Irina Krug’s songs are becoming more and more popular every year among listeners, who at the singer’s concerts give her a standing ovation and do not let her leave the stage for a long time. Irina never thought that she would study music, however, having started her singing career, she was able to short time release eight albums and win the love of fans. A beautiful and successful artist who has repeatedly received the “Chanson of the Year” award, and is now actively touring the cities of Russia. The circle manages to do not only what they love, but also their personal life. The singer is raising three children, and her husband, with whom she has developed a harmonious and trusting relationship, helps her in this difficult task.

Irina Glazko was born in 1976 in Chelyabinsk. Her parents had nothing to do with music: her father was a military man, and her mother worked as a draftsman. In her childhood, the future singer dreamed of becoming an actress. She enthusiastically played in a theater group, planning to enter a theater university after school. However, due to an unsuccessful early marriage, the 21-year-old girl had to raise her little daughter Marina alone.

For some time, Glazko worked as a waitress in a restaurant, where at the end of 1999 she had to serve the Russian chanson star Mikhail Krug. Unexpectedly, the singer invited her to work as a costume designer for him, promising a good salary. After thinking for a while, Irina agreed.

For about a year, their relationship was only business, and the artist, having been divorced for several years, was in no hurry to speak words of love to her. At one point, Mikhail moved the girl and her daughter to his house. The singer quickly became friends with the girl, who almost immediately began calling him dad. In 2001, the lovers got married, and the following year their son Alexander was born.

In the photo Irina with her husband Mikhail Krug

But family happiness was short-lived: in the summer of 2002, Krug was shot by unknown assailants who entered their house at night. Before the tragedy, Irina had a dream, as if in their house people were mourning someone. In addition, she didn’t like the fact that they always had guests and the doors often didn’t close. The criminals first attacked the singer’s mother, and then wanted to shoot his wife, however, Mikhail covered her with himself, as a result of which he was wounded. He died on the way to the hospital.

After the death of her husband, Irina accidentally turned on a cassette with the song “The Road from Soul to Soul”, and then showed it to Leonid Teleshev, a friend of Krug, who invited her to sing the composition. From that time on, the singer began studying with teachers. In 2004, her first album was released, which collected songs in memory of the great performer of Russian chanson. She graduated from university in 2005 with a degree in management.

In the photo the singer with her third husband Sergei Belousov and son Andrei

In 2006, Irina again found female happiness in her personal life by marrying her loved one. Her chosen one was businessman Sergei Belousov, whom her children immediately accepted as their own. After some time, the couple accumulated the required amount and bought new apartment in Moscow. In the fall of 2014 in big family Another baby appeared - son Andrei. The husband always helps and supports the singer, who has to combine her career and raising children. Their mothers also provide invaluable assistance to spouses.

Irina is not easily experiencing separation from her husband and children, however, they often call each other, so the artist is aware of all the events happening in the family. Now the eldest daughter Marina is studying at college, choosing a specialty - hotel service, but the girl will not stop there and intends to continue her studies. Son Alexander is still a schoolboy. He loves to play hockey and football, and also swims. Sasha is also interested in playing drums, he especially likes drums. Krug dreams that his son will study in the cadet corps in the future.

In the photo Irina Krug with children: son Sasha and daughter Marina

When the singer has days off, she spends all her time with her family. The artist does not like noisy parties, preferring to sit in a narrow circle of her family. She is always in great shape (height - 167 cm, weight - 51 kg), however, Irina does not go on diets, but sticks to proper nutrition. She previously practiced speed skating for many years, but now she doesn’t have time for it. Krug dreams of someday taking up swimming and yoga, as well as going to the gym.

Many people probably know about the widow of the famous bard Mikhail Krug, Irina. Today she is a popular singer in the chanson style, whose hits and videos can be heard and seen firsthand on TV and radio. Irina, loving mother and his beloved wife, which is confirmed by photos from 2017, often published on the Internet and in in social networks. But how long and thorny the path to this happiness was, only the singer herself knows, reluctantly sharing moments from her personal life.

