Any event held at home must include competitions for a small company. They will help you have a fun and unforgettable time, as well as get to know each other better. But it is better to select them in advance to take into account the composition of the company and the preferences of each person. Fortunately, the choice of games and competitions for a small company is quite large, so this will not be a problem.

"Why are you here?"

At the very beginning of the event you can conduct interesting competition, which does not require special props. To do this, you need to prepare several pieces of paper on which the answers to the most difficult questions will be written. main question about why a person attended this holiday. They can be very different:

  • eat for free;
  • I'm afraid to be alone at home;
  • no place to stay";
  • the owner of the house owes me a large sum.

All these pieces of paper are placed in a small bag. Each guest has to take out one of them and loudly voice what is written. Although there are no winners here, this game can definitely lift your spirits.

New Year competitions for a small company, made like this one, will definitely please the participants. Thanks to them, you can cheer everyone up at the very beginning, so that further games take place in a good environment.


Interesting competitions for a small company were invented several decades ago, because just having a conversation is not always interesting, but you want to have some fun. One fun option is a game called Picasso. You need to play it in a not completely sober state, without leaving the table. To play the game, you need to prepare several identical images with unfinished details in advance.

The task for the guests is that they need to finish the drawings the way they want. It would seem that it couldn’t be simpler, but there is a small catch in this game - you need to fill in the missing details with the hand with which the person works the least (for right-handers - the left, for left-handers - the right). The winner in this case is determined by popular vote.


Competitions for a small company at home should help people get to know each other better. One of them is “Journalist,” for which you will need to first prepare a box of paper with various questions written on it.

The participants' task is simple - they pass the box around in a circle, each guest takes out one question and gives the most truthful answer to it. The most important thing is not to write too frank questions so that the participant does not feel uncomfortable. You can ask about a funny incident in life, a New Year's wish, having a pet, an unsuccessful vacation, and so on.

After all the guests have answered, you will have to choose a winner. This is done by voting. Each player will have to point out the story that he liked the most (with the exception of his own). Thus, whoever has the most votes wins.

"Flight of the card"

Fun competitions for a small adult company are practically no different from children's games. A rather interesting and exciting option for entertainment is “Card Flight”. For it you will need to take ordinary playing cards and some kind of container for papers (basket, hat, box).

Players need to move a couple of meters away from the tank and draw a line there - this will be the start. Each participant is given exactly 5 cards, the names of which are written down by the presenter. Then people stand behind the drawn line and, without crossing it, try to throw all their cards into the box/hat/basket.

First, you need to conduct a practice round so that the participants test their strength. If a player does not maintain balance and takes a step beyond the line, his throw will not be counted. The winner is the person who was able to throw the most cards. If there are several winners (score the same number of points), then another round is held between them.

"The Umbrella Game"

TO best competitions For a small company, it is worth including a game designed for only two players. For it you need to stock up on the following props:

  • a pair of sticks;
  • two glasses;
  • wide tape.

You need to attach a glass to one end of the stick with tape and fill it with water. Then two participants stand opposite each other, take the opposite end of the sticks and put their hands behind their backs. One opponent asks the second a question, to which he answers and takes three steps forward, and then the same number back, trying not to spill water. In total, each participant must ask three questions. After this, the game ends and the winner is determined by the amount of water remaining in the glass.

"Jam Jars"

Fun competitions for a small group include games of dexterity and tests of patience. For this entertainment you will need to take 6 tennis balls and jam jars. Only two players take part in it.

The competition is held as follows:

  1. Glass containers are placed on the floor close to each other.
  2. Each player is given three balls.
  3. Participants move three meters away from the cans and take turns throwing their balls at them.

In this case, there can be only one ball in one jar. At first glance, everything seems extremely simple, but do not forget that such balls are quite bouncy, so it is unlikely that you will be able to throw them without a certain concentration and attention. The winner, of course, is the one who can send the most balls into the containers.

"Collect an article"

New Year's competitions for a small company are especially interesting, because the beginning of the year should be remembered for a long time. In a game called “Collect an Article,” you need to find a funny article from the Internet, print it in several copies (depending on the number of players) and prepare the same number of regular envelopes.

The presenter will have to cut each sheet into several strips (line by line) and fold them into envelopes. They are then distributed to the players, who must collect the text as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who puts the strips in the correct order the fastest.


