Surely many of you have heard about a large collage of desires called a wish map. You can find many descriptions of this on the Internet. psychological technique and some similar ones (such as a vision board).

Initially, the wish map was directly related to esotericism, feng shui and astrology. However, it is based on nothing more than indirect manipulation of one’s own unconscious. Therefore, I propose to consider this very interesting visualization technique from a psychological perspective. The information will be relevant and useful to those who have never heard of the wish map, and to those who have heard about this technique or even practiced it.

What does a wish card consist of?

A wish card is a large collage of your happy future. To create it you need whatman paper, pictures, paints, a lot of patience and inspiration!

The map is divided into nine sectors, which are responsible for individual aspects of life. All of them should be on one sheet of whatman paper - this symbolizes the harmony of all spheres.

In the center is the “Health” sector, which is not surprising, because only having good health, you can invest energy and resources in other areas of life. In this sector you will also need to paste your happy photo. That is, in the very center of the map is you, and around is your life.

On your sides are the “Hobbies and Children” and “Family” sectors.

Above and below are “Career” and “Fame”, respectively.

On the diagonals - “Travel and Helpers”, “Wealth”, “Love” and “Knowledge”.

Systematic approach to life

Looking at the structure of the desire map, it becomes clear that the life of each of us is multifaceted, which means that in order to be happy, we need to take care of all nine sectors. Compiling such a collage teaches us to look at own life in general and if there are problems, solve them comprehensively.

How often do we think that, for example, to be slim, it’s enough just to take care of your body: sign up for a fitness class - and you’re done. But we don’t understand at all that excess weight provoked by the lack of favorite activities, vocation or problems in relationships with a loved one. Maybe there is a rift in your family - that's why you are so addicted to cakes. Or maybe life has become monotonous and it’s time to break it up with travel to feel energetic, content and “alive” again!

"What do I want?"

If the first level, that is, the level of awareness that the problems in our lives are systemic in nature, is successfully passed, a logical question immediately arises: “What do I want if I am not satisfied with what I have?” This question, as it turns out, is very difficult and problematic to answer. The answer must be sought somewhere in the depths of one’s own soul.

To facilitate this process, the technique of drawing up a wish map was invented. It turns out the next interesting thing. Until we know what we want, we don’t get it. The map makes us think closely about what we would really like.

How? We begin to select pictures, for example a picture of the desired apartment, and realize that half of the apartments and pictures do not suit us at all, that we would like one with a sea view / two-level / in a Scandinavian style, etc.

The situation is very similar to shopping. You need a sweater, just a sweater. You head to the store to buy it quickly. But you came and don’t know what kind of sweater you need: color, style, material? There is no idea at all - you just know that you need a sweater. In this case, there is a high probability of getting the wrong thing or getting nothing at all. It’s the same with global desires.

Accordingly, the whole task comes down to making your desires as specific as possible. Imagine that you are placing an order in a restaurant - they will bring you exactly what you ordered. If you ordered pancakes with caviar, don’t expect to be served pancakes with cottage cheese. Or that the waiter will guess himself that you need both cottage cheese and caviar at the same time. This is what allows you to take the process of creating a map as concentratedly and seriously as possible.

Rules for drawing up a wish map

The wish map has several important nuances:

  • A collage is made for 1–3 years, and nothing can be added/re-glued there. As a result, we get a colorful plan for our fulfilled and joyful future. Ideally, it should be hung in a prominent place where it will constantly motivate and inspire you, reminding you of why you get up in the morning in the first place.
  • It is strictly forbidden to lump other people into it, even your spouse. You cannot wish for other people (“I want my daughter to go to Moscow University”).
  • You cannot write unecological wishes.
  • Each sector has its own color, and each desire must be expressed in the correct verbal formulation.

All this allows you to make your map “yours” - closely connected with your unconscious, with the desires of your soul. This means that the transformation of life will begin immediately! Most people, even at the stage of drawing up a map, already receive the fulfillment of their desires, and in the most unexpected ways!

