Tips for working with task C9.

When choosing a topic, a graduate should be guided by the following considerations: “I am sure that ...

1) I understand the meaning of the statement;
2) I know what the main problems of social science are related to this topic;
3) I will be able to express my attitude to the statement;
4) I know the terms;
5) I will be able to give examples from history, social life, own experience».

1) the essay should begin with a clear and precise definition of personal position: “I agree with this opinion”; “I cannot agree with this statement”; “There is something in this statement that I agree with, and that. which seems controversial to me";
2) in the next sentence it is appropriate to formulate an understanding of the statement that became the topic of the essay;
3) the main part of the essay is a relatively detailed statement of your own opinion regarding the problem posed;
4) it is advisable that each paragraph of the essay contains only one main idea;
5) the final sentence (paragraph) summarizes the results of the work.

Example 1

“It is not the art of acquiring that one should learn, but the art of spending.” (I. Sgobey)
1. The author argues that consumers need to learn how to spend their income rationally before purchasing goods and services.
2. It's about on issues related to consumer economics.
3. I completely agree (disagree) with this statement.
4. Terms: income and expenses, limited resources, family budget, consumer behavior, consumption structure.
5. Examples: Russian nobles of the 18th - early 20th centuries... who lived “beyond their means”; some “new Russians” of the 1990s.

Additional information welcome:

1) brief information about the author of the statement (for example: I. Kant, the founder of German classical philosophy);
2) the names of his predecessors, followers or scientific opponents;
3) descriptions of different points of view on the problem or different approaches to its solution;
4) indications of the polysemy of the concepts and terms used with justification for the meaning in which they are used in the essay;
5) indications of alternative solutions to the problem.

So, the topic has been chosen. The next step is to properly structure your thoughts. In general, the structure of an essay might look like this.

"Under a pile of money may be buried human soul"(N. Hawthorne, American writer, 19th century)

1. Write the title of the topic and the name of the author again.
I paragraph
The statement of N. Hawthorne, an American writer, points to the problem of human immorality. This problem is also relevant for modern society. In our time, immorality has become so strongly integrated into a person’s personality that it leads to the commission of crimes.

II paragraph
Presentation of the author's point of view on the issue. The outstanding American writer N. Hawthorne in his statement talks about the influence of money on a person’s life, on his character, on his moral qualities. One cannot but agree with N. Hawthorne's point of view. As a person becomes richer, he “loses” his moral and ethical qualities. By receiving money, a person gains power. And having gained power over others, a person is deprived of all rationality.

III paragraph(theoretical justification of the point of view)
Morality is the degree to which an individual assimilates the moral values ​​of society. A person’s moral consciousness is a reflection in a person’s consciousness of the attitude towards moral standards. This statement can be confirmed by statements (opinions) famous people(examples are given - quotes) Many active individuals discussed human morality, for example. Carlyle Thomas, who argued that “Cash is not the only connection between man and man.” There are sayings about that. that “money has no morals,” “money spoils a person.” And it’s difficult to resist this. Because in fact, this is how it is.

IV. Examples
The problem of the influence of money on personality was also touched upon famous writers. In his story “Hero of Our Time,” M. Yu. Lermontov reveals the essence of people who, at the head of everything, set the goal of acquiring wealth at any cost. So. Brother main character in order to get a horse I decided to give my sister At the same time, the gypsy came up with a plan according to which it was conditionally impossible to involve him in committing an inhumane act.

V. Argumentation(own experience).

The influence of money on a person can be observed in Everyday life, you just have to turn on the TV. On any channel you can see news that talks about a crime committed for selfish purposes. There are so many court cases in which relatives go to extreme measures (including murder) in order to obtain a will.

VI. Conclusion

Returning to the topic raised, I can say that the problem of immorality in the country, as it was, will remain so until then. until the state establishes supervision over the observance of moral norms, since the problem of immorality is too great and cannot be “destroyed” without government intervention.

For other materials for essays and more, see the section

The Unified State Exam in Social Studies promises to become one of the most popular elective exams in 2020, which means that graduates should learn more about what the test will be like in the new year, what the structure of the essay should be (task No.), and also what it costs Pay attention to the person during preparation.

In this article we will take a closer look at issues related to essay writing.

Task No. 29

Let us remind you that in total there are 29 tasks in KIM on society - 20 with a short answer, 8 with a detailed answer and an essay (a mini-essay with elements of reasoning on a given topic).

The 2020 demo version proposes the following wording of the task:

Please note that it is recommended to use the following as social science knowledge on which to rely when revealing the chosen topic:

  • real events from public life;
  • literary and historical examples;
  • situations from films and theater productions;
  • personal experience.

The task itself belongs to the category of alternative. This means that examinees are given the right to choose. In this particular case, the right to choose a topic for a mini-essay. The task contains 5 statements, one for each thematic block:

  • philosophy;
  • economy;
  • sociology;
  • political science;
  • jurisprudence.

