Pouring tea into cups is a sign of unexpected joy (see also Tea). Empty cups standing on the table - you spend too much time on pleasure. This is detrimental to the cause. Wash tea cups - soon you will have to correct the mistakes of the past, which, however, will not be so difficult to do. Break a tea cup - quarrel with a friend.

If you dreamed of empty cups standing on the table, imagine that you are pouring strong tea into them, placing them on the table and treating your friends. If you break a cup in a dream, imagine that you collect the fragments, glue them together with superglue - and the cup becomes as good as new.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

If you dream of tea cups, it means that you will spend most of your time on pleasure.

If a woman breaks a cup in a dream, this is a sign that her happiness will be broken by an unexpected misfortune.

If in a dream you drink wine from a tea cup, this foretells a combination of business and pleasure in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from

If a woman has a dream in which she breaks a mug, this means that the happiness she is sure of may soon crack due to an unexpected reason. Often such a dream also has an erotic interpretation. If a woman dreams about it, then this may threaten the loss of sexuality among the opposite sex.

What if you dream about a broken mug?

If a man dreams of a broken mug, then in an erotic interpretation, this means that the man may lose attractiveness to his beloved.

In some dream books, the interpretation of a dream about a broken mug is interpreted as a happy accident, but this is not entirely true, since a broken mug cannot bode well. That is why it is necessary to take these kinds of dreams very seriously.

If a person breaks an empty mug, this means that in the near future there will be difficulties, financial problems and losses.

If in a dream a person sees a broken mug, but the actual process of how it broke is not present, this means a quarrel with a loved one. Therefore, it is extremely important not to argue or provoke a quarrel, this may not turn out to be a good sign. family relationships in future.

If a glass mug breaks in a dream, this foretells getting rid of a person’s fears.

If in a dream a mug filled with something falls out of a person’s hands and breaks, this may portend a loss of luck and success in everything, so it is highly recommended not to draw hasty conclusions and make important decisions, at least in the near future.

Breaking a metal mug in a dream portends loss best friend, porcelain, to an accident. To prevent this, you need to watch your words and keep your mouth shut and refrain from long unforeseen trips.

What does it portend?

To see a dream in which a mug breaks and a person gets scared means experiencing severe fear in reality.

If more than one mug breaks, this portends illness and major failures in work.

Seeing a dream in which a person deliberately breaks a mug leads to a short, but serious and serious illness. That is why you should carefully monitor your health to avoid sad moments that will be very painful.

Breaking a mug with clear liquid in a dream foretells the destruction of all hopes for the future.

A dream in which a person sees a broken mug often foreshadows quarrels, injuries and accidents, so you need to be careful. There is also a danger of quarrels with loved ones due to the intemperance of the one who started the conflict.

A person’s dreams don’t just happen; they carry some important information or a warning about something. It is necessary to learn how to correctly interpret a dream and understand for yourself what it meant. This article explains the dream about broken mug, why he dreams and what he portends.

The most current interpretation of the dream book says that breaking a mug in a dream means unexpected quarrels and showdowns. However, this is not the only explanation for what this dream means. There are many more interesting interpretations of this phenomenon.

Don't be annoyed!

If you had such a vision and the truth is worth preparing for conflict situations. But remember that disagreements will probably be your fault.

Therefore, if you happen to break a mug, then the dream book recommends pulling yourself together, getting less irritated over trifles and taking everything personally.

Miller's opinion

By the way, Miller’s dream book believes that broken cup in night dreams warns that the planned fun will have to be postponed, and the free time devoted to work and business.

Suffering and breakup

If a woman had a dream, then suffering awaits her. If she happened to break the mug herself, then her happiness would be interrupted in the most tragic way.

A broken mug for men predicts a break with his mistress. In general, the dream book believes that a broken vessel in a dream guarantees intrigue, deception and mistakes.

New stage

A ceramic and porcelain bowl in a dream is a symbol of life. Knowing this, it is not difficult to guess why a broken cup is dreamed of. It marks the transition to a new stage.

Seeing fragments means that existence will become simpler and more modest. Moreover, if you dreamed that you personally happened to break a mug, then you will move away from civilization on your own initiative. If someone else does this, then everything will happen against their will.

You'll be covered in chocolate!

A more expanded interpretation of the dream can be obtained by taking into account the material from which the dishes are made. If a porcelain mug breaks, then expect troubles and a loss of vitality.

Did you dream that a glass container cracked? You will not make the most pleasant impression on your new acquaintance.

If the pottery breaks, it means that the period of disastrous existence is over and a better life is coming.

