Lena Chernenkaya


Federal State Educational Standards have identified several directions for the implementation of educational educational programs. One of the areas is the speech development of preschool children, the objectives of which are: mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

The period from birth to entry into school is, as recognized by experts, the age of the most rapid physical and mental development child, the age of initial formation of qualities and properties that make the child human.

The peculiarity of this age period is that it provides general development, serves as the foundation for the future acquisition of any special knowledge and skills, and is also the foundation for mastering various types of activities.

To develop fine motor skills, in addition to special didactic toys: inserts, pyramids, lacing, it is necessary to use board educational games.

The game helps create a cheerful, cheerful mood in children and awakens the desire to communicate with adults and peers.

As a result of monitoring children's speech development, it was revealed that the children's sound culture of speech is not sufficiently formed and there are speech disorders. When answering questions, older preschoolers answer in one word, without using simple and common sentences. Some children have poor diction and problems with pronouncing the purity of sounds (5% - low level, 65% - average, 30% - high).

Therefore, a problem arose - how to intensify speech activity. One of the methods for solving the problem could be a didactic manual, which will ensure an increase in the sound culture of speech in younger preschoolers. This is a game teaching aid “Teremok”.


of which: the development of speech activity in children.

This didactic manual promotes speech development, consolidation of acquired speech skills, will not only activate speech, but will also contribute to the development of attention, memory, visual-figurative and logical thinking, fine motor skills and hand coordination. The colorful appearance of the visual teaching aid will not only attract children to play, but also realize the development of aesthetic perception of objects in the surrounding world.

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the teaching aid “Teremok”

1. Increasing children's interest in surrounding objects, peers and active interaction with them.

2. Formed desire to communicate with adults and peers, active imitation of them in movements and actions.

3. Proficient in active speech, included in communication, both with adults and with peers.

4. Children’s understanding of the speech of adults and peers.

Methodology for using the teaching aid “Teremok”

Using the Teremok manual is possible individually and in small subgroups and allows you to solve the following problems:

1. Development of sound culture of speech in children.

2. Development of coherent speech in children.

3. Development of skills in the use of ordinal numbers, spatial representations “left”, “right”, “above”, “below”, prepositions “above”, “under”, “between”.

4. Development of phonemic hearing, automation of sounds in syllables.

5. Development of fine motor skills.

A differentiated approach to the implementation of the didactic objectives of the manual will allow us to qualitatively track the dynamics of speech development in children.

The teaching aid “Teremok” is a sewn colorful house with pockets in the form of windows for placing subject pictures: images of fairy-tale animals, cards with letters, syllables. The pockets are arranged in four levels. Designer design and color support make the manual harmonious and attractive. The house is attached to a box for vertical use of the aid, which will allow it to be demonstrated not only in a horizontal position individually, but also in a vertical position for working with a subgroup of children with the same disabilities speech activity. To stabilize the manual in a vertical position, a weight is used inside the box, which is secured, so the manual is safe for use.

Speech development of children occurs successfully under the condition of constant communication and correction of speech deficiencies using didactic games, which solve certain problems of enhancing speech activity and automating sounds. Gradually, children learn the rules for using the teaching aid in joint activities. Work on the problem of intensifying speech activity and developing the sound culture of speech in preschool children is based on the interaction of adults and children.

The allowance can be used by a teacher or parent.

The benefit includes:

1. House with pocket windows

2. Subject pictures: images of fairy-tale animals and cartoon characters; images: letters, syllables,

Card index of games.

The manual can be used:

In joint activities of children

During regime moments

Individually and in subgroups

Description of work on the proposed material:

Options for tasks.

1 task. D/i “Remember the fairy tale”

Goal: to develop children’s coherent speech, to practice using ordinal numbers.

The teacher shows object pictures of fairy tale characters.

Guess which fairy tale the heroes came from?

Tell this fairy tale (the child tells the fairy tale independently or with the help of a speech therapist).

Who was the first to find the tower? Who came second? Third? Who came last and broke the tower?

The teacher depicts fairy tale characters: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear. The child guesses. Then the child and teacher change roles.

3 task. D/i “Who lives where?”

Goal: Learn to use prepositions above, below, between.

The teacher places animals in pocket windows, asks them to look carefully and guess who they are?

This beast lives above the wolf. This…

This animal lives above the fox. This …

This beast lives under my arm. This …

This animal lives under the frog. This …

This animal lives between the wolf and the hare. This…

This one is between the mouse and the bear. This …

Then the child himself makes riddles by pronouncing the words above, below, between

Task 5. D/i "Settle the tenants"

Goal: To consolidate spatial representations on the left, right, above, below.

The teacher offers to move the animals into apartments.

The mouse will live on the third floor on the left.

Fox is on the second floor on the right.

The bear is on the first floor on the left.

The hare is on the third floor on the right.

The frog is on the second floor on the left.

The wolf is on the first floor on the right.

6 task. D/i “Select pictures with the given sound”

Goal: to develop phonemic awareness, learn to isolate a given sound in a word, automate the sound [...] in words.

The teacher puts a letter in the top window indicating the sound [...] (or another sound to be assigned) and invites the child to find pictures with this sound.

Task 7. D/i “Divide into syllables”

Purpose: to practice dividing words into syllables.

The teacher places syllable patterns in windows with right side and invites the child to place the residents on the left side in accordance with the diagram.

Name each resident. Clap your hands for the number of syllables in each word, and you will find out who lives in which apartment.

Task 8. D/i “Syllabic songs”

Goal: to develop phonemic awareness, automate the sounds in syllables.

teacher: “In the evening, all the residents in the Teremka organize a concert. Everyone sings their favorite song. Let’s sing along with them! Listen carefully and repeat the songs with the mouse. And now with the fox, and now with the bear. Try not to make mistakes!”


The didactic manual “Teremok” helps the child with speech activity. When playing with it, children’s speech is activated, the sound culture of speech, phonemic hearing, memory, and logical thinking are developed. Children improve their skills in automating sounds, pitch and timbre of the voice, dividing words into syllables, using prepositions in speech, consolidating spatial references on the left, right, above, below.

As a result of the work, I noticed that children’s cognitive interest in environmental objects, peers and adults increased, children began to formulate questions and answer adult’s questions, children began to interact more actively with each other in routine moments, children’s speech became understandable.

In the future, the didactic manual can be offered to parents for individual work with children at home.


1. Federal state educational standards for educational educational institutions.

2. Gvozdev A. N. Questions of studying children's speech. - M., 2005. – 98 p.

3. Kosinova E. M. Gymnastics for fingers. M., "Olma-Press", 2001

4. Speech therapy website “Chatterbox”. // http://www.boltun-spb.ru/mini.html.

5. Marchenko A. I., L. O. Sokolovskaya. Children's speech early age. Collective of developmental classes “Dolonki” – Kyiv, 2009. – 12 p.

6. Fine motor skills or the influence of hand actions on brain development. http://eraland.ru/progress/

1. Photo of a educational manual made by yourself.

2. Description of the algorithm for producing the manual.

You should write:

- materials: a watch box, a toothpaste box, 2 flag sticks, self-adhesive paper of different colors, tape, scissors, a series of plot pictures, 2 pictures with an inscription with the name of the film “Once Upon a Time in Prostokvashino” and “The End”.

- execution sequence: We cover watch and toothpaste boxes with self-adhesive paper. We glue imitation buttons, like on the TV and remote control. We glue together a series of pictures in the correct sequence, at the beginning we glue the name of the film “Once Upon a Time in Prostokvashino”, the last file is “the end”. We make slots for flag sticks. We insert the edge of the first sheet with the title of the film inside the box and secure it with tape on the left stick. We roll all the sheets (film) onto the left stick, and secure the edge of the last sheet to the right stick with tape. We close the box. The educational guide for speech development “TV” is ready for use.

3. Problems that this manual helps solve.

The manual can be used to develop children's coherent speech, enrich their vocabulary, develop verbal communication skills, and in the process of learning to compose a story from pictures. When using this manual, speech hearing and expressiveness of speech develops.

4. Option for using the manual.

Fragment of a lesson on speech development for children of senior preschool age “Once upon a time in Prostokvashino”

Target: promote the formation of coherent oral speech and verbal communication skills with others based on mastery of the literary language of their people.


1. Strengthen the ability to speak coherently, construct sentences correctly, and compose a story based on a series of pictures.

2. Develop speech hearing, expressiveness of speech - intonation, stress; form an idea about different types text.

3. Cultivate responsiveness, compassion, and the desire to help others.


The postman Pechkin enters.

Postman Pechkin: Good day! Is this a kindergarten?

Pechkin: They asked me to give you an envelope from Prostokvashino.

Educator: Thank you, dear Pechkin.

Pechkin: Well, I went, otherwise they’re waiting for me in Prostokvashino.

Educator: Guys, some strange letter... there are pictures in the envelope, but something is wrong with them (the pictures are out of order). The envelope also contains a letter for us. (is reading)

“Dear guys, an interesting story happened to me, Uncle Fyodor, and my dog ​​Sharik. I would like to make a film and tell Matroskin about her, who went to visit Fila and Stepashka. But I don't know how to make films. Help me please."

Educator: Shall we help?

Children lay out the pictures in the correct sequence. Glue them together. Inserted into the TV.

Educator: We helped Uncle Fyodor. We've got a real movie, but it needs to be dubbed (children offer their own options for dubbing the film, i.e. they compose stories based on a series of pictures).

Education Department of the Executive Committee of the Bugulminsky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan

Methodological guide for speech development of preschool children

From work experience


I qualification category

MBDOU No. 22 “Goldfish”

Sevryukova N.V.



"The magical world of sounds and words"

Speech development.

Methodological manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions

The manual presents materials from the teacher’s work experience I qualification category MBDOU No. 22 “Goldfish” Sevryukova N.V. on speech development and intellectual development of preschool children.

The manual is addressed to teachers working in preschool educational institutions, and can also be used by parents in conditions homeschooling children.

Used Books

Veraksa N. E., Komarova T. S., Vasilyeva M. A. From birth to school. Basic general education program for preschool education. - Mosaic-Synthesis 2010. Ushakova O.S. Speech development classes in kindergarten. Moscow, 2001 Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Summary of classes in the senior group of kindergarten. Speech development. – Voronezh, 2008 Arushanova A.G. Speech and verbal communication of children. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. - Moscow, 2004. Sevostyanova E.O. Want to know everything. Development of intelligence in children 5-7 years old. – Moscow, 2005 Repina Z.A., Buyko V.I. Speech therapy lessons. – Ekatirenburg, 2001 Chistyakova M.I. Psycho-gymnastics. - Moscow, 1990.

Gerbova V.V. Book for reading in kindergarten and at home: 5-7 years old: A manual for kindergarten teachers and parents. - Moscow, Onyx Publishing House, 2008.

Kartushina M.Yu. Logorhythmics for kids. Scenarios for classes with children 3-4 years old. – Moscow, 2005

From the compiler.

“There is every factual and theoretical basis to assert that not only the intellectual development of a child, but also the formation of his character, emotions and personality as a whole is directly dependent on speech.”


Language and speech have traditionally been considered in psychology, philosophy and pedagogy as a “knot” in which various lines of mental development converge - thinking, imagination, memory, emotions. Being the most important means of human communication and knowledge of reality, language serves as the main channel for introducing the values ​​of spiritual culture from generation to generation, as well as a necessary condition for education and training. The development of oral monologue speech in preschool childhood lays the foundation for successful learning at school.

Preschool age is a period of active acquisition by a child of spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full ownership

the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development. The sooner learning the native language begins, the more freely the child will use it in the future.

Working with older children, I was faced with the fact that many of them have poorly developed coherent speech, they have difficulty talking about the events of their lives, and cannot retell literary works. That is why I pay special attention to the development of speech of preschoolers, trying to diversify classes, achieve maximum efficiency, I use in my work such methods and techniques as logorhythmics, the method of visual modeling, as well as methods of psychocorrection that contribute to the development of children’s communication skills and the cultivation of a friendly, tolerant attitude to each other, to the world around us.

This book contains materials intended not only for preschool workers, teachers and methodologists, but also for parents who want to independently develop the speech of their own preschool children.

Visual modeling method in speech development classes

Practice shows that of all the existing methods of teaching children coherent speech, the most effective is the modeling method. It allows the child to visually imagine abstract concepts (sound, word, text) and learn to work with them. This is especially important for preschoolers, since their mental problems are solved with the predominant role of external means; visual material is absorbed better than verbal material.

Visual modeling is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object being studied, the creation of its substitute and work with it.

Modeling consists of the following stages:

    assimilation and analysis of sensory material;

    translating it into sign-symbolic language;

    working with the model.

The formation of visual modeling skills occurs in a certain sequence with a constant increase in the proportion of independent participation of preschoolers. When developing visual modeling skills, the following didactic tasks are solved:

    familiarity with the graphical method of presenting information;

    development of model deciphering skills;

    formation of independent modeling skills.

The use of the modeling method gives children the necessary freedom, the opportunity for creative movement, a variety of forms of constructing classes, allows them to effectively enrich their vocabulary, develop the grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech, and expressiveness; teach children to construct complete and expressive answers; develop children's thinking and imagination, emotional responsiveness, and memory.

in II younger group

Retelling the Russian folk tale "Teremok" using modeling.

Purpose of the lesson:

    Develop speech in children.

    Continue to teach how to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale, remember the characters;

    Learn to retell the Russian folk tale “Teremok” using the modeling method;

    Learn to expressively reproduce words and phrases from a fairy tale in the process of retelling;

    Continue to cultivate responsiveness in children, teach them to empathize and understand the heroes of a fairy tale;

    Continue teaching children to solve riddles;

    Teach children to navigate the surface of a sheet of paper;

    Develop the ability to highlight the height parameter when comparing objects;

    Consolidate knowledge geometric shapes and flowers;

    Develop mental operations, imagination, attention, memory, creativity.

Vocabulary work: consolidate the ability to form words with diminutive suffixes (fox-fox-fox, fox-sister);

Preliminary work:

    Reading the Russian folk tale “Teremok” and looking at the illustrations;

    Staging of the Russian folk tale "Teremok" using flannelgraph theater and table theater;

    Conducting games and exercises: “Teremok”, “Tell me kindly”, “What has changed?”, “What shape? What color?”, “What is round (square, triangular, rectangular)?”, “What is green (red, yellow, etc.)?”

Materials and equipment:

Hare - bibabo; white sheets of A4 size for each child; square, triangle, 6 multi-colored stripes of different sizes for each child; White list size A3, square, triangle, 6 multi-colored strips of different sizes for the teacher’s sample; beautiful box; animal figurines from the Teremok table theater.

Progress of the lesson:

/Children sit on chairs that stand in a semicircle on the carpet./

Educator: Guys, listen carefully to the riddle and try to guess it, and then you will find out who came to visit us:

Gray in summer, white in winter,

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots.

Educator: Not an ordinary bunny came to visit us, but a fairy tale one. Tell me, please, in which fairy tales there is a hero, Bunny? (“Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Zayushkina’s hut”, etc.)

Bunny: Hello, guys. (Crying)

Educator: Zainka, why are you crying? What's happened?

Bunny: The evil witch bewitched my friends from the fairy tale “Teremok” and turned them into multi-colored stripes.

Educator: Zainka, how can we help you? How can you disenchant heroes?

Bunny: We need to lay out the stripes in order of who came to the mansion for whom, and tell a fairy tale.

Educator: Guys, let's help Bunny get his friends back?