Irina Krug

Childhood and adolescence of Irina Krug

The future chanson star was born on March 29, 1976 in Chelyabinsk into an average Soviet family. Irina’s mother worked as a draftswoman, her father Soviet officer. Despite the fact that the family did not live richly, the parents sought to give Irina maximum opportunities to develop her talents, because the girl with early years She had incredible artistry. A photo from a family album of those years confirms this; the girl shone on the theater stage of Chelyabinsk, performing with her comrades from the circle of the Chelyabinsk House of Creativity.

As the singer herself admits, she never dreamed of being an actress, although in those days all the girls of her age dreamed of a career in cinema, and her dreams were connected with the theater.

Irina did well at school, and free time I also devoted myself to theater classes in the circle. Unfortunately, the future popular pop star never got into the figure skating section - the age was already lost, only young children were accepted into the section.

Irina Krug's first marriage and first disappointment

Unfortunately, dreams of a career as an artist did not come true; Irina’s marriage became an obstacle to their realization. Immediately after graduating from school, Irina married a guy from a decent family. Despite wealth and a decent profession, and the star’s first husband worked as a dentist, Irina Krug’s family fell apart. The reason for this was the head of the family’s addiction to alcohol and drugs, which had a detrimental effect on his health. Having reached her 40th birthday, Irina’s first husband died, but the star divorced him long before that, leaving the family with her little daughter Marina.

At that time, the young mother was only 21 years old, and she had to think about supporting her little daughter, and not about her career as a theater actress. That is why Irina was forced to get a job as a waitress at the Malachite restaurant, where her fateful meeting with Mikhail Krug took place.

Marriage with Mikhail Krug is a love that cannot be forgotten

The fateful meeting with Mikhail Krug took place in 1999. At that moment, the bard was touring the country and after another concert in Chelyabinsk he went to have dinner at the restaurant where Irina worked. During dinner, Krug’s table was served by Irina, who immediately took a liking to the bard, and subsequently he spoke more than once in interviews with journalists about his love at first sight. But Irina refused Krug’s offer to work on his team, considering it a joke. However, Mikhail’s perseverance and tenacity defeated Irina’s steadfastness, and the girl moved to Tver, working as an ordinary dresser on the singer’s team.

Irina and Mikhail Krug

Despite his sympathy for Irina, Krug was in no hurry to confess his feelings to her, looked closely for a long time, studied habits and aspects of character. Such scrupulousness in relationships is due to Mikhail’s previous marriage, and despite the fact that he had been divorced for 8 years, he was still in no hurry to get into a relationship.

In 2000, Mikhail finally decided to take the first step, and without the illusions of the candy-bouquet period, he immediately offered Irina to live together. The girl agreed without hesitation, and despite the significant age difference of 14 years, the fateful couple united.

The lovers lived for more than a year civil marriage and only then did they legalize their relationship. Moreover, this happened spontaneously, due to Mikhail’s impulsiveness. Later, going out to the store to buy groceries, the young people saw a registry office on the way and went in wearing what they were wearing - tracksuits. The singer’s popularity at that time served better than any bribe - the young people were signed immediately.

The family and children of Irina Krug, and after painting with Mikhail, she gave birth to a son, Alexander, a year later - they lived happily. However, the happiness that seemed so cloudless and immense to the star did not last long. A month after Alexander was born, Mikhail was shot dead in his own home. The crisis in Irina Krug’s family came suddenly, despite Mikhail’s popularity, the family did not have enormous wealth and after his death the widow was left with two children Marina and Alexander, practically without a livelihood.

Irina with Mikhail Krug's son Alexander

Very often in her interviews she says that the tragic death of Mikhail served as the impetus for the decision to start musical career on one's own.

Five years of loneliness and love again.

