Building biceps at home is not as difficult as it seems. Due to its location, a large muscle does not require training from different angles. Both beams increase in volume with the help of full or partial flexion/extension of the elbow joint.

Depending on the amplitude of movements, volumes increase and relief is formed.

The exercise is suitable for warming up your arms and back. Allows you to pump up your biceps at home with push-ups.

  1. We take the emphasis while lying down. We bend our palms into fists so that our fingers point back.
  2. We shift the body weight forward.
  3. We lower ourselves to the floor, barely touching the surface with our body. We monitor the stable position of the elbows.

After warming up, we make the practice more difficult. We hold dumbbells in our palms, placing our hands in the same position as our feet (12 x 4).

Arm bending with supination

Isolation exercise on the heads. Active: wrist flexors, brachioradialis, partially superior thoracic region. The load on the coracobrachialis muscle, which is involved in the process when rotating the wrists, will push them forward.

  1. IP - sit on a stool, take dumbbells with an overhand grip, and lower your hands freely downwards.
  2. Bend right hand, bring the projectile to the shoulder, having first turned the wrist 90 degrees at chest level.
  3. Having contracted the biceps as much as possible, we lower it back, not forgetting to return the hand to its original position.
  4. At the bottom, we fully stretch the biceps muscle. We do not cross the control point after which the voltage drops.

In the given algorithm, we repeat on the left side. After 15 times we complicate the task. We begin to raise both hands at the same time.

It is important to follow the technique to get results.

  • We take adequate weight and monitor every movement.
  • We perform actions using the biceps muscle, and not through tension in the core.
  • We monitor the position of the elbows.
  • When directed forward, the spine is subjected to unnecessary stress, but if they are moved apart, the joints will suffer. During the session, their initial position remains unchanged.
  • Only the forearms are movable.

Lifting apparatus with emphasis on the thigh

Excellent for bringing the biceps muscle into peak condition.

  1. We sit on a stool and hold a dumbbell in our left hand with a neutral grip.
  2. We rest our elbow on our hip. Keep your wrist straight. The limiter of movements is the support where the elbows rest.
  3. Bend your arm and bring the weight to your chin.
  4. We return to the starting position, repeat everything from the beginning (15x3).

Standing Dumbbell Raise

Accent: top of the forearm, both bundles of large muscles, anterior deltoids. Targeted exercise for mass.

  1. From the base position, with a neutral grip, we grab the shells and lower them to the hips.
  2. We align the body, maintain a natural deflection in the lower back, and focus our gaze on one point.
  3. As you inhale, use your biceps to pull the dumbbells toward your chin.
  4. Having reached the chest line, we turn the shells towards ourselves. We don’t move our elbows forward.
  5. Having reached the top point - the shoulders, we pause, increasing the tension in the bundles.
  6. As you exhale, lower it back, remembering to rotate your wrist.

We perform 10-15 repetitions in 3 sets.

Exercise "Hammer"

Simple technology for development long head of the biceps, triceps, development of the forearms, small muscles of the arms. Performed sitting and standing. In a sitting position, the back is pressed tightly against the support, the legs are brought together.

  1. We take the shells with the thumb pointing upward. With a proniron palm (pointing down), the shoulder muscles are more active.
  2. We lower the limbs with the load. Elbows pressed to the body.
  3. Keeping the arm static above the elbow, we contract the biceps, imagining that we are hammering nails on the sides.
  4. We raise the hands with the load to the shoulders, and after a 2-second delay we unbend.

See how to pump up your biceps at home on video:

If you perform 1 additional repetition at each subsequent workout, progress is inevitable. Having reached 8 repetitions in 5 sets, add 2.5 kg. Now with this weight we perform an identical number of takes. When we cannot repeat the planned amount, we do one less. We do not fall below the acceptable threshold of 5 x 5.

Having noticed that weight growth has stopped, we take a break for 2 weeks. During this period, we maintain our form with the following practice.

One arm bent over row

Operating: back, trapezius, biceps, rear deltoids, forearm. Stabilizer muscles: triceps, abdominals, serratus, rhomboids, lower trapezius.

