Speaking about the treatment of oncology with herbs, one cannot fail to mention this plant. By the way, his second name is wrestler. To fight malignant tumors you will need a tall fighter. The height of this plant can reach one and a half meters, it has very wide leaves, but the root, which is needed to prepare the medicine, is very small.

The root of aconite must be dug up, crushed and poured with vodka. This infusion should be stored in a cool, dark place for at least two weeks. After this, it is recommended to take one drop of infusion daily, increasing the dose by one drop. As soon as you reach 45 drops, you should repeat the course from the very beginning.

There is another recipe for aconite tincture: the root of the plant must be crushed, poured with water and boiled for two hours. After this, you need to add a small amount of alcohol to the container and put the mixture in the refrigerator.

This tincture should be taken half an hour before meals, about 3-4 times a day. Please note: the first doses may cause the patient to feel slightly dizzy and nauseous, but this is not at all dangerous.


Another quite poisonous, but incredibly effective herb for oncology is called hemlock. In medical practice, there have been numerous cases where this particular plant helped heal the most advanced diseases.

However, we should not forget that, like any medicinal plant, hemlock has a number of contraindications. In addition, it does not have an antidote, so treatment with hemlock is always a certain risk.

Note that the medicine can be prepared exclusively from fresh hemlock flowers. Only the tops of the plant should be collected. They must be placed in a glass container with a capacity of three liters and filled with alcohol.

For 1/3 of the shoots you will need two glasses. It is necessary to infuse the composition for a couple of days, after which you should add vodka to the brim of the jar and infuse for another two weeks; of course, it is best to do this in a dark place.

This herb is ideal for breast cancer. You can start taking it with 20 drops of the product, adding one drop daily. When the course reaches four dozen drops, you need to start reducing the dose. Afterwards the course can be repeated, of course, with the consent of the attending physician.

When treating oncology with a herb called hemlock, carefully monitor your health, pay attention to any (even minor!) changes. Among the signs of hemlock poisoning, one should note the appearance of frequent severe headaches, loss of coordination, confusion, and pale skin. Cramps and loss of strength are often observed.

Mountain Omega

If you decide to treat oncology with herbs, pay attention to mountain omega, also called Ferula Djungarian. It is almost impossible to get this plant alive, which is why many people have no idea what it looks like.

You can find it in dried form in almost any pharmacy. This plant is poured with vodka or alcohol and infused for three weeks. This medicinal mixture can be used to treat both benign and malignant tumors. It slows down their development or completely destroys them.

To summarize, let’s say that all the traditional medicine presented above can significantly increase the chances of recovery and improve the patient’s condition. However, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, all precautions and regularly see an oncologist!

Chaga mushroom

Speaking about which herbs for oncology can boost immunity and improve health, it is worth mentioning separately about the plant known as chaga mushroom. There are a number of rules for collecting this plant: traditional healers are convinced that it must be collected in spring time, you should not collect chaga from dead dry trees, the best option– a living tree whose age ranges from 20 to 50 years.

This mushroom is prepared in the following way: it is crushed, placed in three liter jar and fill with water. After the mushroom has infused, the liquid must be filtered and consumed as a drink instead of water or tea. If metastasis has already begun, ethnoscience recommends enemas with chaga.


Another natural remedy that can suppress the activity of cancer cells is the common blackberry. Its beneficial properties allow the body to maintain the functioning of all vital systems. Blackberry fruits contain anthocyanins and ellagic acid, which slow down the growth of malignant tumors and help the body fight cancer.

Traditional healers note that blackberries help best with intestinal cancer. It can be consumed both fresh and frozen. Beneficial features The berries will also be preserved when preparing jams, marmalade or marmalade.


Catharanthus is one of the most mysterious plants about which little is known. However, traditional healers say: it is simply irreplaceable in the fight against cancer. It is often used against blood cancer, sarcomas, and diseases of the female organs. By the way, if the patient is unable to withstand chemotherapy, it is replaced with this particular plant.

Every woman should know how to check the patency of the fallopian tubes. Because it is easy to encounter pathologies of this important organ in matters of reproduction. The fallopian tubes (aka fallopian tubes) connect the ovaries to the uterus. The egg moves along them from the ovary to the uterus, where it is fertilized by a sperm. Given such a serious functional load, the health of the fallopian tubes is one of the most important conditions under which a woman can become pregnant.

Photo. The fallopian tubes important condition successful conception

How are the fallopian tubes arranged?

