Nervous disorders: causes, symptoms and therapy

Constant stress experienced by modern man, can not only mobilize all his abilities to solve complex problems, but also lead to a nervous breakdown. Unfortunately, with chronic stress, people rarely realize this.

Prerequisites for the development of nervous system disorders

The continuous increase in the incidence of diseases of the nervous system makes us talk about the epidemic scale of the problem. Young, able-bodied people of both sexes are increasingly suffering from such disorders. Doctors believe the cause is Negative influence modern lifestyle, even if the patient has never received serious injuries or suffered serious illnesses that could provoke disorders of the central nervous system. Mental, physical and emotional stress is the daily reality of a metropolis resident, almost inevitably leading to various nervous disorders. Up to 3% of the planet's population suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder alone, and these are diagnosed cases. The actual figure will be 2–3 times higher.

Types of Nervous System Disorders

Despite the great variety nervous disorders, they can be divided into two large groups - neuroses and autonomic dysfunction.


This functional disorders central nervous system, which can be provoked and intensified by emotional, mental and physical overload, psychological trauma.

  • Obsessive states. Another name is obsessive-compulsive disorder. They can be episodic, chronic or progressive. Most often they affect people with high intelligence. The essence of the disorder is the appearance of painful thoughts, memories, actions, emotional states, uncontrollable and capturing all the patient’s attention. As a result, he constantly experiences a feeling of anxiety, which he tries to get rid of using some of his own methods, which most often aggravate the situation. An example is the obsessive fear of contracting infectious diseases, when a person tries by all possible means to disinfect surrounding objects. The causes of obsessive states may be heredity, past infectious diseases or their exacerbation, hormonal imbalance, sleep and wakefulness. Variations contribute to the development of obsessive states atmospheric pressure and the change of seasons.
  • Neurasthenia. Pathological conditions in which increased irritability, fatigue, and the inability to engage in mental or physical activity for a long time are observed. All this is due to general depression of the nervous system. Typically, neurasthenia develops after mental trauma, accompanied by hard work, disturbances in sleep and nutrition. Contributing factors in the development of neurasthenia are infections, hormonal disorders, and bad habits.
  • Hysteria. A type of neurosis in which demonstrative manifestations of certain emotions do not correspond to them real depth and are intended to attract attention. The causes of hysteria are the tendency to self-hypnosis and suggestion, the inability to consciously control one’s behavior. According to clinical signs, hysterical behavior and hysterical seizures are distinguished. Behavioral hysteria manifests itself in the patient’s constant desire to be in the center of attention, a tendency to affective actions and manifestations. A hysterical attack is a short-term condition during which the patient remains fully conscious, but may cry, laugh, fall and convulse. The duration of a seizure depends on the impression it makes on others: it will last longer, the more people around you are worried. Hysteria develops after mental trauma; seizures can be triggered by any stressful influence.

Neuroses respond well to treatment, as patients retain critical thinking and realize that they need help. Personality disorders are not observed in neuroses.

Autonomic dysfunction

This type of nervous disorder is often confused with vegetative-vascular dystonia, but the latter is only one of the manifestations of a nervous disease. Autonomic dysfunction occurs when the internal organs receive incorrect or irregular signals from the autonomic nervous system. This reduces the body’s protective functions, leads to a general deterioration in well-being, and disrupts the functioning of internal organs. Symptoms may be similar to migraines, myocardial infarction, osteochondrosis and a number of other pathologies. Autonomic dysfunction develops due to constant stress or is provoked by it, arising for some other reason. Autonomic nervous disorders can be part of functional or organic lesions of the entire nervous system.

Symptoms of the condition

The main signs of a nervous disorder are increased anxiety, tension, decreased performance, problems concentrating, alternating lethargy and irritability, and sudden pain of unknown origin. If you constantly observe such manifestations in yourself, you need to at least reduce your stress level, and it is best to consult a specialist.

Where to go if you have a nervous disorder?

Treatment of nervous disorders requires the help of a specialist: psychologist, neurologist, neurologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist. Therapy should be comprehensive, including drug and non-drug methods. It is necessary to treat first of all the cause of the nervous disorder, only in this case the therapy will be successful. In any clinical picture, the patient is shown calm.

Non-drug therapy

Unfortunately, magic pills for the treatment of nervous disorders has not yet been invented, and the patient has to reconsider his lifestyle for the success of treatment.

  • Breathing exercises and health fitness. Methods of health-improving fitness for patients with nervous disorders include yoga, swimming, and callanetics. All these types of fitness help you gain peace of mind. Breathing exercises are distinguished by their accessibility at any time; they can be practiced even during the working day. Diaphragmatic breathing makes it possible to achieve calm and concentration, helps saturate the brain with oxygen, and promotes the normal functioning of all body systems.
  • Physiotherapy and relaxation techniques (massage, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, etc.). These therapeutic measures are aimed at relieving muscle spasms, improving blood circulation and lymph outflow, and activating digestive processes, stimulation of immunity. During the procedures, the effects of stress are relieved.
  • Changing lifestyle and nutrition. Sleep and wakefulness, walks in the fresh air, food rich in protein and vitamins - all this has a beneficial effect on a depleted nervous system. With constant stress, the body experiences a severe deficiency of vitamins, which can be replenished by paying attention to your diet.

Nervous disorders are characterized by the patient’s desire to be cured as quickly as possible, but this only increases anxiety. Drug therapy will help you find the strength for long-term treatment.

Pharmacological approach

Despite the fact that there are over-the-counter medications on the list of medications for patients with nervous disorders, self-medication can only worsen the situation. Therefore, you can start taking them only in consultation with your doctor.

Drugs with a partial sedative effect. Increased anxiety is caused by the release of adrenaline into the blood. Drugs such as Valocordin or Corvalol, which relieve anxiety and thereby reduce the load on the cardiovascular system, help to cope with this.

