Horoscope from the site

In the spring, having barely gotten out of their fur coats and scarves, lonely zodiac signs tune in to a romantic mood and begin to look around in search of a suitable companion or companion. But everyone does it differently.


Aries doesn't make acquaintances - he makes others run to get acquainted with him. To do this, Aries climbs to where he can be best seen, and from the most favorable side. Since Aries is constantly itching to butt heads with someone, he does not wait for a successful combination of circumstances, but arranges everything himself so that those around him clap and throw roses. This is Aries who stands out in the very center of the dance floor, throws a strike and is the first to grab the microphone at karaoke. To meet people, Aries go to noisy and crowded places - what's the point of speaking if the audience is only a dozen people? Stadium for me! Wembley!


Taurus meet only in specially designated places. So that the objects of acquaintance do not have any doubts - they are getting to know them or just coming up for a social chat, out of sheer politeness. In the pre-digital era, when the trees were big and the Internet was only at the Pentagon, they made full use of the services of matchmakers and marriage agencies. Now they are methodically rummaging through Tinder and Mamba, selecting applicants based on so many parameters that a rare bird will fly to Taurus. But it will be a bird that meets all the requirements.


For Geminis, the “flirting” mode is turned off only in their sleep. Therefore, they get to know each other easily, often and regardless of the circumstances. They will start making eyes at the doctor who puts a cast on their leg and the traffic police officer who issues a fine for turning around on a double solid line. As a rule, they don’t have anything serious in mind, and they don’t specifically target anyone - they just spread their nets wide, at least someone will get caught, and then we’ll figure it out.


If someone has been staring at you from the corner for a couple of years, then don’t be scared and don’t fall into paranoia. This is some Cancer getting to know you. Do not rush things. In another year he will decide to say “Hello.” Just a couple of years - and he will even pluck up the courage to find out what the object of his acquaintance is doing in the evening. Yes, dating for Cancers is not a quick matter, but it is serious. They will not give up theirs. And if they have already decided to meet Tom Hiddleston or Jennifer Lawrence, then rest assured that in 10 years they will appear with them on some red carpet.

a lion

If Leo is in an urge to meet someone, he will simply sit in beautiful pose in a visible place with favorable lighting and will wait. Leos only show initiative if they get drunk until they completely lose their inhibitions. But no. Because the lion’s thin self-esteem won’t stand it if he rolls up so handsomely and gets rejected. The more Leo likes someone, the less attention he pays to him. If Leo looks through you at all, have no doubt, he is head over heels in love.


Virgo outside world generally feared. I remember their mother told them that they shouldn’t talk to strangers - so they don’t talk. When Virgo is itching to meet someone, they will find mutual friends and make them introduce Virgo to the object in full form. The object must also be in shape - a stale shirt or a hole in a sock can knock all the romantic spirit out of a Virgo and drive them into long-term disappointment in humanity in general. Virgos only get to know each other if they have solid recommendations, so they spend their entire lives meeting people from the same


At first glance, Libras are such lightweight dandies who don’t take anything seriously. You shouldn’t perceive it that way, very much. They don’t have enough external gloss, shine, strong quadriceps or size four. No, Libra is getting to know long-range sighting. Take away their common interests. So, in search of new acquaintances, Libra goes to where their potential ones are. soul mates– for master classes on growing dahlias, for example, or for courses extreme driving. On any thematic event, from the Romanian art house festival to the rural “Catch a Pig” competition, is full of Libra, carefully scanning the audience for acquaintance.


Scorpios go to meet people where there are people who can appreciate their class and fatal outfit from the latest collection of someone famous. For example, to a restaurant – it would be nice if it was approved by the Michelin guide. Or to a club, but one where Miroslava Duma is a regular. Scorpios like to provoke, make double-bottom jokes, and generally play with fire - not everyone can withstand such fire without cowering.


