The Earth continuously rotates not only around its axis, but also around the Sun, which, together with the tilt of the planet’s axis, ensures the change of seasons in the form and rhythm in which humanity is accustomed to observing this process. Seasons change one after another, with maximum solar energy received by one hemisphere and then the other. In the month of December, in the northern part of the planet there is a winter period with a minimum of light and heat, with shortening daylight hours until the polar night as we approach the polar latitudes. At the same time, the southern hemisphere receives maximum light, and people here enjoy hot summers.

June creates the opposite situation - with its onset in Southern Hemisphere winter comes, and in the north - summer. What interesting things can you tell about the warm season, knowing all the features of the changing seasons?

What can surprise you with summer?

Most residents of the northern hemisphere associate the summer months with vacations, beautiful weather, and relaxation. But in the southern hemisphere, summer, for the reasons stated above, begins in December and lasts until February, which forces us to organize life differently. The bulk of humanity still lives in the northern hemisphere, so for the vast majority of people summer is associated with June, July and August. But not everyone associates it with a favorable season, relaxation and good weather, because for the southern, arid regions, relief for local residents comes precisely with the coolness of autumn and winter. People are waiting for winter and rains to take a break from the heat and do agricultural work.

After all, in some places the summer temperature reaches 50 degrees, even exceeding this figure. And already at 40 degrees heat human body produces up to a liter of sweat every hour, forcing you to continuously drink water. If the temperature rises to 71 degrees Celsius, a person is able to tolerate extreme indicator no more than an hour. Men endure the heat more easily, women have a harder time - they have more subcutaneous fat, which prevents the body from quickly cooling.

Other facts about summer

There are many more interesting things that can be said about the warm period. After all, there are places where there is virtually no summer - we're talking about about the Arctic. But here and in Antarctica there is a polar day, when the Sun does not disappear behind the horizon for up to 6 months - that is how long it shines at the poles. Local plants and animals have adapted perfectly to the cold summer; many of them manage to breed, bloom, and produce seeds in a couple of relatively warm, 24-hour light months.

It is worth pointing out the following facts:

  • The longest summer day is recorded on June 21 and is called the day summer solstice. Many pagan cultures celebrated this day wildly;
  • The highest summer temperatures are recorded in Death Valley (California) - temperatures rise to 57 degrees above zero;
  • Heat is tolerated differently by humans at different humidity levels. Therefore, weather forecasters actively use the so-called “heat index,” which takes into account both current indicators, both temperature and humidity;
  • Hurricanes and thunderstorms manifest themselves in most cases in the summer - warm weather creates optimal conditions for their origin and development.

Summer is a special time for all residents of the Northern Hemisphere. Especially for Russians and Europeans living mainly in temperate climate dreaming of warmth and the opportunity to relax in good weather. After all, northerners need time to fill their bodies with vitamins and restore their immunity in order to once again prepare for winter and solar deficiency.

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The most awaited time of the year is in full swing. And we invite you to learn a little interesting about the time when everything seems special and wonderful - about summer.

In 1816 in Western Europe And North America It was a very cold summer period (in June there was ice on the rivers and snow on the fields), and therefore it went down in human history as “the year without summer.”

The human body in dry air can withstand temperatures of +71 °C for one hour, +82 °C for 49 minutes, +93 °C for 33 minutes, and +104 °C for 26 minutes. Experimenters have theoretically assumed that the maximum temperature at which a person is still able to breathe is +116 °C. However, in Belgium, in 1958, a case was recorded when a person managed to withstand several minutes in a heat chamber at 200 °C!

Carry in water high temperature much more difficult for a person. The maximum permissible threshold is 70 °C.

The hottest temperature on Earth occurs, strange as it may seem to you, not in the Sahara Desert, but in the USA, California, in a deserted desert area called “Death Valley”, where in the shade it is often 57 °C above zero.

The Folies Bergère Theater in New York was equipped with air conditioning in the summer of 1911 to lure audiences to watch films.