The list of competitions for a small company should include a great game that every person knows about. For her, all the players sit in a circle and take turns saying “I”. If someone laughs, the presenter comes up with an additional word for him, which the person will have to pronounce after his “I”. Those participants who can no longer remember or pronounce their phrase without laughing will gradually drop out of the game. Whoever stays is the one who wins.

"Blind Lunch"

Everyone, without exception, likes competitions for a small group at a table, because in order to entertain yourself, you don’t need to leave the table at all. At any celebration you can hold a “Blind Lunch”. For this game you will need to bring blindfolds for all participants.

The players sit down at the usual festive table with various dishes, but without cutlery (the only thing that can be placed in the center of the table is skewers). The presenter blindfolds them all and gives the command “start”. After it, participants will need to feed themselves and their neighbor by any means. The winner is the player who remains cleaner than the rest.

"Blow Me Off"

The two-player competition is great for both adults and children. For the race you will need to take a couple of pipettes, the same number of feathers and tissue paper circles with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm. The last props need to be rolled into cones.

Each participant is given a pen and pipette. The task is to propel your pen a certain distance using only the air coming from the pipette. At the same time, it is forbidden to wave your arms and blow in order to achieve the goal faster. Of course, the fastest participant wins.

"Agility on your feet"

Another game for a couple of participants helps test coordination and endurance. For it you need to stock up on chalk and a couple of ropes. Using this prop, you need to draw and fix circles, the diameter of which should accommodate the player’s two feet. Both participants stand on their right foot, keep their balance, and with their left they try to push their opponent beyond the boundaries of his circle. The loser is the person who touches the ground with his left foot or goes beyond his boundaries.

"Writing on the Go"

This competition can be held in any company. For this, each participant will need to be given one sheet of paper and a pen or pencil. After this, the players will need to line up in one line and, in a standing position, write the phrase that the presenter asked them. The one who completes the task faster and more beautifully wins.

"Free your friend"

The list ends with a game that is recommended for children over 12 years old. It can be played both at home and on a picnic or in some other place. The most important thing is that more than two people take part in it. Necessary equipment: blindfolds, rope.

You need to sit one person on a chair and tie his hands and feet. The second participant will act as a security guard who sits next to him blindfolded. The rest of the people are at a distance of a couple of meters from them. At a certain point, they must quietly approach the tied participant and release him. At the same time, the guard must determine by ear who is approaching and prevent release. The person who manages to untie his “friend” takes the place of the blindfolded player in the next game, and the one whom the guard touched is eliminated.

Young people must be active and smart. This can be facilitated by games that are fun for large and small groups to play. It's not just children who play games; there are plenty of interesting games, designed for an older audience. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them.

  1. truth or dare– the presenter names a person in turn, and he must choose whether to tell the truth about himself or complete the task.
  2. Crocodile– the participant must show the others the word written on the task card without saying a word.
  3. Fanta– each participant puts an item that belongs to him in the box. The presenter blindly selects an item and gives the task to the participant to whom that item belongs.
  4. Who are you?– participants are given a sticker on their forehead with a character written on it. You need to determine who you are by asking your opponents questions that can be answered yes or no.
  5. New outfit– You need to put various clothes in a dark bag: bras, a clown nose, children’s tights, etc. The packet is passed around in a circle until the leader says: “Stop!” The one on whom the package landed takes out the first thing he comes across and must put it on himself.
  6. Twister– using a tape measure and a canvas with colored circles, participants must place their hands and feet on certain circles without falling.
  7. Trouble– relevant for the same number of men and women. Women and men are given a wish for an animal. On command, all women must make the sounds of their animal, and the men must find their mate in this commotion.

Table games for young people list with description

Games and competitions for Youth Day

Game scenarios for youth

Game give youth

Outdoor game for young people, with description

Popular games for young people, with a brief description

Intellectual games for youth, with a brief description

Games for youth in nature

Outdoor games for youth

New youth game

The game of large-scale international patches or international tag is gaining popularity. The goal is to fly to the participant’s country without his knowledge, suddenly spot him, take a photograph and quickly fly away. The stained one becomes a driver. Several students from different countries who met on vacation abroad. The guys started playing abroad and continue to this day. The most sophisticated participant flew to another country for the christening of her opponent’s relative and dressed up as an old gardener. She asked the guy's relatives to play along and at the right moment sullied the participant. Thus, a new large-scale youth game appeared, which began to be picked up all over the world.

