How to learn to save time.

Time is our priceless wealth .

Time flows in only one direction: from the past to the present, and from it to the future. Time can neither be stopped nor turned back. That is why time is a priceless gift, since no amount of money can buy it or return lost hours and minutes. Time always flows at the same speed. However, the hour that we devoted to interesting and fruitful work seems very short to us. And vice versa, moments of idleness last a very long time

We know: time is extensible.

It depends on

What kind of content

You fill it up.

There are times when he has stagnation,

And sometimes it flows.

Unloaded, empty,

Counting hours and days in vain.

Let the intervals be uniform,

What separates our days,

But, putting them on the scales,

We find long moments

And very short hours.

In any business, someone who knows how to work takes less time to work than someone who doesn’t know how.

What should you do to save your time?

Your time is in your hands.

Let's think about the question: why do we manage to do a lot during the time spent at school, but during the same number of hours spent at home we manage to do much less? First of all, because at school time is clearly organized, for which it is divided into lessons and breaks. The school bell is the main manager of school time, and everyone obeys it: both students and teachers. But at home there is no such manager, and therefore time flows unnoticed, uncontrollably and sometimes uselessly: before you have time to look back, 2-3 hours have passed.

Therefore, you need to give yourself mental calls at home too. This will help you develop a very valuable sense - a sense of time. A person who has such a feeling, even without looking at his watch, always knows what time it is, always accurately calculates his time and therefore manages to do everything, is never in a hurry, and is never late for anything.

“The habit of an accurate hour is the habit of exact demands on oneself.”(). There are always people who complain that they don't have enough time for anything. There is only one way to get rid of this disaster: to establish strict control over the passage of time. To learn how to save time, it is useful to keep track of time, that is, over the course of several days, accurately record what hours and minutes are spent outside of school. You will then look through these recordings and immediately see how you can tighten your workday and reduce wasted time.

Observe daily regime.

One must look at the day as a small life. But so that this little life does not pass without a trace, so that it is filled with rich content, a daily routine is necessary.

It is impossible to follow a daily routine if it is copied from a book or from a friend. Be sure to develop a daily routine yourself, taking into account individual characteristics, interests and hobbies, household chores. In particular, it should be borne in mind that according to their life rhythm, people are divided into “larks” and “night owls”: the former are most productive in the morning, the latter in the evening. The daily routine should include time not only for work, but also for rest.

When developing your individual daily routine, you can be guided (but not copy!) by the following approximate recommendations:

Wake up 7.00

Exercise, toilet 7.00 – 7.30

Breakfast 7.30 – 7.50

Road to school 7.50 – 8.20

School classes 8.30 – 14.30

The way home from school 14.30 – 15.00

Lunch 15.00 – 15.30

Outdoor walk 15.30 – 17.00

Doing homework 17.00 – 20.00

Dinner, free activities 20.00 – 21.00

Getting ready for bed 21.30 – 22.00

Sleep 22.00 – 7.00

Of course, there are unforeseen circumstances (illness, some urgent matter) that force one to violate the daily routine, but such violations are considered as exceptions that only confirm the general rule.

Constantly monitor your academic work in class and at home, as if watching yourself from the outside. Do you listen carefully to the teacher? Do extraneous thoughts distract you when reading a textbook? Do you understand the material being studied? Do you remember it? Can you practically apply the acquired knowledge? And as soon as you notice that you are not working as you should, immediately take the necessary measures to eliminate “ emergency situation" The following self-control techniques are especially useful: see if you can make a plan for the teacher’s story or paragraph in the textbook; answer the questions in the textbook; using reverse actions, check the correctness of the solution to the mathematical problem; correct your own mistakes in written work; compare your work with other, exemplary work; try to retell to yourself the material you have studied or explain it to your friend.

The great commander Suvorov said: “A careless person does everything twice.” Systematically exercised self-control over your studies will help prevent such useless double expenditure of effort and time, negligence and laxity.

Combine study work with relaxation.

The basis of the rest that everyone needs to the human body, and especially the brain, - sleep. You cannot increase your working hours at the expense of sleep, because you will lose more than you gain. But you can’t lie in bed either. A popular proverb says: “Sleeping a lot means living a little.” The normal sleep duration for schoolchildren is 8–9 hours.

Rest breaks should also be taken during the working day. At school, breaks between lessons are used for relaxation.

And during homework, you also need to arrange “breaks” approximately every 45 minutes. Micro-pauses of 1–2 minutes relieve fatigue well, if you do several gymnastic exercises. Switching from one type of work to another helps reduce fatigue. To freshen your head, it is useful to wash your face cold water, leave the house for a few minutes (even a ten-minute stay in the air increases blood oxygen saturation by 8%).

The daily routine also includes time for long rest. But rest is not idleness. Doctors have calculated that after entering school physical activity is reduced by half. That is why sports and outdoor games are so necessary. Doing what you love also serves as relaxation. Exploring the wonderful world of art also helps to relax: good music, an exciting movie, reading fiction, etc.

How to develop attention.

Attention is a person's ability to concentrate on something.

How developed attention is is judged by several indicators: how many objects a person can simultaneously perceive; how long attention can remain focused on the same object; Is attention switching quickly from one object to another? how many objects a person can simultaneously keep in his field of attention.

How can you develop this? valuable quality– ability to be attentive?

Use all types of attention in your work.

Involuntary is called attention that arises by itself, without any effort on the part of a person.

But very often in the course of any activity it is necessary arbitrary attention, that is, one that does not arise by itself, but as a result of volitional effort. In class, it often happens that you have to study material that does not arouse interest, but you understand the need to study it and therefore force yourself to be attentive.

If you gradually become interested in the content of the lesson, you no longer need to maintain your attention by force. This is how it arises post-voluntary attention.

Focus on the work at hand.

