In general, the dream is favorable and means new acquaintances. However, you need to pay attention to details. If you see a crowd of strangers passing by, you will have many new friends whose acquaintance will never develop into friendship, but may be useful in the future.

If a stranger approached you on the street, the dream foreshadows a new friendship.

If you are single and saw a stranger of the opposite sex in a dream, perhaps you will soon have a bride or groom. If at the same time the stranger or stranger was of some exotic appearance, then your future spouse will be a very interesting person.

If you dreamed that some strangers came to your home, this means either a change of place of residence or an addition to the family. If at the same time you shook hands with each of them, expect guests who will bring you stunning news. Perhaps this will change your destiny.

Traveling with strangers in the same compartment - you have a long journey ahead, in which you will meet pleasant and useful people.

Flying with a stranger on a plane - thanks to the support of a secret patron, you will be able to occupy a high position.

Seeing the death of a stranger means unexpected surprises from old friends are possible.

Kissing a stranger - entertainment full of thrills awaits you. If you dreamed that you were kissing several strangers, you will have fun in the company of good friends.

Giving something to strangers means you will win the favor of people, even those who have previously treated you negatively.

Fighting with a stranger of the opposite sex - your love search will be crowned with success.

If you dream that stranger secretly got into your house and is going to steal something, such a dream foreshadows a new love.

If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, imagine that you catch a stranger in the act of a crime and hand him over to the police. All your things are in place, the stranger did not steal anything. You can work out a dream in a universal way by imagining that strangers are interesting to you, you have the most friendly feelings towards them.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Someone, upon waking up, remembers dreams in detail and in the smallest detail, others remember only chaotic fragments of dreams. will tell you whether the dream was prophetic or not. If after a night vision you are puzzled by the question “Why do you dream of a feast?”, the most popular dream books – ancient and modern – will help you find the answer. Details will help you interpret the dream, so try to remember every episode of your dream.

What does the dream indicate?

    Miller's Dream Book

    Dream about a feast portends public speaking , during which you will have to be nervous, as you will hear not the most pleasant questions addressed to you.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    To dream of a magnificent feast in an unfamiliar place, and strangers sitting at the table - vanity lies ahead, in reality you will spin like a squirrel in a wheel, trying to solve several at once important tasks and affairs.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Positive dream about a feast in your home - a good sign foretelling prosperity in prosperous period in life.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    Dream about a feast portends a waking acquaintance with interesting people, from communicating with whom you will benefit. This will not necessarily be a material benefit; it is possible that you will receive useful advice or the necessary information.

    Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

    Men have such a dream as a harbinger of success in society, while you will demonstrate your superiority and generosity; for women - on the eve of pleasant troubles.

Who were you with?

The advice to remember the details of a dream as carefully as possible is not at all idle, after all, they are the ones who will help you understand the true meaning of the message from the world of dreams.

The Wanderer's dream book gives several interpretations of a dream with such a plot, and much depends on the details:

  • A dream in which you are sitting at a richly laid table with relatives, portends pleasant communication with people in reality people you trust and whose opinions you value.
  • A dirty, untidy table with untidy dishes and leftovers, at which you sit with your relatives - this promises quarrels, resentments and claims, which lie in wait for you in reality in the very near future.
  • You sit at a generously laid table with your relatives, but don’t eat anything, in reality you risk being drawn into other people's games, they will try to manipulate you, and you will not immediately recognize these attempts.

According to Miller’s dream book, a dream about a feast with friends foreshadows easy, pleasant communication in reality, during which, however, you should not make frivolous promises, as you risk not fulfilling them on time.

A feast in a friendly company - such a dream, according to Miss Hasse’s dream book, has different meaning for people of different status:

  • To a married lady to see such a dream means innocent flirting and fleeting hobbies.
  • To an unmarried girl To see such a dream is a sign of a promising acquaintance.
  • To a respectable man to dream about a feast with friends means making a small but pleasant profit.
  • to the youth- for frivolous entertainment in real life.
  • To an elderly person a dream about a feast is seen on the eve of a successful outcome of a small but significant matter.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: a dream about a feast with strangers interprets it as a message that in reality you should be more careful in your judgments, since because of your rash words you risk tarnishing your reputation.