Vitamin complexes, dietary supplements and homeopathy. Patients with nervous disorders need to take vitamins C and E, B vitamins, potassium, calcium and magnesium supplements. Without them, the cells do not produce enough energy, the functions of the cardiovascular system decrease, and it is difficult to achieve concentration. The drugs Asparkam and Magnelis are often prescribed. Homeopathic medicines "Tenoten", Arsenicum Album, Aurum Metallic, Gelsemium, "Stress-Gran", bio active additives“Mystic”, “Hyper”, “Passilat”, “Revien” and many others act without side effects and are known means for relieving the effects of stress among the easily suggestible population, although their therapeutic effects have never been confirmed by any research.

Herbal medicines. Traditional medicine has own recipes combat stress. One of them is soothing herbal teas made from chamomile, motherwort, St. John's wort, passionflower, and valerian root. The properties of various herbs were also used to create such drugs as Novo-Passit, Persen and many others. It should be remembered that these drugs may have contraindications and side effects (for example, cause drowsiness).

Prescription drugs. IN severe cases for nervous disorders, potent drugs are prescribed, which are available only by prescription. These are tranquilizers and antidepressants - Tazepam, Phenazepam, Amitriptyline, Desipramine and others. They have a number of side effects (for example, extreme addiction) and contraindications, so they are selected individually and taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Over-the-counter drugs with a complex therapeutic effect. An example of such a drug is Afobazol. It not only reduces the level of anxiety, tension, and irritability, but helps eliminate vegetative and somatic manifestations of stress, and also has a slight stimulating effect on the nervous system, resulting in improved mood. Taking the drug does not cause drowsiness, weakness, or reduce concentration.

Expert opinion: A representative of the manufacturing company talks about the drug “Afobazol”

“The action of Afobazole is aimed at restoring the normal functioning of the nervous system. As a result of clinical studies, it was revealed that while taking Afobazol, 78% of patients showed a decrease in irritability and an increase in mood, 70% felt less tired and more productive. In general, taking the drug helps reduce anxiety levels and normalize the emotional background. Strength and self-confidence appear again. Afobazole does not produce significant side effects. The therapeutic effect develops from 5–7 days of administration. At the end of therapy, there is no withdrawal syndrome - this is very important. is an inexpensive, popular over-the-counter remedy.”

Despite the fact that taking medications often has a positive effect and is not a complex therapeutic measure, you should not get carried away with it. Resuming a course of medication on your own can be harmful to your health. It is better to devote time to competent prevention.

Restoration of the nervous system and prevention of disorders

A well-thought-out treatment strategy and precise execution of the doctor’s instructions, as a rule, give positive results. The patient not only improves his well-being, but also his overall quality of life. For further prevention, it is recommended to maintain a diet healthy eating, combating stress, healthy sleep and sufficient physical activity.

Glad to see you on the blog pages))

In one of the previous articles, I mentioned that about six months ago I found a remedy that can treat nerves at home.

Stress is a kind of protection of the body from various external factors: danger, overexertion, unpleasant news, phobias, and even minor ones. everyday problems.

It comes in different guises: some people become excited, others fall into complete stupor. It’s all because of adrenaline, a hormone that “lives” in the human body. It reacts sharply to fears and rises sharply at times of danger.

Adrenaline forces the body to concentrate and look for a way out of the current situation, and therefore it is even useful during short-term stress.

Only prolonged stress is dangerous, due to which a person loses vital energy, mental and physical health. It’s not for nothing that there is a popular saying: “All diseases come from nerves,” and there is another saying among doctors: “All problems are in the head,” so many people wonder how to become calmer and not be nervous?

Our reaction to external factors is so diverse that literally anything can cause stress: separation from a loved one or his loss, unfavorable relationships at work or dismissal, troubles in the family, for example, serious illnesses of relatives and one’s own, and even such seemingly , not the saddest or most significant events such as a change of place of residence, upcoming public appearances, expectation of guests.

Very often, the cause of stress lies within a person; it is dissatisfaction with oneself, self-criticism and a number of other personal problems.

Symptoms of stress

Take a closer look to see if you have the most characteristic symptoms of stress:

  • frequent headaches, including. My migraine is just a “partner” of stress ((If you also suffer from its attacks, then I recommend an article that helps you fight it.
  • apathy, depression, depression, pessimism, lack of interest in life;
  • nervousness, irritability or tearfulness;
  • internal tension, inability to relax or, conversely, inability to concentrate, poor perception of information;
  • the appearance of “nervous” habits: swinging a leg, tapping a pencil on the table, biting lips and nails, etc.;
  • irritability and aggression in women at different ages associated with hormonal imbalance;
  • indifference to loved ones, even to one’s own children.

Consequences of stress

Stress almost never goes away painlessly; if the psychological state of a person is not corrected in time, it will lead to disruption of the functioning of many organs and systems.

And prolonged stress can lead to very serious problems such as: cardiovascular diseases, peptic ulcer, depression and neuroses, headaches, atherosclerosis, allergies and eczema, accelerated aging of the body, decreased immunity, type 2 diabetes, cancer, chronic constipation or diarrhea, bronchial asthma, sexual health disorders.

These are the most common problems in the body that arise due to stress and, unfortunately, the list goes on. Those who are under the influence of prolonged psychological stress often ask doctors the question: “How to restore the nervous system?”

How to restore the nervous system after prolonged stress

Our citizens, to put it mildly, don’t really like going to the doctor)) and in most cases they begin treatment for depression on their own, immediately resorting to “heavy artillery”: pills for depression and irritability, as well as powerful psychotropic drugs.

But not every stress is depression, and it is necessary to begin restoring the body using safer methods and medications.

