Policy regarding the processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

This personal data processing policy has been drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and determines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data of the private educational institution “First People's School” (hereinafter referred to as the Operator).

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7. Cross-border transfer of personal data

1. Before the start of cross-border transfer of personal data, the operator is obliged to make sure that the foreign state to whose territory it is intended to transfer personal data provides reliable protection of the rights of personal data subjects.

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8. Final provisions

1. The User can receive any clarification on issues of interest regarding the processing of his personal data by contacting the Operator via email [email protected].

2. This document will reflect any changes to the Operator’s personal data processing policy. The policy is valid indefinitely until it is replaced by a new version.

- a useful site with video lessons for schoolchildren in all basic subjects for all grades. The site will be useful not only for students, but also for teachers, as well as parents, who, as you know, often “study” with their children, helping with homework. In this review, we will look at the main features provided by the site, consider what online lessons are and whether they can become a full-fledged replacement for regular school lessons.

InernetUrok.ru – video lessons on the main subjects of the school curriculum

Interneturok.ru is a collection of video lessons on basic school subjects.

The site has a clear structure and pleasant design; you can easily navigate the menu on home page: select the desired subject, class and you can see the list of available online lessons. The programs are compiled by methodologists, they also check and approve each lesson before it appears on the portal. According to the creators of the portal, it can take about a month to prepare one video, since the process is complex and multi-stage. Despite repeated checking, there may be an error in the video, in which case the video will be re-shot.

In general, the ability to quickly correct something is a big plus of educational materials on the Internet. Once a book is published, it is no longer possible to correct an error (books without errors are almost never found, even if it is something academic or pre-academic), but online content, even videos, can be corrected.

Now there are thousands of lessons on the site, but content and filming continue. Some subjects and classes are fully represented, for example, 8th grade chemistry, 8th grade physics, but if you open 10th grade physics, we will see that some of the materials are still in development. This is not surprising - the project is non-profit and very large-scale.

Who are these lessons for?

1. Students.

First of all, video lessons on the school curriculum are needed, of course, by students: to broaden their horizons, in case they missed a lesson or the teacher is temporarily unavailable, for revision. In addition, there are children who, for various reasons, study at home. Even if you take an ideal school from an ideal universe, it never hurts to find out another point of view on some issue (professional).

2. Teachers and parents.

The materials are also used by teachers – both to prepare lessons and directly in the classroom. Interneturok.ru may also be of interest to parents who want to help with homework or find out what their children are taught at school. For teachers and parents there are special sections with lectures on child psychology, child health, and expert advice.

3. Simply curious people.

Even those who do not fall into the above categories can benefit from video tutorials. The school curriculum, by the way, is not such a simple thing. For example, I really liked the lessons on literature - it was my favorite subject at school, and it was also interesting to find out what they study in computer science, which, one might say, was not taught at school.

English language 2nd grade - example lesson

Let's look at what an online lesson is, using the page “English 2nd grade” as an example. I would like to immediately note that learning English at school has its own characteristics, the main of which, in my opinion, is student's focus on passing exams, tests, preparation for the Unified State Exam. Adults extremely rarely return many years after school to any subject,except foreign language . If you are interested not in school (passing an exam with 5), but in practical (working with foreigners) learning English, it is better to pay attention to special Internet resources and teaching aids. More details in this review:.

There are 28 lessons available in the section, they are grouped into the categories “Reading”, “Grammar”, “Vocabulary” and are in the order in which they should be in the school curriculum. Having chosen a topic, for example, “School supplies,” we move on to the video lesson itself.

Most of the lessons were filmed in the studio - sound and picture, like on TV

The video lessons are filmed with high quality, no worse than TV programs. Most online lessons take place in the studio; depending on the subject, auxiliary materials are actively used: images, diagrams, tables, close-up photographs of experiments (in physics and chemistry), maps (in history lessons). As you can see, in addition to the lesson itself, there are other sections on the page, let’s look at them in more detail.

  • Text lesson– under the video there is a text summary of the lesson. This is not a recording of a lesson word for word, but a summary - the most important things are selected with tables, diagrams, illustrations. Unfortunately, the design of the abstract, unlike the video, often leaves much to be desired, for example, there is poorly formatted text, especially lists, or crooked tables.
  • Exercise equipment– several control questions to ensure your understanding of the material.
  • Tests– there is almost no difference from “simulators”: a few more control questions. Repetition is the mother of learning!
  • Questions for the lesson– an important section for interaction between student and teacher. Here you can write a question, review, comment and find out the teacher’s opinion.

