Reforms in the field of environmental protection, which began to be implemented in recent years, are gradually becoming more stringent.

What should resource users expect? Introduced complete ban for the disposal of waste tires and car tires.

This position of legislators should stimulate industry development waste recycling, opening new production facilities for their modification.

Deserves close attention. Low cost, easy way Recycling tires requires the use of special equipment.

Let's take a closer look at the popular types of machines and the production lines formed from them, the characteristics of these units and how much they cost.

The technology for producing crumb rubber from waste tires is a process of sequentially grinding raw materials into small pieces and then grinding them into a fine fraction.

Manufacturers offer a large selection of machines for producing crumb rubber; prices depend on the performance of the equipment.

Single shaft shredders

The operating principle of a single-shaft plant is based on grinding raw materials sequentially lowering and rising low-speed cutting shaft.

The operation of a rubber shredder is as follows:

  1. Tires are fed into the shredder chamber for loading raw materials, where under the action of a hydraulic press they are fed to rotating knives.
  2. The press moves from top to bottom, returning to its original position after reaching the maximum degree of pressure on the shaft.
  3. The crushed raw materials are pressed through special sieves placed under the shaft.

Fastening double-sided knives with screws allows them to be reused after one of the edges wears out. This design feature allows increase standard service life tire crushers.

Among the advantages of single-shaft rubber crumb crushers are:

  • simple design;
  • ease of use;
  • possibility of individual use and inclusion in the production line;
  • processing of thick raw materials.

An example of such equipment is a single-shaft machine for processing rubber and tires into crumbs from Netmus; the price of the presented equipment varies in the range 120,000 - 2,800,000 rub..

Twin shaft rubber shredders

Twin-shaft machines for crushing tires into crumbs are designed for cutting raw materials into pieces no larger than 5x5 cm. The shredder blades can process tires of both passenger cars and heavy-duty vehicles.

Principle of operation machine is as follows:

  1. A tire is fed into the raw material receiving chamber. The size of the window allows you to load the entire product; the only requirement is to first remove the cord.
  2. The tire shredder shafts rotate in opposite directions. Hooks placed on the rotors grab the raw material and tear it into pieces.
  3. The crushed raw materials are sifted through a sieve, which is a rotating drum. Particles larger than the sifter mesh size are thrown into the loading chamber for reprocessing.
  4. After sorting into fractions, the finished material falls onto a conveyor belt and is fed for packaging.

Benefits of use two-shaft machine for the production of crumb rubber:

  • the ability to process large-sized raw materials;
  • no need to sharpen knife blades when reinstalling them.

Productivity of rubber processing machine directly depends on given dimensions final products. Thus, when producing tapes and pieces measuring 5x5 cm, the output of 1 machine will be 2 tons/hour and more, with more thorough grinding - up to 2 tons/hour.

The personnel operating the machines does not require any special skills in their work.

The number of auxiliary workers to work in 1 shift is 1-2 people: 1 person - for loading raw materials, 1 person - for reception finished products.

Twin-shaft machines for crushing tires are supplied by the Russian company TechnoService LLC.

Tire shredding plant

Let's look at tire shredding plants using the example of UPShK equipment from the Tekhnoresursy company.

The installation is a rotating crown with 25 knives installed on it, connected to a tire clamped in a special chuck.

Manufacturing process as follows:

  1. Feeding the tire to the clamping drum.
  2. Installation and fixation of the tire in the drum manually, or using the installation lifting mechanism.
  3. Turn on the drive and start rotating the drum. The installation control system provides 3 rotor speeds. It is advisable to choose them depending on the outer diameter of the tire.
  4. Approaching the cutting bit rotating in reverse side in relation to the drum. The speed of movement of the crown is set by the service personnel and depends on the desired size of the finished product fraction - the slower the movement, the finer the crumb rubber obtained.

The rubber is removed from the tire starting from the outer layer until reaching the cord layers.

Textile cord can be crushed together with rubber; metal cord is the limit beyond which the use of the installation is prohibited.

Advantages of using the machine:

  • successfully replaces an entire tire shredding line;
  • competitive price;
  • ease of transportation;
  • quick installation;
  • instant connection to the power supply system;
  • the ability to recycle tires of various sizes;
  • short payback period.

The installation is serviced by one worker. The production technology itself is very simple and does not require additional training.

In a month, one installation is capable of producing 34 tons of clean rubber crumb.

Prices for such equipment for processing rubber into crumbs start from 770,000 rub..


An integrated approach to solving the problem tire processing is provided by lines for grinding used tires into crumbs.

The equipment packages offered by different manufacturers differ little from each other:

  • device for removing the bead ring;
  • guillotine for shredding tires into strips;
  • machine for squeezing metal cord;
  • rollers for making crumb rubber;
  • magnetic and air separators;
  • vibrating sieve

Technology tire processing is as follows:

  1. Separation of tires by weight and diameter, cleaning from large contaminants.
  2. Place the tire in a vice to separate the bead ring from the rubber.
  3. Cutting the resulting rubber into strips about 4 cm wide.
  4. Dividing strips into small pieces.
  5. Grinding the workpieces into crumbs and then feeding the product onto the conveyor.
  6. Purification of products in the separation chamber. Using the magnetic fields created by the installation, metal cord particles are separated from the total mass of crumbs. In the air cleaning chamber, due to the generated vortex flows, the final separation of foreign impurities from rubber particles occurs.
  7. Sorting the resulting products into size fractions.

The finished crumbs are packaged and can be sent for implementation. Larger particles are returned to the conveyor and re-crushed.

Line productivity is from 500 kg of raw materials per hour.

To operate the line you will need 2-3 people per 1 work shift, and no special training in how to operate the equipment is required.

On the market of production equipment, tire processing lines are represented by manufacturers different countries. Let's consider distinctive features individual brands of equipment.

Tire processing line from the Novokuznetsk company ALPHA SPK “ATR-250” declared by the manufacturer as fully automatic. Human participation is required only if there is a need to shred extra-large tires. Equipment price starts from 5,000,000 rub.. You can study the supplier’s offer in more detail on the website.


Mini-factories for the production of crumbs from rubber tires are the best option for those who want to process raw materials on a large scale.

Such production will have not only a personal, economic effect, but also a social one.

New jobs will be created and social tension will decrease.

Benefits of use mini-factories for the production of crumb rubber:

  • low energy consumption, and therefore the cost of produced crumbs;
  • compactness;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • excellent quality of raw material grinding, allowing production to be set up in one cycle;
  • environmental friendliness.

Compact rubber grinding plants "ATR-300" from ALPHA SPK capable of producing up to 350 kg of crumbs from tires. The equipment crushes rubber tires using a mechanical crusher.

The crumbs produced using this technology are of high quality, which means they are of great value to the end consumers of the product.

