Sergei Pavlovich Korolev- brilliant scientist, physicist, engineer, designer. He achieved enormous results in the field of practical astronautics and the production of rocket and space technology.

short biography

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev was born January 12, 1907 year in Zhitomir. His father is Pavel Yakovlevich Korolev, a teacher of Russian literature. Mother - Maria Nikolaevna Moskalenko, daughter of a Nezhin merchant.

When he was 3 years old, his mother left the family, and he was sent to the city of Nizhyn to live with his grandparents. Sergei Pavlovich studied in Kyiv, then in Odessa.

It was in Odessa that he met the pilots of the local air squad and spent a lot of time in their company, being interested in the intricacies of their craft. The smart young man was shown what an airplane is made of, how it flies, was allowed to sit at the controls of the plane and was told: to become a pilot, you need to study well.

Study and first job

Sergei Korolev immediately learned the last piece of advice and continued his studies after school. He entered the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. However, the training program there did not quite suit him, and so he transferred to Higher Technical School in Moscow.

After graduating from college, Korolev was sent to work in Central Aerodynamic Institute. During this period, he studied the works of Tsiolkovsky “Jet Airplane”.

Impressed by what he read, he changed jobs: in 1933 Korolev went to work at the new Jet Research Institute. He became deputy head of the institute for scientific work. Then he was 26 years old, and he made grandiose plans for the future.

The young designer and scientist believed that the future of all aviation lay in jet engines and jet technology.

Arrest and continuation of scientific activities

In 1938 A massive purge was taking place in the USSR: they were looking for spies, enemies of the people. Many scientists, designers, and engineers were injured. Korolev was also arrested and sentenced by 10 years in forced labor camps in Kolyma.

At the request of the remaining scientists, he was transferred to the design group Tupolev create the Tu-2 aircraft. While working at Sharashka, he continued to dream of jet-powered aircraft.

Trip to Germany

From his conclusion unexpectedly released in 1944, and in 1945 he was sent to Germany as a specialist in the field of jet rocketry. There he collected military documentation of German scientists who created the famous rockets V-1 and V-2.

From Germany, Korolev was sent to Podlipki near Moscow, where he formed research and production center for the production of liquid fuel rockets. He was appointed chief designer ballistic missiles. Has begun new stage his life.

New stage

In 1947 Korolev was invited to the Kremlin to report to Stalin on the development of a ballistic missile. He reported, but there was no reaction. And no changes occurred. Changes came after Stalin's death, when the country's new leadership attracted talented scientists and engineers to create a new missile weapons, to space exploration.

First launch into space

In 1954, Korolev completed work on a rocket with a nuclear warhead and began creating intercontinental missile. In October 1957, a rocket carrying the first artificial satellite took off into the sky..

In 1959, three people took turns heading towards the Moon. spacecraft. The first and second brought a pennant depicting the coat of arms of the USSR to the surface of the Moon, and the third took photographs reverse side Moons. On April 12, 1961, the world's first manned space flight took place., and on March 18, 1965, man first went into open space.

Korolev was so passionate about his work that he literally spent days and nights in laboratories, test sites, and the cosmodrome. He did not take into account himself, with time, with the work team - he lived by his favorite work and devoted himself completely to it.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev planned to create a new ship, in the compartment of which cosmonauts could stay without spacesuits, and thought about docking two ships in space. But his heart could not withstand the excessive stress and on January 14, 1966 he died of heart failure.

> Sergey Korolev

Biography of Sergei Korolev (1906 -1966)

Short biography:

Place of Birth: Zhitomir, Volyn province, Russian Empire

A place of death: Moscow, RSFSR, USSR

– Soviet scientist and design engineer: biography with photos, rocket designer, launch of the first rocket of the USSR, the first Earth satellite, Yuri Gagarin.

