Good day, my dear readers! Many people interested in the network marketing industry are always concerned with one question at the very beginning: “Network marketing, what is it really? What is the job of a networker? I'll tell you about this right now.

From this article you will learn:

Three simple actions that a networker performs

Creation of a client base

But what does it mean to create a customer base? Doesn't this mean that we need to distribute some products? Unfortunately, most people have just such an idea of network marketing: running around the entrances with bags and trying to sell goods. Let's find out everything right now so that no one else can mislead us.

  • First difference. How does a real networker differ from a distributor? The distributor’s task is to find a client in any way and try to sell to him maximum amount goods. The easiest way to find clients is by door-to-door. The algorithm is simple: sold the goods - received the money.

A networker does not have to physically sell a product or service to a client. A networker sells a person a new quality of life, which the client will achieve by purchasing a product or service of the company.

  • Second difference. Distributors primarily sell durable goods. For example, a vacuum cleaner. How often do you buy vacuum cleaners? Infrequently. What about electric kettles, frying pans, screwdrivers, etc.? We do not buy these products as often as, for example, cosmetics, vitamins or washing powder. Therefore, you will not see the person who sold you the product for a long time, and after a while you will forget about him. And if this seller doesn’t come to you anymore, why would he sell you high-quality and expensive goods? It is much more profitable to buy a cheap, low-quality product and sell it to you at a higher price, keeping the difference for yourself. But then he will have to look for a new client again. Network companies sell goods that tend to run out quickly so that customers repeat the turnover every month, for example, cosmetics, dietary supplements, cleaning detergents, and so on.

It is not profitable for a network marketing distributor to talk about low-quality products, because next month the client will refuse the low-quality product, so all network marketing products are of high quality.

If, of course, the company thinks about its future. Distributors do not have to look for new customers all the time, but it is enough to have 5-6 regular customers and not look for anyone else. Moreover, a distributor of a network company can use in his work an Internet site that will inform visitors 24 hours a day about new products and services of your company. This is called intellectual distribution. It is fundamentally different from the physical one that the distributor deals with.

  • The next, third, important difference is appearance . The distributor always goes with big bags, in which he carries goods for sale. The distributor works in business or simply neat clothes, with a briefcase or folder in which he carries documents, a history album, a catalog and other tools.

The distributor-networker looks elegant, he does not need to carry bags with goods at all.

So, we have found out the first task of a networker: with the help of his mentor, an information sponsor, to find his first clients and provide them with the latest information about the company’s products and services. Where and how to find your first clients? This is the least of the problems. Every network marketing company has several ways to quickly find 5-10 clients, including personal meetings, and group meetings, as well as an Internet site that works for you 24 hours a day.

It is worth remembering that a new distributor never works alone. At the initial stage, he is helped by his mentor - an information sponsor. The sponsor simultaneously teaches the newcomer all the skills of doing business and holds first meetings with his acquaintances, showing him how to do it. He and his superior sponsors are interested in the success of the newcomer, so they are ready to reveal all their achievements and secrets.

Only in this business can you hear from a manager: “Dear colleague, how can I help you so that you become more successful in our business?” Therefore, a beginner is always supported and provided with all training materials, as well as effective tools to start this business. Everything is very simple.

Creation of a distribution network

The main networker is a commission from the company. What does this mean? As usual, you tell your friends and acquaintances about new and high-quality products and services of the company. Someone you know starts using the company’s services and buying its products.

Let's give a simple example. Imagine that the company pays you only $10 for each purchase, even if only five of your friends want to buy something for themselves from this company. This means your commission will be $50. A little. Now imagine that your friends will repeat you and tell five friends the same thing, and that’s already 25 people. In this case, your reward will be 250 dollars. Next, calculate for yourself how much you will earn every month if these 25 people each tell five more of their friends. The number of buyers will increase to 125 people, and your commission will be $1,250.

The good news is that no one limits you in the number of people you invite, and you can plan your income yourself. People will start using the company's services and products without your participation. Moreover, many of them will not even know you by sight.

This means that having done the job once, you will constantly receive your fee in the form of a percentage of total number sales of all clients attracted to your distribution network.

To make your work easier, the company and its leaders organize special meetings and group presentations at which successful networkers will tell your friends about all the advantages of this business. Also, you have the opportunity to use special tools: for example, and many other tools. Now we have found out the second task of a networker: to build a network of distributors who will talk about your company’s services and products, and the company will reward them and you cash payments. This means that you give people the opportunity to make money by doing what they always do: share with friends. new information and give recommendations. What's wrong with that?


