
Did you know that the Japanese noun “rice” and the verb “eat” are the same hieroglyph? And in Chinese, the exact translation of the words “breakfast”, “lunch”, “dinner” sounds like “rice in the morning”, “rice in the afternoon”, “rice in the evening”? Residents of Asian countries get about 70% of their calories from rice - in Japan alone they know half a million different recipes for dishes made from this grain. By the way, rice is traditionally consumed three times a day! But, if a resident of Asia, as statistics say, eats an average of 150 kg of rice per year, then a resident of Europe eats only 2 kg.

In Russia, even the word “rice” appeared only end of the 19th century centuries - despite the fact that the culture itself became widespread under Peter I. And now, unfortunately, rice is not the main dish of Russian cuisine. Why "Unfortunately"? Let's look again at the statistics: the proportion of residents of our country who are obese is about 50% - that is, every second Russian has problems with being overweight. In Asia, this figure does not exceed 18%. At the same time, according to World Organization healthcare, Japan is the absolute record holder for the number of centenarians. Yes, you yourself might have noticed how young the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun look - especially taking into account the terrible ecology. Maybe it's time to take a closer look at the habits of our wise Eastern comrades and cleanse the body?

Sorbents are “absorbent” substances that absorb chemical compounds and remove them from the body. Such a substance is, for example, the well-known activated carbon, used for poisoning. But why do we need sorbents if we haven’t been poisoned by anything? The fact is that poisoning can be not only acute, but also slow - literally lasting a lifetime. Excess inorganic salts gradually accumulate in our body, subsequently causing joint problems and diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as retaining excess fluid and interfering with the normal functioning of all other organs and tissues. Toxic decomposition products are retained in the digestive system - a real “scale” of toxins is formed in the intestines. Heavy metals and their compounds penetrate the body and remain “live” in certain organs, disrupting their functioning and threatening the formation of tumors. All these processes are aggravated by poor nutrition, bad habits, and unfavorable environmental conditions.

Rice acts like a sponge, absorbing everything unnecessary and naturally ridding the body of all kinds of “pollution.” As a result, metabolism is normalized, the liver and kidneys are healed, and excess weight, the problem of joint pain is solved, blood vessels are strengthened, allergic reactions disappear, and the general health and appearance. As a bonus, rice gives the body B vitamins, a complex of minerals, lecithin, and essential amino acids. It is valuable that rice is a low-calorie product that does not contain gluten. Another remarkable feature of rice is its soft enveloping effect on the digestive organs, thanks to which the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is stabilized.

Skeptics who claim that waste and toxins are a myth, and cleansing the body is just a new fashionable trend, will find it useful to know that “rice therapy” was successfully used back in Ancient China. And since then, many people have been convinced of the effectiveness of the method by their own example. Simplicity and accessibility of rice cleaning, as well as minimal amount contraindications make this method suitable for any older person adolescence. But, of course, the procedure must be approached responsibly and wisely. Cleansing with rice can be done no more than 1-2 times every 2 years. The ability of rice to absorb and remove chemical compounds from the body, unfortunately, is not selective - along with harmful elements, beneficial ones are also removed.

To avoid illness, during the cleansing period it is necessary to include foods containing potassium in your diet:

  • Dried fruits.

    To avoid dehydration, you will need to drink at least 2 liters per day drinking water without gas, as well as as much herbal tea as possible from linden flowers, viburnum, chamomile, lemon balm without sugar. At the same time, in order to reduce the load on the intestines, you will have to give up the following products:


    Coffee and caffeinated drinks;

    Meat and meat products;

    Flour products;

    Animal fats ( butter, sour cream, lard);

    Artificial fats (margarine, spread);

    Any fried, smoked, dried food;

    Salt and spices.

    At the same time, in order to gently prepare the body for the process, it is better to remove the above foods from the diet at least a week before the start of the cleanse. And during cleansing with rice, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, walk more often, and do not forget about constant physical activity. Cleansing the body is a complex undertaking, so if you are not ready for strict rules and restrictions, it is better not to resort to such methods.

    What rice to use to cleanse the body

    If, after reading the title, you were surprised: “Is there different types of rice?” - this means, like most Europeans, you are exclusively familiar with white variety cereal. Meanwhile, in the world there are from 7 to 8 thousand (it is not possible to calculate the exact number) varieties of rice, not to mention types, subspecies and variations.

    It will be a great success if you manage to find red rice or Tibetan black rice to cleanse the body - these varieties contain several times more iron, calcium, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium and protein than their “white relative”. Black and red rice also contain a significant amount of fiber, and also contain antioxidants, the concentration of which these types of grains can compete with even blueberries, oranges and grape seeds. But Tibetan rice, as the name implies, grows in Tibet, and the red variety, although it originated in Thailand, is currently grown only in France and in limited quantities. It was not for nothing that in Ancient China these types of rice were called “forbidden”: their consumption was available only to members and close associates of the emperor’s family. Today, black and red varieties are available to “mere mortals,” but getting them is not so easy.

    In addition to Tibetan, there is another type of black rice - wild. Its other names are “water”, “Indian”, and also “aquatica”. Strictly speaking, wild rice is not directly related to other varieties and is classified as a crop solely by external similarity - the plant itself belongs to a different species. From a biological point of view, wild black rice is a marsh grass called Tsitsania aquatica, but the seeds of this grass really resemble grains of rice, and in their properties they are extremely useful for the body - including for cleansing toxins. Wild rice has even more protein and minerals than Tibetan or red rice, and, in addition, it contains a record amount of the deficient vitamin B9 - folic acid. At the same time, wild rice does not contain fats and cholesterol, is easily digestible and is therefore recommended for consumption by people who are obese. Unfortunately, wild black rice only grows in one region North America and therefore in Russia it is no more widespread than its eastern namesake.

    The chances of buying one of the varieties listed above in Russia are not very high, so let's find out what types of rice we can find on supermarket shelves and immediately arrange them in descending order of benefits for cleansing the body. The degree of “professional suitability” is directly related to the processing method. So, the best option is brown, aka brown, aka whole grain, aka unpolished. Unlike black and red rice, brown rice is not a separate variety - it is simply an unprocessed product. It owes its characteristic color to the bran shell, which contains the bulk of the beneficial substances. After grinding, the familiar grain remains white- more convenient from the point of view of preparation, but, alas, devoid of vitamins and minerals.