From the editor

A wish map is created in order to visualize your happy future in detail. After all, no one wants to consciously strive for bad things. But often, having achieved our goals, we are disappointed. Why this happens, he examines in his book "Stumbling on Happiness" Daniel Gilbert: .

Success - what is it? Prestigious job, recognition from society, love from loved ones? Everyone puts their own semantic connotation into this concept. On the way to this success, it’s so easy to lose yourself and become unhappy... How to avoid this, says a famous psychologist Alain de Botton: .

When drawing up a wish map, you may be faced with the problem of choice: what to choose and why? Psychologist Lyubov Avramenko explains why we are so often overwhelmed by the pangs of choice and what to do with them: .

Having set a goal for yourself, you still have to fight the desire to “shirk” every now and then. A psychologist will tell you how to deal with self-sabotage Oksana Yusupova: .

Do you want to get married, have a child, buy an apartment or a car? Prepare orders for the Universe, and it will hear you.

“Crawled, jinxed...” - we are constantly told that thought is material. But we only believe this when something bad happens. So why not start the reverse process: think about good things and bring them to life? Make our subconscious work for us, for our goals and desires.

I once read advice in one of the psychology books: visualize your dream. Well, if you want to go on vacation, put a photo from the Cote d'Azur on your screensaver. If you dream of your own home, stick a picture of a cozy bungalow on the refrigerator, imagine how you will furnish it, what kind of furniture you will buy.

I admit, my orders for the Universe are small. Well, what if the wish list is not limited to one item? Then they can all be collected into one collage.

Liliana Modigliani, psychologist:

This is a very enjoyable and creative way to order from the Universe! We are used to thinking that our dreams are difficult to achieve. Therefore, we put them off until later, because now we are concerned about much more “important” things. But we won't start getting what we want until we have time to even think about it. A collage of desires allows us to formulate, visualize and keep our dreams in mind - this is the most important condition to achieve them.

How does visualization work? When a person imagines a desired situation, he subconsciously strives to fulfill it. With your mind, you can understand that now there is neither money nor time for your dream. However, attention still begins to act selectively and note opportunities and ways to achieve what you want.

Liliana assures: the girls with whom she collected collages soon got married and gave birth to children. Some were immediately promoted, others completely changed their lives. Does it really work or is it just a coincidence? The other day I decided to put together my collage. And while I’m waiting for my gifts from the Universe, I’m telling you the instructions from Liliana.

How to make a wish collage

1. We will need magazines, glue, scissors and white Whatman paper.

2. The size of whatman paper does not matter. An A3 sheet of paper can make your wishes come true, but photo wallpaper on half a wall is not forbidden. The main thing is that there is not a single white spot left on the paper - everything should be sealed with your desires.

3. Before shredding the gloss, you need to do a little written work. Imagine that your Whatman paper is a magazine page. Up in beautiful letters make the title: " Happy life(your name) 2017–2018.”

4. Divide your sheet into four squares, and draw a circle in the center, as in the photo below.

5. Inside the circle, write what you are grateful for. We often take much of what we have for granted. But for others this may be the ultimate dream. Thank the Universe that you are healthy, that your parents are alive, that you have a roof over your head, say thank you for your human wisdom.

“The more grateful you are, the more you charge your collage with energy,” says Liliana. – Just thank sincerely, with pleasure, and not technically. Try to put your soul into your words, as if you were sorting through the jewels of your life.

6. Along the outer border of the circle, write gratitude for what you ask, your most cherished desires. But only as if it had already come true. Do you want a wedding? Write: “Thank you for a wonderful wedding.”