Social networks were invented for people like Sagittarius. Online, this sign shines like a spotlight on a construction site - witty tweets, selfies of unearthly beauty on Instagram, the number of friends is comparable to the population of Brazil. Having identified an object of interest, Sagittarius combs his account, showers him with playful comments and, taking him by the button, resolutely takes him into a private message.


Capricorns meet at work or somewhere near it. Because this is how you meet someone in the theater, and then it turns out that he is a beggar and came on the counter from a friend, a stagehand. And what do you want to do with this? No, Capricorn, just in case, thinks strategically and makes acquaintances where there is a chance to find serious employed people with a decent salary and with a sober look to the world. Here's some professional exhibition or a conference – that’s it. Capricorn listens attentively to the tricks of polymer production and with his whole appearance makes it clear that together we will conquer this business, stick with me.


Aquarians were born to care, patronize and look after. They get to know each other the same way. And then, sitting in a blanket by the fireplace, they tell their grandchildren: “But I met your grandmother when she had a flat tire on the Moscow-Bryansk highway, and I helped her change it.” Any help is the ideal start to a wonderful friendship for Aquarius, or even something hotter. No reason to help? Aquarius organizes. He will knock over a glass of red wine on white shirt object and call him home to wash off the results of his terrible, terrible awkwardness.


Pisces can stare with a hungry gaze at the object of their interest for years, but they won’t even move a fin to somehow demonstrate their feelings. But sooner or later there comes a moment when the aquarium of fish’s patience is full - and then they immediately go to great lengths, slap their stunned counterpart on the ass and say, “Come to me.” From such a sudden pressure from the cold and distant Pisces, the object is lost and obediently goes wherever they say.

How zodiac signs get acquainted: horoscope from the site

In the spring, having barely gotten out of their fur coats and scarves, lonely zodiac signs tune in to a romantic mood and begin to look around in search of a suitable companion or companion. But everyone does it differently.


Aries doesn't make acquaintances - he makes others run to get acquainted with him. To do this, Aries climbs to where he can be best seen, and from the most favorable side. Since Aries is constantly itching to butt heads with someone, he does not wait for a successful combination of circumstances, but arranges everything himself so that those around him clap and throw roses. This is Aries who stands out in the very center of the dance floor, throws a strike and is the first to grab the microphone at karaoke. To meet people, Aries go to noisy and crowded places - what's the point of speaking if the audience is only a dozen people? Stadium for me! Wembley!


Taurus meet only in specially designated places. So that the objects of acquaintance do not have any doubts - they are getting to know them or just coming up for a social chat, out of sheer politeness. In the pre-digital era, when the trees were big and the Internet was only at the Pentagon, they made full use of the services of matchmakers and marriage agencies. Now they are methodically rummaging through Tinder and Mamba, selecting applicants based on so many parameters that a rare bird will fly to Taurus. But it will be a bird that meets all the requirements.


For Geminis, the “flirting” mode is turned off only in their sleep. Therefore, they get to know each other easily, often and regardless of the circumstances. They will start making eyes at the doctor who puts a cast on their leg and the traffic police officer who issues a fine for turning around on a double solid line. As a rule, they don’t have anything serious in mind, and they don’t specifically target anyone - they just spread their nets wide, at least someone will get caught, and then we’ll figure it out.


If someone has been staring at you from the corner for a couple of years, then don’t be scared and don’t fall into paranoia. This is some Cancer getting to know you. Do not rush things. In another year he will decide to say “Hello.” Just a couple of years - and he will even pluck up the courage to find out what the object of his acquaintance is doing in the evening. Yes, dating for Cancers is not a quick matter, but it is serious. They will not give up theirs. And if they have already decided to meet Tom Hiddleston or Jennifer Lawrence, then rest assured that in 10 years they will appear with them on some red carpet.

a lion

If Leo is eager to meet someone, he will simply sit in a beautiful pose in a visible place in favorable lighting and wait. Leos only show initiative if they get drunk until they completely lose their inhibitions. But no. Because the lion’s thin self-esteem won’t stand it if he rolls up so handsomely and gets rejected. The more Leo likes someone, the less attention he pays to him. If Leo looks through you at all, have no doubt, he is head over heels in love.


