The topic of our research work is “Sable the fluffy gold of Siberia.” The topic we chose interested us because while studying literature, history, watching films and TV programs, we often came across the concept of “fluffy gold.” Since we are residents rural areas, and the taiga zone, then this question became interesting to us and we decided to get to know him in more detail. This topic is relevant because in the Kozul region, logging is actively carried out and the number of fur-bearing animals, especially sable, is sharply declining, which is facilitated by poaching of these smart animals. This work helped us understand that the problem of conservation and reproduction of fur-bearing animals is becoming more and more urgent, as correct use This industry in the national economy can be very economically profitable.

Hypothesis: The main regions of Russia, especially Siberia and Far East, have a cold climate. Clothes from natural fur is not a luxury, but unfortunately, most of the population cannot afford it. Why, having large reserves of furs, the Russian population cannot use them.

Goal: To study the problems of the modern fur market. Tasks: 1.Get acquainted with biological features sable, as a representative of the mustelid family. 2. Strengthen skills scientifically - research activities. 3.Form a scientific worldview and rational approaches to practical environmental management. 4. Instill love for the world around you.

Both ancient chronicles and even more evidence from visiting foreigners indicate that vast forest areas Ancient Rus' abounded in various animals and feathered game, and therefore it is natural that commercial hunting for fur-bearing animals occupied one of the most important places in the economic life of our country. At the dawn of its history, and furs, along with honey and wax, constituted main article in the trade exchange of goods with foreigners in cities and towns on the great route “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” In the conditions of our harsh winters, the shaggy skins of wolves and bears were also used. By catching animals using a variety of traps, crossbows and traps. Sensitive and savvy Laika dogs were the constant companions and assistants of forest hunters. Furs as monetary currency. In the household life of Ancient Rus', furs were used not only for their intended purpose. In those days, the kuns, i.e. marten skins were the predecessors of silver money, and for small payments, full-fledged marten skins were cut into separate pieces that had a conditional value and bore different names, depending on what part of the skin they were cut from. The smallest coin of change was not even an ear, but half of it - half an ear, a flap from the cervical region, or the scruff of the neck, was called a hryvnia; at the same time, we do not associate them in our consciousness with a piece of marten fur

In the Krasnoyarsk region, 33% of fur production comes from sable. The main prey of the sable is rodents and insects. He also loves pine nuts and berries, catches grouse birds, and attacks squirrels and chipmunks. Sometimes even such a large animal as the musk deer becomes its victim. The sable will not miss an opportunity to kill a hare, and the ermine also feeds on carrion. It should be emphasized that sable has its own hunting grounds ranging from 25 to 1000 hectares, or even more. It marks its areas with secretions of odorous glands and sweat. the territory in which he hunts, guards and defends, boldly enters into a fight with the alien. The sable climbs trees well, although it is considered a terrestrial predator. It lives in hollows, stumps, under windbreaks, less often in holes and crevices of rocks, and runs from one place to another by jumping and galloping. In winter, when running through loose snow, it places its hind paws exactly in the prints of its front paws, creating a trail - a two-point chain. The color of the skin is variable, and its variations have special names. The head is the darkest (almost black) and the most expensive. Fur - the color is very light, sandy yellow or fawn - the cheapest. Intermediate colors: headrest, collar. The latter is the most common in the region. By the 30s of this century, the sable was almost completely exterminated within the region and remained here in small numbers in a few isolated areas. Then, as a result of overfishing, a situation threatened the successful development of the hunting industry, which has not been corrected to date. In the mountain taiga of the Sayan and Kuznetsk Alatau, there are a lot of sables here, and in large areas in the cedar forests there are a lot of sables. The population density in grassy and mossy pine forests reaches 150 and even 200 per 100 km. These are the maximum figures for the country. In the near future, we can expect a reduction in resources in the northern regions and a general decline in the sable business. It is necessary to take urgent measures to limit production and especially to stop the leakage of skins, i.e. to eliminate poaching. Before deep snow falls, sables are hunted with huskies. Later they switch to self-catchers, mainly traps, and partly bags. Evenks often hunt on reindeer. The blanket is used very rarely. The usual seasonal catch for a fisherman in good areas is 70 - 80 and even 100 - 140 sables. Studying materials from magazines and newspapers, in consultation with the director of the Zoological Mammoth Museum in St. Petersburg, Professor R.L. Potapov, we found out that the number of sable depends on the migration of squirrels and others. rodents Because they are the main food. Due to the fact that in our area in the last four years there has been a poor harvest for pine nuts, the number of squirrels and rodents is small, and therefore there are fewer sables. Which greatly affected his production.