The personal life of Irina Krug after the death of her husband did not develop for five long years. The singer grieved for Mikhail for a long time and devoted herself entirely to creativity and raising children. Having moved to Moscow, the star began her ascent by performing songs from her husband’s repertoire. They were a stunning success with the public, and at the “Chanson of the Year” award in the “Discovery of the Year” category, Irina was presented as an independent singer. Her albums “The First Autumn of Separation”, “To You, My last love", as well as duets with Viktor Korolev, Sergei Bryantsev and Mikhail Shufutinsky are heard by millions of listeners in all corners of the world.

Irina’s discography currently includes over 19 albums, the most popular of them, in addition to those mentioned above:

  • My queen;
  • Island of love;
  • What was;
  • Love story;
  • It's not scary to love others

Long and persistent years of creativity somewhat dulled her pain, the children grew up, and the singer began to relate more favorably to male views.

At the end of 2005, Irina met famous businessman Sergei Belousov and reacted positively to his advances.

What's going on in the star's personal life right now?

Irina Krug’s new family was formed in 2006; Sergei treated favorably the singer’s children from previous marriages - Marina and Alexander. New husband Irina Krug Sergei insisted on the children and Irina moving from Tver to Moscow, where the family was reunited and lived happily in the center of the capital, in the Kurkino district. 7 years after marriage to Sergei, the couple had a common child - a son, who was named Andrei. In 2016, the couple celebrated 10 years of marriage.

Irina's new husband - Sergei

Irina Krug and her family now live happily, without publicly advertising their lives. Neither she herself, nor her husband Sergei, nor her children, who have already grown up, like the apotheosis of fame, and try not to display personal episodes from their lives.

The chanson star decided to declassify the information in the “Let Them Talk” program with Andrei Malakhov, where she revealed that her daughter Marina from her first marriage is already an adult girl who lives with a young man separately from her parents, Mikhail Krug’s son Alexander is studying at a cadet school , well, the youngest Andrey is a delight for the eyes of the singer and her third husband.

All family members often meet and spend weekends and holidays in their own country house in outskirts of Moscow.

Irina Krug is not only a famous and beloved pop performer of Russian chanson. This happy one beautiful woman is the mother of three wonderful children, namely eldest daughter Marina Glazko, sons Alexander and Andrey. As you know, today she is the owner prestigious award"Chanson of the Year" However, on the way to stunning success, she had to go through many unpleasant moments and overcome difficult obstacles.

Biography of Irina

Ural Chelyabinsk is the city in which Irina was born on March 29, 1976. The singer always speaks about her homeland only with the kindest and best words. At certain moments in her life, the singer is “covered” with pleasant memories of bright and joyful days spent in this working-class town.

Happy childhood

As a girl, Irina Krug bore the last name Glazko, which she changed upon marriage to Vorobyova.

The biography of Irina Krug is quite interesting and diverse. The girl was born into an ordinary and unremarkable family. Her mother was a draftswoman, but her father was a military man, so there was no need to talk about violation of order and discipline in the house.

The sweet girl Ira, like many of her peers, I had one dream - to become an actress and become famous throughout the world. Her creative inclinations and abilities for art were visible to the naked eye from the very early childhood, therefore, without thinking twice, her parents sent her to study in a theater club. At that time he was in the Chelyabinsk House of Creativity.

However, the irresistible desire and restless desire to participate in theatrical performances was not understandable and justified for all relatives and acquaintances, because in reality Ira was different:

  • timid character;
  • indecision;
  • self-doubt.

Even during a school lesson, when going to the blackboard, she was constrained by awkward shyness.

Become famous actress, it turns out, was not the only one cherished wish future singer. If her friends, playing with dolls, tried to sew for them beautiful outfits, then the girl was more interested in treating her teeth with it. And, it should be noted, this desire did not go away without a trace. Even now, the chanson singer does not ignore people with snow-white smiles.

In addition, the future star saw herself as a successful figure skater. The girl never missed programs broadcasting competitions between figure skaters moving beautifully on the ice. The reason for visiting the skating rink with girlfriends was not only a fun time, but also a great opportunity:

  • learn new movements;
  • improve already acquired skills;
  • feel like the star of the stage.

