The meaning of a name is always associated with its history and origin. As usual, the history of the name has a generally accepted one and several alternative versions, and therefore its meanings.

The most popular hypothesis for the origin of the name is the Greek theory. According to her, the name Angelina comes from the Greek word άγγελο (Angelos), which translates as “messenger” or “messenger”. So it can be argued that The name Angelina means "messenger" or "messenger". According to ancient Greek myths, this is one of the epithets used to call the main gods Olympus, Zeus and Artemis. Read the rest of the hypotheses in the article "Origin of the name Angelina."

Angelina has quite a lot of related names. These are the names Angelica, Angela, Angela and many others.

The meaning of the name Angelina for a girl

Angelina is a very joyful and knowledge-seeking child. She is constantly looking for something new. Angelina must examine all corners of the house. This feature imposes a special mission on parents to ensure the safety of the child. Parents, however, will have to come to terms with the inevitable side effects curiosity when Angelina grows up. Usually a girl learns to walk and talk early.

Play little Angelina love more with the boys. This choice is rather due to her activity and internal energy. She can play with girls, but only in games that require high activity. This feature should also be taken into account by parents when choosing a name.

Studying is difficult for Angelina. She has a fairly independent and willful character; subordination to others is almost always a burden for her. At the same time, she sincerely does not understand what is wrong with this. Parents face the most difficult task of instilling in Angelina a love of learning.

The health of a girl named Angelina is not causing any problems. special problems. Its weak points in health can be called nervous system and spine. Angelina herself is careless about her health, so here too it’s up to the attentiveness of her parents.

Short name Angelina

Angela, Angela, Gelina, Gelya, Gela (Gella), Elya, Ela, Lina, Gelyusya.

Diminutive pet names

Angelinka, Angelochka, Little Angel, Angelushka, Gelushka, Gelichka.

Name Angelina in English

IN English language Angelina's name is spelled Angelina.

Name Angelina for international passport- ANGELINA.

Translation of the name Angelina into other languages

in Bulgarian - Angelina
in Hungarian - Angelina
in Greek - Αγγελίνα
in Spanish - Angelina
in Italian - Angelina
in Chinese - 安琪兒凌
in Latin - Angelina
in German - Angelina
in Polish - Angelina, Andżelina
in Serbian - Angelina, Anelina
in Slovak - Angelina
in Ukrainian - Angelina
in French - Angeline
in Japanese - アンゲリナ

Church name Angelina(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - this is the church name.

Characteristics of the name Angelina

Angelina rarely lives up to expectations on her behalf. She is willful and quite difficult to communicate with. It is difficult to find an approach to her and many simply try to exclude her from their social circle. Angelina herself is not particularly worried about this.

Relationships with Angelina’s colleagues are difficult to build. Her character haunts her even at work. However, her perseverance and ability to stand her ground can bring success in her career. The main thing is to apply these character traits of Angelina in a peaceful direction.

Angelina is a good housewife, which is completely unusual for her as a child. At the same time, she herself does not like to visit guests. Agelinka may get married early, but unfortunately her first marriage is rarely successful.

The secret of the name Angelina

Angelina’s number one secret is that she loves power, and sometimes even shows dictatorial tendencies. Angelina hates compromises and negotiating is not her strong point. She is a "fighter" by nature and believes negotiations and diplomacy are for the weak.

The second secret of the name is that Angelina is very trusting. Many people around cannot believe that a person with such a difficult character can be so gullible. For her own sake, it’s better if it remains a secret.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

Totem animal- Trout.

Name color- Light green.

Tree- Apple tree.

Plant- Water lily.

Stone- Chrysolite.

Characteristics of the name Angelina.

When choosing a name for your child, remember that it will have a strong influence on his future life. If you plan to name your daughter the beautiful name Angelina, then be prepared for the fact that a stubborn, wayward and very ambitious child will grow up in your family.

What does the name Angelina mean according to the church calendar?

