Yoda was one of the most famous and powerful Jedi Masters in the history of the galaxy. He was 66 centimeters tall and was a man of unknown origin. biological species. He was known for his legendary wisdom, mastery of the Force, and skills in lightsaber combat. Loyal to the Republic and the Force, Grand Master Yoda trained the Jedi for eight centuries. He served on the Jedi High Council in last years Galactic Republic and led the Jedi Order before, during and after the devastation of the Clone Wars. Following Order 66, Yoda went into exile and later trained Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Force. Some time later, the old master died, but, thanks to the knowledge of the Priestesses of Power, he retained his identity even after death.

Yoda himself enters into a titanic battle with Palpatine in the Galactic Senate building. The forces of the parties seem equal, because two patriarchs of both sides of the Force entered the battle; one cannot defeat the other. In an attempt to end this duel, Palpatine moves to a higher position and uses the Force to throw heavy Senate stocks at Yoda, who easily dodges and sends one back to Palpatine, forcing him to jump to a lower level. Once again on the same level as Palpatine, Yoda uses his acrobatic abilities and activates his lightsaber. Palpatine calls upon a surge of the Force and fires a bolt of lightning at Yoda, knocking out his lightsaber in the process. Without his weapons, Yoda uses his palms to absorb dark energy, and even sends some of it back at a rather surprised Palpatine.

It would seem that Yoda has gained some advantage in the battle, but the fight ends in a draw, since an explosion of clashing energies was caused, throwing Yoda and Palpatine into different sides. Both masters grabbed the edge of the Senate rostrum, where only Palpatine barely managed to hold on. Yoda, unable to hold on, falls to the floor of the Senate chamber. After being killed by clone troopers and the near destruction of the Jedi Order by the Sith, a weakened Yoda realizes that he cannot defeat Palpatine. Yoda then goes into exile to hide from the Empire and wait for another opportunity to destroy the Sith.

Called "Star Wars". Yoda appeared on screen three years later, in the second part of the trilogy, and has since become one of the most legendary and recognizable characters of all time. Hardly in modern world There is at least one person who has never heard of the great Jedi Master, and all kinds of paraphernalia with his image, as well as a great variety of toys, continue to go on sale for more than thirty years.


A characteristic feature of the character is the green color of his body and extremely short stature- only 66 centimeters. However, in terms of his mental and physical abilities, of all the characters in the film "Star Wars", Master Yoda is the most outstanding and many times superior to many others. The hero owes the creation of his appearance to make-up artists Nick Dudmand and Stuart Freeborn. Thanks to his longevity, accumulated experience and wisdom, Yoda heads the most ancient order - the Jedi Council. He first became a member at about the age of one hundred. In his track record many victories in serious battles, battles, wars, as well as other achievements.

It is known that he was an excellent teacher, perfectly combining severity and gentleness, but not all of his Padawans managed to become worthy people. A similar fate also befell Anakin Skywalker, whom Yoda allowed to train, but did not personally train. However, among them there are also worthy representatives, such as Qui-Gon Jinn, Mace Windu and Luke Skywalker. As George Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars saga, admitted, Yoda was deliberately presented to the public in such a way that no one would know about his true origin, so his story is still shrouded in various secrets.


Of course, the main difference between this character and others is his manner of speech, which is reflected in numerous jokes and witticisms from fans. In addition, most of the most famous phrases in the film belong to his authorship. Yoda's quotes from Star Wars have somewhat become popular. One of the most famous is the following: “Size is not important. What about me? Do you judge by size? Almost all of them are imbued with a subtle philosophy that reflects the teacher’s worldview. Like, for example: “We are creatures of light, not just matter.” It is inversions, that is, the mixed order of sentence parts, that make his words so memorable. Nevertheless, other characters understand him perfectly and taste these great words. By the way, as for the languages ​​of the saga, in addition to individual racial languages, such as those of the Ewoks, there is also a main galactic language, which all the heroes speak. In fact, this is a kind of analogue of English in our world.

"Hidden threat"

In the Star Wars trilogy, which launched in 1999, Yoda was created entirely from computer graphics, which divided fans into two camps: adherents of the old and the new. The character is introduced during a Council meeting. In this film, it becomes clear what undeniable influence the Master has on the decisions of the Jedi Order. When young Anakin comes under the tutelage of Qui-Gon Jinn to the elders, his request for further training to control the force is rejected precisely on the initiative of Yoda, who feels that the future of the racer from Tatooine is unclear. However, after Qui-Gon's death, Obi-Wan takes on the responsibilities of raising the boy and declares to the Council members his firm intention to take him into his Padawans. Thus, Skywalker manages to bypass the rank of youngling and immediately become a Padawan. And this time Yoda is no longer able to refuse Kenobi, but, as we know, later the subtle instinct will let the master down.

"Attack of the Clones"

In the second part of the Star Wars film, Master Yoda goes to Genosis, where he rules. There, on behalf of the Republic, he leads a rescue mission to rescue the condemned Padmé, Ani and Kenobi. Here viewers learn that once upon a time the Master trained Count Dooku, who has now gone over to the dark side. As the fire of battle grows, the former student and teacher enter into a duel. Yoda demonstrates the highest professionalism of his skills, deftly avoiding blows and masterfully delivering his own. However, the battle ends with Dooku trying to escape, and in the next part he is killed by Anakin.

"Revenge of the Sith"

In the 2005 film, which concludes the new Star Wars trilogy, Yoda is one of the central characters, and he is given quite a lot of screen time. This time he has to make difficult choices regarding the future of the Galaxy and the fate of its individual representatives. His main mistake is trusting Anakin, who has already taken the final step towards evil. However, the master failed to sense evil, which resulted in a great tragedy. Yoda is sent to the planet Kashyyyk, where he finds himself in the very center of a battle between clones and Wookiees and the Separatists. At the decisive moment, the stormtroopers turn away from the Republic and begin to kill their own people. At this very time, order number 66 comes from Palpatine, ordering to kill every last Jedi. The master, on a subtle energy level, senses the death of each of his students, which turns out for him unbearable pain. He travels back to Coruscant and tells Obi-Wan to end everything by killing Skywalker.

"The Empire Strikes Back"

We will talk about the second part of the saga, since the first film of the old trilogy was the only one where Yoda does not appear. “Star Wars” (photo from the film is presented below) was filmed in 1977, so the creation of the film was difficult due to the lack of necessary technology. Due to the impossibility of large-scale use of computer graphics, Yoda appeared before the audience in a puppet variation. Some fans prefer just this, old and slightly crazy version of the character. It is known that he did not leave the abandoned planet Dagobah for 22 years, as a result of which he lost his mind a little. When Luke Skywalker arrives, it becomes clear that the Master has retained his former wisdom and skills, and only his behavior and way of life have suffered. At first, the teacher is not in the mood to take the heir of the greatest villain as his padawan, since he feels fear in him, just like in his father, but he still undertakes to train the young man. However, Luke soon decides to leave Yoda to help his friends, and promises to return and complete his training.

