The same fish that can often be found on fish counters is called “golden spar” or sea crucian in the language of science, as well as small coryphaena and small dorado. But we are closer to the dorado or sea bream. The basis for the name (Port. “dorado”, Spanish. “dorada”, French. “daurade” - golden, golden) was the presence of a yellow stripe between the eyes. It is relatively small, by sea standards, commercial fish. However, record specimens can reach 17 kg with a body length of 70 cm. Habitat - Mediterranean Sea and the East.

It is curious that the history of eating dorado goes back more than one millennium. So, the residents were great connoisseurs of this fish Ancient Rome who even grew it in salt ponds. It remains an object of fish farming in our time. Fish farmers in Mediterranean countries, such as Spain, successfully continue the work of their ancient Roman colleagues. But cunning Maltese jewelers in ancient times found another use for fish. They made rings with dorado fangs, passing them off as magical snake teeth.

The question often arises: is dorado a feminine or masculine noun? And this is where the most interesting thing is hidden. The fact is that the small (or small?) dorado is a protandric hermaphrodite. This rare phrase means that an organism changes its gender throughout life. In dorado, this is expressed in the fact that until the age of 1-2 years the individual is male, and after that it becomes capable of spawning. So the question of gender depends only on finding out the age of the fish.

However, one should not confuse the Mediterranean dorado with another inhabitant of the tropical and subtropical parts of all oceans, although it is also a dorado. We are talking about a larger brother of the golden spar - the tropical dorado, which the British call dolphin fish, the Italians call lampuga, and in the countries of the Indian Ocean - mahi-mahi. Moreover, in mahi-mahi only males are called, and females are called “dorad”. That's right, sea bream is not a typo.

Unlike its marine counterpart, mahi-mahi is not subject to commercial net fishing; rather, it is a coveted trophy fish. The steep-faced individuals of this species reach 80 kg and have a length of up to 2 m. The world record is 87 kg. But average weight fluctuates between 10-15 kg, with a length of 1 meter. Lampuga is a schooling pelagic fish, that is, it lives in the water column and closer to the surface, so it can rarely be found in shallow water near the shore. It has an amazing blue-green-yellow color that quickly fades after death. The value from a fishing point of view lies in its speed.

A fast swimmer and acrobat, the tropical dorado can reach speeds of up to 80 km/h over short distances, stubbornly resisting the fisherman and throwing itself out of the water in dizzying candles. Mahi-mahi prefers flying fish to all other delicacies, which it attacks as it falls into the water. You can take advantage of this by using rigs with real flying fish to catch it.

Japanese fishermen use an interesting way of catching this fish, using its habit of hiding under floating reeds and other debris. They specially scatter reed mats across the water, luring fish. , while making his famous trip to Kon-Tiki along the routes of the ancient Polynesians, he noticed that throughout the entire trip flocks of mahi-mahi were constantly near the reed raft. This observation served as an answer to the question about the diet of sailors during long voyages.

The varieties described above are still related species; they belong to the genus Coryphen. But in the fresh waters of South America there are many, where another fish is found that has little in common with the previous ones. Local residents call it the “river tiger”. The huge head of this fish makes up 1/5 of the total size and is equipped with powerful jaws with sharp teeth.

The golden color of the scales of this tireless and furious predator determined its name. Incredibly, it is also tautologically called the golden dorado. In the Amazon basin there is a whole culture of catching this fish, a favorite pastime for tourists. Like the great sea tiger, the sea tiger is a pelagic predator, which determines the methods of catching it: fly fishing and spinning. It feeds on fish, amphibians and even small birds. Despite its relatively small sizes(world record - 25 kg), this dorado offers such monstrous resistance that special strength is required from the gear.

But despite the differences, all sea breams are united by one very positive common feature- their gastronomic attractiveness. This is the case when “the spool is both not small and expensive.”

" The basis of this diet is olive oil and fish.

If you ask yourself what fish is considered “the most Spanish,” the first thing that comes to mind is the sea bream. In this article we will talk about what kind of fish this is and how it is connected with Spain.

Dorado. History and geography.