Own training and training of your newcomers. You will pass on the knowledge that you receive from your mentors to your newcomers. There is nothing simpler: your mentors, information sponsors, periodically conduct various seminars, schools, and trainings. This is where you will invite your newcomers. Today it is very convenient to teach beginners using the Internet. All you have to do is connect to the system and learn from your mentors in real time.

So, the third task of a networker is to learn and transfer this knowledge to your newcomers, because you and your sponsors are interested in the success of any new person. Network marketing is a team environment where everyone supports each other. Success in network marketing is achieved together.

Now you know what a networker does during his workdays. But working in network marketing wouldn’t be so attractive if it only involved everyday work. You deserve much more than routine, banal work, so a whole reward system has been invented specifically to make the networker feel comfortable and enjoy his work.

This means that distributors receive recognition for their work. These include special gifts from a gold badge to an apartment or a car, these are insignia, this is career advancement, this is a journey to different countries, as well as exclusive training from world leaders in this business. In short, the lifestyle of a networker can truly be called a dream, but do not forget that the company rewards conscientious distributors, those who really work. Everything is fair. Reward based on merit.

How long does this business take?

You and I have the right to say that we have little time, that we don’t even have time to do household chores, sometimes it seems to us that we don’t even have time to rest, we don’t have time to do this business. Of course, but if you and I continue to live like this, then time will definitely not increase. Think about it, all people have the same amount of time of day, yet all people achieve different levels of success. Some people can’t tie ends meet, while others manage to do a lot in less time. What's the secret?

This is the huge advantage of a network marketing business. It frees up your time: once you create a working business system or, in other words, a network of regular customers or distributors, you receive royalties regardless of what you are currently doing. This is where it appears free time, but for this to happen, you need to set aside a couple of hours a day now to start building your future.

Many successful networkers started this business, combining it with their work, devoting only a couple of hours a day to it. This is exactly the time we spend in front of the TV, but watching TV will not change your life for the better and will not feed your children.

So maybe it would be better to use this time to create a business that will bring you income in the future, even when you are relaxing or doing what you love? Time is a resource that you can simply spend, and then it, like money, becomes less and less, but it can be wisely invested in creating a working business structure that brings you profit and gives you more free time, because the distribution network you created will grow and multiply and bring you increasing income. This, in turn, will allow you to choose for yourself what is worth devoting more of your time to.

How much money does it take to start a network marketing business?

Someone might say: “I don’t have any money for this at all.” Here you need to understand that starting any business requires money. Another question: “How much?” You and I are used to thinking that organizing a business requires substantial investments, and there are no guarantees that things will work out and that we will be able to get our money back. And this is a true statement, but not for network marketing. One of the advantages of working in network marketing is that you can start it with the money that you probably have.

You do not need to purchase expensive equipment, you do not need to hire staff and pay them salaries, you will not have production, packaging and transportation costs, you will not need to pay for the work of an accountant. The company will do all this for you, and, moreover, completely free of charge; you do not need to invest tens of thousands of dollars in organizing this business.

100-200 dollars is enough to get a turnkey business system + a set of goods or company services for yourself and your family. For example, to start working with Avon you will not need any investment at all.

The benefit is that you cannot go bankrupt in this business. You will never lose the money invested, because already at the first stage you get high-quality goods for your money at a significant discount, which you can either sell and make a profit, or keep for yourself and use them as an ordinary privileged customer. You can no longer be called a deceived investor, but plus you get your mentor and an entire business system that has already made many people in your company successful.

Therefore, there are only two outcomes of this matter, and both are beneficial for you: either your business will begin to develop and bring you increasing income, or you will receive an exclusive product or service of the company at a deep discount and become a privileged customer.

Let's look at this situation from the other side: if you are offered to buy new car Audi or Porsche for just a thousand dollars, provided that the money must be paid tomorrow, will you take advantage of this opportunity? Certainly! And a business worth 100-200 dollars will bring you much more than a new car. People who say they don't have money for this business simply failed to see this greatest opportunity in human history and this unique system that has made many people around the world successful and free.

When will I start receiving money and how much?

You need to understand that there are several sources of income in network marketing. We will tell you about two universal ones that are available in any network company that operates legally.