How to deal with irritability and nervousness at home

Ideally, consult a psychotherapist who will help you understand the cause of prolonged stress and develop an individual plan to overcome it.

According to doctors, the most popular ways to “fight nerves” are:

  • special nutrition for the brain and nervous system;
  • change of environment (vacation, interesting trips, meeting with friends);
  • taking relaxing baths;
  • passion for an interesting activity (knitting, drawing, reading books, etc.);
  • relaxing techniques (meditation, yoga, reading prayers);
  • repetition of affirmations - positive and convincing phrases (“I’m healthy!”, “I’m calm and relaxed” and the like);
  • listening to music that restores the nervous system (you can read more in the article);
  • breathing exercises to help you focus on yourself;

But the most important thing is to eliminate the cause of stress.

But this, as always, is easy to say, but not always possible to do, so you need to try to adjust your nervous system so that it responds more easily to stress and irritants.

How to restore nerves after severe stress using traditional methods

Herbs for nerves and stress

  • Calming collection.

We take fennel, motherwort, caraway seeds, and valerian in equal parts.

Brew a full tablespoon (with a slide) of the collection into 250 ml of boiling water, infuse it, and take it three times a day, dividing the infusion into three equal parts. The course of treatment is 30 days. Preventive courses are carried out twice a year (spring and autumn).

  • Antidepressant tea from St. John's wort.

Brew a teaspoon of dry raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water. Drink twice a day with honey, like regular tea.

  • Decoction of coriander seeds.

Prepare the decoction: brew a teaspoon of coriander seeds with boiling water (200 ml) and leave to simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. The decoction is taken in a small glass (30–40 ml) four times a day. Continue treatment until your condition improves and your mood improves. Coriander is an excellent remedy for irritability.

  • Mint tea with lemon and honey.

During the day, drink mint tea (preferably wild mint, growing in the meadows) with honey. Linden and sweet clover honey are ideal. Lemon must be consumed with the skin, chewing thoroughly. The peel of citrus fruits contains many essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system.

You can also drink herbal teas from lemon balm, chamomile, calendula, oregano, and hops. Brew these herbs as usual, like tea, and drink alternately. They have a mild calming effect, reduce heart rate and improve sleep. The treatment is long-term.

  • Motherwort tincture.

Dry motherwort herb is poured with medical alcohol and infused for a month. Proportion: 1:5. Take 20 drops three times a day for a month. Motherwort will perfectly relieve palpitations and anxiety.

  • Herbal sachet.

Place a collection of herbs in linen bags, or you can use any plant separately: hop cones, oregano, lavender, lemon balm, rosemary.

Place the bags at the head of the head or under the pillow. The emanating aromas relax the body and relieve irritation.

  • Aromatherapy.

Oils that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system are: orange, ylang-ylang, cedar, pine, lavender.

Aromatization is carried out using an aroma lamp, observing the dosage: 1 drop of oil per 5 m2 of room.

  • Pine baths.

Buy pine needle extract at the pharmacy. According to the instructions, dilute the drug in the bathroom. Take the procedure for 15 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days.

There is also the “right” food for the nervous system.

Foods that lift your mood when you're depressed

(many of them contain in large quantities, which helps with nervous system disorders):

  • Dairy products (low fat);
  • fish, especially fatty varieties;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • vegetable oil;
  • cereals (oatmeal and buckwheat);
  • chocolate (high cocoa content, more than 70%);
  • meat, especially pork, duck and game birds;
  • seaweed;
  • egg white;
  • fruits and vegetables: avocados, bananas, beets, chili peppers, celery, broccoli, garlic, tomatoes.

Modern dietary supplements and pharmaceutical preparations for irritability and nervousness

Modern pharmacology has a huge supply of drugs that act on the nervous system with varying degrees of intensity.

Therefore, the choice of drug depends on the person’s activity and the required concentration of attention, since there are sedatives for stress that do not cause drowsiness, as well as enough drugs with the opposite effect.

Tablets for nerves and stress, list of names

At the pharmacy you can purchase the following medications and tablets for irritability and nervousness:

When choosing a product, read the instructions first, since I cannot even fit into this article short description drugs.


Valerian extract;






Lily of the valley-motherwort drops;





Peony tincture;

Motherwort tincture;





I tried some of the above drugs, but I will not name which ones, because they did not have the desired effect, perhaps this is my personal perception and they will affect you differently.

I’d rather tell you about a remedy for stress and nerves, which I really, really liked for its general effect and, most importantly, for the fact that it is a sedative for stress and does not cause drowsiness. .

For me, such tablets for irritability and nervousness turned out to be amino acids: 5-htp hydroxytryptophan and Gaba - gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Hydroxytryptophan, what is it?

This is an amino acid that in our body is a biochemical precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that calms the psyche and creates a feeling of emotional well-being.

The drug is very effective for depression, since people suffering from it have lower levels of serotonin and tryptophan in the blood, so if you are interested in how to overcome depression and get back to life, this amino acid is just right.

Hydroxytryptophan is also successfully used for increased anxiety, depression in the premenstrual period, sleep disorders, seasonal affective disorder - “autumn depression”, nervous exhaustion, headaches and prolonged migraines.

Taking 5-htp hydroxytryptophan suppresses appetite, and this promotes the loss of extra pounds, which is important for overweight people.

According to my personal feelings, 5 hydroxytryptophan coped with all the tasks, not just well, just excellent.

It really calms the nerves, relieves tension, eliminates anxiety and irritability, improves mood, and there is no drowsiness or lethargy. The only thing I didn’t notice was a decrease in appetite 😉

Let me draw your attention to the fact that this drug does not have an immediate effect, that is, there is no such thing - I took the first pill and immediately felt cheerful and calm. I felt its effects only at the end of the second week of use, but the effects were long-lasting and impressive.