"New Hope"

In the latest episode of the space epic "Star Wars", teacher Yoda in last time meets his student Skywalker. As promised, Luke returns to Dagobah, but this time the master is in poor health. This is due to the old and great age of the master; at that time he was already over 900 years old. He tells the Jedi that there is no longer a need for training, and now all that remains is to meet his father face to face, and he himself needs to go to his well-deserved rest. Before his death, Yoda reveals that Leia is Luke's sister, and the Force also flows in her. After this conversation, he falls into an eternal sleep, but later appears in the guise of a ghost along with Obi-Wan. There is a version that Qui-Gon comprehended the secrets of immortality and passed on his experience to his former teacher, as a result of which the audience saw the astral projection of the great Jedi.

Frank Oz

All of Yoda's lines from Star Wars were voiced by actor Frank Oz. He was born into a family of members of a puppet theater troupe, so it is not surprising that in the future he decided to devote himself to dubbing. Since childhood, he was distinguished by his excellent manner of restructuring his speech. His voice captivated the creator of the show about the Muppets, as a result of which Oz was invited to work on television. Over the many years of his career, he voiced hundreds of characters, a good number of which were on The Muppet Show and Sesame Street. In the 1980s, he is invited to voice Yoda, which he cannot refuse. In addition to all the Star Wars parts, he participated in some films as a supporting actor, and also voiced characters in such cartoons as Monsters, Inc. and Inside Out. He is currently back as Yoda in the Rebels animated series, which has been on the air since 2014. And this despite elderly age! Frank Oz turns 72 in 2016, and he continues to work actively, like his on-screen prototype, who devoted his entire life to one thing.


Master Yoda(896 b.i. - 4 p.b.i.), voiced in the films by Frank Oz, is a fictional character created by Lucas Film. He takes part in all episodes of the saga with the exception of Episode IV: A New Hope. Like many Star Wars names, the name "Yoda" comes from more ancient language- most likely from Sanskrit, and translated “ yoddha" means "warrior", from Hebrew " yodea"translated as "one who knows."


early years

Yoda, who stands 66 cm tall, is one of the oldest members of the Jedi Council and most likely the wisest and most powerful Jedi of his time; such a high position, of course, was based on Yoda’s very advanced age. During his life, Yoda trained such prominent Jedi as Count Dooku, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi (only briefly until he was accepted as an apprentice by Qui-Gon Jinn), Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Luke Skywalker. In addition, he taught nearly every young Jedi in the galaxy at the Jedi Temple before they were assigned to a master (from 800 MY to 19 MY). It should be clarified that a padawan was assigned to a mentor, and even earlier the padawan was a youngling (they don’t have a mentor yet). They can be found in the second episode, when Obi-Wan asks Master Yoda about the planet Kamino, then one of the Younglings helps to figure out why it is not on the map and in the third, where Anakin Skywalker (then Darth Vader) kills them.

George Lucas deliberately kept Yoda's species a secret (Yoda, Yaddle, and Vandar Tokare were sometimes mistakenly referred to as Wills, despite Lucas not classifying them as that species). In fact, very little was reported about Yoda's life before the events of Episode I: The Phantom Menace began. From sources in the expanded universe (setting), information came that he received the rank of Jedi Knight at the age of 50, and was awarded the rank of Master by his centenary. Following his teachings, Yoda was tasked with going into self-imposed exile to learn more. high levels understanding of the Force. He was one of the Jedi Masters who established a traveling academy aboard the interstellar starship Chu'unthor during the period 200 BP. b.; then in the on-board computer data there was a record that he went in search of one of the missing passengers of the ship when it crashed on Dathomir.

"Hidden threat "

At 32 days old. b. Qui-Gon Jinn brings a young slave boy named Anakin Skywalker to the Jedi Council, claiming that the boy is the Chosen One, capable of bringing balance to the Force, and asked to be taken into the Padawans as soon as Obi-Wan passes all the necessary tests to receive the title of knight. -Jedi (as you know, a Jedi can only have one padawan during the training period). Yoda, as the most experienced teacher on the council, and the most respected and honorable Jedi Master, plays a key role in the initial solution to this problem and denies the request. Yoda believes that the years of slavery did not pass unnoticed for the young boy and his too close attachment to his mother will interfere with successful studies and training. Yoda thinks that this boy's future is uncertain.

Following Qui-Gon's death at the hands of Darth Maul, the council nevertheless reverses its previous decision, although for unknown reasons. Yoda himself was somewhat conflicted about his decisions. There is only one possible explanation for this denial - Yoda's trust in Canobi was much greater than it could be between a simple student and teacher. Another reason was that, after Anakin had shown such skill in using the Force in destroying the droid control station, the council felt some embarrassment and even shame (if not danger) in not making such an outstanding Force user a Jedi. Despite the fact that Qui-Gon also asked for Anakin's training, after his death Obi-Wan asked that his training be entrusted to him regardless of past events, and the council finally agreed, silently noting that the training of this young man would be great risk for Obi-Wan.

"Attack of the Clones"

At 22 days I. b. Yoda serves as the Republic's top general at the Battle of Geonosis, when the Republic's clone stormtrooper army was first tested in combat. He leads a team tasked with rescuing Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padmé Amidala Naberrier from execution by the Separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems. In the midst of the battle, Yoda engages in a lightsaber battle with the Separatist leader and Sith Lord Count Dooku, who was once his apprentice. This confrontation ends when Count Dooku, deciding to flee, puts the lives of the wounded Obi-Wan and Anakin in danger. Sluggish and old in appearance, Yoda demonstrates unprecedented mastery of a lightsaber (IV form of lightsaber use, distinctive features which is the use of the Force to perform incredible acrobatic moves)

Clone Wars

The Battle of Geonosis, despite the victory of the Republic forces, opened a bloody war that would last about three years. Like all Jedi, Yoda became a general during the Clone Wars, personally participating in some battles (notably the Battle of Axion, where he personally led troops of clone troopers on a kibuk steed).

During the Battle of Munilista, Yoda, along with Padmé Amidala, came to the aid of Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee, who were trapped in the Crystal Caverns. Yoda learned that the attack on the caves with the lightsaber crystals was staged by the former Count Dooku. In part of the Clone Wars cartoon (22-minute standard), Yoda with 3 clones defeated an entire battalion of robots and destroyed 4 tanks! Then, using telekinesis, he saved King Kotunko from Asajj Ventress, after which he pulled two curved blades from her hand.

