If you want to find a job that you really enjoy, try to imagine what you already have a large number of money, and there is no more need. Think about what you would like to do in this case? It is difficult for many people to answer this question. Most people answer that they will rest and do nothing. However, idleness cannot be endless; sooner or later a person will get bored with rest, and he will begin to look for something interesting activity. This is the activity you need to think about.

As soon as something comes to mind, think about why you are attracted to it? Make a list of what you like most about this activity, how this process makes you feel. Perhaps this is communication with people, working outdoors, frequent changes of environment, being tied up or a feeling of freedom when the result of your activity depends only on you and you are accountable only to yourself, etc. Look at your current job. Doesn't it give you such opportunities? Is it really necessary to look for a new activity?

Job search

Having determined what exactly you expect from a new job, try to consider all the offers available on the market today. Finding what you really like will now be easier. For example, if you enjoy communicating with people, you might want to consider jobs such as sales manager, teacher, service industry, etc. If you value independence and freedom, pay attention to your interests or hobbies, if you have them. Perhaps you can monetize them and open them own business.

Also pay attention to your actual financial needs. If you have high current expenses, no job selected in this way will be happy for you if it does not bring you enough money. When looking for a job, be guided by your feelings and expectations from it, but do not forget about financial side question.


If you find a vacancy that matches your criteria, do not rush to get a job. Try to find representatives of this profession who have been doing their job for more than one year. Find out what skills are important and what you need to focus on Special attention etc. Decide if this is really what you want to do. Also pay attention to your qualifications. Are you ready to start working now or do you need to take a refresher course?

Apparatus employed

It is very easy to make a mistake in choosing a job that would suit you. Only practice can show whether you made the right choice. If you still settle on a specific option, try taking probation or get a work placement if possible. Feel what you have to do, and only after that make the final decision.

Perhaps you are now thinking about changing jobs or are already going to the next one. Perhaps you are a boss and right now you are perplexedly considering your next resignation letter. In any case, this article is written for you. From it the first will learn how to choose better job in their lives, and the second about how to make sure that your employees don’t even think about quitting you for any reason.

What do people pay attention to when applying for a new job?

Yes, you guessed it right once.

Of course, this is the most important factor, but it would be very imprudent to reduce everything only to money. There are hundreds of activities in the world that pay very good money, but which you would never do. In addition, once a person reaches a certain level of well-being, money as an incentive begins to lose its decisive importance. We can recall dozens and hundreds of examples when successful managers and executives of large companies leave their bright, comfortable offices and go to free bread or even into the unknown. And no amount of salaries, social packages, corporate benefits and free goodies can keep them from doing this.

So what, after all, are they missing?


Before you get a job new job Necessarily rate how interesting it will be for you. Don't forget that you will be devoting most of your time to this activity. Yes, a good material reward can make you think about what you can “endure” or “endure and fall in love with.” But don’t flatter yourself - in a boring job that doesn’t interest you at all, you will quickly turn into a humanoid robot programmed to perform your “functional duties” from 9 to 18. So it's better not to even try.


I am fully aware that both large and small companies have their own established routines and each employee must have a clearly defined range of responsibilities. However, one cannot write off the innate need of every person for independence and. Therefore, take a close look at what space to make independent decisions looms in your new workplace. If your duties do not even imply any independence or represent only a pitiful imitation, when your every look and action will be carefully monitored and corrected, then the value of such work is very doubtful.


Many people believe that man is a lazy creature and always chooses the path of least resistance. This may be partially true, but this path quickly leads to personality degradation. If no significant effort, mental or physical, is required from you in a new place, then you will quickly get bored and... Therefore, when choosing a new job, make sure that you are faced with quite complex tasks. Only overcoming difficulties gives rise to the interest that we wrote about in the first paragraph and serves the development of a person.


Not in vain, oh not in vain Greek gods Sisyphus was sentenced to rolling a stone up a mountain forever. Hard, endless and fruitless work is a real curse for any person. Therefore, it is very important that in your labor activity was traced direct connection between the effort expended and the result obtained. It is clear that most often we're talking about about monetary remuneration, but in some cases a skillfully structured reward system can inspire employees to work selflessly even without this.