Apparently, it is necessary for 5 hydroxytryptophan to accumulate in the body and restore the necessary level of serotonin. I read reviews from experts that it takes three months for these substances to accumulate.

How to take hydroxytryptophan

The safe daily dose of hydroxytryptophan is 300-400 mg per day.

At first I bought a 100 mg package, where you need to take one or two capsules a day, I took one twice, that is, 200 mg per day.

Now I have 5-htp hydroxytryptophan dosed at 50 mg, which I also drink one capsule twice a day.

The drug can be taken immediately before bed, especially for those who have sleep disorders, and for depression and anxiety, it is better to divide the daily dose into several doses.

Always take the drug before meals, since after eating, other amino acids will be delivered to the brain and the effect may not be complete.

To prolong the effect of hydroxytryptophan, it is recommended to take it simultaneously with niacin.

For whom is 5 hydroxytryptophan contraindicated?

The only contraindication is asthma, since any substance that is a serotonin precursor can worsen the condition of an asthmatic. Otherwise, 5-hydroxytryptophan is completely safe.

5 hydroxytryptophan can be bought in the iHerb store, which has been tested many times: a cheaper option and. More expensive option: 50 mg dosage and 100 mg dosage.

Try to start taking the drug with minimal doses, this will allow the body to start the self-regulation system.

Another tried-and-true Gaba product, gamma-aminobutyric acid

Gaba what is it?

This is a natural amino acid that does not cause addiction and is an effective tranquilizer that is practically safe to use. Improves mood during depression, relieves anxiety and irritability, is a sedative, and helps with sleep disorders.

Gaba is an excellent relaxant that maintains adequacy of behavior.

According to doctors, it is able to cope with convulsive seizures, helps restore speech and memory in stroke survivors, and even helps lower blood sugar levels.

This amino acid may not be enough if you are on a low-protein diet, or if you are deficient in vitamin B6 and zinc.

I tried it and really liked the effect of its use.

Gaba use and dosage

Since this amino acid does not cause drowsiness, it is used during the daytime.

Available in different dosages ranging from 100 mg to 750 mg.

For severe anxiety and irritability, it is enough to take from 500 mg to 4 g. Higher dosages are prescribed by a doctor in cases of depression or seizures.

I bought a package with a dosage of 100 mg in which you need to take 1-3 capsules per day. For mild symptoms, this amount is quite sufficient.

If you haven't shopped on iHerb yet.

Happy shopping and a healthy nervous system :)

Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Life is filled with daily stress for absolutely every person, regardless of his financial capabilities and position in society. Which over time leads to the emergence of various diseases, and the quality of life under stress significantly deteriorates. Therefore, today I want to tell you how to restore your nervous system and psyche in order to become happy and healthy again.

By practicing, you will achieve relaxation, which is very useful for the central nervous system, and you will also have the opportunity to rest and replenish your resources. Over time, you will notice that you begin to react less emotionally to external stimuli, and these are the first steps towards balance and inner harmony. The process of contemplation and concentration makes it possible to discover new solutions to even a seemingly hopeless situation. And after the postponed psychological trauma and serious stress will give you a chance to exhale and relax, feel calm and satisfaction.

You can practice on your own; you don’t have to attend group training if you can’t. Look at the article here, even a beginner who has never meditated can handle the recommendations given in it.


In order for the nervous system to be in order, and for you to feel full of strength and calm, first of all, it is necessary to establish high-quality and complete sleep. Its lack can lead to serious consequences, including deep depression. In the book about human biological rhythms, it was said that after 2 o’clock in the morning melatonin, which is responsible for relaxation and sleep, begins to be actively produced, and in the morning cortisol, a hormone that helps cope with stress.

So, if your schedule is messed up and you are used to staying awake at night, then your body does not have time to produce the necessary hormones, which leads to excessive fatigue and lack of joy in life, accordingly, stress resistance is zero, which causes you to get hurt, or react aggressively to any words and actions of others.


It’s also important to reconsider your diet; everyone seems to know about the benefits of fruits and vegetables, but they still prefer semi-finished products for dinner, right? The quality of life depends on the quality of food. Help your body cope with adversity on its own, without the use of drugs. It is especially important to control the amount of food consumed so as not to provoke obesity or even anorexia. Even though these disorders are related to the psyche, you still shouldn’t undermine your health.

Avoid eating starchy foods and sweets; as a last resort, eat a piece of dark chocolate. By changing your diet, you will notice how quickly you will begin to get into shape, both physically and mentally.

4.Water is the key to health

Only cleaned. In what quantities and when you should drink it - you can look at it. Swimming or even hardening will also help improve the functioning of the central nervous system. Thanks to this, the body’s ability to withstand adverse external factors increases. You will become more resilient and stable in your reactions, and, most importantly, healthy.

5.Active recreation and sports

Firstly, your well-being will improve, and secondly, you will have a legal opportunity to reset negative energy, and thirdly, you will feel happy, because during active physical activity endorphins are produced - hormones of joy.

The main thing is to play sports systematically, without giving up on training, then your shaky nervous system will come to order and “will thank you.” Outdoor exercises, in addition to providing the opportunity to quickly recover, will also help in the fight against insomnia, if any.


If you feel like you don’t have the strength or desire to do anything, don’t put pressure on yourself, but let yourself be lazy and just lie on the couch. When we lose energy, it is important to restore it, otherwise we will use up the body’s strategic reserves when every action will be harmful. There are many ways to restore energy balance, you can familiarize yourself with them.

7.Open your soul

No matter how difficult it is, you shouldn’t close yourself off, sometimes it’s important to just speak out to someone who can hear you, and it will become much easier. Just pay attention to the difference - if you simply “leak” information without really noticing your interlocutor, you will not get better. Healing power in the contact itself, when, in addition to your experiences, you notice another person. And then, looking into each other’s eyes, you can open your soul, healing it with attention and understanding.