  • The first source is profit from customers who will not want to and will constantly purchase products from you without a discount. You may ask, “Why won’t they want to register? After all, it’s profitable!” Yes, but not everyone understands this. Moreover, the distributor buys products in small wholesale, for example, for $200, and the client may only need to spend $100 to provide himself with products for a month, and today he has no desire to spend more than this amount, although the benefits are obvious. If he spent $200, he would receive a significant discount. This means that there will always be people who will purchase the company’s products at one hundred percent of the cost. This will provide you with a small but quick cash flow. Some distributors earn between $400 and $2,000 per month using this source of income alone.
  • The second source is income from the turnover of the distribution network you have built. This source of income is the most attractive because it gives you the opportunity to earn passive income. The downside is that in the first months of your work you will not see much profit, but the upside is that by creating passive income for yourself, you will free up your time and will receive money no matter what you do. The network is built and lives its own life.

This way, your business can become international, since many of your distributors have friends and relatives abroad, and you will be able to say, “I am in international business.” But be prepared for the fact that at first a small profit awaits you, but what more people will join your team, the faster your income will begin to multiply.

This can be depicted visually: the lake is completely overgrown with lilies in 30 days, every day one lily gives birth to another lily, and if today only a lily grew, tomorrow there will be two of them, the day after tomorrow - 4, then - 8. And here’s what’s interesting : on the 29th day the lake will be overgrown only half and in just one, 30th, day another half of the lake will be overgrown. This is how the distribution network grows, which at the very beginning does not bring much results.

But there will come a time when doubling your network will bring you significant income. Imagine that you can invite just one person per month to this business and teach him to do the same, that is, invite just one person per month to this business. Let's calculate how many people will be in your network in 1 year. First month: you invite one of your friends, now there are two of you. Second month: you invite someone else, and your friend will do the same. Now there are four of you. Third month: all four will invite one at a time, and there will be eight of you. It is easy to calculate that in the fourth month your network will consist of 16 people, in the fifth month - of 32 people, in the sixth - of 64. At this moment, it may seem to us that the network is developing poorly and will not bring in a lot of money, but be patient, because in the seventh month there will already be 128 people in your network.

And this is only if you invite only one person per month. Even if we are lazy, and half of our network is also not active, your network will still consist of two thousand people, even if only half of them buy something, you will receive commissions from 1000 people, which is not bad money. Provided that you will receive $10 from each purchase, your monthly income will be $10,000, even if these people work twice as hard, your income will still be a decent amount. Agree, this is a good increase in your salary!

But I can hear a legitimate question from you: “I don’t have so many friends, where can I get so many people?” This is one of the advantages of a network marketing business. You only need to invite five people into this business, and they, in turn, will bring an entire army, repeating you. This way, your network can grow exponentially. Moreover, it is not necessary to build a network within your city. Having friends and relatives in other cities, your distributors will take this business beyond your place of residence, expanding its borders.

So, if you decide to get into this business, what lies ahead for you?

  • Your surroundings and personal growth. What does it mean? The fact is that your life largely depends on the people who surround you, and if you are always surrounded by poor or sick people, then most likely you will be the same. Working in network marketing, you will be surrounded by positive people who are determined to succeed, you will be trained successful people, which means that after some time you will become the same.

Working in network marketing provides you with unlimited passive income. This means that once you complete the job, you will receive income for the rest of your life.

  • This can be compared to running water. You can go to a well every day to fetch water, or you can, after spending 2-3 years, build a water supply system, and the water itself will flow into your home. You will only open the tap when necessary.
  • Recognition and journey. Every network marketing company rewards its distributors not only with money, but also with the opportunity career growth. And the higher your status in the company, the more bonuses and gifts you will receive.

Many companies reward their distributors with new cars or apartments, as well as trips to exotic places on our planet.

  • One of the most attractive benefits of network marketing is freedom.. Freedom from bosses. You won't have a boss, but you will have a mentor interested in your success. Freedom of choice. You will choose who you work with, when and where. Freedom from the alarm clock. You don't have to wake up to an alarm clock at seven o'clock every day. You will plan your own work schedule. Freedom to choose your income. Now no one will be able to limit your income; you yourself will set any level that is comfortable for yourself.

Too good to be true? Yes, we have heard a lot of bad things about this industry, but think about whether a person who does not work in this business can give any advice, is it possible to judge what we do not understand and we can choose who to learn from? and who to listen to: the successful or the poor and sick. All this sounds good, but what are the pitfalls? After all, it can’t be that everything will be fine?