They consist of several sections and are slightly curved in the abdominal cavity. Their internal epithelium is similar to the uterine one. It differs from the tissues lining the uterus in the presence of villi, which promote the egg from the ovary. If the fallopian tube is stuck together, there are adhesions in it, or it is bent too much, then this is one hundred percent infertility. Negative processes are identified in several ways.

Photo. There are three methods for diagnosing tubal patency

Diagnostic methods

  1. Echohysterosalpingography. He's an ultrasound. This is the most modern way to examine the condition of the fallopian tubes and understand how functional they are. The method is painless and humane. The bottom line is that saline solution is injected into the uterus using a special catheter. In this case, both the time of fluid entry into the cavity of the pelvic organs and the condition of this fluid itself are assessed. This procedure can be carried out several times, tracking the dynamics of changes. It does not cause a reflex spasm of the uterus and its tubes, which eliminates the possibility of making an incorrect diagnosis.
  2. Hysterosalpingography- This is the second most advantageous method for diagnosing the fallopian tubes. It is similar to the previous method in that a special substance is also injected into the uterus. But it is already radiopaque. This method is good for everyone, except that the substance causes a slight pain syndrome after the procedure. But it’s worth it, because with hysterosalpingography, the doctor receives high-precision X-ray images, eliminating the possibility of extensive interpretation of the study results.
  3. Laparoscopy. This is an extreme option, since, in fact, laparoscopy is a mini-operation. During the procedure, three holes are made in the abdominal cavity for insertion of devices, with the help of which diagnostics are carried out. Also, the procedure can be therapeutic, and not just diagnostic. Using laparoscopy, adhesions are removed and the fallopian tubes are cleared.

Video. Methods for determining the patency of the fallopian tubes

Ultrasound of the patency of the fallopian tubes (hysterosalpingoscopy) is a diagnostic procedure that allows one to assess the patency of the fallopian tubes by injecting a special contrast agent into them.

It is carried out on an outpatient basis, which does not require a long stay for the patient in a medical institution.

Features of the procedure

With a regular ultrasound, it is impossible to see the full picture of the condition of the pipes, since their lumen will not be visible. Therefore, doctors resort to a special technique that allows you to clearly establish the presence or absence of pathologies.

This study can be carried out either with an external sensor (through the abdominal cavity) or transvaginally (through the vagina).

Indications for the study

Ultrasound of fallopian tube patency is prescribed in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • primary or secondary infertility
  • irregular menstrual cycle
  • frequent repetitions of inflammatory processes of the uterine appendages
  • absence of menstruation (except pregnancy)
  • painful sensation in the lower abdomen
  • a previous sexually transmitted infection (especially if it was not treated).

When is the procedure necessary?

Checking the patency of the fallopian tubes using this method can be performed from 5 to 20 days of the cycle. But most experts advise carrying it out on the eve of ovulation (8-11 days). The reason for this is several factors:

  • It is at this time that the cervix is ​​most dilated and the likelihood of spasm occurring is minimal
  • after menstruation, the endometrium of the uterus is thin and does not interfere with the full examination.

Preparation for the procedure

Before conducting the study, a woman must undergo training, which includes passing the following tests:

  • gynecological smear for flora
  • urine and blood tests (general) to exclude exacerbation of inflammatory diseases
  • PAP test (cytology)
  • analysis for infections (mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis) using the PCR method.

Immediately before the procedure, the patient mandatory One more preparation needs to be done: hygienic toileting of the genitals.

If prescribed by your doctor, you can take antispasmodic medications 40 minutes before the test.

Read also:

What can be detected on an ultrasound of the cervix

If the study is carried out with an external sensor, then it is necessary that the bladder is almost full.

How the study is performed

The procedure for carrying out this procedure is as follows:

  1. the patient lies down on a gynecological chair with the backrest lowered
  2. Speculums are inserted into the vagina and the cervix and vagina are thoroughly cleaned
  3. A disposable thin catheter is inserted through the cervical canal, which has a special inflating balloon at the end for fixation.
  4. An ultrasound is performed using a vaginal probe to ensure that the catheter is positioned correctly
  5. A sterile gel or saline solution is injected through the catheter, which, moving along the fallopian tubes, allows you to see them internal structure and the presence of adhesions in them. The approximate volume of liquid required ranges from 20-40 ml to 100-110 ml.

The entire test takes no more than 10-30 minutes.

How are the results assessed?