Breathing exercises

  1. Breathing exercises can help you take your mind off negative thoughts and situations, concentrate on your feelings and relax. So you will notice yourself in this huge world, you will feel that you are alive and just exist in this moment. You can find all the exercises in the calming article. Moreover, you can perform them not only at home, but also on the way to work, during meditation and sports.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, take a deep, slow breath, and at the same time spread your arms first to the sides, and then lift them up, clasping your palms together so that they are above your head. Hold your breath and count to 10, then begin to exhale, lowering your arms down. You need to repeat all these steps at least 5 times, then move on to other, more dynamic exercises.
  3. Again, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and while taking a deep breath, raise both hands, palms down, so that they are no higher than your chin. Then hold your breath, spread them apart and make three bends to the left and right, return to the starting position and only then exhale. This will help strengthen the central nervous system, restoring the ability to think not under the influence of affect and emotions. Do also at least 5 repetitions.
  4. This exercise is similar to push-ups, but standing. Place your hands on the wall and do push-ups, only inhale when bending your arms, and exhale when extending. Do it at least 10 times.

Japanese method

There is a scientist in Japan named Katsuzo Nishi, and, as you know, the Japanese are famous for their calmness and composure. So, Katsuzo believes that the more heavy thoughts hang over a person, the higher the likelihood of his imminent death. That is, people die mostly because they think too often, which means that stress and worry significantly shorten our lifespan. And, in order to protect the nervous system from the destructive effects of the surrounding world, he came up with a technique that helps to relax as quickly as possible after stress.

You need to stand straight, pull the back of your head toward the ceiling, this will straighten your back, and pull your shoulders back, pointing your shoulder blades towards each other. Slowly turn your head to the left, trying to mentally look at your heels, looking up all the way to your neck. Then do the same in right side. Then return your head to its original position and “roll” from your toes to your heels and back. Katsuzo recommends doing these manipulations with with open eyes, but it will be most effective if you close them and concentrate on your sensations.

Hand whip

This technique is useful because it helps saturate the lungs with oxygen as much as possible, which will have a positive effect on your mental activity. It also increases blood circulation and relieves tension, helping to achieve relaxation. It's very easy to do - try throwing your arms over your shoulders, clapping your hands on your back. Over time, your hands will become like rubber, which will make you feel more effective. this exercise. You choose the intensity of the strokes based directly on your sensations. Usually, the greater the tension, the more actively the person waves his arms.


Is it possible, after a hard day and a lot of troubles, to achieve lightness in your body and confidence that you can handle everything? I will say that yes, it is possible. You just need to stand up straight, relax and twist your body left and right, allowing your arms to dangle freely and move with your body. At first it will be awkward, maybe even ridiculous, but soon you will feel your head clearing and your well-being improving. Just hang out for at least 10 minutes. After which, allow yourself to sit down and not think about anything, observe, as if from the outside, the thoughts and pictures that arise in your head, do not drive them away and do not control them. In some cases, tears may appear - remnants of tension; they also should not be stopped.


If you can’t cope on your own, still try to contact a specialist who, after diagnosis, will prescribe the necessary treatment. After all, there are cases when a person wastes time without seeking help, which is why the consequences on the body are irreversible. So take care of yourself and be attentive to the symptoms indicating overwork, so that the so-called nervousness does not arise.

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.



Stress is a problem in society. Every person faces stressful situations When organs suffer, nerve cells are affected.

It is difficult to avoid worries and shocks; you need to know how to restore the nervous system after psychological stress.

Causes of stress

There are many reasons that can cause stress because everyone’s body is individual. The same situation will not have any impact on one person, while another will get sick from worries. However, there are popular reasons:

  • Physical. This group includes heavy physical activity, severe pain, overwork, lack of sleep, surgical operations, overheating or hypothermia.
  • Internal. This negative emotions experienced by a person. Fear, disappointment, low self-esteem, pessimism, lack of respect, internal conflicts, unfulfilled expectations.
  • External. What is impossible to influence. These are wars, threats to life, loss of property, the need to communicate with bad people, complex financial situation, betrayal, illness of loved ones, animal attack, job change, natural disasters.

The reaction to stress does not depend on the cause that caused it. To a fracture or to a conflict, the body will give the same reaction - it will release stress hormones. The consequences will depend on the situation and its duration.

Ways to strengthen the nervous system

The human body has the ability to self-regulate. The popular phrase that nerve cells cannot regenerate is wrong. They die off and are renewed regularly. But during stress, the substances that ensure cell interaction are consumed quickly, which causes their deficiency. To bring the body back to normal, you need to know simple and available methods its restoration.


People have known that animals have a positive effect on health since the time of Hippocrates. For example, he wrote that horseback riding cures not only physical illnesses, but also melancholy. Nowadays, cats, dogs, horses, dolphins, and birds are used to relieve stress.

A simple way to try this “medicine” for yourself is to start pet. Talking to a cat, walking a dog, watching fish - all this will help you calm down and reduce the production of stress hormones. The main condition of zootherapy is love for animals.


Exercising reduces anxiety. It has been found that after training, muscle activity decreases and a person becomes balanced. An hour of exercise relieves stress for 2-3 hours.

In the process of practicing your favorite sport, the body releases joy hormones - endorphins, which results in an endorphin response (post-workout euphoria), that is, relaxation and improved mood. The main thing is that the exercises are feasible, and the patient likes the sport.

Visit to the cat cafe

Not all pet lovers can afford to have their own pet. However, there is still a way to relieve stress with the help of cats. This is a visit to a cat cafe, that is, a place where you can hold, stroke, and hug a furry “doctor.”