The mini-plant is equipped with the following equipment:

  • tire crusher;
  • double-sided bead ring puller;
  • knives for cutting tires into noodles;
  • conveyer belt;
  • impact crusher;
  • magnetic separator;
  • vibrating screens

Mini plant works like this:

  1. Visual inspection of raw materials for the presence of impurities that can damage the equipment.
  2. Grinding large pieces of raw materials using hand tools. Small tires are fed into the loading chamber entirely.
  3. Shredding rubber using shredder equipment into smaller fractions. At this stage, the raw materials are purified from metal impurities.
  4. Feeding raw materials into a compartment with a rotating blade element to grind raw materials to the desired size. Cleaning metal cord particles from particles is an additional option launched by the system at this stage of rubber processing.
  5. The raw material enters the separation compartment, where the final cleaning of the crumb rubber from impurities occurs.
  6. Passing the finished product through the cells of a vibrating sieve for sorting into fractions.

The price of such a mini-plant is RUB 9,800,000. The productivity of the mini-plant when producing crumbs of three fractions is up to 350 kg per 1 working hour. 3-4 people are enough to service the equipment. About the need to carry out special training for service personnel the equipment manufacturer does not explicitly state. All questions you may have can be asked on the website.

Pay attention to tire recycling plants from EcoStep.

The line of equipment includes models designed for both beginning entrepreneurs and more experienced tire processors.

The advantage of the equipment declared by the manufacturer is European quality and reliability.

Processing plants car tires models KPSh from the company Doza-gran They process tires into 3 fractions, including rubber dust.

On the company’s website you can calculate the required equipment performance depending on your needs and ultimate goals.

Cost of equipment - from RUB 8,300,000.

Another manufacturer of equipment for tire processing is the company Europlit.

The NEO line equipment it presents allows you to independently configure the desired parameters of the final product.

Comparative characteristics and prices

Equipment brand Characteristic Price Link to the manufacturer's (supplier) website
Mini plant "ATR-300"Energy consumption, kW/h80-120 9.8 million
Product output, kg/hour.350
Generation of by-products (additional income)Yes
LxWxH workshop, m.20x4.5x4.2
Number of workers, people3-4
Plant Bio-KPShVolume of raw materials processed, t/year720-3000 From 8.3 million
Product output, t/year.650-2700
Power consumption, kW/h180-430
Line NEO-300Product output, kg/hour.300 Upon additional
Power consumption, kW/h55
Number of workers, people3
LxWxH workshop, m.33x6x3
Obtaining by-products (additional income)Yes
Line NEO-500Product output, kg/hour.500 According to buyer's request
Power consumption, kW/h90
Number of workers, people3
LxWxH workshop, m.41x6x4
Additional productsYes
Line NEO-1000Product output, kg/hour.1000 Notified upon buyer's request
Electricity consumption, kW/h180
Number of workers, people5
LxWxH workshop, m.43.75x8x4
Additional productsYes
ECO STEP 500Energy consumption, kW/h100
Product output, kg/hour.350
Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.500
Number of workers, people4
Maximum diameter of recycled tires, see.150
LxWxH workshop, m.30x10x5
ECO STEP 700Power consumption, kW/h100 Available upon buyer's
Product output, kg/hour.350
Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.500
Number of workers, people4
Maximum diameter of recycled tires, see.150
LxWxH workshop, m.30x10x5
Line LT400Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.250 52 thousand
Line LT450Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.500 59 thousand dollars
Line LT560Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.1000 74 thousand dollars
Line LPS-300Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.500
Crumb output, kg/hour.300
Maximum inner diameter of tires, cm.150
Power consumption, kWFrom 100
Number of workers, people2-3
Possibility of receiving additional incomeYes
Room size, m 2200
LPS-200Room size, m 240 1.853 million
Up to 200
LPSh-400Room size, m 2From 1205.781 million rubles.
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 400
LPSh-600Room size, m 2From 1506.135 million rubles.
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 600
LPS-800Room size, m 2From 200RUR 8,800 million
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour800-1000
LPS-1500Room size, m 2From 25011.105 million rubles.
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 1500
KGSh-1500Room size, m 2From 20014.156 million rubles.
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 1500
"ATR-250"Power consumption, kW/hour80-100 5.6 million
Room size, m 2 80
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 300
Crumb volume, kg/hourUp to 250
Number of workers, people3-4
UPSHK-1200Power consumption, kW/hour5 0.77 million
Installation size, LxWxH, m1.8x1.2x2
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour35-52,5
Number of workers, people1
UPSHK-2000Power consumption, kW/hour8 0.87 million rub.
Installation size, LxWxH, m2.5x1.7x3.2
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour87,5
Number of workers, people1
UPSHK-2200Power consumption, kW/hour8 1.12 million rubles.
Installation size, LxWxH, m2.8x1.8x3.4
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour100
Number of workers, people1
UPSHK-2700Power consumption, kW/hour11 2.25 million rubles.
Installation size, LxWxH, m3.0x2.0x3.4
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour112,5
Number of workers, people1
Single shaft machine Model 800400-600 1.285 million
Receiving chamber size, cm.147.5x80
Total number of knives49
Power consumption, kW22-37
Up to 4
Single shaft machine Model 1000Equipment productivity, kg/hour600-800 1.41 million rubles.
Receiving chamber size, cm.147.5x100
Total number of knives68
Power consumption, kW37-45
Finished product size, cm.Up to 4
Single shaft machine Model 1300Equipment productivity, kg/hour700-900 1.845 million rubles.
Receiving chamber size, cm.147.5x130
Total number of knives91
Power consumption, kW45-55
Finished product size, cm.Up to 4
Single shaft machine Model 1800Equipment productivity, kg/hour1400-1800 2.75 million rubles.
Receiving chamber size, cm.147.5x180
Total number of knives130
Power consumption, kW75-90
Finished product size, cm.Up to 4
Tire crusher No. 1Equipment productivity, kg/hour2000 Available upon buyer's
Finished product size, cm.Noodles -5, chips - 5x5
Receiving chamber size, cm.120
Total number of knives22
Dimensions of the machine (LxWxH), see.630.3x280x366.7
Tire crusher No. 2Equipment productivity, kg/hourUntil 2000Available upon buyer's request
Finished product fraction, seeNoodles -4, chips - 4x4
Receiving chamber size, cm.75x22x6
Power consumption, kW58
Dimensions of the machine (LxWxH), see.282x230x258
Single shaft shredder 3E WT 2260Total number of knives34 RUB 0.998
Rated power, kW18,5
Productivity, kg/hour200-300
Machine dimensions (LxWxH), m.1.774x1.359x1575
Double-roll crusher DDR-300Power consumption, kW60 Available upon buyer's
Productivity, kg/hour300
Reception window size, cm.60x70
Maximum tire diameter, cm.600
Double-roll crusher DDR-500Power consumption, kW60 Available upon buyer's request
Productivity, kg/hour500
Limit of the raw material acceptance chamber, see.75x80
Maximum tire diameter, cm.750
Double-roll crusher DDR-750Power consumption, kW90 Available upon buyer's request
Productivity, kg/hour750
Window size for storing tires, see82x100
Maximum tire diameter, cm.870
Double-roll crusher DDR-1000Power consumption, kW90 Available upon buyer's request
Productivity, kg/hour1000
Receiving chamber size, cm.85x130
Maximum tire diameter, cm.1200


Tire recycling equipment is a real godsend for those who want to set up a recycling business.