  1. Take the dumbbell with your right wrist with your fingers pointing towards you.
  2. We stand to the left of the support, feet together, tilt top part the body is parallel to the floor.
  3. The limb with the projectile hangs freely, the working shoulder is slightly lowered.
  4. Straining the back muscles, using the delta force, pull the dumbbell straight up.
  5. Having reached the shoulder, we lift it in tandem with the elbow, squeezing it to its maximum height.
  6. As you exhale, return your hand to the starting point and repeat for your left hand.

Avoiding climbs due to inertia— all stages are controlled. The paired movement is considered 1 approach. They need to be made 6 x 7.

If you have a barbell, then the following exercise will allow you to pump up your biceps with a barbell at home.

Standing barbell lift

Basic practice for increasing biceps size and mass, working out the brachioradialis muscles.

  1. From a standing position, take the bar with a narrow grip.
    • If the hands are placed at a distance, the short head will be involved in the process.
    • At shoulder width, the biceps are fully engaged.
    • Periodically changing the grip parameters allows you to pump both bundles at the same time.
  2. While holding your breath, bend your elbows and bring the projectile to your chest in a wide arc. During the lift, the triceps are pressed to the body, the wrists do not bend. We perform movements without jerking or swaying.
  3. After a short pause, we exhale and, by tensing the muscles of our arms, lower it down. The elbow, torso, and legs are static.

  • When you pull your shoulders back, the load will shift to the spine, which can lead to injury.
  • We avoid heavy weights, otherwise you will have to help with your hips when lifting.
  • At the lowest point, it is not necessary to fully straighten the elbow joint.

Exercises for strength are performed 5 repetitions in 5 approaches, for gaining weight - 3 8-10, for definition (clear contours) 20x3.
To complicate the task, we work at a vertical support - a wall, a bench with a back.

Dumbbell + towel

Operating: brachialis, biceps.

  1. The biceps are pumped using a projectile grabbed in the middle with a long towel.
  2. We grab the edges with our fingers, pull the weight up, then lower it down.
  3. We reach the edges of the canvas to the chin.

Pumping up your biceps on the bar

Working latissimus muscles, deltoids, bundles.

A rapid increase in muscle volume and mass can only be achieved by weight training. To get weight training, it is not necessary to visit a gym equipped with barbells, dumbbells and special equipment. At home, from available materials, you can create not only analogues of dumbbells, but also a substitute for traction machines.

Biceps as an indicator of physical fitness

The biceps muscle (biceps) is located on the front side of the shoulder and is attached by tendon cords to the radius and scapula bones.

According to its main functional role, the biceps is a muscle that flexes the elbow joint. Accordingly, it contracts and stretches with each flexion and extension of the elbow.

Its strength, size and outline are especially visible during maximum contraction. Powerful biceps with distinct relief are the main indicator of overall athletic fitness.

Exercises in which alternate flexion and extension of the arms at the elbow joints with additional weight loading - effective method increase biceps mass.

To the result - without dumbbells, barbells and horizontal bars

Flexion and extension of the arms with weights is a basic complex for the development of biceps. The appropriate load in gyms is provided by different weights and block traction.

At home, instead of standard store-bought dumbbells, you can use a commonly available item such as a one and a half liter plastic bottle. If you fill it with water, you get a quite decent sports equipment weighing 1.5 kg. To get more weight, you need to fill this bottle with sand or small pebbles.

An elastic band will provide stretch resistance similar to that provided by a pulley machine. To increase the load, just fold two bandages together.

After improvised sports equipment has been prepared, you can begin training according to a program that does not differ from standard biceps complexes for gyms.

Conditions for optimal muscle growth

Classes are held once or twice a week, so that during the break between intense training, muscle tissue has time to recover and enter the growth phase.

You can start from two series of 8-12 repetitions each exercise during one workout, and then, as you master it, go to 3-4 series of 15-20 repetitions with increased loads.

Muscle growth will also require a diet that provides a daily intake of 2 grams per kilogram of body weight.

Biceps exercises at home

The first exercise of the complex with home equipment is standing bicep curls with an elastic band.

In the starting position, you need to stand with your feet in the middle of the bandage, and take its ends in both hands so that your palms are facing up. Straighten up, keeping your upper body motionless and your elbows pressed to your body. Bend your arms until your biceps contract completely while exhaling. Pause for a second, tensing the target muscle.