Such establishments operate in the anti-cafe format, which means you won’t be able to eat there. The main focus is the opportunity to communicate with cats and cats. It is cats that serve as a symbol of warmth, home comfort, tranquility and affection. After psycho-emotional stress, many people need additional positive emotions, and this is what a visit to a cat cafe provides.

Laughter therapy

During laughter, more than 70 muscle groups contract, and the body receives a large portion of endorphin. Healthy laughter helps you forget problems and relax.

It creates something like a safety valve that closes the path to stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisone). Therefore, there is a direction in psychotherapy - gelotherapy. Its essence is simple - patients watch funny videos, comedies, tell each other jokes and laugh together.

After such a session, people’s production of stress hormones decreases by 90 percent, and the level of fatigue decreases by 80 percent. We can say that laughter is a cure for stress that nature has endowed people with. (cm. )

Relaxation techniques

Methods that help normalize the nervous system include:

  • . Some asanas help bring the psychological state back to normal. During exercise, the level of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) increases, which leads to a decrease in neuronal excitability, relaxation and calmness. Classes should bring pleasure and joy to the patient; the therapeutic effect will be minimal.
  • Breathing exercises. brings the body into a harmonious and calm state. In the most difficult situation the correct breathing rhythm will help you concentrate and reduce the production of stress hormones. There are many breathing techniques; you can start by learning a simple one. You need to inhale with your stomach, and on the count of two, with your chest. After this, exhale, counting to yourself to five. Pause for the count of five. Repeat the gymnastics several times.
  • Meditation. This ancient practice came to us from the East. Not only does it help relieve stress, but it also benefits both mental and physical health. Regular practices help lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, increase concentration, normalize heart rate, relieve depression, irritability, and chronic fatigue syndrome. The following types of meditation are most conducive to restoring the nervous system after stress:
  1. Muscle relaxation. In this case, you need to slowly tense and relax the muscles, starting from the legs and gradually moving up.
  2. Visualization. The technique is aimed at reproducing in the mind any places where a person feels peaceful and calm.
  3. The technique consists of repeated repetition of prayers or phrases aimed at reducing excitement and anxiety.

There are many more meditation options that have been developed, but these three are simple and accessible.


Traveling is a great way to beat stress. In this case, it is not at all necessary to go to exotic country or to the other side of the world. You can simply go to a neighboring city and see its sights, visit an unfamiliar cafe, visit relatives or friends in the village.

A change of scenery and new impressions will allow you to forget about troubles and give you good mood and improve your psychological mood.


Nutrition for restoring the nervous system

Inositol is found in:

  • dark chocolate;
  • tangerines, oranges, apples;
  • barley and oatmeal;
  • vegetables (beets, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes);
  • chicken, veal;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • vegetable oils.

To lift your spirits, you can pamper yourself with any foods that evoke positive emotions. The main thing is to observe moderation and not “eat up” stress with unhealthy food.

Restoring the nervous system after stress is not an easy task. By choosing an individual method, a person is able to cope with the task. We must remember that if simple methods do not help, then contact a specialist who will help you get out of a serious condition and put your nerves in order.

The physiological state of a person is closely related to internal psychological processes. Prolonged stress and negative emotions provoke physical diseases (heart, gastrointestinal, endocrine) of a psychosomatic nature, which are difficult to diagnose and treat. A person loses appetite, energy and performance, falls into a depressed state, loses interest in life, and the reasons may hide deep inside and not be recognized

How to strengthen the nervous system in order to withstand problematic life situations, stress and everyday psychological overload. Nervousness, lack of self-confidence, fear of failure, a tendency to self-examination and worry about minor matters can be caused by psychological and physiological reasons.

Body strengthening methods

Oversaturation of information, fast pace of life, and stress exhaust the nervous system. Many people use coffee, food, cigarettes or alcohol to calm down and relieve stress, which destroy their physical health. Isn’t it better to turn to sedatives: physical education and sports, nature, music, massage, baths.

How to Improve Your Nervous System Using Body Strengthening Techniques.

Physical activity

In order not to develop dependence on sedative and hypnotic drugs, they should not be abused thoughtlessly. Only in severe cases can a doctor prescribe antidepressants to alleviate the condition.

Preparations for strengthening the nervous system for vegetative-vascular symptoms Valocordin, Valoserdin, Zelenin drops, produce a sedative, hypnotic effect, and reduce agitation. , Persen, Donormil are used to eliminate psycho-emotional disorders (even in children).

Manufactured based on medicinal herbs Novo-passit, Persen serve to balance the processes of excitation/inhibition. Tenoten is a homeopathic, sedative drug. It is better not to use it on your own. They should be prescribed by a doctor, determining the course and recommended dose for anxiety, neuroses, stress, and persistent insomnia.

What actions strengthen the nervous system so as not to subject the psyche to unnecessary stress. Adviсe:

  • don't be nervous about events that may not happen;
  • don't scroll to yourself unpleasant events or situations that have already happened and may happen. Leave them in the past, do not be afraid of the future - live in the present;
  • do not hide and accumulate resentment and anger towards people in your subconscious, this is a time bomb, a trigger for nervous disorders;
  • dedicate free time favorite activities, positive emotions crowd out negative ones;
  • don't worry about a problem you can't control;
  • Don’t allow yourself to dwell on unpleasant memories or thoughts about unpleasant people;
  • learn to abstract yourself from stressful situations, not to succumb to a bad mood, to relate to everyday troubles easily and with humor;
  • spend time outdoors and in nature;
  • Follow a daily routine, alternate mental and physical activity.

Facing problems that are difficult life situations, it is important to be able to minimize their impact on the psyche.

