Creative people have characteristic psychological traits. The famous psychologist Jean Cotro is sure that everyone can develop them in themselves.

1. Persistence that proves motivation. The ability to concentrate on one activity and perseverance despite failures are the main factors that determine the ability to be creative.

2. Openness to new experiences: curiosity, emotional openness, flexibility of thought, eccentric views and beliefs - largely thanks to them we develop original ideas and solutions. All gifted people have this openness.

3. Self-confidence: Self-esteem (and sometimes high self-esteem) promotes emotional stability. Thanks to it, it is easier to establish and maintain social contacts, which is necessary for a creative person: in this way he becomes known to the public. In addition, high self-esteem allows you to maintain the desire for creativity in case of failure.

4. Thinking that does not coincide with the generally accepted. It has three components: originality (unusual thoughts), changeability (many ideas) and flexibility (new ideas in different areas). A person with this type of thinking never answers a trivial question even in a trivial way.

5. Janus thinking. This ancient Roman god, as you know, had two faces facing in opposite directions. This way of thinking is characterized by the coexistence of opposing tendencies, which easily allows for a radical change of point of view. For example: “Today I will dress in black... no, better all white!”

6. Androgynous thinking: it allows a creative person to free himself from stereotypical ideas about masculine and feminine (“Madame Bovary is me!” - that’s what Flaubert is said to have once exclaimed).

7. Quick to process information: resourceful in response, quick to think, love of complexity - the creative spirit juggles ideas without any self-censorship.

8. The ability to imagine alternative worlds - to dream about other perspectives, different logic... Creative people often indulge in such seemingly childish activities.

9. Quick problem solving: sudden insight and a solution seems to appear out of nowhere! Psychologists use to designate this bright flash English word"insight"

10. Analogical thinking and the ability to access the preconscious and unconscious. Analogical thinking operates on the principle of free association of thoughts and images. Pre- and unconscious phenomena include night dreams, day dreams and powerful emotions.

Creativity is not a rare privilege of extraordinary individuals. Most people create something new in their Everyday life. Each person creates his own ideas and puts them into public use. In turn, he draws ideas from his social environment, updates and enriches his views, skills, knowledge and culture with new elements.

Differences between people in this regard are only quantitative; they determine greater or lesser socially significant value what this or that person creates.

Creative abilityThis special skill to rearrange elements in the field of consciousness in an original way so that this rearrangement provides the possibility of performing new operations in the field of phenomena. This definition assumes the existence of two "fields" − fields of consciousness, And fields of phenomena, that is, the physical environment from which a person receives information. All people create, at least in childhood. But for many this function atrophies quite quickly; For some, it not only remains, but also develops, and constitutes the goal and meaning of their entire life.

Science is a means of creating new knowledge. Therefore, when solving scientific problems, the realization of human creative potential requires possession of the necessary knowledge. Scientific creativity is available only to professionals, specialists who, with the help of imagination, create images and concepts that have universal value.

All science can be divided into "primary" And "secondary". The first is the sphere of obtaining fundamental knowledge. The second is the sphere of development and practical (applied) use of fundamental knowledge. Both spheres closely interact with each other and cannot exist without each other.

For geophysics, the lack of understanding by academic and ministerial authorities of the fundamental importance of this interaction turned out to be far from harmless. Geophysical science was artificially divided along departmental lines into fundamental (academic research institutes) and applied (industry research institutes of the Ministry of Geosciences and the Ministry of Petroleum Industry). This division has become one of the reasons for the current crisis in domestic geophysics.

When analyzing creative activity, it is important to distinguish between concepts such as "creation" And "productivity". A productive scientist can, without having high creative potential, be an excellent systematizer, formalizing and developing into a specific system ideas and hypotheses proposed by other specialists (this is the sphere of “secondary” science). A scientist with great creative potential may be unproductive in terms of the number of things he creates. scientific works. But we can point out many scientists who simultaneously combined high creative potential with high productivity (Euler, Gauss, Helmholtz, Mendeleev, N.I. Vavilov, L.D. Landau, I.E. Tamm, N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky, V. P. Efroimson, A. A. Lyubishchev).

Based on the above, you can already imagine who a creative person is, what qualities he possesses.

A creative person always strives to create new, unique material or cultural values. Such a person is always talented, and in many areas (for example, Leonardo da Vinci, who succeeded in painting and architecture, mathematics and technology).