His whole life is filled with curious events that ultimately helped the scientist stay alive. For my short life he managed to avoid death many times, for example, when he was flying on an airplane, a malfunction occurred and the device crashed, but the Soviet scientist miraculously remained alive. Then absurd accusations were brought against the outstanding designer, and he became an “enemy of the people,” after which he was to be shot, but he was lucky and in the end the scientist ended up in a camp, from which he left after a while. He always said that he was protected by a guardian angel, because he saved him from death on a ship in Pacific Ocean, which he was late for. He remained intact after many curious situations, because he had to complete one important mission, and thanks to his abilities he would introduce humanity to the cosmic world. And this man's name Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, who was born on January 19, 1907 in Zhitomir. His whole life was connected with space, and that’s why he simply loved the vastness of the sky, and, of course, beautiful women - another of his weaknesses.

Korolev loved the expanses of the sky so much that when he fell in love with his first, he kissed the charming lady on the roof of his house in Odessa. This girl was Ksenia Vincentina or simply Lyalya, but, unfortunately, for this temptress Seryozha was just another fan who joined her numerous list. In order to somehow attract attention to himself, Korolev had to use not only his logic, but also his athletic skills, because he walked upside down and stood on his hands on the edge of the roof in the morgue. And in the end, a miracle happened, the girl melted, after much effort the Queen finally allowed herself to be kissed, and this happened on the roof.

When Serezha graduated from school, he firmly decided to join the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, choosing the aviation department. But before leaving, the guy proposed to Lyalya, but the girl refused, citing the fact that she loves him very much, but will marry him only if he learns and starts earning money on his own to support his family.

But after the Kyiv institute, he continued his education at the Moscow Higher Technical School in Moscow, and the young charmer received her education in Kharkov at the medical institute and after graduation she was assigned to Donbass. And so the young scientist ends up in this city and again tries to woo the girl, offering her his hand and heart, but Lyalya does not want to give her consent to the marriage again. And now she argues that the young people are in completely different cities and they will have to live like this for a long time, then why get married? But Korolev was a very decisive person and is trying to get Lyalya’s authorities to let her go early and after that she agreed to connect her life with his and in 1931 they got married and after that the young family moved to Moscow for permanent residence.

But the most unexpected thing happens: the Queen, after 7 long years of effort, ceases to be interested in his wife, and he begins to look at other handsome men. His friends even told one story that when Lyalya was cleaning his jacket, she accidentally found two tickets to the Bolshoi Theater, which her husband tactfully kept silent about, but the girl was not at a loss and decided to play a most interesting game. She asked her old admirer to take her to this performance, and when she entered the hall with her boyfriend in uniform, she seemed to accidentally run into her husband and his beautiful companion at the door. Of course, Korolev’s reaction was predictable; he quickly began to make excuses and say that it happened at the last moment. He offered to meet after the performance and go home together, but his wife did not want to and hinted that she had someone to go with. What ultimately happened is not known, but in the end the young people still went home together.

Similar stories happened over the years and eventually Ksenia’s patience ran out, and she poured out all her grievances in a letter to his mother in 1948, writing to her that she had endured all his grievances for a long time and had experienced a lot of grief and grief throughout their life together. She was freed from them only when Seryozha was sent to prison in 1938. Now she firmly decided that she wanted to give him the opportunity to live as he wanted, despite the fact that she still had feelings for her husband, because only in this way would she free herself from this heavy burden.

Although Korolev and his wife were together for a total of 25 years, they still lived for about 8, and all these years they lived as if they were strangers and saw each other for moments. A little daughter named Natasha loved her mother very much and blindly obeyed her. Ksenia did not hide from the little girl the reason why her parents separated, and therefore the girl already at the age of 12 knew that her father very often offended her mother with his constant infidelities. Therefore, Natasha decided to tear all the surviving photographs of her father into small pieces and told him that she no longer wanted to have anything in common with him. The tense relationship between daughter and father lasted throughout their lives, and those fleeting meetings that they had were dry and tense. Even when she got married, the young girl didn’t even want to call her father. There are references that when Sergei Korolev was in Baikonur, he had the opportunity to congratulate his daughter on her birthday by calling her, but the girl, not wanting to talk to him, hung up the phone all the time, which brought tears to her father.

The second wife of Sergei Korolev also experienced the same suffering as the first. Because a man could very easily start a relationship with any representative of the fairer sex. Even with his second wife, he began a relationship simply and without constraint, because he conquered her with his simplicity and sociability. They met when a young translator came to his office to simply translate the required article, but the girl did not cope with the task the first time, because she was overwhelmed with a huge number of incomprehensible terms and she had to come to him more than once . Then the man invited her to reap and dance, and in the end Nina spent the night with him.