/Children are seated at tables on which attributes for each child are prepared./

Educator: Guys, look carefully, each of you has a sheet of paper on the table on which we will collect fairy-tale characters in order.

Educator: What is shown on the sheet?

Educator: Who came to the tower first? What stripe do you think the mouse has turned into? (What shape is this?) What color is this stripe? Why is she gray?

We attach a strip (rectangle) next to the house so that all the characters fit on the white sheet.

Educator: Who came after the mouse? What stripe do you think the frog turned into? What color is this stripe? Why is she green?

Place the strip next to the mouse.

/this work carried out for each hero/

Game exercise “Call kindly”

/The teacher asks about each hero, how can he be called differently, affectionately? For example, fox-fox-fox, wolf-wolf-wolf, etc./

Educator: Are the stripes the same or different in height? What is the lowest bar? Which one is the highest? Are there any stripes of the same color? What color are they? Which heroes turned into these stripes? What do the stripes lined up look like?

Bunny: Guys, you are great! The stripes were lined up correctly. Let's play with you, you too will turn into little bunnies for a while.

Musical game “The little white bunny is sitting...”.

Educator: Guys, now we are going to tell a fairy tale. Be careful, someone will start a fairy tale, and someone will continue.

Children, with the help of a teacher and a compiled model, tell the Russian folk tale “Teremok”.

Educator: Well done, guys. Everyone told a fairy tale together.

A musical instrument sounds.

Educator: Oh, what is this? What are those sounds?

The teacher brings out a beautiful box, opens it and takes out fairy-tale characters. Educator: Guys, look, these are our heroes. We helped the Bunny and saved his friends!

Bunny: Thank you, guys! It's time for us to go to our fairy forest. But we will definitely come to visit you again! Goodbye!

Educator: Guys, did you like our lesson? What did you and I do? What have the heroes become? Did the heroes turn into the same or different stripes? What tale were we telling?

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group (with modeling elements)

« Winter's Tale »

Purpose of the lesson:

    Develop the ability to understand the meaning of figurative expressions in riddles

    Practice selecting definitions for a given word

    Learn to form possessive adjectives (the meaning of belonging) and adjectives from the stems of nouns

    Develop the ability to construct coherent statements such as reasoning, use various means of connecting parts of a sentence

    Develop creative storytelling skills, the ability to adhere to the chosen line in creative storytelling

    Forming the skill of expressing one’s own opinion

    Develop logical thinking and the ability to defend your opinion

Vocabulary work: activation of the dictionary; selection of definitions for a given word; formation of adjectives from noun stems, for example, strawberries - strawberry, apples - apple, etc.

Materials and equipment:

    Photo illustrations depicting a winter forest

    Pictures for the game “Logic chains”

    Cards with pictures for composing a fairy tale

    Plane images of houses of different animals

    “Jars of jam” with pasted pictures of berries

    “Pies” with a picture of the “filling”

Preliminary work:

    Conversation about the seasons

    Making and inventing riddles about natural phenomena

    Game exercises “Choose the word”, “Say the opposite”, “Associations”, “Name it correctly”

    Compiling stories according to plan personal experience



- Dear guys, our lesson today will be fabulous. And we will start it with a fairy-tale riddle.


Troika, troika arrived. The horses in that trio are white. And in the sleigh sits the queen - White-skinned, fair-faced. How she waved her sleeve - She covered everything with silver!

- What queen do you think about? we're talking about in this riddle?

- Why is winter called the queen here?

- Are the definitions “white-skinned” and “fair-complexioned” suitable for winter?

- Which troika did winter arrive on? What kind of horses are in this trio? (children's answers)

- That's right, these are the winter months. Remember their names.

- Listen to another riddle about winter:

Guess who? The gray-haired housewife: shakes the featherbeds - over the world of fluff!

- Tell us what winter is called in this riddle.

- Why is winter called the gray-haired mistress?

- What feather beds shake in winter and what kind of fluff flies out of them?

And here are some more “winter” riddles, listen carefully and guess. He entered - no one saw. He said no one heard. He blew through the windows and disappeared. And a forest grew on the windows.


What kind of artist applied leaves, grass, and thickets of roses to the glass?


White Tikhon has been pushed out of the sky, Where he runs, he covers it with a carpet.


- Guys, you managed to solve all the riddles and we can go on a journey. We're going to a winter wonderland.


- You can’t get into a fairy tale by regular transport. I propose to create an unusual train, all the cars of which are connected to each other using a logical connection. The first thing I put on the flannelgraph is a picture of a Christmas tree, because New Year is the main holiday of winter, and the Christmas tree is the main attribute, symbol of this holiday. There are other pictures laid out here on the table. You have to think about what kind of picture you can put next to the Christmas tree to logically explain their proximity. For example, I will put a picture of fir cones next to the Christmas tree, because cones grow on the Christmas tree. Please continue this thread. Everyone must choose at least one picture, include it in the chain and explain their choice.

Game "Logic chains"

/Examples of logical chain: 1) Squirrel , because in winter it shells spruce cones and feeds on spruce seeds. - Cat , which can climb trees as deftly as a squirrel. - Piglet , because he is also a pet, just like a cat. - Chick , he is also a pet, or rather a bird. - Parrot , since he is also a bird. - Sheet from the tree because the parrot is sitting on the tree. - Boots for autumn walks, because the leaf is autumn. - Mittens , since this is also a piece of clothing, like boots. Coat , because these are winter clothes, and the spruce branches in the picture are covered with snow. - Cat , because she is also “dressed” in a warm fur coat. - Mouse , which the cat loves to hunt for. - The mouse is holding a piece of cheese. Cheese Usually they put it on bread and eat this sandwich with tea. We put a picture with teapot. - Jar of jam for tea. - Apple , because delicious jam is made from apples. - Sunflower because it is also a plant. - Shovel , because the plant needs to be dug up. - Watering can because the plant needs to be watered.

2) Christmas tree . - Christmas tree toy for decoration. - toy bike (also a toy). - Automobile, because this is also transport. - Telephone , because it is also red (such a selection can also happen; it is important that the child explains his choice). - Gnome, whom I can call on the phone. - Flowers , because the gnome also holds a flower . - Butterfly , because she loves flower nectar. - Peacock , it has the same variegated coloring as a butterfly. - Parrot because he is also a bird. - Month the same yellow color, like a parrot. - Rainbow , she is also a natural phenomenon. - Rainbows happen after rain. Needed during rain umbrella./


- Guys, our pictures turned out to be a real train, long, with many carriages. Now we can get to the fabulous winter forest.

Physical exercise "Train"

- We arrived in the winter forest. In winter, the forest looks fabulous: the trees are covered with snow, ski tracks wind under them, anthills are hidden under snowdrifts. Let's try to find colorful words to describe the forest.

Selection of epithets

- What kind of snow is there in the forest? (Fluffy, glitters in the sun, soft, prickly, sparkling, silver.)

- What do trees look like in winter? (Quiet, thoughtful; covered with snow like a blanket; dressed in snow coats; dozing under a blanket of snow; frozen, chilled; the Christmas trees have needles like icy fingers.)

- Snowfall in the forest, what is it like? (Snow flakes, quiet snow, fluffy snowflakes, quiet whirling.)


- After a walk through the forest, I suggest you take a little rest. To do this, let's go visit Lesovich. But here in the clearing there are a lot of houses of forest inhabitants.

Game exercise “Whose house?”

/Formation of possessive adjectives (meaning of belonging)/

- You can hear the yapping of a fox in this house. Whose house? (Fox.)

- A bear lives in another house. Whose house? (Bearish.)

- A wolf and his family live in this crowbar. Whose house? (Wolf.)

- Hares live together in the house. Whose house? (Hare.)

- And in this house there is a boar grunting. Whose house? (Boar.)

- Finally, we found Lesovichka’s house. Let's go visit him. Lesovichok wants to treat us to tea. Sit at the table. There will be pies and jam for tea. Take the jars that are on the table in front of you. The stickers depict berries from which jam is made.

- I have raspberry jam - raspberry. And you?

Game exercise “Jam”

Currant jam - currant,

from strawberries - strawberry, from apples - apple,

from cherries - cherry, from plums - plum,

from apricots - apricot, from peaches - peach,

from strawberries - strawberry, from blueberries - blueberry,

from lingonberries - lingonberry, from cranberries - cranberry.

- Now let's try the pies. Mine has a gooseberry on it, so it's a pie with gooseberry filling, a gooseberry pie. And you?

Game exercise “Pies”

/Formation of adjectives from noun stems/

With strawberries - strawberry,

with strawberries - strawberry,

with cherries - cherry,

with apples - apple,

with plum - plum,

with apricots - apricot,

with peaches - peach,

with currants - currant,

with blueberries - blueberry,

with lingonberries - lingonberry,

with cranberries - cranberry,

with raspberries - raspberry.


- Now that you have refreshed and rested, come to this table. Cards with pictures are laid out on it. Please take one at a time. Now try making commands. There is one condition: each team must have four people. Look at the pictures drawn on the cards. And now the task for each team: try to come up with a fairy tale using four key words from your cards. You decide how you will tell the story - one from the team, or everyone in turn.

Compiling a fairy tale from pictures

/If necessary, the teacher helps the children by asking questions, thus directing the development of the plot.

Examples of pictures: bear, hare, lake, forest, tree, snowdrift, gift, paints, snowfall, blizzard, thaw, Snow Maiden, fox, holiday, deception, punishment, month, squirrel, tinsel, Baba Yaga./

The teacher offers the children to evaluate the results of the lesson. To do this, he asks them to choose red chips if the children liked the activity and it was interesting;

yellow chips if you didn’t like something in the lesson;

blue chips if you didn’t like the activity at all.

Then the teacher invites the children to evaluate their own work in class using the same chips. This helps children develop the skills to actively monitor their work. If self-esteem is incorrect, the teacher asks other children to express their opinion about a friend’s work and his relationships with other children.

In turn, the teacher emphasizes that the best, most interesting fairy tales were produced by those teams where the children were able to come to an agreement and coordinate their actions.

Methods of psycho-emotional correction in speech development classes

One of the most important techniques used in speech development classes is the use of psycho-emotional correction (psycho-gymnastics, group creativity, dramatization), which are aimed at relieving emotional stress, regulating stress in children, and also contribute to the development of communication skills, teaching children to be friendly and tolerant. attitude towards others.

After all, working with children should be dynamic and emotionally enjoyable. It is for this purpose that, along with traditional methods and techniques in speech development classes, I also use non-traditional speech therapy methods and exercises to develop auditory attention and phonemic perception, speech breathing, fine and articulatory motor skills, and general coordination of movements.

These non-traditional exercises, which are playful in nature, evoke positive emotions in children.

In order to normalize muscle tone, you can start the session with breathing and relaxation exercises.

The use of psycho-gymnastics, relaxation exercises, and psychophysical gymnastics in classes helps relieve increased muscle tension (relaxation exercises), improves the functioning of facial muscles, promotes the mobility of the articulatory apparatus (psycho-gymnastics), helps children relax, develop imagination, and overcome motor awkwardness.

Psycho-gymnastics also promotes the education of emotions, the development of expressiveness of movements, and the acquisition of self-relaxation skills. Its main goal is to relieve mental stress and create opportunities for self-expression.

In classes with elements of psycho-gymnastics, children learn the ABCs of expressing emotions - expressive gestures, facial expressions, movements.

At the end of classes, it is advisable to use relaxation exercises to relieve excessive excitability, muscle tension and restore a good emotional state.

The introduction of psycho-gymnastics and relaxation elements into speech development classes is a very important point. Children become more open, begin to communicate more actively with peers and adults, they overcome many neurotic manifestations (fears, aggression, various kinds of concerns, uncertainty)

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group (using modeling and psycho-emotional correction)


Purpose of the lesson:

    Clarify, expand and activate vocabulary on the topic “Pets”.

    Continue to form children's understanding of domestic animals and their cubs, their habitat, and what they eat.

    Call animals in a diminutive form.

    Correctional educational goals: to teach children to compose descriptive stories using a picture-graphic plan.

    Correctional and developmental goals: development of coherent speech, visual attention, thinking, articulation, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

    Correctional and educational goals: developing skills of goodwill, independence, responsibility. Fostering love and respect for animals.

Preliminary work: asking riddles about pets, looking at illustrations depicting pets, writing descriptive stories, getting acquainted with a picture-graphic plan, practicing articulatory gymnastics “Horse”, “Cat”.

Materials and equipment: small pet toys, a diagram for writing a descriptive story, cut-out pictures of pets.

Progress of the lesson:

Psychological attitude: an exercise aimed at developing arbitrariness and self-control

"Shouters - whisperers - silencers."

/Children sit in a circle, the teacher raises cards one by one - silhouettes of palms of different colors.

Red – “Chant” - you can make noise, shout, clap.

Yellow - Whisper" - a signal that you can quietly whisper.

Blue - “Silent” - sit quietly, don’t make noise./

Game exercise “Tell who it is”

/ Display of animal figures. Find out what they are called, what their cubs are called, what they eat./

Didactic game “Who is screaming?” (onomatopoeia)

/ Cat...(meows - meow), dog... (Barks - woof, woof), cow... (moos - moo-oo), horse... (neighs - yoke-go), etc./

Compiling descriptive stories using a pictorial and graphic plan.

    Animal name

    Wild or domestic




    Smooth or prickly

    Body parts


    What does it eat?

Educator. This plan will help us compose a story /shows a picture-graphic plan/. First you need to tell us the name of your animal. Is it wild or domestic? Where does it live, in the forest, or with a person? Then describe what size and color it is, what kind of fur it has. What are the features of the body structure? Remember and name the cubs as they voice. What do they eat?

Physical education minute

The cat sat down under a bush (squat down)

I ate a piece of cheese. (pat yourself on the stomach)

The cat stood up, stretched, (stand up, stretch)

Her fur unfurled. (pat your belly with your hands)

Didactic game “Add a whole from parts” (working with cut-out pictures)

/Everyone has cut pictures on their tables, cut into 4-6 pieces. Children collect a whole image of an animal./

Didactic game “Name it affectionately.”





Ram...(lamb). Etc.

Logorhythmic exercise “Sheep”.

/ Children stand in a circle, music sounds: “Sounds of Nature”, movements are performed in accordance with the text of the poem /

The sheep have rings on their coats,

Those sheep are grazing by the river.

They are herded by two shaggy dogs,

That they wag their shaggy tails.

And the shepherd on the hill near the tree

He plays the flute intricately.

Nimble fingers run quickly,

Dandelions are blooming in the meadow.

The bell sways in the wind,

We hear a wonderful melody.

Reflection “My mood”

/The teacher invites children to determine their mood using pictures depicting a cheerful and sad bear. Anyone who considers his mood to be good chooses a picture with a cheerful bear, and a bad one – a sad bear./

Lesson summary on speech development

in the older group (with elements of psycho-emotional correction)

"Visiting the Rainbow"

Purpose of the lesson:

    Coherent speech. Learn to compose a story based on reference pictures; tell a coherent and lively story, without deviating from the given topic; develop coherent speech skills.

    Grammar. Teach children to understand and use adverbs in speech; consolidate the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns.

    Dictionary. Develop and enrich children's active vocabulary.

    Sound culture of speech. Practice pronouncing the isolated sound R, as well as the sound Ш in words.

    To promote the moral development of a child by developing his ideas about goodness, friendship, and a culture of communication; cultivate tolerance and a friendly attitude towards each other; develop cognitive processes: attention, memory, imagination.

