Contest« Pedagogical inspiration»

I present an environmental fairy tale for children of senior preschool age. I want children to love and take care of the Earth.

The problem of environmental pollution is acute all over the world. And I, as the author of the fairy tale, strive to instill in children a careful attitude towards the environment. Let the sun shine brightly on our planet, let the air and water be clean, and the earth fertile.

Roslova Olesya Leonidovna, senior teacher of MBDOU
Kindergarten No. 9, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.

Ecological fairy tale “Visiting Mother Earth”

In one fairy-tale forest lived Mashenka and the Bear. They lived amicably and cheerfully. We played, walked through the forest, fished together, picked mushrooms and berries. So summer passed, autumn and winter came...

Mashenka was very happy that it would finally be possible to play snowballs with Mishka, go ice skating, and sculpt a snowman together. One morning she woke up and said to the Bear:

Bear, Bear! Look how good the weather is outside the window - the sun is shining, the snow is glistening! Let's go for a walk!

And the Bear answers her:

Indeed, Mashenka, great weather to go for a walk! Just eat some porridge first and dress warmly!

Okay, Mishka! - answered Masha.

While Masha was eating porridge with appetite, Mishka looked out the window and suddenly fell into deep thought. He knew that the winter this year was expected to be harsh - with blizzards, blizzards and low temperatures. After all, they won’t be able to often walk through the forest with Mashenka?!

Meanwhile, Mashenka had already gotten ready and, standing at the door, shouted to the Bear:

Bear, what's taking you so long, I already want to look at our winter forest!

The bear got ready and as soon as they went out into the yard, when suddenly a cloud covered the sun and rose strong wind and it started snowing. They quickly ran back into the house and began to wait for the weather to improve. Masha hoped that the sun would come out again and the snow would end, but that was not the case.

The snow kept falling and falling, the snowdrifts outside the window kept getting bigger, and the frost was getting stronger every day. Mishka entertained Masha as best he could: he played various games with her, taught her how to cook, and read books.

And then one day he found a magic book that his mother gave him, it told about what plants there are on Earth, how to care for them, and most importantly, protect them.

Masha really liked this book and one evening she asked:

Bear, you know, I found a pot in the pantry and I want to plant a grain in it, but I have neither land nor a grain. Where can I get it in winter?

And then the Bear remembered that back in the summer the birch tree gave him a magic grain, but for some reason he forgot about it! Mishka got up, joyfully walked into the pantry, found a grain, went up to Masha and said:

Mashenka, look! I give you this grain, just remember, it’s magical!

Mashenka was very happy and thanked her friend: now she had both a pot and a grain, but there was a problem: in order to plant the grain, she needed soil! Where can you find it when there are snowdrifts on the street?

Bear, what should I do, where can I find land for my grain?

Mishka thought a little and said:

Mashenka, the book that my mother gave me is magical, you can walk through its pages yourself and find out where to find land for your grain!

And so began Mashenka’s fabulous and adventurous journey...

And so Mashenka found herself on the page of a magic book. Everything about her seemed foreign to Masha; she walked along the path and thought how scared and lonely she was without Mishka, who was left at home. But she reassured herself that she would find land and return to her friend.

Mashenka walked and walked, and suddenly she saw a large wooden house ahead. She wondered: who lives in it? She climbed onto the porch and knocked.

A beautiful girl with long jet black hair opened the door for her.

Hello girl! Where did you come to me from and what is your name?

Hello, my name is Mashenka, and I came to you from a magical forest. And who are you?

And I am Mother Earth! Tell me, Mashenka, what brought you to our region?

How cool, maybe I need you! My friend Mishka gave me a magic seed, but I don’t know how to grow it. Maybe you can help me?

Of course, I will help you, Mashenka, but first I will tell and show you how people who live in our magical country carelessly treat me and my children.

The earth took Mashenka’s hand and suddenly they found themselves in the forest. But this was a different forest, bottles, cans and other garbage were lying around. Mashenka became very scared; she had never seen so much dirt. They walked further, and suddenly, very close to them, a tree fell! It was all on fire!

Masha screamed:

Let's run away from here, there's fire all around!

To which Mother Earth answered her:

Here, Masha, look what people did to our forest. They turned it into a garbage dump with heaps of garbage, burning fires that set fire to the trees and bushes that had grown here for many thousands of years.

Mother Earth, where have the trees gone?

Mashenka, our forests are being cut down more and more every year, people do not protect them, but use them for their own needs!

Masha didn’t have time to come to her senses when she found herself in a dirty swamp with Mother Earth.

Look, once upon a time this was a blue and clean river, in it there were different types fish and other animals. And now, on its bank, a factory was built and all the waste began to be released into the water... Now the river has turned into a dirty green swamp, the fish have gradually died out, and the swamp itself will soon dry up and no one will remember that it once flowed in this place river.

Mashenka, who lived in a fairytale forest, could not even imagine that it was possible to treat nature so cruelly!

And now, Mashenka, go to my daughter, Zhivushka, she will give you what you are looking for.

Masha thanked the Earth and moved on sadly.

Here Masha walks thoughtfully along the path and sees a small house in the middle of the forest, and behind it lies a wonderful garden with many different flowers, trees, shrubs, some varieties of which Masha didn’t even know!

And next to the house, behind a fence made of twigs, a vegetable garden was visible. There was everything there, but most of all Mashenka was pleasantly surprised by the fact that all the berries, vegetables and fruits looked large, juicy and appetizing. She thought:

Interestingly, in order to grow such a crop, you need to take very good care of your garden, constantly take care of it, and first of all, take care of the soil in which everything grows!

With such thoughts Mashenka knocked on the door.

Hello, Mashenka! I'm glad to see you in my home. Mom warned me that you would soon appear in my domain. I see you were surprised by my garden. Let's go, I'll treat you to a juicy apple!

They went into the garden, and Masha tried the offered fruit. How delicious it was!

Zivushka, I’m also glad that I came to you. I liked your house with its garden and vegetable garden, in which so many different flowers, trees, vegetables and fruits grow. Therefore, before you give me the land, please tell me how to care for the soil so that a beautiful flower grows from my grain!

I will be happy to tell you, Mashenka, how to care for the soil in order to always get an excellent harvest! Only recently have I been very worried about what has begun to happen to her.

People have stopped taking care of the soil; every day they pollute it more and more: they add harmful fertilizers to it, spray plants with toxic solutions, burn the grass in its place. for a long time nothing grows. And the many factories from which all waste is disposed of in the soil?!

Mashenka listened carefully to the daughter of Mother Earth and asked:

I couldn’t think that people were so cruel to nature. Please explain why they spoil the soil that gives them crops?

The lively woman smiled tiredly and doomedly:

Mashenka, people think that the more they fertilize the soil, the faster their crops will grow. If only they knew what harm they are doing to their health and the health of other people!

What can happen to a person if he eats such a vegetable? - asked Masha.

A person can become seriously poisoned and end up in the hospital, because fertilizers are a strong poison! Fruits and vegetables grown in this way only look beautiful and appetizing, but in reality they are empty and not tasty.

In addition, people throw bottles and plastic cans into the soil, which also cause irreparable harm, as they decompose in the soil for many years.

And in my magical forest I don’t throw garbage on the ground, there are trash cans for that.

I see that you are a very good and neat girl. Take the soil for your pot and plant your seed in it. And for it to germinate you need water, which my sister Danushka will give you! Have a nice trip, Mashenka!

And Masha hit the road again. She came out of the forest and saw a river, on the bank of which a girl was sitting and crying. Masha felt sorry for the girl, she approached her and asked:

Are you sad? Why are you crying? Something happened?

You must be Mashenka? - the girl answered tiredly. - Nice to meet you, and I'm Dana. My mother and sisters call me Danushka. Yes, Masha, I am very sad that the water in the river is dirty. Look, in the distance there is a warehouse for household waste, which ends up in the water every day, and over there they are building another plant, all the waste from which will flow into the river. And below you see those who pollute the water with cans, bags, bottles and other garbage. Then these people come home and drink water from this river! I worry about the future of people, about the health of their children. In addition, not only people drink water from this river, but also plants that grow on the shore, as well as animals living in the neighboring forest.

I see, Danushka, that you are very concerned about the problem of water pollution?

You're right, Mashenka! Thank you for your participation, but for some reason I got into a conversation with you, it’s time for you to move on and meet my second sister Yarilushka, who will warm your flower.

Danushka took the pot and watered the soil in which the grain lay. Masha took the pot and joyfully moved on.

Mashenka walked for how long and came out into a beautiful meadow. Birds sang and flew around colorful butterflies and the sun was shining brightly. As soon as Masha decided to sit down to rest, she saw a ray of sunshine reaching straight towards her. He stopped nearby and said:

It's a wonderful day today, Mashenka! I'm glad to meet you, I'm Yarilushka!

And I’m glad, Yarilushka! Danushka told me that in order for my seed to sprout, I must go to you. How can you help me?

Yarilushka laughed cheerfully and said:

Mashenka, in order for your seed to germinate, in addition to earth and water, it needs my light and warmth. All plants are drawn to the sun, thanks to which the metabolism of nutrients occurs in them! People and animals receive from me the vitamin D they need for their life. But now I am very offended by people. They treat my mother and sisters cruelly! In addition, all the chemicals that are used constantly in their lives subsequently evaporate into the air. That is why the layers of the atmosphere are destroyed and my rays begin to cause harm to nature in addition to benefit. People suffer from burns, sunstroke and overheating. The leaves on the trees begin to turn yellow and fall off ahead of schedule, sometimes because of me a drought occurs and then everyone suffers. If only people would come to their senses and stop polluting nature! Mashenka, you came to me for help, put your pot on the ground.

Masha lowered the pot next to her, a ray of sunlight jumped into it and warmed the soil. And then the girl saw that her seed had sprouted!

Thank you, Yarilushka!

I'm glad I helped you, Mashenka! Your journey is coming to an end, but first go to mine. younger sister Svargushka, the Queen of the sky and air, has a son, Veterok. Good luck, girl!

Goodbye, Yarilushka, thank you for your help!

Mashenka walked, walked and saw a little boy with wings behind his back, flying above the ground and beautiful woman playing with him. Masha watched them for a long time until the boy flew up to her and said:

Greetings, Mashenka! Mom and I have been waiting for you for a long time, finally you have come!

And you are probably Veterok? Nice to meet you! Your mother's sister referred me to you.

And then Veterok’s mother Svargushka came up.

Yes, Mashenka, we know about this. I see your seed has sprung, but it will not bloom if the air is not clean! My sisters have already told you how cruel and heartless people treat us. My son and I also suffer from this attitude. When people pollute the soil, strong evaporation occurs from it, chemicals and other harmful substances enter the air, and then into the lower layers of the atmosphere, which is why it is destroyed. As a result, this causes irreparable harm to the people themselves, plants and animals that live on earth. Everyone breathes polluted air, which enters the lungs of all living beings. My son used to be only useful, bringing the clouds from which life-giving rain fell or, on the contrary, dispersing them so that the sun would warm the earth, creating coolness on hot days. And now, if gas is released from factories, it is carried along with the wind for many kilometers and causes harm wherever it sweeps. My son and I really hope that people will understand their mistake and be more careful about nature.

Swargushka looked at Mashin’s pot, waved her hand and said:

Mashenka, look at your sprout.

At that same moment, the sprout in the pot blossomed and turned into a magnificent flower.

Mashenka's joy knew no bounds. All she did was thank Svargushka and could not stop looking at her flower.

Thank you all for your kindness and informative story. I also hope that people will come to their senses and not pollute the environment!

And now, Mashenka, it’s time for you to return home! Follow this path and you will come to the magical forest to your friend Mishka. He's probably already been waiting for you! Good luck!

Goodbye, Mashenka! - Veterok shouted after him.

The joyful girl went home, she thought how she would come to Mishka and share with him everything that she had learned in the magic book.

In her thoughts, the girl did not even notice how she was already walking through her forest. While Mashenka was traveling, winter ended in the magical forest, spring came, the long-awaited summer came, and Mishka went to buy strawberries. He was very worried that Mashenka had not returned, and wanted to make delicious jam to treat her.

Mishka was already returning home when he suddenly saw Mashenka coming to meet him. Bear couldn't believe his eyes! He ran to meet her:

Masha, Mashenka, you are back!

Mashenka saw her friend running towards her and was very happy. She missed Bear and was glad to see him.

Bear, don’t worry about me anymore, I’m back and not alone. Look, the grain you gave me has turned into beautiful flower! In addition, I can’t wait to tell you about my adventures in the magic book and how much useful and educational I learned.

Mishka quickly made jam and he and Masha sat down to drink tea. She kept telling and telling her friend about how people treat nature incorrectly and irrationally, don’t take care of it, and then they themselves suffer from their mistakes.


Guys, Mishka and I told you an instructive story and we hope that each of you will do correct conclusions. I really want to believe that when you grow up, you will be careful and careful about nature and all living things that are around you. Maybe some of you will become scientists and invent purification facilities in order to breathe fresh air, drink clean water and walk the streets where there is no dirt and garbage. We sincerely wish this for you.

Your Masha and the Bear.


Everyone, all people love fairy tales (I’ll tell you a secret: adults are just big children). Fairy tales are different. Among them are socially useful or so-called SOCIAL TALES, after which you want to do something useful not only for yourself, but also for other people. With the help of such fairy tales, you can look for ways out of the problems of your region, city, and even microdistrict. These stories may have more than one ending, but several, so that each person chooses, completes, and tries to implement their own. For in social creativity there are no wrong decisions, only ineffective ones. In a specific case or performed by a specific person.

The tales presented in this brochure are not simple, but... ECOLOGICAL. They, as you may have guessed, relate to social creativity, which is not yet very widespread in Khakassia. Our organization “Sayan Heritage” unites Khakass journalists who, in their free time from work, try their hand at preserving history and nature. We believe that it is important for the younger generation to talk about environmental issues in clear language, in a playful way.

For this purpose, journalists from leading Khakassian media decided to create a collection of such fairy tales together with children. This idea, designed in the form of the “Ecological Creativity Workshop” project, won the “Khakassia - Territory of Partnership” competition. The winning grant allowed the publication of the publication, which was later transferred by the project participants to libraries in Khakassia and educational institutions in Sayanogorsk.

In this collection, the correspondents play the unusual role of good storytellers (it’s especially nice that colleagues from other regions joined the work). And the children illustrated fairy tales. Most of the drawings were created by students of the art studio of the Center for Children's Creativity in Sayanogorsk (teacher - Elena Mikhailovna VOEVODINA, director of the CDT - Olga Leonidovna EROSHKO). We are sincerely grateful to the young artists, their mentors, journalists, storytellers and, of course, the organizers of the competition, thanks to which this useful undertaking was possible.

