Types and applications medicinal herbs

Herbs that contain at least one substance with a healing effect are considered medicinal. They are usually used in addition to the main treatment or as a prophylaxis for various diseases. The Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation contains about 160 names of medicinal herbs approved for use. Beneficial substances can be located in different parts of plants: in grass (chamomile, string, snakehead, fumes), in seeds, fruits (coriander, anise, datura, flax, poppy, plantain), in flowers (calendula officinalis, blue cornflower ), in the bark, roots, buds.

They produce medicines for internal and external use. The first group includes such forms of use as infusion, decoction, aqueous-alcoholic, oil extracts (tincture, extracts). In the second - herbal bath, wrap, lotion, compress. Herbal infusions that combine plants with similar properties are also popular. Among them there are anti-asthmatic, diuretic, thoracic, choleretic, carminative, sedative, gastric astringents, bitters, diaphoretics, gargles, multivitamins and many other preparations.

The herbal processing business is highly profitable due to low equipment costs and constant demand for this type of product. The popularity of medicinal herbs is dictated by their low price, safety, possibility of long-term use and combination with other dosage forms.

Production technology

In the full production cycle of medicinal preparations, the following stages can be distinguished: growing raw materials, assembly, drying, processing and packaging.

For cultivation, you can organize a plantation, which will require the purchase of land, equipment, seeds and fertilizers. Such production has many advantages: you can regulate the volumes and types of plants, raw materials will always be available. But for a beginner, it would be better to purchase raw materials from collectors and subject them to further processing, since cultivation requires high costs and knowledge of complex plant assembly technology. When purchasing raw materials, you need to be careful and carefully check the herbs you buy. It is better, of course, to control the drying process of raw materials, because the quality of the future product depends on it. GOST 24027.2-80 contains methods for determining the quality of plant raw materials. There are also special institutions involved in the study of medicinal raw materials: State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, the Center for Metrology and Standardization, or laboratories at pharmaceutical factories.

An incomplete cycle of herbal processing looks like this. The raw materials are sorted and cleaned of foreign impurities and rotten parts, after which they are sent for drying. Drying is a method of preserving plants. At natural method plants are placed in the shade, in a ventilated area. This way, the active substances and color are preserved as much as possible. When machine drying, choose a mode according to the composition of the plants: herbs with essential oils are dried at a temperature of 25-30°C, laid out in a thick layer, alkaloid- and glycoside-containing ones - 50-60°C, vitamins - quickly at a temperature of 80-100°C, gradually reducing it to 40°C. Signs of the end of drying: for roots, rhizomes - a break with a characteristic crack; for leaves and grass - rub with fingers; for the veins of leaves and grass stems - they break; for flowers – dry to the touch. Juicy dried fruits should not stick together into a lump when squeezed in your hand.

Table. Yield of some types of medicinal raw materials after drying (per 100 kg of freshly harvested plants)


Type of raw material

Amount of dry raw materials, kg




Hawthorn blood red







St. John's wort
Viburnum common



Buckthorn brittle


Linden heart-shaped


Common raspberry

Fruits (berries)