The virgins of the outside world are generally afraid. I remember their mother told them that they shouldn’t talk to strangers - so they don’t talk. When Virgo is itching to meet someone, they will find mutual friends and make them introduce Virgo to the object in full form. The object must also be in shape - a stale shirt or a hole in a sock can knock all the romantic spirit out of a Virgo and drive them into long-term disappointment in humanity in general. Virgos only get to know each other if they have solid recommendations, so all their lives they meet people from the same crowd.


At first glance, Libras are such lightweight dandies who don’t take anything seriously. You shouldn’t perceive it that way, very much. They don’t have enough external gloss, shine, strong quadriceps or size four. No, Libra is getting to know long-range sighting. Take away their common interests. So, in order to make new acquaintances, Libras go to places where their potential soul mates are found - to master classes on growing dahlias, for example, or to extreme driving courses. Any thematic event, from a Romanian art house festival to a rural “Catch a Pig” competition, is full of Libra, carefully scanning the audience for acquaintances.


Scorpios go to meet people where there are people who can appreciate their class and fatal outfit from the latest collection of someone famous. For example, to a restaurant – it would be nice if it was approved by the Michelin guide. Or to a club, but one where Miroslava Duma is a regular. Scorpios like to provoke, make double-bottom jokes, and generally play with fire - not everyone can withstand such fire without cowering.


Social networks were invented for people like Sagittarius. Online, this sign shines like a spotlight on a construction site - witty tweets, selfies of unearthly beauty on Instagram, the number of friends is comparable to the population of Brazil. Having identified an object of interest, Sagittarius combs his account, showers him with playful comments and, taking him by the button, resolutely takes him into a private message.


Capricorns meet at work or somewhere near it. Because this is how you meet someone in the theater, and then it turns out that he is a beggar and came on the counter from a friend, a stagehand. And what do you want to do with this? No, Capricorn, just in case, thinks strategically and meets people where there is a chance to find serious employed people with a decent salary and a sober view of the world. Here's some professional exhibition or conference - that's it. Capricorn listens attentively to the tricks of polymer production and with his whole appearance makes it clear that together we will conquer this business, stick with me.


Aquarians were born to care, patronize and look after. They get to know each other the same way. And then, sitting in a blanket by the fireplace, they tell their grandchildren: “But I met your grandmother when she had a flat tire on the Moscow-Bryansk highway, and I helped her change it.” Any help is the ideal start to a wonderful friendship for Aquarius, or even something hotter. No reason to help? Aquarius organizes. He will throw a glass of red on the object’s white shirt and call him home to wash off the result of his terrible, terrible awkwardness.


Pisces can stare with a hungry gaze at the object of their interest for years, but they won’t even move a fin to somehow demonstrate their feelings. But sooner or later there comes a moment when the aquarium of fish’s patience is full - and then they immediately go to great lengths, slap their stunned counterpart on the ass and say, “Come to me.” From such a sudden pressure from the cold and distant Pisces, the object is lost and obediently goes wherever they say.

Text: Olga Lysenko

Astrologers claim that the position of the Moon, Sun and planets relative to specific constellations at the hour of a person’s birth influence his preferences, choices, and tastes, which in turn determine his entire destiny. Consequently, when choosing a life partner, both women and men are guided not only by views of the opposite sex formed by upbringing or society, but also follow the call of the stars, or rather the constellations. And no matter how much men would like to think that only they make the decision in choosing their woman, the last word remains with their zodiac sign.


Being extremely demanding of the people in his environment, a man of this sign sets high demands on his woman. Next to him there is a place for one who, with all her outstanding external data, also stands out for her determination, wisdom and confidence. Only with such qualities will a woman be able to keep Aries near her, and only with such a woman will he be able to curb his excessively ardent libido in order to remain faithful to her.