In 1990 in Russian Federation The state monopoly on furs was abolished. Since then, the company has been purchasing commercial and producing caged furs. private business . Over all the years of the market economy, purchase prices within the country and sales prices on the world market for the skins of the main commercial fur-bearing animals have steadily increased. Of course, this situation suited everyone, and first of all the commercial hunter. We are not yet accustomed to a market economy, and it is subject to ups and downs. Even the winter before last (years), the world fur market was stable and actively developing, although some fur traders in our country predicted a fall in prices for sable skins on the eve of the last fishing season. And so it happened. Some fur companies in Russia went bankrupt. There was a banal overproduction. A reasonable question arises: why did this happen? Firstly, firstly, the sable population is steadily growing. Secondly, secondly, the capacity of the world market is growing steadily, but not at the rate we would like. Foreigners bought at least 90% of the total production from us. Thirdly, thirdly, what did we observe last winter? In the northern hemisphere of our planet there was only a calendar winter, but not a normal winter with average temperatures. Fourthly Fourthly, there is some economic decline in the United States of America Fifthly Fifthly, the current winter is still as warm as the previous one, which does not contribute to an increase in sales. Sixthly, sixthly, in the domestic market, fur products are just beginning to be in demand among the rich part of the population, seventhly, and seventhly, large fur traders, resellers, and commercial hunters do not yet know how to work in market conditions. At the beginning of January 2007, prices for light sable pelts were still quite high, and, nevertheless, many hunters held on to the furs in the hope that prices would increase after the January auction. In fact, prices have fallen. A new fishing season has begun in conditions of an oversaturated market for sable and squirrel skins. There is no hope that the January 2008 auction will be favorable for price growth. Most likely, this situation will continue. In addition, the behavior of Chinese traders in Novosibirsk and other Siberian cities, who are trying to smuggle live sables, is alarming. A reasonable question arises: For what purposes? There can be three goals: to create cellular sable breeding, for release and resettlement in Chinese Manchuria, and for sale to Canada. In northern Manchuria, sable lives in small quantities. Perhaps the goal is to bring in “fresh blood,” but why not follow the official path? It is much worse if the Chinese want to sell live sables to Canada, where climatic conditions identical to ours. Given the amazing plasticity of this predator, it can successfully take root in Canada, which threatens us in the future with the loss of the monopoly on royal sable fur and, as a result, the depreciation of its skins.

REGULATORY FRAMEWORK The Constitution of the Russian Federation contains the law "On the protection environment", which is mandatory for any citizen of the Russian Federation. There is a legal framework regulating the conduct of mining activities natural resources, including fur-bearing animals. a draft law has been developed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory Krasnoyarsk Territory on environmental protection. This law regulates relations in the sphere of interaction between society and nature that arise during the implementation of economic and other activities related to the impact on the natural environment within the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

From the presentation, the children will learn about this amazing animal. Russia has long been famous for sables. In the old days, Russian tsars presented sable skins to honored overseas guests and sent fur gifts to the rulers of other countries. Warm, light, beautiful sable fur has always been highly valued. But hunting has reduced the number of these animals. And now the sables have to be protected.