You can share your impressions from reading environmental fairy tales and your opinions on whether such creativity is needed in Khakassia with the authors.

Project Manager

"Ecological Creativity Workshop"

President of Khakass regional public organization"Sayan Heritage"

Tatyana Zykova



My baby! You're already tired. How quickly the dark night came! Autumn cold and autumn darkness. And you don’t go to bed. Just lie down quietly for a while, and good sleep will find its way to you. And he himself will come and bring a fairy tale.

In a far, distant forest, on a small hill in a small hut, an old forest man and an old forest woman lived and whiled away the years. They lived together and guarded the forest. From year to year, from century to century, they were not disturbed by man.

And there is beauty all around – you can’t take your eyes off it! You can find as many mushrooms and berries as you want. Both animals and birds lived peacefully in the forest. The old people could be proud of their forest.

And they had two assistants, two bears: the busybody Masha and the grumpy Fedya. So peaceful and affectionate in appearance, they did not give offense to the forest villagers.

And everything would be fine, everything would be fine, but one clear autumn morning, suddenly, from the top of a tall Christmas tree, a Magpie screamed anxiously. The animals hid, the birds scattered, they waited: what will happen?

The forest was filled with noise, and screams, and anxiety, and great noise. People came with baskets, buckets and backpacks to pick up mushrooms. Until the evening, the cars hummed, and the old forest man and the old forest woman sat hidden in the hut. And at night, poor things, they didn’t dare close their eyes.

And in the morning the clear sun rolled out from behind the hill, illuminating both the forest and the centuries-old hut. The old people came out, sat on the rubble, warmed their bones in the sun and went to stretch their legs and take a walk through the forest. They looked around and were stunned: the forest was not a forest, but some kind of dump, which it would be a pity to even call a forest. Cans, bottles, pieces of paper and rags are scattered everywhere in disarray.

The old forest man shook his beard:

So what is this being done?! Let's go, old lady, clean up the forest, remove the garbage, otherwise neither animals nor birds will be found here!

They look: and bottles and cans suddenly gather together, approach each other. They spun the screw - and out of the garbage arose an incomprehensible beast, skinny, unkempt and, at the same time, terribly disgusting: Junk-Wretched. The bones rattle, the whole forest laughs:

Along the road through the bushes -

Junk, junk, junk, junk!

In untrodden places -

Junk, junk, junk, junk!

I am great, many-sided,

I am paper, I am iron,

I am plastic-useful,

I am a glass bottle

I am damned, damned!

I'll settle in your forest -

I will bring a lot of grief!

The forest villagers got scared and called out to the bears. Busy Masha and grumpy Fedya came running. They growled menacingly and stood on their hind legs. What is left for the Junk-Wretched Man to do? Just scurry. It rolled like rubbish over the bushes, along ditches and hummocks, all further away, all to the side, so that the bears wouldn’t get a single piece of paper. He gathered himself into a heap, spun around like a screw, and again became the Junk-Cursed: a skinny and disgusting beast at that.

What to do? How to get to Khlamishche-Okayanishche? How long can you chase him through the forest? The old forest dwellers became depressed, the bears became quiet. They just hear someone singing and driving through the forest. They look: and this is the Queen of the Forest on a huge fiery red fox. As he drives, he wonders: why is there so much garbage lying around in the forest?

Remove all this trash immediately!

And the foresters responded:

We can't handle it! This is not just rubbish, it is a Junk-Cursed: an incomprehensible, skinny, unkempt beast.

I don’t see any beast and I don’t believe you!

The Forest Queen bent down, reached for the piece of paper, and wanted to pick it up. And the piece of paper flew away from her. All the garbage gathered in a heap and spun like a screw, becoming a Junk-Cursed: a skinny and disgusting beast.

The Queen of the Forest was not afraid:

Look, what a freak! What a beast! Just a bunch of rubbish! The good pit is crying for you!

She waved her hand - the ground parted, creating a deep hole. The Khlamishche-Okayanische fell there, couldn’t get out, lay down at the bottom.

The Forest Queen laughed:

That's it - it's good!

The old forest people don’t want to let her go, and that’s all. The junk disappeared, but the worries remained.

And if people come again, what will we, Mother, do?

Ask Masha, ask Fedya, let them bring bears to the forest!

The forest has calmed down. The Queen of the Forest rode off on a fiery red fox. The old forest dwellers returned to their little hut, living and living, drinking tea. The sky is frowning or the sun is shining, the forest is beautiful and joyfully bright. There is so much joy and bright joy in the whisper of leaves, in the breath of the wind! Delicate sounds and pure colors, the forest is the most wonderful fairy tale!

But as soon as the cars began to hum again, people with baskets hurried into the forest. And Masha and Fedya hurried to call their bear neighbors for help. They entered the forest, growled, and stood up on their hind legs. People got scared and let's run! They will not return to this forest soon, but they left a whole mountain of garbage.

Masha and Fedya were not at a loss, they taught the bears, they surrounded the Khlamishche-Okayanische, drove them to the pit, and drove them into the pit. He couldn’t get out of there; he lay down at the bottom.

But the troubles of the old forest woman and the forest forest grandfather did not end there. Scoundrel poachers and hunters for bear skins came into the forest. We heard that there are bears in this forest. Save yourself, Masha! Save yourself, Fedya! The forest trembled sadly from the shots. Those who could, flew away, and those who could, ran away. For some reason it became joyless in the forest. Hunting! Hunting! Hunting! Hunting!

But the hunters suddenly notice: a red light flashes behind the bushes.

Save yourself! Let's quickly run out of the forest! Fire is no joke! Let's die! We'll burn!

The hunters noisily climbed into their cars, got scared, and sped out of the forest. And this is just the Queen of the Forest racing on a fiery red fox. She waved her hand - the little hill disappeared, and the hut disappeared with the woodsmen. And the enchanted forest also disappeared. He disappeared as if he had fallen through the ground. And for some reason, in that place there became a huge impassable swamp.

The Queen of the Forest is waiting for people to become kind and wise and stop acting up in the forest.



A snow-white Unicorn flew to the Girl from a distant star. As soon as sleep closed her long eyelashes, he set off, rushing like a whirlwind into her room, into her sleep, disturbing her, offering another fabulous journey.

The Girl jumped straight from the bed onto the croup of the magic horse, and they flew from the stuffy little bedroom towards miracles. The Unicorn knew everything; he showed the Girl various corners of the planet on which she lived. The yellow sun of Africa illuminated walking elephants and proud giraffes; huge walruses and seals basked on the icy icebergs. They saw kangaroos jumping, with the curious little faces of kangaroos peeking out of their pouches, and once, after jumping into the ocean, they talked with a huge blue whale.

Tired of traveling, they returned closer to home. There, in the forest, not far from which stood the city in which the Girl lived with her mother and father, there was their favorite vacation spot: Musical Glade.

Sitting on a soft emerald carpet, and hugging her friend's long neck, the Girl listened to the melody of the forest: the rustling of branches, the violins of grasshoppers, the baritones of beetles, the flutes of larks, the crystal murmur of a brook. They hardly spoke - it was so good in this forest, in their clearing, next to the very true friend- A unicorn. Only occasionally did the Unicorn tell the Girl about his star - a crystal ball on which only unicorns lived.

One day a girl asked her friend why he flies only in her dreams? After all, unicorns could live here, next to people. But to this the Unicorn only smiled bitterly, answering: “We tried for a long time”...

One day the Unicorn did not fly to the Girl. In vain she waited for him the next night, and further, and further, in vain she looked for him and even ran during the day to the Musical Glade. Her friend was nowhere to be found...

The girl grew up, she began to have other dreams, she gradually forgot the fairy tale that the Unicorn gave her.

She grew up and became herself beautiful girl city ​​and country in which she lived. And maybe the whole world. One day, the Prince of a kingdom wooed her. The Prince was handsome and very powerful, he invited the Girl to visit and the first thing he decided to do was show her the jewels of his palace. They walked for a long time through different rooms filled with beautiful things, precious paintings, fabrics, and jewelry. The very last room was the Prince's special pride. He told the Girl: “Now you will see something you have never seen!” And he opened the golden doors for her. In an iron cage, chained with chains, stood the Unicorn. He saw the Girl, and tears rolled down from his beautiful sad eyes. The girl rushed to the cage, through its bars she hugged her friend, stroked his snow-white mane and also cried. The cage opened on its own. Or maybe the Prince, realizing that he had acted very rudely by captivating the Unicorn, opened it.

The girl and the Unicorn had not seen each other for so long that they could not talk enough. From the palace they flew to the Musical Glade to remember the happy moments they spent here together.

“Remember when you asked me why unicorns live on Crystal Star?” – the Unicorn asked, and the girl nodded, remembering: “I didn’t tell you then that our homeland is not the Crystal Star at all. Our homeland is the planet on which you now live.”

“But why?...” - the Girl began, and suddenly froze, remembering the iron cage and heavy chains that fettered the Unicorn.

The unicorn, understanding her thoughts, only nodded sadly:

People did not know how and did not want to live with us, and we died one by one. They wanted to own our beautiful crystal horn, not realizing that they were ruining the beauty they lived next to.

...On one of the bright moonlit nights, all the unicorns who remained alive gathered on the very high mountain. Having said goodbye to the Earth, they flapped their wings - a difficult path to the Crystal Star awaited them. There was not a single beautiful animal left on earth - but people did not notice this, just as they were accustomed to not noticing anything around them. Only crystal unicorn horns have increased in price...

Did you fly here knowing that this could threaten you with death and captivity? - said the girl.

I flew here so that people would remember how beautiful their land was before, when everyone lived together. I guess I was in a hurry. I probably missed the land and people more than they missed us...

But I was waiting for you...

And I couldn’t help but fly.

... They are still dating. The unicorn flies to the Girl from the crystal star. As soon as sleep closes her long eyelashes, he flies like a whirlwind into her room and they begin the journey...

Only this is a different Unicorn and a different Girl.

It will always be this way - and it seems that Unicorns have remained only in fairy tales and dreams. In reality, they live on Crystal Star and are waiting for people to appreciate true beauty. And then the Unicorns will return...

Alexander BOYKO


A new day was dawning over the Steppe Plain. The first rays of the morning sun burned the smooth surface of the lake, lifting a light foggy haze from the water. The Guardian of the Steppe Plain sat on a stone near his hole under a blue iris bush and carefully watched the sun rise. He loved doing this more than anything in his life. He loved to race gophers and scare partridges, he loved to listen to the whistling of the steppe wind in the grass and the ringing of silence after the first snow. He loved to look at the huge white clouds in the bottomless blue of the sky, at the twinkling stars and at the strange cold moon. But most of all he loved to watch the sun rise.

Having made sure that this time the luminary had taken its place in the sky, the Guardian ran to the lake, washed his mustachioed face with cool water and went to inspect his possessions. Somewhere in the field, a tractor began to hum, laying freshly cut grass in even rows. To the side behind a hillock, a shepherd, cracking his whip, was driving a flock of sheep out to graze. A light breeze carried the smell of wormwood and thyme across the steppe. These sounds and smells were well known to the Guardian. It seemed like this was and always will be. By evening he reached the edge of the Plain and, climbing a hillock, looked west. “Everything is calm in the steppe. Just as it should be,” thought the Guardian: “Tomorrow we can return to the lake, and then examine the big stream.”

The setting sun turned the sunset clouds blood red. The Guardian did not like sunsets, but this time something forced him to get out of the kelp thickets and look to the west. Something alarmed him, but he couldn’t understand what...

The next day changed everything. The morning sun picked out the figures of unprecedented iron monsters on the horizon. Walking with their huge paws, they made the earth tremble. The Guardian had never seen anything like this before: in one clawed paw of the monster, it seemed that half of his favorite lake could fit. Having walked a little more, the monsters froze for a while, and then began to bite into the ground together. The Guardian tried to stop them with all his might, but could not. The metal was stronger than his claws and teeth. And the evil roar that the giants emitted was more terrible than a thousand thunderstorms.

Time has passed. The lacerations of the cuts changed the Steppe Plain. Huge mountains of lifeless rock shot up, black acrid dust, raised from the depths by the unknown force of artificial thunder, hung in the air. This made it painful and bitter to breathe. The keeper stood on his hind legs and sniffed, but his sensitive nose could no longer discern either the smell of wormwood or the aroma of thyme. Only the frightening smells of hot metal and rubber, burnt fuel and engine oil, broken stone and lifeless earth hovered around. The steppe groaned under the onslaught of iron monsters. It seemed that they had reached the middle of the earth and were lifting up something heavy, black and terrible. The Guardian could not come to terms with all this. His lake dried up, his hole crumbled, and now he had to greet the dawn with the roar of iron monsters.

The keeper sat on a stone and looked at the sunset. He didn't like sunsets, but he knew that he wouldn't see the sun for a long time. And when the last ray faded over the horizon, he began to dig. He dug long and hard, dug deep, and got so far that even the iron monsters could not reach him.

As he fell asleep, the animal thought: “I am the Guardian of the Steppe Plain, but I have nothing left to keep. Perhaps someday everything will be as before. And then the steppe will wake up and call me. And I will greet the sunrises as before...”



Once upon a time there lived a Little Cart. She was convenient and fast. Apples and watermelons, melons and flowers, bread and milk, clay pots and woolen socks - all this easily fit into the Cart. The owner loved and cherished her very much. At night I put it in a warm barn, which smelled of herbs, and swallows lived under the roof. Every evening they flocked to the Little Cart to discuss the latest news.

No, did you hear? The neighbor's cat stole the chickens again, we need to fight this somehow... Should we squeeze his paw?

“What are you saying, he’s alive,” said the Cart (her wheels even started spinning from excitement: You can’t be so cruel. You just need to repair the chicken coop. Tomorrow I’ll bring fresh boards, you can take them from the construction site.

You’re always like this, but we’d have already torn off his tail! He's nothing but trouble.

Chirping beauties, a good cat, bad luck with the owner: he doesn’t want to work, he only drinks vodka. The mice have long since fled from our yard, so the cat is starving.

Okay, let him live. We do not mind. Just don't ruin the nests.

He won't, I'll talk to him.

Gradually everything calmed down, Night covered the city with its starry blanket, hung the lantern moon in the sky and sang a lullaby.

The Little Cart had magical dreams in which she was either a beautiful carriage for a fairy, or a fast frigate for pirates, or a Big Cart, which she often met on the road.

When Little Carts grow up, do they turn into Big Carts? – she often asked her Master. And he just smiled into his mustache and rolled on.

It was a simply wonderful day, Little Cart was basking in the sun, when suddenly swallows flew up and began to shout something.

There's a cat drowning! The boys threw him into the water: they wanted to see if he could swim or not?