    In the absence of whole grain rice, you can use steamed cereal, which is easy to recognize not only by the inscription on the package, but also by the yellow or golden hue of the grains. This is a product that has been treated with high pressure steam using a special technology that allows you to preserve up to 80% of useful elements. If you can’t find brown and parboiled rice, as a last resort you can use regular polished rice. Then it is better to choose grade 2 cereal, which is not processed so thoroughly and contains more unrefined and unpolished grains.

    Rice differs not only in varieties and processing, but also in the shape of the grains: there is short-grain or round rice up to 5 mm in size, medium-grain - up to 6 mm and long-grain - more than 6 mm. Long grains are best suited for cleansing the body, since they contain the least amount of starch.

    How to use the product for cleaning

    Whatever method of purification with rice you choose, the grains must first be soaked - the soaking time, depending on the method, ranges from 5 to 7 days. In this case, you need to change the water regularly. This way the product will get rid of starch and gluten, and also acquire a loose, porous structure necessary for absorbency. With any cleansing method, you must eat rice on an empty stomach, and completely abstain from food over the next few hours.

    There are many options for cleansing the body with rice, including both gentle and aggressive ones. The choice of method depends on the state of health, the amount of sludge in the body and other factors. Each method is designed for a certain number of days.

    Classic 40 day cleanse.

    Every morning, take 1-2 tablespoons of pre-soaked and washed grains, cook for 30 minutes, stirring continuously. We eat a portion, do not eat or drink anything - at least 4 hours must pass before the next meal.

    A variation of this method of cleansing the body is the so-called Tibetan method, in which the time of soaking the grains before use is exactly 5 days. To avoid confusion, you can take 5 containers and number them - put the daily portion in the first one and fill it with water. The next day, wash the rice in the first container and soak the grains in the second. We repeat the steps until all the jars are filled. On the 6th day we have breakfast with rice from container No. 1 and immediately fill it, on the 7th - from container No. 2 and fill it, and so on.

    Eastern method of cleansing with raw grains.

    Raw rice grains are more effective than after heat treatment for cleansing the body, but they can only be consumed by people with healthy digestive organs. In case of impaired metabolism, as well as to normalize weight, oriental medicine recommends the following recipe: every morning on an empty stomach, eat an amount of raw grains equal to the person’s age. The next meal is at least 3 hours later. The course of cleansing is 10 days.

    Cleansing with rice according to the number of years.

    The older a person is, the greater the likelihood of “clogging” the body with harmful substances. Therefore, it is not surprising that many methods take age as a basis. Here is another recipe: measure the amount of rice by year: if you are 35 years old, take 35 tablespoons and so on. The entire mass of cereal is soaked for several days before cleansing begins. During the cleaning process, take a spoonful of grains every morning, boil them for 2–3 minutes and eat them for breakfast in the form of unleavened porridge. Next time you can eat and drink after 2-3 hours. Every day, the remaining rice must be washed and filled with water again.

    A method for the lazy.

    Take 3 kg of rice and fill it with water in a large container. The next day, rinse thoroughly, fill with water again - and so on for a week, until the water becomes clear. Then we dry the grains and put them in a cloth or paper bag for storage. Every morning we cook 1-2 tablespoons of grains for 20 minutes. And so on until the rice in the bag runs out.

  • A simple and tasty cleansing method is rice kvass. The gentlest way to cleanse the body with rice is to prepare kvass. Despite its simplicity, this recipe It helps greatly with joint pain and also improves metabolism. To make the drink, you need to add 8 tablespoons of washed grains and 4 tablespoons of sugar to 2 liters of water. You can add a handful of raisins. Cover the container with gauze and leave it in warm place for 3 days. Strain the finished kvass and store it in the refrigerator. Take 100 ml 4 times a day after meals.
  • Cleansing with rice for facial beauty. Ridding the body of waste and toxins and improving metabolism cannot but affect the condition of the skin: inflammation disappears, complexion improves. The cause of excess sebum production is often gastrointestinal problems - after the cleansing procedure, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized. Interestingly, rice for facial skin is used not only internally, but also externally: the main secret of youth oriental beauties is the habit of washing your face with rice flour. The same flour is used to produce powder. Rice grains contain ceramides, which help restore the skin, as well as ferulic acid and allantoin, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and protect the skin from adverse effects. sun rays.
  • Contraindications for rice peeling

    The cleansing procedure using rice has the following contraindications:

  • heart failure;
  • urolithiasis disease;

    gastrointestinal diseases;

    oncological diseases;


    delayed bowel movement (constipation);


    age under 18 and over 60 years;

    pregnancy and breastfeeding;

    individual intolerance.

    If at least one point is present, the use of the rice peeling method is unacceptable without prior consultation with a doctor.

    But even in a healthy person, the cleansing procedure can cause side effects. These include weakness, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, constipation, increased flatulence, discomfort in the joints and spine, and muscle discomfort. If these symptoms occur, you should not panic - but listen to your body: if the ailments bother you or last more than 3 days, you should stop the cleansing process and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

    How to understand when it’s time to cleanse your body

    The main signs indicating slagging in the body are:

    unhealthy complexion;

    inflammation of the skin;

    poor condition and hair loss;

    brittle nails;

    muscle and joint pain;

    problems with immunity;

    susceptibility to colds;

    allergic reactions;

    increased fatigue;

  • excess weight.

    If there are no contraindications, you can try cleansing the body with rice to solve these problems. Eastern sages still know a lot about medicine.

    When the store shelves are mostly “e-food” and “plastic” eggs, pesticide-infested vegetables and fruits, low-quality dairy products and meat, and you can’t find healthy ones during the day, you begin to think about how to remove harmful substances from yourself. Looking back to the past, when our grandmothers were still practicing medicine, you can find a lot interesting recipes. The most ancient Chinese method is cleansing the body with rice.