Affordable price, simple installation and maintenance, wide scope of use of the resulting products - reasons to consider this type of production as a priority for beginning entrepreneurs, as well as for established businessmen to master an additional type of activity.

In contact with

With the increase in the number of cars, the problem of recycling old tires is becoming more acute. In Moscow alone, 70 thousand tons of wear-resistant rubber end up in landfills and landfills every year, the decomposition period of which is natural conditions reaches 140 years. Meanwhile, existing technologies make it possible to effectively use such an inexhaustible source of secondary raw materials.

The simplest of them is the processing of tires into crumbs - a technique that combines the benefits for environment and commercial potential. Of course, the cost of tire recycling equipment is at the limit of the financial capabilities of beginning entrepreneurs, but thanks to the high profitability of this business, multimillion-dollar investments pay off in less than a year.

Business Features

The few existing enterprises cannot cope with the recycling of tires: statistics show that in Russia only 20% of old tires are used as recyclable materials. Therefore, individual specialists and entire institutes are developing innovative methods for separating automobile wheels into components and restoring rubber to a reclaimable material suitable for reuse.

However, the most accessible technology for entrepreneurs remains the technology of recycling used tires into crumb rubber by grinding. Simple mechanical action leads to the transformation of the tire into such semi-finished products as:

  • Rubber crumbs of various fractions. The yield is 60–70% of the mass of the raw material;
  • Textile fiber. Formed during cleaning and disposal of seat rings;
  • Metal cord. It looks like short pieces of thin steel wire.

Why is recycling old tires profitable from a commercial point of view? There are several advantages of business that attract entrepreneurs:

  • Raw materials are inexpensive. In some cases, a company may receive tires for free and even with an additional payment for disposal;
  • The classic technology for processing car tires into crumbs involves exclusively mechanical operations;
  • Production is environmentally friendly. The recycling process is accompanied only by the formation of rubber dust and high level noise;
  • Recycling of recyclable materials is encouraged by the state. An entrepreneur can count on subsidies tax benefits and loans at reduced rates.

At the same time, it should be mentioned that processing tires into crumb rubber is a business that has not only advantages. The main disadvantage of this type of activity is the lack of an organized sales market. Therefore, even before starting production, an entrepreneur needs to place advertising and be tasked with finding regular customers.

Tire recycling technologies

Of course, old tires are easiest to burn. Despite all its shortcomings, this method of disposal is considered quite effective: in terms of calorific value, 1 ton of rubber is equivalent to 1 ton of coal or 0.7 tons of fuel oil. At the same time, burning tires releases not only carbon dioxide and soot into the atmosphere, but also much more dangerous chemical compounds. Therefore, it is better to use harmless methods:

1. Mechanical grinding. Abrasion is the only technology that is suitable for processing tires into crumbs at home;

2. Low temperature crushing. Old tires are cooled with liquid nitrogen to a temperature of –60°C, after which the fragile rubber is easily crushed by a press;

3. Cryogenic grinding. Tires cooled to a temperature of –120°C are placed in a closed chamber and destroyed using micro-explosions;

4. Disposal with ozone knife. Under the influence of active gas, rubber becomes brittle and crumbles into crumbs. Textiles and cord remain intact;

5. Destruction by pressure. At high pressure, rubber becomes fluid. It is squeezed out through dies, separating it from the metal cord;

6. The following techniques differ slightly from the technologies for processing tires into crumbs. They allow you to restore rubber to regenerate - a devulcanized plastic composition that is used instead of raw rubber:

  • Dissolution. During processing chemical compounds rubber dissolves and forms a suspension that can be used in the production of new products;
  • Dispersion. A tire placed in an aqueous environment is crushed by mechanical action. The result is a fine rubber emulsion;
  • Water-neutral treatment. The purified rubber crumb is loaded into an autoclave, where it is stirred for 6–8 hours at a temperature of 180°C.

7. The last way to recycle old tires is pyrolysis. It involves heating crushed rubber to a temperature of 450–550°C in a closed chamber without air access. As a result of the decomposition of raw materials, the following are formed:

  • Synthetic liquid fuel;
  • Soot (carbon black);
  • Combustible pyrolysis gas.

8. Comparing these technologies, you can see that mechanical recycling of tires is indeed the simplest, most practical and affordable for small businesses. The grinding process goes like this:

  • Each tire is carefully inspected, cleaned of thorns, stones and other non-recyclable solid objects;
  • Raw materials are sorted by size and type. This simplifies the further setup of machines for processing worn tires into crumbs;
  • On a bead cutting machine, seat rings are cut out of the tire, from which the metal cord is then pulled out;
  • On a hydraulic tire cutter big size divided into several parts. Passenger tires are cut into strips 4–5 cm wide;
  • Parts of tires are loaded into a shredder, where rotating shafts with metal knives tear them into pieces with an area of ​​4–10 cm²;
  • During grinding, remnants of textile and steel cord are pulled out from pieces of rubber;
  • The prepared material enters the rotary crusher, where it passes between grooved shafts and is abraded into fractions;
  • Remains of textile fiber are removed by air flow in a cyclone, and fragments of steel cord are removed by a magnetic field in a separator;
  • The crushed rubber crumb is loaded into a vibration installation, where sieves with different cells separate the fractions by size;
  • The finished rubber crumb is accumulated in receiving bins. It is packaged in standard bags or big bags, after which it is sent to the warehouse.

Application of crumb rubber

While driving, car tires are subjected to intense, long-term loads, so materials that are resistant to mechanical wear and chemical influences are used for their production. In fact, tire rubber is far superior to all similar types of rubber in strength and durability.

When used tires are processed into crumb rubber, the beneficial properties of the material are completely preserved, which allows it to be used in different areas:

  1. Asphalt modifier. The introduction of crumbs into the composition of the road surface increases its elasticity, elasticity and resistance to cracking;
  2. Street coverings. Rubber crumbs are used to make roll materials that cover children's and sports grounds;
  3. Floor coverings. Crumbs pressed into sheets are used to finish porch steps, entrance areas and other slippery places;
  4. Tile. The crumbs are mixed with polymer compounds and pressed in special matrices, obtaining paving slabs different shapes, colors and sizes;
  5. Lawn coverings. Lawns with regular or artificial grass are covered with crumbs to create an elastic surface and prevent trampling;
  6. Filler for sports equipment. from crumbs: punching bags, medicine balls, throwing bags;
  7. Roofing mastic. Rubber crumbs are mixed with bitumen. The resulting mixture is used to cover conventional roofing materials;
  8. Roofing coverings. Crumbs mixed with filler and dye are used to make flexible slate and rubber tiles;
  9. Waterproofing. To protect building structures from moisture, mastic made from fine rubber crumbs mixed with industrial oil is used;
  10. Tire restoration. 10% of the crumbs are added to the composition, which restores the surface and tread pattern of worn tires.

Raw materials for the manufacture of parts. By mixing crumb rubber with plasticizers and adhesives, you can make:

  • Bumper covers;
  • Trays for the luggage compartment of a car;
  • Gaskets for rails;
  • Blind area for railway crossings;
  • Artificial road humps;
  • Mud flaps for cars;
  • Wheels for cargo trolleys;
  • Shoe soles.

