The opening of modern farms is an alternative to existing large-scale collective farms in terms of supplying agricultural products to cities.

This article will discuss the nuances of running such a business.

Pros and cons of business

This activity as a branch of business occupies one of the leading positions among types entrepreneurial activity and has certain prospects in the future. This is explained by specific advantages - they are associated with the widespread passion for healthy eating and eating only natural products, which creates an increased demand for them among all consumer groups: from mothers with infants to pensioners.

Inexperienced entrepreneurs may feel that opening a new farm– the matter is not only promising, but also more than simple. However, in practice, such an event is associated not only with the requirement of having experience in running a business in a similar field, but also with significant difficulties that may arise in the development of the economy.

In addition, this type of business is associated with some risks that may arise during its development. These include:

  • seasonality of activity;
  • lack or instability of demand for products;
  • high competition;
  • reduction in income of potential consumers;
  • increase in prices for supplies of raw materials and supplies;
  • increase in the cost of renting large agricultural equipment.

Therefore, to reduce the likelihood of these risks occurring, as well as to successfully develop a business, it is necessary to draw up a business plan. It will gradually plan activities for opening a farm, list ways to reduce risks, and also calculate and analyze the main economic indicators of the project - revenue, start-up capital and payback periods.

What is needed to open a farm?

The first thing to do when writing a business plan is it is necessary to decide on the direction of business development. Modern farms can operate in various directions, among which the following sectors are the most popular:

  • Breeding domestic animals and birds. The products of production in this case can be not only meat and offal, but also wool, skins, feathers, eggs, milk, etc.
  • Growing agricultural crops (cereals, industrial crops, melons and others).
  • Growing vegetables and fruits.
  • Other activities, including beekeeping, fishing, mushroom cultivation, growing herbs and so on.

Most farms are created on the basis of existing households located in rural areas. This circumstance makes it possible to significantly reduce the size of the start-up investment for equipping the farm, since initially such formations were built taking into account the chosen direction of development.

In addition, many households have at their disposal (owned or leased) land developed for agricultural needs. By newly created farms, such lands can be used for growing crops or for developing pastures for grazing livestock.

When creating a farm, it must be registered, for which an organizational and legal form must be chosen.

Most often she is chosen peasant farm (peasant farm). Its features are the absence of the need for education legal entity, as well as the possibility of including all family members in the farm. In this case, it is necessary to elect the head of the farm, which can be any person from the family who has reached the age of majority.

Next, it is necessary to resolve taxation issues, for which the peasant farm must be registered with tax authorities. You should know that farms pay single agricultural tax.

An individual entrepreneur - the head of a peasant farm must be registered in Pension Fund, and also receive a letter from Rosstat about the assignment of statistics codes. In addition, the farm must have its own current account opened in the selected bank.

To open a farm, you need start-up capital. In this case, part of the funds can be borrowed from the bank. To do this, you need to provide a well-written business plan with transparent tracking of financial flows. It is advisable to contact banks or private financial institutions focused on issuing loans specifically to agricultural organizations, since other banks simply may not understand the peculiarities of organizing activities set out in the business plan.

Some farms may qualify for financial business support from the state, but only farms whose activities are included in the agro-industrial complex development program can benefit from such assistance.

Chicken breeding

Chicken meat is one of the most popular all over the world, not only due to its high taste characteristics, but also its lower cost compared to pork, beef and other types of meat. And we don’t even need to mention the popularity of chicken eggs, since they are included in almost all modern dishes. That is why raising chickens is a business that can bring stable, tangible income.