    Rice absorbs harmful toxins and removes excess salt. But you can resort to such cleaning only once every 2 years. This is due to the fact that it displays everything - including useful information. Of course, if done correctly.

    How it affects the body

    Harmful substances find a place and continue to accumulate in joints, blood vessels, muscles, skin cells and some organs. This leads to a malfunction of the entire body - metabolism and hormonal levels are disrupted, and the digestive system suffers.

    Cleansing yourself from salts and toxins with rice will help you get back to normal:

    • will leave excess water and swelling;
    • the functioning of organs is normalized, the stool improves;
    • cholesterol plaques will dissolve;
    • blood flow will accelerate;
    • the body will be saturated with nutrients, vitamins and amino acids;
    • your well-being will improve.

    Ideal cleanser

    Rice is called a natural absorbent. It is viscous, gently envelops the stomach and, like a sponge, absorbs toxins.

    Those who want to see not only a beautiful reflection in the mirror, but also the cherished numbers on the scales, also chose this method. After all, thanks to good cleaning, fat burning processes are launched. With regular use, without terrible diets and stomach problems, the necessary forms are achieved.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    A clear advantage is that it has a beneficial effect on health. Strengthens nervous system, lowers cholesterol and has a healing effect, improves hair condition, nourishes the skin, and improves the functioning of the circulatory system. By the way, doctors’ reviews of this cleansing are positive.

    The only disadvantages include the bland taste of the product, the leaching of useful substances along with toxins and waste, and the course of therapy is too long - 40 days.

    If you are thinking about bringing your body back to normal and improving its functioning with the help of rice, weigh the decision several times.

    When to start rice cleaning

    If you see in the mirror another person who has a gray complexion, swelling under the eyes, and some kind of inflammation has appeared on the skin. If when combing your hair falls out, your nails break and you are constantly attacked by colds - the time has come!

    Bad habits, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, and an inactive lifestyle also leave their mark. But even a relatively healthy person accumulates toxins that need to be gotten rid of.

    What does cleaning do?

    You will feel lightness, as if now all your organs are working in unison.

    Your well-being will improve and the functioning of your digestive, cardiovascular and excretory systems will improve. Joint pain will go away.

    Previously, cleaning was carried out only to get rid of salt deposits due to poor functioning of the joints and genitourinary system. A little later we noticed other advantages.


    If you are a healthy person, then rice cleansing does not pose any danger to you. If you follow the recommendations, there should be no problems with cleansing your body with rice. But there are categories of people who are prohibited from performing this procedure. Please note the following contraindications:

    • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • diabetes;
    • renal failure;
    • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
    • urolithiasis disease;
    • bowel dysfunction;
    • haemorrhoids;
    • oncology;
    • taking medications;
    • recovery after surgery;
    • chronic diseases;
    • pregnancy;
    • lactation period;
    • childhood;
    • individual intolerance.

    To eliminate the possibility of negative consequences, consult a specialist. He will select a method that is right for you.

    Side effects

    From the very first days of cleansing, you may feel weakness, headache and joint pain, and slight dizziness. Such symptoms should subside within 5 days. This condition is explained by the fact that both harmful and beneficial substances are quickly eliminated from the body.

    If you do not feel better after five days, consult your doctor.

    Features of cleansing at home

    To pull your dream by the tail and finally get a beautiful figure, you don’t need to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon and throw away a lot of money. Now you can do it yourself, at home. All you need is rice and a magical cleaning recipe.

    So, for everything to go correctly, and indeed to have a result, it is necessary prepare the body:

    • eliminate salt from the diet;
    • forget for a while about fatty, smoked foods, meat;
    • Eliminate alcohol and tobacco from your life.

    The body adjusts to get rid of harmful substances. You will feel a slight malaise, gradually turning into severe weakness and dizziness. The reason for this is that not only harmful components, but also useful ones quickly leave you.

    Foods rich in potassium will help fill the gap. Bananas, apples and peaches, grapes, raisins and dried apricots, prunes, almonds, hazelnuts and Walnut. Potatoes, Brussels sprouts and onions, carrots, beets, and garlic will be useful for vegetables. From cereals - lentils, beans, soybeans, wheat bran and even mushrooms.

    Which rice to choose

    Until recently, we Europeans only knew about white rice. No one even knew that there was another one. In fact, there are about 10 thousand varieties, not to mention types and subspecies!

    Now we see brown, red and even black rice on store shelves, although previously only “blue-blooded” people could afford it. These varieties are rich in B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants are also present.

    Briefly about different types rice:

    • It is better not to use white, as it loses its properties when polished, and then also when cooked. All that remains is starch, which will not help with cleaning.
    • Brown is a more suitable option. Unpolished, whole grain. It has not been processed, so all the beneficial properties are preserved.
    • Red is one of the ideal options. It does not sand, but peels off. Thanks to this, it contains B vitamins, calcium and magnesium, iron, potassium and protein, fiber and antioxidants.
    • Black - by beneficial properties same as red.
    • Black “Wild” - also called “water”. There is no relationship with rice, but it is very similar in appearance. By the way, this product also perfectly cleanses the body. Contains even more protein, a record amount of deficient vitamin B9 - folic acid and has no fat or cholesterol at all. Suitable for obese people.
    • Indian (naval)- it also has nothing to do with rice. This is a mushroom, you can grow it at home in a jar. It contains many useful substances. In addition, it is a good natural diuretic.
    • Basmati - suitable for cleansing. It does not stick together when cooked and contains vitamins necessary for the body. It is lighter than its relatives, and therefore is better absorbed. Perfect for those who want to lose weight.
    • Steamed - can be used to cleanse the body. It removes toxins and waste well, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it.

    Rice with long grains is better suited for cleansing. It contains less starch.

    To cook or not to cook?

    When soaked, starch and gluten are washed out of the crystal lattice. Rice becomes more porous. Once in the stomach, it is not completely digested and, like a sponge, absorbs all harmful elements and salts.

    When you boil it, these substances become fixed in the lattice, blurring its boundaries. Rice cannot absorb anything and is no longer suitable for cleaning.

    If after soaking you have the idea to also boil the rice, banish such thoughts from yourself. For the result to appear, the grain must be hard. But not everyone will like this dish, so you can cook the cereal for 5 minutes. The main thing is not to add salt, sugar and butter.