Rose hip



  • drying machine (200-700 thousand rubles)
  • chopper (170-270 thousand rubles);
  • vibrating screens (9-30 thousand rubles/piece);
  • mixer (about 160 thousand rubles);
  • filling and packaging machine (from 250 thousand to 1 million rubles, depending on productivity);
  • birch (leaf) – 70 rub/kg
  • birch (buds) – 380 rub/kg
  • valerian – 300 rub/kg
  • chamomile (flowers) – 176 RUR/kg
  • motherwort – 70 rub/kg
  • plantain – 115 rub/kg
  • thyme – 130 rub/kg
  • licorice (root) – 70 rub/kg
  • thermopsis – 190 rub/kg
  • burdock – 130-150 rub/kg
  • Eleutherococcus (root) – 140 rub/kg
  • birch (leaf) – 14 rubles.
  • birch (buds) – 60 rub.
  • chamomile (flowers) – 26 rub.
  • valerian – 30 rub.
  • motherwort – 15 rubles.
  • plantain – 20 rub.
  • licorice (root) – 14 rub.
  • thyme – 16 rub.
  • burdock – 16 rub.
  • Eleutherococcus (root) – 18 rubles.
  • List of medical products that the applicant is ready to produce.
  • charter;
  • memorandum of association;
  • protocol, regulations, decision on the creation of an organization, on the appointment of a director.
  • Registration documents:
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • Certificate of registration of changes in case of changes.
  • Statistics codes (letter from Goskomstat);
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Documents confirming the consent of local governments to locate the production of medical oxygen in the relevant territory.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance, on the compliance of the production of medicines (medical oxygen) with the requirements of sanitary rules.
  • Documents confirming that the applicant has buildings, premises and equipment necessary for carrying out the licensed activity that he owns by right of ownership or on another legal basis.
  • Documents confirming the qualifications of specialists that meet the licensing requirements;
  • Diploma of higher or secondary specialized education (chemical technology, biotechnology, pharmaceutical);
  • Certificate of advanced training
  • A document confirming at least 3 years of work experience in the specialty.
  • Information about the enterprise (master file), indicating that the license applicant has the ability to fulfill the license requirements and conditions.
  • Specification – requirements for the quality of materials and products used in production (raw materials, packaging).
  • Instructions, methods, procedures - instructions for performing certain types of operations.
  • Batch protocol – reflects the production process of each batch of products.


The weight loss after drying the raw material is 80% for leaves and berries, 75% for flowers, 70% for grass, 65% for fruits, roots and rhizomes, 60% for buds, and 40% for bark. The yield of dry raw materials from freshly harvested plants, depending on the collection area, may differ slightly from the data given.

Dried plants are crushed using cutting machines. The degree of grinding is regulated by a special sieve and is determined by the purpose of the plants: herbs for baths and poultices are cut into pieces no larger than 2 mm, and herbs and teas for internal use are crushed depending on the part of the plant (leaves, flowers and grass are crushed to particles no larger than 5 mm , stems, bark, rhizomes and roots - no more than 3 mm, fruits and seeds - no more than 0.5 mm). Some parts of plants bypass this stage of processing (flowers, small inflorescences, some types of seeds and berries).

Next, the herbs go into the mixer, where the collections are prepared. Salt components are added to the mixed mass by spraying and essential oils in an alcohol solution (1:10), then dried at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees.

Healing infusions of 50, 100, 150 and 200 grams are packaged in cardboard boxes lined with parchment paper or after placing them in a double paper bag. Unpackaged raw materials are stored in a dry, ventilated area with a humidity of no more than 50%, in tightly closed packaging. The packaging used is bags, paper and cloth bags, boxes, boxes lined with clean white paper, and cans. Packaged herbs are stored in racks or cabinets. The shelf life of flowers, leaves and grass does not exceed 1-2 years, fruits - 2 years, and rhizomes, roots and bark - 2-3 years.

In addition to the usual cutting and mixing, there are other ways to process plant materials: obtaining dry extracts and producing aromatic oils. These types of production require expensive equipment, but may take place in the future, as they bring high income.

Purchase of raw materials and equipment

To produce medicinal herbs, you will need to purchase the following equipment:

The productivity of such a line is about 14 thousand packages of 100 grams per day.

Wholesale prices for dried raw materials:

The price of wholesale sales of goods depends on the volume of the pack; usually they sell packs of 50, 100 grams. The markup in such cases is more than 50% (prices per 50 grams).

Products sold in filter bags have an even higher markup. For example, a 30 gram pack of valerian costs 21 rubles (30 grams of monoherb costs 18 rubles).

Premises and staff

The premises in which drug collections are made must include a production area, a formulation and quality control laboratory, a storage area and auxiliary areas. The total area of ​​the building is about 200-300 sq. m. meters.