The most successful location for such a business is the territory of a country house, preferably owned by an entrepreneur. When opening a chicken farm, you must rely on the following key points organization of this business:

  1. Choosing a bird breed. According to modern classification, chicken breeds are divided into egg breeds (bred specifically for laying eggs), meat breeds (bred for the purpose of producing meat) and meat-egg breeds (bred for complex production of products).
    When choosing a specific breed, an entrepreneur should focus on the availability own experience and set goals. When choosing a specific breed, it is necessary to find out all the features of keeping birds, including such indicators as the air temperature in the chicken coop and the level of light.
  2. Number of chickens kept on the farm. This indicator affects other conditions for organizing a business - the volume of feed purchases, the number of farm workers, the size of the chicken coop, the walking area, etc.
  3. Chicken coop equipment. It is naive to believe that a chicken farm involves the construction of only a chicken coop. Additionally, it must be equipped with various equipment and installations - feed trays, drinking bowls, air humidity meters, temperature meters, etc.
  4. Careful monitoring of the birds' condition. Careful monitoring of chickens after purchase is required to prevent the risk of chickens falling. appearance, plumage condition, shedding level and beak pallor.
  5. Bird walking. The place and time for walking chickens should be carefully thought out, and walking should mainly be carried out during the warm period of the year and daylight hours. Since chickens look for food for themselves while walking, it must be provided in the form of worms, feed and corn.

The estimated payback period for such a business is about 8 months, which characterizes the direction as highly profitable.

Pig farming

Pig breeding is one of the most profitable species commercial activities in the field of livestock farming. In doing business in this direction Special attention should be devoted to the marketing of breeding young animals. In order for the initial investment to pay off, it is necessary to sell 2-3 generations of animals. The choice of feeding method for pigs (dry or liquid) depends on the preferences of the breeder himself.

The conditions of the premises in which animals will be kept also affect their healthy development. Building a building from scratch is quite expensive and unprofitable for starting a new business. Therefore, it is recommended to find an empty farm and then rent or buy it. After this, repairs must be made to the room, all the required networks must be connected - ventilation, electricity and water supply.

It should be remembered that the better the premises are equipped, and the entire process of raising animals is automated, the less it will be necessary to hire workers to monitor the maintenance of pigs. However, you simply cannot do without such vacancies as livestock technician, veterinarian, manager-administrator and accountant.

In this direction profitability is estimated at 25%, accordingly, starting investments can pay off in about 4-5 years.

Sheep breeding

Developing a business related to sheep farming has certain advantages. They consist not only of a stable income, but also of constant demand for farm products. At the same time, the products include not only meat, but also wool, as well as sheep’s cheese.

This direction has the advantage that a business can be started literally with the acquisition of a few heads, and in the future, as the farm develops and establishes operations, the number of animals can be increased.

It will be quite problematic to engage in sheep farming within the city limits, which is why the vast majority of such farms are located in rural areas. Another advantage is that any room, even unheated one, is suitable for keeping animals. It is necessary to purchase space for sheep walking taking into account the further increase in the number of sheep.

Despite the fact that the profitability of the sheep farming business is is only 10-15%, with a competent approach to business and drawing up a clearly structured business plan, the farm can pay for itself in 1-1.5 years.

Growing crops

Among the variety of activities, grain crops are rapidly gaining popularity. Moreover, not only traditional varieties (rye and wheat), but also modern crops bred through selective selection are actively grown.

According to the latest statistical data, the volume of harvested grain increases annually, which characterizes this area of ​​​​agricultural business as quite promising. An important advantage is the significant support from the state, which in many ways allows us to solve the problem of finding start-up capital.

However, it can be difficult for a newly created farm to grow agricultural crops in a developed competitive environment. That is why it is necessary to draw up a competent business plan that takes into account all the features of this activity.

When planning a business, you first need to decide on the specific grain crop that you intend to grow. Further planning of the entire technological process will be based on this choice, including such aspects as:

  • features of soil cultivation;
  • methods of sowing seeds;
  • timing and technology of harvesting;
  • types of fertilizers used;
  • methods of protecting plants from harmful insects and diseases, etc.

Subject to a well-written business plan, rational use funds received from the state and full adherence to the planned plan in commercial activities, the business of growing grain crops is able to pay off in less than 18 months.

Growing vegetables/fruits

Opening an agricultural farm to grow vegetables or fruits is also a promising area of ​​business development due to the widespread passion for eating only natural products. And, since potential consumers do not fully trust the quality of agricultural products grown by state collective farms, the opening of private farms may well become promising business bringing stable income. Moreover, according to experts, prices for these products will only rise in the future, and demand will not only not decrease, but may even increase.