    More effective method cleaning - use rice raw. This way it absorbs toxins and salts much better.

    Ways to use rice

    There are many methods for cleansing the body. There are aggressive and gentle options.

    Whichever you choose, pre-soak the rice for 5-7 days. In addition, do not forget to regularly rinse the grain and change the water. You need to eat the product on an empty stomach, and in the next few hours refuse to eat food or even liquids.

    Cleaning options

    Tibetan method

    Tibetan monks have been using this method for many years and still practice it. Remember, it was they who proved by their example that you can live more than 100 years!

    However, before you begin to cleanse your body, you should do preparing grain and yourself:

    1. 5-7 days before the start of the procedure, the monks drink ginger tea, eat foods rich in fiber and be sure to meditate. We need to give up bad habits, switch to proper nutrition and drink as much fluid as possible.
    2. At the same time, the rice itself is cooked. On the first day, pour 2-3 tbsp into container number one. l. grains and fill with regular cold water. On the second day it is washed and refilled.
    3. Meanwhile, the next portion of cereal is placed in container number 2, according to the same scheme as on the first day. All containers are numbered, so it’s easier to navigate. And every day the rice is soaked in a new container. Rinse it in the previous jars and place it in water again.
    4. On the 7th day, when the grain “ripens” in the very first container, porridge is prepared from it. If the stomach is healthy, eat it semi-prepared so as not to lose its effectiveness. Half an hour before meals, you can drink a glass of tea or water.

    The body undergoes cleansing for 40 days. If during all this time you still feel hungry, then the rice is working.

    Combine rice porridge with salad, meat dishes or anything else is strictly prohibited.

    Preventative cleansing

    To feel and see the result, you need to follow some rules:

    • Add only healthy foods to your menu.
    • Combination with other diets is prohibited! The consequences may upset you.
    • Be sure to eliminate bad habits if you are interested in a successful result.
    • If your health suddenly worsens, you should stop cleaning and consult a doctor.

    As a preventive measure, you can take rice porridge only for breakfast. There are 2 cooking options:

    1. 1 kg. Pour the grains into a saucepan, rinse thoroughly and soak for a week. Change the water daily. When all the turbidity and mucus are gone, drain the liquid and dry the rice. It should be prepared by adding bran in the following proportions: 1 tbsp. l. grains per 1 tsp. bran. Cook for 10 minutes. The best option will pour boiling water for 25 minutes.
    2. 3 tbsp. l. Leave the cereal overnight in a container of water. In the morning, drain the liquid, rinse, add water again and cook for no more than 5 minutes. After the rice is cooked, you need to rinse it, bring it to a boil again and drain it again. And so 3 times. On the 4th, bring it to readiness and serve it, eat it warm.

    Rice cleanse in the morning

    During the cleansing period, instead of breakfast, you need to eat soaked raw rice. Half an hour before meals you should drink a glass of water. You should start your next meal only after three hours. It is advisable to cleanse the body brown rice. You will need about 1 kg.

    If the rice does not work well in its raw form, it is permissible to pour boiling water over it for a while or cook for 7 minutes. Do not forget that the effect will only be if you exclude alcohol, meat, fish, salt and sugar.

    Drink more fluids - at least 2 liters of still water per day.

    Rice diets

    Classics of the genre

    The diet is relevant for both women and men of different ages. During cleansing, metabolism is normalized, excess water is removed, and organ functionality increases. Due to this, weight is also lost.

    But not only everyone who dreams of losing weight can achieve what they want. For those who sleep and see how to get better, this option is also good. There is a gentle weight correction based on individual characteristics body. Some people lose an extra 5-10 kg, while others gain the missing ones.

    In the morning, on an empty stomach, you need to swallow as many raw rice as you are currently old. You can't drink or eat. Actually, drinking and eating are also prohibited for another 3 hours. For the rest of the day, the food remains the same, of course, without flour, sweets, salty and spices. Bad habits there shouldn't be any room.

    Raw grains remove toxins, heal the body, and improve metabolism.

    Option with kefir

    Rice with kefir can often be found in various diets for weight loss and cleansing the body, for example, after poisoning. And in general, both products have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

    You can eat other foods while cleansing. The ban applies only to sugar, coffee and salt.

    There are two types of kefir-rice diet - hard and soft:

    • With the first option, you are allowed to eat, in addition to rice and kefir, a vegetable salad for lunch. You only need to stick to the strict method for 5 days.
    • When it is soft, the diet is much wider. This includes fruit for breakfast and 100 g of lean meat, fish and even a piece rye bread for lunch. For dinner you can make rice porridge leaf salad. And before going to bed, you can choose to drink kefir or unsweetened yogurt. You can lose weight on this diet for up to 14 days.

    You need to get out of the diet gradually. Don’t immediately jump on sweets, starchy foods or fast food.

    Express diet for cleansing

    This method sets strict limits, although only for 3 days. During this time, you can only eat rice that you cook according to special recipe: 2-3 tbsp. l. spoons of grain must be washed, poured with boiling water and boiled until half cooked.


    • breakfast - from 7 to 9 am;
    • lunch - from 13 to 15 hours;
    • dinner - from 17 to 18 hours;
    • from 9 to 11 pm - complete fasting.

    Cleansing recipes

    Rice water

    A good way to lose weight is water, but not plain water, but rice water! If you replace one meal with this healing drink, you will definitely become slimmer.

    You can prepare it in two ways:

    1. Rinse a glass of rice, pour 1.7 liters into a saucepan. water. Simmer on low heat under a closed lid for 8 hours. Then strain and let cool.
    2. Fill a glass of well-washed grain with a liter of water. Cook over low heat until full readiness. Next, drain the water. After it cools down, drink.

    Rice water is also used in cosmetology. Facial skin and hair care will show good results.

    Rice kvass

    This method is considered gentle. To prepare a healing drink, you will need:

    • rice - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • boiled water (room temperature) - 1 l.

    How to cook and drink:

    1. Mix all ingredients in a jar, cover with gauze and place in a warm, dark place for 3 days.
    2. Then strain. Kvass is ready.
    3. Take half a glass 30 minutes before meals. The duration of the course depends on the body’s reaction.

