It is difficult to say definitively whether an angler can master the art of consistently catching silver carp.

Silver carp is a very strong fish; Once hooked, he behaves differently. Some specimens actively resist, others, for example, use their size and body weight in moving water, as catfish do. Silver carp takes well natural bottom baits and artificial ones on a spinning rod. It is found in rivers and lakes.

In reservoirs and ponds heated by industrial waters, silver carp grow to impressive sizes. Fish take fishing baits out of curiosity or in search of food, because they usually lack their main food, that is, phytoplankton. In addition to phytoplankton, bighead carp also feed on zooplankton. It is usually difficult for an angler to distinguish between these two species.

In those reservoirs where bighead and silver carp are introduced artificially, their feeding method negatively affects the development of almost all local fish species. Silver carp eat large quantities of plankton, which feed both the fry and larvae of local fish species, such as pike perch, pike, and catfish.

Introduced from Far East Silver carp have perfectly acclimatized in the Volga delta.

  • Spawning: when the water reaches a temperature of 26-30 ° C;
  • Daily limit: 5;
  • Acceptable size: no less than 60 cm;
  • Russian record: 71.5 kg, caught in the lower reaches of the Volga (Parashkin Channel) by huntsman V. Zelentsov in April 2004.

Biology of silver carp

This fish works actively from a young age, intensively filtering water in search of food. A specimen weighing 250 g filters up to 32 liters of water within an hour, receiving only a few grams of phyto- and zooplankton.

The body is not thick, the height reaches about 30% of the body length. The skin is strong, covered with small scales. The lateral line running from the caudal fin to the head is clearly visible. The back and head are very dark, often black. The body of the silver carp is shaped like a spindle, compressed on the sides. The head is small, it is visually enlarged by large gill covers.

  • Mouth

The mouth of the silver carp is adapted for eating plankton in the water column, however, if there is a shortage of basic food, the silver carp can feed at the bottom of the reservoir. It is also capable of searching for food in mud.

  • Fins

The caudal fin is wide, with a deep notch, reinforced with hard rays, located on a muscular elongated base. The fins are large and strong, thanks to them the fish swims tirelessly, overcoming the river current.

  • Eyes

The eyes are big and beautiful shape. Set very low in the skull. The shape of the head, mouth and location of the eyes are characteristic features silver carp.

The world of silver carp

Silver carp lives in a school, the size of which depends on the size of the population in the reservoir. The fish can be observed when on a sunny day it swims slowly near the surface.

Silver carp, in addition to the characteristic external features, also has behavior specific to its species - it is timid and “plays” very spectacularly.

According to experienced silver carp fishermen, each specimen “plays,” that is, jumps high out of the water, in its own way.

When it comes to food, fish have chosen a very narrow specialization. Unlike white carp, bighead carp is less picky; it can eat larger food, which is due to the different structure of its filtering processes.

During the cold months of spring and early fall, silver carp can be easily lured within range of a fishing rod using fishing bait. You can try different flavors, but the bait should be very fine, almost powdery. In still water, the bait should work in the bait column, and in the river the bait should form a thick cloud, then the silver carp willingly swims into it and feeds.

In the spring, silver carp begins to feed, earlier than grass carp, which is more popular among fishermen. Therefore, while waiting for the spring revival of carp, you can check the strength of the gear on silver carp. During this period, silver carp gather to feed on vast shallows. Schools of this fish are easy to spot - it does not care about caution.

When going to catch silver carp, you need to take into account the time of year, which is directly related to the results of fishing.

IN warm months- in the second half of June and July, also in hot August- Don't waste your time fishing. During this period, the fish have plenty of food and will almost certainly ignore fishing treats.

If you definitely want to fish at this time, then you need to choose a fishing place where there is little food - the fight for food plays into the fisherman’s hands.

Silver carp loves open water, and this is useful for the angler to know: in a large lake, silver carp will be located far from the shores and quite high above the bottom. In a small body of water, he will be forced to look for food in all places.

When fishing for silver carp, the angler must remember that one ray in the dorsal fin of this fish has turned into a sharp file that mercilessly cuts not only the fishing line, but even the fragile material of the landing net.

How to catch silver carp?

A silver carp weighing 5-6 kg is a challenge for an angler fishing with float or light bottom tackle. The difficult struggle with such prey is then remembered for many years.

The silver carp offers strong resistance, which earns the respect of the fisherman. When it eventually ends up in the net, some fishermen take out the identification guide to figure out who they caught.

Silver carp was brought to us from the warm part of China, where it is a common fish and reaches impressive sizes. Our climatic conditions not the best for him, but despite this, not long ago a silver carp weighing 54 kg was caught. The very fact of catching a fish with such a large weight deserves recognition, but what is surprising is the fact that this fish feeds on plankton in the surface zone, but is very difficult to catch with a fishing rod. All the more intriguing are the stories of fishermen who held a giant weighing about 70 kg on a fishing rod, and numerous eyewitnesses claim that individuals weighing about 100 kg swim in their reservoirs.

Silver carp habits

Silver carp lives in a school consisting of individuals of different ages. Fish readily accumulate on the surface, so they can be easily observed. It feeds on phyto- and zooplankton, but does not disdain plant and animal organisms that accumulate at the bottom. In our waters, fish are forced to select a variety of food in order to replenish the plankton menu. There is an opinion that in a pond with carp, silver carp is its competitor. The greatest activity is observed in the warm summer months - at this time, the silver carp has the fastest metabolism, and therefore, the appetite flares up. The fish is very careful and is frightened by even a slight trampling on the shore, a blow of the rod into the bridge, or too noisy casting of the bait. Hybrids with carp and silver carp are often found.

Silver carp habitats

The fish was brought from China to purify water in warm reservoirs used for industrial purposes. Many natural lakes are inhabited by it. Today, silver carp is found in numerous mined-out sand pits, carp ponds, and also in large ponds.

Only a small part of fishermen can say that they specialize in catching this fish. There are so few of them because it is incredibly difficult. Silver carp is most often a side catch in bottom fishing for carp, bream, crucian carp and chub. A spinner can encounter silver carp while catching perch with small silicone baits, asp and chub with a wobbler and spinner, and even while catching catfish with rubber and an oscillating spoon. Fishing for silver carp is very exciting, comparable to fighting a catfish. There are known cases when, after landing a large silver carp, a fisherman asked his neighbor what kind of fish it was.

Where to catch silver carp?

Silver carp is a shy fish. It is difficult to catch due to its extraordinary strength, which can increase sharply when the fish flees into the thick of plants. When fishing for silver carp, you need to check the effectiveness of various baits.

Silver carp feed on plankton, so it is impossible to predict its catchability.

  • Coastal zone

In shallow water there is a lot of food for silver carp. Typically, the depth on the slope ranges from 30 cm to 5 m, which is very popular with silver carp - both small and large. In large lakes, the food supply in this feeding zone may increase due to the wave coming from open water. When there is wind, the water brings a lot of food. Then you can count on a rich catch.

  • Tributary mouth

Running water is enriched with oxygen and brings a lot of different food, so silver carp often swims into the tributary. Good conditions feeding time occurs when the water calms down and turbid water forces the fish to leave the area.

  • Depth

Silver carp by nature loves depth; it is accustomed to open spaces; if he has a choice, he sticks close to the deep places. There he finds a lot of food, and the depth of fattening depends on the time of year, temperature and waves. In this area, fish are very difficult to locate and catch; fishing requires a boat.

  • River connecting lakes

Silver carp often travels in its natural habitats, always preoccupied with the search for food. Moving fish over long distances during the feast makes fishing more difficult.

In a small river you can find good places for luring silver carp with complementary foods.

  • oxbow

Only large old rivers are attractive to silver carp.

It also enters small ones, but not for long, so catching it there is pointless. A suitable oxbow lake should have a slight current, then a good food supply for silver carp will be formed there, and running water makes the fish want to swim there.

  • Underwater spit

In a large lowland river, silver carp often explore underwater spits, stopping on a long-term, hard spit. It is easier to catch it from the bottom, where there is little food and the fish are often hungry. You need to prepare for long casts and use a very strong fishing rod.

  • Between the dams

There are many such places in the medium and large lowland river. Silver carp often swim here in search of food or shelter. Here it is very easy to scare him, especially when he swims in a school. It is necessary to use a powerful fishing rod to prevent the fish from leaving this area.

  • Area with a flat bottom

In a wide current, a flat bottom forms in places - and a shallow area with a flat bottom and a slower current appears. Schools of fish gather here to fatten and rest. Fishing in such places is difficult because it is difficult to present the bait. A boat helps a lot, but it can spook the fish.

Tackle for silver carp

Silver carp is difficult to catch not only because of its significant weight and powerful resistance when fishing. This is a cautious, sensitive fish that requires systematic feeding; catching it is a difficult task for a fisherman.

  • Bottom fishing rod

Durable rod, with test 80-140 g, length 3.6.5 m, two-section.

The reel is at least in the middle price category, carp, with a spare spool. One is wound with fishing line, the other is braided. Line for shore fishing for feeder or carp, with a diameter of 0.26-0.35 mm. The reel must have at least 150 m of line. The leash must be made of good material, braid or fishing line. Its strength should be designed for 3A fish weight. Carp leashes are used successfully.

It is better to use the most powerful carp hook, at least 6. It is safer to use a hook with a ring, flattened on the side.

Standard carp sinkers of camouflage colors are carefully selected taking into account the type of bottom in the fishing area. It is necessary to use additional bite alarms, electronic or mechanical.

You need two supports for horizontal positioning of the rod or a special tripod for carp rods(tripod, rod-pod).

  • Float rod

A float rod designed for catching strong and heavy fish, usually labeled “Float”, with a cast of 10-35 g. The length of the rod is 3.9-4.5 m. A durable reel is used for a long-casting rod or a small one for a feeder.

High quality float line, 0.24-0.28 mm, depending on the size of the fish in the pond.

A leash made of high-quality transparent float line or braid, no thicker than the main line.

High quality hook suitable for bait. A very sharp and durable hook is used for carp, carp or barbel. His size should be in the range of 18-14.

A float suitable for the chosen fishing technique.

The sinker is selected depending on the chosen fishing technique, point or distributed. Excessive amounts of pellets should be avoided.

The rod should be held in your hands, but for convenience you can use one support.

The fish is strong and very large, so it is taken out of the water not by hand, but by a landing net. You should purchase a carp landing net.

In many fishing places it is necessary to have a special mat on which fish taken from the hook are placed, which they then plan to release.

  • Lures for silver carp

When fishing for carp, silver carp bite on a protein boilie with a fruity taste, experts use mirabelle plum and lettuce (as for catching carp), floats are put on a hook white worm with fruit or vanilla flavors, and sometimes sweet corn is used.

  • Fishing rod for silver carp

To catch fish weighing up to 6 kg, a strong float rod is sufficient. For heavier specimens, bottom tackle should be used for carp, pike and catfish. The reel should be durable, medium-sized for float tackle and large for bottom fishing rods and spinning rods.

Silver carp, feeding exclusively on fine food in the form of microalgae and small zooplankton, is capable of processing significant amounts of food, thereby becoming a kind of ameliorator - a purifier of water bodies from excessive amounts of algae.

General characteristics and nutrition of silver carp

White carp (or common) - flattened on the sides, covered with small scales. Two and three year old silver carp are silver in color, while older fish are bluish-gray. The eyes are set deep. Upper part the back has a dark stripe on both sides, the sides are light. The silver carp's mouth is directed upward. The silver carp has a keel extending from the line of the gill opening to the anal fin. In the Yangtze River (home of the white lobster), fish at the age of 11-15 years reach a weight of 20 kilograms. The intestines of silver carp fish are six times longer than the body.
In China, in the Yangtze River, silver carp (white) reaches sexual maturity in three to four years, in Hungary 5-6 years. Spawning of silver carp takes place at temperatures close to 24 degrees.

Drawing of a silver carp

For silver carp fry, the first food is zooplankton. When its body length reaches five to ten centimeters, the silver carp switches to feeding on phytoplankton. By this time, the fish develops a filtering apparatus on its gill arches, and the silver carp filters out the phytoplankton. A silver carp weighing a quarter of a kilogram can filter up to 32 liters of water in an hour, while filtering out up to 1300 mg of small algae. Since the food components used are small, the digestion of food in silver carp proceeds quickly - for intensive use of food, the intestines are greatly lengthened. Two-year-old silver carp uses mainly algae, which currently predominate in the reservoir. During intensive feeding, the fish is located in that part of the pond where, under the influence of the wind, a mass of algae accumulates. With sufficient heat during the second summer, it reaches the marketable weight without much strain.
The growth of silver carp is slower than that of . After the 1st summer it reaches a weight of 25-60 grams (optimally), after the 2nd summer - 300-600 grams, and after the 3rd - 1.0 - 1.6 kilograms. The weight of four-year-old silver carp can be 2.0 – 3.0 kilograms.

The activity of silver carp fish is especially beneficial during the period of “blooming” of water bodies, when algae die off and, settling to the bottom, decompose, creating an oxygen deficiency.

Stocking and fishing

Depending on the temperature conditions in the fish-breeding zones of the country, the stocking density changes dramatically. So, if in northern zone countries, it is recommended to plant up to 600 yearlings per 1 hectare of feeding pond (and here they grow up to 250-350 grams), then in southern regions countries there are experiments where they grow up to 4 thousand pieces/ha or more, and with a yield of at least 500 grams. In some southern zones In terms of production, silver carp becomes the main crop of pond farms, and is produced as an additional fish.

Silver carp feed only on phytoplankton, and therefore must be planted in ponds rich in phytoplankton. When grown together with grass carp, fertilizing, as well as adding fertilizers to the pond, have a positive effect on the growth of silver carp.

The planting density of silver carp can be increased:

Quantity, pieces Weight, gram
1000-1200 20-100
800-1000 100-400
600-800 400-600

The gill filaments of silver carp can become clogged with silt, so they are caught earlier than grass carp and carp. The presence in the fish farm of fish collection ditches outside the border of the pond with clean water makes catching silver carp much easier.
Silver carp is jumping (more than grass carp). Fishing and transportation of silver carp is carried out at low temperatures of 4-5°C - in cold water its jumping ability decreases. The wintering of silver carp proceeds similarly to the wintering of grass carp.

Feeding bighead carp

Drawing of bighead carp

Photo of bighead carp, or southern silver carp (lat. Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)

Growing bigheaded carp in fish polyculture allows one to obtain additional products, especially in those conditions when a powerful zooplankton food supply is created and carp, due to its biological properties, is not able to use it, since in the second year of life it uses benthos more. The motley silver carp fish, like the white silver carp, grows well in the southern zones; in the northern zone it can reach a marketable weight of 450-500 grams by autumn, provided that it is stocked with at least 50 grams of planting material. When there is a lack of natural food resources, it switches to active search and eating food in feeding areas, therefore, stocking density should be treated more carefully, especially since the utilization of nutrients from feed prepared according to recipes for carp is used by bighead carp with less effect than by the carp itself.

Photo of silver carp caught on technoplankton

In the photo, underwater hunting for silver carp

Stocking density of bighead carp

In the northern regions, the planting density in polyculture is recommended to be no more than 200 pcs./ha. In the southern regions, in accordance with the developed cultivation technology, its planting density increases, but it is limited by the peculiarities of the biology of the breeding object. Despite this, in the southern regions, fish productivity for fish - bighead carp - up to 6 c/ha or more is becoming realistic.

Photo of fingerling silver carp

In the photo, catching silver carp with a bow

Photo of preparing silver carp for smoking


Silver carp reaches sexual maturity by the age of six. Its fertility is from 400 to 500 thousand eggs. Silver carp spawn from the end of June to the end of August at a water temperature of about 25-30°C, while it spawns in portions - three times during the summer. Eggs of silver carp females are deposited in the upper layers of water, where they develop.

Photo of silver carp caviar

In recent years, scientific work has been carried out on hybridization in herbivorous fish. Hybrids of bigheaded and silver carp are interesting for breeding. These fish are different from parent forms: they are more resistant to low temperatures, these hybrids retain the growth rate characteristic of bighead carp.

Just by looking at the photo of silver carp fish, you can understand that fishing will be unpredictable.

Fishing for silver carp, when there is an abundant bloom of phytoplankton in the reservoir, will not be successful, even with the most skillful baits, because this is its favorite delicacy.

During periods of intense color in water bodies, fishermen refuse broadheaded fish. But if luck smiles on the fisherman, then it will be a worthy catch.

Characteristics of silver carp

It is worth starting the description of the silver carp with the fact that it belongs to the heat-loving genus, the carp family, and lives in flocks. Morphologically, three types of silver carp are distinguished, classified according to color - motley, white and mixed. Habitat of the Amur River.

In England, silver carp is called silver carp, but Americans call it carp from Asia and are strictly not eaten.

At home, the fish was nicknamed after its large and wide head. The effect of a large forehead is facilitated by the low location of the eyes, actually near the mouth. The large body is generously lined with tiny scales.

The average length of silver carp is 1 m, there are specimens larger, and weight up to 45 kg. Life expectancy is 20-25 years; they go to spawn at 5-7 years. They choose warm water degrees 20C, at the beginning of summer.

The diet of silver carp consists of: zooplankton, crustaceans, algae, detritus, insect larvae, fry and bottom vegetation.


Silver carp is a heat-loving fish; fishing begins from the beginning of summer until September. A successful catch will be at a temperature of clear water in the reservoir and 15-20 degrees, using any bait.

High temperatures allow fish to feed on the contents of the reservoir and quickly lose their appetite for prepared baits.

Feeding occurs more in the middle of the reservoir, this is due to anatomical structure fish mouth. Anatomically, the lower jaw protrudes and makes it impossible to pick up food from the bottom.

An experienced fisherman never lowers the bait to the very bottom and allows it to rise. The trick is that a piece of polystyrene is hooked onto a hook, which keeps the bait afloat.

Sometimes silver carp themselves give signals about their presence in a reservoir, this is evidenced by splashing and clapping on the water.

How to catch a silver carp

Classically, there are three methods of fishing; more experienced fishermen, of course, have their own signature methods.

Let's look at them in more detail on how to catch silver carp.

Float tackle - it is used in shallow water, the equipment patterns can be different, usually a cylindrical briquette of technoplankton with fastenings for a hook leash is used.

Donka with a spiral feeder - once upon a time such a bait was made from good old copper or aluminum wire.

The feeder is filled with tempting food, the hooks are covered with foam, they will allow the bait to rise in the water. The silver carp will absorb the bait along with the hooks and will be caught.

Spinning rods and silicone baits are good in large bodies of water with a lot of hungry fish.

Experienced fishermen prefer twisters, microtwisters and vibrotails. It is important to track the silver carp on the surface of the water and throw the bait in advance.

Float tackle

It will be possible to catch silver carp only with powerful float tackle, on match or spinning rods with a length of 3.9 m or more, the dough should be from 150 grams.

You need to purchase inertia-free reels - traction ones with a well-adjusted friction brake, size from “5000” for more convenient placement of the fishing line.

The length of the monofilament line should be from 120 m and with a diameter of 0.5 mm. For the leash, we select a special fishing line with a diameter of 0.25 m and a hook of size No. 8 or No. 10.

Feeder tackle

This tackle is the best equipment for catching silver carp. There are many installation methods, and the use of the number of hooks is also variable.

Here is a method for equipping an organized spiral feeder with two hooks.

The spring base of the feeder equipment should be tightly filled with complementary food and hooks with foam should be secured to it.

Using a spinning rod or a fishing rod, cast the rig until it is completely immersed in the water and loosen the line. The bite is identified using signal-producing devices.

The reel and fishing line are selected in accordance with the requirements of the float tackle. It is recommended to take high rubber boots and a hook with you to ensure your catch.


In order not to leave the spiral feeder without complementary foods, you can purchase a ready-made mixture in a specialized store or try to make it yourself.

Buy 1kg rye flour; milk powder - 0.3 kg; rye bran - 0.7 kg; potato starch 50 g and coastal soil or sand - to achieve the desired texture.

The necessary ingredients are mixed and left to stand, preferably the complementary foods should be loose.

For the second recipe, we need to finely chop nettle and clover in equal proportions, add 2-3 cucumbers without skin. Pass it through a meat grinder, add 300 grams of bran and sand.

Don’t forget to bait the hook; any leaves, corn kernels, bread crusts or cucumber peels are suitable for this.

Happy fishing, and don’t forget to take a photo with the silver carp!

Photo of silver carp

Thanks to its gregarious lifestyle and heavy weight it has become a favorite of many fishermen. That is why they study her habits and lifestyle so closely. In particular, many of them are interested in what the silver carp eats.

In addition, the answer to this question will not only improve the efficiency of hunting for it, but will help you understand how to properly beg for it in captivity. But let's talk about everything in order.

What kind of fish is silver carp?

Silver carp is a large carp that is accustomed to living in large schools. It is found in both running and standing water. True, silver carp will never spend a lot of time in a place where it is very fast current. Therefore, it is best to look for it in quiet backwaters, away from noisy roads and cities.

Externally, silver carp is very similar to ide. Its main distinctive feature is with anyone who stands out. It should also be noted that the eyes of this fish are set below the level of the mouth, which is unique to this species.

As for color, the scales of silver carp have a silvery tint. In this case, the back and head are always darker than the body. The scales themselves are very small, which is quite unusual, given the impressive proportions of the fish.

Types of silver carp

When asking the question: “What does silver carp eat?”, one should understand important thing. The whole truth is that there are several types of these creatures, and each of them has its own food preferences. In particular, the following individuals live in the CIS.

  • Silver carp is a medium-sized fish with lighter scales than its close relatives.
  • Bighead carp is a larger species of fish, having a huge head, weighing about 40-50% of the total mass of the silver carp.
  • Hybrid silver carp is a product of breeders that has absorbed all the advantages of previous species.

What does silver carp fish eat?

Now, knowing about the division into types, let's figure out what the difference is between them? Let's find out what the silver carp eats in the pond, and what becomes its food in running water. We’ll also talk about the fundamental difference between the white and variegated varieties of this fish.

So, silver carp feeds only on plant foods and phytoplankton. Simply put, he is a true vegetarian who does not accept any kind of violence. At the same time, its favorite delicacy is blue-green algae, which, with the arrival of heat, begin to capture all the peppery waters. By eating them, the fish clears the surroundings of potential sources of disease, which makes it a welcome guest in any body of water.

As for his motley relative, he is less picky about food. And yet many people wonder what this silver carp eats? Swimming beetle, crustaceans? Algae is the main food of this fish. True, unlike white carp, bighead carp, along with phytoplankton, also eats zooplankton. Thanks to this, he gains weight very quickly and grows much larger than his vegetarian brother.

What does the hybrid silver carp eat?

As for the hybrid form of silver carp, it was created thanks to the work of Russian breeders. The two above-mentioned species of fish were crossed, which made it possible to combine all their advantages. In particular, the hybrid has enormous mass, but its head is not as huge as that of the bighead carp.

As for what the hybrid silver carp eats, everything is quite simple. The diet of this fish is much wider than that of its fellows. So, he eats algae, all types of plankton and small crustaceans. He is also accustomed to food that is designed for quickly feeding fish in artificial reservoirs.

Reproduction and spawning

Sexual maturity in silver carps occurs at 3-5 years of age. The mating period mainly occurs in May-June, when the water warms up to 18-20 degrees. During this period, the fish look for a warmer place so that the cold does not damage the eggs.

It should be noted that the fertility of silver carp is very high. Thus, large individuals are capable of producing about 1 million eggs, and small ones - about 500 thousand. At the same time, the female always tries to lay her offspring near the algae so that they cling to them. If the water is well heated, then within a day the first fry will hatch from the eggs. Their length at birth rarely exceeds 5.5 mm.

So, what does a silver carp eat in the wild? It should be noted that this fish begins to eat 4 days after birth. It is during this period that they develop small gills, thanks to which they sift phytoplankton from the water. After the first week, the fish larvae move on to other types of plankton. And only after a month and a half do small silver carps begin to eat adult food.

Fish farming

Today, many people breed silver carp on their farms. Firstly, farmers are attracted by the enormous size of this species, secondly, it gets along well with other inhabitants of ponds, and thirdly, they cope well with the role of orderlies in any body of water.

Besides, what does silver carp eat in nature? That's right, algae and plankton, which means they are quite easy to feed in an artificial environment. After all, a similar diet is found in almost every pond or lake. What is true today is that special feeds designed for increased fish growth are increasingly being used.

As for size, on average, a hybrid silver carp after two years of life usually weighs about 600-700 grams. And if you leave it for another year, the weight may double, or even more. So breeding this fish in private reservoirs is considered a very profitable business, especially on an industrial scale.

Silver carp or silver carp (lat. Hypophthalmichthys) is a genus of freshwater fish of the carp family. Large schooling fish of the carp family. The English name is silver carp, which means silver carp. It was formerly subdivided into the genera Hypophthalmichthys and Aristichthys within the subfamily Hypophthalmichthyinae. There are three living and one extinct species in the genus.

With the help of his filter oral apparatus, the silver carp filters out the bloomed, green and muddy water. Therefore, what would be in the pond clear water In addition to the filtration system, silver carp are introduced into the reservoir.

The foreheads of silver carps are much wider than those of other cyprinids (hence the name). Their eyes are at the bottom of their head, which makes their forehead look even larger.
The body length of silver carp is up to 1 meter (sometimes more), and the weight on average is 20-35 kg, although there are specimens whose weight exceeds 50 kg. Some species have a keel on the belly, starting at the throat. Also, a number of species are characterized by a special device for filtering plankton - gill rakers fused with transverse bridges (“sieve”).

Silver carp become sexually mature at 5-7 years, and spawn during the summer flood. The female spawns 490–540 thousand pelagic eggs. Spawning occurs after the water temperature reaches 18-20°C in May-June. The caviar is floating. Spawns on the current in places with whirlpools. The eggs are pelagic and swell and grow in size and develop in water.
Juveniles feed on zooplankton, while adults switch to phytoplankton or mixed feeding. Silver carp feeds on microscopic algae - phytoplankton, so this fish is an excellent ameliorator of reservoirs. The bighead carp has more varied diet, in which, in addition to phytoplankton and detritus, zooplankton (a source of protein and protein) is present.

Albino thickhead

They live in the rivers Eastern and Southeast Asia. There are 2 types of silver carp in Russia: white and motley. Their natural habitat is the Amur basin, but people have acclimatized these species in rivers flowing into the Aral Sea and Kuban reservoirs and estuaries. They have also been introduced into water bodies of other countries.
Silver carp choose areas with a muddy bottom and soft vegetation to live. The depth in such places usually does not exceed 3-3.5 m. At dawn and sunset, silver carp approach the shore, and during the day they move further away from the shore. In places of open water, silver carp stay on sandbanks and reaches with weak currents. In small reservoirs, where the number of silver carp is large and food is insufficient, it can be caught from early May to mid-September.

These fish are objects of fishing and pond breeding. You can catch silver carp from early May to mid-September. In reservoirs where phytoplankton abounds, silver carp can be caught only during periods when the water temperature is above 19 - 20 °C. During the period of maximum activity of silver carp at a water temperature of 22-26°C, the fish is indifferent to artificial bait and baits and can only be caught by chance. The most favorable conditions for catching silver carp are absolute calm and high temperature water. If the water is warm and clear, a bite is guaranteed. If the water is cloudy or blooming, then the food supply is in abundance and it will not be easy to tempt him with bait. A hungry silver carp takes the bait from the bottom and greedily swallows it. It turns out that the fish is hooking itself. But if the sting of the hook is not sharp enough, the silver carp, feeling the prick, spits out the hook with the nozzle and the whole flock leaves the dangerous place.

Silver carp, common silver carp or silver carp (lat. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) is a large schooling pelagic fish.

Scientific classification

Domain: Eukaryotes
Kingdom: Animals
Type: Chordata
Class: Ray-finned fish
Order: Cyprinidae
Family: Cyprinidae
Genus: Silver carp
Species: Silver carp

Lives in the Amur basin. The species is widely acclimatized in the European part of Russia and Central Asia. In the south, an attempt to introduce silver carp failed, since their eggs are pelagic. Although there is information that fry were found in natural conditions. Reaches a length of about 100 cm and a weight of 40 kg. Overwinters in deep holes and in deep sleep.
Silver carp - schooling freshwater fish medium size. The body is tall, covered with small, silvery, light-colored scales. It feeds on microscopic algae - phytoplankton, so this fish is an excellent ameliorator of reservoirs. Using its filtering mouthparts, the silver carp filters water that is blooming, green, and cloudy with detritus. Therefore, it is sometimes released into a reservoir as an addition to the filtration system, making the water clean and clear. Used in commercial cultivation as a polyculture.
As for the size, the species is a medium-sized fish, so it can be kept in not very large ponds.

White silver carp 48.5 kg, 130 cm Germany

Bighead carp, or southern silver carp (lat. Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) is an Asian schooling pelagic fast-growing species bony fish from the carp family (Cyprinidae).

Scientific classification

Domain: Eukaryotes
Kingdom: Animals
Type: Chordata
Class: Ray-finned fish
Order: Cyprinidae
Family: Cyprinidae
Genus: Silver carp
Species: Bighead carp

Fish of this species reach a length of 60 cm and weigh up to 40 kg, but sometimes larger individuals can be found, exceeding 1 meter in length and weighing up to 70 kg.
Lives in rivers of the Far East flowing into Pacific Ocean. In the early 1960s, bighead carp, together with juvenile silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), were accidentally introduced into the water bodies of Uzbekistan. It was specially released into the reservoirs of southern Russia, but to no avail. [source not specified 580 days]

Motley silver carp 48 kg

Record carp carp

Local fish inspectors of the Zaporozhye region claim that during recent years they had to see 55-60 kg of silver carp near the DneproGES dam.
In the summer of 1996, within the Dnepropetrovsk region on the Kakhovka reservoir near the village. In Vysshetarasovka, fishermen caught a bighead carp weighing 51 kg.
In Germany in 1993, a spotted silver carp weighing 47.45 kg was caught.
Dnieper, summer, 94 caught in a net. Weight - 42.5 kg (information not verified)
A silver carp weighing 42.3 kg became the catch of fishermen at the Dnepr fish farm in the Zaporozhye region in 1996.
42 kg Volga district Narimanovo 1996
In the Karakum Canal (poachers) catch fish weighing more than 40 kg (Hvostow Michae).
Silver carp - 38 kg. Kuban River (Krasnodar Territory, Kropotkin).
A silver carp weighing 37 kg was caught in the winter of 1984 on a vertical spoon in the Krynka River (Donetsk region), eggs about 6 kg.
Bigheaded silver carp. Belarus record length 1 m weight 35 kg
This silver carp was caught by Melkonyan Aikaram, the weight of the fish is 34 kg, length 1 m 24 cm in the Araks River, Ararat region. (village Artashat) June 19, 2000.
In the Karakum Canal it was caught in a net weighing 34 kg; it was weighed by Hvostow Michael.
Silver carp, approximately 30 kg, caught at night, sold at the market in Kalach on Don in 2002.
Silver carp are also noted in the catches of amateur fishermen, especially underwater hunters. Thus, a giant weighing 28 kg was caught in the summer of 1998 at the Dneprodzerzhinsk reservoir.
Pestovskoye Reservoir (part of the Moscow Canal System) with a 28-gram Kastmaster. Silver carp 26 kg. Caught by Alexander Kovalev, Moscow (pictured).
Silver carp was caught in the Karachunovsky reservoir (Ukraine) in 1998, length 130 cm, weight 23 kg, age 9 years.
This silver carp weighing 22.5 kg was caught by friends Vasya and Vitya on Lake Ternopil, using Predator 3 silicone, Abu Garcia Agenda 2.7m spinning rod, 15-40g, 0.28 line. Andrey, Ternopil.
Silver carp (motley) caught in the Karachunovsky reservoir (Ukraine) in 1999, length 120 cm, weight 18 kg, age 8 years.
In May 1997, in the Seversky Donets River (Belgorod) D.Yu. Petrovsky caught a silver carp weighing 16.5 kg.
Belarus record length 1 m weight 16 kg.