"Dorado" means "gold". In modern Spanish, the word "oro" is used more often, which causes confusion in determining the meaning of this word. At the beginning of the colonial era, symbolizing the historical greatness of Spain, conquerors from the Iberian Peninsula were looking for the mythical land of Eldorado. According to legend, this country was in South America and was rich in gold. This is where the name “El Dorado” came from.

On the map of modern Spain we can also see the toponym “dorado”. The world famous and most popular Spanish resort is called “Costa Dorado”, i.e. "Dorado Coast" Some tourists, when they are served bream fish dishes at a resort, think that the coast is so named because bream fish are found near it. For this reason, many associate this breed of fish with Spain.

In fact, there is another version of the name of the coast: the Gold Coast. Those who have been to this Spanish resort know that it impresses with its golden sand beaches.

The name of the fish “dorada” also comes down to the word “gold”. Scientifically, the fish is called sparus aurata (from the Latin aurum - gold), and in Russian - golden spar. This fish can be caught off the coast of Spain, including not far from the coast of the same name.

There is another fish called the dorado, which, oddly enough, is also associated with the Spanish-speaking world. Found in the Amazon basin off the coast Latin America, A best place Argentina is considered the best place to catch it, where the Dorado Festival is held annually. This fish has a bright golden color, in Russian it is called “golden dorado” to avoid confusion with other sea inhabitants of the same name. “Latin American” has nothing in common with the Mediterranean golden spar except the name.

It is also worth noting that the rules for writing and declension of the name of this fish in the Russian language have not yet been established, however, the Mediterranean fish is most often called in the feminine gender “dorada” and is declined accordingly. And Latin American fish are usually called “dorado” in the masculine gender and not declined, although you can find the name “dorado” in relation to golden sparr.

Golden spar

The Sparidae family belongs to the order Perciformes; they are also called sea crucians. Therefore, in a sense, sea bream is a Spanish perch or crucian carp, but it would be more correct to say not Spanish, but Mediterranean. It is still not entirely correct to associate sea bream fish exclusively with Spain. This fish is found in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, mainly in its eastern part. In rare cases, if you are very lucky, fish can be found in the Black Sea.

Dorado fish is well known in all Mediterranean countries. It has been used as food since ancient times, in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. The Greeks dedicated this fish to the goddess Aphrodite. And the Romans fattened her up in salt pools. Artificial breeding of this fish is still common today in many countries of Southern Europe.

The Mediterranean sea bream, also known as the golden spar or aurata, is a silvery, oval-shaped fish, somewhat similar to the crucian carp and roach we are used to; it is similar to the perch in having a solid and spiny dorsal fin. The fish has a fairly massive head, and its distinctive feature is the golden spot between the eyes.

Dorado is not considered very much big fish, however, its length can reach more than half a meter, the weight of a large individual reaches 17–18 kg. There are also giants weighing up to 50 kg. Fishermen and cooks hold medium and small fish in high esteem; they usually use fish weighing about a kilogram for cooking, and the most delicious meat is considered to be the meat of a small fish, which weighs about 0.5 kg.

Dorada can be considered a conditionally predatory fish; it feeds on small marine life: plankton, mussels, worms, shrimp, but also does not disdain plant foods. The fish lives mainly in shallow waters, along ports and rocky ridges, as well as in river mouths. Its diet and habitat make fishing easier for amateur fishermen; the fish can be caught with gear that resembles a fishing rod with a float and sinker, familiar to many from childhood.

Culinary properties

Dorada – white fish, with aromatic slightly pinkish meat. This fish has very few bones, which makes it easier to use in cooking and increases its popularity among chefs and gourmets. In addition, sea bream is one of the most delicious fish family Sparaceae. It is very useful because it contains many trace elements: iodine, manganese, boron, fluorine, copper, zinc and others, and is also low in calories, which makes it suitable for dietary nutrition.


You can cook fish in different ways. The most common recipe is baking in foil with vegetables. Even a novice housewife can handle this recipe. Simple and fast!

  1. Clean the fish from entrails and scales. Wash and place on foil.
  2. Prepare vegetables: peel and cut potatoes into large slices, chop asparagus, peel and cut onions into rings, prepare olives. Wash and cut the lemon into slices.
  3. Place the vegetables next to the fish if the fish is small, or place them inside the fish if the carcass is large.
  4. Salt lightly.
  5. Wrap the foil, leaving a small hole for steam.
  6. Bake in the oven for 20–30 minutes. Very large fish may take a little longer.
  7. After cooking, unwrap the foil and place the vegetables and fish on a plate. Can be served with tomato salad.