    Kvass gently cleanses the intestines, food is digested quickly and efficiently.

    Rice jelly

    For prevention purposes, you can also cook rice jelly. This cleaning option is the most delicate. You need to drink the drink only 2 times a week.

    Cooking diagram:

    1. Half a glass of cereal must be rinsed and filled with a liter of cold water.
    2. Leave for 12 hours.
    3. Then cook until it becomes a thick jelly.

    You should drink jelly in the morning, on an empty stomach. You cannot eat for 5 hours after taking it. The course is only 1 week.

    Rice flour therapy

    Special rice flour chapsari cleans gastrointestinal tract, completely frees the body of toxins and strengthens teeth. In addition, thanks to its rich composition, which includes vitamins, protein, minerals and trace elements, people suffering from gluten intolerance and a tendency to allergies can afford it.

    The product should not be washed down with water. Chew thoroughly, the flour should mix with saliva and gradually dissolve.

    Course - 10 days.

    Brown rice cleanse

    A slim figure and ideal shape can be maintained by cleansing the body with brown rice. But not everyone can handle such a test. It is necessary to limit all foods except cereals and tea. You need to stay on this diet for 5 to 7 days.

    This diet is only useful for those who do not have stomach problems.

    Organ cleansing

    Joint cleansing

    When salts are deposited, the joints are the first to suffer. As they accumulate, urate crystals gradually destroy cartilage and bone tissue, causing pain.

    After cleaning the joints, inflammation goes away, mobility and flexibility improves. Due to the fact that rice absorbs salts, swelling is reduced.

    To improve your results, start exercising.


    In case of improper bowel function, stool disorders, dysbacteriosis and flatulence, after drug treatment and antibiotics, rice peeling will be a salvation. Toxins and impurities are removed, metabolism is normalized.

    An advantage of this intestinal cleansing will be the use of homemade yogurt.

    Vessel cleaning

    From about 20-30 years of age, cholesterol is gradually deposited in the vessels - spots appear first, and over time they turn into plaques. You need to think about your health as early as possible. You must always monitor your nutrition and physical development.

    Rice cleansing would also be a good addition. Grain removes fats and cholesterol from the body, cleansing blood vessels. Organs are saturated with oxygen, memory improves, and the aging process slows down.

    Healthy circulatory system, you need to take care of other organs from which potassium is washed out. Include potatoes, bananas, dried apricots and raisins, nuts and other foods rich in the element in your menu.

    Expert opinions

    When cleansing the body, do not forget about the stomach and intestines. When there are problems with them, I do not recommend starting. But if this fact does not stop you or you have already started, I can recommend drinking a glass of mineral water without gases and 1 tablet of activated carbon half an hour before meals.

    Alexander Ivanovich, gastroenterologist

    During cleaning, a lot of useful things are lost, and the immune system weakens. During this period, it is easier to catch some kind of disease. I advise you not to forget about vitamins. Consume them in in kind from vegetables and fruits.

    Vladimir Nikolaevich, immunologist

    I think it's impossible long time there is only one rice. The body needs a balanced diet. It’s better to start at a young age, when you still have the strength to handle sudden changes. It would be good if the cleaning was carried out during the holidays, when there is no additional load.

    Marina Vasilievna, infectious disease specialist

    Eastern medicine has been using rice for centuries to rejuvenate, lose weight and cleanse the body. Its grains absorb and remove metabolic waste, toxic substances and excess salts from the intestines. Cleansing the body with rice is based on the unique porous structure of this natural sorbent.

    How to soak rice for cleansing?

    To activate the absorbency, the rice is soaked, removing the starch from it. To carry out a cleaning course, take 4 jars or glasses. We label them from 1 to 4. In the morning, pour 2 tbsp into container No. 1. l. rice and fill with cold (preferably filtered) water. The next morning, wash this rice and refill it. Place two tablespoons of rice and clean water in the second jar. Third day - wash the rice from two containers and prepare the third. So we fill all 4 jars sequentially. On the fifth day, the rice from the first container is ready to eat. It is best to use raw rice to cleanse the body.

    Cleansing the body with rice at home

    A sedentary lifestyle and a diet high in dyes and preservatives lead to the accumulation of toxic substances. Cleansing the body with rice - simple and affordable way establish Good work intestines, kidneys and liver, slow down the aging process and normalize body weight. After the course, which is carried out for forty days once a year, joint mobility improves, blood vessels are cleansed, the skin is rejuvenated, swelling and the appearance of cellulite are reduced. The cleanse begins in the fourth week and the effects continue for three months after administration.

    Rice cleanse in the morning

    To carry out cleansing treatment, you need to eat only soaked rice instead of breakfast. You can drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. After eating rice, do not eat or drink for three hours. If you are intolerant to raw rice, you can pour boiling water over it or boil it for about 7 minutes. Rice cleansing is effective if you limit alcohol, meat, fish, sugar and salt during this period. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended clean water without gas (at least 2 liters per day). It is best to use brown brown rice; you will need about a kilogram of it. Cleansing the body with rice can also be done with regular white, oblong or round rice.

    Cleansing joints with rice

    Pain in the joints and spine occurs when salts are deposited on the articular surfaces. Cleaning joints with rice reduces pain when moving, improves mobility and flexibility, and helps get rid of morning stiffness due to the ability of rice to remove excess salts and reduce tissue swelling. For greater benefit, during the cleansing period you need to increase motor activity while doing gymnastics, walking or swimming.

    Colon cleansing with rice

    In case of intestinal dysfunction - unstable stool, alternating diarrhea and constipation, dysbacteriosis and flatulence, after taking antibiotics or any other long-term drug treatment Intestinal cleansing with rice is indicated. Toxins, waste, mucus, excess bile acids and cholesterol are removed from the intestines, microflora is normalized and. When carrying out the course, it is advisable to take a glass of homemade yogurt before bed.