As you inhale, slowly lower your arms to the starting position. Hands from shoulders to elbows must remain stationary throughout the exercise.

Erroneous There will be any violations of the execution technique: incomplete rotation of the palms up, bending of the back, moving the arms from the shoulder to the elbow. These actions take some of the stress off the target biceps muscle.

Second exercise - lifting bottle dumbbells for biceps.

In the starting position, you should stand straight, with your shoulders turned, with dumbbells in your lowered hands. In this case, the palms are facing forward, away from you (supinated grip). Inhaling, bending your arm at the elbow, lift one dumbbell to your shoulder. At maximum lift, with maximum contraction of the biceps muscle, exhale. Lower your hand to the starting position while inhaling. Repeat the same cycle with the other hand.

TO wrong actions include incomplete rotation of the hand, stooping and a bent back. To include the biceps in full work, you must fully comply with the technique of performing this exercise.

How to pump up biceps at home - video

The presented video material shows the use of an elastic bandage as a home exercise device for the development of the biceps brachii muscle. The biceps curl of a plastic water bottle is clearly demonstrated. This equipment is especially recommended for girls training at home.

The necessary training loads on the biceps can be created using homemade materials. The training program with improvised equipment, as well as the target effect, are no different from the standard ones for gyms.

Have you ever done home workouts using improvised means? In addition to filled plastic bottles and elastic bandages, do you use other replacements for projectiles? What do you think is more important for the result: training on standard equipment in the gym or the willingness to build muscle in any conditions? Share your opinion, personal developments and experience gained in the comments!

Sculpted biceps and triceps- this is the goal that every athlete strives for in order to stand out from the crowd, look athletic and fit. You can achieve the desired result not only within the walls of the gym. The main thing is to have the desire and desire, and you can practice at home. There are many effective exercises for building muscle mass in the biceps and triceps., the implementation of which does not require visiting the gym.

Isolating (isolated) exercises aimed at working out the muscle group of the arms, of course, allow you to achieve your goal, but you should not forget about the accompanying factors. It is necessary not only to exercise, but also to approach it competently. It should contain enough fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to build muscle mass in the body, including in the arms.

There are many isolated exercises for pumping up muscles that are recommended for doing at home. Not all of them are equally effective and productive, but there are also those that, if done diligently and correctly, allow you to boast of sculpted and beautiful arm muscles.

To complete the proposed training you will need a basic set sports equipment. So, to start training, first of all, you need to have:

  • dumbbells;
  • curved bar;
  • adjustable bench press;
  • horizontal bar for doing pull-ups.

The missing exercise equipment can be purchased at a specialized sports store, either in the city or online. When thinking about the feasibility of the money spent, you should clearly understand that the purchase of exercise equipment is a necessary investment in own health and the key to a toned and beautifully sculpted body.

Diligence and time are the key points of training

There are no difficulties or difficulties in performing training to pump up the biceps and triceps muscles. All exercises are quite simple. To achieve results, you just need not to be lazy and be patient. The main thing is to train not occasionally, but systematically. You need to study strictly according to the established schedule, without missing classes.

The frequency of exercise depends on your body type. Naturally lean athletes need to exercise 4 to 5 times a week and eat heavily. You shouldn't expect quick results. You won't be able to pump up your arms in two weeks of training. You need to be patient and not deviate from your intended goal.

If you are persistent and consistent, do not neglect training, doing 1-2 times a week, your efforts and efforts will not be in vain, and your hands will acquire the coveted definition and become a source of pride.

What should the training be like?

The main point of performing training to pump up arm muscles is variety and A complex approach. Limiting yourself to one or two exercises, pumping, for example, biceps, hoping that this will be enough, is strongly not recommended.

You need to perform three or four exercises for both triceps and biceps. The muscles must be engaged and working at full strength. If after exercise there is no pain in the muscles, then the training does not bring the desired effect.

It is not necessary to use all muscle groups in one workout. One day can be devoted to working the pectoral muscles and biceps, and the other to the back and triceps. The main thing to remember is that with underdeveloped muscle mass, results will appear in one and a half or even two months.