To be attentive, you must first of all internally tune in to the upcoming work, that is, realize its necessity and set a specific goal. For example, if you have to re-read the same paragraph of a textbook, then in order to maintain attention, it is advisable to set yourself a new task before each re-reading: read the first time for general familiarization, the second - to highlight the main points, the third - to consolidate them in memory.

You also need to concentrate externally on the work ahead: sit straight at your desk and look into the teacher’s face, and not out the window; take a seat at your home desk, rather than lying down on the sofa with a textbook. Figuratively speaking, you need to give yourself the command: “Attention!”

Don't allow yourself to be distracted from the work you started.

It is most difficult to maintain your attention at the beginning of work, when you have not yet become involved in it. This requires considerable willpower.

You need to be especially careful about maintaining attention when reading a book that does not arouse interest.

And when not only the eyes work, but also the voice, that is, when the student reads the textbook out loud, it becomes even easier to deceive both himself and those around him. Since the eyes read, it seems that we are working, although the pages are turned over without any attention to their content. That is why you need to constantly monitor whether your thoughts have wandered away from the book.

The following techniques help to maintain attention during educational work: drawing up a plan of the material being studied; asking yourself questions that require thinking; switching from one type of educational work to another. Retelling the text you read is very useful.

You should study in such an environment that there are as few temptations as possible to be distracted from work. But you cannot demand absolute silence. If there is a little noise, you have to strain your attention a little, this tension is useful, not harmful, it helps you concentrate.

Special training exercises help develop the ability not to be distracted from the work you have started: for example, by force of will, force yourself to read a book carefully, despite the fact that at that time there is an interesting film on television.

The basis of attention is understanding.

Attention is drawn only to the material being studied that is understandable. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehend it as deeply and comprehensively as possible. You can force yourself to be attentive even if the perceived material is not yet clear, but you persistently try to understand it.

Interest increases attention.

If you know how to solve problems and therefore solve them with pleasure and interest, it is difficult to tear yourself away from this work. And if solving problems is a painful and boring task for you, you will be glad for any reason to take your mind off it. When a person is passionate about work that interests him, his attention to it is so steady that, as they say, he sees nothing and hears nothing. Therefore, remember: the more interest you take in your work, the more stable your attention to it will be.

Memory and its development.

Memory is the ability of our brain to store various information and reproduce it.

The level of memory development is characterized by volume - the amount of material that a person is able to remember; accuracy – the ability to accurately reproduce it; longevity – duration of its storage in memory; efficiency – the ability to remember it when the need arises.

Many schoolchildren, explaining the reasons for their poor performance, complain about memory. But bad memory it was not given to them from birth. She became like this because she was not developed enough.

Numerous examples can be cited that indicate what high level achieves memory development. They claim that great commander Alexander the Great knew by sight all his soldiers of the thirty thousand army. The Russian academician memorized a table of logarithms consisting of 9 thousand multi-digit numbers. Professor Geesterman from Germany spoke 132 foreign languages. The famous Russian chess player Alekhine played “blind” on 40 boards simultaneously. Of course, only a few have such an excellent memory. But the memory needed for successful studies, can be developed by any student.

To do this, you need to know and apply several basic rules in your academic work.

Understand why you need to remember the material you are studying.

Psychologists have found that if two groups of people are given the same text to memorize, but the first group is first explained why this text needs to be memorized, then this group will remember the text much better. And the more important the goal, the faster and stronger the memorization occurs.

A person has short-term and long-term memory.

It is especially important to focus on long-term memorization before the exam, otherwise soon after the exam everything you have memorized will be forgotten. The importance of such an attitude is evidenced by an experiment: students were asked to memorize two stories, warning that the memorization of the first one would be tested the next day, and the second one later. long time; a month later it turned out that the students remembered the second story much better than the first.

The better you understand, the better you will remember.

Memory works in everyday life involuntary: We remember a lot without any effort on our part. But memory is often tedious for studying free which only works when we deliberately want to remember something. Memorization will be much better if we understand the material we are studying, rather than mechanically memorizing it. As you can see, this rule is general for both memorization and attention.

Psychology has established that meaningful memorization is 25 times more productive than memorization mechanical. But in the learning process, there is often a need to use mechanical memory (for example, to memorize historical dates).

The more you work with the educational material, the better you will remember it.

If the material being studied requires re-reading 2-3 times in order to understand and memorize it, then each time you should not only re-read it, but also actively work to assimilate it. This means that you need to highlight the main thing in the material being studied, compare it with previously covered material, apply the acquired knowledge in practice, etc. Drawing up a plan almost doubles your memorization. In most cases, you need to know the text of a textbook not by heart, but in such a way as to be able to retell it in a revised form, that is, in your own words.

The more mental work invested, the stronger the memorization. And what is easily learned is easily forgotten.

Use in your studies different kinds memory.

Depending on the content of the material being remembered, memory is of two types: figurative - remembering what we see, hear, feel; semantic – memorizing thoughts, reasoning, meanings of words and symbols (mathematical, chemical, etc.).

Depending on the sense organs used, memory is divided into visual, auditory, and motor. Combined memory is usually found: visual-auditory or visual-motor. Everyone needs to know which type of memory is better developed. For memorization to be most successful, you need to combine different types of memory, for example, reading and then repeating what you read out loud.

What makes you feel something is more memorable.

Consolidate the learning material in your memory as quickly as possible.

There is a wise saying: “Repetition is the mother of learning.” And the sooner the material learned in class is repeated at home, the better it will be remembered. During the first day, 25% of the material is usually remembered, and over the next month - only 16%.

Not only read, but also retell the material you are studying.

After repeated reading, one often gets the impression that memorization of the material has been achieved. But this impression is deceptive. If, after reading, you try to retell what you read, active recall occurs, which contributes to memorization. Psychologists conducted the following experiment: one group of students was asked to read the text four times in a row; another group read this text twice and retold it twice; As a result, students in the first group remembered 30% of the text after 24 hours, and students in the second group remembered 78%.