The specifications recommend that you allocate 30-45 minutes out of 235 allocated for completing all 29 Unified State Exam tasks in social studies to write a mini-essay. But, teachers recommend increasing the time for writing an essay and aiming for about 60-90 minutes. This will leave just under 3 hours for the test part, which is more than enough.

Another tip from tutors is to start with a mini-essay. During the first 60 minutes, the brain works as efficiently as possible, and it will be easier to write an essay than after spending 3 hours in a stuffy classroom.

Essay Grading

For correctly completed task 29, you can get 6 points, which is 9% of the maximum initial score (in 2020 it is 65).

The second part of the Social Studies exam paper is assessed by experts, so it is very important to write legibly.

FIPI has established the following criteria for checking essays:

Please note that for task No. 29, in general, zeros will be given if the meaning of the statement is not revealed, and for criterion K-3 they will automatically put “0” if there is no explanation of key concepts and the second criterion K-2 is scored zero points.

We want to reassure those who are worried about the correctness of the essay - spelling errors do not affect the grade for the social studies essay. The exception is errors made in the spelling of terms and concepts.

The results of checking the tasks of the 2nd part can be appealed. Of course, if you are confident that you are right and are ready to defend your opinion before the expert commission for the consideration of appeals.

How to write an essay

In order to avoid problems with writing a mini-essay during the social studies exam in 2020, you need to prepare in advance - think about what the structure of the essay should be, select relevant examples for different topics, prepare a cliche.

Since the topics that will be offered to examinees for the Unified State Exam in 2020 are not disclosed in advance, at the preparation stage you can focus on the most relevant areas defined for each of the 5 blocks.

In 2020, the structure of the social studies essay will not change. The mini-essay should include the following blocks:

  • main quote;
  • the problem addressed;
  • the essence of the statement;
  • the examinee’s view of the problem;
  • argumentation of opinion;
  • examples;
  • conclusion.

Along with what the structure of an essay on social studies should be, experts also tell us what should not be written about in an essay for the Unified State Exam 2020. Thus, proof of relevance, as well as biographies of the authors, will be superfluous in the text literary works And famous personalities appearing in the examples. Most often, graduates waste time on these blocks, which do not add points to the essay, instead of describing the meaning of the statement in as much detail as possible and finding the right examples.


So, now you know what you should and should not write in an essay on the Unified State Exam in society. Now let's take a closer look at how you can assemble the necessary essay from prepared blocks. Such blocks are called cliches and help when writing an essay on social studies to correctly construct the text taking into account the requirements dictated by the structure and criteria Unified State Examination assessment 2020.

We bring to your attention a selection of basic cliches that will be useful when writing an essay on almost any topic:

For more information on how to write a mini-essay for the Unified State Exam 2020 in social studies, see the lesson from the online tutor:

The social studies exam is the most popular among the 2019 Unified State Exam subjects, so 11th grade students are interested in what the essay structure should be, what cliches and plan should be used when writing a mini-essay.

We propose to understand in detail the features of task No. 29 of KIMs in social studies, and we present detailed plan how to write an essay on the Unified State Exam in social studies. It consists of 7 important points.

  1. Quote
  2. The problem raised by the author; its relevance.
  3. The meaning of the statement.
  4. Own point of view.
  5. Argumentation at the theoretical level.
  6. At least two examples from social practice, history and/or literature confirming the correctness of the opinions expressed.
  7. Conclusion.

1. Choice of statement

  • When choosing statements for an essay, you must be sure that you know the basic concepts of the basic science to which it relates;
  • clearly understand the meaning of the statement;
  • you can express your own opinion (fully or partially agree with the statement or refute it);
  • you know the social science terms necessary to competently substantiate a personal position at a theoretical level (the terms and concepts used must clearly correspond to the topic of the essay and not go beyond it);
  • you will be able to give examples from social practice, history, literature, as well as personal life experience to confirm your own opinion.

2. Definition of the problem of the statement.

For a clearer formulation of the problem, we offer a list of possible formulations of problems that occur most often.

After formulating the problem, it is necessary to indicate the relevance of the problem in modern conditions. To do this, you can use cliche phrases:

  • This problem is relevant in the context of...
  • ...globalization of social relations;
  • ...formation of a unified information, educational, economic space;
  • ... exacerbation global problems modernity;
  • ... the special controversial nature of scientific discoveries and inventions;
  • … development of international integration;
  • ... modern market economy;
  • … development and overcoming the global economic crisis;
  • ... strict differentiation of society;
  • ... open social structure modern society;
  • …formation of the rule of law;
  • ... overcoming the spiritual and moral crisis;
  • ... dialogue of cultures;
  • ... the need to preserve one’s own identity and traditional spiritual values.