    Cleaning vessels with rice

    With age, cholesterol levels in the blood increase, even with proper proper diet and lifestyle. Rice reduces the absorption of fats and cholesterol from the intestines and helps remove them from the body. Cleansing with rice at home helps in a natural way to cleanse blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques to better supply organs with oxygen and vitamins. After a course of cleaning and performance, the aging process slows down, heart attacks and strokes are prevented. You need to add raisins, dried apricots, baked potato to avoid potassium loss.

    To maintain health and youth for a long time, it is necessary that all body systems work properly. To achieve this, you need to regularly cleanse your organs of waste and toxins. Common and comparatively simple technique cleansing - eating rice. Cereals absorb salts, relieving joints of them, and maintain the proper level of activity of the liver and intestines.

    Indications for cleansing the body with rice

    Cereals and cereals from it remove harmful deposits from systems and tissues, blood vessels, and joints. In 2 months of regular eating rice, the body will be completely cleansed.

    Repeat cleaning no more than once every 2 years.

    Indications for its implementation:

    • constipation, diarrhea;
    • impaired intestinal motility, flatulence, bloating;
    • excess weight;
    • unbalanced diet;
    • swelling;
    • dysfunction and diseases of the liver and kidneys;
    • hypertension;
    • diabetes;
    • heart diseases;
    • excess cholesterol in blood vessels, the risk of developing atherosclerosis;
    • slow metabolism, poor health.

    Cleaning with rice accelerates blood circulation, the grain takes away harmful substances and liquid, which relieves swelling. The procedure is effective for weight loss. If the stomach is healthy, cleaning is carried out with raw cereals, if there are problems - boiled, after mandatory consultation with a specialist. Advantages and disadvantages of this procedure:

    Positive effect on the circulatory system

    There are side effects


    Weight loss is insignificant

    The body receives a lot of useful substances

    Brushing too often removes potassium and vitamins, making it harder for your heart to function properly.

    Treats joints, genitourinary system

    Without salt, dishes contain rice that has been soaked, tasteless, and increases the risk of going off the diet

    Removes salts from joints, is an adsorbent

    The cleansing course is too long (standardly lasts 2 months)

    Reduces cholesterol

    If you cook White rice, and then leave it at room temperature for 8–10 hours or more, you can get poisoned due to the development of bacteria and the release of poisons by them

    Improves the quality of skin and hair

    Natural product

    It's inexpensive

    Methods for cleansing the body with rice

    Rice diets, the use of water or grain-based kvass, a combination with pine cones, and the alternation method are gaining popularity. Cleansing the body with cereal occurs in several ways. For any method, it is important to choose correctly, prepare correctly main component. Basic principles:

    1. Suitable rice for preparing dishes is Ruby (red, hulled during production, not polished), brown (black or wild, with minimal processing), Indian (sea, it is not a grain, but a mushroom - a natural diuretic), steamed (used with caution) , basmati (not cooked). White cereals are not suitable for cleaning because healing properties lost during production, during cooking. The food is solid starch. There is little benefit from it.
    2. The duration of the cleaning course is determined by the purpose of the cleaning. Removing salts from joints requires 2 months of rice intake, which is repeated every 2 years. For standard cleansing, you should try express diets - from 1 day to 30 days.
    3. To clean, you need to cook the rice properly. It is first sifted through a sieve and soaked to wash out gluten and starch. Then the cereal is not completely digested in the stomach. The composition enters the intestines, acts like a sponge, and helps bind toxins. It is useless to cook rice until cooked - starch and gluten from the composition will not allow the adsorbing effects to manifest themselves. You can boil the cereal for no more than 5 minutes, only to remove the hardness so that it does not turn out to be porridge.
    4. During the cleansing period, be sure to avoid salt, fatty meat, sausages, butter, smoked meats, alcohol, fast food, snacks, spicy dishes, smoking. Vegetables, fruits, and spices are allowed.
    5. A month after the start of cleansing on croup, the urine may temporarily become cloudy. This is not dangerous, the symptom goes away on its own.
    6. Rice cleansing is never combined with other detoxification methods.
    7. If your health worsens, you should consult a doctor.

    Rice diets to cleanse the body

    This cereal is used different ways. A rice diet is common to cleanse the body of salts. It has subtypes - preventive, three-day and monthly. The features of each are different, but one thing remains unchanged - you need to eat raw soaked rice, dividing the volume into equal portions.

    Introducing potatoes, dried apricots, bananas, raisins, apple cider vinegar, tea, honey, whole grain cereals, nuts, and herbs into your diet will help avoid hypokalemia. An hour before rice, you can eat an apple - the fruit significantly enhances the cleansing effect.

    1. You need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
    2. Rice is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
    3. The meal following the cereal breakfast is allowed only 3 hours later.

    Rice cleanse in 3 days

    The most effective, but at the same time harsh, poorly tolerated type of cleansing is the 3-day diet. It is allowed to eat only cereals prepared in a special way - soaked overnight, boiled and washed to remove any remaining mucus. While eating, chew the rice thoroughly; do not drink immediately after eating.

    Since the diet is aimed at removing fluid, after 1-3 hours you can drink some water, green tea or unsweetened juice. Express weight loss involves 3-5 meals, the last portion is taken no later than 6-7 pm. You can't eat from 9 to 11 pm. This is important for energetic cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Cleansing in 40 days

    Due to normalization metabolic processes excess weight disappears unnoticed. Cleansing the body with rice is suitable for people of any weight category. With a diet lasting 40 days, according to reviews, you can lose 10–15 kg. To do this, eat raw rice. In the morning, before meals, on an empty stomach, swallow a quantity of raw, peeled rice grains equal to the age (in years). You cannot drink cereal with water; any drinking is prohibited for another 3 hours.

    The rest of the time is divided into equal intervals, during which the usual meals are taken. Dinner is scheduled for 7 pm. Pasta, potatoes, flour, fatty, spicy foods must be excluded from the menu for the entire period. The duration of the procedure is 10–40 days; the cycle can be repeated after a 1.5–2 month break.