Memorize large text by heart, not immediately, but intermittently.

The value of this recommendation was confirmed by the following experience: in order to learn a poem right away, the student needed to repeat it 16 times; and to memorize the same poem over four days, it took only 8 repetitions.

Apply the rule of reliability: after making sure that you already remember the text you are learning, recite it by heart three more times - then you can be sure that you will remember it for a long time.

Material that does not require much work to understand (excerpts from works of fiction, place names, historical dates, etc.) is better remembered if it is repeated before bed.

Use mnemonic techniques.

Mnemonics are artificial techniques that facilitate memorization.

If you compose and remember a word from the first letters of poetic lines, it is not difficult to recall these lines themselves. Having remembered the phrase “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits,” it is easy to list all the colors of the solar spectrum in the required sequence. However, mnemonics techniques cannot, of course, replace meaningful memorization; they play only a supporting role and are used relatively rarely.

How to behave in class.

Prepare for each lesson.

It has been rightly noted: when you come to class with your homework completed, you want to sing with joy. A good mood e before lessons will certainly contribute to successful academic work.

It is also important psychological preparation to lessons. If you go to school without fear of failing; If you study not only because you are forced to study, but because studying gives you the joy of learning, then you will go to school as if it were a holiday.

You need to come to school not before the bell, but 15-20 minutes before the start of the first lesson. Try this and you will see that on this day you will feel more confident and calm.

Of course, it is impossible to do your homework well either before the first lesson or during breaks. But you can once again look at the plan written in your notebook or some difficult place in the textbook, check the correctness of the solution to the problem, and ask a friend for help. In this case, it is necessary not to mechanically rewrite his solution, but to ask him to explain how such problems should be solved.

And everything necessary for the lesson must be prepared in advance. If you start preparing for class after the bell rings, you will ruin the beginning of your school work.

Mentally answer together with the called student.

You need to train yourself to closely monitor the progress of the survey. The called student talks about something, and at this time you must not only consolidate already known material in your memory, but also think about how you would construct your answer: what other facts would you include in it, how would you change its sequence, what would you do? conclusion. You can even give yourself a mark (just don’t overestimate it!) 09. By working in this way during a knowledge test, you will always be ready to make the necessary corrections and additions, to answer questions that the teacher will pose to the answering student or to the whole class.

A valuable form of work is reviewing the response of the called student (orally or in writing). You need to review a friend’s answer in such a way as not to offend him.

How to review a student's answer in class:

1) was the material presented consistently, according to plan?

2) was the answer complete enough?

3) were the explanations convincing?

4) has a general conclusion been made?

5) what mistakes were made?

6) was the student’s speech literate and expressive?

Depending on the academic subject During the review, attention is paid to other specific requirements: does the student remember the theorem, has he read piece of art, can he work with geographical map and so on.

You have been called to answer...

A good, detailed answer is a small, but independent work of the student, and, therefore, it always generates a feeling of creative joy. At the same time, this is also self-control, since only by answering the question posed can you see the results of your educational work. It is during the answer that one develops the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts, convincingly prove the correctness of the opinions expressed, and figuratively describe the phenomena under consideration.

There are some schoolchildren whose shyness prevents them from answering well. To overcome shyness, it is useful to retell the studied material in front of a mirror at home, watching your facial expressions and gestures, trying to behave calmly and confidently. Pay special attention to developing a plan for your answer: where do you start? In what order will you cover the main questions? How will you draw the final conclusion? When going to the board, use the technique of self-hypnosis: tell yourself: “I am calm, I am confident that I can answer well,” while taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. When you are asked an additional question, you should not be afraid, but try to understand what exactly the teacher is asking, and only then, after thinking, answer. After the teacher marks you, analyze your answer yourself, identify all its pros and cons. You can get rid of shyness much faster if you tell your friends something more often.

It is also important to treat marks correctly. It’s bad if a student is indifferent to grades of three and two. But things are also bad when a good mark becomes main goal. The goal must be seen in the study itself - in mastering knowledge and skills.

Learning new material.

It is necessary not only to listen carefully to the teacher, but also to comprehend what he says: highlight and remember the main thing, use existing knowledge to master new material, think together with the teacher about the causes of the phenomena being studied, compare them with other phenomena, etc. Opportunity for such active mental activity is ensured by the fact that the student thinks many times faster than the teacher speaks. If descriptive material is presented, then you need to use your imagination to help, that is, visually imagine what the teacher is describing. While listening to a story about a battle in a history lesson, imagine what the soldiers were wearing, what they were armed with, how they fought; when describing the desert or taiga in a geography lesson, try to imagine yourself as a traveler; During a literature lesson, mentally create a portrait of the hero of the work you are studying. The material presented by the teacher will be better understood if it evokes some feelings in you: for example, admiration for courage, the bitterness of defeat, hatred of executioners.

The ability to listen should be supported by the ability to independently draw up a lesson plan as the teacher presents it. This helps to identify and assimilate the main issues of the new material. Thanks for help recording auditory memory Other types of it also come - visual, motor.

Actively participate in class discussions.

Take each teacher's question as if it were being posed not to the whole class, but to you personally. Think about the content of the questions posed and try to understand the connections between them. Answer the question briefly, but completely and accurately. Complete the answers of other students, correct the mistakes they made. If different points of view have been expressed on any issue, think about which of them you consider more correct and justify your opinion.

It is very valuable if, during the conversation, you provide some data gleaned not from the textbook, but from other sources - books, newspapers, television programs, the Internet, etc.

At the end of the lesson, listen carefully to your homework and teacher's advice. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them to your teacher or friend.

Can you do homework?

Understand the importance and purpose of homework.

Sometimes they ask: “Is it possible to study at school without homework?” Let's try to understand this issue...