Let's run to save the cat!

You can’t leave the yard without the Master...

I can do anything if I want...

The cart remembered its dreams, straightened its sails and flew towards the cliff. There, in a ravine filled with melt water, the cat fought for its life. He floundered as far as his paws could reach. The cart ran and jumped.

How great it is to be a bird! How I want to fly!

The ravine turned out to be deep, and the Cart sank to the bottom like a stone. At the last moment, the cat managed to jump on it and jump out onto the shore.

Oh, what will happen now! - the swallows became worried: We must fly after the Master, otherwise the Cart will be carried out to sea.

Little Cart found out what happened next only five days later. The owner was very worried whether the Cart could be as light and fast after the melt water. He painted it a heavenly color, painted it with white daisies, put new tires on the wheels, and decided to go traveling around the world so that the Little Cart could finally see what was beyond the horizon. For company, they took with them a cat, who was very grateful to the Little Cart for saving him. He purred his cat songs and licked her little cracks.

Little Cart dreamed that when he grew up and became Big Cart, the Master would be able to build himself a wagon and place a beautiful woman in it. And the Master now called her Descendant from Heaven and believed that she would bring him happiness.



Eh, it’s good to sit on the stove and eat rolls!

But our hero somehow became bored.

You ask: “Who is the hero of our fairy tale?” - “Well, of course! The well-known Ivanushka, who sits on the stove for days, spends his time away.”

So, our story begins with the fact that a thought entered Ivan’s head: the guy has decided to get married! And not just marry, but marry the Tsar’s daughter!

Ivan thought a little more and decided to woo the local king, so as not to have to go far and not bother himself. And to make things move faster, he sent the Tsar a text message: “So and so, I want to marry the Princess, your daughter!” I sent a text message and waited for an answer.

But it never happened: apparently, the operator had some kind of glitch. Ivan became upset and began to think: how could he realize his dream of marriage?

From his sad thoughts, he even got off the stove and went outside for a walk.

Ivan walked - he walked, whether it was long or short, no one remembers. But he just wandered into a dark, dense forest. And Ivan realized that he was lost.

Vanya sat down on a stump and began to look around. And all around, instead of herbs and flowers, there are heaps of garbage. Ivan bent down to drink from a stream of water, and there the water flowed, muddy and foul-smelling.

Ivan was indignant and stamped his foot: “Who created such a mess here!? Come out, you bastard, I will fight you!”

And everything around began to rattle and rustle, and a garbage whirlwind rose up. And the accursed forest robbers stood before Ivan, all in tatters and unwashed.

Ivan looked at the robbers and winced: apparently, the guys were in big trouble, since they let themselves go like this.

Meanwhile, the leader of the robbers came forward and said:

I am Musorych, the head of the “garbage mafia”, and who are you?

And I’m Ivan, a local, city resident, I went out for a walk.

Why did you, Ivan, a local resident, decide to fight us unarmed? You entered our territory, you shout, are you disturbing the peace of the forest dump?

Yes, I decided to think in the fresh air. And here there is not only fresh air, but almost no air. Disorder!

And you, Vanya, join our mafia, and you won’t have to think about anything. Here Musorych thinks for everyone.

Ivan thought, and he agreed to join the “garbage mafia.”

Ivan began to live with robbers and rob people on the roads. And in my free time, I drag garbage into the forest, sort through it, and greet careless townspeople who carry all their waste into the forest.

Only the thought of marrying the princess did not leave him.

One day Ivan was rummaging through the trash and found a fragment of a mirror. He looked at himself and was horrified: “How did I get to this point!? All dirty, unshaven, unwashed! We need to wear a new caftan and visit the palace in person.”

That's what I decided on. And Ivan began to think about how he could get money, what to dress up in so that he would not be ashamed to appear in front of the king and his young bride. And I came up with...

Ivan went to Musorych to say a word:

Listen, Musorych, I was just thinking: maybe it’s enough for us to be bandits and live in garbage. Still in modern world we live! Let's set up a legal business: let's build a waste processing plant! At first, we will clear the forest of garbage, and then we will organize supplies from the city. We'll earn money.

You know, Vanyusha, old me has already started a new business. It's time for me to retire. Go ahead, try it. We will help in any way we can.

This is how Ivan began to engage in environmental business: he cleared the forest and stream of garbage, earned money for a new caftan (and still has some left), and became a respected person. And then the invitation to the ball arrived. Ivan, without thinking twice, got ready and went to the palace.

Vanya arrived at the royal mansion, and all the nobles greeted him by the hand, bowed and greeted him joyfully. Ecology is now a fashionable trend, and the business is profitable. Ivan is not the last person in the kingdom: he invests money in charity and implements environmental programs.

The Tsar approached Ivan and said:

Ivan, I received a text message. It says that you, they say, want to marry the Princess. If I haven’t changed my mind, I’ll be only too glad to become related to you.

Ivan was glad that fortune smiled on him so much!

He wooed the Princess, and soon the wedding took place.

And Ivan and the Princess lived happily ever after! Together they cleared the kingdom of garbage and breathed fresh air.



The morning turned out to be cool. The yellow stems of grass crunched with every step of the traveler, dropping black drops of dew onto his worn cloak. The man climbed the next hill and froze for a minute, catching his breath. Bitter and hard, prickly air, like electric welding sparks, hissed through the filters of the gas mask. My heart was pounding in my chest, my legs were heavy, my thoughts were confused. The man lacked the oxygen that the newest breathing apparatus squeezed out of the surrounding air. The traveler winced, simultaneously feeling the smooth surface of the mask on his face and ran his gloved hand over the glass, as if wiping sweat from his forehead.

“It’s good, of course, when you have an army protective suit. No creature can bite through it, and it provides good protection from acid rain. Look, the oak-skinned toad-eater, how he hunched over... but he seemed to have adapted...” the man kicked the shapeless lump lying on the edge of the path with the toe of his heavy leaded boot and immediately recoiled. An annoying squeak pressed into my ears. The speaker of the radiometer was straining: having slightly moved from the intended route, the traveler stepped into the contaminated zone. “But this suit doesn’t save you from radiation,” he continued his speech, practicing oratory for himself: “And here any piece of iron radiates like a reactor.” The man staggered, coughed and rushed to the inner pocket of his coat. A small syringe injected medicine: a new remedy for all types of poisons, simultaneously removing radiation.

There were five more of these in stock, and they had to be used regularly if you wanted to live. And I wanted to live even more than to go through this steppe, some reinforced concrete ruins and find there, at the end of the world, a place where you can breathe without a gas mask. The man took another step, and then something oily and shiny darted out of the grass and knocked him off his feet. The oil worm, a creature that appeared in gasoline puddles, quickly grew and became one of the most dangerous predators. The durable fabric of the cloak crackled, the traveler managed to throw the creature away and ran further along the path...

“Stop the experiment!” - the man in the white coat pulled the switch, returning the test subject to the real world. The oil worm victim jumped to his feet, tearing off sensor wires and having difficulty understanding the doctor's words.

“Happy?..” - the observer in a black uniform moved towards the doors, but stopped for a moment: “The computer has finished simulating the conditions on the planet in a thousand years.”

We don’t need such walks through the Khakassian burial mounds!

Tatiana ZYKOVA


One of the most picturesque places on Earth, called Siberia in ancient books and on websites dating back thousands of years, was covered in evening. The Sayan Mountains seemed pink in the sunset light, the Yenisei was cool, and the lush vegetation was a delight to the eye. At such moments it seems: this is how it was thousands of years before us and will always be.

One of the local residents, abandoning everything he was doing, sat down on the grass and began to watch the sunset. This is what his father and grandfather always did. A cold wind blew from the river, but the contemplator took the control panel and turned it down so that nothing would interfere with enjoying nature. At the same time, I turned on a scattering of stars over the mountains with another remote control. I thought about it and made the Milky Way a little paler so that it wouldn’t distract from admiring the great river.

They say that in prehistoric times some birds flew over it, and this enlivened the view. But even now it was not bad: waves of sulfuric acid gently rushed onto the shore, and coastal cedars bent under the weight of head-sized cones. He would have enjoyed the views for a long time if he had not looked at his watch. Nine. Time to have dinner and listen to the evening news. He called his dog, who was playing nearby. She didn’t want to go home and called the owner to play, holding a ball in the teeth of one head and a stick with the other and wagging her tails. He adjusted the gas mask with his tentacle and walked into the bunker, lazily moving his six legs. The dog followed dejectedly.

Along the way, he grumbled: “Nothing is changing on Earth, but these news have been scaring for thousands of years that if we don’t take care of nature, something terrible will happen to it and to us! They’re lying! There is no justice for these journalists who are greedy for sensation!” The news, indeed, began with a tired warning that a natural disaster and mutants were just around the corner. In one of the remote corners of the planet, scientists have already discovered a one-headed dog. And in the other - a bipedal man with arms instead of tentacles. Since cases are still isolated, experts have reassured that these unfortunate living beings will be cured. They have already been sent to the best laboratory: to grow heads, tails, legs and tentacles. After this, they will finally be able to live a full life.

Nothing changes on Earth...

Yaroslava SEMENYUK


Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. And they had a granddaughter, Katenka. She loved to go for walks in the steppe. One day, while walking with my grandmother, I saw wild pigeons cooing. At this time, the first flowers had already appeared in the steppe, and beautiful butterflies flew to them. There was a smell of fresh grass, and somewhere nearby the larks sang their songs.

When the grandmother and granddaughter came home, everyone went about their business. Katenka began to tell her grandfather what kind of birds she had seen and that she really liked the pigeon.

Grandma, can I take your scarf? - asked the granddaughter.

Take it. “You know where he lies,” said the grandmother.

Katya went to the closet, opened the door and took a black scarf with white flowers from the shelf. She threw it over her shoulders.

Look, grandma,” she spread her arms to the sides, “I’m like a bird.” I'll go to the balcony.

“Why be a bird,” the grandmother said affectionately.

And suddenly the incredible happened: flapping her arms like wings, Katya turned into a White Feather Dove.

Below the house sat a flock of pigeons. They pecked at the crumbs of bread that grandfather poured out for them.

White feather joined the flock. The pigeons cooed. They drove away the new dove, and no one wanted to give her a single crumb: it wasn’t enough for themselves. But then one Dove separated from the flock and began to protect the new dove. That's how they became friends.

The doves rose into the blue sky and then sank onto the green grass. They felt good together. But one day, when they once again soared upward, a young Eagle began to rapidly approach them. The pigeons became worried. It’s a long way from the ground, and too far from shelter. And Eagle is already nearby. He's about to grab the dove with his paws. The Dove did not throw away the white feather. He rushed at the Eagle. And the Eagle grabbed him by the neck with his claws and shouted loudly:

Look for your friend across the blue river near the Sayan Mountains.

The sad dove sank to the ground. She sat on the grass, then went up to the window where my grandmother lived. But the window was closed. A white feather beat against the window glass, but the grandmother did not hear it, she was not at home.

Nothing can be done: the dove had to ask her new friends where the Eagle had taken her friend.

Do you think my friend is still alive? – she asked them.

Maybe he's alive. Most likely, it was the evil Sorcerer, and not the Eagle. You go to the Yenisei River and ask the Coot duck, maybe she knows where the eagle’s nest is.

White Feather flew to the river, sat down on the sand on a small island and waited for the ducks to come out of the water. The ducks don’t know that the White Feather is waiting for them. They all rush along the river, catching fish. But they got tired, flew to the island and sat down next to the dove.

Why are you sitting here, are you waiting for someone? - asked the main duck.

Tell me, dear ducks, do you happen to know where the eagle's nest is? He took my friend.

No, we don't know. You fly up the Yenisei, maybe the Trout fish knows.

The White Feather flew to the trout farm, which is located outside the village of Maina. I saw a silver trout. But the Trout fish lived in captivity and had never heard of where the Eagle could live.

The dove flew for a long time. She was so tired that by evening her strength completely left her. But at dawn she began her search again. One day she met Roe Deer.

Roe Deer, can you tell me where is the nest of the Eagle that carried away my friend the Dove? Maybe you saw it? Maybe you heard? - asked the Dove.

Behind that mountain, near the old mine, lives the Sorcerer Eagle. But don’t fly there yourself, ask Ant, he’ll go and find out everything,” said Roe Deer.

The dove did just that. The ant agreed to help her. He made his way with the dove's feather, which she gave him, into the Eagle's nest. The nest was large, and the Ant had to climb over the numerous twigs from which it was made. He almost lost a feather. When he crawled up to the Dove, he recognized the familiar smell and blinked at the Ant to sit quietly. So they waited until morning. In the morning the Eagle flew away. The Ant told the Dove that the White Feather was looking for him.

This afternoon the Eagle will carry me to the city, there will be some kind of celebration there. He will turn me into a guy, and together with other guys I will break dance there,” said Dove.

How can I get you back into the pack? - asked the Ant.

You see, I'm a bewitched guy. And when the Eagle wants to have fun, he turns me either into a man or into a dove.

How can I help you?

There is an exit. But will we be able to take advantage of the situation? When the dance is over, I need Dove to sit on my shoulder. Then the Eagle will not be able to do anything, and I will remain a man,” said the Dove.

How can you be distinguished from other guys?

I have yellow plumage. This is how I differ from other pigeons. So my T-shirt will be yellow. This is how White Feather recognizes me.

And then the day of the holiday came. Guys and girls gathered on the square near the Sayanogorsk cinema park "Alliance", where the "Spring Week of Goodness" was taking place. It came down to dancing.

Suddenly a white feather flew into the square. She, dancing importantly, approached the guy in a yellow T-shirt. And as soon as the last sounds of the music died down, she quickly took off and sat on the guy’s left shoulder. Suddenly the wind rose, and everyone saw a flying eagle. He couldn't grab his Dove in time.

And Dove flew home to her grandmother. The window was open. She sat down on a chair.

Are you back already, granddaughter? – Grandma asked affectionately and waved her hand.

The white feather turned into a girl, who told her grandmother about her adventures.

Grandma, I helped the Dove become a man. “He doesn’t even know that I’m a girl and not a bird,” Katenka said sadly.

Don’t worry, baby, years will pass, you will grow up and meet your Dove.

Now let's celebrate your return: let's drink tea and cheesecakes. Call grandpa.

They sat in the kitchen, and Katya talked and talked about her impressions. There were so many of them that a whole book of fairy tales could be written.



All day long, seven-year-old Vanyusha drew a gift for his grandmother. I mixed paints and painted simple patterns, flowers and funny animals with a brush. Little Alyonka also wanted to “paint something,” but her older brother didn’t even let her near his table.

It’s still too small, you’ll just ruin everything! - Vanya said.

And so, when the drawing was almost ready, the doorbell rang...