"Revenge of the Sith"

Duel with Palpatine

Subsequently, Yoda enters into a titanic battle with Palpatine, which practically destroys the Senate building. The forces of the parties seem equal, because two patriarchs of both sides of the Force entered the battle; one cannot defeat the other. In an attempt to end this duel, Palpatine moves to a higher position and uses the Force to throw heavy Senate stocks at Yoda, who easily dodges them and sends one back to Palpatine, forcing him to jump to a lower level. Once again on the same level as Palpatine, Yoda uses his acrobatic abilities and activates his lightsaber. Palpatine calls upon a surge of the Force and fires a bolt of lightning at Yoda, knocking out his lightsaber in the process. Without his weapons, Yoda uses his palms to absorb dark energy, and even sends some of it back at a rather surprised Palpatine. It would seem that Yoda has gained some advantage in the battle, the fight ends in a draw, as an explosion of clashing energies was caused, throwing Yoda and Palpatine in different directions. Both masters grabbed the edge of the Senate rostrum, and only Palpatine barely managed to hold on. Yoda, unable to hold on, falls to the floor of the Senate chamber. After being killed by clone troopers and the near destruction of the Jedi Order by the Sith, a weakened Yoda realizes that he cannot defeat Palpatine. Yoda then goes into exile to hide from the Empire and wait for another opportunity to destroy the Sith.

Anakin, meanwhile, loses both legs and left hand(the right one is cybernetic after the battle on Geonosis), and receives severe burns in the battle with Obi-Wan. The cybernetic implants installed with Palpatine's consent to keep him alive left him little more than human. His transformation into a terrible machine became a terrible personification of the fateful words spoken by Yoda to Obi-Wan, who did not believe that his student had gone over to the dark side of the force: “The boy that you taught is no longer there, he was devoured by Darth Vader.”

Yoda later says that he is in contact with the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn. Although the film pays little attention to this, the book shows that Yoda actually becomes the student of the Jedi Master who died in The Phantom Menace and found the path to immortality. He subsequently passed this knowledge on to Obi-Wan.

He also plays a key role in resolving the issue of the Skywalker children after Padmé dies in childbirth, advising that Luke and Leia be hidden from Darth Vader and the Emperor where the Sith would not sense their presence. In addition to the elderly Jedi Master, Bail Organa, Owen Lars and Obi-Wan knew about the whereabouts of the children (at the same time, it is unlikely that the Owen family knew about Leia's existence). Initially, Obi-Wan wanted to take the children with him to, like Yoda, teach them the Jedi skills, but Yoda realizes that in addition to the ability to handle the Force, they need to be taught something else if they are going to destroy the Empire. Moreover, it was necessary to keep the names of the twins secret in order to be able to protect them in case the Sith suddenly discovered the remaining Jedi Knights before Luke and Leia grew up. As we learn from subsequent episodes, this tactic more than paid off.

Yoda then travels to Dagobah, a desert and swampy planet, where he patiently awaits the emergence of a New Hope.

"New Hope "

Yoda is not in the film, but his name is mentioned in the script.

"The Empire Strikes Back"

22 years after Yoda's exile, in 3 p.i. b. Luke Skywalker travels to Dagobar to find Yoda and undergo Jedi training, as he was told by the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who died in a fight with Darth Vader in A New Hope. A little stubborn, Yoda finally agrees to teach him the ways of the Force. Before completing his training, Luke, however, is faced with the choice to leave Dagobah and go save his friends from Darth Vader and the Empire. After making a promise to Yoda to return and complete his preparations, he sets off.

"Return of the Jedi"

Returning to Dagobah at 4 p.m. b., Luke finds Yoda sick and greatly weakened by old age. Yoda tells Luke that he has completed his training, but will not become a Jedi until he "meets his father," Darth Vader. Yoda then dies at the age of 900 and is finally fully fused with the Force. Yoda's death is unique within the Star Wars universe, as he is an example of a Jedi dying peacefully due to his age. After all, every death that occurred before and after him was very cruel and tragic.

In the end, Luke heeded all of Yoda's teachings, which saved him from anger and falling to the dark side: he controlled his emotions even when he was one step away from killing Darth Vader and becoming the Emperor's new apprentice. When the Emperor attempts to kill Luke with lightning bolts, Vader returns to the light side and becomes Anakin Skywalker again, killing his master to save his son. Anakin dies from damage to his suit in the collapse of the Empire surrounding him (According to another information, he died due to the fact that his life was supported by the dark power of the Emperor and after the murder he could no longer exist normally). Later that night, Anakin looks at Luke with pride and gratitude, surrounded by Obi-Wan and their eternal mentor, Yoda.

Skills & Abilities

Yoda, having mastered all seven forms of lightsaber attacks, was considered one of the best duelists on the Jedi Council of his time; Jedi Master Mace Windu may be the only Jedi who could rival Yoda in this regard. His mastery of Form IV combat with the Ataru lightsaber allowed him to overcome gravitational limitations and reach incredible heights. He is an exceptional swordsman, displaying amazing agility and speed as he spins and leaps through the air and baffles his stunned opponents. Yoda is also actively involved in the administration of the Jedi Order, and, like Windu, serves as a Republic diplomat. Yoda's power is capable of dispersing and reflecting lightning flashes and lifting huge objects. Yoda is even able to use battle meditation to boost the morale of his warriors during a fight and at the same time force his opponents to flee. He will be able to find the most hidden manifestations of darkness with the help of the power of Light and sense the deaths of individual people and determine them. Overall, these abilities show a significantly greater and deeper knowledge of the Force than other Jedi Masters and Sith Lords of their time. Yoda also always rearranges words in a sentence (see hyperbaton), endowing the latter with more than one meaning.

Character and distinctive features

Master Yoda may seem like a very strict and grumpy old man to some students, testing their mental and physical abilities, and very warm and kind to others. (At the beginning of their training, many students cannot see the essence of Yoda's teachings, and only at the end do they realize the importance of his instructions.) Among the Jedi Council, Yoda is primarily known for his off-the-cuff jokes. But still, he is a humble and wise Master who is the embodiment of the Jedi Order and a great servant of this holy teaching.

On the “Galactic Basic” Yoda speaks, using verbs in a special manner and turning his speech into inversion. “Object-Subject-Verb (OSV)” is what it’s called in linguistics. From Return of the Jedi, a typical example of Yoda’s statement can be taken: “When you are 900 years old, you will not look so cheerful.”