Like any other area of ​​business development, this activity requires drawing up a competent business plan that takes into account all the features and capabilities of the entrepreneur himself. The first step in the business plan should be to determine what kind of crop is supposed to be grown, taking into account the regional characteristics of the territory where the farm will be opened. That is, you need to decide which crops are suitable for growing in the climate of a particular region and which are not.

also in mandatory one of two methods of growing vegetables/fruits must be chosen, namely growing in greenhouses or open ground . Methods must be selected to protect the crop from the unwanted effects of insects and crop diseases.

It should be remembered that automation of the growing process has a positive effect on farm productivity, thereby increasing the profitability of the business.

When opening a farm to grow vegetables or fruits, you should remember to obtain quality certificates for your products, which has a positive effect on your success in finding distribution channels and forming regular customers for your products. With skillful business management, investments in opening a farm can pay off in less than a year.

Product markets

Establishing stable distribution channels for grown products is essential for successful farming. To search for channels, a preliminary analysis of the situation on the local market of agricultural products must be carried out. During this analysis, the development of business in a given region is assessed, the level of competition is determined and the level of demand for products is calculated.

At the same time, it is important to determine the directions for searching for sales channels, they can be:

  • Organizations working in the catering sector - cafes, restaurants, canteens at factories and industrial enterprises, catering places at educational, office and other organizations.
  • Organizations directly involved in the food industry - meat and bakery plants, enterprises producing pasta and cereals, organizations producing confectionery products, etc.
  • Wholesale and retail trade enterprises.

It should be remembered that one of the most important conditions for a successful search for distribution channels is the competitiveness of farm products, as well as an appropriate level of quality at reasonable prices.

If farm products meet the requirements, then they can be sold through independent sale in food markets (both retail and wholesale).

Costs and payback periods

The amount of costs associated with organizing a peasant farm largely depends on the initial conditions of the business. For example, if a peasant farm is created on the basis of an already existing household, then the size of the starting investment will be significantly smaller, since land and outbuildings will already be available.

A different situation arises if the farm is created from scratch. At the same time, the amount of starting capital may also differ depending on the chosen direction of business development, the cost of renting a plot, the price of purchasing animals or plants, and other things.

If we take average figures, then in total it will take approximately 5-6 million rubles to open a peasant farm.

The profitability of the business also depends on what direction the farm’s activities have been chosen. For example, if the farm is planned to be developed in the field of pig breeding, then the initial investment will pay off in approximately 4-5 years. If the peasant farm works in the direction of breeding chickens, then the business will begin to make a profit after 8 months due to the high demand for the products.

Thus, when planning to open a farm, first of all, it is necessary to determine the direction for its development, find out the features of farming in this area and draw up a structured business plan that determines the entire further organization of the business, taking into account the maximum reduction in the likelihood of risks.

Video about organizing farms

The video discusses the question of where to start a business in this direction:

Evgeniy Malyar

# Business plans

Financial planning is the main economic component of a business plan. It reasonably calculates the time to reach break-even, profitability, net profit and other performance indicators.

Article navigation

  • Grants for Agriculture
  • Conditions conducive to receiving a grant
  • Grant targeting options
  • Development of a peasant farm business plan and its contents
  • Examples of peasant farm business plans for receiving a grant
  • How to protect a business plan

Russian agriculture is showing success. Their most important reason is the powerful governmental support this sector of the economy. It is implemented through two main instruments - subsidies and grants. Both types of assistance are provided at the expense of budget funds. A colossal amount of 240 billion rubles was allocated for the development of the agricultural sector in 2018.

The article will talk about the main condition for a peasant farm to receive a grant - a properly drawn up business plan.

Grants for Agriculture

A grant is free targeted assistance to an agricultural production enterprise. What does this mean?

Firstly, the amount received does not need to be given to the state. The exception is cases when the head of a peasant farm was unable to utilize the funds or tried to use them in an inappropriate manner.