Name meaning by church calendar

There are quite a lot different transcripts named Angelina. Some of them claim that it appeared during the baptism of Rus' and meant appearance of an angel. Later sources decipher given name a little differently and claim what it means Herald or Messenger of God. And although it is not originally Russian, in church books it is written without changes in the way most clergy translate it into Russian, as Angel.

Patron saint named Angelina

The patron of this name is the Venerable Angelina of Serbia. This woman was a representative of a wealthy Serbian family and lived in luxury from birth. But after she got married, her life changed for the worse and she had to spend a lot of time in exile, away from everyone she loved.

But even in such difficult life situation she did not break down, and tried to help people in need to the best of her ability. All her life she built temples and small churches and carried God's word to the masses. And at that moment, when her life seemed to be getting better, grief happened again in her family - her son died. After this tragedy, Angelina Serbskaya took monastic vows and became the abbess of the convent.

She spent the rest of her life in prayer for her family. After her death, people, in memory of her kindness, decency and patience, proclaimed her a Saint and began to venerate her relics, located in the same monastery in which she spent her worldly life.

The secret of the name Angelina

The mystery of the appearance of the name Angelina is associated with Greek God Angelos. Since in those ancient times the celestial beings could calmly descend to earth, he played the role of a messenger who reported ordinary people wishes and orders of the Almighty.

And when troubled times came, and the Gods could no longer descend to earth, he entered into a relationship with an earthly woman and as a result of this, a beautiful, angel-like girl was born, who was named Angelina.

It was believed that she would play the role of God's messenger on earth, helping people not to give in to temptations. That is why in those days they tried to raise girls who bore this name in strictness or, in general, immediately after birth they sent them to a monastery.

What nationality is the name Angelina?

In primary sources, the name Angelina is considered exclusively Greek, as it was there that a newborn girl was first named. She was given this name because her father was the messenger of Zeus and Artemis, Angelos. And since in those days it was strictly forbidden to give girls male names, then the name of the messenger of the Gods was slightly changed and made female.

In addition, some sources classify it as a personal Russian name, which is given to a person at birth or when he changes his name. This version is due to the fact that it was recorded in the very first church Christmastide.

Name Angelina: meaning and popularity

Angelina: meaning and popularity

If we talk about the popularity of the name Angelina, then we can definitely say that young parents like it. As practice shows, most often they call girls in big cities and villages.

But in villages this name is not particularly popular. Since for the most part people live there who treat Russian traditions very carefully, they try to choose more familiar names for their children.

Meaning of the name:

  • A- high ability to work and diligence
  • N- caution in communicating with strangers
  • G- strong attachment to family
  • E- Confidence in your strength
  • L- compassion and kindness
  • AND- desire to make the world around you a better place

Name Angelina in English, German, different languages

The language of every nation is unique in its own way. That is why the same name on different languages doesn't sound the same. So you can understand how to pronounce it differently given word We offer you information about how Angelina will sound in English, German or French.


  • English- Angelina, Angie, Angel, Lina
  • French- Angeline, Angelina
  • German- Angi, Angie, Angel, Angel, Linnel
  • Spanish- Angelina, Helina, Angelino
  • Portuguese- Angel, Anzhinya, Zhelinika
  • Italian- Agnolina, Ganjulina, Andzelina, Ginino
  • Serbian- Angelina, Ghana, Gela

How is the name Angelina written in the passport?

Writing the name in the passport

If you are going abroad for the first time, you must check whether your name is written correctly in your passport. In view of this, you should know that all the words in this official document must be written in Latin, which can be read in absolutely all countries.

The Russian name Angelina in a foreign passport should be written as Anguelina. Also in some countries it is acceptable to write Anguelyna And Angelyna. But still, if you don’t want to have unnecessary problems, then give preference to the first writing example.

Angelina: what is an abbreviated short name, a diminutive pet name?