In the absence of any pathologies, all fluid should accumulate in the uterine-intestinal cavity. If it fills the uterus and fallopian tubes without entering the abdominal cavity, then we can assume the presence of obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

Disadvantages of this procedure

Ultrasound of fallopian tube patency has several disadvantages:

  • introduction large quantity fluid and spasms of the fallopian tubes and uterus can cause discomfort
  • obstruction of saline or gel through the fallopian tubes does not always indicate the presence of adhesions - sometimes this is a consequence of the appearance of severe spasms.

Contraindications for the study

  • presence of uterine bleeding
  • exacerbation of the inflammatory process of the pelvic organs and any other diseases
  • pregnancy
  • cervical dysplasia
  • the development of precancerous processes in the cervix and on the surface of the uterus itself.

Benefits of Conducting Research

This type of diagnostics of fallopian tube patency has many advantages over other methods of identifying the same pathology:

  • pregnancy planning is possible in the same cycle, since the reproductive organs were not irradiated (as with x-rays)
  • pregnancy is also possible during the same cycle - the liquid washes away the derivative, which clogs the fallopian tubes, separates thin adhesions, and also helps to activate the work of the fimbria, which captures and promotes the egg
  • no need for hospitalization
  • incidental detection of disorders in the uterus
  • speed of implementation
  • there is no need to perform punctures of the abdominal wall (as with laparoscopy)
  • the procedure is carried out without the use of anesthesia.

Read also:

Ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder in children

What determines the cost of the procedure?

The cost of this study consists of:

  • prices of an intrauterine catheter, which depends on the manufacturer
  • prices of echo contrast gel (liquid)
  • prices for consumables.

The average cost of an ultrasound examination of fallopian tube patency is 1500 – 4500 rubles.

Feedback about the study

Reviews from patients who have undergone this procedure are varied. Many people say that they experienced absolutely no sensations during the study, and that it did not hurt at all. Some, on the contrary, remember undergoing an ultrasound with great discomfort, since it was very painful for them and they could not do without painkillers. These reviews indicate the individual sensitivity threshold of each individual organism.

Ultrasound of the patency of the fallopian tubes is the most popular method for diagnosing the presence of their pathologies. If this study is carried out in a timely manner, it is possible to avoid serious complications and more. fast recovery woman's reproductive function.

ATTENTION! The information on the site is for reference or popular information only. Correct treatment and prescription of medications can only be carried out by a qualified specialist, taking into account the diagnosis and medical history.

Successful diagnosis and treatment, health and well-being!

27.02.2015 UziLab

The main purpose of a woman is to bear children, but not everyone is endowed with this gift. A huge number of women are struggling with a terrible diagnosis, and a considerable percentage overcome the disease. Malfunction of the tubes and the presence of adhesions in the pelvic area are detected in every second person who comes in with the problem of the inability to get pregnant. Therefore, one of the key tests in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility is a patency test. Not every woman knows how this manipulation is done, therefore, when a doctor gives a referral for this test, many are very afraid of the upcoming procedures due to ignorance. In fact, there is nothing scary here.

On this moment Doctors have several methods of examining patency in their arsenal. How are these procedures done, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each method? These are the questions that patients are always interested in.

Method one - hysterosalpingoscopy

Hysterosalpingoscopy is one of the most informative examination options in gynecology. The diagnosis has a highly accurate result, which makes it possible to immediately refute or confirm infertility and some other problems. The essence of the procedure is that a special solution is injected into the woman’s uterus, which fills the tubes. If everything is normal, the fluid immediately appears in the abdominal cavity. The location of the fluid is determined using ultrasound or x-ray. This is the most accurate test The cost depends on the method of illuminating the injected liquid. The procedure is most often performed without pain relief and is accompanied by discomfort, and minor bleeding is possible for several hours after it. Before the test, you should definitely check for and use contraceptives, even if pregnancy has not occurred for a long time.

Method two - laparoscopy

Laparoscopy has a higher accuracy of results on tubal patency. How is this procedure done? It is carried out after a complete examination under 2-3 1 cm incisions made on the abdomen and special optical tubes are inserted into the abdomen for internal viewing of organs. With this procedure, other diseases such as endometriosis and fibroids can be identified and eliminated. Laparoscopy is an effective, but technically complex and expensive method.