Do you know why, when laying railway rails, gaps are left, and when moving along them, the wheels of the cars make a nasty, irritating knock? The thing is that with the heat everything metal objects increase slightly in length. If there were no gaps, the rails would bend in different sides. The same applies to electrical wires. During installation, they are secured so that they sag slightly. If they did not sag, then on the coldest winter days they could become very stretched and burst. It is because of this phenomenon that in France the Eiffel Tower grows by 15-16 cm on hot summer days.

Summer is a long-awaited time, a season of vacations and fun. Each of us associates with this time of year many positive emotions and memories of travel, new achievements and acquaintances, warm days and exciting adventures.

In the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, where the bulk of humanity lives, including us, the hot season lasts from June to August, but in the Southern Hemisphere, summer lasts from December to February, which forces nature and people to organize life a little differently.

It is worth noting that summer is different in different parts of the world. So there are areas where the heat persists throughout the year, which makes these places attractive for a beach holiday.

And we are trying to “absorb” more heat right now in order to preserve it until the next warm days. Fortunately, the weather helps us with this.

Here are a few interesting facts about summer, that will help expand our horizons :

  • When the temperature environment reaches 40 degrees, the human body produces up to 1 liter of sweat per hour to normalize the temperature, forcing us to continuously drink water.
  • Men can tolerate heat more easily. Women have a more difficult time - they have more subcutaneous fat, which prevents the body from quickly cooling.
  • There are places where there is virtually no summer - we are talking about the Arctic. But here, just like in Antarctica, there is a polar day, when the Sun does not disappear behind the horizon for up to 6 months.
  • Let's take a look at France: the Eiffel Tower due to the expansion of iron under sun rays increases in size by more than 6 inches (which is a little more than 15 cm).
  • Scientists have conducted studies to understand what temperature the human body can withstand. It turned out that if the temperature rises to 71 degrees Celsius, a person is able to withstand the extreme temperature relatively normally for no more than one hour.
  • The hottest summer temperatures are recorded in California in a desert area called Death Valley. There the temperature sometimes reaches above 57 degrees.
  • The longest day of summer is June 21 - the Summer Solstice.
  • Another fact about summer: at this time of year they use a “heat index”, which takes into account air humidity.
  • Hurricanes and thunderstorms manifest themselves in most cases in the summer - warm weather creates optimal conditions for their origin and development.

As it is sung in one wonderful song by Oleg Mityaev: “Summer is a little life...” Fill this little life with important and interesting things to do, useful and exciting activities, warm meetings with family and friends, joyful events and travel. And let the summer be a pleasant and educational vacation for everyone.

"What is summer?"
So much sun! How much light!
So much greenery all around!
What is this? This summer,
Finally he hurries to our house.

What's happened summer? Summer- this is a small life, but however, this small life needs to be properly arranged, filled with important, interesting, useful activities and games for the child.
Summer This is the right time for the development and upbringing of children. In summer, all people return to childhood, finding some kind of lightness; at this time of year the world becomes fabulous, brighter and sunny.
In the summer we are drawn to nature, away from city noise and dust. Vacations can bring a lot of benefits to a child. IN summer time parents are trying to take the child away from the city noise, out of town, to the dacha, to grandma’s in the village, to the sea, in order to give the child the opportunity to rest, breathe fresh air, swim, and gain strength before the long, cold winter.
We are all looking forward to summer, looking forward to it. In all seasons you can find something special, in spring, autumn, and even frosty winter brings a lot of pleasure. But in our thoughts the “sooner, summer” pulsates.
Summer- This is a time of rest, vacation, fun. Summer is just ahead, but we are already thinking about it. Live this “little life” so that you and your child can look forward to next summer.

Three summer months: warm June, thunderous hot July and fruitful August. From the very beginning of summer, nature will fill with juices, the days will increase until the solstice, then the sultry June will show its harsh character, and then change warm one will come and friendly August will reward your patience and work with a ripe harvest.