Grandma has arrived!!! - Alyonka shouted joyfully and in the confusion, running past, she accidentally knocked over the glass in which her brother was rinsing his brush. A huge gray puddle spilled over the drawing, turning the bright art into a dirty spot.

Oh?!? – that was all the girl could say.

I knew it! – the boy shouted angrily, shedding tears.

I wanted to give you a drawing, and she...

I didn’t do it on purpose!... – the children began vying with each other to explain.

Stop fighting, you are brother and sister! – the grandmother said conciliatoryly and hugged her beloved grandchildren, “tomorrow you will draw even more beautiful, but now it’s time to sleep.” But if you promise not to quarrel anymore, I will tell you a new and very interesting fairy tale!

The guys, immediately forgetting about their grievances, climbed into their beds and got ready to listen. Grandmother dimmed the light in the room and began her story:

It was in a long, long time ago... When the lakes were blue, the dandelions were yellow like chickens, and the young leaves on the tall trees amazed with their delicate greenery. In a word, there were so many colors in nature that even the air seemed bright, and in the splashes of rain under the rays summer sun Like soap bubbles, all the colors of the rainbow were reflected.

People were very happy about all this beauty and, improving the world in which they live, began to build plants and factories, cars, steamships and all sorts of other modern mechanisms that were very necessary in their lives. Technological progress has captivated both adults and children to such an extent that they began to forget about everything primordial and admired nature without leaving home, with the help of televisions and computers.

Factory chimneys released clouds of smoke, and factories dumped their waste into local streams. And then Little Blue got offended by people and, considering herself unnecessary, went off into the distant dense forest. And the clouds became not blue, but gray. And the lakes became not transparent blue, but dirty... But no one noticed the changes.

During the rare hours of summer vacation, families went swimming and sunbathing, broke branches and lit fires. They, without hesitation, left behind candy and sausage wrappers, empty bottles and plastic bags. And in winter, green trees and fir trees were mercilessly cut down, throwing them away immediately after the holidays. Soon the whole earth was covered with garbage... The green beauty tried for a long time to defend its right to exist in this world, creating societies of nature lovers around the world, in other words, “greens”. But it was all in vain: most people were too busy... Then the Green Beauty, following the blue one, went into the dense forest. And green trees and grass disappeared from the planet. Without greenery there were no flowers, no berries, no vegetables, no fruits. After all, a tree without leaves will never bear fruit!

Time passed... People made new discoveries, were satisfied and happy. They learned to create artificial products and grew them. Then the three brightest colors became angry: Red, Orange and Yellow, and they also went to the ends of the earth into the dense forest.

At the same moment, the sun and the moon disappeared... And people were left with only four colors: white, gray, brown and black. Some of the most attentive people began to notice that life had become uninteresting, somehow gray and boring. Unable to bear the unfair remark, White Beauty got ready to go on the road after the others. And as soon as she left, black snow immediately began to fall, and the cows stopped giving milk... That’s when the white light became not white at all and far from nice.

The animals, having learned that somewhere on Earth there was a dense forest in which little birds lived, went in search of them. After all, the animals wanted to eat, and without green grass and blue clean water it was very difficult for them.

And seeing how all the animals were leaving people, some “gray” uncle shouted: “An environmental disaster is coming!!!” And instantly his words were heard on TV, radio and the Internet. And when people looked around, they realized that they had lost something very important, namely: the colors of life!

They went out into the street, and, exhausted from hunger and cold, began to restore order on the planet. They cleared fields and lakes, forests and streams. We came up with air and underwater filters that do not release harmful substances, but process them. People began to be more attentive to nature and each other, and then gradually the colors returned from the dense forest. And the sun shone again, the streams began to gurgle, and colorful butterflies flew across the honey fields. And then the animals began to feed and clothe all of humanity again. And the “gray” uncle was elected president. If it weren’t for him, all that would be left of the planet would be a small patch of dense forest at the edge of the earth, in which there would be no people.”

... Morning has come. Vanyushka didn’t know whether his grandmother told that fairy tale or whether it was such an extraordinary dream, but he understood one thing for sure - without colors, nature will become inexpressive and dull, we must protect and preserve it every day!

The brother quietly woke up Alyonka, put her by the window, picked up paints and began to teach her to draw.

– Look, it’s the Sun! It's big and yellow! And these are the leaves, they are green! And these clouds are so blue...

How amazing! - said Alyonka, - that we live in such a colorful and beautiful world!



Who knows why this cockroach was red.

One day, when Kostya walked into the kitchen, a red cockroach jumped out from under the radiator in broad daylight and rushed straight to Kostya’s feet.

Wow! - Kostya admired, - it’s so raspberry! - and caught a cockroach. He immediately called it a long mustache because the cockroach had long mustaches. Having examined it better, Kostya put it in an empty matchbox.

Most of all, Kostya was afraid that the box with the red mustache would be discovered by his mother. She will certainly throw it away, you can’t beg her to leave it.

To make it safer, Kostya hid the box in different places. At night I put it under my pillow, and in the morning I put it in my trouser pocket and took it with me to kindergarten.

Kostya admired the red barbel; he had never seen such a cockroach. I just couldn’t understand why it was red, maybe magical, or not a cockroach?

On the first evening, when Kostya went to bed, he took the box out from under the pillow, put it to his ear and began to listen to see if the red cockroach was saying anything? If he is magical, he will definitely let you know about it somehow.

It was quiet in the box. Is there an unusual cockroach there?

Kostya opened the box, and the tips of his mustache immediately poked out: there!

Are you a cockroach? - Kostya asked in a whisper, putting the box to his lips.

It can not be! Why are you this color?

Red! Do not believe? You can look in the mirror.

The cockroach was still silent, but Kostya really wanted him to say something.

What did you do behind the battery?

Why did you run straight to me?

I ran after my friends. I fought with brown cockroaches. They wanted to bite off my mustache and legs...

Kostya! What are you muttering there? Need to sleep! - Mom made a remark.

Kostya quickly put the box under his pillow and closed his eyes as if he were sleeping. “Why did he fight?” thought Kostya. “Maybe they teased him that he was red? Or maybe there are other red ones out there?”

Children from all over the house surrounded Kostya on the street as soon as he appeared with a matchbox where a red mustache was sitting. Kostya was not offered to change for anything! Nothing was spared. If Kostya wanted, for the red barbel he could have a homemade wooden gun or half a gas mask, a slingshot with bullets or self-cast lead weights for a fishing rod. There is nothing to say about such things as cars, pistols, balls.

Slavka, a peer from the fifth entrance, who was always envious of something wonderful, even offered to exchange for a bicycle, albeit temporarily, because he was afraid that he would get punished by his parents for the exchange.

The red cockroach could be stunned with happiness. What can we say about food! What they tried to feed him would be enough for a million of his brothers. In order not to die from gluttony, he ate very little. How much does a cockroach need? But for some reason this attention did not make the red cockroach any more cheerful. Everyone wanted to get a better look at the red barbel. Kostya was even afraid that he would inadvertently be crushed. Especially stupid kids who don’t understand that a cockroach is not a toy, but a living one.

From Monday to Wednesday, no adults saw the red longhorned beetle. But can a secret last very long if many people know about it? Not only the children in the entire yard and the senior group of the kindergarten knew about the red mustache, but also the entire kindergarten. There were rumors that he was magical and spoke at night.

On a walk, when the children gathered in a noisy crowd at the site, Elena Borisovna, the teacher of the senior group, also saw a red barbel.

Poor! - she regretted.

Not poor! - Kostya objected. - We feed him.

We don't touch with our hands! - the guys supported.

What are you, Kostya, going to do with him? - asked Elena Borisovna.

Kostya didn’t think about it and didn’t know what to answer.

He will live with him! - the guys were found. - At first he lived behind the battery, and then Kostya caught him.

Yes! - Kostya was glad that the guys were on his side. - He ran straight towards me!

We need to let him go,” Elena Borisovna sighed. - He won't live long like that.

But all the boys were sorry to let go of the red barbel.

Really, let me go, the girls asked.

But Kostya closed the box and hid it in his trouser pocket. It was time for lunch and everyone went to the group. Until the end of the day, Elena Borisovna did not remember anything else about the red mustache, only when Kostya’s mother came for Kostya, she looked at Kostya somehow sadly.

In the evening at home, Kostya let the barbel go for a walk on the table. But he crawled a little and didn’t want to run. Maybe it will fly? Kostya stretched the barbel’s wings, but he didn’t even think about flying. Then Kostya shook out the bread and sugar crumbs from the box and put the mustache in his place.

The next morning, the older group worked in the garden. Caterpillars were removed from cabbage leaves. There were a lot of them, and where they sat, the leaves were eaten away, full of holes. The guys themselves guessed why the caterpillars were the color of cabbage. Tricky. Masking! If they were black or red, they would be immediately noticeable. And everyone remembered the red barbel: Is he alive?

Kostya opened the box: alive!

Is he useful?

No one knew whether the red barbel was useful. And having heard from Elena Borisovna that cockroaches are actually forest beetles, they just moved to humans, everyone began to wonder where the red barbel could live in the forest. And they decided that since he was red and also had to camouflage himself from enemies, it meant that he lived where there was something red: flowers or leaves.

Or maybe he couldn’t disguise himself, so he came from the forest to the house?

And you, Kostya, caught him!

“You’re not sorry,” said Yulka, the most compassionate girl in the group, and looked at Kostya so angrily that he wanted to hit her.

Everyone got busy with the tracks again, and Kostya put the matchbox in his pocket. Nobody wanted to look at the barbel anymore.

The children soon finished their work and played again until the nanny called for dinner.

...Kostya entered the group later than everyone else and lingered near the raspberry tree, already without berries, with red leaves. And running past Elena Borisovna, he cheerfully threw up an empty matchbox.


The competition “Khakassia - Territory of Partnership” was held for non-profit organizations and volunteer associations of Khakassia with the aim of involving the population in the development and implementation of social projects. The event took place within the framework of the “Charity Season” - a partnership project in which government authorities, business structures and non-profit organizations take part. Its organizers were: Ministry of Regional Policy of the Republic

Khakassia, Center for Social Programs of RUSAL, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Association “Council of Municipal Entities of the Russian Federation”, youth organization “Edelweiss”, public charitable foundation “Fighting Illicit Drug Trafficking”. The general grant fund was formed from funds from UC RUSAL, the public charitable foundation “Fighting Illicit Drug Trafficking”, LLC “SyVel” and the manufacturing commercial company “Temp”.

Adult standards of ethics and morality are not always clear to a little person - the idea of ​​what is really “bad” or “good” comes as one accumulates one’s own experience, in communication with parents and peers. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to explain to a child why he should take care of living nature - not litter, care for plants, take care of pets.

In this case, environmental fairy tales for preschoolers come to the rescue, immediately affecting both the intellectual and emotional spheres. Funny and touching stories about Vodyany, who has a hard time living in a dirty pond, or about a flower that they forgot to water, force children to comprehend the basics of natural history, compassion and empathy for all living beings on the planet. And this, in fact, is the most important lesson.

Methodological manuals, according to which environmental classes are taught in preschool educational institutions, are used by any kindergarten, but it is not at all difficult to compose your own fairy tale - even a pebble, leaf or drop of water can come to life in it. Usually in such cases there are two ways.

  • They come up with a story in which the characters are objects and living beings surrounding the child in his Everyday life– cats and dogs, birds, butterflies, flowers and grass. Parents who highly value environmental education of children can turn every walk into an entertaining lesson, an exciting journey into a fantasy land.

  • If your child likes to watch cartoons or read books, you can use well-known stories for learning. Many environmental fairy tales for preschoolers refer children to the popular works of Bazhov, Andersen or Pushkin. For example, a story about Goldfish It’s easy to show through the “environmental prism” - think about whether it’s worth fulfilling the wishes of people who throw garbage into the sea?

In fact, the most important thing is the meaning to be conveyed to the child. The task of parents and educators is to teach the child to see all the diversity of the world around him, to understand how fragile and vulnerable he is, how much his beauty depends on the person. And at the same time, instill the most basic rules of behavior that help protect nature.

An ordinary story does not always have the same effect on different children - in this case, everything may depend on personal characteristics (attentiveness, sensitivity, ability to feel sorry and empathize). Lessons with a “feedback” effect will help make sure that the child has really learned the lesson learned. It is reasonable in such cases to use the following forms:

  • discussion, answering questions, composing a story based on pictures, putting together puzzles;
  • learning poems about the world around us;
  • riddles, competitions or quizzes;
  • matinees and role-playing games, where children can try on the role of characters whose fate they learned about in previous classes.

In a team, such knowledge, presented in a playful form, is better consolidated, although poems and riddles may well be used in environmental education parents directly. The main thing is that during the lesson the child can operate with familiar concepts, experience accessible emotions, and simply understand what is being discussed. In other words, all environmental fairy tales for preschoolers should be adapted to the age of the children.

Learning through play - the basics of child psychology

This is how any child works - he will safely ignore information offered in the form of a boring presentation. But a role-playing game, educational lotto or an entertaining quiz will help knowledge to be deposited forever and without any moral resistance.

Unfortunately, special consultations for parents on ecology are not very popular in our country - the necessary information and methods can only be found on the Internet. Perhaps someday the situation will change radically - government programs are increasingly turning to early education of responsibility in children for the future of the Earth. And yet, such training must begin in the family.

We repeat regularly that we need to protect the forest or save water. But these truisms do not have much emotional impact on the younger generation. But the so-called environmental games make kids think that wildlife is not something to be taken for granted. In addition, forests, seas, clean air and fertile soils are necessary for a person to live successfully.

Raising children is not only about caring for their health and well-being, but also about instilling responsibility. By not allowing the flowers in the flower bed to be picked because they are alive, parents are teaching their child the first lesson in caring for the environment. Older children will benefit from learning about animals that have become extinct due to humans and about forests that have been turned into deserts.

Environmental education in preschool institutions

In kindergartens, children are offered special classes on ecology, this is provided for in the program. In this case, three different tasks are set - educational, educational and developmental. Teachers' goals:

 provide initial information about the main environmental problems of our time;
 to ensure that every child accepts the need to take care of living nature and protect it;
 teach to appreciate the beauty of the world around us, to cherish the riches that surround us today.

How are these problems solved? Books and paintings, classroom activities and conversations during walks will come to the aid of teachers. It’s great if the preschool has its own living corner, and there are potted flowers on the windowsills. Taking care of animals or indoor plants, kids learn responsibility - real responsibility, and not that which is only in words.

The desired result can only be achieved if the efforts of teachers and families can be combined. That is why consultations for parents on ecology in kindergartens are held at special meetings. It is clear that the baby will not be able to assimilate all the information. But for starters, it will be nice if he simply waters the flowers on his own or feeds the birds in the yard - this is where real environmental education begins.