For personnel, you will need to hire equipment operators and qualified workers with pharmaceutical, chemical, chemical-technological, biological or biotechnological education. Each employee must follow the rules of hygiene at the enterprise: undergo a medical examination, wear special clothing, do not smoke, do not eat or drink in industrial and warehouse areas, do not contact open products without gloves, and wash hands properly.


According to the regulation of July 6, 2012, the production of medicinal products obtained from plant materials is subject to licensing. It is necessary to undergo laboratory accreditation, production certification, approve the production technology in the Pharmaceutical Committee, obtain permission from the SES and firefighters.

To obtain a license, the following documents are required:

You should also register product prices with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economy. The license is issued for a year.

The list of documents establishing the technological process includes:

It may take about 150 thousand rubles to complete all the documentation.

Investment and ROI

The initial investment required to open a business for the production of medicinal herbs, taking into account the rental of premises, registration, salaries, purchase of new equipment and raw materials for the production of 7 thousand packages per day, will amount to about 4.5-5 million rubles. With active sales, the business will pay for itself in six months.


For the Russian population, herbal treatment is an ineradicable tradition, so there is no need to advertise the herbs themselves. But you still have to spend money on “promotion” of the brand and time to find a buyer. When selling herbs and herbal infusions, it is worth considering the popularity of a particular type of product. The greatest demand is for chamomile, senna, sage, kidney tea, bearberry, valerian, linden and oak bark, as well as chest, urological, sedative, choleretic and antihemorrhoidal preparations. A positive for sales will be the production of medicinal herbs in convenient and functional packaging: the release of herbs in filter bags, in small packages.

Cherukhina Kristina

- portal of business plans and manuals

The pharmaceutical industry is constantly producing new medications, but the population is losing confidence in them. This is due to the fact that medications are expensive and often have side effects and there is a high probability of purchasing a fake. Therefore, more and more people are turning to the help of medicinal herbs. You can use them for your own needs, or you can make a business out of them.

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What is attractive about the activity?

Advantages that the business has:

  • lack of saturation of the market due to the fact that its needs are not met;
  • increasing popularity of medicinal plants;
  • the opportunity to make a profit without starting capital;
  • high profitability;
  • obtaining added value during the processing process.

The business of medicinal raw materials is characterized by one feature. It consists in the fact that the collection of plants takes place in the summer and autumn, and the sale - all year round.

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Where to start entrepreneurship?

Before you start a business, you need to study all the types of herbs that grow in your area, paying attention to Special attention for medicinal plants and poisonous ones. You should also find out which plants are listed in the Red Book. Then you need to obtain permission to rent a plot and collect medicinal plants. To do this, you need to contact the forestry agency. The agency may approve or reject your application, giving reasons. If the application is accepted, the lease agreement is signed.

You can collect medicinal raw materials yourself or with the help of hired workers. The use of additional hands will significantly increase production volumes. But this will require certain monthly labor costs. Let's look at the stages of a business selling medicinal herbs. Some stages may be omitted from production.

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Stages of preparation and implementation

  1. Growing raw materials.
  2. Collection.
  3. Drying.
  4. Processing and packaging.
  5. Implementation.

If you plan not to collect plants, but to propagate them yourself, then you will need to purchase land plot, equipment, seeds and fertilizers.

The advantage of growing plants is the ability to control production volumes and plant types.

Disadvantages are significant costs and the need to know the technology of growing and collecting plants.

Rules for collecting raw materials:

  1. The best time to collect is in the morning, when the dew has dried. Never collect plants after rain or during dew. If you do not follow this advice, the plants will lose their presentation and acquire an unpleasant odor.
  2. Each plant has an optimal harvest period. Therefore, you need to acquire the necessary information.
  3. They collect herbs away from civilization. If this is not possible, then at least try to collect herbs at a distance of more than 100 m from roads and more than 20 km from industrial enterprises, away from fields treated with herbicides and pesticides, and from landfills.

