On Wednesday, at about 6:36 Moscow time, a Su-25 plane crashed in the Primorsky Territory during a training flight. The attack aircraft pilot ejected, there were no injuries on the ground, and two outbuildings were destroyed as a result of the emergency. According to preliminary data, the plane crashed due to simultaneous engine failure. The aircraft's flight recorders have been found.

Today in the Primorsky Territory, during a training flight, a Su-25 plane crashed while landing at the Chernigovka airfield of the Eastern Military District. As TASS was told in the administration of the Chernigov rural settlement, on the territory of which the emergency occurred, the plane fell on a populated area, as a result of the accident, “no civilians were injured, no military personnel were injured.” According to updated data, the attack aircraft fell on a garden 50 meters from a residential building and destroyed two outbuildings. The plane's black boxes have been discovered. “The flight parameters recording device and the voice recorder are visually visible, their condition is being clarified,” said a source in the law enforcement agencies.

The owner of the property damaged by the crash, Alexander Chervyak, said that he estimates the damage at 3 million rubles. “The damage with all the destroyed buildings, burnt supplies and feed, I think, is about 3 million rubles. They promised to reimburse me for everything,” said Mr. Chervyak, explaining that the plane destroyed the garage, barn and cellar in which supplies of food and feed were stored. There was a car in the garage, which he managed to drive out into the street before the car caught fire.

The pilot managed to eject and was already found and evacuated by an Mi-8 helicopter. “The pilot ejected; his life and health are not in danger. The flight was carried out without ammunition. There are no casualties or destruction on the ground,” the Russian Ministry of Defense said in a statement. The head of the Chernihiv region, Vladimir Semkin, said that “the pilot did everything to prevent the plane from falling on buildings,” “the situation is under control.”

According to preliminary data, the Su-25 crashed due to engine failure. A RIA Novosti source in law enforcement agencies clarified that the Su-25 “caught fire after the collision with the ground,” and the fire broke out over an area of ​​100 square meters. m, the fire has now been extinguished. “It’s too early to talk about the preliminary cause of the crash; a commission from the Ministry of Defense will look into it,” the agency’s interlocutor added. Eyewitnesses, in turn, say that the attack aircraft caught fire while still in the air. “When the plane was still in the air, an explosion was heard and the left wing and engine caught fire. He went straight to the airfield, but then he was led towards the buildings, the pilot ejected, and the plane first flew sideways, then fell nose-first into the ground,” said witness Eduard Pozdnyakov.

“The plane was flying and suddenly, for no reason at all, it began to fall. Now the place is cordoned off and no one is allowed there. But it seemed like there were no people there. Everyone who was nearby saw how the pilot ejected,” an eyewitness told RIA PrimaMedia.

The last Su-25 accident occurred on February 29. The pilot died in a crash near the Budennovsk airfield in the Stavropol Territory. The previous crash of a Su-25 from the Chernigovka airbase occurred on March 20, 2008. Then the reason for the crash of the attack aircraft was that it was hit by a missile from the follower aircraft. The pilot died.

The Su-25 is an armored subsonic attack aircraft designed for direct support of ground forces over the battlefield day and night with direct visibility of the target, as well as the destruction of objects with given coordinates around the clock in any weather conditions. In the Russian troops he received the nickname “Rook”.

How a MiG-31 crashed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

In January, a MiG-31 fighter crashed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The plane crashed in the forest near the village of Khaerino (about 130 km from Krasnyarsk). The crew of two pilots ejected and were found by the search and rescue team of the Federal Air Transport Agency. According to preliminary data, the plane crashed due to equipment failure. Flights of fighters of this class were suspended until the causes of the accident were clarified.

Why did a MiG-29 crash in Kuban?

In July last year, a MiG-29 fighter crashed near the Kuban Kushchevskaya airfield while carrying out a training flight without ammunition. The pilot ejected and no one was injured as a result of the accident. According to the preliminary version, the cause of the plane crash could have been a malfunction in the engine or a bird that got into it.

The pilots of the Su-25UB that crashed in the Stavropol Territory were killed. This was reported to the Russian Ministry of Defense. The department said that the pilots did not have time to eject.

“The commission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, working at the crash site of the Su-25UB aircraft in the Stavropol Territory, established the death of two pilots. The pilots did not have time to eject,” the statement says.