The problem must be revisited periodically throughout the essay writing process. This is necessary in order to correctly reveal its content, and also not to accidentally go beyond the scope of the problem and not get carried away by reasoning that is not related to the meaning of this statement (this is one of the most common mistakes in many exam essays).

3. Formulation of the main idea of ​​the statement

  • “The meaning of this statement is that...”
  • “The author draws our attention to the fact that...”
  • “The author is convinced that...”

4. Determining your position on the statement

  • “I agree with the author that...”
  • “One cannot but agree with the author of this statement regarding...”
  • “The author was right in asserting that...”
  • “In my opinion, the author quite clearly reflected the picture in his statement modern Russia(modern society... the situation that has developed in society... one of the problems of our time)"
    “I beg to differ with the author’s opinion that...”
  • “Partly, I share the author’s point of view regarding ..., but I cannot agree with ...”
  • “Have you ever thought about the fact that...?”

5-6. Argumentation of your own opinion

Argumentation must be carried out at two levels:

1. Theoretical level - its basis is social science knowledge (concepts,
terms, contradictions, directions of scientific thought, relationships, as well as opinions
scientists, thinkers).

Cliché phrases:

  • Let's consider the statement from the point of view of economic (political, sociological...) theory...
  • Let's turn to the theoretical meaning of the statement...
  • In economic (political, sociological...) theory, this statement has its basis...

2. Empirical level - There are two options here:

  1. using examples from history, literature and events in society;
  2. appeal to personal experience.

When selecting facts, examples from public life and personal social experience, mentally answer the following questions:

  • Do they confirm my opinion?
  • Could they be interpreted differently?
  • Do they not contradict the thesis I expressed?
  • Are they convincing?

The proposed form will allow you to strictly control the adequacy of the arguments presented and prevent “drifting away from the topic.”

7. Conclusion

Finally, you need to formulate a conclusion. The conclusion should not coincide verbatim with the judgment given for justification: it brings together in one or two sentences the main ideas of the arguments and sums up the reasoning, confirming the correctness or incorrectness of the judgment that was the topic of the essay.

To formulate a problematic conclusion, cliche phrases can be used:

  • “Thus, we can conclude...”
  • "Letting us down common feature, I would like to note that..."
  • In conclusion, we can conclude that...
  • Based on all of the above, it can be argued that...

In addition, an additional advantage of the essay is the inclusion in it:

  • brief information about the author of the statement (for example, “outstanding French philosopher-educator”,
    "great Russian thinker Silver Age", "famous existentialist philosopher", "founder
    idealistic direction in philosophy”, etc.);
  • descriptions of different points of view on a problem or different approaches to solving it;
  • indications of the polysemy of the concepts and terms used with justification for the meaning in which they
    used in essays;
  • indications of alternative solutions to the problem.

Clichés for a mini-essay

Is it worth looking? ready-made essays for the Unified State Exam in social studies?

In fact, the idea of ​​finding and learning ready-made essay options comes to many graduates at the stage of preparing for exams. But you should be especially careful here, because there is a lot of irrelevant information on the Internet. Even the examples posted on the FIPI website are works from 2013, and since then there have been many changes in the evaluation criteria for this task. Moreover, you should not expect to get a high score for a standard version of an essay, because experts who have been working on the Unified State Exam for many years now also know these texts very well.

Conclusion - you need to look not for a ready-made text, but for clichés and clever thoughts that can be “strung” onto the above structure, getting your own unique essay for the Unified State Exam 2019. We offer you a selection of such blanks:

Criteria for evaluating mini-essays on the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2019

(compiled on the basis of the Demonstration version of the KIM Unified State Exam 2019 in social studies)