Feasting at the same table in the company of strangers - in the Gypsy dream book, this is a warning dream that in reality they will try to deceive you. There are other interpretations of a dream about a feast:

  • A feast at a generously set table with friends– in a difficult situation for yourself, get the help you were counting on.
  • The table is sparsely set and you are sitting at it with relatives- you have to go through a difficult period in your family life; it is possible that you will be reminded of past grievances and old sins.

A magnificent banquet in the company of strangers - such a dream predicts a situation in reality when your irrepressible ambitions play a cruel joke on you, you will take unjustified risks. This interpretation of the dream is given in the dream book of the 21st century. An interpretation of a dream about a feast with colleagues is also given: this is a harbinger of rivalry in business sphere, and luck will be on the dreamer’s side.

The Wanderer’s dream book also contains an interpretation of a dream about a feast with colleagues - such a dream promises profit, a gift, some kind of pleasant surprise that will delight you and inspire you to accomplish new useful things.

Dreams in which you see people who have already died always raise many questions. A dream about a feast with the deceased is no exception. Detailed interpretation gives Esoteric Dream Book:

  • A dream in which you celebrate a holiday with the deceased in your home- in reality you will be haunted by memories of the past, you will regret something.
  • A dream in which you sit at festive table with the deceased in someone else's house- this is a message from the secret world with a warning to be careful and not to trust strangers.
  • Sitting at a poorly laid table in the company of the deceased,- such a dream promises trouble, and you will not be able to have the desired influence on the course of events.

On the pages of Vanga’s dream book you can also find an interpretation of a dream about a feast in the company of an already deceased person - in reality you will be overcome by anxiety, and you should listen to the voice of your heart, this will help you avoid troubles.

Drinks at the table

In the Wanderer's dream book, a dream in which you drink pleasant-tasting alcohol foreshadows pleasure, leisure in pleasant company; drinking a bitter drink means disappointment and disappointment in reality, as you will not get what you want.

  • A man drinks in a dream– in reality there will be situations of rivalry, during which you will try to defend your opinion, and you will do it quite successfully.
  • A woman drinks in a dream- you risk becoming a victim of temptation, the role of the tempter will not necessarily be a man, you may be flattered by unreasonably expensive outfits and other ladies’ whims.

In the 21st century dream book, when interpreting a dream about drinking, it is given great importance details:

  • Drink wine from tall elegant glasses- to triumph in business, to achieving the desired goal.
  • Drinking alcohol from dirty dishes- the dream warns that in reality, behind your back, envious people are spreading unpleasant rumors and you risk finding out about this under extremely unfavorable circumstances for yourself.
  • Drinking strong drinks from chipped containers- a harbinger of not the most favorable period in life, when you encounter financial difficulties.

The dream book of Nostradamus promises: a dream about a drinking feast is dreamed on the eve of adventurous, rash decisions in reality. Drinking bitter drinks from small dishes means in reality you will be faced with the need to prove something to someone and even make excuses.

Miller's Dream Book: drinking during a feast, feeling the taste of a strong drink - in reality you will act in the company of not the most reliable partners, which will cause you a lot of trouble, worries and doubts.

If you dreamed of a lot of booze that you see on the table during a feast - in reality you will encounter aggressive behavior towards you, they will try to touch your nerves and thereby provoke you into rash actions and statements.

Feast for various occasions

In the 21st century dream book you can find an interpretation of a dream about a feast for various reasons:

  • Wedding feast– the dream foreshadows a prosperous, successful period in life.
  • Celebration of a child's christening- such a dream promises long-awaited and pleasant news, while you will be sincerely happy for others.
  • Name day feast– in reality you will spend time in a pleasant company, enjoy communicating with people you are interested in.
  • Banquet in honor of a memorable date or event– in reality you will receive important news from trusted people.
  • Memorial event- to sadness and sadness in reality.
  • A feast in honor of meeting old friends- V real life receive important news from afar and begin to take active action.

Why do you dream of a feast in the company of your best friends or strangers? Night visions in which a feast was dreamed of are interpreted by interpreters mainly in a positive light. According to most dream books, a magnificent and cheerful feast in a dream promises the sleeper the beginning of a bright streak in life, filled with happy changes and positive emotions. But if in his dreams the dreamer experienced anxiety, was dissatisfied or depressed with something, then in reality his life will not be as cloudless as he wants.