June: warmth envelops the earth

Description of the nature of summer at its very beginning, in June
Summer has come. June. Nature blooms and ripens in summer, the gardens are full of greenery, the meadows are covered with a wide trail of green grass. Slowly soaring in the sky, like huge ships, heavy Cumulus clouds. And although the month of May at the end indulged in warm and summer-like hot days, the first days of June are often cool, sometimes rainy. There is no need to be upset, because the prolonged cloudy weather at the beginning of the month will not last long. A dry anticyclone will bring warm winds, and the sun high in the sky will provide warm and hot weather. In June, the air temperature is moderate without sudden changes and averages +15 +17° C.

Summer takes time to heat up. There are still long hot, sultry and simply warm pleasant days ahead, when the sun wakes up early and sets very slowly, allowing you to walk around to your heart's content before plunging into twilight. And now the sun is starting to get hot, hot days are coming. The greenery is in full bloom, providing edible herbs. The sky is blue and clear, with fluffy clouds floating across it from time to time. The warm air exudes the aroma of flowering.
And, suddenly, unexpectedly, it’s hot summer sun replaced by looming clouds. The sky is rapidly darkening. After all, just now there was sun, and now it has been swallowed up by a menacing darkness, advancing like a front, covering all living things in darkness. Nature is on guard, the birds are quiet, only strong gusts of wind, getting stronger each time, are ready to tear branches from the tops of trees in their path.
Thunder strikes in the first volleys, and immediately, like water from a bucket, a downpour charges. The sky is not visible, only the reflections of lightning alternate with crackling sounds of thunder. The storm subsides as suddenly as it began. The sky brightens, flashes of lightning become less frequent, and the rumbles of thunder recede. The first rays of the sun are peeking through, brightly reflected in the puddles. And again the life of the summer forest comes to life, birds chirp joyfully, animals come out of hiding. Meanwhile, in the forest, in the most hidden dark places, the first mushrooms appear.

The beginning of summer in the folk calendar

“The swallow begins the morning, and the nightingale ends the evening”

At the very onset of summer, since ancient times in Rus', a unique ritual “baptism of the cuckoo” was performed. After the complete departure of winter, cold winds and bad weather, it was necessary to appease summer nature with new plant forces, good weather and a noble harvest. IN ancient Rus' The description of summer from the first days was like this. Early in the morning on the first Sunday of summer, Russian girls went into the forest to find orchis grass - they called it cuckoo tears, and then picked it and took it to the hut to sew outfits, each for their own cuckoo. Then the cuckoos were cuddled, meeting each other, people hugged and kissed. After all, having become related to each other, becoming closer, together they brought the bounty of summer closer to themselves.

Bread comes up in June; it’s not for nothing that the month of June was called “grain growing.” Throughout the first ten days of the month, active sowing took place in the fields, starting with the days of Falaley-Borage and Olena, June 2 and 3, from the name of which it is clear that on these days cucumbers, flax, late wheat, as well as barley and buckwheat were planted. On June 7, aphids appeared, feeding on plant juices and secreting honeydew. By June 11, ears of bread were already sprouting on Fedosya-Chariot, and by this time beans were being planted. From the earliest dawn until late sunset, people worked in the fields in order to be in time before the end of sowing, which fell in the second half of June on the day of the equinox.

June: the sun is turning
sun Description of summer nature June
Lilacs continue to bloom, the smell of fresh grass spreads throughout the districts. Summer nature fills the air with herbal incense. Now the poplar has already dissolved the fluff in its seeds, just to wait for the light gusts of wind that carry new life around the area. In the forest, in the stands and ponds, the smell of spices spreads, no longer floral, but sweet herbal.

The greens are ripening with all their might, and the strawberries have already sprouted by the end of the month. And the blueberries are already keeping up with them, just have time to pick them. In the morning hours you can hear the cry of swallows, during the day frogs croak in ponds, and the evening ends with the lullaby of a nightingale. This time describes summer nature as the most fertile warm time year for work in the fields, evening walks and night gatherings around the fire.