Secondly, the money received is used in accordance with the presented business plan. The consequences of identifying violations of this condition are extremely unpleasant (see previous paragraph).

Such conditions may seem overly stringent, but it should be borne in mind that funds are actually issued by the state for a business plan. For a beginning farmer, this help often means the opportunity to open their own business or bring their peasant farm to a high-quality level. new level. It is, of course, advisable to have some own capital - it increases the chances of approval of the application.

Conditions conducive to receiving a grant

It is necessary to dwell separately on the criteria by which the commission selects entrepreneurs most worthy of government support.

  • Higher specialized agricultural education (desirable).
  • Labor experience practical activities or entrepreneurship (if not in your specialty, then at least ten years).
  • Having your own subsidiary plot for 10 years or more.
  • Membership in an agricultural cooperative.
  • Recommendations from authorities.

It is not necessary to have all the listed characteristics, but the more of them, the better.

Grant targeting options

Before drawing up a business plan to receive a grant for a peasant farm, you need to understand what it can be spent on. The following options for the targeted use of state aid are allowed:

  • Repayment of loans taken for the creation, development or modernization of peasant farming.
  • Payment for financial lease (leasing) of agricultural machinery and equipment.
  • Construction, purchase or reconstruction of commercial agricultural real estate.
  • Acquisition of land resources suitable for agricultural use.
  • Development project documentation for the construction or reconstruction of commercial agricultural real estate.
  • Construction of communications, barriers and other auxiliary economic facilities.
  • Road construction of access roads to and within the peasant farm.
  • Connection to utility networks (power lines, water supply, heating mains, gas pipelines, etc.).
  • Purchase of livestock.
  • Purchase of transport and special vehicles, equipment and other production and processing equipment.
  • Purchase of planting materials, seed stock, pesticides, fertilizers.

After spending the funds, the farmer reports on expenses, confirming them with documents.

Development of a peasant farm business plan and its contents

A business plan is also drawn up according to a specific plan. Its text includes the points described below.

Title. The first sheet indicates the name of the KFK, its details, location, contact numbers, and email address.

Confidentiality Memorandum. This is legal insurance against disclosure of details of the business plan by those who, due to their official duties, have become familiar with it. Most often, this measure is mentioned formally, but there are exceptions when the information actually constitutes a trade secret.

Summary. This paragraph succinctly outlines the essence of the business idea and the goals of the project. In relation to agricultural production, this may be a description new technology agriculture or livestock breeding, the implementation of which requires investment. If some indicator grows, it should be clear by how many times and why. In addition to validity, this part has a specific requirement - the reader needs to be interested. Boring text is the enemy of a business plan. Volume – no more than half a page. The use of tables is allowed.

Industry analysis. An analysis of the current state of the market in the chosen area of ​​business activity (for example, dairy products, pig farming, ostrich farming, etc.) should confirm the reasonableness of the project and its economic feasibility.

Competitive environment. Surely other peasant farms in the region offer similar products. The commission must understand the factors by which benefits are planned to be achieved.

Production planning. The section represents detailed description activities for the development of the economy: means of labor that are planned to be purchased, raw material base, technology, etc.

Description of the product being manufactured, listing its advantages and benefits (organoleptic qualities, environmental friendliness, affordability, etc.).

Marketing plan. Here you should position the product, list the methods of its sales and commercial promotion, and provide selling and retail prices. In other words, you need to indicate everything that will ensure trouble-free sales and market demand for the product.

Organizational planning. This is one of the most important points, since it justifies the creation of new jobs. The number of staff members and their salaries are indicated. The social significance of the project significantly affects the likelihood of approval of the business plan and grant application.

Financial planning. The main economic component of the plan. It reasonably calculates the time to reach break-even (zero point), profitability, net profit and other performance indicators. Financial planning is best done according to two scenarios - optimistic and pessimistic, taking into account various factors that could impede the implementation of the project. In addition, the calendar plan for disbursing funds is important. It is highly advisable to indicate what share of the total investment the owner of the peasant farm intends to cover at his own expense.