Method three - pertubation

Pertubation is one of the ways to check for patency of the fallopian tubes. How this test is done is clear from the second name - “blowing”. It consists of the following: air is introduced into the uterine cavity with a special device. If the pipes have good permeability, then air immediately enters the peritoneum. This procedure, like others, is carried out after examining the patient for hidden infections. Contraindications are acute chronic diseases of the reproductive system, bleeding, tumors in the uterus and appendages, erosion.

When diagnosed with infertility, a comprehensive examination must include checking the patency of the fallopian tubes. Ultrasound, X-ray, laparoscopy, hysterosalpingoscopy - all these types of diagnostics are aimed at restoring the main happiness in life - the opportunity to have children.

Before starting treatment for obstruction, it is necessary to understand what the fallopian tube is, what determines and how the patency of the fallopian tubes is monitored. The fallopian tube is a cylindrical base that connects part of the uterus to the abdominal cavity. This organ is a pair and is located on the right and left sides of the abdomen, connecting the uterus and ovaries. The fallopian tubes transport sperm to the egg during sexual intercourse. The fallopian tube is the most important element during the process of conception, and various processes inflammatory nature can affect the development of diseases such as tubal obstruction and tubal infertility. Diseases can be cured either in a hospital or on an inpatient basis, but diagnostics will require tests and examinations.

Based on the fact that these channels have weak immune protection, women run the risk of remaining infertile even after a minor illness. Infections penetrate from the vagina or uterine cavity into the fallopian tubes, causing various infectious inflammatory diseases, and disrupt the secretion process. Infectious processes can cause not only pelvic inflammation, but also miscarriages and difficulties conceiving. In cases where the eggs are not able to move freely through the canals, it is recommended to do an analysis of the patency of the fallopian tubes.

There can be many reasons for obstruction. This disease has, in its specificity, external or internal sources of occurrence. Internal factors are infectious diseases, which cause inflammation of the fallopian tube (most often called salpingitis). External factors of this disease can be various adnescites (inflammation of the uterine space). If a girl gets sick with adnesitis, then the consequence of the pelvic disease may be the appearance of adhesions, that is, fusion of the walls of a pipe or organ. At the same time, the patency of the pipes is significantly reduced, and only correct diagnosis and conscientious treatment in a trusted clinic can guarantee relief from the disease.

At first, adhesions do not pose a health hazard. At the site of adhesion, connective tissue first forms, and the walls of the pipe are easily separated from each other. But later, the connective tissue turns into scar tissue, calcifies, blood vessels grow through it, and it is no longer possible to separate the parts of the organ.

Be sure to check the patency of the uterine canals in cases where:

  • The adhesion could have been obtained during any surgical interventions or after treatment of other gynecological diseases;
  • If a girl has had an ectopic pregnancy and experiences difficulty conceiving;
  • In the case when a woman has a congenital defect, tumor or defect of the uterine canals;
  • The woman suffered from endometriosis. With this disease, tissues that resemble the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity grow and block the exit of the egg from the tube.

In cases where the causes lie in inflammation of the pelvic organs, emergency treatment should be carried out.

Often, during the course of the disease, many doctors prescribe medications to patients that have an anti-inflammatory effect and send the girls to physiotherapeutic procedures.
If the adhesions in the fallopian tubes have grown too much, these measures will be useless. Warming up and taking mild anti-inflammatory drugs can be an adjuvant to the main treatment. It should be remembered that uterine obstruction can significantly harm not only conception and insemination procedures, but also cause abdominal pain, reduce immunity and become a source of several unpleasant diseases.

If the pathology progresses, then doctors often recommend not treatment, but such a radical remedy as surgery.

Laparoscopy, which is most often used to get rid of tubal obstruction, is the safest and most common method for diagnosing and treating adhesions today.
But, even if surgery does not bring results, and the disease threatens the patient’s health, the fallopian tubes can be completely removed. That is why doctors recommend that patients with diseases of the pelvic organs or problems with conception regularly visit a gynecologist and get tested for the patency of the fallopian tubes.

How does the inspection take place?

There are several ways to conduct research. Some methods are completely new, while others have been in use for decades. And if one study shows a disappointing result, then the patient is recommended to undergo several more tests in other clinics. Testing for tubal patency is inexpensive, and undergoing it can help cure many gynecological diseases.

Hysterosalpingography or HSG

This diagnostic procedure gives results with an accuracy of 80% or higher.