Equipment and materials: colored pencils (spectrum colors); cardboard model of a rainbow with magnets; reference pictures – rain, meadow, insects, sun, rainbow; didactic game “Magic Flowers”; cardboard model of a house; a children's high chair decorated with appliqué; audio recording of V. Shainsky’s song “The world is like a colorful meadow.”

Preliminary work: studying the colors of the spectrum; viewing the illustration “Rainbow”; teacher’s story “How the Rainbow Appeared”; didactic game “Butterflies and Flowers”; learning speech exercises on sound pronunciation; asking riddles about the seasons; word game “Say the opposite”; learning Kondratiev’s poems “Hello!”, “Good Day”; reading by V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”; conversation with children on the topic “What should you call a person?”

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: /holding a box of colored pencils in his hands/ Guys, today I prepared colored pencils for class, but we won’t draw with them. Today I would like to read you a fairy tale about words that will help you draw the world in colors and without colored pencils.

/The teacher reads a fairy tale by M. Stoyan to the children, displaying a cardboard model of a rainbow on a magnetic board as they read/

-Often when it rains, you stand at the window, look, listen, and it begins to seem to you that all things have a voice, that they all talk and your pencils, right?

Do you hear, red says: I am a poppy, I am fire, I am a banner... After him, orange responds: I am an orange, I am a carrot, I am a fox... Yellow is also not silent: I am duckling fluff, I am wheat, I - the sun... And the green one rustles: I am the grass, I am the gardens, I am the forests... And the blue one does not lag behind: I am the bell, I am the sky, I am the sea... And the purple one whispers: I am the twilight, I am the lilac in bloom, I am a plum...

But then the rain stops, and with it the colored pencils stop.

- Look! - says red, Rainbow - it’s me! “Me too,” adds the orange one. “Me too,” the yellow one smiles. “Me too,” the green one rejoices. “Me too,” shouts the blue one. “Me too,” the blue one says cheerfully. “Me too,” the purple one laughs.

Educator: What did we do? A painted yoke hung across the river. What is this? That's right, it's a rainbow! Have you ever seen a rainbow? /children's answers/ Which one of you will tell you when you can see her? (You can see a rainbow after rain if the sun comes out.)

Educator: Correct. Let's come up with a story about a rainbow together, and the pictures will help us. /exhibits a picture of rain/ So, one day it was raining heavily over the meadow.

And who in the meadow was happy about the rain? /exhibits a picture of a flowering meadow/

Children: The grass and meadow flowers were happy about the rain. The water filled the earth, the grass turned green, and the flowers bloomed.

Educator: Who in the meadow was afraid of the rain? /picture depicting insects: butterflies, flies, dragonflies/

Children: Butterflies, dragonflies, flies were afraid of the rain. They hid under leaves, in cracks and holes. Insects will not be able to fly if rain gets their wings wet.

Children: The rain stopped, the sky became blue again. The bright, radiant sun shone.

Educator: But we know that if the sun comes out after the rain, then... /picture of a rainbow/

Children: A multi-colored rainbow appeared in the sky.

Educator: The story turned out just wonderful. Now imagine that you and I find ourselves in this meadow. I invite you to the meadow

Relaxation exercise “Let's draw what we talked about” / Children sit on the carpet in a circle one after another and on the back of the person sitting in front “draw” rain, flowers and grass, insects, the sun, etc./

Educator: In the rainbow above the horizon - all the colors of the miter: oranges, and wheat, and the sky, and the sea, and lilacs in bloom. Look at the sky above the meadow after the rain, and you will see a huge multi-colored rainbow there. She is like a gate leading to a fairyland. Do you want to go there? This is a very kind fairy-tale country. Only kind and good children can get there. Are you like that? Then let's remind each other of this.

Communication game “Praise your neighbor”

/Children, sitting in a circle, praise their neighbors, characterizing them with the help of adjectives, coordinating adjectives with nouns, for example: Sasha - brave, Nikita - kind and strong, Nastya - affectionate, Irina - cheerful, etc. /

Educator: In a magical land, everyone can speak correctly and beautifully, pronounce all sounds. Do you know how? Let's practice clearly pronouncing the sound Ш

Pronunciation exercise

“Who has what?”

The wings of the midge, the cat of Lusha,

The cat has fluff, Tanyusha has a mouse,

Masha has pebbles, Bear has ears,

Natasha's box, the monkey's tail.

Educator: And in this country there live different animals. Although they growl, they don’t bite anyone, because this country is kind. Remember and name the animals that can growl. (tigers, bears, lions, wolves, panthers, etc.)

Educator: Now stand in a circle, imagine that you are animals, cover your “muzzles” with your “paws”. Let's play a game.

Physical education minute.

Psycho-speech gymnastics “Animals”

The teacher stands in the center of the circle and lightly taps the “legs” of the “animals”, saying the words:

Don't knock on these doors

The animals are probably already asleep!

If you knock -

Animals can roar!

After the word “growl,” the children unanimously look out from their hiding places and growl: R - R - R!

Educator: Guys, look at what extraordinary flowers grow in a magical land. In the middle of the flower there is a question - “When?”, which means you and I will answer it. How many petals, so many questions. Listen to the first question.

Game exercise “Magic flowers”

It's time for us to get up. The cockerel has been singing since ..../morning/; We all go to lunch and this happens.../in the afternoon/ etc.

Educator: And in the middle of the next flower is the question “How?”

Let's try to answer it too.

How does the mouse squeak? /quietly/ How does a lion roar? /loud/ How does the hare run? /quickly/ How is it outside in winter? /coldly/ How do you answer? /correct/ etc.

Educator: And what bright and elegant houses are in the country of the rainbow. Let's look at this house and answer the question that is written on its roof: “Where?

Game exercise “Name where?”

Where is the foundation of the house? /below/ Where is the roof? /above/ Where is the porch? /left/ etc.

Educator: Well done, you diligently answered the questions, and now let’s rest and play a game with a ball.

Ball game "Say the opposite"

/Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to the children one by one, naming an adverb; the children must return the ball, choosing an adverb that has the opposite meaning. For example: warm - cold, dirty - clean, fast - slow, etc. /

Educator: Guys, listen to the poem - a riddle

"What a word?"

Masha knew a lot of words, But one of them was missing, And it is, as luck would have it, that is spoken most often. This word follows behind a gift, at dinner, This word is said, If you are thanked.../thank you/ V. Golyakhovsky

That's right, it's a polite word "thank you." The inhabitants of a magical land know and very often say polite or, as they are also called, magic words. You and I also know these words. Remember them and name them. (Please, hello, be kind, thank you, etc.)

Educator: Well done, you remembered a lot of words. Now let's listen to poems about polite words.

/Children read poems learned in advance:/


- Hello! - you tell the person - Hello! – he will smile in response. And, probably, he won’t go to the pharmacy, And he will be healthy for many years.

"Good afternoon"

- Good afternoon! - they told you - Good afternoon! – you answered. You are connected by two strings of warmth and kindness.

Educator: And indeed, kind words seem to connect us with each other, it turns out to be a chain of kindness

Psycho-gymnastics “Chain of Kindness”

Educator: Let's feel each other's warmth. Let’s close our eyes and imagine how warmth spreads throughout the body, and now we’ll try to transfer this warmth to our neighbor by touching our palm or stroking our arm, we can hug, and then the warmth and kindness will be transmitted to everyone along the chain, from one to the other. So, the magic words became our friends, and so much kindness remained in our hearts.

/There is a knock on the door and a crying girl appears. The role is played by a teacher or a child of the preparatory group./

Educator: What happened? Who are you and why are you crying?

Katya: My name is Katya, and I’m crying because the girls with whom I played in the yard call me Katka. I don’t like this at all, I’m not Katya, but Katya.

Educator: I know what to do, we will take you with us to a magical land, because there is a magical miracle chair there, and it will help us calm and please you.

/The teacher shows the children a chair decorated with colored appliqué/

Educator: This miracle chair is not simple; the one who sits on it can only be called with kind, affectionate words. Let's put Katya on it and call her. (Katya, Katyusha, Katenka, etc.)

Educator: But you can call a person not only by name, but also by other affectionate words, for example, honey, honey. Maybe some of you are also called such an affectionate word? Let's try to find such words for Katya. (Kitten, honey, bunny, etc.)

Educator: Look, guys, Katya is no longer sad, she is smiling. Which one of you wants to sit on a miracle chair?

Game exercise “Miracle chair”

/The children take turns sitting on the chair, and the rest try to call them affectionately by name or something else./

Educator: These are the interesting names our children have! How beautifully and affectionately you can call them! It will be very good if we in the group call each other with affectionate, gentle and kind words. Then our mood will be kind and joyful. So that you want to sing and dance, like now.

/Children perform the song “The World is Like a Flowered Meadow”, music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky./

Educator: Guys, our lesson has come to an end. We visited the rainbow today. Rainbow! We are leaving your domain, but the secrets of your flowers and words with which we became friends will forever remain with us.

Logorhythmics is a holiday beautiful speech for children

Logorhythmics is a system of motor exercises in which various movements are combined with the utterance of special speech material.

Logorhythmics helps strengthen the musculoskeletal system, develops breathing, motor functions, a sense of balance, correct posture, gait, and graceful movements.

Speech is one of the main elements in motor-spatial exercises. The rhythm of speech, especially the rhythm of poems, sayings, and proverbs, contributes to the development of coordination, general and fine voluntary motor skills. With the help of poetic rhythmic speech, the correct tempo of speech and breathing rhythm are developed, speech hearing and speech memory are developed.
The structure of logorhythmic classes includes the development of memory, attention, optical-spatial functions, auditory functions, motor sphere, manual motor skills, articulatory motor skills, speech functional system, sound pronunciation. Classes include finger games or finger massage, eye gymnastics, various types of walking and running to music, poems accompanied by movements, speech therapy gymnastics, facial exercises, and there may also be relaxation exercises to music, speaking, speech and musical games.
As a result of logorhythmic exercises, the following tasks are realized:

    clarification of articulation

    development of phonemic awareness

    vocabulary expansion

    development of auditory attention and motor memory

    improving gross and fine motor skills

    development of clear, coordinated movements in conjunction with speech

    development of creative imagination and imagination.

Practice shows that regular logorhythmics classes help normalize a child’s speech, form a positive emotional mood, teach communication with peers, and much more.

Summary of a lesson on logorhythmics in the middle group

"A toy shop"

Goal: to develop phonemic perception, auditory attention, speech breathing, visual memory. Improve gross and fine motor skills and articulation. Develop coordination of speech and movements. Developing expressiveness of movements. The ability to transform, the ability to coordinate music with movement.

Materials and equipment: toys - soldiers, bear, matryoshka, tumbler, doll; half masks - doll, monkey, ball, horse, cat; large cubes.

Preliminary work: learning outdoor switchgear “Toys”, logorhythmic exercises “Snow”, “Teremok”, words for the logorhythmic game “Shop”, singing the song “Bear scratched his paw”

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. Guys, do you want to go to the toy store? This is not a simple store, but a magical one: toys in it can come to life, and customers can briefly turn into toys.

Look at all the toys on display in the store: Wind-up bunnies, dolls and balls, fluffy kittens, nesting dolls, bear cubs. Everyone is sitting on the shelves, they want to play with us. In our store, each toy has its own song.

A set of general developmental exercises to music

/ the teacher reads poems about each toy; children pronounce words and do exercises/

    Here the soldiers are standing, the parade begins. One, two, three, four, five - we begin to walk. /marching/

    Here are the cars running, their tires rustling. Yellow and red are all so different. /moving in a flood/

    The little bear took the accordion and decided to play a little. One, two! Turn... he dances and sings. /imitate playing the harmonica/

    Here are tiny nesting dolls, colorful clothes, / spring / Bright handkerchiefs, rosy cheeks. /show cheeks/

    Take a quick look! The dolls went dancing. They expose their legs and invite you to visit. /put one foot on the heel one by one, raising the arms bent at the elbows up/

    What a funny ball. So he jumps! So he jumps! I wish I could catch him soon so I can play again! /jump on two legs, squat at the end of the phrase/

    Vanka-stand up, Vanka-stand up, squat down, squat down, how naughty you are! We can't handle you! /leans in different directions, shakes a finger/

    The most beautiful locomotive of all: two pipes and a hundred wheels. Well, there are toys in it - dolls, bunnies, parsley. /move in small steps, arms bent at the elbows/

/Continuing to move, they sing the song “Steam Locomotive” (music by Z. Kompaneets, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya), “reach” the carpet, sit down/

Educator. Now let's play with sand in the yard.

Let's make houses out of sand in the courtyard. Things are moving quickly, the doll's house is being built.

Finger game

We can make whatever we want out of sand, / they clap their hands / Gosha makes a bun, / they “make” a bun / And Albina is a little mansion, / they connect their hands above their head / Lyuba makes different fish, / they press their palms against one another and move them right-left / Well, Sasha is a white mushroom. /one hand is clenched into a fist, covered on top with the palm of the other hand - a mushroom cap/

Educator. Is it interesting to play in the sand? And even more interesting in our magical toy store. Here the children themselves turned into toys. Stand in a circle. It's time to open our store.

Logorhythmic game "Shop"

/children put on half masks, move in a round dance, pronouncing words/

Bom-bom! Bim-bim! We are opening a store. Come in, come in, buy what you want!

Doll. /a child in a half mask walks into a circle/ Look at me and take me home with you. I will love and listen to you. And my name is Katyusha.

Educator. Who buys a toy and takes it with them?

Child. I'm buying a toy!

Doll. Before you take me, you must catch me!

/ the child catches the toy and stands in a circle with it. Children move in a circle, saying the words: “Bom-bom! Bim-bim! Let's open a store...", the game continues/


. I am a jumper, a cheerful ball, I don’t love the one who cries, I don’t love the one who cries, but I love the one who jumps!....


I am a funny monkey, a monkey, a naughty girl. One two three four five! I want to play with you!....

Horse. I am not a simple horse, I am a groovy horse. Top-top! Clack-clack! Take me, my friend!....

Kitty. I am a kitty cat and I am good at catching mice. I sing a song to the kids: “Meow! Baiushki bye!"….

Educator. We have sold out all the toys in the store, it’s time for the store to close / The children move in a circle, pronouncing the words / Bom-bom! Bim-bim! We are closing the store.

Educator. There is a teremok-teremok in the field. He is neither low nor high. The doll lives in that little house; she is expecting all her friends to visit today. Let us also look into the little mansion, to see the doll for a light. The only problem is that the mansion is locked. Maybe the little kitten will open the little house for us?

Finger game “Track-Track!”

Kitty. /comes forward, shows the movements, all the children follow him/ There is a mansion in the field with a lock hanging on the door. A little kitten came: Tryk-trok! Trick-trick! And the tower opened!

Educator. Thank you, kitty cat!

The doll invites you to visit and treats you to sweet tea: “Come, all the toys! There will be cake and buns for you!”

Let's go in too, just knock on the door first.

Logorhythmic exercise “Knock-knock!”

- Knock-Knock. /three blows with fists against each other/ - Yes, yes, yes. /three claps of hands/ - Can I come to you? / three blows with fists against each other / - Always happy! /three clapping hands/

/Children enter an imaginary little house and sit down on cubes/

Educator. The doll wants to treat you and me to hot tea with jam and sweets.

Articulation gymnastics

    Exercise " Delicious jam" The mouth is open. The lips are parted in a smile. With the wide front edge of the tongue, children lick the upper lip, making a movement from top to bottom, then draw the tongue into the mouth, towards the center of the palate.