It is best to alternate intellectual and active games. If you're going outdoors, prepare props for themed games so you don't get bored after the picnic. A huge variety of games will unite the team spirit and help lift your spirits.

This group of games is creative and intellectual in nature. To participate in them, players need not only strength and dexterity, but also knowledge and ingenuity. Of course, games that require heavy mental work are not suitable for the holiday, because in the end everyone has gathered to relax. Therefore, we present games that are simple in nature, the main thing in them is not to get confused and show your creative abilities.

“Complete the picture”

To play you will need album sheet and a pencil. Players are divided into teams. Teams need to portray an animal (the animal is determined by the presenter and communicated to the first player), but not collectively, but in turn. The first team member draws the head, then covers the place he drew, leaving only a small piece of the depicted fragment. The next participant continues to draw the animal, guided only by their guesses about who it is. And this continues until each team member has a hand in this masterpiece. The winner is the team that most closely depicts the animal envisioned by the presenter.

"Reading it backwards"

The game can be played by 3 to 8 people. They are given an excerpt from a poem, and they must read it backwards loudly and with expression. Whoever does it best wins.

"Semantic analogies"

This game is designed for quick-witted participants with a good memory. Players need to remember a proverb or tell a joke that is similar in meaning to the one suggested by the presenter. For example: “Trouble does not go alone,” and in return you can say: “Where it is thin, it breaks,” etc. The winner is the participant who gave the most other answers.

“Get it right!”

The point of this game is as follows. The teams are given pieces of paper on which words from the famous 10 proverbs are written. They need to collect all these proverbs. The game is against time. The team that collects the most correct proverbs wins.


In this game you need to write a postcard to your friends, but you need to do it according to certain rules. If the participant began to sign the card with a word (for example, “Hello!”), then the next word should be written with the letter “R”, then with “I” and so on, based on the letters of the first word, then the second, etc. Whoever signs the postcard the fastest and without making mistakes wins.


This game is played with a leader. He names the words, and the participants need to come up with rhymes for them. Only words in the singular nominative case are counted, for example “sport” - “cake”, “garage” - “luggage”, etc. Whoever answers incorrectly three times is eliminated from the game.


Each participant receives a piece of paper on which a table of 8x8 cells is drawn. The presenter, at his own discretion, names the letters one by one. The game is somewhat reminiscent of lotto, only letters are used here instead of numbers. Each participant tries to fill out their table in such a way that words can be read in it both horizontally and vertically. The participant who fills the square completely wins.

"Find your clothes"

The presenter lines up six participants facing the audience, and from among the guests invites another player to distribute things. A chest with costumes is placed in front fairy-tale heroes: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, Leshy and Hottabych. He takes out things one by one and asks:

- From what suit?

The players standing behind take turns answering:

- From mine.

Whoever dresses correctly wins.

“More smarts!”

The game is designed for two players. For this you will need chicken eggs and a small towel. Players must take turns placing eggs in the towel, but so that the eggs do not touch each other. The winner is the participant who managed to lay the last egg without touching the others. At first glance, the game seems simple, but you are deeply mistaken. In order to be a winner, you need to develop a certain strategy.

"Phenomenal memory"

The game is played by 2 to 6 players. They are given time to remember as many items as possible on the table. Then these items are covered with a napkin. Players write down on paper the items they remember. The participant who remembers the most items will be the winner of this game.

"Collect a picture"

For the game, pictures cut into pieces are prepared in advance. These parts are placed in envelopes and distributed to the participants. The task of the participants is to collect the picture before the others.


This game demonstrates the poetic abilities of the participants. Words are hung in front of the players, from which they need to compose a poem. Whoever writes the poem first will be the winner.


The game involves two teams with an equal number of players. A bag with a wide variety of items is placed on the table in front of the teams. Players from one or the other team come to the table one by one. They take any item in the bag, but do not take it out, but try to describe it to other players. In this case, the object can be compared with something. The rival team's task is to guess the name of the item. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.


This game is designed for knowledge of well-known married couples. The game involves 2 or more players. They must guess family (or love) couples, for example Romeo and Juliet, Napoleon and Josephine, Kirkorov and Pugacheva and other couples. You can use pairs of athletes, singers, etc. In this game there is a turn change in the event that one of the participants cannot give any answer. Whoever gives the most correct answers will be the winner.