You should not focus exclusively on pumping up the muscles in your arms. Otherwise, the body will develop disproportionately. Therefore, no matter which muscle group a bodybuilder is focused on working, the rest should not be ignored either.

One of the most common mistakes many novice bodybuilders make is that they enthusiastically start training and pump their biceps every day. Such an approach not only does not bring results, but also exhausts the athlete.

Constant and regular stress on the muscles, which does not give the desired effect, can lead to reluctance to continue training and a gradual decrease in physical activity. Avoiding such consequences allows you to clearly understand that muscles grow only when training alternates with rest.

If the athlete has a bench press rack at his disposal, it is best to perform deadlifts and rows with a reverse grip, and squats with a barbell. Both isolating and complex exercises, provided regular training and proper execution, give guaranteed results.

And, as mentioned earlier, the main thing is that during the training both small and large muscle groups are involved, that is, one training is devoted to pumping up the triceps and back, and the other to the biceps and chest.

Of course, for some, this approach may not seem the most optimal, but it is supported personal experience and demonstrated its effectiveness.

Video selection of exercises

Set of exercises

Exercises to pump up biceps

Triceps pumping exercises

Each exercise is performed according to 4 approaches, each of which recommends do 10 to 12 repetitions.

Pumping up your arms at home

To have pumped up, sculpted arms, you don’t have to go to the gym. If you have standard weights at home, you can do all the necessary exercises at home.

To do this, you need to have sports equipment such as a barbell, a set of dumbbells, and a horizontal bar. All exercises performed with these equipment are simple and do not require any special effort. To make it interesting to practice even alone, the training can be performed to your favorite music.

Sports appearance Since ancient times, it has been considered the main indicator of male abilities. Girls turn their eyes to guys who can protect their beloved, build a house and bring a mammoth to the hearth. Primitive instincts have not yet been canceled. Young and not-so-young people flocked to gyms in search of a beautiful body. The hall, of course wonderful place for training. But what to do if, for a number of reasons, a person is forced to study at home? How to pump up biceps at home? The answers to these questions follow.

The biceps is a biceps muscle that is used to flex and extend the arm at the elbow joint.
For men, activities at home, as a rule, are always postponed until later due to the fact that many distractions, including household ones, interfere. Explain to your family that it is vital for you to devote several hours a week to yourself for your loved one.

The best option is to play sports with your significant other, friend, relative. This will increase motivation.

You should start with simple exercises and general warm-up. Without heating, muscle tissue can become deformed and stretched. The recovery process will be long and tedious. A few minutes of jogging or walking in place, squats, bending over different sides, raising your hands will save the body from overload. Ten minutes will be enough.

After warming up, the muscles become more elastic and pliable. Don't start right away power training. Let the body get used to the stress gradually. Otherwise nervous system will perceive physical training as an act of aggression. Hence the ensuing consequences - depression, neuroses. The bouquet can turn out to be quite impressive. It’s a pity that there is no one to give such a gift to.

Overall plan

Increasing the pace of your workouts every day, move on to strength exercises. For example, push-ups or parallel bars. This exercise can be done by any beginner. You can perform similar exercises with your own weight in the gym, in the park, or at home. Cheap and cheerful. When performing them, the muscles of not only the shoulder joint, but the entire upper body as a whole are involved. They are universal.

But how to quickly pump up your biceps at home? Comrades who believe that pumping up your figure is a matter of one wave of the hand are greatly mistaken. You are not Neo, and there is no Morpheus who will give you a choice of two magic pills.

When starting sports activities, sketch out short plan workout. In the future, it should be expanded and supplemented with new exercises. Make adjustments, swap points (leave the first and last - this is unshakable).

A general training plan may include the following elements:

  • Warm-up – light exercises to warm up the muscles;
  • Warm-up exercises with dumbbells are a necessary part of the training; their implementation ensures the development of the relief of the arm and a proper warm-up for the ligaments;
  • – if there is no home (usually installed in a doorway), then the school playground is a reliable springboard;
  • Exercises with a barbell - the first lessons should be carried out with a trainer who will set the correct technique;
  • Cool down is a set of final movements to prevent subsequent muscle pain.

