Precious and semiprecious stones since ancient times has been given Special attention. This is partly due to the fact that such jewelry was a symbol of status in society, and the owner considered them his talisman. Although this is mainly caused by superstition, traditional healers and modern bioenergy practitioners notice the impact of stones on human life and health. The right mineral can change a lot in the life of its owner.

Birthstones and date of birth

Astrologers take the horoscope of stones by zodiac sign very seriously. It is believed that each crystal has a certain charge of cosmic energy, which affects its wearer. Therefore, such jewelry should be worn as close to the body as possible or in frequent contact with the skin. However, an incorrectly selected stone can cause disruption in the functioning of internal organs and change a person's destiny for the worse.

Experienced astrologers use a special table of zodiac sign stones in their work. By month, you can easily determine the appropriate jewelry. The main thing, before making jewelry a permanent part of your style, is to observe your condition while wearing it.

Compatibility table of stones by month of birth:

Zodiac signMascot
FishEmerald, adularia, pearl, turquoise, amethyst, opal, peridot, hawk's eye
AriesRuby, agate, serpentine, amethyst, pearl, carnelian, garnet, jasper, ruby
TaurusRose quartz, aventurine, emerald, carnelian, chrysoprase, malachite, onyx
TwinsCoral, topaz, jasper, alexandrite, agate, carnelian, crystal, beryl, turquoise, sapphire, emerald
CancerMoonstone, agate, aquamarine, adularia, emerald, onyx, obsidian, pearl, opal
a lionCarnelian, garnet, peridot, bull's eye, amber, jasper, opal, emerald
VirgoJasper, rock crystal, sultanite, carnelian, opal, chrysoprase, jade, sapphire, diamond
ScalesAmethyst, opal, tourmaline, jade, olivine, rhodonite, crystal
ScorpionCoil, Tiger's Eye, agate, turquoise, garnet, adularia, malachite
SagittariusTopaz, emerald, blue quartz, turquoise, carbuncle, hyacinth, amber, topaz, opal
CapricornMalachite, onyx, cat's eye, garnet, turquoise, ruby, opal
AquariusLapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, amethyst, crystal, pearls

Zodiac selection is much more reliable than the intuitive method. It allows you to unleash the full potential of your zodiac sign. Keeping a diary makes it easier to keep track of which stone is yours. Among the properties that the crystal imparts to its owner are:

Depending on which stone suits a person according to the horoscope, his fate changes. For some, the amulet gives strength and determination, for others, on the contrary, it helps control their anger, and the wearer becomes calmer. The chosen amulet should be taken with you as often as possible; it is recommended to hide it under clothing, closer to the skin. In the first week after acquisition, the newly made talisman must be carried with you constantly and placed under the pillow.

Precautionary measures

For safety reasons, you should avoid any combination of stones and wear only one. An alternative is a combined decoration made from the same stone.

Our ancestors long ago noticed the enormous influence of celestial bodies on human destinies - this is how astrology came into the world. Each of us was born under a certain constellation, each of us has our own patron planet and our own zodiac stones. The influence of the patron planets on a person is significantly enhanced when wearing stones corresponding to the zodiac. After all, the stars in the sky and stones on Earth have an astral connection. Everything on our planet contains particles of stardust. Don't forget that we are children of the Universe.

Zodiac stones have the most powerful and beneficial effect on us than all other stones. Talismans can help a person throughout his life.

To find out suitable stones - select your zodiac sign

Why do we need talisman stones?

Talisman stones are your lucky stones, endowed with the highest magical power. They are ideally tuned to the energy of their owner and are powerful patrons.

Zodiac gems enhance the influence of our patron planets on our lives and well-being. These are intermediaries and conductors of stellar influences. Zodiac stones have always been considered not just symbols, but something much more significant.

When your talisman stone is with you, your potential is greatly enhanced, your strength and capabilities, your intellectual abilities and creativity increase.

The stones of our zodiac give us special forces, help develop best qualities, neutralize shortcomings, increase self-confidence, attract success, happiness and wealth.

In addition, zodiac stones reliably protect their owner from various kinds of negative influences - from the evil eye and damage, diseases and troubles. The owner of the stone receives the unique ability to intuitively sense the first signs of approaching danger.

Without natural stones no spiritual practice is complete. With their help, one tunes into subtle vibrations and meditates. By choosing stones according to your zodiac sign, you acquire your own zodiac talismans, which will help heal your body from diseases, provide protection from negative energy and bring good luck throughout your life.

What effect do zodiac stones have on us?

According to the horoscope, natural stones have a magical and healing effect on the body of their owners. If you wear them constantly, it will certainly strengthen your immune system and significantly replenish your vitality. Moreover, each gem emits certain vibrations and promotes the healing of certain organs.

The magical properties of natural stones are vast and amazing! Since ancient times, their power has been used to realize their deepest desires. To excite love in the opposite sex, they wear talismans with turquoise, with the help of the tiger's eye they improve business acumen, with the help of moonstone they get rid of loneliness, etc.

Rock crystal is one of the best stones for meditation and spiritual practices. Rauchtopaz is ideal for black magic rituals, relieves pain and relieves spasms, and saves from various types of addictions. The royal amulet is black agate, the “Russian stone” malachite protects from witchcraft, the hawk’s eye helps to concentrate on important task, chrysoprase brings success in business.

Which zodiac stone is better?

Each zodiac sign corresponds to a whole group of talisman stones, so you can choose different minerals with the properties that you most need at this stage. At the same time, you are not strictly tied to any one stone.