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    Interpretation according to Modern and Russian dream books

    The modern dream book considers a feast a favorable sign, foretelling the dreamer happiness, success and good news. If a person sleeping in a dream dreamed that he was preparing dishes for the holiday and setting the table, then in reality he should not be afraid of problems. In the near future he expects financial well-being and stability in all areas of life. Did you dream of sitting at a richly set table with other guests? Fate has prepared for man a meeting with kind and sincere people who will become his true friends and will lend their shoulder in difficult times. If in his night dreams the dreamer was at a table without a tablecloth, then in real life he will be faced with a situation in which he will be able to show his autonomy and independence.

      A bad omen is a dream in which the dreamer during a feast was nervous, angry or experienced any other negative feelings. This development of events warns him of impending misfortune. A dirty tablecloth on the table promises the sleeper problems with children or subordinates. A feast with empty tables predicts financial problems for a person. In the near future, he will have to live on a very modest amount and deny himself the most necessary things.

      The Russian dream book considers a feast seen in night dreams to be a harbinger of a fun pastime. In the coming days, the sleeping person will have to take part in a gala event, at which the tables will be laden with alcohol. The interpreter recommends that the dreamer be careful about drinking strong drinks, as this puts him at risk of getting into an unpleasant situation and making enemies.

      Do you see yourself in a dream as a guest at a crowded, cheerful feast? The dream book is sure that a person who has seen such a picture in a dream will meet kind and decent people in real life who will help him implement his plans and get rid of problems. You should not be afraid of failures in the coming period - they will bypass the sleeping person.

      Decoding the vision according to Veles, Miller, Vanga and Online Dream Book

      Seeing a feast, according to Veles’s dream book, is a sign of favorable events. But if the dreamer was surrounded by many women at the feast, then his reputation may soon suffer due to gossip spread about him by ill-wishers. Also a dream in which there was a large number of representatives of the fairer sex, often foreshadows sadness and tears for a person.

      If a person dreams of a feast, good changes await him in real life. This interpretation can be found in Gustav Miller’s dream book. The famous interpreter of dreams predicts true friends for the sleeper, happy turns in fate and financial well-being. Night vision promises a married dreamer sincere love soulmate and respect from children.

      The dream of a feast in the dream book of the legendary soothsayer Vanga is a favorable symbol. To the farmer this image portends a rich harvest, for a businessman - success in entrepreneurial activity. For a young girl to see herself in her night dreams at a feast - foretells an imminent wedding. If you had a dream married woman, then in the near future she will learn the news about her pregnancy.

      Did you dream about preparing for a feast? Online dream book promises a person a happy family life and material well-being. To be present at a dinner party in night dreams and see many guests around you is a sign of pleasant leisure time in the company of interesting people.

      Why do you dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

      What does a feast with colleagues and relatives portend?

      A dream in which the table was set at work promises the dreamer praise from his superiors or a cash bonus. If the sleeper was walking with colleagues in a cafe or restaurant, then in reality he will do interesting work that will bring him a lot of positive emotions and a tangible increase in salary. Did you dream of a feast at the home of one of your colleagues? Soon the dreamer will be able to establish himself at work with positive side and gain support from superiors and colleagues. If in a dream the sleeper has a feast with colleagues in his own home, then in reality he will be able to achieve success at work thanks to the support of his household.

      Why does the dreamer dream of relatives at the festive table? Seeing yourself in a dream feasting surrounded by loved ones means you need to make an important decision in reality. Higher powers advise the sleeper not to rush into a final answer. His relatives will help him dispel any doubts, so he can safely count on their help and moral support. Some dream books interpret a feast with loved ones as a sign foreshadowing to a person the emergence of any disputes or conflicts in the family.

      A person who sees formally dressed relatives at the table in a dream must beware of danger in real life. Ladies in white evening dresses and men in black suits spell trouble for him.

The food is delicious, a meal and a pleasant company while eating in a dream foreshadow good news about imminent success in business. Eating delicious food in a dream is a sign have a prosperous life. Buying food in a dream is a sign of profit for those who do not eat enough, and a sign of loss for those who do not know what hunger is.

Seeing leftovers in a dream means minor grief; eating them means illness. Overeating in a dream is a harbinger of losses. To see others eating - expect news that may be of great importance to you.