But how many tears did the girl have to shed when she heard that attending classes figure skating impossible. Irina Krug, whose age at that time became the only obstacle to the realization of her cherished dream, could not come to terms with the failure that befell her for a long time. Her only support was her parents, who consoled her as best they could.

Youth and first disappointment

School years were the most memorable for Ira, because it was within the walls of the school that the girl met her first love. Her chosen one was a high school student, with whom she fell madly in love. Luckily for her, these feelings turned out to be mutual. The couple was sure that these feelings were real and forever.

Soon after graduating from school, the life of a young beauty changes dramatically. All dreams of an acting career fade into the background. The goal of an attractive girl is to create a family, so she gets married. The birth of her daughter Marina was the happiest moment in her life for Irina.

Ira soon becomes a student at a trade college, which at that time was considered very prestigious educational institution. Immediately after graduation, the girl is hired to work in the youth fashion department of the central department store. From time to time she had to advertise expensive cars. However, this profession did not bring the girl any pleasure. Irina had a complete lack of interest in work, so she gradually began to become disillusioned with her choice.

Ira’s husband studied to become a dental technician, which the girl herself saw as a sign of fate for herself, because she had dreamed of this profession since childhood. But the woman could not live with this man under the same roof, since the kind and sensual relationship between the spouses very soon began to fade away. The husband's kindness and devotion gave way to anger, instability and misunderstanding. The reason for all this was the use of drugs by the spouse. In addition, the woman began to learn about her husband’s infidelities.

Youth is a time when you can change something and turn your life in the right direction. So Irochka tried to “bring her husband to his senses.” For some time she forgave him everything, felt sorry for him. The boiling point was the moment when the man swung a knife at his wife. Unable to withstand such bullying and fearing for the life of her daughter, Irina decided to leave.

At that time, the girl’s parents no longer lived together, and during the divorce, the father left the mother a one-room apartment. It was empty because the girl’s mother got married for the second time, so Ira and her daughter moved there.

Working in a department store did not bring in enough income to feed myself and my little daughter. A neighbor next door offered the future singer a job at the Malachite restaurant. It was not easy to get there, but the woman put in a good word for the girl, after which Irina began her new job.

Fateful meeting

The meeting between Irina and Mikhail Krug took place in a restaurant where the girl came to work as a waitress. One fine evening crooner Chanson came to the establishment for dinner, and Irina was assigned to serve his table.

Mikhail immediately liked the young waitress, so without hesitation he invited her to join his friendly and successful team. For the girl it was like a lightning strike in the middle of a clear sky, she was tormented by questions:

  1. Why does a nationally renowned artist need an ordinary waitress from Chelyabinsk?
  2. Is it impossible to find educated and experienced people in the whole of Moscow?

She had to refuse such a tempting offer, explaining this fact by the fact that she had no one to leave her young child with. Mikhail did not answer anything to this and simply left the city. However, very soon the singer returned to the city, and this time Ira simply could not resist agreeing to this job with such a high pay.

New life and work

Irina herself says in her autobiography that her new and interesting life begins after she left her mother’s daughter with her stepfather and went to Moscow. As Krug promised, Irina got a job as a costume designer with a decent salary.

After some time, Irina began to notice the singer’s gaze on her. She felt that Mikhail was not indifferent to her. Mikhail himself could not immediately admit his sympathy to Irina, since in his life path I got burned many times. Living together in the same house, they are quite for a long time they didn’t become close, but were just friends and partners.

After some time, Mikhail and Irina got together, and in 2001 they got married. Being married to Mikhail Krug, Irina truly felt like a loved and happy woman. She liked to do everything in the new house: cleaning and cooking. For the sake of her beloved man, she was ready to do anything.

In addition to Ira, her daughter Marina and Mikhail, Dmitry, the artist’s son from his first marriage, also lived in the house. Ira immediately warmed up to him. Happy family life gradually removed Irina from touring life. She became a caring and loving wife.

Soon Ira became pregnant. In 2002, the couple had a son, Sasha. But this joy was overshadowed by a terrible tragedy that happened right in the house of Mikhail and Irina Krug. The cause of death was a gunshot wound to the husband that occurred in the house in the middle of the night.