You can use one or two zodiac stones at the same time, or a lot of stones from your horoscope. It all depends on your feelings and personal needs. It is absolutely not necessary to use all the stones of your patron planets at once. You can choose any one you like best. Then change to another if you feel that something is missing, or it’s time to change the talisman stone.

The talisman stone must be selected from the list of stones for your sign. The choice is made intuitively. There are no strict frameworks or restrictions here. The subconscious very accurately tells us what exactly is missing and what is categorically contraindicated, so many rely on this feeling.

When choosing the zodiac stone that you need at this stage, it will make itself known! This will be the most energy-active mineral of all that you will look at and hold in your hands. It will “reveal” to you in some way - it will seem the brightest of all, or it will be a little warmer to the touch than the others.

Choosing a zodiac stone is a real ritual and a very personal procedure. When choosing your stone, you cannot rely on anyone else’s opinion!

If you choose a stone in a jewelry store and have the opportunity to hold it in your hands, that’s just wonderful. You can shake it a little or lightly tap it on a hard surface - this will activate the natural charges of electricity that are in each stone. This way you will better feel whether it is your stone or not.

If the stone is suitable for your talismans, you can feel the warmth emanating from it - this is a barely noticeable sensation. Or it will seem to you the brightest and most mysteriously beautiful of all the others. In the end, you will just really like it! The talisman stone that you need will definitely touch your soul and will certainly make itself felt.

If you choose a stone in an online store, then completely rely on your taste and inner voice - whichever one seems the most beautiful to you is the one that suits you best! When we like or dislike something, it does not happen in a chaotic manner, but according to a resonant principle. Everything around us vibrates at a certain frequency, each color emits a specific wavelength. In principle, you cannot like something that does not suit you! It’s another matter when you make a choice based on someone’s advice or recommendations. Remember: If you don’t like a stone or jewelry, you shouldn’t wear it! Even if it is indicated in your horoscope. Even if it is recommended to you by the most close person. When choosing amulets, always rely solely on your feelings.

How to wear amulets stones correctly?

Your zodiac stones can be worn either as pendants or as any type of jewelry. The more you need the support of your astral patron, the closer to your body you need to keep it. If you are happy with your lot and are different good health, then you can carry amulets in your purse, in your pockets, or even store them at home in your room. If you need support in business and career, wear rings and bracelets. Pendants in the chest area and beads have a powerful effect on internal organs and promote rapid healing. If love is unlucky, wear jewelry with talisman stones in any form and as often as possible.

Does a stone lose its strength after processing and cutting?

No, natural stones do not lose their unique properties after cutting. Moreover, psychics and lithotherapists claim that the stones from which jewelry is most often made best influence a person’s energy.

Precious and natural stones extracted from the Earth forever preserve all the gifts of earthly life that they received in the depths of our planet. Also, natural minerals always radiate all the celestial properties they received from the stars and planets.

Each stone is individually sensitive to the emanations of a particular planet, star or constellation under which we are born. Therefore, it will work in any decoration and in any cut.

How often should you wear talisman stones?

It all depends on your well-being and level vitality. If you feel a lack of energy, the need for support or the need for constant protection of the aura, wear your talisman stone constantly, periodically cleansing it, giving it a rest from time to time.

If you are full of strength and health, then zodiac talismans can be carried in your purse or simply kept at home. When returning home, pay attention to your pebble more often. Hold it in your hands periodically when you are relaxing in a calm environment. Even for a short time Your zodiac stone will quickly adjust all the necessary settings and strengthen your aura. Contacting on the street and in society with different people, we often lose our psychological balance. The human psyche is a very subtle mechanism. Alien energy very often harms our well-being. Your stone will quickly help you return to your natural vibrations. You will feel your mood and peace returning. The talisman stone will return your individual settings, eliminate the negativity accumulated during the day, help restore energy resources, and balance your psychological state.

The more often the amulet is worn, the more often it needs to be cleared of unnecessary information - talismans accumulate over time negative energy, which also needs to be gotten rid of.

For the first time, you clean the stone immediately after purchase - to remove all extraneous information and foreign energy from it. Sometimes a gem has to travel quite a long way to find its owner. Everyone who touches the stone leaves their mark on it, and before putting the jewelry on yourself, it is very important to clean it. Removing someone else's information from a stone is quite simple - just hold it under running water. If there is an opportunity under spring water, this is an ideal option for information purification.

In the process of constant use, you need to periodically clean the talisman stones, removing all accumulated negativity from them. Sometimes the stones themselves give you signals that they are overloaded with information and need cleaning - they fall out of the frame, begin to disturb you, a feeling of heaviness appears on your neck if the stone is in a pendant, a “tired” gem in a ring suddenly begins to cling to everything, etc. d. This sure sign that the pebble requires water procedures.

The procedure for cleaning natural stones is very simple - absolutely anyone can do it. The stone is lowered into a transparent glass vessel with clean water and left for several hours in a well-lit place - the gem should be in contact with water and sunlight. Water, as a keeper of information, will take away all the negativity, and the Sun will charge its structure with new energy. After the cleaning procedure, the water must be poured out and not used anywhere. It is better to pour water into the ground. The most common table salt copes well with negative energy - it also cannot be used after the procedure.

It is strictly not recommended to wear other people's stones and jewelry. People with powerful energy sometimes leave such strong information on a stone that only an experienced psychic can clear it. The stone simply will not be able to tune in to you, and other people's information can cause you serious harm. Wear only new stones and jewelry.