Yes, we must tell you about the disadvantages of this business and the main one is refusals. In ordinary life, we are not used to receiving refusals, but in this business, 8 out of 10 people will say: “No.” It's unpleasant, but you and I understand that these are the people who failed to see the greatest opportunity in this business. They say: "No!" not to you, they say: “No!” themselves, they deprive themselves of a good future, deprive themselves of travel and free life, they say to themselves: “No!” But two out of ten will say: “Yes!” They were able to see in this proposal all the advantages for themselves, for solving their problems. These are the people you are with you will succeed, using network marketing as the greatest opportunity in the history of mankind, and then everything will be great in your life!

Let's talk about how to make money in network marketing. As you know, this method of earning money is quite difficult, but at the same time, promising. If, after studying everything, you decide to try yourself in this business, then the recommendations below can be very useful to you. So, how to make money in network marketing.

1.Choosing a reliable network company. This, one might say, is the foundation of your future success, and if it is fragile, you should not expect big earnings and good prospects. A separate article can be devoted to choosing a network company, perhaps I will do this in the future, but in short, it should be a company that has proven itself in the market, with famous brand, truly necessary and useful products (preferably exclusive, unique), a simple and understandable scheme for earning money, both active (on direct sales) and passive (on commissions from participants in the formed network of distributors).

2. Complete the necessary training. As a rule, those people who believe that they already know everything do not achieve success in the network business, quickly become disillusioned with it, and then spread the myth that it is all a scam. Any practical actions It is always more effective if they are preceded by good theoretical preparation. And in this regard, it is no exception.

Training, as a rule, can be completed both in the MLM company itself (usually remotely: through training courses, video lessons), and from your immediate supervisor - the one who attracted you to this area of ​​​​earning money. Moreover, the manager - first of all, since he, like no one else, should be interested in you working as efficiently as possible (after all, he directly depends on this), and therefore, he must competently teach you all those intricacies network business which I was already able to comprehend myself.

3. Work in two directions: active sales and network development. When thinking about how to make money in network marketing, you need to plan your development in two directions at once. Active sales will allow you to ensure your current income, and the creation and development of your own network of distributors will be a good foundation for the future. At the moment when your passive income from sales of members of your network exceeds the active income from your own sales (not because your own sales have fallen, but because the network has grown), then we can say that you have achieved some success, and network marketing – truly “your” way of earning money.

4. Create your website and actively use social networks. The Internet is an excellent tool for developing a network business: both for active sales and for building a distribution network. Creation of a website, constant work on it, promotion for the necessary key queries when competent work will lead to the fact that your potential clients themselves will begin to approach you, and this is the “blue dream” of any networker.

Campaign in the same way in social networks: create your own communities, videos (they are especially popular now), promote them, search for your target audience using the necessary parameters - all these opportunities are available to everyone. Social networks are an excellent tool for active sales and network development.

5. Plan your time. When thinking about how to make money in network marketing, do not forget to pay attention to such important point, How . Without this, very soon you will start to feel a constant rush, chronic lack of progress, procrastination, etc. - that is, everything that will interfere with your work, reduce your earnings and spoil your nerves. And this will not lead to anything good, because for success in financial affairs it is very important, and all health depends on the condition nervous system. I hope that it was not in vain that I built this long logical chain: planning a working day really has a very great importance, and the amount of earnings directly depends on it.

6. Constantly develop and improve. Network marketing is one of those areas in which being idle means a very serious threat to your earnings, even if you are currently happy with it. All network companies regularly conduct trainings, seminars, and webinars for their distributors, and they do this for good reason. Don’t miss any opportunities for development and self-improvement, especially since they usually come to you absolutely free. After all, the company’s profit depends on the results of your activities, so it will strive to teach you to act as efficiently as possible. In turn, this will lead to an increase in your specific income.

7. Be better than others. This recommendation is the most difficult to implement, however, it is the one that mainly tells you how to make money in network marketing. There are many professionals in this business; they already have their own networks, their own established circle of clients. They are in a better position than you, the newbie. Therefore, in order to reach at least their level, you must be better than them: this is the only way you can overcome the advantage that network business gurus have over you by default. Be a bright individual, develop yourself psychologically. Mainly, a good networker is a bright personality capable of leading people. Strive to become one, and great success will certainly await you.

In short, these are all the basic tips and recommendations, following which you can achieve certain success in your online business. As you can see, not everything is so simple here: this explains the fact that for many people, working in MLM companies does not bring the desired results.

Now you know how to make money in network marketing. If you are not afraid of the need to follow all these tips and work hard, go for it, maybe in a few years you can and will become one of the gurus of the network business.

Stay on the site where you can always get a lot of useful tips on personal finance management. See you in new publications!