Bridge coverings. Crumb is a component of a plastic mixture used to seal joints between slabs of bridges, overpasses and overpasses.

Oil production. The crumbs are used to make sorbents that absorb oil products, as well as plugging solutions that are pumped into wells to seal cracks.

Additional products from processing tires into crumb rubber are textile fiber and steel cord. Textiles are a durable material that can be used for reinforcing concrete mixtures, making roofing cardboard and fiberboard, and padding sports equipment. Unpurified cord is also used as a reinforcing additive. But after firing it can be sent for smelting.

Business documentation

Thinking about this, you don’t have to worry about obtaining official status. But organizing a full-fledged business for recycling recyclables without legalization is undesirable. In this case, such a form of ownership as individual entrepreneur is quite acceptable. It is worth considering the feasibility of registering an LLC only to attract third-party investors or to draw up a loan agreement on behalf of a legal entity.

In order to clarify the priority direction of the enterprise’s activities, the application must indicate the appropriate OKVED codes:

OKVED codes for processing tires into crumbs

If an entrepreneur cares about this, then he should be puzzled by choosing the optimal taxation system. With a turnover not exceeding 150 million rubles per year, the simplified tax system at a rate of 6% or 15% is preferable for the enterprise.

However, interaction with the state does not end there. As a business, recycling tires into crumbs involves working with rubber waste, which is classified as hazard class IV. Therefore, the owner of the workshop will have to contact Rosprirodnadzor and obtain the appropriate perpetual license. To do this you need:

  • Choose the right room;
  • Set up a workshop and install a production line;
  • Train employees on waste management rules;
  • Draw up a production control program;
  • Develop and register a waste passport;
  • Obtain a certificate from Rospotrebnadzor regarding the workshop’s compliance with sanitary standards;
  • Obtain a certificate from the State Fire Safety Inspectorate regarding compliance with fire safety rules;
  • Receive a certificate from Rosprirodnadzor on the implementation of environmental protection measures;
  • Transfer the state duty in the amount of 7,500 rubles.

Given the need to obtain permits from three departments, independent licensing becomes a long process with no guarantee of a positive result. In some cases, an entrepreneur should contact an intermediary who will help fulfill the requirements of supervisory authorities and correctly prepare documents. The cost of such a service averages 160–300 thousand rubles.

Preparing the premises

The list of equipment for processing tires into crumb rubber includes several bulky machines, so you will need a spacious room to set up a workshop. When using a line with a capacity of up to 600 kg/h, its area must be at least 400 m². Here you need to highlight:

  • Tire storage area;
  • Production area;
  • Finished goods warehouse;
  • Administrative offices;
  • Locker room and eating area.

In addition, the entrepreneur must fulfill a number of requirements for the premises of processing shops by equipment manufacturers and authorities checking compliance with legal restrictions:

  • Sanitary standards indicate that the enterprise must be located at a distance of more than 300 meters from residential buildings and reservoirs;
  • Due to the large dimensions of the cyclone and storage bins, the ceiling height in the workshop should be 4.5–5 meters;
  • To properly install a tire crumb processing line, the length of the room must exceed 25 meters;
  • In the cold season, the temperature in the production hall should not be lower than 5°C, and in the warm season - no higher than 30°C;
  • The 380 V electrical network supplying the equipment must withstand a long-term load of 130–150 kW;
  • The premises must be connected to water supply and sewerage;
  • Taking into account the high flammability of raw materials and finished products, the workshop should be equipped with a fire extinguishing system and primary means (fire extinguishers);
  • For the delivery of used tires and the shipment of crumb rubber, it is necessary to arrange convenient access roads.

Tire recycling equipment

The problem of selecting equipment for processing tires into crumbs can be solved in one of the following ways:

  • Draw up a project and buy machines separately;
  • Purchase a ready-made line as a kit.

For a novice entrepreneur, the second option is preferable: this way he gets rid of the problems associated with transporting, setting up and repairing units. For example, as a basis you can use the line for processing tires into rubber crumb LPS-600 produced by AP "BMP". The model has the following technical characteristics:

  • Tire recycling rate - 850 kg/h;
  • Rubber crumb yield - 600 kg/h;
  • Textile fiber output - 70 kg/h;
  • Metal cord output - 170 kg/h;
  • Maximum tire diameter - 1500 mm;
  • Power consumption - 130 kW;
  • Water consumption - 15 l/h;
  • Maintenance staff - 3 people.

The cost of equipment for processing tires into crumbs is 6.7 million rubles. Also for production you will need some additional mechanisms:

Tire recycling equipment

Position price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
Line LPS-600 included: 6748100 1 6748100
Bead cutting machine 1
Cord removal machine 1
Tape cutting machine 1
Chip cutting machine 1
Shredder 1
Straight conveyor 1
Impact crusher 1
Vibration separator 1
Cyclone 1
Magnetic separator 1
Bucket conveyor 2
Vibrocomplex 1
Bucket conveyor 1
Vibrating sieve 1
Bucket conveyor 1
Switching equipment 1
Auxiliary equipment
Tire cutting machine 290000 1 290000
Crumb hopper 43000 1 43000
Wire hopper 15000 1 15000
Bag sewing machine 17500 1 17500
Warehouse scales 24900 1 24900
Forklift 350000 1 350000
Freight car 440000 1 440000
Fire extinguishing system 40000 1 40000
Fire extinguisher 3300 4 13200
Switchboard 7000 1 7000
Total: 7988700

The operation of the plant involves not only production, but also administrative operations. Therefore, the entrepreneur will have to arrange office space. To do this you need to purchase:

Non-production equipment

Position price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
Office table 2800 3 8400
Office chair 650 6 3900
Computer or laptop 18500 3 55500
Accounting software 15000 1 15000
Printer 6500 1 6500
Telephone 1100 2 2200
Router 1800 1 1800
Stationery 6000
Filing Cabinets 4500 2 9000
Meal table 2000 1 2000
Simple chair 500 6 3000
Workwear 1500 8 12000
Wardrobe 3000 2 6000
Total: 131300

Enterprise employees

Having sorted out the premises and equipment, the entrepreneur must deal with personnel. To save on training, it is advisable to hire people who have experience in production. A tire crumbling plant needs:

  • Sales manager. Looks for wholesale buyers of crumb rubber, concludes contracts with them, controls the shipment of finished products;
  • Accountant. Maintains reporting on financial transactions, calculates salaries, interacts with the tax service and insurance funds;
  • Shift Supervisor. Monitors the work of production employees, monitors compliance with tire recycling technology;
  • Equipment adjuster. Performs routine maintenance work on machines. If serious breakdowns occur, it is more advisable to contact the manufacturer;
  • Workers. The workshop requires six specialists. Three of them service machines for processing tires into crumbs, and the rest perform auxiliary operations;
  • Storekeeper. Receives raw materials, records finished products, issues consumables, spare parts and packaging to the workshop;
  • Driver. Brings small batches of raw materials and delivers the crumbs to customers. It is more profitable to entrust large volumes of transportation to transport companies.