The greatest value is provided by high-quality video lessons and the opportunity to ask a question to the teacher. I note that for some subjects “simulators” and “tests” are not particularly relevant at all. For example, in the lessons about the poetry of N. Gumilyov there are also simulators, but they are there more for show. Some lessons do not have tests or simulators, but a question can be asked in the discussion of any lesson.

Mobile application InternetUrok.ru

Now every self-respecting online service has mobile application- already standard. “Online Lesson” keeps up with the times, although the application is currently only available for tablets. The application is in no way inferior to the larger version.

The application is available for Android and IOS.

Can an online lesson replace a school lesson?

The creators of the portal do not believe that it can displace or replace a regular school. As the project director said in an interview with hungryshark.ru: “We believe that our product is an addition to the school curriculum. Our videos can replace a temporarily absent teacher, enrich lessons at school, and make them clearer. We spend enormous efforts of many people on each lesson. There is only one teacher in the class. In school every year, tens of thousands of teachers teach the same Pythagorean theorem. Why not do the explanation of this theorem once?”


Interneturok.ru is not a replacement for school lessons, but a good addition to them. This is an open source of knowledge, useful primarily to those who really need it and are drawn to it. Judging by the reviews for the application on PlayMarket, the lessons help students understand complex material, repeat something, or look at an already known question from a different angle. The “finally clear!” effect occurs.

But on the other hand, someone will definitely not like the fact that there is essentially nothing else on the site other than video tutorials. It’s great if a student doesn’t need online lessons because everything is great at school, everything is there, everything is clear, but alas, not every student can boast of this. As I said

07.06.2011 02.02.2018

Like many pragmatists, I am very skeptical about online lessons directly in secondary schools. Meanwhile, one cannot completely discard this idea when it comes to distance learning children with disabilities or simply sick.

We must not forget about those village boys and girls small schools, where all subjects are sometimes taught by one “universal” teacher. All these students can be united Internet school , where the most experienced professionals from leading educational institutions can act as teachers.

For this purpose, a website was opened InternetUrok.ru, where the big one is collected collection of video lessons in basic school disciplines.

First of all, you should pay attention to high technical level resources. Video tutorials with good quality Images are viewed with almost no delay even on mediocre Internet connection speeds.

Convenient navigation is presented not only with a traditional menu, but also with a scrolling feed of recommended video lessons. For a number of classes, additional material is provided by the resources of the educational video portal UNIVER.

I have an opportunity "download" video lessons.

It will not be a revelation to conclude that Internet lessons, like regular lessons, can be good And bad. And, in my opinion, the last ones presented on the site video tutorials much more. Most often, the video tutorial is understood by developers in a very one-sided way.

On the face teacher's monologue, often without visible signs of visualization, which is quite strange, given the age characteristics of the students. Of all the video lessons I watched on the site, I can only give high marks to the lessons of the biology teacher at Central Education Center No. 1445 Yu. O. Shevyakhova.

The entire lesson was accompanied by animations and dynamic drawings.

The teacher did not dominate the screen, but throughout the entire lesson he accompanied the cognitive process.

The rest of the lessons I watched are depressing.

Even the surroundings in the footage don’t help. Teachers simply sound out the educational material in a boring way.

True, some of them sometimes use a board with pre-written formulas.

On the menu, in addition to the main ones academic disciplines, there is a page "To teachers, parents", where we may be interested in the section "Open lessons".

And here we could advise the developers of this project to be more partial about the selected lessons, which are perceived by users as a standard. It is unlikely that the open lessons presented can be considered masterpieces.

Thus, methodological support site InternetUrok.ru much lagging behind from its technical component.

The following video lessons were subjected to examination:

  1. Muscles. Types of muscles, their structure and significance. Teacher Shevyakhova Yu.O.
  2. Acceleration of gravity. Teacher Eryutkin E.S.
  3. Foreign policy. Russo-Japanese War. Cobb's teacher D.W.
  4. Covalent bond. Teacher Ivantsova Ya.I.
  5. Straight line and segment. Teacher Tarasov V.A.
  6. Magnetic field and its graphic representation. Public lesson teacher Korenevskaya E.V.

Overall Project Assessment Online lesson3 .