There was a time when network marketing companies had a rather unhealthy reputation and people shunned this type of activity. Times have changed and the niche has been well cleaned. Nowadays, many of the most successful companies in the world operate precisely on the principle of direct sales (multi-level marketing). And if you add to this the advantages of Internet promotion, then the fact that many people have started running online business on the Internet no longer seems so surprising.

In a type of business like network marketing, you often receive 2 main incomes: a percentage of sales for promoting the manufacturer's products and a percentage of the sales of people you recruited to the company. The more people you recruit, the larger your structure and network of consumers becomes and, therefore, the more more money you can earn.

Long before the advent of the Internet, many companies network marketing was focused on attracting new distributors, for which a fixed bonus was paid. No one paid attention to product sales. In the end, these companies had to leave the market due to insufficient sales volumes, and it turned out that only those at the top of the structure made money, and this principle of doing business was regarded as illegal.

I started this topic in order to answer all your concerns, and to make you understand that if you suddenly find an online company whose products you yourself are interested in, then this is an incredible opportunity to start earning money absolutely legally and with interest. In fact, many companies are probably already familiar to you. For example, the cosmetics company Mary Kay is an excellent example of doing business using a direct sales model. You can also highlight the coffee company Organo Gold, and many other names. And this entire business can be conducted entirely online.

Many MLM or network companies have already explored the potential of online promotion, and you can even find many pre-made platforms and sites that you can use for your own personal use. In addition to educational materials and products, the company also provides you with a website and tells you how to use it. Although, simply having this website does not necessarily guarantee your success.

How to make money from direct sales in network marketing?

In many cases, the person who recruited you to the company can tell you how to attract online traffic interested in the topic. But there is something that will help you increase your sales level on your own and attract more recruited people:

Start your own blog: If your site is not equipped with an additional blog - and in most cases this will be the case - then it would be a good idea for you to get one yourself. You can tell readers about different secrets business, give various recommendations regarding the use of products, and also use the blog to attract new people interested in starting a business. Many networkers create separate blocks - some to attract customers, others to attract business partners. The benefit of having a blog is that it helps you connect with your readers and generate a stronger community, which will then help you build a consistent market and a stronger affiliate network.

Use social networks: Facebook and Twitter are the must-have tools of this era. All people hang out on social networks. Create your own account or fan page to keep in touch with people. If you are running an online business, then focus on finding people who may be interested in either using the products or becoming affiliates with the company you work for. You can also target local potential consumers, especially if you often hold testing or tasting parties.

Create a mailing list: Once you have a blog or website, it's time to build your mailing list. Since you are paid for new recruits and for selling products, therefore, you are better off creating two separate mailing lists so that you can only provide people with the information they are interested in. It often happens that a person who is a potential partner of a company is himself interested in registering with the company, but this is not always the case. It may happen that after visiting your site, he will not find the support he needs and will go to a competing structure. Once you have that person's email address, you can add them to your mailing list to supply them with latest news, as well as talk about company news.

To independently explore the opportunities that the Internet can give you in online companies, you can simply use the search engine by typing in the appropriate key phrases. Thousands of results will appear before you. Some will be more successful than others, but the benefits of working online still exist. Making money in network marketing using the Internet is a fairly secure way to make money that will allow you to create an entire online empire of direct sales.

What do you think about this? Tell us about your own experience in the comments!

Income in such a system is divided into several levels:

  • sales commissions;
  • bonuses for improving sales performance;
  • interest on the income of attracted agents.

All these indicators are summed up, and the total income for working in a network marketing company is obtained.

You can increase profits by attracting conscientious employees, each of whom can bring their own ward to the company.

Thus, the earning system is similar to a pyramid - the larger the base, the greater the profit.

There are cases when the “pyramid” works at full capacity, so the “top” can receive its interest even without participating in sales.

Network marketing has its advantages:

1. Freedom of action. You can work at any convenient time, and choose the option you like.

2. Unlimited earnings. The absence of rates and restrictions greatly simplifies the work process. Do you want to earn money? Everything depends on you.

3. No education required. To work in this field, you only need communication skills and ingenuity. Well, of course, you can’t do without setting goals and planning.

4. Opportunity for career growth. The company is interested in the success of its distributors, so there is a special promotion system. Hard work and focus are the key to success.

5. No start-up capital is needed. At first, small financial expenses are required, but they quickly pay off, as they are aimed at gaining skills in this area.


For many, the advantages, when subjectively assessed, can become significant disadvantages.