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in captivity up to 15 years, in nature up to 8.
somewhat similar to the purring of a cat. When defending itself, the sable chirps furiously.
mountain and lowland taiga (cedar, deciduous and pine forests), thickets of cedar and birch dwarf trees, rocky placers, windbreaks, forest-tundra, upper reaches of mountain rivers, subalpine woodlands - 1200-1500 m above sea level. Avoids barren mountain peaks.
The sable is an agile and fast animal. It goes hunting at night, sometimes (if there is a shortage of food) during daylight hours. Hearing and smell are well developed
It robs the supplies of rodents and birds, eating nuts. Mainly hunts on the ground. Adult (experienced) animals spend less time searching for food than young ones

Because of its beautiful, durable and expensive fur, sable is called the king of wild furs - “soft gold”.
The Bank of Russia issued coins dedicated to the sable.
The sovereign symbol of Russia - Monomakh's hat is trimmed with sable fur

Prepared by the teacher primary classes Kovaleva A.G.
Secondary school No. 3 Rostov region
Topic: Sable is an “expensive” animal.
Nature reserves are created to protect animals.

highly variable - from dark brown to yellow-fawn, with a light spot on the throat (gray, white or pale yellow). The tail and paws are dark, the head is light, the underfur is from yellowish-red to dark gray.

body length 35-56 cm, tail 10-17 cm.
males 0.88-1.8 kg, females 0.7-1.56 kg.
Russia has long been famous for sables. In the old days, Russian tsars presented sable skins to honored overseas guests and sent fur gifts to the rulers of other countries. Warm, light, beautiful sable fur has always been highly valued

In the spring, babies appear. They are tiny and defenseless. Their eyes open only after a month. The female feeds them milk, and the sable - the father brings food. The sables grow up and by autumn begin an independent life.

To wear such beauty, people hunted sables, and this still happens today.
But hunting has reduced the number of these animals. And now the sables have to be protected

The sable is a slender and graceful predator. The body is flexible and elongated. The head is wedge-shaped with a pointed muzzle, the ears are triangular in shape. The paws are small. The tail is short and covered with fluffy fur.
Sable fur is soft and fluffy. In winter, the fur is covered with paw pads and claws. The animals molt once a year. Males are larger than females (about 5-10
small mammals (
), birds and their eggs (
white partridges
hazel grouse
and their larvae), nuts (pine), berries (rowan, blueberry, lingonberry, blueberry, bird cherry, currant, rose hip, cloudberry) and plants (ledum), carrion and bee honey

The forest beauty leads a solitary, secluded lifestyle. The sable's habitat is taiga. The denser the forest, the greater the likelihood of seeing a sable. In Russia, it is found in the territory from the Urals and Altai to Sakhalin and Kamchatka.
A little about the animal
: The female makes a nest in hollows or under the roots of trees. The nest is lined with hay, moss or the hair of eaten rodents.
Males fight among themselves for the female, sometimes such fights can be very cruel.
The female protects her cubs, boldly attacking even the dog if it is too close to the nest. If the litter is disturbed, the female moves the pups to another nest

The sable has few enemies other than humans. It is possible that the bear will dig up a sable nest found in a soft place and destroy the offspring;
, and among the birds, eagles will be able to profit from sable

sable skin clothes

Who is this?
He is wearing the most delicate fur,
Shiny, silky,
Lazy guy and baby sleepyhead during the day,
And at night he is agile and fast.

In nature he lives in the taiga,
The poplar does not reign there,
Where is the coniferous forest, pine grows,
A handsome man will flash...

, eagles and others
predator birds
. Basic
food competitors
sable -

It climbs trees well, but can jump from tree to tree only if the tree branches are tightly closed.
For rest, it uses a nest, which it makes in various voids: under fallen trees, in low tree hollows or under stones. Lines the bottom with wood dust, hay, feathers and moss. During bad weather remains in the nest. Inside the nest, the temperature remains between 15-23"C. A latrine is located not far from the hole.
If the nest is on the ground, then in winter the sable digs a tunnel to it in the snow (up to 2-3 m long). Once every 2-3 years it replaces the old nest with a new one.
Swims poorly, because... the fur gets wet quickly.

The presentation uses pictures and information about sable from various Internet resource sites:



2012 - riddle about sable
and etc.