Comments to “ DID THE TEACHERS CALL? Collection of video tutorials

  1. Nadja Blust says:
    • Arina says:
      • Georgiy says:
  2. InternetUrok.ru project promotion manager Karina Yusupova says:
    • Georgiy says:
      • Irina says:
  3. Tatyana says:
  4. Irina says:
  5. Marina Yurievna says:
  6. OLGA says:
  7. Irina says:
    • Georgiy says:
  8. Marina says:
  9. Natalia says:
  10. Anna says:
  11. Leila says:
  12. Lyudmila Alexandrovna says:
  13. Elena says:
  14. aigul says:
  15. LERA says:
  16. Natalia says:
  17. Vladimir says:
  18. Zhanna says:
  19. Vera says:
  20. Olga says:
  21. Ksenia says:
  22. Tatyana Vasilievna says:
  23. Tatyana says:
  24. Zhanna says:

When good school It’s impossible to choose right away, and there’s no way to overcome distrust in the education system; many are inclined to homeschool their children. But this form has its own difficulties, which for many are completely insurmountable. If you choose family education, get ready that you will not so much save a child from school as you will return to it yourself and immerse yourself in the rules and equations again. Varvara Olenchenko shares her experience of teaching her son at home.

I’ll say right away that I initially considered home-based education for my son as a project. And after three months I decided to close this project. I inadequately assessed my organizational capabilities, my son’s ability to organize himself, the cost of training, etc.

For those who, like me, tired of fighting with school and children, consider this opportunity as a saving leap to freedom, I want to talk about what “pitfalls” you will have to stumble upon.

My vision of family education was approximately this: we will run through part of the program playfully at home, there is nothing exorbitant about it. And (this is very important) we are not talking about classes with a child who, during a break between clubs, hobbies and his own projects, leafs through textbooks. And about a child who will find a million ways to avoid all this. Second important note: we're talking about O high school with a large selection of items.

One evening, coming home from work, I opened my Russian textbook and said with a sigh: “Let’s study.” Before me there was a topic about spelling one or two “n” in adjectives, and there was an extensive algorithm with which it was necessary to determine how many “n” there would be in the end. And in addition to this, exception words. Remember? "Glass, tin, wood." The evening, which we usually spend talking, joking, reading aloud, turned into me trying to push these rules into the child. At the same time, he would like to watch his videos on YouTube, and I would like to read a book.

I opened textbooks on biology, history, geography, and a set of facts fell out at me. In the absence of school system the system of knowledge she proposed lost its meaning.

It became clear to me that studying school curriculum with my complete antipathy to its content and the child’s complete disinterest, it will turn into a war with myself and with him. But the task was to get away from the war for education and bring the family’s life into a more harmonious state.

Here are three questions to help you figure out if you're on the right track.

1. Can you be better than the school?

Yes, now anyone not only has unlimited access to information, but can also choose the form in which it is presented. You can watch fascinating BBC films, practice Russian using online trainers, English via Skype, and listen to lectures from the best teachers in the world.

But it works if you design your own homeschool system that works for you and your child. In fact, you will have to take on tasks that are usually performed by a whole team. And this requires knowledge, experience and skills. If you plan to develop them in the process, then your child and his education will become an experimental platform. The results may or may not be very successful.

2. School socialization is a myth, but can you find an alternative?

In articles about family education, a lot of true things are written about the notorious school socialization. What kind of socialization is this in a team where random people are gathered who are doing things that are not interesting to them? And mockery and humiliation, familiar to every schoolchild, do not contribute to the formation of successful behavior patterns.

I agree with every word. But I don’t agree that communication in circles and sections is a way to learn how to interact with a team. Probably, somewhere there are clubs where there is a constant composition of children, a talented, enthusiastic teacher, and the child will be lucky to find a friend or even several there. We haven't found one like this.

The most interesting STEM course, where the teacher was so captivating to the boys that they were sure to come out happy with the knowledge that overwhelmed them, was not a place where you could practice creating social connections. The rest of the classes were the same: the children came for a couple of hours, studied, communicated in the process, and left.

3. How much is your time worth?

If you do not practice unschooling, but plan to stay within the school curriculum, then it is worth taking a schedule and seeing how many hours are spent on a particular subject per week and per year. There is an opinion that the school is conditionally focused on the stupidest student, and therefore many subjects can be studied much faster. True, perhaps we fall into the trap of underestimating the importance of the technique, which involves constant repetition of the topics covered so that they are fixed in memory.