Irina's creativity

At first, Irina flatly refused to perform the songs of her deceased husband. She considered this a very responsible task that she could not cope with. However, wanting to preserve the bright memory of her loved one, Irina still decides to continue his great work.

Today, the famous singer constantly tours, delighting her fans and fans of the deceased king of chanson with wonderful songs. People really fell in love with her and really enjoy attending her concerts.

Personal life

After the death of her husband, Irina Krug’s personal life improved only a few years later. One day at a hairdresser, Irina met an attractive man. It turned out to be Sergei Belousov. I couldn't help but like a young promising businessman with great hopes and a great future.

In 2006, the couple decided to get married, and 7 years later the woman made Belousov happy with the birth of her son Andrei.

The eldest daughter Marina is studying at the institute, and the son Alexander is studying at school and is very passionate about sports.

The biography of Irina Krug, the personal life and children of the singer have always been and are of great interest to the common people. Today it is a successful, established and happy woman. Irina does what she loves, gives her fans wonderful songs and, of course, manages to raise her beloved children.

Irina Krug prefers to give all her free time to her family. Home comfort, a calm atmosphere and the love of loved ones - that’s all the young queen of Russian chanson needs.

Attention, TODAY only!

Singer Irina Krug came to visit Boris Korchevnikov. On the air of the program “The Fate of a Man,” the artist spoke about her difficult life path. 15 years ago, the poet and bard Mikhail Krug was killed. The attackers broke into the man's house and attacked his relatives. Mikhail died from his gunshot wounds the next day.

"This is scary. God forbid someone else experiences what I experienced. These people are always before my eyes. I will never forget their eyes - there was fear in them. At that moment I put the children to bed, wanted to go to Misha and heard knocking. Then it turned out that it was the sofa that was knocking when they strangled my mother. They closed her mouth and said: “If you make a sound, we’ll kill you.” And then I came in and saw this picture. Misha was sleeping in his bedroom, he didn’t know what was happening, he came out in response to my screams. And they were already shooting from above indiscriminately. It was just a mess... I thought that everyone was killed, Misha, the children, and the mother,” the woman said.

Mikhail's relatives did not think that his life could suddenly end. The wounded singer was able to move and talk. Relatives took Krug to the hospital, he underwent surgery. However, as a result of the shooting, important organs were hit, and the man died.

“We know who did it, but we can’t talk. Those who did this are no longer alive. One piece of evidence is missing to make this public. They wanted to intimidate, they didn’t think it would happen,” the woman noted.

It was extremely difficult for Irina to come to terms with the sudden death of her husband.

“I learned to live again. This terrible years my life, very scary. I remember him very often. After Misha, it was difficult to build relationships and start a family, because you’ll never find someone like him again. Nowadays, even more so...” said the performer.

After some time, Irina met with businessman Sergei Belousov. The future spouses met in Tver at a hairdresser. Many tried to court the spectacular woman, but only Belousov managed to achieve reciprocity from her. Sergei and Irina liked communicating with each other - they began to spend a lot of time together, and in 2006 they got married.

During a conversation with Korchevnikov, Krug admitted that she began to experience difficulties in her relationship with her chosen one.

“Sergei and I have been together for 13 years. This is a complex story, now I can’t say that we have any good ones... Now we have a crisis in our relations. Whether this marriage will survive, I don’t know. But it was also the same story, he was younger than me, I didn’t dare, I was joking,” Irina shared. “We are going through a difficult period, and it’s very difficult for me.”

According to the artist, she has always been family man. Their common son Andrei, who was born in September 2014, became a welcome child for her. Irina shared her assumptions about the reasons why her relationship with her husband went wrong.

The singer who gained popularity with the songs “If it weren’t for you”, “ Migrant" and "Write to me", repeatedly awarded the "Chanson of the Year" award. The trials that befell this fragile blond woman did not break her character; she was not only able to raise children left without a father and arrange her personal life, but also make a brilliant musical career.