Most people believe that the name Angelina does not have abbreviated or affectionate forms. But in fact the owners of this beautiful name can be called completely differently.

Affectionate forms:

  • Angelina
  • Angel
  • Angelinka
  • Linochka

Short and abbreviated forms:

Angelina: the meaning of the name character and fate

As mentioned a little above, Angelina has a rather purposeful character, which sometimes pushes her to not quite doing the right thing. Due to the fact that she is too ambitious, sometimes she goes to her goal, as they say, over her head. This is why adult Lina has practically no close people. But if you think that she cannot be friends, then you are deeply mistaken.

If she let someone into her life, she will value this person very much. Moreover, in the event of a strong quarrel, it is she who will take the first step towards reconciliation and admit that she was not entirely right. Adult Gelya is the type of person who constantly needs new emotions.

That is why she is always trying to find a new activity for herself and sometimes even tries extreme sports. But despite such a contradictory character, Angelina knows how to adapt to the one she really loves and respects. In view of this, in most cases, the life of representatives of the fair sex bearing this name develops quite well.

Name Angelina: sexuality, marriage

For the most part, Angelinas are very temperamental. And if they don’t like something, they immediately express it to their partner. For this reason, for marriage they choose men who are able to give in and cool their ardor. Ideally, they see their partner as strong, courageous, financially secure, and as silent as possible.

Of course, it is difficult to find such a person in life, so most often they choose a life partner who simply suits them sexually, and try to at least a little restrain their emotions. If Lina falls in love with a modest man, then she does not hesitate to take initiative either in everyday life or in intimate relationships.

As practice shows, representatives of the fair sex bearing this name marry quite early and most often to a person they know well. Since they are quite careful in letting people into their lives strangers, then marriage a month after the first meeting is unacceptable for such ladies.

Name Angelina: health and psyche

Angelines have a phlegmatic type of character, so it is quite difficult for outsiders to understand what emotions they experience. this moment. Such external closeness and excessive restraint very often pushes people away from them. Most often, they think that in front of them is an arrogant person who does not want to get to know each other closely.

In fact, Lina is simply taking a wait-and-see attitude and trying to understand whether she can, in general, trust a new acquaintance with some of her secrets. If we talk about Angelina’s health, then we can say with confidence that she will be a frequent visitor to doctors all her life.

Due to the fact that she constantly restrains her emotions and is nervous a lot, her body periodically malfunctions and this affects her work internal organs. As practice shows, if Gelya fails to curb her emotions in adolescence and adolescence, then as an adult she will face a large number of chronic diseases.

What middle name goes with the name Angelina?

Middle names that enhance Angelina’s positive energy

You probably already know that everything that belongs to us carries a certain energy. Therefore, whether we like it or not, our patronymic influences us both positively and Negative influence. As for the patronymic name for Angelina, Alexandrovna is ideal for such women and girls.

This combination will help enhance such positive features representatives of the fair sex as sincerity, calmness and hard work. If Lina bears the patronymic name Evgenievna, then her character will be dominated by perseverance, irritability and vindictiveness.

Middle names that enhance Angelina’s positive energy:

  • Yuryevna
  • Arkadyevna
  • Vladislavovna
  • Bogdanovna
  • Valerievna
  • Ivanovna

Angelina: compatibility with male names

Angelinas are quite contradictory personalities, so only those men who are capable of limitless patience are suitable partners for them. If such a woman chooses a guy with a similar temperament, then such a union will not last long.

Male names suitable for Angelina:

  • Alexei. Guys with this name will gently suppress the excessive ambition of their partner and this will contribute to a fairly calm relationship.
  • Ivan. A person with this name will be the most perfect couple for Lina. He will push her towards self-development, thereby distracting her from unnecessary thoughts.
  • Vladimir. It can give a girl the comfort she dreams of. If she can not notice the categorical nature of her chosen one, then such an alliance can turn out to be very strong.
  • Vyacheslav. As a rule, such men put their chosen one on a pedestal and do whatever she wants, for this reason such a union will bring pleasure to both partners.