For a life-affirming position, a Taurus man needs a woman who will serve him as a source of energy, inspiration and love. For him, the family is the rear, where it should always be cozy, satisfying and calm. If he needs to decide between a sexy kitty and a discreet in appearance, but self-sufficient and reliable woman, then he is more likely to choose the second. You can take his heart only with sincere dedication and attention.


A Gemini man will not be able to resist a woman with aristocratic manners, refined taste and erudition. He wants to be proud of his chosen one. He will always be interested in the one with whom he always needs to live up to, perform feats and achieve love. Therefore, with Gemini you cannot be a wide open book, but only an untold fairy tale or an intriguing novel. As long as he solves the riddles in his woman and comprehends her secrets, she will be ideal for him.


A representative of this sign is looking for a woman with whom his main values ​​in a relationship will coincide. He is ready to devote himself entirely to a woman who can also sincerely dissolve in him. Her leadership, sexual and economic qualities are also important to him. A well-fed, well-groomed and caressed Cancer man will always rush to his one and only, point blank not noticing the crowd of fans who flock like butterflies to his charm.

a lion

The position of leader, ruler and master of life requires Leo to have an appropriate environment. He cannot afford a faded mouse, but at the same time, his woman should not overshadow his greatness with her virtues. However, he wants to see her as a socialite only in public. At home, Leo prefers to have a female cat who will provide him with comfort, coziness, delicious borscht and peace. And he will not remain in debt! A Leo man's woman will shine like a diamond in an expensive setting.


The Virgo man is one of the few signs from the zodiac circle that is in dire need of a strong union. And such relationships will not be based on selfishness and selfishness. He needs a woman who needs care. He urgently needs to feel important and even irreplaceable with his beloved. However, not every woman can withstand this sign’s penchant for pedantry, which manifests itself in everything from everyday life to sex. The one who manages to channel Virgo’s scrupulousness into a peaceful direction and find effective use for it will get the best of husbands.


Equality in relationships! This is the motto of the Libra man. He will be happy only with a woman who, like him, strives for balance and harmony. In love, such a man imagines himself as a picture with puzzles, and he will connect his life only with the one who can complement him and make him whole. Libra's chosen one will be a female partner. Her ability to conduct a constructive dialogue, negotiate and bear responsibility for relationships equally will become decisive when, after much doubt and weighing, he finally decides to tie the knot.


Scorpio's inconsistency, categoricalness and exactingness are not surmountable obstacles for everyone. Only an assertive, bright, self-confident and even slightly eccentric girl will be able to overcome this impregnable wall that hides her vulnerable nature. The strength of character of a Scorpio man can be conquered by sincerity, because he will reveal any falsehood and mediocre manipulation in no time. But then you will have to take more than a sip of his poison. Scorpio will not tolerate criticism either. Only impeccably cunning and dexterous strategies focused on creation in relationships can win such a man over to a long-term union.


Adventurism, easy-going, activity and initiative - these are the main qualities that a Sagittarius woman must certainly possess. Not many representatives of this sign will want to see a highly intelligent young lady next to them, since smart women are considered somewhat boring. In addition, the Sagittarius man prefers to dominate in relationships and will not allow him to be lectured. He will choose the woman who will be able to extol his merits in the eyes of society and recognize his authority. Not the last place in relationships with Sagittarius is occupied by a woman’s appearance. She may not be a titled Beauty Queen, but everyone should envy him!


To go hand in hand through life with a Capricorn man, a woman needs to have extraordinary talents, thanks to which she can take a significant position in society. As a rule, it is these women who are endowed with great ambitions and determination, which is extremely important for Capricorn to see in their chosen one. He is not attracted to glamorous, sentimental and romantic princesses who need either a star from the sky or shoes the color of the morning dawn. The lady of his heart will always be able to lend her strong shoulder if “suddenly there’s a war and he’s tired.”


The Aquarius man is a supporter of relationships in which friendship and mutual understanding reign. Therefore, he considers an alliance with a female friend to be the most reliable. She must share his interests, understand without words and decide family problems without hysterics and drama. He will most likely look for his woman in a pub among football fans, while fishing or in a skydiving club. However, this does not mean at all that he is not attracted by femininity. A woman’s ability to combine tenderness in her character with a strong inner core will strike Aquarius to the very heart.