But even if you cut the number of hours in half or three, these will still be hours that you will have to spend on studying for the school curriculum. How long it will take your child to learn the rule of writing two “n” in adjectives - in an hour or in 10 minutes - depends on his interest in learning, abilities and effort. But you will also have to dive into this topic.

It makes sense to estimate how much an hour of your time is worth. You can do this linearly by calculating the cost of a working hour. Or to put it into perspective: maybe if you spend a few hours a day on your development, it will pay rich dividends in the future for both you and your family. Or simply compare: an hour spent with children on a walk, playing, talking, or an hour spent reading textbooks.

It seems as if I am saying that an hour with notebooks and textbooks is the worst. For me this is true.

About training using tutors, I can say that it will cost the same as training in private school. It is enough to take the average rate and multiply it by the number of school hours. And it’s better to immediately understand that you will have to pay not at the average rate, but at the highest rate. The number of people who offer their training services is very large. The number of those who actually know how to do this is much smaller, and it is not surprising that they demand higher pay.

This long text is not needed to say that this is bad. Or difficult. Or impossible. This is a form of learning that, in addition to positive aspects has its own difficulties, and if there is a situation of choice or even the need to refuse to study at school, it is worth thinking about them. The family learning experiences that are most accessible are those of wonderful, extraordinary people. But extrapolating it to myself in my case was a mistake.

Varvara Olenchenko

Comment on the article " Home schooling: the experience of a mother who was disappointed"

So I want my children to go to family education precisely because I don’t agree with whether he needs this knowledge...
at least for this moment..

02/15/2018 14:46:20, Arslan

In the "online lesson" there is such a concept as "home school". There are curators, teachers who check homework, lessons are scheduled for the week. It doesn’t take very long, but it doesn’t cause the same problems as the author of the article. Everything is clear and organized.
There are also partner schools that count the results (grades) from the home school journal “Internet Lesson” and enter them into their journal.
Good luck everyone!

Total 55 messages .

More on the topic “Disadvantages of homeschooling”:

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Targeted admission to medical school. Education, development. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with children adolescence: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance, exams, Olympiads, Unified State Examination, preparation for university.

Now HOME training is called training (since September 1, 2014) with a TEACHER at home or at school according to individual programs (standard 8 hours per week Used to be a child lived in DD and went to the village school. The first grade was taught at home. There is almost complete zero knowledge in my head.

On the issue of family education. According to the new law, a combination of forms of education is allowed (Article 17.4). Does this mean that you can switch to family education in only one subject?

Section: Distance education, external studies (transfer the child to home schooling in one subject). Homeschooling: The Experience of a Frustrated Mom. Externship: Fast school.

Unmarked training. School. Child from 7 to 10. Ungraded training. They “rejoiced” us at the meeting that there will be no grades in the second grade either. And in general, almost until the end of the beginning (Is it like this for everyone now?

Hello! I have a question for those who also have children in family education or for everyone competent :-) Do the school (teachers) get paid some part of the money for the fact that the teachers take tests from my child??? We have been on a family basis since September.

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with subject teaching, but the fact that the head teacher reacts so nervously is certainly unpleasant. Many people praise schools with subject-based instruction in elementary school, but I found three of them in all of Moscow, all far away, maybe in a new area...

For those who decided to “take a different path”! Please respond! Basically, the information in general outline I learned: that is, this thing is considered free, in fact, no one can do without tutors, or the school itself puts pressure on intensive courses (and this is paid). Does it make sense to introduce homework from the fifth grade?

Cons - the teachers are really weak, for the most part. Some children are not particularly adequate - that is why they were sent to private care. Possible disadvantages. The feeling of freedom of learning should not translate into optionality of fulfillment. Studying in private schools.

Please share your feedback on the 21st Century program (Vinogradova). We will go to 1st grade using it. If the child is already well prepared for school, won’t it be boring? What are its pros and cons, what you need to pay attention to and why it would be good to prepare before school in order to successfully study this program. Thank you.

My daughter is 7 years old, 1st grade. In November we fell ill with pneumonia, a month later we went to school and studied for 3 days. In January we were off for a week... The rest of the time we were safely ill. Of course, it’s not so serious anymore (thanks to homeopaths), but still. At school for home schooling they require a certificate from the clinic, at the clinic they say that pneumonia and acute respiratory infections are not an argument - they say it’s not in the order...