Cold food instead of hot food in a dream means that your relationship with someone will come to naught (cool). Look who will treat you or bring you such food. Eating cold (cooled) food in a dream is a warning that you should not blindly trust people and rely on their help.

If you dream that your food was stolen or the waiter took it away, or you lost food, then try to avoid conflicts, be careful with your surroundings, as you have ill-wishers who are literally ready to tear a piece out of your mouth. Taking a bite of something tasty is a warning about a possible scam, as a result of which you will get something. However, the risk of the enterprise is unlikely to justify the gains. Taking a bite from something inedible is a sign that your hopes of regaining what you lost will not come true.

Picnic, eating at a picnic is a sign of the instability of your position. If you dream that you were invited to a restaurant or to a picnic, then expect good news and lucrative offers. Food that is spoiled, burnt, rotten, rancid means bad news and failures.

Seeing food on tables is a sign of life's structure. A well-served table in a dream promises a prosperous life and a stable position in real life. If you dream that you are hungry in a dream, then in reality you will crave real changes. If you find something to eat, then expect good changes. And vice versa.

Exotic food in a dream is a sign that you will soon receive an unusual offer. Seeing a lot of good food in a dream is a harbinger of everyday joys and peace. Cooking in a dream means that you can get into trouble. However, it depends on what exactly you are doing. See interpretation: food by name.

Seeing a brew is a sign that you are starting some kind of business that will bring you a lot of trouble, trouble and scandals. Feeding others in a dream is a harbinger of wastefulness. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the receipt of news.

Often such a dream warns you that you will have to answer for your words. Seeing sauce or gravy in a dream means that your business will be complicated by circumstances that you did not foresee, especially if the sauce or gravy is bitter or sour. If they are sweet, then expect deception from your loved ones or partners.

If you vomited in a dream, then this foreshadows losses, losses and failures in business. If you dream that you ate something bad and vomited, then after such a dream your affairs will improve.

Eating fried meat in a dream is a sign of losses and damages; eating a big one in a dream fried fish- a sign of good hopes for the fulfillment of desires and growth of well-being. How bigger fish, the richer you will become.

Small fish in a dream - a sign of anger and frustration because of the unseemly actions of people around you. See interpretation: also hunger, food by name: delicacies, bread, lunch, meat, fish.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Food

This symbol is associated with prosperity, hospitality and friendliness. It has always been believed that the workers in the family, that is, men, should be given the best piece. Food, according to our ancestors, was sent by God, so you should never judge what you eat; you should rejoice at any food and thank the Almighty for your mercy. There was a ritual of eating food: they ate from one cauldron in turn. In this regard, a number of sayings about kinship arose. It was believed that strangers became related while eating food from the same cauldron.

To dream that you are sitting at a table laden with many dishes and carefully emptying the plates one after another - to the guests; You have to prepare a complex and responsible event; to illness.

To see a person who can barely stand on his feet from hunger, but when he sits down to eat, he loses consciousness - this dream foreshadows unexpected troubles with distant relatives; to hunger; to malaise; accident on the street.

To dream that you are present at dinner and all the dishes seem bland to you, and after dinner seasonings are served to the table - this dream means that someone will make you a promise that they cannot keep on time, and will offer help when they can. late; to belated news; to meeting a person whom you were looking for in the past, but never found.

Seeing a skinny person who meticulously picks at the porridge on a plate and eats almost nothing, but only talks about his dislike for porridge - to deal with an inexperienced and awkward person who is unable to stand up for himself; You will find yourself in a situation that will require good physical preparation from you; to the dissatisfaction of younger family members.

Seeing in a dream a table full of food, which does not evoke any feeling in you other than indifference, but you force yourself to sit down at the table and understand that you have made the right decision - this dream foreshadows a strong-willed decision that will have to be made in the near future; You don’t like the environment that surrounds you; You will participate in an activity that is contrary to your mood and desires, but will later bring satisfaction.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you dreamed of a feast

What could be more pleasant than spending time with friends, relatives and just pleasant people, sitting at a richly laid table? In the current era of computer technology, people manage to sit “at the same table” even when at a considerable distance from each other. Meetings are organized online, using Skype and other programs. This way, you can see the people you care about more often.