"Remake it to new way»

Players are asked to remember different fairy tales, and then each team must remake a specific fairy tale in a new way. A fairy tale can even change genre and appear in the form of a novel, detective story, comedy, etc. With the help of audience applause, the winner is determined.

"Little theatrical performance"

Players are divided into two or more teams. The task of each team is to stage a Russian folk tale. The team chooses the fairy tale themselves.

She must play it in front of her competitors. Improvisation is welcome! Opponents must guess the name of the fairy tale.


This is, to some extent, a test of the male half of the guests for their ability to write poetry. Each man participating in the game is offered a set of words from which he composes a poem. Words must be connected in meaning.

"Tell me about yourself"

Everyone can take part in the game. Each player is given Blank sheet paper and ask to divide it into four parts. Then in the first part of the sheet you need to put one of the proposed letters (P, R, L, S), and in the next part you need to put one of the numbers you like (1, 2, 3, 4). In the third part you need to write any proverb. And in the fourth part, your favorite animal is written. After everything is written, the presenter gives explanations: the meanings of the letters - bed, work, family, love; the numbers mean where what they wrote in the first part is. The written proverbs mean the motto of what is written in the first part. The name of the animal is also directly related to the first part, namely: who the participant imagines himself to be.

"Communication using gestures"

This game is designed for two participants - a man and a woman. They stand facing each other. Behind the man, the presenter unfolds a poster on which a small phrase is written in large letters. The woman, in turn, must show this phrase so that the man can guess it.


Couples take part in the game. They are asked to role-play dialogues, for example between people different professions, but they come up with the content of the dialogue themselves. You can also offer to play out a dialogue between the prosecutor (who points out the guilt of the suspect) and a woman of easy virtue (who is attempting to seduce), and many other dialogues.


All guests take part in the game. One participant takes any item, enters the room and holds it in front of the guests for a few seconds, and then quickly puts it away. The guests' task is to remember the item in the smallest detail. The participant who showed the item asks the guests questions about it. Whoever gives the most correct answers will be the winner.

"Unbelievable but true!"

The participants of the game are divided into two teams. Teams must come up with a fictional story and also prove that this story actually happened. Proof is carried out by providing answers to opponents' questions.

“Let’s make a story!”

The rules of the game are as follows: the player writes two sentences on a piece of paper and folds the sheet so that only the last word. The next player does the same. The writing of the story ends with the last participant. Then everyone reads the resulting opus together.


Participants are divided into two teams. The teams take turns asking each other riddles. Time is given to think through the answers. The team that gives the most correct and funny answers wins.

"Let's remember the alphabet!"

Participants sit in a circle and take turns saying words of congratulations, but in alphabetical order. For example, let's start with the first letter of the alphabet A: “The stork brings you his congratulations on the birth of your baby!” And so on. Whichever participant cannot come up with a congratulation is eliminated from the game.


2. Rip off your hat

Two players can compete, or two teams can compete. A circle is drawn. The circle includes players, each of them left hand tied to the body, and on the head is a hat. The task is simple and difficult - to take off the enemy’s hat and not allow him to take off his own. For each cap removed, the team receives a point.

3. What's behind you?

Clear pictures (drawings) and paper circles with numbers, for example: 96, 105, etc., are pinned on the backs of two opponents. The players converge in a circle, stand on one leg, tuck the other under the knee and hold it with their hand. The task is to stand, jump on one leg, look behind the opponent’s back, see the number and see what is drawn in the picture. The one who first “deciphers” the enemy wins.

4. Schools of fish

Players are divided into 2-3 equal teams, and each player receives a paper fish (length 22-25 centimeters, width 6-7 centimeters), tied on a thread with the tail down (thread length 1-1.2 meters). The guys fasten the horses with threads to their belts so that the tail of the fish freely touches the floor. Each team has fish different color. At the leader’s signal, the players, running after each other, try to step on the tail of the “enemy” fish with their feet. Touching the threads and fish with your hands is not allowed. The player whose fish was picked leaves the game. The team with the most fish left wins.

5. Get out the boxes

Sit on a stool, cross your legs and, without touching the floor with your feet and hands, reach with your teeth the box of matches standing “on your butt” at one of the back legs of the stool. You can spin on a stool as you please.

6. Salute!

Salute right hand, and at the same time extend the left one forward with the thumb protruding, saying: “Wo!” then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.

7. Spoon on a leg

The stool is turned over, and a blindfolded player stands with his back to each leg. A tablespoon is in the hands of the participants.