A white blizzard of poplar fluff sweeps through the park alleys with a light wind, a kind of winter in fluffy warm snow. The clearings are covered with the white heads of a horde of dandelions, as if hundreds of little astronauts have landed on earth. Any moment now the wind, swaying the dandelions from side to side, will pick the seeds in the parachutes and carry them away. The squeak of chicks can be heard coming from the treetops; the parents barely have time to feed the voracious maturing chicks. The young grow quickly; before you even notice, they will jump out of the nest and fly off once or twice.

In June, a variety of plants and medicinal herbs bloom, Ivan da Marya rises, plantains and buttercups are at every step, Ivan Chai is smoothed by the warm winds. Forest edges scatter in juicy spots of berries. In the forest you can pick up a lot of ripe strawberries, and a little later on the higher bushes the wild strawberries will turn red.

The day comes on June 25th - the solstice point. From this time on, the sun turns towards shorter days. Now in the mornings, cold dew covers the grass low above the ground. This natural water can be drunk because it is very clean, collected from settled air vapor; summer dew does not contain salt deposits. At the end of June, on the 29th, Tikhon arrives, and, indeed, the sun shortens its course, yes, and the birds subside. The sun slowly, with unhurried steps, hovers in the sky. Only in the shadow of the shelter deciduous trees there is salvation from the incandescent rays growing in power. Summer turns into hot July.


The hottest and driest time of the year is approaching. The month of July is drier than its predecessor, the weather becomes hot and windless, the nights are now warm and stuffy. Average daily temperature July +19° C. At midday the sun can burn the air to +25 +30° C in the shade. It's time to enjoy the grace of nature, because all living things are filled bright colors, the ripe aroma of ripening berries spreads, the field beds are bestowed with generous fruits, the forest brings baskets of mushrooms after a sudden rain. In the popular calendar, this month is called red summer. Flowers bloom, seeds grow, nature shares part of itself, giving the freshest gifts of fertility.

July is the stormiest month. Thunderstorms often occur at the beginning of the month, but showers at the end of July are not uncommon. Thunderstorms are short-lived and cause two fronts to collide. Several thunderstorms with breaks in the sun may occur in one day. In July, thunderstorms and wind speeds during thunderstorms may increase to 15-25 m/s. It doesn’t take long to wait out the downpour, just about half an hour, and the sun dries the roads and grass, as if nothing had happened. Up to 10 mm of precipitation can fall in just one day. But on other days it can be dry and dusty for a long time, without a single drop, without a single hint of rain.

By mid-summer, nature reaches its full maturity, giving many ripe fruits, berries and medicinal herbs. The linden blossoms, spreading a sweet smell. In the field, the smell of hay mixed with the incense of fragrant mint herbs. Ongoing medicinal collection healthy herbs. Chamomile, yarrow, mint, bison - this is just the beginning of the list of useful herbs with medicinal properties.

It's time to cut the hay. Mown hay immediately spreads the smell of dry grass, dried by the blazing sun. And, of course, honey. Bees work day after day, tirelessly collecting honey. These ancient healers know how to make honey healing. At the time of linden flowering, honey and pollen are covered with sweet linden nectar, hence the ancient name - lipets.

By the end of the month, young birds that have grown from chicks are already flying out of the nests, leaving their parents. Animals, foxes, wolves, wild boars, help the younger generation find prey on their own. Bird cherry gives its sweet harvest. The rye is being poured. Wherever you look, there is a vastness of natural grace, shimmering colors, amazing flora.

July in the folk calendar.

“Peter-Paul turned up the heat”

July is the most generous month for bread and vegetables. He serves berries and vegetables on the table; young potatoes are already being harvested. By July 6, nature’s medicines—herbal infusions and medicinal roots—were collected at Agafena-Kupalnitsa.
And here comes Ivan the Bath on July 7, a pagan night of incredible miracles. On Ivan Kupala, herbalists climbed deep into the forest in search of magical herbs, the medicinal powers of which were gaining the most healing properties. On the night of Kupala, fires were lit in the forest and girls jumped over them in round dances. No matter how high you jump, you will find good luck in your husband.