Healing the Nervous System

The active rhythm of life, accompanied by stressful situations and emotional outbursts, negatively affects not only the psycho-emotional state, but also well-being. Experiencing a lack of free time and falling under the influence of everyday problems, a person becomes irritable, which is due to a strong load on the functioning of the nervous system.

Reception sedatives has many contraindications and does not always provide a positive result; in order to heal the nervous system and psyche, it is recommended to use relaxing techniques.

Mechanism of action of the techniques

The central nervous system is one of the components human body, since it controls the functioning of all organs. If its functioning is disrupted by external factors, the development of such unpleasant complications as changes in hormonal levels, excessive sweating, deterioration in sleep quality, and chaotic contraction of muscle tissue is observed.

Drug treatment is not always advisable for a neurological disorder: relaxing techniques, which include meditation and hypnosis, are more effective. The fact is explained by the fact that the principle of relaxation methods is based on breathing control, due to which the brain is saturated with oxygen and coordination of movements is improved.

In addition to increasing brain activity, relaxation techniques perform the following functions:

  • normalization;
  • stabilization of the protective function;
  • regulation of the respiratory system;
  • reduction in heart rate.

Having a positive effect on the functioning of the body, relaxation increases a person’s performance and improves his mood.

Hypnosis in the fight against insomnia

To improve sleep and calm the nervous system, hypnosis is used, the advantage of which is that it is harmless to the human body and has no dangerous consequences. The principle of operation of the relaxation method is based on instilling specific thoughts in a person by slowing down brain work and narrowing consciousness.

The main indications for a hypnotic session are prolonged stress, failure of the biological cycle, an excited psycho-emotional state, moral and physical stress. It is also possible to get rid of insomnia through hypnosis if sleep disturbance is caused by taking medications.

There are many types of hypnosis: the most often used for insomnia are the classical method and the Erickson method. Classical hypnosis assumes that the hypnotist’s contact with a person is carried out at the subconscious level: for this purpose, the specialist puts the client into a trance state and begins to instill certain thoughts.

Erickson's method is based on the fact that specific information is suggested to a person when he is in a conscious state. The task of a hypnotist working using this technique is to stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the intuitive function, so that the body begins to independently fight insomnia.


Meditation is considered a popular method of calming down, since through it you can not only stabilize the psycho-emotional state, but also restore inner harmony and get rid of negative thoughts.

In order for the technique to provide a favorable result, you need to meditate in a normal environment and in a comfortable position.

The algorithm for performing meditation is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to focus on a specific point. To do this, it is recommended to place a burning candle a few meters away at eye level.
  2. Next, you need to mentally abstract yourself from negative thoughts and experiences: you can imagine that all worries dissolve in the fire of a candle or air.
  3. It is also necessary to burn your personal negativity, directed towards the people around you, in the fire.
  4. Next, you need to concentrate on the thought that the physical shell and soul are cleansed and freed from evil.
  5. At the final stage, it is necessary to imagine the process of protecting the brain from those negative thoughts that have been destroyed.

A full-fledged meditation is considered to be one at the end of which a person was able to program himself to a positive wave. For this purpose, it is necessary to imagine an object or process that evokes a feeling of love and happiness.

Reiki to calm the nerves

Reiki is a method of unconventional treatment based on healing a person by touching his body with the palms of his hands. Reiki counts effective way healing the nervous system, since this technique is based on strengthening mental health by achieving internal harmony by a person and establishing his relationship with the outside world.

Symbolism plays a fundamental role in the practice of the method. Each of the drawings visualized on a person has a meaning, and its use as a result of the procedure allows you to increase the flow of energy.

To calm the nervous system, symbols are used:

  • “Cho Ku Rei” symbolizes cosmic fire, which allows you to strengthen energy flows and focus them on relieving pathology;
  • “Sei He Ki” is used to get rid of bad habits and helps to abstract from unpleasant memories;
  • “Dai Ko Myo” symbolizes love and harmony, therefore it is a source of energy;
  • Zen Kai Jo helps improve your life situation.

Before using reiki to heal the nervous system, a person must protect himself from negative thoughts and achieve a state of harmony.

Calming mudra

To calm the nervous system, the Nirvana mudra is used - a special combination of fingers that affects both the physical and psychological state of a person.

The technique of performing mudra is simple. First you need right hand impose on left hand so that their back areas touch, and connect the middle and thumbs. It is necessary to connect the index fingers and little fingers alternately, and leave the ring fingers in an arbitrary position.

Regular use of the Nirvana mudra provides a person with peace of mind and a feeling of a state of harmony, due to which the process of restoration of the nervous system is accelerated.

What herbs calm the nervous system

Lavender helps heal the nervous system. If in the background severe stress formed headache or irritability, you need to soak a handkerchief with three drops of lavender oil, inhaling the smell of the application, and meditate for 5 minutes.

In the event that stress is aggravated by insomnia, it is allowed to apply a healing agent to the pillow, which will help strengthen sleep.

For prolonged periods, it is recommended to use a decoction based on linden flowers, since the drug not only restores sleep, but also relieves nervous tension. For improvement taste qualities You can add valerian or chamomile to the linden decoction, which will increase the effectiveness of the medicinal drink.


An emotional breakdown is the peak of a long-term nervous tension in women and men, caused by various reasons - from the death of loved ones to problems at work and exacerbations mental illness. The consequences of neurosis interfere with living a normal life, so intensive recovery is necessary. Depending on the cause, there are several ways to return to normal.

Reasons for the development of neurosis

Any emotional or physical stress leads to a nervous breakdown and diseases of the nervous system. The main causes of the development of neuroses and exhaustion are:

  • severe grief, grief in the family, loss of loved ones;
  • traumatic emotional experience;
  • violence;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • high mental stress, emotional burnout, work overload;
  • mental illness;
  • personal isolation;
  • military experience;
  • social conflict;
  • severe chronic illnesses or injuries.