To use presentation previews, create an account for yourself ( account) Google and log in:

Slide captions:

Sobol Prepared by: Leunenko Artyom 7 “B” class MBOU Secondary School No. 29

Sable (lat. Martes zibellina) is a mammal of the mustelid family. The body length of the sable is up to 56 cm, the tail up to 20 cm. The color of the skin is changeable, and its variations have special names. The “head” is the darkest (almost black) and the most expensive. “Fur” - the color is very light, sandy yellow or fawn - the cheapest. Intermediate colors: “collar” - brown in tone with a dark stripe on the back, lighter sides and a large bright throat patch.

Distribution area Currently, sable is found throughout the taiga part of Russia from the Urals to the coast Pacific Ocean north to the limits of forest vegetation. Prefers dark coniferous, cluttered taiga, especially loves cedar trees. Also found in Japan, on the island of Hokkaido. In the eastern Urals, a hybrid of sable and marten, called kidus, is sometimes found.

About the way of life A typical inhabitant of the Siberian taiga. Agile and very strong predator for its size. Leads a terrestrial lifestyle. Moves by jumping. The tracks are paired large prints ranging in size from 5 to 6 cm. The length of the jump is 30 - 70 cm. It is most active in the morning and evening. As a rule, it lives in cedar trees, in the upper reaches of mountain rivers, close to the ground - in thickets of dwarf trees, among stone placers, and occasionally rises into the crowns of trees.

Food Often eats squirrels and attacks hares. It destroys several million squirrels in the region every year. Of the birds, the sable most often attacks hazel grouse and wood grouse, but in general birds are a secondary food source. The sable is active at dusk, at night, but often hunts during the day. The sable also feeds on plant foods. Favorite foods are pine nuts, rowan berries, blueberries, and the sable also eats lingonberries, blueberries, bird cherry, rose hips, and currants.

Reproduction Nest shelters in hollows of fallen and standing trees, in stone deposits, under roots. Pupping in the north - in the first half of May, in the south - in April. The animals reach sexual maturity at the age of two to three years and reproduce until they are 13 to 15 years old. Mating in June - July, pregnancy 250 - 290 days. There are from one to seven puppies in a litter, usually 3 - 4. Molting ends in mid-October.

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Prepared by primary school teacher Kovaleva A.G. MBOU Peschanokopskaya secondary school No. 3 Rostov region Topic: Sable is an “expensive” animal. Who is this?