    Exercise “Blow on tea.” Children place their wide tongue on their lower lip and exhale onto the tip of their tongue.

    Exercise “Roll a candy in your mouth” with your mouth closed. The tip of the tongue rests on the cheek and moves up and down.

Educator. Guys, look, a naughty bear came to visit the doll. Let's sing a song about him.

Song “The bear scratched his paw...”

Educator. The bear drinks hot tea and sucks candy. Don’t accidentally get yourself wet, tie a napkin! But the bear doesn’t listen to us, he’s naughty. The bear tries different treats from the table.

Facial exercises

/children use facial expressions to show how a bear eats lemon, pickled cucumber, cake, candy, chocolate, etc./

Educator. For some reason our bear became quite sad; he probably ate a lot of chocolate. Let's take pity on the bear.

Breathing exercise “Let’s feel sorry for the bear”

/children blow into their palms for as long as possible, trying to ensure that the air comes out in a uniform stream/

Educator. Our bear is completely healthy - he’s even ready to dance. What a joy it is for the doll and the bear - they dance the dance without a break.

Dance “Teddy Bear with a Doll”

Educator. The bear liked the doll’s visit, he didn’t notice how winter had come. It became quiet and cold in the forest. A bear is walking through the forest. He is cold, his fur coat is wet, his paws are frozen. Show how cold it is for the bear in the winter forest.

Psycho-gymnastics “Sad Bear”

Educator. It's time for the bear to go to sleep in the den. He climbed into the den, the den was filled with snow, and a whole mountain of snow grew. The bear warmed up under the snow and fell asleep.

Logorhythmic exercise “Snow”

Like on a hill there is snow, snow, /show the “slide” with your hands/ and under the hill there is snow, snow, /show with your hands “under the slide”/ and on the tree there is snow, snow, /show with your hands “slide”/ and under the tree there is snow, snow, /show with your hands “under the hill”/ and a bear sleeps under the snow. /hands under cheek/ Quiet! Quiet! Keep quiet! / wag your finger, then bring it to your mouth /

Educator. And it’s time for the doll to sleep, our little mansion with toys is closing.

Summary of logorhythmic lesson in II junior group “VISITING GRANDMOTHER”


    Activate your vocabulary on the topic “Pets.”

    Strengthen the articulation and characteristics of the sound [y].

    Develop articulation, fine motor skills, coordination of movements and speech.

    Develop speech exhalation.

    Develop expressiveness of movements and speech.

    Instill a love for animals.

Materials and equipment: half masks for domestic animals: cockerel, horse, goose; half masks of cats according to the number of children; train made of large building material.

Preliminary work: learning poems for logorhythmic exercises “Ladushki”, “Cockerel”, “Horse”, “Train”; learning finger games “Geese”, “Let’s pet the cat”; articulation gymnastics “Horse”;

Progress of the lesson:

/Children enter the hall to a cheerful melody and stand in a circle/

Educator: Today we will go to visit our grandmother. Do you rejoice when you go to visit your grandmother?

And when people are happy, they clap their hands. Let's clap too.

Logorhythmic exercise “Ladushki”

/Children pronounce the text, clap for each word, the last word in the line highlighted with cotton above the head/

Lada, fret, okay,

We're going to visit grandma.

To our dear grandmother,

To Grandma Zabavushka.

The boys are coming to her,

Dear grandchildren.

Educator: We need to hurry, because the train gives a signal to depart and sings its song.

Musical chant “tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” /Development of speech exhalation/

Educator: Which song is long or short? Why? What sound helps pull it? Let's sing it again.

Articulation of sound [y]

Educator: The train is picking up speed.

Logorhythmic exercise “Train” /Development of rhythmic movements/

/Children sing and perform rhythmic movements to the music according to the text/

We are sitting in trailers,

We are sitting, we are sitting!

And we look out the window,

Have fun watching!

The locomotive is moving, moving -

One hundred wheels, one hundred wheels.

He took the kids

Good luck.

Exercise for coordination of movements and speech, development of auditory attention “Guess who came?”

Educator: Listen to the music and guess who meets us along with grandma? / Cockerel./

/The child who guessed the animal before others puts on a rooster mask and recites a poem, accompanying the speech with movements (rhythmic raising of arms and legs)/

Child: Here comes the cockerel,

He proudly raised his comb,

red beard,


Educator: The horse sleeps standing, head down. So she opens her eyes and laughs: yikes.

/A child in a mask imitates a horse, accompanying his speech with movements, clicking his tongue and snapping his fingers/

Child: I am a horse - gray side,

Clack, clack, clack!

I'll knock my hoof

If you want, I'll give you a ride,

Clack, clack, clack, clack!

Educator: Shall we ride a horse?

Articulation gymnastics “Horse”

/Children rhythmically click their tongues and snap their fingers to the soundtrack/

Educator: And the goose wants to show off, he has a new addition to his family. Show with your fingers what kind of beaks geese have?

Finger gymnastics “Geese”

/Children connect the thumbs and index fingers of both hands and rhythmically pronounce the text, opening and closing their “beaks”/

Ha-ga-ga - the goose cackles,

I'm proud of my family

To the goslings and to the goose

I keep looking and can’t get enough of it.

Educator: But most of all we were waiting for the cat, because she loves to be petted.

Psycho-speech gymnastics “Cat”

/Children imitate stroking a cat with a relaxed hand under a poetic text/

Kitty, little mouse,

Eats, drinks, sings songs,

Soft Paws,

And there are scratches in the paws.

Educator: Let's ask the cat to teach us to walk as softly as she does.

Logorhythmic exercise “Cat”

/Children put on cat masks and imitate her movements, accompanying them with words/

The cat is very nice

Walks softly, slowly,

He sits down, washes himself,

He wipes himself with his paw.

Educator: Let's pet the cat behind the ears.

Finger gymnastics “Let’s pet the cat”

/Children rhythmically imitate stroking with each finger to the music/

Educator: The cat saw a mouse. Show her jumping.

Exercise to develop speech exhalation “The cat catches the mouse”

/Children clench their fingers into fists and inhale through their noses. As you exhale, throw your arms forward, saying “meow”/

Educator: Now let’s play the game “Cat and Mouse”. The cat goes out to hunt for mice. As soon as the cat falls asleep, the mice go out for a walk.

Outdoor game "CAT - MOUSE"

/Children choose a cat using a rhyme: the child recites the rhyme, pointing at each child with his hand/


Here comes the black cat

Hidden, waiting for the mouse.

Mouse, mouse, beware

And don't get caught by the cat.

Educator: Oh, how interesting it was visiting grandma! But it's time to go back to kindergarten. Let's say goodbye to grandma and her pets.

Logorhythmic exercise “Ladushki” /Rhythmic recitation with clapping/

Lada, fret, okay,

Where were you? By Grandma.

Goodbye, grandma,

Grandma Fun.

Summary of logorhythmic lesson in the senior group “House - Teremok”


    Overcoming speech disorders through development, education and correction of the motor sphere in combination with words and music.

    Improving the grammatical structure of speech (formation of nouns with the suffixes -onok, –enok).

    Development of speech breathing, speech hearing, fine, general and articulatory motor skills, pantomime, attention, melodic-intonation side of speech, sense of rhythm, ear for music, auditory-motor coordination. Increased memory capacity.

    Cultivating the expressiveness of movements, switchability from one field of activity to another, the ability to transform, the ability to coordinate music with movement, and a positive attitude towards the lesson.

Equipment and materials: Phonograms of lyrical melody and lullaby; flashlight; pictures: bear, goose, cat with kitten, mouse, frog, kitten, kid, little mouse, gosling, calf; house made of modules; noise toy “russling” for every child.

Preliminary work: learning poems by Yu. Sokolova “House”, “Geese”; articulation gymnastics; finger games; didactic game “Whose baby?”; singing songs from the children's collection “Funny Songs for Children”

Progress of the lesson:

/Children enter the hall to a calm melody and stand in a circle/

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Then get ready, now I’ll tell you about the little mansion the Bear built. (One, two, three - fairy tale come.) /Calm music sounds/

Who lives in a fairy tale? (bear) Which bear? (big, brown, clubfooted)

So, the fairy tale begins. Forest. Winter. It became quiet and cold in the forest in winter. Misha the Bear is walking through the forest.

Let's show how Mishka walks.

Imitation movement "Bear"

/Children stand in a circle on the carpet and show the gait of a bear to the accompaniment of music/

Educator: Mishka is cold, his fur coat is wet, his paws are frozen, show how Mishka is cold and sad.

/Children show the gait and emotional state of a bear to music/

Educator: Well done! Now sit down and listen to the story further.

/Children sit on chairs/

“How will I spend the winter?” - thinks the Bear. I thought and thought and came up with an idea. I decided to build myself a house, warm and strong. Misha began to collect tools. But the trouble is, Misha doesn’t know what tools are needed. Let's help him collect the necessary tool.

Articulation gymnastics.

"Spatula". Place the wide, spread out and motionless tongue with the front edge on the lower teeth.

"Saw". Having arched the back of the tongue, we rest its tip against the lower teeth. Slowly move the protruding tongue from left to right and back

"Axe". Having arched the back of the tongue, we rest its tip against the lower teeth. We slowly bring our teeth together and clench them, unclench them again, and check whether the tongue is held in the given position.

Educator: Misha collected the tools and began to build a house, and we will help him.

Poem with movements "Home"

I knock with a hammer, They hit each other with their fists.

I want to build a house. Connect your fingertips above your head.

I am building a tall house, They raise their straight arms up.

I will live in that house. They clap their hands.

Yu. Sokolova

Educator recites a poem and shows the child m house built from modules.

A new house has been built
Mishka settled in it.

Very big bear's house,
It has both a stove and a chimney.

Educator: What did Misha build? (new house)

How did the house turn out? (large, with stove and chimney)

It's dark for Misha the Bear big house, let's light a flashlight in it.

Breathing exercises.

Exercise “Light a flashlight.”

/Teacher invites children to approach the house, lower their hands, take a calm breath, “send air into their tummy,” and as they exhale, make a tube with their lips and blow into the flashlight/

Educator: Mishka lives in a new house, enjoying the warmth and comfort. Yes, he began to think: “I feel good, warm. What about my friends? They will be cold in winter.” Mishka decided to invite his friends to the little house. The geese came first. Their paws turned red from the cold.

- Come out onto the mat, let's play the game "Geese."

Logorhythmic exercise “Geese”

(musical accompaniment)

The gray geese were flying. / They run on their toes, waving their arms /

They sat quietly on the lawn, / Crouching /

Let's go. /Walk on toes/

They pecked it. / Tilt their head forward /

Then they quickly ran. / They run after each other and sit on chairs /


Educator: Who now lives in Misha’s house? (geese)

The geese began to chop wood and light the stove so that the house would always be warm.

A cat and a kitten came to the mansion and also found something to do. The cat grinds grain to make flour, and the kitten plays.

/Children are invited to stand near their chairs. They are given noise toys “russling”/

Rhythmic game "Tsapki"

(the game is repeated 2 times)

The pussy played with its paws, /They hit the knees with both palms at the same time/

Pussy pounded with its paws: /Make a sound in quarter notes/

Tsapa - tsapa - tsapa - tsapa, /They make a sound in eighth durations/

Tsapa - tsapa - tsapa - /Alternately slapping the knees/

Tsap! / Quickly hide their hands behind their backs /

Educator: And then the girlfriends came - the Mouse and the Frog. They bake pies from flour.

Good for Mouse
Donuts from the oven.
And the Frog -
Cheesecakes for tea. V. Khesin

Finger game "Cheesecakes"

Let's bake cheesecakes!

We kneaded the dough, /Pinch themselves on the thighs/

We put in the sugar, /“Sprinkle granulated sugar” with the fingers of both hands/

Berries, cottage cheese - / “Make pies” (one hand on top, then the other)/

Let's make a pie.

Tyushki-tyutushki! /Clap their hands/

Eat cheesecakes! / Stretch their arms forward, palms facing up /

Educator: The Mouse and the Frog are glad that the cheesecakes are delicious. The treat is baked, it's time to play. I invite you to play the game "Cat and Mice".

/Children go out onto the carpet to play. A child is chosen to play the role of a cat. The remaining children turn into mice under a “magic” blanket/

The song is the game "Mice".

Mice sitting under the floor /Hands raised above head/

They are watching the cat. / Hands are placed alternately with a visor /

The cat is close here, it doesn’t matter /They threaten with their index finger/

We are not afraid of the cat. /Waving their index finger left and right/

Let's go out and let the mice take a walk / They walk in small steps on their tiptoes around the hall /

And show yourself to everyone!

In the meantime, the cat is not here, /They wag their tail/

We will dance “mouse ballet”!

/Music sounds. Children place their legs alternately on their toes forward, to the side, and back. Spinning in place left and right/

Educator: So, guys, let's remember what animals live in Misha's little house?

The Bear is happy that everyone lives in harmony. And in the evenings he and his friends reminisce about the warm summer days and sings songs.

Song "In the meadow"

(from the collection “Funny Songs for Children”)

Educator: The bear sings, and all the animals sing along with him. Help , guys, figure out who sings what song.

Educator shows a picture and asks questions, the children answer.

Mu Mu! Who's screaming? Small ……. (calf).

Meow meow! Who's screaming? Small ……. (kitty).

Oink-oink! Who's screaming? Small ……. (pig).

Me-me! Who's screaming? Small ……. (kid).

Ha-ga! Who's screaming? Small ……. (gosling), etc.

Educator: Our fairy tale is over, it’s time to say goodbye.

Logorhythmic exercise “Teremok”

Well, in the evening we’ll lock our beautiful painted mansion / hands like a “house” / The inhabitants will sleep in it until the morning / hands under the cheek / The fairy tale is over. It's time to say goodbye. /wave goodbye/

/Children leave the hall to the sound of the song “In My House”/

For parents about the speech development of preschoolers

Speech is one of the important inventions of a child in preschool childhood. Precisely acquisitions, since speech is not given to a person from birth. It takes time for the child to start talking. And adults must make a lot of effort to ensure that the child’s speech develops correctly and in a timely manner.

Children learn colloquial speech, imitating the language of others. Unfortunately, parents often forget about this and let the child’s speech development process take its course. The child spends little time in the company of adults, sitting at the computer, watching TV or with his toys, which replace his parents’ stories and fairy tales. As a result, by the time the child enters school, many problems arise.

Many parents rely on kindergarten to solve the problem of speech development, but it is parents who are the first and main “teachers” of their child. And, of course, a child masters speech more successfully when he is taught not only in a preschool educational institution, but also in the family.

Therefore, one of the tasks of a teacher’s work is to promote knowledge among parents on issues of children’s speech development. A correct understanding by parents of the tasks of upbringing and teaching, knowledge of some of the methodological techniques used by the teacher in working on the development of children's speech will undoubtedly help them in organizing speech classes at home.

In the process of working with parents, the teacher can recommend poems, riddles, proverbs, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, and pure sayings for children to memorize at home; advise which books children of different preschool ages should read; suggest what and how to do with the child at home, how to use practical material; prepare consultations on children’s speech development.

Other forms of work are also effective: organizing stands where tables are posted indicating correct accent in words that are difficult for children; small notes, articles on speech development in preschool children, etc.

Speech alphabet for parents

Articulation gymnastics – this is gymnastics for the lips, tongue, lower jaw. Teach your baby to open and close his mouth in front of a mirror, lift his tongue up, make it wide and narrow, and hold it in the correct position.