Criteria for assessing a mini-essay Points
29.1 Revealing the meaning of a statement 1 point
The meaning of the statement is revealed: one or more main ideas related to the content of the social science course are correctly identified, and/or one or more theses are formulated in the context of the statement, which require justification. 1 point
The meaning of the statement is not revealed: not a single main idea is highlighted / not a single thesis is formulated.
OR The highlighted idea, the formulated thesis does not reflect the meaning of the statement / the meaning of the statement has been replaced by reasoning of a general nature (“homework”) that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement.
OR Disclosure of the meaning is replaced by a direct retelling/paraphrasing of the given statement/sequential explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole.
0 points
Assessment instructions:
If 0 points are assigned according to criterion 29.1, then 0 points are assigned for all other evaluation criteria.
29.2 Theoretical content of the mini-essay: explanation of the key concept(s), presence and correctness of theoretical provisions 2 points
In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, explanations of the key concept(s) and theoretical positions that are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors) are given. 2 points
In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, explanations of the key concept(s) that are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors) are given; theoretical positions are not presented.
OR In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, theoretical provisions that are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors) are presented, the meaning of the key concept(s) is not disclosed.
OR In the given explanations of the key concept(s) / theoretical provisions, there are some inaccuracies that do not distort the scientific meaning of these concepts, theoretical provisions
1 point
All other situations not provided for by the rules for assigning 2 and 1 points, including if there is no theoretical content of the mini-essay: the meaning of the key concept(s) is not explained, theoretical provisions are not given or are not related to the main idea/ thesis, do not reveal the meaning of the statement.
OR Reasoning of an everyday nature is given without relying on social science knowledge.
0 points
29.3 Theoretical content of the mini-essay: the presence and correctness of reasoning and conclusions. 1 point
In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis based on the correct explanation(s) of the key concept(s), theoretical provisions, interconnected consistent and consistent reasoning is presented, on the basis of which a well-founded and a conclusion that is reliable from the point of view of scientific social science. 1 point
All other situations, including reasoning and conclusions of an everyday nature without relying on social science knowledge. 0 points
29.4 Quality of social facts and examples provided 2 points
Adapted from various sources at least two correct, comprehensively formulated facts/examples that confirm the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion and do not duplicate each other in content.
There is a clear connection between each fact/example and the idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion given in the essay.
2 points
Only one correct, fully formulated fact/example is given that confirms the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion.
There is a clear connection between this fact/example and the idea/thesis/proposition/reasoning/conclusion given in the essay. OR Correct, well-formulated facts/examples are cited from sources of the same type that confirm the illustrated idea/thesis/proposition/reasoning/conclusion.
There is a clear connection between each fact/example and the idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion given in the essay. OR Two examples from sources are given different types, duplicating each other in content. There is a clear connection between each fact/example and the idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion given in the essay.
1 point
All other situations not covered by the rules for assigning 2 and 1 points. 0 points
Assessment instructions:
Facts of public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including books read, films watched), materials educational subjects(history, geography, etc.).
1. Examples from different academic subjects are considered as examples from various sources;
2. Facts/examples containing factual and semantic errors that lead to a significant distortion of the essence of the statement or indicate a lack of understanding of the historical, literary, geographical and (or) other material used are not counted in the assessment.
0 points
Maximum score - 6

Topics for 2019

Nobody knows exactly what statements will be offered to 11th graders in 2019. There is a certain bank of problems that are relevant to the main topics of social science, which can be guided by in preparation for the Unified State Exam.

In order for your essay to be holistic, concise, but at the same time deeply revealing the essence of the problem, you must:

  • Understand the essence of the problem. Do not take statements whose problem you do not initially understand.
  • Choose the right quote. This is an important stage that should be given enough time during the preparation stage.
  • Build a chain of reasoning. All blocks of a mini-essay must be interconnected. It is recommended to periodically return to the main idea of ​​the statement in the text.
  • Consider the issue from different points of view, if any..
  • Find the right examples.

Here are some useful tips to help you choose the examples and arguments that the new social studies essay structure requires, taking into account the innovations of 2019:

Main mistakes and shortcomings in graduates’ works

Analysis of graduates’ works allows us to highlight some typical mistakes, which are allowed at various stages of essay writing.

When formulating the problem and the meaning of the author’s statement:

  1. On the one hand, misunderstanding and inability to isolate the problem of the statement is associated with a lack of knowledge of the basic science to which the quotation relates, and on the other hand, with an attempt to fit well-known problems discussed in lessons into previously written, read, that is, ready-made essays.
  2. The inability to formulate a problem is often associated with a lack of developed vocabulary and terminology in basic social sciences.
  3. The inability to formulate the meaning of the author’s statement is associated with a misunderstanding or incorrect understanding of its content, and a lack of necessary social science knowledge.
  4. Replacing the problem with the author's position is due to the fact that the student does not see the difference between them.

Problem- this is the topic of the author’s discussion. It is always broad and includes several opinions and positions, often completely opposite to each other. The essence or meaning of the author's statement is his personal answer to the question posed, one of several existing in science or social thought.

When speaking and arguing own position:

1. The lack of arguments is due to the student’s ignorance or ignorance of the requirements for an essay in social studies and its structure.

2. The graduate’s argument only repeats the statement.

3. Errors in operations with concepts: unjustified expansion or narrowing of the meaning of the concept in question, substitution of concepts.

4. Errors in working with information caused by inability to analyze social experience. Often, the examples given by graduates are weakly related to the position under consideration (the connection is either not traceable or is superficial and does not reflect essential points).

5. Uncritical perception of social information from media reports and the Internet. As a result, unverified facts, unfounded or provocative statements, and biased assessments are often used by graduates as evidence in essays.

6. The predominance of a one-sided view of social phenomena, the inability to identify and build cause-and-effect relationships.