The hottest time is Peter's Day - July 12th. Starting from Petrovka, the heat of the day turns into heat, and the evenings become warm and silent. You no longer hear the nightingale on a warm evening, and then you no longer hear the cuckoo. On warm nights, the forest rests in the shade from the burning sun. Yes, and the rivers are drying up, in ponds and creeks less water. After heavy thunderstorms, water does not have time to linger on the ground, and evaporates and rises into the atmosphere. The most stuffy and sultry time is coming, the equator of summer.

Every day now they monitor the sowing, it’s time to weed the beds. Blueberries ripen, which means not far from Kazanskaya, on July 21, when rye ripens. From this day on they begin to reap with a sickle. It is not easy to work in the field under the scorching July sun. The day continues for a very long time. They begin collecting shocks early in the morning, as soon as dawn breaks, and finish the work by sunset, as soon as blades of grass are no longer visible in the field. Grasshoppers chirp incessantly, sure sign persistent hot weather. The earth, baked during the day, rests during the warm nights. Hot days languidly follow each other.

summer evening The cherry fruits have begun to ripen, the forest is fraught with sweet berry places, hidden in places hidden from the sun. The berries on the edges of the forest are ripe, tightly filled with juice, spreading like sweet nectar on your hands, leaving a tart taste. July 29th arrives, the day of Athenogenes. Nature calms down. The birds become silent in the forest, there is no longer that cheerful roll call. Tired of hot days, nature relaxes, the fervor of the hot heat subsides, and in the shade it becomes more comfortable and cozy. The nights are now a little longer, and by morning all the fields are wet with dew, as if the rain had flown through. August is approaching with leisurely steps, carefully calming the summer heat. Sweet time of warm soft days.

August: Don't Yawn, Harvest

Description of the nature of August
Warm and hot days smoothly transition into the month of August, which is milder than July because daylight hours noticeably decrease, and at night it becomes cooler, a foggy haze appears. Since the beginning of the month, the water in lakes and ponds has been cooling, ending swimming season. The average temperature in the first half of August is +17 +19° C. August itself is the calmest month of the year. Thunderstorms rarely occur, and hot, dry days are somewhat less common. The weather is often evenly warm, and in some places the first yellowed leaves appear on the trees, harbingers of autumn.

The most pleasant time of the year is coming - the harvest season. It’s time to collect everything that you sowed, everything that you reaped, everything that you pinned your hopes on and prepare for a difficult time - wintering. The cold weather is still very far away, but it’s time to make the first preparations for the difficult period of winter. So, what will the little earth give us this year? What bounties will she bestow upon us? The grain harvest begins. The poured cucumbers are ripening. The tomatoes on the bushes are turning red. Buckwheat is blooming. The berries continue to bloom, filling with juice. After a little rain, mushrooms appear in the forests. August is generous and noble.

In the second half of August, a special mushroom season begins, and if these days also turn out to be rainy, then literally in a matter of days the forests will delight you with an abundance of mushrooms. The fields continue to be blessed with ripe harvests. The apple tree drops its apples with a thud, filling the August air with a ripe apple aroma. Roses and other flowers bloom in the garden in a variety of intricate shades.

And then a warm wind tears off a few leaves from the birch tree, and behind it the leaves of elm and linden drop - the first signs of the beginning of autumn. Autumn comes from the last days of August, when average temperature air drops below +15° C. On the birch tree, along with the fall of leaves, the first yellow leaves appear. The bird cherry tree also drops leaves. The nights have become colder, and although the warmth is still long and even, parting with summer cannot be avoided. It rains infrequently, or it may not happen at all, but the leaves turning yellow every day are more and more reminiscent of the approaching autumn.