Before putting on jewelry, always carefully inspect the stones each time - if cracks or cloudiness suddenly appear on them, this means that your protector is no longer able to effectively protect you from negativity and, most likely, has too much negative information. This happens, but it is extremely rare. It is important to remember that such stones cannot be worn and no amount of cleaning will help them - the energy structure of the stone is destroyed. What to do with used talisman stones? The amulet needs to be “buried” as a patron and faithful comrade - somewhere in the lap of nature, far from the bustle of the city.

Is it possible to wear zodiac stones in a frame made of ordinary metals and jewelry alloys?

Talisman stones can be worn both in a frame made of precious metals and in a frame made of ordinary metals. The difference is that some minerals reveal their properties better in a gold frame, some in a silver frame, others work equally well in any frame. There are many subtleties for each specific stone. But in any case, there will be no harm if your zodiac talisman is framed from the most ordinary copper, which, by the way, has unique healing properties. Jewelry alloys are most often cast on the basis of copper, tin, bronze, cupronickel. All these metals have long established themselves as high-quality and reliable materials for setting natural stones.

Remember that zodiac stones need to be changed regularly. We change throughout our lives, circumstances and our needs change. Visit specialized stores more often and carefully study new products. You will feel how your new stone will definitely respond and you will want to buy it.

Choose your talisman stones and jewelry correctly, and wear them with pleasure!

They began to select stones according to zodiac signs in ancient times, and in the Middle Ages, astrologers compiled all available knowledge about this into numerous tables. Which stone suits everyone? to a specific person depends on the date and place of his birth, the location of the planets and other factors.

When selecting stones according to your horoscope, it is important to take into account not only the work of such specialists as astrologers, lithotherapists, modern magicians and esotericists, but also your personal attitude. Sometimes it happens that stones corresponding to zodiac signs are not liked by their owners appearance or call negative emotions. The stone must comply in all aspects, then it is capable of:

  • increase immunity and improve the health of the owner;
  • protect from the negative flow of surrounding energy;
  • develop innate abilities and improve character traits;
  • attract abundance and good luck;
  • improve your personal life;
  • activate internal potential.

Correspondence of stones to zodiac signs in various sources not the same, and sometimes completely opposite, which is not surprising. Despite the fact that the horoscope based on stones has existed for many years, this science is very relative. Zodiac signs are the sectors that make up the zodiac belt. There are 12 such sectors in total, their names correspond to the constellations. All zodiac signs can be divided into 4 groups depending on their element:

  • fire;
  • Earth;
  • water;
  • air.

The influence of a particular sign is maximum for approximately 1 calendar month, which, in turn, is divided into decades. A decade is 10° of the zodiac circle, it is almost always equal to 10 calendar days, only the first decade begins not on the first day of each month, but with the transition of the Sun to a new zodiacal sector. Since the sector consists of 30°, each zodiac sign has 3 decades, each of which is under the influence of a planet. This is precisely what explains the difference in the characteristics of people belonging to the 1st sign.

Fire signs

This group includes 3 zodiac constellations:

  1. Aries;
  2. Sagittarius.

Stones according to the fire group zodiac signs mostly have a bright, most often red, color.

For the zodiac sign Aries, the main stone is ruby. It fights fears and helps in achieving heights, normalizes blood pressure, improves sleep and appetite. Those born under the influence of Mars (first decade) should purchase agate, amazonite, hawk or tiger eye, jasper. Those born under the influence of the Sun (second decade) will improve their well-being with heliotrope, pearl, coral, cat's eye, sardonyx and amber. Those born under the influence of Venus (third decade) are better off wearing jewelry with garnets, rubies and zircons.

Leo is best matched with diamond. Diamond jewelry can prevent sadness and sadness, make its wearer more courageous, and give firmness to a soft character. Those born in the first decade under the influence of Saturn will be happier when purchasing aventurine, obsidian, carnelian, sodalite, and tiger's eye. Jewelry with jadeite, cat's eye, onyx, opal and amber will improve the life of those born in the second decade under the influence of Jupiter. Mars is the most influential planet of the third decade of the constellation Leo. Lucky stones are:

  • alexandrite;
  • hyacinth;
  • pomegranate;
  • ruby.

Garnet and ruby. Jewelry with them gives its owner good spirits and fun, helping to return lost strength. Those born under the influence of Mercury will have better luck in life with agate, amethyst, quartz, sapphirine, falcon's and tiger's eye. The second decade under the influence of the Moon corresponds to onyx, sardonyx, and chrysoprase. The third decade under the influence of Saturn - hyacinth, topaz and stone with beautiful name and the equally impressive Black Star.

Earth element signs

In the zodiac circle, the earth elements include Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Talismans selected for the signs of the earth element must be of natural and not artificial origin.

The luckiest stone for the Taurus sign is sapphire. It promotes reflection and contemplation, makes the owner calmer and more balanced, and helps relieve back pain. The first decade is under the influence of Mercury. Agates, Amazonites, and amethysts are ideal companions for Taurus zodiac signs born in April. If you were born in early May under the influence of the Moon, then take a closer look at turquoise, jadeite, and coral jewelry. The third decade is under the patronage of Saturn. Aquamarines, diamonds, beryls, garnets, topazes, and tourmalines in pairs are favorable.

In some cases, stones work better if there are more than 1 in an instance.

The best stones for the Virgo sign are jasper and agate. They ennoble the soul, educate spiritually, and have blood-purifying and hemostatic properties. first ten days solar influence correspond to aventurine, agate, amethyst, malachite. Ideal talisman stones for the zodiac sign Virgo of the second decade under the influence of Venus are rutile quartz, heliotrope, jadeite, pearls. Mercury has the greatest influence on people in the third decade. They should definitely buy diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, topazes, and peridots in some quantity, for example, earrings (1 pair will have 2 stones) or a ring with a pendant.

The stone that suits everyone according to the Capricorn sign is topaz. It improves intelligence, promotes the development of intuition, and helps to conceive a child. Pay attention to agates, amethysts, moonstones, malachites, jades, obsidians, sodalites, if you were born in the first decade during the heyday of Jupiter’s influence. It is not necessary to buy jewelry; for example, a malachite box placed in a prominent place in your home will do the job perfectly. The following stones can serve as an amulet for Mars and the second decade:

  • turquoise;
  • jet;
  • heliotrope;
  • jade;
  • cat's eye;
  • Charoite

Do not neglect the power of alexandrites, hyacinths, opals, tourmalines, zircons if you were born in the third decade with solar influence.

Water signs

Water element signs are represented by the constellations Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. What stones are suitable for the signs of the zodiac element? Of course, all those that have a beautiful iridescence and deep color are not necessarily blue or blue, like water.

A high-quality cut will give the stone not only beauty, but also strength.

The stone of the zodiac signs of water and especially Cancer is an emerald that relieves melancholy and sadness. Green Ice also relieves insomnia. Bracelets with agate or pearls are most suitable for those born in the first decade. Second decade under the sign of Saturn. It is best for people of this period to wear rings with emerald, carnelian or jasper. Corals, opals, selenites, chrysoprase accompany those born in the second and third decades. An option that is not suitable for all Cancers is jewelry with garnet.

This is black opal. Improves health in all respects, gives courage and confidence to its owner. Those born at the end of October under the influence of Mars will be helped by aventurine and serpentine. The second solar decade corresponds to such stones as amethyst, jet, and amber. People of the third decade were born under the influence of Venus; alexandrite, beryl, heliodor, and tourmaline jewelry are suitable for them.

The zodiac sign Pisces works best with amethyst. It relieves emotional unrest, eliminates loneliness, gives peace and tranquility. Saturn predominates in the first decade; this combination is best suited for pendants with aventurine, amazonite, amethyst, bull's eye, hematite, lunar, carnelian, tiger's eye and jasper. Moreover, they do not have to be worn around the neck; such an amulet can be stored in a special bag and taken out in difficult times. Pisces born under the influence of Jupiter will improve their lives with rutile quartz, heliotrope, pearls, coral, opal. But for fish of the third decade, under the influence of Mars, aquamarines, alexandrites, diamonds, tourmalines, and chrysolites will bring happiness. The ideal option is a bracelet with a lot of stones.

Air element signs

TO air signs include Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. It is better to choose stones of the air zodiac signs that are transparent and as clean as possible.

According to the zodiac, it is best for Gemini to have rauchtopaz, which heals internal wounds. It makes a person less vulnerable to negative energy flows. Lucky stones for those born under the influence of Jupiter in the first decan are:

  • agate;
  • rhinestone;
  • Moonstone;
  • malachite;
  • nephritis;
  • obsidian.

The second ten-day period of the zodiac sector under the influence of Mars coincides with the first calendar ten-day period of June. Jewelry, cat's eye and chrysoprase are ideal for this combination. For Geminis born in the third decade under the influence of the Sun, alexandrites, beryls, garnets and tourmalines in pairs will bring prosperity and good luck.

Aquamarine is favorable, as it protects when traveling, helps maintain marital unity, and improves visual and hearing acuity. Owners of rose quartz, coral, light agate or chrysoprase will be lucky if they were born in the first decade. Green aquamarines, cacholongs, malachites, jades or reddish, pinkish and greenish tourmalines for those born in the second and third decades will become magical allies. The following minerals are also suitable for these people:

  • heliotrope;
  • cat's and tiger's eye;
  • olivine;
  • rauchtopaz.

Turquoise, which attracts wealth to its owner, is suitable for everyone born under the constellation Aquarius. In addition, it enhances intuition and insight, improves the functioning of the cardiac system. For those born in the first decade under the influence of Venus, stones such as aventurine, amethyst and jasper are suitable. Wearing carnelian large sizes on the ring finger or wrist will bring abundance in all areas of life. Those born in the second decade under the influence of Mercury are advised to purchase jewelry with turquoise, lapis lazuli, charoite or amber. The third decade is under the influence of the Moon. Lucky talismans will be aquamarines, alexandrites, hyacinths, sapphires, tourmalines.

It is good for health to wear rings with the Black Star.

Properties of stones

The properties of stones according to zodiac signs can be selected not only depending on the decade of the zodiac sector, but also on the year of birth, although such a classification is not widespread. Stones with the same name may work differently due to differences in chemical composition. The work of an amulet in the form of a stone is influenced by its origin and cut. For some people it is better to have talisman stones in the form jewelry, household items help others find good luck:

  • caskets;
  • figurines;
  • decorative decorations.

A stone purchased independently will not have the same magical properties as if received as a gift. Most the best option- an inherited amulet that has accumulated a lot of positive energy, but if there were evil eyes or curses in the family, it can be traced a large number of negative events(serious illnesses, early deaths), then it is better to get rid of such a thing as soon as possible.

Regardless of the zodiac sign, opal can be a talisman stone for all men. It has a very wide color spectrum, including light and translucent shades, rich orange and blue tones, mixtures various colors with iridescence, but black opal is considered the strongest. According to Ayurvedic principles, it is best for men to wear it in gold. Opal can provide protection and success in business, but only if its owner is an honest and decent person. A man with such a talisman will become more purposeful and at the same time humble and sensitive. Opal develops and supports the talents inherent in a man at birth.

The owner of such an amulet is not afraid of infectious and heart diseases.

A woman's amulet and amulet against all adversity is pearls, but jewelry with it should always be worn in pairs: earrings and a ring or a bracelet and a pendant. The most universal color is white, but you can choose any other depending on your personal preferences. Pearls protect women's health, preserve youth, and accompany abundance and good luck. The main property of jewelry with pearls is the ability to accumulate and increase feminine energy. Strings of pearls help both single girls find a life partner and married women preserve family happiness. Sea pearls have a wider range of magical properties compared to river pearls, so it is better to choose them.

When selecting amulets stones according to zodiac signs, remember the most important rule - for your amulet to work, you must believe in it! Treat your talisman with care, and he, in turn, will faithfully take care of you.

Since ancient times, people have used precious stones as talismans and amulets. This remains relevant in our time. Many minerals can not only become beautiful decoration, but also to protect the wearer from evil glances, illnesses, failures and become a real assistant in all matters. Determining which stone is suitable for a person is quite a difficult task. Sometimes you can just touch it, and it’s immediately clear that this is exactly the stone you need. But this method does not always work.

How to find out your stone

Before choosing a stone, you need to decide for what purposes it will serve. Some work as amulets and protect the owner from all sorts of negative influences. Others help attract good luck, money, love, and other benefits. Moreover, some can perform both functions at the same time. The main condition for the action of the stone should be right choice and sincere belief in the magic of stone.

Stone according to zodiac sign

The most popular method of choosing an amulet is selection by zodiac sign. So, for each sign there are stones that help in all matters and protect the owner. But along with this, there are also those that have the opposite effect. Therefore, it is worth finding out in detail which stone suits your horoscope:

  1. For people born under the most fiery sign of Aries, all minerals of red shades, such as amethyst, ruby, sapphire or diamond, are suitable. Each of them will be an assistant in their own field. For example, an amethyst will contribute to any endeavors and help in business, rubies will help you gain respect in your environment, and a diamond will help you change your barbed character. In turn, stones that suit Libra will destroy business sphere, relationships with colleagues and so on.
  2. For good-natured Taurus, such gems as agate, turquoise, emerald, sapphire, as well as white and transparent stones are perfect. In turn, Scorpio stones will carry negative energy to Taurus.
  3. For those born under the sign of Gemini, colorful stones will bring success and protection. Agate will also reward its owner with remarkable intuition and the gift of persuasion; chrysoprase will always contribute good mood, and beryl will be a good helper in finding your soulmate. Sagittarius stones will counteract all this.
  4. Mysterious and sensitive Cancers will find support by using minerals such as moonstone, chalcedony and all whites in jewelry. Owners of emeralds will be immune to all depressive disorders and Bad mood. Stones that suit Capricorns will have the opposite effect.
  5. A Leo who surrounds himself with jewelry made of carnelian, sapphire, onyx, amber, and alexandrite will be successful in professional and personal affairs. And jewelry made from peridot will help you find mental balance. For servants of power, it is recommended to wear jewelry with rubies; they will help to have a greater influence on others. It is contraindicated to wear Aquarius stones.
  6. Virgos are very picky and hardworking people. For greater efficiency in business, they are recommended to use gems such as jasper and olivine. Astrologers advise people who play sports to wear jade jewelry during training; it will protect the owners from injury. Carnelian will protect you from betrayal and betrayal. Pisces stones, except sapphire, will have a negative impact on representatives of this sign.
  7. For people born under the harmonious and artistic sign of Libra, the following stones will bring luck and success in business: diamond, lapis lazuli, opal or aquamarine. Stones suitable for Aries will bring failure and disappointment into the life of Libra.
  8. Emotional Scorpios will be able to protect themselves from the bad influences of others and bad moods with the help of jewelry with corals, topaz, garnets and aquamarine. At the same time, the garnet will be able to attract financial success to the representative of the sign. Taurus stones will have a negative impact.
  9. Sapphire, turquoise, amethyst, chrysolite and all black amulets will protect Sagittarius and bring them success in their careers and family relationships. And chrysolite will also be a good protector against nightmares and will help take care of the immune system. Jewelry with Cancer stones will negate all the achievements.
  10. For reliable and patient Capricorns, amulets can be rubies, garnets, malachites or opals. All of them will help increase vital energy, wisdom and insight. Cancer stones are not suitable for this sign.
  11. Aquarius will bring good luck with amulets decorated with sapphires and obsidians. Jewelry with garnets will help restore a harmonious relationship with your other half, and sapphires will attract money. Also, for those who engage in mental work, it is recommended to wear zircon, it helps enhance memory. Representatives of this sign should not wear stones that are suitable for Leo.
  12. Amethysts will be good helpers for impressionable and changeable Pisces, which will protect them from addictions. Pearls, in turn, will bring stability to love relationships. And jasper will protect from poverty, humiliation and depression. Virgo stones will bring the opposite effect to their owner.

Knowing which gemstone suits a person, you can choose jewelry that will not only be beautiful, but also very functional.

By date of birth

Based on the date of birth of the person choosing the talisman, you can choose a stone that can protect and protect. There are several ways to do this.

So, you can use numerological calculations in order to choose suitable stone. To do this, by adding up all the numbers in the date of birth, they come to a single number, by which you can find out what kind of jewelry is worth purchasing. For example, June 6, 1956 must be divided in this way: 6+6+1+9+5+6=33, 3+3=6 - this will be the number that determines the suitable stone.

The date of the month is also often used to select an amulet. Below is a table that will help you understand each day of the month.

Additionally, when choosing a talisman or amulet with gems, you can focus on the day of the week on which the person was born.

By blood type

This method of choosing an amulet is not very common, but it can also be used. A talisman chosen in this way will have a positive effect on all functions of the body. Protecting from diseases, injuries and other troubles.

So, for blood group I, minerals of all shades from yellow to red are suitable. These are stones such as amber, coral, tiger's eye, ruby ​​and others.

For owners of group II, green and green amulets will protect their health. blue flowers: opal, snake eye, sapphire and others.

Those who have blood type III will be given good energy by such gems as amethyst, charoite, aventurine and other minerals of purple, green, blue and orange shades.

For owners of blood group IV, amulets with stones of blue, green and purple colors - emerald, turquoise and charoite - are ideal.

Features of selection and care

You can choose a talisman based on the sources given, but if he does not like the minerals that are recommended to a person, then their magical properties will be lost. A person must feel the mineral, and then there will be a return.

This is explained by the amulet draws its energy from a person only if there is some connection, the talisman will function correctly. Therefore, when choosing a suitable amulet, you should first of all rely on sensations.

It is also worth noting that a stolen mineral will never become a talisman, even if it suits a person in all respects. The best magical powers are possessed by amulets given from the heart. And it’s even better if they are made with your own hands. Also, raw minerals are the most powerful. But since they are inconvenient to carry with you, and very difficult to find, amulets in the form of jewelry are more popular.

If we talk about mineral care, there are also several rules:

  1. After purchasing jewelry with a mineral, it must be cleaned, since many people have touched it.
  2. In order for the amulet to perform its functions, it must be given time to recharge. Different minerals will require different amounts of time, from a few days to a month. Amulets receive their energy from the earth, so to recharge it is enough to place the jewelry in flower pot for a few days.
  3. If a mineral functions as a talisman, then you cannot tell anyone about it, because then the powers of the gem will be lost. It is also prohibited for anyone to touch the jewelry other than its owner.
  4. If a stone is to influence human psychology, then it must be worn in a visible place.
  5. Astrologers also recommend that the mineral touches the body directly and not through clothing.

If the owner of the amulet loses it one day, then don’t be upset, it’s good sign. A lost mineral means that it has fulfilled its functions, or has collected too much negative energy, which can change a person's life.

Stones for improving health

You can use talismans not only to attract success and protect against negative influence, but they are also used to improve health:

  1. In order to get rid of colds, you can use cat's eye, amber or aquamarine.
  2. For any mental disorders and low mood, jewelry with sapphires, lapis lazuli, diamonds, topazes, corals, rubies and other stones is often used.
  3. For fast healing For wounds, ulcers and abrasions, amulets decorated with malachite, onyx, coral or lapis lazuli are well suited.
  4. If you have hearing problems, jade, amber, malachite and topaz jewelry will be good helpers.
  5. Minerals such as tiger's eye, malachite, lapis lazuli, amber, carnelian and others will help get rid of rheumatism.
  6. To provide a general tonic effect on the body, it is good to use aventurine, pomegranate and rubies.

It’s not difficult to determine which stone is my talisman, the main thing is to trust your heart and listen to your inner voice. If a person is attached to an amulet with a mineral, then this is really his gem and it will be a reliable amulet and talisman.

In many Asian countries, the year of the goza (or sheep) will begin tonight. And this is a good reason to clarify questions astrological properties precious stones. Everything in nature is living, including rocks and minerals. Each stone has its own unique bioenergy, and it is especially strong in precious stones. Geologists are well aware of what processes occur in the earth's crust over thousands and millions of years, how stones are born, live and die. The internal structure of stones and crystals is also well known. Stones, like everything on Earth, are influenced by the Moon and planets solar system, because the Earth is an integral part of the Universe. Inside natural crystals there are energy nodes that have positive and negative charges. Each gem, when it comes into contact with a person’s aura, has one effect or another on it. What science is beginning to discover today (did you know that the largest number Nobel Prizes in the 20th century received for discoveries in the field of crystallography?) - knew ancient people . Stones, like All living things radiate “qi” energy.

Indian astrologers claim that each gemstone affects a certain type of person according to their astrological characteristics. The sages believed that stones are always associated with the forces of the astral plane and with the person onto whom these forces are projected. Astrologers even use gemstones to communicate with the astral world in order to obtain information through them regarding, say, a person's past or future. To do this, the astrologer orients a crystal of a precious stone, be it a ruby ​​or an emerald, in a special way, passing rays of small light through it, and then peers closely at one of its faces, reading information from it.

All gemstones are associated with the astral world, and each stone corresponds to a specific zodiac sign. Astrologers divided the zodiac signs into 4 elements - fire, air, earth, water - and into two principles - “yang” and “yin”.

“Yang” is a positive masculine principle, it has creative, giving energy.
“Yin” is the feminine negative principle, has a taking, perceiving character.