The collected material is sorted, freed from impurities and rotten plants and sent for drying. With the natural method, plants are placed in a shaded and ventilated room to preserve color and nutrients. If machine drying is used, then select the appropriate mode.

To give products a marketable appearance, attract more buyers and increase the cost of raw materials, the collected grass must be processed.

Methods for processing medicinal herbs:

  • crushing products using a cutting machine;
  • packaging of raw materials of one type in boxes or bags;
  • preparation of mixed mixtures (for tea, for baths, for cosmetic and medical procedures);
  • making aromatic pads (sachets) from various plants used to improve sleep and mood, calm the nerves, repel moths and have a pleasant smell;
  • production of bath brooms;
  • making soap using medicinal herbs;
  • preparation of infusions and decoctions;
  • production of semi-finished products for a specific production.

Distribution channels for medicinal plants:

  • acceptance points natural materials;
  • pharmacies;
  • companies involved in the pharmaceutical industry;
  • healers;
  • Internet;
  • own point of sale.

The best option is to sell the goods yourself. In addition, in this case it will be possible to accept medicinal herbs from the population, increasing the volume of goods. But in the case of independent sale, additional knowledge, investments and hiring of appropriate specialists will be required. To be able to trade herbs, you need to obtain a license. A license costs approximately 10,000 rubles, but you will have to wait several months to obtain it. It is advisable to hire herbalists and pharmacists who understand plants, since clients mostly consult the seller without knowing what they need.

Documents for obtaining a license:

  1. List of manufactured medicines.
  2. Charter
  3. Memorandum of association.
  4. Protocol on the founding of the company.
  5. Confirmation of registration with the tax office.
  6. Statistics codes.
  7. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  8. Documented consent of local authorities to open production.
  9. Conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological station on the compliance of production with sanitary requirements.

It will take about 150 thousand rubles to prepare the documentation.

With development information technologies recipes became available to people traditional medicine, therefore in Lately It has become popular to treat sores not with medications, but with products, tinctures and lotions. Therefore, enterprising people began to develop a business based on medicinal herbs, because people need somewhere to get raw materials for recipes.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 50,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

The attractiveness of such an activity is as follows:

  • market saturation is low because there are countless types of herbs, and entrepreneurs cannot satisfy all customer needs;
  • profit can be made even without investments (if you collect on your own);
  • high profitability;
  • This is a pretty exciting business that can develop into a hobby.

Collecting medicinal herbs as a business has only one negative feature. The fact is that raw materials can only be procured in certain seasons (late spring, summer, early autumn), but sales take place all year round. During the winter months, entrepreneurs sometimes suffer losses due to the fact that they simply run out of products to sell.

Use of medicinal herbs

IN open form medicinal plants are almost never sold. Usually these are small boxes with enclosed bags containing 200-500 g of one or another dried herb. People use them for brewing, to use the resulting decoction to wash wounds, make lotions and compresses, rinse hair, etc. Also, many people drink herbal infusions for weight loss or as an aid for certain ailments. In a word, the scope of application of medicinal herbs is very wide, so there is no fear that the product will not be in demand.

Types of herbal business

Depending on the stages of preparing medicinal herbs, there are several options for what you can do:

  1. Growing.
  2. Collection.
  3. Drying.
  4. Recycling.
  5. Package.
  6. Implementation.

We grow our own herbs

Growing medicinal herbs as a business is relevant for any person who wants to get a unique product. After all, not all types of herbs that the Russian consumer would like to see on the shelves grow in our regions. And sometimes it is much cheaper to plant and obtain this or that plant yourself than to go far away to get it.

But you can work not only with rare, but also with popular plants. Industrial cultivation of medicinal herbs on your own land allows you to obtain a high-quality harvest that compares favorably with wild crops.

The advantages are mainly two:

  • convenient to assemble;
  • knowledge of soil characteristics allows us to predict the quality and quantity of future plants.