Italian Star Wars fans, especially children, often refer to Yoda as "the first Sardinian" or "the one who speaks Sardinian". This is due to the fact that once when the films were translated into Italian, Yoda's manner of speaking was very reminiscent of the Sardinian accent, which is considered funny and even ridiculous in Italy.

Without using the Force for a long time, old Yoda was forced to lean on a stick when walking. In the expanded universe, information can be found that one of his luggage is a memento from a Wookiee, and his cane is made from a certain gimera plant containing nutrients, so Yoda can chew on a cane during his long journey.

Other, no less strange object, which Yoda wields is a blissey, musical instrument like the small flute he carried during his time on Dagobah.

When we first meet Yoda, we find him cooking a root stew and talking with Luke Skywalker. Being among the countless living creatures on the planet, Yoda prefers to eat plants and roots and generally be a vegetarian. Some suggest that this is a consequence of complete empathy for all those around him, whose existence he senses through the flows of the Force. We never see him eat any meat product; however, Yoda is only shown in the film for a relatively short time, and during that time he only consumes food twice. This is also shown in the novelization of Attack of the Clones, namely in the novel Yoda: Dark Order.

Yoda was based on two Japanese martial artists. Research into this assumption points to Sosaku Tokeda and Gozo Shioda. Takeda was a member of a famous family of samurai who dedicated their lives to military struggle. Their skill, called Daito-ryu, is considered to be the basis of Aikido. Master swordsman Takeda, identified simply as number "4'11", earned himself the nickname Aizo is not Kotengu, which translated means “undersized dwarf.” Likewise, Gozo, the founder of Yoshinkan Aikido, was under the same number - “4’11”. Like Yoda, they were extremely small in stature, but, nevertheless, this did not prevent them from mastering the power of martial arts to perfection. Their art was based on the teachings of Aiki, or simply Ki (Strength). Moreover, like Yoda, they were natural teachers who dedicated their lives to following the path of the art of war. Through martial arts they all sought to convey to people the ideas of peace and harmony.

Yoda Animation

Yoda's appearance was originally created by British stylist Stuart Freeborn, who depicted Yoda's face as a mixture of his own and Albert Einstein's, as a photograph of the latter inspired his final image. Yoda was voiced by Frank Oz. In the original Star Wars trilogy, Yoda was a simple puppet (also controlled by Frank Oz).

In The Phantom Menace, his appearance was altered to make him look more youthful. His likeness was computer-generated for two deleted scenes, but he was again used as a puppet.

Using computer animation in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, Yoda appeared in previously impossible characters, such as in a fight scene that was very labor-intensive to simulate. In Revenge of the Sith, his face appears in several large sequences that require very careful computer digitization. Despite the use of advanced technology, his image was deliberately faked to look like a "doll" version, including mistakes such as an accidental ear twitch.

According to many Lucasfilm statements, Yoda's image was computer-digitized for the later release of The Phantom Menace. Most likely, this edition will be included in the prequel DVD set.


Yoda, along with Christopher Lee, won an MTV Movie Award for Best Fight Scene in Episode II of Attack of the Clones. Yoda personally appeared at the ceremony to receive the award and gave a speech where he thanked George Lucas and many others.


Comedy singer "Weird Al" Yankovic parodied the song "Lola" on the remake of "Yoda", included in the album "I Have the Right to Be Stupid" (1985). This includes Downing’s parodies of Ricky Martin’s song “Livin’ La Vida Yoda.” Less successfully, “The Great Luke Ski” parodied the song “Y.M.C.A.” performed by the Village People and titled the remake "Y.O.D.A", included on the albums Fanboys 'n Da Hood (1996) and Carpe Dementia (1999).

Dave Chappelli made a skit on The Chappelli Show supposedly accusing Jedi Masters of sexually abusing their students, with Yoda as the biggest offender. The broadcast showed scenes of Yoda refusing to make public statements, and then a videotape of Yoda molesting a young Jedi student while using cocaine.

Yoda - Grand Master Jedi from an unknown race of green humanoids.

Born on a distant planet in 896 BBY. WITH early years Yoda didn't even know he was Force sensitive. Even when he left his home planet with a friend in search of work, no one had any idea about his abilities. When the ship Yoda was flying on was hit by an asteroid, he drifted in space for several days, having exhausted almost all his supplies. Yoda managed to survive and land the broken ship in the swamps of an unknown planet. A few days later he was found strange creature who turned out to be Jedi Master Gormo. Gormo revealed to Yoda and his friend the fact that they were both very Force-sensitive. He took both of them to his training and after some time the Ship of the Republic took the already aspiring Jedi Yoda from the planet.

Yoda earned the title of Jedi Knight at the age of 50, and was awarded the rank of Master by 800 BBY. According to Yoda's teachings, he was tasked with going into self-imposed exile to gain higher levels of understanding of the Force. He was one of the Jedi Masters who established a traveling academy aboard the interstellar starship Chu'unthor in 200 BBY; then in the on-board computer data there was a record that he went in search of one of the missing passengers of the ship when it crashed on Dathomir.

In 482 BBY, Yoda traveled to Kushibah in search of a Padawan. There he discovered young Ikrit, who became the first Jedi student.

Fear opens access to the Dark Side. Fear gives rise to anger, anger gives rise to hatred, hatred is the key to suffering.

In 200 BBY, along with the other Jedi of the High Council, which now included Yoda, he began to sense that an unknown dark side had emerged in the force. In long meditation Yoda made sure that dark force growing. The Jedi suggested that the appearance of the Chosen One was not far off, who, according to legend, was supposed to bring balance to the Force.

Around 171 BBY, Yoda saved the X'Ting race from disaster. The X'Ting revered Yoda as a God. A statue of the Jedi, almost 70 meters high, was erected in the Hall of Heroes.

In 102 BBY, an infant Count named Dooku was discovered on the planet Serenno. Yoda took an interest in the young, growing Padawan and tried to mentor and teach him.

In 44 BBY, Yoda was nearly killed when a bomb was planted on him. The assassination plan failed, but this story showed that Yoda had become a symbol of the Order.

Yoda was drawn into combat—a cause they hated—during the Yinchorri Rebellion in 33 BBY. Leading the Council members into battle against the meddling Yinchorri warriors, Yoda proved that, despite his advanced age, he was still the Strongest Member of the Council.

Not all Jedi loved Yoda. The little students who had not yet become Padawans believed that he was the strictest teacher in the Temple. Coaching his wards in physical exercise and mental control skills, Yoda showed extreme conservatism. Yoda taught the art of using lightsabers to even the smallest Jedi - a class humorously called the "Clan of the Great Bear." Only after leaving the Temple did many students begin to realize how much they had learned from Yoda.