It is known that in the classroom the material being studied cannot be equally deeply and firmly assimilated by all students. Some did not understand the teacher’s explanation, while others understood everything, but immediately forgot everything; one student remembers what he hears well, while another has a better visual memory. In lessons there is usually not enough time to complete a sufficient number of exercises to develop a particular skill. In most cases, at school the student works under the direct supervision of a teacher, and at home he works independently, which especially contributes to the formation of the skills necessary for self-education. It is also important that at home there is an opportunity to read additional literature, solve a problem of increased difficulty, perform an experiment that interests you, etc.

This proposed simple technique of self-hypnosis also helps to arouse interest in homework. Rub your hands as if anticipating pleasure, smile (this is the most important thing!) and say to yourself: “I really want to be well prepared for the upcoming lessons. I will work with passion so that this work becomes joyful for me.”

Well, what if you need to complete assignments in a subject you don’t like? Is it possible to create a desire to study it? Yes, you can. To do this, you need to pay more attention to this particular subject: the more effort you put into studying it, the more your interest in it will increase.

It also happens: I couldn’t make myself want to sit down and do my homework. What to do in this case? Then there is only one thing left: by the power of will “to take yourself by the collar” and sit you down at the table. And in the process of work, interest in it arises. No wonder they say: “Appetite comes with eating.”

It is also important to understand the purpose of each homework. For example: learn the proof of a theorem explained in class and practically apply it to solve relevant problems, find out the prerequisites for education centralized state in France, etc. Achieving set goals is much more effective work than forced “learning of lessons.”

Follow the rules of academic work.

The simplest and at the same time the most difficult rule: when you start work, do not allow yourself to be distracted from it. Otherwise, you will look like the student Agnia Barto talks about in one of her poems:

Seryozha took his notebook - He was, of course, a goalkeeper,

I decided to learn my lessons: I didn’t come home soon.

Ozera began to repeat the clock around four o'clock

And mountains in the east. He remembered about the lakes.

But just then the fitter arrived, (...)

Seryozha started the conversation But then Alyosha, the younger brother,

About traffic jams, about wiring. Serezhin broke his scooter.

A minute later the mechanic knew, I had to repair two wheels

How to jump from a boat, on this scooter.

(...) He fiddled with it for half an hour.

But suddenly he saw in the window, And by the way, he took a ride.

That the yard is dry and clean, But here is Serezha’s notebook

That the rain stopped a long time ago. It’s open for the tenth time.

And the football players came out. – How many questions they began to ask! -

He put down his notebook - Suddenly he said angrily. -

The lakes can wait. I'm still reading the book

And still haven’t learned the lakes!

Beginning homework, you need to decide in what sequence it is best to complete tasks: oral ones should alternate with written ones; Having completed a task in a subject, you should move on to a subject that is less similar to the previous one (for example, after mathematics, take history, and after history, physics). Anyone who is slow to get involved in work should start with the easiest task; if you don’t need a “buildup”, immediately take on the most difficult task. And of course, it is unreasonable to prepare conscientiously only for those subjects for which you have not yet been called: firstly, you should not study for the sake of a grade; secondly, the teacher may call again and then you will look very pitiful.

Under no circumstances should you mechanically memorize the text of the paragraph assigned for homework. Remember that the basis of memorization is understanding. When reading a paragraph, you should highlight the main ideas, remember the material studied, the knowledge of which is required for assimilation new topic; Special attention one should pay attention to the explanation of the described phenomena; highlight in the text specific examples. Facts that help you understand the main content of the paragraph, but which do not need to be memorized. When you encounter an unfamiliar word, find out what it means: find an explanation of this term in the paragraphs you have already completed or in reference books, ask your teacher.

If any notes were taken during the lesson on the topic being studied, they must be reviewed before reading the corresponding paragraph of the textbook - this will help you remember the teacher’s presentation of this topic. If there was no plan during the lesson. It is useful to draw up such a plan - orally or in writing - at home. If you remember the plan, you will be able to remember all the other material.

To remember the text of a textbook, you do not need to read it several times in a row, but retell it, looking at the textbook only when you cannot remember a particular position. The material learned in class will be better remembered if it is memorized on the same day.

Sometimes a situation arises: you are struggling, struggling with a problem, but you cannot solve it. Not

get upset, put the task aside and do other work. And after a while, pick it up again, you will probably be able to crack this hard nut.

Use all the richness of the textbook.

It is necessary to refer to the table of contents of the textbook more often and memorize it well, since the table of contents reflects the plan of the course being studied, i.e. the plan of your academic work to study it. The headings inside the paragraph also represent its outline. In the text of a paragraph, the main provisions are often highlighted in special fonts: bold, italic, digitized.

A big mistake is made by those students who do not pay attention to the questions and assignments given at the end of the textbook, since they are intended to ensure deeper and more lasting learning. educational material. It is useful to familiarize yourself with them not after, but before reading the corresponding paragraph: in this case, reading will be more productive, since you already know what exactly you should pay attention to.

An important part of the textbook is illustrative materials, drawings, diagrams, photographs, etc. d.

Each illustration should be carefully examined; they complement and deepen the knowledge gained from reading the text, and contribute to their imaginative perception.

Systematically use the information provided in the textbook. reference material: dictionaries of new terms, statistical data, chronological tables and etc.

Check your homework yourself.

During the lesson, the teacher checks the results of your academic work. And at home you are your own teacher. Therefore, you need to check it yourself. Otherwise, you will never know whether you are ready or not ready for the upcoming lesson.

Exercise self-control not only after finishing work, but also directly during work in order to immediately correct mistakes. It is important not only to detect the error, but also to eliminate its cause. If, say, mistakes are often made due to ignorance of a grammatical rule, then you need to repeat this rule and remember it. A valuable self-control technique is retelling the material being studied; but, as already noted, you must try to retell it in your own words. Sometimes you can limit yourself to restoring in memory only the outline of the topic being studied. The main form of self-control is the application of acquired knowledge and skills in practice: for solving problems, for performing various educational exercises and tasks. It is necessary to test your knowledge and skills not only in the process of mastering them, but also after some time in order to determine the strength of memorization and restore forgotten things in memory.