The staffing table, which involves the operation of an enterprise in one shift, may look like this:

Workshop employees

Position Rate, rub. Qty Amount, rub.
Shift Supervisor 23000 1 23000
Serviceman 22000 1 22000
Line maintenance worker 18000 3 54000
Helper worker 16000 3 48000
Storekeeper 16000 1 16000
Driver 22000 1 22000
Sales manager 23000 1 23000
Accountant 23000 1 23000
Payroll tax 69300
Total: 12 300300

Search for raw materials for processing

Providing an enterprise with material and human resources is half the battle. To recoup the high price of machines for processing tires into crumbs, it is necessary to organize uninterrupted supplies of raw materials and ensure constant loading of the line. Suppliers of old tires and waste rubber technical products I can be:

  • Transport companies, bus and trolleybus fleets;
  • City landfills;
  • Industrial landfills and landfills;
  • Service stations and tire shops;
  • Own collection points for old tires.

In most cases, you will have to pay a nominal amount for tires. On the other hand, legislation obliges large motor transport enterprises to pay a recycling fee: it is quite possible that these companies will want to save money and give away raw materials for free on a pickup basis.

Sales of crumb rubber

The business of processing tires into crumbs with your own hands has not yet become popular in Russia, and therefore the entrepreneur needs to make significant efforts to find wholesale buyers. The company's products are semi-finished products that cannot be used without further processing. Accordingly, other manufacturers will become the main clients:

  • Enterprises producing rubber tiles or roofing materials;
  • Manufacturers of coatings for children's and sports grounds;
  • Companies that build sports and recreation complexes;
  • Car tire manufacturers;
  • Shoe factories;
  • Companies that install continuous floor coverings;
  • Road construction enterprises;
  • Precast concrete factories.

An advertising block in a newspaper or a banner on a billboard is unlikely to attract the attention of such buyers: other communication channels should be used to interact with corporate clients. An entrepreneur can try:

1. Develop your own website. Any wholesale buyer should find product characteristics, price lists, and contact information on its pages;

2. Post advertisements. There are business marketplaces on the Internet where entrepreneurs publish their proposals and applications. The most famous sites:


3. Take part in tenders. To purchase raw materials, public and private companies announce tenders in which an entrepreneur can participate;

4. Use active sales. The sales manager should call companies that are potentially interested in purchasing crumb rubber.

How much does a tire recycling business cost?

Creating a tire recycling business requires quite an impressive amount of capital: a beginner who chooses should think about other types of income. According to the most conservative estimates, almost 9 million rubles will have to be invested in organizing a processing workshop:

Investment in tire recycling

Name Amount, rub.
Business registration 800
Opening an account 2400
Rent for the duration of installation of the line 400 m² 80000
Production equipment 7988700
Non-production equipment 131300
Line installation 150000
Licensing 160000
Fare 50000
Raw materials 149.6 t 299200
30 kg bags, 3500 pcs. 21000
Household expenses 15000
Advertising 30000
Connecting utility networks 20000
Total: 8948400

Also, to draw up a business plan for processing tires into crumbs, it is necessary to analyze the regular expenses of the enterprise. The most significant items here will be payroll, electricity payments and the purchase of raw materials:

Tire recycling costs

Name Amount, rub.
Payroll fund 300300
Account management 1300
IP contributions 2700
Rent 80000
Electricity 26400 kW 158400
Fare 50000
Replacing shredder knives 50000
Raw materials 149.6 t 299200
30 kg bags, 3500 pcs. 21000
Household expenses 15000
Garbage removal 15000
Advertising 30000
Total: 1022900

How much can you earn?

How much can you earn from recycling tires into crumbs? The yield of the main product reaches 60–70% of the weight of the raw material. In this volume, 70% falls on the 1.0–3.0 mm fraction, 15% on the 0.1–1.0 mm fraction, and the remaining 15% on the 3.0–5.0 mm fraction. Besides:

  • The line turns 850 kg of raw material into crumbs per hour. With an eight-hour shift, the plant will process 149.6 tons of old tires in 22 days;
  • The average market price of raw materials is 2000 rubles/t. Thus, 299,200 rubles will have to be spent on the purchase of worn tires;
  • According to technical specifications line, the output of finished products will be 105.6 tons of crumbs, 29.92 tons of steel wire and 12.32 tons of textile fiber.

Production volumes

Product type Per hour, kg Per month, t Wholesale, rub./t Revenue, rub.
Crumb rubber 0.1–1.0 mm 90 15,84 18000 285120
Crumb rubber 1.0–3.0 mm 420 73,92 18000 1330560
Rubber crumb 90 15,84 18000 285120
Metal cord 170 29,92 4500 134640
Textile cord 70 12,32 2000 24640
Total: 840 147,84 2060080

Taking into account the previously calculated monthly expenses, the net profit of the enterprise is determined. It can be assumed that with uninterrupted operation, investments in the business will pay off in less than a year:

Payback of tire recycling

Tire recycling franchises

For beginning entrepreneurs who have no experience in creating manufacturing enterprises, purchasing a ready-made business model may be a good solution. The price of a tire recycling franchise typically includes:

  • Set of production equipment;
  • Installation and adjustment works;
  • Maintenance and repair of machine tools;
  • Employee training;
  • Organization of supply of recyclable materials;
  • Assistance in organizing sales;
  • Support and advice on organizational and legal issues.

Currently on Russian market for car tire recycling, the following franchise offers are available:


Supplies a mini plant for processing tires into crumbs. The partner must find a workshop with an area of ​​500–1000 m² and hire 6–7 workers to maintain the line. Franchise characteristics:

  • Cost - 16,500,000 rubles;
  • Payback period - up to 20 months.


It offers equipment for processing tires and producing tiles, and also buys finished products from its partner. Requirements include renting a 100 m² workshop and hiring four workers. Terms of cooperation:

  • Cost - 2,300,000 rubles;
  • Royalty - 30,000 rubles;
  • Payback period - 5 months.


The package includes a set of machines for processing tires into chips. The franchisor buys the finished product at a price of 2,500 rubles/t. Requirements include renting a workshop of 100 m² and hiring two people. Franchise characteristics:

  • Cost - 850,000 rubles;
  • There are no royalties or advertising fees;
  • Payback period - 6 months.


Experience shows that processing tires into crumbs can both bring huge profits in the first months of work and turn a businessman into bankruptcy. The reason for failure may be the influence of negative factors typical for this business:

  • Problems with selecting equipment and finding spare parts for it;
  • Significant increase in electricity tariffs;
  • The emergence of competitors or a decrease in demand for crumb rubber;
  • Changes in regulations regarding the processing of hazardous recyclable materials;
  • Difficulties in organizing uninterrupted supplies of old tires.

Therefore, an entrepreneur must assess the likelihood of such complications occurring and consider measures to prevent them at the stage of drawing up a business plan.

The issue of tire recycling in Russia is quite acute. It takes from 120 to 140 years for the natural decomposition of waste in this category, and the volumes arriving at landfills, and often in places of unauthorized waste storage, are simply enormous. Meanwhile, it is a sought-after raw material for many industries (road pavements, as a filler, regenerator of new rubber products...), which opens up broad prospects for the development of a profitable business.