Every child should have an idea of ​​the structure of the world around them. But sometimes it is very difficult for parents to explain such abstract concepts as weather and seasonality. How to tell your child about the seasons in a way that is accessible to him?

At 3-4 years old, children already understand what cold, hot, snow and rain mean, so it is necessary to try to explain the difference between seasonal phenomena at this age. It is best to start the explanation with winter, since this is the most characteristic time of the year: snow, frost, icicles and snowflakes, a fur coat, boots and mittens - all this is familiar to the baby. Use every opportunity to teach your child about the seasons. Be patient, the baby will not be able to remember everything correctly right away and will often confuse the names of the seasons, but over time he will learn to distinguish them.


Agree with your child every day, after brushing his teeth in the evening, to mark the past day on the calendar with a bright felt-tip pen. Moreover, accompany this process with the story: “Well, we’ll celebrate three more days, and December will come, real winter will come, there will be a lot of snow, and we’ll go sledding.” You can buy a special children's calendar or make it yourself with your child.


Every time during a walk, a trip to kindergarten or a store, focus your child’s attention on the weather and the characteristic features of the current time of year: “Look - the leaves on the trees were green, but have become yellow, this means that autumn has come. When all the leaves fall from the trees, it will become cold and snow. This means winter is coming."

Educational games

Try playing the game “Believe it or not” with your child on the theme of the seasons. For example: “Do you believe that it snows in summer?” or “Do you believe it’s cold in winter?” Take turns asking and answering questions with your child.

Find old magazines and invite your child to cut out pictures with images of nature, and then distribute all the pictures according to the seasons, naming their characteristic features: melting snow and emerging grass is spring, sun and sand are summer, mushrooms, umbrellas and rain are autumn. , snowflakes - winter. Count which pictures you got the most and which ones you got the least.


Children most easily remember information that they have encountered before, so when reading fairy tales and stories to your child, focus his attention on seasonal features. For example: “Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest, listening to the birds singing and picking flowers for her grandmother. What time of year do you think this happens?”

Mnemonic tables with images of characteristic seasonal features

Mnemonic tables are a great way to study the seasons. For example, a mnemonic table with an image of an umbrella, a yellow leaf, raindrops on the window glass and a raincoat with a hood will form visual associations with autumn in the child. Working with mnemonic tables can consist of looking at pictures and guessing the seasons or drawing up short stories according to the drawings. In order to consolidate knowledge about seasonal phenomena, you can invite your child to draw a mnemonic table on their own, for example, on a summer theme.

Creative activities

Crafts on the themes of the seasons also help the child remember their names and characteristic features. For example, you can make an applique on a winter theme from fluffy snow-white cotton wool. From pine cones, dry yellow leaves and chestnuts - on the theme of autumn. From dried bright flowers and berries - on the theme of summer.

"Forest friends and the tricks of the Prankster Wolf"

It's a wonderful summer in the Good Forest. The grass is green in the forest clearing, daisies, bells and forget-me-nots grow everywhere. Birches and An old oak rustling leaves, blowing the breeze welcomingly. At noon, friends gathered in the clearing: Prosha the Bunny, Veselinka the Fox, Frosya the Squirrel and Potap the Bear, having started fun game hide-and-seek. Veselinka went to take him to the Old Oak. And the animals rushed to hide in all directions. The little bear wanted to hide behind an oak tree, but noticed that the tree’s bark was torn off, its branches were broken, the bird’s nest had been destroyed and was lying in the grass... The squirrel decided to find a place to hide behind a forest stream, but saw that the stream was not running. A large stone blocks his way, and there is garbage everywhere in the water: paper bags, candy wrappers, cans. The little hare ran to hide in the bushes, but immediately felt that he had stepped on something sharp and cut his paw... He looked at the ground, and these were shards of broken glass.

The animals ran out of their hiding places towards the Old Oak. And each of the friends spoke with surprise and indignation about what happened in their favorite clearing. This put everyone in a bad mood. And the clearing seemed sad and inhospitable...

At this time, an alarm sounded in the forest. And Woodpecker Martin flew to Old Oak and reported that there was a forest fire nearby!!! The animals rushed to help. The Kolyuchkin family of hedgehogs was already extinguishing the abandoned fire, carrying water from the forest lake. And the grass around was burning... The friends rushed to the lake, lined up in a chain and, drawing water from the lake, passed buckets of water, and the hedgehogs poured water on the fire. It's hot, it's hard! But together and in unison the animals put out the fire. The Kolyuchkin family of hedgehogs thanked them for their help and told their friends that the Prankster Wolf had done it all. The animals were very indignant and decided to teach the Wolf a lesson.

They set a trap for the Wolf in a deep hole, camouflaging it with leaves and branches, and a woodpecker lured him there. Woodpecker Martin promised to show the edge where he could catch a bunny and feed the Wolf. Martin flew towards the pit-trap, and the Prankster ran after him, sticking out his tongue. Prosha the Bunny, Veselinka the Fox, Frosya the Squirrel and Potap the Bear hid behind the trees next to the pit and began to wait...

After some time, the animals heard the crackling of dry branches and a dull thud! And then the wild cry of the Prankster Wolf. This Kolyuchkin family curled up in a ball in a hole... And the Wolf just fell on their sharp needles...

Friends ran up to the hole and threw a large net over it! So they caught the Prankster. The Prankster Wolf howled and wailed from the pit, not understanding why they treated him like that. The forest friends told everything. The Prankster had to admit his bad deeds!!!

Then Squirrel Frosya and Fox Veselinka began to explain to the Wolf that it is impossible to behave like this in the forest: leaving and throwing garbage, breaking bottles, destroying bird nests, breaking branches, polluting the water and leaving a fire unextinguished!!! After all, such behavior in the forest destroys all living things around!!! The wolf promised not to do this again, so Potap the Bear lowered a ladder into the pit and the prisoner was free.

The next day, Prosha the Bunny, Veselinka the Fox, Frosya the Squirrel and Potap the Bear, together with the Prankster Wolf, cleaned up their favorite forest clearing: they removed the garbage, broken glass, lifted the bird’s nest up a tree, freed the stream... The clearing became lighter, more comfortable. The sun warmed me with its gentle rays. The forest clearing seemed to thank its helpers. The wolf ran about his business. The animals' spirits rose, and the friends started a fun game of hide and seek!

“How the blue titmouse found friends”

Once upon a time there lived a titmouse in the North. Her name was Sinka. Because her breast was blue, and all summer she sang songs: “Blue-blue”...

But then autumn came and it became cold. All the bugs hid in the cracks and fell asleep.

Wild ducks, which raised ducklings on Lake Imandra in the summer, were about to fly south. “Fly with us, Blue!” - they began to call the titmouse. “No, I won’t fly to foreign lands! Here, in the North, is my homeland! My favorite mountains are the Khibiny mountains! My favorite park in the city of Apatity!” And Blue stayed to spend the winter in the North...

At first it was not bad - there were berries left on the bushes in the forest: blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries. And in the city park there were a lot of rowan trees on the trees.

But then the frost hit, the blizzard swirled - everything was covered in snow! Blue is sitting on a branch, trembling from cold and hunger. And I already began to regret that I didn’t fly away with the ducks to warmer climes. A bullfinch and a waxwing fly past and chirp happily. As if they were not afraid of either cold or hunger. “Hey, why are you so funny? Don’t you really want to eat?!” And the birds answer Sinka: “Fly with us, baby! You will not regret!"

They flew together. And they flew to some place unfamiliar to the titmouse: a large two-story house, and around it there were areas and verandas cleared of snow. But the most wonderful thing is that there are some wooden planks hanging on the trees around the plots, and in them... cereals, seeds, and lard!

Blue was so happy - she flew up to one feeder, to another, and pecked both the seeds and the cereal. But most of all she liked the pieces of lard. The titmouse felt well fed and wasn’t cold at all!

“Who are these friends who made such wonderful feeders?” - Blue asks the bullfinch. “The children did this to their dads and moms. Children go to this kindergarten. The kindergarten is called “Teddy Bear”.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Xin! Xin!” - the titmouse sang and decided that every day she would fly to these feeders and feast on lard...

"The Adventures of the Apatite Stone"

This story took place in one small town.

Once upon a time there was a stone called Apatite. And his house was inside high mountain. It was always very cold, damp and dark there. And the little pebble dreamed of only one thing: that someday he would definitely see a colorful world.

It went day after day...

And then one day our hero heard the strong sounds of cars. It was the drilling rigs that were working. This is how the Apatite pebble ended up in an ore carriage. Having made its way, our stone hit the surface of the earth.

Oh, what beauty!

The Apatite stone saw the sky, the sun, green grass, and snow-capped mountain peaks for the first time in its life.

And here are my native Khibiny mountains! How beautiful and tall they are!

Various sounds began to reach the stone: the sound of the wind, the seething sound of mountain rivers, the rustling of leaves, the singing of birds.

Here it is, my native land, the north! My dream has come true!

The adventures of the Apatite stone did not end there...

Today it stands on Matvey’s shelf, in the most honorable place of his collection of stones. And every day he observes his native Khibiny mountains through the window.

"Protect the environment"

One sunny summer day I was playing football with my friends. Soon we got tired, and I took out the candies, unwrapped them and ate them, and threw the candy wrappers on the ground. A passing woman made a remark to us. And then we heard someone's voice. When the guys and I turned around, we saw a small old man, he had a large white beard and a wide-brimmed hat. We said hello. The old man told us: “If, children, you throw candy wrappers and litter, then the evil witch Garbage Litter may come.” We became interested in who she was and why she could fly, so we began to question the old man.

Meanwhile, he sat down on the nearest bench, called us to him and began his story: “Since you are interested, I will tell you the story of how I saw the Garbage Picker.

I lived then in a small village. Near the village there was a green dense forest, different trees grew in that forest and different animals lived. People in our village lived amicably, but they were too ill-mannered, lazy, and littered everywhere. They will go into the forest and litter, throw all sorts of garbage near their houses and litter the river with garbage. The animals and birds took offense and went into another forest, and the fish swam away into other rivers.

The sorceress Garbage Sorceress heard about it, was delighted and flew to our village. She began to reign. There was more and more garbage and dirt. The sun hid, the air began to deteriorate, even the rain stopped coming. The plants withered, the trees dried up, the river disappeared.

The adults and children in the village began to cry: “What have we done? How can we continue to live? They began to think about how to drive away the witch.

All the adults, children, and old people came out and picked up shovels, rakes, and special bags to put garbage in. Everything - the forest, the river, and near the houses - was removed.

And the sorceress Garbage Sorceress at this time in her kingdom looked into her magic mirror and saw how all the people were cleaning everywhere, and I was so angry and sulky that I burst.

Since then, people in our village have been well-mannered and are not lazy about putting garbage in special containers. And in the forest they hung a sign “Take care of nature.”

Grandfather had barely finished his story when my friends and I rushed to pick up the candy wrappers we had scattered. We will never allow such dirt and garbage!!

"Dream of a Goldfish and a Green Forest"

Once upon a time there lived a hare. The most common one, gray, with long ears. He ran through the forest, scaring away the nimble sparrows, breathed fresh air, drank spring water, and admired the sunsets.

One day he was fishing in a river and sat above the water for a long time. Suddenly the line trembled and our hero pulled out his prey and couldn’t believe his eyes: the fish in front of him was completely unfamiliar and its scales were not simple, but golden.

Who are you? - the hare asked in a whisper, and rubbed his eyes - wasn’t it imaginary?

Yes, I am a goldfish and if you let me go, I will fulfill all your wishes.

And the hare said:

Okay, I'll let you go, fish. But my first wish will be this: I’m tired of living in an old cold hole, I want a new house - with electricity and heating.

The fish did not answer, slipped out and just wagged its tail. The hare returned home, and in place of the old hole there was a new, white stone one. True, there were fewer trees around, but poles with wires appeared. The mink is light and warm. The hare opened the tap and saw crystal clear water flowing from there.

This is life,” he rejoiced.

Our hero walks around the house and admires it, and even began to walk less often in the forest. And then I finally decided:

Why am I doing everything on foot when I can ask the fish for a car?

No sooner said than done. The hare got a car. Forest paths have turned into asphalt paths, and flower meadows have turned into parking lots.

The hare is happy, drives along former forest paths, and stops at parking lots. True, there were fewer birds and animals in the forest, but the hare didn’t even pay attention to it.

Why do I need this forest at all? - suddenly it occurred to him. - I’ll ask the fish to build a factory in its place. I want to become rich! The forest disappeared - as if it never existed, and at the same time insects and birds.

The hare went to the fish again. The fish sighed and answered:

There will be a plant for you, just keep in mind - this will be your last wish that I can fulfill.

The hare did not pay attention to these words, but in vain. Our hero returned and saw a huge factory standing near his house, pipes visible and invisible. Some release clouds of dirty smoke, others pour streams of water into rivers. There is noise and rumble all around.

It doesn’t matter, he thinks, the main thing is profit, and instead of bird songs, I’ll ask the fish for a tape recorder.

He fell asleep that evening happy and dreamed a strange dream. It’s as if everything has become the same again - the forest is noisy, the birds are singing. A hare runs through the forest with his friends, talks to animals, smells flowers, listens to bird songs, picks berries, and washes himself with spring water. And he felt so good in his sleep, so calm. Our hero woke up in the morning with a smile, and there was smoke, soot all around, and he couldn’t breathe. The hare coughed and decided to drink some water, but dirty water came out of the tap. He remembered about the crystal spring that gurgled in the forest. A hare runs, climbs over mountains of garbage, jumps over dirty streams. I barely found a spring, and there the water was cloudy and had an unpleasant smell.

How so? – the hare was surprised. - Where did the clear water go?

I looked around - only stumps remained from the trees, not a single flower was visible, and brown leaves were hanging on the trees. The hare remembered his dream and was horrified:

What have I done?

He ran to the river to look for fish. And he began to ask:

Fish, I don’t need any wealth, give me back the green forest and clean springs.

“No, I won’t be able to do anything anymore,” answered the fish, “my magical power has disappeared from dirt and poisons.” Now think for yourself what to do to stay alive.

The hare screamed in fear and, frightened, woke up.

“It’s good that it was just a dream,” our hero exclaimed. - May our forest live forever!

"Being a guest is good, but being at home is better"

In one distant flower kingdom there lived a beautiful princess, her name was Mio. She was a very neat girl, and everything in her kingdom was in its place. The flower kingdom was very loved by the locals because the air in the kingdom was always clean and fresh, the water in the rivers was always clear, and the earth was covered in flowers.