General methods of educational work.

NOT, i.e. scientific organization labor is needed in any business, since only in this way can the best results be achieved with the least amount of time and effort. This also applies to such important and complex work as academic work.

In order to ensure the scientific organization of work, it is first necessary to master its methods.

Class hour

"Time is our wealth"

Target: upbringing careful attitude to your own time.

Tasks: teach how to rationally distribute your activities, plan your day, and “save” time.

Equipment: computer, multimedia board, presentation

Form: conversation

Event plan:

  1. Immersion in the topic - a sense of time.
  2. The pricelessness of time.
  3. Individual work schedule and daily routine.
  4. Achieving your goals means asserting yourself.
  5. Let's sum it up

Technology education based systematic approach, collaborative pedagogy, ICT

Classroom teacher:We must remember the sayings of the sage: “Time is the fabric from which life is woven.”

How many years should a person live? Scientists say that on average it is no less than 100. Why is human life expectancy 2-3 times less? There are a lot of reasons. And one of them is the inability to choose the right profession, to determine life path taking into account your inclinations and abilities. As a result, mastering the profession is slow and late, and not everyone achieves mastery in it. Hence dissatisfaction and various diseases.

Human capabilities are great. As a result of systematic, purposeful, organized labor you can achieve a lot. However, as research has shown, even talented people often achieve little if they do not know how to value time. And vice versa, many people, even those who do not have outstanding abilities, manage to achieve great success in life if they take care of time and properly organize their work and their lives.

Many people waste their precious time. They live as they please, going with the flow, lead a chaotic lifestyle, do not use their capabilities and abilities, and put off many important matters for the future. It is no coincidence that the Roman philosopher Seneca remarked: “While we are going to live, life passes.”

The main reason why precious time is lost is disorganization, excessive fuss, inability to plan your work, or build your life correctly.

You need to learn to take care of your own and other people’s time already at school, since these are the years of not only learning, but also the formation of personality, preparation for later life.

The clock sounds (can be recorded).

Pupil: We open our oral magazine “A minute saves an hour.” The first page of the magazine is entitled “The Price of a Minute.”

The value of time has now increased significantly as the flow of information has increased. It’s not for nothing that Americans often use the expression “Time is money.” However, today we hear more and more often: time is more valuable than money. In a certain sense, this is true: well, if a person has lost or had some amount stolen from him, of course, he is offended, but what he lost can be earned again. But the wasted, wasted time cannot be returned.

There is a very instructive poem on the page of our magazine. Let's listen to him.

The pupils come out and read one quatrain.

The clock is counting the seconds,

They are counting the minutes.

The watch won't let you down

Who saves time?

Who knows how to live by the clock?

And appreciates every hour,

This is not necessary in the morning

Wake up ten times.

And he won't talk

Why is he too lazy to get up?

Do exercises, wash hands

And make the bed.

He will have time to get dressed on time,

Wash and eat

And before the bell rings,

Sit at a desk at school.

Friendship with watches is good!

Work, rest!

Do your homework slowly

And don't forget the books!

Kindergarten 2: People value time, and they determine it by the clock. In different eras they used at different times. Sometimes they say: “A lot of water has flown under the bridge since then,” and we understand that a lot of time has passed. And they say this because in ancient times there were water clocks. They were arranged in the form of two communicating vessels. Time was recognized by how much water flowed from one vessel to another.

An hourglass was built like a water clock: sand gradually poured from the upper vessel into the lower one. In the old days, ships used clocks called flasks. The sailor on duty at this clock announced the time every half hour by striking the bell - “beating the bells.” Later, mechanical and then electronic watches appeared.

Sometimes the time is determined by the striking of the clock. This is where the old expression “beats the clock” comes from. Time cannot be killed, i.e. carry it out to no avail. It is important to develop a sense of time, to learn to use every hour, every minute wisely.

A person who knows how to appreciate even a second can achieve a lot. Let's remember what we said about time famous people. Their sayings are in our magazine.(Slide 2).

“You can always find enough time if you use it well” (I. - W. Goethe)

“Whoever does not know how to use his time wisely is the first to complain about its lack” (J. La Bruyère)

“The good use of time makes time even more precious” (J. - J. Rousseau)

“Order liberates thought” (R. Descartes)

“A careless person does everything twice” (A.V. Suvorov)

“They get tired and exhausted not so much because they work hard, but because they work poorly” (N.E. Vvedensky)

Student 1: We hope these sayings make you in a new way relate to time.

The work of the clock does not stop for a second, time flows continuously. Let's listen silently for a minute(includes chronometer). See how long it is!

Our article will tell you how much one minute “costs”.A student comes out and says:

Loss of one minute of working time in production sector equal to the loss of the results of a day's labor of 200 thousand people.

In one minute, industrial products are produced - 1.4 million rubles; electricity – by 2.7 million kW/hour, gas – 1019 thousand cubic meters. meters, 22 thousand sq. meters of fabric; 7 different brands of cars, 2700 books.

Look, guys, how many necessary things can be done in just 60 seconds.The clock strikes again.

Kindergarten 2: The next page of our oral journal “Who stole Egorka’s time?”

The pupils perform a pre-prepared scene.


We know time is stretchable,

It is the envy of

What kind of content

You fill it up.

There are times when he has stagnation,

And sometimes it flows

Unloaded, empty,

Counting hours and days in vain.

Let the intervals be uniform,

What separates our days,

But, putting them on the scales,

We find long moments

And very short hours.

Boy: Once upon a time there lived an ordinary student whose name was Yegorka. It's me.

Girl1: Our Yegorka is crying bitterly...

Girl2: Our Yegorka is not happy...

Boy: I don’t have enough days to do my homework!

Girl3: If only it were a day, even a week...