Unlike European countries, there are few enterprises engaged in tire recycling on a global scale in the domestic market. Accordingly, you should not expect high competition. At the same time, the development of the industry is hampered by a high barrier to entry into the market, which amounts to about 20 million rubles, as well as the lack of a centralized state policy regarding waste management. However, legislation is gradually being improved, which means that those who are ready to combine environmental values ​​and the opportunity to receive a stable income should pay attention to this type of business.

Market situation

The world's reserves of waste tires amount to about 80 million tons. Every year this amount increases by 10 million tons. And even in countries where competent work has been carried out for a long time, tire recycling enterprises cannot cope with the existing volumes.

As for Russia, of the total share of the corresponding raw materials, only 20% is processed. Moreover, 60% of this amount is distributed among four large enterprises:

  • Volzhsky regenerative tire repair plant (Volgograd region);
  • Chekhov regeneration plant (Moscow region);
  • "KST-ecology" (Smolensk region);
  • Tire recycling plant No. 1 (Vladimir region).

One of the reasons for this state of affairs is the fact that the majority of both large and small enterprises accept tires for recycling without partial compensation for their cost. Accordingly, it is more profitable for the population to simply take garbage to a landfill than to deliver it for recycling at their own expense.

Thus, a novice entrepreneur has three ways to develop his business: follow the “traditions” of receiving free raw materials, determine an economically justified price for receiving, or enter into agreements with landfills, service stations and other “suppliers” who would benefit from the removal of used tires from the territory. In the latter case, you can try to enlist the support of the municipality or ecologists.

What recyclable materials can be obtained from tires?

The most common processing technology involves mechanical shredding of tires in special units. During this process the following materials are formed:

  • crumb rubber with fraction sizes of 1 mm, 2-3 mm, 4-5 mm (each of them has its own scope of application);
  • textile cord, suitable, after processing using pyrolysis technology, for the production of fuels and lubricants;
  • metal cord intended for melting.

In developed countries, it is common practice to recondition worn tires for their intended purpose. It involves applying a new profile to the old frame.

Processing technology

The process of processing tires into crumbs involves a number of successive stages:

  • Quality control of received tires. Products are carefully inspected for the presence of spikes and other elements that are not suitable for processing.
  • Pre-grinding. Tires are cut into segments measuring 200x200 mm.
  • Removal of metal fraction. The raw materials are conveyed through the conveyor into the shredder for the next stage of grinding. At the same time, using a magnetic device, the bead wire and other metal elements are removed from the mass.
  • Grinding to final fraction. In the impact crusher the material is brought to given value fractions, and is also cleared of metal cord.
  • Separation. In the separator, textile cord and metal cord residues are removed from the mass.
  • Sorting by factions. This is done by passing the material through a system of vibrating screens.
  • Packaging and warehousing. The material is packed into bags and sent to the warehouse.

Equipment for processing tires into crumbs + Video

The universal line contains the following components:

  • knife for cutting car tires;
  • band conveyer;
  • shredders for primary grinding (2 pcs.);
  • small cyclones (2 pcs.);
  • fan (3 pcs.);
  • pneumatic conveyor;
  • units for magnetic separation (3 pcs.);
  • crusher;
  • vibrating sieves (2 pcs.);
  • large cyclones;
  • electrical equipment;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • cord belt conveyor;
  • metal carcass.

You can usually buy such a line within 12-15 million rubles. Also, to launch the plant, it is necessary to purchase industrial scales (20 thousand rubles), a unit for packing bags (10 thousand rubles) and the bags themselves (10 thousand rubles), tools and consumables for servicing the installation (30 thousand rubles .).

Another about 100 thousand rubles. it is necessary to budget about 150 thousand rubles for the delivery of equipment. for its installation and commissioning. In this case, transportation costs will depend on the distance of the region from the manufacturing plant. The procedure for commissioning, terms of warranty and post-warranty service, as well as other points are specified in the supply agreement. It is optimal when, among other things, the supplier commits to training your staff to work with the units.

Example of line operation:

Requirements for the arrangement of workshop and warehouse space

A plant for processing tires into crumbs must contain a direct production workshop with an area of ​​at least 200 m², a storage area for raw materials in the form of an unheated hangar or simply a fenced area, as well as a warehouse for finished products. The presence of sanitary facilities is also required. The office part is arranged depending on the preferences and financial capabilities of the business owner.

The premises can be purchased or rented. Often the first option is unrealistic for a beginning entrepreneur, so a lease agreement becomes the optimal solution. Its cost directly depends on the region, and in Russia it can range from 20 thousand to 100 thousand rubles per month.


To operate a line with a processing capacity of 150 tons of tires per month, a minimum of 10 people will be required. At the same time, it is important to have a technologist on the team who is capable of monitoring the production process and a person who will be involved in the routine maintenance of the lines. To eliminate significant breakdowns and perform maintenance, it is rational to involve representatives of the equipment manufacturer. To do this, as mentioned above, this clause should be written down in the contract.

Also for quality work the enterprise will need an accountant, cleaners, security personnel and at least one truck driver delivering tires and finished products.

In this situation, the approximate amount of the fund wages will be about 400-450 million rubles. However, much here also depends on the average salary in the region.

Obtaining a license

In a number of sources you can find information about optional licensing of the business of processing tires into crumbs. However, it is not. The raw materials used belong to the fourth hazard class. Accordingly, according to Russian legislation, the reception and disposal of such solid waste is subject to mandatory licensing.

Before submitting documents, an entrepreneur must complete the following steps:

  • Register an enterprise (in this business it is optimal).
  • Prepare production areas, including the industrial site and sanitary area.
  • Prepare documents and certificates for equipment.
  • Obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, and fire inspection.

The license is issued within 45 days. Its cost is 7,500 rubles. If you want to simplify the process by using the services of intermediaries, the costs will increase several times.

How much does crumb rubber cost?

What income can be generated by processing tires into crumbs with a capacity of 150 tons per month?

The average cost of rubber granules on the market is 150 thousand rubles. Accordingly, receiving 100 tons of crumbs monthly, we have 1.5 million rubles.

Also, during processing, 30 tons of metal and 20 tons of textile cord are formed, worth 90 thousand rubles. and 40 thousand rubles, respectively.

Thus, the total dirty income can amount to 1.68 million rubles. Subtracting monthly expenses from this amount, we get net profit. At the same time, the profitability of the enterprise will be influenced by such factors as the location of the enterprise (rental cost, transportation costs), the availability of sales markets, sources of raw materials, marketing policy and others. On average, investments in this type of business pay off within one and a half to two years.

Search for markets

When searching for sales markets, it is necessary to carefully analyze the scope of activity of manufacturing enterprises operating in a particular region. It makes sense only for large processing companies to focus on the all-Russian market and foreign supplies, since transportation costs lead to a significant increase in the price of the material.

Among the main consumers of crumb rubber:

  • companies specializing in laying seamless floor coverings (self-leveling floors);
  • manufacturers of tiles and rolled floor coverings;
  • enterprises involved in road construction (mainly regional centers);
  • companies that carry out government orders in the construction of sports complexes, sidewalks and other facilities.

