because his father denies any relationship.

Stella Baranovskaya’s grandmother Lidiya Petrovna also appeared in the broadcast studio. The actress didn't want to talk elderly woman about your illness. “My mother gave her to me in the maternity hospital, and I raised her. My daughter worked,” said a relative of the artist. When Lydia Petrovna found out that Stella was in a hospital in America, she felt unwell. “I was speechless, I didn’t speak at all. Her mother went to see her, and they called me and told me what her diagnosis was,” she said.

According to Lidia Petrovna, Stella stayed with a stranger in the USA because her father was then divorced and renting a house. The man was unable to shelter his daughter and grandson. Now everyone close to Baranovskaya is worried about the fate of her son, six-year-old Dani.

"For me he Last straw life, I have to help him, because my daughter is inadequate... I know about Dani’s father that when he was 10 months old, his father did not give up on him. He may have wanted to, but his parents were against it... When she became pregnant, he said: “I’ll give you money, have an abortion.” But she didn’t do it,” said Lidia Petrovna.

At the end of the program, it turned out that Stanislav Kanteladze, the father of Stella Baranovskaya, flew to her funeral, which took place last Friday, from the United States. The man agreed to meet with the host of the program, Dmitry Borisov, and answer several questions.

“I don’t know about Stella’s mom, but I think no parent wants to harm their child. We communicate with her. We have a grandson, we must raise him. First of all, we must agree among ourselves how we will do this, this is very complex issue. Of course, it would be good for the child if he came to America. And he would have been brought up there. But I don’t know how her grandmother will look at this... I would like to take him, but we’ll see how we come to an agreement,” Kanteladze shared.

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Friday. After work I run to the train. The day is terrible...
I got to the station and wanted to grab something to eat. And your favorite store is nearby. Yes, I love shawarma and I don’t hide it. One guy works there - either an Arab or a Tajik - he cuts the meat calmly. A very short Asian woman helps him. I like this place because everything is sterile and when I came here for the first time I was treated to free tea. One day a boy was hesitating near a shop, an Arab went out into the street and kindly asked what he wanted. In the meantime, I grabbed the shava and moved on.

There is a gazelle on the sidewalk. An open body - in front of it is a wooden table with boxes. I look closely and see that they are selling something similar to meat in boxes. People are crowding around. Suddenly one salesman “imposingly” (emphasize this word) takes a step away from the table; aristocratically presses one nostril with his thumb, and with the other powerfully performs a first-class solo.

So, a book about Russian business.

The story of one guy from Syktyvkar who decided to fulfill his dream. Just don’t draw parallels with American success stories. First of all, there is no happy ending here. Secondly, I have always loved the stories of Russian entrepreneurs - after all, Western realities are so far from us.

Fedor Ovchinnikov - main character books. He turned 25 and decided that he needed to start a business. He wanted to sell books. This strange guy also started a blog where he recorded all his actions. When the author of the book wrote Fedor's life story, between some paragraphs he inserted quotes from Fedor's blog and his commentators.

This is all you need to know about Fedor, because in reality this book talks about Russian realities and what it is like to build a business in Russia, namely in Syktyvkar. Well, for example, what is it like to find a decent driver to transport books, if everything they practically drank themselves to death, or called on the second day of work and quit. What is it like to hire workers for whom the bonus system does not apply at all - “they gave - good and who have no idea at all about communicating with visitors (remember the story with boxes of lard). What is it like to deal with partner deputies who have no logic at all. If you didn’t install his friend into your business, he begins to do you dirty, thereby ruining and own business. This is a peculiarity - if someone has a better house, I would rather set the whole village on fire than build my own, more beautiful one. And a bunch of such examples.

An excerpt about the attitude of Russians towards entrepreneurs is ingrained in my memory. Popularly, these are crooks, charlatans and swindlers, so employees mess up at work not only because of carelessness, but rather with the goal of repaying the “oppressor.” For example, a Papa John's employee spilled sauce on the floor and spread it back on the pizza. Or instead of putting the dough in the refrigerator, I threw it in the warehouse. For what? It's not laziness, it's more like "watchman's syndrome." I'd like to think about it.

But the most interesting and intriguing thing about this book is that the author finished writing it when Fedor lost everything... And only a small chapter said that Fedor did not give up, that he did not give up. And if you Google Fedor Ovchinnikov now, you will understand that this book has become a real prophecy. This still boggles my mind.

There is a movie coming out soon about Ray Kroc, who is also mentioned several times in this book. This book also contains a rich plot for cinema. Maybe one day...

People like Stella Baranovskaya are usually envied. She was beautiful girl, happily shared photos on Instagram, from which many concluded that “life was good.” Cars, flowers, lips, legs, restaurants, more bouquets. And you wouldn’t wish the misfortunes that befell the 31-year-old actress on your enemy. She had to face the hatred of complete strangers, a severe illness. And even the fact that before her death she did not have the opportunity to take care of the future of her little child.

I wish I could live and not bother. But at the beginning of last year she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She underwent treatment in the USA and Russia. Initially, she underwent several courses of chemotherapy, which made her feel much worse. At some point, she really began to be treated with everything she could. Weyland Rodd, the ex-husband of Irina Ponarovskaya, tried to treat her with a strict diet - juices, vegetables and fruits. And she tried to heal herself with chlorophyll... The essence of this method is to saturate cancer cells with a natural preparation from spirulina in order to activate the release of oxygen under the influence of laser irradiation.