Boy: Then it would be a different matter! Friends wouldn't laugh. Then I would do everything myself.

Girl4: Swept the floor?

Girl1: Did you wash the dishes?

Boy: I would make the bed myself.

Girl2: If only the day had been a week.

Boy: I would like to go to school myself.

Girl3: I drank coffee and didn’t get burned.

Girl4: Because of haste, for example, I didn’t solve the example a hundred times.

Boy: I'd like to go on a slide.

Girl1: Egorka would have a good life.

Boy: Well, at least by an hour, our day would be longer.

Girl2: We agree with him without dispute: Yegor’s day is not enough!

Girl3: Didn't finish so many things!

Girl4: But where is he going with his time?

Girl1: Look, Yegor woke up.(Egor jumps on one leg without a sock)

Girl2: It took me half an hour to find my lost sock.

Boy: Never have them in place!

Girl3: He doesn't put his socks together.

Boy: Where's the belt?

Girl4: In his search, he was knocked off his feet.

Girl1: Our Yegor was looking for notebooks.

Girl2: The briefcase played hide and seek with him.

Girl3: What kind of game is there if it’s time to run to class?

Girl4: Our Yegor has been crying since morning...

Girl1: Let Yegorka roar bitterly.

Girl2: We don't feel sorry for him at all.

Girl3: The thief did not go to Yegor

All girls: Egor himself stole time.

Kindergarten2: Does this happen to you? Do you know how to value time? Who can explain the expression: “Time is our wealth”?(Students explain the meaning of time.)Do you know sayings and proverbs about the value of time? (Students call and).But how our ancestors valued time is evidenced by several more proverbs on the page of our magazine(Slide 4):

  1. If you miss a minute, you will lose an hour.
  2. Time is a treasure for those who know its value.
  3. It's time to have fun.
  4. A lost thing can be found, but lost time can never be found.
  5. Time is gone - happiness is gone.
  6. A minute saves an hour.
  7. Order saves time.
  8. When starting a business, think about the end.

Student 1: There are, as we know, 24 hours in a day. Eight hours for sleep, another eight for school. Eight more to go. How much can you get done in this time? A lot of. During these 480 minutes you will have time to learn lessons, take a walk, go to training or a club. You will manage everything if you organize your time correctly. Let us introduce you to ways to save time.

Student 3: I really don't want to get up in the morning. But you still have to get up. Therefore, do not imitate the ostrich, who... To hide from danger, he buries his head in the sand. Get up right away, don't feel sorry for yourself.

Prepare for the morning in the evening. The most thankless task is getting ready in a hurry in the morning, looking for school supplies or wondering what to wear.

A lot of time is spent looking for things that are out of place. Therefore, everything should have its place. Once you get used to keeping your things in order, you will be surprised how much extra time you have.

Do not waste time on long empty conversations on the phone or in a company. Especially during the time that is reserved for doing homework. Judge for yourself: you’ve just concentrated to think about a task or an exercise when suddenly the phone rings. We talked for fifteen minutes. Now we need to start all over again. It’s easier to notify in advance what time they can call you just to chat.

Exercising for 5-6 hours straight without a break is harmful and ineffective. After an hour and a half, give yourself a break. But try to relax, not by lying on the couch, but by moving. Do some exercises to correct your posture or simply dance to soft music.

Don't spend time staring at the TV screen, clicking buttons with the remote control. Using your computer wisely will also save time and protect your health.

Kindergarten 2: So, let's summarize. What does it mean to save time?those present name, and the presenter summarizes what was named):do not lie in bed in the morning; in the evening, prepare everything you need in the morning; assign each item a specific place; Don’t have endless conversations on the phone and relax actively, don’t get carried away computer games. If you follow our recommendations, you will see. That the day will become longer.

Classroom teacher:Let's open the next page of our magazine “We are visiting today.”

We invited our school nurse, who will tell us about the student's daily routine. And since you will soon have to pass the exam, then about the regime and proper nutrition during preparation for the final certification.(Speech by a nurse).

Thank you for the interesting, useful and necessary advice. Let's hope that the guys listened to you carefully and, in the future, will follow your advice or adhere to your recommendations.

Kindergarten 2: (The clock sounds)Here in Once again time lets you know. That it is inexorably leaving. And the time has come for us to open the last page of our magazine - “Scientific Organization of Labor (NOT) - Magic power" Our correspondent Olya Potorochina will talk about it.

Correspondent: One wise man said: “If you give a person one fish, he will eat for one day. If you give two fish, you will be fed for two days. And if you teach a person to fish, he will be fed for the rest of his life.”

In many ways, if a person wants to achieve success in work or study, the scientific organization of work will help. NOTE provides, first of all, correct use time, the ability to appreciate every minute.

It is known that the less time and labor spent on the production of something. The cheaper it is. That is why the industrial revolution in countries such as Japan, Thailand, and Korea began with clear planning, taking into account every second used in production. That is why these countries have a highly developed industry and a high standard of living.

If you want to get a lot done, follow these rules(Slide5):

  • Get yourself ready for work.
  • Prepare your work area.
  • Establish a specific work routine.
  • Get to work right away.
  • Treat it with great responsibility.
  • Work hard, but don't overwork yourself.
  • Alternate between different activities.
  • Prevent or eliminate possible interference in your work.
  • Do not take frequent breaks from mental work.
  • Work daily, systematically, but not to the point of overwork.
  • Organize your vacation wisely.

Following these rules along with maintaining a daily routine will help you guys spend your time wisely, avoid overload and improve your academic performance.

Student 3: The editor of the magazine received a question: “I try to maintain a daily routine. But I still can’t do as advised. They say that I am a night owl. What does it mean?"

Let's ask a school psychologist to answer this question.(school psychologist speaking).