Your own mini-farm for growing medicinal herbs involves small area land (from 10 acres) and a well-ventilated room nearby for storing seeds and crops. Among the auxiliary items you will need the usual watering cans, hoes and shovels. If you decide to expand your business, not only growing and collecting plants, but also producing oil from them, for example, then you will also need special equipment.

Collection of medicinal herbs

Passionate people who know the nuances of collecting (times for collecting medicinal herbs and plants, their types, environmentally friendly places, etc.) can easily make a business out of it. You can collect herbs in forest belts and meadow areas that do not belong to any farm or cooperative. A permit to collect medicinal herbs is not usually required. It is only needed if you are harvesting parts of woody plants (bark and buds).

There are some rules for collecting medicinal herbs:

  • some of the thickets must be left untouched;
  • When collecting, be sure to leave 2-3 plants per square meter land;
  • After collecting roots and rhizomes, the area should be leveled.

Drying and processing

Machine for threshing and crushing herbs Rebler LG 201

Procuring medicinal herbs is no less responsible than growing or collecting them. Harvesting refers to the drying of plants and their further processing to give them some kind of marketable appearance.

It could be:

  • grinding using a cutting machine;
  • packaging in boxes or other packaging;
  • preparation of mixed mixtures (for cosmetic procedures, for oral administration, etc.);
  • making sachets for various purposes (against moths, to improve sleep, to scent clothes);
  • production of bath brooms;
  • preparation of decoctions and infusions.


Selling medicinal herbs is the final stage. You can implement them:

  • to pharmacies and herbal shops;
  • pharmaceutical industry enterprises;
  • to the consumer through advertisements in newspapers and on specialized websites.

Another option: open your own store. In this case, it will be possible not to engage in gathering, but to open a point for receiving medicinal herbs from the population. But trade in medicinal plants requires compliance with certain requirements.


The first thing an entrepreneur who decides to open a medicinal herbal store will need to do is obtain a license. Licensing is carried out by the regional executive authority upon presentation of a package of documents:

  • statement indicating legal organizational form future enterprise, current account and legal address;
  • a copy of the constituent agreement (certified by a notary);
  • tax registration certificate;
  • confirmation of registration in the state register.

To open an online store of medicinal herbs, you also need a license, because any buyer has the right to demand it. Registration of the document costs about 10 thousand rubles. and is done within a few weeks. During this time, you will be able to think through your store strategy, hire salespeople, find additional suppliers, etc.

Features of purchasing herbs from the population

Finding a supplier of medicinal herbs is not an easy task because all large growing and harvesting companies already have certain distribution channels. You can try to cooperate with them or organize the reception of medicinal herbs from the population. This should be done wisely, assessing the quality of products not by eye, but professionally.

That is, tests should be carried out:

  • identifying the level of plant pest infestation;
  • authenticity test, ash content, humidity level, presence of impurities;
  • level of microbiological purity.

All data is recorded in analytical passports, then a protocol is drawn up and a quality log is filled out.

The purchase of medicinal herbs from the population is carried out in accordance with all the rules of purchase and sale, with an extract cash order and drawing up a report from the financially responsible person.

Wholesale purchase of herbs online

The herbal business is growing in World Wide Web. Online stores are a kind of intermediaries between large purchasing companies and individuals who sell medicinal herbs for sale. Therefore, if you are not interested in small quantities, but in purchasing medicinal herbs in bulk, then you can look for suppliers on the Internet.

On such sites you can find a variety of plants with descriptions of them healing properties. Moreover, this can be either packaging of individual types or ready-made collections. In the second case, the product must also contain information about the percentage of each component in the set. By buying medicinal herbs in bulk, you can package them, make sachets or aromatic soaps, and then sell them and make a profit.

The most popular herbs and their cost

The price of taking medicinal herbs should be less than the price at which you are going to sell the products. Therefore, before making purchases, monitor the market for medicinal plants and compare prices.