    Tibetan method

    The unusual Tibetan cleansing with rice cleanses the intestines of toxins and stimulates digestion. The cereal needs to be soaked in advance, boiled until half cooked. They also eat rice preparation in the morning on an empty stomach. Preparation:

    • measure rice 1 tbsp. l. without a slide - for every year of life;
    • rinse with cold water until the liquid is no longer cloudy - most of the starchy substances will be washed out;
    • In the evening, put the rice in a jar, fill it with warm water;
    • In the morning, drain the water from the jar, take a tablespoon of rice;
    • Fill the rest with water and put it in the refrigerator;
    • 1 tbsp. l. Boil the product for 5 minutes without adding salt and sugar, eat the entire amount during breakfast;
    • The morning meal continues day after day until all the measured rice is consumed.

    Rice water to cleanse the body

    Official medicine recommends drinking rice water in case of poisoning. This is due to the fact that the composition is characterized by a detoxifying effect - it cleanses the blood, intestines, and joints. To prepare, add 200 g of cereal to a liter of water and cook over low heat for 6 hours. Cleansing scheme:

    • 100 ml 15 minutes before breakfast;
    • 100 ml three times a day between meals;
    • 200 ml for lunch and afternoon snack, instead of dinner;
    • Drink 500 ml of water in small portions throughout the day;
    • the course lasts 21 days.

    Instead of water, you can make rice kvass. To do this, pour a liter of cold water into 50 g of rice, 30 g of sugar and 10 raisins. The neck of the jar is covered with several layers of gauze, the vessel is exposed to the sun, after 3 days it is filtered and poured. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator, taking 100 ml three times a day after meals for a course of 10 days.

    Cleansing the body with rice by age

    For this method you will need specially prepared rice. It is taken according to the number of years: what age is, the same number of tablespoons of cereal will be needed. It is washed, placed in a glass container, and filled with boiled cold water. The mixture is placed in the refrigerator or cool place overnight. In the morning, prepare the grains - 1 tbsp. l. the preparations are cooked for 5 minutes. They have breakfast at exactly 7:00 am.

    Cleaning with rice at home involves washing the entire volume of remaining raw rice with running water and refilling it with it. The course lasts until all the grain measured by age is finished. For prevention, you can try another method:

    • soak 50 g of rice in warm water, change the water for 5 days, eat the cereal on the 6th, dividing it into small portions, for the whole day, no seasonings are added;
    • To cleanse the intestines you will need to wait 6 days, blood – 14, kidneys and liver – 21, body – 30, joints – 60 days.

    Cleaning with pine cones

    Before cleansing in the evening, do an enema (2 liters of warm water). After this, you should fast for a day and drink only melted water or spring water (not distilled). In the evening, a medium-sized spruce, pine, cedar or fir cone is placed in a glass of warm water. In the morning, it is boiled for 5 minutes, thrown away, and the glass is topped up to 200 ml with water. Take 100 ml, leaving the other half for the evening.

    They eat rice for breakfast. For this, 2 tbsp. l. The cereals are washed, poured with 500 ml of water, boiled and removed from the heat. The water is replaced, the rice is washed, boiled again for a minute, and removed from the heat. Repeat 4 times, finish cooking the cereal, drain the water. They eat without salt. You can’t eat or drink anything before lunch; for lunch you eat low-salt food; it’s better to make dinner vegetarian.

    The course of treatment lasts a month. During this time, 3-4 kg of salts will be consumed. To prevent potassium from being excreted along with them, from the tenth day you should take a teaspoon of honey 3-4 times a day. Millet, dried apricots, potatoes, lemons, and apples are included in the diet.

    The cleansing method is suitable for osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, and is contraindicated for kidney diseases.

    Alternating cleansing

    To completely cleanse the body and joints, the alternation method is used. They eat soaked and lightly boiled rice. Scheme:

    • 3 tbsp. l. Rinse the rice, pour it into the first half-liter jar, fill it to the brim with water, put it in a cool place;
    • on the second day, replace the water with fresh water and repeat the manipulations;
    • on the third day, change the water in the first and second jars, soak the cereal in the third jar;
    • repeat days 4 and 5;
    • on the sixth day, eat rice from the first jar without salt on an empty stomach, add a new portion, change the water in the remaining containers;
    • take 40 days.

    Side effects

    Rice peeling sometimes leads to negative reactions:

    • pain in joints, large muscles, legs;
    • discomfort, aches and aching pain in the lower back, along the spine;
    • intestinal obstruction, severe constipation;
    • dizziness, weakness, malaise;
    • tachycardia, pressure surges.


    This kind of cleansing is not for everyone. Main contraindications include:

    • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • infections;
    • taking medications;
    • lactation, pregnancy;
    • admission for more than 2 months;
    • hemorrhoids, constipation;
    • recovery period after surgery;
    • childhood;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
    • urolithiasis;
    • oncological diseases;
    • diabetes.


    With age, toxins and waste accumulate in a person, which have a negative effect on health. From time to time you need to cleanse your precious body so that it “breathes” in a new way. How to get rid of harmful substances and cleanse the body in a fraction of the time a short time without drug therapy? Cleansing your body with rice at home will help you; this procedure will replace a bunch of unnecessary medications.

    Benefits of a rice cleanse

    What can you achieve if you cleanse your body with this product? Rice has been used for healing and cleansing by Tibetan healers and monks since ancient times. This cereal is deservedly popular today and is successfully used in traditional medicine recipes.

    Rice has 2 properties that allow it to be used to cleanse the body: its crystalline structure and the presence of starch. When soaked, it is washed out, and the rice tends to fill the resulting voids by absorbing other substances. Accordingly, if at this moment you “place” the cereal in the stomach, it will begin to draw out harmful salts, and then pass through the intestines, like a brush, cleaning out toxins. Cereal acts as an adsorbent and helps cleanse and rejuvenate the body.

    It has a rich biological composition:

    • vitamins;
    • Sahara;
    • starch;
    • amino acids;
    • minerals.

    When used correctly, the product brings significant benefits to the human body:

    • improves skin condition, prevents the appearance of rashes and peeling;
    • and hair;
    • normalizes metabolism;
    • cleanses and rejuvenates the body;
    • promotes weight normalization;
    • improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach.

    And these are not all the achievements of healthy cereals or products made from it.