There was a rule in this kingdom - all garbage had to be put in one place, at the edge of the forest, near the house of the evil witch. The pile of garbage grew larger and larger every day. Garbage began to lie everywhere, and soon there was no room left for a single flower in the flower kingdom. There was only garbage everywhere. In rivers and lakes from large quantity There are no more fish in the garbage. Mushrooms and berries have disappeared from the forests. Because everywhere, absolutely everywhere, there was garbage. There were empty boxes, plastic bottles, candy wrappers and cans. Only the evil witch was happy about everything that was happening. After all, where there is garbage, there are a lot of rats. And the witch brewed her witchcraft potion from rat tails. And soon only Princess Mio and the sorceress remained to live in the kingdom.

Not far from the flower kingdom, in the kingdom of moss, lived Prince Jacob. His kingdom was not very beautiful, but very clean, despite the fact that all the inhabitants of the flower kingdom fled to live in the moss kingdom. In the kingdom of moss, as you understand, there lived many inhabitants, because there was plenty of food for them here. You could fish in the rivers and lakes, and there were a lot of mushrooms and berries growing in the forest. And everything was fine in the kingdom, but recently an unpleasant smell appeared. Even the kingdom of moss reached the unpleasant smell of garbage. The prince thought for a long time, looking for the cause of the smell. Everything was clean in his kingdom. He sent his messengers to the flower kingdom to find out if the source of the smell was from there, but the messengers were unable to reach the kingdom, as they were mired in heaps of garbage.

And Jacob decided to help the princess by telling the secret of sorting garbage waste. It turned out to be very simple. It is necessary to put all garbage not in one pile or in one container, but sort it by composition. After all, waste separation allows you to give waste a second life. And if we prevent garbage waste from rotting in one heap, then we thereby reduce the harmful impact on the environment. And all the unpleasant smell came from rotting garbage. Prince Jacob also ordered his assistants to make four large containers for the flower kingdom and paint them in different colors. Paint one blue and put all the paper, cardboard, candy wrappers, and boxes in it. Paint the second one Orange color and put all plastic products in it. And the third one is black, it will be intended for food waste. Well, the fourth container will be intended for glass and it had to be painted in green color. That's what the assistants did.

Princess Mio asked everyone who used to live in the flower kingdom to help her collect and sort all the garbage in their beloved kingdom. After all, then the residents will be able to return to their homes and will not be visiting the kingdom of moss. After all, as they say, “it’s good to be away, but it’s better to be at home.” Residents happily agreed, and when the containers were filled, they were taken to the waste processing plant. The plant was very happy with the carefully processed waste. And they hastened to make new things for the inhabitants of the flower kingdom. Some got new toys, some got new clothes, and some got stationery. Now all the inhabitants of the kingdom followed the new rule and always sorted their garbage into colored containers.

This is where the fairy tale ends, and the essence of the fairy tale is that nature is not able to cope with pollution on its own. Each of us must take care of her and help her, and then we will always live in a beautiful and clean “kingdom.”

"House for the Owl"

In one magical land there lived a brown owl. She lived well, but the owl did not have her own house. She decided to go on a journey to find a good home for herself. She flew around the world for a long time, different countries, I was still looking for a house...

And so several months passed, the owl became completely sad... There was still no house. And suddenly she sees a large beautiful oak tree in the clearing. All brown, but the leaves are green. There is a hollow there. The owl really liked this oak tree, she wanted to settle there and have chicks.

An owl was about to fly there, but it turned out that a squirrel with children already lived there. There was no room for an owl. The squirrel saw that the owl became sad and said to her:

Don't cry, owl, I will help you. I know where you can live. Take a magic feather - wherever it flies, you fly there.

The owl thanked the squirrel and quickly flew off to get the feather. And she flew to another clearing, and there stood a beautiful little mansion. And she began to live there. And light the stove, and cook porridge, and raise the children.

The magical power of good

“Kindness is an amazing thing. It brings you together like nothing else. It is the language in which everyone wants to talk to you, in which we can only understand each other...”

(writer Viktor Rozov)

In a small town there lived a girl. Her name was Malvina. She was very beautiful, kind and neat. Like all children, she loved to walk.

One early morning the girl decided to go for a walk in the forest. I walked slowly sang songs, looked for mushrooms and berries. Suddenly he sees that a small, small squirrel is sitting on a stump and crying bitterly.

Malvina approached the squirrel and asked: “What is your name? And why are you crying, dear squirrel? Squirrel replied: “My name is Jump-Jump. How can you not cry? I can’t wait for my mom to fix my sore paw.”

Then Jumping told Malvina that while the mother squirrel went to collect nuts, she did a lot of things in her house: she helped her little squirrel sisters do their homework, cleaned up, prepared lunch and fed the sisters fried mushrooms and hazelnuts. And only then did she realize how tired she was and that her paw really hurt.

Malvina immediately took pity on Jumpy-Jumpy, tied a scarf around her sore paw and treated her to a delicious chocolate bar with nuts. The squirrel had never eaten chocolate, and she really liked it, and the hazelnuts were even tastier than the hazelnuts. Jumper thanked Malvina and went to the house to her sisters.

Malvina was glad that she was able to help the squirrel and went home happy and cheerful.

A few days later, while walking near her house, Malvina saw Jump with her entire family: her mother squirrel and three more little squirrel sisters. They came to thank for the good deed done for Jumping in the Forest and brought a lot of nuts for the girl and her mother.

The squirrels asked to live in the garden near the house of Malvina and her mother because they realized that these people are very kind and are always ready to help animals. Mom and Malvina happily allowed Jump and her family to live next to them.

And they began to live together, live wonderfully and happily!

“Good begets good, or How the redstart Sparkle saved the ant”

Spring has finally arrived, and Sparkle the redstart has returned to her native forest. She sat down on a green branch, waved her bright red tail with black stripes and sang her song. The redstart is pouring, and its tail seems to be on fire. This is Sparkle’s special signal, as if she is saying: “I’m here! I'm here!". The redstart is very happy to return to its native place. Only joy is joy, but there is no time to chill out, you need to look for a secluded place for a nest.

Sparkle flew around the familiar hollows - everyone was already occupied, and she decided to go beyond the river: the forest there was thick, and the water was close. A redstart flies, its tail - a light flashes behind a birch tree, then behind an aspen tree, and is already glowing near the river bank. In the middle of the river, a bird suddenly heard a cry for help. Sparkle flew lower, took a closer look, and this was an ant caught in a rapid, floundering in the water, trying to cling better to a straw - but wherever it is, the water is carrying it, and the poor thing is about to drown. In flight, the redstart descended to the water itself, grabbed the ant and carried it to the shore.

She carefully laid it in the grass, made sure that everything was fine with the victim and flew off, and the ant was polite. He thanked Twilight and promised that he would not leave her in trouble either if anything happened to her. “Goodbye!” said the redstart. “Be more careful next time.” And she flew on about her business. Across the river, Iskorka found a free hollow, cleaned it, laid it with grass and feathers, and laid eggs. Before finally sitting down to hatch the eggs, the redstart flew off to feast on insects.

At that moment, the snake watching her began to slowly crawl up the tree. When the redstart noticed the predator, she was already very close to the nest. Sparkle began to scream and call for help. Other birds flew in from all directions. They began to scream loudly and peck at the snake, but in vain... Suddenly the predator stopped. She hissed, her skin began to quiver, her tail rose. What's happened? Yes, this horde of ants swooped down on the snake and bit it from all sides. The uninvited guest could not withstand such onslaught and turned back.

This is how the little ant repaid kindly the caring and brave Sparkle, who once saved his life.

“Like a dog was looking for a friend”

In ancient times, the dog was wild and lived in the forest. She was afraid to be alone at night, and she decided to find herself a strong friend. I met a deer. “What a big deer! What mighty horns he has! It would be nice to make friends with him,” the dog thought and offered his friendship to the deer. “Well, let's live together. Just be careful not to make noise at night!” - answered the deer.

The dog agreed to this condition, and at night he heard some rustling, and how he barked! “No, dog, we can’t live together. I’m hiding for the night, and you decide to bark! - the deer grumbled. “Look for another friend.”

The dog went on looking for a friend. She met elephants along the way. She was delighted: “Finally I found real patrons.” She approached the elephants and asked to live with them. The elephants did not object, and the dog settled down next to them.

Night has come. The dog suffered until dawn, she wanted to bark so much. When it became completely unbearable, she barked loudly. In the morning the elephants said to her: “Dear neighbor, why did you scare us at night with your barking? We elephants are peaceful people and don’t like noise. And the lion will find our herd by your barking, but our elephant calves are small. Better live with a lion. He is, after all, the king of beasts.”

The dog went to the lion, and he allowed her to live next to him. "Lion is the king of the animals! He's not afraid of anyone. With him I can bark as much as I want,” the dog thought cheerfully and burst into happy barking.

Night has come, the dog can’t sleep again. She barked, and the lion immediately woke up and roared: “Why are you so noisy? Why are you disturbing your sleep?” “Oh, mighty lion, I bark for joy. I praise you,” answered the dog. “Yes, I am the lord of the four-legged creatures. But there is a creature in the world that I too am wary of. This is a man. You should go to him. “You will live next to him, no one in the world will touch you,” answered the lion.

The dog went to the man and began to ask him to allow her to live nearby. “Okay, live if you want,” said the man. - Sit and rest during the day, and at night keep your ears on top of your head! Listen to every rustle and just bark at the top of your lungs!” The dog barked in joy. Since those distant times, a dog has lived with a person, becoming his devoted friend.

"The top is a red barrel"

Once upon a time there was a top - a red barrel. The wolf was unusual, you rarely see such a thing. His fur is fluffy, with a red tint, and his tail is long, similar to a fox. Because of this, they were often confused with a fox.

One day a top got ready to visit his godmother, the fox. As soon as he came out of the hole and ran along the path, the hunters were right there! They follow him closely, wanting to get his beautiful skin. A top is running through the forest, confusing its tracks, completely exhausted. He sees a thin-legged mountain ash standing on a hillock, showing off, trying on autumn brooches. The top asks her:

Hide me, beautiful mountain ash! Evil hunters are following me, they want to take my skin.

Well, here’s another thing,” the fashionista answered arrogantly, “I just dressed up in a new dress.” What if you tear it up and get dirty? Get past it! The top became sad and there was nothing to do. He runs on, completely tired. He sees a tall, slender pine tree standing, rustling its branches.

Lady Pine, help me hide from the hunters! They want to take my skin.

“Yes, I would love to,” the pine tree hummed, “but my crown is high, I can’t reach the ground.”

- Sister Christmas tree, protect me from evil hunters. They want to take my skin, they are about to overtake me.

The Christmas tree didn’t answer, it just nodded in response and raised its branches. The top ducked under them and fell exhausted. The Christmas tree closed its branches into a dense hut, and people did not notice the fugitive. When he woke up, the hunters were already far away.

Thank you, dear Christmas tree, you saved my life! - said the top and bowed to the tree.

“I was glad to help,” answered the Christmas tree, “please come and visit, otherwise my life is very boring.”

When the top reached the fox's house, he told his mother for a long time about his adventures.

What a wonderful tree,” she was surprised, “let’s settle next to each other!” So they did. They dug new holes for themselves not far from the Christmas tree and began to live and live. The new girlfriend helped them hide from people, they went to visit her. And under New Year The top and the fox decorated the Christmas tree so much that it became more beautiful than all the trees in the forest. All the forest dwellers came to dance, sing and have fun.

"Snow Leopard"

In one tropical forest There lived a family of leopards. And one day the youngest leopard began to wonder if there were other animals like him somewhere else. And he went to look for his relatives around the world. The leopard walked for a long time, met various animals in the forests: fox, bear, squirrels and many other animals, but nowhere did he see anyone like him.

One day a young leopard found himself in the mountains. Snow sparkled on the high steep slopes. The leopard roared loudly, calling for his relatives. The hunter heard him, crept up and shot. The sun blinded him and he missed. The leopard was very scared, and then dived into a large snowdrift and froze. The hunter, without noticing him, passed by. The leopard crawled out of the snowdrift and suddenly saw that many fluffy snowflakes remained in its fur. Oh, how brightly they sparkled in sun rays! The black spots were burning on the snow-white fur coat! “Let it stay that way,” the leopard decided.

Soon he returned to his forest. At first his relatives did not recognize him, so he had changed. He turned into a powerful, beautiful beast. The leopard told the story of his journey, and his relatives began to call him the SNOW LEOPARD.

The snow leopard did not return to the mountains alone. And after some time, kids in magnificent snow-white fur coats appeared in his family. Snow leopards- a miracle of nature and its decoration.

“Friends”: a tale of a little saiga

Once upon a time there lived in the Kalmyk steppe a small saiga, in some ways similar to an antelope, in some ways like a sheep. One day, one boy went for a walk in the steppe, ran, frolicked, and suddenly saw a young saiga. The boy chased him, caught the saiga and brought him home.

On the second day, the saiga became bored: he did not drink water, refused grass and other food. Apparently, the saiga, accustomed to the free air, felt stuffy in the boy’s house. And then the boy decided to set him free. A herd of saigas was grazing in the steppe, and a young saiga calf joined them.

Many years have passed since then. One day, when the boy was tending a herd of cows and bulls, he saw poachers hunting saigas.

These evil people sawed off their horns because saiga horns were worth a lot of money. Then the boy decided to save the herd of saigas. He drove the bulls from his herd to the poachers. The poachers got scared and ran as fast as they could. Since then, a herd of saigas has always grazed near the place where the boy grazed his cows and bulls. They became friends, and the saigas were very happy about such protection.

The herd of saigas grew, children were born to them, and everyone lived amicably and happily. Since then, poachers have avoided these steppes.

"The Girl and the Dolphin"

Once upon a time there lived a girl, Katya. Katya and her parents had a house by the sea.

One day Katya got bored and decided to go to the sea to throw pebbles. On the shore she collected a lot of flat stones and went to the pier to throw them. Not knowing how much time had passed, Katya was already getting ready to go home. She was thinking, and suddenly someone sprayed her. The girl turned around and saw a magnificent dolphin. It was gray and shimmered in the sun. The girl was scared of him at first, but he began to squeak so gently that the fear went away. He swam to the pier, and the girl managed to pet him.

Katya threw stones into the distance, and the dolphin seemed to dive after them. It began to get dark, Katya ran home. At home she asked her dad who dolphins were. Dad told a lot about dolphins and also said that they are listed in the Red Book and need to be protected. When Katya went to bed, she already imagined how she would run in the morning to feed the dolphin with the fish that she and her dad caught while fishing.

Getting up in the morning, the girl took a blue ball. Having run to the pier, she saw that the dolphin was already waiting for her. He began to greet her with a joyful squeak. Katya ran so fast that she tripped and the ball flew into the sea. The girl was very upset when suddenly the dolphin tossed the ball on its nose and threw it straight into Katya’s hands. Since then they have become the best of friends. And when Katya grew up, she began working in a dolphinarium and training dolphins.