Most of all, pragmatic Pisces value unshakable family traditions and the foundations that have developed over centuries, where everything is in its place: a man is a breadwinner, a protector and a think tank, and a woman is a caring keeper of the hearth and its peace. A woman who exchanges her passion for a career for maternity leave, shopping - for family walks and entertainment, and gatherings with friends - for intimate conversations with your beloved husband. However, in such dedication, a golden mean is important, otherwise even Pisces may get bored with such an ideal life.

Love. Illustrative photo.

Different zodiac signs love differently. How can you tell if a man has serious intentions or sees your relationship as a light erotic adventure?

Aries. Motto: “I see the goal - I see no obstacles”

He will speak about his passion right away without hesitation. And he will persistently achieve what he wants.

However, this does not mean love at all: this is what men of this sign do when communicating with all the representatives of the fair sex they more or less like. Aries will not suffer for long from unrequited love, but will quickly find new consolation.

If an Aries man is seriously interested in you, he will not rush things, he will try to create an oasis of comfort and tranquility for the two of you.

The Aries man will conquer you with stories about how cool he is - strong, smart, rich. In a word, grab it - he best option among all other men.

Calf. Motto: “Let everyone see my feelings!”

If a Taurus man likes you, he will let you know on the first day! You don't have to wait long for a call or worry about why he doesn't answer your SMS.

Taurus are energetic, spontaneous in expressing emotions and are not shy about showing their feelings. Seeing you on the street, a Taurus man will joyfully call out to you or embrace you in his arms.

He is always happy to surprise his beloved! A sensible Taurus man knows how to care for a woman in the best classical traditions. He will seek your recognition by inviting you to exhibitions, movies and other social events.

If a Taurus man is seriously interested in you, he will court you in the classical tradition. Expensive flowers and sweets are a must. And what more representative sign spends money on you, the more significant you are in his eyes. But due to Taurus’s indecisiveness, the candy-bouquet period may drag on. If this man is dear to you, take the initiative into your own hands.

Twins. Motto: “There is no limit to perfection”

Gemini men are humorous and unpredictable, they love flirting and are very creative in courtship.

You definitely won’t be bored with a representative of this sign, but... you may also be offended. Geminis often express their feelings by making fun of their chosen one or playing pranks.

But changeable Geminis tend to idealize women: upon closer acquaintance, your man may become disappointed in you and... go in search of a more perfect partner.

If a Gemini man is seriously interested in you, he will not make fun of your shortcomings and will treat your weaknesses with affection. He will be generous and caring.

Cancer. Motto: “The main thing is home”

Cancers are practical homebodies. They are caring and flexible, you will never be sad or cry from resentment next to a Cancer man.

For a Cancer man, family comes first and family values, so he will try to find out your attitude towards the family hearth and housekeeping.

Your desire to fulfill all his demands is the main quality by which he will evaluate you.

If a Cancer man is seriously interested in you, he, on the contrary, will happily rush to fulfill your requests and even your whims. And he will hasten to demonstrate his positive traits– loyalty and reliability.

A lion. Motto: “I am the king of the castle!”

Leo men are confident and ambitious, so they prefer direct speech to hints.

“I like you,” he will tell you, and he won’t lie. Gallant representatives of the sign immediately let their chosen one know about their feelings. Courtship like in the movies with trips to expensive restaurants and noble deeds is quite real with a Leo man.

But this says nothing about the authenticity of his feelings...

If a Leo man is seriously interested in you, he will interrupt his monologue about how great he is and try to listen to you more. A keen interest in the chosen one - best characteristic the true feelings of a rather selfish Leo man.

Virgo. Motto: “Analyze it”

Men of this sign love to analyze everything, come to the rescue, and you can rely on them in literally everything. They show their sympathy with hints; it is difficult to provoke them into a frank conversation.