7. In the remaining squares we talk about all our desires, plans for the future, and how we write about everything as if it had already happened. We divide orders for the Universe into sections:

– in the upper left square – “My self-realization and finances” (“I bought an apartment, a car. I became a top manager of the company,” etc.);

– in the lower left square – “Leisure, friends and travel”;

– in the upper right square – “My family life»;

– in the lower right square, draw a huge bold letter “I”. This sector is just for you. Write here about everything you want to change or improve about yourself, but again, everything in the present tense. For example: “I’m slim, I do yoga. I have a new wardrobe. Completed the courses French. I enjoy life, I feel harmony with the world.”

Many have probably heard about visualization, a treasure map, a dream poster, and finally, a collage of wishes. It's all about the same thing, about our imagination, the power of thought and bringing what we want into reality. It is important to understand that when making such a collage, these things will not come to you from outside on their own, will not penetrate your subconscious, will not begin to sprout in the depths of your soul like sprouts. Everything that you display on the poster is a projection of your subconscious into the world, and displaying it on paper is only necessary so that this itching desire from within will develop into a manic thought, thereby making your dreams come true more quickly. All our actions stem from what we really want deep down. And if you don’t have something this moment, it means you don't want it. It's simple! Although it sounds strange. But that's how it is. We may want with our thoughts, but deep down we may not want, and therefore in fact we do not have these things. So let's all learn together to project the true “I want, I want, I want” into real steps! Some people’s power of imagination is so rich that they don’t even have to draw collages, everything comes into being on its own, you just have to want it, while others need whatman paper (any size), magazines, pictures from the Internet, glue, scissors, colored markers to help And good mood for this. I forgot about FAITH! You can't start without it.

What should a wish collage be like?

I recommend making the collage individual, because there are also family collages. Still, this is your subconscious, and only your desires. Alien soul of darkness! The husband can nod his head, but inside he doesn’t want it, then nothing will work. The collage can be in all areas at once (more about them below), or it can be thematic with a given period of time (for example, you want to travel to Italy, display the sights, your wardrobe on the trip, gifts that you will buy there for your loved ones, dishes that are there try it, etc.). The collage can be annual, or it can be for a given period of time.

When to make a wish collage?

When you want it, when you feel the strength and great desire to make your desires come true into the world! There is also special days, powerful and energetically rich, when the collage can be launched into the air of action.

  • New Moon (1st and 2nd lunar days). The upcoming dates this year are May 6-7, June 5-6, July 4-5, August 2-3, September 1-2, October 1-2, October 30-31, November 29-30, December 29-30.
  • Your birthday.
  • New Year, points of the wheel of the year (esbats) - I regularly write about these holidays, but let me remind you of the dates - on the night of October 31 to November 1 (Samhain), December 21 (Yule), February 1-2 (Imbolc), March 21 ( Ostara), on the night of April 30 to May 1 (Beltane), June 21 (Lita), August 1-2 (Lughnasadh), September 21 (Mabon).
  • Eclipses. The nearest ones this year are August 18, September 1, September 16.

Rules for creating a collage of wishes:

  1. The collage must include a photograph of you, where you are smiling, your eyes are sparkling, and in general you exude happiness!
  2. Everything you want to see in your life must be real in terms of timing and position, and also have no defects in the photo. If you want to attract a man into your life, it is better to portray him from the back, sideways, because a particular boy-model or actor as a life partner from Los Angeles is unlikely to sign up for you. Although)
  3. You can add magazine clippings as captions. BUT! They must be in the present tense. For example, I'm happy! I received an award! Today I married the best man in the world! Etc. If the desired inscription you didn’t find it in the magazine – write with a marker directly on whatman paper! And one more thing – we exclude the part NOT – I’m not fat, it doesn’t suit us, but I’m slim – quite.
  4. Before you stick a picture, ask yourself the question: “Do I really want this? Isn't this a typical standard of happiness in society? Maybe I don’t need this at all?” And remember, you cannot harm another person with your desire.

And now - step-by-step instructions for creating a collage of wishes for the year (I use the eastern Ba-Gua grid for this, and if you do it at a certain stage of time on one topic, then the pictures are arranged chaotically).

We divide whatman paper into 9 sectors.