For example, some people are used to working at a regular rate, so unlimited earnings are perceived as a complete absence.

In addition, many individuals cannot cope with Soviet habits and perceive freedom of action as uncertainty.

Network marketing will help you make a profit, but you need to immerse yourself in the process itself.

What you need to know and what skills you should develop

Now network marketing is an additional or main income for many women. In this area, a significant niche is occupied by companies manufacturing:

  • cosmetics;
  • household chemicals;
  • clothes;
  • textile;
  • dishes, etc.

The weaker sex is best versed in such products. After all, it’s better to hear recommendations and laudatory speeches about a new super moisturizing lipstick from a woman than from a man.

This is why the most successful network marketing companies have 80% female employees.

This method of product distribution is used by companies:

- "Avon";

- “Mary Kay”;
- "Neways";
- "Faberlik";
- "Vitamax";
- "Primerica";
- "Zepter International";
- “Amway”, etc.

Network marketing requires some skills.

First of all, the distributor must be communicative and find individual approach to people.

Naturally, at first potential buyers will be selected from your circle of acquaintances, but in the future you will need to communicate with strangers.

The appearance must correspond to the product being offered.

When promoting cosmetics, you need to learn how to apply makeup perfectly, because such a product presentation can replace a thousand words of praise.

It is necessary to express thoughts clearly. You don't have to be a speaker to do this.

It is enough to rehearse your speech and answers to possible questions.

People with aptitude for psychology achieve particular success.

After all, gestures and facial expressions can tell a lot. To begin with, you should pay attention to the types of psychotypes and their weak sides.

Many companies conduct special training courses that are aimed at improving existing skills.

In these classes you can get to know management team enterprises, and acquire connections useful for your career.

Overall, network marketing can be a successful start to a sales career.

Therefore, many people start with it, improving their communication skills.

Friends, I greet you! Today I will show you how to make money in MLM or in general in any Internet project. Now you will learn how to build a team of 104 people in 2 months, without straining at all.

First, just understand why almost no one succeeds in building structures, although when you are invited to some project, they say that they will tell you how to make money in MLM and will guide you by the hand to the income that you yourself want.

Here you need to understand that the person who promises to take you by the hand does not earn anything himself, because by inviting you he is already making a mistake - this is not how they work on the Internet. In the pictures I show what structure I built in six months, fully automatic. Starting from the first level and in order to the sixth, there are a total of 378 partners.

Numerous networkers who used to walk the streets and pester people have now moved to the Internet and are doing the same thing. They already know how to influence a person and they are able to register and sell via Skype.

And these networkers really make money, but the people they bring do not know how to do the same and therefore cannot invite anyone to their team. Here you need to lead a person to someone who knows how to talk, but by leaving the conversation in the wrong hands, you underestimate yourself as an expert. It is not a fact that they will register with you after negotiations. And most likely you already understand this.

Another huge mistake negotiators make on Skype is that they waste a lot of time talking. Believing that they know how to make money in MLM via the Internet, people spend the whole day getting acquainted with the information, a maximum of 5-6 people at best.

To register 2 active person, you need to familiarize 100 people with your business offer. Now the question is: “How many days will it take you to negotiate on Skype with 100 people?” If you take even 5 candidates per day, then you will need to spend 20 days.

Proper work in MLM on the Internet allows you to provide information to 100 candidates or more in just one day. Don’t confuse the street with the Internet, there are completely different strategies here, everything changes very quickly and you need to act as quickly as possible.

In the video clip at the bottom of the article I show clearly how to act and what results these actions give. In one of the projects, the structure grew in 2 months to 104 people, fully automatic.

However, I do not use any spam programs and do not spend money on advertising. You are probably already wondering how to make money in MLM, right?

On the Internet, everything revolves around your personal website, which works for you. Make yourself a personal blog, talk about yourself, show what business opportunities you offer, give people some useful things.

This way your blog gets more and more visitors. If you run your blog correctly, then in a year you will receive a thousand visitors per day, and over the years this figure will grow.

If it’s not clear what visitors to your site are, then I’ll tell you this secret. These are new people every day who come to your website and read articles, watch videos, in a word - get acquainted with information.

I think the essence is clear, but now you need to go to the “Reality Show (Blogging)” section and, starting from the first article, learn how to create a blog, fill it with content and promote it.

Here I give free video lessons on creating a personal blog and setting it up, download them from this link. If you are not confident in yourself, then you can contact me and order a turnkey blog, we’ll come to an agreement. There are my coordinates on the “contacts” page.