“How Petya became friends with the birds”

In one city there lived a boy Petya. We can say that Petya was a good boy: he obeyed his parents, helped his grandmother and got straight A's in school. One bad thing is that Petya offended the birds: sometimes he shoots at sparrows with a slingshot, sometimes he throws stones at pigeons, and sometimes he chases a crow with a stick.

One spring Petya went to school. At the entrance, a flock of pigeons was pecking at the millet. Petya picked up a handful of pebbles in his palm and began throwing them at the birds. At first the stones did not reach the flock, then the boy came closer and threw the stone again. The pebble hit the asphalt, bounced off and slightly hit one of the pigeons. The birds fluttered and, without finishing the grain, flew away. And Petya ran to school.

The first was a lesson on the world around us. Teacher Svetlana Viktorovna told the children a sad story: “In the century before last, North America There was a passenger pigeon. At that time, the passenger pigeon was considered the most numerous bird on Earth. Millions of pigeons gathered in huge flocks and flew around in search of nesting sites. When such a flock flew over a city or village, the sun was not visible and dusk fell during the day. And the flapping of wings drowned out all sounds. During these hours, people, armed with guns and sticks, killed hundreds of birds. The meat of the killed pigeons was consumed as food and fed to domestic animals. Nobody thought that birds could disappear. But every year there were fewer and fewer of them. When the birds became rare, people tried to preserve them, but failed. Thus, through the fault of man, the passenger pigeon disappeared from the face of the Earth.”

Petya listened to the teacher, and he felt uneasy, he even blushed. Svetlana Viktorovna noticed this and asked: “Petya, what’s wrong with you? Are you sick? Petya remained silent, he was ashamed.

As soon as he waited for the end of classes, Petya ran home. Right from the door, he told his mother both the story about the passenger pigeon and about this morning. The mother listened carefully to her son, and then asked: “Petya, why did you throw stones at the birds?” Petya didn’t answer, he just shrugged.

What if you hit a pigeon with a stone? - Mom asked.

“And I got it,” Petya admitted quietly. - But the stone was very small and light. I didn’t hurt him, he flew away along with everyone else. I will never, ever do that again.

Ah, Petya... - the mother sighed and told her son how to make friends with birds.

The next morning, Petya took a bag of pearl barley and left the house early. In front of the entrance, he poured out the pearl barley and began to wait for the pigeons to fly. We didn't have to wait long. First one pigeon flew in, and then others flew up. The pigeons quickly pecked at the grain and began to coo. It seemed to Petya that this was how they said: “Thank you!” The pigeons flew away, and Petya ran to school happy. From that morning, Petya became the birds' best friend. He fed them, made and hung feeders and birdhouses on the trees.

Many years later. Petya graduated from school and college a long time ago. And he works as an ornithologist at a zoo, where he saves rare and endangered birds from extinction.

"Fire in the Forest"

Once upon a time there lived a girl, Tanya. She loved to go to the forest with her dad and mom. Together with her parents, Tanya learned very interesting details about wildlife: who lives where, what the names of different birds and animals are, what they eat. Tanya was interested in everything. Her parents were both zoologists and studied animals. Most often we went into the forest on weekends, but sometimes it happened during the week. Tanya tried to remember everything she heard from her parents, but she herself could do a lot. She had a secret. No one knew about this; she herself realized it when she first found herself in the forest. She could understand the language of living beings. Every time she found herself in the forest, she sat on the grass and called the animals by name. She had special appeals to various animals that lived in the forest. “Ryzhik! Fluff! Fawn!” - she called, and foxes, hedgehogs, and hares came running... The adult animals were distrustful of Tanya at first, but then they got used to it, Tanya especially liked birds, her favorite was the woodpecker, he always flew in and looked at the girl for a long time. Then he began to quickly tell where the trouble had happened and who needed help. And help was constantly needed: someone would hurt their paw, someone would fall into the water, someone would be crushed by a tree. Tanya helped as best she could. But there were also plenty of other worries, for example, planting flowers, tying up plants, feeding the birds. Not everyone understood how important it is to take care of nature. Tanya had friends, Yura and Petya, who lived next door. They treated animals differently.

One day Petya and Yura decided to go on a picnic. They collected their backpacks and went into the forest. They were interested in different ways of survival. They also wanted to check how you can light a fire in the forest without matches. They were so carried away by their idea that they did not notice the sign “No fires!” that stood at the entrance to the forest. And so, when they arrived at the place, they laid out their things and began to make a fire. We solved it using the friction method. At first things didn’t go very well, but then a small spark turned into a big flame. But then suddenly a strong wind suddenly blew. Yes, such that the fire could not stand it and jumped out of the fire and began to grow, burning everything in its path. Soon the entire clearing where the boys were located was engulfed in flames. They suddenly realized what they had done and ran out of the forest. Tanya was not far away at that time; together with her classmates they were building a mini-reserve for small beetles. Suddenly she smelled burning and some dry crackling, then saw smoke through the bushes. Very quickly they reached the place where the fire started. Tanya immediately realized that they couldn’t cope alone and together with their friends they ran for help. On the way, she noticed how her forest friends were trying to get out of the forest. A fox with its cubs jumped out from behind the bushes, and a little further Tanya noticed a hedgehog and his family. The animals left their burrows in a hurry. The birds screamed in alarm and also tried to escape from the smoke and fire and quickly flew away. For a minute, Tanya thought that the fox looked at her reproachfully and seemed to be asking something. "Excuse me, please! We will fix everything!” - Tanya said out loud. When they got to the house, it turned out that someone had already called the fire department. Tanya was not at a loss. She called all her friends and neighbors, and everyone began to put out the fire together.

Some carried real buckets, others toy ones. Even the same Petya and Yura who carelessly lit a fire in the forest extinguished the fire together with everyone else. Then the firefighters arrived and things went faster. Tanya felt very sorry for the forest inhabitants. And Petya and Yura remembered this incident for the rest of their lives and took care of and appreciated Nature.

“Maybe this isn’t a dream?”

There are many amazing places on our planet Earth. The boy Leva was lucky to live in a completely unusual city. Its streets, squares, courtyards and alleys were clean. Yes Yes. This city was called the Clean City. Residents treated their home very carefully and lovingly. Trees, flowers, grass - the city was buried in lush grass, and shimmered with bright colors, and what a din there was always an aroma!

But one day Leva had a dream. Something happened in the forest, which was next to the boy’s house. The townspeople called it the Beautiful Forest. Trees of wonderful beauty grew there, and clearings of all kinds of colors sparkled everywhere. And how many inhabitants were there in the forest: small nimble bugs, vocal birds, restless squirrels, cautious hares, curious foxes, and many others whom the townspeople did not see, but knew for sure that they lived there...

And then in an instant all the colors of the forest disappeared and blackness appeared. The sounds disappeared. Silence. The boy could not understand what had happened. He went into the forest. Leva was scared: it was dark all around, nothing could be seen, no sounds, no life. And all the inhabitants of the forest disappeared.

Where is everyone? Where did you run away to? - the upset Leva asked himself quietly. - What about the forest? Now it’s hard to even call him Beautiful!

Lev walked along familiar paths, only now they no longer carried him into the fabulous distance. The boy looked around and couldn’t believe it: how did all the natural beauty, everything that his friends and all the other residents of the Pure City were so proud of and loved so much, disappear in an instant? Who or what destroyed their Beautiful Forest?

Suddenly Lyova noticed a squirrel on one still living tree, which was hastily collecting its little squirrels.

Wait! What's happened? - the boy asked, but the mother squirrel was too busy and did not hear the voice.

Squirrel! - Lyova shouted again and ran up to the tree on which their squirrel hollow was located. Now the squirrel noticed the boy and, deftly jumping from the branch, ran up to him.

Boy, help us! - the squirrel squeaked and began to cry.

What happened to the Beautiful Forest? Why is everything black? Where is everyone?

At the very edge of our forest, where another city begins, people lit a fire. And then they left and didn’t put it out. And now our whole house is on fire. All the animals and birds ran away and flew away. These are people not from the Clean City. They are from where they do not know how to take care of Nature, they do not know what cleanliness and order are. Adults and children from that city throw garbage everywhere and never clean up after themselves, they trample flowers and break trees. And now they came to us and destroyed our house. Help us!

Lyova rushed to run home as fast as he could to call his parents and other adults for help. We urgently need to save the forest.

Mother! Dad! Hurry up! Help is needed! - Leva shouted and shouted...

What happened to you? - Mom asked. - Did you have a terrible dream?

How happy the boy was when he realized that he was just sleeping and that this whole terrible story was not true. From his window you can still see the beautiful forest, enjoy the singing of birds, the aroma of flowers and trees!

One day I accidentally wandered into the forest. I was walking in the forest all day and an amazing situation happened there that changed my understanding of nature and the animals around us! This is what I want to tell you about.

It was a sunny warm day. I walked slowly along the path, admiring the bright colors of the autumn forest. Along the way, every now and then we met different animals, sometimes bunnies would rush past, sometimes hedgehogs, puffing provocatively, would run across the path. There were many brightly colored birds flying around, which gave the forest even more color.

How nice and carefree it is in the forest! - I shouted. - And I still have to do my homework and wash the dishes. I wish I could jump and run all day long like the forest dwellers!

“Lazy,” came from somewhere above from a large pine tree standing by the path.

I was a little scared and speechless. Is it really Mom watching me?

Who is speaking? - I asked, after waiting a little.

What business is this? All day long you mindlessly jump from branch to branch, waving your fluffy tail.

Ha! - the squirrel shouted offendedly. - Unlike you people, there is not a single animal in the forest, not a bird, not a small insect that is so lazy and carefree.

But how! - I objected. - Hares jump around idle, hedgehogs sleep under a tree and birds chirp in vain, and people are forced to go to work, do repairs in their apartments and even do homework.

“I won’t argue with you,” the squirrel answered, “I’ll only say one thing.” Man is just a piece of living nature. To know and understand this means to live in harmony with the entire world that surrounds us.

Hares learn to cover their tracks so that the wolf does not find them in winter. Hedgehogs sleep after searching for food at night, and birds chirp to their chicks that they have caught midges and will soon bring them food.

Having looked more closely, I really noticed that everyone around was doing hard work! Ants build a home for themselves, bees collect nectar from flowers, mice carry wheat grains into their burrows for the winter.

Here you go! - exclaimed the squirrel. “Because of you, I lost so much time, and I still need to collect mushrooms for the winter.” Let me take you to the outskirts of the forest, and you will go do your homework, and along the way you will help pick mushrooms.

On the outskirts of the forest, having said goodbye to the squirrel, I realized one important truth for myself, which I share with you: we must help nature and its inhabitants, since we are part of it.

Birds, animals, I are together a friendly Earth and we must not only be able to enjoy the beauty of nature, but also take care of it.

The king of the forest was the Reindeer. He was very fair and kind. Everyone lived well in the forest! The air was clean, the aroma of northern herbs spread everywhere. There were always a lot of different mushrooms and delicious berries. There was enough moss for all the deer living in the forest. But then one day a terrible misfortune happened, a bitter grief. People with huge cars appeared in the forest. And they began to cut down the northern forest, various trees, and build an iron road to transport ore from the quarries along it. They started lighting fires and throwing garbage everywhere. And caterpillars, green grasses, tasty berries, and various animals began to die under the wheels of cars. And some began to die of hunger, because there were very few mushrooms and berries. The forest became empty, only stumps stood everywhere and fallen trees lay. All the animals fled from it, the birds scattered. It became scary in this forest. Quiet at all. The animals began to think about how to save their native forest. The Reindeer learned that in the city, which is located not far from the forest, there is a House of Children's Creativity, and there is a children's club in it. It's called ecotourism. And the children from this circle protect northern nature and help animals. Either they hang birdhouses in the forest, or they collect garbage in it.

Then Reindeer decided to send a messenger to this circle to tell about the terrible misfortune and ask the guys for help.

The choice fell on the motley Lemming. He could quickly and quietly get there and tell the guys everything. Poor Lemming had to endure a lot while he got to the children. The dogs almost killed him, it’s good that he runs fast. The car almost ran over him on the road when he ran across it at a pedestrian crossing, apparently the driver did not notice him. But Lemming finally got to the guys and told them about the trouble that happened in the forest. And he asked for help from all the forest people to save them from imminent death. The children were kind and loved the forest and all its inhabitants very much. They immediately agreed to help him. The guys decided to write a letter to the President, telling how rare animals of our region are dying at the hands of evil people, from their scary cars. The President found out about the atrocities of these people and ordered to stop cutting down the forest, and in places where the ground was bare, he forced them to plant new young trees. In the north, trees grow slowly, it will take a long time for the forest to regain its strength, but together we can overcome everything! The forest will delight with young trees, mushrooms and berries. And then again all the animals will return to it. So, thanks to Lemming and the guys, they managed to save the forest. This is where our fairy tale ends. Take care of the forest, don’t destroy it!

Very often Mother Nature got out of her forest and went on a journey around the world.

She always returned from travel sad. All the forest animals asked why she was so sad. Mother answered that people do not know how to take care of nature. They pollute rivers, tear off flowers, break trees, and harm birds and animals.

Mother Nature got angry and decided to punish people. One fine day the flowers stopped blooming and all the birds disappeared. The next day, all the rivers turned into streams, and all the seas into puddles. The trees became a dense forest and no longer allowed people to visit.

At first no one paid attention to these changes, but then panic began. People turned to great scientists for help, but even they could not understand what was happening.

Only one boy guessed the reason for the changes. People offended Mother Nature, whom the boy and his family cared for. They planted trees, fed birds, saved rivers from garbage. Very often Mother thanked the family, presenting them with delicious berries and fruits.

The boy decided to go visit Mother Nature, but he was scared alone, so the whole family went on a long journey.

The animals of the fairytale forest met the guests at the edge of the forest, they were very alarmed. The birds escorted the whole family to Mother's house.

Mother Nature was sad and grey. She told the guests how people had stopped caring for nature.

We began to think about how to help Mother Nature. We thought and thought, but didn’t come up with anything. The family set off on their way back.

We returned home and decided to gather all the people and introduce them to Mother Nature. She was completely black, gloomy, and hunched over. She told people about her pain. The people decided to shine with Mother Pain, to clean up the city and the forest.

People cleared the rivers of garbage and planted new trees. They began to take care of nature, keep the city and forest clean, and punish hooligans who harm all living things.

Mother Nature straightened out, regained her strength, blossomed, filled the rivers with fish, the forests with berries and mushrooms, and filled the cities with flowers.