After a while, the girl married him and was not at all afraid of the big age difference. But the newly-made husband, although he had new wife, but still spent his time on constant business trips and was not at home at all. But Korolev writes to his wife all the time and pours out his soul to her, thereby as if asking her for an apology for everything he has done. He tells her all the time that she is his closest friend, but not his wife. And as a result, the girl begins to get tired of this state of affairs.

Let's take a little look at the biography of the scientist and designer.

Sergei Korolev was born on January 12, 1907 in Zhitomir. He was an outstanding man and a brilliant designer Thanks to his efforts and excellent leadership, the group that studied jet propulsion launched the first rocket in the Soviet Union on August 17, 1933. After these events in 1938, Korolev was arrested because it was believed that he was causing harm while being part of an anti-Soviet organization. At first he was given a preventive measure in the form of imprisonment for a period of 10 years, but then they decided that this was too much and reduced it by 2 years. When he was sitting, he was working on new developments, being behind barbed wire. In 1944, Beria sent a letter to Stalin, in which he asked to urgently release the designer. And already in September 1945 he was sent to Germany so that Korolev would gain experience and engineers. Two years later he returned and began very quickly to design rockets in the USSR, thereby increasing combat power countries.

And ten years later, in 1957, the first rocket called R-7 was launched, which launched the first satellite of planet Earth into space. And on April 12, 1961, a flight into space took place, under the leadership of Gagarin, and the first woman, Valentina Tereshkova, was also on board as part of the crew. And four years later the first spacewalk took place. The great designer did not participate in launches anymore, because he died in 1966. His body was cremated and, according to legend, part of the ashes were sent in a special container to the moon. But is this really still a mystery?

Many foreigners associate Russia with space. But in our country the word cosmos is primarily associated with the surname Korolev.

Sergei Pavlovich was born in January 1907, in the city of Zhitomir. His father, Pavel Yakovlevich, was a simple teacher; he taught Russian literature at school. Mother Maria Nikolaevna Moskalenko was also a teacher.

As a child, Sergei differed from his peers in his passion for technology. This thrust was not without talent. And passion multiplied by talent always yields great results.

This is what happened with Korolev. At the age of 17, he developed a design for his first aircraft - a non-motorized aircraft.

In 1924, Sergei Korolev entered the Kiev Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Aviation Engineering. In two years of study, I mastered all general engineering subjects. In 1926, he moved to and continued his studies at the Moscow Higher Technical School - Moscow Higher Technical School.

During his studies, Sergei Pavlovich established himself as a talented designer. He built a number of aircraft: “Koktebel”, “Red Star”, as well as the SK-4 aircraft.

These models were interesting from a point of view. In the fall of 1931, Korolev and Zander created, with permission from above, a study group jet propulsion. A year later, this group became a de facto state laboratory engaged in the development of rocket and aircraft.

In 1933, the Jet Research Institute was founded, with Kleimenov becoming its director. Sergei Pavlovich became his deputy. Korolev's fate was difficult.

In 1938, he went to prison on trumped-up charges. Two years later, the state still needed his services. While in prison, he took a large part in the creation of TU-2.

In 1946, Sergei Pavlovich was appointed chief designer of ballistic missiles. He is in as soon as possible developed several generations of ballistic missiles, which are typical in better side differed from their counterparts.

The next step in his life was the development of a launch vehicle for atomic warheads. Again, he coped with this task brilliantly. In 1956, the first domestically produced missile with a nuclear warhead was put into service. Subsequently, developments in this direction did not stop and Korolev managed to create several modifications.

Soon the space exploration program began. And this could not have happened without his knowledge and skills. Sergei Pavlovich created the first manned aircraft in world history spaceship. The name of the ship is “Vostok”.

On this ship, a man flew into space for the first time. And this man was Yuri. Under the leadership of Korolev space program continues to develop, following Gagarin, Titov, Nikolaev, Popovich, Bykovsky, Tereshkova, Leonov fly into space.

The rapid development of astronautics in the USSR does not end only with the development of manned spacecraft. Korolev creates several drones with scientific purposes.