Don’t reinvent the scooter – everything has been written out long ago. Developed general rules, how to increase the volume of your arm and not end up in intensive care. Power movements should be performed smoothly, without jerking or jerking. On exhalation, the dynamic phase is produced, and on inhalation, the negative phase.

Weighted arm curls

There is a simple but effective exercise, is performed in several approaches. Develops shoulder volume. You will need: a chair (a sofa is also suitable, a bench in the yard) and dumbbells.

  • Sit down on a stool with a load in your hands;
  • The back is straight, spread your legs to the distance of your feet in different directions;
  • Press your hands to your chest;
  • Exhale – limbs fall to knees;
  • Inhale – hands slowly rise to the chest.

The exercise is performed 10 times, then a break. Swing your arms, move your elbows. Do you feel like you haven't completed your work? Increase the load a little. There's no point in taking too much. In our case, the goal is not achieved by leaps and bounds. The step should be quiet, the steps in terms of increasing the load should be minimal.

Use various combinations: starting position - elbows on your knees (serve as a support) or hold the load without support.

You can build up biceps at home without dumbbells: instead of steel partners, take one and a half liter dumbbells plastic bottles, fill them with water or sand. Such a simulator will not last long. We'll have to come up with a new device.

You can pump up your biceps with push-ups. The exercise is not difficult, but very useful.

Good old hammer

Dumbbells will help pump up your biceps. The goal is to get the lateral parts of the biceps muscle to work. A rounded “can” shape is formed.

  • Take an upright position. Keep your back straight.
  • Place your hands with the apparatus at your sides. The back of the hand should be on the outside, with the fingers pointing towards the body.
  • The dumbbells rise up one by one.
  • It is not recommended to relax the non-working limb; keep it in a slightly bent position.
  • A few seconds of delay and the position of the hand changes.
  • Do about 10 swings in 3 sets.

Make friends with a towel

Another successful exercise. Essentially, it resembles a hammer. You will need: dumbbells and a towel.

  • Fold the fabric in half;
  • Place the shell in the center;
  • Grab the ends of the towel with two bunches;
  • Raise your fists to your chest;
  • Smoothly lower to the starting position.

10 times in 3 passes. Lean forward as you perform. This workout is suitable not only for men, but also for girls.

Don't have enough strength for all the exercises? Choose 2-3 to start, then gradually increase the load. Over time, all 3 exercises will become a joy.

Seated alternate arm curls

Good exercise. You will need a hard surface. Legs should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees.

  • Sit on a stool;
  • Spread your legs as wide as possible;
  • Take a dumbbell;
  • Place your elbow on your thigh, the joint should rest against inner side hips;
  • Bend your arm off the dumbbells;
  • Fix the movement at the top point for a couple of seconds;
  • Slowly lower your hand.

After doing 10 lifts, change limbs. The muscles should not be relaxed when working with the elbow.

True friend horizontal bar

Good results on the horizontal bar will not appear immediately. A good relationship It will take days to line up with an iron crossbar.

To begin, hang on the horizontal bar, feel your weight, and relax. Place your palms around the bar as comfortably as possible. The main thing is not to reach up, try to press the horizontal bar towards you. Only the arm muscles are involved.
Have you started doing your first pull-ups? Did you reach ten? It's time to properly distribute the load on the biceps. It is possible to maximally pump the muscle with a reverse grip narrower than shoulder width. The smaller the distance between the palms, the more intensely the muscle is worked. To target the outer biceps, spread your arms wide. Do you want a more even load on all muscles? Place your hands in the middle position.

The grip of the hands around the crossbar plays an important role. Let your fingers point in your direction. In the gym this is called a reverse grip.

Working with a barbell

A barbell will help you build biceps at home without dumbbells. You can get a barbell at any sports store. There is no money - cut the hollow pipe, fill it with sand or crushed stone, solder the two sides.

For the first exercises, such a projectile is also suitable. Start with one bar and gradually increase the load. Often, being a beginner, a person tries to fit all the discs that are available. Take it excess weight– say goodbye to your back or get a dislocation.

It is recommended, of course, that after long periods of home training, you eventually switch to Gym. There, among other benefits, you will find an experienced trainer who will tell you how to properly pump up your biceps, triceps and other muscle groups.

Power approaches are performed with insurance. The gym is a good place for fruitful self-improvement.