The parachute fragments found at the scene of the emergency belong to the plane, and not to the pilots, RIA Novosti reported, citing a source in law enforcement agencies.

There was also a flight recorder and a parameter recording device at the crash site. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to a source of emergency services. It is noted that both devices are in satisfactory condition.

“According to preliminary data, the condition of the on-board voice recorder and flight parameters recording device is satisfactory,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

TASS, citing a representative of military circles, reported on two possible causes of the incident being considered by the investigation - pilot error and technical malfunction. At the same time, according to an agency source in aviation circles, the Su-25UB was technically sound and the weather conditions were good.

Earlier, TASS reported that the military prosecutor's office of the Southern Military District after the plane crash.

“The military prosecutor’s office is checking compliance with flight rules and preparation for them. Military prosecutors went to the scene, there is no other information,” a representative of the prosecutor’s office told TASS.

"Fell in a deserted area"

The Su-25UB crashed on Tuesday, September 3 in the Stavropol Territory - according to RIA Novosti, the accident occurred 38 km from the Budyonnovsk airfield. The Ministry of Defense reported that the plane was performing a training flight without ammunition.

“The flight was carried out without ammunition. The plane crashed in a deserted area, there was no damage on the ground,” the department said in a statement.

The Su-25 is a Russian attack aircraft, and the UB is its two-seat combat trainer version. According to a TASS source in the security forces of the Stavropol Territory, the pilots were practicing a loop and were unable to pull the plane out of the dive.

“The flights were carried out to practice aerobatics. When performing a loop, the pilots did not bring the plane out of the dive and collided with the ground. The plane entered the ground to a depth of three meters,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

According to TASS, the pilots who flew the Su-25UB graduated from the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots. One of them graduated in 2003, the other in 2011, an agency source in military circles added.


A similar accident occurred in the Stavropol Territory at the end of February 2016. Then the Su-25 of the 368th Assault Aviation Regiment of the Russian Aerospace Forces, under the control of Major Alexander Kurikalov, crashed during a training flight.

The pilot died during the ejection. Like the attack aircraft that crashed on September 3, Kurikalov’s plane was without ammunition and crashed in a deserted area.

A month later, another incident occurred with an aircraft of this model. A Su-25 of the 18th Assault Aviation Regiment "Normandie - Neman" of the Russian Aerospace Forces crashed during landing at the Chernigovka airfield in the Primorsky Territory. The plane destroyed the garage, barn and cellar of a local resident, but the pilot himself was saved - he managed to eject.

The Su-25 attack aircraft was developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau in the 1970s. He made his first flight in 1979, and a year later he received his baptism of fire during the Afghan War. At the height of the conflict, the aircraft was adopted by the USSR. Soviet pilots nicknamed the Su-25 “Rook”. The number of combat sorties during the Afghan campaign is about 60 thousand.

Attack aircraft are designed for relatively low speed, and therefore often become targets for enemy air defense. In this regard, the Su-25 has a significant margin of safety - during tests, pilots landed vehicles with damage to the wing, fuel tanks, landing gear, airframe, and even one of the two engines. Subsequently, these aircraft were in service with many countries in Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe and the CIS countries.

In total, about 1.3 thousand Su-25s were produced. Since 2000, according to open sources, there have been nine incidents with Russian attack aircraft, resulting in five deaths. Another 15 aircraft and 10 pilots were losses during combat operations.

VLADIVOSTOK, March 30 - RIA Novosti, Svetlana Zadera. The crash of the Su-25 in the Primorsky Territory attracted the country's attention to the village of Chernigovka, whose residents cannot be denied resourcefulness, mutual assistance and a desire to communicate with journalists.

A Su-25 attack aircraft crashed during a training flight in Primorye on Wednesday, falling onto a site in a Primorye village. The pilot managed to eject before the crash and was not injured. There are no casualties or injuries among local residents. According to preliminary data, the emergency occurred due to the failure of both aircraft engines.

Incurious saleswomen

The quiet central street of the village of Chernigovka is too crowded. A Su-25 plane crashed into a building near a house at the very corner of the intersection. The territory of the house is surrounded by the military, you can’t just approach it, a person must prove that he lives there.

On the other side of the intersection, traffic police officers and journalists crowded together. The latter are not allowed close to the house with a camera, so they film across the road from different sides, there are no other options. The correspondents were lucky with the location of the house - opposite it there is a store with a large parking lot, so there was enough space for everyone.