When is Angelina’s name day, Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

As already mentioned at the very beginning of our article, the Guardian Angel of Angelina is the Venerable Angelina of Serbia. In view of this, it is on the day of veneration of this Saint that the owners of this name are congratulated on their name day. Below you can see the dates on which you can congratulate the Angelinas you know on the holiday.


  • the 14 th of July
  • July 30
  • 12th of August
  • December 23

Congratulations on Angelina Day short in verse and prose

Congratulations No. 1

Congratulations No. 2

Congratulations No. 3
  • My dear Angelina! I want to congratulate you on Angel's Day and wish you a lot sunny days, joyful meetings with friends and warm and unforgettable evenings with your family. Be always happy, cheerful and beautiful!
  • My dear man, I want to wish you that your Guardian Angel will always guide you on the right path and protect you from everything bad. I wish you that your soul will never know grief, and that your beautiful eyes will always shine with happiness.
  • Angelina, may your Guardian Angel give you the strength to rise high and achieve everything you dream of. Be loved and desired and never forget that you are surrounded by people who are always ready to lend their shoulder to you.

Tattoo with the name Angelina: photo

Tattoo No. 1

Tattoo No. 2 Tattoo No. 3

Gold pendant for Angelina: photo

Pendant No. 1

Pendant No. 2

Pendant No. 3

Name Angelina: intuition, intelligence, morality

By nature, Angelinas are very smart. Since they have a high ability to work, they easily master everything new and, most importantly, skillfully use their skills in practice. Good intelligence allows them to always be better than others and move towards their goals with virtually no obstacles. A small minus of Angelina’s character is their intuition.

Due to the fact that they are very suspicious, sometimes they simply do not hear their subconscious and this leads to the fact that they have problems that require immediate solutions. Although even this state of affairs does not particularly upset the owners of this name. Their natural charisma helps them cope with all difficulties and emerge victorious even from the most hopeless situations.

Name Angelina: hobbies, activities, business

Since Angelina loves to receive fresh emotions, most often she tries to find a hobby that would allow her to see something new before her eyes all the time. That is why most often the owners of this name become organizers of parties, birthdays, various presentations and social events.

In addition, such ladies love to engage in music, dancing and, no matter how strange it may sound, drawing. As for work, most often Angelinas choose professions that do not require them to strictly follow someone’s instructions. More often than not, they all become flight attendants, bloggers, journalists, florists or designers.

If Lina decides to open her own business, then she devotes herself completely to her brainchild. As a rule, everything she starts helps her improve her financial condition, thereby making her even more independent.

What zodiac sign does the name Angelina go to?

Zodiac signs for Angelina

The name Angelina is most suitable for girls born under the constellation Leo. Growing up, they turn into women who have the ability to attract the right people. Most often, they are well settled in life and, if possible, always help their family and friends. One more suitable sign for Angelina they are Libra.

In this case, the stars will help make the fair sex more calm, diplomatic and friendly. It is also quite safe to call Aquarius by this name. The energy of this zodiac sign will make Lina a more open and sociable girl, always ready to help the people around her.

Talisman stone for the name Angelina

Angeline's talisman stone is turquoise. It is believed that it possesses magical energy, which can develop in the one who bears it the gift of foresight. In addition, turquoise is an excellent protection against negative energy coming from envious people and enemies.

True, you must remember that such a talisman must be changed periodically. If you notice that it has become very dark, then simply throw it out of the river and buy another pebble.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Angelina

Flower talisman - water lily

In addition to turquoise, an ordinary water lily can protect Lina from negative energy. In view of this, if you want it to constantly cleanse the energy, then make an artificial pond at home and grow this flower in it.

In case you live in apartment building, then plant an apple tree near it. She will also protect you from everything bad, but unlike the water lily, her strength will increase as her height increases.