Did your ordinary ceramic cup suddenly break? Profit will literally disappear from your hands.

Interpretation by actions

To understand why this situation is being dreamed about, the dream book advises remembering own actions in a dream.

  • Washing a broken mug means parting with a loved one.
  • Drinking from it means fateful trials.
  • To receive it as a gift means a strange and obviously unpleasant acquaintance.
  • Giving it yourself means reconciliation.
  • Selling means avoiding trouble.
  • Buy - get a well-deserved punishment.

Own emotions

Why else would you dream that you broke a mug in a dream? To understand this, the dream book recommends remembering your feelings.

Popular wisdom says that dishes beat for happiness. Unfortunately, this statement is not always true if we're talking about about the world of night dreams. Details that you definitely need to remember will help you figure this out.

Why do men dream about a broken cup?

What forecast do guides to the world of dreams make for representatives of the stronger sex? Why do men dream about a broken cup? This plot warns lonely guys about the need to carefully monitor their words and actions. Careless statements or actions can lead to the sleeper’s reputation being ruined irrevocably. This can seriously disappoint loved ones whose opinion is important to the dreamer.

What does such a plot promise for men who have a second half? Night dreams in which a broken cup appears warn of the need to pay more attention to the chosen one. If the dreamer does not heed this recommendation, there will be a cooling in the relationship. The result of all this can be a painful breakup.


What do guidebooks to the world of dreams predict for the fair sex? Why does a woman need it? Such a plot warns that the sleeping woman may soon lose all her fans. A woman risks losing her attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex.

What is the reason for this forecast? There is a high probability that the dreamer has stopped taking care of her appearance or has begun to pay much less attention to it. Lack of proper self-care does not allow the sleeping woman to please men as she did before. If a woman is vain, then the loss of fans can seriously upset her and negatively affect her self-esteem.


Not only the gender of the sleeping person must be taken into account in order to get an answer to the question of why a broken cup is dreamed of. The material from which the damaged product is made is also important. Possible options are discussed below.

  • Porcelain. This plot symbolizes the emotional burnout and physical fatigue of the sleeper. The person concentrated on work and stopped satisfying his natural need for rest. He needs a long vacation in order to replenish his energy reserves and put his thoughts in order. Only after this can he return to work. If the dreamer does not heed this recommendation, the consequences can be very dire.
  • Glass. Why do you dream of a broken cup if we are talking about a product made from this fragile material? This plot predicts that men and women will meet an unpleasant person. This person will treat the sleeping person with disdain, but he will still be forced to establish contact with him.
  • Clay. A broken clay cup symbolizes the onset of the white streak. The clouds above the dreamer's head will dissipate. A person will have less work to do, which will allow him to pay more attention to family and friends and relax more often.
  • Ceramics. Such a plot warns that a person is missing a rare opportunity to improve his financial situation. Unfortunately, it is too late to change anything; all that remains is to learn a lesson from the mistake made.

With tea

Why dream of breaking a cup while drinking tea? Such a plot informs that the sleeper should not trust his other half in vain. Suspicions for which there is no basis will lead to conflicts and quarrels. As a result, the lovers may separate.

What does it mean to drink tea from a broken cup? Such dreams warn the dreamer that he has hard work ahead of him. The sleeper will be forced to work hard in order to achieve financial independence.

With coffee

Such a dream can also be seen by girls and boys who are not married. Dreams with such a plot predict that the sleeper’s loved ones will not like his other half. The bride or groom's meeting with the family will end sadly.

With water

A bowl filled with clean spring water is a good dream. Such a plot indicates that the sleeper is a kind and sincere person. He is always ready to help others, for this he is loved and appreciated.

It’s bad if a bowl of water breaks in your night dreams. Such a plot informs that the enemies have gotten too close to the dreamer. If he does not take care of his safety, ill-wishers will be able to harm him.

Various stories

  • In his night dreams, a person can see a cup and saucer. Why This plot warns that the sleeper must take care of his happiness. It will be just as easy to break it.
  • Does someone give a broken cup to the dreamer as a gift? Such dreams promise a man or woman severe trials. The support of loved ones will help the sleeping person overcome this difficult period. He can’t cope with all this alone, so don’t be shy to ask others for help.
  • Buying a cup with cracks in a dream means retribution. In the near future, the dreamer will be forced to be punished for bad deeds committed in the past. The need to answer for his actions will be a good lesson for him. A person will learn to think about the consequences.
  • Washing a broken cup means separation. Most likely we are talking about separation from the other half. It also cannot be ruled out that the dreamer’s close friend will disappear from his life.
  • In a dream, is a person trying to sell broken dishes? Such a plot is a good omen. In the future, the sleeper will miraculously avoid serious troubles.
  • The cup was damaged due to fault pet? Such a dream indicates the fragility of the happiness of lovers. Soon a person will appear on the horizon who will make every effort to destroy the dreamer’s family.