Risk assessment and guarantees. Probably not a single plan in the history of mankind has been implemented without deviations. It's not about the threats to business, but about the measures provided to mitigate them. In relation to peasant farms, risks are represented by the risk of yield, the probability of death, etc.

Attached materials. These include all available and reasonable information that clearly confirms the prospects of the business (independent expert opinions, information about progressive domestic and foreign experience, other available documents).

Examples of peasant farm business plans for receiving a grant

Writing a business plan is a job that requires qualifications. For this reason, a service offering for writing this document has emerged on the market. Its cost is from five to twenty thousand rubles. You can save this money by studying examples of similar documents and adapting them to your conditions.

A typical business plan for a peasant farm for raising rabbits can be downloaded from this link.

You should know that the planning horizon refers to the immediate foreseeable future, that is, the period during which the allocated grant funds will be disbursed.

The “Project Description” section describes in detail the main cost items with a schedule of planned costs.

You can also see business plan for raising Romanov sheep.

As you can see, it is compiled according to the previously described scheme, but with the addition of a lengthy historical excursion and a description of world experience. It would also be useful to list the advantages of the selected breed. This is an exemplary business plan for a peasant farm in the meat sector.

How to protect a business plan

If the grant applicant is confident in his business and understands it well, defending a business plan for a peasant farm at the competition does not amount to big problem. The more points you score, the higher the chances of winning. They are assigned depending on the priorities established in the region economic development, but, as a rule, there are common factors that provide advantages to one or another applicant for state support.

An example of a preliminary assessment of business plan indicators is presented in the following table:

Criterion Meaning Score in points

The growing popularity of healthy eating entails an increase in demand for natural farm products. The increase in the number of farm stores once again proves this trend, which means that the demand for the products of their suppliers (farms) will only grow.

According to statistics, the share of small farms from 2006 to 2016 increased from 47.35 to 67 percent. This confirms the trend of development of small enterprises in agriculture.

In addition, market analysis shows that the sanctions imposed against Russia became an impetus for the development of this segment of the economy. This, in turn, has affected the market situation, as over the past two years there has been a steady increase in competition.

Farming - pretty cost-effective type business with proper organization. There are a number of reasons for this: firstly, the tax burden in this industry is lower than in many others. Secondly, if you wish, you can receive subsidies for starting a business, since the state is interested in the development of farms. Thirdly, our country has the necessary natural conditions to start your own business in this industry.

The initial investment amount is 6,552,500 rubles.

Break-even point is reached on sixth month of work.

Payback period: 24 months.

Average net profit: 280 831 rubles

2. Description of the business, product or service

Before starting a project, you need to decide on the direction of your activity. The following options are possible:

  • raising young cattle for meat sale;
  • production and sale of milk;
  • production and sale of straw and hay;
  • growing fruits, vegetables or mushrooms;
  • growing grain crops;
  • fishing;
  • beekeeping.

This business plan will consider a business that operates in the following areas:

  • raising cattle and selling meat;
  • production and sale of milk.

Farm hours are daily; workers can live on the farm (with the exception of freelancers).

3. Description of the sales market

Farm products are sold to the following groups of buyers:

  • large processing companies in the region;
  • wholesale companies;
  • farm shops;
  • population.

The target audience of the farm is wholesale stores and farm stores, since when small sizes It will be quite problematic for a business to produce products in gigantic volumes. At the same time, within the framework of this project there will be no sale of goods to the public, because for this you need to have your own retail outlets, which are not included in our project.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

Let's look at the main stages of starting a farm.

Registration in government agencies

Peasant farming is a form of individual entrepreneurship; the state duty for its registration in 2018 will cost 800 rubles. To sell your products in markets and other retail outlets, you will need to provide documents such as:

  • a certificate from a veterinarian (since animals will be bred on the farm);
  • conclusion of the SES;
  • certificates for product compliance with quality standards.

Also in order to sell products in outlets, you will need:

  • Permits from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Permission from fire inspectors.