Modern psychology divides people with a creative mindset into two types:

  • 1. Divergents, that is, people capable of a wide range of creative activities, easily establish distant connections between incompatible and incomparable concepts and phenomena; have a rich imagination; approach the problem in an original way; can speak out against generally accepted judgments that have become a cliché; are distinguished by autonomy, independence from other people’s opinions; boldly and openly meet new ideas and experiments; experience the satisfaction of discovery.
  • 2. Convergents, that is, people prone to narrow, focused, deep and specific research; gravitate toward types of intellectual activity where it is necessary to focus on a more in-depth search in one direction; easily adapt their thinking to social stereotypes and operate with generally accepted cliches; for creative activity they need external incentives; slowly and thoroughly step along a pre-selected reliable path; indifferent to cognitive emotions). Each author, based on individual abilities and inclinations, strives to choose the optimal style of working on the material. And the creative processes associated with the preparation of a journalistic work have natural stages, knowledge of which will allow future journalists, both divergent and convergent, to optimize their activities.

A creative person is distinguished from others by originality of thinking and the ability to create, passion, as well as a number of other qualities, such as:

  • 1. Perseverance (persistence), confirming the presence of motivation. The ability to concentrate on one activity, perseverance despite failures is one of the qualities creative personality, helping to free oneself from lethargy and indecision. Enables you to bring started projects to completion. The following will help to develop perseverance: choosing a life guide, regular exercise or some kind of creative activity.
  • 2. Openness to new experiences, emotional openness, flexibility of thought, eccentric views and beliefs - largely thanks to them, people have original ideas and solutions. All creative people have this openness.
  • 3. Curiosity - the desire to improve your knowledge, interest in various areas human life and just environment. This quality gives a person the ability to be active in life, and also stimulates activity for new discoveries and knowledge. It brings joy from learning about the world around us and allows us to expand the boundaries of our capabilities. The development of this quality is facilitated by observation, as well as the desire for knowledge. Without curiosity, a creative person is simply impossible.
  • 4. Imagination - the ability of thinking to create new images based on real objects. Thanks to him, the boundaries between the impossible and the possible are erased. This quality gives freedom of imagination in any field: art, cinema, literature, etc. Imagination can be developed. To do this, you need to read books deeply, immersing yourself in the world of characters, take an interest in art, visiting exhibitions, art galleries, performing psychological exercises aimed at developing fantasy. Creative people are often dreamy.
  • 5. Self-confidence, independence. Thanks to these qualities, a person is completely free from the opinions of others, in other words, emotionally stable. He is able to make his own decisions and implement them. Due to these qualities, a person can find real application for any ideas, even the most reckless ones at first glance. The acquisition of these qualities is facilitated by: the development of critical thinking, self-esteem, and the fight against fear of people. Independence promotes innovative ideas and progress.
  • 6. Inventiveness is a person’s ability to solve life’s problems in an unconventional way, to create unusual things. Thanks to this quality, masterpieces are created. Advantages: the opportunity to perform extraordinary actions, unlimited imagination, joy from the creation process, freedom from laziness of soul and body. This quality of a creative personality is not innate. It can be acquired through: increasing your own erudition, self-improvement (eradicating any signs of laziness), setting and achieving a specific goal. An inventive person is not afraid to try something new in life.
  • 7. Speed ​​of information processing: resourcefulness in answers, quickness of thought, love of complexity - a creative person juggles ideas without any self-censorship. A sudden insight when a solution seems to appear out of nowhere.
  • 8. Thinking by analogy and the ability to access the preconscious and unconscious. Analogical thinking operates on the principle of free association of thoughts and images. Pre- and unconscious phenomena include night dreams, daydreams, and strong emotions.

Analyzing the listed qualities, it becomes obvious that every person has creative potential that he can develop. Currently, there are many different exercises for developing creativity.

For example, the “Free Monologue” exercise.

Task: stop controlling your thoughts, learn to think more freely.

In a quiet and peaceful place, you should close your eyes and allow your body to relax. Focus for a minute on the thoughts and images that arise spontaneously. Then ask yourself six questions:

  • 1. What did I see, feel, hear?
  • 2. What was my inner monologue about (what were the quiet voices whispering inside me)?
  • 3. What were my thoughts?
  • 4. My feelings?
  • 5. My emotions?
  • 6. What does this all mean for me? (A long-standing problem, an unfulfilled desire, an inability to loosen control and “let go” of what is happening...).