People love to be respected. Everyone - a drunk with a glass of beer, and a scientist receiving Nobel Prize. Many are ready to work long and hard for this, without salary or bonuses. On the other hand, even the most highly paid job, but for which you will be despised and hated, can poison your life. Therefore, look for a job that you can be proud of yourself and that will make your children proud of you.

So When deciding how to find the job that will be the best in your life, after finding out the size of the salary, the availability of a social package, the size of the table and the availability of free cookies, be sure to take a break and answer the following questions for yourself:

Will this job be interesting to me in a year? And in five?

Will I be able to make my own decisions?

Are the tasks I have to solve challenging enough?

Will I be able to see the results of my work?

Will I and others respect me for this work?

Finding purpose is not easy. Many people suffer for years from the fact that they cannot find an activity they like that would bring not only material wealth, but also moral satisfaction. Thousands of people ask the question: “What job is right for me?”, and few find the answer. The truth is hidden, and it takes a lot of time to find it. Each of us wants to feel significant, in demand, needed, and to realize our abilities. Having a good education today is not enough. It is much more important to wisely manage the potential that is within ourselves.

Difficulties of self-determination

The main difficulty is to correctly recognize your own voice, sounding from the depths of the soul. For quite a long time, many people try in every possible way to drown it out in themselves, so as not to torment their hearts and not get upset in vain. Such people simply cannot allow themselves to be who they really are.

The task of each person is to find his niche and realize his potential. There is nothing simpler and nothing more difficult. The fact is that successful self-realization is often hampered by external factors: the influence of parents, the degree of prestige of the chosen profession, the opinion of friends and acquaintances about the future specialty. In all this fuss, we often forget the most important thing - to ask ourselves: how much do we personally like our chosen profession, how happy can we feel, devoting most of our time to our chosen business?

Difference between education and activity

Today, having a good education does not guarantee getting a decent job. Some people find this state of affairs unfair. You can study for five years prestigious university and not achieve high results upon completion of training. In modern reality, it is not so much the presence of education that is valued, but the ability to apply one’s knowledge in practice. What does it mean? You must not only study at the institute, pass exams, perform term papers, but to cultivate a highly qualified specialist within yourself. Already during your studies, you can find a suitable place for practice (it does not have to be related to the practical training that you need to undergo during your studies), where you will begin to train and practice the skills you have acquired.

A suitable job may not be directly related to the specialty obtained. The main thing is that in the course of your activities you have the opportunity to practically work through everything that you once studied. There is absolutely nothing wrong if, after completing your studies at a university, you suddenly realized that you do not want to directly connect your life with this profession. In this case, you may not work in your previously chosen specialty, but use only the knowledge you have acquired in some related field. This is also very good.

Character and personality traits

When choosing a profession, you need to consider the following: personal characteristics, like temperament, the ability to quickly respond to changing conditions. For example, phlegmatic and melancholic people are contraindicated in work that requires a quick change of activity, and choleric people are tired of monotony. It is important to remember that temperamental properties are innate. There is no need to try to remake yourself; it is better to choose a job that will maximally emphasize your strengths and allow you to climb the career ladder.

If you are seriously wondering, “What job is right for me?”, then you want to live in harmony with your own inner essence. Calm, balanced people are suitable for jobs that require great focus and concentration: librarian, accountant. As a rule, they do everything in good faith, without violating deadlines. Motor people need activity to constantly enliven them, so they will like any work with people: consultant, salesperson, logistician. Creative people often choose professions that allow for a long time be alone with yourself: artist, designer, writer, poet, musician.

Talents and abilities

Whatever activity you engage in, first of all you should like it, and not someone else. In the question: “How do I know what job is right for me?” Many people make the mistake of starting to look where they pay more, completely disregarding their abilities. Learn to listen to your own heart: it will tell you what you really need. An important role is played by the person’s area of ​​interest, talents and aptitudes for something. “What kind of job is right for me if I’m not interested in anything and don’t know anything special?” someone asks. The answer is complex and simple at the same time: find yourself, start from yourself, then success will not keep you waiting long.