There is a stereotype that in villages shops are the main source of information and the latest news, but in Chernigovka everything is different.

“We didn’t see anything. And even when everything happened, we didn’t even think about leaving the store,” the saleswomen noted.

The story of the fighting chicken

The main character of the impromptu event was the injured owner of the house, Alexander Chervyak, he came out to journalists and willingly talked about what happened.

“I was sitting in the summer kitchen and drinking tea, and at that time I heard such strong pops, noise, and then a roar, well, like an explosion. And I also say - these planes are already flying over the roofs, and they are constantly landing here. And then I looked: there was a fire, I could see through the window, the buildings were burning. I went out and looked: everything was already in ruins, there was a fire. I went straight to the garage - the wall had already started to burn, I drove the car out. The car was not damaged, it was a little smokey. The fire brigade arrived." , military,” said the owner of the house.

Alexander Chervyak’s supplies burned down: potatoes, food. Despite this, the pensioner is in a positive mood, because the garden was not damaged, and he also speaks with pride about his fighting chicken.

“The plane fell right into the cellar, and the cartridges were exploding there... The chickens were burned - 50 of them, one survived - well done, it jumped out,” the pensioner rejoices.

Alexander Chervyak is sure that he will not go hungry - his neighbors will always help. Moreover, they promised to compensate him for all the burned property.

“With all the buildings, I estimate the damage at 3 million rubles - in order to build a new one. The general promised me that they would remove everything, build everything for me, and reimburse me. He said: “We are waiting for the Moscow commission,” the pensioner added.

Vice-Governor Alexander Los came to visit Alexander Chervyak, heading the task force that, on behalf of the governor of the Primorsky Territory, worked at the site of the plane crash.

Uninvited guests

Local residents constantly came to the intersection, especially many mothers with strollers and boys. The latter, after training in army hand-to-hand combat, crowded together and watched the work of journalists. Before that, they followed the firefighters who extinguished the plane. Since, in their opinion, nothing interesting was happening anymore, they decided to take the journalist and photographer by a roundabout route to the neighbors of the victim.

“You can definitely see the plane from the house,” they said.

It turned out that this village has very large vegetable gardens, so nothing was visible from the house opposite where Eduard Pozdnyakov lives, but he himself not only noticed the accident, but also helped save his neighbor’s property.

Authorities: villagers were not injured in the Su-25 crash thanks to the pilotThe plane crash avoided any casualties only thanks to the pilot’s skill, said the region’s vice-governor Alexander Los. According to him, the owners of the land where the attack aircraft fell have no complaints.

"The pilot fell behind the road into the gardens. The plane began to burn just beyond the river. The first explosion was there, its left wing and left engine caught fire. He turned sharply. At first he went straight to the airfield, but when the left side caught fire, he was carried here, thrown out pilot. The plane went sideways, and then fell face down. He didn’t even touch the wires,” Pozdnyakov said.

The electricity was turned off when the firefighters arrived, but by evening there was light.

“We immediately ran to help. We pulled out the refrigerator and plates, because there was a lot of rubbish in the garage. The fire department and the military arrived and dispersed us. The buildings were not completely burned, only the corner of a small shed,” noted Eduard.

From his garden, except for two attentive military men, nothing was visible. The boys suggested that it was possible to get through the adjacent areas of neighboring houses located on the same line as the victim.

It turned out that all the neighbors were at home and were monitoring the situation themselves, so it was not difficult to overcome five private plots. In the village, fences are only near houses; you can walk around the garden as if it were shared. The military had a good view, but the journalists had to make their way through the fence. As soon as the photographer found a good place to shoot on a neighbor’s property, a young man in uniform immediately approached her, covered the lens with his hand and asked her to leave.

Dressing up trick

At this time, another resident of the damaged house and his friends decided to make money. They asked the journalist or photographer to introduce himself as the girlfriend of the supposed owner of the house, go with him past the military and take pictures from the window. They didn't charge much for this service - about 300 rubles.

“So, go take your boys’ jackets off,” the businessmen quickly began to come up with elements of conspiracy.

They brought out a large jacket for the photographer so she could hide her photographic equipment, but she still couldn’t get into the closed area.

“Girl, we remembered you right away!” - the military said laughing. Apart from the department employees, the regional administration and the residents of the house, no one managed to get past them.