Representatives of this sign will take a long time to decide whether the girl they like is suitable as their chosen one: collect information about you, ask mutual friends, study your pages on social networks.

If a Virgo man is seriously interested in you, expect an immediate marriage proposal. Even if you refuse, he will continue the siege for a long time, hoping that you will change your mind after getting to know him better.

Scales. Motto: “Let everything take its course”

Libra men are leisurely, changeable in mood, and hate quarrels and conflicts. Their optimistic outlook on life helps not only them - they try in every possible way to raise the self-esteem of the girl they love. The Libra man loves the process of courtship and is never in a hurry to move to the next step in the relationship.

They are also known to be wary of commitment and responsibility.

If a Libra man is seriously interested in you, he will begin to take decisive actions: he will want to meet your parents, introduce you to his friends, begin to hint that it is time to move on to a closer relationship, etc.

Against the backdrop of his usual relaxation and head in the clouds, such actions are very indicative.

Scorpion. Motto: “Delay is like death!”

Well, maybe not death, but the Scorpio man definitely doesn’t intend to delay sex for long.

If a representative of this sign has feelings for you, you will immediately know about it. Moreover, flight is useless. No woman can resist his pressure and natural magnetism!

How good psychologist, he will tell you words that hit the target and give you non-trivial compliments. But this says absolutely nothing about the depth of his feelings...

If a Scorpio man is seriously interested in you, he will try to inform everyone as widely as possible that you are a couple. As an ardent owner, a representative of this sign will behave as if you completely belong to him. If you don’t want scandals, don’t give the slightest reason for jealousy.

Sagittarius. Motto: “Cats (and Sagittarius) walk on their own”

Sagittarius men are independent and love adventure. They demonstrate their affection through material things, be it buying a luxurious bouquet or going to the most expensive restaurant.

In addition, when you decide to have a relationship with a Sagittarius, you become his partner in all sorts of adventures, including sex experiments...

If a Sagittarius man is seriously interested in you, he will moderate his tendency to adventure and will strive to be close to his chosen one all the time.

He will endlessly tell you interesting things, impressing you with his intelligence, erudition and erudition. During a break between conversations, he may suddenly say, as if by chance, about his feelings and inquisitively wait for an answer.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and those born under this zodiac sign have a very powerful will and are self-confident. Dating an Aries means you're getting to know someone who is amorous, intense, and a little self-centered. These personality traits make Aries a very exciting and passionate partner, but he is someone who can also break hearts and demand a lot in return. Aries people want to be in charge and their needs always come first, which can make them very selfish and difficult to live with at times. They can be incredibly self-absorbed and inattentive to the people around them.

Still, with all their negative qualities, Aries is rightfully considered a very passionate and faithful partner. They may be selfish at times, but they are fiercely loyal. If Aries is in a relationship, then he trusts his partner 110%. Due to their passionate nature, living with them is not easy. There are often big conflicts that Aries accepts as just fun. Aries' passionate nature tends to make them fantastic lovers in bed. Sex with an Aries will never be calm, so you won't be bored.

Best Love Compatibility for Aries

Aries love compatibility is best with those who can match their passionate nature, which is why Aries does well with other Fire signs. Leo and Sagittarius are a good match for Aries as they share the same mutable nature and natural intensity.

Aries sometimes likes heated arguments and debates, and this need can be satisfied by the signs of Fire. Another sign that makes a good love match for Aries is Libra. Air sign balances the passionate intensity of the Fire element, and Libra, the symbol of balance, can help bring stability to Aries' life.

Bad love compatibility for Aries

While Aries does well with Fire and Air signs, they tend to be at odds with Water signs who may need help too often, and Earth signs who are too practical. Aries tends to have serious conflicts with sentimental Pisces. Aries and Pisces are not a good match because their way of looking at the world is too different.

The union of Aries and Virgo can also be tough since Virgos tend to be perfectionists and look at life completely differently than Aries. Another weak compatibility is Taurus-Aries, as both zodiac signs are incredibly stubborn, but also look at the world absolutely different ways.

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