Using X-rays, doctors can assess the degree of patency in percentage terms, assess the inner layer of the uterine cavity, diagnose other pathologies, and identify abnormalities in the development of the genital organs.
A contrast solution consisting of water and a dye is injected into the fallopian tube. This safe drug fills the uterine cavity, passes through the tubes and enters the peritoneal area.

After filling all organs with the solution, the doctor takes an x-ray. With this diagnosis, you can see the condition of the uterus, adhesions, constrictions, enlarged areas and tortuosity. It should be remembered that x-rays cannot be performed if the patient has obvious inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. In cases where menstruation lasts up to twenty-eight days, x-rays should be taken from the fifth to the ninth days.

It should be noted the positive and negative sides passing HSG:

  • The advantages of the hysterosalpingography procedure are the absence of additional chemicals and the speed of the study, since diagnosis can be carried out in laboratory conditions in the clinic. After hysterosalpingography there are no complications, the procedure is tolerated quite easily, and the uterus remains intact;
  • The disadvantage of this procedure is the irradiation of the body. It should be noted that during research, many women may feel pain and discomfort in the area being examined. After a woman has undergone GHS, planning to conceive a child can only be done after several months.


The laparoscopy method is based on a small surgical intervention. Thanks to this technique, doctors can easily determine the condition of the reproductive organs and identify obvious and hidden diseases of the uterus.

The procedure involves making an incision in the patient's lower abdomen, into which a small camera will then be inserted if the operation is diagnostic, or a surgical instrument if a resection is required.
Doctors monitor the entire study on a monitor, and therefore the study allows you to literally examine the patient’s body from the inside, to identify the presence or absence of adhesions and other pathologies that interfere with the conception and bearing of a child.

Laparoscopy, although it is a surgical intervention, is considered one of the safest diagnostic methods. The puncture that is made on the patient’s body is only a few millimeters in size, and therefore heals completely in 1-2 weeks, leaving no scars. Often such operations are performed under local anesthesia, without resorting to general anesthesia, which in this case can be more dangerous than surgery. During the diagnostic process, the doctor can see with his own eyes the condition of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes, and therefore the diagnosis based on this study will be as accurate as possible.


This technique involves introducing contrast agents into the area under study. The procedure is popular and simple, and is well tolerated by patients.

First of all, doctors examine the organ using a regular gynecological speculum on a chair.
After this, the cervix is ​​treated, local anesthesia is administered, and special dilator instruments are inserted. Next, the doctor uses a catheter to infuse a saline solution that will fill the uterine space and fallopian tubes.

Ultrasound is used to obtain visual data. Organs filled with saline will conduct radiation differently than hollow areas, and based on the reflection of the signals, the device will construct an accurate image on the monitor. The examination itself takes about half an hour, and has a number of contraindications, such as inflammatory diseases, menstruation or pregnancy.

This study can be carried out at any time without fear of the possibility of conception after this procedure.
This is a distinct advantage compared to GHS studies. But it should be noted that this technique also has a significant drawback - hydrosonography only gives general idea O internal structure genital organs and the state of women's health.


Using this analysis, the patency of the uterine canals and other diseases of the genitourinary system are checked. To check the patency of the uterine canals, the examination is carried out using a hysteroscope - a device that allows you to accurately study the structure of the uterus, uterine cavities and oviductal orifices. It should be noted that many pathological changes in women can be determined using this technique. In parallel with the study, it is possible to take uterine tissue for a biopsy. With the help of hysteroscopy, it is possible to remove and treat some tumors small size, cutting adhesions and performing other simple operations. Thanks to the device, it will be possible to apply a suture or stop the bleeding. One of the disadvantages of this type of diagnosis is that the hysteroscope allows you to diagnose only the condition of the uterine cavity and practically does not provide the opportunity to examine and treat the fallopian tubes.


The essence of this method is that the cavity of the internal genital organs is pumped with carbon dioxide under low pressure. This method of checking the patency of the uterine canals is only possible if the patient has a healthy cervix, no damage, erosions or bloody discharge. Required condition– the presence of healthy microflora of the vagina and uterus, and a preliminary examination of the patient on the chair.

Whatever diagnostic method is chosen, you should not trust your health to only one doctor and one test. If the diagnostic result raises more questions than it answers, you must definitely visit another clinic and retake the tests. In addition, the disease process should not be started before it becomes chronic, since it is much easier to cure an acute disease than a chronic one. To diagnose problems in the fallopian tubes, either a simple safe method or diagnostic surgery can be used. The choice of a specific treatment option and examination remains with the attending physician.