Fast speech – unacceptable in conversation with a child. Speak clearly, clearly, correctly. Don't let your baby talk quickly.

Always tell your child about what you see, remember that if everything around you is familiar and familiar to you, then your baby needs to be introduced to everything that surrounds us. Explain to him that the tree grows, the flower blooms, why there is a bee on it. It depends on you whether your baby will be developed.

The main components of beautiful speech: correctness, clarity, intelligibility, moderate tempo and volume, richness vocabulary and intonation expressiveness. This is how your speech should be.

Breathing exercises important in the development of speech. To develop the correct air stream necessary for pronouncing many sounds, teach your child to blow in a thin stream on light toys, balls, boats on the water (you cannot inflate your cheeks!)

If the child is over 3 years , he must be able to speak in phrases. The absence of phrasal speech indicates a delay in speech development, and the absence of words at 3 years of age indicates gross violations of general development.

Gestures complement our speech. But if your baby uses gestures instead of speech, do not try to understand his speech without words. Pretend you don't know what he wants. Encourage him to ask. The longer you understand your child’s sign language, the longer he will remain silent.

"Golden mean" - this is what we should strive for in the development of a child, i.e. to the norm. Take a closer look at the baby. Is he different from his peers? Don't overload him with information, don't speed up his development. Until a child has mastered his native language, it is too early to learn a foreign language (it is not for nothing that in bilingual families children often experience general underdevelopment of speech).

Illustrations in children's books that are appropriate for the child's age are an excellent aid for speech development. Look at the illustrations with him, talk about what (who) is depicted on them; Let the baby answer the questions: where? Who? When? What does it do, etc.

Parents should know the criteria by which a child’s speech can be assessed. For example, the pronunciation standards are as follows: 3-4 years – S, Z, C should already be pronounced correctly; 4-5 years – W, ​​F, H, Sh; 5-6 years – L, J; up to 5-6 years it is allowed to replace the most complex sound P with more simple sound or its absence in speech. Left-handedness – not a deviation, but an individual characteristic of a person that does not accept retraining. This can lead to neuroses and stuttering.

Fine motor skills - this is what the movements of the hands and fingers are usually called. The better developed the fingers, the better developed the speech. Therefore, strive to develop the muscles of your baby’s hand. Let it first be a finger massage, games like “Magpie, Magpie”, then games with small objects under your control, lacing, modeling, buttoning, etc.

You cannot work with your child if you are in a bad mood, the child is upset about something or is sick. Only positive emotions ensure high effectiveness of the lesson.

General speech underdevelopment (ONR) is often found in those children who speak late: words - after 2 years, phrases - after 3. We can talk about OHP when a child has underdevelopment of all components of speech: sound pronunciation is impaired, vocabulary is limited, phonemic hearing is poorly developed, impaired grammatical structure of speech.

The pacifier is harmful if the baby sucks on it for a long time and often. Firstly, he develops a high (Gothic) palate, which influences the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds. Secondly, the pacifier interferes with verbal communication. Instead of pronouncing words, the child communicates using gestures and pantomimes.

Only the complex influence of specialists (speech therapist, doctor, educators, parents) will help to qualitatively improve or correct complex speech disorders.

Folklore – the best speech material accumulated by the people over the centuries. Nursery rhymes, sayings, tongue twisters, poems, songs develop children's speech and are accepted with pleasure.

Mental development is inseparable from speech Therefore, by working with your child on speech development, you develop all mental processes: thinking, memory, speech, perception.

Consultation for parents

Where does “porridge in the mouth” come from?

Quite often you hear parents say “Porridge in your mouth” with hints of displeasure and irritation. Where does “porridge in the mouth” come from? How to independently help your child master correct speech? What should you pay attention to?

“Porridge in the mouth” can be the result of disturbances in the structure of the articulatory apparatus: deviations in the development of teeth, incorrect positioning of the upper teeth in relation to the lower ones, etc. To prevent this, it is very important to monitor the condition and development of the dental system and promptly seek advice from a dentist . Also, distorted sound pronunciation may be a consequence of impaired muscle tone of the articulatory apparatus. And here a consultation with a speech therapist and a psychoneurologist is necessary.

Particular attention should be paid to hearing. Hearing plays an important role in a child’s mastery of speech and in the correct and timely assimilation of sounds. Hearing speech, individual words, sounds, the child begins to pronounce them himself. Even with a slight hearing loss, he is deprived of the ability to perceive speech normally. Therefore, it is very important for parents to pay attention to the development of their baby’s hearing. It is necessary to protect the child’s hearing from constant strong sound influences (radio and TV turned on at full volume), and in case of diseases of the hearing organs, they should be treated in a timely manner.

Parents should take care of the child’s still fragile vocal apparatus and avoid excessively loud speech.

Adults should help the child master correct sound pronunciation, but should not force speech development. It is also harmful to burden a child with complex speech material, force him to repeat words he does not understand, memorize poems that are complex in form, content and volume, teach him to correctly pronounce sounds that, due to the unpreparedness of the articulatory apparatus, are not yet available to him (for example, at 2-3 years old to teach correctly pronounce sounds [w], [zh], [r]), read works of fiction intended for older children.

A child masters speech by imitation. Therefore, it is very important that adults monitor their pronunciation, speak slowly, and pronounce all sounds and words clearly and correctly.

Often the reason for incorrect sound pronunciation is the child’s imitation of the incorrect speech of adults, older brothers, sisters, and peers with whom the child often communicates.

Parents should also pay attention to the fact that when communicating with a child, especially in early and early preschool age, one should not pronounce words distorted, use truncated words or onomatopoeias instead of common words (“bibika”, “lyalya”, “yum-yum” and etc.) This will only slow down the assimilation of sounds and delay the timely mastery of the dictionary. The frequent use of words with diminutive suffixes, as well as words that are inaccessible to the child’s understanding or that have a complex sound-syllable composition, does not contribute to the development of a child’s speech. If your child pronounces any sounds, words, or phrases incorrectly, you should not imitate him, laugh, or, conversely, praise him. It is also impossible to demand the correct pronunciation of sounds at that period of the baby’s life when the process of formation and automation is not completed.

Some child speech disorders can only be corrected with the help of specialists, speech therapists. But a number of shortcomings can be corrected at home. The family usually corrects the child when he pronounces this or that sound or word incorrectly, but sometimes they do this with mockery or irritation. Correcting speech errors must be approached very carefully. Under no circumstances scold your child for his bad speech and do not demand from him to immediately correctly repeat a word that is difficult for him. Such methods lead to the child refusing to speak at all and withdrawing into himself. Mistakes must be corrected tactfully and in a friendly tone. You should not repeat a word your child pronounces incorrectly; it is better to give a sample of its pronunciation.

While studying with your child at home, reading a book to him, looking at illustrations, invite him to answer questions about the content of the text, retell the content of a fairy tale (story), and answer what is shown in the picture. If the child makes mistakes, you should not interrupt him, give him the opportunity to finish the statement, and then correct his mistakes.

Very often children ask us various questions. Sometimes it is difficult to immediately find the correct answer to them. But you shouldn’t brush off your child’s questions. In this case, you can promise to give an answer later, when the child has eaten (taken a walk, completed some task, etc.), during which time you can prepare for the story. Then the baby will receive the correct information, see in the person of the parents an interesting interlocutor and will strive to communicate.

In the family, it is necessary to create such conditions for a child so that he experiences satisfaction from communicating with adults, receives from them not only new knowledge, but also enriches his vocabulary, learns to construct sentences correctly, clearly pronounce sounds and words, and tells interesting stories.

An example of creating such an environment would be a complete or at least partial refusal to watch television films and television programs in the presence of a child; an exception, perhaps, would be the children's program “Good Night Kids” and only as preparation for bed. And as the parents themselves notice, communication with the child becomes longer, more conscious and filled with educational games, activities, and joint creativity.

How to learn poetry with a child?

Ways to memorize poems (practical advice for parents)

Of course, memorizing poems is not a problem for all kids. For some, it’s even the opposite: they remember with lightning speed what they especially like. So, in families where loved ones talk a lot and often with the child, read, children already at one year old, clicking their tongues funny, finish the lines from the poem by A. Barto “I love my horse.” But there are also children for whom it is difficult to memorize poetry, for whom it is simply hard labor. Why? Most often, because he teaches the poem incorrectly. We want to tell you how to properly teach poetry to your child, taking into account his psychological characteristics, age, temperament and even literary preferences.

Method number 1.

In order for the child to remember the rhyme easily and well, it is necessary to introduce him to the “melody” of the poem and it is worth starting as early as possible. The baby is still lying in the stroller, and you are already reciting to him the rhythmic “The bull is swinging”, “Our Tanya is crying loudly.” When the child grows up, this first experience, embedded in the subconscious, will make it easier for him to take a conscious approach to the learning process. And remember that the most favorable age for memorizing poems is 4-5 years. It is during this age period that the baby’s memory begins to develop especially quickly. And if until the age of four we do not set the child the task of memorizing a piece, but simply “recite” a number of them - what he remembers, he will remember, then after four years we purposefully teach the child to memorize the text by heart. Moreover, you need to learn as much as possible - this is the most The best way form the amount of memory necessary for learning.

Method number 2.

In order for a poem to be easy to learn, its content must correspond to the age and temperament of the child. There is no need to force a four-year-old baby to memorize excerpts from Onegin for the amusement of guests. It is best to learn children's classics by Mikhalkov, Barto, Chukovsky.

It is better to offer rhythmic, funny poems for memorization for naughty children, measured, smooth ones for calm children. Of course, at school no one will take their temperament into account, but while we are just learning to learn poetry, it is better to do just that. The main thing for a child is to understand the memorization technique, and this is easier to do with the material that is “closer to the heart.” And one more thing - you can’t just learn a poem. This must be a gift for someone: mother, grandmother, or, for example, for the arrival of Santa Claus. Only at seven or eight years old will we slowly direct the child to the fact that he needs to know poetry by heart for himself.

Method number 3.

You should memorize a poem emotionally and with expression - such is the nature of children! Otherwise, it will be meaningless for the child. By the way, some kindergarten teachers teach children an inexpressive manner of reading poetry. There are a lot of kids in the group, and collective memorization involuntarily turns into a monotonous “Ta-ta, ta-ta, ta-ta, ta-ta...” This is wrong! It is better to learn a poem individually, so remember this and keep the situation under control. A child who was not imbued with the beauty of the poetic literary form in childhood, upon becoming an adult, is unlikely to often turn to poetry.

Method number 4.

Before starting to memorize, the adult who will learn the poem with the child must read it himself with expression. It’s even better if an adult knows it by heart. Then you should definitely find words in the text that are unfamiliar or incomprehensible to the child and explain them. When all the words have been explained, the poem needs to be read again, slowly, placing semantic accents. After re-reading, tell your child who wrote such a wonderful work, about how and when this poem was written. This approach accustoms the little person to the culture of memorization and facilitates the perception of poetry. Then show your child the illustrations that the artist drew, inspired by the beauty of the poem, and while the child looks at them, read the poem again. Thus, the child forms an image of the work. And only after such preliminary work, proceed directly to memorization.

Method number 5.

We know that some of us remember poems better by ear, others definitely need to read them several times themselves, others need to walk around the room to the rhythm of the poem, and others, on the contrary, need absolute stillness. These features are characteristic not only of adults, but also of children. There are different methods of memorizing poems that focus on these differences. Try each of them in turn and you will see how easier it is for your child to memorize verses. At the same time, you can draw a conclusion about what type of memory the baby has.

You may use several methods or combine one with another. The main thing is the result: the process of memorizing poems is easy and brings joy from communicating with poetry.

Method number 6.

And one more general advice for everyone. Draw each poem you learn with your child. A unique personal illustration for it. Sign the title and author. Place these drawings in a separate folder. Periodically take it out, look at it with your loved ones, remember and read by heart previously learned poems. This is a wonderful way to support the child’s memory capacity and literary poetic knowledge.

Home speech therapy for caring parents


    In order for your household speech therapy classes were carried out as efficiently as possible and were not difficult for the child, you should adhere to certain rules in their conduct.

    All classes should be built according to the rules of the game, since otherwise you may encounter the child’s stubborn reluctance to study.

    The duration of a lesson without a break should be no more than 15-20 minutes (you should start with 3-5 minutes).

    Classes should be held 2-3 times a day; The best time to practice is after breakfast and after an afternoon nap.

    Don't force your child to study if he doesn't feel well.

    Designate a special place for classes where nothing can disturb the child.

    When explaining something to a child, use visual material.

    Do not use the word “wrong”, support all your child’s endeavors, praise even minor successes.

    Talk to your baby clearly, facing him; let him see and remember the movements of your lips.

    Conduct seasonal themed classes at the appropriate time of year.

    Don't be afraid to experiment: you can come up with games and exercises yourself.

    In addition to conducting specific activities, you should read to your baby as much as possible.

    Don't forget that communication with you is very important for your child. And not only during classes, but also every minute of your time together.

    Be patient and don’t give up what you started, even if the result is not visible right away. As they say, patience and work will grind everything down. And you and your baby will definitely achieve success.

Good luck and patience!

Developing children's speech

Sets of exercises for practicing at home

Articulation gymnastics

“Knead the dough” smile, slap your tongue between your lips - “five-five-five-five-five...” bite the tip of the tongue with your teeth (alternate these two movements)

“CUP” smile, open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue wide and give it the shape of a “cup” (i.e. slightly raise the tip of the tongue)

“PIPE”, stretch your lips forward with tension (teeth closed)

“FENCE” smile, exposing closed teeth with tension

“PUSSY” lips in a smile, the mouth is open, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, arch the tongue in a slide, resting the tip of the tongue on the lower teeth

“LET’S CATCH THE MOUSE” lips in a smile, open your mouth slightly, say “ah-ah” and bite the wide tip of your tongue (caught the mouse by the tail)

“HORSE” stretch out your lips, open your mouth slightly, click your “narrow” tongue (like a horse’s hooves click)

“TURKEYS CHATTER” quickly move the tongue along the upper lip - “bl-bl-bl-bl...”

“Pancake” smile, open your mouth slightly, put your wide tongue on your lower lip

“TASTY JAM” smile open your mouth with a wide tongue in the shape of a “cup” lick your upper lip

“BALL” inflate cheeks deflate cheeks

Finger games

Finger games not only influence the development of speech, but their beauty is also that they instantly switch the baby’s attention from whims or nervousness to bodily sensations - and calm them down. This is a great activity when the child has nothing else to do (for example, on the road or in line). Just touch your finger and say:

Hello, little finger, come out,

Look at Yulia (say your child’s name).

Here's your palm - bend over, baby. (Touch your palm with your finger.)

Here is your palm - get up, baby. (Straighten your finger.)

Then take the next finger and repeat the same thing. And so on with all ten.

Soon you will notice how the child begins to “help” you by giving the next finger. This means that your baby’s fingers become “smarter”, the speech center is activated and speech development improves.

Kids love rhythmically organized speech, so simple poems or fairy tales will bring them special joy: We planted a turnip (“dig” a hole in the child’s palm with your fingers),

The turnip was watered (you show with your fingers how water is pouring from a watering can),

A turnip grew (show how it grows, gradually straighten your fingers)

Nice and strong (leave your palms open and bend your fingers like hooks)!

Pull-pull (the hooks of the left and right hands interlock and pull - each in its own direction),

We can’t pull it out (we shook our hands),

Who will help us? (all the heroes of the fairy tale come running one by one and help pull)

Pull-pull, pull-pull!