Among the herbs that have the most popular scope of application and high demand are:

  • elecampane root (from 70 rub./kg);
  • chamomile flowers (from 140 rub./kg);
  • Salvia officinalis (from 145 rub./kg);
  • lemon balm (from 200 rub./kg);
  • valerian root (from 430 rub./kg);
  • linden flowers (from 640 rub./kg).

As for delivery, you can most often receive medicinal herbs by mail. The supplier sends the parcel with cash on delivery, and the buyer pays its cost at the post office. Another option: using the services of logistics companies. Sometimes this can be much faster and more profitable.

Initial Investment

Let’s not forget to talk about the main thing: how much money is needed to organize such a business? It all depends on the type of activity you choose and its scale. The profit will depend on the amount of investment. Those. if you collect herbs alone and then hand them over, then there will be no investment (except for expenses on transport to the forest or meadow), but also a minimum of income. Hiring people to harvest and then package the plants is a different investment, but also a bigger return.

Doing business on medicinal plants, willy-nilly you have to read about them, find out their properties, features of origin, etc. As a result, many entrepreneurs become real experts in this field. And who knows, maybe your herbal pharmacy will bring not only profit, but also moral satisfaction.

In ancient times, humanity engaged in two main activities that allowed them to survive in harsh conditions. It's about about hunting and, of course, gathering. Later, people learned to cultivate the land, grow various cultures(for example,) and domesticated numerous species of animals. But it all began with the collection of what nature itself offered to man. For some reason in modern world Many people (including businessmen) completely forget that nature still offers a huge amount of a wide variety of products that literally lie under their feet. You just need to see them and collect them. What to do next - use it to your advantage or sell it to those who need this product - that’s up to you.

Today we will talk about business on. This is an ideal option for residents to own their own business. rural areas, as well as for city dwellers who have their own house in the village. In fact, this type of activity is one of the types of agricultural business, which we talk about quite often on the pages of our website. The collection of medicinal herbs expands our understanding of agriculture, which is not at all limited to the cultivation and sale of vegetables, fruits and domestic animals. This also includes picking berries and mushrooms, as well as extracting birch sap (we will talk about these business ideas in subsequent publications).

How to organize a business collecting and selling medicinal plants?

Firstly, you must have a clear idea about certain medicinal plants, know where and when they can be collected in your region. After all, the same types of herbs in different regions(for example, in the north and south) “ripen” in different time. In addition, you should have a good knowledge of not only medicinal herbs, but also all other types of herbs that grow in your region. After all, it is quite possible that among them there are poisonous plants, hazardous to human health.

So that nothing bad happens, and your business only grows and develops, we advise you to stock up on thematic literature (fortunately, there is plenty of it on modern shelves) and study in detail the flora of your region.

The Forest Code of our country clearly states that the collection of food forest resources(which include medicinal plants) for one’s own needs can be carried out freely and free of charge. In the case of entrepreneurial activity You must obtain permission to rent a plot and collect medicinal herbs from the forestry agency in your region. To do this, the entrepreneur writes a statement indicating the intended collection location and listing the plant species to be collected. The Forestry Agency may either accept or reject your application, giving reasons. If the application is accepted, then all that remains is to sign the lease agreement, which specifies the total amount of payment for a certain period, as well as the procedure for making payments.

Also, be sure to ask which plants growing in your region are listed in the International Red Book. As a rule, collecting medicinal herbs in the habitats of rare flora representatives is prohibited. It’s better to find out all these nuances right away so as not to get into an unpleasant situation later.

You can collect medicinal plants as on our own, and jointly by hired workers. The second option will significantly increase business volumes, but will require certain monthly expenses. By the way, this business is in some respects, since the collection of herbs is carried out in the summer and autumn months. But their implementation can be called a year-round business.