At the leader’s signal, they take three steps forward, turn around and try to quickly place and place the spoon on their leg. The first two to succeed win.

8. Shot the shot

1/3 cup of water is poured into several balloons. The balloons are then inflated to the same size. In the room (hall), circles with a diameter of 1.5 meters are drawn with chalk.

The participant must push the balloon - the “core” as far as possible, as is done in athletics. The one who pushed it the farthest wins.

9. Blow into the box

Empty the box of matches. Pull it out halfway and, putting it to your mouth, blow hard. The box can fly quite far. Hold an "air shooters" competition. With this paper box flying out of the box you can:

  • try to get into the small circle outlined in chalk,
  • shoot down light paper target,
  • get the box into a basket installed on the floor,
  • try to set a record, i.e. “blow” the box through some kind of bar.

10. Who is faster?

The players are divided into two teams. The presenter gives two empty boxes without an inner paper drawer. Task: quickly pass the boxes to your teammates...with your nose. If the box falls, it is picked up, put on the nose, and the competition continues. Everything seems simple, but you can’t do it without dexterity.

11. Newspaper article

From the headlines of various newspapers and magazines, they must first be cut out; players must compose a short humorous story, a criminal chronicle, an official editorial, a feuilleton, a report, an interview, an essay, an announcement, an advertisement, etc. this requires paper, glue, a brush and a sense of humor. Forward!

12. Remember without looking

(visual memory)

Does each of us have a good idea of ​​what is almost always before his eyes in the room where he lives, where he studies?

Suddenly, without warning anyone, hold a competition to see who can more accurately say how many paintings are on the wall, what curtains are on the window, what pattern is on the wallpaper, who is taller - Kolya or Vitya, etc.

13. Drawing from words

(auditory and visual memory)

To play the game, it is necessary for one of the players to schematically depict on paper something not very complicated, for example, a house with smoke coming from the chimney and birds flying in the sky.

The presenter shows the picture to one of the players and then hides it. The one who saw it whispers to the second one what is depicted on it. The second whispers what he heard to the third, etc. The last to know the content of the picture is the one who will depict it.

What he drew is compared with the picture itself, then the quality of the oral story about it, in which all the players participated, is assessed.

No truly fun and lively party is complete without competitions. They help create a relaxed atmosphere and prevent boredom. We offer you scenarios of the most interesting games and fun competitions, suitable for the most various situations. There are entertaining competitions for large quantity few people who know each other, competitions for small company close friends, competitions for children. Make the evening memorable - choose holiday competitions in this catalog, prepare everything necessary to conduct them and involve as many participants as possible in them.

Before the game, blanks are made (clippings of newspaper headlines, and the topics of the headlines can be very diverse, for example: “Down and Feather”, “Winner of the Competition”, etc.) The clippings are placed in an envelope and...

To play you will need a large box or bag (opaque) in which to put various items clothes: size 56 panties, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with nose, etc. funny things. The presenter suggests...

The victim of the prank is told that now everyone in the company will wish for one famous fairy tale. He will have to guess it by asking the company questions about the plot of the fairy tale. The whole company answers in unison (and not individually)....

Props: not needed Everyone sits in a circle and someone speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor, he must as quickly as possible say into the ear of the next one his first association with this word, the second - to the third, and so on. Bye...

The game is a modification of "New Year's Tree" and is offered in a company where there are boys and girls (uncles and aunties). It all starts out banal. Each boy and girl, who are blindfolded, have 5 clothespins attached. Couple...

Guests run around the festive table at speed, holding the glass by the stem with their teeth. The longer the stem of the glass, the better. Whoever ran the fastest and didn't spill the contents is the winner. With flour on their face, two guys sit down at the table opposite each other. Before...

Reminiscent of the game With clothespins, but a little more frank... (for 4-8 people). Pins are taken (the number is arbitrary, usually approximately equal to the number of players), everyone except the leader is tied...

Two (or more) pairs are called. After an introductory conversation about fashion and fashion designers, each "tailor" is given... a roll of toilet paper, from which he needs to make a dress for his "model"....

You will need: empty Glass bottle, notes. Write tasks in advance on small pieces of paper, for example: “Kiss three times”, “Make a compliment”, “Wish you health”, “Dance a dance together”, etc...

This game is good if you are relaxing with several families or companies for more than one day. All vacationers are participants. All names of participants are written on separate notes, which are folded with the inscription...