It is most profitable to use the Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT) as a taxation system. It is 6% of the difference between income and expenses of a farm.

When registering a company in our example, you must indicate the following types OKVED:

OKVED 01.41.1- Breeding dairy products cattle;

OKVED 01.41.21 - Production of raw cow's milk

Searching for land and preparing it for exploitation

Business starts with search land plot. To implement the project, the company will need:

  • administrative buildings;
  • utility buildings.

A farm of our type needs at least 1500 sq. m of land, land prices vary greatly depending on the distance of the land from the city, in our case, 1 sq.m will cost 30 rubles. On this territory it is necessary to place a hangar for keeping cattle, a warehouse for storing feed, a summer pen for animals, as well as an administrative building for employees, which will also house a warehouse for storing feed. Finding a ready-made farm with ready-made structures will be problematic, so prepare for the fact that all the necessary buildings and communications will need to be carried out yourself.

It is advisable that the site be located as close as possible to meadows and pastures (this is the natural food supply for cattle), otherwise the work on stockpiling feed will be very expensive. In addition, there is a need to locate the site near transport routes, because products will have to be transported, and being too far from the road can negatively affect the cost of transportation.

Next, it is necessary to bring communications to the structures (hangar). Electricity, water and gas connections will be required. These procedures can take a long time, so you need to take care of them in advance. This stage can last up to 6 months, the cost of implementation will cost the businessman 100 - 200 thousand rubles.

Purchase necessary equipment and equipment

To work you will need the following list of equipment:



Price for 1 piece.

total amount

Farm equipment

Milking machine


Conveyor for removing manure and debris

Feed mixer

Stationary feeder

Containers and pallets

cooling chamber

Slaughter equipment


2 755 000

Communication equipment

Lighting system

Heating system

Ventilation system


Staff equipment




Total amount:

3 297 500

A large amount of work on farms is done with the help of machines, this will save your time and money, so you should take care of purchasing milking machines, a loader and a conveyor.

Purchasing animals

The costs of this item may vary significantly depending on the type of animals you will purchase. A dairy cow (2-3 calvings) will cost at least 60 thousand rubles, a heifer from 3 months will cost 10-15 thousand rubles, but she still needs to be raised and received finished products can be postponed for about a year. As part of this project, 30 heads of dairy cows, 20 bulls and 20 heads of young animals will be purchased. Thus, the cost of purchasing animals is at the level of 3,200,000 rubles.

Personnel search

If there are not enough peasant farm members, you will have to hire employees. You will need:

  • Vet.
  • Slaughterer;
  • Support workers;
  • Accountant.

Concluding contracts with buyers

Sales of finished products are an important stage of farming, on which all profits depend. The most favorable development of the event will be the conclusion of an agreement for the supply of products for a chain of stores. Depending on the chosen niche and form of production (individual entrepreneur or LLC), it is possible to use various wholesale and retail sales channels.

Project launch schedule

Stage/duration of execution, weeks. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Registration of peasant farms

Search for land

Preparing the site for operation

Purchase of inventory and equipment

Purchasing animals

Search and hiring of employees

Concluding agreements with suppliers

6. Organizational structure

On a farm you will need the following employees:

  • Vet. His responsibilities include carrying out measures to prevent diseases and deaths of animals, observing animal hygiene rules, examining animals, carrying out therapeutic treatment, purchasing medicines, carrying out veterinary and sanitary examination. The veterinarian comes to the farm 3-4 times a week, is on the staff and receives a salary of 30,000 rubles;
  • The slaughterer performs all operations during slaughter and processing of meat products. Basic requirements for this specialist: at least 5 years of work experience, knowledge of meat cutting technology, ability to work with a lift and other tools. The slaughterer receives 25,000 rubles, the employee appears on the farm when necessary;
  • An auxiliary worker is an irreplaceable personnel that is always required on farms. Such people must monitor the cleanliness of the farm territory and in the sheds, control the availability of food for animals, walk livestock, take animals for mating, and prepare equipment for obtaining dairy products. You will need at least 3 workers, the salary of each is 22,000 rubles.
  • An accountant can be hired on a freelance basis, the salary of this employee is 8,000 rubles. An accountant compiles data on the company’s indicators, prepares reports for government agencies, calculates the tax base, and advises the director on optimization of certain indicators.
  • Director - this employee is responsible for the distribution of responsibilities, participation in exhibitions, concluding contracts, searching for clients, obtaining all kinds of permits, purchasing equipment, and distributing cash flows. Wage director consists of a salary (25,000 rubles) and a bonus in the amount of 5% of revenue.