Purple color should (preferably) predominate. The sector is associated with wealth, abundance, luxury, prosperity and well-being. Here we place an apartment, a house, a car, jewelry, banknotes, platinum cards. Examples of inscriptions - I own a house in a cottage village..., I have a car Mercedes C - class of such and such color, I am the owner of a diamond ring from Tiffany , I easily attract money into my life, my monthly income is 150 thousand rubles. Etc. I remind you that everything must be real and within your power. It won’t fall from heaven, you will embody everything yourself, you really have to want it and live here and now.


Red should be the dominant color. The sector is associated with your popularity in society, with your achievements, victories, and lottery winnings. Examples of inscriptions - I am the most popular videographer in my city, I am invited to fashion exhibitions and shows, I wrote a book and it was read by 1000 people, I won a beauty contest, I won a grant to develop my own business.


Pink color should prevail. The sector is associated with love relationships, their strengthening, and development. If you want to be happy with a specific person, you can paste a photo of you together, remembering the principle of “do no harm.” If you are looking for - the image of the desired man. You can have pictures of happy couples in love, wedding rings. Examples of inscriptions - I am happily married, my wedding is on the islands, we are a harmonious couple, love surrounds me. There is no need to write about butterflies in your stomach - otherwise they will settle there.


Green color should prevail. The sector is associated with your family, relatives, immediate circle, who enters your home, your interior, pictures of a happy family. Examples of inscriptions - All members of my family are healthy, my husband spends time with the children, evenings by the fireplace with my beloved are wonderful, my cat has given birth to her first offspring, there is an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house, the new dressing room is very spacious, etc.


Yellow color should predominate. The sector is related to health, beauty, your appearance. This is where your satisfied photograph taken during a favorable period is located. Examples of inscriptions - I am healthy and beautiful, my figure is ideal, my weight is 55 kg, my waist is 60 cm, beautiful hair I do sports every day.


White color should predominate. Here are all your dreams about children, hobbies, creative endeavors, inspiration. Examples of inscriptions: I gave birth to a healthy daughter, my son is an excellent student, I take watercolor courses, I know how to dance bachata, I embroider pictures with beads.


Blue should be the dominant color. The sector is associated with diplomas, certificates, driver's licenses, books, what you finally decided to learn. Examples of inscriptions - I have a higher education diploma, I got my driver’s license the first time, I do yoga and meditation every day, I am studying horary astrology.

If you have chosen such a wish card, you must fill in all sectors. If fame and travel are not interesting to you, then fill it out chaotically, without observing the sectors.

The wish collage starts working immediately. You can store it in your bedroom, dressing room, office. If close people see him, it’s not scary. The main thing is that they share your aspirations, don’t laugh and believe in you. A little trick - indicate on the collage the following phrase “My wishes come true easily and quickly.” Do not indicate everything at once, all the countries you want to visit in your life, indicate exactly those you want to visit in set period of time.

And remember - a collage of desires is still not a panacea for all ills, not Magic wand and not fairies who will work for you. When a collage is created, you describe specific steps towards your personal happiness, the Universe will definitely hear you and send you back best opportunities so that you feel happy as soon as possible. Be sure to thank yourself, your loved ones, the Universe or someone else for what you have now - after all, all you have are your dreams come true.


All our thoughts materialize. Thinking process is a process of creating our future, so it must be taken very seriously. There are many techniques for positive thinking, on using the power of the subconscious in the process of achieving goals. But among all these methods there is one that I especially like. This is making a dream collage. This is, in my opinion, the most pleasant and creative way to place an order from the Universe!

A collage is a kind of wish map. Various images of things and events that you want to attract into your life are pasted onto the base (whatman paper or album). Collage helps to clearly form the image of what you want. In this way, our subconscious is guided to a specific goal. Sometimes the results from this technique exceed all expectations!

Pictures for a collage can be cut out from glossy magazines, or printed from the Internet, and then glued to paper with PVA glue. You can also make a collage in Photoshop or a photo collage program, then you will get a single picture.