In 32 BBY, the Galactic Senate passed legislation to tax trade routes in outlying systems, in an attempt to weaken the expanding Trade Federation. In response, the Federation began building battle droids to invade the small planet of Naboo, where a queen ruled. The Supreme Chancellor asked Yoda to send two Jedi to negotiate with the Federation.

The Council sent Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice. However, upon the arrival of the Jedi, the Federation tried to kill them, the Jedi were able to escape death, arrive on Naboo in time and save the queen. However, due to a breakdown, the ship was forced to land on the planet Tatooine. When the ship was repaired, Qui-Gon discovered young Anakin, a force-sensitive boy, on the planet. Arriving again on Naboo, the Jedi and young Anakin were forced to fight for the planet.

In 32 BBY, after the incident on Naboo, upon returning to Coruscant, Qui-Gon Jinn brought a young slave boy he had found on Tatooine named , claiming that the boy was the Chosen One, capable of bringing balance to the Force, and asked to be taken into Padawans, as soon as he has passed all the necessary tests to receive the rank of Jedi Knight. Yoda, as the most experienced teacher on the council and the most respected and honored Jedi Master, played a key role in the initial solution to this problem and rejected the request. Yoda believed that the years of slavery had not passed unnoticed for the young boy and his too close attachment to his mother would interfere with successful studies and training. Yoda thought that this boy's future was uncertain.

Qui-Gon also reported that the Sith had returned, which further worried the Council, who did not know whether Qui-Gon had seen the student on Tatooine, where he found the boy, or the teacher.

Following Qui-Gon's death by hand, the council nevertheless reversed its previous decision, although for unknown reasons. Yoda himself was somewhat conflicted about his decisions. There is only one possible
The explanation for this denial is that Yoda's trust in Kenobi was much greater than it could be between a simple student and teacher. Another reason was that after Anakin showed such skill in using the Force in destroying the droid control station, the council felt some embarrassment and even shame in not making such an outstanding Force user a Jedi. Despite the fact that Qui-Gon also asked for Anakin's training, after his death Obi-Wan asked that his training be entrusted to him regardless of past events, and the council finally agreed, noting to themselves that the training of this young man would be great risk for Obi-Wan.

You are self-willed, just like Qui-Gon... There is no point in this at all. The Council gives you its permission. Let Skywalker be your student.

Six years later, Yoda travels to Mawan with Anakin and Obi-Wan. Their goal was to finish civil war among local gangs. Despite the losses, the Jedi managed to bring peace to the planet.

At 24 BBY. When the reform law came into force, many planets began to secede from the Republic and form an alliance of separatists. Yoda was very disappointed that his former student Count Dooku left the Jedi and became the leader of the rebels.

In 22 BBY, the Senate called for the creation of an army that could fight for the Republic, but many were against it, including former queen Nabu, now a senator. On Coruscant, an attempt was made on her life and the council assigned Anakin and Obi-Wan to the senator.

Soon, while investigating the case of the assassination attempt on the senator, Obi-Wan Kenobi contacted the Council; he was on the planet Kamino and reported that there, in full swing, the creation of an army of clones for the Republic was underway, the template for which was the bounty hunter Jango Fett, responsible for the assassination attempt. on the senator. However, neither Yoda nor Mace Windu, the leading Jedi masters knew anything about this.

After the message, Yoda was meditating when he suddenly heard Qui-Gon's voice and felt terrible pain coming from Anakin Skywalker. He informed Windu about this.

When Obi-Wan followed the bounty hunter to the planet Geonosis and discovered the Confederate army there, his message was interrupted as the Jedi was captured. Also following Obi-Wan, Anakin and Amidala were captured. The council decided to go to the rescue. Windu created a strike force of Jedi, and Yoda went to Kamino to learn more about the clone army.

On Geonosis, Windu and the Jedi encountered a huge army droids led by Dooku, Yoda arrived with an army of clones and practically saved the survivors from complete extermination.

At the height of the battle, Yoda engaged in a lightsaber battle with the Separatist leader and Sith Lord Count Dooku, who was once his apprentice. Yoda demonstrated unprecedented skill with a lightsaber. This confrontation ended when Count Dooku, deciding to flee, put the lives of the wounded Obi-Wan and Anakin in danger.

Victory? Victory - you say? Master Obi-Wan, this is not a victory. Our world is shrouded in the networks of the Dark Side. The clonic war has begun

Although the Republic won the battle for Geonosis, Yoda believed that the Clone Wars would drag on. A difficult time will come for the Republic and the Order. Yoda, like many Masters, became a Supreme General, he participated in many battles on different worlds for the Republic.

At the beginning of the War, Yoda commanded the action on Axion, leading the clones into battle on his horse. He saved Commander Brolis and defeated the Fire Droid in battle. During the battle on Muunilinst, Yoda saved the lives of Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee. He pulled them out of the cave of crystals destroyed by the Chameleons. Yoda soon learned that the destruction of the cave was planned personally by Count Dooku.

Yoda lost a Padawan before the War, but he lost a friend during the War. The King of Trusta, Alaric, wanted to annex his planet to the Separatists. Yoda flew to the planet to talk with his old friend, but he was adamant. As a result, Trust was drawn into the War. Not wanting to answer to the citizens of the planet, Alaric decided to die by firing a blaster at Yoda, knowing that his friend would be forced to defend himself. With no other choice, Yoda deflected the shot at Alaric. Yoda realized that the longer the War continued, the more creatures will die.

At the end of the War, Yoda traveled to Vyun after receiving a message from Dooku. Although Yoda knew that the Sith could not deceive him, he hoped that his former student would still take the right path. He took four Jedi with him and secretly went to Vyun. Dooku's apprentice, Asajj Ventress, tracked down the Jedi. She sent her assassin droids onto the Knights' ships and killed two. Yoda was able to destroy the droids and escape Ventress. He met with Dooku on Vyuna, and the Sith suggested that Yoda turn to the Dark Side. In response, Yoda suggested former student return to the Order. The Jedi almost succeeded, but Obi-Wan and Anakin intervened. Yoda had to fight Count Dooku again. Both survived.

“The darkness is growing. I fear the power of the Sith."

Despite the growing power of the Darkness, Yoda remained mainly on Coruscant, from there he controlled the actions of the Jedi. During the Second Battle of Coruscant, Yoda once again led the clones into battle on his horse, supporting Commander Fordo and demonstrating brilliant sword fighting techniques. A little later, he sent his horse back to the Temple, and he continued to fight alongside Mace Windu on foot.