Totem animal named Angelina

Angeline's totem animal is toads. Since the owners of this name strive for financial independence, they do everything to ensure that the ladies have a stable job and a high salary. In addition, the totem animal very well charges Angelina with optimism and they stop focusing on their problems.

Numerology of the name Angelina

Numerology of the name Angelina

Angeline's numerological number is two. It is she who has the greatest influence on the fate of the owners of this name, making them more flexible and friendly. In addition, the deuce, like a totem animal, attracts wealth and good luck to a woman.

Nickname for the name Angelina

  • Angel
  • Little fairy
  • Caprisulya
  • Sweetie
  • Yummy
  • Cherry
  • Positive person

Famous people, celebrities named Angelina: photos

Angelina Vovk

Angelina of Wales

Angelina Varganova

Video: The meaning of the name Angelina - The secret of the name

Historians and linguists attribute the origin of the name Angelina to several sources simultaneously. The first source is found in ancient Greece, where a similar-sounding word meant “messenger”, “messenger”. The name “angel” in the sense in which we are accustomed to perceive it also goes back to this word. The Hellenes also had the word “angelos”, and it referred to Zeus and Artemis, the main gods of the ancient Greek pantheon.

Many believe that the origin of the name Angelina is the name Angelus, common in Western Europe in the Middle Ages. But, most likely, there is no contradiction in the two versions, since the name Angelus is rooted in the same ancient Greece.

But we should remember Christianity and its traditions in order to finally decide what the name Angelina means. This is one of many variations on the theme of the word “angel”, the messenger of the Lord. This meaning of the name Angelina looks more logical and natural. After all, it was with Christianity that it came to Rus' and other countries.

For women named Angelina, heavenly patrons very little. Unlike more common names, Angelina has a church counterpart in only one case.

Angelina of Serbia lived in the fifteenth century, who was the wife of the last ruler of Serbia, Stefan Brankovic, and the daughter of the Albanian monarch George the Arian. After Serbia fell to the Turkish conquerors, Angelina and her husband fled to Italy. Soon she became a monk and became the founder of the Krušedol Monastery and its first abbess. Over time, Angelina was canonized by the Orthodox Church. The day of this saint is celebrated on July 1st.

The character and behavior of Angelina in childhood

The meaning of the name Angelina is angel, and it affects the character in the most direct way. But here is the case when this influence has a completely opposite result.

A girl named Angelina is often raised in a family where parents cannot find a common language, quarrel for no reason, and create a nervous, tense environment at home. This cannot but influence the character of the child, personal qualities and on behavior. Despite the name Angelina, the child grows up stubborn, willful, disobedient, and quarrelsome. In many ways, she copies the character of her mother, who is also not cheerful and friendly.

The name Angelina brings to the girl a tendency to command, to dispose of other people.

  • She is unyielding and extremely irritable. Even the smallest trifle can infuriate Angelina.
  • The name Angelina also instills in the child a rejection of school as a place of learning and education. She is uninterested and bored there. Therefore, the girl prefers to take care of her education, upbringing and development on her own.

Already from childhood, a child with the name Angelina gets used to independence, relies only on herself, does not expect support and help from anyone. These character traits will in many ways always accompany her, defining her life line.

Character and behavior in adulthood

It is noted that the character of a woman named Angelina largely depends on her date of birth.

If the day of birth falls in winter This means that the woman will be stubborn, uncompromising, and have some character traits more suitable for a strict man.

  • It is difficult to negotiate with her and come to a mutually beneficial solution.
  • She sees nothing but her own benefit, and is ready to do a lot for this, including deception.

Characteristics of the name Angelina for born in the summer or spring months may be completely opposite.

  • Such a woman is often distinguished by great gullibility, which can bring nothing but harm.
  • She tends to start a family early, but such a family usually does not exist for a long time, everything ends in divorce quite quickly. Here we should remember that in childhood a girl named Angelina did not have the best a strong family, and often incomplete. This situation often carries over to adult life when a person unknowingly copies the behavior of his parents.