Our oral journal is finished, but the clock ticks and life goes on. In youth it seems endless, and many teenagers and young adults procrastinate. And suddenly one day they discover that most of their life has already been lived. They did not have time to do what they wanted in life. They begin to justify themselves or blame others for it. But they themselves are to blame for this. They always had a catastrophic lack of time, because they preferred to spend it in front of the TV screen, computer monitor, aimless “hanging out” with friends, etc.

Classroom teacher:We will be glad if our oral journal made someone take a fresh look at their own and other people's time. We are confident that the advice of the school nurse and psychologist will help you in preparing for lessons and final certification.The clock strikes and everyone disperses.

"The Tale of Lost Time" is a book by Soviet writer Evgeny Schwartz and an animated film of the same name. The author, trying to reach people, says with the whole plot of his fairy tale: “Don’t waste your time, it won’t come back!”
Although it is the longest, it is also the shortest in our world.
It flows fast and slow.
Without it, not a single thing in the world happens.
Time is our treasure, which we do not value and waste.
By saving time, we can become real creators, as we will have time to develop our personality.

An instructive story about how a boy Petya Zubov loved to kill time - idle, play pranks and be late for school. And so Petya’s lost time flowed away from him to the swindlers-sorcerers. The boy instantly turned into an old man, and now his friends and family do not recognize him. Now, together with three other “old men” - fellow sufferers - Petya must get into the very lair of the wizards and regain his lost youth. And the main thing is to learn a serious lesson from this story!

“The Tale of Lost Time” is a film based on the fairy tale by Evgeniy Schwartz. Filmed in 1964.

Initially, the film adaptation of “The Tale of Lost Time” was conceived by director Tamara Lisitsian: a script was written, a storyboard was made and actors were selected. However, during the preparatory period of filming, despite promises from the management to launch the film, the film was “given” to Ptushko.

“The Tale of Lost Time” is the only film by Alexander Ptushko shot using modern material. This film starred the dog Druzhok, who later played in the film “ The film is a fairy tale about how evil wizards, having collected time wasted by lazy people and slackers, become children, and children turn into old people.

Audio tale “The Tale of Lost Time”, E. Schwartz The Tale of Lost Time is an audio tale by Evgeniy Schwartz. You can download any audio fairy tale for free in mp3 or listen to it on the website without restrictions.

Evgeniy Lvovich Schwartz (1896 - 1958), prose writer, playwright. Born on October 9 (21 NS) in Kazan in the family of a doctor.
The great Soviet storyteller Evgeny Schwartz is remembered for his stunningly kind and realistic presentations of famous fairy tales. From his pen more than 20 fairy-tale plays were produced for puppet and drama theaters. Also, many feature films and one animated film were made based on his scripts.
All his life, Schwartz kept diaries, setting himself the goal of “learning to write the truth.”

  • To instill in students a responsible attitude towards their own and other people’s time.
  • To equip students with rational methods of educational work and time management.
  • Equipment:

    • poster with theme name class hour; stand "Working minute" (figures, facts showing the price of one minute of the country, posters with statements famous people, For example:
      • “The happiness of the future of humanity lies only in knowledge” (A.P. Chekhov); “Life lies in the eternal effort to know more” (E. Zola);
      • “They get tired and exhausted not so much because they work hard, but because they work poorly” (N. E. Vvedensky, famous physiologist); “A careless person does everything twice” (A. V. Suvorov);
      • “Whoever does not know how to use his time wisely is the first to complain about its lack” (Jean de Labruyère);
      • “There is no force more powerful than knowledge” (A. M. Gorky), etc.;
    • wall newspaper "How we organize our educational work" with approximate headings:
      • “How to save a minute” (results of lesson timing),
      • “How we prepare lessons” (results of a raid on schoolchildren’s apartments),
      • "My daily routine"
      • “Create yourself” (about the role of self-education, some techniques for cultivating the will, developing attention, etc.),
      • “What we read” (analysis of students’ reading forms),
      • "Advice from subject teachers on NOT issues",
      • "Doctor's Advice"
      • “Read these books” (recommendation list of literature on issues of self-organization), etc.;
    • exhibition of books, poster "Conditions of reasonable work and rest."

    Classroom preparation.

    1. Inform students about the topic of the class.
    2. Help a group of children prepare short messages on the topics: “My daily routine”, “How I prepare homework”, “How I use every minute of the lesson”, “One minute of my Motherland”, “My free time. How I use it”, “How I cultivate the will”, “How I develop memory”, etc.
    3. Members of the educational commission are instructed to conduct timekeeping of individual lessons and conduct raids on schoolchildren’s apartments.
    4. Library activists are invited to analyze students’ reading forms and organize an exhibition of books.
    5. Instruct the class editorial board to prepare a special issue of the wall newspaper.
    6. Invite a group of children to select statements of famous people, proverbs, sayings about the role of knowledge, about proper organization labor.
    7. Invite parents, a doctor, etc. to a class hour.
    8. Offer students a range of questions and assignments on the topic of the class lesson:

    Proverbs and sayings.

    • Order saves time.
    • Establish order - he will move on himself.
    • If you miss a minute, you'll lose an hour.
    • Take care of a second - this is where you begin to gain time.
    • Time for business, time for fun.
    • Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
    • Learning is better than wealth.
    • The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
    • Learning to read and write is always useful.
    • Without science it’s like without hands.
    • When starting a business, think about the end.

    Why do we say “time is our wealth”? Analyze your daily routine: does it help you spend your time wisely?

    Time your working day and look for lost minutes.

    Select materials from newspapers and magazines about NOTES in various sectors of the national economy.

    Interview parents, acquaintances, and friends about their rational use of work and free time.

    Approximate content of a class hour.

    The teacher announces the topic of the class hour, briefly talks about what time is and why it must be protected.

    Time is the score by which a person’s learning, work, and good deeds are assessed. The value of time has now increased significantly because people's time is filled with big and significant things. We often count time not by years, hours, but by minutes.