The main exercise that gives the maximum load on the biceps is:

  • Stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart;
  • Grasp the barbell with an underhand grip (fingers facing you). Hands are located in line with the shoulders;
  • Press your arms closer to your sides;
  • Bend your elbow 90 degrees;
  • When lifting the projectile, only the elbow works;
  • Raise the barbell to your chest;
  • Hold for a couple of seconds;
  • Lower as you exhale.

Don't forget about breathing. Effective execution is achieved through proper execution. Only the elbow joint works. All other muscles remain motionless. The back is aligned. You should not sway in time with the lifting of the barbell - this fatal mistake. This exercise can be done alone at home over time, after watching an instructional video. But the first approach is recommended to be done under the supervision of a professional.

The last phase is the cool down

You can’t stop training abruptly! For some time the muscles are in good shape and require a continuation of the banquet. It is necessary to cool down and stretch after training. Stretch. Raise one hand up, the other down. Stretch them in different directions. Move your shoulder blades and shoulders. After performing similar manipulations with your own body, sit down and relax.

Pumping the body with just one “can” does not end. There are many muscles in the human body that are waiting for attention. Press, for example.

When working out with dumbbells at home, don’t be lazy to expand your training complex and increase the time. Doing warm-up exercises in the fresh air will have a beneficial effect on your psycho-emotional state.

When lifting the apparatus, do not count the number of repetitions performed. The principle works here: less is better, but better. Don't mess around and deceive your body. He notices everything.

An exercise performed incorrectly increases the risk of getting a sprain. Select a time to watch a training video showing correct technique performing exercises.

Don't watch movies where Iron Arnie lifts an entire tree. This man has been rocking since he was 14 years old. He has a book that details workouts for beginners and pros. Learn from the professionals. Find significant motivation for exercise, give free rein to the sleeper to primitive man, who enjoyed his strength and agility.

Beautiful biceps immediately distinguish their owner from other men. But sometimes there is simply no time or opportunity to visit the gym or work out with a trainer. In this case, following our recommendations, you can pump up your biceps right at home.

The question of how to pump up biceps at home worries many men - not everyone has time to visit the gym and work out with a professional trainer. The problem can be solved simply - you can develop your arm muscles quickly and effectively, without leaving home and having at hand a minimal set of sports equipment - collapsible dumbbells, a barbell with interchangeable weights and a small horizontal bar! It is also important to master strength gymnastics techniques and have a desire to get strong and beautiful biceps.

Features of biceps pumping

The biceps is a prominent muscle of the shoulder joint, which serves to flex and extend the arm, consists of a short and long muscle head, is constantly in sight and serves as a clear demonstration of physical strength in men. Even in a relaxed state, it clearly stands out under the skin, and in a tense state it turns into a relief “ball”.

The biceps are pumped up using its natural function - flexion/extension at the elbow joint at full and partial strength, using weighting equipment and gradually increasing weight loads. Exercises with full amplitude of flexion/extension of the arm will “work” to increase muscle mass, incomplete flexion will improve the definition of the biceps. By combining these exercises and using dumbbells, a barbell and a horizontal bar, you can achieve impressive results within 1-2 months.

Always remember that muscles are not a piece of insensitive rubber, but a part of your living body. With significant potential, the arm muscles require careful handling and proper warming up before starting training. Also try to avoid strong jerks when performing exercises, so as not to tear the ligaments and avoid injury.

Train your biceps no more than 1-2 times a week, perform the exercises correctly, increase the weight load gradually (until mild pain appears in the muscle) and control your breathing. Lift weights while bending your arm while exhaling, and extending while inhaling. If you do everything correctly, you will avoid injuries and be able to exercise regularly.

If you prefer to pump up your biceps at home, a pair of dumbbells, a small barbell and a horizontal bar will suffice. Most exercises with dumbbells and barbells can be performed in a standing or sitting position; some exercises require the use of an elbow rest and a board adjustable in height and angle.

Pumping your biceps with dumbbells

Dumbbells are one of the popular exercise machines for pumping arm muscles. Their main advantage is that they allow you to pump your biceps separately from other muscles and do not require additional equipment. Flexion and extension of the arm may require support (in a sitting position).