Tell me, who has children homeschooled (or externally - it’s the same thing)? when did you switch? Why? How's your progress? who studies the subjects?

Homeschooling: The Experience of a Frustrated Mom. Is it possible to go back to school? According to the new law on education, order has been brought in terms. And all the child's education - headache schools. Last year he beat his mother in front of everyone at school.

Last year it turned out that I was very lucky, they gave me no child at all, only on the basis of characteristics. But now they won’t let me, they demand that I bring the child. And what will they do with it? Test the entire school curriculum in half an hour? Won't they scare you?

He flies to class, adores the new teacher, plays the violin at home for an hour and a half on his own and is tormented in ordinary music schools. The tuition is quite inexpensive, 200 rubles per Look at other discussions on the topic “the pros and cons of playing the violin”: Are there any violinists?

Children learn freely, at their own pace according to an individual learning schedule. Increased attention to the socialization of children, developing their skills in establishing personal relationships. Only experienced, successful, positive-minded teachers work with children. Gifted children who graduate from school enter the world's best universities. We raise happy, confident people!


Best Virtual School 2016


External school
Distance learning opportunities available

Preparation for the Unified State Exam and State Examination
There are preparation classes for the Unified State Examination

Home school InternetUrok (InternetUrok.ru) is an accessible source of digital educational resources for students, their parents and even teachers. The pages of the site contain video lessons on the main subjects of the school curriculum for the entire period of study for everyone. In most cases, home school becomes a useful addition to regular school activities, but sometimes it can be a complete replacement for the usual form of lessons.

Internet Lesson – home school with the possibility of official enrollment

For modern children, school at home is becoming increasingly important. The InternetUrok project allows you to receive complete secondary education remotely. The programs for grades 1 to 11 cover all compulsory school subjects. Enrollment is carried out in any month, there is the possibility of studying in the summer months. Home school lessons are designed taking into account the age characteristics of students.

Home school InternetUrok.ru is an ideal solution for those who:

  • not satisfied with the quality of mainstream education;
  • has problems with the student population;
  • Travels a lot or misses classes for other reasons;
  • is seriously involved in sports or creative activities, and therefore does not have the opportunity to spend several hours in classes;
  • has difficulty mastering the material when it is presented traditionally;
  • does not want to waste time listening to the answers of other students in class, unnecessary explanations;
  • does not currently live in Russia, but wants to obtain a Russian state certificate or maintain knowledge of the Russian language.

Homeschooling has a number of advantages:

  • there are several options for studying (independently, with a teacher, according to a family plan, with enrollment);
  • home school is open every day around the clock, InternetUrok operates seven days a week;
  • enrollment is official, carried out remotely, does not require the presence of the child and his parents;
  • Teaching is characterized by maximum efficiency due to a special approach to the presentation of material. 1st grade of home school can be completed in an accelerated mode, reducing the study period;
  • teachers Internet Lesson – experienced teachers Moscow and St. Petersburg, ready to answer questions, quickly check homework, explain difficult points in an interactive manner;
  • it is possible to order the “Personal Mentor” service or contact the project curator service at any time;
  • The educational process control service will allow you to monitor your progress, rationally calculate time, and study according to the most convenient schedule.

Homeschool InternetUrok not only guarantees high level education, but also provides students with maximum free time. With its help, you can study in any convenient place, and you don’t even need constant access to the Internet.

InternetUrok.ru – the main subjects of the school curriculum in the form of video lessons

Video lessons are the main content of the educational website InternetUrok. Over the years, distance home school has accumulated an impressive amount of resources, which include classes in basic school subjects for students in grades 1-11. In the InternetUrok database you can find materials on Russian and English language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, social studies, etc.

The home school project website has the simplest possible structure, attractive design, and clear menu. To get started, just select the subject and class you are interested in on the main page to get a list of available online classes. Already now their number is in the thousands, while the InternetUrok.ru website is constantly being replenished. The Home School project is large-scale, so some sections are still under development.

Online home school classes are developed, compiled and produced by teaching experts. Creating each lesson is a multi-step and complex process that can take up to several weeks. Before the material appears on the InternetLesson portal, professionals check its quality. If a mistake was made during preparation, the video will be re-shot. The ability to quickly make adjustments to content is one of the significant advantages of remote online learning. To do this with a textbook, you have to release a completely new batch.