On May 20, at about 10 pm, Alexander Volkov, the first president of Udmurtia, passed away. He went to Germany for treatment.

Farewell to the first President of Udmurtia Alexander Volkov will take place on May 23 at the Russian Drama Theater from 11:00 to 19:00.

On May 24, from 9:00 to 11:00, a farewell ceremony will take place in St. Michael’s Cathedral, and at 11:00 a civil memorial service and funeral service will begin.

Alexander Alexandrovich Volkov will be buried at the Khokhryakovsky cemetery.

Shortly before the death of Alexander Volkov, his mother died

I learned that Alexander Alexandrovich had passed away yesterday evening (May 20 – Ed.), at about 11 o’clock the phone rang. Since then, I haven’t been myself, I was very worried about him, since Alexander Alexandrovich’s mother died quite recently,” says Lyudmila Portseva, deputy head of the Department for Socio-Political Analysis of the Administration of the First President of Udmurtia, freelance adviser to Alexander, political scientist, historian.

Lyudmila Pavlovna talked about...

“How Volkov restored the temple”

Chairman of the State Council of Udmurtia Vladimir Nevostruev recalls:

– This was around the mid-2000s. I then worked as Deputy Prime Minister. Together with the President of the Republic, Alexander Alexandrovich Volkov, we went on a working visit to the Yukamensky district. We visited many enterprises, looked at new facilities under construction: a school, a cultural center. We pass the village of Yozhevo. There was a beautiful church building there, which was used as a community center. We've already passed it. Alexander Alexandrovich asks: “What kind of building is this?” I explained what it is former church, now there is a rural cultural center there. He says: "Let's go back." They returned, went inside, looked, and then he decided to restore the temple. And this was the first restored church in the Yukamensky region. Before this there was not a single worker. Now the Church of the Twelve Apostles is the pride and beauty of the village of Yozhevo. But no one asked Alexander Alexandrovich - he himself made this decision and the church was restored.

“For the last 17 years I have been living thanks to Alexander Volkov”

Marina Musavirova is 56 years old, she is the mother of four wonderful children and a talented teacher who has devoted 20 years of her life to caring for preschool children. In 2000, the President of Udmurtia, Alexander Volkov, saved the Izhevsk woman. He allocated money for an expensive operation, without which she would die.

Marina Musavirova,

Izhevsk resident:

“Alexander Alexandrovich gave the money from his own pocket, he just decided to help. We quickly agreed with cardiology, and I underwent a complex operation. And I stayed to live"


1970 - graduated from Bryansk Construction College with a degree in industrial and civil engineering

1970-1986 - worked in the construction department of the Chepetsk Mechanical Plant, Glazov.

1986-1989 - Chairman of the Glazov City Executive Committee.

1989-1993 - worked as first deputy chairman of the State Planning Committee of Udmurtia, then chairman of the State Committee for Architecture and Construction, while simultaneously serving as deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of Udmurtia.

1993-1995 - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Udmurtia, deputy of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

1995-2000 - Chairman state council Udmurtia

2000-2014 - President of Udmurtia

2014-2017 - member of the Federation Council from Udmurtia.

The management and staff of the Center media group expresses condolences to the family and friends of Alexander Alexandrovich Volkov.

Experts talk about the political and socio-economic legacy of the deceased head of Udmurtia, Alexander Volkov

Last Saturday, at the age of 66, the former president of Udmurtia, deputy chairman of the Russian Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture, Alexander Volkov, died. This happened in Germany, where he was undergoing treatment. By and large, with the departure of Alexander Alexandrovich, the great post-Soviet era ends for Udmurtia. For more than two decades, he held leadership roles in the republic: from 1993 he served as chairman of the Council of Ministers, in 1995 he was elected chairman of the State Council, and from 2000 to 2014 he was president of Udmurtia.

« Real time» asked Izhevsk and capital experts what they remembered about the ex-head of the region.

    Political strategist, head of the “Political Expert Group” (Moscow)

    I once had the opportunity to work with Volkov for about a year, when he was not yet the president of Udmurtia. This personality was ambiguous. His will to power was clearly expressed. He carried out the purge of competitors mercilessly. As a leader, he has both merits and a set of complaints.

    He paid great attention to the regions of the republic, the agricultural sector was one of the priorities. When he began to restore in Udmurtia Agriculture, then he considered it not as a narrowly understood “sphere of production”, but as a rural way of life, as a single socio-economic complex, which in the future will form an environment and standard of living alternative to urban ones. But Izhevsk froze under him and practically did not develop. Although this city was very passionate in the late 90s.

    Volkov could not win true people's love. He left the post of head with a very low rating. But it is not customary to speak badly about the deceased. An entire era of life in Udmurtia is associated with Alexander Alexandrovich Volkov. There was everything in this life. But as the first president of the republic, he deserves respect. Much of what he was later criticized for had less to do with him than with the peculiarities of the time.

    For 14 years at the helm of the republic, he left not just a memory of himself, but also the “State Circus of Udmurtia”, the Zoological Park of Udmurtia, Perinatal center, Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary, restored St. Michael's Cathedral, reconstructed embankment of Izhevsk Pond, National Theatre, Drama Theatre, Puppet Theater and much more. The bad will be erased from the memory, the good will remain.

  • Senator from the Republic of Tatarstan, member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Committee on Agricultural and Food Policy and Environmental Management

    His fellow senators spoke exceptionally well of Volkov. According to generally accepted opinion, this man always defended the interests of the republic in the Senate and sincerely worried about his region.

    His death is a loss for the Russian legislative branch, and for Udmurtia. In this regard, I express my sincere condolences to the relatives and people from his circle who respected and loved Alexander Alexandrovich.

  • Public figure(Izhevsk)

    Volkov is remembered primarily as a builder. Under him, many different objects were built - a circus, a zoo, an embankment, and stadiums in regional centers. True, many say that the latter are not very much in demand.

    As for the negative results, they primarily include the privatization of large enterprises. In our country, unlike in Tatarstan, it was carried out in such a way that the beneficiaries were not the republic and not local businesses with state participation, but third-party structures. Udmurtneft was privatized at one time through SIDANCO, then it was part of Rosneft, and now it has been privatized by the Chinese corporation Sinopec. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Udmurtneft is Chinese. The Kalashnikov plant is part of the Rostec structure, the mechanical plant is a private enterprise, the owner is not local. And so on. And many blame Volkov for the fact that he (again, unlike Tatarstan) did not have enough lobbying resources, and privatization passed by the region.

    So the image of Volkov in the republic is negative. If we compare him, for example, with Solovyov, who was recently arrested, the second president’s rating was much higher. As we used to say, Volkov should sit in prison, not Soloviev. Because this whole system was built by Alexander Alexandrovich. And Soloviev himself comes from the Volkov team.

  • Political scientist (Izhevsk)

    About the deceased - either good or nothing. The good thing is that he was a strong political fighter and a strong-willed person. But: the man left for another world, but his era, alas, did not pass away. Therefore, “nothing” has a context that I cannot help but voice.

    20 long years - the years of his political leadership - certainly left their mark on Udmurtia. And this trail is by no means the best: the republic, which had a unique economic potential, has largely lost it. In the region, where the share of the defense industry in the economy was once 70%, there is not a single defense enterprise of regional subordination left. In the same way, Udmurtia lost its oil industry and control over many industrial enterprises. The republic has lost many prominent political figures and managers, and is mired in colossal debts...

    All this, in my opinion, was sacrificed to irrepressible political ambitions. The 20th anniversary was marked by an endless series of conflicts. He had conflicts with municipalities (which became the reason for the intervention of the Constitutional Court), ousted a number of unique managers from the political field of Udmurtia (Nikolai Ganza, Yuri Shestakov, Anatoly Saltykov), subjectively interfered in the development of universities, and so on and so forth. The style is unchanged - full support for those who are pleasing and the removal of those who are undesirable from the game.

    The extension of political longevity by a successful reshuffle to the Federation Council elevated Volkov to a certain educational Olympus. He is a Doctor of Economics (the dissertation, by the way, was devoted to the grandiose prospects of the Izhevsk Automobile Plant during its real crisis), was one of the arbiters of the destinies of our education...

  • Professor of the National Research University " graduate School Economics", Vice-President of the Center for Political Technologies, Doctor of Political Sciences (Moscow)

    Volkov is a whole political era for Udmurtia; he headed the region before 2000, when the republic was parliamentary, and after 2000, when the management model changed to a presidential one. This is one of the typical examples of long-lived regional leaders, whose name is associated with both the problems of the region in the nineties and its successes in the 2000s.

    However, both the problems of Udmurtia and its achievements are connected, rather, with all-Russian trends. In the 90s, the republic, like most Russian regions, fell into a negative trend, and given the development of the military-industrial complex, this hit the region very hard. However, despite all the problems, Volkov still managed to save the region from economic collapse and keep it from acute social protests.

    If we talk about the positive trends of the 2000s and partly the 1900s, they were dictated by both trends in Russian market, and foreign policy factors - I’m talking about rising oil prices, on which the republic is also heavily dependent, and about the restoration of the defense industry.

    But the republic simply “wasted” all the dividends of this period - since Volkov’s rule during this period increasingly turned from stable to stagnant. He and his people were unable to direct the improvement in the financial situation to create a bright future for the region, to diversify the economy, to attract investment, or to implement any significant projects.

    In many ways, Volkov’s “merit” is that the republic began to be treated as a kind of bear corner, where nothing happens either in the economy or in social development. But this is by no means a poor region; thanks to its potential, it could well take its place among the leading regions.

    But what is especially important is that during this relatively prosperous period there was no renewal or rejuvenation of the local political elite.

    However, even after Volkov left, it was not possible to create a stable management model in the republic - everyone knows how the short reign of his successor Alexander Solovyov, who also came from the Volkov elite, ended. In essence, external governance has been introduced in the republic. However, how effective a manager Alexander Brechalov will be is still a big question.

Tatyana Kolchina, Rustem Shakirov, Alexander Shakirov



Alexander Volkov found himself in the bodies of representative power back in 1986. Then he became chairman of the executive committee of the Glazov City Council of People's Deputies. By the way, in Udmurtia, a native of the Bryansk region found himself on assignment: he was sent to the city of Glazov to build a mechanical plant. He worked at the factory as a foreman.

In 1995, Volkov was elected chairman of the State Council of the Udmurt Republic. Five years later, a referendum is held in the region, in which more than 68% of voters vote for the introduction of the post of president of the republic. Alexander Volkov became the first to take this position. In October 2000, he received 37.8% of the votes (among eight candidates). In 2004, Volkov will be re-elected - 54.26% of voters will vote for him. Then the head of Udmurtia already represented United Russia.

In 2009, on the proposal of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Volkov’s powers were extended. On February 19, 2014, Alexander Volkov is relieved of his duties by Vladimir Putin, his place is taken by Alexander Solovyov, who was the chairman of the republican State Council.


After this, Volkov is sent to the Federation Council. In the press, these changes were explained as convenient for the commercial interests of the former president of the republic.

Alexander Volkov was associated with the oil industry (a third of the entire Udmurt economy). In 1995, he quarreled with the president of Udmurtneft JSC Valentin Kudinov. In those days, half of the republic's budget was formed from tax revenues from Udmurtneft. After the conflict, Volkov’s team, together with the Bashkir authorities, created a “friendly” oil company Belkamneft, whose shares were divided between Bashneft (which has been developing fields in the south of Udmurtia for a quarter of a century) and the government of Udmurtia. By creating this company, Volkov tried to weaken the position of Udmurtneft, but Belkamneft was not in his hands for long: first it came under the control of AFK Sistema of Vladimir Yevtushenkov, and in 2003 it became part of Russneft of Mikhail Gutseriev.

Mikhail Krasilnikov

The first president of Udmurtia, member of the Federation Council Alexander Volkov has passed away. A source familiar with the situation reported this to DEN.org. Acting head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov and the Chairman of the State Council expressed condolences.

Alexander Volkov was 65 years old. According to some reports, he suffered a relapse; it is known that the politician has been suffering from cancer since the end of 2000. IN last days he was undergoing treatment in Germany.

The information was later confirmed by his former press secretary Viktor Chulkov. He wrote on Facebook: “It hurts and is empty in my soul: Alexander Alexandrovich Volkov has died.”

Acting head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov expressed condolences to the family and friends of the former president of the republic Alexander Volkov. The head of the region noted that Alexander Volkov was an extraordinary person. This was reported by the press service of the head and government of Udmurtia.

“The best recognition of Alexander Volkov’s merits is not only numerous awards and titles of the highest rank, but also the respect of colleagues and associates, the reputation of a person who thoroughly knows and sincerely loves Udmurtia. We express our deep condolences to the family and friends of the deceased and share with them the pain of irreparable loss. The bright memory of a talented organizer, an extraordinary person, a faithful son of his Fatherland, Alexander Volkov, will forever remain in our hearts,” the head of the region said in his condolences.

“We learned a lot from Alexander Alexandrovich. We learned the ability to give our word and keep it. Ability to find a common language in any audience. The ability to listen to the opinions of other people, to treat opponents with respect,” said Chairman of the State Council of Udmurtia Vladimir Nevostruev.

Alexander Volkov was born in 1951 in Bryansk. In 1993, he headed the Council of Ministers of the Udmurt Republic, in 1995 he was elected chairman of the State Council of the Republic, and in 2000 - president of Udmurtia. He left this post in 2014 when Vladimir Putin did not extend his term of office. Then he became a member of the Federation Council from Udmurtia. This year he planned to participate in the elections to the State Council of the Urals.

The funeral service for Alexander Volkov will take place in St. Michael's Cathedral, however exact date not yet installed. As noted in the press service of the Izhevsk and Udmurt diocese, to say goodbye former president All residents of the republic will be able to do so in Udmurtia.

    Volkov Alexander Alexandrovich

    - (1905 1965) Soviet designer aviation automatic weapons, laureate of the Stalin Prize (1942). In the early 40s, together with S.A. Yartsev, he developed the VYa cannon. Volkov, Alexander Alexandrovich (born 05/27/1948) military pilot 1st class,... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Volkov, Alexander Alexandrovich (politician)- Wikipedia has articles about other people with the same surname, see Volkov. Wikipedia has articles about other people named Volkov, Alexander Alexandrovich. Alexander Alexandrovich Volkov ... Wikipedia

    Volkov, Alexander Alexandrovich- Wikipedia has articles about other people named Volkov, Alexander. Volkov, Alexander Alexandrovich (lieutenant general) (1779 1833) lieutenant general, head of the 2nd (Moscow) district of the Corps of Gendarmes. Volkov, Alexander Alexandrovich... ... Wikipedia

    Volkov Alexander- Volkov is a surname formed as a patronymic from the non-church male personal name Volk. In Rus', such a nickname was often given in order to protect a person from predators. According to ancient beliefs, whoever received the name of the corresponding animal or element entered with them ... Wikipedia

    Volkov, Alexander- President of the Republic of Udmurtia President of the Republic of Udmurtia, in office since 2000. In 1995-2000, he headed the republic as Chairman of its State Council. Previously, he was a member of the Federation Council (1993 2000), Chairman of the Council of Ministers... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Volkov, Alexander- Wikipedia has articles about other people with the surname Volkov. Volkov, Alexander: Volkov, Alexander Alexandrovich: Volkov, Alexander Alexandrovich (lieutenant general) (1779 1833) lieutenant general, chief of the 2nd (Moscow) district of the Corps... ... Wikipedia

    President of the Udmurt Republic- President of the Udmurt Republic highest executive of the Udmurt Republic, heading the highest executive body in Udmurtia, the Government of the Udmurt Republic. The status and powers of the President are determined by Chapter 6... ... Wikipedia

Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Ilyas Umakhanov, owner of RussNeft Mikhail Gutseriev and General Director of Regional Investment Alliance LLC Andrei Oskolkov came to the funeral of Alexander Volkov

Everyone who was supposed to and everyone who wanted to came to say goodbye to the ex-leader of Udmurtia Alexander Volkov. But neighboring regions, including Tatarstan, practically ignored the ceremony. How this happened is in the report of Realnoe Vremya.

Either good or nothing

The farewell to the long-time leader of the republic (Alexander Volkov was the president of Udmurtia from 2000 to 2014) began the day before. The body of the ex-president was delivered to Izhevsk from Germany on the night of Monday to Tuesday. On May 23, everyone could say goodbye to Volkov at the Russian Drama Theater. People with flowers began to arrive even before the ceremony began, which is why a line of his colleagues, friends and ordinary townspeople formed at the doors of the theater, and then in the hall. On the same day, deputies of the State Council of Udmurtia, several ministers of the regional government, as well as heads of organizations and enterprises came to say goodbye.

Almost all of Alexander Alexandrovich’s closest relatives came to the regional capital: wife, children, brothers, sisters, grandchildren. All of them were with the deceased for two days.

Today, in St. Michael’s Cathedral in Izhevsk, an official farewell ceremony took place, which lasted two hours, and a civil memorial service with a funeral service.

Someone correctly noted that the farewell took place first in the theater and then in the cathedral, the reconstruction of which took place under Volkov

As the day before, many people came to say goodbye (according to the official estimate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2.5 thousand people), and most of them were elderly citizens who well remember the period of Volkov’s rule. Near the cathedral they gathered in small groups and discussed last news and shared memories of the ex-leader of the region.

Almost no one mentioned the bad. They talked about Volkov as a fighter and as a builder. Someone correctly noted that the farewell took place first in the theater and then in the cathedral, the reconstruction of which took place under Volkov. It is noteworthy that practically no one on that day spoke about the reasons for his death - and it came as a complete surprise to all residents of Udmurtia. (We note that two days after Volkov’s death, his former press secretary Viktor Chulkov reported that the first president of Udmurtia died after a long illness from cardiac arrest.)

It is worth saying that, despite the two-day farewell, the queue at St. Michael’s Cathedral practically did not decrease.

"He did a lot"

About an hour after the ceremony began, officials began to arrive at the cathedral, among whom were the acting head of Udmurtia, Alexander Brechalov, acting. Chairman of the Government Viktor Savelyev, Chairman of the State Council Vladimir Nevostruev, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Ilyas Umakhanov, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Volga Federal District Oleg Melnichenko.

Business representatives also came to say goodbye to Volkov: Chairman of the Board of Directors of the RussNeft company Mikhail Gutseriev, General Director of Regional Investment Alliance LLC Andrei Oskolkov. The ceremony was also attended by the authorities of Izhevsk, heads of law enforcement agencies, as well as the Deputy Governor of the Bryansk Region, Mikhail Kobozev.

The column, in which colleagues, friends and relatives walked, stretched for hundreds of meters

In his speech, the current head of the region, Alexander Brechalov, called for “increasing everything that Alexander Alexandrovich has done,” and complained that he only managed to meet with the ex-president twice:

But even this was enough to understand that he devoted himself completely to serving the people, serving the republic. You know, I'm sure he was happy man. And not only because he was surrounded by relatives and friends loving people, but also because he managed to do a lot - something that will serve people for many years.

After the funeral service, it was decided to carry the coffin with Volkov’s body from St. Michael’s Cathedral to the presidential palace. The column, in which colleagues, friends and relatives walked, stretched for hundreds of meters. Then those wishing to say goodbye were taken to the Khokhryakovskoye cemetery in Izhevsk, where the funeral of the first president of Udmurtia, Alexander Volkov, took place.

Let us recall that Alexander Volkov was elected the first president of the Udmurt Republic on October 15, 2000 by popular vote. On March 12, 2014, he became a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. In the Federation Council, Volkov worked on the Committee on Science, Education and Culture (he was deputy chairman of the committee). Today, before the start of the meeting of the upper house of the Russian parliament, senators honored the memory of their colleague with a minute of silence. His powers were terminated early.