Despite the Jedi's efforts, they were unable to prevent Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from being kidnapped by General Grievous. Anakin and Obi-Wan rescued the Chancellor and killed Dooku. Since Yoda was unable to return his student to the path of Light, he ordered the Jedi to find the last Sith.

Death is a natural part of life, rejoice for your loved ones who have been transformed into strength, do not mourn them, and do not grieve for them, because attachment leads to jealousy, and jealousy is the shadow of greed...

In 19 BBY, Chancellor Palpatine, who was now closer than ever to absolute power over the Galactic Senate, appointed Anakin to the Jedi Council as his own representative. After which the Council, wary of this, reluctantly agreed to this decision. However, Yoda and Mace Windu, who still commanded respect from the young Jedi, did not want to disrupt the order of Jedi development and did not give him the title of Master, suggesting that it would give him the opportunity to vote in all Council meetings. And this would mean the same thing as if this vote was given to Palpatine, which they did not want to allow.

Just at this time, Yoda is holding a council about the mysterious Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Yoda, using his incredible sensitivity and mastery of the Force, senses the presence of the Sith Lord and finally comes to the conclusion that Sidious is one of Palpatine's close associates. But, even with all his skill, Yoda nevertheless did not see Anakin's fall to the dark side of the force.

When Palpatine, now the self-proclaimed Emperor of the Galactic Empire, ordered the execution of Order 66, Yoda was on Kashyyyk observing the battle between Separatist forces and a mixed army of clone troopers and Wookiees. He felt the death of every Jedi who fell at the hands of their own squads. Sensing a certain warning in this, Yoda killed the clones sent to him with lightning speed, and then, with the help of the Wookiee leader Tarfull and Chewbacca, went to Coruscant. There, he and the clones fought their way to the Jedi Temple to neutralize the trap for every Jedi who had not already fallen victim to Order 66. Upon discovering a holographic recording showing Anakin as brutal killer, Yoda instructed Kenobi to kill his last student. Kenobi told Yoda that he could not fight Anakin, and that he would like to kill Sidious instead. But Yoda insisted.

Young Skywalker succumbed to the corruption of the Dark Side. The boy you taught is no longer there. Darth Vader devoured him.

Subsequently, Yoda entered into a titanic battle with Palpatine, which practically destroyed the Senate building. The forces of the parties seemed equal, because two patriarchs of both sides of the Force entered the battle, and neither could defeat the other. In an attempt to end the duel, Palpatine moved to a higher position and used the Force to throw heavy Senate stocks at Yoda, who easily dodged them and even sent one back to Palpatine, forcing him to jump to a lower level. Once again on the same level as Palpatine, Yoda used his acrobatic abilities and activated his lightsaber. Palpatine called upon a surge of the Force and fired a bolt of lightning at Yoda, knocking out his lightsaber in the process. Left without his weapon, Yoda began using his palms to absorb dark energy, even sending some of it back at a rather surprised Palpatine. It would seem that Yoda had gained some advantage in the battle, but the fight ended in a draw, as an explosion of clashing energies was caused, throwing Yoda and Palpatine in different directions. Both masters grabbed the edge of the Senate rostrum, and only Palpatine managed to hold on. Yoda fell to the floor of the Senate chamber. After being killed by clone troopers and the near destruction of the Jedi Order by the Sith, a weakened Yoda realized that he could not defeat Palpatine. Yoda then went into self-imposed exile to hide from the Empire and await another opportunity to destroy the Sith.

At the same time, Anakin lost almost all of his limbs and was burned in the flames following the outcome of the battle with Obi-Wan - these injuries cost him much of his potential to use the Force, and the cybernetic implants installed with Palpatine's consent to keep him alive rendered him little than similar to a person. His transformation into a terrible machine became a terrible personification of the fateful words spoken by Yoda to Obi-Wan, who did not believe that his student had gone over to the dark side of the force.

Yoda, being in contact with the spirit of Qui-Gon, transferred this knowledge to Obi-Wan.

He played a key role in resolving the issue of the Skywalker children after Padmé died in childbirth, advising that Luke and Leia be hidden from the Emperor where the Sith would not sense their presence. In addition to the elderly Jedi Master, Bail Organa, Owen Lars and Obi-Wan knew about the whereabouts of the children. Initially, Obi-Wan wanted to take the children with him to, like Yoda, teach them the Jedi arts, but Yoda realized that in addition to the ability of the Force, it was necessary to teach them something else if they were going to destroy the Empire. Moreover, it was necessary to keep the names of the twins secret in order to be able to protect them in case the Sith suddenly discovered the remaining Jedi before Luke and Leia grew up.

“I must go into exile. I failed."

Yoda then traveled to Dagobah, a desert and swampy planet, where he patiently waited for new hope to arise. On the way, he was attacked by three squads of TIE interceptors, shooting down his ship, but Yoda escaped in a capsule, and rumors spread throughout the Empire about his death.

22 years after Yoda's exile, in 3 ABY, Luke Skywalker traveled to Dagobah with the goal of finding Yoda and undergoing Jedi training, as he was told by the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who died in a battle with Darth Vader aboard the Death Star. A little stubborn, Yoda finally agreed to teach him the ways of the Force. Before completing his training, Luke was nevertheless faced with a choice: continue his training or leave Dagobah and go save his friends from Darth Vader and the Empire. After making a promise to Yoda to return and complete his preparations, he set off.

“Luke, don’t underestimate the Emperor’s power. Then you will fall like your father. I will be the last of the Jedi."

Returning to Dagobah in 4 ABY, Luke found Yoda sick and severely weakened by old age. Yoda told Luke that he had completed his training but would not become a Jedi until he "met his father," Darth Vader. Yoda then died at the age of 900 and finally became fully fused with the Force.

In the end, Luke heeded all of Yoda's teachings, which saved him from anger and falling to the dark side: he controlled his emotions even when he was one step away from killing Darth Vader and becoming the Emperor's new apprentice. When the Emperor attempted to kill Luke with lightning bolts, Vader returned to the light side and became Anakin Skywalker again, killing his master to save his son. Anakin died from damage to his suit in the surrounding collapse of the Empire. Later that night, Luke looked at Anakin with pride and gratitude, surrounded by Obi-Wan and their eternal mentor, Yoda.

“Size doesn't matter. You judge me by my height, huh?”

He takes part in all episodes of the saga, with the exception of Episode IV: A New Hope. Like many Star Wars names, the name "Yoda" is taken from an ancient language - most likely from Sanskrit, where it translates to " yodha" means "warrior", from Hebrew " yodea"translates to 'I know'.