Changes in the Unified State Examination in Social Studies in 2019

Due to changes that affect tasks 25, 28 and 29, the total primary score The 2019 Unified State Exam in society will increase to 65 points (in 2018 this parameter was 64 points).

FIPI officially announced that the following changes are planned:

More details about the changes that will come into force in 2018-2019 academic year read in the document.

For an essay, the specifications allow 45 minutes, but tutors recommend leaving at least 60-90 minutes for a mini-essay out of the total exam time, which in 2019 is 235 minutes (almost 4 hours).

Video webinar on essay writing 2019

Also watch the video lesson on completing task No. 29 in the Unified State Exam in social studies for the 2018-2019 academic year:

And this video discusses the structure of writing a mini-essay and evaluation criteria, and provides exercises for training:

1) Carefully study the statement, understand its content

(disassemble the proposal by composition)

2) Consider in what area this statement is located

3) Statement of the problem

4) Drawing up a presentation plan:

I. Statement of the problem

III. Argumentation of your position (without “I believe”)

IV. Own position

Clichés for determining your own position:

Analyzing the statement, one can note...

This can be refuted by the fact that...

At first glance it seems true...

It is refuted by the fact that...

Example working with a draft for an essay on the topic of I. Scherr’s statement: “Inequality is as good a law of nature as any other.”

1.Meaning of the statement The author considers human inequality to be natural
2. Multidimensionality Inequality can be considered in different senses: psychophysical, social, legal. The first is indeed natural; the social can be debated; the demand for equal rights for all people is one of the basic values ​​of the modern world.
3. Your opinion One can only partially agree with the author. On the one hand, there is different types inequalities. On the other hand, social inequality is not only a source of development human society, but also causes acute conflicts.
4. Basic social science concepts Social structure of society, social differentiation, social stratification, criteria for social stratification, social strata, rule of law, social justice.
5. Basic theories The theory of social stratification by P. Sorokin, the ideas of utopian socialism by T. More, R. Owen, K. Marx.
6. Examples Unsuccessful attempts to build a society of universal equality in the USSR. The sharp difference in the level of income of the upper and lower strata of modern Russian society. Social revolutions as consequences of sharp social inequality.


If the graduate incorrectly revealed the meaning of the statement, that is, did not identify the problem posed by the author, and the expert gave 0 points for criterion K1, then the answer is not further checked, and 0 points are assigned for the remaining criteria (K2, K3).

Criteria for assessing the answer to task C9 Points
K1 Revealing the meaning of a statement
The meaning of the statement is revealed OR the content of the answer gives an idea of ​​​​its understanding
The meaning of the statement is not revealed, the content of the answer does not give an idea of ​​​​its understanding
K2 Nature and level of theoretical argumentation
The presence of erroneous provisions from the point of view of scientific social science leads to a decrease in the score for this criterion by 1 point
The selected topic is revealed based on relevant concepts, theoretical principles and conclusions
Separate concepts or provisions related to the topic, but not related to each other and other components of the argument, are given.
There is no argumentation at the theoretical level (the meaning of key concepts is not explained; there are no theoretical provisions, conclusions) OR concepts, provisions and conclusions are used that are not directly related to the topic being discussed
K3 Quality of factual argumentation
Facts and examples are drawn from various sources: media reports, materials from educational subjects (history, literature, geography, etc.), facts of personal social experience and own observations are used (at least two examples from different sources are given)
Factual argumentation is given based only on personal social experience and everyday ideas OR example(s) are given from a source of the same type
Factual information is missing OR the facts given do not correspond to the thesis being substantiated
Maximum score

Essay structure

1. Quote.

3. The meaning of the statement.

4. Own point of view.

5. Argumentation at the theoretical level.

6. At least two examples from social practice, history and/or literature confirming the correctness of the opinions expressed.

Choice of utterance

Choosing statements for an essay, you must be sure that

You know the basic concepts of the basic science to which it relates;

Clearly understand the meaning of the statement;

You can express your own opinion (fully or partially agree with the statement or refute it);

You know the social science terms necessary to competently substantiate a personal position at a theoretical level (the terms and concepts used must clearly correspond to the topic of the essay and not go beyond it);

You will be able to give examples from social practice, history, literature, as well as personal life experience to confirm your own opinion.

2. Definition of the problem of the statement
A clear formulation of the problem of the statement!

3. RELEVANCE OF THE PROBLEM IN MODERN CONDITIONS. To do this, you can use cliche phrases:
This problem is relevant in the conditions...

Globalization of public relations;

Formation of a unified information, educational, economic space;

Exacerbation of global problems of our time;

The special controversial nature of scientific discoveries and inventions;

Development of international integration;

Modern market economy;

Development and overcoming the global economic crisis;

Strict differentiation of society;

Open social structure of modern society;

Formation of the rule of law;

Overcoming the spiritual and moral crisis;

Dialogue of Cultures;

The need to preserve one's own identity and traditional spiritual values.