In order for the collage to work and bring the results you want, you need to know some rules for its composition.

So, what do you need to know when making a collage:

1. Firstly, there are no exact requirements for collage design! And it's just wonderful! Both a large Whatman paper hanging on the wall and a “Dream Album” that you can take with you everywhere will work great. This gives us creative freedom! After all, how we design our collage will depend on what feelings we will approach it with every day)

2. Decide on your wish list. Write all your desires on paper and refine this list as you collect images.

3. Nice collage must be collected for at least 1 month. Naturally, during this period many small dreams may already come true; their pictures must be replaced with new ones. This way you will constantly update your collage and work with it. Constantly look at a lot of magazines and pictures. Drawings must be of high quality and there must be a lot of them. Here I found a great sign with a list of pictures that fit each area of ​​life.

4. The size of the image must be adequate to your wishes. Namely, new shoes should not be larger in size than a house or car. Our subconscious perceives a large object as more important, so it is better to maintain proportions, although this is not very easy.

5. Paste your photos everywhere. Next to each wish, glue your happy face! Then what you want will not pass you by. If you know Photoshop, then place your photo wherever possible. Let you sit behind the wheel of a car, conquer Everest, look out of the window of the house. This will make it easier for you to feel that you have it.

6. Fill the entire space of the collage. Don't leave any empty space. As they say, a holy place is never empty. The emptiness is always filled with something, and it is better if it is you who control this process, and not someone else.

7. Dreams should be yours! Don't follow fashion or other people's advice! The dream should only be YOURS!!! Be sure to analyze what emotions this or that image evokes in you. If you are filled with joy and anticipation from owning it, then most likely this is your desire. If you feel doubt or anxiety, or maybe anxiety, then most likely this is simply not your goal, but someone else’s. Feel free to remove it from your collage and replace it with yours.

8. If you are making a collage on whatman paper and want to place it in a room on the wall, then choose the wall to the right relative to the entrance to the room. It should be a bright, energetically clean place. Don't hang your collage in a dark corner littered with junk. The collage may be offended)) This advice is from Feng Shui.

9. For the base, take a clean surface without inscriptions.

10. Required condition for making a collage - this is a positive attitude. Do not sit down to make a collage if you are in a depressed mood. Nothing good will come of this.

11. Don't target real people. According to Vedic laws, we do not have the right to change the lives of other people. Everyone has their own destiny, and in trying to change another person, we ourselves can get hit on the head. Let your desire be directed at you, and not at someone else. For example, not “I want Vasya to love me,” but “I am loved and desired” and my happy face! The universe will find a way to make you loved)

12. Don’t give up if some wish doesn’t come true. The result is delayed in time. And if you believe, your wish will definitely come true. There are no restrictions in the Universe. Everything happens easily in it. Limitations are created only by ourselves, and if a wish does not come true, then this is a wake-up call to us that we need to think about the fact that our faith is not strong enough.

13. When choosing photos from magazines, look at them from both sides so that there are no negative words on them. It is better, of course, to print photos from a computer in order to limit the amount of extraneous information as much as possible. After all, words carry information and if you are on one side Wedding Dress, and on the other hand, an article about complex family relationships, then the result may not satisfy you.

14. Choose clean, not wrinkled, not scratched, whole (not half) pictures. The Universe can make a joke when you ask for a car assembled from two parts located on different pages of a magazine and give you a car, but it will turn out to be broken and assembled from 2 different cars. It is possible) Therefore, be careful when choosing illustrations.

15. Be sure to make your own inscriptions “My home”, “My family”, “My money”. After all, it may happen that you end up in the house of your dreams and will be there every day, but it will not be yours. Perhaps you will be hired there. Be specific about your desires. And signatures must be in a positive form (without particles “without” and “not”), in the present tense. For example, “I will have a car” is changed to “I have a car” or “I am the happy owner of a car.” Write as if you have already achieved what you want.