Hero's Speech

Master Yoda's speech is rich in various inversions, which are found in almost every sentence. On Galactic Prime, Yoda speaks by inverting word order. His preferred order is "object-subject-predicate", OSV. However, sometimes a character speaks using the less exotic subject-predicate-object order. A typical example of Yoda saying: "Your apprentice Skywalker will be."

In honor of this feature of speech, the programming technique “Yoda’s Conditions” was named, which consists in changing the order in which the value of a variable is written and the variable itself.


early years

Yoda, who stands 66 cm tall, is one of the oldest members of the Jedi Council and most likely the wisest and most powerful Jedi of his time; such a high position, of course, was based on Yoda’s very advanced age. Perhaps Yoda's Master was N'Kata Del Gormo. Yoda trained such outstanding Jedi as Count Dooku, Qui-Gon Jinn, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi (only for a while, until he was accepted as a student by Qui-Gon Jinn), Ki-Adi-Mundi and Luke Skywalker . In addition, he led preparatory classes with almost every young Jedi in the galaxy at the Jedi Temple before they were assigned to a mentor (from 800 MY to 19 MY). It should be clarified that a padawan was assigned to a mentor, and even earlier the padawan was a youngling (they don’t have a mentor yet). They can be found in the second episode, when Obi-Wan asks Master Yoda about the planet Kamino, then one of the younglings helps figure out why it is not on the map, and in the third, where they are killed by Anakin Skywalker, who has turned into Darth Vader. From the novelization of "Attack of the Clones" it follows that all the Jedi called Yoda their teacher, even those who were not directly his Padawans in the past.

George Lucas deliberately kept Yoda's race a secret (Yoda, Yaddle, and Vandar Tokare were sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Wills, despite Lucas not classifying them as that species). In fact, very little was reported about Yoda's life before the events of Episode I: The Phantom Menace. From sources in the expanded universe (setting), information came that he received the rank of Jedi Knight at the age of 50, and was awarded the rank of Master by his centenary. Following his teachings, Yoda was tasked with going into self-imposed exile to gain higher levels of understanding of the Force. He was one of the Jedi Masters who established a traveling academy aboard the interstellar starship Chu'unthor during the period 200 BP. b.; then in the on-board computer data there was a record that he went in search of one of the missing passengers of the ship when it crashed on Dathomir.

"Episode I: The Phantom Menace"

At 32 d.b. I. Qui-gon Jinn brings a young slave boy named Anakin Skywalker to the Jedi Council, claiming that the boy is the Chosen One, capable of bringing balance to the Force, and asked to be taken as a Padawan once Obi-Wan passes all the necessary tests to receive the title of knight. -Jedi (as you know, a Jedi can only have one padawan during the training period). Yoda, as the most experienced teacher on the council and the most respected and honored Jedi Master, plays a key role in the initial solution to this problem and refuses the request. Yoda believes that the years of slavery did not pass unnoticed for the young boy and his too close attachment to his mother will interfere with successful studies and training. The future of this boy, according to the master, is uncertain.

Following Qui-Gon's death at the hands of Darth Maul, the council nevertheless reverses its previous decision, although for what reasons is unknown. Presumably, such changes are explained by Kenobi’s intransigence - the newly initiated knight certainly wanted to take young Skywalker into training, even contrary to the opinion of the Council, and the members of the latter had no choice but to agree to this risky step, otherwise such disobedience could lead, firstly, to a decrease in authority Jedi Council, and secondly, to Skywalker Padawan’s formal non-involvement in the Jedi. However, Obi-Wan was warned that the consequences of training the boy could be fatal both for the future of the Republic and the entire Galaxy, and for Kenobi himself.

“Episode II. Attack of the Clones »

At 22 d.b. I. Yoda serves as the Republic's top general at the Battle of Geonosis, when the Republic's clone stormtrooper army was first tested in combat. He leads a team tasked with rescuing Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padmé Amidala Naberrie from execution by the Separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems. In the midst of the battle, Yoda engages in a lightsaber battle with the Separatist leader and Sith Lord Count Dooku, who was once his apprentice. This confrontation ends when Count Dooku, deciding to flee, puts the wounded Obi-Wan and Anakin in danger. Looking hulking and old, Yoda demonstrates unprecedented mastery of the lightsaber (IV form of lightsaber wielding, the hallmarks of which are the use of the Force to perform incredible acrobatic maneuvers).

Clone Wars

The Battle of Geonosis, despite the victory of the Republic forces, opened a bloody war that would last about three years. Like all Jedi, Yoda became a general during the Clone Wars, personally participating in some battles (notably the Battle of Axion, where he personally led troops of clone troopers on a kibuk steed).

During the Battle of Muunilist, Yoda, along with Padmé Amidala, came to the aid of Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee, who were trapped in the Crystal Caverns. Yoda learned that the attack on the caves with lightsaber crystals was staged by the former Jedi Count Dooku.

Yoda later says that he is in contact with the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn. Although little attention is paid to this in the film, the book shows that Yoda actually becomes the student of the Jedi Master who died in The Phantom Menace and found the path to immortality. He subsequently passed this knowledge on to Obi-Wan.

He also plays a key role in resolving the issue of the Skywalker children after Padmé dies in childbirth, advising that Luke and Leia be hidden from Darth Vader and the Emperor where the Sith would not sense their presence. In addition to the elderly Jedi Master, Bail Organa, Owen Lars and Obi-Wan knew about the whereabouts of the children (at the same time, it is unlikely that the Lars family knew about Leia's existence). Initially, Obi-Wan wanted to take the children with him to, like Yoda, teach them the Jedi skills, but Yoda realizes that in addition to the ability to handle the Force, they need to be taught something else if they are going to destroy the Empire. Moreover, it was necessary to keep the names of the twins secret in order to be able to protect them in case the Sith suddenly discovered the remaining Jedi Knights before Luke and Leia grew up. As we learn from subsequent episodes, this strategy more than paid off.

Yoda then travels to the desolate and swampy planet of Dagobah, where he patiently awaits the emergence of a New Hope.

An interesting fact is that in the novel by Matthew Stover, the battle between Yoda and Sidious was slightly changed. Yoda knocks Palpatine down with a kick rather than a push. Lightning Sidious, the Jedi with a slight wave of his hand, takes them to the guards, killing them. There was no explosion of force, as Palpatine jumped to another platform, and Yoda jumped after him, but was a millisecond too late and was struck by force lightning, causing him to fall to the floor of the Senate. However, Lucas said that in the final version of the script the battle was a draw, and Stover simply did not wait for the final version. Since the script is the main canon, the version of the battle from the film is considered the main and main one. Lucas also claimed that the original version of the duel was a victory for Yoda, not a draw, but the script was changed.