It is necessary to return to the problem periodically throughout the essay writing process. This is necessary in order to correctly reveal its content, and also not to accidentally go beyond the scope of the problem and not get carried away by reasoning that is not related to the meaning of this statement (this is one of the most common mistakes in many exam essays).

4. Formulation of the main idea of ​​the statement
Next, you need to reveal the meaning of the statement, but you should not repeat the statement verbatim. In this case, you can use the following cliches:

“The meaning of this statement is that...”

5. Determining your position on the statement
Here you can agree with the author completely, you can partially, refuting a certain part of the statement, or argue with the author, expressing the opposite opinion. In this case, you can use cliche phrases:

“Have you ever thought about the fact that...?”

6-7. Argumentation of your own opinion
Next, you should justify your own opinion on this issue. To do this, you need to select arguments (evidence), that is, remember the basic terms and theoretical positions.
Argumentation must be carried out at two levels:
1. Theoretical level- its basis is social science knowledge (concepts, terms, contradictions, directions of scientific thought, relationships, as well as the opinions of scientists and thinkers).
2. Empirical level- There are two options here:
a) using examples from history, literature and events in society;
b) appeal to personal experience.

8. Conclusion
Finally, you need to formulate a conclusion. The conclusion should not coincide verbatim with the judgment given for justification: it brings together in one or two sentences the main ideas of the arguments and sums up the reasoning, confirming the correctness or incorrectness of the judgment that was the topic of the essay.
To formulate a problematic conclusion, cliche phrases can be used:
“Thus, we can conclude...”
“To summarize, I would like to note that...”

Essay format

It must be remembered that an essay is a small composition characterized by semantic unity. Therefore, a coherent text is compiled, using linking words, attention is paid to the correct writing of social science terms.
It is advisable to break the text of the essay into paragraphs, each of which will express a separate idea. In this case, the red line must be observed.
In addition, an additional advantage of the essay is the inclusion in it

Brief information about the author of the statement (for example, “an outstanding French philosopher-educator”, “a great Russian thinker of the Silver Age”, “a famous existentialist philosopher”, “the founder of an idealistic movement in philosophy”, etc.);

Descriptions of different points of view on a problem or different approaches to solving it;

Indications of the polysemy of the concepts and terms used with justification for the meaning in which they are used in the essay;

Indications of alternative solutions to the problem.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Social studies essay (USE): structure, cliché phrases, typical mistakes Prepared by social studies teacher: V.V. Kalibernaya.

2 slide

Slide description:

No. Essay evaluation criteria Points K1 Disclosure of the meaning of the statement The meaning of the statement is revealed OR the content of the answer gives an idea of ​​its understanding 1 The meaning of the statement is not disclosed, the content of the answer does not give an idea of ​​its understanding 0 K2 The nature and level of theoretical argumentation The presence of erroneous provisions from the point of view of scientific social science leads to reduce the score for this criterion by 1 point The selected topic is revealed based on relevant concepts, theoretical provisions and conclusions 2 Certain concepts or provisions related to the topic, but not related to each other and other components of the argumentation, are given 1 Argumentation at the theoretical level is absent (the meaning of the key concepts are not explained; theoretical provisions, conclusions are absent) OR concepts, provisions and conclusions are used that are not directly related to the topic being disclosed 0 K3 Quality of factual argumentation Facts and examples are drawn from various sources: media reports, materials from educational subjects (history, literature, geography) are used etc.), facts of personal social experience and own observations (at least two examples from different sources are given) 2 Factual argumentation is given based only on personal social experience and everyday ideas OR example(s) are given from one source type 1 Factual information is missing OR the facts presented do not correspond to the thesis being substantiated 0 Maximum score 5

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1. Quote. 2. The problem raised by the author; its relevance. 3. The meaning of the statement. 4. Own point of view. 5. Argumentation at the theoretical level. 6. At least two examples from social practice, history and/or literature confirming the correctness of the opinions expressed. 7. Conclusion. Essay structure

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1. Selecting a statement When choosing statements for an essay, you must be sure that you know the basic concepts of the basic science to which it relates; clearly understand the meaning of the statement; you can express your own opinion (fully or partially agree with the statement or refute it); you know the social science terms necessary to competently substantiate a personal position at a theoretical level (the terms and concepts used must clearly correspond to the topic of the essay and not go beyond it); you will be able to give examples from social practice, history, literature, as well as personal life experience to confirm your own opinion.

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2. Definition of the problem of the statement Philosophy The relationship between matter and consciousness. Space and time as forms of being. Movement and development as ways of existence. The problem of the essence of consciousness. Features of the human psyche. The relationship between the conscious and the unconscious. The infinity of the process of cognition. The question of the knowability of the world: agnosticism and gnosticism. The relationship between the subject and the object of cognition. The relationship between sensory experience and rational thinking, their basic forms. Intuition and its role in cognition. Truth and its criteria. Relative and absolute truth.