Exercises that develop creativity:

  • 1. “Two accidents.” Take Dictionary and choose two random concepts at random. Just point your finger at any page. Compare them, try to find something in common between them. Come up with a crazy story in which you place the relationship. This exercise is great for training your brain.
  • 2. "10+10". Choose any word, it must be a noun. Now write 5 adjectives that you think suit him best. For example, “socks” - black, warm, woolen, winter, clean. Done? Now try writing 5 more adjectives that don't fit at all. This is where everything stalled. It turns out that this is very difficult to do. Delve into various spheres of perception and find the right words.
  • 3. "Title". Try to come up with a name for it every time a subject interests you. It can be short and biting, or long and unfolded. The purpose of the exercise is that you will definitely like the name.

Examples of exercises to develop writing skills:

  • 1. Think about one of the objects in the room. Without opening your eyes, list as many as possible more features of this item. Write down everything you remember, still without looking at the object.
  • 2. Choose a poem that you like. Take its last line - let it be the first line of your new poem.
  • 3. What would you say to an uninvited guest who stopped by at three in the morning?
  • 4. Write a story that begins with the words: “I once had an opportunity, but I missed it...”.
  • 5. Write a letter to your ten-year-old self. A letter to the past.

Ecology of life. People: Neuroscience has proven that those with a creative mind have brains that work differently than other types of people.

Neuroscience has proven that those with a creative mind have brains that work differently than other types of people.

Science cannot yet explain exactly how all these processes occur, but creativity is believed to involve several cognitive processes. It is difficult to say that certain behavior is associated specifically with creativity.

However, there are some different traits, behaviors and social influences that are influenced by creativity.

Here are fourteen traits that characterize creative people.

1. They are attentive

Creative people carefully observe everything around them. They also love to watch people. Many creative people often carry a laptop, notepad, or camera with them to capture what they see. In many famous works, it is the details that fascinate us most.

For example, we see many nuances of human behavior in Jane Austen's novels. These small but captivating details breathe life into her works.

2. They're dreamy

When we were kids, most of us were told to stop dreaming. However, psychologists now claim that dreaming and wasting time are not the same thing.

Daydreaming is actually a complex brain process during which connections are made, insights occur, and new ideas are generated. When we dream, we can look at life differently, imagining what it would be like to be someone else or live in a different world. It can improve creativity thought processes and lead us to new ideas.

3. They challenge the status quo

Creative people often don't want to accept things as they are. They want to change the world and feel important. They ask questions like “What if?” and “Why not?” This helps them reconsider the possibilities.

Take, for example, the First World War poet Wilfred Owen. He decided to challenge the belief that dying for one's country was a great thing and depicted the horrors of war.

4. They get into a creative flow regularly.

Creative people, when they are engaged at work, slip into “the zone.” Also known as "flow", this state is described in the book by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. The author explains how a state of flow is achieved when we are working on something we enjoy, as well as in moments when a situation challenges us. In a state of flow, creative work works out much better.

Creativity does not entail multitasking. Often you just need a distraction to get into the flow.

5. They have trouble finishing a project.

One of the downsides of having a creative mind is that finishing things can be a real challenge. The initial stages of a creative project seem exciting and new, but that excitement can fade over time, as with most romance novels!

They can easily give up on projects when they become more difficult and complex. Creative people may also get distracted by another brilliant idea.

6. They see structures and connections.

What sets creative people apart from others is the ability to make connections. Creativity is often about connecting things that others might view as completely unrelated.

By discovering structures and connections that others miss, creative people can create something new from what has been overlooked and underappreciated. They see opportunities where others don't and use it to create something original.

7. They feed their souls

We cannot continually create new things if we do not take the time to nourish our souls. Julia Cameron described it as "good filling". She says, “We must be mindful enough to consciously replenish our creative resources as we use them.”

Each person has different requirements for this filling. Often this concerns time spent alone. No matter how we spend our time or what we do about it, nourishing the soul is important for continued creative expression.

8. They are open

Openness is a key factor in creativity. Creative people are very curious and love new experiences.

Being open to new emotions, creative people are fascinated new information, sensations and feelings. They are constantly exploring external world and their inner self and remain open to new possibilities throughout their lives.

9. They are real

In a society that values external signs more success than rich inner life, creative people can fail. However, they are moving on a different course. Creative process is part of what makes them who they are.

As a result, creative individuals remain true to their vision of the world around them and follow their dreams, rather than strive for success and popularity.

10. They create in cycles

Creativity has its own natural rhythms that cannot be changed, just like the seasons. In the life of any creative person, rapid changes occur: periods of productivity are replaced by a desire to remain completely calm - and vice versa.

Creative projects begin with an incubation period, and only after a while are they ready to see the light of day. Creative people give in to these cycles instead of being obsessed with constant productivity.