Wow (unclasp hands, shake hands)!

They pulled out a turnip.

Simple rules games:

Try to involve all fingers in the games (especially the ring and little fingers - they are the laziest). Be sure to alternate between three types of movements: compression; stretching; relaxation.

Logorhythmic exercises

WATER Water, water,
(with both hands, take turns showing how water is pouring from above)
Wash my face.
(use your palms to imitate washing your face)
To make your eyes sparkle,
(touch the peepholes one by one)
To make your cheeks blush,
(rub cheeks)
The mouth smiled
(smile, stroke your mouth with your hands)
And the tooth bit.
(chatter your teeth, show with your hands how your mouth closes)

KNOCK KNOCK - Knock-Knock.
- Yes Yes Yes.
(three hand claps)
- Can I come to you?
(three blows with fists against each other)
- I'm always glad!
(three hand claps)

BUNNIES Once upon a time there were bunnies

On the edge of the forest.
(spread your arms in front of you, describing a circle)
Once upon a time there were bunnies
(show bunny ears on head)
In a gray hut.
(fold your arms above your head in a house shape)
Wash your ears
(run your hands over imaginary ears)
We washed our little paws.
(imitate hand washing)
Bunnies dressed up
(arms on sides, turn slightly in both directions, in a half squat)
We wore slippers.
(arms on your sides, alternately put your right and left legs forward)

SNOW Like snow on a hill, snow,
(show “slide” with hands)
Snow, snow, snow, snow.

And under the hill there is snow, snow,
(show with hands “under the hill”)
Snow, snow, snow, snow.
(move your hands, fingering them)
And a bear sleeps under the snow.
(first place your palms under the cheek, and then draw the ears of a bear)
Quiet, quiet, don't make noise!
(finger to mouth, wag finger)

Kurochkina T.A., teacher-speech therapist of the first qualification category, Beloyarsky.

Manual: “Travel with signs.”

Target: developing in preschool children the ability to find similarities between objects and compare objects according to several characteristics; development of imagination; fostering the ability to listen to each other, wait for one’s turn, and follow the rules of the game.

Description: The manual consists of a picture of a steam locomotive, a set of pictures and diagrams of feature names.

Task: the speech therapist asks the child to choose a picture and connect it with a train using a sign wheel. The child names how two objects are similar in this respect. The game continues in the same way as long as the children show signs and interest. For example: How are a snail and a leaf similar? The snail has a rough back and a rough leaf. How can a leaf and a boat be similar in terms of humidity? The boat is wet because it is in the water, and the leaf is wet after the rain.

Guide: “Describe the object.”

Goal: developing the ability to describe an object based on existing characteristics.

Description: a map that depicts an object and a set of cards - signs.

Assignment: children choose a card, name an object of the natural or man-made world, lay out the characteristics and describe the object according to the existing characteristics.

Manual: “Trail of signs”.

Goal: developing the ability to describe an object using the names of features in speech; correlate the meaning of the name of this characteristic with a graphic designation; developing in children the ability to focus attention, develop skills of goodwill, and independence.

Description: the manual includes tracks that depict a certain feature and pictures of objects.

Tasks: children choose cards with a characteristic and, when given a signal, select the necessary objects based on their characteristic.

Children choose cards with a sign. The presenter shows a picture and asks: “Who has a fragrant pear?” (blue car, rubber ball, fluffy cat). The child explains his answer, and if it is correct, he receives a picture; if not, then the children correct the mistake and the card is not counted. The first one to assemble the track wins.

Manual “Train of Sounds”

Goal: developing the ability to build a line of objects based on a given sound, and explain your choice.

Description: the manual is made in the form of a train, each trailer has a pocket. A given sound - a letter - is placed in the locomotive; pictures of objects with a given sound are placed in the cars.

Task: we invite the child to select pictures of objects according to a given sound at the beginning of a word (further complication: in the middle, at the end of the word) and distribute them among the cars. At the next station there is another sound - a letter - and the children select other objects. And compose a story in which they will be present pictures - names objects.

Manual “Train of Time”.

Goal: to develop the ability to build a line of events over time, in a logical sequence and encourage them to compose a story.

Description: the manual is made in the form of a train, each trailer has a pocket into which pictures are inserted in a logical sequence.

Assignment: invite the child to choose 3 or more pictures, arrange them in the desired sequence and compose a story.

Manual “Cryptographers”.

Goal: to develop the child’s speech through naming the names of signs and their meanings. Talk about an object using icons - signs. Develop logical thinking, spatial orientation, knowledge of directions clockwise, counterclockwise, left, right.

Description: this manual is designed in the form of a playing field - a rectangle, along the edges of which there are attribute icons. They are covered with cards of different colors - 6 red, 6 yellow and 5 green. Attached to the field are “encrypted” cards, on which 3 circles of red, yellow and green colors are glued with numbers from 1 to 6 and a direction arrow (clockwise or counterclockwise).

Task: the child uses the selected encryption card to find the location of three signs. For example, the first one is red clockwise, the second one is blue counterclockwise, the third one is yellow clockwise. We open the encrypted feature schemes and describe the object using them.

Guide “Tell me about your new neighbor”

Goal: to train children in the ability to select a meaning for a sign, talk about an object using signs, and develop coherent speech.

Description: This manual is designed in the form of cards, divided into six parts. Three signs are depicted across the cell. Pictures are included with the cards.

Assignment: children take a card, put a picture in an empty cell between the icons - signs and talk about the neighbor - the object in the picture based on nearby signs.

Guide “Travelling the World”.

Target: develop coherent speech, expand children’s horizons, consolidate knowledge about the natural and plant world.

Description: a square with 8 pockets and an arrow, pictures of natural corners of the planet, cards and diagrams.

Assignment: the child uses an arrow to select any corner of the planet and tells the story according to the plan in the form of pictures-diagrams.

Benefit “Sunshine”

Target: teach children syllable reading, reinforce speech sounds.

Description: this manual is made in the form of the sun. In the center there is a yellow circle with a pocket in which a blue, green or red letter is placed. Letters of the corresponding color are also located on the rays of the sun.

Task: the child reads a syllable, comes up with a word with the syllable, makes a sentence with this word, and composes a story.

Manual “Smart Tablets”

Goal: to consolidate children’s understanding of sentences, to practice composing sentences from words according to a given pattern.

Description: the manual consists of 18 double-sided cards - A4 format tablets. At the top of the front side of the tablet there is a sign icon, at the bottom there is a pocket into which an object picture is inserted. On the back of the tablet there are 2 pockets, the top one for the sentence diagram, the bottom one for the preposition diagram.

The manual includes a set of subject pictures, a set of cards with schemes of sentences and prepositions.

Assignment: the child is asked to choose a picture, then the child inserts the picture into the bottom pocket of the first side, the adult gives the task to come up with a sentence according to the diagram, with an object and a sign from the card. In the initial stage, the sentence schema consists of two words, a feature and an object. Then the sentence becomes more complicated and is made up of three words: object, attribute and action.

When the child has mastered composing a sentence of three words, the adult suggests putting a sentence of 4 words, where the fourth word is a preposition.

Tutorial: “Let’s come up with rhyming lines”

Goal: to teach children to compose rhyming lines based on a given phrase.

Description: pictures.

Assignment: the speech therapist invites the children to choose any rhyming pair (nouns for starters) and compose a rhyme as follows: “Once upon a time there was someone and he was like something.”

Manual “Magic words”.

Goal: to develop the ability to form, change, coordinate words.

Description: cards-symbols: “living - inanimate”, “say kindly”, “he, she”, “one-many”, “name whose?”, “say the opposite”, “big, even bigger, the biggest”, “say the same”, “one word, but many meanings”, “related words”, “place of sound in a word”, “sound passport”, “number of syllables.” The entire set is available in color and black and white.

Task: the child is offered a card with which he can complete the corresponding task. The most convenient thing is that all these tasks can be used on any speech material, when working with any group of sounds. You can take a differentiated approach to the task, knowing the characteristics of children. This is a universal manual that can be used in all types of work (individually, with a group of children and frontally). First, children work with a color set, then with black and white.

Guide “Make a proposal”.

Goal: To promote the development of the ability to distinguish the structural components of speech, to develop the ability to construct sentences of varied structure.

Description: proposal diagrams.

Task: this model helps the child more easily, more consciously and quickly understand the complex hierarchical structure of human speech (text, sentence, word, syllable, letter and sound); and learn the order of words in sentences of various types.

Manual “Mnemotracks”

Goal: developing the ability to compose sequential retellings and stories, based on mnemonic tracks.

Description: cards with a real or schematic image of the text that needs to be retold or made up of a story.

Assignment: the child is asked to compose a story, the outline of which is laid out as the story progresses. The speech is accompanied by the display of a mnemonic track

Guide “Ask questions”

Goal: To promote the formation of skills to ask different types of questions to objects or processes, classifying them.

Description: cards with questions, stripes divided into 3 squares, in the fourth there is a question mark.

Task: the child, using a card with a certain type of question, learns to ask different types of questions and formulate them correctly. Particular attention is paid to the place of the question word in the formulation of the question.

Rings of Lull

Goal: to contribute to the enrichment of children’s vocabulary, the formation of correct grammatical structure of speech, and the development of coherent speech in children.

Description: the manual consists of 2-3 moving circles with common axis and divided into sectors. In each of the sectors you can insert a card with a drawing or a schematic representation of an object.

Task: the child is asked to combine the sectors on the large and small circle and complete the task (for example, “What first, what then?,” “Count the objects,” “Make up a story.”

"System Operator"

Goal: To promote the assimilation of a model for systematizing objects.

Description: table with five or nine screens.

Task: A table with nine screens offered to children helps children understand how to organize objects. Introduces children to the system (object in the present, past and future), supersystem (place of the object in the present past and future) and subsystem (parts of the object in the present, past and future). First, children fill out the table together with the teacher. Then, as you master the skills of schematization, independently.

Manual: “Composing a story according to a diagram.”

Goal: to teach children to compose descriptive stories about objects according to a diagram.

Description: a diagram for composing a story, an object or picture for a description.

Task: the child is asked to describe an object (natural or depicted in a picture) according to a diagram.

Guide “Describe an object or phenomenon”

(toys, animals, birds, clothes, vegetables and fruits, seasons, dishes)

Goal: To promote the assimilation of the model of composing a descriptive story.

Description: schemes for composing descriptive stories.

Assignment: The child is asked to compose a story based on the diagram. This model is a blueprint for a child to write a descriptive story. Helps fill it with content.

Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten. Lesson plans Gerbova Valentina Viktorovna

Visual and didactic aids

The successful implementation of program objectives depends on a number of factors and, above all, on the way of life of a preschool institution, the atmosphere in which the child is raised, and on a specially designed, thoughtful developmental environment.

The effectiveness of education and training is achieved through the painstaking work of teachers who work directly with children and all preschool employees who communicate with preschoolers during the day.

The system of work on teaching children their native language and introducing them to fiction is presented in the works of V.V. Gerbova “Development of speech in kindergarten” (M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008), “Introducing children to fiction” (M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008).

The manual “Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten”, written within the framework of the “Program of education and training in kindergarten”, edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova, supplements recommendations in the most important area pedagogical activity– purposeful and systematic training of preschoolers in the classroom. The practical purpose of the book is to provide educators with approximate guidelines for planning lessons (defining topics and learning goals, ways to implement them).

Features of speech development in children of the sixth year of life

Speech is a tool for the development of the higher parts of the preschooler’s psyche. By teaching a child to speak, adults simultaneously contribute to the development of his intellect. The development of intelligence is a central task in the training and education of children of senior preschool age.

The power of the native language as a factor that develops the intellect and nurtures emotions and will lies in its nature - in its ability to serve as a means of communication between a person and the outside world. The sign system of language - morphemes, words, phrases, sentences - encodes (encrypts) surrounding a person reality.

The pace of speech development depends on the perfection of speech skills (especially phonetic and grammatical). What are the speech skills of children 5–6 years old and what determines their successful development at this age stage?

As you know, the period of highest speech activity is the fifth year of life. According to A. Gvozdev, by the age of five children master complex grammar system, including syntactic and morphological patterns, and on an intuitive level correctly use words that are exceptions to the rules.

Tall enough and level of vocabulary development. Synonyms, antonyms, figurative comparisons and contrasts appear in children's speech. Preschoolers use nouns with different suffixes without errors (bear - little bear - little bear - little bear - bearish). Their stories contain surprisingly accurate assessments of objects and phenomena. (fat, fidgety, icicle-shaped). Children begin to use adjectives in different degrees of comparison (heavy – very heavy – lighter – the lightest), as well as designations of color shades (lilac, lilac, crimson, dark gray, etc.). The number of verbs increases noticeably, and preschoolers use synonyms with different emotional connotations (walks - walks - strides - trudges - wanders). In children's statements, many words appear that relate to different parts of speech and denote the activities of people, their relationships, actions, behavior, experiences. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the period from five to seven years is the age of development of socially standardized speech (P. Blonsky and others).

In situations that require something to be compared, explained and proven, the speech of a child of the sixth year of life becomes more difficult. Cumbersome statements that are not divided into sentences appear (“Then the prince wanted to live with Cinderella forever, but he had such work at home that he was always working, could not leave this work and only went to Cinderella,” - Alyosha, 5 years 8 months ).

By the age of five, not all children master the correct pronunciation of sounds: some may have delays in their assimilation, others may have incorrect formation (for example, a throaty or single-beat pronunciation of a sound R and etc.). Some children do not differentiate between whistling and hissing sounds in hearing and pronunciation, and sometimes even sounds R And l. This leads to the fact that the child does not always correctly pronounce words in a sentence containing several words with sounds that sound similar to him ( s – z, s – c, h – sch and etc.). The cause of incorrect pronunciation of sounds and unclear speech may be defects in the structure of the speech organs, insufficient mobility of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. These kids demand special attention speech therapist and educators.

The rapid pace of mastery of the native language, characteristic of the fifth year of a child’s life, slows down in the sixth year of life. Researchers of children's speech believe that after the age of five, speech skills improve only slightly, and some become even worse. Thus, the number of short requests and orders increases (Move away! Put it here!) and the number of friendly, well-reasoned, and explanatory remarks decreases. (Don’t bother me, please, don’t you see, I’m starting the plane!) According to G. Lyamina, the number of cases of explanatory speech is halved. Now children are less likely to accompany their actions with speech. However, if a 5-6 year old preschooler is presented with a task that he has difficulty solving, he develops external speech, although not directly addressed to the interlocutor (the experiments of L. Vygotsky, described by A. Luria). Psychologists explain this by the fact that in older preschool age, new feature speech – intellectual, that is, planning, regulating practical actions (speech “for oneself”, speech mastery of one’s own behavior). The intellectual function of speech has a communicative purpose, since planning one’s behavior and solving mental problems are components of the activity of communication.

Features of working with children in the classroom

Organization of speech development classes

In the older group, adult speech still remains the main source of speech development for preschool children.

When teaching children sound pronunciation, it is necessary to clearly and correctly articulate speech sounds and their combinations; practice voice modulation (voice strength, pitch, speech rate, timbre) when expressing various feelings: joy, annoyance, approval, affection, bewilderment, etc.

The formation of lexical and grammatical skills is determined by how seriously the teacher listens to the answers and reasoning of each child, helps him express his thoughts, promptly suggesting more accurate and appropriate words.

Different speech styles are determined by the synonymy of the language: lexical, grammatical, phonological (variety of intonations when pronouncing the same phrase). And the more synonymous words children hear and use, the richer and more expressive their speech will be.

Various lexicon is constantly updated as the child enriches his experience with new impressions and information. At the same time, the teacher needs to clarify and activate the vocabulary in the process of communicating with children in everyday, play situations and in the classroom. For this purpose, special didactic games and exercises are used. Some of them are carried out based on clarity: “Tops - roots”, “Who is the odd one out and why?” (“What’s extra?”), “Determine by touch” (the material from which the object is made: silk, velvet, gauze, etc.), “What’s wrong?” (confusion pictures), “What has changed?” and so on. Effective and verbal didactic exercises: “Who will say otherwise?”, “Who will notice more?” (qualities, details), “Who will tell you more?”, “What about the other way around?” (use of antonyms), etc.

A special place is occupied by exercises in which the teacher and children make up various absurdities: “Wow!” (“In the spring, the animals had cubs: the elephant had a little fox, the fox had a hedgehog...” The teacher invites the children to continue the story); “Whoever screams” (“And we found ourselves in a wondrous country. There elephants meow, frogs crow,” etc.); “What in the world doesn’t happen?” (“Fishes fly, roosters hatch chickens, mice hunt cats,” etc.) These exercises prepare children to participate in fun games (“Whatever happens, happens,” “Who was it?”), effective for both activation of the vocabulary, and for the development of imagination, the ability to joke and laugh.

Through a variety of games, children master the morphological means of the language. For this purpose, it is necessary to pay attention to the sound of the grammatical form, the sound design of a particular grammatical category. These requirements are met by exercises that require:

Listen to the sound of some words (refrigerator, all-terrain vehicle, navigator, missile carrier) and explain their etymology;

Form words with the same root (cat - cat - Kotofeich and so on. ) ;

Form nouns by analogy (sugar bowl - sugar bowl), adjectives (eared – big-eyed – handy); correctly use indeclinable nouns, comparative degrees of adjectives (clean - cleaner, sweet - sweeter and so on. ) .

Special words should be introduced into children's active vocabulary language means, with the help of which you can connect the structural parts of a judgment (because, after all), concretize the idea (for example, here), summarize what has been said (always, never).

For improving the syntactic side of speech It is important in the learning process to create situations in which the child must explain something to the teacher or peers (an error in a friend’s story, a rule of the game), convince others of something, prove something.

It is necessary to teach children to understand questions and answer them correctly: how would you do it? how can I help? etc. When answering questions, especially when discussing moral and everyday situations, children should give detailed answers. The teacher should evaluate not only the content of the answer, but also its verbal presentation. (“Oli’s answer was strange. Listen to what she said and help correct the mistakes.”)

When characterizing objects, children of the sixth year of life name color, size, etc. features, which contributes to the appearance in their speech of sentences with homogeneous members. It is important that the teacher notes this. (“Listen to how interesting Andrey told me about this fox: a red-haired beauty, cheerful, very bright.”)

Older preschoolers rarely use subordinate clauses, so when analyzing their statements, complex sentences composed by children should be repeated. (“Dima’s answer pleased me. Listen to him again.”)

Preschoolers can be taught to use complex sentences using the “Complete (complete) sentence” technique. (“Autumn brings me sadness because...”, “We called so that...”, “We called when...”, “We decided to make a stop because...”) For the same purpose, children decipher a letter that was caught in the rain, dictate the text of a letter to a sick teacher (peer).

Children rarely use verbs in the subjunctive mood in their speech, and if they do, it is usually with errors. Therefore, it is useful to practice them in constructing statements on topics such as: “If I were a teacher” (Santa Claus, clown, cook, etc.).

In the older group, children are taught differentiate the most commonly mixed sounds: hissing and whistling (w – s, g – h, h – c, sh – s), voiced and unvoiced (c – f, h – s, g – w, b – p, d – t, g – j), sonorous (l And R).

The classes use special games and exercises aimed at formation of sound culture of speech.

The teacher mixes up two similar-sounding sounds, for example, and And h, and children (by prior agreement) show movements that characterize the image with which the sound is associated: and– movement with both hands (“a bug is flying”), h – waving movement with the hand (“scaring away a mosquito”), etc. First, the teacher finds out how the children understood the task, and then works with the whole group. Then the girls perform the exercise, and the boys observe and analyze the results; then only boys (or children sitting at the first tables, etc.) complete the task. The teacher takes note of those who make mistakes and identifies the cause of the difficulties (the child does not differentiate sounds, does not have time to work at a given pace, which is very important for the future student). In order to set a certain pace of work, the teacher, having pronounced sounds (later words), counts to himself: “One, two, three,” and raises right hand, giving the children the signal: “Put your hands on the table!”

The teacher pronounces 9–11 words with similar sounds, for example, g – h, and the children, as in the previous task, show the corresponding movements. The teacher selects not only nouns, but also verbs, adjectives, adverbs (crane, umbrella, squint, green, yellow, tomorrow, from afar, vest, buzzing and etc.).

The teacher reads the entire rhyme or the passage needed for work 2–3 times.

Mouse in a green circle

I made some millet porridge.

There are a dozen kids

Waiting for dinner.

Czech song, translation by S. Marshak

The teacher offers to name words with sounds and. It is easier for children to complete this task if supporting objects are used. (“I put three pyramids on the table. So, you need to name three words with the sound and, which are found in the sentence: “A dozen kids are waiting for dinner.”) As they are named, the teacher removes the objects.

The teacher asks the children to remember and name words containing a certain sound (names of objects, actions, qualities, etc.).

The teacher invites the children to choose similar sounding (rhyming) words: chamomile - bug - dirty - tumbler; top - bull - knot - cricket - old man - heel - Cossack; bird - little songbird - little blueberry - strawberry - blackberry - little one.

The teacher plays the game “Say (prompt) a word.” (Speech material for this exercise can be taken from a variety of educational books for preschool children and children's magazines.)

The hunter shouted: “Oh!

Doors (animals) They're chasing me!

There are no roads in the swamp.

I'm into cats (bumps)- hop and hop!”

A. Shibaev “The letter got lost”

Children (based on pictures) make up a “chain of words.” Guessing what sound the word ends with bus, the guys name the second picture, which depicts an object whose name begins with the last sound of the first word (sled). Next, the children choose pictures on their own. It is important that each child can create his own chain of words by receiving an initial picture from the teacher or choosing it independently. (Children should have a lot of pictures at their disposal.) The child who correctly made the longest chain within a certain period of time wins.

Older preschoolers often disrupt their fluency of speech because, while gasping for air, they finish long sentences while exhaling. Therefore we need to keep an eye on them breathing and practice low, drawn-out pronunciation of sounds and, at, onomatopoeia aw, words echo.

The development of speech breathing is facilitated by pronouncing tongue twisters. First, the teacher reminds the text, then the children recite it several times in chorus at different tempos. After this, you can begin individual exercises (speaking at a fast pace).

In a preschool institution it is recommended to have dictionaries. For five-year-old children, spelling is more suitable. The teacher should show it to the children, tell them what a wonderful and unusual book it is, and provide the opportunity to explore the dictionary: “Maybe you can guess why I praise this book so much with a strange arrangement of text and no pictures.”

After listening to the children's reasoning and ideas, the teacher tells them what a dictionary is and shows them columns of words starting with a specific letter of the alphabet. You can play with the children. Let's give an example.

Game “Who can name the most words starting with the letter (A)”?

“So, you were able to remember twelve words starting with the letter A,” says the teacher. – This is a lot, but there are much more of them in the dictionary, maybe a hundred or two hundred. Now I will name words starting with the letter A, which I especially enjoy pronouncing, and you will try to explain what they mean: lampshade, apricot, August, aviation, autograph, alphabet, adagio, admiral, adjutant, openwork, amethyst... So, for now you only know five words out of eleven, but I am sure that at the end of the year you will know the meaning of a much larger number of words. Our music worker must be surprised to hear the word “adagio” from your lips. Let's ask him to let us listen to a recording of the adagio from the ballet."

You can access dictionaries at any time convenient for preschoolers and the teacher: indoors and outdoors, communicating with all children or only with those who want to hear different words with a familiar letter. While listening to children's interpretation of words, the teacher should not forget to correct their speech, suggest which word is appropriate to use in a given case and how to construct a phrase or small statement more correctly. Exercises based on reading words from the dictionary to children and interpreting them, at first glance, are formal in nature. However, older preschoolers like them, and their results are amazing: children’s vocabulary is enriched, a steady interest in the meaning of words appears; they begin to listen and hear the teacher’s story differently, perceiving not only its meaning, but also its speech design. As a result, children have questions like: “What did you name him?”, “What did you just say?”, “Did you say a new word?”

In the process of communicating with children in the classroom and in everyday life, it is necessary improve dialogic speech. And although dialogue is arbitrary contextual speech, it must be taught using a variety of games and exercises, involving interaction with a teacher - the bearer of communicative culture. This manual presents classes in which children master the rules of behavior and learn cultural speech interaction. In the classroom, you can use visual didactic aids that allow children to solve practical problems using their accumulated life experience (for example: Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. Visual didactic aid for classes with children 4–6 years old. – M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009.)

Serious attention should be paid teaching children storytelling: retelling, describing an object, composing a story based on a picture and pictures with a sequentially developing action.

In the older group of children they begin teach retelling. It is very important to choose the right text for this type of work. The text should captivate the child so emotionally that he listens to it with interest many times, both when performed by an adult and when retold by peers (for example, the story by V. Bianchi “Bathing the Bear Cubs”).

At the beginning of the year, many children need the help of an adult when retelling. He should start the story, and the child should continue it. During the retelling process, if necessary, it is appropriate to prompt the child with the desired phrase. In the second half of the year, children learn to retell the text together. The child must decide for himself when to stop so that the second storyteller (chosen by the child himself) can take over the baton. The ability to divide a text into parts, maintaining the logical completeness of passages, will be necessary for children at school.

In the older group, a lot of attention is paid working with pictures. Children's ability to name individual pictures and several pictures at the same time is improved; tell meaningfully and consistently, guided by a plan.

A plan is drawn up when children first become acquainted with the picture. Let's give an example.

The teacher, setting the children up for viewing, offers attention to the initial phrase(s) of the future story: “On a warm summer evening, the hedgehog took the hedgehogs out into a forest clearing. Everyone is busy with what." Next, the teacher tells the children where it is most convenient to start looking at the picture: “Hedgehogs have a lot to do. They scattered throughout the clearing. It is so? Tell us about it..."

While listening to the children, the teacher asks clarifying questions, suggests more precise words that characterize the situation, and summarizes what was said in a short story.

Then the teacher draws the children’s attention to another part of the picture: “The hedgehog does not bother the kids. She has her own business, doesn't she? Tell me, what are these things?”

The teacher again summarizes the preschoolers' stories and turns their attention to the perception of the last object (the beauty of the meadow). The teacher ends the examination with a final phrase that conveys his attitude towards the picture: “It’s good for hedgehogs in a forest clearing on a warm summer evening!”

With this organization of work, children talk about the picture without repetitions or omissions, since the teacher unobtrusively suggested to them a plan consisting of only three points.

In the older group, children’s ability to create pictures is consolidated and developed using a matrix painting and handout pictures.

Considering pictures with plot development (with sequentially developing action), children are happy to arrange them in a certain sequence and comment on their actions, using quite a lot of complex sentences. The logic, completeness and imagery of children’s stories are determined both by the content of the pictures and by the nature of the questions and tasks provided by the teacher. Pictures with plot development of action encourage children to compose creative stories, activate their imagination.

For classes with older preschoolers, you can use the following manuals: Gerbova V.V. Pictures on the development of speech in children of senior preschool age (M.: Prosveshchenie, any edition), Radlov N. Stories in pictures (any edition). You can also use appropriate pictures that are periodically published in children's illustrated magazines.

When working on pictures with sequentially developing action, the following features must be taken into account.

When asking children to arrange pictures in the correct sequence, it is necessary to provide them with the opportunity to discuss their actions. This moment is most favorable for practicing such speech formulas as: “I believe (I think, I am sure, I believe) that the row is lined up correctly”; “I have some doubts (there are objections)”; “It seems to me that Sasha made a small mistake”; “I would like (I will try) to explain my actions.” First, the teacher will have to tell the children for a long time and persistently about what words are appropriate in a particular address, about how they enrich a person’s speech. Over time, the children themselves will begin to tell the teacher how in this or that case they can turn to an adult or peer. And then non-standard speech patterns will appear in children’s independent speech.

A lesson on composing a story using pictures should be structured as follows.

Having approved the sequence of pictures, the teacher invites the child (from among those who wish) to compose a narrative story based on the first picture. The teacher listens to the answer and finds out from the children what else could be included in the story to make it more interesting and meaningful. (“I believe that...”; “It seems to me that...”; “I’m not sure, but it seems to me that...”) Then the teacher invites another child (optional) to make up a story based on the second picture. And so on.

In conclusion, one of the children makes up a story based on all the pictures. The teacher finds out if there are anyone else who wants to write a story. If necessary, the teacher invites the children to listen to their story and asks them to pay attention to unusual and rarely encountered words.

Pictures with sequentially developing action are excellent material for creative storytelling. When arranging pictures in a certain sequence, children discover that some important culminating plot is missing (usually the third picture). This activates their imagination and makes them think about what happened to the characters.

It is useful to train children in composing endings to folk tales well known to them. For example, the teacher reads or tells the Russian folk tale “The Braggart Hare” (arranged by O. Kapitsa) until the words: “The hare saw the dogs scolding the crow, and thought...” What exactly did the hare think about, did he dare to help the crow or was he afraid if helped, then how, and if he didn’t help, then how he later justified himself - all this is made up by children. Then the teacher reads the end of the fairy tale.

Or the teacher tells the children the Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo” (translation by K. Shavrov) to the words: “Brothers, look, look, our mother is flying away like a bird!” - shouted the eldest son.” Children continue the fairy tale.

You can compose an ending to the fairy tale by D. Bisset “About the tiger cub Binky, whose stripes disappeared” (retelling from English by N. Shereshevskaya). Children figure out where the tiger cub looked for the stripes, who he asked to lend them to him or draw them, and how his adventures ended.

And the fairy tales of J. Rodari, which have three endings (“The Dog That Couldn’t Bark”, etc.), are good didactic material that focuses on creative storytelling.

It is useful to exercise children outside of class in writing short fairy tales without relying on literary texts. The teacher sets a topic for the children, helps them compose a story and present it clearly to the audience. You can offer children the following topics:

The tale of how a bear cub caught the moon;

A fairy tale about how a polar bear wandered into Africa and what came of it;

A fairy tale about how a rude hedgehog and a good little bunny traveled;

A fairy tale about how a badger gained courage.

The senior group continues to improve their ability to compose stories on topics from personal experience. Here, too, the choice of topic and the presence of a story plan are very important. You can offer the children the following topics: “How we congratulated the kindergarten staff on the holiday,” “How we looked for traces of autumn” (collective experience); “My favorite toy (favorite cartoon)”, “Our mischievous cat (my dog ​​friend)”, etc.

Introducing children to fiction

Children aged 5–6 years already have sufficient literary knowledge, distinguish a fairy tale from a short story, and accurately identify poetic works. They understand the essence of a specific act of a literary hero, although they do not always grasp his hidden motives. Preschoolers are able to admire the description of nature (poems by I. Bunin, F. Tyutchev, A. Maykov, A. Fet, S. Yesenin and other poets).