A nervous breakdown is a partial loss of a person’s control over feelings and actions. During it, the will weakens, the patient is under the influence of stress, anxiety, and anxiety. The pathology is characterized by maximum emotional stress, exceptional concentration, and the inability to switch to something else. Characterized by decreased performance and unpredictability of consequences. To eliminate them, you need to contact a neurologist or psychotherapist.

How to eliminate the consequences of a nervous breakdown

To restore the nervous system, you must first recognize the cause of the breakdown, eliminate it, and enlist the psychological support of loved ones. Useful tips:

  1. If the breakdown is caused by an event, it is necessary to distract yourself and not constantly repeat the experiences of the recent past. This will be helped by the support of loved ones, who should unobtrusively influence the person, breaking isolation and withstanding aggression.
  2. Mild forms of a nervous breakdown can be overcome on your own, but it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist to determine the cause of the pathology. The doctor will also prescribe individual treatment using physiotherapy or medications. The goal of therapy is to regain control over your emotional and physical state.
  3. It is important to undergo a course of treatment of systems and organs affected by the breakdown. If you have frequent headaches, you need to do a magnetic resonance imaging scan; if you have pain in the heart, you need to do an electrocardiogram.
  4. To prevent relapse, it is recommended to adhere to healthy image life, eliminate tension, establish social contacts, actively relax, change types of activities.

Priority measures

To quickly calm down, you need to enlist the help and support of others, because a person cannot cope on his own. Helpful Tips:

  1. During an attack of aggression, let the patient shout or let off steam, offer physical activity- run, do squats.

    It is necessary to create a trusting relationship, a calm environment, not to be led into aggression, not to swear or reproach the person.

    Give the patient water, tincture of motherwort or valerian, wash his face, and hug him tightly.

  2. When trembling nervously, you need to hold the victim by the shoulders, talking during this, so that he does not perceive this as aggression. After this, you need to convince him to rest and put him to bed.
  3. When hysterical, it is important to stop it abruptly - shout loudly, pour water on it, slap the face or drop some object. Afterwards you need to give water and smell essential oil lavender, help a person sleep.
  4. You can’t get emotionally involved in hysterics, you need to step back slightly, speak calmly and evenly, and move slowly and smoothly. You can take a person by the hand, hug him, the advice will not be useful, but physical activity - a walk - will help relieve stress.

Restoring emotional balance

An important point in recovery after a breakdown is the return of the previous emotional balance. This will help:

  1. Change of environment - if you are overtired at work, you need to take a vacation, get rid of your usual environment for at least a week. It is advisable not to travel far, since acclimatization is also stressful, which leads to a worsening of the condition.
  2. New interests and hobbies - it is advisable to choose active activities: cycling, walking, running, gardening, dancing.
  3. A course of psychotherapy - conversational method. The cognitive-behavioral direction and the interpersonal approach have shown themselves to be successful.
  4. Reduce work – remove unnecessary responsibilities, do not overload yourself.
  5. Creativity - you can try drawing, writing poetry or stories, taking photographs.
  6. Reducing stress levels - you need to learn breathing exercises, yoga, normalize sleep patterns.
  7. Proper distribution of time and responsibilities to avoid overexertion.
  8. Practice keeping a diary to analyze your condition. It is important to meet with friends, go to the movies, and create reasons for positive emotions. Volunteering is useful - helping homeless animals, children from a shelter, the elderly, and the disabled.
  9. Physical exercise is effective in relieving stress.

Return of appetite

The state of the nervous system directly depends on nutrition. Vitamins and minerals from food contribute to normal brain function and prevent exhaustion. To recover from a nervous breakdown, you need to regain your appetite:

  • start eating right - in small portions, but often;
  • include more vegetables, fruits, and protein in your diet;
  • give up fast food, large quantity sweets, strong coffee, fatty foods, processed foods;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water per day to avoid dehydration;
  • eating tasty, varied food, and, if possible, learning to cook—these are new emotions that overshadow the effects of stress.

Normalization of sleep

Sleep is important for restoring the body and immunity.

At this time, the brain organizes information, memory improves, and the nervous system is restored.

To reduce the effects of stress, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, start getting ready for bed at 21.00. At this time, the hormone melatonin is produced in the brain.
  2. Before going to bed, you need to exclude talking on the phone, correspondence on social networks, watching news, movies, and refuse any sources of information. If you can’t do this, you can read a light book.
  3. You need to go to bed before 24.00 in order to restore your psyche and body as much as possible.
  4. A relaxation technique will help with insomnia: lie in bed, completely relax, feel the warmth, drive away unnecessary thoughts and emotions, breathe deeply. It is advisable to ventilate the room before going to bed.

Medicines to restore the nervous system

If the breakdown was severe, medications will help cope with it. They are prescribed by a doctor from the following groups of tablets and syrups:

  1. With a partial sedative effect (Valocordin, Corvalol) - relieve anxiety, stress on the heart, eliminate the effects of adrenaline release.
  2. Vitamins, dietary supplements, homeopathy (Tenoten, Stress-gran, Asparkam, Magnelis) - saturate tissues and cells with vitamins B, C, E, potassium, magnesium, calcium. This helps produce energy, increase concentration, and normalize brain function.
  3. Herbal preparations (Novo-Passit, Persen) - soothe, fight stress. The composition includes herbs chamomile, St. John's wort, valerian, motherwort, passionflower.
  4. Tranquilizers and antidepressants (Phenazepam, Tazepam, Desipramine, Amitriptyline) - prescribed in severe cases, available by prescription. They are addictive and have side effects.
  5. Complex over-the-counter medications (Afobazol) - reduce anxiety, irritability, tension, eliminate the effects of stress, slightly stimulate the nervous system, and improve mood.