Childhood and adolescence

Irina Krug’s real name is Irina Vladimirovna Vorobyova, and maiden name singers - Glazko. The famous artist was born in Chelyabinsk on March 29, 1976. Irina’s parents did not belong to people of creative professions; her father was a military man, and her mother worked as a draftsman.

From childhood, Irina was artistic, showed Creative skills, but I couldn’t decide on just one thing. One of the future star's hobbies was music; she tried to learn to play the guitar, but, as the singer says, she was not very good at it. In addition, Irina is left-handed, and it was very uncomfortable for her to play. My parents had an old cassette recorder, and it was he who became the little artist’s first teacher.

After Ira stopped attending music class, she became interested in acting, but not cinema, like many of her peers, but theater. Arriving at the children's theater studio, little Irina was amazed at how much what she imagined when she heard the word “drama club” differed from reality. According to Irina, in the theater group at the House of Culture, children jumped, pretending to be frogs and dogs, and made strange sounds, which seemed funny and absurd to her. She didn't come to the next lesson.

After finishing nine classes, Irina entered the Chelyabinsk Trade College, but she did not have the opportunity to work as a merchandiser due to her early marriage and the birth of her daughter Marina.

Irina studied at the same school with her first husband; he was only two grades older than her. In an interview for the YouTube show “Star Solitaire” on the Chanson TV channel, the artist said that she got married only because she became pregnant. According to Irina, her parents, like the parents of her future husband, were glad that she was expecting a child and began to help the young family.

Irina’s husband worked as a dental technician; he was kind, but weak-willed and quick-tempered, and soon after the birth of her daughter, nineteen-year-old Irina was faced with something for which, according to her, she was not at all ready. Irina learned that her husband was a drug addict when her daughter, Marina, was only a few months old. At first, the woman tried to help her husband get rid of his addiction, but no matter how hard she tried, she still found used syringes at home.

When Irina turned to her husband’s parents, who were doctors, for help, they did not believe her. For some time she struggled with her husband's illness, but he was not going to take any steps towards a cure, and then she left him. In an interview, Irina says that she does not regret making this choice. Now the man is no longer alive.

After her divorce from her first husband, Ira got a job in the Chelyabinsk restaurant “Malachite” and worked there as a waitress for two years. Meeting chansonnier Mikhail Krug turned the life of a young single mother upside down, and in 2001 she married the artist, famous throughout Russia.

Personal life. The love story of Irina and Mikhail Krug

Returning to her mother’s one-room apartment on the outskirts of Chelyabinsk, Irina decided to find a job, but a girl with no experience working with a small child in her arms has a chance of finding a good place were very small. After talking with a neighbor who worked as a cook at the Malachite restaurant, Ira complained that she couldn’t find a job, and she offered to help - get her a job as a waitress.

Irina did not hesitate for long; she was not hired to work as a commodity expert in her specialty, and she could not count on her mother’s help. By that time, Irina’s parents had divorced, and each of them was busy organizing their lives.

The new team received the young mother well, and very quickly she made friends with the other waitresses. As Irina says, even after many years, she periodically calls up former colleagues, and when he comes to his hometown, he meets with them.

In 1999, Mikhail Krug came to Chelyabinsk to visit his friend, who, coincidentally, was the owner of the Malachite restaurant. Alexander Petrovich Giri instructed Irina to serve the musician’s table, but warned that his friend the singer was extremely picky.

The fate of man. Irina Krug

As Irina said in an interview for the YouTube channel “Chanson TV,” when she learned that she would have to feed the famous artist, she was even upset, because that evening she had to serve a banquet for city administration employees. In addition, the work of the capricious chansonnier reminded her of the unpleasant details of life with her first husband, who loved the songs of the Circle. Irina herself at that time loved the songs of Tatyana Bulanova, but by and large she was not interested in music.