11. They don't believe in themselves

Creative people suffer from the same doubts and self-confidence issues as everyone else. When an artist is struggling to find his place in life and win the affection of his audience, the lack of self-confidence can be felt more acutely. Even highly successful creatives often find it difficult to recognize the brilliance of their own work.

12. They are cheerful

Fortunately, despite the fact that creative people often doubt themselves, they remain cheerful. They should be like this. IN creative work There are many projects that do not follow the rules and often fail. This is where cheerfulness is needed.

Creative people cannot afford to take failure personally. The best way reconsider your point of view on this - admit that this is not a mistake, but a useful experience.

13. They follow their passions

Creative people are rarely motivated by material rewards. They find motivation in intrinsic rewards such as personal satisfaction, drive, and passion.

Artists create because something inside them demands it, and not out of a thirst for fame or wealth or a desire to please someone. Understanding what it is intrinsic motivation leads to success and can increase overall creativity.

14. They see life as an opportunity to express themselves.

Creativity is part of our self-expression. Everything we do comes from our own need for self-expression. Thus, our whole life can become creative project .

While some people may be more creative than others, I think that creativity is a quality we all have. If you look at own life, you will see that she is full of creativity. When we cook a meal, redecorate a room, choose equipment, or plant a garden, we are creating. The things we choose say a lot about us and are part of how we build our own lives. published

A gifted person is like a bright star in the sky, demanding special attention. It is necessary to take care of him so that he turns into a beautiful, full of energy star. Creating conditions that stimulate the development of creative thinking is one of the most important goals when working with gifted children.

It remains for us, teachers, to discern, distinguish, and reveal the deep meaning of children's insight. And, illuminated by their light, consciously return this meaning to children in order to encourage and push them to further creative insights...



Orlova Lilia Fedorovna,

senior teacher

MBDOU TsRR – kindergarten"Baby"

village Cheryomushki, Republic of Khakassia

Formation of the qualities of a creative personality

Human talent is

a small sprout, barely pro-

pecked from the ground and three-

attracting enormous attention

mania. It is necessary to groom and cherish, look after him, make

everything necessary for him to

grew and bore abundant fruit.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

A gifted person is like a bright star in the sky, requiring special attention. It is necessary to take care of it so that it turns into a beautiful, full of energy star.

In most scientific concepts, giftedness and the prerequisites for its development are associated with the creative capabilities and abilities of the child, defined as creativity Creativity (from the English create - create, create) - this is Creative skills an individual, characterized by a readiness to accept and create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking and are included in the structure of giftedness as an independent factor, as well as the ability to solve problems. According to American psychologist Abraham Maslow, this is a creative orientation,innately characteristic of everyone,but lost by the majority under the influence of the existing system of upbringing, education and social practice.

At the household level creativity manifests itself as savvy - ability to achieve goals, find a way out various situations using settings, objects, and circumstances in unusual ways. In a broad sense, it is an unconventional and ingenious solution to a problem. And, as a rule, with ordinary tools or resources, if the need is material.

Creativity can manifest itself in thinking, communication, and in certain types of activities.

One of the important directions in the development of creativity in preschool children is the formation of the qualities of a creative personality.This involves solving the following problems:

1. Formation of independence of thinking, i.e. ability to find own solution, original answers, openly express bold ideas and hypotheses, defending your own opinion.

2. Development of determination and perseverance when searching for problems, the desire to complete the work started.

3. Formation of accepting criticism without offense, from a positive position, expressing criticism of other people with a desire to help.

4. Development of the desire to sympathize and worry about people, animals, and plants.

5. Encouraging initiative, independence, and ingenuity in the child.

6. Developing the ability to maintain confidence in one’s abilities, despite temporary difficulties and failures.

Giftedness – a combination of three characteristics: above-average intellectual abilities, creativity and perseverance.

Thus, the necessary signs of giftedness necessarily includethe child’s intellectual development is above the average age level, since only this level provides the basis for creative productivity.

Only whenhigh creativity combined with high level intelligence, there is good adaptation to the social environment, emotional balance, independence, high and prolonged creative activity.

As a rule, gifted children are interested in any field of science. They have many ideas and desires. The teacher’s task is to support them and help them realize themselves.

Creating conditions that stimulate the development of creative thinking is one of the most important goals when working with gifted children. According to the results of many studies, the development of children’s creativity occurs when organizing directly educational activities conditions favorable for creativity: the creation of situations of success, the incompleteness of the problems under consideration (what happened, what needs to be thought about, to get to the truth, to approach heuristic finds), the emergence of more and more new complex issues, a great desire in search activities (to find answers!), creating an atmosphere of understanding. In addition, it is necessary to constantly emphasize responsibility and independence, and to focus parents’ attention on the interests of their children. At the same time, it is advisable to pay attention to special training various aspects creative thinking: searching for problems, putting forward hypotheses of alternativeness and originality.