  • He wears the most delicate fur, shiny, silky, lazy and sleepyhead during the day, and agile and fast at night. In nature, he lives in the taiga, the poplar does not reign there, where the coniferous forest, the pine tree grows, a handsome man flashes by...
  • sable
A little about the animal
  • The forest beauty leads a solitary, secluded lifestyle. The sable's habitat is taiga. The denser the forest, the greater the likelihood of seeing a sable. In Russia, it is found in the territory from the Urals and Altai to Sakhalin and Kamchatka.
  • Description: The sable is a slender and graceful predator. The body is flexible and elongated. The head is wedge-shaped with a pointed muzzle, the ears are triangular in shape. The paws are small. The tail is short and covered with fluffy fur. Sable fur is soft and fluffy. In winter, the fur is covered with paw pads and claws. The animals molt once a year. Males are larger than females (by about 5-10%).
Color: highly variable - from dark brown to yellow-fawn, with a light spot on the throat (gray, white or pale yellow). The tail and paws are dark, the head is light, the underfur is from yellowish-red to dark gray. Size: body length 35-56 cm, tail 10-17 cm. Weight: males 0.88-1.8 kg, females 0.7-1.56 kg. Lifespan: in captivity up to 15 years, in nature up to 8. Voice: somewhat similar to the purring of a cat. When defending itself, the sable chirps furiously. Habitat: mountain and lowland taiga (cedar, deciduous and pine forests), thickets of cedar and birch elfin, rocky placers, windbreaks, forest-tundra, upper reaches of mountain rivers, subalpine woodlands - 1200-1500 m above sea level. Avoids barren mountain peaks. Enemies: owls, eagles and others predator birds. Basic food competitors sable - speakers, ermine And Solonga. The sable has few enemies other than humans. It is possible that the bear will dig up a sable nest found in a soft place and destroy the offspring; wolverine, and among birds eagles, they can profit from sable Food: small mammals ( voles, mice, pikas, squirrels, hares, chipmunks, moles, shrews), birds and their eggs ( capercaillie, white partridges, hazel grouse, passerines), insects (bees and their larvae), nuts (pine), berries (rowan, blueberry, lingonberry, blueberry, bird cherry, currant, rose hip, cloudberry) and plants (lededum), carrion and bee honey. Behavior: The sable is an agile and fast animal. It goes hunting at night, sometimes (if there is a shortage of food) during daylight hours. Hearing and smell are well developed. It robs the supplies of rodents and birds, eating nuts. Mainly hunts on the ground. Adult (experienced) animals spend less time searching for food than young ones. It climbs trees well, but can jump from tree to tree only if the tree branches are tightly closed. For rest, it uses a nest, which it makes in various voids: under fallen trees, in low tree hollows or under stones. Lines the bottom with wood dust, hay, feathers and moss. During bad weather it remains in the nest. Inside the nest, the temperature is kept within 15-23 "C. A latrine is built not far from the hole. If the nest is on the ground, then in winter the sable digs a tunnel to it in the snow (up to 2-3 m long). Once every 2-3 years, the old one is replaced nest for a new one. Doesn't float well because the fur gets wet quickly. Reproduction: The female makes a nest in hollows or under the roots of trees. The nest is lined with hay, moss or the hair of eaten rodents. Males fight among themselves for the female, sometimes such fights can be very cruel. The female protects her cubs, boldly attacking even the dog if it is too close to the nest. If the litter is disturbed, the female moves the pups to another nest. In the spring, babies appear. They are tiny and defenseless. Their eyes open only after a month. The female feeds them milk, and the sable - the father brings food. The sables grow up and by autumn begin an independent life. Russia has long been famous for sables. In the old days, Russian tsars presented sable skins to honored overseas guests and sent fur gifts to the rulers of other countries. Warm, light, beautiful sable fur has always been highly valued. Because of its beautiful, durable and expensive fur, sable is called the king of wild furs - “soft gold”. The Bank of Russia issued coins dedicated to the sable. The sovereign symbol of Russia - the Monomakh hat is trimmed with sable fur. Clothes made from sable skin To wear such beauty, people hunted sables, and this still happens today. But hunting has reduced the number of these animals. And now the sables have to be protected. Nature reserves are created to protect animals. The presentation uses pictures and information about sable from various Internet resource sites:… Copyright: Natalia Letoshko, 2012 - riddle about sable, etc.

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Prepared by 3rd grade student Ekaterina Elchina

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Sable food is varied. In addition to small mammals and birds, which make up the bulk of its food diet, sable large quantities It also eats plant foods (berries, pine nuts, etc.).

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Small, but strong predator, the sable, unlike its closest species, the pine marten, leads an almost exclusively terrestrial lifestyle and climbs trees only occasionally. Therefore, he gets his food on the ground. He catches small mouse-like animals, chipmunks, moles, and pikas, hiding and stalking like a cat. At a time when the ground is covered with snow, the sable, sensing a mouse or vole, dives into the snow with such speed that the prey rarely leaves it.

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In Russia, it lives in the territory from the Urals to the Pacific coast. But not entirely, but only in patches. This fact indicates a reduction in the number of animals. In the last century, sable hunting was prohibited. In 1941, the ban was lifted and strict trapping standards were established. Nowadays, in two reserves - Barguzinsky near Lake Baikal and Kronotsky in Kamchatka - all conditions for life, reproduction and increase in livestock have been created. The reserve's workers are engaged in preserving the population and relocating individuals to those areas where the sable once lived and was exterminated. The experiment on the re-acclimatization of sable in the Altai Mountains ended successfully.