Experts identify five types of exercises for biceps with dumbbells - curling one arm with a reverse grip, synchronized curling of both arms with a reverse grip, “hammer” (alternating) bending of arms with a vertical wrist position, raising arms with a straight grip of dumbbells and lifting dumbbells on a towel with a wide grip .

Exercises with dumbbells in a sitting position are one of the most effective options for pumping up your biceps. Most exercises in this position require the use of an elbow support (table, sofa, bench) or elbow support on the knee. The exercises should be performed slowly with variable amplitude and maximum load on the muscles.

The hammer lift of dumbbells is an alternating raising of the arms along the body with a vertical position of the hand (thumb on top) or a horizontal position of the hand (thumbs facing each other).

The exercise is performed in a standing position and does not require additional equipment. The main task is to give maximum load only to the biceps, relaxing other muscles of the body. The back and legs should be straight.

Exercises with a barbell to pump up arm muscles should be performed only at the stage when you have already developed muscle mass. The exercises can be performed sitting or standing, the barbell is grasped with two types of grip - normal and reverse, bending and extending the arms is done slowly, the back should remain straight, the elbows should be motionless, and the weight load can increase gradually.

  1. In terms of technique, the exercise with a regular grip is identical to exercises with dumbbells while standing. The barbell is taken at shoulder width, slowly rises until the projectile touches the chest, and then also slowly lowers at arm's length to the starting position.
  2. Exercises with a reverse grip (fingers from below) require increased muscle tension in the hands and forearms, good physical fitness and knowledge of safety precautions.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the weight of the barbell, measure your physical capabilities with the given load - exercises must be performed without compromising technique. Important condition: the extension of the arms should not be complete - the barbell below should remain on slightly bent arms.

Exercises with a barbell to pump up the biceps should be performed in 4-5 sets (6-10 repetitions) with short pauses in between. To increase the effectiveness of exercises, you can change the weight load - increasing and decreasing the weight of the barbell, speeding up and slowing down the press of the apparatus. As an additional exercise, the biceps can also be pumped while sitting on a Scott board with an adjustable inclination angle and seat height.

How to pump up biceps at home without additional equipment

It is not always possible to use sports equipment when training arm muscles, and there is not always time for thorough training. But if you want to constantly keep your biceps in good shape, there are more simple ways pumping them up: push-ups from the floor (narrow and wide grip) or pull-ups on the horizontal bar using various techniques.

  • Pushups

You can do this exercise anytime, anywhere – including at work in the office. An important condition: push-ups must be done with additional tension in the arm muscles - with a narrow or very wide grip, with different turns of the palms. The number of approaches can vary, as well as the number of push-ups in each of them. The exercise is performed slowly with stops at the top and bottom of the push-up. Learn by watching video tutorials.

This is a very effective way of constantly loading the biceps, which is also useful for muscle elasticity. Exercises on the crossbar are performed with a forward and reverse grip with different widths; flexion and extension of the arms are performed slowly until complete fixation at the top and bottom points.

It is recommended to perform pull-ups on the bar at least 2-3 times a week, gradually increasing the frequency of exercises, the number of approaches and the number of times in each of them (but not less than 3-5 approaches of 8-10 times). Over time, the technique becomes more complicated by tying a weight to the legs.

How to quickly pump up your biceps at home?

Bodybuilding experts warn novice athletes against excessive loads and the desire to quickly build muscle mass in their arms through grueling workouts - this is dangerous to health and can lead to injury. Everything should be in moderation - loads should increase gradually, you need to constantly monitor your physical condition, avoiding strains that will force you to take breaks from training.

Do not forget that the rate of growth and strengthening of biceps largely depends on the physico-chemical characteristics of the individual human body and anatomical features of the figure (bone width, height, individual metabolism, etc.). Biceps should be pumped up in proportion to the development of all muscle groups of the body, exercised systematically, gradually and carefully increasing the load.

Keeping a training diary with constant measurements of muscle growth rates and proper nutrition(protein and protein diet) – will good advantage, which will definitely affect the achievement of the required result.

Well, and most importantly: you can’t just build muscle mass and stop – biceps require constant attention to yourself and regular training!

A video on how to pump up your biceps at home will help you master the specifics of the workout.