When working with gifted children, you need to use the following:conceptual provisions:stimulation of individual research interest, group creativity, involvement in productive creative activity.

How to teach? – learn to find unusual, non-standard solutions.

The range of creative tasks is unusually wide in complexity - from solving a puzzle to inventing new car. To solve these problems, you need observation, the ability to analyze, combine, etc. - all that together constitutes creative abilities. It is easier for a person with a creative mind to find a creative twist in a business and achieve high results. But nature is not generous with talents, they, like diamonds, are rare, but the same nature has endowed every child with the opportunity to develop. And such development should begin not when a person has become a specialist, but much earlier. Training an inventor, just like an athlete, is a long process.How? Enter TRIZ ( individual elements theories and techniques for solving inventive problems).

Currently, techniques and methods of technical TRIZ are successfully used in kindergartens to develop inventive ingenuity in preschoolers, creative imagination, dialectical thinking.

The purpose of TRIZ is not just to develop children’s imagination, but to teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of the processes taking place.

Tool for working with children- pedagogical search.

If the child does not ask a question, then the teacher asks it himself: “What would happen if...”

Class - not a form, but a search for truth.


I. Search for the essence.

Children are presented with a problem (question) that needs to be solved. And everyone is looking different variants decisions, what is true.

P. “The Mystery of the Double” - identifying contradictions: good - bad (for example: the sun is good and bad. Good - it warms, bad - it can burn). The beginning of thought and intelligence is where the child looks for contradictions.

III. Resolving contradictions (with the help of games and fairy tales).For example: you need a large umbrella to hide under it from the rain, but you also need a small one to carry it in your bag. The solution to this contradiction is a folding umbrella.

Techniques for resolving contradictions:

1. Change in the state of aggregation of a substance (water in a sieve - freeze and transfer in a sieve).

2. Change in time (speed up time and grow). Solving fairytale problems and inventing new fairy tales. How to save Kolobok from the Fox?

  1. historical: how was the wheel, airplane, fork, pencil, etc. invented?
  2. on walks: who is the mother of the wind, who are his friends, what does the wind whisper about, what does the wind argue with the sun?
  3. empathy technique: what does this bush feel, is the tree in pain?

There are techniques for resolving contradictions in kindergarten.

Crusher - fragmentation and unification (union of kids in a fairy tale to cope with the wolf).

Matryoshka - matryoshka principle (one in one).

Toropyzhka - the principle of preliminary action and anti-action (Masha climbed into the basket to get to her grandparents).

Parrot - principle of copying.

Good Wizard- turn harm into benefit, evil into good.

Fidget - the principle of dynamism.

I don't want to - the “vice versa” principle.

Simulation methodlittle people, which is used in classes to familiarize themselves with surrounding objects and their properties.

An important point in the process of organizing developmental activities is the creation in children motivation, which is based on the basic needs of children preschool age. Psychologists note that a child develops very earlythe need for awareness of one’s importance, recognition, self-affirmation,which a child can realize in a play situation.

It is in the game that the preschooler’s need to act independently, actively, like an adult is realized. Sometimes to solve problems they needturn into wizards, artists, tailors, designers and so on.

A strong incentive that motivates preschoolers to activity is the motive of personal benefit, which cannot be ignored when conducting creative activities. It is also significant for preschoolersneed to communicate with adults.The communication process should be accompanied only by positive emotions: the joy of new knowledge, the joy of discovery, the joy of creativity, satisfaction with praise. It is important for teachers to give up the habit of “telling children”; they need to learntalk to them.

Gradually, it becomes most significant for older preschoolerscognitive need.

Along with cognitive, in older age,the need for creation.Its role is especially great in the development of the child’s creative potential.

It remains for us, teachers, to discern, distinguish, and reveal the deep meaning of children's insight. And, illuminated by their light, consciously return this meaning to children in order to encourage and push them to further creative insights.


  1. “Working with gifted children: searches and finds/according to Art. L. Golovanova / Magazine “ Public education" – 2004. - No. 7.
  2. “Learn together” / according to Art. M. Nefedova / Magazine for parents “Family and School” - 1992. – No. 1-3.
  3. “A gifted teacher required”/according to Art. Veronica Sorokina / Magazine of caring parents “Schoolchildren’s Health” - 2006. - No. 10.
  4. Prokhorova L.N. Traveling around Fantalia. Practical materials on the development of creative activity of preschool children. – St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”, 2000.