    Cleansing rules

    Before you start cleaning, you need to know some rules, without which you can harm the body:

    1. Do not clean rice more than once a year.
    2. Along with cereals, consume foods containing potassium.
    3. If used, continue the diet for no more than 45 days. Can be replaced with round or long rice.
    4. Use only cereals that are thoroughly washed in water. Water rids rice of starch and gluten. This is necessary so that, once in the stomach, the rice begins to absorb harmful substances and not be digested.
    5. When eating rice, exclude foods rich in fats and carbohydrates: sausages, flour and sweet dishes, spicy, smoked and salty foods. Also alcoholic drinks, coffee, chocolate.
    6. Avoid salt completely. Read how to do this.
    7. Quit smoking or minimize the number of cigarettes per day.
    8. Drink plenty of fluids.

    Rice safely absorbs not only toxins, but also nutrients. He is especially diligent in breeding, without which the heart suffers. To prevent the benefits from turning into harm, you need to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and be sure to include dried fruits in your diet. You can take a course of vitamins containing potassium.

    These recommendations will help you achieve the best results when cleansing your body with rice. The reaction to the cereal will begin two weeks after consumption. You can notice by the color of the urine, which will become cloudy.

    After two weeks, an irresistible feeling of hunger will appear, which may prompt you to abandon the cleansing procedure. This is the norm, the main thing is to endure, then a feeling of lightness appears throughout the body, sleep normalizes, positive emotions.

    There are various recipes for cleansing the body with rice, some of them are presented below.

    Basic cleaning methods

    Tibetan method of cleansing the body with rice

    Step by step procedure:

    1. Take round rice, which is sold in any store.
    2. The amount directly depends on your age. No matter how old you are, so many tablespoons should be washed and poured into a ceramic or glass container.
    3. The water is boiled and cooled, then poured into rice.
    4. The jar with the product is closed and stored in a cool, dark place. A refrigerator will do.
    5. In the morning, drain the resulting liquid.
    6. Take 1 tablespoon of cereal and cook without salt. Cooking time is about 5 minutes.
    7. Consume on an empty stomach between 7.00 and 7.30.
    8. Cooled boiling water is again added to the jar and placed in the refrigerator.

    Some call this method - cleansing the body with rice according to age. The end of the procedure is considered the moment when all the rice runs out.

    Tibetan cleansing of the body with rice is carried out early in the morning. After eating a spoonful of rice, you should not eat or drink water for three hours.

    You can eat during the day, but in small portions and often. After six o'clock in the evening, it is advisable to stick to tea without sweets. Instead, they eat prunes and other dried fruits.

    The most effective cleaning

    The system of cleansing the body with rice according to Katsuzo Nishi is considered the most popular. Any product can be used here, even crushed. Follow these steps:

    1. Take 2 tablespoons of any rice and soak in cold water for the night.
    2. In the morning, the water is drained and new water is poured, a little more than a portion of rice.
    3. Bring to a boil on the stove.
    4. Boil for half a minute.
    5. The water is drained and the rice is washed with clean liquid.
    6. Pour a new portion and boil again.
    7. The procedure is repeated three or four times.

    The result is rice without starch and gluten. This amount of cooked cereal is enough for breakfast. No other food products are added to it.

    You can drink drinks: tea, water, coffee and eat nutritious food only after four hours. If the feeling of hunger is unbearable, you can reduce this time to three hours.

    The salt-free rice diet must be followed for 1.5 months, or more precisely 45 days. The effect of rice continues for another four months after the end of the diet.

    In addition to cleansing the body, you will feel relief in your joints, your back will stop hurting, and your weight will be significantly reduced.

    Five glasses of cleansing rice

    The main condition of the system is the consumption of soaked rice. For the product to acquire absorbent properties, keep the cereal in water for several days. The preparation will go like this:

    • Take 5 glasses (it is better to use identical vessels) and number them by gluing stickers with numbers from 1 to 5.
    • Thoroughly rinse a tablespoon of rice (preferably brown, unpeeled rice, but regular white cereal will do, although it produces less effect).
    • Place in glass number 1 and fill with clean water.
    • The next day, rinse the soaked rice and fill it with water again, put a new portion of cereal in glass No. 2.
    • Repeat the procedure for 5 days with the remaining glasses, not forgetting to rinse the finished portions.

    After they expire, there will be 5 glasses of soaked rice on the shelf.

    The process has begun...

    The first day of a peculiar diet:

    • In the morning, as soon as you get out of bed, drink a glass of warm water;
    • After half an hour, drain the water from the first glass of rice (the one in which the grains have been soaked for 5 days), rinse and eat raw, slowly, chewing the grains thoroughly (this is not particularly tasty, the mass tastes somewhat like chalk, but you can console yourself with the thought that it is extremely useful);
    • Rinse the empty glass, add a fresh portion of cereal, and add water.

    You can eat and drink after such a breakfast only 4 hours later. All this time, rice will diligently “cleanse” the body, and you should not interfere with it with other food. If eating raw grains is completely disgusting, you can boil them a little so that a viscous paste forms (do not add salt), then have breakfast with it.

    The next day, eat rice from glass No. 2, then the procedure is repeated. This diet plan should be followed for 2 weeks; if you feel well, you can extend it to 40 days. You are allowed to use the system no more than once every 2 years.

    At first glance, it seems difficult, but the rice in each glass must be washed five times and left for five days.

    A simple recipe for making a cleaning product

    Rice to cleanse the body of salts can be prepared according to the following recipe:

    1. Take 3 kilograms of rice and fill it with tap water.
    2. The next morning, the water is drained and new water is added. Continue the procedure for 7 days until the water is completely transparent.
    3. Then spread the rice in one layer on clean paper and dry it.
    4. Pour into a paper box or bag. A portion of rice is boiled daily and eaten on an empty stomach to cleanse the body.

    The salt-free rice diet according to this recipe lasts 60 days. The result will be visible in a month through darkened urine. In addition to rice, you should not eat or drink other foods or drinks in the morning.

    Contraindications for rice peeling

    Before starting a diet, you should definitely consult your doctor. While eating, carefully monitor your condition, and in case of severe discomfort, stop cleansing the body. You will have to avoid cleaning if you have: