You lower your eyes and gasp with delight - all around are snow-capped peaks, tall pine trees, or the alluring azure lying at the foot of the sea.

The highest mountain in Greece is Olympus, which is located in Thessaly. Many of us are familiar with it from ancient Greek mythology. If you remember, it was on Olympus that the gods of the Greeks lived and this myth was born for a reason. The height of this mountain range reaches 2917 meters. It is the array, because of this, that all the confusion occurs, since most often, the most high mountain Greece is called Mytikas, but it is not a mountain in itself, but just one of the peaks of the Olympic mountain range. Its height reaches 2919 meters, the next highest peaks are Scolio, height 2912 meters and Stephanie 2909 meters. Mount Olympus is not one peak or two peaks, it is about 50 peaks, the heights of which range from 760 to 2919 meters. These peaks are cut by numerous ravines, which create beautiful and terrifying landscapes. The highest mountain in Greece was conquered only in 1913.

According to researcher Richard Onians, the legendary ambrosia - the food of the Olympian gods, giving them youth and immortality - is the divine equivalent of olive oil. So every Greek could taste the divine dish.

In ancient times, the Greeks believed that twelve main gods lived on Mount Olympus, who, under the leadership of the main god Zeus, crushed the Titans, and after that order reigned in the world. Olympus, in addition to serving as the abode of the gods in ancient times, also performed another function. Served as a natural border between Macedonia and Greece. Over time, the mythology of the ancient Greeks changed a little and Olympus began to be called not only the mountain, but the entire sky above Greece, in fact, the ancient gods now lived there.

In ancient Greek mythology, Olympus is a sacred mountain, the seat of the gods led by Zeus. Olympus is a mountain in Thessaly where the gods live. The name Olympus is of pre-Greek origin (a possible connection with the Indo-European root “to rotate”, i.e. an indication of the roundness of the peaks) and belongs to a number of mountains of Greece and Asia Minor. On Olympus are the palaces of Zeus and other gods, built and decorated by Hephaestus. The gates of Olympus are opened and closed by the Oras as they ride out in golden chariots. Olympus is thought of as a symbol of the supreme power of the new generation of Olympian gods who defeated the Titans. Initially, Olympus (it is unknown which one) was occupied by the snake-like titan Ophion and his oceanid wife Eurynome. Cronus and Rhea liked this place, and they occupied it, expelling Ophion and Eurynome, who had found refuge in the ocean. Cronos and Rhea were expelled from Olympus by Zeus. The gods lived a carefree and cheerful life.

Flemish painter Peter Rubens painted “The Feast of the Gods on Olympus”. The exact date Researchers could not determine its composition until astronomers saw the picture. They found that the characters were located exactly the same as the planets in the sky in 1602.

The gates of Olympus were guarded by the virgin goddesses of time ora. Neither beast nor man could wander there. Gathering together, the gods and goddesses feasted, enjoying ambrosia, which restored strength and gave immortality. They quenched their thirst with fragrant nectar. Nectar and ambrosia were carried to the gods and goddesses by the handsome young man Ganymede. There was no shortage of entertainment on Olympus. To please the ears and eyes of the celestials, the white-legged Kharites, goddesses of eternal joy, holding hands, led round dances. Sometimes Apollo himself took up the cithara, and all nine muses sang along with him in agreement.

If you got tired of music, songs and dances, you could go from the heights of Olympus. look at the ground. The most fascinating sight for the gods was the war that flared up here and there. The inhabitants of Olympus had their favorites. One sympathized with the Greeks, the other with the Trojans. Sometimes, seeing that his charges were being crowded, first one or the other god left the place of observation and, descending to the ground, entered into battle. Entering into a rage, the combatants did not see the difference between mortals and celestials. Then the gods had to flee, clutching the colorless, fragrant blood flowing in streams with their palms.

As Greek myths say, the gods, having settled on Olympus, agreed that it did not belong to any of them, and decided not to choose a ruler. But soon Zeus and his brothers and sisters seized power: Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Hestia and Demeter. Zeus, the supreme god, was the youngest of them in age.

Subsequently, when the people of the ancient world learned more about the universe, by Olympus they began to understand not just one mountain, but the entire sky. It was believed that Olympus covers the earth like a vault and the Sun, Moon and Stars wander along it. When the Sun stood at its zenith, they said that it was at the top of Olympus. They thought that in the evening, when it passes through the western gate of Olympus, i.e. The sky closes, and in the morning it is opened by the goddess of dawn Eos.

Now the entire massif is a nature reserve. By visiting it you can see rare representatives of Greek flora and fauna, and from the mountain itself there is a stunning view of Greece. Many tourists want to visit this ancient abode of the gods. However, it will not be possible to get to the top itself due to the English military radar installed there.

In 1938 Olympus was declared national reserve, more than 1,700 species of plants and animals that grow and live only here make up the unique ecosystem of this mountainous area. Protected by UNESCO since 1981. Since 1985 it has been declared an archaeological monument.

The holy martyr Neophytos lived in a cave on the slope of Olympus. At the age of 15, he came to the mountain for a white dove. A huge lion lived in the cave, but, having heard the words of Neophyte, he submitted to him and went to another place. Neophyte lived in this cave until the time of his martyrdom, when the ruler Decius ordered him to be killed.

In 1961, a temple of Zeus was discovered on one of the peaks of Ayios Antonios, dating from the Hellenistic to the late Christian period. The remains of sacrificial animals, coins, and statues were discovered. also in various places The temple of Apollo of Delphi and the ancient tomb of Orpheus were discovered. The Temple of Apollo is located at an altitude of 1000 meters, and it is known that it was from there that Xenagoras, using a telescope and geometric calculations, determined the height of Olympus to be 2960 meters, which is not so far from the truth. A few hundred meters from shelter A there is an exit to the monastery of St. Dionysius, built by himself and dated 1542. Throughout time it was destroyed more than once, but the greatest damage was caused during the Second World War.

Over the next 60 years it was in the process of reconstruction. More precisely, individual buildings were reconstructed, but the dilapidated ancient walls were kept intact, reminiscent of the fact that even in the sanctuary of antiquity, unfortunately, the evil of war penetrated. The interesting thing is that to this day, it is active, so the monks ask visitors to be dressed appropriately, as indicated by the sign at the entrance. A 20-minute walk over rough terrain is a sacred cave, apparently where a saint originally lived. The place is secluded and conducive to meditation. Along the way there is a mountain river, in which it is forbidden to swim and pollute it, since the water there is drinkable, cold and tasty.

Words, words...Words are empty if they are not confirmed by our main source of information - vision. The places are truly amazing. Even if you are not moved by the thought that thousands of years ago people dedicated their lives to the gods living on Olympus, even if the very existence of these mountains long before us and long after us does not inspire awe, nevertheless the nature here is capable of delighting the most picky person. Its beauty is beyond competition, it envelops.

Greece is a country with an unusually diverse topography. There are many plains and mountains of varying heights, each of which plays an important role in human life. What is the highest mountain in Greece and what other hills deserve attention?

This mountain is known throughout the world due to its significance in Greek mythology. Even at school there are myths about the gods of Olympus - Zeus, Aphrodite, Hera - who ate ambrosia, and also loved, got angry, took revenge, in general, behaved like ordinary people. The ancient Greeks treated the gods as real creatures and they even believed that sometimes they descend down to the common people.

In fact, Olympus (or Olympus in Greek) is not just a mountain, but an entire mountain range with forty peaks. The largest of them rises to 2917 meters. All peaks are densely covered with a variety of vegetation, some of its representatives are not found anywhere else in the world. And on the peaks all year round silver caps of snow lie.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, people were afraid to climb high into the mountains. But in 1913, a Greek named Christos Kakalas finally conquered the highest peak of Olympus. In 1938, the entire mountain range (4,000 hectares) was officially declared a national park. And 43 years later it also became a biosphere reserve, according to UNESCO.

Is it possible to climb the mountain?

Today, almost anyone can climb Olympus and feel like an ancient Greek god. Numerous excursion tours are organized, in which the best thing is that even a person without sports training, for example, an ordinary tourist, can participate. All you need is to stock up on warm clothes and everything else you need for the hike.

There are daredevils who climb Olympus on their own, but it is still better for a beginner to do this as part of a tourist group. You can climb to a height of 1100 meters by car, but beyond that you can only go on foot. Along the way there will be a hotel where you can relax.

There are a lot of interesting sights and settlements near Olympus. For example, noteworthy:

  • Dion. An ancient city that was most actively used for the worship of the gods. He was kind of cultish. During excavations, a lot of interesting things were found here - theaters, temples, baths and other evidence of the rich cultural life of the ancient Greeks.
  • Monastery of Saint Dionysius. This building is located directly on the mountainside, at an altitude of 850 meters. There is also a museum on the territory of the monastery, where you can examine various church utensils, which are centuries old.

This 2637 meter high peak is the second most important in Greece. It is surrounded by several villages and also has three rivers flowing from the mountain. The slopes are covered with abundant vegetation, beech and deciduous trees. In some places there are beautiful alpine lakes.

The mountain range, located partly in Greece and partly in Macedonia, includes a 2,524-meter peak as well as several other significant peaks. All of them are covered with forests of pine, beech and birch, and function ski resorts. On the main peak there is a small church and a monument to the Serbs who died in the First World War.

This peak has a height of 2520 meters and is also covered with dense forests. Grammos gives rise to several streams and small rivers, as well as the largest river in Greece - Aliakmon. There is also a park there, which includes exhibition halls and some research infrastructure facilities. The purpose of the park is to simultaneously demonstrate the beauty of the mountain environment, steeped in the past, and the desire for the future.

A hill with a purely alpine type, the height of which is 2510 meters. Its slopes are very picturesque due to ravines, depressions, and meadows. Very diverse and animal world– predatory eagles fly over the rocks, and wolves and wild boars live in the forests on the slopes. Residents of local villages keep goats and sheep. But there is little water here - there are several springs, but in the summer they dry up.

The sixth highest mountain in Greece (2497 meters) annually welcomes more than 100,000 tourists, who are attracted not only by the wonderful nature, but also by the atmosphere shrouded in legends. The mountain and its surroundings are part of the Vikos Aoos National Park. This is a protected area; the behavior of tourists is strictly monitored here. This is due to the fact that the region is a habitat for rare animals, including birds of prey.

The highest peak of this massif reaches 2495 meters, making it the second highest in Central Greece and the seventh highest in the whole country. This is the southern branch of Mount Pindus, which is also divided into three parts - Southern, Western and Northern. Around the mountain there is very lush vegetation, including rare representatives of the flora.

The height of this peak is 2457 meters. Like Olympus, Parnassus played an important role in Greek mythology. They named him in honor of the son of the goddess Cleodora. The gods who lived on this mountain loved art, especially music. According to legend, they played the lyre, sang and danced - so over time, the hill became associated with Apollo, the god of art and leader of the muses.

The height of this peak is 2456 meters, just a meter lower than Parnassus, and this is the highest point Greek island Crete. It was in one of the local caves, according to legend, that Zeus was born. Modern excavations have shown that this cave served as a place of worship for the ancient Greeks, and many religious objects have been found here.

Lefka Ori

In translation, the name of this peak, whose height is 2453 meters, means “bald”. Unlike the vast majority of Greek mountains, Lefka Ori has almost no vegetation on its slopes. Instead, they are covered with limestone, which gives them a whitish color.

This is just a small part of the beautiful Greek mountains scattered throughout the country. Each of them is truly unique, and each is worth visiting and seeing with your own eyes.

Greece. Sacred Mount Olympus. With these words, magnificent images arise in the imagination. ancient monuments, temples, fearless heroes of ancient Greek myths and immortal gods. According to myths, from the steep peaks they kept under observation the lives of mere mortals, gave them gifts or punished them, sometimes shared the secrets of the universe with the Greek sages, from time to time kidnapped beauties, during breaks in the arrangement of their personal lives they performed feats, in short, they led the most ordinary divine life. Every person has heard about the famous myths of Ancient Greece, which were not just fiction, they told the history of Ancient Greece in a fabulous form, reflecting the character of an entire people.

What is Olympus?

In reality, Olympus in Greece is not a separate mountain, but a large mountain range with a peak - Mount Mytikas. Its height reaches 2918 m. Now the Olympus massif is a national park with about 50 mountain peaks, among them the most high peaks: Antonios -2815 m, Scolio -2911 m, Skala - 2866 m, the above-mentioned Mytikas, Stefani - 2909 m. The air on the peaks of the massif in winter time it cools down to a temperature of minus 20 C, in summer it is also frosty there - up to minus 5 C. The mountain range with a height of 2918 m is the highest in Greece. It is surrounded by deep chasms and its top is covered with snow.

Where is the famous mountain?

Few people do not know that Olympus is located in Greece. Its more precise location is as follows: in the Thessaly region, on the eastern coast of the mainland of the country, near the Aegean Sea, 90 km from Thessaloniki. The mountain is part mountain range, stretching north to Bulgaria and south to Turkey. The border between Thessaly and Macedonia runs along this chain. The area where Olympus is located in Greece has not only historical and mythological significance, but is also a magnificent natural oasis with stunning scenery and unique beauty.

UNESCO heritage

The territory of the modern mountain range has been declared a “National Park” and part of the archaeological and historical heritage of UNESCO. Located within the boundaries of the Pieria nome and partly within the boundaries of the Larisa-Thessaly nome, National Park, famous throughout the world for its diversity of flora and fauna. Here you can see about 1,700 plant species, which is 25% of all species found in the country. In addition, 23% of them are endemic, that is, they are unique and grow only here. The fauna includes 8 species of amphibians, 22 reptiles, 32 wild mammals, 136 species of birds, living only in the Olympus region in Greece.

How to get there?

The city of Litochoro, which translates as “City of the Gods,” is a favorite place to start any climb to Olympus. You can get to Litochoro either by train or by bus. This is a small town for passive recreation. It is located near the sea with a clean beach and warm water, where a regular bus leaves every half hour. Not far from the beach there is a tent camp - an excellent budget option for conquerors of Olympus. It will take 2 days to ascend and descend, although experienced tourists can return in one day. Along the trails there are shelters where you can spend the night and eat. A magnificent area of ​​pristine beauty appears before traveling tourists. It is known that the legendary Mount Olympus has many peaks, which in tandem with deep crevices create stunning pictures for lovers of natural beauty.

Climbing routes

Routes of varying degrees of difficulty lead to the top. Climbing Olympus in Greece to the top of Mytikas is considered easy, with the route starting from Prionia. Then he walks along a marked forest road for 3-5 hours to the Agapinos shelter. From this place to the Skala pass the route leads along rocky slopes, then about another kilometer along low rocks to the maximum mark of Olympus - the peak of Mytikas. From the Skala pass the trail is completely visible, and the ascent route seems difficult, but in fact it is quite suitable even for novice climbers - the rocks are simple, the markings are clearly visible, there are belays or railings for an off-season climb. The most difficult rocky section, 400 meters long, can be overcome in half an hour in good weather. Since most often unprepared tourists are limited only to the foot of Mount Olympus, here you can also admire the stunning mountain peaks under the snow-white caps of clouds.

Conquest of Olympus

Considering that in ancient times Mount Olympus in Greece was known as the abode of the gods, the sacred peak long time none of the mortals dared to rise. However, people visited the Olympic Mountains back in ancient times - this is evidenced by archaeological work on the neighboring Mount Antonius, carried out in 1961. The Temple of Olympian Zeus was also discovered here, where many inscriptions, marble walls, coins and remains of sculptures were preserved. Only in 1913 was Olympus officially conquered. The first ascent to the top of Mitikas was officially registered on August 2, 1913, when it was conquered by a resident of the town of Litochoro, located at the foot of the eastern slope of the mountain, Christos Kakalos. Before this, many brave souls died during the ascent because they underestimated the difficulty of the ascent. And today the dream of conquering the peaks of Olympus in Greece haunts climbers and mountaineers from all over the world.


Today, excursions and walks are organized for tourists at the foot of the mountain range, and only people who have the appropriate mountaineering training and equipment can climb to the very top. Since 1938, this mountain has become a national reserve of Greece. Excursion to Olympus is very popular. The mysterious mountain is truly worth it. Here you can not only admire fantastic views and step foot on the paths along which the gods supposedly walked, but also see very real unique structures. One of them is the monastery of St. Dionysius, the second is the monastery of the Holy Trinity. Both monasteries are located on steep peaks (820 and 1020 meters), both have an interesting architectural design, and both are active. Excursions are organized from Thessaloniki. They are group and individual (up to 7 participants). The price includes climbing observation deck(940 m), visiting monasteries, lunch in a Greek village.

Ancient city

Located at the foot of Olympus, the landmark of Greece is ancient city, named after the god Zeus, who was called by the Greeks by another name - Dius. Connoisseurs of antiquity may find it interesting to visit this town, famous for its ancient excavations and museum where rare exhibits are stored. Dion existed for a whole millennium. This city played a significant role in the economy, culture and religion of Macedonia and Greece. It was first mentioned in the 5th century BC. From this city Alexander the Great set off on his famous eastern campaign. The city had sanctuaries with temples and places of sacrifice, a theater, and a stadium where ancient athletes competed. Dion was famous for its huge complex - the Large Thermae (baths), in which they not only bathed - they communicated, read, prayed and rested there. To collect and drain water in Dion, aqueducts made of stone, pipes made of lead and ceramics, and taps made of bronze were used. The streets were lined with a large number of divine statues. The city has preserved the original standard of weights and measures - a special stone with holes of different diameters and depths for calculating the volumes of liquids and solids. Nowadays there is an archaeological museum and reserve here.

Abode of the Gods

Mount Olympus has become one of the symbols not only of Greece, but of the entire ancient culture. Everyone has known this since school. After all, it was here, according to the religion of the Greeks, that the Olympians lived. In myths, Mount Olympus was known as the home of the 12 most important gods, which was inhabited by the well-known: Zeus, Hera, Hades, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, Artemis, Aphrodite, Poseidon and Hestia.

Ancient Greek Olympus had vital importance For ordinary people, controlled their destinies. What did the gods do? On Olympus main god- Zeus held councils, Apollo played gentle music on the lyre, and Zeus’s wife, the goddess Hera, treated everyone with immortal nectar. Three Moiras spun the thread of fate, and three Oras controlled order. The Crystal Palaces of Olympus were built by one-eyed giant Cyclopes. According to myths, Mount Olympus in Greece is the area where Gaia gave birth to the Titans. They were so large that the mountains of Greece served as their thrones, and Cronus, the most dominant of the Titans, lived on Mount Olympus.

Later, Olympus became the place where all the ancient Greek gods lived. According to myths, they lived in palaces made of crystal, fed on nectar and ambrosia, which gave them immortality. It was precisely because the divine family “dwelled” in such a place that they were called “Olympians.” Here, the ancient Macedonians, before military campaigns, made sacrifices to the inhabitants of Olympus, in the hope of their favor.

Greece has long been famous for its mountains. True, not so much because of the unprecedented heights, but because of the legends associated with them. Just remember Olympus - sacred mountain in ancient Greek mythology, where, according to legend, Zeus himself lived. For this reason greek gods often called Olympians. The most interesting thing is that Olympus is the highest Greek mountain.


Currently, Olympus is a mythological and historical symbol, as well as a protected natural monument. The reserve, located near the mountain, is interesting because its territory contains a huge number of plants - more than 1,700 species, but animals - ten times less.

You can climb Olympus on your own without any problems. Usually the ascent begins from the town of Litokhoron, where the information center for climbing enthusiasts is located. Here you can take a taxi and get to Prionia, which is located at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level. There is a restaurant, toilet, and parking here. There is no hotel, but you can spend the night in the monastery of St. Dionysius, which is located nearby. Then, on foot, you can reach the so-called Shelter A, located at an altitude of 2100 meters. From here you can reach other shelters and the summit.

The most high peak Olympus - Mytikas, its height is 2917 meters. There are others, but they are somewhat lower.


The second place is occupied by Mount Zmolikas. It is located in northwestern Greece. The height of the largest peak reaches 2638 meters. The length of the mountain is, according to various estimates, from 15 to 20 km, and its width is about 10 km.

Near the mountain there are two nature reserves, and on one of the slopes you can find the Alpine-type Drakolimni lake.


Bronze goes to Mount Nidje, which is located on the border of Greece and Macedonia. The highest point is Kaymakchalan Peak, which is located at 2521 m above sea level. Since the peak is quite popular, it is often called the mountain itself.

Nije is considered a very old mountain, older than many others located in the country. Very rich in animal species, not many plants.