The astral qualities of stones are determined not by hardness, but by their transparency, color and purity of color.Astrologers classify all transparent gemstones as “yang”, and all opaque gemstones as “yin”. Transparent and translucent stones express the elements of fire and air, while opaque stones correspond to the elements of water and earth. The element of water also includes stones that change color, such as opal.

Stones are grouped according to the elements and constellations of the zodiac.


The most wonderful gemstones are associated with the element of fire.

Constellation Aries- diamond;
Constellation a lion- ruby, pyrope;
Constellation Sagittarius- sapphire.

All these stones concentrate the powerful astral energy of their constellations and have a strong biofield.

Diamond - the strongest magic stone, which can bring its owner both happiness and misfortune. If a diamond was passed to its owner by inheritance or received as a gift from relatives or friends, this is good. If it is purchased, then it cannot be worn immediately, it must get used to the owner, lie in his house for at least 7 years, after which it can be worn. A diamond stolen or acquired dishonestly will bring misfortune and quick death to its owner.

Ruby - a stone of the constellation Leo, one of the most revered gems by Buddhists. It is a stone of power, strength and violent energy associated with karmaother people, strong and bright. Scarlet, clean water ruby, this clot of violent energy, strengthens strength, drives away melancholy and protects from evil spells, changing its color shades warns its owner of imminent danger.

Close to ruby fire stone (pyrope)- the reddest of all stones, having absorbed the fiery energy of the planet Mars. This stone brings happiness to energetic and emotional people who live in constant tension of their strength. This is explained by the fact that the fire stone itself is a source of bioenergy, giving a strong energy boost to a person. He constantly arouses energy and passion in people. Yogis say that the fire stone turns blood red on the hand of a very active and passionate person. However, it should not be worn by inert, cold and overly rational people - it creates unfavorable situations for them.

Sapphire is a Sagittarius stone that concentrates the blue astral color. This marvelous magical stone radiates powerful cosmic energy, arousing concentration and purity of the soul, strengthening loyalty and prudence in a person, protecting him from treachery and fear, cooling his passion. Star sapphires made of three and even six intersecting lines, symbolizing the magic numbers “3” and “6,” have special magical powers.


Royal stones do not belong to the element of earth - its stones are much simpler, but remarkable in their own way and have energy.

Constellation Taurus- agate, aventurine, malachite;
Constellation Virgo- jade, onyx;
Constellation Capricorn- chrysoberyl, zircon, black obsidian.

In the constellation Taurus there are three stones of different composition - agate (yellow), aventurine and malachite.

Agate atTaurus is necessarily yellow, such as on Ikh-Jargalan from the Eastern Gobi. The Mongols call it the ball of mana. This stone promotes the development internal energy“Qi” also gives confidence to a person. Lamas had a belief that yellow agate expels evil spirits from a person’s home and body.

Aventurine - another interesting Taurus stone, undeservedly forgotten at the present time. This is a stone of joy, uplifting, enhancing a person’s emotional intensity. However, you can only wear it continuously for one lunar phase, which is associated with a change in the energy of the stone itself.

Malachite - a stone of evergreen foliage, harmony and love. This is a magical stone that has strong energy and promotes emotional excitability.

There are two stones in the constellation Virgo: jade and onyx.

Jade - a stone mined in Burma. It has many magical properties: it reacts to weather changes and regulates arterial pressure. People suffering from hypertension or a predisposition to it benefit from wearing jade bracelets and beads.

Onyx , yellow and red, is a stone famous in India. And there is a lot of it in the Mongolian Gobi. This stone is very good for Virgo and all other zodiac signs. It concentrates bioenergy and removes diseases from the human body.

There are three interesting stones associated with Capricorn: to whom Indian magicians attribute all sorts of extraordinary properties, This chrysoberyl, zircon and black obsidian.

Boucheron, 1900

The most precious of them ischrysoberyl , transparent green, like the sacred waters of the Ganges. This is one of those stones that connect the mineral kingdom with the rest of the world. It allows magicians to understand the language of birds and animals, and ordinary people brings insight and strengthens family and kinship ties.

Zircon clean and bright color, like strongly brewed Indian tea or cognac, is not inferior in brilliance to the diamond itself. It is found in India, where it is considered a bioenergy concentrator, instilling confidence in a person and helping him expose deceptions.

Black obsidian used in magic to concentrate the forces of the astral plane. In ordinary life, it is a stone of caution, protecting against bad love and unworthy actions. In general, black obsidian is a savior stone; it can be worn as a talisman.


Constellation Twins- carnelian, rhodonite;
Constellation Scales- amethyst;
Constellation Aquarius- jade, chrysoprase.

Gemini has two stones: carnelian and rhodonite.

Liberty & Co, 1920

Cornelian has a color from yellow to reddish, the stone is transparent and always clean (without black and white inclusions, because this stone is dying, has destroyed its structure and brings misfortune). Carnelian is a stone of the Sun, which has absorbed its energy and hot radiant color. It stabilizes and strengthens the bioenergy “qi”, so Geminis are recommended to wear it in the form of jewelry or talismans.

Rhodonite - a soft pink stone that awakens hidden talents in a person.

Belongs to the constellation Libra one wonderful violet-colored stone, whose name amethyst.

Amethyst - stone of the world, peace of mind and harmony, it carries positive charges of energy that have a beneficial effect on a weak and unstable aura. According to popular belief, amethyst eliminates speech defects and prevents the development of vices.

The constellation Aquarius has two unique stones.