16. Set dates for achieving goals. Eat different opinions regarding this point, but I believe that a specific date of achievement stimulates the work of our subconscious and it begins to look for ways to implement our plans by a certain date. Set dates randomly without thinking. Let your subconscious tell you.

17. Tell only selected people about your dreams. It often happened to me that I set something for myself, I am full of energy to realize it, I am all glowing and tell someone close to me about my intention. And then addressed to me: “Again, you’ve come up with some kind of nonsense! You won’t succeed!” And that’s all... Hands give up. Energy flows into the pipe. Don't let others steal your dream! Take care of her and protect her. That is why if you often have negative people in your house, it is better to make a collage in an album rather than on whatman paper. The slightest ridicule can destroy everything in the bud. Share only with those who will really support you and help you make your dreams come true, and let others just watch how your life turns into a fairy tale.

18. None negative thoughts and words about your desires. Forget the expressions: “I won’t succeed,” “I can’t,” “It’s so difficult.” We replace them with: “How best to do this”!

19. If you make a collage on one sheet of paper, and not in an album, then you can divide your dreams into sectors(this is recommended to do according to Feng Shui). This will allow you to harmoniously distribute desires across different areas life and not lose your entire essence in material wealth or spirituality. This technique will help you maintain balance. Here is a picture showing these spheres.

20. At least once, but every day, look at your collage and clearly imagine that you ALREADY possess all this! Imagine everything in colors. Feel the smells, sounds. Use all your senses whenever possible. It should be a great pleasure.

And remember, our thoughts materialize and we need to choose our dreams very carefully and enjoy this process. We create our own lives. If you haven't watched the movie "The Secret" yet, be sure to watch it. It will help you recharge with positivity and perhaps open your eyes.

Dream! Sincerely, Irina Igolnikova

Every person has goals, some aspirations. How to make them come true? Wish card! A magical, unusual instrument. The map is a collage on which desires are visualized. Thanks to it, life is set up for inevitable success. For example, I wish new car, love, good health, promotion, interesting journey. It’s easy to do all of the above, you just need to make this card. And she will definitely help everything you dream come true. Many people have heard about this method, but few believe in its effectiveness. By the way, in vain. I learned from my own experience that the card works!

IN ancient China people believed: if a person sincerely expresses his desire, then it begins to come true. The map becomes one of the excellent tools on thorny path to success.

But you need to know one rule: everything that is said and thought about multiplies and grows. Thoughts are material, because of this, positive thinking is what you really need to learn.

I believe that everyone who mentally believes and is determined to achieve results will certainly achieve it. The main thing in this matter is clarity, a clear presentation of goals and intentions.

Psychologists are convinced that the chain “visualization of dreams - fulfillment of dreams” works. Those who prescribe life priorities and plans achieve them faster.

While making the collage, I thought a lot about my life, values, and highlighted the main thing. Thus, thoughts were put in order, an adjustment took place for the best. That is, I made a dream, living it in the future, holding the mental image in my head for a long period of time. You can say that I programmed myself for success and for what I want most. I believe that the signal for the real fulfillment of desires is their visualization.

To make the collage work, I highlighted several important points.

  1. Hclear statement of desire , expressing it in specific words.
  2. Expression exclusively in affirmative form and present tense. I said: at work I was promoted to head of department, I drive a new car.
  3. Security of desire for yourself and other people.

It takes a little to change your life

The map can be made in two ways.

The first option is on paper


  • pencils, pens, markers, paints;
  • magazines, newspapers, photos, printed pictures;
  • glue, scissors, whatman paper.

Any Whatman paper will do. I took A3 format. Let me note right away that the task is tedious, since the paper size is quite large. You can take a smaller one, A4, a regular landscape sheet.

The thickness of the paper is important so that it does not warp from the glue, that is, the ideal option is thick cardboard.

Dimensions will not affect the result in any way, the main thing here is something else, that is, the structure of thoughts, the mood on the right wave.