Modern agriculture can generate substantial income; this line of business is highly efficient. Large collective farms are extremely slow and cannot quickly reorient themselves to new tasks, so farming is a promising type of entrepreneurship.

A business plan for a farm located in a village or just some distance from the city will allow us to consider the situation more specifically. A place with good nature and clean air should be chosen. The work will be carried out in several directions at once:

  • breeding young animals for meat production;
  • receipt and subsequent sale of milk;
  • other services.

Pros and cons of business

The growing popularity of healthy eating increases consumer demand for natural products, which shows the effectiveness of doing business in this direction. Depending on the specific region, competition can be assessed as low or medium. The advantage of agricultural business is that, no matter the state of the competitive environment, a certain demand for the goods of an individual company will remain. Will help you achieve good results ready business farm plan with calculations.

Before opening a business, you should sensibly assess the existing risks; activities in agriculture are not as simple as many may think at first glance. The following dangers may negatively affect the development of the enterprise:
- seasonal nature of production;
- sharp jumps in the level of demand;
- instability of the income level of potential buyers;
- rapid increase in the cost of raw materials;
- jumps in prices for rental of specialized equipment.

Strictly following a business plan for a farm with calculations will help you avoid encountering most of the difficulties that may arise along the way. From the plan you can find out exactly how to get out of a particular dangerous situation with minimal losses.

What is needed to open a farm?

First of all, registration with government agencies is required. The peasant farm business plan is implemented properly if the peasant farm is chosen as the legal form, and the tax payment scheme is the unified agricultural tax. A favorable environment is being created for the development of agricultural infrastructure in the country, so the tax is only 6%, which is a serious relaxation compared to other types of business activity.

To register, you must complete the following steps:
- pay the state fee;
- draw up an application according to the established template and have it certified by a notary;
- prepare and submit the necessary package of documents to the tax service;
- receive registration documents and register with the Funds;
- receive a letter from Rosstat with statistics codes;
- open a bank account.

Initial data for starting a farm. There is a plot of 2 hectares, there is a house with buildings. It is planned to buy 40 heads of Simmental calves for growing and 2 cows for selling milk for cheese makers. As the number of cows increases, they plan to start making cheese themselves. Additionally, a plot of 2 hectares will be rented for hay harvesting. The rental cost for the year will be 600 rubles. From one hectare of hayfield you can get from 800 to 4000 kg of hay. We believe that in the summer our farmer will be able to prepare 5000 kg of hay for the winter.

To start a business you will need to incur the following costs:
- purchase of building materials for the construction of a barn for calves (roof, brick, lumber) - 400,000 rubles;

Tractor MTZ-82 - 850,000 rubles;

Universal loader - 95,000 rubles;

Purchase of calves (40 heads) - 600,000 rubles;

Purchase of 2 dairy cows – 150,000 rubles;

Milking machine - 22,000 rubles;

Summing up and connecting the necessary communications - 56,000;

Initial feed stock - 118,000;

Other costs - 50,000.

In total, funds will be required to start raising bulls for meat and obtain milk from 2 cows for sale - 2,341,000 rubles. WITH working capital it will be approximately 3,250,000 rubles.

It is recommended to spend the 1.5 million rubles received as subsidies on the purchase of a tractor, young animals and some building materials. In this case, the grant must repay no more than 90 percent of the costs incurred for the acquisition of material resources for the development of a peasant (farm) economy. A business plan for the creation and development of a peasant farm says that this method of cost planning is optimal.