A woman named Angelina is not very active and sociable. It is almost impossible to drag her into a large company or persuade her to come on a visit. But the name Angelina does not prevent a woman from being a hospitable hostess and receiving guests at the proper level.


The name Angelina also comes with an incredible passion for work. A woman can forget about sleep and food, about rest, if the work is interesting and exciting. She works without looking at the clock; the time of day matters little to her.

Angelina Mikhailovna Vovk (announcer of the USSR Central Television in the 1980s, TV presenter. People's Artist RF)

It seems to her that there is enough energy for everyone and for everything, that her strength will never be exhausted. And this may turn out to be a mistake, leading to overwork and aversion to work.

  • For Angelina, the most suitable job is one in which it is necessary to serve people efficiently and quickly. It's about, for example, about public catering.
  • No one better than Angelina can organize the work of a restaurant or cafe and achieve a large influx of visitors.
  • A woman with this name also makes a good administrator, production manager, and trade organizer.

For Angelina, it is extremely important what others think about her, how she looks in the eyes of people, and what position she occupies in the social hierarchy.

She is capable of many self-restraints and efforts, if only she is perceived in society the way she wants. She has enough strength to take her rightful place and never give it up to anyone!

How to change the future, prevent mistakes, find out how right it turns out to be decision- questions that humanity has been struggling with for many hundreds of years. A way to do this was found, and quite simple and accessible - to take a responsible approach to choosing a name and penetrate into its secret meaning, laid down in ancient times. Angelina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - how are these features related to each other, and how necessary is it for the baby’s family to become familiar with them even before baptism?

The meaning of the name Angelina for a girl is brief

It’s difficult to meet a person who doesn’t know that everything in life depends not only on luck, financial well-being, but also on what name the parents gave at baptism. Why can fate change on the name? It’s simple - thousands of years ago it contained a secret, mysterious meaning that can prevent problems or difficulties in life, illness, even troubles at work.

Angelina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - if parents take the time to study all these features, they will certainly learn many interesting and even inexplicable details. You can take them into account in your upbringing - this will help cope with negative character traits that may appear in a baby since childhood.

The meaning of the name Angelina for a girl can be briefly found out if you dive into ancient Greek mythology– it was from this wonderful and world-famous country that this name spread. It means “messenger”, “angel”. Having learned the secret meaning, you can easily guess who exactly will patronize the baby.

What does the name Angelina mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

In addition to studying special literature, which tells in detail about the origin of the name and reveals interesting legends or myths, you should also definitely study Christian books. It is the church calendar that contains the most reliable information that relatives who are worried and worried about the fate of their beloved child must know. You can also study the calendar, which detail which saints will look after the baby throughout her life and when she will be able to celebrate her name day.

What does the name Angelina mean for a girl according to the church calendar? The meaning is exactly the same as in Greek mythology - “angel”, “messenger”. If you look at the calendar, you will notice that another interpretation is added here - “good news”. Often, adults expect that their daughter will certainly grow up to be a good Christian, honor God’s commandments and follow the right path, without turning aside or stumbling over troubles.

The secret of the name Angelina, name day, signs

Many parents believe that when choosing a name for their baby, it is important not only to give preference to the most beautiful or popular, but also to find out whether the saints will patronize her. It often depends on them how quickly a girl will develop, whether she will be healthy and strong, and what talents she will begin to have from childhood. The secret of the name Angelina lies precisely in the saints who will certainly pass by throughout your life. Only one great martyr will patronize her; her feast day is celebrated in July (14th). It is on this day that adults should bring gifts and, together with the birthday girl, extol sincere prayers to the highest guardian. She will certainly listen and help you cope with any troubles.