This is just one of many options for preparing fish with vegetables. Fish is also baked on a bed of vegetables or with potatoes. A similar recipe for cooking fish in the oven is called “Spanish Dorada”. The main difference with the above recipe is that for fish and vegetables, a marinade sauce of parsley and olive oil, with which the fish is lubricated outside and inside. To make the fish better fried, cuts are made in it. Spanish dorada is usually baked without foil and with potatoes.

Costa Dorada - coast Mediterranean Sea in Catalonia. Therefore, it is natural that sea bream is prepared in Catalonia.

Recipe for sea bream in Catalan style

  1. Clean the fish, gut it, make cuts on large carcasses.
  2. Peel the tomatoes; To do this easily, you need to dip the tomatoes in boiling water for a few seconds.
  3. Chop tomatoes and garlic.
  4. Pour olive oil into a baking dish and place fish and vegetables there, pour over white wine and add salt.
  5. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  6. Bake for 20–40 minutes depending on the size of the fish.
  7. Serve with boiled potatoes or rice.

There are also more exotic recipes, for example, sea bream with fennel and nectarines or sea bream with mango sauce. The essence of these recipes is the same almost everywhere - the fish is baked, sometimes fried in oil until golden crust and served with various vegetables and even

Sea crucian carp, belonging to the genus Sparus, has many names: golden spar, sea bream, aurata. Almost all names mention one of the main features of this fish - the presence of a golden stripe, which is located between the eyes. The habitat of the golden spar includes the entire Mediterranean Sea, the eastern part of the Atlantic, and in some cases it is found in the Black Sea, but such cases cannot be called frequent. Adults prefer deep waters, while young animals prefer shallow coastal waters.

Appearance of Dorado fish

Sea bass is a fairly large fish. The length of its body can reach seventy centimeters and its weight seventeen kilograms.
The body of the sea bream has an oval shape and a steep head profile. Above the eyes you can see a sharp protrusion of jagged scales. There are no spines on the gill cover; its edge is smooth. This fish has a lower mouth, which indicates that it feeds on bottom-dwelling organisms. The jaws move forward slightly, with the upper one slightly longer than the lower one.

The dorsal fin is long and undivided. The caudal fin has a dark border and light ends. The general body color of the spar is silver, and the fins have a pinkish tint.

Features of life

Dorada feeds on fish, mollusks and crustaceans, seaweed. In captivity, she is fed with special granulated food.
Golden spars breed from October to November, when they spawn. Sexual distribution is typical for species with protandric hermaphroditism. Juveniles are males in the first two years of life, then become females as they mature.

Sea breams are objects of farm breeding. This fish was familiar to people already in Ancient world. The ancient Romans valued the meat of sea bream and fattened it in special pools. Breeding and husbandry techniques developed in the Middle Ages and later. The method of growing in captivity is still actively used today.

Properties of Dorada meat and its preparation

Particularly clean water is used to maintain sea bream. They feed her special food. All tricks allow you to get meat white, dense and with a subtle aroma. All these aspects do not make the cost lower, but the popularity of sea bream meat is increasing.
Sea bream meat is low-calorie - the calorie content of one hundred grams of the product is only ninety-six kilocalories. The same amount of meat contains less than two grams of fat.

This fish is prepared in a variety of ways. The most commonly used methods are baking or grilling. If you cook this fish on the stove, you should use sauce to make the meat juicier. Low fat content leads to excessive drying. Classic sauce consists of dry white wine, olive oil and garlic.

Sea bream meat goes well with vegetables. It can be baked in a potato crust or served separately as baked, fried, or stewed vegetables.

Cutting Dorado fish - Video

Golden Dorado

Despite the name, no relation to those of the same name sea ​​fish he does not have. It belongs to the characins and is rather a relative of the African tiger fish. And it got its name from the legendary El Dorado, by association with its gold.

1. General description of Dorada fish

The most common fish names are Dorada (not to be confused with Dorado): Golden Spar, Aurata, Sea Carp, Sea Bream (Latin: Sparus aurata). Hebrew: דניס (denees), צ’יפורה.

The body is oval. The body is flattened laterally, with a steep profile of the head; there is a distinct sharp protrusion above the eyes. The scales are large and jagged, and the head is also covered with scales. The operculum is without spines, the edge of the operculum is smooth. The head is more than 2 times the diameter of the eyes.

The mouth is small with thick lips located at the bottom of the head. The jaws move forward only slightly, the upper jaw is somewhat longer. Both jaws have 4-6 strong teeth at the front for catching prey, followed by a row of crooked but sharp teeth, followed by two rows of chewing teeth. Vomer and palatine bones without teeth.

Long, undivided dorsal fin, with 11 spiny and 13-14 soft rays. Anal fin with 3 spiny and 11-12 soft rays. Pectoral fin with 1 spiny ray and 5 soft rays.

The color is silver-gray. Fins with a pink tint. The caudal fin has a dark border in the middle and white tips. At the base of the last ray of the dorsal fin there is a small red-brown spot that disappears after death.

2. Distribution and habitats of sea crucian carp

Dorada fish lives in the salt water of the eastern part Atlantic Ocean from the UK to Senegal and throughout. Cases have been recorded of sea crucian carp being caught in the waters of the Black Sea. Since 2000, cases of detection sea ​​crucian in the Black Sea have become significantly more frequent.

Born in October-December in the open sea, young sea bream are closer to early spring head to coastal waters rich in food. There they can often be found in lagoons and even in marine estuaries of brackish water rivers. At the end of autumn, having fattened up, the sea crucian returns to the open sea.

In the open sea, sea bream or seabream is most often found on a rocky bottom with vegetation, but this fish is just as often caught on a sandy bottom. Young Dorada individuals prefer depths of up to 30 m, while older individuals live at an average depth of 50 m. There are cases when large individuals were caught at a depth of about 150 m.

3. Age and size of Dorada fish

According to " International Association Sports Fishing" (IGFA - the record for catching Dorada fish was recorded in 2001 at Fort Lauderdale in the USA. The caught fish sample weighed 17.2 kg. The maximum recorded length is 70 cm. The average size of the fish is about 35 cm. The maximum life expectancy is about 10-11 years.

Angler: Mr, Miquel-Angel Collell Urbano, SPAIN.

Juveniles of Dorada up to 35 cm usually live in shallow waters up to 30 meters. Older representatives from 35 cm can live at depths of over 30 meters. The largest individuals can descend to depths of up to 150 m.

4. Lifestyle of the fish Sparus aurata

Dorada fish or sea crucian lead a sessile, bottom-dwelling lifestyle. They are found both alone and in small flocks. The most favorable climate for life is subtropical with water temperatures up to 26 °C.

4.1 Reproduction - time and characteristics of spawning

Dorada fish is a hermaphrodite. All fish born are male. Then, after reaching an age of more than 2 years, they turn into women. Puberty in men occurs between 1 and 2 years with a fish size of 20-30 cm, and in women between the ages of 2 and 3 years with a size of 33-40 cm.

4.2 Diet – what does Dorada eat?

Dorada fish (sea crucian) are mainly carnivorous, but if there is a shortage of food, they can supplement their diet with plant foods. The main sources of food are: shellfish (mussels, oysters, which it can easily crush with its powerful jaws), crustaceans (small crustaceans), fish, sea worms, and, if necessary, seaweed.

5. Catching Dorad. How, what and when to fish Dorada (denis) in the Mediterranean Sea

The section requires significant revision and addition. If you have something to say on this issue, do not be lazy, share information with us in the comments, and I will be happy to add it to the article, leaving you the authorship.

For lovers of fishing sea ​​waters We suggest you familiarize yourself with detailed information about the Mediterranean Sea, its weather conditions, relief, water temperature, water flow and inhabitants -

5.1. Biting calendar - when the Dorado fish bites

In the Mediterranean Sea, Dorada fish begin to bite from April to December inclusive.

5.2. What gear to use for catching sea crucian carp

Any bottom gear is suitable for catching Dorad.

5.3. Baits for catching Dorado

On this moment no information on this issue. If you have information about what baits are used and how they are used when catching sea crucian carp, I would be very grateful if you share this information in the comments.

5.4. What baits and baits to fish Dorada (Denis)

To catch Dorado fish, bait of animal origin is most often used. Below are the baits with which I personally managed to catch Dorada in the Mediterranean Sea.

  1. cinnamon

There is information, but not personally verified, that Dorada fish are caught using the following baits.

Dorado is a fish that belongs to the Sparidae family; it is also called sea crucian carp. For her life, she chooses mainly tropical oceans and seas, where she feels best. It is also called “coryphaena”, and is quite strange in appearance: it has a blunt head, a pronounced long fin and a tail clearly divided into two parts.

In some countries it is called the dolphin fish, but it is best known as the dorado.

One of the features of this fish is its bright color, usually blue and green or yellow, but its brightness appears only during life; after death, the color fades.

Coryphaena is capable of migrating over very long distances, so it can be found all over the world in those seas and oceans that have tropical or temperate climate. The largest fish of this species ever caught weighed 39 kg.

Fish in different countries

But dorado is valued not only for its taste: in Malta, some unscrupulous jewelers used the teeth of this fish, which are shaped like fangs. Rings were made from them and sold under the guise of snake teeth frames, because in Malta it was believed that snake teeth had magical properties.

Even in ancient times, this fish was dedicated to the goddess of love, Aphrodite, due to its exquisite beauty and very delicate taste. This idea migrated to modern world: Now on some Caribbean islands it is recommended for lovers to consume it, since among fish it is considered the goddess of love.

Dorado is highly valued in Asia Minor, where it is considered a fish that can decorate any festive table. In addition, in Hawaii you can often find it in restaurants.

It is also served in restaurants in Malta, for which it is most often baked whole, together with the head and tail, or used as a filling for pies.

The fact is that gourmets have long noticed that this fish tastes best when it is cooked whole: baked or fried with the head.

An individual measuring from 20 to 40 cm is considered ideal for taste, and if the size of the frying pan allows, it can simply be fried.

Growing Dorado

Dorado has been known for a very long time; in the Mediterranean it was and remains the most popular fish. Some of the first mentions of it date back to the times of Ancient Rome, where this fish was so appreciated that it was specially grown in artificial ponds and pools in order to later be used for culinary purposes. The same method of growing dorado was used in Venice, around the end of the 19th century.

The history of artificial cultivation of dorado continues to this day: it was adopted from Ancient Rome by modern cooks in France, Greece and Italy. It is there that it is still grown in salty artificial reservoirs, where sufficient heat so that the fish feels comfortable. To give the dorado the most intense taste and convey all the beneficial properties, it is now grown not just in ponds and pools, but in special aquariums that have special lighting, as well as a temperature that is designed to imitate a certain time of year, ideal for this fish.

Composition of fish

This fish is highly valued by people who watch their diet or are on a diet, as it contains minimal amount fat: less than 2 grams per 100 grams of fish. Meanwhile, 100 grams of the product contains 21 grams of protein, so it is very useful, including for those who play sports.

100 grams of this fish contain approximately 96 kilocalories, while it contains a fairly high concentration of protein, which makes it very nutritious.

Composition of fish
18.5 g
0.7 g
0.19 g
0.17 g
0.12 g
73 mg
77.5 g
Vitamins and minerals
54 mcg
0.02 mg
0.07 mg
0.75 mg
0.4 mg
5 mcg
6.1 mg
0.9 mg
143 mg
12 mg
30 mg
15 mg
0.46 mg
6.7 mg
36.5 mg
0.04 mg
88 mg
0.02 mg
65 mcg

This fish is most valued due to its unique composition and the large number of useful substances it contains. It is not very well suited for quick and effective satiation, since dorado contains relatively little a large number of There are practically no calories, and thanks to which food takes a long time to digest, there are also practically no calories.

This means that it is ideal for dietary nutrition, but is not at all suitable for people who need a lot of energy, such as athletes. However, dorado is very important to include in your daily diet, as it contains:

  1. Proteins that are easily digestible. They are ideal for consumption by children and the elderly, as well as pregnant women.
  2. Saturated fatty acids, including essential fatty acids to the human body. All these acids are necessary to ensure normal metabolic process between cells and for the development of brain neurons, as well as as a prevention of various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Beneficial features

Dorado, like any other fish, contains a high concentration of iodine. In addition, it is rich in copper and manganese, and also contains zinc. All these substances are necessary to maintain normal metabolism.