Dream interpretation broken mug

Although in reality it is believed that breaking dishes is fortunately, in a dream the interpretation changes a little. Breaking a cup or other vessel means quarrels, squabbles, misunderstandings with people around you.

A whole cup, especially one filled to the brim with some kind of drink, promises material well-being and good luck.

Based on all interpretations, it can be understood that this symbol is not so simple, and to solve it, you need to delve into the topic.

Break a mug in a dream

I dreamed about fragments of my favorite dishes

Why do you dream of a broken cup? Before you begin to solve the dream in which you broke a mug, it is worth understanding the interpretations that dream books give regarding the symbol itself - a mug in a dream. Fortunately, this subject is often reflected in dream interpreters.

Predictions of dream interpreters

Most dream books believe that a broken bowl promises you troubles related to communication with your family. You will lose mutual understanding with your relatives, the situation will become tense. Don't want open conflict? You will need patience, tact and endurance.

Erotic dream book

It's worth starting with the fact that a drink in a cup means sexuality. If you take a sip of liquid, then you are a passionate person who has a desire to possess another person. Wherein this dream book gives the same predictions for both the female and male halves.

It is believed that if a woman drops and breaks a cup in a dream, it means loss of femininity. Your beloved man and the rest of the stronger sex will look at you with different eyes, and this will not add charm to you.

For men, the interpretation is not so negative. According to the dream book, a broken cup promises a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of the fans. Monitor your actions more carefully, perhaps you will accidentally do something that will denigrate you in her eyes.

Wanderer's Dream Book

This source goes against others, and believes that a broken vessel in a dream means that in real life A happy accident will happen to a sleeping person.

Damaged clay cup

But he considers an empty mug as uncertainty in communication with a partner. You can’t dot all the i’s and are in limbo.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Miss Hasse gave quite clear and concise interpretations of what you might dream about:

  • a broken cup means a quarrel;
  • clay - you will live in modesty, you will not be able to afford excesses;
  • buy - will happen negative events that will scare your family members;
  • just to see - you will receive an invitation to a social evening.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller viewed positively the dream where a sleeping person sees tea cups or a whole set. This means that he will spend time having fun, interestingly, for his own pleasure.

Broken service

For a woman to dream of a set that she accidentally broke means that your happiness will be overshadowed by sudden grief.

Miller viewed positively the dream in which you treated yourself to wine from a tea cup. This means you will have a pleasant and useful time.

The female interpreter also agrees with Miller’s dream book.

The month you were born

The interpretation of dreams based on your month of birth is gaining more and more popularity every day. It is believed that such a prediction will be more accurate and is made based on the horoscope of the sleeping person.

All birthday people in the first four months of the year can prepare for a quarrel that will occur in family circle- this is how a broken cup is interpreted in a dream.

Those who were born in late spring and summer should have patience after such a dream, they will definitely need it.

The autumn dream book says that breaking or breaking a mug in a dream is a negative sign. There are people around you who are deceiving you.

If you weren't the one who broke the mug

Why do you dream of a broken mug, but it became such before you? In this case, the details will play a rather important role:

Drink in a cracked cup

  • you were presented with a drink in a broken mug - fate has prepared a test for you;
  • if you bought a cracked one, you will be held accountable for the crimes you have committed;
  • sold it - you will be able to avoid trouble;
  • you were presented with a broken cup - you will meet an unpleasant person;
  • wash it - you will part with the person you love;
  • the cat breaks the mug - you and your loved one are in danger, someone is planning to separate you.

If you had a dream in which the cat was the culprit broken dishes, then it is the key symbol. A cat is a hidden enemy, take a closer look at your surroundings; perhaps your acquaintance, under the guise of a friend, is trying to quarrel between you and your life partner. Don't blindly follow what other people tell you.

The material from which the mug was made

If you set about interpreting a dream in which your mug broke, then you should take a closer look at the material itself:

  • porcelain - you are in a depressed state, vitality at the end of;
  • glass - you will meet a person, but you will make a negative impression on him;
  • clay - a favorable period of material well-being is expected;
  • ceramics - miss the opportunity to make a profit.

Also, porcelain, which shatters into small fragments, can symbolize the end of a certain period in the life of a sleeping person. He is on the threshold of something new, and what it will be like depends partly on you.

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