Angelina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - what details can be added to these features associated with the girl? Residents eagerly await the day of veneration of the patron saint rural areas, because it is on this holiday that the harvesting of vegetable crops begins. It is not customary to do this earlier - it is believed that the saint will be offended and will do everything to ensure that the harvest is bad next year.

Origin of the name Angelina and its meaning for children

One of the questions that arises among adults who dream that their beloved child receives only the best from life is how important the origin of the name Angelina is and its meaning for children. If you carefully examine the specialized literature that lifts the mysterious curtain over the secrets of names, you will find out that origin plays a very insignificant role here. Greater value you only need to pay secret meaning– it is in it that hidden features or details that can affect the future.

If the origin is not too significant and does not play any role either in the upbringing or in the future life of the baby, then too much may depend on the meaning of the name. That is why you should not treat this information carelessly - you should certainly study the meaning in advance and try to apply your knowledge in practice. Only this determines how successfully the parents will be able to cope with their upbringing, and whether their daughter will grow up to be a worthy person, capable of commanding universal respect.

Character of a girl named Angelina

What qualities, positive or negative, characterize the girl named Angelina? Usually there is almost nothing to reproach her for - she has a lot of advantages, but practically no disadvantages.

The main positive character traits of the girl:

  1. cheerfulness;
  2. willingness to always come to the rescue;
  3. courage;
  4. hard work;
  5. good manners;
  6. sociability;
  7. intelligence;
  8. kindness;
  9. caring for loved ones.

Angelina is also distinguished by her cheerful disposition, thanks to which she is constantly in the center of attention. She has many friends, and everyone appreciates her wonderful friend, who is always ready to lend her strong and reliable shoulder. Relatives can also be sure that Angelina will do everything to save loved ones from suffering or worry.

One of the girl's shortcomings is a slight absent-mindedness. She may forget to do urgent work, complete homework or mom's errand. She often forgets her purse on public transport, so it’s better for parents to teach their little one to carry valuables in safe pockets or leave them at home.

Sometimes it happens that a girl exhibits another unpleasant trait - touchiness. Friends and comrades who are very familiar with this disadvantage will certainly get used to it over time and, if possible, try not to offend their girlfriend.

The fate of a girl named Angelina

How unpredictable can the fate of a girl named Angelina be? Even from childhood, the baby will begin to determine for herself the most interesting specialties, in her opinion. She can choose such professions.

What to name a girl so that this name brings her only success in life? How not to make a mistake with your choice? Let's find out more about such a beautiful and quite popular name as Angelina.

Origin and forms of the name

The origin of the name Angelina is usually associated with Ancient Greece. Having heard it, it is not at all difficult to guess its meaning. Translated from Latin, it means “angelic” or “messenger”, since it is the angels who foretell favorable events. Later, the name Angelina became widespread in European countries, where such analogues as Angela, Angelina, Angelica and Angelin arose. The most common short forms are: Gelya, Lina, Ela and Alina. The phonosemantics of the name are very positive, because its sound evokes only pleasant emotions in people and puts them in a good mood.

Name days and folk signs

The patron saint is the Venerable Angelina of Serbia. After the death of her son, she devoted her entire life to Christianity and helping the poor. She suffered for her faith from Muslims in the 15th century. Also revered by the Russian Orthodox Church. Her memorial day is celebrated on the fourteenth of July. By folk calendar On this day, weeding of vegetable gardens and collection of root vegetables begins.


Often, when a child is born into a family, parents want to call him some unique and euphonious name. In such situation good option the girl's name will be Angelina. Its owners are already in early age start talking and walking. They love to explore their surroundings, so parents should constantly be aware of their actions. They are interested in everything around them. As a result, a child left unattended for a minute can break something or get injured. A girl may prefer boyish fun to playing with peers. This is how she gets rid of energy, which she has plenty of. In the company of girls, Angelina becomes calmer and more detached, which gives her a reputation as an uncommunicative and silent child.