The list of works of art for senior preschool age is quite voluminous and varied. It includes songs and chants, but children’s interest in them is not as pronounced as in previous age groups. But counting rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles, and fairy tales are popular.

Russian folk fairy tales, full of wonderful fiction, dramatic situations, confrontation between good and evil, not only entertain and delight children, but also lay the foundations of morality.

The program includes original fairy tales (A. Pushkin, D. Mamin-Sibiryak, N. Teleshov, V. Kataev, P. Bazhov, M. Gorky, H. K. Andersen, R. Kipling, O. Preusler, T. Jansson and etc.); stories about children, their actions and experiences (V. Dmitrieva “Baby and the Bug”; A. Gaidar “Chuk and Gek”; L. Tolstoy “Kostochka”); works about relationships in the world between people and animals (L. Tolstoy “The Lion and the Dog”; G. Snegirev “The Brave Little Penguin”, etc.); humorous stories (V. Dragunsky, N. Nosov, K. Paustovsky, L. Panteleev, S. Georgiev, etc.).

Already in the middle group, reading a “thick” book chapter by chapter (continued reading) is introduced. Older preschoolers have a more stable interest in “thick” books. Reading chapter after chapter, you need to be interested in what the children remember and whether they have a desire to listen to what else awaits the heroes of the book (A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”; T. Aleksandrova “Kuzka the Brownie”; L. Panteleev “Stories about the Squirrel and Tamara”, etc.).

Preparing children to perceive a new work can be done immediately before reading or the day before, using a variety of techniques.

The teacher places a new book in the book corner. Children look at the illustrations on their own, try to determine the genre of the work (fairy tale, short story, poem), and find out what it is about. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher asks the children about their assumptions, praises them for their observation, and names the work.

The teacher shows objects that are mentioned in the work and which the children do not know, names them, and explains their purpose. For example, before reading N. Teleshov’s fairy tale “Krupenichka”, he suggests considering buckwheat (cereals and a picture of this plant; better during flowering and with already ripe fruit-seeds).

The teacher suggests, based on the title, to make assumptions about the content of the book. For example: " New fairy tale Boris Zakhoder is called “The Gray Star”. Who do you think it's about? (Children's answers.) Actually, this fairy tale is about a toad. Why did you frown and wave your hands?”

Immediately after reading the work (or after some time), you need to talk with the children. The following techniques will help you understand the content better.

Questions from the teacher.

Examination of illustrations for the work.

Demonstration of drawings and panels depicting the heroes of the work and various episodes.

For example, a teacher invites children to close their eyes and imagine a goat from P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Silver Hoof.” Then he shows the drawing. “This is not him,” the children say, “the fairy-tale goat has a silver hoof on his right front leg, thin legs, a light head, and five branches on his horns.” The teacher once again asks the children to close their eyes and replaces the previous drawing with a new one (a goat with a silver hoof, from under which precious stones fly away). Children are happy to complete the set of stones by making them from shiny candy wrappers (lumps).

Verbal sketches. The teacher invites the children to imagine themselves as illustrators, think and tell what pictures they would draw for the work. While listening to statements, the teacher asks clarifying questions.

Reading passages from the text at the children's request.

In order for children to better understand the features of the genre and language of the work, the teacher can offer them:

– talk about the funniest (saddest, scariest, etc.) episode. Then the relevant passages are read. For example: “But the cat didn’t come out. He howled disgustingly, howled continuously and without any fatigue. An hour passed, two, three... It was time to go to bed, but the cat was howling and swearing under the house, and it got on our nerves” (K. Paustovsky “The Thief Cat”);

– tell about one of the episodes (at the teacher’s choice) in more detail. Then the teacher reads out the text, and the children finish the endings of the sentences: “Maryushka was good - a written beauty, and out of kindness... (her beauty increased)"("Finist - Clear Falcon", Russian folk tale). Or: “Krupenichka, red maiden, live, bloom, grow young... (for the joy of good people)! And you, buckwheat, fade, mature, curl - be you... (for the benefit of all people)! (N. Teleshov “Krupenichka”);

– dramatize passages that are most interesting from the point of view of activating vocabulary or containing dialogues that children are happy to reproduce and listen to. For example, Natasha’s conversation with the brownie Kuzya (based on the work of T. Alexandrova “The Brownie Kuzka”).

Brownie. Aren't you going to rubbish too?

Natasha. What is rags?

Brownie(laughs, jumps, has fun). To fray is to scratch.

Natasha. I won't scratch myself. I'm a person, not a cat.

Brownie. Aren't you going to freak out?

Natasha. What is it to collapse?

Brownie(jumps, dances, wails). Ah, trouble, trouble, grief! Whatever you say is not reasonable, whatever you say is all in vain, whatever you ask is all to no avail!..

The scene is rehearsed in advance. Then those who wish can play it out on a walk or in a group in their free time from classes, and if necessary, even on holidays. Oddly enough, the performers of the role of Brownie are very happy when they put on a shaggy wig. He helps them get into character.

The need for a conversation based on what has been read is obvious, since any work of art becomes an aesthetic object only when it is comprehended. But we must not forget that the child, first of all, should enjoy what he hears. A detailed analysis may do more harm than good. If the work is read to children outside of class, you should only help them understand the motives of the hero’s actions by asking them to think, reflect in their spare time, what prompted him to make this or that decision. Or you can clarify why the work is called that way. For example: “Why do you think the fairy tale in which the hare showed courage by saving a crow is called “The Braggart Hare”?” (Russian folk tale, adaptation by O. Kapitsa).

Talking about what was read in class and asking questions that require reflection and evidence, the teacher, after listening to the children, should read an excerpt (excerpts) from the work. It is important that children hear the text more often than reasoning about what happened and why.

It is advisable to begin reading Russian folk tales with the saying: “Our tales begin, our tales are woven. On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan..."

The telling of fairy tales should end with one of the endings traditional for Russian folklore, for example:

This is how they live

Gingerbread cookies are chewing,

They drink it with honey,

They are waiting for us to visit.

And I was there

Honey, drank beer,

It ran down my mustache,

Not a drop got into my mouth.

Or the ending from A. Pushkin’s fairy tales: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! A lesson to good fellows!”

Children in the older group are introduced to some ritual songs, jokes, boring fairy tales, and fables (folk and original).

There are many poems dedicated to nature in the bibliography lists. They should be read repeatedly to children in class and in everyday life (in full and in excerpts), especially when it is difficult to say better.

It smelled like winter cold

To the fields and forests.

Light up bright purple

Clouds before sunset.

I. Bunin “First Snow”

More transparent forests

It's like they're turning green.

A. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”

The list of program works lists poems recommended for memorization and for reading in person.

Lessons for memorizing poems are structured as follows: reading without the intention of memorizing; reading with a focus on memorization, sequential analysis of logically completed passages; leading children to how to correctly read a certain part of the poem; exercises in reciting a passage (3–5 people); The teacher reads the entire poem.

Before reading the next passage, you should say the previous one, and then the new one, so that the child hears the text as often as possible. There is no need to encourage children to read the poem in chorus. When reading individually, it is important to pay attention not to the volume of speech, but to its expressiveness and naturalness of intonation. Let's give an example.

“Wonderful poem, isn’t it? – the teacher asks after reading I. Surikov’s poem “Winter”. – What is unusual about it, what do you especially remember?

The teacher reads the first part of the poem and the next quatrain.

The teacher invites the children to continue the line: “Snow fell all night, and in the morning it snowed... (the field turned white, as if everything had been covered with a shroud)».

Three or four children repeat the passage.

The teacher reads the poem in full.

The third quatrain is the most difficult. In order to help children remember it, the teacher uses the “I ask - answer!” technique: “ Dark forest, that he covered himself with a wonderful hat”? The question is addressed to 3-4 children who memorize poetry more slowly than their peers. Children take turns repeating the phrase.

The teacher reads the poem in its entirety, inviting the children to read very quietly with him.

Each lesson on familiarization with works fiction you need to start with repetition so that children do not forget the material they have covered: “Today I will introduce you to a new poem by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. What poems and fairy tales of his do you already know?”

You should also more often remind children of excerpts from familiar program works during classes on speech development and familiarization with the world around them. At the end of each month it is advisable to carry out literary quizzes, literary kaleidoscopes. In this age group they can already be thematic: “ Fairy tales“,” “How many cats and kittens (foxes, bears) are there in fairy tales, stories, poems!”, “Books of your favorite writer,” “These amazing animals!”, “Unprecedented and unheard of,” “Funny poems,” etc.

Lesson plans can include:

Quizzes (“What works are these excerpts from?”);

Dramatizations of small excerpts from 1-2 works (prepared in advance);

Performances of singing heroes of works. They are found in Russian and especially often in foreign fairy tales (performances must be prepared in advance with the participation of a musical worker):

The fires are burning high,

Cast iron boilers are boiling,

Damask knives are sharpened,

They want to kill me.

Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka,Russian folktale

Wash yourself, Grumpy,

Clubfoot Bear,

So that Bear is clean,

We need Mishka to wash

Claws and heels,

Back, chest and legs.

T. Enger “Adventures in the forest of Elki-on-Gorka”

The teacher reads excerpts from works that children especially like (at the children’s request);

Competition for the best performer of the role (for example, a gnome, a brownie, the Frog Princess, Winnie the Pooh, etc.).

This set of tasks is quite suitable for leisure evenings. At these evenings, it is also appropriate to act out (in a free interpretation) an excerpt from a work, teaching children improvisation with the active participation of adults. For example, when dramatizing an excerpt from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Cluttering Fly,” children are asked to portray beetles, cockroaches, butterflies, and crickets.

Ant appears.

Ant. Oh, I can't! This is news! Fly... She... Fly...

All. What's happened? What fly? What with her? Yes, speak up!

All insects talk about the same thing, but each in their own way.

Ant. Eww! Let me catch my breath! A fly walked across the field.

All. What? What a miracle - a fly went across the field. Let him go.

Ant. A fly walked across the field. The fly found the money.

All. Yes? What did you find? She says she found the money. What is this money? Maybe a bomb? Oh, where should we run?!

Ant. The fly went to the market and bought a samovar.

All. Where did you go? What did you buy? Samovar! That's it!

Ant. And there she is.

The fly is barely dragging a hefty samovar (an imaginary situation), wiping sweat from his forehead.

Fly. Come, dears, I will treat you to tea.

All. Well, thank you! Thank you! This is good! This is amazing! How lucky we are! We need to get ready, we need to dress up.

Planning lessons

The “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” in the senior group recommends conducting 8 classes per month on speech development and introducing children to fiction.

The table shows the numbers of classes in which specific software tasks are solved.

Lesson Plans

August – September – October – November

During these months, during daytime and evening walks, children should pay attention to how nature changes with the onset of autumn, and read poems about early and late autumn.

You still need to read every day at a time convenient for the children and the teacher (in the morning before breakfast; when putting the children to bed for an afternoon nap; before going out for an evening walk). You should read, first of all, programmatic works (new and already known to children). Before going to bed - sing lullabies; tell fairy tales and stories with a calmly developing plot. It is possible to read the work chapter by chapter, for example, “The Brownie Kuzka” by T. Alexandrova, “Mr. “Little Baba Yaga” by O. Preusler (translation from German by J. Korinets), “Penguin Beach” by G. Snegirev, etc.

Children of older preschool age do not experience such pleasure from Russian folk songs and nursery rhymes as children who enjoy the rhythm of the works. But small forms of folklore help solve many everyday problems and are the key to understanding the richness of the Russian language (see Appendix). For example, when helping a child get up, the teacher says:

Vanya was driving, in a hurry.

The raven fell off his horse!

If everything is in order, the teacher quotes the ending of the song “Like thin ice...”:

They put him on a horse,

We saw off on our way:

- How are you going, Ivan?

Don't yawn around.

While watering the flowers and wiping the leaves, the teacher can recite lines from the song “I’m already touching the pegs...”:

Don't be empty

And be thick.

Don't be small

And be great.

“Serious advice” by R. Sef (children learn the poem by heart) helps quickly calm disputants:

With children you need to play a lot of board games (including children's and adult dominoes), verbal, and outdoor games. Among board games, Tic Tac Toe is very popular among older preschoolers.

Tic-tac-toe game

A 3x3 square is drawn. Players must place three identical icons horizontally, vertically or diagonally: a cross or a zero. The one who completes this task faster wins.

Games with words activate the speech and thinking of preschoolers, for example, games during which children compose fables and nonsense (“What happens is what happens,” “Who was it?”). At the same time, older preschoolers are introduced to the best author’s and folk examples of this genre (“Listen, guys...”, “Ermoshka is rich...” - Russians folk songs; “Poodle” by S. Marshak, etc.).

Game “What happens, comes”

This game can be played both outdoors and indoors. But first you need to practice children answering the questions: What? Which? What is he doing? Where is? At first, the teacher will probably have to answer these questions himself more often, offering hints. For example: “Which one? – the teacher asks and answers: “Yellow.” And the children continue to list the colors: “Green, red, pink,” etc.

“Round,” says the teacher.

“Square, triangular,” the children list.

Hints can be concise or detailed.

– When you lie on a soft meadow carpet, you can watch living creatures - fluttering, crawling, buzzing. Can you name them?

– Where are the things? Where can you hide? Where can you go for a walk?

– There are many interesting things in the world. What can you do to avoid getting bored?

If children begin to answer questions on their own, you can invite them to play. You need to take a sheet of paper, divide it vertically into four parts and write questions in them in the following order: who? What? Which? what is he doing? Where?

Having formulated a question, the teacher should listen to the children’s answers and offer them a number of their answers for discussion. Words that clearly do not correlate in meaning should be entered in the table. When the columns are filled, you need to read fables to the children, starting the phrase with an adjective (“The frozen chest meows in the oven”).

Here are the versions of fables that teachers made up together with the children.

If children do not show interest in this game, you need to return to it after 3-4 months.

During the game, children should pronounce a correctly constructed phrase and a phrase with violations in the coordination of words, for example: “The sad fur coat is crying on the mountain.” Let the children notice the mistake and correct it. Such exercises are useful for improving the grammatical structure of speech.

Having mastered the technology of composing fables according to a diagram, children will begin to invent them on their own.

Game "Who was it?"

This game is borrowed from the book “The Grammar of Fantasy” by Gianni Rodari. The nature of the questions and their sequence have been changed.

The teacher reads out the question and, with the help of the children, chooses the most successful answer. Then he reads the resulting fable.

- Who was that? (Hippopotamus.)

-Where was it? (On the beach.)

- What did you do? (Knitted a vest.)

- What did you suddenly shout? (Ku-ka-re-kuu!)

– What did the people say? (He knows a foreign language.)

- How did this story end? (The hippopotamus became famous.)

Let us give examples of joint creativity between the teacher and children.

- Who was that? (Crocodile.)

-Where was it? (In the kitchen.)

- What did you do? (I tried fried potatoes.)

- What did you suddenly shout? (Eureka! Hurray! Found it! Victory!)

– What did the people say? (He made some discovery.)

- How did this story end? (Since then, all crocodiles have dreamed of trying fried potatoes.)

- Who was that? (Abstract-minded man.)

-Where was he? (In the trolleybus.)

- What did you do? (Walked on foot.)

- What did you shout? (Please, stop the Earth! It is shaking.)

– What did the people say? (You must be tired or overworked.)

- How did the story end? (The absent-minded man got off the trolleybus, stood, waited and calmed down - the Earth no longer swayed.)

The following game contributes to the development of sound pronunciation and attention of children.

Game "Owl"

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