Herbs can be sold through several distribution channels. Firstly, these are collection points for natural materials, which are probably available in your region. Secondly, these are pharmacies that purchase herbal infusions from the population. Thirdly, this is our own point of sale of medicinal plants. The last option is the most promising, but will require some additional knowledge, investments and hiring of appropriate specialists. You need to sell herbs and herbs to the public according to recipes. In addition, buyers, not knowing exactly what they need, often prefer to consult sellers. Therefore, you will probably need the help of herbalists (specialists in the treatment of diseases using medicinal herbs) and pharmacists.

If you open such a point, you can organize a point for receiving herbs from the population. This will allow you to accept and sell significantly more goods in a short period of time. And one more important point. To trade herbs, you will need an appropriate license, the time frame for obtaining which is several months, and the cost is about 10,000 rubles.

Some useful tips for herbal businessmen

Since you are going to be essentially preparing medicines, it is very important to choose the right place to collect them. After all, not only the variety of the plant, but also the place where it grows significantly affects its beneficial qualities. Therefore, before you start implementing this business idea, carefully read and remember the following important rules that experienced herbalists recommend following.

Plants need to be collected at certain times of the day. Ideally - in the morning, after the dew has dried. Under no circumstances should collection be carried out after rain or during heavy dew. When dried, wet plants lose their presentation and acquire an unpleasant odor.

And second important rule– collect herbs as far as possible from human habitats. If there is a road nearby, then the place for collecting medicinal plants should be at least 100-200 meters from it. As for industrial facilities - plants, factories, production workshops - it is not recommended to collect herbs within a radius of 20 kilometers from them. The same applies to farmers' fields, which are cultivated with various chemicals. In general, the farther your site is from civilization, the better. We wish you success.

The idea of ​​the business is to collect various medicinal herbs and plants for subsequent sale.


Let's look at a few examples, from which it will be clear what potential income the activity of procuring medicinal herbs and plants can bring.

This time-tested natural remedy for colds, asthma and stomach ulcers has a powerful immunomodulatory effect, significantly increases the body's resistance and has an antioxidant effect.

Also, the roots of the plant are used in the food industry, for the production of coffee, cocoa, marinades, compotes, jelly, flour products, halva, caramel, marshmallows and chocolate.

Dry licorice root extract costs 1,850 rubles per 1 kilogram.

Estimated markets for licorice root:

  • Sales to food and pharmaceutical companies. The requirements for the purchased products must be found by contacting directly the purchasing company.
  • Sales through various online trading platforms (Avito.ru, Slando.ru and others);

Elecampane root is used for medical purposes as an anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic, and hemostatic agent.

Dry elecampane root extract costs 1,350 rubles per 1 kilogram

Estimated markets for elecampane root:

  • Sales to shops and pharmacies selling medicinal herbs in your city;
  • Sales to pharmaceutical companies. The requirements for the purchased products must be found by contacting directly the purchasing company.
  • Searching for potential buyers can be done either through telephone directories or via the Internet (the query “will buy licorice root” generates a significant number of queries”)
  • Sales through various trading platforms on the Internet (Avito.ru, Slando.ru and others);
  • Sales through your friends.

Medicinal plant "Yarrow"

Yarrow is used to stop various bleeding, to get rid of worms, to treat atherosclerosis, bronchial asthma, liver diseases and gastritis. It is useful for gastric ulcers with low or normal level acidity of gastric juice. Using a decoction or infusion from this medicinal plant, you can cure burns, wounds with pus, psoriasis and eczema.

Dry yarrow collection costs 300 rubles per 1 kilogram.

Estimated markets for Yarrow

  • Sales to shops and pharmacies selling medicinal herbs in your city;
  • Sales to pharmaceutical companies (Yarrow-based preparations are widely used in medicine).


As can be seen from the examples, collecting medicinal herbs and plants can be very profitable business, and collection costs are insignificant (costs mainly include fuel and packaging). In addition, this type of activity has a beneficial effect on health. (hiking in nature has never hurt anyone).

The activity of collecting medicinal herbs and plants can also be considered as additional income, without dismissal from your main place of work, this type of business is also suitable for retirees and students. If you think of collecting herbs as a larger project, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.