August in the folk calendar

“From Ilyin’s day until lunchtime it’s summer, and after it’s autumn”

With unhurried steps, the summer heat begins to subside, the days have become a little noticeably shorter, the nights are no longer so warm. Thunderstorms do occur, but much less frequently. And the sun shines evenly and calmly, as if slowly warming the fertile earth with honey rays. August 2 is Elijah’s day, the water becomes colder and the evenings become cooler. The winds in August are weak, the days are smooth and calm. Sheaves of hay are collected from the fields. And now it’s the 14th of the month Honey Spas, the bees are finishing their hard work. This year they did a great job, there are enough reserves, for which we thank them very much.

summer So swallows are the first to leave their native places, flying to distant countries. Stepan-Senoval - On August 15, it was time to mow the dried grass. The day of Anton-Vikhrevey is changing, with the wind of this day, one could already see the first signs of winter. If the wind is strong, a snowy winter cannot be avoided. It rains more often, but usually short-lived. The sun will allow you to indulge in the rain, and it will sneak a peek and warm you with affection. And August 19th comes Orthodox holiday Apple Spas. It's time to collect baskets full of apples and consecrate them in the temple.

But at Miron-Vetrogon on August 20 and then Lavrentiya, on the 21st, you can look at the water to know what kind of autumn it will be. If the water is calm, then the autumn will be calm, and the winter will be without frosty blizzards. On August 27, Mikheev's Day, we looked at the strength and direction of the wind. I would like to know everything - what will autumn be like, will it be windy?

haystacks Assumption Holy Mother of God celebrated on August 28, it is preceded by two weeks of the Dormition Fast. Next is the Third Savior, in Rus' it was also called the Bread Savior, with which the harvest ended and rapid preparations for winter began. Autumn is approaching with smooth steps, nature has yet to show its beauty and dress up in golden dresses. The grass is already drying and the leaves are turning red. The birch tree throws a light gilding on its leaves, followed by the linden tree. Rooks and starlings gather in flocks. The sun is less warm than before. Summer is replaced by autumn.

The most interesting facts about summer

1. During the summer in France, the Eiffel Tower grows more than six inches due to the expansion of iron on hot days.
2. The longest day of summer is June 21 (summer solstice).
3. Children are most likely to gain weight in the summer because children are less active during this period, are more likely to have inconsistent sleep schedules, and tend to eat more unhealthy foods.
4. In the Arctic there is almost no summer or it is very short.

5. Summer is different in different parts of our planet, for example, in tropical and equatorial places, summer lasts all year round.

Oleg Mityaev_-_Summer is a small life



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The film “Summer” directed by Kirill Serebrennikov was released in wide release. The plot is based on the story of the relationship between Mike Naumenko, his wife Natalya and Viktor Tsoi. Music journalist Boris Barabanov ( has compiled a guide to the film for those who like to delve into details.

In the movie "Summer" Mike Naumenko performs the song “Summer” even before meeting Viktor Tsoi. In fact, it was written as a bet with Tsoi and even has the official subtitle “Song for Tsoi.”

Literary basis of the picture became the memories of Mike Naumenko’s wife Natalya. The credits also include a book by Vitaly Kalgin, a researcher of Viktor Tsoi's work. According to the author, the creators of the film relied on chapters in which he described how Naumenko and Tsoi communicated.

Korean actor Teo Yoo, who played Viktor Tsoi, knew about him even before he received the offer to participate in the film, as he studied the stories of Koreans who became big figures in the cultures of other countries.

Despite the fact that Theo Yu was dubbed both in songs and in dialogues, he learned all his text in Russian, for this the actor studied with a tutor.

Former member of the group “Tea for Two” Denis Klyaver voiced the Korean artist. The voicing of each line by Theo Yu was approved by Kirill Serebrennikov through his lawyers.