The background of the card is the color that is pleasant, with which positive images are associated. From magazines I have a lot of glossy ones, such as Cosmopolitan and Allure. There are many pictures there, bright and beautiful. They fit my card perfectly.

The second way is to create on a computer

Any photo editor in which you can make a collage will do. This option is simpler and takes a little time. You just need to upload pictures, combine them with your photos, and add captions. Visualization of desires is ready!

How to make a wish map: sharing my experience

It's easy to make a map. But there are some rules that will allow it to work at full capacity.

Rule #1. Balance is the key to effectiveness.

I think this is the main idea for creating a map. That is, many areas of life should be reflected. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just one thing, for example, just your career.

I paid attention to my profession, family, health, self-development, relationships with friends, travel, creativity. Let's put it this way: I visualized what I wanted in the future, and the future is expressed in many aspects, not limited to one thing.

Rule No. 2. Using a sectoral system.

Each area of ​​life corresponds to a certain side of the world . This will give the card strength for speedy activation.

In the center of the map Be sure to include a personal photograph with a picture about your health. Health is the basis of everything, there will be good health, and all desires will come true. For visualization, pictures with healthy food and a slim figure are suitable.

In the northern partcareer, professional sphere. This includes my dream job, my boss’s image, my desired business, my income (it’s even better to express it with an exact number).

In the north-easteducation, enlightenment. Diplomas, seminars, studies, advanced training, trainings, courses, museums, libraries - all this is located here.

Eastfamily well-being. A picture with happy moments and a strong family will do.

South - desired achievements, success. Medals, cups won, certificates received, admirers of talent, other visualized victories.

Southwesta place for love, marriage. What do you want in this area? And, rings, couples, hearts - all this is placed in this sector. We must remember that the visualization of love will not tolerate single images!

West Suitable for both children and creativity. If you don’t want to have a baby and don’t have the funds and opportunities yet, it’s better not to post anything on this topic. As for creativity, I for a long time I wanted to take up choreography and drawing. So my visualization is dance groups on stage, brushes with paints.

Travel, friends - in North-west. Countries you want to visit, their attractions, meetings with friends.

Rule No. 3. The time of drawing up the map is the beginning of the growth of the young moon.

This is symbolic, because it contributes to a new round of events in life, things will go uphill faster.

Rule No. 4. After the map is ready, I make a short journey through it.

I start from the center. I look at the picture and say the goal verbally. This is how desires need to be reproduced. I am beautiful, slim, I draw great, I dance professionally.

How to properly store a wish card?

The location is selected taking into account two factors.

First of all, you need to regularly contemplate the wish map. But, on the other hand, no one from outside should see her.

Outsiders - these are those who do not support you in your endeavors. Positive energy should come from people coming into the house, they should bring something good with them.

I found a place for my card in the bedroom, the most intimate corner of my house. I hung it on the wall opposite the bed. That is, when I fall asleep, I visualize my desires; when I wake up, I see and imagine them again. A closet, a drawer in a table, a dressing room are also suitable.

Concerning storage method , I can say that the card can be hung on the wall, placed on the table, or put in a drawer. Whatever is convenient is how you should do it. The main thing is to look at her often, imagine what you want and say it to yourself.

How to update wishes on the map?

One day I had a wish come true that I placed on a card. I bought a new car.

Of course, it was necessary to decide how to remove the dream that had come true. Everything was simple here. I simply replaced the corresponding picture with another one.

This way you can add new pictures to the map, change them, and remove unnecessary ones.

Wishes come true, or: how a wish card changed my life!

Honestly, I didn’t believe in the power of the wish card. Well, how can some collage help me achieve my goals! Still, I decided to try it. Standard – career, family, health. I did.

For fun, every day I looked and visualized the contents of whatman paper. Several months passed, they gave me a good bonus at work (I didn’t expect this), I added it to my savings and bought it. Oops! One wish came true.