There is a theory according to which each of us is destined to occupy a certain position in society, one way or another to realize ourselves in the world. The determining factor in this case is the relationship between the planets and stars under which you were born. To calculate your unique formula of fate, you need to be guided only by the numbers that make up the day, month and year of your birth.

Thus, it is extremely important for each person to find his place in life. When you find the treasure within you, you will never again be troubled by the question, “What job is right for me?” Self-realization allows us to feel confident and at ease; this is a truly worthy way to become happy and self-sufficient.

How to find a job you like? Pleasant and easy career guidance - you will be surprised!

The question is not whether to be or not to be - the question is who exactly to be. After all, we spend most of our lives working and doing our business—mistakes here are unacceptable. Don’t listen to your friends, family and advertising – look for yourself and your place in the world. It is most important!

Express test: find out who you are?

So, first, give yourself a simple but true psychological test. On paper, draw the following shapes: a square, a circle, a triangle, a vertical rectangle and two waves - one below the other. But arrange them in the order you like - the first figure should be your favorite. And she will just tell you about what field of activity you need to look for yourself in.

Square. If this figure was the first, you are a man-nature. Working with animals, plants, and the green world is suitable for you. Your place of work is a dolphinarium, laboratories, nurseries, botanical gardens, medicine and a travel agency.

Circle. You are a technical person. But this does not mean that you can now only repair cars - in many professions people with a technical mindset are valued. Even among musicians there is such a thing as “technicians” and “hearers.” Those. You will like the kind of work in which skill will be welcomed and where you can hone it.

Triangle. You are a sign person. IN school age you loved mathematics and all the exact sciences, and therefore working as an accountant is very creative for you. Everything related to symbols, encryption, numbers and calculations is all yours. In addition to traditional ones, modern triangle professions include SEO optimizers, analysts (especially analysts!) and programmers. Quite well paid professions, by the way

Rectangle. Was this figure the first? You are an image person. Most likely, you are left-handed, because... exactly right hemisphere(responsible for left hand) produces vivid emotional images and gives a predominance of synthesis in thinking. You can become a successful artist, landscape and interior designer, decorator, screen star or writer. After all, you see the whole world in harmonious images - and this is a rare gift.

Waves. Are there two wavy lines ahead, one above the other? You are a born psychologist. Your ideal job is working with people. These two lines are two souls, two personalities. You - schools, teachers, operators, marketers, realtors and business consultants. As the saying goes: “The whole world is in your hands if you know how to choose your words!”

Freelancing, network marketing, business or “working for someone else”?

But how to decide on the form of employment? Is it worth dragging with the dawn rays across the city to a stuffy office, or trying your luck among freelancing freelancers? Or is it better to borrow money from a neighbor and start your own business? Become a diamond leader in some cosmetics company? Learn to sell your own hobby at a high price?...

Yes, possibilities modern world provides unlimited. It is no longer considered prestigious and honorable, as before, to work at one factory all your life and then be proud of a well-deserved pension for your “working youth”. Today, mobility and the ability to survive in different circumstances are valued. As one wise man said: “We are not a tree to grow in one place: if you don’t like your job, change it!”

Are you afraid? A crisis? Just imagine that for another ten, twenty, thirty years you will wake up like this every morning to an unloved job and envy all the homeless people who sleep sweetly at such an early hour and do not worry about anything at all. That for the rest of your life you will regret the lost opportunities, the lost development and self-realization. Bright prospects? How about you wait a couple of years and then decide to make changes? It’s better now - the younger you are, the more strength and energy you have, and the more in demand you are. Youth is given to a person so that he can find himself.

But don’t believe reviews and advertisements for this or that type of activity - each of them has its own pros and cons. In short, they are: "working for my uncle" Many people are attracted to stability. Stable salary, stable job, stable vacation. In a word, stable poverty.

People who hate morning owls and those whose cheekbones ache at the mention of the words “report” and “flight” usually go into freelancing. It’s not for nothing that “freelancing” comes from “free” - “freedom”. But there are many pitfalls here - and huge competition, and customer fraud, and the most banal laziness, which will immediately grab you by the throat as soon as there is no longer a boss behind you with your foot raised to kick you.

Network marketing is, of course, a popular business today. Constant growth, development, salary, the size of which depends only on you - all these are quite pleasant little things. But don’t forget that you will need to live non-stop all the time, not to mention the fact that you will have to actually marry a mobile phone.