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2. Definition of the problem of the statement Philosophy Empirical and theoretical levels scientific knowledge. Interaction between nature and society. Ecological problem and ways to solve it. Material and spiritual aspects of social life, their relationship. The relationship between the individual and society. The relationship between freedom and responsibility of the individual. Culture as a transformative activity of man as a whole. Multivariate social development. The essence of civilization. Basic approaches to the study of society. Social progress, its criteria and main stages. Spiritual life of society.

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2. Definition of the problem of the statement Philosophy Social consciousness, its structure and forms. Science as a form of social consciousness. Aesthetic consciousness. Philosophical understanding of art. Religion as a form of culture, a type of worldview. Moral consciousness. Philosophical understanding of morality. The main global problems of humanity and possible ways their decisions. Information revolution as the most important component of scientific and technological revolution. The role of the masses and individuals in history. Globalization of public life.

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2. Definition of the problem of the statement Social Psychology Interpersonal communication, its essence and tasks to be solved. The essence and barriers of interpersonal communication and possible options their elimination. Intrapersonal conflict is a conflict in the social roles of one person. Interaction, communication between people, building their relationships. Psychological climate of the team. A man among people. Essential characteristics of a small group. Relationships between the individual and the group. Features of group formation. Roles, norms and personality status. Self-control as the correlation of one’s behavior with the norms of society or group. Self-determination as choosing your own position.

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2. Definition of the problem of the statement Social psychology Discrepancy between the aspirations and capabilities of people. The relationship between the main spheres of personality socialization. National identity. Social interaction. The meaning of the communication process. Essence social conflict. Relationships between the individual and the team. Sources social progress. Social development. Family relationships. Conflict between fathers and sons. The essence of the crowd and the herd instinct. Socio-psychological portrait of a leader. Family relationships. A system of organizational, socio-economic, psychological, moral and legal decisions that ensure the effective implementation of the individual’s capabilities in society and the group.

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2. Definition of the problem of the statement Economics The contradiction between the limited resources and the limitlessness of human needs. The problem of economic choice. Factors of production and their importance in the economy. Labor as a type of activity and economic resource. Capital as an economic resource. Intellectual capital as the main source of formation competitive advantages V economic activity. Factors determining the productivity and competitiveness of production in the modern economy. The essence and functions of money in economics. Efficient use of resources.

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2. Definition of the problem of the statement Economics The meaning of the social division of labor. Two sides of the social division of labor are specialization and cooperation. The benefits of social labor cooperation: teamwork, learning by doing, and comparative advantage. Efficiency in the allocation of available resources. The role of trade in the development of society. Incentives and production efficiency. Fairness in the distribution of social benefits. The essence of market relations. The role of the state in regulating the economy.

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2. Definition of the problem of the statement Sociology Fulfillment of various social roles. Science as a social institution. Social functions of science. Education as a social institution, its functions in society and its relationship with other social institutions. Interaction between religion and society. Family as a social institution and small group. Family structure and functions, patterns of family behavior. A person’s attitude towards work, his social activity. The impact of globalization on local life. Influence national factors on social structure and population migration. National identity. Trends interethnic relations. Interethnic conflicts. National characteristics value orientations and behavioral stereotypes.

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2. Definition of the problem of the statement Jurisprudence Law as a regulator of social life. Social value of law. The essence and specific features of the state. The political system and the role of the state in it. Law and morality: similarities and differences. Lawmaking: principles, types, lawmaking process. Mechanism for the implementation of fundamental rights, freedoms and responsibilities of the individual. State and civil society. Concept, signs of a welfare state. Legal nihilism and ways to overcome it. Offences: concepts, signs and composition. Types of offenses. The essence of legal responsibility. Legal culture.

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2. Definition of the problem of the statement Political Science The political system of society and its role in the life of society. The place and role of the state in the political system of society. Parties and social movements in the political system of society. Features of modern political relations. Subjects of politics. Global politics And international relationships. Types of human attitudes towards politics. Regulation of political behavior and political activity. The relationship between goals and means in politics. Political progress and its criteria. The relationship between economics, politics and law. Essence and features political power. The nature and functions of political power. Legitimacy of political power and its types. Political regime: concept and characteristics.

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2. Definition of the problem of statement Political Science The essence of a democratic regime. Authoritarian regime. Totalitarian regime. Political system of society: concept, functions and structure. Origin of the state. The essence and characteristics of the state. State sovereignty. Government as a special type of social power. Form of state and its elements. The relationship between society and the state. Civil society: concept, structure, characteristics. Correlation and relationship between state and law. Rule of law: concept and principles. Separation of powers as a principle of the rule of law. State and individual: mutual responsibility. Concept, functions, types and structure political parties. Party systems. Socio-political movements, pressure groups.