The first one is chrysoprase - a bright green transparent stone, very beautiful, but unusual and strange: it does not like suspicious and deceitful people and darkens before their eyes. He serves honest Aquarians faithfully and is a talisman that protects them from dangers and attracts good people to them.

Ralph Laurent, 2011

Yu-shi (nephritis)- a national Chinese stone that has long been mined in the spurs of Kuen Lun. The Chinese distinguished several varieties of yu-shi - white, black, red (cock), grass and blue. Yu-shi has strong energy: in ordinary life, it promotes happy changes and leads out of a dead end. This is a stone for single people; they should always wear yu-shi as a talisman. It also helps those Aquarians who often suffer from kidney problems; in the West they call it “kidney stone”. Yu-shi is also an indicator of your behavior - if it becomes cloudy and then darkens, it means that it convicts you of your sins.


Constellation Cancer- emerald, heliotrope, jandaracand;
Constellation Scorpion— alexandrite, tourmaline, bloodstone, turquoise;
Constellation Fish- opal, aquamarine.

Cancer owns one of the most beautiful and magical gems - the emerald.

Emerald - a stone that gives to its green and positive energy, fun and joy to people. It is most shown to a person with pure karma, who has fully understood himself and achieved absolute clarity of thoughts and spiritual perfection. This stone absolutely does not tolerate deceitful and evil people - it brings them misfortune. Indian magicians used emerald to communicate with the astral world and predict the future. Holding this stone and being in a meditative state, they read with their mind's eye all the information imprinted in the stone: people, pictures of nature, cities and other visions. Emerald promotes health and longevity, because it has a large positive “chi” that neutralizes negative charges. This happens when a person’s aura of heavy, negatively charged “qi” thickens due to evil and gloomy thoughts. “This stone,” Liu Ming-gen said enthusiastically, “is mesmerizing and calming with its color alone, you look at it and forget about everything.

Another Cancer stone is heliotrope.. A unique green stone, on which, if you look closely, barely noticeable red spots appear and always a certain magic number. What is this? Heliotrope is a stone of Mystery, which is why Indian magicians and alchemists wore rings with heliotrope. It can also be worn by ordinary people obsessed with some idea, especially scientists and philosophers; it will bring them success.

Another famous Cancer stone isjandaracand(Moonstone).

Jandarakand means "moonlight". The stone is so named because it has absorbed the color and reflection of the Moon. This is one of the most revered stones by moon worshipers in India. On the new moon, the jandarakand is filled with a special chilling radiance, at this moment all its power is concentrated in it. Magic force. Its cold, gradually increasing glow arouses dreaminess in people, gives them softness and tenderness, reduces internal tension, eliminates anger and excessive self-confidence. IN folk medicine It was previously believed that jandarakand with its rays heals epilepsy and painful dreams.

Scorpio has some great stones.

The most amazing of them isalexandrite . Alexandrite has a sensitive and strong energy, quickly reacting with the color of the stone from bluish-green to purple-red, and sometimes yellow. The appearance of a yellow color in a stone is a harbinger of a coming grave misfortune. Alexandrite on a person’s hand reacts sharply to any everyday situation. It must be said that this is a difficult stone, a stone of testing, and therefore is suitable only for strong-willed Scorpios. A strong Scorpio who possesses alexandrite must be patient in overcoming difficult trials, then victory and beneficial influence stone, because it regulates blood circulation, cleanses the blood and strengthens blood vessels.

Another very good stone for Scorpios istourmaline . It happens different color- red, green, blue, black, yellow and white, and sometimes even two- and three-color. The most magical of them is red tourmaline, which brings happiness and success in love to men, increasing their bioenergy and strengthening potency.

Scorpio also hasbloodstone (hematite) , black and shiny, like iron, and ground into powder - the color of pigeon's blood. This is the stone of magicians and spellcasters, who used it to summon spirits and draw with them. secret signs and magic circles on the floor that can supposedly protect against attacks from space and defeat evil spirits. The bloodstone contains the power of Mars and enormous bioenergy, which allows Scorpios wearing this stone to influence other people with their aura.

Another very strong Scorpio stone -turquoise.

Turquoise - a stone of luck and peace, designed to tame quarrels and enmity between people, to pacify unjustified anger and evil thoughts in them. Like all living things in nature, turquoise experiences birth, youth, maturity, old age and death, changing its shades with age from white to blue, blue, greenish-blue and, finally, green. Young and young turquoise, azure as the sky, “feeds” people with its bioenergy; it happens that she suddenly “gets old”, almost before our eyes, with this she signals serious illness the one who wears it. Green turquoise is an already faded stone in which the power of Saturn is hidden. It can only be worn by Saturnians who have reached maturity and the age of Saturn - 65 years. It must be said that burnt bone, plastic, and porcelain are often passed off as real turquoise in India and China. Any fakes, as well as artificial stones, do not have energy, they are completely indifferent, and therefore completely useless.

The constellation Pisces has two precious stones- opal and aquamarine.

Opal - a stone of deceptive hopes and illusions, darkening the mind with empty dreams and all kinds of fears. It can only be worn by very strong Pisces and magicians, who, by changing its color and shine, can determine the approach of danger caused by the opal.

Belle Epoque, 1910

Aquamarine - pure color stone sea ​​water, has positive energy that has a beneficial effect on a person and lifts his mood. However, when wearing aquamarine, you must remember and follow one rule: never lie - otherwise the effect of the stone will stop.

Here are all the stones of the twelve constellations of the zodiac

Based on the book by the writer and exploration geologist Lipovsky “The Precious Necklace of the Gobi.”