"Episode IV: A New Hope"

Yoda is not in the film, but his name is mentioned in the script.

"Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back"

22 years after Yoda's exile, in 3 p.i. b., Luke Skywalker travels to the Dagobah system in order to find Yoda and undergo Jedi training, as he was told by the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who died in a battle with Darth Vader in A New Hope. A little stubborn, Yoda finally agrees to teach him the ways of the Force. Before completing his training, Luke, however, is faced with the choice of leaving Dagobah and going to save his friends from Darth Vader and the Empire, or staying and finishing his training. After making a promise to Yoda to return and complete his preparations, he sets off.

"Episode VI: Return of the Jedi"

Returning to Dagobah at 4 p.m. b., Luke finds Yoda sick and greatly weakened by old age. Yoda tells Luke that he has completed his training, but will not become a Jedi until he "meets his father," Darth Vader. Yoda then dies at the age of 900 and is finally fully fused with the Force. Yoda's death is unique within the Star Wars universe, as it is an example of a Jedi dying peacefully due to his age. After all, every death of a person wielding the Force, which occurred before and after him, was violent.

In the end, Luke heeded all of Yoda's teachings, which saved him from anger and falling to the dark side: he controlled his emotions even when he was one step away from killing Darth Vader and becoming the Emperor's new apprentice. When the Emperor attempts to kill Luke with lightning bolts, Vader returns to the light side and becomes Anakin Skywalker again, killing his master to save his son. Anakin dies from damage to his suit in the collapse of the Empire surrounding him (according to another version, he died due to the fact that his life was supported by the dark power of the Emperor and after the death of the latter he could no longer exist normally). Later that night, Anakin's spirit, surrounded by Obi-Wan and their eternal mentor Yoda, looks at Luke with pride and gratitude.

Without using the Force for a long time, old Yoda was forced to lean on a stick when walking. In the expanded universe, it can be found that one of his luggage is a memento from a Wookiee, and his cane is made from a certain plant called gimera, which contains nutrients, so that Yoda can chew the cane during his long journey.

"Episode VII: The Force Awakens"

Yoda's voice was heard in Rey's visions as she picked up Anakin Skywalker's sword. This happened 30 years after Yoda's death.

"Episode VIII: The Last Jedi"

Yoda appears as a force ghost on the planet Ahch-To.

Master Yoda prototype

According to one version, Yoda was based on two Japanese martial artists. Research into this assumption points to Sokaku Takeda and Gozo Shioda. Takeda was a member of a famous family of samurai who dedicated their lives to military struggle. Their skill, called Daito-ryu, is considered to be the basis of Aikido. Master swordsman Takeda, identified simply as number "4'11", earned himself the nickname Aizo no Kotengu, which translated means “undersized dwarf.” Likewise, Gozo, the founder of Yoshinkan Aikido, was under the same number - “4’11”. Like Yoda, they were extremely small in stature, but nevertheless this did not prevent them from mastering the power of martial arts to perfection. Their art was based on the teachings of Aiki, or simply Ki (Strength). Moreover, like Yoda, they were natural teachers who dedicated their lives to following the path of the art of war.

Master Yoda is often compared to the founder of aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, who mastered the technique of non-contact combat. Perhaps he served as a prototype for the Master, and the Jedi Order itself is a fantastic film embodiment of the Aikido school, since many principles of the Jedi code are similar to the canons of Aikido.

There is also an opinion that Yoda’s prototype was Shimazu Kenji-sensei, the patriarch of the Yagyu Shingan Ryu school (school of the Shogun’s bodyguards).

Yoda Animation

Yoda's appearance was originally created by British stylist Stuart Freeborn, who depicted Yoda's face as a mixture of his own and Albert Einstein's, as a photograph of the latter inspired his final image. Yoda was voiced by Frank Oz. In the original Star Wars trilogy, Yoda was a simple doll ( Green colour which was also managed by Frank Oz). In the Russian dubbing of Star Wars, Yoda was voiced by actor Boris Smolkin.

In The Phantom Menace, Yoda's appearance was altered to make him look more youthful. His likeness was computer-generated for two deleted scenes, but he was again used as a puppet.

Using computer animation in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, Yoda appeared in previously impossible characters, such as in a fight scene that was very labor-intensive to simulate. In Revenge of the Sith, his face appears in several large sequences that require very careful computer digitization.

On September 15, 2011, a blu-ray re-release of the entire Star Wars saga was released. In the first film, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, the Yoda doll was replaced with a computer model.

In 2015, a Yoda figure appeared at Madame Tussauds.

Criticism and reviews


In 2003, Yoda, along with Christopher Lee, received an MTV Movie Award for Best Battle Scene in Episode II of Attack of the Clones. Yoda personally "appeared" at the ceremony to receive the award and gave a speech thanking George Lucas and many others.


Comedy singer "Weird Al" Yankovic parodied the song "Lola" in the remake of "Yoda", included on the album "I Have the Right to Be Stupid" (1985). This includes Downing's parodies of Ricky Martin's song "Livin" La Vida Yoda." Less successfully, "The Great Luke Ski" parodied the song "Y.M.C.A." by Village People and called the remake "Y.O.D.A", including it on the albums Fanboys 'n Da Hood (1996) and Carpe Dementia (1999).

In the Mel Brooks film Spaceballs, the character Yogurt, played by Mel Brooks himself, is a clear parody of Yoda, but there are also opinions that he is similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Yogurt trains Lone Star in the ways of Schwartz (a parody of the Force, "Schwartz" being short for "Schwarzenegger", and also "Schwartz" being a common surname among Ashkenazi Jews).

In Goblin’s comedic translation of “The Hidden Threat” - “Storm in a Glass”, the character is renamed Cheburan Vissarionovich.

In the episode “Love Conquers All... Almost / Love conquers... almost everything” (1.13) of the animated series “Flattened Space,” the crew of Jupiter-42 meets a creature that is a parody of Yoda: it is small in stature, green in color, and the word order used is - OVS.

In the cartoon Kung Fu Panda, Master Oogway dies in the same way as Yoda.

Eminem parodies Yoda in the song Rhyme Or Reason.

The first episodes from the fourth season of the cartoon The Legend of Korra can also be considered a parody. Avatar Korra also arrived in the swamp in search of a teacher, by then already elderly, Toph Beifong.


  1. No one is like Darth Vader
  2. Star Wars comic will tell Yoda's backstory
  3. 8 incredible things you didn know about Yoda
  4. Yoda (undefined) . Retrieved February 18, 2012.