Small quantities of crumb rubber from tires are readily purchased by companies engaged in the production of sculptures for playgrounds, fences, curbs, punching bags, wheel bags, bitumen mastics, rubber shoes, insulation materials, etc.

At the same time, it is not enough to identify potential consumers of crumb rubber - do not hesitate to contact the management of enterprises directly to find out if they are interested in your offer, in what volume they are ready to purchase raw materials and of what quality.

How to avoid pitfalls?

The main mistake of entrepreneurs who decide to build a business on processing tires into crumbs is the wrong choice of equipment. The fact is that, unlike foreign-made tires, domestic tires contain a mixed or textile diagonal cord. Almost all machines manufactured for the European market are not adapted to work with these materials, so even expensive equipment may be useless.

Conclusion: check which tires each unit is designed for processing.

Another pressing problem is the presence of defects in new equipment. Most often this happens with units made in China. An analysis of the manufacturer itself will help you maintain a balance between quality and optimal cost. As a rule, responsible suppliers, along with the manufacture of machine tools, carry out activities in the processing of tires and the production of tires from the resulting raw materials. various products. In addition, you should not believe the stories about the ultra-high performance of the equipment - the higher the speed, the greater the risk that the unit will break if a foreign object gets “under the knife”, which is a very common situation.

This is not the entire list of situations that may arise on the way to making a profit. For example, a lack of raw materials often leads to the need to buy tires from the population, which can lead to an increase in the cost of crumb rubber. In any case, a detailed analysis at the initial stage will allow you to enter the business smoothly and quickly recoup your investment.

A tire recycling plant is an enterprise engaged in the production of a large number of new materials and products from rubber waste. The operation of such plants ensures environmental protection from the negative consequences of storing tires in landfills. Setting up a tire recycling business has economic and environmental benefits.

The purpose of a tire recycling plant is to produce secondary raw materials from waste for sale to enterprises engaged in the manufacture of new rubber-containing products. Of course, the main goal of the managers of such factories is to make a profit in a business with low competition and the availability of a cheap raw material base. However, rubber and tire enterprises also perform an extremely important environmental function, which is to prevent the negative impact of unsustainably disposed rubber waste on the natural environment. The importance of creating rubber processing plants can be confirmed by a list of compounds that are released into the environment when tires burn in landfills.

When burning rubber products, the following is released:

  • phenanthrene;
  • naphthalene, which has a mutagenic effect;
  • biphenyl;
  • benzopyrene;
  • fluorene and a number of other carcinogenic substances belonging to hazard classes I and II.

Thus, the purpose of tire processing plants is to organize profitable business(with the right leadership) and protecting our habitat to create better living conditions.

The principle of operation of the plant

In order for a tire recycling plant to be profitable, a certain operating principle must be followed. An equipped enterprise must make maximum use of its production capacity. To this end, the plant manager needs to ensure a stable supply of rubber feedstock in sufficient quantities. Sources of raw materials can be car services, landfills with household and industrial waste, motor transport enterprises, bus and trolleybus depots. In addition, old tires can be accepted from the population by organizing mobile or stationary waste collection points.

After collecting the raw materials, they are directly processed, the methods of which determine the final product. The main directions of the enterprises: pyrolysis of rubber-containing products and processing of tires into crumbs.

The most important stage in the operation of the plant is proper organization sales of finished products. To do this, it is necessary to conclude supply agreements with wholesale buyers, construction and other enterprises.

Thus, the principle of operation of a tire recycling plant is to comply with the following chain of basic actions:

  1. Search for sources of raw materials, collection of tires and tires.
  2. Processing of raw materials according to different areas of low-waste (or waste-free) technology.
  3. Finding buyers for the resulting product and marketing the product.

How to open your own mini-factory

To open a mini-tire recycling plant, you must first develop a business plan. Then, according to the drawn up plan, all stages of business organization are carried out.

Registration of an enterprise involves obtaining permits from the fire and sanitary-epidemiological services.

Important information! To open a business, an entrepreneur must obtain a license to carry out all stages of tire processing!

In addition, it is necessary to conclude agreements for the removal of generated waste and the provision of electricity to the enterprise.

After completing all the necessary documents, you can begin searching for premises, which should be located outside the populated area and away from residential and recreational areas. The room should be divided into three main parts for the processing process, storage of raw materials and finished products.

The next stage is the purchase of equipment, the type of which depends on the line of business. So, for a mini-plant you can purchase a pyrolysis complex or an automated line for processing tires into crumbs (for example, “ART-300”).

After equipping the enterprise with equipment, it is necessary to form a staff of workers. A mini-factory does not require a large number of employees. It is necessary to hire several people to work on the installations, an accountant, a sales manager for finished products, sometimes a storekeeper and a driver to transport the received materials.

After all the main stages described above have been completed, as well as the collection of raw materials and the conclusion of contracts with buyers of the final products, the mini-plant for processing tires can be put into operation.

Factories in Russia

Tire recycling plants are less common in Russia than in Europe. In our country, there are four large enterprises that ensure the recycling of more than 50% of rubber-containing products from the total number of tires recycled in Russia:

  1. The Volzhsky Regenerative Tire Repair Plant (Volgograd Region) processes all types of tires, which are supplied from 1 thousand enterprises located in 33 regions of Russia. The plant specializes in the production of reclaimed material - a raw material that partially or completely replaces rubber in industry. The company also receives crumb rubber of different fractions, technical plates and other rubber products. The Volzhsky plant can process 40 thousand tons of rubber-containing waste every year.
  2. At the Chekhov Recycling Plant (Moscow Region), worn-out tires and tires are recycled to produce reclaimed material, rubber technical products and crumbs. On this moment In our country, the plant is the largest in its industry. The production capacity of the enterprise is approximately 50 thousand tons of waste processed per year.
  3. The KST Ecology enterprise (Smolensk region) produces rubber powder and crumbs of various sizes from old tires. The plant monthly produces at least 650 tons of rubber crumbs, which are used for the construction of sports facilities in Russia. The company is part of the Shinoecology association.
  4. At the Tire Recycling Plant No. 1 ( Vladimir region) also produce and sell crumb rubber.

Unfortunately, today the production capacities of these enterprises are not fully used. This is due, first of all, to a poorly developed system for collecting raw materials and selling finished products. In addition, the problem of recycling tires in our country lies in the insufficient number of recycling plants themselves.

Video about one of the Russian factories, why it is important to recycle tires and what problems recyclers have in this area

How are things going with factories abroad?

As an example, consider the organization of tire recycling activities in European countries. Thus, in Europe, numerous recycling plants recycle almost 100% of all used tires, resulting in valuable technical products.

Note! In Europe, it is strictly prohibited to store car tires in landfills.

The presence of a large number of recycling plants in European countries is associated with the model established there, the essence of which is that the manufacturers and importers of car tires themselves are responsible for their disposal. Therefore, tire manufacturers and importers have to create non-profit organizations that bear full responsibility for all stages of recycling tires and obtaining recyclable materials from them. In addition, in Europe there is a well-developed business for processing tires and other rubber-containing products, the main goal of which is to make a profit from the sale of the resulting materials and products.