Satellites are launched into space to study the Earth's radiation belts. Telecommunications and radio broadcasting satellites are also launched into space.

Sergei Pavlovich was seriously ill and died in early 1966. Korolev is a Great Russian scientist, his contribution to the development of space can hardly be overestimated. Thanks to its scientific activity, is known not only in Russia, but also abroad.

outlined in this article.

Sergey Korolev short biography

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev- Soviet scientist, designer, main organizer of the production of aerospace technology and missile weapons of the USSR and the founder of practical cosmonautics.

Born on January 12, 1907 (December 30, 1906, old style) in Zhitomir in the family of a teacher of Russian literature.

In 1922 he entered the Odessa construction and trade school, from which he graduated two years later. In 1924 he entered the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. In 1926 he transferred to the evening department of the Moscow Higher Technical School.

Back in the early 20s, Korolev designed his first glider. Later, gliders of his design will take part in the All-Union glider competitions, receiving high reviews. After completing the Moscow Higher Technical School, Korolev works at enterprises in the aviation industry.

In 1930, Korolev defended his graduation project for a light-engine aircraft. The young designer’s scientific supervisor was Tupolev himself. After his defense, Korolev received the profession of aeromechanical engineer.

Together with Tsiolkovsky's follower Friedrich Arturovich Zander, in 1931 he organized one of the first rocket organizations in the USSR - the Jet Propulsion Research Group (GIRD). Supervises the construction and flight testing of experimental rockets, develops a design for a rocket plane - half-airplane, half-rocket.

In 1933, he was appointed deputy head of the Jet Research Institute (RNII). Designs experimental rockets, builds a rocket plane. He makes presentations at All-Union conferences on the use of cruise missiles to study the stratosphere.

In 1938, he was unreasonably repressed and sentenced to a long term of imprisonment. First he leaves for Kolyma. During the Great Patriotic War works in a special regime design bureau. He was released in 1944 and the following year he was sent to Germany, where, as part of the Technical Commission, he became acquainted with captured missile technology.

From 1946 until the end of his life Korolev - Chief Designer ballistic missiles long range, rocket and space systems - launch vehicles "Sputnik", "Vostok" and its modifications, aircraft-ships "Vostok", "Voskhod", automatic interplanetary stations, specialized Earth satellites. Under the leadership of Korolev, the world's first artificial Earth satellite was launched in 1957, the first manned spacecraft "Vostok" was launched in 1961, and a project for the lunar transport system N-1.

On his initiative and under his leadership, the first artificial Earth satellite and the first cosmonaut on the planet, Yuri Gagarin, were launched.

Sergei Korolev was an academician of the Academy of Sciences, a member of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1960-1966), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1956, 1961), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1957). Was awarded the Gold Medal. K.E. Tsiolkovsky Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958), 2 Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Badge of Honor and medals.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev passed away January 14, 1966(heart stopped after surgery).

Personal life

Korolev was married twice. In August 1931 he married his former classmate Ksenia Maximilianovna Vincentini. In 1935, their daughter Natalya was born, but the marriage was unsuccessful and they divorced in 1948.

Second wife - Nina Ivanovna Kotenkova (1949-1966).

Date of birth: January 12, 1907
Date of death: January 14, 1966
Place of birth: Ukraine, Zhitomir

Korolev Sergey Pavlovich– designer of the Soviet period, Korolev S.P.- stood at the origins of theoretical and practical shipbuilding. Space technology, missile weapons - in these areas he was undoubtedly the first figure of his time.

Sergei was born on January 12, 1907 in Zhitomir in a bourgeois family. His father, Pavel Yakovlevich, taught Russian literature to children. Mother Maria Moskalenko, according to the traditions of that time, ran the household.

At the age of 8, Sergei begins his studies at the Kyiv gymnasium. In 1917 he was transferred to the Odessa gymnasium. Due to the closure of the gymnasium, the boy has to transfer to a labor school. Then he leaves school completely and begins studying at home under the guidance of his stepfather and mother. His stepfather's engineering education greatly helped Korolev.

A fateful meeting with aviators takes place in 1921. Sergei begins to communicate with representatives of the Odessa hydraulic squad and understands that aircraft manufacturing will become his life’s work.