Do you know why a feast is dreamed of, and what a feast in a dream will bring to you? To understand this issue, you just have to look at the interpretation of this term in dream books.

What will the dream books say?

Let's look at the dream book; dreams of a feast are usually a good thing. But still, the interpretation in each of them is slightly different.

Miller's Dream Book

If you saw a feast in a dream

Miller's forecast is optimistic. According to him, seeing a feast with many dressed people in a dream means prosperity, goodness, and happiness. The sleeper can expect peace in the family circle.

Vanga's Dream Book

For a girl, the presence of such dreams signals an imminent wedding. A woman dreamed of a feast - expect the birth of a child. In general, to see a cheerful feast is for the harvest, profit.

Modern dream book

A feast in a dream promises you some kind of event where alcoholic drinks will be served. Be extremely careful, the dream warns you that you may get into big trouble due to alcohol.

If during a feast you take the place of guests, you will soon meet good people. All troubles and misfortunes will bypass you on the tenth road.

Women's dream book

For women, the interpretation of sleep is very good. Why do you dream of a feast? To joy, luck, peace of mind. For a girl, it promises pregnancy and easy childbirth. When a lot of people are gathered at the table, and the food is plentiful and tasty, there is a very significant event ahead, for example, a wedding or career growth.

You lead the holiday - you will be held in high esteem, everyone will respect you.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Like other dream books, it gives positive interpretation dreams. The only correction is that if you don’t experience the best emotions while preparing for the feast, expect trouble. At the same time, she will appear unexpectedly.

Loff's Dream Book

A richly laid table means good luck and prosperity

  • The meaning of a dream with a richly laid table is good luck in everything. You dream of a feast in which a large number of people participate, but you are not invited to this holiday, you are ignored - expect the same in real life. Your loved one may leave you, kick you out of work, or leave your friends.
  • An invitation to a banquet held in a cafe or restaurant promises a business proposal.
  • A family feast in honor of the New Year is a dream of changes, good or bad, depending on how the holiday went.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

After dreams of a cheerful and bright banquet, you will be expected to part with a loved one, and in the near future. But if the feast took place in a calm atmosphere, then this will not upset you much.

Tsvetkov attached great importance to the number of dishes, believing that a meager table would lead to trouble.

Other interpretations

Dreams about merry feasts show us the true relationship between people. This is especially true for those dreams where a feast takes place between work colleagues.

Lots of dishes and abundance white bread, mean strong friendship and mutual understanding.

Eating a lot of white bread means living long

  • If you eat too much white bread during a feast, you will live a long life. Why dream of a feast when you are waiting for the table to be cleared - to big troubles.
  • If you had a dream in which you were sitting at the same table with a deceased person, then listen very carefully to his words. After such a feast with the dead, it would be completely worthwhile to go to church and light a candle.
  • Suddenly see that the table is completely empty - you have a black streak ahead with many failures.
  • Preparing for the holiday, setting the table means prosperity. Although, if the guests never showed up for the banquet, you will be disappointed in something in life.
  • If you see a fight at the table, you will voluntarily get involved in an unpleasant situation.
  • There are many alcoholic drinks- a sign from above, change your lifestyle before an irreparable disaster happens.
  • Most of the guests are men - strong friendship, women - gossip and quarrels.
  • A festive table without a tablecloth symbolizes your character. You don't put yourself in certain frames. The tablecloth was stained - a sign of family squabbles.
  • The girl dreamed of a wedding feast - an imminent engagement. Good sign, an abundance of dishes means family life will be wonderful.
  • A meal with relatives dreams of a decision complex issues. It’s bad if all the women are dressed in white clothes, and the men in dark ones - this dream is a big disaster.
  • Sitting at the same table with strangers means something unexpected will happen to you soon. Whether it is good or bad, the interpretation depends on the overall picture of the dreams.

What to do?

Of course, it is simply impossible to take into account all dreams. Sometimes we dream about things that simply “do not fit on our heads.” For example, what might you dream of about an online feast with dead people, or what if you sit at a table with animals, fly over the table, and so on. If it is very important for you to find out the message of these dreams, then it is better, of course, to turn to specialists.

The most important thing is that good holiday, whether it is during a dream or in reality, always gives us positive emotions.