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2. Definition of the problem of the statement Political science Political relations. Political pluralism. The essence and structure of the political process. Revolution and reform as types of political transformations. Political modernization. Uprising, riot, mutiny, putsch as types of political process. Political campaigns: their strategy and tactics. Populism: concept and signs. Direct and representative democracy. Political decision. The essence and functions of political leadership. Political consciousness: concept, structure, functions. The role of ideology in politics. Political culture: concept and structure, types. Interaction of the individual, society and state. The functioning of political norms, values, expectations, orientations and aspirations characteristic of different social groups. Interaction of the institution of law with other social institutions

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2. Definition of the problem of the statement Sociology The relationship between objective and subjective factors influencing social processes. The role of spiritual and material values ​​in people's lives. Social inequality and struggle. Maintaining the stability of social life. Progressive change (progress) in the organization of society. Patterns of differentiation of male and female social roles. Historically unequal relationships between men and women. Specific qualities of the city. The social nature of knowledge, thinking, and activity of society. Processes of information transfer between social groups. Youth as a social community. Features of socialization of generations entering life. Features of the lifestyle of young people. Formation of life plans, goals and value orientations. Social mobility.

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After formulating the problem, it is necessary to indicate the relevance of the problem in modern conditions. To do this, you can use cliche phrases: This problem is relevant in the context of... ...globalization of social relations; ...formation of a unified information, educational, economic space; ...exacerbation of global problems of our time; ...the special controversial nature of scientific discoveries and inventions; ...development of international integration; ...modern market economy; ...development and overcoming the global economic crisis; ...strict differentiation of society; ...the open social structure of modern society; ...formation of the rule of law; ...overcoming the spiritual and moral crisis; ...dialogue of cultures; ...the need to preserve one's own identity and traditional spiritual values.

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3. Formulation of the main idea of ​​the statement “The meaning of this statement is that...” “The author draws our attention to the fact that...” “The author is convinced that...”

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4. Determining your position on the statement “I agree with the author that...” “One cannot disagree with the author of this statement regarding...” “The author was right in asserting that...” “In my opinion , the author quite clearly reflected in his statement the picture of modern Russia (modern society... the situation that has developed in society... one of the problems of our time)” “I beg to differ with the author’s opinion that...” “Partly, I share the author’s point of view regarding..., but I can’t agree with...” “Have you ever thought about the fact that...?”

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An additional advantage of the essay is the inclusion in it of: brief information about the author of the statement (for example, “an outstanding French philosopher-educator”, “a great Russian thinker of the Silver Age”, “a famous existentialist philosopher”, “the founder of an idealistic movement in philosophy”, etc.) ; descriptions of different points of view on a problem or different approaches to solving it; indications of the ambiguity of the concepts and terms used with justification for the meaning in which they are used in the essay; indications of alternative solutions to the problem.

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Requirements for graduates' work: 1) adequate understanding of the problem and the meaning of the statement; 2) correspondence of the content of the essay to the stated problem; 3) highlighting and revealing in the essay the main aspects of the problem pointed out by the author of the statement; 4) aspects of the problem must be disclosed in a given scientific context; 5) a clear definition of the student’s position, his attitude to the problem, to the opinion of the author of the statement; 6) justification of one’s own position at the theoretical level; 7) reinforcement of the above theoretical provisions with meaningful facts of social life, social behavior, personal experience; 8) the logic of the graduate’s reasoning; 9) absence of social science (essential, terminological) and other (factual, logical, ethical) errors; 10) compliance of the essay with the requirements of the genre and the norms of the Russian language. There are no strict requirements for the length of an essay in social studies. It depends on many factors: the complexity of the topic, the student’s level of preparation, the graduate’s mindset, and the availability of time. The main attention is paid to the quality of work, adequacy and completeness of the problem.

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1. Quote “Culture is the inevitable path of man and humanity.” (N. Berdyaev) 2. The problem raised by the author, its relevance The problem of culture as a set of means and methods for transforming the world by man and all the results of this transformation. OR The problem of spiritual culture as a way to realize the creative needs and abilities of a person. The aspect of cultural continuity as a way of preserving and developing humanity. 3. The meaning of the statement The author argues that society cannot exist without creating culture. 4. For argumentation at a theoretical level, it is necessary to reveal theses and concepts: The concept of culture in a broad and in the narrow sense words. Types of culture: individual, collective. Typology of culture: folk, mass, elite. The problem of dialogue of cultures. The role of culture in the formation of an individual's personality. 5. Examples 1. A schoolgirl writes poetry, paints - she makes her contribution to culture. 2. Manifestations of youth subcultures (emo, goths, punks).

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