    Often precious time is lost due to disorganization, excessive fuss, and inability to use it rationally. You need to learn to take care of your own and other people’s time already at school, since adolescence is not only the years of learning, but also the time of personality formation, preparation for work, this is the period of greatest flexibility and receptivity. Let's analyze: do we know how to calculate our time, correctly alternate work and rest, do we realize the value of a minute? Let's try to learn how to properly manage time, learn how to study.

    The ability to appreciate every minute is especially important these days, when the pace of life and work accelerates, and the amount of information and knowledge increases.

    Learning to learn is the most important task of today's student.

    Popular wisdom says: “If you give a person one fish, he will be fed for one day. If you give two fish, he will be fed for two days. And if you teach a person to fish, he will be fed for the rest of his life.”

    In order to develop the skills of thoughtful work, you need to learn a lot (correctly draw up plans, notes, work with books, newspapers, write essays, speak correctly, etc.), seriously engage in self-education (cultivate will, attention, develop memory, imagination, etc.).

    Rational distribution of time is facilitated by periodic timing of your working day: determine how much time is spent on homework, lunch, reading newspapers, talking on the phone, looking for the right textbook, notebook, etc., how much time was lost in class.

    At the end of the working day, it is necessary to analyze whether it could have been done more rationally, i.e. where and by what means it was possible to reduce the loss of time, what it would be better to use it for. Subsequently, these findings should be taken into account in your work.

    Next, the floor is given to students who have timed their day with a detailed analysis. Members of the educational commission, who timed the work of the class team during the lesson, express their thoughts about the loss of precious minutes by class students in class and about time reserves.

    We know: time is stretchable,
    It depends on
    What kind of content
    You fill it up.
    There are times when he has stagnation,
    And sometimes it flows
    Unloaded, empty,
    Hours and days are an unnecessary count.
    Let the intervals be uniform,
    What separates our days,
    But, putting them on the scales,
    We find long moments
    And very short hours.
    (S.Ya. Marshak)

    What is time and how is it measured? What is the name of the device with which we know the time? Why do people need to know the time?

    Ain't afraid of no one
    Counts his age
    And everyone is not human. (Watch)

    Can you tell time? What time is it now? Why do they say: “There is time for work, an hour for fun”?

    List all the units of time that you know (century, year, month, day, hour, minute, second).

    The minute is flying by.
    The minute is short
    But in a minute you can
    Find a star, a beetle,
    The solution to the problem and a rare mineral,
    which is still
    Nobody opened it.
    (S.Ya. Marshak)

    Students complete in advance creative work: 1 min. What have I managed to do? Annex 1.

    In 1 min. I read: words

    In 1 min. I sat down: once

    In 1 min. I:

    Only a minute is given to each of us,
    But if the hour ends in a minute -
    The twelfth hour, which opens the year,
    Which leads to another century, -
    Let this minute, like all others, be short,
    As she runs, she closes her eyelids.
    (S.Ya. Marshak)

    Is it possible to do without measuring time?

    Have you ever had to calculate your own time so as not to be late for school?

    Do creative work on calculating your personal time "I'm going to school." Fill out the table: day of the week, started getting ready for school, ready for class. Calculate how long (on average) you can get ready and get to school without being late for class.

    How many times have I tried to speed up
    The time that carried me forward
    To spur him on, to scare him, to spur him on,
    To hear it go.
    (S.Ya. Marshak)

    How much time do they spend washing themselves, cleaning up after themselves, walking to school, the store, etc.

    A very effective measure to combat time loss is to establish a clear daily routine.

    The class teacher gives the floor to students who have developed an optimal daily routine for themselves, taking into account their abilities, home conditions, employment at a music school, sports section, etc. In their speeches, the children tell how following a daily routine helps them in their studies, sports, rest. Members of the educational commission report the results of the raid on the schoolchildren’s apartments, paying attention to whether classmates have a permanent workplace where notebooks and textbooks are stored, whether there is a home library, whether the daily routine is followed, whether special time is allocated for preparing lessons, assistance for your family around the house, etc.

    The class teacher draws the students' attention to the wall newspaper, which contains different options for the daily routine, and invites them to choose one of the most acceptable ones at the end of the class hour.

    Further, the teacher notes that clear organization of the case, planning of all types of work, especially those that require additional effort (essays, reports, abstracts, etc.), allow you to save effort and time. It is best to write down your work plan in a notebook, notebook or personal diary.

    The class teacher draws the attention of schoolchildren to the fact that work and rest are true allies. Work creates conditions for good rest, rest provides creative inspiration for work. Students are asked to talk about how they relax.

    Many of them rest incorrectly: they voraciously read detective literature while lying on their bed, watch all the programs on TV, have endless conversations with friends on the phone, etc.

    How to truly relax? You can learn about this by becoming more familiar with the principles of NOT.

    A poster “Conditions of reasonable work and rest” is hung up. The teacher reads and comments. In a more prepared class, the students themselves do this.

    Conditions for reasonable work and rest.

    • The first condition of rest is good job. When you have done something useful and are satisfied with your work, you feel the need for rest, which you honestly deserve.
    • Combine work with rest, switch from physical labor to mental labor or from one type of educational work (mathematics, physics, chemistry) to another (history, literature, geography).
    • Start with something simple or a subject that comes easily to you. Remember that the transition from rest to work requires a restructuring of the entire body, and this takes time.
    • Don't get overtired. This is achieved through the rational organization of labor, namely: with a clear understanding of the purpose of labor, accurate calculation of forces and time, with a strict dosage of work, and the use of rational reading techniques, letters, bills, working with a book, etc.
    • Remember that it is equally harmful in any work to rush and to swing slowly.
    • Rest should be based on vigorous activity - movement that speeds up metabolism, increases vitality and quickly reduces fatigue.


    1. Business notebook 80 sheets. - M.: LLC "Khatber-M". - 2004
    2. Nisimchuk A.S. Economic education of schoolchildren. Book for the teacher. -M.: Education, 1991. -127 p.