This fish contains a large amount of polyunsaturated acids, which act as an effective prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, including their ability to support the body and reduce the risk of developing cancer. The iodine contained in fish contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, increases mental activity, and helps replenish iodine deficiency in the body, if necessary.

Iodine is found in many types of fish, but dorado is considered one of the record holders; in particular, it contains more iodine than or. The phosphorus contained in fish, among other things, promotes better absorption of vitamins and minerals, and also supports normal chemical processes in the human body.

Thanks to the balanced chemical composition and its beneficial properties, it is recommended to include fish in the diet, including for people with diabetes, after a heart attack, suffering from atherosclerosis, or for those who need to lower blood cholesterol levels.

This fish is useful, including for improving appearance, as it helps delay aging, significantly improves brain function and memory, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, makes blood vessels more elastic, maintains skin elasticity and strengthens nails. In addition, the substances contained in dorado help get rid of hair loss and dandruff, and saturate the hair with useful substances.

Dorado in cooking

IN artificial conditions this fish is kept in perfect condition clean water, special feed is used for its growth. The result is fish with dense white meat, which has a pleasant subtle aroma. Due to the fact that it is mainly grown in artificial conditions for restaurants, it can be classified as a delicacy, and not the cheapest one at that. Despite this, the popularity of dorado among gourmets around the world is only growing, so every year everything is grown more fish in artificial farms.

Typically, fish farms sell fish weighing from 300 to 600 grams, but in France larger specimens are valued: they usually buy fish that weigh more than a kilogram. Therefore, royal and gray dorado are especially popular among gourmets, due to their rich taste and special property. In particular, the king dorado has pinkish meat and a much more delicate taste.

How to choose

Dorado has several distinctive features, which will help you choose exactly this fish and not make a mistake. First of all, it usually has a dark gray back, and a slightly lighter belly. The fish's mouth is quite large, its lips are quite pronounced, and right between the eyes there is a small golden spot.

When choosing fish, pay attention to ensure that its fins and tail are not dry, as this indicates a long shelf life. Be sure to inspect the gills: they should have bright red color, and the fish itself should have a characteristic smell of the sea. When choosing, press on the fish carcass: if the meat is fresh and has not been frozen, it will quickly return to its natural shape after pressing.

Take the advice of gourmets: choose fish with a length of 20 to 40 cm, this is the optimal size for this fish, when it acquires the most pronounced taste, but at the same time it is quite convenient to cook.

How to cook

Gourmets like dorado also because it is very easy to prepare. It is not picky about cooking methods, so in Greece dorado is often grilled during picnics, resulting in a rich, pleasant taste without unnecessary hints of marinade or spices.

At home, dorado can be baked in the oven, adding only, which will not interrupt the natural taste of the fish. If you are going to fry or stew dorado, it is recommended to use sauce so that the meat absorbs as much juice as possible and is not dry.

Like any other fish, dorado goes perfectly with various vegetables, either baked or boiled. If you really like sauces, you can make a sauce for dorado based on fish broth, add a little natural vegetable oil and fresh vegetables.

You can cook dorado in huge quantities different ways, the main thing is to ensure that the cooking temperature is not too high during the cooking process, as this will negate not only many useful properties this fish, but can also spoil its delicate taste.

If roasting in the oven, keep it there for no more than 10 minutes to avoid burning and bitter taste in the tender meat.

If you steam it, you need to let it sit a little longer, about 15 minutes until full readiness. If you are the happy owner of a grill and will cook dorado outdoors or during a picnic, it is enough to fry it for only one and a half or two minutes so that it remains juicy and at the same time is perfectly prepared.

The same rule applies to cooking in a frying pan, just a couple of minutes - and it’s ready.

If you come across a large specimen, and you are afraid that it will not have time to bake, you need to make several deep cuts on its blocks. This will allow the temperature to apply evenly to the fish, and it will cook as quickly as its smaller counterparts.

Contraindications and dangerous properties

Like any other fish, dorado is extremely healthy, it is used in cooking all over the world, and can be included in the diet of people of any age. The only limitation is the small bones contained in the fish, due to which it should not be given to small children to avoid injury.