Thus, things are much better with processing plants abroad than here. By adopting the positive experience of foreign countries, it is possible in our country to create a waste-free recycling system for tires and tires in order to reduce the area of ​​landfills with fire-hazardous rubber waste.

The following video is about the process of recycling car tires in Sweden and about the equipment used in production

The scale of landfills with rubber waste in our country is enormous. To prevent the population from breathing carcinogenic gases released when tires burn, it is necessary to create new large enterprises and mini-factories for processing worn-out rubber products. A good example European processing plants can be emulated in this matter.

There are more than 1.1 billion people in the world passenger cars. The number of registered cars in Russia is about 46 million. This means that if we add trucks, then there are about 5 billion tires running on the roads of the world. The number of tires in landfills around the world is unknown. In Russia, according to various estimates, from 30 to 45 million tires are thrown away per year. There is no need to talk about the harm that such waste causes to the environment.

The issue of recycling and disposal of car tires is acute throughout the world.

There is not a single country in which this problem is considered solved. In our country, according to various sources, from 8 to 12% of old tires and conveyor belts are recycled. These figures indicate that tire recycling as a business has good prospects.

However, having decided to run a rubber processing business, you must carefully choose the processing method and imagine all the pitfalls of such a business. Choosing a processing method, and therefore the direction of your investment, is a very complex task. Enterprises that produce equipment for one or another processing method naturally praise their method and carefully hide its shortcomings. In this article we will try to make the task of choosing a processing method easier. Remember that there is no perfect method. Everyone has flaws. Here are the main ways to recycle car tires:

  • reuse by applying a new tread (in this case, after reuse, the tire still needs to be recycled);
  • combustion to produce thermal energy;
  • heating without air access or with limited air access (pyrolysis);
  • grinding to produce crumb rubber, recycled metal and textile threads;
  • burial and use for strengthening the coastline, installing fences, etc. This method is prohibited in most countries, including Russia. We will not consider it.

We do not consider in this article applying new tread to worn tires (“welding”). This is a method of extending the life of tires rather than recycling them. But let's look at other methods in more detail. When evaluating recycling options, you should have a basic knowledge of the tire material composition.

Tire material composition

The main components of tires are cord (metal, textile or mixed), rubber, filler (soot), auxiliary materials (thermal stabilizers, anti-ozonators, etc.), adhesives (contain polychlorinated hydrocarbons and some other materials in small quantities. If we do not consider metal cord (which is a steel wire coated with brass - an alloy of copper and zinc), then the composition of the tires includes: hydrocarbons (rubber, etc.), carbon (soot), silicon dioxide, sulfur (vulcanizing agent in rubber and other components), polychlorides (in adhesives) and some other components in small quantities. Contrary to popular belief about the presence of arsenic in tires, it is not there. Heavy metals are also absent (except for a small amount of copper and zinc on the surface of the steel cord). Lead is also not used in modern tires. All these components undergo changes during tire processing and form new substances, many of which are more dangerous than the original ones. Now let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of various tire recycling methods.

Burning tires to produce thermal energy

The method seems attractive. Therefore, it is worth talking about it in more detail.

Burning one ton of tires produces approximately the same amount of thermal energy as one ton of thermal coal.

What is the problem? Firstly, tires cannot be burned in conventional thermal power plants. You need special equipment and preparation of raw materials. Secondly, when burned, sulfur forms a large number of sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide). This requires a special cleaning installation. The problem is being solved, but the equipment is very expensive. Thirdly, polychlorides at insufficient combustion temperatures form one of the most dangerous substances - dioxin. Available international experience indicates that this method has the right to life only when processing very large quantities (more than 100 tons) per day, requires huge capital investments and is profitable only in the case of subsidies (financial support) from the state.

Read also: Lego brick: production and equipment

Tire pyrolysis

The process involves heating the material to 400–500 degrees without access to oxygen (air). This produces pyrolysis gas, a liquid hydrocarbon fraction, soot and steel cord waste. You can find excellent product costing. For example, from 1 ton of tires you can get 500 kg of liquid hydrocarbon fraction (fuel and even gasoline!), 200 kg of gas (used to heat the reactor and save fuel), 200 kg of carbon black and 100 kg of metal. What's the problem? Ask yourself a question: where does sulfur disappear if it contains up to 10% silicon dioxide? Very simple. Most of the sulfur turns into hydrogen sulfide (the strongest poison, a substance of hazard class 1), which is contained in pyrolysis gases. The other part of the sulfur forms carbon disulfide and other compounds, which go into the liquid fraction. And finally, the residue, which is bashfully called carbon black, contains metal sulfides (mainly sodium and calcium). Where did the silicon dioxide disappear - into the residue. The fate of polychlorides is even more complex. Some of them go into the residue, some form hydrogen chloride (not a gift!), and some form dioxins, which can be found in all products. This “carbon black” will not be used by any responsible consumer. You can't bury it either. By recycling tires in this way, we will create a bunch of new problems. These problems can be solved, but require large capital investments, which calls into question the profitability of this method without government assistance.

Grinding tires to obtain rubber crumbs

The essence of the method is very simple. Tires are shredded. In this case, three products are formed - metal, crumb rubber (we will consider the directions of its use below) and textile cord waste.

With such processing, virtually no chemical changes occur (no new toxic waste is generated).

This is the main advantage of the method. What are the problems? It is very difficult to separate textile threads from crumb rubber and the textile material thus obtained is practically a new waste. We will further show how this problem can be solved. But at the initial stages it is better to start processing purely steel-cord tires. This will significantly reduce capital costs. The key problems when constructing a mini-tire recycling plant are the following problems.

  1. Choosing a location for production. Construction or use of existing structures.
  2. Selection, purchase and installation of equipment.
  3. Obtaining a processing license.
  4. Formation of reliable channels for obtaining raw materials and marketing finished products.

Let's look at everything in order.

Production site and buildings

Even a mini-tire recycling plant requires a fairly large site. Most of the production site will be occupied by a warehouse for raw materials (tires) and finished products. The tire recycling line occupies a fairly large area - 150–300 m2. It is better to clarify this after choosing the equipment. The height of the building (or hangar) is 5–6 meters. The production site must be sufficiently remote from residential buildings. Minimum distance 200-500 m. The best place– industrial zone. When recycling tires, the material heats up quite strongly and releases volatile substances with a specific odor. Local ventilation is required. It is necessary to provide special absorption cartridges as part of the ventilation equipment. They are produced industrially.

Equipment for processing tires into crumbs

For processing tires into crumbs, the price of equipment is not prohibitive. However, the cost of a set of equipment of 10–15 million rubles should be considered minimal. The choice of equipment for processing tires into crumbs is quite wide. There are Russian-made and imported lines. When choosing equipment, don’t pay too much attention to brands.

Tire recycling line

If possible, visit an existing production facility and listen to all about the problems of this production. When purchasing equipment, it is better to focus on complete lines, but some components can be used or purchased separately. Here is the minimum list of equipment:

  • shredders (shredder, hydraulic shears, tape cutter);
  • separators (air and magnetic);
  • conveyors;
  • vibrating screens