Once upon a time there was a girl. Every summer she vacationed in a pioneer camp. But when she once again arrived at the camp, her surprise knew no bounds...

Bottles and bags were scattered around the entire camp. It was the fault of the tourists who did not clean up their trash after themselves. Then the pioneers decided to split into two groups and divide the forest around the camp into sectors: some were cleaned by boys, some by girls.

When the pioneers, together with the adults, went to clean the territory, that girl fell behind the group because she saw a glow in the clearing. It was fairies! The most real fairies! But they seemed to look very, very tired. The girl asked them why they were fussing and buzzing angrily. They told her that they were very angry with the people who came here on vacation.

They also told her about loggers, builders and construction equipment that pollute the air. The fairies are tired of cleaning up the forest. Then the girl ran to her group and told everything about what the forest fairies had told her.

Nobody believed it. Then the girl had to prove that she was telling the truth. She led all the groups to that very clearing. How clean it was! Compared to other parts of the forest, this clearing was like something out of a fairy tale! Some children and adults had already begun to believe her, but the fairies still did not appear in public. They were very afraid of people. All this time, the fairies hid in the flowers and waited for the pioneers to leave. The guys left. The girl was very upset - she failed to prove that she was right.

IN summer time There are a lot of tourists in cities, which means a lot of garbage. And the city residents themselves sometimes do not keep their streets clean. Then the pioneers had to hang up signs with the inscription: “Don’t litter!” in public places. And at the general meeting they decided to maintain cleanliness around the camp. The fairies, who were previously afraid of people, really liked the children cleaning up the forest.

The fairies decided to secretly help the pioneers in cleaning.

The girl knew who helped her friends, and did not know how to thank her little helpers. She still managed to ask them about it. They wished that every person in the world would not litter, save paper and water, and preferably not smoke. Didn't throw trash past the trash can. The fairies also admitted that they really don’t like living near factories and factories that emit smoke. This smoke harms nature and all living things."

The girl couldn't do anything about it. She was desperate. But then I thought: “Really, what if every person on Earth did not litter and smoke? Will he take care of nature like these fairies?”

By autumn the city was clean. Arriving home, the girl wrote this story when she had an essay on the topic “How I spent my summer.”

In connection with the global deterioration of the environment, it is necessary to build a system of environmental education and training so that the child can feel, understand, and accept the idea of ​​​​the inextricable connection between man and nature.

Each teacher knows many techniques and methods for conducting such a lesson so that it evokes a lively response from the children; only a creative lesson ensures the effectiveness of teaching. The teacher's creativity evokes a desire to create. And this can be done in different ways, in particular, using emotional responsiveness, curiosity, unity of knowledge and experiences, and children’s inclination to imagination and fantasy.

Lessons should always carry moral potential, touch the child’s soul, and the children’s response to such lessons, to their understanding of environmental problems, is their creative work: drawings, newspapers, environmental fairy tales.

A fairy tale is needed to subconsciously or consciously teach a child the rules and purpose of life, the need to protect one’s “area” and have a decent attitude towards other communities.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “... A fairy tale is inseparable from beauty... thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart. And he not only learns, but also responds to events and phenomena of the surrounding world, expresses his attitude towards good and evil.

If we introduce into a fairy tale some biological knowledge and concepts about the relationships of living organisms with each other and with their environment, then the fairy tale will serve as a source for the formation of elementary ecological concepts.

When studying the topic “Water Cycle” in elementary school, children completed a creative task - to compose a fairy tale “The Journey of a Drop.” Some children retold the essence of the process, setting out the textbook text in their own words with minor changes. But in the class, of course, there were children who composed original fairy tales.

Journey of a drop

It was a dark, cloudy day, and a large cloud was passing over the city. She had many droplet children. She sent them into the stream, onto the asphalt, onto the ground. Like others, she had a beloved droplet daughter. She sent her to the ground, but apparently she overdid it. The cloud was moving too fast, so a droplet fell on the roof of a five-story building. She lay there until the fall and turned into an icicle. And when winter came, the icicle saw a snowflake that was slowly descending onto the roof.

- What is your name? - asked the icicle. But then a strong wind blew, and the snowflake was blown to the side. Of course, the icicle was very sad and thought that she would have to hang here, looking at passers-by who did not even look at her. But soon spring came and the icicle felt that it was melting.

- Help! – she screamed with all her might, turning into a drop. With a ringing sound, it fell onto the asphalt and began to flow into a puddle. It was wet and dirty there. But most importantly, she found there the same snowflake with whom she did not have time to talk in winter.

- Who are you? - asked the snowflake.

- Don’t you remember? - answered the drop. Well, of course, the snowflake immediately recognized her, and they became friends. The sun was hot, and the drop began to rise upward. "Goodbye!" – she shouted and turned into a cloud. A few days later it spilled onto the ground again, but now to the North Pole. There she turned into a snowflake and remained forever.

S.L. Rubinstein said: “A person begins to think when he has a need to understand something.” During the lessons, children gain knowledge about man's place on Earth, realize that the impact on nature comes from society and from an individual, can be direct or indirect, and learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships of ongoing environmental changes.

Life in the river

In one very clean river there lived a fish. This fish was not simple, but magical. The fish's tail shimmered blue, red, and yellow. The fish had many friends: snails, crayfish, tadpoles and other fish.

Once they built a factory near the river. They began to dump waste into the water, and the water became polluted. All the underwater inhabitants were thinking about how and what to do. There were a lot of questions, the fish made a proposal, and it was like this:

“We must sail to another place so that people understand that rivers should not be polluted.”

Everyone liked this proposal very much and everyone agreed. On the same day, all the inhabitants of the river decided to swim to another river. All the fish's friends really missed their home.

One fine morning people noticed that the fish were disappearing, and then people decided to purify the water. People installed cleaning filters in factories. When the fish found out about this, she and her comrades returned to their native river.


Wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress.
Grow up, dress up
In a little white dress.
Light, airy
Obedient to the wind.

As soon as the sun warmed up, a yellow-headed dandelion appeared on the lawn. As soon as he crawled out of the ground, he immediately began to look at everything around him with curiosity. The first thing he saw was a huge yellow ball above his head. He decided that it was his mother, because the ball was the same yellow as his head, and a gentle warmth came from it. When the dandelion looked around carefully, he noticed that many yellow-headed brothers, just like him, lived next to him. He cheerfully nodded his head at them, waved his leaves, and they joyfully answered him in kind. Suddenly a huge striped bee landed on his head. She buzzed angrily and dug into its petals with her proboscis. Dandelion wanted to drive her away, but then he was afraid: she was too serious. Then he met ladybug. She told him a lot of interesting things about the objects around him. He learned that the most terrible creatures are people. They trample everything around and also tear off the “heads” of flowers. And if they arrive in huge beetle cars, then everyone around them suffocates from their poison - gasoline. Dandelion thought with horror about meeting people.

Once upon a time there lived a friendly family of turtles at sea. They woke up early and each did his own thing. The mother turtle was preparing seaweed soup, and the father was inspecting his possessions, the children were playing their turtle games. And everything was fine with them until trouble happened. The factory began throwing waste into the sea where they lived. It became difficult for the turtles to breathe and move. They decided to call the sea king. The sea king destroyed the factory with a blow of his staff, but not completely, he allowed the managers to come to their senses and start all over again, to establish clean production. And the poor turtles had to go far out to sea, where clean waters still remained.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “If a child came up with a fairy tale, connected several objects of the surrounding world in his imagination, then we can say with confidence that he has learned to think.” The basis for reasoning and conclusions is knowledge about the relationships in nature. This knowledge in its entirety creates an idea of ​​the ecological integrity of nature.

Sad story

In ancient times, it was believed that everything growing on a tree was a gift from heaven. And among the gifts was mistletoe. It was cut with golden scissors and hung over the entrance to the home to protect against evil spirits.

Mistletoe is, of course, an unusual plant, because it grows not on the ground, not on rocks, but on other plants. Some types of mistletoe prefer deciduous trees - oak, poplar, apple tree, others - coniferous trees: fir, pine.

It's June time again. A pine tree bloomed in the forest - incomparable beauty. But for some reason the beautiful pine tree stood sad. Is she really sick? Pine sighed, said that it was hard for her, that something was bothering her, and quietly cried. All the plants growing nearby comforted her.

The ubiquitous magpies suggested that there was a way to slightly extend the life of the pine tree and not destroy the nearby young pines. Mistletoe grows berries that birds love. The sticky seeds stick to their beaks. Trying to remove them, birds rub their beaks against other trees and spread the seeds. “So warn all the birds not to peck the berries!” asked the forty plants. The magpies promised, but they are unlikely to be able to help: the berries on mistletoe are very tasty. Not all birds can resist, and the mistletoe grows wildly and destroys the tree to which it owes its life.

Cloverinn and bumblebee

In one forest there was a clearing, there were many flowers, above each flower there was a golden dome of smell. All the flowers were beautiful. But they could not compare with the beauty of the pink clover. The cloverberry was very tender. And nectar is like golden honey. All the insects: butterflies, bees, dragonflies flew up to her and asked to drink her nectar, but she proudly refused them all. And one day the insects decided to discuss what kind of arrogant thing was growing in their meadow. Suddenly a drawn-out sound “zh-zh-zh” was heard - it was a large golden bumblebee. He flew up to the clover and asked: “Can I drink your nectar?” Clover's heart melted and she agreed. The bumblebee really liked the clover. and the cloverneck liked the bumblebee. And then this clearing became a clearing of clovers and clovers and bumblebees.

Magic pine

In America there are the Andes mountains, where spectacled bears live in the forests. A long time ago, at one forest edge, such an incident happened...

Once upon a time there lived a family of Spectacled Bears. The bear's name was Misha, his mother and father were teachers.

Misha had friends: Button and Toptyzhka. Button - small, cunning, dexterous. And it was not for nothing that Toptyzhka was called that; he was plump and clumsy. They loved to play hide and seek. I’ll tell you a secret that they were hiding in the trees, since they already knew how to climb well. On this day, Button, as usual, came up with a new game.

- Let's have a competition to see who can climb this tree first.

And they skipped to the tallest tree. But when they were almost at the very top, some people came and began to cut down the tree on which the cubs were sitting. The friends were very scared, but a little forest fairy came to their aid. She turned evil people into pine trees by saying magic words: “The pines rose up, people turned into pines.” These tree people saw their axes and saws and were very frightened. They felt ashamed because they wanted to cut down the tree just like that, without thinking. The fairy, seeing their fear and repentance, again said the magic words: “The pines rose up, the pines turned into people.” People who were previously evil and cruel, feeling the pain they caused to nature, changed. Having fallen in love with nature, they began best friends little bears!

Visiting grandpa

In one large forest there lived a forester. He lived in a hut in the middle of the forest. Guests rarely came to him, since the village was very far from the forest.

One day I came to summer holidays his granddaughter Mashenka. She was a very restless girl, she was interested in everything. Her grandfather, a forester, often took her with him into the forest and told her about animals: how they live, what they eat. Mashenka was interested in everything, she learned a lot about life in the forest.

When Masha had to return to the city, she asked her grandfather to go pick up some berries. Behind the house there was a beautiful and large clearing, a lot of strawberries grew on it, and grandfather let her go, only telling her not to leave the clearing anywhere, otherwise she might get lost in the forest.

When Masha picked berries, a beautiful motley butterfly flew into the clearing, it circled over the flower, and Masha really wanted to catch it. She ran after the butterfly, forgetting about the berries and her grandfather’s order. But suddenly the butterfly flew away and Masha saw that she was in another clearing among unusual and colorful flowers. The girl was very scared and cried. Suddenly she heard someone calling her. Masha looked around and didn’t see anyone, then she followed the voice and saw a baby squirrel in the grass. He sat and cried, and asked the girl to help him climb the tree, since he was still small and could not climb the tree himself. Masha was very surprised that she understood the language of animals. The little squirrel told her:

– You have found yourself in a magical forest, where animals and birds can communicate with each other in human language.

The girl put the little squirrel on a tree and went to look for the way home. Suddenly she heard a pitiful groan. Masha saw a wolf. His paw fell into a trap. The girl came closer, the wolf asked to help him. Masha with difficulty unclenched the trap, and the wolf pulled out his paw. He thanked the girl for her help. Masha felt ashamed for those people who set the trap. She bandaged the wolf's paw with her handkerchief and told him how she wanted to catch a butterfly and, running after it, got lost, and now does not know where to go.

The wolf answered her:

- Follow this path and don’t turn anywhere.

When the girl walked along the path, she saw a small house, and an old woman was sitting on the porch, holding a little gray bunny in her arms and stroking it, and butterflies fluttered peacefully around them, birds sang loudly on the tree branches, and it was so beautiful and calm that the girl forgot about everything. The old woman smiled at the girl and said that she knew who she was and why she had come. It was a kind forest fairy. When the girl said that her grandfather, a forester, lived in the forest, and she came to visit him. The fairy replied that she knew her grandfather well, since he helps animals and birds, and she also said that she did not like those people who hunt animals, cut down trees and litter the forest. At these words, the girl felt ashamed for wanting to catch a butterfly. When she told the fairy about this, the fairy replied that she was that butterfly and had specially brought her to her forest.

“I wanted you to see for yourself how animals get into trouble because of humans.” This little squirrel, whom you helped, became an orphan due to the fault of the boys. Due to the fault of the hunters, the wolf fell into a trap and injured its paw. So thoughtlessly people destroy the beauty that surrounds them.

Then the fairy stood up and took the girl by the hand and led her to the porch, where her basket of berries stood, and a little squirrel sat next to her. The girl smiled at him and took him in her arms. The little red lump ended up on her shoulder and pressed its wet nose into her cheek. Then Masha shuddered and opened her eyes, and next to her sat her grandfather’s dog Dozor and wagged its tail. Grandfather stood nearby and smiled. Masha could not understand where she was, her grandfather said that he found her sleeping in a clearing and next to a basket of berries. The girl was very happy that she was with her grandfather again. On the way home, she told me what a dream she had. Grandfather listened carefully, and then told her to remember the fairy’s order to take care and protect the forest and tell it to the other children. When Masha came home to the city, she began helping adults plant plants, pick up garbage on the streets in the spring, feed birds in winter and make birdhouses for them. She told all the children that they should not break trees or pick flowers unnecessarily. Masha never caught butterflies again, and when she saw them, she watched them flutter from flower to flower and remembered her dream.

- Maybe this is not a dream? – thought Masha and at this thought she smiled mysteriously.

The result of the work is the children’s actions, their thoughts and feelings. It is important to touch the soul of a child, to enrich his mind, because all troubles come from ignorance. A knowing, feeling and understanding person will not commit an offense towards a living being. I would like to believe that among my students the majority are like this.


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