On arrangements of foreign songs, sounding in the film “Summer”, worked with the leader of the Tesla Boy group Anton Sevidov. He also appeared in the cameo role of Andrei Tropillo, the sound engineer responsible for the main albums of Leningrad rock. It’s interesting that Tropillo himself criticized Kirill Serebrennikov’s project even before it was released.

Animated film fragments invented and created by Kirill Serebrennikov and artist Dmitry Bulgakov. They started from the drawings of Mike Naumenko, which they received from the St. Petersburg Museum “Realities of Russian Rock”.


Still from the film “Summer”

As a collector, from whom Tsoi and Natalya buy a cup of coffee, the legendary radio host Seva Novgorodtsev is busy. He specially came to St. Petersburg to star in this episode.

Used in the film "Summer" real guitars from the 1980s. They are completely identical to Mike Naumenko's guitars. Thanks to guitar master Pavel Bashmakov, it was possible to achieve an authentic and at the same time professional sound of the instruments.

The image of the apartment organizer in a leather jacket, played by Anton Adasinsky, is collective and has no prototype. This character was created during filming.

In the train scene Actor Alexander Bashirov, who played with Viktor Tsoi in the films “Assa” and “Needle,” is busy.

The prototype of a character named "Leonid" is Alexey Rybin, a member of the early composition of the Kino group, known as Garin and the Hyperboloids. Like many St. Petersburg rockers, Rybin is in irreconcilable opposition to the film. In addition, he stated his desire to make his own film about Tsoi.

The artist is busy in the apartment building scene Evgeny Mitta, Kirill Serebrennikov's deputy at the Gogol Center; Alexey Kabeshev, director and producer Andrey Savelyev, fashion designer Svetlana Tegin, producer Pavel Burya, as well as artists and employees of the Gogol Center. Serebrennikov decided that it was possible to achieve authenticity in this scene if there were people in the frame who knew each other well.

In the hallway of the apartment in one of the final scenes, covers of “branded” vinyl records hang in neat rows. It’s unlikely that anyone could hang CD sleeves on the wall as posters in the early 1980s - it was too valuable. However, Kirill Serebrennikov composed them into a kind of iconostasis in the film, which comes into frame when the Shortparis group plays a David Bowie song All The Young Dudes. The director invited the group to take part in the filming - he really likes the group.

Interior of the Leningrad Rock Club in the film “Summer” is very similar to the real “House of Amateur Creativity”, located on Rubinshteina Street, 13. But the filming took place not there, but in the “Sailors’ Club” in Kronstadt.


Extras in scenes concert performances are ordinary young people selected by the film crew, although among them there are also iconic characters, for example, people from the fashionable St. Petersburg club “Ionoteka”. Some of the participants in the crowd scenes did not know who Mike Naumenko and Viktor Tsoi were, and downloaded their albums right during filming.

Among the characters in the film“Summer” features music critic Artemy Troitsky, played by Andrei Khodorchenkov. Artemy Troitsky advised Serebrennikov at the stage of writing the final version of the script, visited the set and gave interviews to documentary film“After “Summer,” which will premiere on June 21 at the Gogol Center.

Scene with Elena Koreneva and Roma Zver invented by Kirill Serebrennikov. Both Koreneva’s character and the whole scene grew out of a Blondie song Call Me, which is mentioned in the film. It is interesting that Tatiana Lioznova’s film “Carnival” with the song “Call me, call” was filmed in 1981, at the same time the film “Summer” takes place.

In one of the episodes film, a portrait of Leonid Brezhnev appears the size of a house wall. This is not a traditional full-face ceremonial portrait, but “Brezhnev writing,” probably writing “Malaya Zemlya.” It was this Brezhnev that young Kirill Serebrennikov walked past to school in Rostov-on-Don.

Director Alexey Uchitel last year announced the start of filming a film in which the body of Viktor Tsoi, who died in a car accident, is being transported from Riga to Leningrad. In 1987, the director directed Viktor Tsoi in the film “Rock.”

For assistance in preparing the material, special thanks go to the second director of the film Nadezhda Ilyukevich .