Your own business is definitely a good option if you have entrepreneurial acumen. Just forget about restful sleep. Forever. But it will be interesting! And in order to understand yourself and what is closest to your liking, take the following test.

People-stones, lights, water and warm wax - who are you?

A rather interesting classification of personalities is popular in the marketing world - try to determine your type:

Stone people: everything is bad, bad, bad!

A typical stone personality is Miss Leech from modern Luntik. She is always unhappy with everything, she is terribly slow to climb and has a rather bad character. In life, such people are very prudent and even stingy, they are meticulously punctual and love to “nail” those around them. But this does not mean that they are bad, they just each have their own characteristics and their own worldview.

Do you recognize yourself? Perfect for you civil service and a stable, dust-free job in some company. You will be in the same office, in the same position, for decades. You will not be particularly afraid of either economic crises or the personnel problem of the market. Your salary will be the same, stably on a certain day of the month, and neither defaults, nor competition, nor modern realities will knock it out of your hands financial plan for a year (more precisely, for all 10 years). If you like this kind of work, don’t listen to anyone and do what you really like.

After all, stone people, of whom there are about 20% of us, are important, stable cogs in a huge mechanism. But make a note to yourself that: “The little wheels on the clock spin the most.”

Water people: the main thing is to go with the flow!

There are as many as 40% of us like that. This is an ordinary gray mass, a crowd. Water easily changes shape, adapts and contains the most diverse audience. A water person can work successfully in absolutely any field of activity. True, it’s better not to expect any stunning achievements from him, but he won’t feel bad anywhere. He loves to go with the flow, which is why all other subtypes value him. Do you recognize yourself? Don’t fool yourself - look for a job that is closer to you and where the salary will suit you. It doesn’t matter what the essence of your classes will be, you can handle anything!

Wax people: just a drop of human warmth...

Wax people are typical introverts. More than anything else, they value comfort. They are loyal, persistent, constant - they can be both excellent performers and excellent leaders. But psychological support and human warmth in relationships are important for them - from their boss or subordinates. Do you feel like this is about you? Then any one will suit you office work, you can build an excellent career and even open your own small business - but without risk and overexertion, because you are not mobile enough, although you are flexible. And even in freelancing, success awaits you - those who don’t need supervision and a boss’s whip at all.

Fire People: Engine of Progress

And finally, the rarest type of people are fire people. There are only 1% of them! They are born leaders, excellent strategists, they know how to ignite others and lead entire crowds. "Ogonki" is especially successful in network marketing and in those areas of activity where there is no ceiling on either initiative or salary. But they cannot live without live human communication, and therefore, if they are forced to work in a gray office on papers, they will either begin to think about a rope with soap, or they will disperse their vigorous activity and there - they will become heads of trade union committees, secret instigators against their bosses or “ mommies" and "daddies" for others. Do you recognize the sparkle in yourself? Don’t ruin yourself in your service, because you are a real diamond for many companies. Look for yourself!

Now just close your eyes and relax. Imagine yourself in the future—your ideal future. Where do you live? What do you do? No, don't specify your profession - just think about what it would look like. Forget the names of your specialties and the vacancy - come up with a new job that has never happened before, but which you would definitely like. Do you see live communication with people or is it quiet work with technology? What are you wearing? How many hours a day do you devote to your future favorite activity? Think carefully, what service would you be happy to jump into at 7 am, or for what would you be happy to give up your boss and a stable salary? Where are your dreams? What are they?

Do you want to find a job you like? Catch your luck by the tail - right now! Don't let a single day of your life be gray and dull. Be brave and love yourself more than anyone else in the world! Don’t be afraid of changes and bold decisions - fortune loves them!

And today there is a new trend on the Internet - monetary esotericism. The essence of the approach: money is energy that you need to be able to attract, retain and increase. You can “upgrade” your money thinking different ways. Play the famous Cash Flow game, work, develop good habits.

Don’t be alarmed, we won’t teach “money conspiracies.” I just wanted to note that in all such books and trainings, a valuable thought runs through the “red thread”. Good money comes from a job/business that you truly enjoy! And for which we have the ability.