The meeting between Alexander Giry and Mikhail Krug took place in the hall of a restaurant called “Casket”. After the owner of the establishment and his guest had eaten, Irina was invited to join them, but due to natural modesty and, of course, fatigue, she refused. In addition, the girl saw that Mikhail was watching her, and this confused her somewhat. She still had to obey, and she sat down at the table so as not to offend the director of the restaurant, who always treated her well, almost in a fatherly way.

Soon the entire staff of the establishment gathered at the table. When the famous artist offered her a job as a costume designer, Ira did not find what to answer. What was happening seemed somehow unreal to her. The girl was brought out of her stupor by the exclamations of other waitresses, who, smiling, persuaded her to agree. Although wage, which the musician promised Irina, was almost five times higher than her earnings in the restaurant, Irina did not answer Mikhail. Having apologized, Irina hurried home; she needed to come to her senses, but Alexander Petrovich asked her to stay and talk to his friend.

Irina persuaded one of the waitresses to stay late - she was embarrassed by the famous musician. During the conversation, Irina’s friend, Olya, diligently pretended to be drying the dishes, but Irina already realized that she had nothing to be afraid of. According to Irina’s recollections, Krug was very polite and attentive, but Irina again refused to become his dresser, explaining that she could not leave for Moscow because of her little daughter.

When Mikhail left, Irina taught herself to think that what happened that evening was some kind of prank or joke, but a few months later Alexander Giry, who had returned from a chansonnier friend, asked her when she was finally thinking of quitting and going to Krug. Singer Katya Ogonyok, who was friends with the director of the Malachite restaurant, who learned the story of how Irina and Mikhail met, was also surprised that Irina did not go to Moscow, because, according to her, the matter was serious.

After thinking a little, Irina went to Moscow, and Alexander Gir bought her a ticket. In an interview, the artist, laughing, recalls that she even took an iron and a blanket with her to Moscow. At first, Irina was even offended by the seriousness of Mikhail, who always addressed her as you, because for his sake she left her hometown, mother and child. Over the course of a year, Mikhail, according to Irina, tested her, carefully observing how she treated money, whether she was frivolous, who she was friends with, and how she behaved in a given situation.

Contrary to information spread on the Internet, the words “that’s it, we’ll live together” were not in the love story of Mikhail and Irina.

Their life together began with an absurd quarrel, which happened after a year of Ira’s work in the Circle team and shortly after the start of their romantic relationship. The joke that Mikhail made about Irina’s provincialism seemed offensive to her, and she prepared to return to Chelyabinsk. Mikhail caught up with the fugitive on the way to the airport.

Having met, they both already knew that they could not live without each other and they did not need words. In 2001, Mikhail asked his mother Zoya Petrovna for a blessing and soon after proposed to Irina. A year after the wedding, she gave her husband a son, Alexander, but a month and a half later the singer was shot dead in his own home.

Career after the death of Mikhail Krug

Fate, which seemed to give Irina a lucky ticket, turned out to be cruel - in 2002, shortly after the birth of her son, she lost her husband.

Contrary to the opinion widespread among fans, after the death of her husband, Irina was left almost without a livelihood, because millions were not stored in their house, which, according to investigators, the killers were looking for, and modest cash reserves quickly ran out. However, Irina did not have to think long about what to start doing in order to raise her children and help Mikhail’s mother and his son from his first marriage, Dmitry.

Irina Krug's first interview after the death of Mikhail Krug

Having performed the song “The Road from Soul to Soul” in a duet with Leonid Teleshev, which was written by Mikhail’s friend, Vladimir Bocharov, Irina recorded her debut album under the pseudonym Irina Krug. The aspiring singer was assisted in recording her first album by Vika Tsyganova and her husband Vadim.

Irina Krug and Leonid Teleshev – The road from soul to soul

The album “The First Autumn of Separation,” as well as the second album, called “To You, My Last Love,” includes songs mainly dedicated to the memory of Mikhail Krug.

Between 2008 and 2017, the singer, who had already won the hearts of Russian chanson fans, released seven more albums and was awarded the “Chanson of the Year” award nine times. Irina also recorded several collections in a duet with Viktor Korolev and one collection with the young singer Alexei Bryantsev, whose voice some music lovers compare with the voice of Mikhail Krug.