Very at a young age– 17 years old – he was able to justify his own project of a motorless aircraft before a special commission.

6 years later, Sergei is already a student at the Polytechnic Institute in Kyiv. The young man literally grasps the exact disciplines on the fly and two years later he continues his studies in the capital. Moscow higher military school added another gifted student.
In 1931, having collaborated with F. Zander, Sergei created a special group dedicated to the study of jet propulsion. In practice, young scientists created and tested their models.

In 1933, the young specialist became deputy head of the Jet Research Institute. He is in charge of the missile department. The department's goal is to test all types of weapons-related missiles.

In June 1938, the scientist was charged seriously. He was arrested for sabotage. Korolev's interrogations were carried out with particular cruelty. The court sentence imposed 10 years of labor camps in Kolyma. The inventor spent a year in prison, since the USSR needed to build up military power and the government desperately needed designers and scientists.

In connection with this, many scientists were collected into specially organized design bureaus for forced work. Korolev was no exception.

He began his work under the patronage of Tupolev in Moscow. He was then transferred to Kazan, where he became the chief in the field of rocket launcher design.

In 1944, the scientist received his freedom and began work on rockets designed to fly along a ballistic trajectory. The first creation was the R-1, but it was not its own design, but was made according to the drawings of the German V-2.

Subsequently, work begins on rockets strategic purpose. In the post-war years, in 1957, missiles designed to fly along a ballistic trajectory for water and land were demonstrated for the first time.

At the same time, research is being carried out in astronautics. The launch of an artificial Earth satellite, which was launched into Earth orbit for the first time, could not have happened without Korolev. The development of astronautics is proceeding by leaps and bounds and two years later three aircraft are already visiting the Moon.

Despite the successes in peaceful space exploration, Korolev and his colleagues do not give up their work war machine THE USSR. The R-7 rocket is his brainchild. This missile could reach another continent and hit a target there.

But the peak of the career of a designer and scientist was probably the first manned flight into space. It was Korolev who was both the ideological inspirer and the executor of this gigantic project. Following the flight of Yu. Gagarin, Vostok-2 and Soyuz went into orbit. Began preparatory work for the design and assembly of a heavy interplanetary spacecraft.

Korolev did not have time to complete all these projects. During intestinal surgery, his heart stopped permanently. This happened on January 14, 1966.

Achievements of Sergei Korolev:

He was the first scientist in Soviet Russia who was engaged in theory and practice in almost all areas of rocket technology for peaceful and military purposes.
Before him, no one had done so much in the field of manned spacecraft designed to be launched into space.
During the beginning of the “arms race,” he stood at the origins of the USSR’s nuclear defense.
The most eminent and fruitful scientist in theoretical and practical astronautics.
The scientist’s merits were awarded the Lenin Prize, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor twice, and the title of Academician of Sciences.

Dates from the biography of Sergei Korolev:

January 12, 1907 born in Zhitomir.
1915 began his studies at the Kyiv gymnasium
1917 transferred to the Odessa gymnasium
1924 began his studies at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute.
1926 transferred to Moscow VTU.
1931 initiator of the creation of GIRD.
The 1933 rocket launch confirmed the correctness of all the theoretical calculations of the group of scientists. Experimental work has begun to create a combat weapon missile weapons
1938 suddenly arrested. The punishment was severe - the designer had to spend 10 years in a camp.
1939 sent to a labor camp in Siberia.
1940 forced to work in specially organized design bureaus.
1944 released without preconditions. Started working on missiles flying along a ballistic trajectory.
1957 created a rocket flying along a ballistic trajectory. The Earth satellite, controlled from the control center, was sent into flight.
1961 Vostok-1 was sent into orbit.
January 14, 1966 - Sergei Pavlovich’s heart stopped during intestinal surgery.

Interesting facts of Sergei Korolev:

To get the drawings and calculations for the V-2, he was sent to England. The spy project failed because the artillery captain allegedly had no military decorations.
While studying at school, he showed absolutely no talent. Didn't shine in any of the subjects.
A story well known among cosmonauts says that Gagarin and Komarov insisted on sending the scientist’s ashes to the Moon.