Alternative medicine did its job, but not at all what the patient expected. In the final stages, she was no longer taken for chemotherapy, since both her kidneys and liver were already failing. Yes, she wouldn’t have helped at this stage. Even those doctors who offered her chemotherapy did not give guarantees and honestly warned that her body might not be able to withstand it. But Stella convinced herself that she was feeling better, thereby wasting precious time.

All this time, the girl was supported by Lera Kudryavtseva and Anfisa Chekhova, who helped spread information about Stella’s illness. There wasn’t a lot of money for treatment from the very beginning, so a fundraiser was announced. And then they came, the “haters.” Who began to flood the Internet with streams of hatred, trying to convince the public that Stella was lying. Entire groups were created where everyone could kick a sick woman. There were also witnesses who saw in different places of the capital a happy, contented woman who did not look dying at all.

At the end of 2016, the girl went on “Live” then to Boris Korchevnikov, where she honestly spoke about her illness, that the treatment helped her and she had a lot of chances for life, and also answered the haters. But the disease did not subside.

After treatment in America (where, by the way, as family friends say, her mother flew to see her), Stella swam, sunbathed, and tried to enjoy life. Then it got worse.

Stella, meanwhile, realizing that the end was just around the corner, tried to decide the fate of her son. Katya Gordon, who is now trying to help the child, says:

“Anfisa Chekhova contacted me to help her friend Stella with Lera Kudryavtseva. They asked her to make a will and told her about the difficult situation with the child. It was urgent to establish paternity, since Stella practically did not walk. And after her death, 6-year-old Dani had only his rather elderly great-grandmother. According to Stella, her mother (Dani’s grandmother) never really helped her with treatment. And, therefore, she really did not want the child to go to her mother. She once called me and told me that she needed a child solely for the sake of money. Well, in front of me, her mother really didn’t help much. And I witnessed how once relatives transferred money for Stella’s treatment, and my mother did not deliver it. That’s why Baranovskaya asked to somehow get through to the child’s father.”

According to Stella, several years ago she had a difficult relationship with Maxim Kotin. His mother, Irina Winter, regularly appears in gossip columns and tells glossy publications about her garden. The interior designer and art director of the “Galleries on Mosfilm” no, no, yes, he will post on Instagram photos from luxurious vacations on yachts, trips in expensive cars and other attributes of an expensive life. My friends on Facebook are all decent people: gallery owners (Aidan Salakhova), lawyers (Alexander Dobrovinsky), magazine publishers. There is even Maria Maksakova. Maxim’s father, Igor Kotin, previously headed the copper department of the representative office of the Swiss company Glencore. Now he is listed as the founder of NFR Energo LLC. And, apparently, he is not in poverty at all.

When little Daniel was born, Stella brought the baby to meet relatives and ask for some alimony out of naivety. But, as the poor mother told her friends in horror, the grandfather asked the guards “to remove this bastard from the house and not let him in again.” Then the disease was not close and on the horizon, so she coped with the first five years of her son’s life without outside help and the need to recognize the child. But when she was already in a completely sad state, realizing that the child was already left with her great-grandmother, who was not able to take care of him, she decided to start establishing paternity - maybe dad would take care of the boy after her death.

“I wrote to Maxim Kotin, who, according to Stella, is Dani’s biological father (they are really very similar). And she wrote it to her mother, Irina Wintour,” Gordon continues. “She told me that this was the situation and I needed help.” She might not know that this is the situation with Stella, and that she considers Maxim the father of her child. After which I was immediately blocked, depriving me of the opportunity to write. Although, I could have written “you’re wrong, Katya,” or “I don’t know anything about this,” but I simply decided to ignore it. Anfisa Chekhova and I sincerely believed that the boy’s father would respond. And they even sent photos of Stella in a deplorable state. And we had all the medical documents on hand. We periodically took care of the child, who observed this most cruel picture of his mother dying. The boy was periodically with me, then with Anfisa. Now he is with the singer Zara, where he spent the last three days. We were all puzzled by his fate. I kept wanting a notary to come to her as soon as possible, which was not so easy, since Stella was in a clinic 80 kilometers from Moscow. But at some point it seemed to her that she was recovering. And so she postponed the notary until later. Although we had already approved a claim with her to establish paternity and were ready to file it. At the same time, a year ago, the real persecution of Stella began. Since she was accused of not being sick and deceiving people for money. A certain Madina and her mother went on TV and said that Baranovskaya was a charlatan. And even last Friday she was ready to go on TV with a story about her theft. This hurt Stella to the core, and she was even ready to take a lie detector test if they brought it to her. For she no longer walked and screamed from any touch to her. When we put in an IV, the blood was very thick, and it was clear that she was living her last days.”

Stella is gone, but 6-year-old Danya remains with a dash in the “father” column. And also grandparents, the cream of our society, pretend that the child does not exist. It is generally difficult for beautiful people to be unhappy - who will feel sorry for them? It's her own fault, obviously. They will also spit in your back. This story is more about that, and not about the fact that a girl who became ill from chemotherapy decided to try everything to be treated in an attempt to save herself, and eventually died. What will happen to the child? Unclear. Who will be in charge of establishing paternity—Dani’s old great-grandmother? Or will “secular people” take pity on the boy and take him under their wing? Or will he still go to an orphanage?