The meaning of the name Angelina also has some negative aspects. So, the girl is sometimes very stubborn and irritable. You can often see little Angelina bossing other children around. The girl goes to school without much desire. This is primarily due to the fact that she does not like being told what to do. She doesn’t want to obey anyone and listen to other people’s orders. Entries with comments often appear in the schoolgirl's diary, and parents are often called to the principal. At the same time, the girl herself does not see anything wrong in her behavior.


Despite the exalted origin of the name Angelina, the character of its owner is far from angelic. Behind the external calm and wide smile hide a sharp mind and thirst for power. Angelina loves to be the center of everyone's attention and does not tolerate other people's pressure on her. Anyone who angers her will regret it for a long time.

The favorable meaning of the name Angelina also lies in the fact that its bearer is an ideal housewife who welcomes guests into her home with great joy. However, she herself does not like to visit. A woman has a wonderful sense of humor and healthy optimism. She has many friends who often turn to her for help and support. Angelina does not like empty chatter and frivolity. At the same time, she herself is incredibly responsible and punctual - she is unlikely to ever be late for an important meeting.

Angelina is often fickle in her tastes and views. Her behavior is contradictory and depends on her mood. Can be withdrawn and distrustful. Sometimes notes of sentimentality and melancholy appear in her character. In life, she tries not to count on anyone’s help, but to completely rely on her own strength.

Love and family

IN love relationships The meaning of the name Angelina is not entirely favorable. Often its owner experiences some difficulties when communicating with the opposite sex. Men are put off by Angelina's excessive authority. To form a strong relationship, she needs to be more patient. A woman often changes men, which leads to numerous marriages and, accordingly, divorces.

The secret of the name Angelina lies in the contradictory feelings and actions of its owner. If she still manages to create a strong relationship, Angelina becomes an excellent housewife. She loves to cook and do housework. But her character manifests itself here too - she tries to involve all family members in this process. The woman plays the role of mother especially well. She loves and takes care of children. To maintain harmony in the family, Angelina needs to listen more to her family and yield to them in some matters. You can't try to bend everyone to your will. Full blossoming as a woman occurs around age 30.

Profession and career

In terms of career, the meaning of the name Angelina can bring great success to its owner. As a rule, a woman with this name works a lot and devotes herself entirely to her chosen profession. It seems to Angelina that her energy and strength could be enough for several people. Often such self-confidence lets her down.

The name Angelina gives its bearer a strong and independent character, so she often chooses a field of activity where she can control the process. If the work gives a woman pleasure, she will do it responsibly and in a timely manner, which will contribute to career growth. The owner of the name will be able to achieve significant professional success in trade, administrative activities or in the service sector. Angelina makes good teachers and actresses. The determining factor when choosing a profession can be the position that the girl will occupy in society.

The riddle of the name

Each name is accompanied by a certain mystery. The name Angelina is patronized by the Moon. Favorable colors are light green, yellow-brown and red. The patron tree is the apple tree, and the plant is the water lily. A stone that can protect Angelina is chrysolite. It is recommended to carry it with you to protect against damage and the evil eye. The zodiac sign that patronizes the name is Cancer. Therefore, it is especially recommended to call a girl born under this zodiac constellation Angelina. Cancer has the same characteristics as Angelina - pessimism and secrecy. However, at the same time, he will add qualities to her that will help in work and in her personal life - affection and a cheerful disposition. Those with the names Boris, Igor, Victor and Vladimir may have the character traits that Angelina values ​​in representatives of the stronger sex. But with Stepan, Oleg, Anatoly and Leonid, she is unlikely to be able to build a long relationship.

Famous personalities

Among women well-known both abroad and in Russia, the name Angelina is often found. What other name can boast such a melodic sound? It seems to be created to attract the gaze of others. The most striking examples on domestic television are: great actress Angelina Stepanova and TV presenter Angelina Vovk. Among foreign celebrities are the American actress, fashion model and UN Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. By the way, the latter became the youngest among female politicians and the most significant in the modern political arena.