Description of the main activity.

The planned farm has three main sources of profit:
- meat (sale to the public and third-party companies);
- milk (sale to the public and third-party companies);
- sale of manure.

The Simmental breed of calves is considered ideal for meat production; they grow quickly and gain weight. required weight in a year and a half. The weight of a young bull can exceed a thousand kilograms. The purchase of three-month-old calves will be carried out at a price of 15 thousand per one; the most mature and strong individuals are selected. This choice reduces the risk of spread dangerous diseases almost to zero; when fed the right food, animals can gain significant weight in a short time. The live weight of a bull at the age of 1 year is 300-400 kilograms of weight. At the age of 1.5 years, bull calves can weigh about 400-500 kilograms. The slaughter yield is 55-60% of the weight. In bulls, the daily increase in body weight can be 1500 grams.

We are purchasing two dairy cows, also of the Simmental breed. In one lactation season, a cow of this breed can produce 5 thousand liters of milk. Between calving periods last an average of 386 days. The milk of this breed has an excellent taste; characterized by a high content of protein and dry matter, but a low percentage of somatic cells. It is well suited for making cheese. Milk prices always depend on its quality and its content of protein, dry matter and somatic cells. In this regard, the milk of the Simmental cow breed is one of the best. We plan to donate milk to cheese factories.

The lactation period in cows is divided into three phases:

    Colostrum and lasts 5-7 days;

    Normal milk – 190-288 days;

    Old milk 7-10 days.

We assume that we are buying a cow at the stage of receiving normal milk, within 210 days (seven months for calculation). Conventionally, we believe that each cow gives us 16 liters of milk per day. Also, every year cows will give birth to calves, which will help gradually reduce the need to purchase young animals from third parties. At a certain point, the company can begin to fully provide itself with the necessary number of livestock.

The main diet for cattle is hay, free range and dried grass in summer, mixed feed, root vegetables, bran and table salt. For calves born in spring, roughage and succulent feed replace the diet green grass. When grazing on good grass, you can save up to 15–20% of concentrates calculated according to the norm.

Production plan

Animal housing must meet many requirements to ensure maximum efficiency. The list of these requirements includes convenient servicing of livestock, the presence of a feed warehouse, convenient conditions for cleaning and storing manure. Conditions for walking must also be provided. The length of the feeder is 1 meter, height - 60 centimeters, width - 70 centimeters. The room must be provided with the proper amount of sunlight.

Since we are planning a farm, the whole family takes part in the business as much as possible, so one person is required to work in the barn. We plan that his monthly salary will be 15,000 rubles. Accounting – outsourcing services.

A list of all costs can be seen in the table below.

Fixed expenses


Payroll taxes



Accountant services

Variable expenses

Feed cost

Slaughterhouse services



Insurance individual entrepreneurs

Others variable expenses

Total costs

The planned revenue of the farm will be:

Let's draw up a plan for income and expenses.

Let's analyze the obtained figures.

Planning horizon

Enterprise revenue, rub.

Enterprise profit, rub.

Investments in the project, rub.

Investments in the state project, rub.

Own investments, rub.

Free money at the end of the year, rub.

Payback, year

Profitability, %

The company's revenue for the year amounted to 1,797,600 rubles, business profitability was 8.6%. The payback of the business, taking into account the receipt of support from the state in the amount of 1.5 million rubles, will be about two years.


The implementation of the project not only brings tangible profits, but also has important social significance. The following indicators should be highlighted:
- creation of new jobs in the settlement;
- reduction of social tension;
- receipt of additional financial resources into the local budget.

Opening an enterprise in a particular location depends on competitive conditions and the level of demand for products. A similar agricultural company in different locations may have completely different revenues. Growing demand for healthy eating and natural products pushes the development of farming activities forward, but it is not recommended to start practical activities without taking into account all the risks. On this moment An important advantage is the possibility of receiving support from the state.

With a low interest rate on the activities of organizations of this type and a relatively short payback period, investments can be called profitable.