So today I’ll talk about how to find your favorite job using a simple but surprisingly accurate test.

There are a lot of aptitude tests on the Internet. And in blogs, and on forums, and on specialized sites. They are even published in glossy magazines, so that between a haircut and a manicure, women can choose an activity to their liking.

Sometimes among the tests you come across surprisingly accurate ones!

Authors unique technique called Clifton StrengthsFinder, Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton are recognized management and leadership experts. They developed a test to identify innate “talents for work”, and wrote an excellent book: “Get the Most Out: Employee Strengths Serving the Business”.

I'll try to summarize the point in a nutshell. The authors believe that 99% of people make the same mistake since childhood. We focus on what doesn't work. And we try to bring this “something” up to at least an average level. Let’s say you’re not good at math – we study with a tutor.

Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton are confident that this approach is fundamentally wrong.

If a person concentrates on weaknesses and not on strengths, everything is given to him through strength and with great difficulty. It is much more logical to focus on your natural talents and develop them in your favorite job or business.

Let's say if strengths– the desire for competition, the ability to unite people, charisma and strategic thinking, then you are a born businessman and manager. And you are unlikely to be successful in accounting, programming or writing poetry.

The difference in effort on “your own” or “someone else’s” profession is colossal! It's like swimming with the flow or against it.

  1. Talents are innate and repeatable patterns of thinking, behaving and responding. The Clifton StrengthsFinder test reveals such talents.
  2. Skills are skills that have been brought to automaticity through repeated repetitions.
  3. Knowledge – lessons learned and facts

Taken together, all three components represent “strengths.” The authors of the methodology believe that the most important “ingredient” for success at work is innate talents that are inherent in nature.

How to identify your key talents?

Identifying your strengths is not as easy as it seems. One can only be happy for those who, from childhood, know exactly who they will be in the future.

Everyone else has to grope their way. For example, once every six months or a year to master the new kind activities. Natural inclinations allow you to quickly learn and master new skills in your “own” field. But how many of us can afford to “test by practice” before the age of 40?

StrengthsFinder testing will help you quickly “find yourself.” The test is based on the results of a 30-year study of the strengths of the most different people and their impact on success at work. Testing is based on the general model of positive psychology.

The Clifton StrengthsFinder Thematic Profile helps you select five dominant “themes” or talents out of 34 possible options. The “five” found are areas of activity that provide maximum opportunities for development.

The test results will make it easy to find a job you like in Kolomna or Moscow. And do what you truly love.

Examples of Dominant Talents

"Student". A person receives the same pleasure from the learning process as from its results. Not afraid of new tasks and projects. Constantly improves in areas that attract him.

"Self confidence". Self-confidence makes it possible to take additional risks. A person takes on more complex tasks without fear. Excellent at overcoming obstacles.

"Adaptability". Easily adapts to any situation, using all the possibilities of the current moment. Can perform several diverse tasks simultaneously.

"Caution". People with such talent analyze any situation and soberly assess risks. They do not like to act spontaneously and make only informed decisions.

"Charisma". Such personalities evoke sympathy from the first minutes of communication and easily attract people to their side. They are the ones who most often start a conversation and encourage frankness.

"Positivity." Congenital optimists see the bright side in everything. They infect others with a positive attitude and inspire them to work effectively. For them, failure is a useful lesson, and not a reason to give up.

The respondent needs to answer 180 questions in 20 seconds. Each question consists of two statements. You need to choose the one that matches your behavior. For example: “I carefully read the instructions” and “I prefer to get down to business right away” (assemble furniture, deal with a new gadget).

Based on the responses received, the program will select five dominant talents. Using his strengths, a person increases his effectiveness many times over!

The online Clifton StrengthsFinder test is also available in Russian (sf1.strengthsfinder.com). True, I didn’t find it for free on the Internet. Each Achieve Your Maximum book has a unique code that must be entered into the form before taking the test. The book with the code is also sold in in electronic format(I definitely saw it on liters.ru).

What if I don’t know what I want?

Sit down and honestly answer three questions:

  1. What I love to do most
  2. What am I willing to do even for free?
  3. What I'm always trying to find out more about

How did you find your favorite job?