With a singer performing under stage name Edgar, in 2016 Irina recorded a beautiful lyrical song “And you love me” and released a video clip for it. The song became popular in the Russian YouTube space, because its meaning was clear to everyone who dreams of true love and appreciates the simple joys of human communication. Irina also sang in a duet with singer Kira Dymov and Vladimir Bocharov.

In 2018, Irina performed at the Chanson of the Year festival, and the famous show was hosted by artists Alexander Marshal and Irina Apeksimova. Irina in Once again became a laureate of the television festival with the composition “I’m Waiting.”

Third marriage

After the death of her husband, Irina, according to her, simply refused to believe that her beloved was no longer there. In an interview on the show “Star Solitaire,” the artist said that the alcohol she started taking to avoid crying only increased her suffering. However, her children and the support of her loved ones helped her come to her senses, and a meeting with entrepreneur Sergei Belousov gave her another chance to be happy.

It is known that Sergei is younger than Irina, and they met at a hairdresser. Unlike fans of Mikhail Krug, who regarded Irina’s novel as a betrayal, her family and children understood her. In 2006, Irina and Sergei got married, and in 2013 their common child, son Andrey.

At the beginning of 2016, news periodically appeared online that the artist was not very happy in her third marriage. A year later, Irina became a guest of Boris Korchevnikov in his author’s show “The Fate of a Man” and said that the crisis in her relationship with Sergei Belousov was temporary, and she, like her husband, was doing everything to overcome it. Irina called Sergei a very well-read person, and she also suggested that problems with her young husband arose due to the fact that they had been together for a long time.

Somewhat later, in an interview in 2018, the singer admitted that she and Belousov were indeed on the verge of divorce, but for the sake of their common child and the love that bound them for many years, they decided to be more tolerant of each other and save the marriage. According to Irina, she will never be able to forget how Sergei’s support helped her during the most difficult period in her life.

In her free time from touring and concerts, Irina loves to be with her children, husband and mother, who lives with them in a spacious Moscow apartment. A mother of many children calls herself a home girl. When asked how she, a mother of many children, manages to combine creative activity with caring for her family and at the same time look as if she stepped off a glossy cover, Irina Krug answers that she is helped by love and doing what she loves, music. The singer also notes the importance of following a diet, refusing bad habits and regularity of exercise.

Irina Krug now

In May 2019, Irina traditionally became a participant in the famous Chanson of the Year festival. The singer performed the song “Seek, Don’t Seek” and again became a laureate of the prestigious award.

In September 2019, employees law enforcement they finally put an end to the case of Mikhail Krug, who was shot dead in 2002 in his own home. According to the investigation, members of the Tver Wolves gang really did not intend to kill the famous artist. The killer turned out to be Dmitry Veselov, who in 2003 was killed out of revenge by a certain Alexander Osipov, also a member of the Tver criminal community.

It would seem that Irina, who, according to one version, could also be related to the crime, can finally be considered not involved in the murder of her husband, but to this day there are those who do not believe in her innocence, for example, journalist Galina Zhevnova. However, the investigation did not confirm the information about the acquaintance of Irina and her husband’s killers.
Irina Krug's daughter got married

Photo youngest son, Andrei, the star also publishes on social networks, and fans continually write compliments to Irina, who managed to become happy not thanks to, but despite, circumstances.

After Irina performed in a duet with Oleg Gazmanov in September 2019, Russian media provocative articles began to appear, hinting at romantic relationship, which allegedly connect the two artists. The collaboration between Irina and Oleg began in 2018, when the musicians recorded the song “Your Home” together. The singer's fans are confident that the paparazzi's suspicions have no real basis.

Irina Krug and Oleg Gazmanov – Your home

In the fall of 2019, Irina will perform a luxurious concert program in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kazan, and the artist will also visit Astrakhan, Volgograd and Saratov. In December, Irina Krug will give a big concert in Tver, in hometown Mikhail Krug, whose memory, according to her, will always live in her heart.